#halo infinite season 2 spoilers
⚠️WARNING: Spoilers for Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 below the cut!
DO NOT CLICK BELOW THE CUT IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS! I’m live-blogging this because I need emotional support apparently
Eight battery operated candles,,, no more open flames in the bookshop I see
“It all looked so simple in Jane Austen :(” Aziraphale have I mentioned that I love you
Bees :)
Oh god Angel Crowley look is infinitely worse in context for some reason
Maggie has BALLS and I love her
Shax I am going to fight you
oh no
Oh no
That was an invitation
This is vampire rules isn’t it
OH no
never thought I would be happy to see that circle light up
“You can all leave now and nobody will be hurt” “you’ll be hurt”
Hey uh. Did the theme song change? That guitar riff is new?
Wait yeah things have DEFINITELY changed in the theme song, unless I’m crazy I don’t think the Bentley drove through the theater before?
Crowley is so fuckin smug lmao
Crowley has adopted Muriel hasn’t he
“I don’t have clearance. You’d have to be a throne or a dominion or above.” Crowley just opened the fucking file. “I haven’t always been a demon, and they never change their passwords.” COOL COOL COOL COOL COOL GUESS ITS TIME TO REVISIT THAT ASK ABOUT THE HIERARCHY OF HEAVEN
Aziraphale really said siege warfare o_o
“Does what you say make sense in your head?” Nina I love you
MOTHERFUCKERS IT WAS AN ARMAGEDDON PLOT!! I WAS RIGHT!! … and wrong, Gabriel was a dissenter!!
Gabriel is a major asshole but he is uh. An asshole opposed to Armageddon: The Sequel
“Why all the fire extinguishers?” I AM CRYING
Oh no. Saraquel is sharp o_o
Oh my god they were coworkers
He is Crowley’s emotional support Angel and it happens to be mutual thank you very much 🙄
Nina and Maggie my beloveds
What the fuck happened for Gabriel to be against Armageddon, I need to know
“Junior recording Angel, 38th class” congrats Muriel, you’re no longer the lowest ranking Angel in heaven!
He’s letting them throw books, they’re desperate, Crowley HURRY
Okay so his memory was in the matchbox that was in the box but fell out?
oh that. That killed a lot of demons.
Yes I believe you did in fact just start a war. Holy shit.
“Apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well” yes hm you two do work very well together don’t you 👀
This is some ineffable bureaucracy if I’ve ever seen it
Everyday playing in the background 👀
bobbing my head along to Everyday with Gabriel and Beelzebub :)
I am going insane.
I was not expecting these two to get together before azicrow
The Metatron is a surprise homie
Don’t call Muriel dim >:(
“We need a little us time” 👀
oh my god if they just convinced Crowley to have an honest conversation
Metatron. What was that. Stay the fuck away from them. Mind your fucking business.
Muriel was given The Crow Road :)
No. Noooo no no no no.
Don’t you dare. What happened to the “I regret nothing” on your playlist.
“Well obviously you said no to hell, you’re the bad guys!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE?! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR OWN SIDE?!?!?!
I’m going to simply pass away now.
nooo not the glasses 😭😭😭😭😭
No nightengales,,, we could’ve been us
“I forgive you” cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I have been stabbed in the chest
The second coming?!?!?! Fuck
I am unwell
I am going to need so much fanfic after this
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hiccstridshipper19 · 1 year
Good Omens season 2 second watch observations
------------------ SPOILERS ALERT ------------------
The fly was crawling back into the box before Aziraphale picked it up
Aziraphale was so desperate for approval and praise that even the most nonchalant and out of context "I love you" from Amnesiac Gabriel (his former boss who tried to KILL him) got him tongue-tied and flustered. Which is really sad.
I knew something felt off when Crowley listed out the only three (and somewhat selfish) reasons why Aziraphale would call him and when Crowley was expected to do a whole-hearted apology (as much as I love the funny dance) upon coming back even though he had completely understandable reasons to react the way he did about Gabriel, the person who was so so so awful to both Aziraphale and Crowley. Their relationship is not balanced, and Aziraphale is definitely taking it for granted how Crowley would always do whatever Aziraphale asks. Not villainizing Aziraphale here but he's definitely got some character growth to do, their relationship has got work to do, before they officially get together in the end
And there it is again. "Do you want to hear my plan?" was met with "car keys, please" without even being directly answered
"But it's pretty 🥺"
Aziraphale brings a hand drawn portrait of Gabriel with him to investigate instead of taking a photograph with a camera, not even an antique one
Tiny Crowley
I can watch landanum poisoned Crowley for hours
This minisode is so tender oh- my heart. Someone please make a gif set of Aziraphale holding Crowley by the waist while they walked and Crowley being all woozy
I'm ready for the angsty edits reusing the gun firing scene for angsty purposes 🥰 (think of the possibilities! Like ooh how about Crowley is being mind controlled to shoot Aziraphale or something)
Aziraphale really went from "but that's for professional conjurers" to "working professional magicians such as myself!" after one encouraging pep talk from Crowley. I love these idiots
I'm quite liking the swing-jazzy version of the theme song in the outro. Fun instrumentations
Oh yeah this is unsettling. Definitely feel like Aziraphale is spiraling at this point like that one post said. It's off-putting how everyone in the room is made to do things that are not their intentions
Crowley's little hops when everyone was gasping about Mr. Brown
Electric candles. Aziraphale has switched over to battery operated candles instead of real ones so the bookshop couldn't get burned like last time
Crowley wearing slippers in heaven lmao. It's like his house or something
So where does the halo go? Does he get it back? Does he have an infinite regeneration of halos to throw around?
