#halbrand x galadriel fic
bad-surprise · 11 months
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but i thought you might
chapter 26: i could find you, darling, in any life [nsfw]
haladriel modern au | E | 135.4k | 26/26
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sauronxgaladriel · 6 days
Haladriel Library
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Saurondriel/Haladriel Fanfic Recommendations. Some of these stories could fit into multiple categories. If you have any more recommendations feel free to add them!
Shadow-Bride by eye_of_a_cat
Bridesprice by FormerlyIR (Irony_Rocks), Irony_Rocks 
Poison & Wine by Coraleeveritas
Galadriel takes longer to discover Sauron's identity
no matter how many skies have fallen by stitchingatthecircuitboard
A man is a god in ruins by eye_of_a_cat
Queen of the Southlands by FormerlyIR
Galadriel Says Yes
The House That Fire Built by Ready_For_The_Laughing_Gas
dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone) by Wyrd_Syster
Gilded by eye_of_a_cat
And white winter, on its knees by eye_of_a_cat
The Trials of Mairon by EllieCarina
Mortal Laws by Helholden
Canon Divergence/Reimagining of S1 and onwards
I could be your king by cliffdiving
The Tides of Fate by fireheart321
In Case of Defeat, Break Glass by eastwynds
that i may rise and stand, o'erthrow me by mortaltemples
Five times Halbrand's secret got revealed by eye_of_a_cat
Across That Fine Line by MyrsineMezzo
Instruments of Salvation by Scriberated
a fair form by properhaunt
Autocorrelation by EisforEverything
The Return of the Queen by Nenya Business (Cec_Jo)
A Feast of Starlight by TheLightofArwyn
Supernatural Creature AU
should have known better by Nenya Business (Cec_Jo) (Witch/Demon AU)
Storm Tides & Weaving Threads by elssiie (Siren AU)
just a taste by stardustspell (Vampire AU)
Haladriel meet before TROP
Spark, Ignite, Burn by cliffdiving
our souls were made from the stars by silverwing12 (Deleted)
Necessity's Bargain by Scriberated
Though the Gods and the Years Relent, Shall Be by Helholden
determination is the cure (for longing) by downtheroadandupthehill
where the spirit meets the bones by kangaroopaws
people throw rocks at things that shine by ophidion
Hades Persephone Vibes
Beasts of the Hill and Serpents of the Den by Helholden
a dust like thine by mortaltemples
Unsired by shady-swan-jones (sweetleaf), sweetleaf 
the light of his eyes by eastwynds
now dark, now glittering by mortaltemples
In the Shadow of Your Heart by mzladybird
i cannot heave my heart into my mouth by fallofrain
this love is glowing in the dark by Orcas86
we could just kiss, like real people do by justatinycollector 
a millstone around my neck by mortaltemples
the nameless by bimmyou
Light and Power by chronicallyexhaustedwriter
shining like a fiery beacon by ophidion
A Blessing of Eru by Scriberated
A Stressed Tiding by FormerlyIR (Irony_Rocks), Irony_Rocks
this love is glowing in the dark by Orcas86
Buried in Bone by Invisible_Hand
Riptide by makeshiftdraco
Perfection by Nenya Business (Cec_Jo)
like magnets work, only drawn to thee by audreystark
To Follow the Light by Thrill_of_hope
A Moment of Honesty by Draconic_Grace
Dream Within a Dream by Nenya Business (Cec_Jo)
bind yourself to me by Nenya Business (Cec_Jo)
Dream Within a Dream by Nenya Business (Cec_Jo)
Lady of the Seas by eye_of_a_cat
Dark/Dead Dove
all your pain will end here by poeticmemory
Land of Enchantment by EisforEverything
perle by emphemeron
Glanduin Kiss by Anonymous
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shady-swan-jones · 4 days
Haladriel Week 2024 | Day 7: Free Day | Road to Eregion
Last Kiss Before The Dawn
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“Where were you?” he whispered. “One moment I'm looking at the bloodied sky and the next you’re out of my sight. I called for you. I called,” he swallowed, “and cried and begged for you to be safe.” “I survived. I always do.”
