#this holier than thou attitude drives me up the fucking wall it really does
vampirejuno · 1 year
Ok one more thing.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 034 [Jen versus Iida]
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Word Count: 2,040
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〈“Take the hurt and the pain, I don’t need it! I wanna live, I wanna be the change. We can all be kings and queens, if we can just learn to believe.” Thousand Foot Krutch, “Fly on the Wall”〉
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I made my way back to the seating area for my class, settling down behind Fumi. The match had already begun and Ochaco was going on the offensive first.
“Wow, look at her go! That’s a good start and all she has to do is touch him one time!” Zuku spoke up, his eyes shining with excitement.
“But it won’t be easy. You know Bakugo’s not gonna let her get too close to him.” Iida added.
“Which is why he won’t dodge. He’ll focus his energy on counter-attacking!”
She got in close to him and with a sweep of his hand, Bakugo launched an explosion at her. All of us were on the edge of our seats.
“Woah! She flew her jacket over as a decoy, what incredibly quick thinking!”
Ochaco appeared behind him, reaching her hand out but he whipped around, sending her flying backward with another explosion.
“Look at that reaction time!” Sero exclaimed.
“Seriously, that dude’s insane…” Sparky commented. “You can’t get the drop on him. And since Uraraka can’t use her quirk unless she touches him, his lightning-fast reflexes put her at a huge disadvantage.”
I wanted to make a smart remark to him but the sudden explosion in Ochaco’s face made me flinch, keeping my eyes on the match. I knew deep down that if he actually held back, it would be an insult to both of them, but still… it’s a painful match to watch. I can’t imagine someone so goddamn pure being on the battlefield, ya know? I kinda wish she didn’t want to be a hero.
Warmth enveloped my hand, breaking me from my thoughts. I hadn’t even realized how hard I was gripping Fumi’s shoulders until his hand rested over mine. I mumbled a quiet apology, loosening my grip but not pulling back.
Ochaco appeared behind him again to the same result as before. Over and over again, she kept getting blasted only to get back up and keep fighting. Why? What the fuck is driving her? Pushing her to give it her all? I just don’t get it, man. It’s obvious to everyone that she’s outmatched, and I hate to think that, but Bakugo is just in another league when it comes to combat. Even so… she keeps getting up. I know she wants to be a pro hero, but she doesn’t have to get her ass kicked by Bakugo to do it!
“Looks like she’s not resting between attacks despite being exploded. Poor girl…” Mic’s voice was low and devoid of his usual enthusiasm. What a fucking buzzkill. And then the audience started to buzz like angry bees.
“Hey, shouldn’t one of the teachers step in?”
“Yeah, this is too rough.”
“This is shameful! Listen, kid!” A man in the audience stood up, raising his voice as he pointed down at Bakugo. “You really want to be a hero? Then stop acting like a bully? If you’re so good, then just send her out of bounds!”
“Who the fuck -” I growled, standing up as my blood started to boil. “- does that dickbag think he is?”
“W-Winchester, calm down!” Sparky cried, swallowing hard.
“Stop toying with her and end this match!”
“Yeah, you heard the guy!”
“The crowd is now booing Bakugo!”
I rushed forward, jumping up onto the railing as my skin started to glow red. My narrowed eyes swept over the crowd before landing on the man that started this. “Shut the fuck up, all of you! All of you fuckers came here to watch these fucking kids beat the ever-living shit out of one another and now you want to boo and cry foul?!” My hands shook as small flames licked at my fingertips. “What fucking hypocrites! What right do you have to order that this match be stopped, huh?! Fucking Ochaco is fighting her fucking hardest to win, and so is Katsuki! You’re really going to rob her of her chance because you can’t handle it?! Stop being a pussy or fucking leave!”
“Winchester is now insulting the crowd! To be honest, I kind of agree with what the crowd is sayin – hey, woah! What the crap?!”
