wilsonthemoose · 9 months
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Smoke - Pvris
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boykingofhellsam · 8 months
Guys imagine if Sam missed Halucifer when Dean "died" and went to purgatory and he was all alone. No bobby, no cas, no dean. He had no one. But Hallucifer would've become Sams rock. If Sam never lost Hallucifer i 100% believe Sam wouldve projected his need for companionship onto him. A hallucination his soul made to deal with his trauma. God imagine the whump that couldve existed...
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heavnofhell · 2 years
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Mark Pellegrino Appreciation X.X.MMXXII
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aphony-cree · 1 year
ok ok, silly little evil guy fight because I know you're in both fandoms, who would win
Spike (btvs) or Hallucination Lucifer (spn)
oooo fun question, thank you!
Spike's not afraid to fight a hallucination. When he thought Giles was The First he ran right over and tackled him even though the first would have been non-corporeal and untacklable (he's so dumb sometimes). I'm pretty sure Halucifer was also non-corporal but the point is that Spike would be ready to square up even if he couldn't touch the guy
Hallucifer operates on strategy, specifically trying to annoy you to death. Spike wouldn't be too phased by the guy throwing firecrackers or singing Stairway to Heaven on repeat, that actually sounds like the kind of chaos that would happen at demon bars on a regular basis. But Spike is susceptible to suggestions that poke at his sense of worth. If Hallucifer picked up on that and started trying to convince him that people didn't like him, especially Buffy and Dawn, it would send Spike staggering. Spike's the kind of guy who needs people in his life, even if he's not always good at connecting or maintaining relationships. Suggesting that he's really all alone in the world would hurt him
But I think a fight between the two of them would be similar to Spike's fight with Pavayne in Angel season 5. Pavayne had him on the ropes for a bit but Spike figured out that the guy could only operate in illusion and psychological torture. The First tried that on Spike and never fully broke him, he can withstand that. Plus, in the case of Pavayne, there were rules to the system that Spike could figure out and work with. There are rules with Halucifer too. For a while Sam ignored him and things weren't too terrible, it was when Sam gave him some attention that he wormed his way in and Sam couldn't shake him loose
It seems like a fight with Halucifer would mostly be a battle of wills and Spike's prevailed at those before. I don't know if he'd be able to win in the sense of killing/getting rid of Halucifer, Supernatural canon never gave us a way to do that. But if there is a way, I think there's a chance Spike could figure it out. He's older than Sam and has over 100 years of experience in the monster world. But even if Halucifer couldn't be made to go away, I think Spike could beat him back enough to live with him. By the end of season 7 The First was still trying to come to Spike and manipulate him but it didn't work, Spike had gotten good at ignoring it
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maipareshaan · 1 year
Maybe the sideburns were a way to be undesirable given his history with harassment. Hmm.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Wow I am suprised that idea with smart impostor with power to control will of others. And now I want to add something for our dear reader becose often with impostor au where reader is labede as impostor dsont have power only that gold blood, like if we are truly a creator or thier reincarnation reader shodul have some powers maybe not all of them becose that wodul be boring but maybe unlocking them like traveler by gaing new element and each element adds some godly power anemo-time, geo-creation,electro-space hydro-live dendro-memoris/ilusion cryo-death pyro-energy like at the strat reader is still human but by gaing emeletar powers thier old god/creator powers are coming back and maybe memories of reader previose life as the creator of teyat and that why impostor wants to stop reader becose impostor wodunt care if some look a like lives in teyat only reader becose if reader gains back some of thier powers that will be game over for them
As for elements and godly power bounded with them that I chose well...
Anemo-time:becose of how venti as anemo archon is related to the god of time istaroth(sorry if I got the name worng)
Geo- creation: becose teyat mostly in mass is made of that element so creation
Electro-space: manily becose of how ei has her own kind of demesion where she is inside shogun puppet
Dendro-memories/ilusion: memories brcose of irmusol and ilusion becose of how many plant live can make person see halucification after eating or bearthing them
Hydro-live: well.....water is in evry leaving beging so live
Pyro-energy: to me fire is that primalr energy sorce becose humans first use fire to fule many of things form the light soccer too fire the forges.
