#ji seong hyun
iris-sistibly · 6 months
Okay babes, episode 8 is nothing short of exciting!
📍Hae-in choosing to divorce Hyun-woo so he'd finally be free from all the bullshit her family put him up with, and Hyun-woo deciding to stay at Queens so he could prove his innocence and protect Hae-in. I feel sad that they actually divorced but again, it was necessary for them to "part ways" so they'd find their way back into each other, and I think the next episode will be about them slowly rekindling their romance and hopefully healing from the past. I am anticipating a more beautiful wedding than their first one.
📍Don't get me wrong, I still hate Eun-seong but now I'm becoming more and more interested in his backstory, so this bitch still has some ✨humanity✨ in him, judging from the way he reacted when he found out about Hae-in's illness. Him saving Hae-in from the dog attack when they were kids answered the question why he hates dogs. He's still trash, however I do have a feeling that he will have some character redemption somewhere and will basically help Hae-in find a cure, but we'll never know for sure.
📍Hong Man-dae is the biggest fucking idiot among the Hong family, I'm not saying he deserves what happened to him, I'm saying that he needs to learn the hard way and be slapped with the truth so hard that I want him to come down to his knees and beg his children for forgiveness. As much as I feel sorry for him, he was a terrible father to all of them when they got older...and trusting a fucking shaman? Really?
📍Speaking of which, I am actually glad that the Hong family is now broke af. They need to be humbled big time, especially Hae-in's mom, that bitch is such a poor judge of character. I want her to feel embarrassed and terrible about herself for constantly looking down at Hyun-woo and his family, these are the same people who'd willingly save and help their asses even if it meant getting dragged into this shit hole they dug themselves. Also, I saw a clip of the nosy old ladies who were making fun of her at the salon, I say...DESERVE! I hope she starts to change because honestly, I'm so fed up with her and her bullshit.
📍Soo-cheol maybe immature, but I have to admit that he's a good father. He just wanted his son to experience everything he never did, idk what Da-hye was up to. Maybe it was part of their plans? Perhaps she foresaw how messy it's going to be that's why she chose to run away, we'll never know for sure. I still have faith that she'll choose to do what's right for the sake of her son, after all, Soo-cheol treated her and their baby well.
📍Shout out to Song Joong-ki for his cameo. Hiring Vincenzo as a divorce lawyer is such a Hae-in move 😂
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watchinglikeafangirl · 6 months
I'm falling for Queen of Tears, I'm crushing so hard on Hyun-Woo. He is such a sweet husband in moments when he just acts without thinking about their situation. The story develops into a very different direction than I thought and I love it so far. I like how we can see there's history between them. They actually feel like a married couple and I feel like they really were in love but things happened and just like other marriages sometimes do, they fell apart over a miscarriage. They grieved differently, they lost touch, they felt like strangers so suddenly and stayed strangers ever since. It hurts but it's still visible how they still kind of believe in their marriage. Especially Hae-in, she's not confident about their relationship but she is confident about their marriage and I like how the show differs between the two and I like how these two still feel like they belong somewhere with the other even if it's awkward. And when she asks if he would come with her to get treatment, he says he obviously will which shows how entitled they still are. Yes, in the end, she went there alone but that's a slightly different thing because he didn't know she was leaving.
Also the scene at Sanssouci is just beautiful. I cannot say how much it touches my heart to see them stand in front of each other and just cry. And what do you mean he brought her sneakers all the way? What do you mean there's a kissing scene with the sunset? What do you mean he drew her a new lifeline since hers was too short? I'm whipped.
The scenes of her getting the treatment, how lonely, desperate and how much pain she bears, it got to me. Having had my own portion if chemo (healed ever since, it's been 18 years), and even though I was really small and young when it happened, I relate on a very different level. I know how scary it is to be surrounded by so many clinical rooms, how they puncture the spinal cord, how it feels hopeless. But it's all here in this show and I like how it's not overly dramatic. It's just how it is and it's not nice to receive treatment of any kind on that medical level. I just like how it's shown and how the show deals with it.
