#they’re watching morbius.
sunflowerscottie · 25 days
you know, it does make me laugh watching classic who because you’re telling me that sarah jane “runs headlong into danger” smith is going about with the doctor in heels? girl
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killlerfang1 · 11 months
I am genuinely impressed by Sony’s commitment to making the absolute worst superhero movies imaginable. 10/10 no notes
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
a low-budget cult classic movie that can bear to be awkward at times while having an odd to insane script or plot is worth a million billion-budget films that are safe and cringey because the execs wanted to be ‘relatable’
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
I hope you had a fantastic day and I wish you an incredible next year!
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brotherthanatos · 4 months
I have never seen the Morbius movie. But I love that it was apparently so dedicated to m/m enemies incest it made the unrelated main characters pseudo-brothers just to give them sexual tension. Visionary.
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jinxedgods · 1 year
I don’t even ship sylki but ok my fucking GOD y’all would not hate that ship this much if wasn’t what prevented the loki and morbius ship. it’s the only reason anyone unironically gets morally outraged about a hypothetical universe wherenyou could fuck your clone. I am so tired of people pretending the show is bad just cause they’re bitter about ships. I know no matter how much you talk shit you will all watch the second season and keeep bitching
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lazywhispersobject · 6 months
Review: ‘Madame Web’ is actually a good movie. Yes, really.
I'm not gonna lie: while I was heading to the theater, I was concerned going into “Madame Web.” The majority of X, formerly known as Twitter, users seemed to be against what they saw as meager storylines and weak writing, characters, and performances, especially compared to other Sony/Marvel superhero movies, so I was hesitant. I was expecting “Madame Web” to be a lot worse than it was, but a few good performances and strong found family themes elevate “Madame Web” above some lesser Sony/Marvel superhero movies.
Columbia Pictures’ “Madame Web” was released in theaters on Feb. 14 and follows Cassandra Webb (played by Dakota Johnson), a paramedic in New York City. Webb finds herself having to protect three teenagers from Ezekiel Sims, a murderous adversary with superhuman powers who is hunting them.
“Madame Web” is set in 2003 and sort of pays homage to the conventions of the comic book movies of that era. The muted color palette and minimalistic special effects are all designed to remind viewers of movies like 2002’s “Spider-Man” or 2003’s “Daredevil.”
Also, like many of those movies, Webb is depicted as aloof and antisocial, with her friend having to drag her to social gatherings. Occasionally, with these characters it doesn’t feel realistic, but Johnson really sells it which makes it all the better when she finally finds her chosen family.
The other star of “Madame Web” is Adam Scott. I’ll admit that Scott and his glorious deadpan was half of the reason why I actually watched the movie in the first place, and he absolutely killed it as Ben Parker, a name most Spider-Man fans will recognize.
That’s the other thing about Sony’s recent Spider-Man Universe — it doesn’t have Spider-Man, but it gets really close. Sony is trying to convince people that its movies are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but they’re not. It is this confusion that is driving audiences away from its movies after films like “Morbius,” which was both a critical and commercial failure. It’s a shame too, because with better marketing more people might be able to actually enjoy this movie.
I mentioned that Adam Scott was half the reason I wanted to watch “Madame Web,” the other half was because of Isabela Merced. Merced, known for her starring role as Dora the Explorer in 2019’s “Dora and the Lost City of Gold,” brings layers to the role of Anya Corazon, who was my favorite of the three girls. The A-plus-student Corazon was one of my favorite characters in the 2017 “Spider-Man” animated series. Still, Merced portrays her as more than just an intellectual here, which I appreciated.
Sydney Sweeney and Celeste O’Connor were okay as Julia Cornwall and Mattie Franklin, but the script doesn’t give them much to do other than be a goody-two-shoes and a rebel, respectively.
The writing for “Madame Web” is kind of basic. The hero gets powers that she can’t control, finds the other main characters and must come into her power to save them – it’s all been done before. I am willing to forgive it, though, because of the ending.
I’m a sucker for the found family trope. It’s one of my favorites and “Madame Web” is a great example of it. Webb is initially reluctant to save the girls, but after learning that their real families have abandoned or left them, she takes it upon herself to protect them. By the end, Webb accepts Corazon, Cornwall and Franklin as her chosen family.
