manotelier · 3 years
hey its pe-ersona! what's HALQA2: the stolen faces?!?!
hello!!! thank you for asking🥺
It’s a story about a country where your face determine your life. Basically, the features of your ancestors appear on your face. If your ancestor was a great soldier that contributed to the country, it will shows on your face. You will gain one of his features and you will live a wealthy life, being able to go to the King’s court. If your ancestor was a simple merchant, you’ll also have her features and you’ll be a simple citizen of the country.
But if you don’t have any features of your ancestors on your face, it means that you are the first ancestor (idk if it makes sense) and you’re hunted by the King because it means you have brought nothing to the country, you never fought for the country so why should you live? They are called the Nocestros and have to live as slaves.
Hind is the daughter of the Amaan’s ambassador and hates living in Ellekt. She can’t stand the fact that people are being discriminated because of their faces and she hates the fact that she can’t do anything to help them. She always get herself in troubles because she thinks that it will help her going back to Amaan.
One day, along with her father, she’s invited to a Ball hosted by a Nobleman and has to meet the high class of Ellekt. While staying at the nobleman’s house, she decides to go visit her father’s bedroom to say goodnight, only for her to discover him... with his face stolen. She then meets Alexeï, a man with a full mask hidden his face and he offers to help her find her father’s face and discovers who’s behind this.
What’s weird with Alexei is that he doesn’t have a face under his mask. It’s just... Blank. His mask was created by a weird doctor and he can talk because the mask is linked with his brain. Alexeï never thought about why he doesn’t have a face until one day, a servant that he considers like a mother figure tells him that his face was stolen years ago.
By an organization that stole Nobles’ faces to sell them to immoral people who want to gain power.
sorry if it doesn’t make sense 😔 English isn’t my main language
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manotelier · 3 years
Hi there! Catching up with tags, and I saw the one about posting snippets from WIPs. Long story short, I'd love to see something from HALQA2: the stolen faces, hey!me and my cat are bakers!, and The Mess In His Life. :O
hello!! thank you for asking and bear with me, this going to be a little long!
I will start with hey!me and my cat are bakers! This a new project so I haven’t written anything yet. I also wanted to write a simple story, slice of life style and everything and I got inspired by amazing friend who’s a baker. So basically the story follows a baker who freshly opened her bakery, she’s really young and have competition. You know that bakers have to go through three years (in France) so they could be bakers but you can also do just one year (my cousin only studied for one year) but the baker of story didn’t study at all. She’s self-taught and went to exam without even knowing the names of techniques or how to use a certain type of oven. So the story follows the adventure of the baker and the baker has a cat. A gangster looking cat that everyone is afraid of. He has the grumpy look, a scar on the eye and he’s terrifying the clientele. The baker loves her cat a lot so she doesn’t care at all. When she goes home which is located just upstairs of the bakery, it’s time for the cat to shine and I absolutely love put a little bit of fantasy in my story...
He’s a baker! In the world of cats, the bakery is also a bakery for cats so he bakes for cats like real cakes and everything. He’s a ganster, he fought every cats in the streets and now they are his subordinates that he uses to deliver cakes. He’s well-known for his cakes but even here, cats are scared of his scary look.
HALQA2: the stolen faces is explained here so I will share an extract!! 
The young woman stood staring at the horrible scene before her eyes. With trembling hands, she approached despite her father's cries for her to return to him. But she couldn't. Not when a little boy was screaming in sadness next to the lifeless body of his mother, the little boy holding in his hands the still warm hand of the one who had brought him life. She looked like nothing, her face was cut in two and her body was mutilated all over. She wore only a simple beige dress, torn and very dirty on the sleeves, her blonde hair bathed in her own blood and her eyes looked at the sky. The young mother looked peaceful as if she had prepared herself for that dreadful end where she would end up abandoning her son, where he would have to survive on his own or unfortunately be reduced to a slave as the Elektoan policy wanted. A policy that Hind hated from the bottom of her soul. A barbaric policy without any trace of humanity that was killing thousands of people across Ellekt.