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kiestrokes · 6 months
Queen of Tears: KieLo Discussion Post
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‼️ Potential Spoilers Below ‼️
Anyone who is watching the show is welcome to join in the discussion🫰🏼
1. Why is Kwan always the annoying little brother 😂 I need to see this man play main love interest or second lead that works his butt off to get the girl.
2. Them having all the son in laws prepare the memorial food was wild...but also amusing. His "What a waste of talent." 😅
3. That blue suit of hers is everything.
I am dying over the hunting episode. Her fan girling over her own husband. Him being afraid to go upstairs. Two idiots.
Colorblind Daddy is even more sinister in this 👀 the dog scene had me so nervous.
Nvm her brother also died?
I am caught up 🧍🏻‍♀️
Just kidding I forgot to post this so Pt. 2:
Her brother AND her baby died, I think. I really truly do not like her mom. I hate the whole boy mom culture.
Omg. Auntie found out. BOYYY. The auntie isn’t going to make it, she's going to slip up.
I cannot stop thinking about how much I love Haein's makeup, it's so minimal in this way that gives off royalty vibes. All the props to the makeup artist and stylists.
DUDE (gn) every time they show us another person who is in on the plot I gasp. My brain has been so fuzzy from the new meds that I am not figuring things out before like I usually do. and I am kinda enjoying it tbh.
Ok so I do have a theory though, stepmom is bad. Colorblind daddy is her child she gave up for adoption...the apple does not fall from in fiction stories typically.
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somanykdramas · 3 months
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GENRES: Horror, Drama
SUMMARY: A man who has no reason to love God finds himself filled to the brim with the power to defeat Seoul’s demons.
THIS MOVIE HAS EVERYTHING: MMA perfect scores, fast cars, crows, priest fanboys, stigmata, serpent demons, Brutalist nightclubs, possessed kids, fangs, immortality, demons, vampires (maybe?), and thankful nuns.
HOT TAKE: Personally I find K-SciFi to be a bit lacking in the CG department, but this movie does a great job balancing practical effects with the weird and over the top supernatural creations. I was suitably creeped out and awed and none of the effects took me out of those moments.
Very nearly everyone you've ever seen in a Kdrama in the past 10 years had a role in this movie. It would have been an excellent reunion without all of that pesky demonic possession!
Also, come on. Park Seo Jun AND Woo Do Hwan fighting like the world depends on it? A+ casting choices, A+ fight choreography.
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jamming24 · 5 months
Me: *pausing my screen to see the kind of wine everyone on queen of tears drinks to see how expensive it is in real life*
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losersimpforsunjaesol · 5 months
ISTG, my life right now depends on how Queen of Tears will end. The anxiety that I'm having with each episode is unbeatable. I just want everyone to have a happy ending except the evil Seul-hee and Eun-sung. They should get their karma served on a platter. Today's episode was no less than a tsunami of emotions. Aaarghhh! I just knew that Hyun-woo was going to be framed. I also don't want Soo-cheol to die or get hurt. The preview of the next episode is concerning.
Apart from everything else, can we just talk about how the writer incorporated her sheer brilliance in creating such an intriguing storyline? Even till the end, we are left guessing what will happen and what won't.
In one sentence, Queen of Tears is a Kdrama done right!
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afza147 · 6 months
Ep9 Queen of tears short review
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Again writenim never failed to remind us that hae in is still dying and her sickness is not getting better
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The aunt really keep her mouth tied up👍 she keep having the tick tock moment after meeting the kid..I wonder if that the trigger.
Omg ..new man found out about the sickness plus hae in whereabout..I love that he does not share the same goal as his mother.👍 And willing to have hae in her position even mad about chasing the family away👍 like how do they make plan together???
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on sung cheol part..man was stupid that he forget the girl..I offended as well
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I can feel the girl pain rather than him🤣🤣
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But he still love her nonetheless as he said she forgot to bring him as well😅
Gosh when they texting together I was feeling the awkwardness as well ..why they talk more after divorce😫😫
And hae in said to make sure that hyun woo will not feel worried after the matter settled and they could be like a real divorcee..Hurt me as well .
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Even hyun woo acknowledge he's divorce.
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New man love for hae in stronger than I thought but sadly hae in dying and he does not stand a chance .I wonder how he make himself as hae in legal guardian ..hmm.
Tomorrow ep preview look messed up..