The villain in “Madame Web” is also bland. Sims sees a vision of Corazon, Cornwall and Franklin killing him, which is fine, but what I don’t get is why he doesn’t just try to talk to them first, instead of going right to hunting them.
I also thought the dialogue mixing for him was off. Whenever he spoke in voiceover, it sounded much deeper than his actual voice.
There was a lot of good humor in “Madame Web.” Johnson and Scott have a good rapport as Webb and Parker, with Scott stealing the spotlight in every scene he is in. The girls also have good chemistry.
The music was surprisingly good. I appreciated the use of Britney Spears’ “Toxic” as a plot device, and Tiffany’s cover of “I Think We’re Alone Now” was also appropriate for the scene, because they were, in fact, alone.
Unlike most of X, I actually enjoyed “Madame Web.” If you ignore what people on the Internet say, maybe you will too.
by Tyler D'Errico - The Collegian
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Madame Web premiere
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turquoisemagpie · 2 years
What’s to bet some director in the next 2 months is going to announce they’re making a Goncherov film?
And what’s to raise that bet that everyone here will pull a Morbius and demand nobody watches it?
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thenightling · 2 years
My favorite movies and shows of 2022: 2022 was a terrible year so here’s my favorite escapisms of the year. 1.  The Sandman Netflix series.   I only read The Sandman for the first time in 2017 and I immediately wanted more. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to wait for an adaptation since 1988.  My wait was only five years.  2.   The invitation  The best new Dracula film I’ve seen in a long, long time.  It’s just frustrating that the movie does the coy thing of never calling him Dracula out loud but you’re supposed to figure it out from very blatant clues... and there are some viewers who somehow didn’t catch on...  It’s low budget but very atmospheric and it was quite simply my favorite film of 2022.  It was the best new Gothic Horror film I’ve seen in a long time. 3.   Wednesday.  I loved Wednesday.  It was a nice revival of both The Addams Family (paying respect to all previous incarnations of The Addams Family) and also seeing Tim Burton return to form.  Many people say it doesn’t feel like Tim Burton but I think they’re just not used to when Tim Burton actually had quality.  I hadn’t seen a Tim Burton production quite like this since 2005′s Corpse Bride.  
4.     Hocus Pocus 2.  Though perhaps not as good as the original, there was a lot of welcome Nostalgia and some polite nods to non-evil / Wiccan-style magick and witchcraft, such as having the main heroes be three teenage girls who practice benign, nature-respecting Wiccan witchcraft.  There were also two new song numbers.  The Witches Are Back (to the tune of Sir Elton John’s The Bitch’s back).  And the Hocus Pocus re-working of One way or Another.  
5.  The Witcher Season 2 and The Witcher Blood Origin.  This is sort of a cheat since The Witcher Season 2 came out December 2021 but it came out so late in the year it might as well have been 2022.   And I’m putting Witcher: Blood Origin on here just for Jaskier’s two scenes and the new songs, “Song of the Seven.” and “The Black Rose” though I wish Joey Batey sang a version of The Black Rose.
6.  Morbius.  Yes, it’s cheesy.  Yes, it’s full of cliches but ...that’s how Morbius was in the comics.  My only qualms about it is that the movie never establishes that he’s immortal and weirdly Jared Leto’s portrayal of Doctor Michael Morbius is surprisingly subdued. The character (in the comics) was a bit of a ham.    7.  The anime “The Vampire Dies in No Time.”  After my grandfather passed away last January I needed something playful where I could just shut my brain off for a while and this anime about an incompetent vampire (who dies if you just look at him funny) and his weird friendship with a vampire hunter, and his familiar Armadillo (subtle joke based on Bela Lugosi’s Dracula) was a welcome distraction.  
8.   Dracula: The original living vampire. This is not a good movie at all. It was just Asylum's shameless knock-off of both Morbius and The Invitation (mostly Morbius).   The only fun thing about it is watching it and trying to figure out what time period it's set in.  
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Not much else caught my interest in 2022...     
