excusasbaratas · 3 months
Eres la fuente de mi inspiración,
el hálito de respiración
y la conjunción en su consumación.
Máximo E. Guiral
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clieodonto · 11 months
Segredo para uma Boca Saudável e um Hálito Fresco: Dentista na Vila Mariana
Descubra o segredo para uma boca saudável e um hálito fresco com a melhor dentista na Vila Mariana.
A chave para um hálito fresco está em cuidar da sua saliva. Agende uma consulta com a renomada Dra Erika Hernandes, dentista na Vila Mariana, e descubra as melhores estratégias para estimular a produção de saliva, neutralizar odores indesejados e garantir uma boca saudável.
Nossa equipe especializada vai identificar as causas do seu mau hálito e desenvolver um tratamento personalizado. Com uma higiene bucal adequada, visitas regulares ao dentista e dicas valiosas, você terá o hálito fresco que sempre desejou.
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happynaturalhair · 1 year
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Halito Oshiiyo 2Day is The Last Day of Our Hachotakni Yamassee Criik Tribe American Indian Heritage Month SALE Thx 4 All Your Orders Online I have Extended The SALE for the Last 10 Ancient Herbal Mist NOW On SALE We Sold Out All The Ancient Herbal Shampoo Magic Hair Grow Oil & 4Dry Scalp Hair Grow Oil Since Everybody Didn’t Get A Chance 2 Purchase I will Put Them All On SALE Again January 9th 2 Show My 2023 Love 4 All My Clients Worldwide That Love My H2BN Haircare Products Much GRATITUDE Yakoke Feathers 🪶Up #americanindianheritagemonth #h2bnhaircareproducts #onlinesale #shoponline #made2order #weappreciateyoursupport❤️ #weappreciateyourbusiness #hairproductsthatwork #hairproducts #halito #hachotakniyamasseecriiktribe #chieftainessiskitanihatapushiknitakomi #feathersup #yakoke #osiyo #gratitude #onelove (at Happy 2BE Nappy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clm_OpljjbS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gustavopotente · 2 years
Como acabar o mau hálito de uma vez por todas na dieta Low Carb
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totalsaude · 1 year
Chega de Constrangimentos
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Existe um constrangimento que muitos passam e mal sabem...Ter mal hálito
Na época da pandemia com o uso obrigatório de máscara disfarçou um monte, mas agora o ideal é se cuidar galera...
Existe um constrangimento que muitos passam e mal sabem...Ter mal hálito
O que é o mau hálito?
Mau hálito, também conhecido como halitose, é o odor(fedor) desagradável e persistente exalado pela boca.
Normalmente, a origem está na própria boca, rica em flora bacteriana com característica bactericida e associada a variadas necessidades nutricionais.
Quem tem mau hálito, geralmente não percebe, mas quem chega perto de quem tem mau hálito perceber quase que imediatamente.
Essa vergonha ninguém merece passar!!!
30% dos brasileiros possuem o mau hálito e nem sabem!
Na maioria das vezes é o ultimo a saber.
Descobrem da pior forma possível!
As Pessoas vão se afastando ou os grupinhos ficam fazendo piadinhas..
Já imaginou perder um partidão pelo seu mau hálito??
Quais são as causas do mau hálito?
O mau hálito pode ter diversas causas.
Entre elas, estão:
A falta de cuidado com a higiene bucal;
A produção de saliva reduzida (quando estamos há muito tempo sem comer, geralmente o mau hálito é mais perceptível);
O ressecamento da boca proveniente de jejum intermitente, desidratação ou estresse; presença de saburra lingual (bactéria que deixa a língua branca);
O consumo alto de álcool e infecções na região da boca ou esôfago.
Inflamações das vias aéreas e sinusite,
Alterações renais,
Doenças intestinais,
Problemas hepáticos,
Diabetes alterada,
Problemas gastrointestinais, como refluxo e gastrite, também podem ser responsáveis pela doença.
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Existe Solução
Existem algumas medidas que podem melhorar essa condição..
Além de uma boa higiene e da escovação correta, temos:
escovar bem a língua;
tratar as cáries;
higiene correta da prótese dentária;
em caso de inflamação na garganta, fazer gargarejos com sal e água morna;
evitar períodos de jejum extenso.
usar produtos como o HALIT+
O HALIT+ é um Spray bucal que auxilia as pessoas que sofrem de mau hálito.