“Where is the man who started this uproar? Are you a pro?” Aizawa demanded angrily. “Because if you’re being serious, you can go home and hang up your cape! I’d suggest looking into a new career.”
I snarled at the man, waving my hand like I was shooing away a bug. “You heard ’em! Scurry off with your tail between your legs, you fuckin’ cunt.”
His eyes narrowed at me. “You rude little b -”
“Bakugo’s fierceness is an acknowledgment of his opponent’s strength. He knows she deserves to have made it this far, so he’s making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay and come out on top.”
“I think it’s about time,” Ochaco said, grabbing everyone’s attention as she breathed heavily. “Thank you, Bakugo, for keeping your eyes focused on me!”
Wait a minute… my eyes widened as my gaze snapped up. Ochaco, you little fucking minx! I didn’t notice it because I was so worried about her, but now everything makes sense. She kept attacking non-stop to distract Bakugo while she used her quirk to float up the debris he had made with his explosions.
With a cry, she brought her fingertips together. All at once, the debris started to fall from the sky, shooting toward Bakugo like angry missiles.
“A meteor shower!!”
“Now you notice…”
“She had a plan all along!” Zuku jumped up, gripping the railing.
Ochaco rushed at him, using the debris as a distraction. Bakugo held his wrist, the other palm facing toward the sky. He unleashed a powerful, large blast, the force nearly knocking me off the railing as it sent Ochaco flying backward. I huffed, kneeling down to grab the railing between my feet.
“Bakugo banks out a huge demonstration of power! He blasted apart Uraraka’s finishing move and remains untouched!”
No, he ain’t untouched. It’s really fucking subtle, but his hand is shaking. That blast took a lot of out him.
Ochaco shakily climbed to her feet and Bakugo rushed forward to attack, stopping short when she fell over, hitting the ground. Poor girl, she’s completely spent.
“Uraraka is down!!”
“It’s too much…” Iida breathed out.
“Yeah,” Zuku nodded worriedly. “She’s way past her limit.”
Ochaco started to crawl across the ground toward Bakugo, still not wanting to give up. Holy fucking Deadpool in a tutu, I never knew that girl had so much fucking drive within her. Midnight held her hand up to Bakugo and he relaxed his stance as she rested her hand on Ochaco’s back.
“Uraraka is K.O’d. Bakugo advances to the next round.”
“And that’s it for the second round! Ah, I was really pulling for her… Oh yeah, I guess Bakugo is moving on…”
I sweatdropped. Note to self: Kick the cockatiel next time I see him.
“You’re supposed to be unbiased, you know.”
“Let’s try to forget that depressing outcome!”
“Or not.”
“With that, the second round is complete! We’re taking a quick break and then we’re back with more matches!”
I hopped down from the railing and rushed off before anyone could stop me, heading toward the waiting room. Man, that was the most intense match, I hope Ochaco is okay. I bet she’s upset about losing, but she should feel proud. She did really fucking well against Katsuki. I rolled my neck as I stepped into the air-conditioned room. My match against Iida is next. He always annoys the piss of out me, so I surely don’t mind getting the chance to unleash some hell on him.
“Woohoo!! We’re finally about to learn who the winner is in the eleventh match – Kirishima or Tetsutetsu! Whoever prevails in this arm-wrestling match will advance to the third round! Let’s go!!”
I fell into the chair with a sigh, letting my head fall back. All this way and I can still hear that fucker as if he were standing here screaming in my damn ear. That’s one hell of a quirk, bro. I hope Kirishima wins his match. He’s so strong and full of spirit, but he lacks confidence in his abilities. I should really talk to him about that. Maybe I can take a piece of paper and write ‘You are strong, you are awesome, stop doubting yourself’ and smack him in the face with it. Why stop there? I need to do the same for Zuku.
“Kirishima earns his spot in the third round!”
Atta boy, Kirishima.
“Now we’ve got a full roster for the next round of the tournament! Let’s get the party started now, ya dig?!”
