blog001sblog · 5 months
Ben: there's only one reason to sleep with somebody. And that is love!
[The others laugh]
Ben: (mockingly) oh ha ha ha! 'Yeah! Ben is a big girl because he believes in true love!"
Beverly: Ben, I love you, but there's lots of reasons to have sex with someone.
Ben: name one
Beverly: I can name 50!
Ben: no you can't
Beverly: Number ONE, last Thursday.
[Ben and Beverly are in bed. Beverly cannot sleep.]
Beverly: Hey Ben, wanna do it?
Ben: I'm up.
*End of flashback*
Ben: Fine! That’s one. But I defy you to name…
Beverly: I'm gonna name 50! There's make-up sex! Break up sex! (Starts writing it all down)
Patty: And your friend just told you about a new position sex.
Audra: you're welcome
Stan: there's also revenge, rebound.
Richie: Paratrooping. You know, when you go out of town, but instead of getting a hotel room, you go straight to a bar with the sole intention of hooking up with someone, so you have a place to stay?
Bill: Oh, you mean “banging-for-roof”.
Eddie: oh! I've got one! Nothing good on television sex!
Mike: Hotel room sex
Audra: curiousity. As in "I've always wanted to have sex with a tall girl." Not a big girl! Just a tall girl. Like, if a normal girl were seven...seven and a half feet tall and wore a denim mini skirt. I have to know what that's like.
Beverly: ... okay
[ 32 reasons later]
Bill:He-said-he-loved-you-but-you’re-not-ready-to-say-it-back-yet sex.
Beverly: 43!
Mike: wingman diving on the friend grenade
Bill: 44
Richie: the condoms are about to expire
Stan: 45
[A few moments pass]
Beverly: wow this is getting a little hard
Richie: 46!
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blog001sblog · 5 months
Mike/Audra/Bill headcanon:
Audra is the late sleeper
Mike is the early riser
Bill is the one who gets by with no sleep at night but takes naps during the day.
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