Cryo-death: last element that traveler will unlock and cryo rperesting in that god powers as the end of reader jorunie to reagin thier godhood and as Winter is time where we asociaste often with the end of the year like the death is end of the journie trought live some times death can be painless the times where the snów falls down puting the world into rest but sometimes death can be suden like ice storm or painfull like hail
But there is one element.....One last element the fordiden element that no one and I say no one wodul on right mind resort to this but when the reader gets all of the 7 elements...... impostor will in desperation resort to this and that is
Abyss- destruction
Why abyss as destruction and not pyro well to me that wodul be cool wink to old gose saying "evil cannot creact and can only corupt and destroy" but the destruction canot be controled and that will be impostor downfall no punishment form the pepole that they fooled no form the reader....only form thier own green and fear thier live will end and only thing that will be left is thier body as vessel.....vessel that one goal is destruction.
Oh, so Traveler!Reader, I see. 👀
This is a Part 2 of The Imposter Headcanon Post! You don't have to read it first to understand this!
Glad you liked the previous post, anon! And yes, I did make a oneshot based off of the previous post—it's currently a work in progress, but it'll be out soon.
I love this idea of Reader basically being like the Traveler, gaining powers by resonating with the Statues of Seven. It'll definitely be filled with drama and hardships, considering how smart the Imposter is in this AU :D
So...allow me to introduce some of MY Traveler!Reader Hedacanons!
When Reader unlocks a certain element, they can also rely on the Statue of Seven to immediately heal them. → Much like the Traveler in game, they can simply be next to the Statue of Seven and heal rather instantly.
Reader can also teleport there at any time they want, without giving notice to anyone at all. Oh, and using the element of the nation would give Reader extra stamina and an extra boost for their attacks.
For example, let's say Reader is using Anemo in Mondstadt. Boom! They get like—3 weeks worth of energy somehow and their anemo attacks can rival the anemo archon, if not the "creator" themself lol.
Now that I think about it, imagine Reader imitating Venti's Elemental Burst and then suddenly the black hole becomes 2000x stronger as the time goes by—
Speaking of time...let's move on to the next headcanon :D
Reader can manipulate the powers mentioned in Anon's message, but at a cost. → What is the cost, you might ask? They feel the fatigue depending on the duration of time they use this specific type of power.
For example, let's say Reader is trying to escape some puppet dudes the Imposter sent after them, right? They can use the power of anemo to stop time for a small duration until they made a good distance away from the hunters. The only problem is, (in this case) Reader ran 10 miles just to escape. They are going to be exhausted by the time they let time resume.
And yes, there is a limit to how long Reader can use these powers. And, for now, Reader can only hold it up for short periods until they know who they really are.
There will be a slight difference when it comes to the Abyss element, but I'll explain that later.
Reader's memories comes in forms of dreams and "magical text" only they can read. → Ahem. I quoted "magical text" because, let's be honest, it's in our language. Of course no one in Teyvat would know how to decipher it (Not even Haravatat Scholars & Students—we can hear them all crying in the background) except Reader of course!
These texts may seem like usual text messages, but if Reader thinks about it long enough, they actually hold many clues and puzzle pieces of who they are, and what they can do!
The dreams are a little different. Reader is legit replaying their old memories that they no longer remember, recovering parts of their forgotten past little by little at a time. They give clearer answers (sort of) instead of clues and hints.
Reader's Abyss element, when being "purified," creates light. → Yeah, you can clearly see where I got this idea from (coughs looks at Lumine & Aether coughs). The power of the light element is the reaction of when any form of purification is performed while Reader is using their abyss powers.
What kind the light element do? Depending on the situation, the light element will create the thing Reader needs the most. A distraction? Boom, there's a freaking giant everyone needs to worry about. Need shelter? A tent appears out of nowhere. You need a freaking hospital? Light avatars who somehow know medication will appear and be your caretakers!
Unfortunately, the light element is the weakest of all the other seven elements, only being able to perform once after the previous light apparition is destroy/gone. With the other elements, you are able to use it side by side after a short cooldown, but with light element? Not side by side + very long cooldown.
If Reader isn't careful, they might get slightly burnt from the light element, very much unlike pyro.
Once Reader discovers who they really are, they first charge out into a supernova. → Their full powers have been awakened, therefore...we must have a dramatic entrance of the true creator back!