One shot | M | 2,7k
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Day 1: Seawater. Day 2: One Corrupts, Two Bind. Day 3: Unsired Day 4: All It Takes To Bind You Day 5: Ouroboros
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demonscantgothere · 16 days
Litost. Galadriel/Sauron | Halbrand. Explicit. 256.4k | 8.1k chapter [43/61] Chapter 43: A Wide and Boundless Sea
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During Ar-Pharazôn’s rule of Númenor when Sauron holds the position of the High Priest of Melkor, Galadriel is captured in the middle of a war, imprisoned, and handed over to him as a sacrifice to be made in the Temple of the High Priest, but Sauron has other plans. From Akallabêth to the founding of Gondor, unlikely allies are forged.
Galadriel stared up at him, her eyes wide in her surprise. “I had no idea what she was up to,” she confessed with an open heart, barely shaking her head. “We had drifted apart, but I am to blame. I shut her out, thinking I could not trust her—”
“—You think that of a lot of people, my love,” Halbrand whispered sadly, his hand coming up to cradle her chin in the palm of his hand instead. “Even me, I am told.”
Their eyes met—across the ache of a wide and gaping hole in her heart, across the tumultuous waves of a blue and boundless sea, and across a vast and empty sky full of cloud and shade, all things lying in between them—and in the center, for only a moment, the two came together as one.
“Is that why you no longer wear your ring?” Halbrand asked her so gently, the pad of his thumb a bare press along her jaw. “Do you fear me so much?”
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haladrielficxch · 3 months
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Author Reveals are here! Read below the cut to see who wrote your favorite fics!
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don't let it in with no intention to keep it by alicuntisms for @nuclearnik
galadriel is in need of a human - halbrand is in need of a warm place to sleep. a bargain is struck. if only galadriel knew who she was striking a bargain with....
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A Lust for Light by cozy_ships for @liminal-zone
The magic is always just there on the periphery of his lands, threatening to spill over. Sometimes he swears he can feel it in the earth beneath his feet, taste it in the water, clear and bright and so utterly unlike his own. The flowing currents of it had drawn him to these lands, led him to stake his own claim and build his fortress along the borders of the Golden Wood. He knows who resides within, hiding herself away amidst the forest’s glittering bowers.
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Tempered by eye_of_a_cat for @cozy_ships on Twitter
She focuses instead on smaller things. She notices the edges of him: the sewed seams of his bracers, the way they press against the skin of his hands; the shadow at his neck where the cloth of his collar falls loosely; the way the fuzz of hair on his arms glows a little in reflected firelight. He is all edges and joins, scars and soldered seams. There will be a way to break him apart.
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at the dawn of our folly, we took from the tree that was rotting by ichabodcranemills for @lisenberry
Stranded togehter in the middle of nowehere, political rivals Galadriel and Halbrand learn they have more in common than they could've possibly imagined.
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Love is heavy and light, bright and dark by lisenberry for @softlighter
There was a time in Lady Galadriel Artanis Noldor’s life when all she had to worry about was keeping her face out of the sun and her feet out of the mud. Her nose in her embroidery and her hands soft as lambskin. Her brain empty and her mouth shut.
Many things had changed since then.
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and I feel like I just got home by Lizzen for @eye_of_a_cat on Twitter
A third age haunting of a sort; an alternate version of life as seen through the looking glass, and the impact resonate.
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She is Everything You Want by MyrsineMezzo for @alicuntisms
As he looked at that tight braid with the light reflecting in her hair, Halbrand realized he knew who she was. Everyone knew who she was. Galadriel Noldor. She was the best and the brightest; the pride of the university who had been profiled in the recent campus magazine because she was on a sure ride through the NCAA fencing tournament system even as a sophomore. He realized Mel had followed his gaze when he heard a low scoff.
