#half-dragon shapeshifter
kawaii-queen-kaiju · 6 months
My D&D character: Queen Kaiju! XD
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Pretty good for my first digital piece in almost a year, huh?
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canonkiller · 4 months
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new beastie UFS on toyhouse! collab with @nejinrou that I was embarrassingly late doing the dragon form for
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drawnecromancy · 5 months
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Sometimes a silly bird disguised as a human sits on a dragon's hoard of gold and tries to seduce him.
Community label for it being vaguely suggestive I guess.
Art taglist : @jezifster @isabellebissonrouthier (feel free to ask to be added to the list!)
#art#my art#sketches#the fall of neseah#mecarevainen#look. he has a dragon boyfriend. he will sit seductively on said dragon boyfriend's hoard#i think it is very funny that this guy is just collecting loved ones. he has a wife. a dragon boyfriend/mate. a fae boyfriend.#he's highly unusual for his species not because he has a bunch of partners but because none of them are phoenixes#like they're not supposed to be able to shapeshift he's just a very good mage and kind of insane#(runs in the family. look at Maran.)#which means that he gets to do that#and literally every other phoenix ever is like 'yeah this is Mecarevainen he's fucking weird but he's pretty cool we like him'#'did you hear he turned himself into a human man last week ?'#'oh yeah he got human married to a human lady. wild'#his exes either find it very funny or very annoying#his kids (HE HAS PHOENIX CHILDREN. THIS IS A FATHER OF MANY KIDS and not a deadbeat the birds r just all adults)#probably are aware of his shenanigans#and once he has kids with Ulevan (the human queen) they probably visit like hello siblings! !!!#making neseah an interesting place for a while. there's just a fuckton of birds that speak directly in your brain#because their half siblings just happen to be the princes and princesses of the country#and nowadays most of this is considered legends that probably hold a part of reality (the very skilled mages n the queen having an affinity#-for the birds) but no one actually thinks Ulevan had children with a legit fucking phoenix and her kids were half birds.#Mecarevainen is the funniest motherfucker I've written lately
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kythecorg · 8 months
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My character Blaze in that sleeveless top drawing meme thingy. Also just wanted to redraw Blaze after so long of not updating her. Also also her age is subject to change, but so is her form technically so.. ;P.
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ace-malarky · 4 months
Shapeshifter WIP shenanigans!
This is from when Syn has Commenced Their Spying Activities and are in The Other Place and is mayyyyyybe feeling a little bit overwhelmed
in which Bryn tries to sound out Val and finds that she really wants to just help them out as much as she can
Bryn hummed a soft tune as she carded through the wool, the sound a sweet counterpoint to the city life happening beyond her fence. At this time of day, it was all children and their older siblings on their way to school. A fair few of them called out to greet her, waving.
Their fathers and mothers had done much the same earlier, on their way to work.
Bryn spared them all a smile and a wave, a word for those that stayed longer at her fence, as she always had. As she always would.
When the last of the children had gone by and the street fell silent once more, Bryn kept working. Her humming grew louder, occasionally letting words slip out.
Somewhere – perhaps the house across the street and three down, they were always leaving seed out – birds were singing their own chorus.
Bryn stopped her hands and closed her eyes to listen better, marking the changes to their songs and varied calls.
She heard the footsteps coming down the street. As much as whoever they were was trying to be quiet, there must have been metal on the soles of their boots that clicked against the stone slabs.
“Ms Bryn?”
She opened her eyes to see that young dragon touched standing at her fence. “Val. How lovely to see you! Come in, come in, I’ll put the kettle on.” She stood, carefully setting the wool to the side.
Val pushed open the gate and latched it behind them, crossing the small garden in three strides.
Bryn entered her house. “Make yourself at home. There are slippers if you would like a pair.”
The younger dragon touched nodded and placed a hand against the wall to steady themself as they took their boots off.
Bryn set about picking out cups and a teapot and yesterday’s tea loaf. “I’m afraid it’s not newly baked, but it keeps well. Do you like tea loaf?”
“Yes, thank you.” Val followed her into the kitchen. “I should have brought something with me, I’m sorry.”
“The next time, dear.” Bryn smiled at them.
There was a silver chain wrapped around one of their horns that hadn’t been there before. It was a delicate thing, with twisting charms that looked like antlers bearing droplets of gems.
“I’m glad to see you’ve started to make connections,” she said, although that chain looked like far too much for a new acquaintance.
