#half my family. and yaknow half my country too.
vampirejuno · 1 year
Ok one more thing.
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derireo · 4 years
why does everyone hate yukio what did he do pls gimme some spoilers
almost forgot to answer this! :o for anyone who wants to avoid MAJOR spoilers, please don't proceed any further!
Okay, so here’s the thing. I also don’t know much past Act 1 as I’ve only experienced snippets of Act 2 and Act 3 on Twitter because I don’t really mind spoilers. (Doesn’t really ruin my experience of the game!)
But not everybody hates Yukio. A lot of EN only players tend to have mixed feelings about him or don’t want to judge him yet until we’ve got everything from JP server localised.
Personally, I don’t want to hate Yukio, but it’s kind of hard not to since he’s a father who left his family and friends without any explanation. Just up and left.
Now, here is what we DO know so far from Act 1.
At the very beginning of the game, Izumi receives an invitation that was meant for Yukio. Izumi’s all determined that this is how she’s going to be able to track down her father only to be met with MANKAI that is literally on the verge of getting destroyed to become a cabaret club.
(A cabaret club is kind of like a host club, just more refined and high-class. Tbh, Sakyo could have raked in a lot of cash with that if Izumi didn’t appear.)
Unfortunately, Yukio is nowhere to be seen and Matsukawa has no idea who Izumi is until she explains why she’s there.
Fast forward to where we meet Yuzo. There’s this one scene in Act 1 that happens where Yuzo thinks about how proud Yukio would be if he saw Izumi now. And then there’s another scene where Yuzo is on the phone.
I can’t remember the conversation well, but it was implied/proved/people guessed he was talking to Yukio on the phone.
And like. U know. Let me talk to my fucking dad.
Anyways, I got over that moment pretty quickly bc I was like, whatever, not worth it. I really don’t need a dad in this damn game anyways, but it would’ve been pretty fuckin’ nice right??
That’s pretty much all I know CLEARLY.
But then Act 3 comes along with the original A3! leaders.
As in, the original members of the ORIGINAL MANKAI. You know, the one that Yukio formed back in his late high school days and kept together up until his mid 30/40′s. Before he dipped. Yaknow.
Kasumi (Spring), Hiro (Summer), Zen (Autumn), Syu (Winter).
Kasumi, Hiro, and Zen are the leaders who only have good/neutral opinions on Yukio while Syu seems to despise him. Something happened in the past that left a bad taste in Syu’s mouth, (I vaguely remember what, but I don’t want to say just in case I twist the character’s words) and when he reappears, he kind of voices his distaste for Izumi’s dad.
And then there’s Reni. Oh my god, there’s Reni. I’m not too heated or surprised or intrigued by this information, but MANKAI was founded by both Yukio and Reni. (Correct me if I’m wrong.)
Reni was so enthralled and encouraged by Yukio’s acting, so much so that he agreed to form a troupe with him (or the other way around?).
They worked their asses off gathering members for this troupe, worked so hard until they finally made it big enough to qualify for a Fleur Award. One of the most prestigious of awards to win as a troupe.
But like, something happens??? I don’t know if it was explained yet what exactly happened, but this thing causes Yukio to flee. I don’t know if these are rumors or canon, but people have said that Yukio fled the damn country over something that we don’t know.
Like. Unless ur wanted for murdering someone or because u need to find refuge, I don’t really think u have the right to leave everyone and everything in the dust just because u fucked up.
Doesn’t matter if it was to save the company or the faces of the people he worked with because either way, the company nearly fell apart with Sakyo and he’s made an enemy of Reni and fuckin’ Syu, the boomer e-boy (attack me, idc) doesn’t like him either.
Anyways, these are just things I’ve read in passing so take this info like a grain of salt or just completely disregard me.
FOR ME, PERSONALLY. I just don’t like absent fathers.
How many games have I gone through where the MC has no dad or has lost a dad (I’m looking at u Fire Emblem. Especially you, Three Houses. I want Jeralt back).
And then very personally, I grew up without a dad and was raised by my two older brothers. My mom was busy working so many jobs that I rarely saw her, and even with my brothers around, I was still left to my own devices because they were busy with school and working as well.
My dad left my family in debt. He was absent for more than half of my life. I had no idea where he was, I was never told why he wasn’t with us, I have no recollection of having him in my life.
Izumi’s lucky enough to remember Yukio since he left her when she was still in her teens so she can still cherish those happy memories, but it’s also unfortunate that she has to live the rest of her life without her dad (assuming that he isn’t going to come back or make an appearance).
The absence of my dad took a huge toll on my family, to be honest. My mom worked tirelessly and my brothers had no one to go to. My brothers fell into this lifestyle of gang violence, substances, and lots of illegal activity. There was really no one there to steer them away because I was too young and my mom wasn’t there enough (I can’t blame her).
It’s not hard to imagine that Izumi lived similarly to me. Being an only child in her case, she was probably alone most of the time when her mom was working. 
Doing the chores at home, staying out late because she doesn’t want to come back to an empty house, getting a job and involving herself in way too many extracurriculars so she has an excuse not to be at home.
