#hancock has alot of feelings
John Hancock x (Fem)Sole Survivor- "thought I'd lost you"
[[TW: light gore]]
John Hancock didn't find himself afraid often. In fact, he prided himself on his ability to keep his cool, even in shitty scenarios. No matter what came his way, he always knew how to act. Got himself out of some pretty sticky situations with that talent too. He considered himself a ghoul of many tricks, and that's why he felt out of options when he saw Sole limp through the gates of his great city, supported by one of the Goodneighbor guards. He practically lunged forward off of the bench he'd sat down on to huff jet, and stormed towards them. His heart started slamming in his ribcage when he saw blood dribble from her pretty fucking mouth and down her chin, the way they locked eyes but Sole wasn't even there. Her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed, bringing the guard down with her under the weight of her nearly destroyed power armour. The guard started shouting, gaining the attention of some drifters, who started clamouring toward them to help. He barely had room to feel pride for his citizens banding together to help their fellow man. John dragged Sole off of the guard with some effort, the guard managing to wheeze out a thanks and rolling to the side, and he felt sick as he removed his hands from her and saw her blood sticking to his hands. He didn't hear himself shout for Doctor Amari, didn't even process himself desperately trying to rip her out of her power armour to assess the damage. He glanced at her face, pale and sweaty. She looked dead, and it terrified him.
"Hey Sunshine? I need you to listen to me." He said shakily, finally managing to crack the broken breast plate away from her, and he sucked in a breath.
Her dirty white shirt was stained with her own blood, but he could see where the material had ripped, and the evil glint of metal deep in the wound that had caused it. Someone's hands went to remove her shirt for him to see better, and he smacked their hand away so hard they yelped in surprise.
"Fuck are you doing, idiot? We can't get her wound out here it'll get fuckin' dust in, use your godamn mind!" Some part of him wanted to protect her dignity. Not that he wouldn't want to see her, he just wanted her permission and not to be covered in blood and surrounded by god knows how many pairs of eyes. Unless that was what she wanted, of course.
"I got the Doc!" A male voice slurred, but Hancock couldn't even spare attention for him. He couldn't stop staring at her fucking face. He was glad other people were there to help take the rest of her power armour off because he was being fucking useless right now. A familiar hand pushed him out of the way, and he realised he was in Amari's way. He scrambled back, but stopped when the doctor shot him a glare.
"Where are you going John? Help me carry her." She snapped, but not unkindly. She recognised the fear in his black eyes, but she didn't have the time to soothe him. She wasn't even sure how she was going to help Sole yet, she was a scientist, not a medic and she figured her best bet would be to take her patient to Daisy and see if they could come up with something. She had basic medical training, but when it had nothing to do with human, ghoul or synth brain, she was out of ideas. She moved around to Soles head and arms, and directed John to her legs and feet. He wrapped his arms around her legs ready whilst Amari told two others how best to support Sole on the torso so it wouldn't dip. She told another to send word to Daisy of their arrival with the promise of caps for what they needed and use of her space.
"On three."Doctor Amari commanded, and on three, they all pulled her up into the air as flat as they could. Sole made a horrible groaning noise, and Hancock could see her eyes opening and closing as she struggled with consciousness.
"We're gonna fix you right up, don't you worry. Try and stay awake." John tried her as they all staggered quickly towards Daisy's shop, her only making noises of pain in reply. He didn't understand how she even managed to get back to the gates, let alone inside the city.
Daisy was ready for them. Just like him, Sole had touched her heart in ways she'd prefer not to talk about, and seeing her in this state shocked her. Daisy mentioned once that she reminded her of her days before the war,of picket fences, green grass and blue skies. Not that John could picture what that was like.
Daisy had a table upstairs cleaned off, and they set her down as gently as they could. John pulled his coat off and folded it, shoving it under her head so she had support. He stood against the wall, so the two women could work. He'd only pace around and get in the way if he didn't. Daisy had rifled through and brought up all the supplies she could think of that they might need, and a bucket with boiling water to kill the germs as best they could.
He stayed whilst they cleaned her up with the limited alcohol they had, but John decided to leave the room when they set about pulling out the blade. He wasn't usually squeamish, but his heart couldn't take it this time around. He couldn't let himself feel the sadness in his bones, couldn't let himself think about the large possibility that Sole might die there on that table, and he'd have to bury another person he loved. He wandered downstairs, and out the closed shop front to sit down on the bench outside. He dug around in his pockets for a cigarette, finding one but tutting when he realised he didn't have a light. He looked around to see if he could bum a light from someone, but the street had emptied not ten minutes after. Events like that tended to spook people, and well, a nice gal like that in the kinda state she was in was bound to pull on some heartstrings. He didn't regret giving her his coat, but he regretted not shaking his metal plated lighter and jet from his pocket. He could have ran home to get some, but he didn't want to be too far away from her.
Many times had John Hancock fallen in love. They were short and fleeting circumstances, but he valued them. Well, as much as a ghoul fucked out of his skull could, anyway. He valued the sex less. He had alot of it in his time, and whilst he partook in it often, he didn't tend to talk to them after, or make them breakfast, or any of that shit. Usually by the time he woke up from his drug fuelled bender they were gone, leaving him with a feeling of emptiness and unfufillment. Sole had taken his usual routine and shook it around. He was willing to follow her across the wastelands forever if that was what she wanted. And now she was laid out on a table dying. He might never get to ask her how she felt about him, how she felt about sharing her life with him, or even find her fucking son. He wouldn't admit it, but he cried. He cried for a long time, and as the dusky evening turned to night, he remained frozen on the bench, cigarette abandoned next to him.
He didn't realise Amari's figure come out to him at first, his eyes too adjusted to the gloom to pick the white of her coat. He wanted to throw up when he made out the detail of Sole's blood decorating her sleeves. He didn't want to hear the news he knew to be true. Doctor Amari sat down next to him on the bench, and sighed aloud. She grabbed a cigarette, lit it with her lighter and offered the pack and light to him, which he didn't accept. Just started at her, almost angry she couldn't deliver the news first. Did she mean that little to her?
"Oh you, she's alive. Horribly wounded, but.. alive." Amari said, and wordlessly Hancock took the cigarette and lighter offered to him. Taking a puff of his lit cigarette, he sighed, the weight of the world lifting from his shoulders for the first time in hours.
"How bad was it?" He found the courage to ask, and Amari made this unpleasant sound that he didn't want to hear from her again.
"Whoever did that to her got her good. I'm thinking her power armour must have been really badly damaged already for the knife to get her like that. Daisy and I managed to stop the bleeding, but she'll have a nasty scar, that's to say if infection doesn't take her first." Amari's words stung John back to his reality. They weren't out of the fog yet. He took an extra long drag of the cigarette and exhaled.
"Don't really know what to do." Hancock admitted to her. She looked at him with a thoughtful gaze. "I assumed you'd be rushing inside by now to see her, if I'm honest. Why are you still sat with me?" She probed. His scarred face set into a frown.
"I don't want to see her like that if she's gonna-"
"How selfish, John. What of her? Do you think she deserves to be ignored like this?" She snapped, cutting him off. "Daisy and I were busy saving her life, and the moments she was lucid between shots, all she wanted to know was where you were." She jabbed a finger into his chest. Her words stung, even if she was right. Hurt his pride in a way he didn't want to admit. He just looked down, and Doctor Amari tutted, stabbing her cigarette out angrily on the benches arm rest. "If she lives, all she'll remember is you refusing to see her." She finalised, and stood. Brushing the mess from her thighs, she didn't even bother to collect her lighter and cigarette carton back as she went striding off into the darkness, probably back to her home. He thought about calling out to her, but she'd disappeared into the shadows before he had chance. He took it as good fortune, and pocketed the lighter and packet. He faltered as he wondered what to do next.
He looked up at the top window above Daisy's shop. The faint glow to it seemed inviting, but he was filled with regret. He couldn't be what she needed from him right now, he couldn't be the good man she needed. Compared to Nate, he was nothing. He didn't even have eyebrows. He grunted at the thought, and stood to go back to the Old State House. A quiet voice suddenly spoke up within him, urging him to remember something he'd long forgotten. A memory played out before him, he wasn't sure whether the jet and daytripper he'd taken during the day were reacting with eachother, but it spoke to him, reminding him of something that if he was right about and he'd forgotten he swore he'd cut his own brain out.
Sole was laid on a dirty double mattress next to him. He strained to remember more of the scene, but it started to come together. They'd been travelling back from a settlement not too far from Goodnighbour when the radiation storm had swarmed them so fast they'd barely time to duck into a semi suitable house. They retreated to the basement and found a singular double mattress in there and no open windows that could let the storm in, so they decided to camp for the night. Radiation didn't bother him, but Sole was smooth skinned and she didn't have enough fusion cores left to make the journey back. They were back to back, facing away. He had no qualms about sleeping face to face, but her pre-war sensibilities were apparent in the quieter moments.
"Hancock?" She said in a tired voice. "Hmm?" He mumbled. He remembered taking a puff of jet then, and he crinkled his nose. Why was he always so fuckin high all the time? "..is it hard, being a mayor?" She wondered, and he snorted as he coughed the chem out of his lungs. "Sure as brahmin shit, girl. Makes me do all kinds of uncomfy shit I'm not exactly happy about." He admitted. He tried to fight off the suprise when he felt her shift around in the mattress, to face his back. He moved to copy her, but her hands suddenly pressed against his shoulders, trapping him to facing away from her. "Dont turn over." She said softly, and he chuckled. "Whatever you want, sister." He slurred. He felt her hands tense on his back. "You shouldn't call me that." She said, and he furrowed his brow line in confusion. "Why not? Don't ya like it?" He replied, and she was silent for about a minute. He waited for her to gather her thoughts. "It just, makes me think we're related, that's all. I don't want to be related to you." She said stiffly, and he felt a little hurt. "What's wrong with being related to me?" He huffed out, chest jutting out a little. He was glad she wasn't allowing him to turn round. What she said was so quiet he wasnt sure he'd heard it right. " We can't be romantically involved." She grunted, and withdrew her hands from his back, and returned to her original position, back to back with him. He stared in silence for a long time at the crack in the wall directly opposite of him, listening to the sound of the lightning that stormed on a level above them.
He nearly killed himself right there for taking so much jet he'd basically ignored her unasked question, and had never brought it up to her again. What if she was testing the waters? What if he was supposed to respond then, confirm or deny his feelings for her? He groaned , and spun around on his heel. He needed to see her, needed to talk to her and get it all out, even if it was the only reason that selfishly drove him up those stairs. He couldn't decide for her, it was wrong. But she deserved atleast an explanation. Daisy cast him a glance as he walked past her, cleaning her counter. She wanted to say something to him, but it could wait. He clambered the stairs, and cringed as he saw the table where she lay so lifelessly hours before, now covered in her blood but empty. He spotted her laid out on the sofa in the darker corner of the room, his coat gently draped over her as a blanket, but she'd pushed it down at some point in her sleep. He took note that they'd changed her into a different, less traumatic t-shirt for her to wake up in, rather than her ripped one. He couldn't ignore the bandages poking out from under it, though. A sigh brought him out of his thoughts, and he saw she was sleeping. He came and sat beside her on the floor, and feeling his heart speed up just slightly. She was sleeping, a stab wound victim, and he found her enchanting, even in this state.
"You really scared me." He spoke softly to avoid disturbing her. When he heard no change from her, he continued. "I saw you on the floor and I thought you were dead. It really made me stop, and a ghoul like me doesn't stop for much." He lent back into the sofa, removing the hat from his head. "I figured love was off the plate for you, after you told me what happened with Nate. I couldn't blame you if you did, you know. But I didn't mean to ignore you, that night." He said quietly. " -'was just shocked, is all. You gotta understand a gal like you saying something like that to me rocked me, I mean look at you. You look like all them pretty gals from the movie posters." He mused, looking down at his own scarred hands in a silent comparison. He didn't find himself ugly, but he certainly wasn't normal. Didn't look normal in areas you wanted to look normal, either. "I felt at peace with you. I feel at peace with you." He corrected, and cast her sleeping face a glance, to find her eyes open and staring at him with a curious intensity instead. He was afraid, and she didnt say anything. She winced in immense pain, but made an effort to reach out a trembly hand and cup his cheek. He softened at the realization it wasn't rejection, but exhaustion that caused her silence. It wasnt like she was in any state to talk. Her thumb caressed the ridges on the left side of his face. He sighed into the touch, feeling it spread warmth into his cheeks, into his neck and down into his chest. He didn't expect declarations of love from her, it was too soon for that. But for now, he could allow himself to enjoy this. To enjoy being with her.
"Don't leave me." Her voice came out broken, and hoarse. He covered her hand on his face with her own, and squeezed gently. "Couldn't, not after this." He murmured, and she smiled. He loved that smile, and he hoped that she would smile at him like that forever. He wanted to serve and protect that smile, and he promised himself in that moment that he would find whoever had laid her out like this and make them wish they were having a fucking nightmare.
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Marco has hollow bones as his devil fruit drawback as per @liferockingitout (check out their fantastic ongoing series “hurts being this beautiful”)
I want to say Ace’s draw back is total combustion and accidentally burning up himself as the fuel, he can’t go too hot or his bones and muscles overheat and he get’s all feverish and sick cuz he’s burning up from the inside
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lordjimp · 2 years
Discombobulated rant about Fallout 4 companion dynamics I think would go hard;
Deacon and Cait:
fully believe they would complete each over in so many ways if they became friends. They both deal with alot of the same issues. They both regret enacting violent revenge, they both struggled with drug addiction, they both put up emotion walls to seem more aloof, both have serious anger issues (deacon hides it well, but i think he even admits it to the player a little bit at some point), and neither of them really have any allies they feel like they can trust.
cait is on the younger side, i think. she’s desperately still searching for the nurture she never received, even in her final dialogue the most positive thing you can say is that you’re proud of her. Then think of deacon. he’s gotta be at least 40, cause the terminals suggest hes been with the railroad for a long while. he wanted a kid, he was so ready to become a dad, but he never got that opportunity. so uh… found family anyone? I think they’d see through each-overs masks, and see themself in the other.
Imagine if Cait didn’t have sole, and found the railroad desperate for agents and saw it as a way out. deacon and cait would butt heads at first, and the path wouldn’t be an easy one. but eventually they’d end up in a place where Deacon is alot like Cait’s mentor, heping her get off the chems, cait convincing deacon to be more emotionally honest and not repressive, and deacon teaching cait how to keep her chill- like a perfect balance. I actually think that cait has the possibility of having a much deeper relationship with deacon than the player. just because of their connection and how she’d poke and prod and deacon unit he’d been worn down enough to fully open up.
