#mano answers
crispy-ghee · 1 year
What would Kal look for in a date? Wait, actually, does he date?
Kal just wants to have fun tbh. He's done all sorts, though one must note that most of these forays are short-lived and not taken very seriously by him. It's caused a bit of heartbreak to a lot of people who weren't on the same page as him, tbh. But Kal just wasn't really the serious type.
The exception to that rule is Tadeo, who was one of his best bros that he fell in love with and eventually married. But that didn't go how it usually goes with him at any step of the way.
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(These are the most romantic of any drawings I have made of the two together which is *hilarious* now that I think about it, oh no... maybe I should fix that eventually lol
Tadeo belongs to @isei-silva)
Kal still forays here and there even after he and Tadeo have established their relationship (sometimes w/ his participation, even), but it still continues to be unserious and wouldn't really be considered dating tbh.
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famcamp · 2 months
any campers alex, mano, & leo really wanna get busy with ?
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alex hasn't had the opportunity to ride any guys, sadly. anyone wants a hottie to bounce on you restlessly, maybe worship your sweaty pits or balls, he's your guy!
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meanwhile mano wants to get rough and brutal... looking for someone who's willing to handle some roughhousing, a few slaps and perhaps a bit of sadism, and get their ass wrecked as a reward.
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and leo could use a few pretty young things, or maybe a dilf or two, to get real sloppy and silly on his dick, and leave the ribeiro cabin with a pretty bite mark or some hickeys to remind them of it.
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midnightmah07 · 5 months
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majormeilani · 1 year
you didn't specify which character from sunshine so i just went with ruben !!!!!!
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little prince :)
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idk-i-want-mcl-content · 11 months
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this is the THIRD TIME i have tried to get the illu from ep 28, i choose everything right but it just doesn't work. I think it's bugged or something the worst part is that the dialogue assumes i do have it and that they in fact kissed because look at that 😭 like it's so cute and i love armin but AAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm so frustrated right now
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theshinazugawaslut · 5 months
Thank you for responding to my question but i was worried i'd end up sounding rude or invasive ˙◠˙ you talk about your sister so sweetly its genuinely so heartwarming how does mano see you since u said u see her like 'stars and diamonds' and 'the prettiest girl in the world with the warmest heart' ᴖ̈ᴖ̈ᴖ̈ᴖ̈
Mano says: "A very empathetic person who thinks she's at fault for a lot of things but needs to chill out. Very responsible. Doesn't see the world as an overall good place but sees the good in the world. Doesn't have unrealistic expectations for anyone including herself and can determine what's right from wrong no matter how harsh.
/ I am genuinely squealing since Mano refuses to praise me outside of her personal reflective portfolio or unless someone asks.
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pcrfumebcttles · 1 year
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@unbreakable-ribbons asked: ❝ … Is that a good thing or a bad thing ? ❞ Witch of the holy night.
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"Oh, the fizzing? Yeah! That's good thing. It means your wound is getting clean, ya know?"
She finishes with the wrapping of the wound before looking up at the stranger with a comforting smile. Thankfully, it was nothing too serious, or he might need more than a small bottle of disinfectant.
"It should heal within a few days."
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belanova · 1 year
I miss the eggs
@qsmpfandom... kidding is this @ atthebell ?
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apavorantes · 6 months
❛  you look absolutely beautiful today.  ❜ @mcronnie
Bishop sentiu as bochechas esquentarem, inevitavelmente desviando o olhar para as próprias botas. “Obrigada.” Agradeceu baixinho, lutando contra um sorriso que teimava em curvar-lhe os lábios. Ela nunca sabia o que fazer quando a elogiavam, especialmente se tratando de sua aparência. “Você também, uh, tá muito bonita hoje.”
