#hala <3
phoenixdaneko · 3 months
HIIII I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN SO LONG (but that’s bc i appear and disappear) I JUST WANTED TO SAY HIII 💞
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❤️🤎 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🤎 🤎
good morning hala. thank you v much my friend 🙏🏿🙏🏿 facts r getting harder to come up with im realizing I know nothing about myself
1) i was a selectively mute child until i was 9 years (? maybe 8) old. i only talked to my pre school friends (i had 2 djjsjdj), my sister, my grandmother, & my uncle. no one else. and they were only half sentences. id just stop. my uncle showed me a home video n all I did was "i want. [Stares At Camera] [no longer speaks]". as i grew up i slowly started to speak more but . ☠️ i think what really made me Start speaking was my grandma saying one day "i might have to take her to speech therapy :(" so i snapped out to it to not make gma more worried for me. amen.
2) i'm one of those "learn everything about a religion and study it for months" guys. like the history of religions, prayers, religious temples & ... everything revolving God(s) n their followers just. Mwah. very cool. yeah knowledge!
3) i can moonwalk (in socks 🤗)
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bethelighthalazia · 4 months
HALA Prologue - Rescued…?
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Summary:  Kim Hwa Young, a young woman who is connected to the 'Black Pirates' got saved from the most prestigious academy of Strictland. Now, she´ll have to adapt to life outside of the academy and learn to feel and remember again. Will this be an easy thing? Will she be alright with the help of her friends? Will she remember that two of them were much more important to her than friends?
Genre: adventure, fluff, angst
Pairing:  UniverseZ!Mingi x fem!OC (Kim Hwa Young)
Additional Characters: ATEEZ members
Word Count:  836
Warnings: angst, fluff, violence, injuries, trauma
Networks: @mirohs-aurora-society
Notes: This series plays in the Universe Z and with HalAteez lore, please don´t be upet if I do not get it all 100%accurate to how you interpret the lore of Ateez. This is purely MY interpretation and therefore more of an AU probably.
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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The Prestige academy. An intimidatingly quiet and clean place, not like one would imagine an academy or school to be like. Ever since the government declared emotions to be a human disease, they have slowly but surely turned everyone into emotionless shells. Strictland, a world where human emotions were forbidden, run by a government who wants to rule and suppress rather than to protect their people. And in this emotionless world, a revolutionary group had risen. The black pirates, the rebellion, formed around a group of 8 young men who somehow escaped the brainwashing of the government and are now trying to free humanity of the dictatorship of the android guardians. 
The city was eerily quiet this morning when eight men were on their way to the infamous prestige academy, knowing that one specific person was still trapped in there, one person they had to free, for the sake of their captain. With the wave of his hand, Hongjoong, the captain of the group, gestures to the other seven to take their positions, fully aware that, if they were to be captured, everything would fail. Jongho, the youngest, was sent up to the roof, to make sure that the speakers would work properly, while Yeosang and Mingi were stationed in the van just outside of the academy. San and Seonghwa were tasked with distracting the guards, so that Wooyoung, Yunho and Hongjoong could infiltrate the building and find their target. Well, and the three of them were to haywire the brainwashing machines and connect them to a recording of their music. Music and arts were some of the things that the government banned, so the black pirates had decided to fight the system with just that. 
Inside of the Academy, Yunho split up from Hongjoong and Wooyoung, he was the one who had stolen and memorized the blueprints of this place prior to this mission. He's usually the gentle giant of the group, the golden retriever, but today, Yunho was fully focused on his task, following the hallways to the room where they are certain that she is held captive. When he pushed open a double door made of heavy iron, he froze in his tracks. They had planned everything, San probably was running and being followed by the guardians right now, so they all had enough time to fulfill their tasks, but what they had not anticipated was the sight in front of Yunho. It seems like they have waited for the group to attack, it was too easy, something was…odd.