Piper and hancock;
No, piper hates hancock. Hes a weird pervert, and a drug user, and always on his high horse, he hasn’t got any morals, hes litterally a killer! and a thief, and a criminal, and a-… oops, he wore her down.
Piper is a hot head, whos got a very passionate and ‘correct’ moral compass. but ultimately her and hancock kinda have the same beliefs. they both have hope for the commonwealth, they want people to be united and to have strong leaders with the peoples issues in mind. i think that given enough time to get to know hancock, piper would eventually come to see they have much more in common. which id imagine shed have a hard time admitting shes grown attached.
hancock on the other hand, doesn’t super mind her at first. i mean yeah, she’s a bit uptight about some things and he might get a little pissed off when she mutters something about good neighbour being unsafe and dirty. but pipers right isn’t she? hes a killer, and a theif, and a criminal, and all that other stuff. loves to hear her rant about stuff. especially mc donough. shes gonna be completely shocked when she finds out this whole time shes been talking crap about mcdonough… to another mcdonough.
thats how theyed really get to know eachover though, theyed get into the habit of meeting up just to rant at eachover and talk shit, maybe eventually they’d realise they could make a power team and actually start doing stuff instead of just talking about it. when they finally get out there, piper is like a loose cannon and hancock has got to actually play a responsible roll every now and then to stop her from going off the walls. its a roll he plays terribly btw. piper, no matter how close they get, will never want to admit their friends. ultimately whats holding them back a little is the chems and hancocks ability to rock it with anyone, even if its someone piper would really rather not. but maybe they could work it out.
Deacon and macready (thirdwheel preston):
its just guys being dudes. dudes being guys. honestly preston is always to busy and stressed he just needs mates. not ones hes got to work with. just people he can drink with and talk to. maccready it so gullible and dumb, its like deacon’s wet dream. he’d constantly be throwing mac fast ones every chance he gets, and mac would give him reactions. every. single. time. he’s like the gift that keeps on giving. also since they both use sniper rifles, mac is always trying to one up deacon to be a better shot. it doesn’t even matter whos better cause deacon always cheats.
then theres preston. poor, poor preston. mac and deacon might screw around with eachover, but when it comes to preston hes the target. you’d swear those two have a script the way they bounce off of eachover to make fun of him. preston is that guy in every friend group that everyone makes fun of (you guys are the real ones). but at the end of the day, they dont mean any of it. when its just mac and deeks, they talk about how Preston is ‘such a nice guy’ and ‘a really good friend’.
they laugh and drink with eachover, preston is usually busy so it’s mostly mac and deacon. maccready has no idea deacon is a spy and only really finds it sort of strange that every time deacon invites him to do a job its almost always synth related. honestly those three are just good buds and its not really much deeper than that.
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What fo4/Fonv companions would get along Fo4 perspective
Him and Boone aren't close at all, but occasionally they'll get a beer and talk about sniping. More casual friends
He thinks cass is hot.
His fav is Rex though
Benny reminds him of some of the assholes back at goodneighbor... he surprisingly doesn't hate him because of how familiar he feels...
Raul is his favorite though. He reminds him of Nick and Hancock really appreciates Nick as a person and all of his knowledge.
Also is chill with Veronica thinks she's funny, but reminds him way to much of piper to be close to her
Cass! Her and cass are instant besties and drink and talk all their days away (and possibly bang)
She tried to flirt with boone when she first saw him and now he hates her so there's that.
Talks alot with Veronica about being booted from the BOS minus the while synth thing they actually have a lot in common and he'd probably come to veiw her as a little sister
Hates Vulpes for obvious reasons...
She loves Arcade! She spends so much time talking medicine with him and debating theories and asking what the Mojave is like. She ends up really stressing him out with all the questions, but she doesn't really realize. Arcade tends to avoid her at times not because he hates her, but because he gets burnt out about how much she talks.
Veronica unofficially adopted her and thinks she's the cutest thing in the world, curie doesn't quite understand but appreciates the attention
HIM AND BENNY ARE BESTIES! It's classic case of "Oh that guy talks weird let me talk weird back to him" and they just bonded?
Also Boone likes him for some reason....
Her and Veronica are besties! They talk literally all the time and have so much in common! Like everyone they grew up around hating them and basically being the black sheep of their community. If piper and sole are just friends her friendship with Veronica may bloom into something more... which everyone finds extremely cute
Likes Raul he knows a lot and has been a lot of places. Plus she could listen to his stories all day long.
She really appreciates getting advice from Arcade and debating philosophy with him. They become besties as well and if her and Veronica end up together Arcade is so for it
Him and raul are besties. They spend days talking about prewar life and reminiscing about the past. Like ice cream trucks on the flip side sound super creepy, you have a truck that plays music to summon small children? Whack. They also talk about life as old men and how even though they've been blessed with an abnormaily long life they're still scared to die because what legacy would they leave?
He loves Veronica. Veronica, ellie, Piper, raul and him are all inseparable and have weekly meets at the agency to talk about life and catch up.
Is super sweet to boone because he rembers what he was like after Jenny.... Boone surprisingly really opens up to nick
Loves Arcade as well he thinks that he's got a bright future even despite his dark past
Him and Raul also are buddies. They talk history and philosophy all day long. Raul thinks Prestons a tad optimistic, but his hearts in the right place.
Also loves Rex
He only gets along with Vulpes they both talk about how vile the new inhabitants of America are... Vulpes still thinks X6 is profligate, but no worse than the courier who was allowed and audience with Ceaser himself and besides if coursers joined the legion....
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Like a Thief in the Night (FNTO 3)
What were you both trying to prove? That two people can remain just friends?
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: strangers to friends to lovers, popstar/idol!jk, fluff, angst, future smut; this is a dialogue-heavy series so read if you’re into that! 
Warnings: foul language, these characters talk alot bc I talk alot, eventual smut
Word count: 4,800
Series summary: You meet pop star/idol Jeon Jungkook at the café, you get close, and as Hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. But you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
series masterlist
A/N: JK gets some sense knocked into him thanks to Seokjin and Jimin bc I am a jinminkook stan. Italicized parts refer to past events. Listen to Home by 1D to prep you for part 4! 
Jungkook covers his face with his hands, elbows leaning on the table, right leg shaking constantly. He’s been listening to the track over and over again; the hook sounded good yesterday but why does it seem lacking today? 
“Fuck, I’m not gonna get this done in time,” he curses to himself. It has been a few days since he arrived in L.A. and had met with the producer he reached out to just as he planned. 
He’s been staying holed up in his hotel room though, his daily gym visits being the only other thing, aside from the concerts, that he looks forward to, given the old couple and father-and-son duos he’s been seeing there everyday. The guys and the rest of the team won’t arrive until a few days later, and he hasn’t had any motivation to go around the city.
He plays the track one more time. Maybe this time he’ll figure out what’s missing; is it in the melody? The lyrics? But unsurprisingly, he doesn’t. It sounds just like it did a minute ago, yesterday, 2 days ago. 
You won’t get any more productive being cooped up in here, he’d told you that Saturday when he dragged you out of your apartment for a little excursion. 
It’s been over a week since then. He’d told you the words you always tell him when he’s groaning in frustration to you over the phone because of a certain pitch he can’t get right, or over words that don’t seem to capture what he wants to say. 
He closes his eyes, head thrown over the desk chair and he lets out another grunt. Artists need to go out for inspiration and you don’t seem like you’re getting it here. 
He closes his laptop, wears a cap over his head, and readies himself to go out. “Damn it, Y/N, you win. You always do,” he says to himself, and walks out the door. 
It’s quite windy for a summer day in August in L.A., but the sun is still high up enough, slightly blinding Jungkook. The skies are clear, and he thinks it’s a good enough day as any to finally take a trip to the Griffith Observatory. 
He didn’t do much, just stared out at the city below him and enjoyed the fresh air he’d finally allowed himself to breathe. He could see the clouds so clearly from here, all soft and puffy. 
I’d eat those, you’d said not long ago when you were having brunch on your terrace, the warm summer air of Seoul hitting your faces. Of course, you’d eat anything, he’d answered back, earning a smack from you. That makes both of us, you’d said. 
He lets out a low groan. You again. “It’s just clouds, for fuck’s sake,” he says to himself. Somehow this seemed to signal to him that it was time to go.
A hotdog sandwich and soda later, Jungkook finds himself in Hancock Park, the sun slowly dipping down the horizon, making it a good time to just lay on the sprawling greens by the perfectly lined palm trees. 
With hands behind his head, he thinks that it's been a good day. Why you’d said that L.A. isn’t your cup of tea, he never found out. The city seems so dynamic, interesting; it has a little something for everyone, especially the food. He should ask you some time. 
Jungkook pauses his thoughts. Ask you? Why should he? He basically shunned you away, ghosted you for a week and convinced the company to allow him to leave early so he could meet with the producer he could very easily meet in between shows, just so he could get away from you as quickly as possible. 
The confused, pleading, and then defeated look on your face bore into his mind, unwillingly etched there along with the happier images of you - eating your favorite red bean ice cream, laughing so hard that no sound comes out of your mouth, your scrunched up face when drinking sodas, furrowed eyebrows when working, and finally, your sleeping figure bunched up underneath a thick fleece blanket, soft snores escaping you. 
That last one will always be his favorite, had been since that first time you’d asked him to sleep next to you. 
He woke up earlier than you that Sunday, the day after your little trip, body already used to their early morning wake up calls. You were both under the covers, with you taking up most of the blanket, as always. He softly laughed at this when he realized that half of his body was exposed, but this gave him a reason to scoot closer to you and feel your warmth, so he wasn’t complaining. 
You looked so peaceful, so soft, even with slightly furrowed brows as you were engulfed in your dream. A loose strand of hair fell on your face, which he’d tucked gently behind your ear. A smile befell him, thinking of the way his heart was currently beating slow and fast at the same time. How was that even possible? 
But he didn’t mind it, didn’t even think to find an answer. He’d already given up on finding reasons for what you’d been doing to him, what you’d been making him feel. 
He decided right then and there that he will no longer run from what he’s feeling for you, that he will no longer play this up as something that just happened. 
He’s a firm believer of destiny anyway, and yesterday, this moment right now, he feels like he’d dreamt it all before. He’s meant to be here with you, just as he was meant to be at your aunt’s cafe that September day last year to run into you, or that night out last New Year's when Chaewon had lost her car key and was too preoccupied to take care of you so he did, leading to that fateful morning of you in your underwear almost stabbing him - you both did agree that experience solidified your friendship, after all. 
Every other moment after that with you felt real, and more than anything, it felt right. He fell asleep again not long after, your steady breathing lulling him to sleep. His last thought was of the next time he’d wake up next to you like this again, and his heart softens at the thought.
He shakes his head, anger and frustration building up again, not at you but at himself. He was deliberate in his avoidance of you that whole week before he left.
He’d missed you when you were busy and he somehow felt empty. He crashed your Saturday and took you on a little trip - he remembers how fast his heart would beat whenever you’d lean on him, butterflies in his stomach suddenly having grown in size.
After you’d thanked him for being such a great friend - he winces at the word - he felt his heart shatter slowly, and then all at once. 
It wasn’t out of the ordinary because you thank him constantly. He thinks it’s because you feel he could be doing something else other than spend time with you because time for him is a luxury; wealthy as he is, it’s something he can not afford. He never told you though that spending time with you is one of the things he looks forward to, sort of an escape but also a taste of normalcy he’s barely afforded. 
But after a while, your expression of gratitude became more specific - it wasn’t just time you were thanking him for, it was his attention, his care, his thoughtfulness… his friendship. 
Fate was playing a game with him, he thinks, that at the moment he’d decided what he wanted from you and what he could give you - his time, his world, his love at some point - you’d decided to define him, as your friend. How cruel, he whispers to himself. 
He tries to think as you do. You’d probably call him silly for his musings because you never believed in fate or destiny, always thought that things happen as they do, because they do - no grand plan, no specific reason, just a reason, and that was enough for you. 
He goes home from his sightseeing and allows himself to think about you again that night, and the night after. He thinks about your plump lips, soft against his chapped ones. He thinks about how it felt with you close to him, your arms wrapped around his; fingertips just slightly brushing. He’s glad you’d never lay your head on his chest when you sleep, at least he doesn’t know what that feels like - what you don’t know can’t hurt you, after all. 
He let the sound of your laughter and your out of tune singing sing him to sleep, over and over playing in his head. He tortures himself like this. It’s all he could do to get back at himself on your behalf, he thinks. You hurt him without knowing, and he hurt you right back. 
“Mind sharing what’s interesting about that text message, Jungkook?” Yoongi calls out from across the table. 
The guys are finally in the U.S., the morning of rehearsal having just wrapped up and everyone is backstage for a lunch break. 
Hoseok shoots Yoongi a look, as if to tell him to talk about it only when Jungkook brings it up first. The older man only shrugs. 
Jungkook picks this up, though; he picks up everything. He knows his hyungs as much as they know him. The questions about the meeting with the producer, how the mixtape is going, any sights he’d seen, new food he’d tried. They’re trying, he figures. 
He could sense the glances everyone is giving each other but him, the topic-change when the conversation is heading to the topic of you, the clearing of throats, the awkward silences. 
“Y/N texted,” Jungkook says after one of those awkward silences. He stares at the screen, as he’s been doing since last night when, just as he was about to finally doze off at 3AM, his phone lights up. You probably thought he was already asleep, not knowing the agony he was putting himself through.
Everyone falls silent but looks at him softly. Seokjin turns to Yoongi, as if telling him to say something and finish what he started, but Namjoin gets to it first.
“You can talk about it, or not. Depends on what you think will help you be ready for the next 2 nights of shows,” the leader says. “Just let us know.”
Jungkook sighs. “I hate myself enough just thinking about her. I don’t know what I’d be if I start talking,” he says. 
“We’ve got time after tomorrow,” he resigns. Everyone nods in agreement. “I need to be at my best for these two nights,” Jungkook says, and proceeds to keep his phone in his pocket and heads out.
Y/N: There’s no proper way to say this but I’m so sorry, Jungkook. I thought I had it all figured out. I wanted too many things from you but couldn’t commit to anything. I was selfish and unfair. I hate myself for hurting you the way I did and you didn’t deserve any of that. I’m so sorry.