“Noldor. A loner who thinks she’s above it all. Now there’s a challenge worthy of the highest of prizes.”
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the only song i want to hear by MyrsineMezzo for @ichabodcranemills
5 times Halbrand kissed Galadriel in exchange for a secret, and one time he did not.
Set throughout the first season of Rings of Power.
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Deeper, Darker Things Than You by nuclearnik for @formerlyIR on Twitter
He is effortlessly charming—and everyone besides Galadriel seems to eat it right up—but something hiding just below the surface, coiled and restless, calls to her.
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don't answer me (i'm calling just to hear you scream" by poeticmemory for @the-sweet-hibiscus
One year after her eldest brother‘s murder, Galadriel and her friends find themselves in the sights of a horror-film obsessed killer.
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everything (except what it is) by softlight for @myrsinemezzo
“And what are you going to say?” “That I can be civil if you can."
Rival teachers Galadriel and Halbrand sign up to run the school show. Things do not go as expected.
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the Curse of Linhir by TheSweetHibiscus for @justatinycollector
The morning of October 28th I, along with my unwilling companion, managed to flea the decrepit town of Linhir. I had ran, cloaked in nothing more than a t-shirt and the threadbare soles of my brother's old hiking boots, nearly twenty miles to the Regent's port home in Númenor. Each step was agony – the ill-timed impromptu marathon more than enough to cause my lungs and thighs to burn like coal cinders. Yet it was nothing compared to the sinking dread — a fear I hadn't gotten far enough away.
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By the Moonlight by justatinycollector for @wyrd-syster
It would seem to Galadriel, in their first few encounters, that Halbrand would always leave her with something. Later, she’d come to learn that he never left a place empty-handed.
The Highwayman AU.
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stones that move (and trees that speak) by Wyrd_Syster for @bad-surprise
Halbrand wants power and Galadriel wants her inheritance. There is no cost too high, no price too steep, to stop them from taking what they want.
A Macbeth AU with a dash of Sleep No More.
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onyour-right · 2 years
sorry to Galadriel but I’m different; if a Maia known as Sauron told me to co-rule middle earth with him, even if our goals were not the same, i would simply accept his proposal and on the low learn the skills necessary in order to manipulate him round to my way of thinking - or, in the spirit of compromise, a decision where we both get what we want. that’s just me though idk.
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pursuitseternal · 8 months
Spooky, sexy, wolfy “Trespassers Beware” just in time for Halloween…
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Fem!Reader (Galadriel) x Sauron |E| 4K Wolf Sex
🎨 by @thebabydragon
Summary: You seek the source of the dark power, following the rumors and the wolf howls to the Old Fortress… he finds you… and does so much more
CW: bestiality, multiple wolves at once, wolf possession, disembodied sorcerers having their way, sex in an old ruin with your forbidden lover
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Continue below to howl for him…
Dusty, dead leaves under your feet turn to cold stones. You stand on the bridge to the Fortress, a chill in the air that somehow heats your body, shivers running down your spine to pool between your thighs. You hear that song, that music, faint but real, whining from the distant and crumbling walls. Mists swirl, and you get the feeling of distant eyes watching you, that crawling sensation creeping all across your skin to steal your breath. You reminisce, the feeling of being here before. The ruins of a fortress of darkness, howls in the distance, your body warming at the memory of the same feelings from a thousand years before.
The hush of winds rustle the leaves across the stone bridge, and you push on. Until you hear the scratch of claws in front of you. Suddenly, orange eyes begin to glow in the shadows of arches and derelict walls. Panting, growling, a pack of large, grey wolves file in around you. Their eyes glint in hunger, tongue lapping at their jaws.
Suddenly, a low, rumbling howl overwhelms your ears, commanding his pack to withdraw. Commanding you to come.
And come you do. The way his voice weaves around your body is palpable, shaking into your flesh, riding into your insides with a tremor.