“Oh.” Val tilted their head, raising a hand to touch the hanging gems. “It’s – this is from home. From a friend. I didn’t want to risk it on the road.”
That rang true, even if it didn’t sing quite right.
“They must be an important friend.”
“Yes,” Val said softly. “She is.”
Bryn set a slice of the loaf before them. “I’m afraid I can’t quite get the same fruit down here, but I do my best.” She poured the tea.
“It looks good.” Al picked up the tray.
Bryn ushered them through into her receiving room and pointed them to the couch.
“Do you play?” Val’s gaze caught on the piano as they scanned the room.
“I teach the children, when they’re curious,” Bryn replied. “I haven’t played myself in a long time.” She sat down, pulling a coaster nearer to her end of the table and setting her cup on it. “Do you play?”
“Not really. I’ve dabbled a bit, but nothing ever really seems to stick.” Val turned their hands over.
Their hands were thickset, like the rest of them. Short and stubby, the knuckles scabbed. They didn’t look like musician’s hands, but Val handled the delicate tea cup with care.
“I wanted to thank you,” they said. “For inviting me round. You didn’t have to do that.”
“There are so few of us here.” Bryn shook her head. “I came down with my family. I can’t imagine making that trip alone.”
“It was hard,” Val admitted. “But it had to be done.” They looked up, meeting Bryn’s gaze.
There was more of a resolve to them now, she could see that.
“You look more settled now.”
“I’ve found a few places.” Val shrugged. “And I know more of what I’m doing. Everything gets easier when you have a definable purpose, right?”
“Take care that your purpose does not define your whole being,” Bryn said, 2because when it finishes, or changes, you may find yourself lost.”
Val took a drink rather than answer.
“I’m sorry, dear. I just worry.”
“You really care,” Val said. “I understand, I think.” They sighed and something about them relaxed. Suddenly they looked so much younger. So much more lost. “Would you play something for me?”
“Oh, I’m sure I’m not very good at it any more. I only play simple tunes these days.”
“I’m not – sorry. You’ve already invited me in, given me tea and tea loaf. I shouldn’t ask more.”
She’d meant this visit to be about them, to learn where they might fit in, where she’d be best to introduce them. She’d meant for it to be a pleasant morning’s talk before she made her decisions.
Bryn found herself standing, taking her cup to the piano, sitting down before it. Ignoring the sheafs of music as she stretched out her fingers. This would still help, she told herself.
Val looked like they needed help.
Bryn started to play. She started with small tunes, easy tunes, the ones that she taught to the children. Behind her she heard Val let out a breath that was almost a sigh.
“Do you have any requests?”
“Something that sounds like home.”
Bryn kept playing as she thought, adding in trills and accidentals as the tune slowly morphed into something more complicated. None of the songs she knew from home translated well to a solo piano.
That didn’t mean she hadn’t transposed them regardless, made of them the best she could to keep her home close.
She swept her left hand down the keys in a rippling scale until she was playing in the deep notes and as close to the style of double bass as she could. With her right hand, she added the melody where it swooped in and out of trill and slurs.
“It’s beautiful,” Val murmured, barely audible above the piano.
Bryn smiled. “There are whole orchestras here that could play this as it should be.”
“I’ll have to see if I can get tickets.”
“Tell me when you are free,” Bryn replied. “I will get you good seats.”
Val was quiet for long enough that Bryn worried she’d said the wrong thing.
She stopped playing and turned to see Val curled onto the couch, chin on the backrest as they watched her.
“You really don’t have to do all of this for me,” they said. “I don’t need – I don’t deserve this much from you.”
“This isn’t about what you think you deserve,” Bryn said, leaving the piano behind and stepping around the couch to sit beside Val. “It’s about what I can give.”
“Still.” Val shifted back to give her more room. “You shouldn’t…” They looked away.
“Val. Would you like to go to a concert with me? I have a standing invitation with the dragon touched orchestra.”
Val laughed. “How? Why?”
“I have helped a lot of them through the years, and they all feel some need to repay me.” Bryn smiled.
Val flicked their gaze to Bryn’s adorned horns. “I’ll… I’d like that, I think. Not sure when I’ll have time is the only thing.”
“We’ll make it work.” Bryn reached to take their hand and squeeze it.
She would introduce them. They needed more roots if they were to do more than survive.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” Bryn smiled. “Now, if you would like to stay for a touch longer, you are welcome to.”
“I shouldn’t.”
