#hakeldama 2.0
lovelylleo · 4 years
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“you need me? you left ME. you left everyone.”
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traitorwhoyoulove · 6 years
so we know that jason is still waiting to use “i radioed you everyday” card and your echo one was pretty clever btw but what if he was still waiting for this to heat up the drama? in this season they reminded us too many times that how bellamy and the others were a family and how clarke and madi were alone together, what about while they were fighting clarke tells bellamy that she only had madi and imaginary bellamy on radio and that’s how bellamy learns it(and my poor baby feels more terrible)
Ooh, I’d almost forgotten about this, that’s definitely true. I hadn’t thought about this, but yeah, that’s totally true. The writers have provided so many opportunities where we’ve thought Clarke was going to tell Bellamy about the radio, only for the silence to just be filled by tension and all of our screaming. That tension is there for a reason, you’re so right.
Honestly, I don’t know how they’re going to reveal that bit of information but it feels too revealing of Clarke’s feelings to just not bring it up at some point. Part of me wonders if maybe it’ll come up in this Hakeldama 2.0 they’re building up to, and wouldn’t that be something? It’s definitely intriguing to think about. I think you’re absolutely right though, we haven’t heard the last of Clarke’s radio calls to Bellamy.
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Happy BFSN! I've just woken up and I've got a 10.5 hour work day so I won't get to watch the episode until ten hours after it airs. Going to be avoiding Tumblr like the plague because I refuse to have things spoilt, but here's my contribution because the lovely @flowerclarkes tagged me 😘 I tag @4rm4n1ja
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yiangchen · 4 years
Okay, but the buildup is all there for Blarke to have a 6x06 Fitzsimmons level argument about all their trauma and feelings, but I know Jason just won’t follow through and let them reach their full potential AND IT’S SO ANNOYING.
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Tell Me How To Feel Okay Version 3: YOU KEEP TEARING ME APART
Guys, I did it again! Why do I love pain so much?!?!
Bellamy was making his way towards her from across the room. He towered over her, the table separating them, and she sat up a little straighter, squaring up to him.
“What do you want?” She asked curtly.
His jaw twitched, “I thought we could talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you,” Clarke muttered, and she could see the frustration building in the way he held himself, arms becoming rigid at his sides.
The table between them suddenly became no-man’s-land: a divide between two enemies as they aimed bullets carved in anguish.
“Well I have something to say to you,” Bellamy growled, and she crossed her arms defiantly.
“Unless it involves an apology, I don’t want to hear it.”
The people around them had started to notice, but Bellamy didn’t seem to care any more than she did.
“That depends, are you sorry?”
“I went back for you,” Clarke said, her tone clipped, cold.
Bellamy’s expression darkened and she was suddenly flashing back to six years earlier when he’d looked at her the same way – yelling at her that he’d left her, that he’d left everyone. She tried to suppress the twinge of guilt as she looked up at him, but she couldn’t, and it pulsed into her chest, making her feel sick.
He stepped forward almost menacingly, rage etched into his features.
“Am I supposed to be thanking you?” he snapped, “you left me there to die, Clarke.”
“You’re fine.”
“You didn’t know that when you abandoned me to die!” He slammed a hand down between them, making the wood rattle, “You knew Octavia would throw me in the pit, or have me executed, and you left anyway!”
“You left me first!” Clarke yelled, and the room fell silent. She bit her lip as if that would negate what she’d just said, but she had no such luck. The words hung in the air, poisoning the atmosphere, making it toxic.
The tow of them stared at each other, chests heaving, locked in a furious stand-off while everyone they loved watched in stunned silence. Raven was the first to come to her senses. She grabbed Shaw’s hand and tugged at Madi’s elbow, “C’mon guys, let’s leave them alone for a minute.”
Everyone seemed to get the message, trailing out after them, until it was only Bellamy and Clarke, still just silently battling, each waiting for the other to break first.
Bellamy did, “I’ve seen you do some terrible things in the name of keeping people safe, Wanheda, but I’ve never seen you abandon anyone before.”