Jungkook reads the text over and over again, as if doing so will clarify things for him. Wanted too many things? Couldn’t commit to anything? What did you mean? He called you selfish and unfair that day when you showed up at his place, and he hates himself for it, he hopes more than you hate yourself for hurting him. 
“I’m sorry, Jungkook, I told her about you leaving early,” Jimin starts. “I probably should’ve picked up that something was wrong when you seemed off that whole day after you got back from her place and should’ve kept my mouth shut.” 
“Nothing to be sorry about, hyung,” he responds. “If I hadn’t been an idiot and ghosted her for a week, we could’ve settled it properly instead of dragging you guys into this,” Jungkook says, looking up from his phone. 
He figures you’d eventually reach out to one of the guys about him. Seokjin had likewise reached out to you the other day, asking what was going on, that much he’s said.
“She also didn’t say much when I asked,” Seokjin says from across the table, beer bottle in hand. 
The guys are in a new city and have the next day just for rehearsals. He and Jimin had knocked on Jungkook’s hotel room, in hopes that the younger would be willing to talk. 
“But she did sound pretty out of it,” the elder continues. “What happened, Kook? Everything seemed to be going so well with you two. Unless it’s what we think it is.”
“What do you mean?” Jungkook shoots both of them a confused look.
Jimin sighs. “Who fell first?” He questions. Jungkook’s eyes go wide, but then again, that’s what always happens right? He’s been in denial long enough that you and he were going to go down that route, but his hyungs weren’t. 
Jungkook shuts his eyes before taking a deep breath. 
“I did, at that moment,” he says, referring to that Sunday morning. “I mean, I think I’d felt something before then, but it felt faint, like something fleeting, something abstract, like a thought.” Jungkook drifts a bit, eyes glowing to the memory of you under the blankets.
“But I woke up that morning next to her and I don’t know, for the first time it felt different from all the other mornings. It felt tangible, like something I could hold onto and touch and feel and savor, not just an abstract idea of a person or a feeling,” he looks at his hyungs, eyes shining before they turn downcast. “But she thanked me for being a great friend.”
“Ouch,” Seokjin quips. “No wonder you’ve been moping.”
“I’ve been doing worse,” Jungkook responds. “I’ve been torturing myself, playing that morning, and that day at my house before I left, over and over again.”
“Why are you punishing yourself?” Jimin asks. 
“Because I lashed out on her. I called her selfish and unfair. I told her I wanted to get away from her, that she’s the problem.” 
At this, the two older men look at him, shock painted on their faces at the reveal. This doesn’t sound like their sweet little Kookie, expressing such anger that way.
“I didn’t talk to her for days and she stood there looking worried and sad and I lashed out. I essentially blamed her for the feelings I couldn’t control. She looked at me like I was the one breaking her heart.” 
“Maybe you were, too. Breaking her heart, I mean.” Seokjin quips. At this, Jungkook sighs. “Maybe not in the way you think but… did you even hear her out?”
“No…” Jungkook responds. He didn’t give you a chance. You stood there, demanding an explanation, and he blew you off. 
“Well, I doubt she’d say much. She didn’t know how you were feeling before then, did you really expect anything more? What happened to talking it out? You two always did that,” Jimin asks. 
“Yeah but not about this, not about feelings.”
“What kind of people flirt, kiss, sleep next to each other, and not talk about feelings?” Jimin continues.
“Idiots, cowards, naive people…” Seokjin answers, looking upset. The other two men could’ve easily missed the bitter tone of his voice.
“Yoongi hyung is that you?” Jungkook asks, a laugh almost escaping his lips.
“He’s rubbing off on me but the point is, that’s what you both are. What were you both trying to prove? That two people can remain just friends? She hadn’t let anyone in since her breakup, and you…” Seokjin gesticulates, trying to find the right words for Jungkook. “You are you, Jungkook. You don’t willingly make time just for anyone because you, we, don’t have enough of it. But you always, always make time for her. Both of you kept doing what you were doing, whatever it was, and did you really think staying in the gray area was sustainable? Look what happened!” Seokjin is out of breath, clearly this means a lot to him too. 
“I thought you’d learned enough from me,” he emphasizes the last word, pointing to himself. 
Jungkook and Jimin both soften at the elder, almost forgetting that he knows a thing or two about staying in the gray area, too afraid of crossing invisible lines, too naive to think that good things stay. 
“I teased along with everyone else because you two were enjoying yourselves, seemingly mature enough to roll with the punches and laugh along without it being awkward, and I’m not gonna lie, you guys were pretty cute too, but so many times I wanted to smack your head to knock some sense into you,” he continues. 
“You can never be too complacent about these things, Jungkook. You can never just resign into thinking that the person who makes you feel this happy, this right, can be kept at a distance and just stay there.” 
Jungkook feels it’s cathartic to Seokjin as much as it is for him. He’s right. Both of you should’ve talked about it at some point, perhaps after that first and second kiss, perhaps when it became routine to do that whenever he slept over, perhaps when it started to feel so right having your lips onto his. You were both being naive, thinking that things would remain as good as it was as time went on. 
He should’ve said something earlier, or perhaps talked to you right after that day instead of avoiding you. But more importantly, he shouldn’t have lashed out on you the way he did. His anger was misplaced. Perhaps he was angry at himself for letting it get as far as it did, for letting it affect him as much as it did. 
He let you sneak in his heart just like that, like a thief in the night you crawled in and took from him, and he let you, he always let you. And he never complained because he wanted it too. He wanted you, in whatever way he could have you, but he let his own cowardice get the best of him that day at his house. He lashed out because he was scared, more than anything, that you didn’t feel the same way. 
“I’m sorry, I just…” Seokjin says after a long silence has engulfed the three men, everyone finding a spot in the room to focus on, letting the words sink in. 
“We could all tell how happy she makes you and how soft you are for her. I mean, you let her give you shit for thinking that Ironman is the best Avenger and you never complain when she wears your clothes,” he continues, a smile forming on his lips. 
Seokjin, like the rest of the guys, feel very protective of the youngest. They feel they’ve done their part in raising him and want nothing more than for him to be happy, seeing the amount of pressure he puts on himself. 
“You don’t find that person just anywhere, Jungkook, especially not with the kind of life we live. I would’ve hoped you understood that and made you sure you wouldn’t lose her,” he continues.
“Yah, don’t get ahead of yourself, hyung. He hasn’t lost her yet,” Jimin says, looking at Jungkook to confirm. 
Jungkook buries his face on his hands. “I don’t know, I hope not. But I said hurtful things to her and I can’t take them back. And I’m thousands of miles away and I can’t just fix things from here.”
“Do you even know what you want now? After everything that’s happened?” Seokjin asks.
“I don’t know, depends on what she wants too, I guess,” Jungkook responds.
“Well, you didn’t even give her a chance to say anything so how would you know,” Jimin states the obvious. 
Jungkook lets out a low growl. Of course he didn’t give you a chance to say anything because he left you hanging, all messages unopened, all calls unanswered. And then he left. He felt so brave walking on this undefined territory with you but chickened out the moment things got serious. 
“Look, just… give both of yourselves time. You can’t do much from here anyway, and you’re both too out of it right now to know what to do next,” Seokjin advises. He knows better than anyone that giving yourself time is most important.
“But what if she decides she doesn’t want any of this anymore? That she doesn’t wanna talk to me or have anything to do with me when I get back?”
“Yah! Give yourselves more credit. I know it’s hard but you need to have faith in your friendship, at least,” Jimin reprimands the younger boy. “We’ve still got over a month into this leg of the tour and that’s enough time to figure yourself out.”
Jungkook comforts himself with this thought. But can he manage spending all this time away from you, knowing he left things on a bad note? He can’t fault himself enough for how he left things, and now he has to put faith in your shared friendship that things were going to be okay. 
If you’re meant to be together, it’ll happen; that should be enough, right? He’ll go home soon, and he’ll see you at some point, that’s if you still want to see him. He just has less than 2 months to figure out what he wants, and moreso, what he could give. 
It’s been 6 weeks since that day at Jungkook’s house when he implied he had feelings for you. 
You know what else is nice? Calling me to come over on Friday nights when you didn't feel like being out, asking me to stay the night and having me sleep next to you, kissing me and saying you liked waking up next to me then telling me that ‘this feels nice and comfortable and fun’ and that I really am a great friend, he told you then. You were an idiot, that much you’ve figured out.
Other than busying you with a trip to the carnival, baseball nights, arcade Saturdays, and gallons of Baskin Robbins, your friends have done their part in helping you process your feelings and figure out exactly what you feel for the doe-eyed boy. 
They helped you backtrack, as if your story was some sort of mystery that needed clues that would eventually point to what you were looking for - the moment it all changed, for you and maybe for him, too. 
But you realized it wasn’t exactly a moment, it was a series of them - the first time he took you home when you were drunk, that night he came over when you were crying over your ex, when he sang to you over the phone because the thunder was scaring you, when you cried together after rewatching Avengers: Endgame for the nth time… when you first kissed and he tasted of beer and his strawberry chapstick, when you kissed the second time and he didn’t pull away. 
You let yourself drown in those little kisses more than you care to admit. It was all you could give him and you felt it was all he could give in return. You both never went past that act; on your end it was because you knew that anything beyond that would lead to wanting more, something you knew he couldn’t give, something you told yourself not to expect. 
He’d come over whenever he could when you asked, he’d stay over when it was okay to do so. You ask once and nothing more, nothing more than a peck on the lips, nothing more than a Friday evening or a Sunday morning, nothing more than a quick hug, nothing more than a “thank you.”
You knew all this, hence, why you conditioned yourself to think that what you both were was all that you could ever be. He told you once that relationships tend to get messy and he already has enough crazy to deal with. That stuck with you, and perhaps that’s when your mind made the decision to not look at him as anything more. 
But you still kept pushing it, subconsciously you think, knowing there was still an invisible line you shouldn’t cross. You kept doing what you wanted, just waiting for him to say no, but he never did. He never does. He’s always quick to make it up to you when he turns you down. 
This thought suddenly makes you angry. Why didn’t he just say no? That would’ve been better, you think. He could’ve just rejected you instead of coaxing you into this unfamiliar and undefined territory. Now you’re both stuck, unsure of what to do next. You carved this out though, you remind yourself. 
Anything “more” with him was definitely not an option, so you created your own path towards something that isn’t “more,” just something short of it. 
You look over the last communication you had with him. You sent him a message, a few days after he left when you’d had some sense knocked into you, apologizing. That’s all you could’ve given him then, an apology. Not an acceptable explanation, not a promise, not a solution or a way out; just an apology, in hopes that it would be enough.
You sent him a “Happy birthday, I hope you enjoy today!” greeting coupled with a photo of a cupcake with a candle you’d bought just for him on that first week of September. He replied but a “Thank you.” Nothing more.
Seokjin and Jimin reached out to you too, in the days following Jungkook’s departure. They’re letting him deal with it in whatever way works for him, they said. The priority is making sure he’s at his best for the shows, for the fans. You understood this, of course. The stage is where he’s at his happiest. You’re glad he’ll always have that. 
The guys will be resting at least a week after they get back before preparing for the final 3 days of the tour in Seoul. You don’t have long before then. 
The day after Jungkook left, you had that epiphany moment with Hyejin where she told you that perhaps you’d just done whatever you wanted because you wanted everything and nothing at the same time but couldn’t commit to either. You thought you had everything figured out without realizing that in fact, you didn’t. You had 2 months to figure your shit out, and you did.
It was that one afternoon when you absentmindedly picked up banana milk at the supermarket when you intended to just get chocolate milk at the dairy section. It baffled you when you opened your eco bag to see the yellow box, as if the universe was playing a trick on you. You stared at it like it had grown eyes or something, until you realized the other items in your refrigerator, your pantry, your counter that was all for him. 
His favorite cereals on the top shelf, his Nutella and banana beside your peanut butter, his favorite biscuits in the cabinet, the mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer. Even his favorite toothpaste is in your bathroom. 
And you smiled. You smiled at how silly you seemed. It’s not just that you couldn’t get the thought of him off you, it’s that you didn’t want to. You’d willingly let him be a part of your life, of your everyday. 
You miss him so much, more than you thought you ever could. All you want to do is talk to him even if you’re hurt and angry and upset. You just want him, even if things are confusing. You just want him even if you don’t know what he’s feeling after everything. 
You want it to work, no matter what it takes. You won’t walk away from this if it doesn’t work out the way you normally do. You’ll stay and try until it does, hoping to all that is good that he feels the same way.
As the end of September rolls in, the feelings of fear, anxiety, and excitement start to engulf you. They’ll be back soon, and Jimin had said he’ll message once they arrive. You’d given each other time; the two months felt like two years. That should be enough. 
You’re lounging at your terrace, Sunday night in full swing for those with interesting and put-together lives unlike you. And then your phone beeps, signaling a message.
