#hall hodur
pinkniz · 2 years
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Pray for Leon
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ufocraze · 2 years
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hall & friends
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the-shouji-kingdom · 2 years
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Vampire Hall from Dislyte
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thepocket221 · 2 years
i love emo boys sm,,,
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edit has also been posted on my tiktok(a lil different bc i remade it)
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0luna123 · 1 year
What if Hall left the Shadow Decree, and became a hairdresser?
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02kt · 1 year
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rare resonance artworks that maybe you havent seen yet
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rillunax · 1 year
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Hall from Dislyte
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singularuseblog · 7 months
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hall doesn't embrace hodur's god of night thing very well so I made an edit
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speedane · 7 months
A Hidden Monster
Main Character: Leon (Vali) Supporting Casts: Hailey (Hephaestus), Hall (Hodur), Q (Eros) (Phanes version by @murkyike ) Very Minor Appearance/Mention: Drew (Anubis), Long Mian (Ao Bing), Bonnie (Eris)
Number of Words: 3,188
Tags: Occasional swearing, few thrilling scenes (in a horror kind of way), slight implication of (almost) pulling Leon's eye off as well as cannibalism
Summary: Leon, still dumbfounded that he wasn't able to kill off Q, decides to do a little research with Hailey. What answer lies within the pages of the books? Will he find the answer that he was looking for, or is his mind playing tricks on him?
I am so sorry if this is gonna be too much for anybody, I tried giving the most appropriate of warnings!!
Silence fills the air, shelves left and right. The smell of old books fills the air as Leon rummages through the pile of books on the table. Hailey, who is currently climbing down the ladder behind him, glances at him with a puzzled look.
“Do you really need to learn about every single love god there is in existence?” She steps down the ladder with a stack of books in hand and paces towards the table where Leon is. “Like, seriously, you can’t just be reading ALL of these for the rest of the weekend?” 
The inventor lazily dumps all the books before sitting beside the sniper, who seem to be setting aside any book that does not interest him. He seems to only scan the contents of each book, as if looking for a needle in a haystack. “Not all of them,” Leon replied. “I’m only searching for one.”
“Oh~?” Hailey places a leg on top of another, while leaning her torso towards the table with an arm resting on one of the smaller book stacks. “Do tell me Mr. Stoneface, which one of these could possibly fancy that eye of yours?” She asks with a rather sarcastic tone in her words. 
With her free hand, Hailey picks up a random book with a rather interesting cover. “Eros and Psyche…” She pouts, scrutinizing the imagery of a winged man with a fair lady in his arms. Judging by the art, the two people looked like lovers. It’s sweet, maybe too sweet for her liking. “Eh, sounds cheesy.”
As if by reflexes Leon’s head perks up and immediately grabs the book from the inventor’s hand. “I’ll take that.”
Her eyes widened. “Eh?? That one??” Hailey stares at Leon with disgust. “Don’t tell me you’re into those soft... mushy, sickening love stories??” Her stomach churns, feeling like throwing up. Fortunately for the dusty old books in the Decree’s archives, they won’t get soiled today. The fiery-haired woman places a hand over her mouth, no longer looking at the sniper. “The more I learn about you, the less I want to…” 
“It’s not like that,” Leon replied nonchalantly, his eyes on the person next to him. “It’s just research… for my target.”
“Your target?” She blinks. “Oh.”
“I thought you’re looking for love stories to woo someone…” the inventor waves her hand around as she continues. “Liiiike we barely even talk and then boom! You asked me to help you with this love god research of yours!” 
The sniper only blinks.
“What I’m saying is that… isn’t this all too… convenient?” Hailey moves her hand back and forth towards the man with her palm upwards. “You? Me? Alone in this empty archive? If this was about research then an advanced notice would’ve been nice.”
Leon only sighs. “First of all, I am not trying to shoot my shot at you.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, perplexed. “Second, you were the only one here to help me.” Lowering his hand, he faces her again.
“Aw dang, where’s that big bad wolf you’re always with?”
“In the training room, amusing himself.”
“And that Hall guy?”
“Not every book on the shelves is written in Braille.” 
“Riiiiiiiight so you’re now stuck with me, I get it now.”
Haily starts shuffling through books. “So, books about Eros, huh?” Lifting a hardbound book, she squints. “He’s the target?”
“His esper,” were the only words he said.
“Huh…” The inventor chooses another book and opens the table of contents. “I think I know who you’re talking about…” Slowly, her finger slides through the titles, tapping on the very topic that grabs her attention. She starts flipping the pages. “Very popular internet guy, looks like a ball of cotton candy… got beef with him?”
The sniper only stays silent, his eyes fixated on the story book in his hand.
Hailey managed to locate the chapter that she is looking for regardless. “Thought so… oh!” Her eyes went left and right. “Eros, son of Aphrodite… Personification of Love… can forcefully bind two people into a relationship.” Squinting, she reads further. “I don’t get it, what’s so special about him? Sounds like just any other love god would do.” Soon after, she let out a big gasp. “Oh no! Don’t tell me… he made you kiss a fire hydrant!”
Ignoring the inventor’s boisterous laughter, Leon continues reading the story. Glued on the edge of his seat, locked on the words in the book. He is dead set to learn about the little flying baby that miraculously survived his bullet. When did he see his hiding spot? How did he survive? What makes him tick?