Once Reader regains who they truly are, their powers immediately come surging back, because Reader finally knows how to harness not only the seven elements, but their true creator powers. Thus, a supernova happens, but it's not explosive.
No no...In fact, it will destroy the Imposter's connection to their "puppets" and free all of Teyvat from that absolute Tyrant. Reader is the walking beacon of light today, bois.
Once at this stage, the Imposter is standing no chance. The world literally recognizes the creator and will help them in their mission to kill them. Every single character on this planet will hunt down this imposter till the very end after everything they did to them.
Happy Ending? Well, it depends how writers feel with these headcanons/ideas.
Alright, that's all I got! Sorry if this is really short—I couldn't think of anything else at the moment lol. See you around! :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Note: Sorry if this wasn't up to your standards, anon :') Feel free to come back to my mailbox when it's free! It doesn't have to be just brainrots or anything lol- I don't mind simple discussions =v=
Also! I have a question: Should I make an Anon List + a List of all the things people can write about in my mailbox? Please let me know what you think :)
Check out the Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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seasononesam · 10 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of specific sam-crit recently about folsom prison blues as if dean didnt say the EXACT SAME SHIT in 7x04 that prisoners should die. 1. Character assassination of the highest order 2. Samcrit people continue to be wrong 3. Sorry to the born again identity but season7 is kinda bad.
Also PLEASE continue salty sam posting they are my favorite flavor of post coming from you bc you dont tend to go to far into the deancrit side
literally like...they're the same picture
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and I'm not even saying what sam said is okay it's obviously a horrible thing to say but it's also horrible when dean says it (and considering both of them play judge, jury and executioner themselves all the time, it's not shocking either of them has this sentiment). which brings me to my main problem with about 90% of sam crit stuff is it's rarely "sam did this, it was bad" it's "sam did this, it was bad, this is why dean is better than him" when it's usually something dean has also done. anyway season 7 is kind of bad but I enjoy the hallucifer (halucifer?) plotline so I watch it.
and thank you lol I'm glad people aren't annoyed by it! I really don't consider myself like Dean Critical (tm) it's more I get annoyed when the fandom excuses his actions but condemn sam for the same, or less (see: tricking sam into eating bacon is fine bc sam isn't a vegetarian and it's brotherly teasing, sam making a joke about dean's EMF reader looking like crap is a crime and proves he thinks dean is less than him). sorry this got long but yeah.
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holylulusworld · 5 months
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I am the Soul Eater 🤓♑️
Credits: The instagram page written on top.
Oh, I'm Halucifer Dean! No! I wanna be Demon Dean...😔😔
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bakedspoonie · 6 months
I love the amber hallucination! Does she have a cute nickname like halucifer from spn?
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reddieandwaiting87 · 2 years
Top 5 most cringeworthy casshole scenes?
Top 5 cringe asstiel scenes?
Putting these together cause it's the same ask. Duh XD
Oh Asstiel once an interesting side character that well and truly over stayed his welcome.
Remember this isn't a list of the many awful things this idiot has done but the scenes of his that make me cringe.
1.) Number one has to be that god awful scene from 15x18.
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I'm using this gift because the infamous *love* gift is just to close to his ugly puffy face. Not only is this scene poorly written and horrible acted. (the fact that it looks like Misha is actual trying for once is even sadder.) Even if you see this as a romantic confession (it wasn't) which would make it even worse (it wasn't though remember that) cause it came out the fuck no where. Having Asstiel's whole character just be all about Dean is a slap in the face to actual Asstiel fans.
Though Asstiel's finale ever scene becoming a meme pretty much sums up his character by the end of the show.
2.) The whole Castiel!Lucifer crap. The fact Sam was trapped with Lucifer AGAIN and didn't break. Meanwhile Lucifer only has to say a few words to Asstiel and Lucifer get's the stupid bastard to agree to say yes to him. Wow what a little baby. Yet another time where Asstiel causes more issues and Death amd get's away with it.
Never mind the retcon and bad acting that followed. Just look at the gift below. Trust Misha to ruin one of the last actual good seasons of Supernatural.
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This list is meant to be just about Asstiel but just look at this?!?!?! 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮
3.) Other world Castiel.....who sounds like a nazi. Even when he is *evil* he is so fucking lame I can't.
