#hamlet is just. my aesthetic
jakeotters · 2 years
people complain about kenneth branagh as hamlet but he slayed so hard tho. mentally ill and dressed like this??? no one else did it like him.
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ROMEO & JULIET.     suburban  july.  scraped  knees.   bruised  knuckles.  blood  in  your  teeth.   bare  feet  on  hot  concrete.   restlessness.  your  high  school’s  empty  parking lot.  love  poems  in  your  diary.   a  window  open  to  coax  in  the  breeze.  burning  inside.  an  ill - fitting  party  dress.   a  t - shirt  you  cut  up  yourself.   the  time  you  tried  to  give  yourself  bangs.   biking  to  your  friends  house.  bubble  gum.   gas  station  ice.   the  feeling  that  you’ve  met  before.  rebellion.  a  car  radio  playing  down  the  street.  cheap  fireworks.  a  heart  drawn  on  the  inside  of  your  wrist  with  a  sharpie.  switchblades.   red  solo  cups.  dancing  in  your  bedroom.  screaming  yourself  hoarse.   running  out  of  options.  the  forlorn  looking  basketball  hoop  at  the  end  of  a  cul - de - sac.   climbing  onto  your  roof  at  night  while  your  parents  are  asleep.   flip - flops.   a  eulogy  written  on  loose - leaf.  the  merciless  noontime  sun.
HAMLET.     speaking  in  a  whisper.   holding  your  breath.   a  browning  garden.  a  half  remembered  story.  furniture  covered  with  sheets.   fog  at  dawn.   mist  at  twilight.  losing  touch.  the  ethereal  space  between  winter  and  spring.  the  soft  skin  at  your  temple.  the  crack  in  the  hallway mirror.   things  you’d  say  if  you  knew  the  words.  uncombed  hair.  books  with  writing  in  the  margins.   books  with  cracked  spines.  books  with  lines  scratched  out.  prayers  on  all  souls’  day.   a  chipped ceramic  bathtub. a  cold  stone  floor.   the  uncomfortable  awareness  of  your  own  heartbeat.   the  sparrow  that  got  in  your  house.    shadows.    the  creek  you  played  in  as  a  child.   a  dirty  night  gown.   an  oversized  t - shirt.   a  collection  of  your  favorite  words.   soil  beneath  your  nails.  ghost  stories.   the  strangeness  of  your  own  name  in  your  mouth.   deep  silence.  exhaustion.  a  cliff  with  a  long,  long  drop  down.
TWELFTH NIGHT.     wicker  deck  furniture.   new  england  summer.   large  sunglasses  and  a  blonde  bob.   a  storm  over  the  ocean.   patio  umbrellas  flapping  in  the  wind.   the  smell  of  chlorine.   muffled  laughter.  sarcasm.  starched  cuffs.  day  drinking.  bay  windows.  the  idea  of  love.  love  for  the  idea  of  love.   love  for  love’s  sake.  hangovers.  wandering  over  the  sand  dunes.   a  vagabond  with  a  guitar.   fishermen  with  tattoos.   a  pretty  boy  with  a  slacked  tie.   a  lighthouse.   growing  too  close.  boat  shoes.   feeling  yourself  change.    big,  floppy  sunhats.   double - speak.   a  song  you  keep  listening  to.  turning  red  under  their  gaze.   margaritas  drank  on  an  inflatable  pool  lounger.   string  lights  on  a  balmy  night.   sleepy  june  days.  fights  you’re  unprepared  for.   hope  you  weren’t  expecting.  pranks  that  go  too  far.   bad  poetry.   pining.  becoming  less  of  a  stranger.
MACBETH.     the  space  where  your  grief  used  to  be.   a  bird  that’s  lost  an  eye.   old  blood  stains.  heavy  blinds. the  smell  of  sweat.   the  stillness  after  a  battle.   a  fake  smile.   a  curse.   the  taste  of  metal  at  the  back  of  your  tongue.  your  house,  unfamiliar  in  the  dark.   a  dusty  crib.   the  smell  of  sulfur.   an  orange  pill  bottle.   streaks  in  the  sink.   a  black  cocktail  dress.   your  hand  on  the  doorknob,  shaking.  a chilly  breeze.  crunching  from  the  gravel  driveway  on  a  moonless  night.   clenched  hands.   a  rusty  swing  set.   a  flashing  digital  clock  stuck  on  12 : 00.  a  snake  that  crosses  your  path.   an  owl  that  watches  you.    a  dog  that  runs  when  you  approach.  red smoke, dark  clouds.   cool  steel.  tile  floors. footsteps  in  the  hallway  late  at  night.  a  baggy  suit  that  used  to  fit  before.  visions.   insomnia  headaches.  nursery  rhymes.  being  too  far  in  to  go  back  now.
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.     the  high  drama  of  small  towns.   a  pickup  truck.   military  supply  duffel  bags  in  the  hall.    hugs  all  around.  tulip  bulbs.   a  wraparound  porch.   a  pitcher  of  iced  tea.  a  rubber  halloween  mask.   someone  on  your  level. ill - timed  proclamations.  stomach  clenching  laughter.  rushing  in.   not  minding  your  business.  crepe  paper.  white  lies.  secrets  written  down  and  thrown  away.   southern  hospitality.   homemade  curtains  in  the  kitchen.   a  sink  full  of  roses.   hiding  in  the  bushes.  old  friends.  the  wedding  dress  your  grandma  wore,  and  her  mama  before  her.   a  dog - eared  rhyming  dictionary.   chamomile  with  honey.   the  intimacy  of  big  parties.   lawn  flamingos.  gossip.   a  crowded  church.  friendly  rivalries.  unfriendly  rivalries.  shit  getting  real.   love  at  five  hundredth  sight.   not  realizing  you’re  home  until  you’re  there.