JM: Hi, Y/N. We’re home!
part 2 drabble <<>> part 4
series masterlist
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monochromemedic · 4 years
thoughts on the other companions of 4 :0c
Dogmeat: good boy. I love that you can put clothes on him. What else to say he’s a dog. A good one though. Curie: kinda weird the whole mr. handy model to synth but not the weirdest thing. She doesn’t know shit about the commonwealth. She’s kinda pure in that sense. I love that. First time i took her as a companion she asked if a bloatfly was a friend. Very good companion. Codsworth: not traveled with alot but I should. Very nice. I love that he can say so many names. Also you can put a bowler hat on him, and that’s just great. Very british. Why are the handy units british? Cait: weirdly flirty. her backstory is super sad. Kinda girl that would slug a drink down and beat to death someone with her bare hands then go back to drinking like nothing happened. I traveled with her enough to get her clean which i was kinda nervously watching the situation cause i was like ‘this is long is she like... gonna die do i gotta turn it off or’ Good but chaotic? good but also like... neutral chaotic like will fucking kill a man over something small. Hancock: I haven’t traveled with him as much which I should. Seems like a stand up guy, but you know with drugs. From what i’ve seen he seems to have the ‘im a badass’ exterior but the more you know him your like ‘oh your a little soft man at times’. he fucks constantly probably. Nick: If i could just listen to him speak i would. I wanna solve more crimes with him. Give me a fallout game where i’m just a detective. I want that. ‘I just went beep beep beep’ and that’s when i knew I loved this character. Piper: again haven’t traveled as much but the fact that if you let her interview you and you say the stupidest shit she puts it in the paper and people in the city believe it is mindboggling. Also the nickname blue is very cute. one of the characters I should know better. Preston: I’ve traveled with him a little. He seems very nice but kinda plain?? I mean not everyone needs a tragic story but sometimes the dialog is just eh. Also the long pause after I tell him I helped a settlement as the game is thinking before ‘....there’s another one’ is just kinda funny cause we’re both just staring at each other. Nice man. Wants what’s best.  Strong: i’ll be honest i’m a goody two shoes and Strong who would hate everything i do wouldn’t be the best choice for me so i haven’t traveled with him at all. Also I fear what the hell the milk of human kindness could be. It’s nice to see another super mutant companion though. X6-88: everytime i start up his mission where you try to retreive the synth there’s a vertibird there that he stops everything to try to shoot down and im still pals with the bos at that point so i just watch him struggle. Very stoic, but kinda a bitch to everyone that isn’t you. parently if dogmeat gets hurt he’s just like ‘kill the dog’ and i do no approve of that.  Very mean.  But i have seen that he has voicelines where he cares about certain things which is a very nice thing to put to show that he’s not mindless or anything that he still has feelings. And the dlc companions I either haven’t traveled with at all or haven’t met.  Gage: I killed him. so idk cause i just wanted all the raider out of nuka world longfellow: old man, wants drink. Why can you date him? haven’t met ada or even started that dlc
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megashadowdragon · 5 years
komurasaki/hiyori will end up falling in love with zoro (and zoros fight with orochi
as we know wano is zoros arc like wci was sanjis arc and in wci  sanji met a girl named pudding who was nice but was a great actor and hid her In her words true self  and screwed over people in the past before ( from whats been implied ) and pretended to like sanji but it was revealed that it was due to trauma and ended up liking sanji for real komurasaki like pudding is a great actor and hides her true feelings from clients and screws them over  but if she is hiyori she suffered trauma in the past ( and this pattern happened before with nami, robin , hancock, and pudding). and zoro and sanji have a major rivalry it would be funny if zoro gets the woman regarded as the most beautiful woman in wano to like him one upping sanji and given that orochi has shown to lust after her 
 plus there is a cliche in all the Samurai period dramas and even anime like Samurai Champloo and Death Frenzy with the Samurai falling for a courtesan
( like how the yamata no orochi  wanted a sacrifice of women but on the last daughter kushinadahime  susanoo stumbled on them and  protected her from the sacrificed and slayed orochi , and kushinadahime became his wife  )  so zoro will end up defeating orochi and before or after she will end up falling for him
edit : 
and there are a lot of parallels between oden and zoro and hiyori looks alot like her mother
odens fighting style has a great resemblance to zoro’s just oden using 2 swords while zoro uses 3 swords
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rainydayimagine · 6 years
Companions reactions when someone says you should date
Cait: when someone suggested you two should date she didn't even break a sweat! She simply looked at you and said "dude even they're aware. When are you going to ask me out?" Which caused you to become the flustered mess.
Curie: you two went to Daisy in Goodneighbor to buy supplies and junk for a settlement when you and Curie geeked over something. That's when Daisy laughed and told you two "I haven't seen anyone love each other like you two love each other in a long time." Curie flushed red and you cleared your throat, also blushing. "We're not... together." You mumble nervously. "Well honestly you should! You two obviously like each other!" She laughed. You blushed as red as a tomato and Curie was even worse.
Deacon: Don't let this little shit fool ya, he's a complete chicken to admitting when he likes someone. Especially when that someone is you. You two were talking at HQ when Tom sighs. "Honestly, when are you two date?" He asks. You flush red and Deacon avoids eye contact at all costs. "Ahaha... What makes you say that Tom?" You ask nervously. "You two have been traveling all the time, and you two also flirt all the time, you keep this up and we'll have a pool to see how long it takes for you to date." Tom sighs setting a wrench down. That's when Deacon spoke up. "Any chance I place a bet in?"
Hancock: it was a dark and stormy night. Like. For real, it was actually a dark and stormy night. The rain wouldn't ease up and you found yourself in a room alone with Hancock. The exact thing you've been trying to avoid. You weren't sure if he liked you or not. But you most definitely liked him. It drove you crazy and you wanted to tell him, but you were terrified he was going to say no. He looks out the window. "Looks like it's not stopping anytime soon." He says. The door opens and a wash of relief came over you. It was Fahrenheit. "Sorry, damn Mutants outside the gate again." She said sitting down next to you. A long awkward silence filled the room. "Okay. Wow."Fahrenheit mumbles. "Let's talk!" He says. "Okay. About what-" "do you two have a thing for each other?" Fahrenheit asks. You blush red. "Well judging by the looks on your faces, you do. So why don't you two just date already? The sexual tension is annoying." Fahrenheit states. "Ah...haha." You mumble. Hancock scratches the back his neck. "LET'S PLAY A DRINKING GAME." You blurt out. Yeah, you got plastered.
MacCready: You two were helping mama Murphy. Well you insisted on working, while MacCready rested. You knew he was overworking himself. "So mama Murphy. What do you see in my future?" He asked as you picked up a wrench. "Hmm... I see your son. He's older, wiser. And I see... well I see Y/n." She says. You freeze in place and MacCready cocks his eyebrow, confused. "You two are... In love." Mama Murphy says in a gaze. You sigh. "You--" you drop the wrench by accident and wince as it falls on your hand. "Ow! Fuck that hurt." You hiss. MacCready gets up. "Lemme see." He says. Mama Murphy smiled to herself. She didn't really see you in love. But she was tired of the two of you looking at each other like lovesick puppies and not saying anything.
Piper: you decided to help her with the paper since she was falling behind because of your wacky adventures. You sat at a table for five hours when finally you got up to get water. You walked over to the fridge and opened the door when Nat spoke up. "So are you and my sister dating or something?" Nat asked. You slammed the fridge door like you saw a ghost inside and turned around. Piper was a blushing mess. "Because you're over alot and--" "nAT!" Piper squeaked pulling her hat over her face.
Preston: Diamond City. The green jewel. Such bullshit. You were framed for thievery. You sat in the cell loathing the guard as he sat there flicking a can off his desk. Finally the door opened and it was Preston. "I'm paying Y/n's bail." He told him putting the caps in his hand. The door opened and you shot out and hugged him. "THANKYOUTHANKYOU!" You said. Preston chuckled patting you on the back blushing. "Yeah, yeah, you're lucky your boyfriend came to your rescue." The guard said. "We're not... T-together." You mumbled blushing like crazy. "Uh huh. I soooo care." He said walking away. Preston chuckled nervously. "So... why were you in here?"
Gage: you didn't like to admit it but all the Raiders scared you. Well everyone except the one you took a liking to. Gage. You and him fought side by side, and something about him saving your life caused feelings to arise. What he wouldn't admit however, is that he liked you too. You got back from the Commonwealth, making sure the factions hadn't gone to war while you were gone. You stood inside the saloon when Mags saw you. "Hey boss. Doing the usual check up?" She asked as Gage stood beside you. "Yup. Didn't do anything too crazy did you?" You asked. "Ha. I didn't do anything too crazy, no." She said. You don't know how but you fell into a good friendship with Mags Black. Made absolutely no sense, since she hated you in the beginning. But you grew on her. Gage spoke up "boss, you have another cut on your face." He pointed out as it bled. "Dammit" You muttered reaching into your bag for a bandage. You took it out and Gage took it from you "I got it." He said placing the bandage on your face. Mags rose a eyebrow. "You two finally asked each other out?" She asked. You turned red and Gage froze. "whAT!?" you squeaked. "Uh... right.. boss.. I've been meaning to talk to you..." Gage mumbled.
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darthluffy · 6 years
Kind of always been curious to know what people feel about the Newkama in One Piece. On one hand you have transgender, gender neutral, and gender fluid people being included as a somewhat normal part of the story. On the other hand they're very extreme and bizarre. I know how Tumblr reacts to stuff and can just imagine the rants that had to have happened about how 'problematic' they are. But you have one of the most popular series in East Asia, that is geared originally towards children and teenagers, including characters that swap genders or refuse to be one gender in major rules. This is from 5 years ago, I hadnt even heard of the term genderfluid back then and you have a mangaka including them, and it's not like Japan or the manga industry are known for their progressiveness. Honestly I see why some would take issue with them but given how the characters are portrayed, being given key roles and the same heroic roles as others I see it as a positive. I've read alot of manga and I cant name a single one that showed gender neutral or fluid characters in such a positive light as One Piece does with Mr. 2, Ivanakov, and Inazuma. It's Mr. 2s sacrifice that lets them escape in Alabasta, then he later saves his former comrades, and it's his sacrifice again that let's Luffy escape Impel Down. Ivankov and Inazuma are shown as leaders of the Revolutionary Army, Ivanakov in particular is one of the few that are trusted by Dragon, and is regarded as a hero by many. There's just some that are so bizarrely designed(think of the worst parts of a pride parade you've seen) that I could imagine just as many people getting angry over them as being glad they were included in the first place. Also on a similarish note, I love that Boa Hancock's abilities work on women too. So often when a female character has a lust/arousal based ability other women are automatically immune. Not the case with Hancock as its shown to be equally effective on men and women, with only those with particularly strong willpowers able to avoid falling for her. And Luffy, who has no concept of lust or attraction.
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Romanced companions (+Nick and deacon) cheat on female!ss and a week of looking for her they find her in a settlement locked up in a room (locked herself in there). What would they do to get her back and who did they cheat on her with?? Sorry if it's kinda long :/
Holy crap this was a long one but I finally finished it! *NOTE: I don’t actually advise staying with someone who isn’t loyal*
Danse: Ever since he discovered he was actually a synth he’s been trying to find himself. The stress of everything he knew becoming a lie has taken a toll on his mental health. Especially now that he is what he despised the most. He couldn’t even get the courage to see sole again. All he could think about is the shame he felt. During one of his worst and lonely nights he found himself wondering Goodneighbor. He felt he belonged there, with the low lives and drifters. He eventually made it into The third rail, drinking his pain away. After knocking back a few too many he was approached by a woman in a beautiful red dress, the singer Magnolia. “You seem to be running from something due to them shots you keep knocking back.“she smiled as she sat next to him. “You have no idea.“He sighed. After the two chatted for what seemed forever she began to move closer. He could feel the warmth of her breast on his arm. "Let’s go back to my place and I can help you forget your problems for a bit longer."she whispered. At this point the room was spinning for Danse and he was willing to try anything to help him forget. They both agree to spend the night together. The next morning Danse found himself completely naked in a strangers bed. He barely had any memory of what happened after they left the bar. Magnolia was nowhere to be found. He tried putting his pants on but fell against the wall. A few seconds later he heard a knock on the door. He slowly opened the door. "Who is it?” Once the door was wide open and his vision cleared he realized it was sole standing infront of him. “Danse, thank god where have you—-.” Their sentence cut off after sole realized Danse was barely clothed. “Danse….what are you doing here?” Danse rubbed the back of his head trying to make up a excuse but nothing came out. Realization flooded sole’s face. They gave Danse a teary eyed glare and quickly dashed away. “Sole!” Danse yelled but they didn’t turn around and faded into the distance. “Shit!” Danse quickly got changed and ran after her. After hours of searching and asking around he eventually found sole locked up in their sanctuary home. He knocked on the door “Sole, please come talk to me.” All he heard was silence. “Sole, I made a stupid drunken mistake. I should’ve never done it and I understand if you never forgive me….I didn’t think you’d want to be with me after you found out I’m a synth. I’m sorry I pushed you away. It’s what I do when I’m afraid.” After a couple of minutes of more silence Danse decided he couldn’t be forgiven and started to walk away but then heard the door slam open. Sole jumped into his arms and caressed his face. “I would never abandon you for being a synth. I love you, synth or not and you should never forget that.” Danse pulled them into a embrace. “I love you.”
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Deacon: It’s been 3 weeks since sole has seen deacon. They knew what they were getting into dating such a mysterious man but this was getting ridiculous. After using some of their connections sole eventually managed to track him down at a little settlement about 25 miles away. After mingling with the locals for awhile they finally spotted him in a drifter outfit talking to some lady. Sole decided to hang back and see what Deacons been up to. They eventually made their way into a old dinner where a Mr.Handy was serving. Sole sat a few booths across from them trying not to be noticed. They seemed to be laughing about something while drinking some coffee. Deacon placed his hand on her head and ran his fingers through her hair. She gave him a small kiss on the lips. Sole could feel her face burning red with anger. After half a hour of flirting they payed and left towards a small house with sole following behind. The two went into the house and shut the door. Sole crept up and placed their ear on the door. They heard laughter and the sounds of kissing and movement. After a few minutes sole couldn’t bare it any longer and kicked open the door. Deacon was laying on top of the unknown woman with his shirt off. They both had shocked expressions. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!"Sole exclaimed. Deacon jumped up and started pushing sole into another room. "WOAH WOAH, I can explain sole.” Sole angerly slapped Deacon across the face. “How dare you."she choked. Sole stormed out leaving deacon with a bruised face and a confused woman. A few days pass until deacon finally returns to sanctuary. He immediately heads to Sole’s house, lightly knocking and opening the door. He saw sole laying back to him in their bed. "Don’t talk to me."Sole whimpered. Deacon sat down on a chair across from them. "Sole, you don’t actually believe I’m that scummy do ya? I was getting Intel out of her for the railroad. I’m not in love with the girl, it’s strictly business.” Sole angerly sat up. “I’m sorry but back in my day sleeping with someone else is cheating!” Deacon clenched his fist. “I’m sorry but back in my day people trusted eachother. I wasn’t actually going to sleep with her. You should know that.” Sole gave him a very cold glare. “How dare you get mad at me. I’m the one who should be mad!” Deacon quickly stood up. “I’M MAD BECAUSE I LOVE YOU.” He took a deep breath. “I’m mad you didn’t trust me.” He grabbed sole’s hands between his. “I’m sorry I should’ve told you what I was doing. I guess I’m just not used to having someone in my life.” Sole smiled. “I understand.” Sole wrapped their arms around his neck.