“If you want to,” Bryn repeated. She patted Val’s hand as she stood.
Val stayed on the couch.
Bryn took the teapot through to refill it, beginning to hum old songs.
When she returned, Val was asleep on the couch.
Bryn smiled and pulled a blanket over them, then left them there as she continued on with her day, humming all the while.
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jennifercrowart · 2 years
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Acrylic charm commission for @ookamimonster of their shapeshifting dragon boy, Kyntakk! Such a pleasure to draw this devious little dude!
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somerandomicthings · 4 months
Characters concepts
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Some concepts for a story of mine.
From the top to the bottom:
First one is not really a human, but a shapeshifter, that really likes to hang out as a human, even his human form is not 100% precise, i don't have a name for him, i will have to research for names.
The second one is actually a character that appeared before in my other socials, his name is James, a gentle and well mannered guy(don't believe in my lies), and his first appearance was in wolf furry form, that actually was related to his power, he is saying a cuss word in the baloon.
The third one i can't say much, but she is important, and i'm struggling with her design so much.
The final one is a random design, without a specific character in question, just to see if dragon features would work in humans.
I'm open to constructive criticism, since i'm still having problems with drawing humans.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 181
“Hey. Hey Tuck. Tucker. Tuck look. Look.” 
Tucker looked over the edge of the screen lazily, the half interested words on his tongue dying as he let out a wheeze of laughter. “Oh my Ancient Sands, dude, how did you manage that?” 
Danny had, for the last near year, been trying to mix shapeshifting, thank you Amorpho, with duplication. Something he’d apparently succeeded in today, if the massive fuck-you hydra standing before him was any indication. The very pleased looking, well did it count as a hydra if it had wings too? 
“You need to show Sam. Oh my Sands we need to show Val too. And Wes. You did it dude!” He floated up to look at Danny, who did a little twirl to show off. He shook his head, flecks of gold and sand falling from his hair as he laughed. 
“Do you think,” Danny lost it in laughter as several other heads echoed his words, from whichever the main him was. “Holy ancients that’s great- do, do you think we can make a dragon club? Hydras are totally dragons right? Do you think we could pull a Tiamat?” 
He landed on a head, taking a selfie to add to the groupchat labeled Preparations. “Dude, we should, but let me send this to the others first… But I am so down.” 
They can, in fact apparently, pull a Tiamat- with a little help from Princess Dora, practice in front of Frostbite in case something goes wrong, and some advice from Pandora on controlling extra limbs. Honestly, who is going to want to mess with Amity when there’s a giant dragon? And hey, maybe they can break the barrier now! 
The heads for those wondering who I was thinking of for each lol And perhaps what they might all get ((1) Kwan, Pressurized Water) ((2) Wes, Sonic Blast) ((3) Sam, Poison Gas) ((4) Star, Plasma) ((5) Danny, Ice Breath) ((6) Paulina, Acid) ((7) Tucker, Electricity) ((8) Valerie, Fire Breath) ((9) Dash, Pressurized Wind)
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thesummerestsolstice · 7 months
I think it would be very funny if half-elves were just all short. Even the ones who are descended from really tall elves or mortals. By mannish standards, mind you, they’re fairly average, if built a little lighter. But compared to elves? Consider:
Earendil, descended from Turgon AND Tuor, great dragon-slaying warrior, and he comes up to like, the average elf’s shoulders
Erestor son of Caranthir looks almost exactly like his father but he’s about a foot shorter and much nicer
M&M fully think something’s horribly wrong with E&E as children because of how small they are (is this because of the cold they got two years ago?? Are they not eating enough???) but turns out no, half-elves are just like that
Elros was shocked when he first met humans and realized he was taller than most of them
Elros would also love to use Maedhros's sword but he's way too short to wield it so he ends up using a an elvish knife instead
The main way people tell Luthien and Elrond apart is that Luthien was really tall and Elrond is really not
Elrond also uses his shapeshifting specifically to be tall enough to reach books on the higher shelves of the library (Erestor is very jealous)
Glorfindel appreciates this because it makes it easier to physically drag Elrond into bed after he refuses to sleep for a week
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Conversations I Think Happened in the Grasslands Pt. 2:
Part 1 here
Lloyd: So your the First Spinjitzu Master right. Does that mean you’re good at all types of spinning or just spinjitzu?
FSM: Elaborate.
Lloyd: Like pirouettes and fouettés? Because Cole taught me how to do them and they’re really fun.