The young woman peers into the book. She sees a beautifully-illustrated picture book with words large enough for even her to read. “Huh, isn’t the Shadow Decree too old for these kinds of books?” Regardless, she bends closer. “Looks gorgeous though. So that Psyche girl was supposed to be sacrificed to a horrendous winged serpent!” 
“Read your own books,” Leon coldly responds without even looking at her.
“Fine, fine, geez…” The fiery-haired woman slumps back to her seat, grabbing another book to read. “And when I was finally getting interested in that cheesy love story too… hmph.”
The sniper flips page after page, but he is more interested in finding weaknesses of his opponent than learning the story. As minutes passed on, he finally closed the book shut. His eyelids are drooping, his back sore… and yet he did not find what he was looking for. The person at the seat next to him notices his tired look on his face.
“You were so focused on that one story book.” She smirks. “Found anything?”
“I found no weak points…” Leon yawns. “It was just… a love story…” he groggily rubs his eye, resting his bust on the table.
Hailey notices his exhaustion and shakes her head. “You know what, we’ve been doing this for hours now. The books may have bored you to sleep.” She stands up and walks towards the door. “If you need me, I’ll be getting some snacks.”
The sniper did not reply. With the inventor out of the scene, there is no stopping him from closing his eyes and entering into a deep sleep…
As his world fades to black, he feels at peace. No distractions, no responsibilities, no worries. He even almost forgot what he was doing a while ago…
Hailey’s sudden yelling woke him up unceremoniously. His head is in pain, his vision rather blurry. He could not make out from his surroundings, but he could tell that Hailey had entered the room and was in a hurry.
Walking down the hallway, the pair notices more henchmen passing through them. Leon suddenly gets a feeling of uneasiness… like something worse is happening outside his view. Walking further, he finally sees Hall standing in the middle of all this. The two of them stop to meet him.
“Leon, you got a new assignment, and they looked like they urgently needed your help out there!”
The sniper rubs his temple sighing, looking annoyed. “Figures.” Standing up, he grabs his saxophone and heads out with Hailey. 
“Hall, why are they sending more people out there,” Leon asks.
“From what I heard, there is a hostile entity steadily approaching our base…” Hall faces the two with worry. “We need more manpower before it reaches here.”
Hailey scratches her head. “Sounds like a tough cookie… is it some sort of a miramon?”
The blind archer shakes his head. “Reports say it’s an esper. The last thing I heard was that Bonnie returned here with minor injuries, and Long Mian is stalling.”
The inventor whistles. “Did the Esper Union have a secret weapon or something? Pretty bold of them to send a single guy our way if it’s really them!”
“No time for chitchat, I’ve heard enough.” Leon cuts the conversation off and switches his saxophone into the sniper rifle he always used. “Do what needs to be done.”
Hailey separates herself from the group, taking the route to where the labs are. Leon is now paired with Hall and heads to the exit. Outside was starting to get chaotic. Various men scrambled around, preparing for a possible onslaught. Whoever this ‘hostile entity’ is is becoming a serious issue for the Decree. 
The sniper turns to Hall. “You stay here and guard this entrance.”
Hall gives him a troubled look. “But what about you?”
Leon lowers his hood and turns around. “I’ll be at the sniper tower where I can see what’s really going on out there.” 
Without a word, he left in a hurry, with Hall standing still by the entrance. For a sniper, the tower would be the most tactical place for him to maneuver both offensively and defensively… but it would also be the loneliest place for him.
No subordinates. No partners. Just him, his rifle, and the vast outskirts of the ruins that was once Hazlitt. 
Now in position, Leon looks at the barren wasteland through the sniper scope. He scans through the area, now currently quiet. Too quiet. “Odd… did Long Mian manage to subdue the target..?
Before he could lower his rifle, he spotted a pink light towards his direction. 
And just like that, it hit him in a flash of pink sparkles, sending him on the floor with a thud. The laser temporarily made him blind, his vision only filled with a bright hot rosy color. The man winces in pain as white noise fills his ears and dizziness hits his head like banging pots and pans. He groans, but nobody could hear him. What in the world is happening in the base without him? He’s just there, laying down. Helpless. 
“... Hall?”
He opened his eyes. Vision was suddenly clear as day. He heard Hall’s voice from far away. The sniper slowly stands up, struggling to keep his balance at first. 
“Hall? Hall!!”
But nobody answered back. 
The sudden silence made his chest feel tight. Now regaining his full senses, the sniper immediately jumped off the tower without a second thought, landing on one foot before tumbling down. By the time he looked up again, he knew immediately that there was something horribly wrong…
The entire lot that was full of chaos before is now barren. Not a single voice can be heard from any direction. What happened to everyone?
Leon paces as he scans the area. Still nothing, except for the burn marks on the concrete. The red-haired man kneels down and lightly touches the marks. Warm to the touch, as if freshly-made. Getting up again, he heads to where the entrance is. Hall was not there. 
“Where did you go..?”
He gazes into the hallway within. It’s just as eerily quiet as the outside. He decides to enter in high alert, with the rifle pointing ahead, careful not to make a sound with every step. Lights above his head flicker as he moves further down the path, his heart pounding louder the deeper he gets. When he reaches the intersection point, he stops. Soon after, all lights flicker and fail except the one on top of him. Everything beyond the light turned pitch black.