That’s my cue, ugh. I left the room, heading down the hallway.
“The first match of round three! He comes from an elite hero family, from the hero course, Tenya Iida! Versus! Her origins are completely unknown, also from the hero course, Jen Winchester!”
I sweatdropped as I stepped out into the sunlight. Elite versus unknown, huh? How fucking annoying. Iida’s eyes narrowed at me from across the arena, his voice low and full of distaste. “I don’t trust you, Winchester. Your attitude leaves much to be desired and you always act as if you know something we don’t, like you’re hiding something.”
I scoffed. “And? As if your holier than thou attitude is any better. Always prancing around like you’re better than everyone else, ordering people around like their beneath you, telling people how they should be acting. I’m gonna be honest, I’m really going to fucking enjoy knocking your ass down a few pegs, elite.”
My body temperature shot up as fire swirled across the ground in front of me. He took off running, his speed enough to dodge the onset of flames. I scowled, my eyes following his movement. There’s no point in trying to chase the fucker around, he’s too damn fast for me to catch. Instead, I’ll create an opening and let him come to me. Just as my flames were dying down behind me, he appeared in the air in front of me.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
“What incredible height on that jump! He easily cleared the flames surrounding her!”
“Recipro… burst!!” His leg connected with my forehead and I gritted my teeth, feeling my bones cracking from the force. Before I could recover, he landed and jumped again, slamming his leg against my stomach. The force sent me flying across the ring. I coughed loudly, wincing in pain. Fucking hell.
“Look at that speed! Winchester can’t react in time!”
Che. I grunted, slamming my palms against the ground as he rushed forward, but a wall of flames shot up between us, making him stumble backward. I coughed again as I pulled myself up. So he wants to end this quickly, huh? I wonder why that is? Doesn’t matter. If he wants to end is to quickly, who the fuck am I to deny him that?
Limit release!!
My shirt shattered as power rose from within me, rushing through my body.
“Oh no, it looks like Winchester is finally starting to get serious! I hope she doesn’t kill him…”
“She won’t.”
Thanks for believing in me, Dadzawa. I grinned, focusing my attention behind Iida. I appeared behind him just as he tried to jump over the flames again. Using his momentum against him, I slammed my flaming fist against his back, quickly grabbing his wrist before he could go flying. I turned my body once before throwing him toward the arena. His body slammed against the cement, rising up a few inches before falling back down. He grunted in pain, his eyes glassy.
“Learned that move from watching All Might at the USJ,” I grinned.
His teeth clenched and his hand shot up, snatching my wrist to pull me closer. He lifted both legs, slamming his feet against my stomach. The impact lifted me off the ground and knocked the wind from my lungs. Using what little bit of power he had left, he picked me up and tried to carry my body out of bounds, but flames erupted around me and he yelped, dropping me. I rolled, landing on my knees a foot away from him.
“Iida almost got Winchester out of bounds, but she saved herself at the last moment! How will this fight turn out?!”
I tasted metal on my tongue and spat out blood onto the concrete before wiping my hand with the back of my hand. “Is that all you got, prep? Sorry, but I ain’t that easy.”
His eyes narrowed and he made a move like he was going to rush me, but his foot only slip forward a bit, fists clenching at his sides.
“What’s wrong, bud? Run out of gas?” I smirked, holding my flaming hand up. “I hope you’re ready for this because it’s really gonna fucking hurt.” I flipped my hand over and the flames shot down into the cement before shooting up toward the sky. Like a huge wave of flame, it crashed into his body and forced him back out of bounds. My lips twitched up as it pinned him to the wall, the cement cracking behind him.
Midnight rushed up in front of me, giving me a sharp look as she held out her hand. I clicked my tongue and flipped my hand back over, the flames shooting back toward me as they died down until there were nothing but embers against my palm, floating away on the gentle breeze.