You know that sound in your bones. It is him.
Above you from a parapet, black mist swirls. And then eyes large and red shine, flickering with ridges of orange and flecks of yellow. Made of flame themselves. Two of them, staring unblinking above you. Your blood seems to freeze with fear and boil with desire at once.
That music that settled for ages in your bones now greets your ear, melancholic, weak, and mournful. A baleful howl comes from that patch of shadow, darker than death itself.
“Have you come to taunt me, Lady Light?” his voice scratched inside your ear. “Come to show me the spoils of a lost war? Treasures I shall never plunder the same again?”
Your heart races against your ribs, feeling your body responding to the sound of his voice, the pull of that lamenting music now that fills your ears.
“You come seeking something… or else you would not be here…” those flaming eyes seem to be framed in a tall form, crouching low to the floor of the parapet above you. A shadow of a great wolf, remembering the form you have always craved between your legs.
You step closer, your body humming to life as it had not for centuries. Your body burns despite the cold mist and shadows, your heart beats with lust, not with fear. Even as a dozen eyes shine back at you from the crumbling fortress.
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One last entry for @hellghoulweek and @thehaladrielfancollective (I’m sure there are five kinks on there for Kinktober 🪦🐺)
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hazelmaines · 4 months
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Happy Galentine's day! A historical prompt from @bad-surprise + Robin Hood + Haladriel + my current favorite song = a new AU in the works.
This song was written/performed for/about Galadriel, by Sauron, and no one will ever change my mind ;)
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a-fic-reviewer-757 · 2 years
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that i may rise and stand, o'erthrow me
by: mortaltemples | word count : 8229 | AO3 | chapters: 10/10 | rating : Explicit
Summary :
The line between lies and truth is fine indeed.
No one knows that better than Halbrand.
“I cannot help but be curious…what happens,” he sneered, “When she finds out? Do you truly believe that the golden princess of the Noldor will forgive you? Do you think she will grant you absolution?” The air was silent until --
“Do you truly believe that she will want you?”
Tags :
Angst | Worship | stripping someone but in a 'worshipping your god' way | Spoilers | Speculation | Potential Major Spoilers | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | they're in LOVE your honour | Confrontations | Post-Episode 6 | Big 'take me to church' vibes | now with added smut | and even more angst | Please note the change in rating | Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Review : 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜
I have to admit I do ship Galadriel and Halbrand mainly because he is Sauron ( yes I'm that bitch ). I've read the Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings and Hobbit and still, Sauron is my baby girl okay. I know he committed war crimes, but babe someone can fix him and her name is Galadriel. This fic has a lot of that even if the end is quite bittersweet, but still I loved it, the smut wasn't as extensive as I would like but still the way that Galadriel is compared to Morgoth in the sense that she is the new "god" that Sauron worships, and that she is the most of the light he would ever know in his lifetime is very good. So for people that have just watched the Rings of Power, and are now as I am shipping Saurondriel.
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conundrumoftime · 25 days
Fic update: Shadow-Bride, chapter 37/45
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His warrior was never one to flinch – not from him, not from anything – but the smith knew fear very well and he could feel it flickering in her like a word unspoken. He wanted at the same time to cast it from her forever and to put his mouth to her flesh and drink it in.
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A little bit of domestic fluff and a proposal to finish off this fic :)
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bad-surprise · 1 year
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but i thought you might
chapter 25: god bless the daylight
haladriel modern au | E | noncon | 118k | 25/26
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lisenberry · 11 days
Lizzah's Haladriel (Halbrand + Galadriel, The Rings of Power) Masterlist
Chef Halbrand - A spicy modern restaurant AU.
The nightly escapades of the staff at Shenanigans, with Galadriel as the new waitress, Celeborn as her boyfriend/boss, and Halbrand as the ex-con line cook.
The ocean is holding all the kings - A collection of related canon adjacent AUs.
Begins with a missing scene of Halbrand crafting Galadriel's suit of armor, and ends with the Galadriel sailing for Valinor at the end of the Third Age.