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billornot · 8 months
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stuff-diary · 11 months
Daily Dose of Sunshine
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023, South Korea)
Directors: Lee Jae Kyu & Kim Nam Su
Writers: Lee Nam Gyu, Oh Bo Hyun & Kim Da Hee (based on the webtoon by Lee Ra Ha)
When I heard this drama was coming out, I got a bit worried, since k-dramas don't have the best track record when it comes to handling this topic. Thankfully, this show's team mostly pulled it off. Sure, it falls into stereotypes from time to time, but its focus is always on empathy, acceptance and tolerance. It really tries to make the viewer understand how hard and undeservedly misunderstood mental illnesses are. For better or worse, that also means the drama doesn't shy away from showing the darkest parts of these illnesses, so please be very careful if this topic is triggering for you, cause there are a lot of hard-to-watch scenes. In terms of acting, the entire cast is great, especially the actors playing the patients, and Park Bo Young. In fact, this might arguably be her career's crowning achievement. The one thing I didn't really like were the romantic parts. I just didn't care for any of the romances, and the show would've been better off without them. Anyway, Daily Dose of Sunshine surprised me by handling a complex topic in a much more humane and hopeful way that I expected.
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iris-sistibly · 5 months
My final take on Queen of Tears? It was a one hell of a fucking journey + Thoughts on the finale
[Warning: Long-ass post ahead]
Queen of Tears released its final episode last Sunday, April 28. The show made history as it became tvN’s most watched drama, surpassing the 2019 hit Crash Landing on You. Park Ji-eun was the writer for both shows.
The story is about a couple who underwent a crisis in their third year of marriage. However, a significant event will not only change their lives but also pave the way for them to rediscover their love for each other. 
I personally got hooked into this show for three reasons:
First, the plot: Marriage tropes in a lot of dramas are usually about infidelity, toxic and abusive relationships that end in a nasty divorce. It happens in real life sadly, but I appreciate the fact that Park Ji-eun took a different route and gave us another realistic side of marriage. A couple who once had this warm, passionate love for each other became cold and distant over time because of one tragic event that left them wounded and broken. There were also other factors that added salt to the wound which caused them to drift further from one another. I’m not gonna go into details because I have already discussed this in earlier episodes. However, I love that there were a couple of flashbacks that tells the viewers of how their love story began, plus some extra bits and pieces in the epilogue that were either related to Hyun-woo and Hae-in’s past, or a particular scene in the current episode that was told from either of the character’s point of view. 
Switching from light and funny scenes to a more intense one then back to swoon-worthy moments and then the last thing you knew you were bawling your eyes out because of the heartbreaking scenes felt like a roller coaster ride, needless to say I was always on edge and I sometimes had to pause in the middle of the episode so I could breathe. That’s how intense the emotions were in this show. Like I have said before, this is not a rom-com but more like a heavy drama with a couple of light and funny scenes.
But the part in this story that appealed to me the most is that it will make you question, how much love can someone truly give? How far can you go to be with the person you love? And when everything seems black and white, would you be willing to stay? Or walk away? 
Second, the characters: Immediately, I was drawn to Baek Hyun-woo and Hong Hae-in. Usually in KDramas, it’s always the male lead who is cool, cold, nonchalant and rich af and the girl is the bubbly, cutesy-cutesy, overly dramatic, and broke. I absolutely LOVE the role reversal. Hae-in is the cool and badass wife while Hyun-woo is the cute, dramatic hubby and together, they make an ✨iconic couple✨. But on a more serious note, a lot of characters nowadays are into the red light/green light spectrum and don’t get me wrong, I love it. Who doesn’t love a green light character right? But again, Park Ji-eun wrote them in such a way that you wouldn’t perceive them as this ultra-perfect, no flaw character, but they aren’t toxic either (except for the main villains of course). A lot of the characters in the show have a good and flawed side, and I love it because that’s what makes them human, they are multi-layered which makes them complex, but at the same time, they were written in such a way that the viewers could have a deeper understanding of the characters, and even relate to them in some ways. 
Again with the exception of the villains, the character developments were so good. Witnessing this whole-ass process of them being flawed and broken characters to becoming the best versions of themselves were just the best.  