Ow. Ow ow ow owow. I have no coherent thoughts that can be delivered articulately because my brain is once again not functioning
Season 3 cannot come fast enough
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unsc-sof · 2 years
ok season 2 of halo infinite pvp’s launched i have some thoughts, spoilers ahead for the cinematics
to start with it took me like 8 hours and multiple rewatches until it actually showed my customized spartan in the season intro cinematic like they said it would in the live stream.
the voice acting is really good, the medic’s voice is slightly shaky when saying that they’re going to have to pull the chip and i cant tell if its good voice acting faking nervousness or if my audio was lagging. either way it fit the mood.
the spartans have weight when they move in this cinematic, they move like gravity is a thing and they’re in a suit of power armor thats literally 90 percent metal. i greatly appreciate that.
More Spartan Commander Agryna content! yes! Good! i’m excited!
The Medical kits in this cinematic Do Not Violate the Geneva Conventions(no red cross on white background, i believe thats the rod of asclepius on there instead? also has the words on there)
Iratus is such an angry little asshole, threatening to grind us into pulp and drink us, how’re you going to do that when you got stuck in a spartan’s helmet chip you angry little ai.
Spartan’s Eklund body language and voice acting is amazing, 10/10 i already really care about her. i am really hoping nothing bad happens to her later on in this season.
Spartan Dinh, we havent even spoken to him and i feel like we already have a foothold on his personality. dude stuck a banished ai in a chip and then his helmet and immediately had to deal with the consequences. i’d make a no thoughts head empty joke but his heads very full, just with an ai instead of thoughts. cannot get over how gently our spartan handles him while hes unconscious, just so fuckin gently lifts and cradles his head while the cord’s plugged into his helmet.
i’ve only had Spartan Eklund and Spartan Dinh for 12 hours but if anything hurt them worse than they already are i’d kill every banished in this game and iratus and then also all the ones in halo wars 2.
I have less thoughts about the new gamemodes but i wish they didnt require you to wait out the match when you loose all your lives in last spartan standing for it to count as completed for you, you cant do anything in there once all five lives are gone and it fuckin wastes 2x xp boosts.
I know theres supposed to be a prompt to let you know you can leave but it *never fucking shows up for me*
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leafyfiddle13 · 4 years
RvB Zero Timeline Theory
(Spoilers for the premiere of RvB Zero ahead)
Okay, so having had some time to think about the premiere of RvB Zero and the trailer, I do have a theory as to when it takes place compared to the previous season, as well as in the Halo timeline (I know most RvB fans don’t care about Halo, but I like to fit the two together when possible).
My current theory is that RvB Zero takes place somewhere around 2 to 3 years after the ending of Singularity (Singularity ends somewhere in early to mid 2558). My thinking is as follows:
Washington’s injury is described in the premiere has having been fixed “a long time ago,” using futuristic technology. From my thinking, the only human faction with the tech to cure cerebral hypoxia (remember, Chorus couldn’t) is the UNSC. Now, why would the UNSC want to cure Washington and give him extra upgrades? Well, at the end of Halo 5 (late 2558), the UNSC is shattered by an AI uprising led by Cortana called the Created. Think makes them desperate for any help they can get. I would guess that they would want all hands on deck, so they offer to fix Washington if he and Carolina agree to come out of retirement.
So, I think that Washington and Carolina helped the UNSC in the fight against the Created invasion between Singularity and Zero. But how would the galaxy return to a relative state of normalcy by the time of Zero (the premiere episode certainly didn’t seem like the galaxy was being ruled by a collective of evil AI)?
Well, in the upcoming Halo Infinite, which takes place in 2561, the Created seem to be out of the picture, with the Banished being the main villains. This, along with several synopses of upcoming novels, suggests that the Created are defeated, or at least extremely reduced in strength, by the events of Infinite in 2561.
Therefore, my idea is that Zero takes place a while after Halo 5, somewhere after the Created are dealt with, but before the Banished step in and shatter the UNSC again in Infinite. (So somewhere between 2559 and 2561). Of course, Zero could take place a while after Halo Infinite, but I think more than a 3 year timeskip between seasons is a bit crazy, and we have no idea what is happening in the Halo universe after Halo Infinite.
Anyway, those are just my extremely esoteric, Halo lore nerd thoughts about RvB Zero and when it takes place.
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E2 LiveThoughts
And now, for episode 2; same deal as last time, spoilers for this weeks episode. 
RT getting a wee bit too real with the “curfew in effect” sign on the side of that building in the opening. Least here its a visible noticeable threat and not Corona. Still.
Oh, heh. “Hope has no place here.” Always did love that line. But that might just be the grimdark fan in me.
Overall Im not a huge fan of this seasons opening, it doesnt sound as melodic as the last couple ones. More...chaotic. I think thats intentionally but Im still not a fan.
Dude, Qrow, thats unsanitary. Seriously, clean that shit off. You’re gonna get like, tetnus or something.
And Robyn complaining to Qrow. I mean shes not WRONG but at the same time SHE was the one who decided to pass out during the crash. Dont go throwing blame around Hill, you were just as useless and dumb as everyone but Tyrian in that whole section of last season.
Correction, shes talking to Jasque Scnee who is SOMEHOW in the same prison as they are. Additional; hardlight cells with no visible emitters, no toilet or other commodities. This must be a holding cell of some kind. Unless the bed they all have is ALSO a toilet. Ew.
Yeah you sure about that Schnee? Indirect murder is still murder.
Whh...WATTS IS IN HERE TOO?! WHAT THE FUCK IRONWOOD. You dont have a maximum security like, ICEBOX lock up? Dude this is just ASKING for trouble.
Watt’s black eye is still there. Maybe there is something to him not having his aura fully unlocked. Or...something else. Im really confused about that.
Odd cell structure. Impromptu? Or is this whole room just modular. Cause its WAY too big to house just this many prisoners. Im getting the feeling this is impromtu, yeah.
Schnee thinks hes getting out, sucker. 
Mad props to the Atlas soldier for the brutality. NOW HIT HIM AGAIN.  Robyns smirk gives me life.
And Qrow suggests Operation Valkyrie. Im down. Ironwoods proven useless at this point, maybe his replacement will be more tactically viable.