KING LEAR.     cement  block  buildings.  power  lines  that  birds  never  perch  on.   the  end  of  the  world.  useless  words.  rainless  thunder,  heat  lighting,  a  too  big  sky.   arthritic  knuckles.  broken  glass.   chalk  cliffs.   the  pulsing  red - black  behind  closed  eyes.  something  you  learned  too  late.   wet  mud  that  sucks  up  your  shoes  while  you  walk.   a  cold  stare.  empty  picture  frames.  empty  prayers.    the  obscenity  of  seeing  your  parents  cry.   a  treeless  landscape.  bloody  rags.  grappling  in  the  dark  with  reaching  hands.  the  sharpness  at  the  the  tips  of  your  teeth.   the  blown  out  windows  of  a  skeletal  house.   decay.   jokes  that  aren’t  jokes.   biting  your  tongue. prophecies.   aching  muscles,  tired  feet.  stinging  rain.  invoking  the  gods.  wondering  if  the  gods  are  listening.  worrying  that  the  gods  are  dead.   white  noise.   shivers.   numbness.  the  unequivocal  feeling  of  ending.
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM.     the  smell  of  wet  soil  and  dead  leaves.    listening  to  music  on  headphones  with  your  eyes  closed.   wildflowers.   the  distant  sparkle  of  lightning  bugs.   a  pill  someone  slipped  you.   fear  that  turns  into  excitement.   excitement  that  turns  to  frenzy.  mossy  tree  trunks.   a  pair  of  yellow  eyes  in  the  darkness.  night  swimming.  moonlight  through  the  leaves.  a  bass  beat  in  your  chest.  a  butterfly  landing  on  your  nose.   a  kiss  from  a  stranger.  a dark  hallow  in  an  old  tree.  glow  in  the  dark  paint.  drinking  on  an  empty  stomach. a  twig  breaking  behind  you.  spinning  until  you’re  dizzy.  finding  glitter  on  your  body  and  not  remembering  where  it  came  from.  an  overgrown  path  through  the  woods.  cool  dew  on  your  skin.  a  dream  that  fades  with  waking.  moths  drawn  to  the  light.   giving  yourself  over,  completely.  afterglow.   the  long,  loving,  velvety  night.  
tagged  by :    @khozmoh​
tagging :  this has been in my drafts forever so whoever hasn’t done it.
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familyabolisher · 1 year
haphazard assortment of thoughts on the unwanted guest:
firstly, it really does have to be said—crazy good, probably my favourite of all the tlt short pieces, and i say that as someone who lost my mind over as yet unsent for like a week. excellent conceit and excellent execution, just a really gorgeous piece of writing. the play format of course reminds me of what abigail says to harrow in htn—that the river bubble is a ‘play [she’s] directing’—the inside of one’s head as a stage in which other actors can intervene & whereby mileage can be gotten out of Symbolism as immediately “real,” tangible presences that the kind of realist baggage that a more quotidian prose form would usher in would probably falter in accomplishing. it’s a lot!! i think even if i wasn’t already a tazmuir writing style defender (contra the insistence that she’s yknow homestuck fanfiction serial numbers filed off hack) then this would have had me floored anyway. 
the play format also works in the way that muir’s general dexterity in form and willingness to really make use of craft as a technical space where discourse can be generated always works—i’m talking about the ‘fanfictiony’ voice in gtn which manages to say something both about fanfiction and about the text itself, the use of the dramatis personae as a space where atmosphere can be established and plot points hinted towards (thus blurring the lines between what is and is not diegesis), the drastic shifts in style between different close thirds, the shifting from third- to second- to epistolary first-person, the use of poetry both diegetic and not (the noniad, the epigraph poems…), the mimicry of the ‘voice’ of the king james bible in the nona epilogue—she never stays in one place for too long and she never seems to stick to one central style or form, and it really works in her favour. insofar as tlt as a whole is a very ‘patchwork’ kind of work, building itself up from its big big index of references and intertexts and memes with hugely variant levels of ‘prestige’ or legitimacy attached to them, the ‘patchwork’ use of form really works in muir’s favour. however i am also fuming because i was right in the middle of writing a tlt fic which jumps into a play format two-thirds of the way through and now my idea doesn’t look ORIGINAL but ANYWAY—
& i really do need to flag my good friend vee’s mercy/augustine fic, which makes use of a similar conceit and pulls it off masterfully—i am deeply jealous of vee’s talent and i think the unwanted guest makes this piece (from 2021!) shine even more, if anything.
i am DYING to see where muir is going with the use of hamlet, of all things—dulcie quoting it to palamedes immediately catapulted my mind back to abigail’s reference to ‘that undiscovered country’ in htn. obviously muir likes to drop contemporary (or contemporarily canonical) references and turns of phrase all over the place, but the attention drawn to the quote as diegetically referential (“I like that. Is it from something?” / “Yes. It’s complicated.”) has me wondering about a) the survival of ‘pre-res’ literatures ~over the river and like WHY and b) what a thematic interlocking of tlt and hamlet can do, here…….real aveheads remember cytherea ophelia theory where i tried to use ophelia as a point of reference for teasing out some arguments about cytherea and death and aesthetics and white femininity and whatnot. all of which is to say i need to sit with this hamlet reading a lot more but i love it, i am so here for it.
of course ‘kissing or feeding, we can’t be sure’ calls to mind ‘how meat loves meat,’ alecto biting harrow’s mouth by way of a kiss…and the general thematic throughline of, you know, certain practices of love as practices of consumption, naberius later being figured as the ‘meat’ in question contains echoes of this eroticism which ofc guides the contours of the necromancer/cavalier dynamic, eroticism as a currency of power, we know all of this stuff because it’s all over the text but i am just thumbs-upping it from the sidelines
the coffins had me thinking of utena’s black rose arc, which is a fun link to make considering the equivalent moment in the main body of nona is also referencing utena, ie. with the ‘rules’ of the duel being that cam has to get the handkerchief out of ianthe’s pocket as kind of an equivalent to skewering the rose. i feel like the tlt/utena overlap is pretty self-explanatory but it’s just fun to see the fingerprints all over lol
i think a lot of this was treading old ground thematically (erotics of consumption, dog motifs, we’ve seen it already!) but i will say that i did Yell Out Loud over ‘who's she got dawdling behind her but that creature—tugging visibly at her leash like an overeager dog.’ reminded of the other memorable use of ‘leash’—’even the devil bent for god to put a leash around her neck’—and, of course, the endless parade of commonalities between gideon & alecto. anyway there’s not really anything in this line that we didn’t already know about gid as a character, thematically speaking, but i point it out because it inflicted +100 psychic damage when i read it. gideon as a ‘creature’ is particularly slimy, & sort of puts me in mind of ianthe's tendency to talk about what appears to us as 'butch masculinity' (as opposed to the more effete masculinity of augustine or even babs) with a notably derogatory slant (the 'hurtful threats of sexual violence' line comes to mind); i don't know that i have much to say about it here specifically but it's an interesting one that i think informs the kirianthe dynamic pretty heavily (especially when held up against, like, harrianthe ... ianthe has a kind of respect for whatever harrow's gay and stupid gender is Doing (at least insofar as she can mould it to her own desires; i'm thinking of the dios apate forcefemme scene lol) in ways that i don't think she has for kiriona? but this is v off-topic, lol).