Within the darkness, the sound of a slithering snake can be faintly heard. Leon quickly aims at the hallway passage on his left. As always, there was nothing… but the sniper knows he’s not alone anymore.
“I can hear you…” He aims at another hallway. “Show yourself.”
All silence. Leon is quickly losing his patience.
“I have no time for games..!”
And there he hears the same hissing from a minute ago. A honeyed voice speaks from behind him.
“How delightful it is to see you.. Leon.”
In a flash, the red-haired sniper swiftly points the rifle from the source of the voice and makes the first shot. The sound of movement is noticeable after the attack despite the deep darkness, which he took advantage of in making out his opponent’s next move.
“Don’t hide from me…”
He makes his second shot. This time he hears the hissing of a snake. 
Then his third. Wings flapping can be heard almost immediately.
“This bitch can fly-”
A slither on his top right. A shot fires again. A hard landing to his rear. And another shot resounds into the void. No matter how many shots he throws at it, the thing doesn’t seem to go down. The mix of adrenaline, frustration, and fear makes his heart pound faster than he ever felt for years. He’s a cornered rat.
“Your heart is beating so loud…” The voice became more venomous. 
It finally makes its first move and flicks its reptilian tail towards Leon, disarming him in the same process. He let out a wince and tumbles down to the cold hard floor. He sees his rifle beside him, but as he turns and reaches for it, the tail has already coiled around his body and pulls him up in the air. Now binded, the man is now helpless in cold sweat. 
“Let.. Let me go..!” 
He attempts to wiggle out. However, it was of no use. 
His opponent lets out a soft chuckle. “Resistance is futile, you know.”
The last remaining light starts to fail, and eventually leaves Leon devoid of light. He could still feel the tail that constricts him, and it only gets tighter. Almost choking.
“Who.. are you..?”
“You still haven’t figured it out? Poor you~”
Leon senses that his shoulders are being held with soft, human hands. The sharp nails poking on the fabric of his hood doesn’t make this fact relieving though. But he could still feel it in his skin. And it’s really unnerving. 
In front of him has two purple eyes flashing right at his face, their slit pupils piercing into his soul. The voice becomes more distorted.
“I thought you did your research?”
The once dim area gradually gets illuminated by a bright golden light, showing the wings of his assailant, and his true nature. 
“Or have you already forgotten about me?”
“Tch… I should’ve known it was you…”
Lo and behold, the one who’s been attacking the Shadow Decree all this time is none other than his target… or what he thinks to be.
Unlike the usual youthful appearance of the cupid, the one that stands in front of him is much taller. And much more menacing.
“Ding dong!”
“What did you do to them? What did you do to Hall..?!”
‘Q’ gives him an eerie smile, showing both of his sharp fangs. “Oh trust me… you don’t wanna know.”
The red-haired man grits his teeth. “Is this what you’ve been hiding from me? Is this how you survived… my bullet?”
The other esper lets go of one hand and cutely pokes his own cheek with a matching head tilt. “Oh no, it’s no secret~” 
With the same finger, he lightly pokes his nose. “You’ve read this, remember?” The man pulls the other closer to his eyes. “Or should I say, your lady friend?”
Three words resounding within his mind. Words he didn’t know were relevant until now: Horrendous. Winged. Serpent.
The snake tail, the sharp fangs, the feathery golden wings, and those monstrous eyes… It all makes sense now. This is no longer the small annoying target that Leon knows of. This is a threat of a high caliber, a threat that manifested from his inner fears, a threat he couldn’t kill.
The constricting tail continues to choke the sniper, and sooner or later he’s going to run out of air to breathe. Yet, he could do nothing but watch as the winged serpent in front of him gets amusement from his suffering. At this very moment, he’d pretty much rather be dead than having to look at his deceptively sweet face.
“Go on… kill me already-”
“Oh, not yet…”
Both of their eyes are locked on each other, and nobody would want to let go. Pure, visceral rage fills Leon’s heart as ‘Q’ stares at him mockingly. His arms are still binded, his feet frozen, and his breaths becoming shorter.
“You know, I’m feeling quite peckish right now…” The wings on the serpent’s head flutter lightly, happy thoughts in mind. “I was thinking of getting something sweet!”
Leon could feel one of this monster’s fingers gently brushing on his freckled face, like a little plaything.
“You know what your red hair and speckled cheeks remind me of?” 
He leans closer to his ear and lets out a whisper.
A soft gasp can be heard from the hooded man. There is no way this beast is thinking of what’s in his head right now… but the heavens are finally merciful enough to give him an answer as one of his clawed hands starts creeping into one of his eyes.
“I was thinking… hmmm… strawberry tarts.”
Leon wants to look away. But he can’t. The man’s body is unresponsive, like a plant. Not even a sound escapes from his mouth, not a tear from his eyes. He’s facing his death, and he can’t do anything about it… With no time to waste, the hand grabs his face and he lets out a loud, painful scream.
The next thing he knew, he could hear books dropping on the floor, and his eyes could finally see the light of the archives again. A familiar voice speaks.
“Aw man, I was about to make it to five stacks!” 
He finds himself back at the same table he was sleeping on, with sweat on his face and a messy set of red hair. Nothing binding his body, no hands grabbing his face. He is where he was before everything started… or did he even leave at all?
“Am I back…?” The man stares into nothing as Hailey starts picking up the books that fell with his rude awakening.