Alright, Atlas has pulled all military forces out of Mantle. Guess that means Ash and CAMO would be out too. Officially anyway. Making note for future threads...
Cute about the news guy, but I LOVE the fact you can hear the former masculinity in May’s voice here, like she isnt fully finished transitioning. If its intentional, bravo. If not, still cool.
Ah and there’s the hoverbikes from the teasers. I really dont get why they’re so goddamn big. Surely you can miniatruize hovertech...right?
They’re big enough to have weapons installed IMO. They should have.
Ah okay here’s the rest of the trailer
Hey look more lesbians. Boy that one on the left is MAD.
I cannot believe these Grimm are dumb enough to not go AROUND the dropwall (and Im going to call it that until I get something else, its literally the equipment from Halo Infinite’s release trailer). I get Grimm are dumb but damn bro.
Ah okay, THATS the split. All the faunus live in the slums down in the crater. Mantle proper is the mid-level, and then Atlas is humans for the most part. As far as I can tell anyway. Literal stratification. 
Ugh, that whole conversation was so expositiony. Jesus fucking christ.
Holy shit this crews moving slow. Like, good fucking lord.
Personaly headcanon; that tiny fox toy Oscar rides past on his bike is later retreived by Ash. That is actually his bootprint on it too oddly enough.
Unity in this situation, Ozpin? Not likely. What you need is miltiary intervention and firepower.
Still not sure why there’s smokestacks in Mantle if everything on Remnant runs on Dust. Maybe its steam vents for the heating system.
So the Crater is literally a divide. Like a circular diamond mine or one of those “rabbit hole” gold ones. Literal wall holding its outside. 
Snowshoe Shipping. New company. Full autonomous workforce from the looks of it. SDC related of course. And its still running despite everything. The drones here are literally AKs. Motherfucker, I think I know where the idea for them came from. SDC literally just weaponized its fucking worker robots. 
And apperently Dust is refined in the Crater. Okay that makes sense. Does it come from outside or are they still mining it there I wonder.
Oh pnumatic elevator. STEALING THAT
What the fuck happened to Penny? Did becoming the Maiden make her emo?
Lol yeah people are gonna die, its WAR Penny, eat shit and get over it. Fucking weaklings...
Your the maiden. Get over it. Go kill some people, you’ll feel better. Relish in power.
And Weiss is now dead from either pressure shock, thermobaric style lung implosion, forceful impact, or just being crushed flat. Oh, and asphyxiation.  Seriously that was the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life. REALLY NORA.
Oh hey, a banjo in the crater. It really is hicksville.
Fire dust crystals right into a metal container to keep it  going. Holy shit it only took us 8 seasons to see Dust used physically again...
Sheep nom map. Nom nom. 
Wonder who this Crimson she mentioned is.
Lil hops. Oh no shes too cute.  Also it seems Mantle is divided into sectors. Useful information. Wonder what designates them.
Hahahah Fiona’s uncles a mole XD
And good to know “crap” is a swearword on Remnant.
Sounds like Crimson is a person with the Huntress’s. With his accent Im going to personally imagine his a grizzled former veteran, like Sergeant Stacker from Halo.
Note; the map says “Mantle City”. Interesting. Wonder what the other option is. Crater?
Ohhh and a spudmasher. Wait...no thats not a grenade. Some kind of gravitational surge thing. Again. Okay seriously RT is it so hard to just make a FUCKING WEAPON? Nothing fancy, no special features, just something that kills the fucking enemy. 
Okay...what the hell. Those Grimm cleared out like they got a retreat signal...
Ohho whats this now...this thing looks a LOT more interesting. And SAVAGE. Damn, its beating the SHIT out of Oscar! I think I like this one.
It transforms. Like the Zeta Gundam. FASCINATING. So it must have a rapid transport/assault form of the original dog one then changes to this new one for close in? Or carrying I guess, its stealing Oscar. This must be the thing that Salem sent.
Yeah kinda looks like a werewolf.
Soooo why were they just standing there watching this thing beat up on him? It was open for a couple of seconds. Surely it cant be they were worried about Oscar, the best thign to do if an enemy is grappling your friend is to get in and take advantage of it. 
Its smart too, used Oscar as a meatshield. Apperently just long enough to distract Yang and then yeet her. 
Its got ONE HAND with Oscar in it you idiots, hit it all at once! Go for the legs and the other arm, knock it down, blow its head off. COME ON, its OBVIOUS.
Oh hey it talked. Good. That means it can probably feel pain.
There is no way those legs should work like that. They’re too small and its torsos the wrong shape. This things breaking physics. 
The arms are also way too long.
Also why are you just standing there watching it grow wings? Kill the fucking thing already.  Gotta admit the movement and screaming makes me think it feels pain. Interesting. Good to know.  That or its just body horror/squick.
And thats the episode. I like how Fiona calls them “kids” though shes probably about their age. 
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #462
Top Ten Things That Hopefully Will Actually Happen in 2021
I mean, it’s got to be better than last year, hasn’t it? Just on law of averages. I know it’s not really the greatest start. Everything’s shut again but it’s colder now. We’ve not got a handle on this thing. The idiots are still in charge. But I still feel cautiously optimistic. There is a vaccine now, at least. Trump is gone, barring some cataclysmic last-minute kerfuffle. A new lockdown is required, so hopefully however painful it is right now it’ll be the death throws of this wretched virus. Will 2021 look like 2019? No, not a chance. But maybe by summer, by autumn, we’ll be well over the hill. 2022, hopefully, will be great.
Not that I’m writing off the new year altogether! No siree. I think this is the year we turn the corner and see the road before us. I think this year can be good, and I think that – outside of pandemic and politics – there is quite a lot to look forward to.