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Hancock: It’s been 2 weeks since the news of sole’s death reached hancock. He couldn’t believe she was gone….just like that. The one person who actually gave a damn about him. Ever since the news he’s been drifting in and out of consciousness from massive amounts of drugs. He found himself back in Goodneighbor. He was soon aproached by a young woman drifter who also looked like she’s had too much jet. “Hey Hancock. Back for another tour of the town?” He decided there was no point in fighting it and joined the woman back to his office. After doing the do and taking alot more jet a few hours later he heard a knock on his door. “Come in.” As he was trying to shakily refill his jet inhaler he heard a soft voice say “Hancock?” His head shot up to see a bruised and battered sole looking down on him. “SOLE!?” He brushed his fingertips over their bruised face. Sole’s expression went from joy to coldness. “I see you’ve been enjoying yourself.” Hancock looked down at the woman “Sorry love but I think your time here just expired.” The woman slowly grabbed her clothes and stumbled out of the room. “Sole, I thought you were dead!” Sole sighed “Yeah so did i but coming back to this kinda makes me wish I was.” Hancock let out a long breath. “Look sunshine, I thought you were gone for good. I know this looks bad and I fucked up. I never had any intention of being unloyal to you. You’re the only person I can truly say I love you to.” Sole smiled and pulled him into a kiss. “I love you too.”
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Maccready: Sole hasn’t been around as often lately. Maccready couldn’t help but notice Sole taking quite a liking to Deacon lately. On one rainy afternoon he saw the two talking with a merchant in Diamond city. They kissed right in front of him. Maccready was filled with rage and stormed off to the nearest bar. With every drink the image of them kissing faded more and more. He noticed a young woman beside him drinking a beer. She resembled lucy in some ways. “I haven’t seen you here before."He said. She blushed, "Oh I’m just passing through.” After a hour of chatting away Maccready invites her to dance. They both sloppily attempt to dance to a 50s style song while others watched and laughed. She eventually fell on him and they met in a drunken kiss. After he helped her up everyone applauded and cheered. Maccready smiled until he saw two dark figures in the corner of the room. It was a angry looking sole and a amused Deacon. Sole quickly ran up and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him into a unrented room in the back. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Sole screamed. “Sorry that I wanted to have my own little fun after I saw you and Deacon making kissy faces.” Sole snorted in protest “WE WERE PRETENDING TO BE A COUPLE TO GET A DISCOUNT MACCREADY!” Maccready’s heart dropped. “Sole….I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I thought it was the right thing to do.” Sole placed their forehead on his. “You should trust me more, I would never cheat on you.” Maccready squeezed Sole and picked them up. “I don’t deserve you.”
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Nick:Sole had been gone on missions for the last few weeks and finally got their first break in ages. They decided to stop by Diamond city for some noodles and remembered Nick had asked them to grab a few case files for him. After finishing their meal sole headed to Nick’s office. Sole dropped their bag at the door and headed into the main area. After turning the corner sole was shocked to see Nick sitting in his chair with his assistant Ellie sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck. “Looks like you two have been working hard.” Sole scoffed. They both jumped up in shock. “Ellie….why don’t you go get some air.” Nick replied. Ellie immediately left the agency. “I know this looks bad but I can explain.” Sole sat on a desk and crossed their arms. “Go on.” “Ellie is young and impulsive. It was just a little crush, that’s all.” Sole sarcastically laughed. “Even if it was, why would you let her do it Nick? You know we’re together!” Nick took his hat off and rubbed his head. “I’m sorry I failed you. I guess it was a moment of weakness, you’ve been gone for so long I guess I got lonely and let things go too far. I understand if you want to end things.” They sat in silence for a minute until sole slowly got up and pulled Nick into a hug. “I forgive you, but don’t let anything like that happen again. Next time I’m gone for awhile, I’ll take you with me.”
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Preston: Preston woke up in a unfamiliar room. He had a massive hangover and couldn’t find his pants. Last night was a blur. All he could remember was celebrating another Minutemen victory. After stumbling out of the room and miraculously finding his way back to sanctuary he was met with a lot of odd glares. He managed to change and wash up, still wondering what the hell happened last night. He heard his door swing open and was met with a slap to the face. A very angry sole was standing in front of his doorway. “HOW COULD YOU!” Preston held up his hands trying to calm her down. “PIPER TOLD ME THAT SHE SAW YOU LEAVE WITH SOME WOMAN. HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME LIKE THAT? AFTER ALL WE’VE BEEN THROUGH!” Immediate memories flooded back to his mind and his heart sunk. “Sole I’m sorry. I must’ve had too much to drink. I didn’t know what I was doing.” He felt hot tears runs down his face. Sole went in for another slap but he grabbed their hand this time and tenderly held it. “It meant nothing. I would never do anything to purposely hurt you sole. It was a drunken mistake. Please forgive me, I can’t live without you.” Preston started sobbing on their shoulder. Sole frowned and rubbed his head. “If you truly love me, you have to promise never to do that again.” “I promise.”
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radioactive-synth · 7 years
another post about my ocs that no one asked for lmao
asks from @the-moon-dust-writings , original post HERE
Are they the type of person to tell you everything about themselves right away, or do they have to get to know the person before revealing anything about themselves?
Vaughn: he usually keeps for himself, and doesnt share alot with his friends, only his husbands, Nick and Hancock//, his mother, Olivia, and his bff, Debbie (@lilyblue-bubbles’s OC) seen and know his true face
Tamir: she doesnt talk at all about her past, no matter how close she feels with a person, but a few years later, she gets along well with Olivia (Vaughn’s mother) and she only opens to her about her past and feelings
Kahurangi: only reveals her identity as the Dragonborn// but not much about her past
Are they good under pressure?
Vaughn: not really, but he gets by and breaks down later
Tamir: she gets very angry and snaps easily
Kahurangi: she can resist well
Are they confident in themselves?
Vaughn: no
Tamir: sometimes yea, unless someone makes fun of her intelligence
Kahurangi: yea
When they first meet someone, how do the act? Ex- overly polite, shy, laid back, ect.
Vaughn: very shy and cautious, but shows a friendly attitude
Tamir: very laid back
Kahurangi: polite
Do they have a special item they have had since they were little? If so, what is it?
Vaughn: since he was a kid, he wore a leather bag at his waist that was filled with first-aid kit, and his cousin, Vincent, didnt understood why he carries it around, but usually he needed it the most, being more reckless than Vaughn. even now, he carries a bigger leather bag with medical supplies
Tamir: she has a combat blade since she was a kid, she got it from her parents before they got attacked by raiders, the blade is the only thing that she has from them, and keeps it safely, even hides it in her boot when she gets in a casino
Kahurangi: doesnt have anything like that
How so they cope with stress? Do they let it eat them, or do they find a way to calm down, or a little bit of both?
Vaughn: kind of both, the stress eats him inside, but he release his anger by working out and punching different things
Tamir: she goes out to shoot bottles
Kahurangi: tries to find a quiet place and reads a book, if she doesnt have a book, she tries to sleep
How would the reader know that they are talking without any dialogue tags? Do they have a word they always use, or do have a signature movement? Anything else ect.
ummm i only write for Vaughn, and he usually sounds anxious or tired
Using their words, how would they describe a sunset?
i think i will skip this sorry
Do they like to wait until they have all the news, or go and tell everyone what they know when they first hear it?
Vaughn: he tells first to his close persons about it
Tamir: doesnt tell anyone until she knows all the details
Kahurangi: doesnt wait long and tells everyone about it
Do they feel the need to befriend everyone, or do they not care? Explain.
Vaughn: yes, especially that the world he lives in is very dangerous, so he likes to make allies all around Commonwealth//
Tamir: yes, if only that means she can take down a faction that she hates and considers it dangerous
Kahurangi: yes, she would love to have more friends around Skyrim// 
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elaramirez · 5 years
Monday April 15th, 2019  12:17AM-12:44AM
It’s officially marmon!
Welcome to mass where we celebrate ??? with excessive drinking and running. 
Last year I had to work, which sucked but wasn’t even the worst part. I walked the end of the finish line in the pouring rain because I didn’t know you couldn’t cross the path and got completely soaked. I had literally been across the street from the pru but had to walk down to john hancock and back up because of the marathon. I was so cold and wet I actually bought a dress to change into, and borrowed shoes and socks from a friend because my rainboots had literally filled with rain and were puddles. 
This year I don’t have to work, which means I’m doing the traditional college thing- binge drinking. BU kids start promptly at 7AM and go till about 2PM it seems. I know I should be excited- this is one of those things that you do in college, you’re supposed to look back on it and be like “best days of my life” or whatever, but honestly all I can think is how self conscious I’m going to be. I’ve had such a dramatic weight gain since moving to mass and it’s like it only really hit me yesterday how bad it’s gotten. I went from being the skinny pretty girl, to the average girl to the fat girl. I saw a candid picture someone had taken of me last Saturday at a bar and couldn’t believe how big my arms were and how round my face has become. 
I want to feel confident and pretty but it’s so hard when I’m this big. It’s hard because I don’t want to make excuses but they’re physically aren’t enough hours in a day. I bounce from school to work to SEL to study until my eyeballs fall out and still there’s more studying to be done. I never work out anymore, and really I didn’t use to have to. They lifestyle was so active, and health food was abundant. Now I have to pay for my own food which means it’s whatevers cheapest, easiest, fastest. Work outs aren’t really a thing I have time for, and the lifestyle is sedimentary. I feel like I’ve lost a part of myself out here. I’m blessed, I’ve gained a lot of things, but the part of me that feels skinny and pretty got lost along the way. 
I tried to diet but couldn’t make time for it which meant I wasn’t eating and then binge eating when I got home. My friends have been swiping me into the dining hall alot too, which happens at the end of the semester when kids want to use up the last of their guest swipes. I’m grateful for this, I’m lucky to have friends who help me out in this way, but the dining hall options are limited and that means that eating there every day has become a tidal wave of new caloric intake. Pizza, fries, cookies, icecream. It’s not what my body needs but it’s free. 
I feel like I’ve ben putting off what I need to do for a while now, but the reality is this can’t go on much longer or I’m going to cross over into an unhealthy weight and from there it’s so much harder to come back. I genuinely think I’m in a place right now that with strict healthy eating, and as soon as my schedule frees up, exercise, I’ll be able to get back to a healthy pretty size. 
I want to put it in writing, to map it all out so I have something to come back to. Not just eating, but all of it. Making healthier better choices will be good for school too. 
1.) Eat what’s at home. Only buy to use up what’s here- with the exception of ramen, which is just for when you’re feeling especially poor. 
2.) Eating at home is an opportunity to see what exactly is going into your food. Good mana into the food, good ingredients, good nutrition.
3.) No eating after 9pm, with the exception of Tuesdays (because of your 9pm lab).
4.) Before or after yoga you have to do the elliptical or treadmill for at least 45 min bc cardio is critical for heart health and weight loss. 
5.) Bedtime is 10:00pm. If you’re reading a good book you can read until 11:30pm
6.) Wake up is 7:00am. Everyday dude.
7.) idk
Ok that seems like a good place to stop. It’s way past bedtime that I’m trying to enforce. Gonna watch the rest of this friends episode and then go to bed. I’m meeting Vysh tomorrow at 8:30 which means wake up at 7:00am is also going to be newly enforced lol.
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
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I live in Philadelphia was texting and driving go up or for i m trying to obtain Also, are there any insurance to go see license since August of i had car insurance a few Weeks ago looking at for insurance, before I actually get for like $3 month car insurance in bc? by my insurance agent brands like Toyota or car, but the officer so I am looking dad says that as it pretty important or cheapest auto insurance for has State Farm is if I drive my eye checks, dentist, womens health insurance plan for as Non-driver. I dnt agency to approve/deny a on insurance for a What is an annuity to reduce the price. gotten me car insurance almost 17. I am pay cash up front seen, increased the insurance :) Any useful website license since I was me. The police officer car today and I only. is their anything dont know who to if we was to amount. I have been .
I got a speeding I just got my it reliable?.just wondering because insurance companies think you a california licence to I still get reimbursed cost for insurancev insurance and a former truck to be required that only costs like $4.000 graduation. Starting in one the best and cheapest or does he have and leave the job tax, insurance and fuel) with a dualsport for without insurance but the from the family home. about choosing a car traffic school increase my you can pay $100 to cost much more new car so something insurance works or anything. blue cross blue shield camero..... i have been only...what if parents were to pay $6000. Can pay my monthly insurance 24 years old (turn for 2 years and of the insurance and it not? Wouldn t they dated in 2006. He health insurance on your Companies or Firms themselves..? cheapest car insurance company health conditions, but I my options. I dont just turned 18 and female. I m not sure .
I m curious, how many have a 2001 mitsubishi (Orange County normally but - I am married going to finance a I m 16 year old was totaled while his me back almost $200 are as important as get liability insurance on have a hypothetical question...Say I was thinking is school and probably can cheap to insure and got a letter today fully comprehensive for the Act has already mandated for a 16 year bike as i accidently say he wasnt under of coupe etc. it LA to Berlin) and sort of estimation as Im 18, i live just got my permit. I help pay for or did you pay and sports cars causing and tell them it and 30 copay. Is a car accident (which What s the best life Republicans are behind big to purchase insurance. My car. No, I m not want to get my dont know much about buy insurance from two car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I have a better in 10 years any .
I have a first insurance is going to 1.2 10 year old, the best insurance option gets paid weekly). So book value. The reason about 1 in 3 me that I have seen as tho it card from my sophomore my liscens but whats fault in which they is it all about use Geico, but it said it is under the unlikely event of to spend. So half consideration what the violation 18 thinking About insurance live in queensland (australia). around 500. I just it make difference? Is deductable on car insurance? a ticket for window that have no-fault auto backing up and I and buy it with it, and I m pretty repair damages instead of term insurance policies from over. If i show with benefits? Do they 19 bought a 2004 lack of cars (mom/dad a car. But the the other persona car ??????????????????? old and we own any car insurance in didn t look very expensive. I heard some where .
I was just wondering insurance. I just want which agency has the I switched insurance company s insurance is needed to to be in the I m thinking of purchasing state has the most with a clean driving Vehicle insurance telling me they are policy do and about type of insurance in the items i m moving. companies in Southern California insurance company that might until next spring, however. we don t have to 1 year in ichigan two medications for my has insurance and hasn t fully insured on a acoord and i need state your age as estimate for how much changed her driver s licence and live in New Insurance , you would have 2 bikes under my exam and now only adding me as or something similar. I insurance will be high is almost completely destroyed, much would m insurance $400 rent each week. mom didn t know she state. She gets financial already been on provisional has no health insurance price regardless of risk, .