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super-oc-creator · 8 months
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Hey guys I’m back again with my OC ship showcase! I am aware shipruary 2024 is going to start soon but I’m a procrastinator and haven’t been on in a while so we’re just going to ignore that. Day 7 is movie so we have Xiya (blonde) and her girlfriend Faye (brunette) watching a movie on Xiya’s laptop. You can imagine whatever movie you think they are watching, I think Morbius because those are the only appropriate faces to make when watching that movie. Anyway into the lore! Xiya Pierce is one of my spider people OCs but she does exist in the same world as all my other OCs. Her hero name is Taser Web because she has a venom shock but she can also shoot web out of her wrist and these webs are high conductive to her venom shock. So she basically shoots mini tasers. She is a cheerleader (or was until she got bit) and has severe ptsd! Essentially how she got bit is she was kidnapped by Gradient (evil science organization and the big bads of this world remember them lol) and was forced to stay still as the spider was put on her hand and bit her. Sad thing is she didn’t even realize she had powers until she got out thanks to Incantation. Speaking of incantation let’s talk about her! Faye Conway is my magic user/ sorceress character. Her hero name is incantation and she is essentially able to do anything with magic but she has to develop and practice the spells herself. It takes a while to make a new spell but she tries to make it work. Anyway she has known Xiya since middle school so when Xiya went missing Faye didn’t rest until she found her. They started dating a little bit after and now Faye’s main focus is helping Xiya overcome her trauma. They’re actually both theatre kids (Faye managed to convince Xiya to try out for a play after she quit cheerleading and the rest is history) and they’re one of the few characters who actually have good parents that aren’t dead or dying! That was a lot I just love them so much. As always base is included check them out they are so talented and hopefully I can post more regularly now.
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paulgadzikowski · 11 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Commander Georgiiou of Star Trek Discovery and Guinan of Star Trek The Next Generation are observing events of the Loki episode 1893, watching Miss Minute, Renslayer, Timely, Morbius, and Loki through the window of Timely's room on the fairgrounds. Georgiou is saying, “Wait. He Who Remains started out as an Earth human?“ Guinan is saying, "It does look that way.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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webbywatcheshorror · 1 year
Webby Reviews Horror: Necromentia (2009)
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Prefacing this one with some content warnings since it’s a pretty messed up little movie. For more specifics, please visit this DoesTheDogDie.com entry.
(It does seem like the DtDD entry is incomplete, so if you choose to watch this one, do note that there’s a decent amount of mutilation in it, lots of blood, drug use, and an instance of necrophilia.)
Necromentia is a dark, grungy film about love, revenge, and really, really bad choices. It’s also about pain and its many forms, and what people do to free themselves of it. I’ve seen this one multiple times, and it still makes my skin crawl each time, which is quite a feat at this point tbh.
Review under the cut, and as always, SPOILERS.
I’d describe this one as being inspired by both Hellraiser and Saw- it’s one of the grimiest movies I think I’ve ever seen, and there’s a big, big emphasis on pain and has what’s basically a Cenobite. It’s also one of the first movies I remember watching that’s told basically in reverse, much like Terrified.
Also like Terrified, I’ll be splitting this one into parts to talk about, but only three, and each one will focus on a different character. Hagen, Travis, and Morbius.
The first segment of this movie is about a guy named Hagen, who is in Hell. Which is represented by a dirty maintenance hall full of pipes and dust and a figure wearing a gas mask who tells him ‘Bad Decision, Hagen’. Hagen’s story is that he’s been taking care of his girlfriend Elizabeth’s corpse with the expectation that she’ll come back to it- and she’s been dead at least a month, maybe even two or more. Hagen meets (a word which here means, is accosted by) two men, Travis and an unnamed guy wearing a shirt that says Fubar; Travis tells him they know what he’s been up to, his disgusting daily rituals, and they’re here to offer him a deal. They can bring people back from the dead, but they need his help to do it.
He agrees, and Travis lures him into the trap- he’s going to use Hagen as a key to open a gate to Hell, so he can go find his brother and Hagen can go find Elizabeth. When Hagen gets to Hell, however, all he finds is punishment- a Cenobite mutilates him with some eye horror that squicks me out, then drags him off into the darkness presumably for all eternity.
