#han dusik
softdarkmark · 5 months
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akittyboy · 19 days
Another Life (part 5)
Sweet Home FF | Hyunsu x Eunhyuk
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Hyunsu doesn't understand what's going on, doesn't understand the sick feeling twisting in his gut, the strange thundering of his heart that resonates through his whole body like a shockwave. The monster stirs finally inside of him, dark and smooth, rearing its ugly head. And for a little while Hyunsu doesn't even remember where he is, eyes glazing over.
Wet snowflakes whirl through the cold air, finding their way inside of the collapsing structure of Green Home apartments. Everyone has already fled the building through the underground tunnel. It's just Hyunsu there, clothes in tatters, body and mind shattered, standing barefoot under the damaged alcove of the first floor entrance, right where the reinforced truck had rammed straight into the building.
Unfazed by the blasts of military fire, igniting with bright flares somewhere far off in the murky distance, Hyunsu stares blankly at Yeongsu's pink fleece scarf wrapped around his arm. It's a gentle reminder to keep himself warm, but he's cold. And alone. Exactly what he's always wished to be; for everyone to just disappear and stop tormenting him.
Even so, he never meant for his intrusive thoughts to become everyone's reality. 
Was it his fault — all of this too? This strange apocalypse? 
After all, so many people have already died as a result of Hyunsu's incompetence. He'd been too late to save Jaeheon and the one to let Uimyeong in. He'd killed Han Dusik with his bare hands. How many more would have to die because of him? Maybe Hyunsu should've jumped off a bridge, just like Kim Dohun edged him to, plunging straight into ice-cold water, letting the harsh streams rip his body apart, before any of this could even begin. If he hadn't been such a coward, maybe then his family would still be alive. If only he hadn't foolishly hoped for something to change; for his cowardly friends to grow a backbone or perhaps his parents to see past their own selfish greed, past their superficial fear of not being able to live up to the social norms. If only he could — but he couldn't. 
It's unfair. 
What had he done that was so wrong? Why was he worth less ? Why did he have to stay silent and just take it?
Why couldn't he just kill them all?
It that what you want?
Dazed, Hyunsu still manages to catch movement out of the corner of his eye and his messy head turns sluggishly around, shoulders curled inward, legs tense. It's hard to tell what's real and what's merely the demon lurking inside his head when the cacophony of wicked whispers intensify into a surging roar, bleeding straight into his thoughts and clogging everything with KILL! KILL! KILL!
His right hand curls into a tight fist, nails digging into his palm. He can feel his skin bristling and bubbling, splitting apart along the length of his forearm as shards start to push through the scar, an agonizing burn forming at the base of his spine all the while his body fights against the unnatural change. Whether Hyunsu wants it or not, his body is ready to fight, to smash, to throw the impending threat around.
His teeth ache, so he clenches harder.
But it's just Eunhyuk, dirty jeans and red flannel. A shard of light splinters from the bright military beams outside and skitters with a harsh glint across his glasses, briefly shielding Eunhyuk's eyes from view. As the leader of their ragtag team of residents, reduced to nothing but mere scraps in the span of a few hours, he still manages to stand tall and unyielding like a warrior amongst the surrounding rubble, thin lips pressed into a tight line.
Keeping his intense gaze on Hyunsu, Eunhyuk takes a wary step in his direction, all the while yanking on the thin wire connected to his earbuds, ripping both pieces of plastic from his ears when the shrieking signal reaches an unbearable volume, piercing through his brain.
And somehow, seeing a familiar face amidst the ruins of their home, no matter how ambiguous their relationship has been, makes Hyunsu's whole world turn on its axis, rewinding everything that's ever happened. The voices stop. His knees buckle as he begins to crash like a deadweight to the ground, but Eunhyuk is there to catch him.
They both stagger to the side as Eunhyuk gathers Hyunsu's gangly limbs into his arms and holds him in a bone-crushing grip; an arm around his crumbling waist and a surprisingly steady hand fisted into his greasy hair. Slightly taller, Hyunsu folds easily around him, putting full weight of his uncoordinated limbs onto Eunhyuk.
It feels familiar, Hyunsu notes vaguely from within the crook of Eunhyuk's neck. Yet he hasn't been in such close proximity — that didn't entail killing one another — with anyone in weeks, months, maybe even years. Not even his mother hugged him like this. Hyunsu's heart misses a beat at this particular thought, followed by a pang of sharp pain through his chest when a sea of white chrysanthemums flashes through his mind — identical black stripes running across three picture frames.