 "Hind benti, we must leave." Urged her father, a tall man with a jewel-braided white beard. He stood further away with his hand against his mouth, horrified by the smell of the corpse decaying in the street. He knew that if he came any closer, he would faint. Hind didn't care, her orange silk caftan was against the wet ground of the capital. Mud and blood had settled on the beautiful kasmaeon silk that cost more than any shop on the street. The young woman grabbed the hands of the little boy who screamed louder when he saw Hind, it was normal for him to be scared after the carnage his mother had just been subjected to.
   "Don't worry... I'm not going to do anything... I just want to know something." She gently stroked the little boy's hand, her heart pounding. "Who did this to you?" "The royal seal milady."
and the Mess In His Life is a fan fiction based on a character from an anime. I wanted to try to write in the second person because I have never did it and it was like a challenge.. It’s really hard and I don’t specially like it so I am thinking about editing it after finishing the story. The story is about a married couple that is the total opposite. Husband is neat, serious, always on time and Wife is not serious at all, a complete clown, messy and always late. It’s a really funny story where I love to break the fourth-wall and make funny jokes heheh. I’ll share an unedited extract that is for the next chapter!! 
"What if.." you close Momoko’s laptop before coming next to her. "If your life was a fan fiction."
"Then the author is a fucking bitch." She took a sip of her beer before trying to burp. "Uh... not enough BEER! Bring me more beer."
"Stop drinking, I’ll kill you!" You groaned before stamping softly on her leg before getting up to go take some beers for her.
"Perhaps our lives are really fan fiction." She finally said, grabbing the beer your were giving her. "Like I am the main character of my life and you’re the support... WAIT! Does that mean I’m the support character of your life?!" She pointed her finger at you, suddenly getting up and screaming.
"I am too pretty to be a support character!"
"Okay, okay." You rolled your eyes as you finished your noodles.
"But it would make sense for you." She put her hands on her hips. "Look at you. Fake wedding with who? Your beautiful and hot neighbor! That’s a freaking fan fiction."
"Don’t eh me! And what happened in the last chapter?! A sudden woman came to your door, saying she’s your husband’s spouse! That a level of Korean drama we have here!"
And voilà!!! Sorry for the late answer, I was looking for extracts for HALQ2 as I haven’t work on it for months!!!
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manotelier · 4 years
sent a copy of chapter 1 of halqa 2 to my friends and I am patiently waiting for their critics before starting chapter 2. 
Dialogues are my weakest point but I did my best and tried to make it really natural. The hardest thing is describing the moroccan architecture.
Hind’s home is a Fassi Riad in a European inspired city (a mix of London and Paris) so basically her home doesn’t have a roof, has those beautiful and majestic doors, that wonderful zellige, that outstanding foutain BUT I CAN’T DESCRIBE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
Moroccan Artists back in days: i am going to create an art that you shall NEVER BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE IT take your L YOU FAILED WRITER
Also, describing outfits is stressing. Gnadars, kfatans, takchitats, jabador, jlalb, foqiya, etc are all differents things.. Well, for women the only thing stressing me is the details on the dresses but for MEN. just a big headache. 
I stress about this detail because I want to respect the culture I was born and raised in. To me, it’s important to write well about outfits that I have wore and seen all my life. It’s important to pay hommage to that blue tunic with the white collar full of little pearls that was designed in that style that people would say “ah you bought it from the habous of Casablanca right?”, that little blue tunic that I paid with my money and wore it proudly at school and was being mocked by the others. 
but anyway!!! Practice is the key. So I am going to work on it.
I am getting used to Hind after spending 3 years on Noor. Hind is complicated so is Noor but difference is Hind is way too blunt when Noor cares. Noor doesn’t want people to get hurt while Hind doesn’t care.
 She really doesn’t like living in Lonaris and believe that the ellektos aristocracy is the biggest insult to humanity. Her father tries his best to prevent his daughter to not make a diplomatic incident. 
hind: this is for king theodore you big f-
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manotelier · 4 years
These days I’ve been working on the main character of HALQA2 (my two main projects are called halqa 1 and 2 because HALQA in darija means episode and I’m a shitty person that doesn’t have the creativity to find a cool name for my wip).