There she was, not locked up in a cage or anything like they had thought though. A young woman, dressed entirely in white, her eyes without any emotion or sign of recognizing him, was sitting in the middle of an empty room. The chair didn't seem very comfortable, Wires and tubes connected to her body in various places, yet it didn't seem to bother the young woman either. “Shit, please don´t tell me-” Yunho hissed quietly, taking slow steps towards the middle of the room, head tilted as he watched every one of the young woman‘s reactions. Why didn't she react at all? Did they hurt her? Made her forget or alter her memories of them? Thoughts crossed his mind, which he pushed away as soon as they came up. “Unauthorized individual spotted, alarm init-” Before the automatic voice could finish, Yunho heard a crackling noise from the speakers, followed by a very familiar chuckle and his heart beat faster. They did it, they hacked into the system. However, the moment Yunho heard the chuckle, there was another sound, this time coming from the young woman on the chair. A quiet gasp, followed by a sigh and a fwhump quickly caught his attention, the young man's eyes widened in shock. “Hurry up everyone, they knew we´re coming!” The captain's voice echoed from all speakers in the building and Yunho moved swiftly, hurrying to remove the wires and tubes that were attached to the unconscious woman and picking her up. Throwing her over his shoulder, Yunho then ran, hoping that the others were able to distract the guards and, to his relief, he managed to flee and reach the van outside without any problems. 
“Hurry!” Mingi called out, one hand reaching for his best friend as the van got started already, the others had reached it before Yunho as it seems. Grabbing Mingi´s hand, the tall man jumped in, making sure to not hurt the young woman while doing so and, when the doors closed behind them, he laid her on the van´s floor. “You alright, Yunho?” The captain asked from the front of the van, freezing in place the moment he saw the young woman, his heart dropping heavily. “I´m good, drive faster hyung! We have to get her to the base, there were wires and tubes an-” Without letting the older one finish, Yeosang accelerated the car and not much later, they arrived at their base, an empty building in the town's outskirts.
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie, @h3arteyes4mingi
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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meteorstardust · 4 months
I've just started playing telltale guardians of the galaxy and getting passed the questionable character designs I love it so far
I love peter and rockets relationship in this game and how corny peter is what a silly billy
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timothylawrence · 11 months
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idk. this made me sad.
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songganna · 4 months
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kosmazsankosamazsin · 5 months
Sınıftan bı kız beni rüyasında sevgilisiyle sevgili olduğumu görmüş ve onu dışaldığımı o artık benim sevgilim dediğimi görmüş gelmiş benden hesap soruyo sana çok pis kinlendim diyo fifnisbdkwnsi bu nasıl kafa
Diğer biride yine aynı şekil beni birkaç gün önce rüyasında görmüş ama rüyasını hatırlamıyordu 2 gündür çok ters davranıyordu dedim niye böyle yapiyon dedi ki seni rüyamda gördüm sana çok sinirliyim her hareketin batıyor
Şaka mısınız siz djxnkaijdkqnsk
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tuceninkedisi · 7 months
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ay benim yeni bataklık..
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phoenixdaneko · 9 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳💥 ( it is hala btw i moved blogs also forgive my lateness i just checked my calendar for the first time today 💞)
Omg ty Hala!!! And no worries darlin, it's still my birthday in my timezone so you're all good!
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senbiyolunubul · 9 months
gör istedim
duy istedim
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bethelighthalazia · 4 months
HALA Chapter I - Maybe?
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Summary:  Kim Hwa Young, a young woman who is connected to the 'Black Pirates' got saved from the most prestigious academy of Strictland. Now, she´ll have to adapt to life outside of the academy and learn to feel and remember again. Will this be an easy thing? Will she be alright with the help of her friends? Will she remember that two of them were much more important to her than friends?
Genre: adventure, fluff, angst
Pairing:  UniverseZ!Mingi x fem!OC (Kim Hwa Young)
Additional Characters: ATEEZ members
Word Count:  1242
Warnings: angst, fluff, violence, injuries, trauma
Networks: @mirohs-aurora-society
Notes: This series plays in the Universe Z and with HalAteez lore, please don't be upset if I do not get it all 100%accurate to how you interpret the lore of Ateez. This is purely MY interpretation and therefore more of an AU probably.