I’m actually really surprised that Liber hasn’t made Izumi resent Yukio because I know I would be super fucking pissed rather than be keen on discovering his whereabouts. I don’t give a fuck.
I know it’s just a game, but damn, bro.
Anyways, I’m just one of many few who dislike Yukio and it may be because of personal reasons (I know that for me, it is very very personal).
Don’t let my opinion sway you, really, I think you should experience everything in EN server when the time comes to really form an opinion. I know for me, whatever happens next with Yukio, if it’s good news like he’s coming back or he has a good reason for leaving, it’s going to be very difficult for me to be okay with just that.
The jealousy, loneliness, and pondering your worth as a child??? God, I wish that was never me. And to think Izumi probably had to go through that during her teen years??? Phew, I think a lot of us know that feeling too well.
I actually have a WIP that I started last month that touched bases on Izumi’s growing up through high school without Yukio so if I ever get back to that again, you’ll kind of get to see my self-projection lols.
Anyways. that’s all I have. Hope this answered your question, anon! Thanks for asking. 
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treesilohuettes · 6 years
The 50 Question Tag
Nobodhy 1. What time is it for you? 2:37pm
2. Where are you right now?  work
3. What is the last thing you ate? rice and beef
4. How long have you been on Tumblr? started in 2011 but deleted in 2014ish-then restarted in 2015 lol
5. What is your occupation/year in school? just finished 2nd year uni - summer job in an HVAC company office
6. What is the last text you sent and to whom? to my boyfriend ‘okay’
7. What’re your favorite things to do to relax/unwind? laughing with
8. Have you traveled outside your home country? Where? 
9. Where would you like to visit if you could go anywhere? 
10. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next few days? my bday and my boyfriends coming to see me
11. Do you have any siblings? How many? 1 half brother
12. Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? Night
13. Sweet or savory? Sweet usually
14. Natural look or glamorous look? Natural look
15. Reading or writing? reading
16. Left-handed or right-handed? right-handed
17. Dine out or dine in? depends what food it is lol
18. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
19. Make music or listen to music? singing (not well lol)
20. Sunset or sunrise? Sunset
21. Listener or talker? Listener
22. City or countryside? County!!
23. Describe the last dream you can remember? i dream everynight and they either (to some degree) involve transit, shopping and/or betrayal (they’re never good lol)
24. Describe a dream or nightmare that you can never forget? Years ago i had the same dream occasionally and it started with me (young) outside a bar/restaurant behind the garbage cans - when i went inside my papa was there but a younger version of him 
25. Have you ever smoked? What did you smoke and what was it like? Only have ever smoked weed and i still do its awesome and chill
26. What is an embarrassing moment you’ve experienced? it was the cross country running around the school yard and i had to pee so bad but couldnt go back so i low key peed my pants lol (like gr 4)
27. Do you like music? What’s your favorite genre? Love music it’s so powerful, my fav genre is Ed Sheeran lmao
28. Ever performed in a play or a concert? What was it like? school concert as the drummer - nervous cuz the whole band depends on my speed!!
29. One habit you’re trying to start? Eating more healthier/gym
30. One habit you’re trying to quit? eating shit and hating on myself lol
31. Do you know what you want to do in 10 years? TRAVEL
32. Do you worry about more often about the past or the future? The past lol idk why
33. Are you in a relationship? Yes <3
34. Describe a date that went horribly wrong? (Or wonderfully great, you pick) cute af date was with my current boyfriend and we went on a picnic and smoked and chilled on the swings/playground 
35. Would you call yourself a dreamer? fo’ sho’
36. An overachiever? depends but yeah (especially school)
37. A hopeless romantic? Yessss
38. Who are your role models and why? I have so many strong women in my life - but my mom for sure, she’s been through hell a thousand times and back and still loves life
39. What do you tend to spend your money on the most? food and transit
40. Put your music on shuffle. What is the song? Lay It All On Me by Rudimental and Ed Sheeran
41. Would you risk your life to save someone else? Yes, most of my family, my boyfriend, and my best friend - depending on the situation it could be a stranger too yaknow?
42. Have any scars? If you want to share, how did you get them? random little ones that i forget where i got them
43. Do you want to get married? doesn’t matter to me - if i want to spend the rest of my life with someone, then i will
44. Have kids? How many? No
45. What is the one thing that never fails to make you smile? My boyfriend
46. What is one thing you learned today? Standing up and saying no to my dad without feeling bad (slowly learning but so much shit today is pushing me over the edge)
47. Are you happy with where you are at right now? I am!
48. List 5 things you cannot live without 1) my mom 2) my boyfriend 3) music 4) art/crafts 5) nature
49. What is your best quality? I’m a great listener and can give good advice
50. If you could meet anyone from history who would it be and why? so many people but definalty many Budda’s - especially the historical Buddha  Siddhartha Gautama
Now go and tag some people!!
I TAG: @valarious  @nobodhy  @jozacoh @clearlypositive @glitterandhailandunicorntails @angel-im-trying​ @gvmes @plugsanddrugs- @nectarine-ish @shadow-insomniac @proevil (and anyone else who sees the post and wants to do it!)
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