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lvcdrms · 1 year
➹ + xiao zhan
➹ for a character created on the spot
talvez. só talvez. eu não consiga decidir entre dois possíveis ocs, então vamos lá.
li yu
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26 anos, príncipe mercenário.
faz muito tempo que eu quero um oc baseado no ji chong de the wolf, porque o xiao zhan estava um deleite no papel e ele foi a melhor parte do drama... enfim! falamos de um rogue, o que muitas pessoas pensam quando falamos de mercenário ou caçador de recompensas. alguém disposto a cometer uns crimes em troca de uma quantidade suficientemente agradável de dinheiro, afinal tem que usar suas exímias habilidades com armas e a sua lábia para alguma coisa. aos olhos da maioria das pessoas, li yu é alguém inescrupuloso e hedonista, que só serve a seus próprios interesses, e sua única moral é o que for mais interessante para si mesmo. e isso é... parcialmente verdade. a verdade é que ele tem, sim, uma ética e uma moral muito bem-delimitadas, mas a única pessoa que as dita é a própria cabeça dele. agora, se alguém sente que ele não tem respeito algum pelas autoridades, é porque ele não tem mesmo, e não se envergonha do fato. e se sentem que ele é boêmio, hedonista, self-indulgent, que acha que as alegrias da vida estão em coisas mundanas como uma saborosa taça de vinho e uma bela pessoa (de qualquer gênero) em seu colo... é porque isso tudo é 100% verdade. sim, ele gosta dos prazeres da vida e odeia tédio. sue him.
agora, o que poucas pessoas sabem é que ele nasceu em berço de ouro, um dos príncipes do reino vizinho. pena que o pai sempre foi um canalha inescrupuloso. a verdade é que li yu tinha princípios demais para o homem, e isso sempre foi fonte de conflitos entre ambos. esses conflitos, entre outras coisas, muitas vistas como traições e desacato à autoridade de um homem já paranoico, culminaram com a retirada do título de li yu. destituído de seus títulos reais e militares, ele fugiu para as terras mais próximas e teve de recomeçar de algum lugar... e trapaça e sacanagem davam mais dinheiro que qualquer trabalho honesto que conseguisse. e, ei, ele só trapaceia com nobres e ricos, nosso robin hood! eles que se entendam entre eles. enquanto isso, li yu volta à fronteira dos países regularmente para tentar ajudar um vilarejo a se reconstruir. um vilarejo que, ele sabe, foi impactado por suas próprias ações, ainda que ele estivesse só cumprindo ordens. a culpa disso ele vai guardar pra sempre.
yuwen qingxuan
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29 anos, imperador
the gilded cage! heavy is the head that wears the crown! onnomnomnom nessa casa amamos clichês. e esse é o famoso clichê do personagem para quem o poder é um fardo, uma condenação. qingxuan não nasceu com ambição no coração, mas nunca teve muita escolha. ser declarado herdeiro do trono era a consequência natural de ser o único menino que seu pai conseguira gerar... mesmo que sua mãe estivesse longe de ser a imperatriz. e mesmo que a imperatriz e outras concubinas de mais alto escalão (até o nascimento de qingxuan, claro) jurassem que ele fora escolhido, que o imperador desistiu tão facilmente, por conta da predileção por sua mãe. as origens menos que humildes da mulher, antes uma cortesã, não ajudavam.
desde seus primeiros passos, qingxuan foi treinado para seguir os caminhos de um imperador. todas as suas aulas eram pensadas para torná-lo o melhor político possível. o melhor guerreiro também, embora a saúde física de qingxuan não fosse lá das melhores, e ele foi logo ensinado que isso era algo que teria de manter sempre em mente para que não fosse usado contra si. ao mesmo tempo, a mãe encargou-se de arranjar um tutor que ensinasse ao filho a arte da a politicagem de um jeito que os tutores formais da corte dificilmente fariam, fosse porque ser franco seria considerado demasiado vulgar, fosse porque seu pai, apesar de tudo, e apesar da adoração pelo menino, jamais confiaria nele tanto assim. queria lhe passar o trono, mas não tão cedo. não queria morrer por outra coisa que causas naturais, veja bem.