He spat the name at her the way he’d always done – like a curse-word, something foul and threatening – and she almost flinched from the venom in his voice.
“You brought it on yourself,” she hissed back, shame seeping into her fury, fuelling it.
“I didn’t have another choice–”
“You could have run with me!”
“Octavia would have found us.”
“But we would have been together. We could have kept each other safe, and instead you forced the flame on a child. You put me in that position – I had to choose between you and Madi, and I picked Madi.”
“No, you walked away, Clarke, that is not the same thing.”
“Like you walked away, like you left me chained, begging you to come back?”
If you wanted another Hakeldama 2.0 screaming match courtesy of yours truly, your wish has been answered, over on ao3!
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grifffinclarke · 6 years
every second post on my dash right now is from hakeldama... i see we’ve started preparing ourselves for 5x08
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skywalkerbc · 6 years
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~ Ranata Suzuki
Bellarke + Things that will be paralleled 
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oftheskyepeople · 6 years
Okay im sorry but... where... is the angst?? Where is the confrontation?? Where is the blow out from all the build up ???
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
really loved the Clarktavia being rommies and understanding and comforting each other scene. and then, Hakeldama 2.0. OH BOY with Miss Sassy Queen "your clothes are ridiculous" and his little shrug and all the hurt and the angst and the tears and THE PASSION yes all the passion WOW I loved that interaction so MUCH! Bob and Eliza and Marie killed it!
Yes they did. It was great. 
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Guys we got Hakeldama 2.0
And don’t get me wrong, what a wasted moment in M Cap. Such wasted potential.
But Bellamy opened up and explained himself and what happened to him the minute Clarke and Octavia questioned him. He barely flinched with E.cho.
I’m not giving up on Bellarke until the credits roll on the last episode.
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😈😈😈 me knowing there’s going to be so much delicious angst this episode
Episode 12 Reactions ▸ “The Stranger”
I saw someone describe Sheidheda as very Mad Max and yep I can see it – looks absurd but I’m digging it!
Ah. Nelson was definitely never going to make it. Shame!
Gabriel is so deadpan and amazing I adore him so much. He’s like whoops what’s that saying about assuming things??
That jacket.... isn’t it sorry Bellamy
Oof wow. He really didn’t hold back with Echo did he? So much reminds me of all of the different times that Bellamy has made rash or wrong decisions for people he’s loved (Gina leading to his motivations in season 3, etc) and how that’s probably a driving force of what’s motivating him (and yes that read like a breakup as much as this show can)
Everyone being proud of Murphy this much either means he’s going to conquer everything and be a hero or he’s absolutely going to die
um yes Murphy a nuclear reactor is very much a weapon sir
isolated babies!!! bonding!!!
"She didn’t do it to save your life, Hope. She did it to save your soul.”
Clarke + Octavia bonding!!!!!!!!
Mythology moment! These freaking nerds.
God. The angst. Holy shit. The amount of breaking on both of their ends. Gifs don’t do the cracks of Bellamy’s voice justice my god. The way they’re able to just duke it out like they do. Hakeldama 2.0 FOR SURE. I mean jesus the way he shouts “YOU” makes my heart ache beautifully. God I love this so freaking much.
Anyway side note I’m glad they’re calling out how stupid this fashion is
I’m still not over the way Bellamy’s voice completely broke begging Clarke to believe him and that he’s trying to save HER (+ all of them)
Don’t worry Emori I snore too
The flinch!! Unable to watch!
Obviously everyone’s had different reactions to the M-Cap stuff (is that how you write it?) but also there was definitely no way Clarke would have actually let them get into her memories so I totally get it. Definitely glad I didn’t let myself get too attached to that ideas as good as it would be! But I definitely love Bellamy not even being able to watch and then immediately trying to convince Cadogan that she doesn’t know 
The amount that Sheidheda lives for the aesthetic with this freaking skull throne? I can get behind that 
I totally forgot the damn stone had like turned off and fell or whatever hahahaha this is so extra to bring it up like this
AND (MOST) EVERYONE IS TOGETHER! Ohhhh boy am I excited to see everyone clash with each other now ho ho ho.