FSM, sighing: Yes, I can do those and I’m rather good at them.
Lloyd, delighted: This is the best day of my life!
Lloyd: So what was my dad like as a child?
FSM: He was a lot nicer than you’d think. Quite a lovely child, even after the venom. The venom didn’t really properly kick in until his late teens you know.
FSM: Now Wu on the other hand.
Lloyd: So if you’re half Oni and half dragon why do you look human?
FSM: Because Oni are shapeshifters and I didn’t want to spend the entire time you were here bending over to look at you and end up myself back pain.
Lloyd: Why would be you be bending over?
FSM: Because I’m 10’6.
Lloyd: What?! Why am I short then?
FSM: I don’t know but you certainly didn’t get it from me.
Lloyd: So why'd you have to divid the continent in two anyway
FSM: It seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides it worked didn't it?
Lloyd: ...
FSM: Will you stop judging me I was a teenager!
Lloyd: So was I and I didn't have to divided the continent.
Lloyd: *Thinking*
Lloyd: Wait how old were you when made Ninjago then?
FSM: Younger than that.
Part 3 here
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
🌶️ Spicy🌶️ Masterpost
These are all NSFW fics that are either going or finished 😈
Request Info: Please read before making a request
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☣️ Dark: May contain dark themes readers may find disturbing including noncon, dubcon or violence
💝 Cozy: Gentler fics. There may be violence or yandere themes but it is light, or soft yandere
I did my best to categorize these but everything is relative. Please read the trigger warnings carefully before reading
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☣️ Tentacle Monster- Chase: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two , Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
☣️ Shadowbeast- Rafe: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
☣️ Wind God- Torin: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two Part Three Part Four
☣️ Warlock- Landis: nsfw
Oneshot - this is part of a novel that I probably wont post to tumblr
☣️ Knights - Xavier, Dustin, Eli, and Marco: nsfw -- x maid f reader
☣️ Wolf- Ruston: nsfw -- x f reader
Oneshot, Part Two, Headcanon
☣️ Hesian Alien- Nasos : nsfw-- x f reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
☣️ Hesian Alien Rancher- Kostas: nsfw -- x f reader
Request, Headcanon, Request (SFW) Request
☣️ Gargoyle Book Shop Owner- Heath: nsfw -- x f reader
Oneshot, Headcanon, Part Two
💝Vampire Triplets- Church, Sin, and Angel: nsfw -- x f succubus reader
☣️Catman Alien Twins- Qhen and Ceth: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Headcanon, Headcanon
💝Minotaur Demigod- Solomon : nsfw -- x water nymph reader
💝Werebear- Hugo: nsfw -- x childhood friend f reader
Oneshot, Headcanon, Part Two, Request, Part Three
☣️ Alpha Gangster- Jude: nsfw -- x f omega reader
☣️ Shapeshifter- Shane: future nsfw -- x f reader
Part One
💝Night Elf- Victor: nsfw -- x f reader
☣️Kelpie- Vylkas: nsfw -- x f reader
Request, Request (SFW)
☣️ Vampire- Marius: semi-nsfw -- x f reader
💝Shadow King- Zintius: nsfw and sfw -- x f reader
Request (SFW), Part Two (NSFW)
💝Kherae Alien- Idreod: sfw & nsfw -- x reader with glasses
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four (NSFW), Part Five (NSFW), Part six, Part Seven, Part eight
First Person POV available on smashwords
💝Maeder- Rohan: nsfw -- x musician reader
💝Kherae King- Argan: nsfw -- x musician reader
💝Dragon Knight- Severin: nsfw -- x princess reader
Oneshot, Part Two
☣️ Sarantopodarousacentaur (Half man/Half centipede) - Mitas: nsfw -- x f reader
☣️ Drider: Ruvain: nsfw -- x f reader
☣️ Changeling: Clark: NSFW -- x flower nymph reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine
💝Orc- Moth: NSFW -- x f reader
💝Orc King- Golmad: NSFW -- x f reader with speech disability
Request Oneshot
💝Mothman- Roth: NSFW -- x f reader
💝 Alpha- Riordan: NSFW -- x GN reader
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Divider from: @saradika
Bluesky -- Carrd -- Commissions
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tartagliove · 2 months
I want to know more about the fox Childe and bunny Reader fic please 🥺 The Zhongli/Reader one as well
hiii Em!! I'm SO glad you asked hehe I'm very excited to talk a bit about this fic!