I’m not right now talking about personal ambitions or wider, geopolitical hopes and dreams. This is all about stuff that I want to see or play or whatever. Things that don’t really have any bearing on if the world keeps spinning or we all make it through another tumultuous twelvemonth relatively unscathed. Just, y’know, stuff that’d be nice.
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Cinematic Superheroes: 2020 was a bonkers year, and one of the things that was bonkers as it unfolded was how all these huge movies kept getting pushed back. As a result, there were precisely no Marvel Cinematic Universe productions released. Like, at all. Thankfully – hopefully – that will change in 2021. As well as some Disney+ stuff (see below) there’ll also be the belated release of Wonder Woman 1984, which came out around Christmas but which I’ll probably stream this month; and, lockdown permitting, we should finally see the likes of Black Widow, The Eternals, and things that were already scheduled for ’21 such as DC’s The Batman and The Suicide Squad. And y’know what? I’m even looking forward to Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Yeah, maybe some more will slip, but I’m just glad that we’re finally getting some men in tights back in our lives.
Plus all these Great Shows: just before Christmas Disney outlined its slate of upcoming releases and by Crikey it was mega. And the best part is, so many of these shows and films are imminent! In a couple of weeks WandaVision will hit Disney+, and later this year we’ll also see (I do believe) The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, maybe Loki, The Book of Boba Fett, and maaaaaybe if we’re lucky Obi-Wan Kenobi. Even outside of the other movies and things that they announced, and even if we don’t look as far ahead as 2022, Disney+ has a hell of a lineup for this year, and even if lockdown closes the cinemas, we can still enjoy a nice good stream.
Starred Up: the arrival of Star, the “grown-up” channel on Disney+, was confirmed (and confirmed to be included in the existing sub, which was nice), and recently it was announced that it will go live on February 23rd. For some reason I was expecting it later, so that’s nice. It’ll be good to see some of the smuttier Marvel movies make their return (especially Fox’s X-masterpiece, Logan), but I’m more looking forward to having all the Die Hards and Aliens in one place. Even the crap ones.
Finally, Halo Infinite: I really like Halo; it’s pretty much the reason I ever bought a console in the first place. So I was incredibly excited for Halo Infinite, and – I must confess – a bit disappointed by its reveal. A delay is fine; take your time, do a good job, try to avoid crunch. I’ve got more than enough to play. But with my pretty new Series X installed next to my shiny new 4K TV, I’d love to get into a proper new Master Chief adventure once again. And finally it’ll happen! My Big Christmas Game for 2021 is sorted.
Return of the (Lego) Jedi: speaking of Big Games for 2021… I love the Lego games from Traveller’s Tales, and it all started with Lego Star Wars. With the release of The Rise of Skywalker in 2019, I kind of assumed they’d be making a new one, and they are: The Skywalker Saga. Much delayed (I think it was meant to come out last summer originally?), but finally making its debut at some point in 2021, it promises to be a more expansive effort than any previous Lego game, and also offers a fresh look at every film in the increasingly-inaccurately-named trilogy. My youngest is really getting into Star Wars and she loves the Lego games, so this is something we can really enjoy together.
2020’s Greatest Hits: yeah, lots of great things coming out in 2021, but I gotta say one thing I’m really looking forward to is catching up on all of the things that were supposed to come out in 2020. I’ve already mentioned the likes of Black Widow, but there’s Coming 2 America (on Prime Video in March), Dune (potentially still hitting cinemas), No Time to Die (God knows), Spielberg’s West Side Story (delayed a whole year!)… even smaller-scale things like the cool-looking Freaky have been pushed right back. And whilst I’m not exactly looking forward to it, pity poor Peter Rabbit 2, knocked from an early Easter slot when the first lockdown hit, only to have its February half-term run destroyed by Lockdown III. Maybe next year, eh, Peter?
Matrix of Leadership: The Matrix turns 22 this year, shockingly enough, and last time I watched it was still absolutely brilliant in one of those hardly-ever-happens ways. The sequels I could live without, although I’ll warrant they’re still stylish with nice action, but they were a huge disappointment (moreso for me than the often-lambasted Star Wars prequels). However, I am super excited for Lana Wachowski returning to direct a fourth Matrix movie. I don’t know why, but I just think it’ll be great; there’s twenty years’ worth of “internet stuff” and “games stuff” and “comics stuff” she can use as reference or in-joke, and let’s face it, Keanu Reeves has never kicked as much ass in his life as he does in the John Wick movies, so we don’t need to worry about that. What the hell will it be about? How can you make a sequel to what felt like a pretty definitive ending? I mean, half the characters died (spoiler!). But I don’t care about that, I just want to see it (hopefully at a cinema).
One (Other) Ring to Rule Them All: I ended up spending quite a bit of time in Middle-Earth in 2020, including reading The Hobbit to my girls, Unfinished Tales, and Ian Nathan’s book about the making of Peter Jackson’s trilogy, Anything You Can Imagine. So I am, shall we say, primed for Amazon’s new TV adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s opus. The Lord of the Rings series – as I think it might still be called? – will be set a lot earlier than the more famous stories, and although there are a lot of potential hiccups and hurdles in the way, I hope the less-familiar period and setting will offer scope for a series to make its own unexpected journey, showing even those that have read The Silmarillion something they’ve not seen before. I hope they don’t try to make it into Game of Thrones, and I hope they don’t try to shoehorn in too many aspects of The Lord of the Rings (I mean, hobbits shouldn’t really feature too much into it, surely?), but the pedigree is strong and I’m very excited.
Sinful: Russell T. Davies’ last show, Years and Years, was a fascinating combination of terrifying apocalyptic sci-fi and domestic soap opera, and one of the best things that happened in 2019. His next show, It’s a Sin, is about something altogether more real but still apocalyptic: the AIDS crisis in the gay community of the 1980s. I imagine he’ll still be expertly combining soapy drama with casual gaggery and moments of utter heartbreak. Apparently this is a story very close to his heart that he’s been wanting to tell for – yes – years and years, so it’s sure to be one of the TV highlights of 2021.