“Iida is out of bounds! Winchester advances to the next round!”
“Shooting into our hearts like a wave of fire, Winchester wins the first match of round three and advances to the semi-finals!!”
I stuffed my uninjured arm into my pocket and stepped down the stairs toward the hallway. As soon as the darkness surrounded me, I released my form, my shirt returning to me as pain started to overwhelm the adrenaline. I groaned. My arm fucking hurts. My stomach fucking hurts. I’m tired. I’m hungry. This is fucking torture.
Fucking bastard, I shouldn’t have held back. I admit, I underestimated him…
I released a breath as I turned the corner, grunting when I nearly ran into someone. I tried to walk around the kid, but he held his arms out, a haughty expression on his face. “What’s this? Is someone from 1-A actually injured? I thought all of you were too strong to be hurt and yet all of you keep getting injured. How shameful!”
I deadpanned. “Bro, I ain’t in the mood for your inferiority complex. Move the fuck out of my way before I shove a chimichanga up your ass.”
A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek and he swallowed hard, but that infuriating smirk didn’t falter. “That’s not a very heroic thing to say, is it! Looks like 1-A is training villains, not heroes. You, Bakugo and Todoroki aren’t fit to be heroes. Did you see how Bakugo treated that poor girl? And Todoroki went way too far against the tape boy. And there’s you. How shameful for you all!”
My eyes narrowed and I straightened my back. I’ve got a few inches on this brat, good. “You should really learn to keep your fuckin’ mouth shut, kid.”
He hummed, his smirk growing. “Everyone says class A is better simply because you all faced off against real villains, but we all know that your class did nothing in the attack! You only survived because of the teachers! Everyone saw how easily Shiozaki beat that electric freak! Such a loser, don’t you agree? And that poor gravity girl, who let her in the hero course? She’s not fit to be a -”
My fist slammed against his face. I felt the crunch and heard the crack before he cried out, falling to the ground and cradling his nose. I kneeled down beside him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt to bring his face closer to mine. “Now you listen here, you little fuck. I don’t know what your fucking problem is with my class and I honestly have no fucks to give you, but you better get this straight right now – Katsuki may be a total pain in the ass with the temperament of a deranged chihuahua, but he’s going to make a damn good hero one day! And yeah, Sparky can be a total dunce most of the time, but he’s still a better person than you could ever hope to be. Todoroki is a total edgelord with major daddy issues, but he’s fucking working on it, and he’ll be a damn good hero, too! Every single fucker in class 1-A – minus Mineta – is amazing in their own way and every one of them will be an amazing hero!”
I took a breath, clenching my fist tighter. “Yeah, they all have their issues and I’m convinced they are certifiably insane, but at least they don’t go around putting people down! At least they fucking try and don’t give up! Maybe if you fucking stopped belittling those better than you and actually focused on yourself, you can become half as good as those fucking brats are. Finally, don’t you ever put Ochaco’s name in your filthy ass mouth. You got a goddamn problem with class A? Then you got a fucking problem with me, kid, and I’m a fucking woman – I hold grudges for fucking decades!”
His eyes were wide and full of fear, blood leaking through his fingers.
“Holy crap…”
My eyes shot up and I cursed. Standing at the end of the hall was Sparky, Sero, Ryuu, Kendo, all looking at me with wide eyes. “Fuck my life…”
Kendo cleared her throat as she approached, taking the boy by the back of his collar. “I told you to stop messing with class A, Monoma, didn’t I? Now, look at what happened. Are you alright?”
Monoma stood up on his own, his voice nasally. “Ahahaha! I’m perfectly fine! As expected from a student of class 1-A, that punch was weak!”
Ryuu sweatdropped. “That bleeding nose of yours says something different…”
He simply humphed and walked away with Kendo following behind. Ryuu bit his lip, glancing at me. He looked like he wanted to say something but I refused to meet his eyes and he sighed, following after his classmates.