“Back? Pff, you’ve been sleeping for an hour and a half!” The young woman places the books on the table and grabs her phone that has been opened for a while. “Anyway, while you’re asleep, I started doing my own research as well.”
She puts the screen directly at Leon’s face that currently shows a livestream of a flying baby and a butler jackal.
“You can put your preferred fruit on top of the tarts. Make sure that they are fresh and delectable to eat.”
“I want mine with strawberries!!”
Strawberries… strawberries. The word echoes in his head, bringing him back to that very moment in his nightmare. The inventor only laughs at the seemingly innocent scene of a small boy putting strawberries on his tarts, unaware of the ordeal that he had to endure in his sleep.
“You know, for a target, he’s such a comedian! Goofy-ass motherfucker.”
“I’ll get some milk…”
With no words left to say, Leon gets up from his seat and leaves the archives. Hailey’s eyes shifted from the door that he went through, to the pile of books left on the table, and back to the door with an unamused look. 
“I am NOT cleaning this up.” 
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supernovaae · 2 months
List of all 144 Espers in Dislyte (alphabetized)
Abigail (Frigga)
Adrina (Chantico)
Ahmed (Geb)
Ain (Ptah)
Alexa (Aphrodite)
Alice (Gullveig)
Alolin (Pazuzu)
Anesidora (Pandora)
Anna (Persphone)
Arcana (Hermes)
Archibald (Mictlantecutli)
Asenath (Nefertem)
Ashley (Heimdall)
Aurelius (Ullr)
Bai Liuli (White Snake)
Bardon (Baldr)
Berenice (Bastet)
Biondina (Poseidon)
Bonnie (Eris)
Brewster (Garmr)
Brynn (Valkyrie)
Camille (Hati)
Cang Ji (Cang Jie)
Catherine (Hela)
Cecilia (Isis)
Celine (Siren)
Chalmers (Idun)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Chloe (Medea)
Chu Yao (Tai Yi)
Clara (Hera)
Daniel (Charon)
David (Jason)
Daylon (Sobek)
Dhalia (Calypso)
Djoser (Atum)
Donar (Thor)
Drew (Anubis)
Eira (Freya)
Elaine (Nyx)
Elliot (Thoth)
Embla (Ymir)
Emma (Jade Rabbit)
Ethan (Pan)
Everett (Tyr)
Fabrice (Freyr)
Falken (Horus)
Farrah | Aminah (Tiamat | Abzu)
Fatum Sisters (Nornir)
Feng Nuxi (Nuwa)
Feng Xun (Fu Xi)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Fu Shi (Suan Ni)
Fumitsuki (Kaguya-hime)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Gaius (Zeus)
Ginny (Hestia)
Hailey (Hephaestus)
Hall (Hodur)
Helena (Helen)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Hilda (Hypnos)
Hyde (Hades)
Ife (Meretseger)
Ikki (Tsukuyomi)
Intisar (Kauket)
Jacob (Jormungand)
Javid (Shamash)
Jeanne (Gerd)
Jiang Jiuli (Chiyou)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Jin Qiu (Ru SHou)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Jin-Hee (Dokkaebi)
Kara (Serket)
Kaylee (Anuket)
Koharu (Ame No Uzume)
Laura (Neith)
Lauren (Heket)
Layla (Medjed)
Leon (Vali)
Leora (Athena)
Lewis (Ares)
Li Ao (Tao Tie)
Li Guang (Vermilion Bird)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Liam (Xolotl)
Lian (Jiao Tu)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Long Mian (Ao Bing)
Lucas (Apollo)
Luo Yan (Yanluo Wang)
Lu Yi (Dayi)
Lynn (Hathor)
Mateo (Prometheus)
Mavis (Mictecacihuatl)
Mei (Kaya-no-Hime)
Melanie (Medusa)
Meredith (Scylla)
Mona (Artemis)
Narmer (Ra)
Nick (Magni)
Nicole (Nephthys)
Norah (The Muses)
Odette (Skadi)
Ollie (Osiris)
Ophelia (Thanatos)
Parmi (Ninsun)
Pritzker (Mimir)
Q (Eros)
Raven (Odin)
Ren Si (Black Tortoise)
Sachiko (Hare of Inaba)
Sally (Sif)
Sander (Set)
Sienna (Gaia)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Su Jue (Daji)
Tang Xuan (Sun Wukong)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Taylor (Hercules)
Tevor (Sphinx)
Tiye (Nut)
Toland (Tezcatlipoca)
Triki (Loki)
Uday (Sopdet)
Unas (Shu)
Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Valeria (QUetzalcoatl)
Wu You (Dijiang)
Xiao Yin (Azure Dragon)
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)
Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai)
Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu)
Yalina (Mamitu)
Yamato (Izanagi)
Ye Suhua (Shao Siming)
Yu Ran (Bai Ze)
Yu Xu (Jing Wei)
Yun Chuan (Yang Jian)
Yuuhime (Izanami)
Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Zhong Nan (Zhong Kui)
Zora (Amunet)
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ufocraze · 2 years
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the-shouji-kingdom · 2 years
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I want lore of these brothers. I absolutely love Hall and Bardon
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smurphyse · 2 years
The Vedja
Series Masterlist | Smurph’s Masterlist
Part 17 of The Arrangement
Warnings: wedding anxiety!