qingxuan nunca teve a chance de saber o que queria, pois a escolha nunca foi lhe dada. a autonomia nunca foi lhe dada. desde cedo, também aprendeu outra coisa: que teria de pertencer a todos, menos a si próprio. pertencia ao reino e seus interesses políticos, pertencia ao povo. mas não reclamaria muito dessa parte. seu lado idealista ainda sonhava em, um dia, se devesse herdar o trono, ser o melhor imperador possível. alguém que pudesse trazer melhorias reais à vida das pessoas. e, hoje, faz o que pode, tentando ter a humildade de se encontrar com os súditos em pessoa quando possível e ouvir suas demandas. também investe significativamente na arte e nas ciências, e, desde que assumiu o trono, poderia se gabar que o estado tem florescido sob sua administração, se consolidado como um hub cultural na região. a verdade é que sempre achou algum prazer na pilha de livros que era obrigado a ler. e a verdade é que qingxuan mesmo é um poeta, com uma série de versos escritos desde a adolescência... mas estes ele não assina com seu nome, é claro. apenas circulam por aí sob um pseudônimo.
ainda assim, o fardo da coroa é pesado e não o deixa dormir direito à noite. quanto mais considerando as múltiplas tentativas de assassinato que sofreu durante a noite. ainda tenta domar a corte caótica que tem, mas não é pulso firme, ou quiçá tirano, o suficiente para isso, então lhe resta ter jogo de cintura. calcula todos os movimentos que pode quase que obsessivamente. e talvez com o tempo ele tenha, sim, passado a se perguntar como seria ter coisas como liberdade e autonomia. talvez escreva também por isso. mas são apenas sonhos. qingxuan também fez as pazes com seu harém, ou ao menos acha. já viu o suficiente para começar a pensar que, francamente, se nenhuma das mulheres tentar matar a ele ou matar umas às outras, está tudo bom demais. até agora, tudo parece estar sob controle, a não ser que algo tenha sido escondido dele. ao mesmo tempo, ainda precisa encontrar uma imperatriz, e sabe disso, pois todos insistem em lembrá-lo incessantemente.
e acho que ele funcionaria bem com um plot de casamento arranjado (tava pensando nesse gifset quando comecei a escrever), mas também de amor proibido!
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helianskies · 1 year
Thoughts on spamano?
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aesrot · 1 year
oi lua só passando pra dizer q tu é incrivel e eu te considero um amg de coração msm q a gente não converse tanto :3 tenha um bom dia anjo <3 - matt
<3333 o mesmo pra tu, beloved!!!! tu é super importante pra mim, e quero q vcs saibam que tô sempre aqui qnd precisar <3 tenha um bom dia tbmm :D <3
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heavenknowsffs · 2 years
Pois, lá está, eu rebloguei o post do casaco de pele a pensar em ti, porque sei que também gostarias de ter um (yup yup eu leio tags) 😌🧡 mas depois fiquei na dúvida se realmente irias gostar e optei por não dizer nada *sigh* [dumb moment!]
EU QUERO MESMO UM!!! Comprei um merdoso na Sh*in porque era a única coisa that i can afford e mesmo assim foi caro para mim mas yeah :/ qualidade kinda shitty apesar de até ser bonitinho queria um de cabedal mesmo 😪
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
orchid: what’s a song you consider to be perfect? - im guessing entire symphonies dont count as a song here. this is very hard to answer because im a pretentious music student and i cant decide how i want to define "perfect" or "song" here but just to give you An Answer im gonna say No One Is Alone from into the woods cause i just listened to the new album and it's on my mind, and i really do think that the way that song is composed and the way it functions in the story is pretty perfect
[ask meme]
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majormeilani · 10 months
Ruben and curiosity for the ask game :)
wuben.............................................. okie :)
ruben: CURIOSITY; How thoroughly do they explore new places, things, or ideas? Do they go out of their way to learn new things?
ruben is rather curious by nature tbh. he will always be looking for something new and wondering about different things. if something catches his interest, he seeks to learn more about it and find anything more he can about it. he ends up finding new things and exploring new places all the time. he's a rather free-spirited kid, always looking for an adventure and that leads him down many paths, sometimes even dangerous ones.