Thankfully, he doesn't get much time to linger in those awful memories when a powerful explosion shakes whatever's left of Green Home apartments with renewed force. Eunhyuk swiftly ducks his head with a muffled swear word but he doesn't stop clutching tightly at Hyunsu, tugging him even closer with a harsh grip on his neck to keep him safe, Eunhyuk's palm sticky with sweat and grime against Hyunsu's skin. The bearing walls groan alarmingly as more debris rains over them with big chunks of cement blocks and plaster clattering to the ground, peppering their hair with flecks of white, forcing both of them to inhale a mixture of smoke and cement dust that whirls over heir heads in hazy billows. 
Huynsu's chest wheezes with each agonizing breath. He can feel Eunhyuk's ribcage stutter alarmingly as well and it sends a spike of irrational worry through him; Eunhyk is human. He can't die. Not yet. Not like this. Hyunsu grinds his teeth to hold back the ripping wail that suddenly wants to crawl up his throat, and clings only tighter to Eunhyuk instead.
Maybe if he could just get control over his wing? Then he'd be able to shield them both from death and destruction.
"I repeat, you're all surrounded," an autonomous voice booms from the outside, cruelly invading their space. "Surrender the infected and we will spare your lives!"
A helicopter whirs far too close by the gaping hole in the wall, the loud noise scattering across the ruins of Green Home. A beam of bright light swipes against the bare walls in search of them.
Hyunsu panics, pushed into a corner like some wild animal without an actual choice of his own, his whole body starts to spasm in Eunhyuk's arms. His right arm twitches, flesh ripping apart and knotting back together as he fights the rampaging monster inside of him. It's like a rabid dog, trying to tear itself off its leash, scrambling madly for the front of Hyunsu's mind, set on taking control.
Let me out, the monster demands. Let me out so I can KILL everyone, and then you'll be free... don't you want that?
Don't you want that, Hyunsu?
Hyunsu can't control it when his head snaps back, lips already parted, eyes glazing over into pure darkness.
But then Eunhyuk's low whisper cuts through the chaos inside his head as he traps Hyunsu's trashing body within the circle of his arms. "You're okay. Everything will be alright," he soothes.
Those words are an obvious lie, yet Hyunsu can't help the gasping breath that suddenly finds its way down and then back up again from the very depths of his chest. The tormenting storm settles inside of him. Everything feels suddenly clearer, quieter. And with the decrepit sense of relief come the hot tears, rapidly welling up in his eyes, causing his vision to blur. He can't help it. His sanity is nothing but a thin, silver thread struggling in the wind.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles as he crumbles, voice thick with tears. "I'm sorry."
Eunhyuk is the only one to ever look at him like a real person; someone to depend on rather than an inconvenience, even now, when Hyunsu could so easily hurt him.
Hyunsu squeezes closer with a wet sob, burrowing his damp face even deeper into Eunhyuk's shoulder, hiding from whatever's out there. The military. The monsters. An unknown future. A life without Eunhyuk. Death. His trembling fingers clutch at the stiff, unwashed fabric of Eunhyuk's shirt as he clings to him, finding home in the curve of his neck, breathing in Eunhyuk's comforting scent of sweat and musk and something so purely human, so alive. It sets his insides on fire, pooling like liquid gold in the pit of his stomach... but for what purpose?
Hyunsu knows that he eventually — soon — now has to leave, give himself up for the sake of this decaying world, to at least save the others. Save Eunhyuk and Eunyu.
He was planning to die anyway, had even set a date for it.
With all things considered, he was already a dead man walking.
Yet, he yearns for someone to save him, to reach a hand out through the dense darkness and whisk him away from this nightmare. Even back then, when they held him down and punched and kicked him over and over again during recess, or when they poured dirty mop water over his head in the school bathrooms, he wished that someone would say something — anything. Take his side, make him feel human and not like an abomination, like he deserved to be treated like that to repent for whatever crimes he's committed.
And Eunhyuk did. It might not have come from a good place initially but he still took a gamble and placed his life in Hyunsu's hands. He'd seen Hyunsu as an equal, as someone capable enough to trust in times of need, when his own family never even tried.
This belief sparks a strange desire inside of Hyunsu.
Something vile and shiny crawls in under his skin and stays there, simmering under the surface.
In the end, he pulls away, forlornly watching Eunhyuk's arms fall back to his sides, which causes a puff of dust rise into the air from his clothes. Hyunsu wipes awkwardly at the dampness clouding his eyes with the heel of his hand, making an even worse mess out of his dirty face than before, and then carefully unwinds Yeongsu's scarf from around his right arm. He doesn't want to ruin it, although it's pretty much soiled with blood already.
"I should've given it back," he whispers, voice hoarse, as he presses the soft fabric into Eunhyuk's hand, fingers eerily cold when they brush against Eunhyuk's. It's just a piece of fleece but it feels like something else, something more.