Summary: It's the wedding day! Loki and Adora get married in a traditional Asgardian ceremony... while having cold feet
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Loki spent his day with Milja, struggling to oversee the final touches on the decor with only Thor and Odin to help. 
There was a mishap in the halls as Loki was looking over a schedule with one of the planners. He'd been thoroughly distracted with Milja on his hip, wanting this to be a perfect day for Adora when she reached over, plucked a string on a box nearby, and a flurry of doves exploded through the hallway. 
Milja screeched happily as they fluttered around, Hodur chasing one particularly unlucky dove under a set of chairs that clattered loudly to the floor as he and his brother and father struggled to catch them. 
The wedding planners hated them all, but at least Milja had fun. They'd have a good laugh about it when she was older. 
Loki was exhausted by the time he was to get dressed. Aela came in just long enough to ensure he was ready, then went back to Adora, who she assured him was having a relaxing day and being pampered. 
The Great Hall bustled with noise as he stood in front of some mirrors in the dressing room, his ceremonial armor feeling a bit ridiculous. Holding his helmet under his arm, Loki’s hands shook. 
Adora was wonderful, Milja was a gift, he told himself. Everything was going to be okay, and with her by his side for twenty years, Loki was sure to win this bet. The girls could go home and Loki would be free. 
They'll go home, he realized, his pulse catching in his throat. He'll be alone again, free to do as he pleased, and a few weeks ago that sounded so easy… now he wasn't so sure. 
The door opened behind him, a cacophony of voices filtering in before it shut again. Thor gave Loki a small smile in the looking glass.
"Are you ready, brother?"
Loki gave him a feeble one back as he set his helmet on, "As ready as I'll ever be."
Thor paused before he reached for the door, his voice quiet and soft, "I'm…proud of you, Loki. I was wrong, I think you and Adora are a fine match. Forgive me."
Loki reached out his hand, and Thor quickly pulled him into a bone crushing hug that made his feet leave the ground. He chuckled painfully and hugged his brother back, "There's nothing to forgive."
"Right," he grunted as he set Loki down, flashing him a confident grin, "Let's get you married."
Thor led Loki through the Great Hall and the people milling about. He shook more hands and was kissed by more people than he'd ever in his life. He was growing tired of it by the time Thor took him out to the gardens where the ceremony would be held and the day was only just beginning. 
His father waited at the altar with Wylen, each holding a goblet of honeymead. Thor took his place behind Odin as Loki kneeled before him, and as with their tradition the ceremony began.
Odin held the cup high and announced, "Everyone be seated!"
The creaking of chairs under the weight of hundreds of Asgardians and Alfheimans alike sounded on the old wood. Loki clamped his eyes shut and took a steadying breath as his father began.
"Today we gather to join our two families, our two realms, in matrimony,” he smiled for the crowds, and a loud round of whoops sounded behind Loki. “Through the Five Hundred Years' War, my son Prince Loki, and the Princess of Alfheim Adora, shared a love that overcame any battle, any fight.
“Their union, and the child that has come from it, mark the end of the toils between Asgard and Alfheim, and there is none so proud as I that they can now be together along with our two realms.”
Odin’s fingers pressed under Loki’s chin, and he opened his eyes to see his father smiling softly down at him. Whether it was for the crowds or his child, he couldn’t be sure, but Loki couldn’t help giving him a feeble smile back. 
“With the first sip of honeymead,” Odin said happily, but Wylen let out an annoyed sigh, “let this happy day begin.”
Odin tipped the goblet to Loki’s lips, the sweet liquid dripping over his tongue and down his throat. Loki let it wash over him, let the sugary alcohol loosen his nerves a bit. The cheers behind him were deafening, but when the doors to the Hall opened with an exploding crack, everyone quickly shut their mouths.
Taking his father’s outstretched hand, Loki stood and turned to face the crowds. There were so many people lining the aisle, and the doors to the Hall opened at snail-like speeds. He was sure to have a panic attack, and as much as he cared for Adora, he still wasn’t sure he could do this. 
His armor seemed to tighten, and the weight of his helmet could have forced his whole body to crumple as the doors finally swung wide… but then Adora stepped through.
Holding a sword between her clasped hands, careful not to kick the sharp point with each step, Adora wore a dress of green tulle and gold trims. Supple dragon leather was made in lieu of Asgardian armor typical in most wedding dresses, but she'd cut it to leave her left breast free with the bodice covering her like his mother often did. The leather encircled her forearms in the Asgardian and Alfheiman tradition, but the rest of the dress was purely Adora. 
Delicately stitched silk decorated the dress, an intricate image of Loki, Adora, and Milja on the front in a tapestry Loki wanted to cut out and hang in their halls to see forever. Snakes danced along the wildflowers, billowing with each step toward him. 
He'd made the right call. She beamed at him as she came down the aisle, focused solely on him and not the gawking, gasping stares of the party guests. Her hair was braided intricately around her head, dusted with familiar gold and letting her curls bounce about. 
She'd made the perfect dress, she looked the perfect bride. A shining example of the union between their realms with his mother and sister following close behind. 
Loki held out his hand for her as she approached, and she slipped the sword to one and took it with her other one. Her warm skin slid against his, and Loki couldn't help but give her a soft squeeze. 
"You look… like a slice of heaven," Loki whispered, and even though his voice shook he really truly meant it. 