THANKS HOWDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! always love talking abt my ultimate son boy of all time tm
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omgeto · 1 year
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summary:geto suguru, 'top dog' on campus, is used to ploughing through all the ditzy little freshmen without any concern for their feelings. but now his biggest challenge, is you, and it's not getting you in his bed, its getting you to stay in it.
wc: 4k (look guys I did it)
cw: afab!reader, all types of fucking, masturbation, you ride his dick, you ride his face, he gives you like two spanks, he's kinda whiny but then at the same time not. you both think you're the boss of this situationship and you are both wrong. MDNI slight angst if you squint, or maybe angst angst idk
an: first fic in 10 days, is this what you call a comeback? idk but I hope you enjoy whatever this is I TRIED OKAY I TRIED! Also thanks bae @kazushawty for betaing some and bullying me in our chats
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sleeping with a frat bro wasn’t on your to do list during your freshman year, but there is something about geto suguru that you just can’t shake. you thought that you were one of many, after hearing all the rumours about him that spread throughout campus and that didn’t phase you as long as he could get you off, you didn’t care what else he did. but little did you know he is all about you and he is finally gonna let that be known tonight.
"excuse me," a whisper brushes against your ear, a deep, low hum that sends shivers down your spine. hands press lightly on your waist, shifting you ever so slightly. you glance over your shoulder, eyebrows furrowing when you realise there is more than enough room for the person to pass. it's geto suguru, and you shoot him a withering glare.
"what's the problem?" he asks, a low chuckle escaping his lips as he observes the hard look you're giving him. but instead of answering, you simply turn away, refusing to acknowledge his presence.
geto, undeterred by your cold response, takes a step closer. his presence is magnetic, and you can feel the heat of his body inches from yours. the music pulses around you, the crowd dancing and laughing, but all you can focus on is him.
“y’know me” he leans in, his breath warm against your ear, and his voice drops to a seductive murmur. "can’t resist the opportunity to get a little closer to you."
“oh fuck off geto,” you hiss, but your words had no real bite, you move your elbow to try and deter him but his stance remains fixed behind you.
“you’re a hard woman to please,” he sighs, with mock sadness, “but as frat president i can’t have one of my party guest having a bad time at one of my parties can i?”
“maybe you just aren’t trying hard enough,” you retort quickly, finally turning around to face him head on, a teasing smirk appearing on your face, “what would you know about pleasing me?”
“i think we both know what i know about pleasing you,” he offers his hand out, “c’mon let me show you a good time.” you hesitate, seeing the spark in his eyes and he puts his hand out further, urging you to take it. you close your eyes swiftly, taking a deep breath before letting him drag you into the crowd of people.
geto hand remains a reassuring hold as he drags you through the sea of intoxicated dancers. he pulls you into him, his dick already bricked up as brings it to your ass, your turn your head and raise your eyebrow, and he flashes a smile in return his hands sliding down to hold your hips as he starts to gyrate against you. you quickly match his pace, throwing back your ass, your hips swaying in time with geto and the music.
he places his hand at the small of your back, forcing you to bend slightly, as he widens his stance and forces his body into your further. your mouth parts, at the contact, and you smile at the feeling — geto suguru actually has rhythm. he’s quick to pull you up, peppering light kisses against your face as he grinds into you.
his arm hooks around your neck in a gentle but firm hold, as he bends down to your ear, his lips whispering words only meant for you, as he continues to rub his clothed dick in the crook of your ass. geto manoeuvres his hands up and down your body, his fingers teasingly toying with your tits, as he explores all you, right on the dance floor.
you could feel the heat between your legs grow, so you pull away from geto turning around to face him, his hands coming down to hold you close to him as if he was afraid you'd run away. “not bad huh?” he asks, knowing that you feel the exact same as he does, you both didn’t even notice all the eyes on you, as the crowd of partygoers just witnessed you almost fuck on the dance floor.
before you could even respond, you could feel the wind being knocked out of you as a broad chest collides right into you. geto keeps you upright, so you don’t fall on your ass and places you behind him as he steps to the person responsible for almost knocking you over. 
as the fog of the moment clears, you see the cause of the commotion—gojo satoru, geto's best friend, is in a blissful state of drunkenness, a wide grin plastered across his face.