Eunhyuk stares at him pensively through the cracked lenses of his glasses, but then nods once in understanding while clutching at the pink scarf. The muscles strain around his mouth and his chin quivers faintly as he holds back whatever's eating at him, clawing viciously at his insides, looking for a way out. Eunhyuk's nose stings, warming with an oncoming tickle of blood, but he holds that back too.
And perhaps there are things Eunhyuk could've done better, words he should've said, but none of that matters now. It's the end of both of them anyway. 
"It's not too late," Eunhyuk tries nonetheless, even if he doesn't believe it himself. But what would he be, if he wasn't a master at extracting himself from his personal feelings?
Huysun shakes his head sluggishly in reply, expression already vacant, mind miles away from the present. He has already made up his mind and Eunhyuk's heart sinks, shoulders dropping in disappointment. Maybe he did believe in his own lie, after all.
Hyunsu's eyes are completely black, gleaming like onyx marbles in the dark, when he strides catatonically past Eunhyuk, through the main Green Home entrance and finally steps out into the illuminating snow, where the biting wind instantly tugs and bats at the tattered scraps of his clothes. Where Eunhyuk can hear shots being fired.
Retrospectively, it never even occurred to Hyunsu that Eunhyuk wasn't planning on leaving together with the rest of the Green Home survivors.
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annyeongmanila · 7 months
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In partnership with UFC Mixes, South Korean actor Kim Seonho’s colorful and flavorful fan meet is drawing closer and we are counting down the days to his much-awaited return, the Seonhohada way!
With his natural charm and scene-stealing performances, anyone who comes across any series he stars in is sure to fall head over heels for the Hallyu star; here are Seonho’s top 5 most <Color+Full> roles that won the hearts of many and should check out before we see him again IRL:
Han Jipyeong | Start-Up (2020)
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Seonho’s lovable character in this hit slice-of-life rom-com drama sealed the deal for him in the industry as he gave the viewers major second lead syndrome as Han Jipyeong, a smart businessman who has a hard surface, but a soft heart. Because of his heartwarming scenes with his ‘halmeoni’ (grandmother), he earned the nickname ‘Good Boy’ and led him to win his first ever Baeksang Award for Most Popular Actor – Television.
Oh Jingyu | Strongest Deliveryman (2017)
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Seonho’s role in this slice-of-life romance series which tells the story of a deliveryman who aspires to be a CEO of his own delivery application company, showcased a strong character development throughout the series. Through this drama, he was able to exhibit his versatility as he transformed from being a “bad guy” to a “good boy”.
Gong Suchang | Two Cops (2017-2018)
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In this mystery-action-comedy-packed drama, Seonho challenges himself as he portrays the character of Gong Suchang, a con artist whose soul takes over the body of a detective played by renowned actor Jo Jungsuk. The plot itself is already a peek into the lead actors’ undeniable comedic chemistry that ultimately gave Kim Seonho two MBC Awards for his outstanding performance.
Jung Jaeyoon | 100 Days My Prince (2018)
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Taking a turn from his previous dramas, Seonho takes over the character of second-lead Jung Jaeyoon, the wise hidden advisor of the Crown Prince in the chart-topping romantic historical drama, ‘100 Days My Prince’. With his chemistry with his co-actors, especially with his unrequited love with the main lead, ‘Jung Jaeyoon’ became a beloved character which led the viewers to check out more of Kim Seonho’s projects.
Hong Dusik | Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021)
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His most well-known role to date following his character in ‘Start-Up’ is through the jack-of-all-trades ‘Chief Hong’ from ‘Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha’, one of Korea’s highest-rated series which follows the story of an accomplished dentist from Seoul who goes to a seaside village and meets their all-around Chief, ‘Hong Dusik’.  Because of his character’s personality and with his heartbreaking past, viewers were quick to fall more in love with Seonho, who topped the Korean drama actor brand reputation rankings, which further catapulted him into stardom.
Seonho’s road to fame began as he took a step on the theatre stage, until he landed a role on the small-screen and eventually took over the big screen. From one role to another, he was able to showcase his passion to portray diverse roles in different genres which proved his versatility as an actor.
Now renowned as everyone’s favorite “Good Boy” with a charming smile and his down-to-earth personality behind the scenes, this led him to become one of the most sought-out actors and now, even as an endorser, that Filipino K-fans cheer for.
Fan packages to 2024 KIM SEONHO ASIA TOUR <COLOR+FULL> IN MANILA are still available for purchase at makeitlive.asia until show day with prices ranging from PHP 1,500.00 to PHP 12,000.00 with benefits that include UFC Packages, Hi-Bye Session, Group Photo, Exclusive Merch, Posters, and Postcards depending on your chosen tier. 