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pretty-perdita · 7 years
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Perdita Mariel Faye -- Character Sheet
and people don't ever let you down / forever find a way to kill whatever love they've found / a heart beat and I want it too / manhattan is where she grew so i left and i let the flower be / and yesterday saw the flower on cable tv / much prettier than here with me / for all of the world to see
Archetype — The Ruler Birthday — July 6, 1994 Zodiac Sign —  Cancer MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — 4, the individualist Temperament — melancholic Hogwarts House — Slytherin Moral Alignment — True Neutral Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Fire
Mother — Abigail Faye (nee Lewinsky) (FC: Kristi Allen) Father — Michael Faye (FC: William Shatner) Mother’s Occupation — socialite/homemaker Father’s Occupation — private banker/wall street broker Family Finances — wealthy Birth Order — second child Brothers —  Edmund (26, FC: Chris Pine) Sisters — Ophelia and Rosaline (17 in November; FCs: Camilla and Rebecca Rosso) Other Close Family — Penelope and Patrick Patts (children, 1 year olds) Best Friend — Anita Dearly; Georgette Midler (childhood best friend) Other Friends — Roger Radcliffe, Annette Grant, Raksha Bendiya, Enemies — Toulouse Bonfamille, Marie Bonfamille, Al McWiggin, Cruella deVil, Chester Glass, really so many people Pets — Viola, dalmatian. (Really Anita’s but she lives with her.) Home Life During Childhood — A Daddy’s Girl. She was the picture perfect angelic daughter, until she got her heartbroken. Then she turned into a rebel. Her and her mother had an awful, toxic relationship. Her mom was an alcoholic and was always judging Perdy (her looks, her attitude, her body, etc etc). Her father didn’t really do anything to stop it. She had a good relationship with her older brother Edmund, they are very close. Has a contentious relationship with her sisters, but she loves the little shits. Town or City Name(s) — New York City, NY USA; Cambridge, England What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Perdita’s house has five floors, but the top floor is just a little hallway and a bedroom with a bathroom attached. This was Edmund’s room until he left for the military when he was 18 (when Perdita was about 14.) Then, Perdita took it over. It was decorated with all white furniture and dark pink almost magenta accents. Always messy, her clothes thrown about and make up all over her vanity. After her boyfriend broke her heart, she changed everything to dark reds because she was dramatic like that. The furniture stayed white, though. Any Sports or Clubs — Martial Arts (she’s a blackbelt); was in clubs like student council and stuff when she was younger, but after her sophomore year she dropped out of most clubs. Schooling — Private Jewish school from Pre-K to middle school, some preppy school in NYC for high school, Cambridge University for college--double major in mathematics and literature. Favorite Subject — Math Popular or Loner — Popular Important Experiences or Events — The first time she got drunk. When her boyfriend broke her heart. When she saw her mother really, truly drunk the first time. Nationality — American Culture — Jewish/American Religion and beliefs — Jewish, mostly non practicing. She does the big stuff like Hanukkah and Passover.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Yael Grobglas Complexion — golden skin tone, she can get very tan and surprisingly does not sunburn easily. Has a decent amount of acne though her skin has gotten much better since being pregnant. Has breakouts though because she doesn’t take her makeup off properly (wears it to bed sometimes and wears it for exercising.) Hair Colour — golden blonde Eye Colour — blue Height — 5’8 Build — tall, very beautiful, long legs. Slender, has put on weight around her hips because of babies, but stays well-toned. Takes very good care of her body. Tattoos — none Piercings — ears (probably double holes and maybe a cartilage); used to have nose piercing but she took it out when she was like 19-20; used to have belly button piercing but not since she had babies. Common Hairstyle — down, in waves that she normally enhances with a curler (her natural waves are more tight than the loose ones she does). Hates putting her hair up and does it only on very rare occasions. Clothing Style — fashionable. Wears a lot of bright colors. Keeps up to date with fashion trends. Designer brands. Lots of accessories (is always wearing earrings/necklaces/bracelets/different handbags) Mannerisms — Rarely fidgets. Crosses her arms over her chest a lot because she does it when she’s anxious or feeling exposed. Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Actually, yes. Perdita gets colds very easily and she has allergies so she’s constantly taking medicine for those. When she travels she tends to get sick. Physical Ailments — None, she’s pretty fit. Maybe a little anemic post-babies. Neurological Conditions — Post-partum depression (medicated). Allergies —  none really except general allergies in the spring/summer Grooming Habits — excellent. Perdita takes great care of herself. Her worst habit is going to sleep with her makeup on sometimes. Sleeping Habits — Perdita has turned into a back sleeper since the babies. She also sleeps very deeply. Being a single mom to twin toddlers, and the assistant to a high fashion designer is taxing. Eating Habits — she eats kosher most of the time. Also is very health-conscious (almost to a fault.) She rarely eats sweets. Exercise Habits — Perdita is getting back into kickboxing. She does a lot of yoga/pilates to keep her body #tight because she’s worried about the weight she gained while pregnant. She’s very body/health conscious.   Emotional Stability — haha. Well--if we don’t include her depression, Perdita is definitely solid mentally. She knows who she is. She is unapologetic about it. Internally, she’s quite insecure, but she mostly ignores that little voice (except for in her appearance, which she takes great care of and pride in.) Body Temperature — moderate. She can definitely get cold. She hates extreme temperatures in either direction because she’s rather “cold blooded” aka her temperature changes with the air around her. Sociability — Perdita is super extroverted. She’s very good with people. Knowing their weaknesses. Analyzing them. She uses her extrovert personality as a weapon. Addictions — none Drug Use —  none; used to do party drugs/smoked weed on occasion, used pretty bad in high school. Also, she takes prescribed anti-depressants Alcohol Use — drinks pretty regularly but rarely gets horribly drunk
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — bites her nails really lowkey, though she won’t admit it. Also she picks at the split ends in her hair all the time. Also is way defensive. She’s quick to snap at people. Good Habits — Takes care of herself and her body. Takes care of the people closest to her. Best Characteristic — Her fierceness. Worst Characteristic — She’s also a coward lmao Worst Memory — When she got her heart broken when she was 16. Best Memory — When the babies were born and the four of them were all happy and healthy and together. Proud of — her babies, her friends, the fact that she has come back from her post-partum Embarrassed by — not a lot, tbh. Except maybe like her ears. Driving Style — perdita never learned how to drive growing up rich in NYC pfft Strong Points — She doesn’t let herself be defeated. Even if she is inwardly crumbling, she refuses to break. She’s very resilient. Temperament — I promise you she’s level-headed--okay, well, level-headed on her way to hot-headed. She is chill until you annoy her. Also a very defensive person. Attitude — Holier-than-thou. She definitely thinks that she is better than almost everyone else. Weakness — her babies, loving people. Fears — being made fun of, being a loser lmao Phobias — none, but she’s really not a fan of spiders/other creepy crawlies Secrets — that she has post-partum. Only the quartet know about that. Regrets — Leaving Paul and taking the babies from him. Feels Vulnerable When — all the fucking time man. Pet Peeves — incompetent people Conflicts — her pride v her heart Motivation — to keep her family safe; to prove to her mother she’s worth something Short Term Goals and Hopes — to be a good mother, to get better (from her post-partum) Long Term Goals and Hopes — to be a good mother, to make something of herself. Sexuality — she’s p fuckin straight. Would make out w girls at like parties and shit. Day or Night Person — a night owl, tbh. Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — realist.