i have never been especially taken by dulcie as a character but i think this may finally have forced me to fold and admit that she’s great. her haters!!! her agonies!!! camilla would have to cook!! the balance between levity and sincerity was really well-managed. & i love the double meaning of “unwanted guest” as both palamedes intruding on ianthe’s mind palace and naberius setting up shop inside of her.
i need a week to sit with where this idea of the consumed soul as being literally ‘digested’ such that it can begin to ‘inhabit,’ however immaterially, the host body, or like to alter the characteristics of the host body such that to carry out such a consumption is to kind of kill yourself as well, slots in with lolita theory. or like, i need alecto right now. i am however reminded of chew, a short story that muir wrote in 2013, which also plays with these ideas of sexual assault as a forcing of a part of yourself meaningfully ‘into’ another person, and cannibalism as the reenactment of such a process, figured in the story as kind of a reclamation or at least an assertion of permanence—“I was always going to be in the ground with him in me,” she said. “I just wanted to make sure, that’s all. I just wanted to make sure.”—which the unwanted guest seems to kind of, play with in reverse? i don’t know, but i’m interested—as ever—in where muir wants to take these ideas of rape and consumption and absorption that she’s got in her hands.
i keep returning to…i hesitate to say ‘parallels’ because i think that imposes a narrative onus that i’m not actually that convinced by, but these, like, commonalities between babs and gideon. gideon is played off against so many people (cristabel, loveday, alecto being the big ones) that it feels kind of inane to add another person to the pile, but like…they’re the two who get got in canaan house, they’re both ironically ‘false’ cavaliers and expressions of the ‘truest’ or most paradigmatic form that cavalierhood ‘can’/’should’ take, they both have unconventionally gendered names (‘babs’ is a shortened form of ‘barbara,’ it is a typically feminine name imo) and (by our standards) somewhat unconventional genders (gideon is butch, babs effete)—and of course the unwanted guest places a lot of emphasis on the coercive ‘making’ of cavalierhood (the reference to babs being ‘fixed’ were he to have a disability! ianthe’s glib ‘society really is to blame’ comment—ironic, obviously, but not wholly untrue) not dissimilar to the emphasis that gtn puts on cytherea moulding gideon into the state she comes to be in at the end. babs and gideon as the two possessed corpses in nona, obviously. two wildly diverse but ultimately converging trajectories! a dialectical tension between their fundamental ‘opposition’ (as by-the-book cavalier vs whatever gideon is doing) and their fundamental ‘sameness’ whereby the dialectic is resolved in their mutual deaths. also just, of course, continuing the throughline that muir has had going for a while now, of gender/gendering as a set of coercive enforcements loyal to a hegemonic structuring of the world.
that’s all i’ve got, i think. just. really good everyone say thank you tazmuir
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hiiii hello do you have any misc. jeremy knox headcanons laying around 🤲 i will offer my jeremy playlist in exchange
hiii yes yes i do!! thank you for asking!!! okay here’s an incomplete list off the top of my head (not sure if my Official Jeremy Theory is counted so i won’t be talking about that):
jeremy used to be scared of dogs as a kid but when he started going to therapy his therapist had a therapy dog in her office (don’t know how much of a thing this is in the us but it happens where i live) and it was the gentlest sweetest old dog and jeremy fell in love and the rest is history
jeremy was approached by david wymack with an offer to join the foxes
jeremy’s sister used to play exy for fun but stopped after The Incident
sometimes jeremy goes to the beach at night and just stands there. and the sea at night is terrifying because you can’t see it so you don’t know where it ends and the sand begins, but you can hear it and it sounds like it’s all around you, and he likes that
jeremy knox is a little depressed. this isn’t why he went to therapy (avoiding talking about my Official Theory is getting difficult help) but he is a little depressed and never thought much of it because he thinks everyone’s a little depressed and it’s his job as someone with means and privilege to help other people and not divert attention to himself
no one, including cat and laila, knows about this. the person who’s gotten the closest to knowing is his butler
jeremy’s family isn’t outwardly homophobic. they never “come around” because they don’t like him enough to make any kind of effort for him, but this dislike isn’t fueled by his being gay
after The Incident at the banquet, jeremy was offered a position with the ravens. he turned it down. this was a conversation between only him and tetsuji, which is why everyone thinks andrew’s the only one to ever turn down an offer from the ravens
jeremy and andrew, if they ever met, would get along like a house on fire in the sense that they would both quite like each other and get along well (andrew likes genuinely kind people with pasts and jeremy likes the people he likes and andrew would be one of them). they would sit together in silence and do their own thing and would have interesting conversations
jeremy had a very long emo phase that he’s very embarrassed about. it doesn’t help that he still likes the music from that phase (predominantly mcr because yes)
jeremy used to be a black coffee guy for the aesthetic but then gave up because he couldn’t get the taste of it
jeremy loves those jelly candy things and also loves caramel. he hates chocolate in cakes and ice cream but likes it plain and in cookies
jeremy also used to be a dark chocolate guy for the aesthetic and then gave up on that too. he did a lot for the aesthetic that didn’t work for him smh
jeremy’s favorite shakespeare play used to be hamlet because rite of passage but is now coriolanus (and sometimes merchant of venice). and he will defend romeo and juliet to death
jeremy first became friends with laila and then with cat
okay there you go, now hand that playlist over
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fangirltothefullest · 8 months
Can I ask a question? I like your sanders sides a lot and you give them a lot of personality in their designs! How do you make them like that? Or I guess I mean, what inspires you to make them the way that you do? I want to draw the sides but I'm not sure how to start other than their canon designs!