Gahhh three weeks??? What a miserable break ughhhh. Everything is so intense and I’m super stoked to see everyone interacting and hurtling to the end. And the red sun!! Unexpected comeback!! I really didn’t expect to hear about it again but oh boy am I excited about that. And yes as a Bellarke shipper I’m now directing my focus onto that plot point to expose their feelings for each other in it until the credits roll on the last episode
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traitorwhoyoulove · 6 years
ideal bellarke blowout fight?
ideal bellarke fight includes them actually fuccking getting somewhere other than this miscommunication we’ve had all fucking season. clarke now thinks that sh'e snot a part of bellamy’s family, while bellamy thinks that clarke is such an integral part of it that he doesn’t even need to verbally include her because it’s just iomplied at this point. I just want them to get their feelings and love for each other out in the open. Like even if it’s not a romantic acknowledgement of feelings, I just want them to know how importan thtey are to each other and how much they’re both love, because honestly bellamy blake and clarke griffin are more deserving of love than just about anyone on this planet
send me drunk asks
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slowburnsucker · 5 years
“You called me everyday for 6 years then left me to die in the fighting pits” definitely has the same energy as “You left me!”
Hakeldama 2.0??????
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AUTHOR REVEAL of the Chopped Round 3: Modernised Canon Fics
The Tropes:
Magic AU (Any form of magic you like)
Character says something along the lines of of “You expect me to do X?!” and then it immediately hard cuts to them doing exactly X.
Secret Places
Sex Pollen/Love Potion/Magical Obession: One or both characters of your main pairing (or another character) are dosed with a sex pollen (if you’d like to write smut), a love potion (if you don’t want to write smut), or some other form of magic that makes them obsessive over, or extremely devoted to, the other.
time cast a spell on you but you won't forget me (Rated M) [Bellamy/Clarke] - @captaindaddykru
Miss Pramheda’s Orphanage for Extraordinary Girls once flourished, a home to a hundred girls with mysterious gifts. A hundred girls and Bellamy.
That was all before Clarke left. Before Josephine Lightbourne decided she was a better fit to be the Supreme, and Octavia decided to runaway with her warlock boyfriend.
Bellamy decided to stay, take care of remaining girls who had nowhere else to go. They were all orphans after all, like him. It was hard, on his own. Especially considering the coven had no real leadership now. He had no powers. He was no one. Just somebody willing to take care of these girls. On his worst days, he’d remind himself that’s more than they’ve ever had before.
Nowadays, the place is a wasteland. The hallways empty, rooms untouched, furniture collecting dust. A ghost of what it used to be.
Nowadays, there’s less than two dozen girls around. Most of them dead, gone in hiding, or worse.
The last person he expected to show back up at their door was Clarke.
Written for Chopped: The 100 Fanfic Challenge - Round 3: Modernized Canon. A take on Hakeldama.
If It Takes You, Will It Break You? (Rated M) [Bellamy/Clarke] - @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
Bellamy and Clarke, past classmates who distanced themselves from each other, are two stubborn witches in need of an escape from their homes. They hadn't planned on running into each other, but it seems like fate had other ideas. Their night takes a turn though when after consuming some of Monty and Jasper's jobi nut brownies, they run into an old enemy of Bellamy's. In between hallucinations and fights, they'll discover that old feelings do die hard.
A modernized, magical take on Day Trip for Chopped: The 100 Round 3.
the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine) (Rated T) [Murphy/Emori] - @probably-voldemort
John Murphy was going to bring about the apocalypse if it was the last thing he did. And, really, with the apocalypse and all, there was a high chance it would be.
But what a glorious way to go out, with fire and chaos and probably zombies.
That’d teach Bellamy to stop telling him what to do.
when nothing's right, you shine a light (Rated T) [Murphy/Raven] - hopskipaway
He has seen enough horror movies to know this trip will be nothing but trouble; it's a group of friends travelling to stay in a remote house in the woods for Halloween weekend, what could go wrong?