"heeeeyy, suguru," gojo greets loudly, his bleary eyes darting between the two of you. "is this you, yeah?" his words slur slightly, but it's clear he's trying to figure out the situation. geto doesn't respond verbally, but the subtle smirk on his face and the bashful look on yours speak volumes. "you know what we could do to make this night greater," gojo announces with an exaggerated flourish.
geto sighs, on a usual day he’s all up for entertaining his friend but tonight all he wants to do is entertain you. “what is it satoru?”
“shots!” he cheers, looking around the room to be completely ignored, in too much of a drunken state to even notice, “c’mon sugu, you love shots, you can even bring this pretty little thing you’ve got with you.” he finishes, gojo’s eyes linger on you a little too long as he sizes you up, his bottom lip pulling into his teeth and all you could do is raise your eyebrows up at him, puzzled.
“bro,” geto commands, and gojo’s eyes snap to his friends as he raises his hand in mock surrender, “just take us to the fucking shots.” the subtle tension between the two guys didn't go unnoticed by you, but you brush it off, chalking it up to frat boys being frat boys. 
it was soon forgotten anyways, with you sprawled across a table of the frat house, drunken partygoers jeering at you as your shirt is half pulled up just stopping at your breast and gojo is cheering as he’s sprinkles salt on you and lines your stomach with shots.
“care to do the honours,” gojo taunts geto as he finishes pouring the final shot. geto sends a glare his way ignoring him as he makes his way over to you, giving you a long stripe of his tongue down your stomach, before quickly downing all the shots on your stomach, his eyes stuck on you. gojo offers him a lime, which he snatches straight out of his hands. gojo tuts, shaking his head, “someones touchy.” and just to add fuel to the fire, gojo has his own lick at your stomach, more slower and sensual then geto’s was, and he pours himself a shot, giving you a wink as he drinks it.
“what the fuck man?” geto interrogates, stepping to his friend, slightly wobbling as the shots he just backed in swift succession, hit him quickly.
“what’s wrong suguru?” gojo teases with a playful grin, he wasn’t dumb he knew who you were before he even saw you, geto talks about you all the time. so when gojo finally saw you with him, with geto still downplaying how he hard he actually fucks with you, he couldn’t help but fuck with his friend a bit, “you jealous?”
“don’t even start with me ‘toru,” geto warns, and you begin to sit up with an eye roll, you couldn’t deny you were a bit tipsy, but no amount of alcohol could make you bear to see this lame exchange of fray boy bravado. 
“oh whats your issue man,” gojo brushes him off, going to pour himself another drink, but geto is hot on his tails. “bro we literally always share the hot freshmen, what makes her any different.”
“because she just is,” geto snaps, in an attempt of a hush tone but you hear him loud and clear.
“i think i’m going to go,” you say out loud, and geto hears you pausing, slightly panicked. forgetting all about gojo his focus back onto you.
“no no, you don’t have to leave, we were having a good time right?” he stammers, rushing to persuade you stay. you couldn’t deny that you were having a good time, geto suguru is actually fun to be around, and the way he was staring at you, begging for you just stay with him, hits you right in your core. he pulls you close to him as he murmurs to you, “i know you felt what i felt when we were dancing, just give me a chance and like i said earlier i could really show you a good time. if you let me.”
geto just wanted to get you alone, he could see that the heavy noise of the club was clearly not your vibe, but he couldn’t let you leave just yet. he offers out his hand just like he did at the start of the party, but this time you didn’t hesitate to take it. letting him cart you off upstairs as you both ignore that wolf whistles coming from gojo, “you better get some suguru, go and get some for the both of us!”
when you get up into geto’s room, you try to disregard the slew of people strung out in different rooms across the house. but geto was confident, he had no reason not to be with you in his arms, wanting him just as badly as he wants you.