Oh my goodness I LOVE this question! For me, it's all about the feelings you get when you see them and the vibes I want to express. The Sides embody, to me, more than an aesthetic it should also encompass personality, role, and intention. In other words, I match their aesthetics to their function and the intent of what I feel like Thomas originally intended for them for their first short videos before they were actual sides.
Let us pick Roman, because even though people say he's not, he tends to be everyone's favourite to reblog fro me because he's pretty.
So I started by drawing him exactly as he was and to me he felt flat- in the show he's exactly as he should be but I am an artist and to me he feels more than what he looks like- it's dreamy, it's romantic, it's like he's giving childhood favouritre Disney Prince vibes, you know?
Inspiration 1: Prince Phillip
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Hands down the biggest inspiration comes from him because he IS my favourite disney prince. Just looks a the hair swoop and the eyelashes- perfect. So I went ok my favourite Disney Prince is Phillip, let's start here. Before the CGI movies, there was such a romantic feeling about classic Disney princess movies and I've always loved the romantic feeling of Sleeping Beauty. The backgrounds are stunning, the way she's animated makes my bi ass give heart eyes and I loved that he was the only prince at the time who had a personality (until Beast but that's a whole other can of worms because he started out as an asshole/grumpy). I feel like modern Disney movies miss a lot of the romantic dreamy feeling of the older 2d movies because there was such care into the painted backgrounds being LESS realistic and more a fabulous idea of what a background should be and AHA! MORE INSPIRATION~! Let's make Roman a fabulous romantic idea of what a prince should be!
Inspiration 2: Faerietale Knights in Shining Armour
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Our ideas of medieval knights are nothing like actual knights which are more reminiscent of hired military and enforcers. Our ideas of faerietale knights in shining armour are brave knights who would go off to kill a dragon to show their devotion to the one they love. Sword fighting heroes- is that not Roman if not an idealized romantic "royal knight wants to win the heart of the love with courageous deeds, acts of chivalry, selfless devotion" etc. Prince Phillip is a good model of this. Defeats a dragon and true love's kiss saves the day. A perfect romantic dream isn't it? Realistic? No of course not, but Roman isn't realistic he's creativity and romance which absolutely ignores practicality for the dream.
So we have this culmination of dreamy romantic disney prince and faerietale influence.
Now it's about aesthetics- Roman is reds and golds and whites, all royal colours typically associated with bravery, lineage, and strength and purity etc.
Inspiration 3: Media referencing
So let's find some movie or media equivalence I can reference. They came mostly in the forms of Narnia and Once Upon a Time.
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So some aesthetic inspirations for belts and textures, missing the epaulets.... so to military garb!
Inspiration 4: Russian royals
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Let's face it no one does embellishments like this any more <3
Inspiration 5: Lions
Roman's colours being red gold and white give me lion inspiration too so I looked up royal lion iconography as well (which ended up with a lot of lion king in the search because this was before AI but like.... it's not incorrect and the wavy flowy mane acted like hair. If Hamlet with lions is inspiring then use it, right? that have some AMAZING lion king-style artists on deviantart to get inspired by, it's a whole thing, mad respect) But ANYWAYS it gave me some cool stuff to be inspired by too.
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Inspiration 6: Classic Golden Age Hollysood Leading Ladies (Note that this isn't femme fatales, because for Janus I used femme fatales as inspiration)
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I knew that I just HAD to give Roman that Marilyn Monroe beauty mark, yes he paints it on every day yes it's in the same spot every day yes it's necessary.
Ultimately this culminated in a checklist of things that I wanted for him:
He must give the feeling of Prince Phillip in disney prince style
I wanted him to have flowey hair that makes him look softer and romantic and can be pulled up into a ponytail if necessary.
Must have a beauty mark and eyelashes that go on for ages reminiscent of old hollywood ladies, and let's throw in nail polish too.
I wanted him to have an outfit that would be his original but embellished to hell that can be like Narnia or OUaT in terms of texture and added stuff. It needed more gold, 100% needed epaulets (the shoulder things with the dangly rstuff), and it needed a belt where a sword could be attached. Danglies not always necessary, but look really good when done and is reminiscent of old fashioned military garb and Russian royalty.
He needed to look like he's used to wearing this outfit every single day and going out of his way to do so.
Ended up with this:
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So yeah that's how I got to his design!
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ashirisu · 9 months
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hey, everyone!
My name is Ley (pronounced like "Lee," she/they) and I'm a fiction writer/editor based in the PNW. I haven't done a proper writeblr intro in a while, so I figure the new year is a great time to reintroduce myself to the community!
— about me
An important thing to understand about me and the way I talk about writing is that this stuff is literally my entire life. Even outside of work, I don't think I have a single interest or hobby that doesn't relate back to storytelling in some capacity. I'm an avid media consumer and critic, and will hyperanalyze just about anything that catches my fancy for more than a minute.
I love science fiction and fantasy, and my goal as a writer is to take all the genres I loved growing up and create stories that are a little more diverse, inclusive, and queer.
— about the blog
I came to writeblr mostly to share my work, but also to find an active community where I can get excited with other writers and talk shop. Marketing is obviously a really important part of the publishing industry, but I get tired of having to filter every thought I have about my work and experiences through the lens of aesthetic micro-trends just to put it out in the world. Sometimes I just want to pop off about scenes I'm proud of, you know?
Above all else, I really just want to connect with more writers like myself, ones who got their start in fandom spaces and are working to take their writing from a hobby into a career. I see you, I am you, I love you, let's be friends!
You’ll definitely see me posting and reblogging a lot of stuff that isn’t necessarily related to writing, so be ready for that. My art exists in the context of my personality and the world as a whole, and I simply do not have it in me to maintain a whole separate blog for silly nonsense and memes. Just consider it a way to get to know the writer as well as the writing!
— about my writing
I write a lot, though most of it is disconnected nonsense. Flash fiction and short stories are where I really thrive as a writer. I don't tend to commit to long-form projects, but I have a few projects that I'll occasionally share details about!
I like to describe my style as "earnest and character-forward," which is a fancy way of saying that I like driven protagonists who think too much and are emotional to the point of it being a character flaw.
My goal is to share more of my original writing moving forward, so hopefully you'll get to see all of this for yourself. If I'm totally honest, though, you'll probably see more of me discussing my work than actually writing it.