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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It had been almost two days since the boys had rescued her from the academy, the young woman still resting in one of the beds. Seonghwa had decided to be in charge of taking care of her, making sure to oversee the doctor they had gotten here to help her. 
The moment she opened her eyes, the doctor left and Seonghwa stepped into sight, helping her to sit up. “Careful, you might feel dizzy, but I'm here,” he hums gently, a smile on his face to show her he's not hostile towards her. “How are you feeling, Hwa?” This question of him causes her head to tilt slightly, her face not showing any emotion. “You know my name.” It's not a question, she said it in a matter-of-fact voice and Seonghwa is taken back for a moment, a slight twinge in his heart. “I am awake, my stomach is empty.” Her voice is void of any hint of recognising him, very monotone. 
“Right, yes. I know you, we are friends.” Seonghwa knows that his words are probably meeting a wall of brainwashing, but he will keep trying and talking as he always had talked to her. “Let's go down to the others, there you can have some food and-” “Music is prohibited, why is music playing here?” She interrupted him, getting up slowly, Seonghwa's hand instinctively wrapping around her arm in a gentle way to keep her steady. He flinched slightly at her words, feeling as if something cold grips his heart. How much of her mind is taken over by the government’s brainwashing? “It's okay, here it's allowed. Let's get you fed now.” 
The young man led her out of the room, a sign on the door stating her name, but she didn't notice it yet. On the way downstairs to the room they use as some sort of common room, the young woman's gaze wanders, taking in all the drawings and banners that decorate the walls. When they entered the big hall, the other seven boys got up, approaching Seonghwa and the young woman, hopeful smiles on their faces. “You're awake! Finally!” It was Hongjoong who talked first, taking a few more steps towards his best friend and the woman before he stopped at her words.
“Who are you?” The young woman asked, her voice more factual, without any emotion laced into it. Those words made his shoulders drop, almost as if his whole posture was deflating, San's hands gently placed on their captain's upper arms to hold him up. It was clear that the government had succeeded in brainwashing her, after all, she's been in that horrible place longer than they had been. Yet, Hongjoong had thought, no, had hoped that she'd remember him. 
“I- I am Hong Joong…Kim Hong Joong…” He whispered, his voice croaked, sadness, hopelessness in his eyes. 
“Coincidentally, we share a surname. It is a pleasure to meet you, Kim Hong Joong. I am Kim Hwa Young.” Her voice is almost robot-like, not a single emotional reaction on her face whatsoever. It broke Seonghwa's heart to see the captain's whole stance change from his usual rather energetic self into this shell of himself after they finally got Hwa Young out of this brainwashing facility just to realize that she seems to have no memory left of them, of her family. Or of her older brother.
“I- we know who you are, Hwa-” The captain said, but his voice breaks and he just stops talking, his whole body shivering as he tries to hold it together. Hwa nodded, after all, Seonghwa had given her the information that they would be friends. “I am aware of it.” She stated and at this,the captain looked up with a hopeful glint in his eyes, just to have it crushed by Hwa's next words. “The man who accompanied me here from the bed informed me that he and I are friends. Although, regarding the regulations and rules of the government, friends and showing emotion is prohibited and can lead to punishment of the highest amounts.”
“The man- oh, I am Seonghwa.” Seonghwa says quickly, hoping to interrupt her in her words that were brandished onto her mind by the government. “And those are your friends too. Their names are Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho.” He hummed, pointing at each of them while saying the names. 
It was clear that their hearts broke at her words and the way she behaved. The seven men looked at Seonghwa, as if hoping to find encouragement or comfort in the eldest eyes, but he couldn't even encourage himself. How could he do that for his friends? After a short moment of hesitation, he cleared his throat and gently nudged Hwa towards the kitchen area of the hall. “Come, we eat now and then we can answer all questions. D- Do you have a favorite dish?” Seonghwa asked when he sat her down on one of the chairs and opened the fridge. 