Likes and Styles:
Music — Broadway!! Her favorite. She loves Anything Goes. That’s her favorite musical, but she likes pretty much all of them. Her favorites are the oldies though. The classics. She really likes Cats (ironically), Phantom, Les Mis, Hairspray...she also has a secret soft spot for some old country like Sheryl Crow and Shania Twain. Books — Perdita read a lot in college, as a literature major, she kind of had to, but she never really liked reading. It was perfectly fine and all, but she much preferred her math classes. Magazines — All the magazines. Perdita is a fan of gossip and has to always keep up with the latest fashion trends and celebrity scandal. Foods — Perdita really likes salads. No. She like--actually likes them. I know, she’s weird. Loves a good italian dressing, though and olives and spinach mmmm Drinks — Red wine. That’s her favorite. Though, she’s also a fan of prosecco. If we’re going nonalcoholic she hates orange juice, her mom used to force her to drink it because Perdy had a weak immune system. She loves lemonade and sweet tea though. Animals — She likes pretty animals--like horses and big cats and wolves. Also, a fan of dogs. But, mostly she’s pretty indifferent to animals. Sports — Paul lowkey totally got Perdita into football. Also, her dad likes to watch American football, so she always was watching sports growing up. Also baseball. Yankee fans, ofc. Social Issues — Perdita is a feminist, but it is a problematic kind of feminism. It’s hard to explain because she thinks women are better than men, but she definitely engages in toxic misogynistic (girl hate) behavior and stuff like that. Color — White. She loves the cleanness of it and how it goes with everything and is a daring color. Not many people wear white. Clothing — Fashionable. Designer as much as possible. Bold, bright colors. Always dressed to impress. Jewelry — Lots of gold, not as much a fan of silver. Earrings/necklaces/bracelets most days. She’s toned down the jewelry because babies like to pull on things. Games — Perdita actually loves video games. She’ll play pretty much anything. She loves racing games and shoot ‘em up games. Websites — Anything gossipy. Also a big instagramer. Ofc. Twitter too, probably. Facebook. Tumblr. All social media. Greatest Want — to be successful and to be loved Greatest Need — to forgive herself and to apologize for the wrongs she’s done.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — she lives in an apartment with Anita in the Benbow. 101, first floor. Household furnishings — it’s a ragtag bunch of furniture. They got donations mostly from Sarabi and Simba and the Grants. Lots of baby stuff, everywhere. It’s a bit crowded but nice enough. Favorite Possession — Her wardrobe that she managed to scavenge. Most Cherished Possession — The baby blanket that Edmund brought her when he told her to run. Neighborhood — they live in Benbow, near the university campus Town or City Name — Swynlake, Wiltshire County, UK Details of Town or City — magick-friendly, small, country, etc Married Before — No. Significant Other Before — Connor Madison, broke her heart when she was 16. String of lovers after that. Paul Patts -- father of her children. Children — Penelope Eowyn Patts and Patrick Aaron Patts. 1 year old. Relationship with Family — A Daddy’s Girl. She was the picture perfect angelic daughter, until she got her heartbroken. Then she turned into a rebel. Her and her mother had an awful, toxic relationship. Her mom was an alcoholic and was always judging Perdy (her looks, her attitude, her body, etc etc). Her father didn’t really do anything to stop it. She had a good relationship with her older brother Edmund, they are very close. Has a contentious relationship with her sisters, but she loves the little shits. Car — none. Career — assistant to Duchess LaBlanc Dream Career — a statistician for a large company Dream Life — together w Paul, married, with their babies. I cry. Love Life — Lol. Nonexistent at the moment. Still in love with Paul. Talents or Skills — A whiz at numbers. Also not a bad dancer. A black belt in karate. Intelligence Level — Very intelligent. Finances — She’s good at budgeting but she does not have a lot of money.
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — she didn’t work except for a few internships at big wig companies during university. Past Lovers — Connor Madison, broke her heart when she was 16. String of lovers after that. Paul Patts -- father of her children. Biggest Mistakes — leaving Paul. Biggest Achievements — Becoming Duchess’ assistant. Staying on her feet after being disowned. Having her babies.
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