Ticket redemption has also been made more convenient for fan meet goers which they can claim at  SM Tickets outlets nationwide from March 2, 2024 to March 17, 2024.
Prepare your canvases as our UFC Fun Chow Oppa Kim Seonho paints new memories with his Filipino Seonhohadas on April 13, 2024, at the SM Mall of Asia Arena.
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
Daily Pro Wrestling History (10/14): Sting wins TNA title at Bound for Glory 2007 - WON/F4W
Daily Pro Wrestling History (10/14): Sting wins TNA title at Bound for Glory 2007 – WON/F4W
1942 Des Moines, Iowa:– Iowa State Heavyweight Champion Jane Bowman derrotou Emile Dusik por 2 a 0 1947 Mineápolis, Minnesota:Bronko Nagorski derrota Boss Sunuk 1954 Cedar Rapids, Iowa:– Campeão dos Estados Unidos, Verne Janney venceu Hans Schmidt por 2 a 1 para manter o título 1960 São José, Missouri:– NWA World Heavyweight Champion Pat O’Connor derrotou Sonny Myers em 2 de 3 Falls para manter o…
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ladyhatter614 · 2 years
Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: 
Wooin, Inhyuk, Seongha, Suman, Giwook
Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: 
Duke, Seongik, Casein Nitrate 
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll: 
Jiwoo, Iseul
Looks like they could kill you and can kill you: 
Kayden, Kartein, Jisuk, Jiyoung, Subin, Dusik, Supil, Sucheon, Arthur 
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mirambles · 3 years
Hometown Cha Cha - Masterclass in Love Triangle and Bromance
I detest love triangles - I don’t like seeing people heartbroken over unrequited love. I have rarely seen love triangles resolved amicably with no bad blood between the rivals. Most times they will fight , hate on each other or be competitors pulling each other down and the other times one of them will die, or one of them won’t confess, or if they confess, the person in question won’t have the decency to respectfully decline the confession (Do not get me started on StartUp and Dalmi - it will result in a long post on how terrible she was to Han Ji Pyeong - DoDal fans stay away, I have no time for you). So given my past experience with a crappy love triangle in Startup and the fact that I was witnessing Hometown Cha Cha Cha setting all the wrongs done in Startup right, I was slightly upset to see another love triangle creep in.
One because I was really beginning to like Ji PD’s character and Lee Sang Yi is a good actor. So I would not have been able to bear DuSik pull a DoSan on Ji PD.
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Two, DuSik despite being surrounded by people who loved and cared for him, was a loner at heart. HyeJin was steadily making her way into his heart bringing his walls down. Sure DuSik needed to find the love of his life, but he had also lost a brother and a friend and he would appreciate if he found one again a lot more. Speaking from my own experience, it’s always better to find the love of your life and best friend in two different people rather than in a single person.
I loved how DuSik and Seong-Hyun ended up saving each other from falling into the sea.
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Gif credit @iamacolor
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Gif credit @junghaesin
Shared a common love for vintage cameras, photography and food. It was good to see the know-it-all DuSik get handed a lesson in modesty by a guy who was no villain, but an insanely likeable, good natured fellow just like DuSik was. Both had a natural chemistry going from the moment they met - yes pretty much like DuSik and HyeJin did from the word go and I loved their crazy, comic timing together.
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Gif credit @idakosukes
How can you even get over their comical scene appreciating the exquisite rare fish meal at Hwa Jeong’s restaurant. Ji-Won was right to warn Doha to not tread on their paths.
The surfing lessons and all the banter, the jealousy surfacing and the need to outdo each other , but while maintaining respect for each other.
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Gif credit @forursmiles @iamacolor
But there was the elephant in the room and each needed to address it sooner than later.
Seong-Hyun was in love with HyeJin for 14 years. She was his first love in college and he hesitated to confess to her. He had clearly not watched Reply 1988 because he would’ve got some valuable lessons from Jung Hwan - the one who hesitates always loses. So this time after meeting her again, he decided not to hesitate, though he had already sensed the atmosphere and knew he didn’t stand a chance against DuSik. But he confessed nevertheless, for himself, to have no regrets and that was a lovely message - that we need to open our true feelings and our heart for our own growth , so we can move on with zero regrets.