“c’mere,” he beckons you, as he sits down, patting down his thigh. you happily skip over to him, perching yourself right on his thigh, your arms hooking around his neck, your hands clasping together, locking him in. you face inches closer to his, your lips part ready to taste him but he halts you, smirking as he says “you're cute, y’know that right?”
“how so?” you ask, entertaining him with an eye roll.
“you always sit in class with me, trying to act all bothered by my presence,” he comments, “but turns out all it takes is for you to come to one of my parties, and for you to dance with me, to get you cumming in my lap… literally.”
“are we gonna fuck?” you say bluntly, catching him off guard, “or are you gonna continue to talk nonsense.” even though he wasn’t talking nonsense, he was right, tonight really did change your perspective on geto. but you weren’t dumb he was the president of the frat, and his best friend gojo’s comments earlier only further cemented the type of people frat guys are.
you press your lips against his before he has a chance to respond, your tongue darting in his mouth as he moulds into you. one of his hands works its way down your body whilst the other stays caressing your face. you groan against him, driving yourself against his thigh, your clothed cunt, already dripping just from the friction alone. 
“you getting off on my thigh yeah?” he teases between kisses, and you nod, desperately pushing yourself into him. he hikes you up further, his lips still moving in tandem with yours, and he spreads you into lap so you could properly straddle him. you both had quick movements, both of you are needy and wanting of the other. geto’s hands slide down your back and keep your ass in a firm hold as you begin to rock against him.
geto pulls away from you, his lips already plump from the way you’ve been gnawing at them. you pout at the removal but he laughs, “patience, princess.” but you ignore him your hands darting into his pants, ready to free his dick and land it, but he places his hand on your wrist, his eyebrows raising in warning, “what did i just say?”
“to take out your dick and sit on it right?” you shrug coyly, chuckling at your joke, and he smiles, but the warning in his eyes doesn’t leave.
“strip,” he commands, the single word having you folding like a chair, as you fling off your clothes leaving you in your underwear. he pulls you by the waistband of you panties, ripping them off you in one swift motion, biting his lip as he’s met with your wet pussy. “she’s so pretty,” he comments, flicking at your clit and as he slides his finger down your slit, just about to enter he pauses, putting his finger in his mouth instead of in you. he swirls it around his tongue, “sweet.”
“suguru,” you whine, at his teasing, “this isn’t funny.”
“play with yourself,” he says, disregarding whatever you were saying.
“what happened to you giving me a good time,” you argue.
“c��mon show me how bad you want it,” he persuades with a grin, leaning back, waiting for you to put on a show for him, “i’ll make it worth your while.”
despite everything, you could just never tell geto, no. it’s the way he looks at you, the way he talks to you, how he carries himself. with how he is just leaning back in his bed, his eyes low in anticipation as he waits for you to pleasure yourself for him, exciting you to do whatever he wants.
your hand works its way down to your pussy, your thumb landing on your clit rubbing against it as your finger part your sobbing cunt, letting geto see how wet you really are for him. “f-fuck,” you moan out, as you push your fingers inside of you, your eyes clenching shut at the contact.
“oi,” geto calls out to you, your eyes opening and landing on him, “keep your eyes on me. okay?” and you nod, as you quicken your pace, watching as geto palms his dick at your performance.
“this is boring,” you complain as you continue to rub at your pussy, trying your best to reach your climax on your own, “need your fingers, need your di—”
“keep going,” he orders, smirking, he could tell by the way your stance weakens and your legs tremble, that you were close. you were predictable and even though you were hungry for his dick, he knew you’d be able to cum with just your fingers and his eyes on you. call him cocky, but the influence he had over you was unmatched.
you roll your eyes at him, but you listen, continuing to finger yourself as he told you. your mouth parts, and you exhale feeling yourself about to cum, you push your digits in you harder, and your eyes stay fixated on geto and he shrugs his shoulders letting you do as you please—for once. you moan loudly as you cum all over your fingers, releasing hard as you spill out all down your thighs.