The Unconfirmed: one of the great things at the start of the year is, you don’t know what you’re going to get. Sometimes you get, well, 2020. But sometimes you don’t! Sometimes you get a year in film like 1984 (Terminator! Ghostbusters! Gremlins!) or 1999 (Matrix! Fight Club! American Beauty!); sometimes you get a year in gaming like 1998 (Half-Life! Zelda! Grim Fandango!) or 2007 (Halo! BioShock! Crackdown!). What’s coming this year? Well, with the new consoles out, we’re going to finally start seeing some new games that wrestle with the hardware; not just the cross-generational likes of Halo or Horizon but some new games, some unannounced games. We’ll also, no doubt, see proper footage and trailers for stuff we do know – Hellblade, Fable, hopefully Perfect Dark. Taika Waititi’s got at least two films on the go; that’ll be good. Spielberg doesn’t usually rest on his laurels; he’s finished West Side Story, so what’s next? Bond will come out, somewhere, somehow; will we get the announcement of a new Bond? Speaking of recasting, is Jodie Whittaker really leaving Doctor Who? I’ve not been too fussed with the show the last couple of years, but I’m always rooting for her and will be sad to see her go; but does that mean we’re in for another New Doctor palaver later this year too? Will we see or hear anything of Rian Johnson’s Star Wars films or, even better, a Knives Out sequel? The new Stranger Things has got to be this year, hasn’t it? What about Star Trek – Picard season 2 and Discovery season 4 should be happening, but will we also see the Pike and Georgiou-focussed spin-offs? God knows! It’s all up in the air! And these are only the things that we know or can speculate a little bit about! But that’s what makes it so exciting.
Well, that’s it for now. As I write this, what can only be called a mob of white supremacist terrorists – idiot insurrectionists, if you will – have stormed the US Capitol. Truly terrifying scenes, given the added worry of the Twat in Chief using the crisis as some phony excuse to cling on to power. I have faith that it’ll be resolved, short-term, and that democracy – capital-D Democracy – will endure, for now. But it just goes to show how volatile everything is. The kids are being homeschooled again. London’s hospitals are teetering on the brink. There’s gunfire in the Senate. But the first Black Senator just got elected in Georgia. My wife’s playing Ooblets. Somewhere it’s sunny, somewhere else a kid’s catching snowflakes, and somewhere else again some lucky sod is getting to watch Nine to Five for the first time ever. Things are scary and often crap but on the whole I think the arc of the universe tilts ever so slightly towards Being Generally Okay.
Take care of yourselves, wear a bloody mask, and here’s to 2021 Being Generally Okay.
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geek-gem · 7 years
9:28 am so waited a bit but was looking on my dashboard. Even missed the submit button a bit whatever some Infinite gif I almost reblogged.
Again I had got out of the shower and I was thinking about this.
Honestly me enraged about the custom character the concept of it in Sonic Forces. Basically Buddy The Wolf that's been seen in official trailers also lots of people draw him.
Including I tried my best didn't get the green mic actually and finished the game without that. Yet I tried my best to make the character look like that. Because I had such a distaste for the idea of it. Including I didn't wanna be original and despite random shit in my head still being negative about the custom character.
Honestly and I might spoil stuff of Sonic Generations maybe. Really the role Buddy is put into is basically what I've wanted for an idea in a Sonic game.
Including the idea of someone new trying to stand up for what's right and Sonic being the big reason why anyone would keep going. Because of how his attitude and his outlook on life inspires people.
So those are possibly spoilers yet was gonna talk about this. Almost start it twice this paragraph and a new one what I wanted to type.
Honestly I always had this idea. Mainly instead of a custom character that's an animal like the others. It's basically a human a young adult mainly. Where the role is basically similar or kind of or is in Buddy's role.
I've been thinking that human part because it's possible that Sonic movie might have a main human character but I like it to be secondary to Sonic. Including the idea of this human being a badass able to use weapons and destroy Eggman's robots. Including I keep thinking examples of humans to be inspired from right now like Chris Redfield and Leon S Kennedy from the Resident Evil series. Also others yet those two have been on my mind because I like Resident Evil and it's been on my mind too.
Also it's because some humans have a track record of not being liked by a lot of fans. But I mainly speaking about Chris Thorndyke and Princess Elise while I honestly don't hate them. Including this year I learned they aren't that bad honestly like them a bit. But they aren't my favorites.
I thought the idea of a human who can take care of themselves and fight alongside Sonic would help people stop thinking humans suck in Sonic except Eggman or whatever.
Yet I have thought of the idea back firing because I can imagine people's reactions. I've been thinking of this for a long time and forgot if I wanted to talk about it.
Basically I can see people giving their honest thoughts and figure out why making a human character a badass doesn't work to appeal to people.
Talking about having a human character being given a gun and kick ass with Sonic doesn't automatically make them a better character. Making them a soldier or someone who can fight isn't gonna make them better then the likes of Princess Elise or Chris Thorndyke no hatred towards them. The character could ether suck or even be worse then them. I'm saying this if this actually happens. About a character could be worse if you of your own opinion didn't like previous characters.
What matters is the writing behind the characters. Their personality, their story, and what they mean towards to the main story too.
Honestly at times I keep thinking like a first person shooter or third person shooter gameplay. Maybe similar to the likes of Titanfall, Killzone, the Left 4 Dead series or the likes of the Resident Evil franchise mainly 4, 5, and 6, Dead Space or others. Basically been thinking Titanfall and Resident Evil. Or even Doom or yes Halo for that matter. Yes I mentioned Doom because been playing the original like yesterday and need to play the reboot again which is awesome since the game is now fully installed.
Yet with how Sega and Sonic Team are going. Despite Shadow The Hedgehog was made his game. It would be difficult probably to make gameplay like that. Because they don't seem to be at a stage now where they will do that.