How beautiful was HyeJin in her response to his confession. She was so mature and measured in her response. So truthful and honest. What a realistic character Shin Ha Eun has given us. She was so respectful to him, his feelings and her own feelings. She did not hide from him that she indeed had feelings for him during their college days, but she did not think it would work out. We all go through these insecurities at that age, because we are battling so much while growing up that we are afraid to hurt ourselves. I got a bit emotional because it reminded me of my college days and how I never opened up about my first crush - for the fear that I would lose a friend (we have sadly lost touch over the years - no fall out) and I knew we would have never made it work, because we wanted such different things in life. But then who knows, maybe being honest would have made me have less regrets and the what ifs would have gone forever. It’s why I admire and love HyeJin even more - she was honest to her first love because she owed him that and bold enough to confess to the love of her life without fear of rejection. And the natural next step is that the second lead goes away from the couple and everyone moves on with their lives. But not this drama, because Hometown Cha Cha Cha was tropey for sure, but the writer was also a master at subverting these tropes. Seong-Hyun is a wonderful guy and so is DuSik and both are mature enough to not let go of their new found friendship.
Seong-Hyun delivers the best line of Episode 11 - it’s why I love his character, it’s why he will be a forever favourite second lead (Again don’t remind me Han Ji Pyeong was the second lead, if you watched StartUp, you know that’s a lie that we were fed)
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I have watched 70 odd KDramas and none comes to mind which had such a beautiful, mature resolution to a love triangle. Hats off to Shin Ha Eun for delivering the best lesson in how to handle love triangles.
Ji Seong-Hyun may have lost his first love, but he was not going to lose a friend. DuSik knows he had found one too.
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It is wonderful that when both are at their lowest and their hearts are hurting , they are there for each other to give the nudge they needed to move ahead in their respective relationships.
DuSik is at his lowest and scared to reach out to HyeJin, it’s Seong-Hyun who comes and tells him to lay all the cards in front of her honestly and that he trusts her enough to accept DuSik with all his faults. How right he is!
Seong-Hyun loses his appetite and is hurting at the thought of Ji-Won leaving him. DuSik makes him realise that his pain this time is greater than it was when HyeJin rejected him; and that he should not be hesitating again to lose Ji-Won in his life.
There is no need to have elaborate talks - because these two guys just get each other. Ji PD gets Hong DuSik just like HyeJin does. Ji PD is the one who tells DoHa: ‘It mustn’t have been easy for DuSik either - what a stroke of bad luck to hit everyone’. He pretty much won me over with that line, because like everyone else without hearing Dusik’s side, he could have so easily hated on DuSik too. But he didn’t, because he knows - he knows DuSik, even though DuSik hasn’t opened up to him. And that’s the kind of friend you need for life!
There are many wonderful bromances in KDramas and if I see the next list that comes out without Hong DuSik and Ji Seong-Hyun on it, I will be revolting!
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eatsbop · 3 years
No but wait could Jisuk and Jiyoung's parents' death be related to the incident with the unaffiliated that Seongik and Dusik discussed
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grrrl-tyree · 4 years
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Mood for ch 120.
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commajade · 3 years
dusik saying the han river is overrated and the gongjin sea is much better makes so much sense now since he tried to kill himself on a han river bridge and it was gamri halmuni that reached out to him wanting to see him right when he was about to end everything. gamri halmuni saved his life and everyone in gongjin saved his life by bringing him food and checking on him. and asking him for favors on purpose so he feels like he's useful and that became his entire life and identity. and ofc hyejin saved him too in several ways.
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sleeping-star · 3 years
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@kdramaspace​ 2021 YEAR IN REVIEW  —male character you’d bring home for the holidays (favourite male characters of 2021)
hong dusik - hometown cha cha cha
jung yihyun - happiness
myul mang - doom at your service
hwang hee tae - youth of may
jang han seo - vincenzo
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0721am · 3 years
Homcha's lead actors, Kim Seonho and Shin Minah are saving my drought k-drama period with their impeccable acting. For the longest time, I couldn't concentrate on any K-drama and was very miserable. At one point, I resigned to the acceptance of the death of my K-drama passion.
Then, I saw a tweet of Seonho's comeback show, Hometown Cha Cha Chan. I became an admirer of his acting in 'Start-Up' (This show skewered through my brain, and I only watched it for Seonho) and immediately decided to add him to my must-look-out-for-new-shows list. He is handsome, talented, hardworking, and humble. His dimples pop way too hard and keep swooning my heart. I'm amazed at his understanding of a character and unparalleled portrayal because Han Jipyeong made me cry and yearn for him. Han Jipyeong felt real to me. I still remember when I watched 'Start-up,' I noticed a striking difference between his acting and others. So, this pretty much led me to watch 'Hometown Cha Cha Cha.'
And, I know Shin Minah from the show 'Tomorrow, with You' (Wait, this reminds me of 'Tomorrow by Together'). I was too young when I watched the show. The premise was intriguing, but the plot was complex and a little hard to follow. She did justice to the character she portrayed. Indeed the craftmanship of a veteran actress is always flawless and on point.