For a few moments, there was silence in the room, all eyes on the young woman who, to everyone's surprise, showed a frown. “Ramyun, I think.” Hwa said, visibly confused and startled by this, it was as if a sudden memory had flashed in her mind. Hongjoong couldn't hold back and a quiet, stifled sob escaped him before he turned and walked away, busying himself with maps and plans on a desk across the hall. Seonghwa just nodded, shooting Hongjoong a worried glance, but then started to prepare the food for Hwa and the others. 
“Hwa? Can I ask you something?” It was Yunho who talked, he had stepped closer and sat next to the young woman, frowning. He just couldn't banish the image of how he found her back at the academy. While eating, the young woman nodded, looking at Yunho with an expressionless face, which made his heart drop again. “When I found you, you were…attached to some wires and such. What- why did they do that with you?” He asked, lowering his gaze while waiting for an answer from her, his brows furrowed in concern. 
“I showed empathy with a child that was being punished, therefore I needed to be punished and re-” “Okay okay, stop,” Wooyoung´s voice cut her off, he didn't want to hear any of this, already feeling guilty because he was the reason they had to leave her behind when they were able to escape many years ago. “Emotions are important, just like memories and personal experiences! Do you really- Can't you please just remember us?!” He almost spat out those words before turning and running out of the room, San giving an apologetic smile to Hwa before following his friend. This outburst of emotion let Hwa drop her chopsticks, a frown hushed across her features for a moment, a whispered “Wooyo…” escaping her, but then she quickly cleared her throat and sat up straight to resume eating, as if nothing had happened.
The boys noticed it though, eyes wide, Jongho and Yeosang stared at the back of Hwa´s head, Seonghwa exchanging looks with Hongjoong and Yunho giving Mingi, who suddenly had a hopeful and happy expression on his face, a concerned look. Maybe there was a way to help her remember, maybe they could get her back fully again. Maybe, just maybe, the captain can have his baby sister back without having to resort to the painful methods of reversing the brainwashing.
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie, @h3arteyes4mingi
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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thorcat · 1 year
I am howling at this
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I tried to recreate halas into the game. The mighty WoL with the intelligence of a slice of toast and i god damn nailed it!
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
top 5 redacted quotes
@halscafe has brilliant ideas, what can i say.... as always, open tags - but maybe a few no-pressure tags of the top of my head as well?? @autisticempathydaemon @thicchaco @lovelylonerliterature @romirola @starlitangels @glassbearclock - mind if i take a look inside your brain? 👀👀
under the cut because of a spoiler or two - if you haven’t finished imperium: cataclysm - especially ‘Tantum Tyrannus’ - then go and listen to that before you read!
‘Your Dom Incubus Confesses His Feelings For You’
“Being with you changes what home means. You make home feel like… what happy people mean when they use that word. Aria is a place that I come from. But you are a place where I feel… true.”
this one might not be familiar if you’ve never heard the whole of this audio - i was really surprised that the public release of this audio doesn’t have the ending attached! this audio doubles as gavin’s second BA, and at the end he says this to freelancer - honestly i think this is my favourite big confession audio we have, and i think this says it all 🥰🥰 nothing melts my heart like this audio, and this line in particular, especially because i have a massive thing about gavin and what it means for him to find a place where he belongs?? so this one means a lot to me 💕💕
‘Getting Closer to a Sadistic Demon’
“Do what all good pragmatists do, darling. Compromise. Meet me in the middle.”