— about my projects
Here are the things you'll most likely see me posting about:
Agnomen: A sci-fi retelling of Hamlet and Coriolanus, currently in its very preliminary stages. It is literally my Roman Empire, except it's set on a moon of a planet that I'm calling Jupiter as a placeholder (but please note that it isn't actually Jupiter, as Jupiter is a gas giant and therefore a scientifically impossible setting for large sections of the plot).
Alter Ego: A superhero fic in which not-so-mild-mannered reporter Drew Derrick fights for mutant rights and can't seem to get his act together when it comes to keeping the complicated parts of his life separate.
Untitled Fantasy Project: The very first project I ever wrote, and the piece I return to every so often when writing is feeling more like a slog than a fun hobby. I set a lot of one-offs in this world and follow a few key characters around without them having a real plot.
D&D: I write a lot about Baz, my Wild Magic Barbarian. He's a regency noble with a lot of problems, and I care about him very much. I also have various other settings and characters, but he's my most active PC at the moment and therefore gets the most attention.
Short Stories: Sometimes I write these, and sometimes I like them enough to share!
— tag directory
ley rambles: my (often wordy) opinions about things
ley writes: not necessarily my writing, but talking about my writing
my writing: stories, blurbs, and other content I've written
not my writing: reblogs and creative writing that I liked, shared, and sometimes commented on
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For some reason Pickles looked absolutely aesthetically adorable here, poor crispy-burnt Gaellich.
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Also love how here he started drinking first in good mood, and already finished by the time Nathan started reading Hamlet, so this emotion on him is purely from the effect of listening to Hamlet.
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Remember tippy-toes Pickles? Let me raise the bets with bended-knees Nathan (just to be same-level height while hugging, my heart).
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dystopianam · 2 months
A little summary of how the fandoms of the various neighborhoods of The Sims 2 are like
(I would like to say that all the points listed were written for joking, it is not my intention to offend anyone, every neighborhood/fandom deserves love equally and I use stereotypes just for laughs.)
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You are probably a new player, you have only now discovered that you can also play outside the tutorial.
Your favorite family are the Burbs (for some reason) (Currently I discovered that only the Italian fandom is obsessed with the Burbs for some reason??)
You've been obsessed with Bella Goth and have been following her mystery for years. We are in 2024 and you are still looking for or making videos or posts with the title "I FINALLY DISCOVERED THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MYSTERY OF BELLA GOTH" (Spoiler: you didn't discover anything, your theory is full of nonsensical headcanons but you are convinced that it is canon)
Oooh, silly Don ☺️☺️
Dina and Nina are bad grill but they're so hot 😰😰💦💦 🥵🥵🥵
Talk about Bella 24 hours a day
Broke?? Dreamer?? Pleasant?? Who the f they are? D: (You only know the Goths, Calientes and Lotharios because you've only played The Sims 4 so far)
The only lore you know is that of Bella Goth.
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You're a little more "cultured" as a player. You're here because you're passionate about Bella's story, but now you also love the lore of Strangetown and have enough knowledge about the lore of both neighborhoods.
Cactus and Aliens aesthetic.
Obsessed with PascNerv.
Joking about Loki face and piss jokes about Vidcund H24 (The only thing you talk about is that)
Vidcund sexy man, his favorite color is yellow because he have a bladder problem.
Fans obsessed with Vidcund to the point that it turns a joke into something worrying with people actually fighting over a bunch of pixels with buck hair.
Loki and Circe do BDSM.
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The fandom has a large number of 11 members. Half of them are here just for the Tycutio.
They look indignantly at the PV & ST fandom, with a glass of wine in hand, they feel superior but they never knew anything about Shakespeare's works until now.
Ahaha Mercutio raccoon boy 🦝
Ahah Tybalt angry pussy 🐱
Everyone in Veronaville are LGBT+ except Romeo.
Ahahah Gnomeo!
Wait...what are you telling me it's Romeo & Juliet and not Mercutio & Tybalt??? Didn't Shakespeare write a gay tragedy???
Old men yaoi
Old women yuri
Antonio swears on his restaurant, his family and his cappuccino.
Riverblossom Hills, Desiderata Valley & Belladonna Cove
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thewertsearch · 1 year
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The whole fucking planet?
No wonder Dave was hyping him up. This is beyond anything I expected - but I guess it is the next logical step. It makes sense that the future custodians of a universe would learn to personally sculpt their own planets.
It feels like we're finally starting to understand the true potential of a Player. I wonder what sort of god-level abilities the other kids could unlock?
Also.... can the trolls do anything like this? Holy shit.
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More wizardfic, perchance?
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Dave saw Jade's hell bubble in the Furthest Ring, and decided it was time to consult an expert.
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That's the day Jade was 'born', and I'm pretty sure this prophecy is describing her Entry.
Her volcano - the Forge - has just entered a Land of snow, causing it to cool down and grow a 'thick winter skin'. Jade, the waker, is destined to light the Forge, with 'her touch as hot as iron'.
Not sure about the solid flesh, though. It's a quote from Hamlet, but I don't see how it applies to Jade's situation. Hopefully she won't be melting any time soon.
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Oh, what? I didn't even notice that this was a Flash page.
Alright, let's check out Jade's Land.
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What are we thinking? Land of Hills and Permafrost?
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Holy hell, it's the fucking glitch again! I guess we're about to become acquainted with what a glitch Land is like.
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LOFAF. Bilious Slick continues to taunt me from the shadows.
I assume Kanaya's Land was the same, then. Of course every session would have a Frog Land. I don't know why there was any doubt in my mind about this.
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Pairing this revelation with Vriska's earlier comment implies that the Frog Land is usually one of the later planets to enter the session. Kanaya was ninth to Enter, and Jade was the last, so this tracks.
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I'm loving the music - and aesthetically speaking, this is my favorite Land so far. It's certainly the planet I'd pick, if I had a choice.
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A Green Sun bed's a little on the nose, Bec - but you did catch her, so I'm not complaining.
Hopefully Jade's second trip to the Furthest Ring is less traumatic. Can Feferi at least convince her aunts to stop singing?