Third, the cast: Ah, I can go on and on about how every actor in this show was absolutely amazing! Again, Kim Soo-hyun has proven why he is Korea’s highest paid actor. I love that he can switch from this handsome, smart, and sexy lawyer, to a super cute, loving hubby, and then a man who would fight for his woman no matter what it takes. BITCH! The acting range of this guy is fucking LIMITLESS! As for Kim Ji-won, this is by far her best acting performance in my opinion. Hong Hae-in was such a difficult character to portray, but I love how she was able to effortlessly deliver Hae-in’s stoic, nonchalant exterior and when you look into her eyes you’ll see that vulnerable part of her that no one else except [her husband] sees. 
SooWon’s chemistry on the other hand is GOD-TIER! They were born to play Baek Hyun-woo and Hong Hae-in. Whether it’s a funny, romantic, or heavy scene, they nailed it to perfection! These two are the most married couple I have seen in a show. I feel sad that I’m not gonna see them together on-screen for sometime but I am hoping that they’d be able to work together again in the future. Although my delulu self is manifesting for them to be together irl 😂🤧
Park Sung-hoon, I have said before that he is so good at playing a villain. But I hope he gets to show his ability to portray a nice guy in the future, I need a break from him playing evil. 
Kwak Dong-yeon and Lee Joo-bin’s performances as the second couple deserve to be applauded as well. Despite their characters going through crazy shit, I love that they were able to deliver it on a lighter, heartwarming note in contrast to SoWoon’s heavier scenes.
Special mentions to the following 🗣️:
The Official Playlist of the Show- When I tell you that I have listened to every song in this playlist, I really mean it. I don’t understand the language, but everytime I hear a song from QOT, I can instantly imagine a particular scene from the show, that’s how magical it is. My most replayed song is The Reasons of my Smiles by BSS, but I also love Heize’s Hold me back, and the song that makes me the most emotional: Love you with all my heart by Crush. 
The cinematography: I’m not gonna go into details about the technicalities, but everything was perfectly shot, especially the scenes in Germany–it was dreamy, romantic, and beautiful. 
The crew members who worked behind the camera also need to be praised for the hard work, effort, and dedication they’ve put into making this show. 
There are things however about the show that I didn’t personally like or I think they could have done better. Here’s the link of why I think the storyline isn’t as good as I thought it would be: 
The final episode didn’t turn out the way I hoped it would be, although there were some parts of it that were really good like:
📍 Cheon Da-hye and Grace choosing to take accountability for their past actions (also Grace being the key player in bringing Mo Seul-hee down was the cherry on top) and has been given another chance to live honestly was one of the best character redemptions. 
📍The Hong family reclaiming what’s rightfully theirs, that was such a powerful scene.
📍Hyun-woo and Hae-in looking at each other after Mo Seul-hee was proven guilty for killing Hong Man-dae and all the other bullshits she did to Queens and the Hong family, as if saying, “It’s finally over,” and they did it together was so power couple coded. 
📍Aunt Beom-ja and husband #4 [really] taking their time to get to know each other…like literally. Her facial expression when Yeong-seong kissed her on the cheek instead of the lips like she was expecting was GOLD.
📍Mama and Papa Hong choosing a simpler and quieter life and hanging out with their besties (Mama and Papa Baek).
📍The family portrait of the Hong and Baek family 🥹
📍Hyun-woo and Hae-in taking their time to rebuild their relationship, then goes on to get married and have a baby, then visiting Germany every so often was the most heartwarming scene. 
📍I would say that the ending was a bittersweet one. Hae-in’s premonition came true, she died first and Hyun-woo never failed to visit her grave, and then eventually reuniting was one of the most realistic endings in a Kdrama. They lived a good life, they built a family, grew old together and reunited in the afterlife was beautiful but there was a certain ache in that part, perhaps a reminder that no matter how painful it gets, there is always a silver lining, and if you’re meant to be, you’re meant to be.
However, in addition to my linked post:
📍The first half of the story started really strong, but it dwindled the moment they added all of these ridiculous subplots. One Tumblr user commented that Hyun-woo and Hae-in’s marriage had enough issues as far as drama is concerned and I couldn’t agree more. 