Including in a weird way to be honest thinking of it I'll say it. The idea of it seems almost like self insert some what yet at times I didn't think that mainly just to fill the human thing. But I have put certain things like an Autistic character because I'm Autistic too for the character.
Just trying to remember anything. But also yeah I wanted to talk about this. Even thinking of the song Fist Bump while not my favorite. Yet when in the shower I kept hearing it in my head.
Honestly the way the song is written. It's kind of meaningful since listening to it, the song seems to be about Sonic and the custom character Buddy including how this song has a upbeat style to it. Basically in a way being inspiring unlike compared to Infinite's theme which I adore despite what the Shadow DLC showed and the main game too. Being a lot more serious and maybe less inspiring.
Honestly wanna mention this silly thing so a self insert played by KJ Apa at times one of the choices. Basically wanna make a post and jokes about Archie Andrews fights with Sonic the hedgehog, joins the Helghast from Killzone, fights the Chimera from Resistance, be casted as Jeremy Fitzgerald from FNAF and ward off animatronics, and be cast as Leon S Kennedy his younger self from Resident Evil 2 for that Resident Evil movie reboot universe if they stick to the games more. Yes that's a fan cast of mine.
Yes I watch and like Riverdale also it's this joke with I keep thinking Jughead going ARCHIE WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING BEHIND OUR BACKS
Honestly I like the actor and thought of him other things didn't say all of them.
So now with Sonic Forces out and my opinions being mixed. Including honestly I have thought of this when I was in the shower and afterwards. Basically the custom character is something I......seemed to like the best or just.....maybe more.
My friend fatpinkraccoon not gonna use the mention thing told me last night and replied to a message from him I didn't message because went to bed early by mistake. He told me Somecallmejohnny made a review and I thought seriously that was quick. Yet the game is honestly short. Including him talking about how the franchise needs new people behind it.
Yet I forgot if it was him respelt quick and put back the period in last paragraph. But sorry ticks yet I forgot if it was him I'm not risking getting out of this. But he might of said the custom character was the better parts of the game. Even with my mindset being negative.
But after being disappointed with other parts of the game. While gameplay is fun and enjoyable, the soundtrack is great and I've talked about more about this. It's the story I have a problem with. Including remembered that he told me not to have false hopes basically after I told him I'm not gonna hyped for a Sonic game after this.
Including him saying that even if Sonic Mania had fantastic reviews doesn't mean Sonic Forces would get any and he said he knew.
Also I wanna say this is basically my character development now. Me realizing the custom character is basically a form of something I wanted but not as a custom character. Yet the role of Buddy goes through things I like basically the concept of it said nice in head. While a lot of other things said everything in head but no not everything and random negative thoughts.
Basically the custom character seems to be the golden child of some sorts being in the mess of things. With some good stuff and bad stuff or just mixed stuff.
Even in my head I had thought of I never want the custom character again. Or the fact it might return honestly no it didn't suck.........
Was thinking I'm going to say that after my head said it sucked.
Really I am a hypocrite. While I have played other games where characters can be customized. Honestly theirs more whether story or not. Fine such as some Lego games, the Soul Calibur series I've seen people mentioned in a post about w certian c word I hate.
Yet the one game where I remember the custom character always goes to my head. Is basically the customization from Halo Reach where you play as Noble Six. Yet instead of a canon look or one that's seen in the trailers you get to customize the Spartan. Even also almost left work instead of look when talking about canon looks.
Basically you get to customize Noble Six. Even just looked forward for some reason. Basically the ending I don't wanna spoil it is a sad one almost left the word dad.
Okay in a way Halo Reach with that is something similar to Sonic Forces. Where your character is in cutscenes, in gameplay, and even people making versions of Red Vs Blue characters. The last season I've seen was season pressed some Google icon yet season 11 the series is funny but haven't seen it since despite it still going on.
It's amazing how my younger self seemed to not mind and liked customizing a Spartan yet Sonic it's the worst thing ever. Basically I had a hate on for the character being disgusted by it and just....I feel it be weird to compare it to a racist but okay back shook a bit.
Yet honestly the gameplay was enjoyable. But mainly played with the burst weapon just the drill isn't my favorite see just....I'm rambling.
The idea of the custom character returning oh negative thoughts. I just don't know may be nice just......
Sorry basically after wards nice or....I said that in my head.
Basically the custom character Buddy had a role I thought would like in any Sonic media and I hated it because I had false hopes like my friend said. Now that's what I remembered.
Think I should be done basically despite my head at times. I'm just so used to hating on the custom character it stuck with me maybe HOPEFULLY over time I be less hateful on it.
I kept retyping l and y for hopefully. Yet I'm so used to hating on the character and I want to like it more as time goes on. Maybe playing the game more. Yet the thought of making my own character no.
Yet I did with Buddy and....since thought in my head of changing it I've been thinking. Yeah I'm honestly attached to the Buddy The Wolf look we've been given that I don't want to change the character I hated the thought of changing it that one thought I don't want to lose Buddy.
Now okay theirs character development of me. Along with I should mention while I complained and critized of Buddy not talking and just.....I'm a fan of Doomguy and he's probably or one the original imagine yourself as the character those kinds of characters. Including how his actions speak louder then words. Also even other some what silent protagonists. Including I was talking about the main character from Doom.
Got tags done just don't take took off Sonic Forces spoilers and put it at the end almost took off the one before that. These mentions are getting stupid.
Seriously the game has been an emotional rollercoaster and my supposedly character development warming up to the custom character is coming into more of a reality even with my mindset 10:28 am just sorry have issues
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Young Justice Season 3 Episode 22 Review: Antisocial
The quality rebounds as the focus narrows as Young Justice: Outsiders starts barrelling towards its season finale.
This Young Justice: Outsiders review contains spoilers.