Or; maybe he might find that it is, in fact, possible for something good to happen to John Murphy.
pulled by the tide (and falling for you) (Rated M) [Bellamy/Clarke] - @thelittlefanpire
After a huge storm, two unlikely companions set out to uncover the lost treasure of a legendary shipwreck. They both have secret motives for the hunt, but the day trip will bring them closer together in unexpected ways.
Bellamy Blake's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (Rated E) [Bellamy/Clarke] - @shen-gong-oops
He wasn't saying Becca Franco started the zombie apocalypse, but Becca Franco started the zombie apocalypse.
Or the one where Bellamy tries to keep himself and six other people alive during a zombie outbreak. And grumbles about magic.
Exiles (Rated M) [Murphy/Raven] - @kinetic-elaboration
John Murphy didn't kill the girl himself, but he's the reason she's dead. Raven’s heard the story often enough: Arcadia’s only murder, only suicide, only banishment. So when she finds Murphy sitting outside the gate, coughing up fire, she doesn’t feel bad for him at all.
munuð (Rated E) [Echo/Emori] - @dylanobrienisbatman​
When Echo and Emori finally find a group of Hedges willing to offer them a place after the Library takes control, to say they were a little sceptical would be an understatement. They play the roll, but something feels off. When Emori discovers a dark secret, it takes every bit of their wits to get out of it with their lives.
All the winners can be found here.
Thank you all so much for participating this round! Now that winners and authors have been revealed feel free to blog about your fics and don’t forget to tag us!
We hope you all will join us for the Final Round of Chopped 2.0! Tropes drop at Midnight tonight.
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ship-obsessions · 5 years
Thoughts on 6x01 & 6x02
Season 6 spoilers ahead...
- Ugh I hate the Spacekru gang up on Clarke... like she’s saved ALL of your asses a billion times, jesus give her a break. Also if you all would just COMMUNICATE we wouldn’t have these issues!! Especially annoyed that Murphy is against her though... like WTF I was sure he’d come around after Bellamy. Surprised yet loved Echo low key sticking up for Clarke though.
- Season 1 parallels!! Miller mentioning “We’re back, bitches” had me smiling so hard. Wish they would have thrown in a callback to the first Bellarke convo with “The air could be toxic” but I guess we can’t have it all...
- Murphy diving into the water and then pulling Emori in with him made me so happy. Also reminded me of the first “mission” on Earth when Octavia jumped in the water and got attacked. I wonder if that crossed Clarke’s mind but she didn’t say anything because no one from that day was there (and 3 of the 5 are dead 😔)
- Shaw, NO! I honestly did not expect that to happen. I more concerned for Raven’s sake though. She is going to be so sad just as she was FINALLY starting to be happy again. Ugh I just want her to have happiness like she deserves but also so she can stop hating Clarke and blaming others for her trauma.
- Okay but Clarke AGAIN risking herself to go after Shaw and turn the fence off... and Bellamy’s “NO CLARKE STAY BACK!” Man, he’s going to continue to have a tough time keeping her alive again...
- God I love John Murphy. From breaking into the houses nonchalantly to singing along and trying to dance with Emori. He’s the best (Now just forgive Clarke already)
- The Bellarke convo about the radio calls was so pure and had me crying I’m so happy. Clarke’s face when Bellamy mentioned them and the relief when he told her that Madi mentioned them... yo she was worried he heard something. Like what did you say on those calls, Clarke??!? Then after she tries to explain them and says he probably thinks she’s crazy and he just whispers “it’s not crazy” I swear my heart stopped. Of course he had to throw in a joke after though because my OTP can’t handle too much serious emotion when it comes to one another. (Like me IRL)
- Omg the eclipse induced psychopathy I was honestly thinking it would happen later from the trailer (idk why) but I’m so glad we get this over and out of the way.