both fics take place in the same shapeshifter au where anyone with a vision also can shapeshift into an animal!
fox! Childe x bunny! Reader
Reader works for Yelan and helps to gather information (being a bunny can be pretty useful for that) when you are caught spying on the Fatui by Childe!
he can't let you share what you've heard, so he captures you (after an intense chase scene hehe)
he ends up bringing you back to where he's staying at the Northland Bank and decides to keep you captive until after the Fatui plans happen. all the Fatui are o.o at Childe walking in with a rabbit under his arm but they're not going to say a thing about the 11th Harbinger suddenly wanting to keep a pet because they'd like to keep their heads, thank you
anyway you start to find that Childe is growing on you the longer you spend in his presence and learn about him. (featuring a visit from Teucer!)
eventually you escape for good and return to your regular job, working at Yelan's teahouse, when suddenly Childe starts stopping by for tea and nearly gives you a heart attack the first time he shows up
I don't want to spoil too much about the reveal but!! some random hints about what I want to include throughout the fic: Reader gets a ribbon collar from Childe, a second intense chase scene, two visits to Bubu Pharmacy and an appearance from Qiqi, Childe in a half-transformed state with fox ears and claws and a tail, and some biting (not necessarily in that order)
dragon! Zhongli x cat! Reader
I don't have very concrete ideas for this yet, but:
thinking of a foreign Reader who arrives in Liyue who doesn't know much about all that went down with the Geo archon
Reader decides to explore the stone forest (perhaps you're an adventurer and your commissions take you there?) when you stumble across a dragon napping on one of the mountain peaks and ngl he looks pretty comfortable and it's sunny out, so you take a break and join him on a nearby rock
once you're back in Liyue you start running into Zhongli and then suddenly on your commissions to remote places, more often then not you'll find a dragon already there napping
and that's about it!
I am sooooo excited for the fox! Childe x bunny! Reader dynamic augh it has already been fun to write thus far and I can't wait to write more of it. once I make more progress I might share some snippets hehe. and if anyone has any questions or would like me to expand on things, feel free to let me know! c:
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dawnholde-if · 9 months
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Hello, and thank you for applying to the Dawnholde Institute, located in Solador, Land of Eclipses. We're pleased to offer you acceptance to the Institute as a first-year student. During your time here, you'll strengthen your specialty magic, as well as branch out to other types to diversify your skill set. We boast the top magic programs in the land for students, with fulfilling extracurriculars and a competitive environment designed to help every young mage and magician thrive, as well as students from a variety of backgrounds as a testament to the diversity of our world.
We look forward to your arrival, and hope that your years with us will be filled with enlightenment.
Praise be to the Sun,
Eruless Chromavere, Head of Magical Studies
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You are the firstborn child of the Monarch of the island nation of Sparia, located in the treacherous Sacred Sea. You're set to inherit the throne once the current Monarch has passed on, but you could want nothing less. Becoming the greatest mage in the land is your end goal, so one night you flee to Solador, home to the Dawnholde Institute for the Arcane, the best magic school in the realm. It's been your dream to go there ever since you were young.
Keep your identity hidden to stay out of prying eyes and out of the way of your parent's spies trying to bring you back. Make allies and enemies while keeping up with your studies, join a club (or not), and... fall in love ? That's not part of the plan, but things happen, just don't let it distract you.
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Play as male, female, or nonbinary and choose your pronouns
Decide which magic to specialize in, be it elemental, healing, object manipulation, or a number of any other kinds.
Meet 6 RO's, 3 of which are gender selectable
Take lessons in various magical subjects on your quest for greatness
Academic Rivals to Friends (to Lovers ?)
There is a dragon guy :)
Summon one of 4 familiars
Avoid the drama that plagues all schools
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Name: Finch K. Lorelai
Pronouns: They/Them Heritage: Half-Elf Magical Specialty: Necromancy Year: 2nd Brief Description: Finch comes from a long lineage of necromancers, is widely considered one of the only child prodigies to come out of that field, and possesses the ability to speak to the dead. They're ambitious and your self-proclaimed academic rival. They don't like sharing the top spot and is antagonistic towards you, even more so if they learn your true identity. The lines between disdain and affection are very fine, however, and there's the possibility to sweep their feet out from under them when they least expect it.