Young Justice Season 3 Episode 22
Grading on a relative scale, last week's episode of Young Justice was a debacle. It was too busy and too rushed. This week's episode, "Antisocial," fixes almost every problem with "Unknown Factors" by dramatically narrowing its scale. It sacrifices some action in doing so, but this episode really starts thundering towards the finale and pushing plot lines to their inevitable conclusions.
The action starts out focused at the Outsider's Hollywood headquarters. Everyone is recovering from their ordeal in Granny's X-Pit, but the only one nearing death is Dick. Batman grabs Oracle, Robin, Aquaman and Miss Martian for a private conference, and Black Lightning pieces everything together. He figures out that the resignations were staged, and that the team has been sent out on missions in conjunction with the League. He is...really pissed, and it gives us some terrific voice acting.
Khary Payton is best known for his work as Teen Titans/GO!'s Cyborg. He's a versatile, talented voice actor who's doing tons of work in Young Justice that is virtually unidentifiable from his Cyborg, and Cy in those shows is not especially prone to anger. So when he lets rip here, we get a little bit Cyborg, a lot of pent up rage, and he just uncorks in a really entertaining way that helps sell Jeff's fury at being used by Batman. And that rage and sense of betrayal contributes a lot to the most powerful moment of this story line, when Oracle takes Bruce down a peg.
Barbara Gordon is probably the only person on the show who is qualified to and can get away with pushing back on Batman. Yes, Jason Todd is alive and amnesiac and around, but Barbara in a wheelchair is the most visible, powerful and immediately available symbol of a failure of Bruce's mission, and everything this season has been part of or in service to that mission. The whole argument is great character work, especially for characters who have had less than 5 total minutes of screen time for the rest of the season, but it also wonderfully implies a richer world that's not part of the show. "Batman, Inc." was a throwaway line from Black Lightning early in the season because we assumed he'd be part of the actual Outsiders, but they've been operating this whole time while Dick was running his team, Beast Boy was operating his Outsiders, Miss Martian was overseeing The Team, Aqualad was in charge of the League, Wonder Woman had the space contingent under her command, Lex Luthor was starting up Infinity, Inc, and even more. This is a robust superhero universe and every time we get peeks at the greater world, it's exciting.
While all of this is going on, Terra is taking notes to report back to Deathstroke, and Dr. Jace's story is finally paying off. There was some to like here and some to really dislike. Tara Markov's relationship with Slade is approximately infinity percent better than in the comics. Judas Contract's Terra/Deathstroke is supremely gross, the sole stain on an otherwise legendary story. Young Justice removes all the weird lasciviousness and makes them both better characters: Tara is a traumatized, neglected kid being shown a perversion of respect and care by someone who is a bad guy and in all likelihood using her, but at least is being decent enough to give her some paternal affection in the process. They're setting up a parallel between Slade and Batman here - Slade appears to care about Tara, but is really just using her to manipulate events in his favor, while Batman is manipulating everyone around him, but genuinely cares about their well being. It's nice, and pretty slick.
Slade also gives Tara a way to break the Starro-tech inhibitor chips that Jace uses on her and Brion to get them out of the tower and heading towards her "mentor," the Ultra Humanite. She grabs Halo on her way, and they meet up with the Ultra Humanite and Granny, who uses Overlord to take control of Halo, then drops everyone into the X-Pit to finish figuring out the Anti-Life Equation.
This episode has one of the most easy to understand explanations of Anti-Life I've ever heard. It's not a complex mathematical formula like it is in the comics or when I use it on Twitter: it's Life-Free Will=Anti-Life. Halo is a human Mother Box with the safeties ground off, so when she's exposed to the X-Pit's torture and activates her healing aura, that triggers anti-life and makes the person exposed to it a slave to Granny. In this case, Granny tests her observations by shoving Jace out into the torture of the X-Pit and having her explain her entire diabolical plan.
Here is the only part of the episode I didn't care for. Jace goes from brilliant, shady scientist to "WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME" stereotype in the blink of an eye. She did all her meta-experimenting to make children for herself, and now Brion and Tara are her children and Violet, who isn't a meta at all but is a living, breathing Mother Box, is a disgusting freak who isn't good enough to date her son. And she was only sleeping with Black Lightning to stay near her children. This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the top. She might as well be boiling Count Vertigo's pet rabbit here. It's not great. Eventually, Terra breaks away and frees Geo Force, so Granny and Violet boom tube one way, the Ultra Humanite and Jace boom another, and the kids head back to the tower to break the bad news to Jeff.
Jace's character developments are trash, but everyone else gets a pretty good episode. And the big surprise reveal at the end is that there are two Grannies - one on the space station with the Furies moving metas around the universe, and one running Goode World Studios on Earth - which has some fascinating implications. This was a solid start to the season's endgame.
- The three people from Luthor's Infinity, Inc. team talking to Stargirl I MEAN Courtney Whitmore are also from Luthor's Infinity, Inc. in the comics. The one talking is Trajectory (confirmed by the end credits), a super speedster. The bald guy is probably Everyman, and the woman in yellow is probably Fury. All three were introduced in 52, the weekly jam comic by Geoff Johns, Mark Waid, Greg Rucka, Grant Morrison, and Keith Giffen that grew out of Infinite Crisis. Trajectory was killed when Luthor turned her powers off mid-run; Everyman shapeshifts into another person by consuming a part of their body, turns into a cannibal who likes the taste of long pig, and was killed by Cupid in Green Arrow & Black Canary; and Fury is Ranma 52: a guy who shapeshifts into a super strong woman with claws.
- Despite being the best Robin, the modern world continues to do Tim Drake dirty. He's a key part of the story here, and he gets no dialogue and his contributions to the discourse amount to a shrug and a head tilt.
- About that ending: comic book logic says that the two Grannies could be anything - hard light projections, clones, time displaced copies, psionic ghosts from the astral plane, secret twins. Literally anything. However, there are two specific things from New Gods lore that could be the explanation.