So, the main character of H2 is totally different from the main character of H1 and I am happy about it. I was afraid of making the same characters but I am happy with the results. 
What you have to know is that both stories are in the same Universe but not in the same year. (idk if it means something) Both characters are from Amaan (Amaan means Water in Figuigi amazigh) which is based on Morocco. 
Noor Bent Moulay Slimane is from Ifey. (Ifey is based on Figuig)
Hind Bent Ahmed Ibn Tahar is from L’Balia (you have guessed right… FES!!)
I’ve been working on Hind for two weeks now and I really like her, she’s not a character I am used to write. She’s someone that is pretty cold and distant while Noor wants to befriend everyone and is a social butterfly. 
Hind is the only child of her family while Noor is the sister of three sisters and one brother. Hind is from the noble class while Noor is from the normal class (is this how you say it??) but both of them have something that they share: They dearly love something/someone and would do everything for it/them. 
What I love to do is to work on the outfits. I don’t know much about fashion so it’s pretty hard but I really want to make them pretty and authentic Moroccan outfits. Noor only wears Amaan (Moroccan) outfits, mainly the haik since she’s from Ifey but Hind wears Amaan and Ellekt outfits. Ellekts outfits are Victorian, Edwardian and French dresses. Hind mix elements from Amaan with Ellekt so you might see her wearing balghra (babouche) with a victorian dress.
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manotelier · 4 years
decided to put HALQA2 on wattpad. 
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manotelier · 3 years
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Noor Bent Moulay Slimane,
Main character of HALQA1: last castle in
the hidden world.
From the lost Qamarun tribe, she lives in Iffey, a small oasis in Amaan. She has no magic and works at her father’s restaurant. Surprisingly (and because of Anzar), she’s selected to participate to l’Âge d’or, a contest where the winners are the next ministers of the kingdom. While the other participants are here for one goal,to kill the Queen, Noor is only here to meet her role model:Lalla Salma from the Royal Kitchen. But what will happen when Noor discovers the truth behind her tribe? And how will she react when the man she deeply loves, is involved in the biggest treason of the kingdom’s history?
Likes: Safwan Ibn Tariq’s eyelashes
Dislikes: Rich people
Favorite Color: Red
Special traits: grey highlights in the hair, constellation moles on the face, has no cursed tattoo
Favorite outfit: White haïk with blue caftan
Ancestors: Naseem Ibn Walid Al Fassi, HALQA4: the cursed kitab
Descendants: Hind Bent Ahmed Ibn Tahar, HALQA2: the stolen faces.
Anzar to Safwan: "Noor’s weakness? That she’s in love with
a looser like you"
Safwan: "#loveofmylife #girlboss #prettiestwomanofAmaan
#kbidata3i #fuckanzar #jealousmf"
Noor is the first character I’ve ever created, she’s the most important character for me. She’s the reason why the universe HALQA was made and I was finally able to draw her. Of course, when I’ll get better, I’ll draw her even better.
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manotelier · 4 years
l’atelier : le rambling d’excellence
on my personal twitter, I am always complaining about how trashy my writing is and one of my friend decided to read one of the chapters I’ve wrote for halqa1...
30 minutes later, she sent me 5 videos (each of them were 10min long) where she wrote everything she thought about it. Like EVERYTHING. She pointed what was good and what I needed to work on. She told me that one of my page was perfect and I felt proud. I have noticed that I am one of those people who enjoy compliments... sorry.. I lack attention,..... But anyway, I was happy with her remarks and once I’ll be done with the preparation of halqa2, I will start working again on halqa1.
as for halqa2, I wrote a long chapter in French but I kinda want to try writing in English. So maybe I will switch for English and see if I like it. I still have to develop characters and places but I am so excited to write on it.
Today, I looked up Moroccan women who marked Moroccan history and I decided to share some of them here. I will first talk about Malika Al Fessi. I can’t wait to share it here !
My friend came to me and was wondering if we could try and make a documentary on the Idrissides. Hope that we will be able to do it.
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