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hexagonspress · 2 years
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BE by tothewillofthepeople
Grantaire is earnest in this, and it’s heartbreaking. Enjolras can’t look away. This is just a rehearsal. Grantaire is still wearing skinny jeans. They have lights and phones and textual analysis and thousands of years of history between now and then and yet– When Grantaire speaks, the distance collapses. (Grantaire as Hamlet.)
Title: Middle Ages Deco Headers/Accents: Letter Gothic Standard Body text: Adobe Caslon Pro Case title: Goudy Initialen
38,667 words | 224 pages
Binderary book 1: a long-favourite EXR fic. I love wild Les Mis AUs and I love Shakespeare and this is all of that in such a lovely lovely form. Stage manager Enjolras is inspired. Also, I've been frothing at the mouth to use my special blackletter fonts and go suuuper overboard designing and this was Perfect for that purpose.
More pictures/design/process under the cut.
Design and Construction Case: Flat-back case binding with bradel board covers and spine. The spine cloth is Hollander's pearl linen in charcoal grey. The painted titles were done in Amsterdam acrylic ink in silver, with a pair of scissors because I don't own a painting brush and likely never will. The cover papers are printed on 80gsm white printer paper and glued with a regular Elmer's glue stick and PVA on the turn-ins, and the whole case is sprayed with workable fixatif to (hopefully) preserve it longer-term.
Covers: The front and back covers were designed in Photoshop. The centre image is a William Morris pattern, and the top and bottom little circles are Renaissance printer's ornaments (pngs by the lovely @helle-bored of Renegade Bindery) that I vectorized in Illustrator (Illustrator and I were sworn enemies until this month. Now we're forced friends. Like enemies to lovers).
Insides: Endpapers are a William Morris pattern recoloured in Photoshop to be a richer green and red, obv, for EXR. Printed with inkjet on 80gsm printer paper and glued to gold cardstock, and sewn into the textblock. Endbands are pre-sewn from Hollanders, dyed gold with acrylic ink to match the endpapers.
Typesetting Typeset was done in InDesign. This is a one-shot with scene breaks, so to match the theatre theme of the piece I replaced the horizontal line breaks with flagged scene numbers. I tried to strike a balance in the typesetting between classic Shakespearean aesthetic with the blackletter drop caps and cover fonts versus what you might see in a theatre script book with the monospace accents. The title spread uses a transparent decorative frame, again from Helle's collection; the large box in the middle with the title was part of the original frame and then I duplicated and resized it for the author name and my imprint.
We All Do It, or, the Mistakes Section I somehow managed to print the cover papers nine inches tall and didn't see a problem with it until they came off the printer. Truly who knows how that happened. I was working on the case at two in the morning and cut the spine cloth the wrong length three separate times...earned the measure once cut twice badge big time for that one. The endpapers were an ordeal and a half for real. What I learned: print them too big and glue the cardstock to the back, then trim the paper to size, not the other way around otherwise you'll end up with big ugly gaps where the trimming was a few millimeters off. Whoops.
And...more pictures
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I'm particularly pleased with how the covers here came out so here's closeups. Also, the arc on the spine that you can see in the endband on the last one is really pleasing to me lol I fought a war trying to get the flatback hinge calculations right.
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Ive been on this app for quite a long time now and never did i made something productive with it so now i just randomly decided to yell into the void (and my one and only mutual, hello there) so im just gonna post a random list of (un)funny descriptions to some of my fav books (that i also made quite a long time ago)
Enjoy (or not)
1.Ptsd gives you superpowers, also ex-college roomates wanna kill eachother while being completely obsessed with the other one (vicious, v.e.schwab)
2.Gay theatre kids who do murder and if they had kissed earlier nothing bad would have happened (if we were villains, m.l rio)
3.Pure misery for almost 2000 pages but the only interesting characters have almost no screentime and also die (les mis, victor hugo)
4.This prince invented edginess before it was cool (hamlet, william shakespeare)
5.Revenge, but make it "aesthetic and long" (the count of monte cristo, alexandre dumas)
6. Six gay bastards that i love with all my heart even if all of them are wanted by the police (six of crows, leigh bardugo)
7. Gay chinese dude who acts as a menace goes bad but is actually not bad. Also they use musical instruments as weapons and flying swords as a way of transport (mo dao zu shi, mxtx)
8. Narcissitic wizard's only weakness is his housekeeper (howl's moving castle, diana wynne jones)
9 People are so sad and shocked by this book ending as if its not a retelling of a 2000yo myth(so am i) (the song of achilles, madeline miller)
10. Just cause you killed someone you dont have to think you are better than everyone else also why do you faint so much ?! ( crime and punishment, fyodor dostoievski)
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sereves · 10 months
My thoughts on Ophelia
Bare with me, this is long.
Okayyy so I might get a lot of hate for this and this is my very first post so here we go.
I’m really sick of the fandom shipping Lawless x Ophelia, and it seems no one really touches on the gravity of their relationship and just blindly ships it because it's cute and matches the princess x knight aesthetic. I’ll be the first one to say it, although I love Ophelia’s character I really hated her relationship with Lawless. 
First off, she treated Lawless like shit. No one ever mentions this, but she only used him whenever she wanted to. Lawless being a servamp and all that, and not to mention it is heavily implied that Ophelia knew of Lawless’s feelings towards her which makes it extra hurtful. I mean, just look at this panel:
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Is no one really going to say anything about this panel? Lawless even canonically says he felt used in their situation, and he’s not wrong to feel this way. Granted, again I love Ophelia’s character being based on Hamlet and her ambitions to keep peace within her kingdom, but man…She really used Lawless whenever she felt fit. 
Another thing I’d like to note is that whenever a character is talking about someone they love dearly, Strike intentionally makes the surrounding background of the character shine like they are an angel. Misano’s mom is an example of this. Seriously the fandom-loving Misano’s mom who intentionally homewrecked was weird and now that we’ve gotten her real backstory it feels as if Strike who made Misano’s mom look angelic and innocent has been shattered. It’s the same way how I feel about Lawless looking at Ophelia. It’s almost like rose-tinted glasses are being put on whenever the guys see someone they care for deeply. They cannot see their flaws.
Moving on, here is another panel I want to talk about.