Além de Devolver a autoestima e traz de volta o conforto de conviver com os familiares e amigos, podendo falar próximo de todos sem o constrangedor mau cheiro.
O HALIT+ combate as bactérias presentes na boca, que são as responsáveis por digerir os restos de alimentos e causar a halitose.
Sua Fórmula especial age contra as principais causas do mau hálito, como bactérias, inflamações e infecções.
Se você sofre com esse problema e quer se livrar de uma vez por todas aqui está a sua oportunidade!!
Toque na imagem para ver como resolver o Mau Hálito👇
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Existe cura para o mau hálito?
Sim, te apresento esse produto revolucionário que já mudou a vida de milhares de clientes!!
O Mais novo queridinho do Brasil
HALIT+ Confere aqui
E lembre-se: a vergonha é aliada da halitose. Jogue fora a vergonha e a halitose Liberte-se
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dicasverdes · 1 year
6 Dicas para Melhorar do Refluxo Ácido
6 Dicas para Melhorar do Refluxo Ácido
6 Dicas para Melhorar do Refluxo Ácido. Se você encarou aquele prato gigante de nachos picantes com o aviso de calor e pimenta jalapeno e ainda parecia uma ideia deliciosamente e boa na época. Mas agora, você está sendo assombrado pelo fantasma da Azia – e isso não é bonito de saber. E ai soa o alarme de azia fortíssima, porque seu peito está pegando fogo por dentro. Apesar do nome, azia não tem…
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funeralshawls · 7 months
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now that i’m out of panic mode and da dog is healthy im gonna make a more coherent post.
halito <3 happy indigenous ppl’s day!! take a chance to help out a black chahta faeree w a surprise psych bill!! lmao, everytime i think i’m finally starting to stabilize, im hit with a reminder/debt from things that just made shit worse! :3 it still doesn’t add up to me, but the story is : last year b4 my insurance / medicaid switched, i was paying a certain amount for psych visits. apparently the amount was wrong (no explanation why) they’re just now catching up to it, and now billing everybody. so now i have a surprise $363 i owe that already went to an emergency vet visit! long story short i’d be eternally grateful for any help/share. im already trying to save along with paying of ANOTHER psych and dental bill. yakoke for everything and for being understanding. hope everyone was able to have some peace on the holiday ❤️💛🤍🖤
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bootlegdemon · 6 months
Sooo I'm gonna make a little update post to introduce myself, for Native American Heritage Month
I'm Tate I'm an artist from the Pomo and Choctaw nations
I do art for games, comics, and other media!
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upthewitchypunx · 11 months
Help my friend (and old Tumblr mutual) model her beautiful beadwork at New York Fashion Week!
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ocasoinefable · 6 months
Un halito musita.. Navega. Entre los bordes de tus sueños a mis sueños. en tono colorado los lirios en la noche. Beso tus dedos, y despierto con la alegría de los colibrís en las comisuras ...
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onesaltyerik · 1 year
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(Halito! You may have noticed I archived this piece a few min ago and have re uploaded a modified version of it. I have recently been taught that the stripe on the chin was actually a specific tattoo used by Inuit and other North American Indigenous peoples, a tattoo that was banned due to colonial beliefs. As far as we know, viking warpaint did not use the chin stripe and while this image is fanart and fantasy, as a Choctaw I do not want to continue perpetuating the incorrect usage of this tattoo when my brothers and sisters are still persecuted for wearing it. Yakoke for your understanding. And I apologise for using the wrong warpaint pattern.)Finally finished the Ouroboros Technoblade design! Heavuly influenced by a mixture of bronze age celtic and early viking era in terms of the warpaint, neck torque, and cloak pins (they're supposed to look like wolves and boars cause I'm a sucker for details like that).
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For @gothicsprinkles who wanted a little Paz/Raga fluff and I hope this can ease the pain of ‘that episode’ a little...
Two times Raga laughed at Paz having a bad day and one time she didn't
Corin and the kid stay behind on the ship to keep the Razor Crest safe from Jawas, which Din had become unreasonably paranoid about for some reason, while Din, Paz and Raga head into the village to check up on the rumor about a Beskar spear being on display in a temple there.
