#hamster owners
zuzu-draws · 1 year
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[Heart throb of the Heian Era : Ryomen Sukuna]
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+ His Simps
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mollybeenoel · 1 month
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Special episode in which they save Hamtaro's universe instead 🐹✨
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muzzleroars · 1 year
I saw a video of an angry hamster on YT a while ago and punching its owner's hand, as if it was V1 or Minos in small cute hamster form.
actual p-1 footage
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heeheehooho0 · 5 months
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my @whump-art-exchange for @whumpinthepot !! shes trying her best.... i think.........
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ruptinea · 3 months
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i feel kinda bad because the other requests were done on csp etc and I did this one on magma so maybe it's not as elaborate as the others but I cherish this one very much because I did while drawing next to you
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irisbluedrawsart · 5 months
*a heem heem whimper*
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So for those who've probably noticed that I'm going through the old FOP episodes.
Here's something else that I've noticed.
Vicky will be painted as a monster even when she's doing something that's in the right.
Like during Dog's Day Afternoon, Vicky is painted as the villain because she does the responsible pet owner thing of getting her pets de-sexed.
Even though the whole inciting incident of the episode is that Timmy wants to switch brains with Vicky's dog because Vicky treats her pets better than she treats him, or people in general really.
The only pet she really seems to treat poorly is Goldie her Goldfish, because she lost interest in him.
Also the show has the stereotype of animal becomes depressed after getting de-sexed. For this episode.
With all of Vicky's pets that have been de-sexed appearing either outright depressed or just anxious in the case of Chipper the Cat.
Even though research shows that animals aren't really emotionally attached to their reproductive organs the way humans are.
Like they're more likely to be traumatized by the process if you've got a shitty vet, or poor post operative care, than they are by the actual state of being de-sexed.
Not to mention we see Doidle (Vicky's dog) later on in the series, and he's not depressed at all. He's pissed at Timmy and hates his guts, but he's just as active as he was in his debut episode. He goes through a period of "depression" but in reality he's probably just healing from surgery, because he bounces back from that later on.
Chipper's attitude is more in line with a declawed cat than a de-sexed one, Goldie's de-sexing is just nonsensical and is just to make it seem like Vicky does this for fun.
While Ginny's de-sexing is similar, as I've never even heard of someone de-sexing a parrot outside of it being medically necessary. Like due to cancer, or some similar medical problem. Which those kinds of issues are actually quite common in birds. Hell most vets won't even do this kind of procedure on a bird without a medical need for it.
Same for rodents. The vast majority of people who keep pet rodents, don't get said rodents de-sexed, unless there's a medical problem, or they've decided to house the pet in a set up with a member of the opposite sex.
Not to mention, all of this would take money. Money out of the notoriously greedy and money hungry Vicky's pocket, unless she's somehow getting her parents to pay for her numerous animals care and vet bills.
Like why is this show roasting Vicky for being a shockingly responsible pet owner considering who she is as a person?
Not to mention going through the time and money it takes to get an animal de-sexed, especially animals that don't commonly get de-sexed, like a Hamster, Goldfish, and Parrot? Where in you'd have to pay extra, and seek out a vet willing to do so in the first place, meaning you're almost certainly looking for a specialist?
How is it that after going through all the time, and effort, and money, it would take to get all her animals de-sexed, is Vicky then suddenly ignoring her pets.
Like you have to pick one.
Either Vicky is the type of pet owner to go completely overboard and prefer her pets over people.
Or Vicky is an irresponsible pet owner who buys animals to entertain herself but doesn't take care of them properly once she gets board of them.
You can't have it both ways.
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awkwardsonicphotos · 2 years
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Another cute hedgehog behavior Sonic has is that he loves to read! Did you know hedgehogs can read entire novels in just three hours?
They are also capable of writing thesis papers on those novels. Their reading and writing comprehension is so good college students will use their pet hedgehogs to do their homework.
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hongjoongpresent · 7 months
Those people who r like "your pet doesnt REALLY love you it only loves you because you feed it" baffle me because have you never put hamster food on your hand and had your tiny small month ish old hamster sniff u curiously before sitting on your hand and eating little nuts and seeds out of your hand and then grooming itself because it feels safe and content with you. Like sorry if you don't think that's "real" or whatever?? Fucking love this creature dude.
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imagine taking your pet dog out for a stroll along your earthmover girlfriend and people constantly tell you "itss following you"""thats not a dog thats a robot" "why are you walking around so casually with a security robot?" and then you go "um actually its breed is DRONE !" and then everybody claps
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muraenide · 5 months
Life update:
So my hamster passed away a week ago (in her sleep 🙏) due to old age and cancer and I'm not feeling like doing much because I was practically with her 24/7 in the past 2.5 years since I took her home. It does feel really weird not to have a furry friend to cuddle every night and I'm coping in whichever way I can (in a good way!) by just spending my time on social media looking at other people's hamsters.
Funnily enough, she was holding up really strongly until her last night, I basically told her that if her time was really up, it was okay to leave and to let me adopt her again if reincarnation really existed, she passed in her sleep the next morning.
Tldr I'm taking a small break from writing and prefer to send asks and read other people's replies to my asks in the meantime. I'm getting another hamster real soon by the end of this week!
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mollybeenoel · 2 months
© nagi_hamster
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saydams · 5 months
so, most of the pet habitats and enclosures for small mammals available at pet stores are not suitable for them. they are in fact very dangerous. and new pet owners don't realize this.
there is currently a petition in the uk to address this problem. if you are in the uk, please consider signing here.
unsuitable cages like this
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these cages are too small and are unsafe and unhealthy for these poor little guys. too small to dig and run, wheels so small they will damage the little guy's spine from forcing too much of a backbend while running, no space to explore, territory is too small for them to feel safe and happy.
but they look cute and they are for sale in legitimate pet stores so people wont know better. people will buy them for their new pet. and either their pet will grow up sad and neurotic and sick, or the owner will learn more about their new pet later and have to get a whole new setup. which wastes money. better to get the right thing first time, and not having these bad options avaialble in petstores will help a lot.
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lynaferns · 8 months
I went to one of the sessions I need to take to have my autism reevaluated. Between personal questions the pet subject came out and the psychologist attending me didn't believe rats were social and affectionate. I pulled out my phone to show her videos of rats cuddling and grooming their owners to convince her.
I think it worked a little
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astarionsknife · 1 month
Forever love how Minsc keeps talking so nicely about Boo. He's constantly praising him unprompted. Bro is so proud of his hamster buddy and I'm here for it.
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