Hagen’s part in the story is fairly short to start with, and we don’t really learn much about him other than he’s a deeply disturbed, desperate man with less sense than morals (and the bar is on the floor, beasties, you’ll know what I mean later.). He’s so eager to bring back his girlfriend that he ignores the clear signs that Travis was manipulating him from the start.
11 months prior to Hagen’s demise, Travis is a young(ish?) man struggling to take care of himself and his younger brother, who has unspecified mental illness and is confined to a wheelchair most of the time, unable to really communicate. They also own the weirdest TV set known to man- it’s got a big, gnarly looking pig face framing the screen, and apparently only shows static, but Thomas loves it.
I’m pretty sure the TV is fucking possessed, because the second Travis leaves for work, we meet a man? Demon? named Mr. Skinny, wearing a pig mask and wrapped in barbed wire and tubes, singing about suicide in a high pitched voice. It’s incredibly morbid, but I inexplicably like the one line ‘wake up in the morning with shotgun mouth’. I have no idea why, as it’s certainly NOT the subject matter. Thomas seems enchanted by him and I believe this is supposed to imply that he’s been suicidal for some time but unable to express it in a way that others can understand.
The scene of Travis at work is the one that really gives me the heebies and/or jeebies- he erotically mutilates people. This ranges from cutting, sticking needles into gums, even chopping off digits, if that’s what the customer wants. It’s a scene I have a hard time watching, possibly due to the intimate feeling of it, or maybe just because I can’t stop myself from wondering how it might feel and the answer is always: BAD. The music is great though.
Moving on. Travis shoots up with some unidentified clear liquid, hoping it will help him get off the heroin, but he probably shoulda just stuck with the heroin, seeing as whatever advanced form of drug this is transports him to a different dimension where a demon greets him. Despite being warned that Thomas is in danger, Travis refuses to grant the demon his help, and a few days later, Mr. Skinny influences Thomas to murder his babysitter and supposedly commit suicide, but Travis doesn’t seem to ever find his body. (side note- the guy fell asleep reading a fetish magazine featuring ‘the wheelchair experience’. While babysitting a young man who is wheelchair bound and UNABLE TO SPEAK. Now I don’t know if that’s supposed to imply anything, but he gave me the creeps, so I’m not particularly sad to see him go.)
The demon promises to help Travis bring Thomas back, so they make a deal and the demon, Morbius, teaches Travis necromancy. Morbius takes over the body of dead babysitter, Fubar, and they start their hunt for Hagen- Morbius hates the shit out of the guy and wants him in Hell like, yesterday. When he’s finally carved up like a turkey and dropped into the Hell Hall, Travis follows him and discovers that oops! Maybe making a deal with a demon was a bad idea! He’s attacked by the Cenobite and dragged off into the darkness, just like Hagen.
Travis’s story is much sadder to me personally, and I wish he had been successful, if only for Thomas’s sake. Morbius had warned him that his weakness (self mutilation and drugs) was what drew him to the guy in the first place, and that other demons were drawn to him, too- he tells him that it’s Travis’s fault that Mr. Skinny ever found his brother in the first place. Travis was trying, struggling, being failed by the system that was supposed to help him and Thomas. All for nothing. Worse than nothing, really. 
The final portion of the movie tells us Morbius’ story and why he hates Hagen so, so much- Morbs used to be human. He was searching for answers in every way he could, including the occult, going so far as to carve sigils into his torso on his quest for meaning. He tries to show affection to his girlfriend- Elizabeth. You know, the corpse from the beginning of the movie? Yeah, her again. She refuses to look at him, cutting him off from any attempts at communication, as he is mute. All she gives him is snide remarks about working late hours.
I already hated her the moment this scene happened. I cannot stand this woman and I like her way better as a corpse. It’s already fucked up that she effectively denies Morbius the ability to ‘speak’, but later we find out she’s been cheating on him with Hagen, is apparently pregnant, and then admits she doesn’t want to leave Morbius because she likes having what is essentially a slave to her every whim. 
Then she says she’d rather Morbius be dead than have to dump him. Girl, get some fucking help. What the fuck is wrong with you.