1. Lump. The Lump was a giant blob created by Granny in the comics to trap Mister Miracle - she would link their minds together and he would be stuck in there forever. Later, Simyan and Mokkari would try and lock Batman in there in Final Crisis, but Batman convinced him to get up and help with an escape. Lump was also a popular theory for what was going on in Tom King and Mitch Gerads' Mister Miracle: that Scott was trapped in an anti-life loop by Darkseid, and Lump was his and Barda's child. That ended up being not the case in an emphatically brilliant way and if you haven't read Mister Miracle yet, you're missing out on one of the finest DC comics of all time and should buy it immediately.
2. According to Multiversity's map of the multiverse, the New Gods exist outside the Orrery of Worlds as platonic forms, casting different shadows down into each distinct universe. So it's possible Gretchen Goode is the Granny of Earth-16, while the Granny on the space station is the Ur-Granny hunting for Anti-Life from outside the 52 known universes. Probably not, but still a fun theory.
Keep up with all our Young Justice: Outsiders news and reviews right here.
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Aug 13, 2019
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crymor · 6 years
Every Spoiler Spoiled We’re going to spoil the biggest surprises in dozens of games as quickly as possible. Consider this your warning. Written, Edited, & Narrated by Moriarty Thumbnail by D'Angelo Wallace ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHTM9IknXs4ZHzwHqDjakoQ Here's The Games ► Right Click then "Copy Link Address" to Share ► 00:24 Final Fantasy X 00:26 Heavy Rain 00:29 Dragon Age: Inquisition 00:32 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 00:35 Metal Gear Solid 00:38 Final Fantasy VI 00:43 InFamous 00:46 Resident Evil 00:50 BioShock 00:58 Batman: Arkham Origins 01:01 Fallout 4 01:05 Final Fantasy VII 01:08 Metroid 01:09 Red Dead Redemption 01:12 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 01:14 Final Fantasy IX 01:18 Assassin's Creed 3 01:21 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 01:23 Portal 01:26 Silent Hill 2 01:31 Bioshock Infinite 01:36 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 01:40 Batman: Arkham City 01:42 Batman: Arkham Knight 01:44 The Last Of Us 01:46 Mass Effect 2 01:50 Resident Evil 5 01:57 FarCry 4 02:02 Shadow of the Colossus 02:10 Resident Evil 6 02:12 Ninja Gaiden 02:14 F.E.A.R. Series 02:16 King's Quest 3 02:18 Crackdown 02:22 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 02:30 Portal 2 02:34 Halo: Reach 02:36 Monkey Island 2: Revenge of LeChuck 02:38 Braid 02:41 Dead Space 02:43 Gears of War 3 02:44 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood 02:46 DmC: Devil May Cry 02:48 Assassin's Creed III 02:49 The Walking Dead Season One 02:55 Life Is Strange 02:56 Borderlands 2 02:58 Call of Duty: Black Ops 03:01 Spec Ops: The Line 03:03 Persona 3 03:05 Silent Hill Homecoming 03:07 Pokemon Sun & Moon 03:09 Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 03:10 Mega Man 4 03:13 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 03:16 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 03:18 Earthbound 03:20 The Silent Age 03:21 Life Is Strange 03:24 Wolfenstein 2 03:28 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 03:30 Borderlands 2 03:33 Catherine 03:35 Tales of the Borderlands 03:43 Infamous 2 03:46 Marvel's Spider-Man 03:48 Hollow Knight 03:50 Horizon: Zero Dawn 03:51 Prey 03:56 FarCry 5 03:58 Grand Theft Auto 4 03:59 Half-Life 2 04:01 God of War 04:02 Ratchet & Clank Series 04:05 Firewatch 04:07 Jak & Daxter 2 04:11 Jak 3 04:14 Until Dawn 04:17 The Last Of Us 04:19 The Last Guardian 04:20 Mass Effect 3 04:21 Borderlands 04:24 Portal 2 04:27 Tales of Symphonia 04:30 Mario Sunshine 04:32 Resonance 04:34 The Darkness 04:35 Luigi's Mansion Join the Discord to chat & play games with us► https://ift.tt/2MCWuZF Subscribe to this channel for notifications ► https://youtube.com/crymorgamingtv?sub_confirmation=1 Talk to us on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/CryMorGaming Watch CryMor on Twitch ► https://ift.tt/2jHcTm6 Support CryMor on Patreon ► https://ift.tt/2tBqC1p Visit the website ► http://CryMor.tv by CryMor Gaming
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unsc-sof · 2 years
Alpha pack/halo infinite mp season 2 story event 2 spoilers
Intro cut scene for this is good, I always enjoy responsible gun safety, it was a little bit difficult for me to process what Spartan Eklund was saying with the gunfire but that's a personal issue i have.
Once again I adore the weight the animators give her model, it would have been all too easy for them to just have Spartan Eklund stand there and talk at us with no movement what-so-ever but if you look closely even when she isn't looking at you and is firing her AR she is actually responding to the recoil that should be from it. I love small details like that.
I am greatly enjoying the character insight into Spartan Eklund and her history with Spartan Dinh.
I do almost wish this cut scene was longer, if only because it felt a bit too short and less informative about what exactly we were accomplishing this event. (It took me multiple re-watches to realize Spartan Eklund was basically scouting out our talent/skill, which again could just be due to my own processing issues.)
The challenges for this week i didn't have any issues completing(disregarding the fact i waited until literally the last 24 hours to do all of them out of the 2 weeks given). I also had a weird, maybe intentional thing happen where I got 2 levels per event challenge.
Exit cut scene
Once again! Love the animations!
I have conflicted feelings about Spartan Eklund complimenting us but that’s due to me not accepting compliments easily.
The voice acting is lovely, and the lines go well in an insightful look.
I was a bit distracted by the reflection you can see in Spartan Eklund's helmet being what looks like the ceiling light?
I do still hope nothing bad happens to her beyond what already has.
Also no further information on Spartan Dinh, I hope his recovery is going well.
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