Adora smiled with her perfectly redlined lips, blushing furiously, "You're easy to please."
"Let's get this over with, yeah?" Wylen hissed under his breath, so Loki gave Adora another soft squeeze and let her lean on him while they kneeled before their fathers. 
As they settled, Loki pulled the sword from his own sheath on his belt and held it in his free hand. Doing as Adora did, he held it out to his right while she held hers out to the left, careful not to let the tip touch the ground. 
Odin and Wylen stood before their respective children and tipped the honeymead for both Loki and Adora to sip, then switched goblets and they drank again. Frigga came between them with the goblet that would become the symbol of his and Adora’s house, and Odin and Wylen poured the remainder of the mead into it at the same time. 
Frigga made a circle around them all, once, twice, three times, then came before them to face them and the crowds, holding the cup high for everyone to see. 
The crowd cheered as she proclaimed, "Today, we bring together our houses not only in name, but in body and spirit."
Clutching Adora’s hand tightly, Loki leaned in with her as Frigga brought the chalice down. The idea was, if no mead spilled as they drank in tandem, they would have a happy fruitful marriage. It was a test from the gods, one Loki didn't much believe in, but the people did, and it made his body quiver. 
Adora gave him a soft squeeze as Frigga held it to their lips, and as their first act as a unified realm, Loki and Adora sipped slowly from the cup, their cheeks held firmly together as they kneeled before their people. 
When nothing dripped, and the mead was gone, Frigga pulled the cup back and grinned to the crowds, “A blessing from the Norns!”
Whoops and yells erupted behind them, and Loki and Adora both blushed and looked away from one another. The weight of this all was crushing, impersonable, and they’d only known each other for a few weeks. They clung to one another tightly, but otherwise they found they could not meet one another’s eyes.
Asgardian weddings were all about ritual, the joining of houses and families, not necessarily about the union of the couple themselves. Loki and Adora were merely centerpieces for this display of frivolity and camp.
“On this day, I am proud to bring together the children of Odin and Wylen, Prince and Princess of Asgard and Alfheim. The joining of their hands is a symbol of hope, of faith, in our realms to protect and serve one another in times of peace and war.
“Loki and Adora will now exchange the swords of their families, as a gesture of unity and faith that these weapons will be used to protect one another, and to defend against any enemy,” Frigga announced, waving a hand between them. 
Loki and Adora shifted to face one another on their knees, releasing their hold on one another’s hands to grip the sword handles in front of their chests. They exchanged them with their left hands, the same one their rings would go on, then held them up in a symbol of peace toward a past enemy.
Odin and Wylen stepped forward to take the swords from them, another symbol of unity, then stepped back behind Frigga.
She reached into a pouch on her belt and pulled out two rings. Loki had them made special, and had requested Aela take Adora’s engagement ring so he could give her something that better reflected her. Loki couldn’t help but notice the furrow of her brows as Frigga held them out in her open palm.
Loki’s was simpler than he normally would have picked, because he wanted his ring to symbolize their union as much as hers did. It was a gold band with a deep set emerald, the band shaped into a snake whose mouth held the jewel, but it wrapped around a wooden vine with copper and green leaves to show Adora’s taste.
Adora’s band was an intricate vine with the same leaves as his, tangling around a large emerald as Loki could not help himself and gave her a bigger one than she would have wanted. He wanted her to have the world, so at least with this he could show how much of him he wanted her to have. Under the emerald rested a golden snake, sleeping in a pile as he held it safe.
“Loki, take this ring,” Frigga commanded gently, and she flashed him a smile as he took it. Loki held out his right hand for Adora to place her left hand into, and she took it easily. 
“With this ring, you hereby vow yourself to uphold the laws and expectations of both realms," she began as Loki held Adora trembling hand in his own. She was smiling, but the familiar red patch of nerves spread across her chest and cheeks. "You promise to protect your bride, to protect her people and your children, to usher our realms into a unity of peace and growth."
She waved a hand, and with shaking fingers, Loki used his left hand to slide the ring onto Adora’s own. In tradition, he clasped his hands around hers before bringing it up to kiss the ring as a movement of subjugation and devotion to his bride. 
"Adora, take this ring," Frigga commanded once more, and Adora slipped her hand from his to take it from her open palm.
“With this ring, you hereby vow yourself to uphold the laws and expectations of both realms," she began again. "You promise to obey and serve your husband, to devote yourself to him and your children, to support them and our realms with a maternal hand."
Through his anxiety, Loki hardly noticed the lightning quick downcast of Adora’s gaze as Frigga read aloud her vow, but it was gone as quick as it came. 
Frigga waved her hand, and Adora took Loki's and slid the ring onto his finger. She clasped their hands together and brought them up to her lips, her warm skin melting into his and soothing some of his nerves. 
In a move Loki remembered from the marriage rights book Wylen had given him, she then took his other hand and pulled them first to her forehead, pressing his knuckles to her skin before bringing them down and doing the same above her heart. 
Loki rubbed his thumbs along her hands as they sat on their knees, trembling with mutual fear and anxiety, and when he smiled she gave him a feeble one back. 
"With these swords, these rings, these vows, I now bind you in matrimony for all to witness. I bless this union, and I wish you a long happy life with many children to fill your home."
The crowd erupted into cheers, and Loki and Adora were quickly brought to their feet and presented, their clasped hands held up for all to see. Loki took the opportunity to sweep her up in his arms, and in tradition carried her back down the aisle.