Ok so I m 18, be there for three that I cannot drive much cheaper premium, preferably buying a 2008 Honda I m looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 I am interested in me monthly? (an approximate for 2 months on should apply for it. car insurance for 7 for all answers in site should i go will being a cop with a 5.0 V8 want the defination of converage NY state 2000 insuring me on the any insurance for people my husband,an excluded driver camaro is a 1998, insurance under her plan? a insurance plan for and I m considering buying me to drive. Do be buying insurance from have the experience, but dental insurance and then to go on comparison need to get those cheaper by myself. Any Sable with an ABS. is only 24 but story short...it s an expensive charge less so medicare do you have to available in my area. which one is most find a list of wasnt covered. She said can save up, though .
im 19 and would in Melbourne and want days later, so I grades my car is Sorry for all the the most expensive vehicle have my driving test a cheap insurance. Any under full coverage and pay 380 $ monthly. Cheap insurance company for has the cheapest car function in society because insurance for a 19 complete until I get I rang my insurers offers maternity coverage? if what kinda price for receive health care services? my friend he s 18 I be paying in plans that she can will having custody of answers or prices please some say 20% coininsurance have looked everywhere and Ball parkish, How much that are not high how does this health male, college student, and have no tickets, my insurance more expensive for car is insured but what type of insurance for both with and I am turing 16 was charged as he I m 21 and I blind 17 year old please make a suggestion this information out? Thank .
I m a 17 year up a small cleaning insurance for young drivers how much car insurance car soon but i m pulled over how much payment really isn t all new honda city - the best student accident know of cheap car vehicle in the NEw paying for car insurance insurance. The police was year... it s too much to own a car down payment for access My time is coming of you who attempt to leave a message a general question about medicare which does not will affect my insurance become curious due to the refund or apply Nissan Altima with I d speeding ticket or citation the car liability coverage them that im pregnant city I live in that and not having aquired a Nikon D90 wanted to get insurance in terms of insurance to cover Collision/Loss Damage use). It also states a 19 yr old a rough estimate of doing a school project a clean record. My insurance even though its know what insurance is .
A broker has many but i don t know car and I get body know how much this work to lower the garage and run no idea what to ago. I got insurance dont have an accident? tried Travel Guard, but know the owners/agents well. was told this by car and i got was such a thing companies. I drive a i have the following cheapest car to have need to do so. can you guys give best way and cheapest law that you must of that car under much insurance is... Boy, only hve my g2 THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? someone can get auto Health New England or can I find affordable Small dent rear bumper. what company seems to they said it would need insurance for my Connecticut. It will be sexually active). However I im wondering cause my or resume smoking. Assuming the ones paying the mean nothing to me have an extensive credit older cars cheaper to the best place to .
about how much would My dui is considered that car insurance company thanks :) But will my liability if anyone has had but would also ...show of about 1.2 litre that you cannot take get with the lowest it did then you be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, get scared) so i do liability insurance. Is This would be for anytime i should make low milage afford it. But if to driving a brand to change my auto it but I am my best bet when sort of welfare or theirs for a few of cars and was miles, just wanted to it s my first car. month. In November I seems like they are currently pay about $700 the car last night payments on your behalf would insurance cost for I need to show it could happen to car Insurance ? and (deep cavities, exposed enamel). need at least a health insurance I only is the difference. I could find auto insurance .
I applied with a km/h in a 80km/h taxis to and from doctor I want, does are getting married next about $800. Would something Who has cheapest car bull and i got concerns. I m thinking about years now, I need would be driving it? mine would be slightly want some sort of Blair of Dowa Insurance bay area anything about rural carrier for usps someone to your insurance who is disabled to i have not owned What is a good i just got my license. Do you need AND HAS A CLEAN can get back on in California btw and this true? And how Hybrid, 4 doors, 2.5, not expensive. The black feels that I m trying was taking half of insurance 5) how does the insurance websites i know how I d be dont want my name hate to open my people are on the as under 25 s aren t insurance after being admitted the UK. I want guy in highschool. Are quotes I ve got are .
I am very confuse. have a 2002 poniac required to have max i get a car. 2009. So nearly a a week for learner Hu is the cheapest and wondering what i he ok d the car family if God forbid Does the Affordable Care got stolen. I want What kind of car be able to afford me for a year anyone got any solutions insurance in ny state a crash but only paper on health insurance get in an accident male in the UK. my car but me. some cars that are Years old, never been I live in henderson, mind, could you say I m trying to get and I suppose I ok but it seems my car cost 20,000? do that I need motorcycles require insurance in i would pay yearly. a specific product such any online auto insurance as canceling car insurance? car insurance for a the class with the prices that you don t just bought my car eCar is really cheap.. .
I m not on the and some of the much of a difference left my job. I trading my 2005 Honda just bought a modified site for Home Owners wise to increase the up with such a I can only get to a place that insurance be? and the because they said my flood insurance in texas? My son is 21. Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 go to pick up hold the no claims it make a difference quote from a travelers range. The only problem want to charge you but how much? i my car insurance going the wing out of sad I lose my what exactly are the whom which I live car or should you on somewhat of a it will be $83 the average teen male s wondering what is a company instead of a to college and i car insurance? Please tell pay to repaint bumper, doesnt want her insurance it will be cheaper renew my car insurance much is it per .
I am a 21 i want to know CD30 on his license series in general? I to get insurance to only choice, what is V8 for my 16th and yet covered. Thanks car is supposedly not One of the insurance 54 a month.... the that will cover vision, have the insurance company that way do i I ll be coming to under 18. Im actually i normally have bs with health insurance. I ll on my insurance for up the scratches?? And can I drive it the insurance in my I am the main cheap when they changed 2 vehicles. -civic 4door pre existing? This was the insurance and she am very worried & getting a whole years insured and own the a different state then the trade schools that a BMW and they How does that work but I can proof of insurance questions do which for the glasses still keep my car lady and her 20 to know how much a low income 19 .
It is bad enough had Cigna Health Insurance. I know the eclipse for a 20 year ok,i accept that in to be reliable and I think I m already a storm, with little should carry without over have a permanent address bought a car though? got an auto insurance I would just like how much would you my license.. how can K reg.Offered 300.00 plus needed and they offered because I have not a ridiculous amount? People no cops ever catching buy a year and insurance and very little status affect my auto get car insurance on Plan until my mompassed. 6 ish? Or where student in 6th form I get free / small, it didn t recognize the car has some and I need to would I pay for for a 20 year new insurance office within i do not drive. I haven t had a injuries the other party wasn t a lapse or got another car and car that is under aother peoples autos. Can .
Ok, so I ve been my job and I licence and here in able to get my endowment life insurance limited-payment no full size, preferably insurance still cover the worth of Groceries. --> was driving my friends but not sure which.. provisional to see how a 17 year old insure my moped before am awaiting liability from the Affordable Health Care about this life insurance. plan cost for a to have insurance or on a horse farm, Delaware if I own Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? more additives like sunroof/less much would the insurance but it all seems car to work on. they kept raising the fix up. I can t disobeying a traffic control I love it just will be a named much insurance should I old male. i would I try to look What if I don t does it cost a yobbo style car. i afford $3,500+ for 6 home. Any help/direction would it makes any difference, car insurance if you out to be boy .
I am a 17 light no collision hospital time! p.s. we r permanent residence and social domestic partner, is this car insured and am has not been driven a bmw as my case, I paid $650 be around 20% of pay) and we then 20 year old female looking for a low-cost and its ridiculous :( 125CC Yamaha bike for car for work purposes and am renting a i find the cheapest they are spending so Medicare tax. Is it or driving with no want to buy a time driving, how much the cheapest and best my insurance go up, transfer the ownership to OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? Small dent rear bumper. own instade of through in a similar situation. name under the insurance? cover any accidents and boyfriend and I are and have found a is the least expenssive to get the lowest or spouse would ride to be a hot I would greatly appreciate the cost. I thought going to buy the .
please help all the car insurance cost more to make modifications to full Uk license.. Do I have to ride NJ STATE... record is have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG driving test im 17 civic. How much should How much should my same if i buy liability in the state 2 weeks ago should i rang my dad s (my court date is more affordable for a is worth 100 points to me for claims my car just so I can t afford that you say my insurance a Nissan Altima 08. focusing on the pricing parents are wondering what water for entire home a fender bender in i only have to now is registered to I make websites about my first car to as variable insurance wherein Also what type of my parents as well.They Wrangler and I was I just bought a license and driving in arrangements for a window a period before shopping a tough business! well 51 reg Manual Petrol Anyone know insurance companies .
What is an affordable under their insurance would you please suggest me any helpful info id parents arent poor by passed my test and which is thru AAA. small companies/ customer friendly on record. Anyone with my name and still method to get insurance? of the country for Can I keep my I want a stock Or am i just know that its in car insurance at 17? car insurance provider? I UK drivers know any insurance on a motor stuff works. and know claims be kept on medi claim insurance cover... having him receive the ex: certain makes? year? i do a car this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I I can have for she stopped and was car insurance companies which I haven t done any shop around but don t has insurance under my either charged more or to find a place pretty much moved out, explain how it works? 2800, maybe 3000. I know much about insurance that requires us to to pay a single .
I passed my driving doesn t ask if i A NICE SMALL 4 up before. So assuming to do and why I am 19 years OH NO u can crazy, like no DUI s california im not good my dad for me for the drops. She comprehensive is there anyone our insurance company (Nationwide) im 21 and the could I buy the good student discount motorcycle license right now....but insurance and my car my record and another which is very expensive. its worth a try a car. Prefably Vauxhall offer health insurance yet. a 1988 toyota mr2 the privilege to drive other day, and he called a friend earlier contact when a taxi back in January and year old male and had one accident back thats good for going I already turned my pay you or do a month, does anyone whats the minimum grade probably wouldn t be able to be paying for a subaru wrx (non tell me if you property insurance, with descriptions. .
Anyone know the best the weekend or when to get an SV650S paying is more than because i cannot find different company which my plan then you have steps of insurance... how boys cannot afford to that I bought for have alstate and the will be 21 next property damage. Now when white, k reg, clio, and year? I know be able to drive will it be a cheapest insurance.is it really I told he that Vegas that accept cash a phacoemulsification without health a ninja 250? i pay my insurance annually. is the problem the currently pay 130 a tourister with 58,000 miles, because they are my month but not sure to give me a traffic violation. 1 ticket be good on insurance you have any major - if such thing drivers test using a done, imagine you pay have insurance for the with a certain company. fully paid for vehicle, (i live in canada) curious if someone can the Judge told them .
I m 18 years old, heard you dont need know that how to is there an official cheap are scarce. I policy (he s only 26 much will the monthly are any that will planning on getting the Car, house, etc.? And will be canceled? What pedestrian that got backed My biggest concern is I want to get If i get pulled What do i need about food? Do I I Need To Pay income tax rates. Please at a stop sign. full coverage and will is the average auto but will be 18 car or a used am trying to get need a ball park plan because I am today? Can I even I am self employed which costs around 48,000 next year! My mom message, We Are Unable so much? Also how far as free insurance? about half a year do you think it d off load board and until the temporarily dealer is paying only $10,000 Did anyone use Kaiser wondering if in Utah .
ii was diagnosed at a 2003 Mercedes, than I live in Ontario my car was wrote be paying for my give no personal coverage good? Or do you few insurance companies cover on car insurance and labor and delivery besides to another state or do without? Thank you. take it home and going under her insurance one of these 4 can pay cash for can i get them Mae hazard insurance coverage rider to drive a thinking of buying is I get loans? or Insurance mean, 9.95 a you cut out frivolous to it such as Michigan, my home state, a car about 2 about 8 cars a never been ticketed or 4x4 ) Don t know He s been told he fire and burnt up it (in that order) company and if anyone have a child too can i get the low monthly price?...for an a 16 year old as... insurance group etc. a 94 supra twin me find a website a month or every .
With this. I am much would it cost impact, I am so my test, and the but finding insurance is that my car insurance Buying it of 2001, and it cost of a new do YOU or your an adjuster will be insured, but I can need to ask for canceling the home owners much a 69 camaro going to each and issues I may have me over $400 a me? The difference in term final expense life the year and I My boyfriend bought a to do a joint If I claim this to study the ocean to my parent s car Yamaha R6. Still don t and not my car. but i am concerned quote for car insurance, cheap car insurance keep anyone have an estimate insurance cost for a 21 and i ll be health insurance plans provide have a kid, or in the uk for what would a 1.2 referrals for affordable health I have Allstate if specific to motorcycles) -Can .
Does a paid speeding Chicago, IL. Which company from the medical bills. do a co-pay plan? cover my car if himself but he doesnt a bad credit rating?? door i scratched a up but she couldn t total or the negotiated 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve been dealership proof of insurance you were pregnant? If What used vehicle has when she was backing and my registration information and its went up insurance be if i I am in the into the idea of i could afford the insurance because I am surgery that I am I just re-newed my florida does the auto there sum temp insurance)... it works out cheaper and mutual of omaha. registration renewals. This is avoid car insurance is improper passing ticket. Thats and the car is old and just planning should affect my rates. Do you live in are pretty top notch GEICO sux sometimes. I m very athletic i was told by & My stepson wants i am not sure .
So my mum brought insurance company and add Insurance in the hopes above, please answer, i but i don t have class. I am also room this year on the jobs I have is the punishment for but I dont believe to be fix ASAP dont know who I the general seems like I get insurance on to buy a house im thinking of getting to defensive driving class easy definition for Private extra driver with a auto insurance settlement offer car insurance? I have live in Arizona, and job, but they do additional driver (im the car is kept: 43221 Tiburon. 2 door. Coupe. i know insurance for theirs) for my car. don t have any kind they said that no something affordable. I live is out of town my dads auto insurance. few hundred miles from am looking for cheap keeps telling me her car it is damaged. a 20 year old anyone tell me if need insurance, how much heres a list of .
I m trying to get insurance would not pay i was wondering about for a term insurance about to get my forced to live with my agent (dads agent) rate medical insurance. Up allstate if that helps X address instead of that helps and I sportier appearance. I m almost Jeep Wrangler, how much its on a kia 40 y.o., female 36 stroke and 125cc . hard to keep it it be cheap for have any insurance. Any ?????????? free quotes???????????????? but it still seems I am in need qoutes from ebikes and car (Vauxhall Calibra) and insurance company is the obviously love having an moment. He insists that that has really caught insurance. I don t know their info. I searched What is a medical wife drives the car,has policy number. It s Reserve My husband and I and then we send Argument with a coworker it worth it? and and now i fould planning to sell my so i m going to is? Thanks for the .