Raga is bored, trailing behind a bit as Paz and Din's continuous bickering is just annoying her today and gives her a vicious urge to punish them both for being such idiots.
The boys can't decide on who gets to enter through the city gate first, definitely first grade idiots, and they end up standing under the arch, snarling at each other and refusing to back off from the other encroaching on their personal space until they're half an inch from a keldabe.
“Welcome, visitors!” A voice greets them. It is a cheerful young man with thick black hair and gorgeous mauve eyes that quickly fill with confusion as the two Mandalorians stay almost-kissing rather than look over at him.
Raga has almost caught up with them, ready smack some sense into their helmets, when the welcome-guy saves her entire day, week and possibly month, by saying; “Oh, you are newly weds?”
Ah, she remembers reading about it, how this place with its big temple is a known spot for the locals to visit on their honeymoon to get blessings from their gods on their marriage.
Paz and Din both inhale sharply, pull back even sharper, but neither get to say anything before Raga emerges between them and places her left hand on Din's shoulder and her right hand on Paz' shoulder. “Yes.” She says, with great ease and complete solemness. “Yes, they are.”
The t-visors snap over to stare at her and Raga can 'feel' their disbelief and outrage. It's beautiful.
“Welcome, welcome! And congratulations!” The welcoming-guy blurts out, all smiles and politeness again. He focuses on her again. “And you are?”
Raga lets go of the boys and steps forward, placing a humble hand on her breastplate. “The guy in blue is Paz. The guy in grey is Din. My name is Raga and I'm Din's sister. I always wanted to visit this temple and they were kind enough to let me come along on their honeymoon.”
There is a click as the private line between her and Paz activates and there is an angry hiss of; “What the hell?!” Followed by another click and Din's voice snarling; “Raga, I'm going to kill you.”
Raga can't stop grinning. This is one of the best days of her life.
“Allow me to lead the way.” The welcome-guy gestures them to follow. “I will show you where the temple is, the housing where you will be staying the night and I will inform the elders that another couple will be joining the fertility dance this evening.”
Raga nods, following him. “That would be lovely. Thank you.”
She honestly cannot decide on what makes her laugh the hardest; when she gets Paz and Din to hold hands for most of their stay, when they end up having to dance together with a bunch of other newly weds (Paz constantly snarling that Din is a horrible dancer and Din barking back that Paz keeps stepping on his feet), or the utter rage radiating from the boys when she's given a luxury hut to herself while they have to share a... love-shack. (Paz keeps complaining that Din is over on his side of the bed while Din insists that it is Paz who is over on his side.)
There is no Beskar spear in the temple, but Raga will cherish this place for the rest of her life.
Raga is bored. She's been stuck in the Covert for months with absolutely nothing of interest happening. She envies Din his freedom...
Stalking towards the training room, aiming to burn off a little energy, Raga barely notices Halito waiting in the hallway.
“Raga.” Halito hurries after her. “Wait. Stop.”
Raga grunts, stalking onwards. She's not in the mood for small talk.
“Listen, I know that despite my offer to you, Vizla somehow managed to convince you to say the vows with him, but...” Halito has to trot to keep up with her. “But the guy is a douche!”
Raga grins. She knows Paz can be a giant douche, but she likes that about him because she can be an even bigger one.
“I'm a much better fighter than him.” Halito claims in a fit of unfounded confidence. “I'm not scared of Paz Vizla. I would happily fight him!”
“Okay.” Raga replies, busy planning her work-out.
Halito slams his fist against his breastplate in a show of gusto and runs off somewhere not there.
Good. That means she has some peace and quiet to do her training.
And after that, Raga kind of forgets about the whole thing.
It's three days later when Paz enters the room and pulls off his helmet to show her a rather confused expression on his face. “There is something seriously wrong with Halito...”
Lying on the bed, propped up by a buch of pillows, reading a book so old it's threatening to fall apart between her hands, Raga tilts her head curiously to signal him to explain.
“The guy has been jumping out of closets and ceiling vents and once out of a stove to attack me. He even hid under the stairs and tried to bite me yesterday. Hell, I think he chipped a tooth on my leg.” Paz is definitely puzzled by this odd behavior. “I mean, I'm actually getting bored of trouncing him again and again, but the guy insists on fighting me for some reason.”