Name: Desily Bramblecove
Pronouns: She (default)/They (selectable) Heritage: Faefolk (Pixie) Magical Specialty: Shapeshifting Year: 3rd Brief Description: Desily is a difficult spirit to pin down, often doing what she wants when she wants to. She loves playing hard to get and causing general uproar, then slipping away to let others deal with the aftermath. She's fickle, even for a fae, but obsessive. If you're not careful, you may fall into her grasp without even realizing it. If you so choose to spend time with her, be prepared to partake in any schemes she may cook up.
Name: Merrick Midae
Pronouns: They (default)/He/She (selectable) Heritage: Merfolk (Anglerfish) Magical Specialty: Light Manipulation Year: 1st Brief Description: A shy, not-very-little merperson who came to land to study all manners of magic. A jack of all trades, Merrick is a little good at most magic, but they wanted to learn more about what was beyond the sea. They're not the bravest, but they'd do anything for a close friend. Perhaps they'll take a liking to you.
Name: Caidrith, Ruler of Rime
Pronouns: He (default)/She/They (selectable) Heritage: Draconic Royalty Magical Specialty: Ice and Temperature manipulation Year: 4th Brief Description: Caidrith, or simply Caid, as you know him, is the only person at Dawnholde who knows of your past. Caid is the second-born to the rulers over northern dragonkin. Though his chances of accquiring the throne are low, it's better to be safe than sorry. He enrolled in the school to learn self defense, then stuck around for the people. You've known him since childhood, as your parents often had strategy meetings together. He can be stoic, but you know Caid cares for you, though maybe not in a way you know of.
Name: Rycharde, Knight of the Tainted Lands
Pronouns: He/Him Heritage: Catfolk Magical Specialty: Protection and Healing Year: 3rd Brief Description: Rycharde hails from a plague-ridden kingdom on it's last legs. Catfolk are usually able to use magic due to distant Fae ancestery, but Rycharde has no innate magic. Instead, he draws on the patron deity of his city for his power, making him a magician instead of a mage. He's proud of his failing homeland and devoted to his city, but that's not the only thing he could turn his attention to. After all, temptation is one hell of a motivator.
Name: Cere Quicrow
Pronouns: She/Her Heritage: Manifested Air Elemental (Birdfolk appearance) Magical Specialty: Divination Year: 1st Brief Description: Cere takes the form of a birdfolk, but is a manifested elemental in reality. She takes great pride in her appearance and is quite vain, but hates being the center of attention and keeps to herself. She's flighty and a perfectionist, leaving herself conflicted on what she really wants, be it freedom and impulsive decisions or to finish her "secret project." Maybe she'll let you in on it if you're nice to her?
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fairyhaos · 8 months
seventeen and which mythical beings they are
requested by @mesanthropi ^^ physically held myself back from going on rants for shua's and hao's and jeonghan's pls (iykyk)
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vampire. formidable, mysterious vampire seungcheol from a powerful family name who lives in a huge, ominous castle and somehow manages to make sucking blood look sexy… shakes he's so fine oh my god. honestly vampire!cheol with glowing red eyes and an intimidating presence and the most smug fucking smirk in the world is such a vibe, and he also has the whole “i was born centuries and centuries ago” old hag thing down to an art
siren. specifically a mermaid-type siren that lives in the sea and has a pretty iridescent tail. water-dwelling being jeonghan just makes so much sense to me bc he has their fluidity and their peaceful and their mischief and also??? jeonghan with a shimmery mermaid tail and captivating siren voice???? i'd willingly drown myself for him actually, siren song be damned. he has the silvery voice of a siren and the ethereal looks to be one fr
wood nymph. bambi-eyed wood nymph joshua who communicates with the birds and tends to his forest and has flowers weaved in his hair and stars embedded around his eyes… the nymph!joshua obsession is Real guys and i am definitely a victim of it. curly haired joshua is just sooo wood nymph coded and i can see him as some soft-spoken, pretty being who lives in a birch tree and guides stray travellers when they get lost in his woods
witch junhui with his black cat familiar and his dented cauldron and his cottage in the middle of the forest!! witch junhui with his mini apothecary and his goofy-sounding spells and his eyebrow permanently half-singed bc his enchantments keep backfiring!! witch junhui with his soft spoken words and bright laugh and total kindness to everyone who happens upon his home!! witch junhui is so so dear to me and he really is just. a witchy little dude