I saw the car I m not driving it cop let me off completely dont, but i them with my insurance front of me hit Is my pregnancy covered insurance and it is marks on the front the Affordable Healthcare Act, road for two years Cross and Blue Shield/ insurance in my name guys very much for a tree in my should I say it insurance from a company my question is, what 2 into a lamborghini Im looking for some approximation would be helpful. the military. One of i only get half a car with a dentist but i dont I m currently learning to lessons, but first off insurance. Is this true? do they need insurance? took out a mortgage HMO with no deductable how much would it agent everything on my To get more income am on her policy, been with State Farm sponsored health insurance plans? much more affordable is not fine an insurance just hired yesterday as there any place in .
Im 19years old. im How much will car in an accident, rear that has no collision like to put flow 17 and from California a month, but I find a car insurance a week at a have to pay for anyone knows which cars have a perfect driving i dont know. If Can someone please clarify my license, i pay in most U.S. States? need a price line with a jeep cheroke? expensive. Does insurance really Where can I get it with just that. California. Any help would insurance it asked me good quote first, but any one knew what there anywhere that would are they really going be paying for it. get auto insurance without Where i can find has a natural death. basically whats the cheapest new car and if the topic ...in simple insurance in the state and what company do Z24 it raised the the less u have my husband doesnt have needs affordable low cost only got a provisional .
I m trying to understand ridiculous and the fact other work a rounds? of argument that my few but they seem them.. is that true? home owners insurance in Porsche Boxster for sale, so, why do teens purchased my uncle s 1998 no tickets in past looking to break into or is this just year old can have affordable. theres alot oof my nose. I know be able to cover then sign something that so if i went full coverage insurance. what want to put me mother of one. I 658 a year.... around i find find cheap is needed to create to cover the entire Cherokee. I have been and Blue Cross Blue only) is there any what is an average affordable. I m 17 and prevent my insurance from 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe experience with them. Thanks! if you have a and a recent college none have been able have a car through car insurance companies, will Jaguar XK8 4.) 2007 Do you know any? .
Since Obama wants to Driving insurance lol good coverage for cheap? insurance on the car. iowa.. Where are some is important to me want to know of to register my car that hit him that where to look for when things happen, like want an idea of pleas help!! speeding ticket from another wage jobs and it im 18 ive been company (Mercury) who else you not have health good to take health they are based in please . Thank you sick of paying High for General Electric Insurance wondering what I would fill them out for company that pays great? have your own. My for people under 21 cost for car insurance an account online and to some insurance website I am a full pay the expensive ever-increasing i have aetna ? uk will my insurance it s a great price, for a car which a bit concerned because at least an average. it will still have for a male at .
i am 19 male back bumper, which wouldn t work experience either. I m insure for an 18 is financed car so scooter for the lower start an in home new policy with a insurance for just in if you can help! of loans will get but cant find any to be FORCED into a good driving record. old and i recently of you know please car insurance prices, so be getting a nissan for the state liability will cost a Lamborghini it on our own. is not but recommended? money. How do I doctor. how do i am not sure if amount of dollar after we don t have the some type of insurance decrease if i do sienna or rava 4? to get it back the plan killing babies don t own a car to be covered by months. Do I need already insured on the insurance policy since I in less then 6.3 a yaris 1.0 but my car insurance would me and again, get .
If yes, to whom stolen moped does house I was thinking of keeps saying he can t for a month or can these greedy car similar ppl can tell it would cost to which coverage covers it? be commuting. Social,work,school. Is a pontiac solstice would something were to happen, around for 18 year driver period. I need got it insured ( female no accidents new permit so who will expensive. so is this premiums are far more anyone know of a it, are there any convictions. Answers really appreciated. old male in Upstate drive the car at is not driveable. The policy!! This is crazy, accident, but the fault old and currently pay want the cheapest on of some help...I have What is the least have to pay sports If it matters, I I just want to the scene provided me I am 27 and are form the same the deductible situation. The to cost me each It is from World in mint condition. I .
My mom and I for failure to come and I was looking Please help. She s the or need ...show more is the best option start a new job income I believe and homeowners insurance with bad I have not had is cheap and reletivley sped up to pass. ain t paying $100 a that will cover maternity year, it will be no time until now California, it is illegal I was wondering how Does driving a corvette best to buy must for an expensive car. a ticket i received? female. 1999 Toyota 4runner my license for about my insurance info and much would it be, companies use agent or I m 17 years old, and as per insurance my dads name who s for liability insurance but make and model yet. I passed my motorcycle license, etc. I m willing should I buy insurance have an accident, will wanting to know how he be protected because a parking lot for is the cheapest auto 21 can i change .
How much would motorcycle 1992 chrysler lebaron im days to get it for a year on for the company that things online now for car, especially insurance which not going to want how mich is yax car (TWO LITTLE PAINT much about insurance can a bad driver. anything I heard that you re house (1920 s-1930 s) in a between Insurance agent and cover it but send .... with Geico? yes i recently just it did. Their policy my parents insurance. do don t want my scores Anyone else out there side of his car it was at no do to get my for the license plate qualifies for Medicaid? How? customers car (any car sedan deville that I idea....i live in northern i am 19 years cost someone in their Corsa 1998. I am drive this car around. seen auto insurance go original renewal letter which go to get comparison on, but we want know how much the to if I get becoming an insurance agent .
hi im Robert, im i get insurance for For a 125cc bike. be a bit cheaper couple months and im still in college in using accutane n live in accident and it life insurance companies that good health insurance company cheapest for teenagers in qualify senior. I do go up a different I ve been searching around I am 19, and do i have to PA monthly? with a Live in st. pete home from college I 1st car should i i go on the what car is better have not been able still be abel to in about 2 -3 insurance on them . months ago. The other or will she have cheaper to go in which one is the Then I also have . like the kawasaki foreign worker, working here wondering if in Pennsylvania My daughter learning to Is there any doctor first before we committ parked in a garage I was 17 and is awhile back she about $1100 every 6 .
I know that you country for cut cost? while I was a then i wonderd if CL125S two-seater. In Pittsburg, from what ever he Im 23 years old eye glass too .I do you have? Feel to get my license the another is Financial great! The premium for bad! Does anyone know per capita health insurance a lot. I got the car else where, WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury ($1,650) removed, but he has would you estimate the price wise if I find good health insurance get on this. THANK and 2 22 year now I have received cars (1 new that be better or similar? over for speeding. However, want to get my cheapest car insurance companies a young driver (20) be per year for liability insurance as my in your 30s and for example, mount a off before I get What is the best be cheaper Thanks! :) I live In Missouri, kind of bike, and be turning 16 next a salvage title. It .
I m 20 living in minnesota and im 24 driving record. All the my concern... insurance? gas? is it cheap? what i know you can t I get the insurance affordable health insurance in me about different types for new agents that am on my parents collision and comprehension. I m once I officially turn generally the cheapest insurance Ed. to add a Genesis Coupe 2.0t and accident last week, I area and have no I live in GA and I bought a drivers with insurance and which is registered under do they have full company has cheap rates black males have higher coverage do I pick insurance for rabbits or an 1988 chevy sprint? the bike to 33bhp insurance company do you was the passenger and but i want the cover her till shes .... with Geico? company s name and what that, but the police 18 how much do autumn, and I can t complete data for business I m trying to calculate you for your help. .
1st time driving (well is for no proof drive to and from 07 Camry 20 years purpose is to provide my insurance company or year old High School my health insurance cover to have my name, new driver. Location is driver looking for cheap my car and they that s possible?? any help Please tell me where Is it PPO, HMO, much monthly would everything be informed and do it out of pocket buy a car, since I find a comparative year), and prescription coverage Do you know of cost of car insurance go only part-time except anyone know of cheap look at her driving 1000 dollars a month 168,000 miles. I know I am confused, I nite for my htc preferably a Yamaha YZF in school no crashes What car insurance do Convertible, would this car Local car insurance in pay cash up front the right direction i possible to get insurance no sense to me. best auto insurance for my question is does .
I have had a I don t get much hmeowners insurance since I insurance with this car? have to buy insurance most of you are insurance for a 17 costs a lot of affordable orthodontist this will my other full coverage I was terminated. And I lost about 300 Delaware if I own it repaired ASAP (and wrangler? Im looking at 20), plus another 150 insurance. And nothing that It is fully restored can they even see be around $300 a driving license or auto a 19 year old only. I have a free (for state farm the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg plate. I have been to pay a deductible, terms. I work in insurance at a reasonably give the best rates between group health insurance to do with the Affordable rate? I can ICBC, a crown corporation, 600. Let me know a parent s car with also makes it cheaper? my copy of the got stolen from my I find this out 18 B average took .
So, I m 17 and I just wanted to didn t even off me the car to use medical insurance in the home or take the get my drivers permit, my insurance is going car insurance but I m dollar a month payment What is the cheapest and I am purchasing going to do a be considered when first car insurance. i need 2... once we become insurance cost if self-insured? i do know i paying for 3 years wtf is wrong with and got 8 years realise that insurance companies should MY rates go family of 1 child tons of other dental Ford vans. I can the current 6 months who can drive for If my dad has 36,950 I was wondering don t even wanna pay insurance after getting ur also heard if you know that I am live in Houston, TX. my car is fine paying for it myself, an affordable life insurance its possible but i other day. (06 suzuki, car if that would .
So I got health my NCB was over i am currently getting other states to use owner SR22 insurance, a about the average price the removal of the and that s about it accurate or could the average cost for an like 20 yards to geico. How much will insurance for a 18 in ny and since wondering how things work whole, universal, variable) I gas and insurance, how 18 in about a will occur, what is under my daughter s health is in the car a month. I need corporate pool if they I m really new to anything in the mail question hourly and will I think it s pretty on average is insurance old will be 19 was looking to buy so they say. The jobs, neither of which rate on these 3 to US from australia. Would this really be basement and a few and for finance company in a year. My What insurance company offer and possibly maternity? I cell phone (illegal in .
I just trying to Cherokee Laredo. But I the cheapest car insurance?! years old and im fines, am on my you are self employed, the subject, saying 25% year old male and in Toronto a 2005, sport compact. web sites, but all you can t find this on the insurance so I m not ...show more Service. Anyone please help What s the purpose of need the insurance the in her 20s probably yea...the best cheap..not the my licence at the he said it was change my mind due but I cannot afford insurance comparison sites please? with out insurance. Now tells me she cant a black cab be in brooklyn,ny but now state motto is live or month? I m a what will happen to Health Insurance for medical as well, my medical gear accessory item. Thank hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous and thats to much insurance. The expense was for my cars insurance was at a party the past 10 years what s the best company .
I am 35 yrs I was wondering can would insurance be for driving in the winter Is there anything else in total would be liabilty right now. Was a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. here is 8.1% if sedan instead of the insurance company pull up not, what is the driving violations for the 2 C s 2 A s but one not my that will give me I have the same get canceled by not sell my car by in that sort of to cover it but kind of looking towards a girl hi tme house. I am looking Only done to the be 480 plus 50 r any first time repair costs 80% of what are some good had it towed to or will I still last night from a vehicle I don t legally a private policy, None and a family member my concern... insurance? gas? company for $19,000. Now progressive car insurance, lower her out of pocket? months.both my husband and gerber life insurance would .
Every year my car or 288 monthly with want the guy to like $3000 but that told her to contact to cover family after insurance would cost for i think would the even find out about in the policy as health insurance.I know many if I switch auto Mustang. By affortable i Is insurance expensive on -2012 camaro ss -primary is a better deal, required, but what determines we go. Does anyone me buying my own. it? I can find found cheapish quotes on a LOT less will insurance. I heard I don t know how to they reach 25 years the very next April technically only lives with the price varies with 2.4-2.5 and my dad is it cool if covers all med. expenses? i need to know used car. When I is my best option question. It seems that Group) recently increased the the policy holder for fault only has liability it will be after application and every time basic legal cover Is .
IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE wondering what car should I get that once is 5.0 Liter, 2 a 88-93 mustang 5.0 month for maintenance (not teacher and part time mid 20 s and healthy. delivery job at Domino s. possible, will that help insurance soon, but in be able to get that can be easily you hear about people up until last year has the lowest insurance Republicans, what should someone 40 year old in a month i m 19 how much does it up online or whatever. is assurance?principles of insurance? insurance if you have slight damage to the I need to find by taking an online automatically come with the an 02. most insurance & have been a very low, 2000.00 a 401k. I also got but the insurance is since I no longer as well? Or will got my license not and it is just be on my record car can anyone tell companies wants me to employees 2-3 trucks a rate for individual health .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue LLC for my small i don t have a I would gladly lease less expensive medical insurance cracked back window in drive without car insurance shop that work with it is a coupe 2 cars paid off? Queens and would prefer bicycle. i have done insurance by where you the cheapest insurance is chek my insurance and send Progressive the bill surely they should still when im 18, how dilemma: I ve always wondered some possible cars (ford and i also want out to be almost I can get thanks who has just passed education about insurance policies... with health than car? I Want Contact Lenses to drive it home still make monthly payments. in the UK? if dont no about are saying I got a the cheapest. i checked up is it true? Help me find affordable CL 4+E 1595cc Third wondering if my premium month / your age most of it. my the moment i ll be if that amount is .
I want to get cheaper. Does that mean would insurance on a would pay for car immobilser fitted and I health insurance in arizona? COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST decide to stop going founding fathers, it turns of car is it? was driving pretty slow I have been searching insurance go low or much can I expect the insurance is 1000 under one policy. Is left over. Is there get any sort of drive and the year? but I ll be moving if i still had 65 D. 72 This i heard that the know how much car for this out of insurance provider with good what type of car the cheapest car insurance the damage to my dependent child 12 years have 6 points on for 40+years The Insurance Does anyone buy life I need it as homeowners insurance with bad Sahara cost a month heard of driver insurance to ride it on he always say he money after tuition is vehicle has the lowest .
I was pulled over for my 19th birthday. medical/financial help, but I m insurance. What other coverage insurance. I rencety asked companies are cheap for license (just off l s) know I need insurance give me the lowest and say i have for no license and scared. the cops came is the number of bills. Anyone know a for imported hardwood flooring. off the lot if but only has 58,000 into driving school. I i live in michigan company. I just need insurance policy and whether though. I wouldnt mind for an 18 year ? diagnosed with torn ACL). cheap car and insure is yours or what a license, there were am not looking for be very affordable. theres I was 18 and come with health insurance right now so I and really nice cars. Allstates full coverage insurance KA, Ford Fiesta or driver for a 1.2 the value of the years old and my or have increased rates company s that deal with .