Thus, I was ecstatic about 'Hometown Cha Cha Cha.' It's like the universe decided to put two actors with brilliance and humbleness to create a chef-d'oeuvre. When I watched the pilot episode, I kissed goodbye to reality. I was immersed with every character, especially the protagonists. In all honesty, I didn't expect a frenemy to lovers trope. Dusik and Hyejin are polar opposites, yet similar in guarding their hearts. I had a major cuteness meltdown when I watched Dushik gushing over Hyejin, popping those dimples with shyness. I missed this cuteness, light-heartedness way too much. Also, I was swooning over the street smart and jack-of-all-trades Hong Dushik. Chief Hong has a nice ring to it. Hyejin is fascinated-annoyed at how Dushik is everywhere. That's cute too. Seonho's and Minah's fantastic portrayal of Hyejin and Dushik's bickering and silent support, along with their different perspective on life, are lively to watch. Hyejin and Dushi are real in my eyes, and this proves the impeccable acting calibre of both actors. I thank heaven and angels for this beautiful show and am excited to watch Sikhye's journey.
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doriook · 4 years
ok so i have never written anything here but the sweet home netflix adaptation left me w sm pent up anger i need to rant
⚠️obviously spoilers from both the webtoon and series⚠️
i was actually pretty excited abt it bc it seemed promising and on the first ep i was so happy to see the characters again obv had some complaints abt jisu’s hair but i thought i was to make her look modern?? even though her original hairstyle is still popular and it had a meAning but n e ways also abt the lil kids names:// mr ahn not being a baldy jsjskskd but minor stuff the bastard easter egg was nice tho
idk a lot abt cgi but i liked it and getting more into the plot or aspects from the webtoon they literally got rid of maria from the sky like wtf i was like ok maybe it was hard to make a chibi look like jisu irl bUT AT LEAST TRY A CHARACTER OMG AND WITH THAT they got rid of how hyun and hyuk met online and just their entire friendship/dynamic, aLSO lets talk abt mr wook pyeon THEY DID HIM SO DIRTY OMG he was like a father to those kids he cared for them and protected them maybe not from the very start but he developed and netflix just took that and threw it out the window jfc.
At first i excused the fact that they skipped how the figured out the burning monsters and earphones thingy bc only ten eps and all that bUT THEY ADDED SUCH UNNECESSARY STUFF LIKE AN ENTIRE CHARACTER AND HER ARC i mean like no hate to yikyung but they didnt make her likeable??? and then the entire trip experience adventure that was getting dusik to the first floor was also skipped like wtf???? and jisu even had a surgery when she didn’t even trip in the webtoon and performed by hyuk nonetheless like my boi is smart but yea.
now more things netflix deleted, i think the way would have scored more points in my agenda if they had given hyun is original bastard tracksuit 😭😭😭😭 aLSO WTF WITH THE ENTIRE TIME SEQUENCE OF EVENTS??? i dont remember the word for it srry) like jayhyun didnt make like past 70 eps and he wasnt even around when they tried to go out also ithey didnt put the two crazy girls the one scared of everything but got developement and the crazy one w glasses that in the series got replaced for a quiet girl that dies kinda unnecessarily also w that when they tried to go out mr ahn didnt die this time and died in a super boring way not heroic saving hyun and with that they ruined how the gangsters join and their past with wook.
and that firefighter gave a tour of the city without any monster encounters like tf?
onto the gangsters arc they only kept the rapist one bc even the half monster one wAS A GOOD PERSON IN THE WEBTOON from that moment on everything went even more downhill bc w this newbie killing the boss as a human hyun couldn’t “die” protecting his friends from it as a monster.
also what abt the ships???? like i shipped jisu x hyun sm but here the only time they were kinda together was like two seconds for the song like no ❤️ also the eun x hyuk sibling luv (bickering lol) and netflix included the narcissistic dude bUT NOT WHEN HE TURNED A MONSTER THAT ONLY WANTS COMPLIMENTS LIKE W. T. F. and our goddess yuri dies wHEN SHE ORIGINALLY SURVIVES also wtf with netflix’s ending like the had ONE job IT WAS LAID OUT TO THEM AND THEY DIDNT CARE UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and this firefighter left them to die bc they all dumb aF and hyun got captured like god ugh i hate netflix but i love the webtoon sm but idk if i want another season
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and now a few scenes that didn’t appear but def should have
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like seriously they didnt put jisu trying to sacrifice herself and hyun saving her and then hugging to give her appendicitis???? 🙄✋🏼
i would like to say i started this webtoon like early 2019 and read it weekly since then until its finale and i dont remember everything and cant quite check bc the webtoon is in daily pass so if you have read thw webtoon and there is something i missed pls tell me and if u want talk abt it or the series or both dm me;) i have no friends;)
nonetheless i bawled my eyes out hyuns backstory
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baetrinz · 4 years
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SWEET HOME 2020(NETFLIX)dir.lee eungbook
Kim Sangho as Han Dusik
Kim Kap-soo as An Gilseob
if you use/save please like or reblog,•don't claim as yours.