She begs Hagen to help her murder him so they can be together, and after some half hearted protest, he gives in. Hagen is a pushover, clearly. “Help me open a hell gate, Hagen. Help me murder my boyfriend, Hagen. Fuckin’, tie my shoes, Hagen.” Just does whatever anyone asks, I guess. 
While his beloved and her future bodykeeper are plotting his death, Morbius is working as a bartender where he serves Travis and other nameless patrons. On his way home, he finds Travis passed out in the alley, freshly mugged, and discovers he, too, apparently just carries a small vial of blood on him??? And his inner monologue mentions that pain binds us all, even if we don’t know it. Probably referring to how everyone’s story is intertwined or whatever. Honestly it sounds kind of pretentious imo.
Anyway, Hagen and Elizabeth attempt to murder Morbius by putting herbicide in his drink that night, but it’s kind of a slow death and Elizabeth, impatiently, tries to hasten it by taunting him??? With news of her pregnancy?????? This pushes Morbs over the edge and he manages to strangle the life out of her before Hagen brutalizes his face with a folding chair.
Morbius wakes up in the Hell Hall, discovers he can speak, and immediately dials into the fact that he’s dead. Gas Mask demon calls him daddy in a non sexual way and tells him he’s created this Hell through sheer will, and invites him to leave behind the world of the living. When Morbius demands revenge, Gas Mask tries to warn him that to pursue this path will turn him into a monster.
And so it does. Once Hagen lands in Hell, Morbius becomes the Cenobite, twisted and blind, warped by his revenge, cursed to roam the endless Hell of his own creation. Nobody is happy and everyone is dead.
Everyone in this movie is supremely fucked up in one way or another, whether by circumstances breaking them or just by being a huge fucking bitch, Elizabeth. Hagen, Morbius, Travis, Fubar, even Thomas was fucked up, though not his fault. It’s a tragic chain of events that dooms each person unlucky enough to touch it, and hard to say whether or not things could have gone differently had they made different choices. Were they doomed from the start, or could they have avoided their fate? Who knows. 
The moral of the story could be don’t do drugs. Or it could be don’t fuck with demons. Or that revenge will consume you and make you into a monster. Or maybe just break up instead of considering murder. Seriously Elizabeth wtf.
6 out of 10 ghosts, for being an interesting story and making me uncomfortable, which I enjoy in horror. It’s a movie I revisit every several years, but not one I’d say is my favorite- just a weird little romp into a miserable, filthy world. Like seriously not a single scene took place in a clean room. Everything looked disgusting all the time. It ruled. Gross horror rules.
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
Forbidden Planet (A Tempest-uous movie)
(Thanks to Rotten Tomatoes)
[All images are in the public domain so, for once, I don’t need to worry about being sued]
As I have previously mentioned, I was terrified of monster movies growing up. This movie was no exception. Yes, it’s sci-fi, but so is Alien, and I had issues with that as well! The idea of an invisible monster sneaking in and killing the crew...yeah, it was a bit much when my mother decided to watch it when I was six.
Now I’m all grown up and can appreciate the film for what it is: a fairly decent adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
This is also a great example of how good Leslie Nielson could be in a serious role. Most people these days remember him for his comedic work, but prior to the 80s he was a well-regarded dramatic actor.
This was also one of the first sci-fi films that wasn’t broken down into 15-minute chucks for the serials like Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers.
If you would like to watch the film, it’s available on Internet Archive.
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We open on a flying saucer known designated C-57D (because in the far future they couldn’t be bothered to name their vessels like the primitives in the 24th century (the setting for Star Trek)) on a mission to a planet known as Altair IV.
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The commander of C-57D is Commander John “J.J.” Adams (played by Nielson) I have to say I like the duty uniforms of the crew. They look a lot more...well, uniform than those used by the backwater Starfleet, though the tech looks like it’s out of the 1950s (gee, I wonder why...)
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A quick search of the internet lists C-57D at 130 ft in diameter and a crew of 18 (meaning he doesn’t need that microphone to make announcements to the crew; they’re all on the bridge) Keep these figures in mind; they may be important later.
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C-57D drops out of light speed in the Altair system...too close to the star! This may be a short movie. Fortunately, the crew adjusts course and orbits the fourth planet.