No Crying (In Baseball) - A League of Their Own AU
While her husband is missing in action and presumed dead in WWII, Goldie O’Finarfin signs up to play baseball in the All Arda Girls Professional Baseball League to distract her from the grief of losing so many of her loved ones to war. She clashes with the surly team manager, Hank Smith, a recently returned veteran battling his own demons.
All the dead seem to know where I am - Hellbrand and Ghouladriel Halloween Week 2023 Entry
One was never to speak of Sauron in the dark, or alone. For his very name was an abomination. A curse. A cautionary tale of what happened to lesser beings who dreamed too loftily, aspired too greatly. Who coveted the power only held by the gods.
It burns like hell when two souls meet - Hellbrand and Ghouladriel Halloween Week 2023 Entry
A horror/noncon, in the vein of the Exorcist, where the demon Sauron possesses human Halbrand, and the nun-in-training Galadriel does her best to save him.
Where you drew the line, I would cross the line (a thousand times) - The Cutting Edge AU
A dubcon romcom with Galadriel as the rich figure skater, and Halbrand as the injured hockey player looking for another chance at glory.
Love is heavy and light, bright and dark - Haladriel Fic Exchange Spring 2024 Entry
A Regency fairytale featuring a ball, a pair of star-crossed lovers, a peculiar dagger, a borrowed dress, and revenge.
Come on love, draw your swords - Roman Empire AU
Galadriel Artanis is the last princess of an ancient Celtic tribe wiped out by General Sauronius, under the command of Emperor Melkor. Sauronius wishes to keep her as his war prize, but she has other plans.
Take care of the blood that your love runs through - Milkman/Appalachia AU
Celeborn leaves his new wife Galadriel home at his dilapidated family farmhouse while he's away on business. Dairy farmer Halbrand stops in to check on his pretty neighbor every now and then.
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shady-swan-jones · 7 days
Haladriel Week 2024 | Day 4: Binding
All It Takes To Bind You
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Men needed rings and ceremony, officiants and family. Did elves marry through mere consummation? Even though there was nothing mere about their– “Are we binded to each other?”
One shot | M | 1.2k
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Day 1: Seawater. Day 2: One Corrupts, Two Bind. Day 3: Unsired
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demonscantgothere · 29 days
Beasts of the Hill and Serpents of the Den. Galadriel/Sauron | Halbrand. Explicit. 206.5k | 4.2k chapter [41/150] Ch. 41: The Center of It All
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During the First Age, the War of Wrath changes course. On the island of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the Isle of Werewolves, one of Sauron’s former strongholds—is the seat of the Necromancer’s power. Instead of sending his wolves out to kill Finrod after capturing Felagund in his dungeons, Sauron demands an exchange for his life. Galadriel offers herself.
“A just distinction,” Írimë conceded, “but the Oath has tainted them with a dark curse, and those sorts of things tend to linger deep within the crevices between. There is no water in all of Arda capable of washing that stain out.”
Galadriel glanced at the Silmaril—and stared within the gleaming fractals of its wonder, the ebb and flow of a gentle kaleidoscope of muted pastels, cool and calm, shifting between varying hues of soft azure, a pure bath of pristine white, the gossamer threads of lavender, and followed at last by a faint hint of rose.
Somewhere, in the midst of all the lovely shades intertwining before her eyes, Galadriel thought she saw a faded sliver of gold shining in the center of them all, more subdued than all the rest.
“Your uncle,” Írimë brought up, reminding Galadriel of his request as her voice fell below her breath in the faintest of whispers, “he had asked for a strand of your hair three times, but you declined him in all. He had intended to use your hair for the Silmarils, imbuing them with your essence.” With an almost imperceptible tilt of her head towards Galadriel, Írimë leaned in closer to her. “He would have made you the center of it all, Galadriel.”
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thrillofhope · 4 months
A silly little bite of Haladriel.
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