“see wasn’t so hard was it?” he taunts, pulling out his dick that has been hard from the moment he saw you at the party. he gives it a few strokes, pre cum oozing from the tip and you hungrily pounce on him, your pussy still dripping with your cum as you hover over his dick. you pause before sliding down on him, hissing at the feeling of you stretching you wide. “fuck man,” he groans out as he feels you clench over him, “your shit’s so tight.”
you bounce up and down on him, as he thrusts up into you, his hips hitting yours in a hard flurry of repeated connections. you press your hands flat on his chest, as his hands stay cupping your ass, keeping you upright as he drills into you.
his pace is unmatched, as you try and keep up, grinding your pussy down on him, desperate to have him stuff you up even more. “sugu ‘ts too much, f-fuck you’re relentless.”
“c-cant help it,” he stammers, still maintaining his merciless strokes, his dick twitching inside of you, “your pussy is just too good, or should i say my pussy,” he finishes with a wink. 
“y-your pussy?” you retort, laughing at his seriousness.
“yeah it’s mine right?” he interrogates, sending a slap to your ass to prompt further confirmation, “tell me it’s mine.” you don’t respond, a teasing smile spreading across your face, as you stare down at him, still riding his dick. but geto pauses, halting your movements and he slightly eases you up off of his dick, “what was that?” he prompts.
“it’s yours,” you give in quickly, not even bothering to entertain it any further with how needy you are to cum, “of course it's yours.” satisfied, geto charges his dick back into you with no warning, and you immediately go back to pushing your ass down on him, spreading your legs wider to straddle him more, taking him in deeper.
“t-that’s all i needed to hear,” he stutters, feeling himself about to cum, so he gives you a few sloppy thrusts before easing you off of him, cumming all over your stomach. you're quick to follow, your cum spraying his sheets, as you slump over him, dripping down on his body. “i made sure to not cum in you this time, i know how angsty you get over that shi.”
“oh how gentlemanly of you,” you deadpan, “all gives love a stomach covered in salt and semen.”
“well what would you prefer? your pussy filled with my cum,” he taunts, smirking as you still, “i know i would.” you didn’t answer pulling your sticky body away from his, as you come down off of your high.
“are you gonna stay the night?” geto asks with a grin it was like clockwork, everytime you finish fucking he’d always ask the same question, never getting bored when you mutter the same tired words.
“you know i don’t sleep in frat houses suguru.”
he shrugs casually, propping himself up on his elbows and admiring your naked figure. "you fuck in them though," he remarks, as if that justified everything, "so what's the difference?"
rolling your eyes, as you begin to do the laborious task of trying to locate your underwear—geto always had the habit of throwing them across the room. "the difference is," you pause, looking over your shoulder at him, "I can wake up tomorrow in my own bed, feeling just a little less gross for even fucking you in the first place."
a mock expression of hurt crosses his face as he crawls up behind you on the bed, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. "oh, how you wound me, princess," he coos, his breath sending shivers down your spine, "just stay."
“no, i shouldn’t” you argue, letting out an exhale as his lips attach to your collarbone, sucking against your skin, pulling and nipping at it with his teeth. 
you try to distract yourself by putting on your bra but geto is quick to fling it off you, his mouth trailing down to your tits peppering kisses all over your nipples, murmuring “stay” between each kiss. 
he takes your boob into his mouth, sucking on its flesh as his other hand toys with the other, massaging your nipples with just enough roughness to have you writhing in his palms. your back arches involuntarily, your tits pushing further into his touch, aching to feel him further, “see,” he smirks as he toys with you, “you do wanna stay.”
“i won’t, if you keep talking” you warn, gritting your teeth as he pinches your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. “now c’mere, convince me on why i should stay,” you lift his head off your tits with your fingers, eyeing him down as he stares back at you with pure lust in his eyes. you press a kiss to his lips before steering his head down towards your pussy.
“since when do you run things?” he doesn’t budge, his eyebrows slightly raise as he chuckles.
“you’re the one that wants me to stay, no?” you counter, your eyes locked with his.