Adams then spews exposition briefs the crew that they’re investigating the fate of a vessel knows as the Bellerophon (oh sure, the Bellerophon gets an actual name, but the protagonists’ vessel just gets a designation!), that disappeared 20 years ago while surveying Altair IV (and it took them 20 years to mount a search and rescue mission?)
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As C-57D approaches Altair IV, the radio operator receives a transmission from the surface. The voice on the other end, Dr. Edward Morbius, who tries to dissuade C-57D from landing. Morbius attempts to say the situation is too dangerous (but he doesn’t want to leave?) Adams decides to take his chances, and puts the crew on alert.
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(I will say, the visual effects for the 1950s is better-looking than a lot of CGI in the 21st century)
Upon landing, the crew sets up a security perimeter. Suddenly, they see a vehicle approaching at what could only be describes as a reckless speed. The vehicle comes to a halt and the driver disembarks.
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Meet Robbie the Robot. As ridiculous as he looks, he looks a lot better than the robot from the Jupiter 2 (and he’s made appearances in film and TV as late as 2014!
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(Thanks to The Big Bang Theory wiki)
Robbie drives Adams and two of his officers (Lt. Farman and “Doc” Ostrow) at a much saner speed to meet...
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...Dr. Morbius (played by Walter Pidgeon, who would go on to play Admiral Nelson on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea), who invites them in for lunch (hopefully not in the Hannibal Lecter sense)
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After lunch, Morbius demonstrates all of Robbie’s capabilities, then orders Robbie to kill Adams!
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Robbie instead short circuits until the order is cancelled, thus showing that Robbie is incapable of harming a human. Morbius boasts that he created Robbie, despite the fact that he’s a linguist and had no previous experience in robotics. He then demonstrates that his house has defensive shutters that he can lower almost instantly.
With that, he assures the crew of C-57D that he has no need of assistance and they can be on their merry way. Adams is happy to depart...as soon as he talks with the rest of the Bellerophon’s crew. Morpheus admits that some strange force killed the rest of the crew, except himself and his wife (who fell ill and died 2 months after everyone else). He can’t explain why they were spared, but the force hadn’t made its presence known for almost 19 years. Gee, that’s not suspicious at all...
[Quick note: Walter Pidgeon is called upon to do a LOT of exposition as Morbius. Unlike a lot of “info-dump” heavy films, he does a fairly decent job of not putting the audience to sleep delivering the background]
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Then Morbius’s daughter Altaira, or “Alta” for short (played by Anne Francis, as those who’ve seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show will tell you) enters and charms the officers (to be fair, they’ve been cooped up on C-57D for over a year with no women on board), especially Farman.
Morbius asks when C-57D is departing. Unfortunately, Adams needs to contact Earth for orders and to do that he’d need to cannibalize the ship to build a transmitter (disabling it for at least 2 weeks to tear down and rebuild the ship) Morbius offers to have Robbie fabricate what Adams needs (he’s in an awful hurry to get rid of C-57D...) Robbie drives the officers back to the ship.
Later, as the crew removes the power core from the ship and Robbie brings lead shielding to assist in building the transmitter...
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...the crew has a bit of fun at the ship’s cook’s expense.
As the crew finishes building the transmitter, the ship’s cook wants Robbie to help him with something...
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...recreational. Robbie says he can replicate it easily.
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Meanwhile, Farman is attempting to put the moves on Alta, who has no clue what he’s up to. Fortunately for him, she’s not interested (if completely clueless) in having him teach her how to kiss. Fortunately, Adams shows up and sends him back to the ship. He then tries to teach Alta about the birds and the bees (and who to avoid to keep from being stung), starting with wearing something that leaves a bit more to the imagination
Alta leaves in a huff and runs back home to complain to Morbius about how Adams interrupted her kissing lessons. Morbius then excuses himself, leaving Alta to ask Robbie to make a dress that leaves pretty much everything to the imagination.
That night at C-57D, something invisible sneaks past the sentries and sabotages the ship. Adams is furious the next morning, blaming the sentries and the crewman asleep next to the section that was sabotaged. Adams and Doc takes a rover to Morbius’s house (leaving Farman at the ship, far away from Alta)
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(interesting that at least the officers have warm weather uniforms)
At Morbius’s place, Robbie informs the officers that Morbius is not to be disturbed, so they wait in the living room for him. Adams notices Alta swimming outside and goes to check her out investigate.