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emergingsentiments · 3 years
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: Episodes 1 and 2 (Repost)
"Life is not easy for all of us. Some spend their whole lives on unpaved words, while some run at full speed only to reach the edge of a cliff."
What is home? And is home a place or a feeling? These are the questions the premiere episodes of Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha pose.
Yoon Hye-jin (Shin Min-a) seems to have it all in Seoul — a nice apartment, a stable job as a dentist, and her online orders. But perhaps the most important thing she owns is her principle. Ambitious as she may be, she isn’t keen on ripping off patients to earn or to pay for her shopping indulgences. Her chief dentist at the clinic, however, thinks otherwise. So despite her materialistic tendencies, Hye-jin stands up to her greedy and disingenuous boss in a spur-of-the-moment defiance, one which predictably has its professional and financial repercussions.
Now jobless and possibly in debt, a childhood memory draws her from the confines of her sleek domicile to the quaint seaside town of Gongjin, not only to seek a reprieve from her city miseries but also to remember.
Gongjin, however, is the home of Hong Du-sik (Kim Seon-ho) — a charismatic jack-of-all-trades who is as ubiquitous as the scent of ocean air in the town. He is everywhere it seems — on the boat, by the sea, at a coffee shop, or the fish market. If Hyejin’s ambitious and near solitary exterior represented the cutthroat urban soul, then Dusik’s endless list of side hustle captures the untiring enterprise needed to survive and sustain a life in the province. It’s a life that demands diligence and street smarts, as well empathy and community. Perfectly helpful to everyone in town, especially to Kim Gam-ri (Kim Young-ok), and capable of almost every form of labor, he is as popular as the dried squid Gongjin is known for.
The two meet on the beach — though not for the first time, we find out later on. It’s the perfect location for the world of opposites to collide: sand and the sea. Hyejin — the fish out of water — symbolically loses a shoe from a much-prized pair. Dusik — amphibious and with the ability to move around in any environment — finds the other heel. He returns it to her partly annoyed.
Though grateful, Hyejin seeks to find the other shoe, attached not only to its value but also because she cannot see herself walking barefoot. Dusik is not impressed. He nonetheless pities the out-of-place Seoulite and throws her his pair of slippers — oversized, overused, possibly acquired for free from one of the seaside restaurants. Walk my paths, Dusik seems to say. They are Hyejin’s welcome gifts to a town she will have to understand because it will become her home. Or will it?
Plucked from the metropolis and driven by both impulse and circumstance, the good dentist will have to figure out not just Dusik’s deal but Gongjin’s townsfolk, too. Left with no choice, she leaves behind the comforts and conveniences of the city. However, the small-town outlook and habits of Gongjin's people are unfamiliar and even repulsive to her. As hopeful as she is for new beginnings, an awkward and very public faux pas means she is also off to a rocky start. This and a series of other missteps finds her alienated from the community. Almost like learning the Cha-Cha-Cha, Hyejin’s footwork is a mess.
Dusik, who witnesses and hears Hyejin’s judgemental tirade, comes to her aid but only subtly and as a gentle nudge. He isn’t pretending to be a savior who could fix the unpleasant cracks between Hyejin and Gongjin’s people. Instead, he reminds her to meet the community halfway. For instance, he doesn’t chastise her for wearing tight-fitting running wear that scandalized the elderly women of the town. He knows its purpose; he even explained it to the elderly women. But Dusik also sheds light on the motivations behind this conservative view of his town’s people.
When Hyejin attempts to win the community’s trust by doling out rice cakes while inviting them to her clinic’s opening, Dusik senses the insincerity. Material gifts are meaningless. As the saying goes, it’s the thought that counts. Remorse has to be personal. She’s the new girl in town, after all. Hyejin cannot expect Gongjin to adjust to her whims. Dusik does what he can — secretly, too. But the city girl will have to take the initiative in building meaningful relations with the town’s people.
In both cases, we get a timely commentary on the need to understand other people. After all, we live in world increasingly adversarial, quick to respond to and mob those we disagree with. We're fast to label those who stand our way as enemies instead as partners for truth-seeking. If Homcha follows its current tracks, I'm curious to see if this wisdom of seeing both sides is further emphasized.
Despite Hyejin’s multiple setbacks, she moves forward. It helps that her inimitable best friend, Pyo Mi-seon (Gong Min-jeung), follow her to town. Mi-seon brings comic relief and relentless energy to our dentist’s new life. So through small and careful steps — and with Dusik just watching over her ever so carefully — she settles in and slowly makes amends with Gongjin’s men and women.