“well what i want is for you to come sit on my face and my head can stay sandwiched between your thighs, how about that?” his grin widens as your mouth parts, speechless. he tugs you by the arm close to the head of the bed, you climb up his body your pussy still wet from he fucked you before, leaking out your juices all over his chest. “so hop on girl, a man’s gotta eat,” he mutters impatiently, smacking your ass to urge you onto his lips.
he takes you in hungrily, his mouth enclosing on your pussy with such greed that he is practically drowning in your scent. he laps at your cunt, his tongue giving such long, deep strokes which have your hands pressing against the walls, grinding down on his face. 
geto grips and claws at your ass, he grins, his nose burying into your pussy as your thighs clench tighter around his head. “s-sshit suguru,” your hands slap against the wall as you squeal out, trying to grasp at something to keep you afloat, as the way geto is working your pussy and how his fingers dig into your ass cheeks, has you buckling over about to topple off of him. 
he hums against your pussy, the vibrations jolting right through you, having you moan even louder. his tongue darts against your clit, swirling at it vigorously, nipping at it lightly with his teeth. 
“sugu i—” you pant, trying to ease off of him, the pleasure getting too much for you, but his hands stroke both your thighs keeping them in place. “bout to cum sugu.”
you could hear him mumble something, you didn’t care what, but the two taps he gave to your thigh let you know you could release all over him. you cry out as you cum, feeling yourself spill out all over his face. geto continues to eat you up, drinking in everything he can take, his chin getting covered by what he couldn’t swallow.
 “you are way too good at that.” you gasp as you slowly come up off his face, your breathing still laboured.
“only the best for you princess,” he jests with his eyes half open, a blissful smile on his lips as his tongue swipes at the remains of you left on his face.
“yeah me and all the other freshmen you fuck,” you mutter, to yourself but he heard you loud and clear.
“what was that?” he urges, wanting you to repeat your claims. before you started fucking geto, you knew he was and what he was about and technically you didn’t care, you only wanted him for his mouth game—which proved to be very useful. but when he tries to sweet talk you you couldn’t help but be reminded of what kind of guy he is.
“i think you heard me,” you shrug, “i’m saying it to insult you or anything, i'm just telling the truth. you like to fuck everbody and everything.”
“wait? is this why you won’t stay the night?” he says, sitting up, staring you down. 
“you must be only a pretty face, if you thought otherwise,” you laugh at his shock.
“no it’s just i think its crazy that you just won’t stay,” he complains, glaring at you as you put back on your clothes, “we could get to know each other properly.”
“like we agreed when we first started messing around,” you cringe, pitying the pouty look on his face. “let’s just… keep this casual”
“but that was ages ago,” he tries to reason, “some may say you’re just using me for sex.”
“suguru we use each other for sex,” you respond quickly, you step towards him pressing a peck on his pouty lips, with a smirk on your face as you see his lips chasing yours as you pull away, “well i'm gonna go now, i’m sure i’ll see you at one of your many lame parties you and your people always throw. it’s been fun as always” geto raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement, blowing out a hard breath, as he watches you strut out of his bedroom.
“she’ll stay the night eventually.” he murmurs to himself, maybe it’s wishful thinking, but a guy can dream.
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AN: she’s only gone and done it. but yeah how was it guys 🥺? There’s only two lines in this whole fic that I actually thought “damn I cooked here” if you guess the lines you win a reward. ALSO IDK WHY I WAS DROPPING HINTS AT SOME GOJO ON SOME MR STEAL UR GIRL TYPE SHIT but I just went with it. But geto is sooo sweet HE JUST WANTS U TO STAY and you don’t even fuckinnn stay 😭😭 looool aren’t u mean. Technically I wrote the fic backwards it was meant to start with the “r u gonna stay the night” AND then gojo and geto would have a a conversation about you AND the it would end w the party and u tucking but I wanted to keep if one continuous flow and ANYWAYS this an is becoming a diary entry so LMK UR THOUGHTS PLEASE CAUSE THIS HAD ME STRETCHED
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