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Yall, I am upset with this panel a lot, and again, no one ever seemed to talk about it, but here Ophelia literally tells him not to cry and calls him a fool. AND she says he has no dignity as a servamp?? Guys, do you not see the toxic masculinity here 😭 No wonder Lawless is such a crybaby in the future, Ophelia literally told him to stop crying in the past and basically called him a big baby, when she is literally going to die. Like Lawless, is literally having a full-blown panic attack right now and Ophelia literally tells him to stop crying- I- WH Y- YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE. HE LOVES YOU. YOU KNOW THAT. AND YOU TELL HIM TO STOP CRYING AND SAYS HE HAS NO DIGNITY. I’m sorry, I’m trying not to be too emotional but this panel really had me upset, because it really does explain later why Lawless cries so much when he lost djinn later on, and is noted as a “cry baby”. Gee, I wonder why, maybe cause in the past the person he loved used him, emotionally abused him, and told him to stop crying 💀
Moving on, theres this,
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yALL, SHE CUCKED HIM FOR REAL 💀 😭Like my mans did not deserve this 😭I get it she had to do it for peace for her country but damn, did she really brush off Lawless when she KNEW he had feelings for her. When she said she was getting married she and during the actual marriage she fr had that smile on her face as if she wasnt breaking Lawless’ heart into a million pieces 💀
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She. Was. A. Child. When thye met. Guys, please tell me I’m not insane for not shipping them, but Lawless met Ophelia as a child and basically raised her. I cannot get over it, it’s weird??? Bro basically prordered her 💀I love Lawless, I really do. He’s been my favorite character for the past like 6 years, but the Ophelia x Lawless ship really gives off weird vibes. Like I really dislike how they met when Lawless was a full on adult and Ophelia was literally like 10 in this panel, and then she grew up. Like thank god they didn’t get together cause that’s basically gr00ming since he kinda raised her💀I’m going to move on from this, and let you guys process this, but yeah…
Alright those are my main points for now, sorry if this is rushed, I’ve been having these thoughts ever since I met Ophelia not gonna lie and this is way overdue, but I’ve had my suspicions for awhile that Strike frames loved ones in rose-tinted glasses for a reason, and then later on reveals who they are actually. Not saying this matches with Ophelia, but after seeing the reveal on Misano’s mom being a whole hoe I figured I’d finally get the balls to make this post. I know I’m going to get chastised for this, but honestly, someone needs to say it. Happy Thanksgiving yall, and my inbox is open if you wanna talk about this, but please be gentle, I’m not here to fight anyone, just give my opinions.
(Edited: typos and grammar)
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mushy-bread · 1 year
A non-exhaustive list of ideas for future d20 seasons
- Spider verse (using a power by the apocalypse system)
- The 7 season 2
- Fantasy High but it’s the parents on an adventure together
- Bring dadlands to d20 add rehka and ally and Jess to mcelroys
- Honestly just a superhero season would be fun
- Some sort of universe hopping season that goes through all of d20 canon
- a stranger things-esque pbta game with a 90s/00s aesthetic and analog horror
- Honestly give them my hedge maze world it’d slap
- Pls god something with scandal/political intrigue, give me hamlet, give me acofaf in a different font. GET MESSY GET PETTY GET HORNY MAKE IT FORBIDDEN PLS
- Give me Stanley parable, office comedy with a dark twist
- Monster of the week idc what just use this game pls and thanks
- Saw trap season dm’d by Sam Reich with og CH people
- Last of us, Zombie apocalypse give it a twist idk what
- Murder mystery!!! CLUE, Knives Out, you get the vibes!
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megolololo · 11 months
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transformers: division (TFD)
premise: an original continuity set in a post-great war cybertron, spotlighting the political, social, and moral struggles within the shunned decepticon faction
selling point 👀: imagine a transformers tv show focusing on decepticons and their perspectives before, during, and after the great war
the decepticon high command will finally be explored more intricately both as individual characters and as a trio dynamic
transformers will be analyzed more psychologically than other shows/films
there will also be discussions delving into why cybertron is such war-faring planet 😉
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rating: E for strong language and mature themes (and possible gore)
protagonists: starscream, shockwave, and soundwave
antagonists: tarn (and djd), and overlord
general aesthetic: most designs are idw-inspired but are also more mechanical like gundams and more regal like knights 😎
tf inspirations: 70% idw, 10% tfp, 10% bayverse
media inspirations: bridge of spies, hamlet, pulp fiction, red dead redemption 2, chainsaw-man, inglorious basterds, cyberpunk 2077, and gundam
tone of story: quentin tarantino but less satirical
side characters (most likely) to appear ⭐️:
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will there be romance? i’ve stated no in my mini-intro (which you can find when clicking on the “tfd” tag) but i am reconsidering. if it goes with the flow, i will flow with the flow
why’d you start the project? i was just unhappy with how none of the new shows or films catered to my niche tastes (no hate) so im writing my own thing hehe. i’ve also always had very strong opinions on certain characterizations of characters (im sure you could guess who 💀) and i wanted that representation to be seen
have you ever written before? i have! i’ve written 150k words on a pseud on ao3 before and i’ve written my own novels but they’re unpublished oof. also, if you are curious, no you cannot know my pseud because it is extremely smutty and i don’t want the story to be associated with that ❤️
where’s megan(tron)? you’ll see ;)
disclaimer: i have only finished mtmte, lost light, windblade, and is still progressing through rid for the idw comics. my character analyses of the characters are my own and therefore will only reflect how far i am in different transformers mediums… i hope you understand!
when i plan to publish the first chapter: early-mid november
last note: you get a bonus point if you spot the inspiration for tfd’s cover/poster!
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AO3 Link
1191 words. Made for a bingo prompt. Card linked at the bottom. I hope you'll enjoy it. <3
As the months pass and summer sheds its tenuous warmth to make way for the cool touch of Autumn, Eastmarch changes rapidly from one season to the next. What was once bright green and lush with soft blades of grass quickly turns a dark crunching brown of dead undergrowth—all save for the forests of great evergreen trees. 
People come and go. Those who had brought their family to vacation and bask in the warmth of the Hold’s famous hot sulphur springs pack up their summer cabins and campsites and go back to their far more temperate and palatable homes. While the Nords may be a hardier people who embrace the cold, ice does not run through their veins and even the majority of them balk at the thought of an Eastmarch Winter. Better to get out now before the first snows make travel more difficult or even impossible. 