I could find a gift and having to look at Castiel/Destiel gifts is too much on my poor eyes. More bad acting from Misha BTW.
4.) Now we all know Asstiel well out stayed his welcome and they had to find reasons for why he wasn't in most episodes (like we gave a fuck.) With the Asstiel mention they did. Trying to make it sound like the fucker actually did anything apart from screw up. So the fews times he was on screen he was the 3rd wheel quite alot. But one of the more obvious scenes of this was in one of my favourite moments of the show. Or at least later seasons. 14x12 prophet and loss. We get an brilliant brother scene with Jared fucking killing it with the acting. It's such a great moment so of course who randomly comes walking into and adding nothing? You guessed it old 3rd wheel asstiel himself.
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Can't find a gift of that moment cause who would actual gifted it?!? So will show the important bit. But yep another example of him adding nothing and just being there. Zzzzzzz
5.) In S7 when he goes nuts after taking on Sam's Hallucinations. Again shows how much stronger Sam is compared to this lame ass angel *warrior*. Sam was able to deal with Halucifer for months while Asstiel goes nuts right off the bat. Anyway cue Asstiel being dumber then normally and talking about bees.
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Awesome. Really glad he came out of that lake. 👍
Thank you both anons this was fun.
Though I had to look at too many Destiel gifts for my liking and Misha's ugly mug.
I will say though when you look at older seasons of Asstiel. You really see how much and badly Misha has aged. 😬
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wilsonthemoose · 7 months
WIP ask game
Tagged by @adihildilid <3
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Creepy kid dark dean fic
Here's how this ends
There's a moment where it's all right.
Prison and prison break
Cage break
Crack fic (ask)
Bobby and sam
S9 halucifer
He's been here before- in a manner of speaking
Tagging (no pressure!) @mostlybbucky @assigned-boyking-at-birth @lovetransaction @thebackestofburners @wendibird @notfredj and whichever other of my beloved tumblrinas write
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supernaturalkickparty · 10 months
For the title game: Fracture (or Fractured, you may choose!)
Ooooh Fracture/Fractured is giving MAJOR Sam hallucinations vibes. Him trying so hard to distinguish what's real and what isn't.
Halucifer taking over completely, Sam thinking Dean has abandoned him and only "Lucifer" is around taking care of him.
Aaaaggghh @fandom-hoarder bestie the brain rot from the other day lives on👁👄👁
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allthevoicesx · 1 year
kodiak rants about sam winchester
recently, i was explaining to my partner that my favorite episode of su.pernatural was 7x17: the born again identity. (i always think it's the reborn identity, i am an idiot) but as i was explaining that it's my favorite, i started thinking about why it's my favorite. and it's... just so much to do with showing the kind of man sam winchester was. you know? so. i'm going to rant under the cut. if you're not to 7x17, or you just don't want spoilers, don't read it, okay? okay.
so. season 7 was a wild one, right? we had halucifer, and with him came a bunch of fucked up shit for sam. (i know. dean had shit going on too, but this is about sam, so.) the situation around 7x17 sees him on days on end of no sleep, because when he sleeps, he sees lucifer. then he just... kind of always sees him. he's in a psych ward for the majority of this episode. He can't sleep, he can't eat, and he knows he's on the brink of being a kind of gone you can't come back from. and what does sam choose to do with his time left in the land of coherency? help a young girl who was being haunted and kind of actually tortured by the spirit of her brother. sam could have left it at not being his problem. he was doing a lot trying to stay sane and get back to dean... but he didn't hesitate to help marin. and to me, it just... says a lot about the kind of man sam winchester is. i know, there are so many examples of it. there are plenty of episodes and moments and things to sell the point. but for me.. the born-again identity is the episode that cemented it for me. it was such a profund way to that even as the world is crumbling... sam will always be the one to jump in and save the day. or die trying.
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the-gray-ghosty · 3 years
This picture from hello, cruel world has me cracking up
From Dean's offended look (Sam had tried pointing a gun at him) to hallucifer's face as he is in the middle of vanishing
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stephanie-likes · 7 years
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In every sense of the word.
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feels-andmorefeels · 7 years
Halucifer is so pure
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