VEGA!! oh there are SO many vega moments that could easily be here, but i think this one is my very favourite - i think you already know how much i love it when he calls warden ‘darling’, and the manipulation here is Right There but it’s so, SO good… i love the idea of a  vega and warden who actually get on quite well, and who have a nice bit of back-and-forth going on, so this is right up my street! i just really love vega, both prime and imperium, and i think he’s FASCINATING as both a standalone character and as a driving force in the narrative, so for him? i always have time for him hehe
‘Partying With the Werewolf Pack’
“Thank you for sharing this with me, sweetheart. Yeah, the party, but… I don’t know. Just… this, too. My life. Thank you for being a part of it.”
another disgustingly soft and gooey moment for my favourites list, and of course i can’t forget about lovely milo… his relationship with sweetheart is so wonderful to me, and the delivery on this line is absolutely perfect 🤩🤩🤩 genuine and precious and really, really heartfelt - i can think of nothing better! sweetheart and milo have been together for much longer than a lot of our other couples, so it’s really nice to hear milo having that moment of ‘you’re the person i want to share my life with, and i love that it’s you’ - i think it’s just magnificent 💖💖
‘Tantum Tyrannus’
“Oh, Alexis. You are going to look beautiful on my mantle.”
perhaps this is an… unexpected one? there are a LOT of lines i adore from the imperium - vega’s entire “You can’t. But I can.” and little monologue to lasko at the end of ‘What You Deserve’, vindemiator’s “I’ll find a way. Even if it’s just for a short, precious while. I will.” from ‘One Misery For Another’, etc, etc…  it’s imperium!vincent - and while i do prefer prime!vincent, i think this particular line is done so, so well that i just couldn’t NOT include it! if it wasn’t ridiculously obvious from blood sugar, baby!, i LOVE the imperium solaire clan, and the image alone of vincent holding alexis’ head and smiling as he speaks to it…. bloody, gory, monstrous perfection 😘😘
‘Cuddling Through a Storm With Your Incubus Boyfriend’
“Yes, I am bad. But I’m very good at it. And I’m yours, my love.”
this audio is a bit of a newer one, but honestly i think it’s one of the best gavin audios to date - the whole thing is so unbelievably soft and sweet, and it’s nice to finally have a proper solo gavin fluff audio after so long 🥳🥳 this line in particular has to be my favourite from that whole audio, partly because he is really very charming, and partly because it’s a lovely callback to gavin’s early personality and how he’s changed since meeting freelancer and the rest of the DAMN crew! the arrogant, irreverent incubus who we met so long ago certainly has his appeal, but the gavin we know now is much sweeter and more genuinely affectionate. his relationship with freelancer is still full of teasing and snark but also so much love and devotion - this line really brings that home for me, which is why i love it so much 💕💕💕
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tcetvel · 2 months
Shregin nasıl 4 filmi olabilir
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night-dark-woods · 5 months
16, 20, 35, 50!!
16. Favorite trilogy.
favorite genuinely good trilogy: FIFTH SEASON!!! series of all time. as ive said, should be required reading.
favorite good-bad trilogy that brings me great joy: Kushiel's Legacy (Phèdre's trilogy, specifically). world that's just western europe slightly the the left (and also what if we had a pantheon of angel-gods that sprang from fantasy-jesus's blood and were in a polycule)? check. load-bearing plot-essential bdsm? check. first person retrospective narrative with frequent interjections from current-Phèdre about her past-self's mistakes? check. i think ive read it 3 times and never been disappointed.
20. answered!
35. Least favorite trope in your most favorite book genre.
hmmm this is hard bc i do genuinely like most fantasy tropes, what usually annoys me is when they are poorly done, so this might be a cop-out answer as its not reaaally a trope but i HATE no-homophobia (or othet structural oppression!) worldbuilding in fantasy especially bc that is directly counter to the majority of the VERY essential tropes/features of the genre. people keep the societal Results of the power in the structures and relations without examining whether those structures would even *exist* without it!!! like a no-homophobia world CANNOT then have hereditary rulers! in a world where it is socially accepted that some unions will not have children, it just doesnt make sense!!! tip of the iceberg on that but i am at a hockey game lol!
50. What kind of book have you never read but always hope to find at some point in the future?
ive actually never made it thru a full poetry collection and i would like to! the closest ive come is anne carson's sappho translation, which i have read all the way thru but doesnt really count imo.
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yudgefudge · 1 year
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[@mchiti @cryingforcrocodiles] done!!! never thirsting for that white man ever again 🏌️🏌️🏌️
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