- I love having the adventure squad together again it seriously fills my heart! I’m getting season 1 vibes again by going back and forth from the kids on the ground to the “adults” in space. Love it
- Okay yes Bellamy, Clarke and Murphy locked in a room, here for it. And you TELL EM Clarke! Finally appreciate her standing up for herself but honestly girl go off you constantly save EVERYONE and they still have the nerve to hate you for the decisions you’re forced to make. I’d like to see someone else try to lead and save the goddamn world. And don’t think I missed the “When I’m in charge, people die. Isn’t that what you said?” subtle line directed at Bellamy. Damn... 125+ years later and Hakeldama is STILL a major plot point.
- Damn, Octavia really hates herself behind this mask. She was asking for that fight, the pain is the only thing making her feel alive. But please, the whole “I saved you” shit... come on. She’s so power hungry and delusional. If anyone saved them it’s fucking Clarke.
- Raven is so smart to wake Diyoza. I love how Diyoza immediately goes into war mode and makes a plan of attack. She is def needed and should become an essential member of the team. Although I appreciated Raven’s input on the plan to make sure it was too ~murdery~. They actually made a pretty good team.
- Wasn’t that surprised that Echo couldn’t handle the psychosis and tranquilized herself. Now comparing to how Clarke’s psychosis was only attacking herself and she STILL pulled through it... Just saying it’s clear who is mentally stronger and there is a reason Clarke has been a natural leader all this time. Aka she’s never been selfish and is always trying to help everyone else.
- My poor Clarke! Her psychosis of her mom telling her to just kill herself was heartbreaking. Also makes me wonder why that was her reaction to the toxin. Like it says it makes you turn people you love and that was clear for Emori & Murphy (& Bellamy with Clarke later hehe), but rather than that, she goes after herself. And we damn well know that she loves her friends, especially Bellamy, so I’m curious to know if there is a reason why.
- Of course! Madi fits through the vents, duh. I felt real dumb for not seeing that coming. Lol
- Omg so much happening with this crazy fighting sequence of Murphy and Clarke v Bellamy. I hate yet love it at the same time. My new OT3
- NO BELLAMY GET OFF OF CLARKE. Omg he is going to regret this so much when they are fine again...
- Adventure squad 2.0 hits the ground. This time Octavia was the stowaway instead of Bellamy. Hmm more season 1 parallels, me like
- Oh god, who has to explain what happened to Shaw to Raven...
- That aerial shot of Bellamy, Clarke and Murphy with Bellarke TANGLED together... yes! Love it, here for it, give me more
- Bellamy’s face when he remembers what he did to Clarke had me DEAD. And her simple touch to his arm to let him know without words that they are okay... They have to address that in the next episode, PLEASE
- The cliffhanger ending with the children asking if they are here to take them home was crazy but my real question is: Where the hell are all of these children’s parents??
I’m honestly glad that about 60% of the trailer was made up of scenes from those first 2 episodes (as it should), because that means there is SO MUCH more for us to enjoy. Omg this is going to be one hell of a season and I CANNOT WAIT.
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yiangchen · 6 years
There’s been so much controversy over 5x09 Blarke, but something I think we can (almost) all agree on is that it was one of the dumbest writing decisions ever to put them in that situation.
And I, for one, can not fucking wait for them to be moving past this in s6. Yes, of course I want them to talk about what happened. I’m excited for the “good chat” that Eliza mentioned, which I’m assuming is them addressing what hadn’t been addressed last season. 
However, I’m more excited to see them co-leading again and interacting as best friends who are also highkey in love with each other. I’m even excited to see Clarke trying to make up for things, not realizing that in Bellamy’s eyes, there’s nothing to make up for. Because he understands her, always has. Loves her and knows that she loves him too because of the radio calls. I’m excited to see Bellamy trying to make up for things and continuing to show Clarke that when he said he would protect Madi, he meant it. 
I’m excited for them to just be. To exist together. To rely on one another, rebuild the trust that was lost. And most of all, I’m excited for the mutual pining -- what will hopefully in 6x11 lead to that Hakeldama 2.0 we’ve been waiting for since last season. I don’t even need a kiss yet. Just an almost kiss, in the heat of the moment. 
Because that is the kind of angst we asked for last season, and that’s the kind of angst we deserve.
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