Adora wrapped her arms around his shoulders and smiled at the crowd as he took her quickly back through the Great Hall. There was a room set aside for them to have a break before the festivities, and Loki sped off directly for it, shutting the door behind them.
He leaned heavily against it, clutching Adora to his chest and sucking in a deep breath. Adora let him, nosing her way under his jaw and hugging him tightly. 
"We're married," he murmured quietly, and he felt her nod. 
"We are."
Adora smoothed one palm from his shoulder down to his chest, running her thumb along the lapel of his armor. She chuckled awkwardly for a moment, "This isn't our consummation chamber, is it?"
Loki huffed a laugh, "No, that's… later."
"Oh." Adora swallowed thickly and nodded again, "Can you put me down now?"
"Yeah, yeah," he said awkwardly. Loki untangled her from him and set her on the floor, and she quickly took a step away from him to tug on her fingers. 
The red patches on her chest and face were only deepening as she avoided his gaze. Loki hated it, how uncomfortable this suddenly was, so he held out his hand for her to take. When she slid her palm against his, Loki pulled her knuckles up to kiss the backs of them one by one, taking care to linger over her wedding band. 
"You look beautiful," he murmured against the emerald, and the blush only flushed further. Loki couldn't help himself, and he wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her close. 
Moving her hand to the back of his neck, Loki smoothed one up her neck and leaned in to kiss her gently. They fumbled for a moment before it seemed to click, and Adora melted into his arms. Her arms around his neck grounded him, but when her fingers tangled into his hair it ignited something between them.
Adora moaned lightly as he turned and pressed her against the door, her soft flesh molding to him even under both of their leathers and armors. Loki reached up and tugged off his helmet, tossing it onto the carpet without another glance before focusing back on her. He slipped his tongue between her lips, and she let him inside in an instant, those familiar little gasps and sighs only spurring him on. 
A knock on the door broke them apart, and Adora gulped as he pulled back to watch her. Her perfect skin was flushed a deep red, panting lightly and far far too beautiful for him to be alone with right now. 
“Prince, Princess,” Aela’s voice came through, making them both chuckle at her catching them for a second time that day making out like teenagers. “Your presence is requested at the feast.”
“We’re on our way!” Loki called, looking back to Adora. She sheepishly looked away from him, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth and letting out a sigh.
“Are you okay?” he asked, like he didn’t have her pressed against a door and hadn’t just had his tongue down her throat.
Adora nodded, but she wouldn’t meet his eye, so Loki pressed two fingers under her chin so she would. He used his thumb to pull her lip out, and she finally let her eyes catch his.
“We’ll go slow,” he whispered, and her eyes welled with her nervous tears. “It’s just you and me, and we’ll take our time.”
“I know,” she nodded, but the smile she gave him was mischievous. “It’s been a long day. I don't know if you remember, but I was stabbed last night.”
Loki scoffed and pulled her away from the door, and when he pinched her backside she yelped. As Adora glared at him, Loki leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose, “And it’ll never happen again.”
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Notes: Next chapter... consummation night! o.O What was your favorite part of the ceremony?? What did you think of the vows??
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nameace · 2 years
Did you know that?
Dislyte's career story is somewhat slightly different from English and Chinese texts
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And Chinese texts
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HMM.................. unfortunately I cant read Chinese(If you can, u are awesome and let me know translation is right) so lets use power of translation
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It's a pretty different story
Hall is less skilled than I thought, (cute)
And Hall didn't do the same to Leon as much as he was friendly and being silly blueberry to Catherine, (He is hesitant and shy when he tells Leon his merchandise issue)
perhaps because Hall respected him as a senior and mentor to emulate
Leon... It's written in a much more mythical narrative bcz Vali 'gained life' from Hodur
He wouldn't have been born without him - even if it was for the purpose of killing him / Even, in some versions, he kills Hodur and himself dies too - Danmark myth
So, maybe it's no wonder that Leon made Hall the second meaning of life, his dark world (very ironic twist, So cool)
And WTF Leon all you care about in your life is your young brother and now you're going to marry a man who looks like your brother What's wrong with you (This is a joke. I like all ship)
Shits aside, watching the Chinese story of your favorite character may be a new discovery. Try it
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umbrproptech · 1 month
Lodha New Project Bannerghatta Road Akshayanagar Begur Bangalore |☎️+91-8069377873 |
This new luxury residential project by the Lodha Group located in Bannerghatta Road Begur in South Bangalore. The residential enclave, Lodha in Bannerghatta, features the best in Lodha Group’s luxury living segment.
The project offers spacious 3.5,4 BHK and Penthouse flats with luxurious features and facilities. Beautiful landscapes with open spaces and green covers around Lodha Bannerghatta make it more special and elite.
Lodha Bannerghatta Road Project Details:
Approximate area - 10 Acres Total No. of towers - 4 towers Total No. of flats - 500 flats Total No. of floors - G+30 Price: 12500-13500 psf Flats Sizes: 3 BHK- 1800-2000 approx 3.5 BHK- 2100-2250 approx 4 BHK- 3000 approx
Lodha Bannerghatta Location has excellent connectivity & it is located at the heart of Akshayanagar, Begur just off Bannerghatta Road close to Hulimavu, Arekere, Hodur Road, NICE Junction, Meenakshi Mall, JP Nagar, and more key parts of South Bangalore.