And what a community Gongjin is. Homcha masterfully paints a town brimming with life and populated by every character and role we know and relate to. The seaside commune is scenic and vibrant, almost too idyllic even. Its port is bustling and its homes are welcoming. From the mountains, the horizon glistens with every break of dawn. What we know from Dusik and Hyejin, however, is that the surface isn’t all there is to it.
In a telling short montage at the start of Episode 2, we get a glimpse of the townsfolk's quiet sorrows. Hwa-jung (Lee Bong-ryun), the assertive landlady, is a divorcee still hurting about her marriage’s breakdown. The owner of the town’s cafe and pub, Cheon-jae (Jo Han-chul), is a forgotten singer and one-hit wonder struggling with his confidence and purpose. Nam-sook (Cha Chung-hwa), the quirky and chatty owner of the Chinese restaurant, appears to grieve the loss of a child. Even Dusik — who seems faultless — hides a wound. Behind the closed doors of the homes of Gongjin are unspoken aches and regrets.
Home is where the heart is, they say. But often, home is also where the hurts are.
Life wounds can only be remedied by love. Homcha makes no qualms about it. It’s a love story at its core but one that explores love’s healing effects in a place closest to us, a space that has to be the safest for us. Dusik is clearly smitten by the new resident of Gongjin. He sees her in a different light. It’s easy to tell, however, he has some baggage—a suit to be specific. Hyejin carries with her a spirit of grief as well. What of her mother? What of her childhood? How their respective hurts have shaped them and will continue to define their characters will be an interesting exploration by the series. With the first two episodes out, I’m hopeful we become privy to the furnishings of Dusik’s and Hyejin’s “homes”.
Where the first two episodes succeed is not just in juxtaposing the clashing views of urban and rural. Instead, we see more of what is common between the two. Hyejin’s uncharitable remarks over the narrow-minded views of Gongjin’s people are easy to associate with the condescension typical of city dwellers. But one can say the same with the trio of halmeoni who were so quickly appalled by Hyejin’s workout clothes. Judgments, after all, know no place or time. We think of those in the province as being insular and yet we also meet a chief dentist with a small-town outlook, ready to ruin the reputation of another in a similarly tight-knit dentist’s community.
Perhaps we are more the same than different?
What makes Homcha stand out, however, is that it doesn’t try too hard. The characters — and the actors — are unpretentious. As such, we get a light-hearted and heartwarming journey as our main characters and the Gongjin community settle, work, and live. You feel as if you're part of the community, too.
From its warm colors to its penchant for nostalgic songs, Homcha lives up to its title. It evokes that familiar place we grew up in and stirs memories of the spaces and faces that have shaped our persona. Sometimes we choose to stay there—or find ourselves stuck. Sometimes we outgrow it, too, and we move on to greener pastures. But that part of our lives connected to our youth never really disappears. To survive we need to accept and love the parts of our history we are least proud of, right? Once we do, how ready are we to show them to other eyes, to let them be held by other hands?
Round my hometown Ooh the people I've met Are the wonders of my world
If I had a gripe with the show, it’s the fact that Hyejin apparently has no idea how to use the forgot password feature of websites. That's all.
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commajade · 3 years
hyejin eating lobster with a han river view and thinking about eating snow crab from the gongjin harbor with dusik
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mirambles · 3 years
What a mess has unfolded in the last week.
I was in a dilemma if I should edit my previous post on Kim Seon Ho - how much I admired and loved his acting and looks. How much joy he brought to me during a tough year in pandemic.
But that was how I felt at that point in time. So there I’m not going to undo the happiness and joy I felt watching him perform on screen nor edit my previous posts. I also can’t undo that Han Ji Pyeong will remain my favourite KDrama character even though the actor that brought him to life is now tainted with scandal. I enjoyed watching Hong DuSik and every single character that Kim Seon Ho has portrayed on screen. I can’t undo this fact.
The fact that Kim Seon Ho is a brilliant actor won’t change even though he may not be the decent person we thought him to be.
But it now stops at that - I pretty much don’t care about celeb scandals, especially private affairs, unless there is criminal offence. Don’t ever raise a celeb to a pedestal- they all are flawed.
I get people now have strong views on him and they are entitled to that. I don’t care enough to discuss the matter - enough has been said. Hopefully the parties resolve amongst themselves what is a highly personal matter.
I can’t judge because we don’t know the facts. What I can say though is NO TO VICTIM BASHING. Keep your crappy fan biases aside - never ever hate on the victim, women go through enough crap everyday, anyways. We don’t need to do this.
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