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“C’mon in!”
“I didn’t bring my bathing suit.”
“What’s a bathing suit?”
The flirting over with, Alta gets out of the pond and dresses in...
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...something closer to what Adams would prefer.
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I’d say he likes it!
When Adams returns, Morbius still hasn’t emerged, so he and Doc decide to press the issue and enter...
(thanks to 1956clips)
Morbius then takes the officers into the bowels of the Krell civilization.
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Including a machine that translates Morbius’s thoughts into reality, which he’s been using to help him learn more about the Krell and make his life on Altair IV more comfortable (such as building Robbie) He then allows Adams and Doc to sample the machine.
Morbius warns that anything beyond the basic functions of the machine could be fatal. He has conditioned himself to use some of the higher functions through trial and error (and lots of recovery time between)
Morbius them leads them to a transport that takes them to...
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OK, I know a lot of the scenery is mostly matte paintings, but there are REALLY cool-looking, and even over 60 years later hold up compared to modern effects. Hollywood could learn a lot from some of the old techniques!
With the exposition about the Krell out of the way, Adams and Doc return to set up security measures to prevent further intruders...
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...including an electrified force fence.
Just before turning in for the night, the cook convinces Farman to let him out so he can meet Robbie...
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...and get his hooch. How the hell is he gonna get it all back to C-57D undetected?! While the cook is pondering that very question...
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...there’s a short in the fence.
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...or us there? Suddenly, there’s a scream from inside the ship and the crew is down to 17!
Now, I know what you might be thinking, but Morbius has an alibi.
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He’s been arguing with Adams and Doc about whether the government should be involved in his research. When Adams receives the news about the death of the engineer, he and Doc rush back as Morbius has a haunted look on his face, hinting that the exact same thing happened to the crew of the Bellerophon.
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The next morning, Doc makes a cast from the footprints left behind. Whatever it is, it’s HUGE! Adams then brings the cook in (since he was outside the perimeter while the murder happened), who managed to give Robbie an alibi as well (since they drank a good portion of that hooch at the time)
After the crew buries the engineer...
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Morbius warns that if the crew remains, they will be attacked again and it will be worse.
The next evening, the crew of C-57D prepare for an assault.
(Thanks to Tales From SYL Ranch DARKROOM)
OK, first off, this was the scene that sent my 6 year-old self screaming to my room.
Second, as timeless as the set pieces are, the monster effects are DEFINITELY dated.
Also, that brings the crew count down to 14, with Farman among the dead.
Additionally, it’s interesting that the monster disappeared when Morbius woke up...
Adams and Doc discuss the monster, saying nothing should’ve been able to stand up to the energy being thrown at it, Adams suddenly has the urge to talk Morbius into joining them on C-57D (whether they want to or not) and for either himself or Doc to access the higher functions of the Krell device. Adams leaves orders for the crew to take off if the monster attacks again, no matter what, and return to Earth.
Adams and Doc arrive to discover...
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...Robbie’s not allowed to let them in. Then Alta arrives and cancels Robbie’s orders, allowing the pair in. Adams explains why he and Doc are here (as Doc rushes into the bowels of the Krell compound against orders). Alta urges Adams to leave, but he refuses without her and her father.
Suddenly, Adams realizes Doc has gone missing.
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And we’re down to 13 as the machine was too much for Doc’s brain to handle. Doc’s dying words mentioned that the machine produced something called “Monsters from the Id.”
Morbius then enters, condemning Doc’s decision to use the machine. With that...
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...Alta decides to leave with Adams, much to her father’s disapproval.
(Thanks to GlobalWahrman)
So Morbius’s mind is the invisible monster...and it’s coming this way!
Morbius lowers the defensive shutters, saying he pities Adams, since the monster’s obviously coming for him. Then Adams says that the monster appeared (so to speak) once Alta rejected Morbius, so it’s likely coming for her...
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...and those shutters won’t stop it for long! Morbius tells Robbie to kill the monster.
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Yeah, that’s not gonna work.
The trio retreat to the Krell lab as the monster tears through the shutters.