shapeshifter. does this idea feed into his furry agenda a bit too much? yeah, it kinda does, but oh my god just imagine tiger shapeshifter hoshi who's part human but can turn into a large, big-fanged and bold-striped tiger at a moment's notice. he really just genuinely gives shapeshifter vibes, and every year he schedules one week where he'll traipse off into the nearest mountains and blow off some steam in his tiger form for seven days
dragon. okay so this is kinda not a humanoid mythical being, but wonwoo is soooo big friendly dragon coded. i can imagine him as a large, red scaly dragon, snoozing atop his massive hoard of gold in a secluded cave in the forest, little wisps of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he snores contentedly. that doesn't mean he can't be scary if he wants to tho, and can burn down any puny humans who try to steal his hoard in the blink of an eye
demigod. part-god woozi is just such a vibe okay, and he rlly does give off a hercules-type feel, where he can do inhuman things and seems almost untouchable in his awesomeness, even though he's right there in front of you. and he has a hatred of the gods and a mild tolerance for humans but at the end of the day, he appreciates and loves both for all that they do. (also in a percy jackson demigod sense, he is totally an apollo's kid and no i don't make the rules) 
fae. y'all know how far my fairy minghao agenda runs by now and like ??? can you blame me ???? the idea of sassy smol hao with fairy wings and a squeaky voice is cute and all, but also i just think he fits the idea of the entire tall, mysterious fae folk really well too. with his pointy fae ears and his shrewd gaze and his ability to say half-truths and riddles and give sage advice about how to live your life all at once, he really is very much a fae-like person. 
some sort of demon. he's so loud and bright and kind that, despite his huge presence and glowing eyes and the horns protruding out of his mess of fluffy hair, you don't even register that he's some dangerous, hellish creature before something happens and he just snaps, the air around him visibly darkening as he tears after the thing that caused him to lose control. he's so sweet and kind but so undeniably dangerous all at once. 
elf. i'm thinking lord of the rings elves, except i haven't actually watched lord of the rings but i have this idea of them being tall and rich and elegant beings, and it makes me think of dokyeom. he's just so pretty, and the elves rely on the natural elements to survive, right? dokyeom is just so sunbeams peeking through forest leaves, so little rabbits bounding through the undergrowth, so hand-whittled arrows and folk songs around a campfire and tall, tall, beautiful elves. 
will o’ the wisp or a sprite. he's endearing and mysterious, and once you gain his favour he's staying glued to ur shoulder for the entirety of your dangerous quest through the magical woods. he's very chatty and also very elusive, constantly flitting around in the air and disappearing in a wink of light before appearing on your nose once again. you can't tell if he's a help or a hindrance, but he's cute and bright and makes the journey a lot better
a smurf. smurfs count as mythical beings okay, and while ive never actually watched any smurf movie thing ever, i think vernon would make an absolutely brilliant smurf. they give off silly goofy weird adorable vibes, and that's basically vernon in a nutshell. also smol vernon with blue skin and lives in a mushroom looking house??? that's kinda cute and actually something that vernon might wanna do irl not gonna lie
nine-tailed fox. he's so mysterious and sexy and kind of dangerous but like. his unbelievable handsomeness kinda outweighs the danger. honestly i don't really have an explanation for this other than that the Vibes r there for some reason and he'd look so cool with those glittery wisps of magic threading through the air around him as his eyes glow a mysterious colour before he launches into a kdrama-esque fight sequence against the latest monster
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hanasnx · 8 months
isn't it insane that martian manhunter can literally change the size of his dick? like he could literally, if he wanted to, just change the size of his dick mid-fuck and split you in half. i really just think that's absolutely insane.
“Forgive me. I’m… unaccustomed to human.” J’ONN J’ONZZ miraculously forms a sentence through the constraints of pleasure. Sweetly rocking into you at a snail’s pace as if it reserve a little time to recuperate and gather his bearings. You had no idea that he’d be this beside himself, keeping your legs spread nice for him with your hands tucked in the crooks of your knees.
“Take your time.” you exhale with a proud curl to your lips. It’s flattering to say the least that you’re his first here on Earth, and he can’t wrap his head around what you feel like. Not to mention his length is obviously shaped unlike anything you’ve had before, the only similarity you can compose is a Bad Dragon dildo you ordered for its unique figure.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” A mildly uneasy question, conveying his nervousness. “You are secreting.” he notes aloud, and casually ruts to test the new lubricant.