However, the generations who have lived there, have grown up there, have made their lives and died there know there is a small period of refreshing calm which exists between the two seasons, an opportunity they have to make the most of. Harvest, the short two week period of time where green fades to gold before withering into the bleak nothingness of inert death. They know they have to move fast if they want to make preparations for the Winter, so every man, woman, and child takes to the limited, yet fruitful fields to pull anything and everything they can from the soil before the first tendrils of frost wrap their fingers around their hopes, choking and snuffing them out. If it is not the cold which gets to you in Eastmarch, it will be the lack of food.
During the heart of that time, Dahlia and Ulfric make their way through the towns and small hamlets of Eastmarch before the first frost, touring the lands on an insistence by the High Queen to bring more provisions to the people. Why should they have so much when others struggle? While the temperatures are more frigid in Windhelm, they are better prepared for the Winter than other more remote populations of their Hold—at least they have trade ships regularly coming in, plenty of fish, and the main roads into the city proper are kept clear. The backroads on the other hand are often too hard to traverse more than once a month. So, it is for that reason, Ulfric currently finds himself riding beside his stubborn wife through the thick autumnal foliage of the southern reaches of their Hold.
While he cannot deny that the colors have their appeal—even finding them aesthetically pleasing himself—he can’t help but worry about leaving the Palace behind, especially with the uncertainty of what will happen next. They might be experiencing the strange lull of peace, but he knows how fragile the echoes of the sentiment can be. One wrong move, and it all comes tumbling down.
“Ulfric, would you stop worrying for once in your life and just enjoy the fact that we are out of the Palace for once.” Dahlia turns her head towards him, leaning back into his chest as they ride towards Darkwater Crossing.
He sighs, wrapping a hand around her waist to pull her closer to him. “It’s my job to do so, my heart.”
“More like you make it your job to worry about everything. You need to have more fun. Relax.”
“Easier said than done.”
The edges of her lips pull up into an impish smirk. “I’ll bet that by the time this whole thing is over, you’ll begrudgingly find yourself having a good time. So, I’ll take that as a challenge.”
Of course she would. His wife takes everything as a challenge. He shakes his head and smiles in spite of himself as they ride on in silence until they reach the small mining town.
Iron ore might be the settlement’s major export and what the majority of residents dedicate themselves to; however, everyone needs to eat. And there are precious few people who take to farming this far out in the wilds. Of all of their settlements, perhaps this is one of the most needy. 
Small fields of sparce squashes, sheafs of golden grain, and a single cart of cabbages meet them, and Dahlia frowns. From what Ulfric has told her, there are some 100 people who live in Darkwater Crossing, and from what she sees, the current selection won’t feed them for more than one month, let alone the long 4 months of hard Winter which await them. How was it that they got by before this? She frowns as another thought occurs to her. Or is this perhaps a consequence of the Civil War?
Things are more dire than she had thought. How naïve of her.
Two women, older and surely no longer suited for work in the mines, are the only people to be seen standing out in the fields. One holds a half-tarnished sickle, swinging the heavy tool with more force than what Dahlia would have estimated for a woman approaching her twilight years. The other collects the grain, making sure to bundle and tie the strands together with a roll of twine almost thinner than the wheat stalks she is collecting.
With a single look back at her husband, Dahlia communicates everything she needs to say:
 I told you so.
Ulfric sighs heavily as he stops the horse as he knows full well what she will want to do now. There is no sense in trying to fight her on it.
Quickly descending their horse and signaling to the cart of provisions following them, Ulfric trails after his wife over to the harvest field to speak with the two women.
On one hand, he is rather proud of her and happy that she has taken well to the duty thrust upon her. However, sometimes he wishes that she did not take every single project upon herself personally. Despite the fact that it would appear he is unhappy with this current arrangement, he knows that it will do both of them good. And in the end, his wife is right which is why he allowed her to drag him away in the first place.
Not that he would ever tell her that.
A small smile curls its way onto his face as he watches his wife speak animatedly with the two women, and then take the sickle and give it a few test swings. It awkwardly cuts through the air before Dahlia accidentally drops it. Both of the ladies chuckle, not unkindly, at her, and he follows suit. While Dahlia might be a woman of the people with a common upbringing, it is clear that she never spent any amount of time on a farm.
“And what are you laughing at, your Highness?” She shouts to him, hands on her hips and face red. “Get your ass over here if you think you can do any better.”
Somehow, despite himself, it only makes him smile more, and it would appear that she was right, yet again. He is having a good time.
Bingo Card:
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arcadepack · 4 months
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How to request!
read the info provided (below the cut!)
send an ask requesting an alter or a subsystem (1-8 alters).
add in any specific things you want / don’t want them to have (such as specific names, ages, ids etc)
add a source (source list below) if wanted
add in a general aesthetic / vibe you want or don’t want them to have
and you’re done!
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What do alter packs include?
General info: name, pronouns, gender, sexuality, source, system roles, personality
*Specific info: triggers, transids/paras, any other information requesting by the requester.
1-3 icons: typically picrew or irl faceclaims from pinterest, credited fanart if the alter is an introject. icons will never be made using AI.
*: specific info must be requested in the ask!! i’m fairly new to this, so this info can be more difficult for me to get.
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How long will an alter pack take?
A pack can take a short or long amount of time, depending on the level of details, amount of members and my current availability.
Because of this, we ask that you request one alter per ask, and any requested subsystems will be limited to maximum 8 members.
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Who is running this?
I’m Wolf! (He/It)! My main is @parasocialwolf. This is a side account
I’m a CisDID, TransMixedOrigin system
I’m pro-radqueer and pro-para.
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Source List:
IRL Celebrities / Musicians
Life is Strange
The Umbrella Academy
FNAF (movie version & games 1 & SB)
Shakespeare Plays (Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, Julius Caesar) & Associated Works (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Movie versions of R&J and Hamlet)
Musicals (Hamilton, Anastasia, Into The Woods)
Source you want not on here?
send in an ask or a dm! there are plenty of other things i didn’t list that i could do, these are just some of my favorites!
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Tag List:
#👾.r - requests
#👾.a - asks
#👾.c - completed alters
#👾.d - alters i can’t make
#👾.spin the wheel - alters made w/o a request
#👾.promo - promo for other blogs
#👾.misc - any other misc posts
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