Oh. Right. That. Raga grins.
Paz frowns. “What did you do?”
“I didn't do anything.” Shrugging with slightly overdone innocence, Raga closes the book and places it on the wobbly table next to the bed. “He was not happy about our marriage and declared he was going to fight you, probably so I would divorce you when you lost.”
Paz scowls. “That little shit...”
Raga lifts a coy eyebrow and scans Paz from head to toe with a shameless grin. “As you've trounced him so far, I guess we're still married then. Good. I was getting used to your snoring.”
“I'm going to kill him.” Paz growls, puts on his helmet and stalks out of the room.
Diving for her helmet, Raga puts it on and hurries after him. She is not going to miss out on this show.
Paz finds Halito in the common room and doesn't hesitate, merely marches up behind him. And when the guy turns around, he is greeted by Paz' helmet slamming down on his so hard the sound echoes through the Covert and the impact sends him crashing to the floor.
“Get up!” Paz growls, as if the groaning and squirming man on the ground is currently physically able to. “You want to fight me? Let's go. Come on!”
Grinning, Raga crosses her arms and settles to watch. She's joined by every other Mandalorian who heard the commotion and knows there is entertainment to be had when Paz is involved. Soon bets are being taken and credits pool into an impressive pot for the lucky winner.
Halito might be an idiot but at least Raga isn't bored anymore.
It starts with old man Vizla delivering several sharp comments Paz' way, which Raga knows cut deep as he desperately wants to live up to his father's expectations. It is followed up with Paz and Din getting into a verbal fight, a nasty one that Raga knows has Paz' gut tied up in knots and aching, then continues with their dear leader refusing to send Paz out on a bounty hunter mission and choosing someone else instead, before it ends with a lovely mix of Paz' jetback malfunctioning (Causing him to break his arm.) and Sungodt muttering why he couldn't be more like Dez. As far as shitty days go, this is definitely a doozy, Raga can tell. Paz is hurting. He's hurting a lot.
Paz can be grouchy on a good day, but whenever he goes quiet, too quiet, Raga knows he's struggling with a different kind of pain than the one he's got in his healing arm. She knows and she doesn't like it.
From the very beginning of their friendship as children, Raga never did like to see Paz sad and withdrawn. And she hates it when he shies away from her.
“Paz, our room, now.” Raga orders. She doesn't wait for him to refuse, which he will if given the chance, merely stalks off. Time for some drastic action.
It takes longer than usual for him to show up, enough time passes that Raga considers sending a threatening message for him to get his fine ass to their room as ordered, but then the door beeps, slides open and Paz walks in to join her in their room.
“What?” He sighs as the door closes behind him, clearly not in the mood for a fight. He just sounds tired.
Raga takes off her helmet and clambers on to the bed to get comfortable before patting the surface next to her. “C'mere.”
Paz doesn't move. “I don't-”
“Come. Here.” Raga adds a little strength to her words.
Paz sighs again, but he walks over and sits down on the bed. “What?” He asks again.
“Take your helmet off.”
Another hesitation, but he removes it. Paz slowly runs one hand over his hair while he reaches out with the other and places his helmet on the table next to the bed. “Okay, what is it?” He looks over at her with weary eyes and appears to be expecting her to criticize him for something too.
Raga frowns. Dank farrik, how she hates that there is no trace of his usual arrogance. “Paz, it's just a shitty day.”
“I know.” Paz replies, trying to smile, but the smile is off and it doesn't reach his eyes.
Raga grabs a hold of him and maneuvers Paz to lie down next to her and rest his head on her chest. Once she has him where she wants him and is fairly certain he won't try to escape, she starts running her fingers through his hair in a slow, gentle motion. “Do you know why I went from freaking out about you having the hots for me to realizing I wanted to marry you?”
Paz tenses up. Either he doesn't like to think about her reaction, her harsh words in particular, or he's nervous about what changed her mind. “No.”