“Oh, yeah. It just helps me take in something a little bigger that’s all.” you respond, winded from the effort of it all. It’s unusual how clinical he can be during intimacy, but you try to take it in stride. Answering is a matter of satisfying his curiosity, which you now realize is driving his actions when you feel a peculiar sensation inside you. Not only is more length being introduced, but girth too. He picks up his pace with a groan, rolling his taut abdomen to lick the inside of you with his cock. “I— Woah, what?" In short, you're bewildered, rocking with each of his thrusts into you, your suspended legs bobbing.
"Do you like it?" he asks, clawing into the pillow under your head as he hovers over you. You're speechless, your jaw hanging open with various "Oh"s spilling out of it. "You cannot imagine a tighter space…" he hisses, willing his dick to grow. As a shapeshifter, he was not aware that size could alter an already mind-blowing sensation to an all new level of ecstasy for both parties.
"Oh— fuck, J'onn, I didn't even think of that—" you gasp and you arch your back, letting ease into fucking you deeper than you've ever been touched before.
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
Inspired by this post and my own tags. No cws, just fluff.
When Daniel was little, his mom used to tell him stories, sitting with him on his little bed. And in every one of her stories there were shapeshifters.
She used to talk about powerful knights turning into flame-breathing dragons to destroy entire armies, beautiful princesses shifting into fierce tigers to defend themselves, traitorous advisors showing their real nature in their snake skin.
And Daniel used to dream about being a shapeshifter. About waking up and finding himself flying in the sky, big eagle wings slicing the wind, or of running and running, so fast he wouldn't even notice he was turning into a stallion until he had four hooves on the ground. When he got older he understood it was an impossible dream, the shifting genes long washed away by the rivers of time, but what was not fully out of the realm of possibilities was the chance of meeting one, even if shapeshifters were much rarer now than they used to be. For years, he kept holding onto that hope, in some part of his heart.
Daniel knocks at Max's door, but doesn't wait for an answer before pushing it open, the thrill of knowing he's one of the very few people allowed to do that never truly getting old.
He's expecting Max to be getting ready for bed, or even under the covers already, so he's surprised to find that the room is empty. His armor is carefully cleaned and tidy on its stand, his helmet on the desk, but the bed looks untouched, as does the food Max must have brought up after his shift.
Daniel frowns, backtracking into the corridor and down the stairs, crossing the courtyard to the baths.
"Have you seen the Captain?" he asks the guard standing near the door, hoping he doesn't have to go in and look for Max in the steamy rooms.
"He left already," the guard answers, pointing towards the mess hall, still mostly empty in the grey early morning light. "I saw him get breakfast."
Daniel thanks him, but avoids the hall, having already seen the food in Max's room. So he got off his shift, went to the baths, grabbed food and then...left? If he is training after the night shift again, Daniel is going to kill him.
But Max isn't in the training court, or in the armory, or in his little office on the far side of the barracks. It's not that rare for Max to disappear for a few hours from time to time, but he usually warns someone beforehand, at least Daniel.
Having exhausted the places to look in that aren't the castle itself, Daniel decides to just go back to Max's room. Max is a big boy who can handle himself (you don't become the youngest Captain of the King's guards by luck) so Daniel isn't particularly worried, but he was looking forward to curl up with him in bed and get a few hours of sleep together, and this is getting in the way.
He's taken off half his clothes and settling on the bed when he notices it. Something moving under Max's helmet.
No, not something, a kitten. There is a kitten on Max's desk, deeply asleep in the dark shadow created by the helmet.
"Hello buddy" Daniel whispers, getting up again and reaching forward to gently touch the kitten's forehead.
One stunningly blue eye opens to sleepily glare at him, even as the kitten starts to softly purr, before closing again.
Honestly, Daniel should have probably known. Max had been running himself ragged, going on night shifts even after having taken his place at the King's endless councils, and he always tended to sleep better like this. He was usually better at getting into comfortable places, though, so he must have been really exhausted to fall asleep there, without even touching his food.
"At least let me get you to bed," Daniel says, waiting for Max to blink at him before reaching forward.
The kitten fits in the palm of his hand, small head resting on his wrist as he gently cradles him into his chest, keeping him stable as he works to get under the covers without jostling him too much. When he's done, he lays him against his chest and feels Max wiggle a little, moving to the crook of his neck and curling up there, little wet nose pressing against Daniel's skin, whiskers tickling him with every breath.
"Good night, Maxy" he whispers, closing his eyes against the morning light starting to stream in through the window, letting Max's purring carry him to sleep.
His dream of being a shapeshifter might not have come true, but he will gladly take the reality of having one often asleep right on top of him.
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