📍I get that Mo Seul-hee is a shitty person but I don’t even know why she chose to prey on Hong Man-dae of all people. She could have done the same to other wealthy families (I mean he’s not the only gullible man out there with tons of money), but the question is, what did the Hong family do to her? Surely, there must have been a deeper meaning than just wanting money but alas, it's a question we'll probably never get an answer too.
📍The good thing is that we now fully understand why Yoon Eun-seong acted the way he did. He has mommy issues, abandonment issues, anger issues, etc. My prediction about him dying in the finale was correct, but there was no character redemption for him thus I don’t see the point on why they had to extend his Hae-in obsession arc towards the end. Take out all the irrelevant subplots, and the story still would have worked.
📍One of my biggest frustrations in the show was the fact that they only addressed BaekHong’s miscarriage after Hae-in lost her memories when they could have done that in the earlier episode (the scene where Hyun-woo and Hae-in had a heart-to-heart conversation about their failed marriage), it’s like the writer forgot about that part–which by the way was such a crucial part then she just inserted this scene somewhere in the finale. 
📍I was also disappointed that Hae-in's mom wasn't the one who comforted her during that scene where Hyun-woo was undergoing surgery after getting shot. It would have been such a perfect opportunity to heal their relationship. Also, I would have appreciated it if Mama Hong was the one who personally apologized to Hyun-woo for being harsh towards him.
📍I know I said that the ending was a more realistic one, but babes we were ROBBED! I would have loved to see a BaekHong wedding part 2, their pregnancy journey and moments with baby Soo-bin but alas, we were deprived of that too. As much as I find the finale realistic, I wouldn’t say that I was satisfied either.
📍I just remembered this now, but Papa Hong's and Aunt Beom-ja's other sibling could have actually contributed to ending the villain arc. He could have made moves to unravel Seul-hee and Eun-seong's crap, but idk writer-nim just placed him there just because 🤷.
Overall, do I think that this show is over hyped? Storywise, yes. As far as the actors’ performances go, they deserve it. 
Is the show worth watching? I’d say it’s worth checking out if you’re someone who likes heavy, intense dramas. If not, avoid this. Again, this is not a light rom-com. 
Would I rewatch? For BaekHong, yes but I’ll skip the irrelevant parts.
Performance: 100/10
OST: 10/10
Cinematography, Editing, etc.: 10/10
Story-telling: 6/10
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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TAN (티에이엔) 'Fix YOU' Official MV [ENG]
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dUot7BGpAw
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passionforfiction · 6 months
Welcome to Samdal-ri
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It has been a while since I felt like making a wallpaper for a drama. I just wanted to make sure that all the characters that I loved had their spotlight. This is such a sweet romantic story! I loved the main plot and all the subplots, I loved the family dynamics as well as the friendship ones. The Power Rangers were so cute to watch as kids and adults and the sisters are a power house all on their own. . . And Ha Yul stole my heart too.
It was endearing to watch. This is definitely a drama I see myself going back to later on.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Park Jae-jung "Jun Ji-hyun CF opposite, Im Yoon-ah and marriage in drama" (masked king kaewang)
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losersimpforsunjaesol · 5 months
Day 17 of getting my sh!t together!
Uff! It was an emotional roller coaster weekend. Yesterday was my binging day, so I did not post anything, but the last two episodes of Queen of Tears were getting on my nerves!!! I was 🤏🏻 close to believing that we were getting a tragic ending. Lowkey thought Hyunwoo gonna pass away in the ambulance, and I was ready to throw hands! Thankfully, the writer stopped from breaking our hearts more. Also, Geon-u and Hyun-woo and Hae-in’s daughter is so cute. This series had the cutest babies fr.
Anyways, here's what my diet looked like yesterday :
1)Black coffee
2)1 rice cake(brown and unsalted) with peanut butter (unsweetened and crunchy)
3)1/2 grapefruit
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1)Multigrain Toast
2)Sweet corn with lemon pepper
3)Green tea
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1)Chicken and beans soup
2)Green apple with vanilla ice-cream
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Here's my song recommendation for the day:
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reppyy · 1 year
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I got copyright striked so you can find the reaction on this link and not on youtube
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to my star 2 my brain is on FIRE
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