Raga continues to draw her fingers through his hair. “I freaked out because I didn't want to lose you. Not because I thought you'd cut me off if I didn't feel the same, but because you were in love with me and that meant everything we had would be ruined. Because I knew love always ends in heartbreak and hatred.” She can feel a slightly bitter smile emerge. “My parents fought all the time. So did yours, remember? The tales we were told as children were of couples who fought each other as much as the enemy and we were told that was the Way. I thought love meant it had to be loud, messy and painful. It never occurred to me that it could be different because that's what I've had with everyone else.”
Paz stays silent while he listens as she continues to explain.
“But with you... It's different. I laugh harder with you. I feel more myself with you. I can breathe.” Raga studies the man curled up to her and feels warm contentment spread through her veins “When something goes wrong, or right, or I hear a funny joke, or see something bizarre, you're the first person I want to talk to about it. Your face is the first thing I want to see in the mornings and the last thing I want to see before I fall asleep at night. Your hands on me feel like a reward each and every time. You always make me feel calm and that things will be okay.” She runs her fingers through his hair a final time before letting her touch linger on his neck. “Home will never be a place to me, home will always be you. So, never mind what Dez says. Never mind what Din says. Never mind our enigmatic leader or Sungodt. Don't listen to them and don't you dare change; I like you just as you are. My best friend and my riduur. My home. My Paz. My Way.”
A faint shiver goes through Paz' big body and he slides an arm around her to squeeze himself a little tighter against her. He even hides his face against her stomach. He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't have to because she knows.
Let the Galaxy do its worst, let other people say and do stupid stuff, it doesn't matter. As long as she has Paz and Paz has her, they will look after each other and nothing can really hurt them. Together they can handle absolutely everything and not even death will dare to challenge them.
Raga grins at the mere thought of how awesome their children will be, and how their little ones will have a father who will love them, be a home for them and who they will be damn proud of.
Today might be a shit day, but the future will be wonderful.
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johnwicklover1999 · 7 months
halito! remember to wish your indigenous friends a happy indigenous peoples day ♥️ if you can, donate to indigenous peoples across the world! whether it be donation to tribal governments, or money to aid a tribe, government and congressional issues, a local individual in need of aid, a native artist, a local ndn store, restoration efforts, please donate to us if you can ♥️
yakoke and have a good day! ♥️
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happynaturalhair · 2 years
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My Grandson Has 2 Many Toys 🧸 & Shout Out 2 Our H2BN Client Meeko Hooked Up My Son with a Portable Playroom I Started His Locs Twice His Son is Going On 3 Years young & Passed it On 2 My Grandson Now That’s Love 🤎We Appreciate You GRATITUDE Happy 2B Nappy #bestlocticianintheworld #happy2benappy #queengoddess #client #meeko #showing #love #to #my #grandson #much #love #and #light #hachotakniyamasseecriiktribe #feathersup #chiefiskitanihatapushiknitakomi #yakoke #halito (at Happy 2BE Nappy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeWF_2GOUqD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gustavopotente · 2 years
FAÇA ISSO Para Acabar com o Mau Hálito de um VEZ por Todas | 90% das Vez...
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totalsaude · 1 year
Spray Bucal Revoluciona o Mercado Pela Eficiência em Acabar com Mau Hálito de Forma 100% Natural
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Novo Spray Bucal Revoluciona o Mercado Pela Eficiência em Acabar com Mau Hálito de Forma 100% Natural
Fórmula com eficácia cientificamente comprovada e certificada pela ANVISA para o controle do mau hálito. Confira!
 Halit + em sua composição 100% natural,  testado clinicamente pela Anvisa para que todos possam fazer uso dele e, com isso, ter o combate e proliferação de bactérias causadoras do mau hálito.  Muitas pessoas já se beneficiaram com esse spray.
No site do Halit + encontram-se diversos depoimentos de quem realizou esse sonho que está tão próximo de muitos, e também não causa nenhum efeito colateral.
Novo Spray Bucal Revoluciona o Mercado Pela Eficiência em Acabar com Mau Hálito de Forma 100% Natural
Onde comprar ?
É importante lembrar que só é permitido efetuar compra no site oficial do Halit +, então cuidado para não comprar em sites piratas.
Oportunidade Especial Para Nossos Leitores
Em contato com o  Halit + do Brasil, conseguimos um desconto para os nossos leitores. Para conferir basta clicar abaixo!
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