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After sealing the doors, Adams finally manages to convince Morbius that his subconscious is coming to kill his daughter. Fortunately, they’re behind 3 layers of Krell metal that can withstand blaster fire without even getting warm.
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...oh shit.
The Id Monster melts its way through the door. Morbius throws himself in its path...
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...and with his death, the Id Monster dies as well.
With his dying breath, Morbius instructs Adams on how to start the self-destruct mechanism for the planet’s reactors that will destroy the planet in 24 hours, preventing anyone else from repeating the Krells’ (and his) mistake.
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With the ship clear of the blast zone, the surviving crew of C-57D and the survivors of Altair IV make their way back to Earth as the credits roll.
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my-t4t-romance · 2 years
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#“well morbius isn’t good” neither is rings of power “well we haven’t watched it yet so you don’t know” are you saying you watched morbius??
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made some more blinkies with blinkies.cafe and I just gotta say I love this new template
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344 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
so I made something
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this idea has been taking up space in my brain for so long lmao
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they’re putting chemicals in the romance and turning the FREAKING scene kids gay
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some fun little blinkies I made using blinkies.cafe
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885 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so earlier today I was on mag 26 and decided to draw michael as described by sasha
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he’s just. eyes
1,733 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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duskkodesh · 2 years
Lacking pity for anyone post the Netflix release of Morbius who is watching it full well knowing it’s terrible then venting about how terrible it is. What did you expect?
This isn’t some divisive movie, this shit was nearly universally panned. If 9/10 dentists think eating gravel will screw up your teeth maybe they’re onto something.
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newwhoreview2016 · 5 months
The Star Beast
On first viewing, this episode made me so happy. The RTD1 era may be my favourite era overall and it felt like we were right back. So let’s see how it feels now, before the 15th Doctor’s first season begins.
The recap is a bit odd, isn’t it? Tennant, looking like he’s cosplaying as the Tenth Doctor, like everyone in Dimensions In Time wearing half-remembered outfits, plonked on top of a generic background like he’s in a TikTok video. But then it’s into the best theme music and best title sequence we’ve had in ages, so it’s all fine.
“We’ve still got that giant sausage roll from Thursday.” The beauty of this episode is that it barrels along from beat to beat and they’re all entertaining. And the Noble family dialogue is straight out of Dinnerladies. Why is Susie Mair shorter??
Shirley isn’t as fabulous a character as RTD thinks she is, but she’s good, and her chat with the Doctor shows us Tennant starting to ring some changes.
Sylvia: “YOU!!” Having these characters back is just so much fun. All the Wilf stuff is lovely too, but more of that next time.
Do I care that the sonic screwdriver can now create shields? Yes, I do a bit, but not enough to spoil an exciting action sequence. (There is a bit too much gunfire-in-the-streets though.)
My god, the way it barrels along! The man is so good at this stuff. From chaos at home, to battle in the street, to trial in the car park. It’s wonderful.
The scene in the ship - David has to do his big yelling acting and nails it, then finally solves the one big problem everyone had with Journey’s End…
… although, while we are here, did we really need that to happen? Did we really need an entire return for this Doctor just so that RTD could appease everyone upset about Donna‘s lack of agency? Isn’t that about as necessary as solving the question of the Morbius doctors?
… except that I absolutely love the way they do it. The fake out death drags on a bit too long, but the solution, involving Rose, and the frankly miraculously coincidental use of the word binary all those years ago, is just fabulous. And the knowledge that there would be people all over the country really annoyed by this just made it even better. I’m actually crying again watching this. The bit where they just shrug off the metacrisis afterwards (“Let it go!”) is less satisfying, but I’ll allow it.
Ok, quibble - the Meep completely destroys a lot of London. And then somehow, because Donna turns it off, the roads repair themselves magically. Still, more good news for Sadiq Khan.
Overall, this was brilliant. I’ve been a fan since the Tom Baker era, but it’s very possible that RTD1 is my favourite era of the show. The Star Beast felt very much like my favourite era returning and I am completely there for it.
Oh yeah, and I love the new console room. Best one since the eighties. And I love the middle eight too.
Next time: anywhere in time and space, but there’s no trailers any more so who knows?
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