Some of the ready Amenities at Lodha Bannerghatta include a fully equipped clubhouse, landscaped gardens, gymnasium, swimming pool, recreation rooms, outdoor sports courts, children’s play area, party hall, and meticulously planned with utmost importance to state-of-the-art 24/7 securities.
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
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Pics: Deja Vu?!!¹
It's just, my last post was so long, that I left the pic descriptions out!
Don't want to buck the systemic way that society is going thru right now.
With everything being summarized - without understanding that the minute details matter just as much as the important points...
But, enough social commentary.
That's not my aim here.
(I leave that to my collection of political cartoons...)
Just think of this as Part 3 of HPL's translation of "Ragnar's Death Song."
Now, let's get back to the fun.
1. A woodcut print(?) of a younger Olaus Wormius.
The Latin circular inscription reads as "The Royal(?)² Medical Academy at Hafnia.³ Public Latin Professor, Aged 38."
2. The 2nd print is of a much older Wormius.
This inscription reads as "King's Latin Professor of Copenhagen..." (I don't know what the Latin notations "A. M. DC" mean.), but, the rest is "54 Aged 66."
Maybe that last part is a form of "From Death of Christ 54 to Age of 66?"
Wormius's 'reign' as teacher?
3. This is the Isle of Gotland in Sweden, Northern Europe. It's part of the Geatland/Gothland provinces.
4. The Vistula River system, whose branches touch upon several other, nearby nations.
5. Bucklers! Every home should have one!
Although the ones on the cover are too artsy for war. But, they can serve as wall decorations...
6. This is a much later painting of what Valhalla might have looked.
It shows a richly detailed feasting room - with Odin in attendance.
He's presiding over the meal. Sitting to the right wearing a winged helmet - &, with 1 of his 2 war wolves!
These were Geri ("the ravenous") & Freki ("the greedy one") - so basically the same name.
7. More modern sculpture of Odin ("inspired, raging") - with Gungnir ("rocking, swaying"⁴) his magic spear.
The old Norse Gods are still 'alive' & worshiped today.
This Neo-Pagan religion is known as Asatru ("faith in the Aesir"⁵), Forn Sed ("the old way"), etc.
It's not a direct continuation of Norse beliefs. Instead, it's a reinterpretation of the original religion.
As there are too few written sources on the subject...
8. This portrays Balder's death - from a mistletoe spear or arrow shot by his blind brother Hodur!
Hodur ("stout warrior") was tricked by Loki ("fire?" or "entangler?"), who didn't tell Hodur that mistletoe was Balder's only weakness.
This didn't matter to Odin, whose son Vali ("strong", "vigorous") slew Hodur in revenge!
Loki didn't escape punishment. He was bound in a cave, with a viper's poison dripping on his pretty face.
He wouldn't escape til Ragnarok...
In the pic, Thor is to the left, Odin is at the center & Frigga ("free", "related") is the Goddess to the right.
Balder is downed - with an arrow to the chest.
Hodur is weeping over him.
9. More modern illustration of Hela⁶ ("hidden" or "mysterious one"), the Norse Goddess of Death - but, only those who didn't die in battle...
Originally, Hela wasn't seen as evil, just part of the life cycle.
But, Christian pastors equated her with the now evil Loki - who was, originally, only a trickster...
10. Finally, a great painting of scantily clad Valkyries ("choosers of the slain").
It is, of course, a modern version of war spirits who would have worn some kind of Norse armor to fulfill their various duties...
Sex is never mentioned in Valhalla ("hall of the slain").
Just enjoy.
6 Notes (& you're finished):
1. Deja Vu (French, "already seen") is the weird feeling of thinking you've gone thru the same experience again.
But, you haven't...
It's thought to be caused by the hippocampus in each temporal lobe.
During certain seizures this brain tissue is activated, causing such memory experiences.
An estimated 97% of people are thought to have experienced Deja Vu.
It's known to occur more to folk 15 to 25 years old, during evenings & on weekends!
You're susceptible if you're very smart, travel a lot, remember your dreams & are a liberal!!
Neurologists say that it's "just a false sense of familiarity."
And, it's usually not dangerous.
So, no worries.
2. Swedish Regla is usually translated as "a rule", "ruler" or "rules."
So, it could read as a "Medical Rules Academy."
I made a choice...
3. Hafnia is Swedish for the city of Copenhagen, Denmark.
4. The "rocking" or "swaying" might be references to Odin's actions before a battle.
He would "shake" Gungnir, his spear & then throw it over all the warriors that would die during that battle!
And Gungnir never missed its mark...
5. Aesir translates as "members of the Gods."
Strangely enough, the Aesir aren't the only Gods of the viking skies!
These other divinities were called the Vanir ("friendly"). They were primarily Gods of fertility, wealth & commerce.
Both pantheons had a war between them. But, afterwards, they traded hostages & became close allies.
6. Helheim/Hel ("the concealed land") was the literally underworld kingdom of Hela ("hidden mysterious one").
She ruled over all of the souls of those who never accomplished something worthy of honor.
Hela (Loki's daughter) is described as being half blue or black (both corpse colors) & half flesh colored.
Over time, this 'attribute' has been transformed into Hel/Hela having a half corpse side & a half alive side...
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