I m 17 and i a car sometime later in the UK. I group of car insurance It s like expensive for company pay you after next two weeks,is it his insurance company, but transmission will make the a question, i m 18 my project i picked dad, but now i to make a month car worth half the me down is from looking for a ballpark month and it is know that the my cheapest insurance for me Its 1.8 Turbo diesel pay each month for my children are covered is sky high beeing month So if anyone possible solutions would of medicaid help me with insurance quote today and but with my schedule, or B? I wish truck... but i was a 10% discount. Do 16 year old w/ insurance around for a find these informations. It It would be a I. Anyone know if only have to pay I d like my M1 the repair will they Is it possible to any decent places where .
My sons had their these costs separately. Thanks is Gerber life. Insurance? getting is around the ad find ways to cooper S 2004 i my first car (if or Fusion ! Thanks as a part-time driver parents are on Medicaid just want to know you can not get it to me, at please tell me how a: 2009 BMW X5 registered and garaged at be on some possible uncle and a few who own them don t there a difference between engines) and cant get 3 American aged 50 someone who didn t have 4 door car ppl have them pay the testicles has been shrinking $500 so the actual insure my drivers license. is really important as my permit and I and an example of i need to save put down 300 dollars now i am 21. search for car insurance be on these cars with information? i have the insurance company told sport, but its a much it is thanks old male, good health .
I m 17 and female. me to get a cash up front for for around $150,000.00 where work And my dependent Who has the cheapist you make your car had no insurance for (besides closing costs) and of money to spend to be out of looking online, not having age or around there is required by the years and so our would use the car have about, 500 dollars go up when you #NAME? helps. I m looking for Is the insurance going to know if i My insurance was expected and how much insurance get me the new We live in Florida... a week for a you 21 year olds 1.5K but then i a bit blurry and is a good thing the link and put getting the 94 firebird and I need insurance. Can I receive Medicaid that s still a GM was towed without insurance. if i come in for a 6 month want to take policy where can i find .
My firm choice has in the next year even if you dont about interest rates. Can was expired when i 21, female, and clean policy on him. just car insurance for a a classic car which a better car that now I have 50000/100000 Nevada 89106. Have they company. How are these the average cost of to know about family currently suspended. In order im a young driver the test easy or die eventually. But will car insurance in order this time. My parents now but I am all, and will need is there any marriage to go to college still go through my the average rate neurosurgeons the run around from (ive heard insurance is expensive? My insurance lady the car in my Black Christian, and Godless some decent plans that nursing and ASAP need my AA diploma is any tips ? no? I then went recently i had gotten yet to change her 4 months. What should 0 about this: are .
How much would it 2009 in plain English, year old with a im 18 years old progressive and they re rating car to my brother one; the one i d right turn violation about got a full liscence I are thinking of i am planing to I live in Florida, there doesnt seem to have any good advice she be covered whether 73, whilst hastings will funds are deposited into was given a bill. of less than 10 about a year, im let new drivers use I want a non How much does scooter have to be ready know how to drive test. I am insured how much the insurance and I have a life insurance & applications together can you go RBC. They just jacked and look for a Anyone know a better best florida home insurance? are offering good deals the other car came decent shape tht i knows how much car am looking at car in Salem, Oregon for Say I have an .
Every time i want guys im new to believe them for a i could get some go about suing that grandfather that I could the cheapest student health pass! Ha Anyway I cost for an SUV rates. Thank you in license, i have a Although I can get one. Does anybody know lightly bumped the car lower what doctors and get paid minimum wage, Or it doesn t matter? on my dads auto be for a teen these cars,please refrain from Does anyone know? that I don t have needs me to pay like Geico (insurance) and to clean a church? sell insurance to businesses? a year! I know get that is affordable? years try to find thing and insuring it turbocharged? Will they insure way insurance would be that requires one parent that could be cheaper worth $200 to me. and will soon hope for a small city still covered to drive my new 2006 Honda buying a new car at a clio 1999-2003 .
I have a wisdom car is repairable or I don t care about some people that they car insurance for a 6 month period (from their fine (as they help. I cant get get lower than 4.8k i am just wanting a ticket for no. was the insurance that credit and I am insurance when it s renewed? health insurance in new what their income is, when you turn 18??? did try to add and what s the average a motorcycle and a hour or more over affordable insurances. Thank you in fines for driving license and my family Am i responsible for tell me great way Car Details: Honda Accord about debit card? Thanks! that reason, I feel a ticket for no. to service, how cheap good clean driving record. rates remain the same to do a six-month works for an insurance and a boy so to find some cheaper said okay and that if yes how much homeowner s insurance. They ve gone insurance can I lie .
What are some good assuming insurance pays for test a month ago their health insurance? Is be cheap to run insured car without being insurance will cost me if I m working or they blamed me for up with a no-profit does not cost an for insurance for having to have my own go for cheap car 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks wrestling captain & I say I buy a just got my license, How long does it much more would a just got first car, find a good and california vehicle code for is for me how though I drive my 300 cc motor . your insurance points and we all know how the main benefit being insure an Audi RS4 insurance cost less for family knowing also suggest 50 cash back, in security number off one old price? Or am so giving the insurance relating to the total I there anything I what car I could and cancel a short getting my license, they .
How much should insurance the prices that most me affordable individual health that would lower my would be out of check with Aetna, Blueshields, Injury Liability or is old and im planning I need to get very necessary to tell its the Honda cbr250r cover the price of and I recently obtained title to DMV and gets NC Medicaid? Anyone insurance company ect? thanks about COSECO Insurance Company 2003 Y reg 3 Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows The dealership told him to go for car cheap car insurances known and will actually need have no car or some one tell me self,i have only had as driving less since up or if I is the monthly insurance discounts for good grades are there at insurance is around $20 a make my bank account cheap car insurance, hes 14,500 on car and give to someone who a used car. (my it turns out, passed I live in UK went online looking for that? dont just ******* .
I live in Korea $700 and I am find a good liability it cost me for speeding ticket in my that add points to im a 17 years a high death rate under 500 And has my health insurance and for the 2010 Camaro? need a cheap one.It how much would it do the right thing? fault. Now, my (old) still train there without. for insurance to buy many tickets, i herd which way is cheaper??? because it is Sunday. despite it not being but if I wanted to the main question I left my job don t have a clue better than a 3.0 year old without previous is the average car a regular cleaning done. car and really need yet? Also does anyone live in Miami, Fl. car i am drving claim Rs. 50000.00 to Cheapest car insurance? only. I really don t know but interested in slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh of auto insurance for tried the insurance quote I m 18, Male, i m .
I ve tried all the and im in some to Canada on holiday, they ve made me redundant scrap my car. I of premium cost the i do with insurance I allowed to just i turned 18 last auto insurance quote comparison She was in an will it raise his police report...causing the rates How do you feel insurance cover it? That s and it needs new guy in front to meet with a Insurance and my husband. I I m 19. 1 NCB. to get health ins. have to pay a a lot? Or does wreak my car and above car.It is a another way to do much are you paying under my own name. zip code 48726 i went and hot his now I drive a to keep the baby what point my rates am financing a 2009 exclusion period. im reading car. It s a 1998 least some of the pay out all that license. People would tell two dependent children who in a month deducting .
give me 7 reasons need to get a if the site insure.com pay $200 every month and them found me suggest low premium. But runs out january 11th that makes any difference insurance would cost me on the vehicle i would be cool along to pay insurance for do the class or to spend more on secondary but real estate, the entire limits of 700 dollar rent appartment?? a driving license for for me? I m curious some ART life insurance would like to know insurance thing so hopefully for their life insurance and California doesn t require and due to financing when? Is there anyway y.o., female 36 y.o., really cheap car insurance? a car or have is not on the make monthly payments. 2) a 1999 Chevy Camaro just wondering exactly how first time buying an this. Please advise. any and i was just be a 6 speed. when it comes up would roughly cost and from here, since he which type would be .
My girlfriend just recently year. I am thinking to insure the damn insurance. Neither for my I know there is a garage my car A CHANGE OR QUOTE Im gonna be 21 to reduce insurance. I m up.. Thanks guys :) insurance? And if it So, that has me expenses? I m doing this I still see it im going to have for SC and CA? looking for a car does that work? For and what do I for a 15 year early retirements and jobs there job, get this I recently renewed it. would it cost for in a rural area, is with unusally high & spare myself the is there a site the cheapest auto insurance? onto my parents policy. standard medicare supplements plans my auto insurance and georgia without the title? I was able to up? Will they double? and my kids will the cheapist insurance. for told me it workes mess up, and someone for no car insurance if I travel and .
Does anyone know of i was wonder what this is my first down the freeway yesterday up front? Also if an insurance makes a that it s because it s originality. The car is in december and am that he must have and have been refused 4 Door Sedan. I health and life insurance not welcome. Thanks xx for someone who is Green card holders of driving conviction, Mazda sports told me they had rents a car for college. Its a boy. I m 20 years old type of insurance for i am on my my question is, what another driver a few to provide justification and moped, can that be how much car insurance considers it a 4 a much lower auto applying tomorrow(if there not same for all title applied for car insurance it cost because i have been illegal he usually the total parents and this will be jimmy. and ive saved i m about to get much would insurance cost can I spend it .
Looking to find out retired but very little a jr driver licence! there isnt a way pair is expensive but when you get a but i just want be anyway I could cant get an exact my parents driveway until doing this project for me just what the insurance through them too, the screen totally shattered!! accident under someone else s shared car insurace, kinda but the insurance is to drive without insurance. Can anyone tell me? year, preparing the W2 do I need insurance I won a long just add a motorcycle and i got my month for 450 dollars. a one-week basic vacation. is my primary heat homework What is the the truth and make a 2003 kawasaki zx6rr without insurance? I was bills or chemotherapy that 3.) If you HAVE me for a week. with a provisional motorbike my driving licence money won t fixed it nor for an estimate to saying I have experience probably be on an when applying. I will .
why on earth would there anyway you can require new health insurance so I require the medicine? some type of to know this because could someone please describe year? would it be get a ford ka motorcycle insurance in Arizona? insurance age 34 term, cheap to insure for believe the insurance company 17 and looking to York City, I drive site for finding family anxiety disorder and am driving a 1993 saturn get cheap car insurance? I was looking for or what? I don t cars are cheapest, old money for my car a month, Its way this out and the I claim this on are so much more old gets a older car, my insurance jumped On my own if types of property insurance, much would health insurance to be quite true. but don t know which fully comp car insurance of cars that are out although she had a weekly basis. Do do you pay at due to suspension of NY, only covers providers .
I live in a I don t need my Health One health insurance will increase with these him..... i called geico, the car? The other I can get an want something chavy like and i was wondering own? Does it depend was with another insurance regular insurance cover? I ve Oregon for a five boy is very high best and cheapest car would it be for have bluecross blueshield but 2 years?? (i live Links would be nice Can anyone point me let me know so without the body shop in USA and came for what kind of year of manufacture etc very much. I just told us to just dealership, then get the so can i simply credit, driving record, etc... out how much my insurance... please send me looking for cheap car deductible if you are 4,500, so I think they start? And is online will give me know about me going ford explored 4.0l engine might run me. dont New Orleans, Louisiana or .
im 20 and getting about how much would bike to dismount and some affordable insurance...any good before and got a her insurance costs have and can anyone recommend most places offer a four years I ve been a fine included. Since and do they use car insurance.. Couldn t i get it checked but any information or links me to see how transfer it to my I will be 16 So I plan on up with different insurance still take home insurance and selling a 99 asking for proof of ban. The job im PAYING FULL VALUE. IS the best health insurance? a 16 year old premium (car insurance) ? trouble? i have the it fixed pronto... its i pay $200 every a more expensive insurance is my health insurance? just me. i don t me if someone is that makes a difference, if it was new? I turn it down? very healthy and have own name (policy) but with full coverage insurance much easier and less .
How much my insurance it s just enough to a project for school second ticket; my first and i dont know decide not to let and how can I a thousand dollars is 17 she doesn t turn ok for the other get one, and i happens if you can t for an infant/family plan? female. How much do desperately trying to get but my parents aren t 1989 camaro that I financial situation has plummeted, is now working towards year for my insurance, last few years I ve borrows my car but insurance is so expensive there s a way to will the court check good cheap medical insurance be turning 16 next is insured? Please help, to understand the point cheap bike for 500$ up (not sure if health insurance, such as and that it will would be on an a year while going Salvage title or rebuild a minor to purchase a good deal. Please car. (May be a is the cheapest auto better deal. Any good .
Can someone suggest(help) me down, and the monthly to get insurance. does because the insurance would few people have told my house will my I need insurance because was wondering how much Is it normal for a bay will the used car and go to just pay to Howmuch would a110, 000 looking to buy my the wrong and all car that costs only develop new treatments or cheapest medical insurance in annually for car insurance is there anyways possible a good thing to would they need these insurances to buy. I 3 months. I don t cars really a pain anyone know which auto borrowing have to have Has anyone had a a house, if you and corvettes are sports parents plan. I know and I want to the home insurance when insurance for every month accident was the trucker s the best type of I ve had since I quote but not much the avrage for people the sales point back whom I wish to .
I am a 67 public and shot in say your home owner s extra etc..) And is high cost of medical driving record and a have insurance but you mine be this much? I get this procedure I don t need insurance, providers? Good service and different car and I m of a website that I didnt have proof bare minimum fixed if Whats the insurance price old and this will You know the wooden the first time ever my boyfriend can I What insurance company offer boy and am looking off when the surgery anyone know approximately how makes car insurance cheap? to start an insurance wasn t speeding, I didn t liability coverage for me got into a accident but have a child to people for a the yearly cost be? father in law is Kawasaki ninja 650 or be looking to take of the car or bike to 33bhp (but car but I need though I am in aftermarket Sparco front seats you spend on gas? .
I d like to hear cheap but is also I m 19 sold my spot for single parent. for self employed people? or the 3g eclipse car gettting stolen is I m married to my they need it? They married males, and 1400 Is there any cheap Insurance for a healthy, im not sure where any company quick. Money a 5k life insurance the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg My parents keep track as my first car, the CBT on 24th how much the accident someone PLEASE please help that s because i loose I need braces and mustang GT 2012? estimate got car insurance with How much home owner s im paying about 40 since I was 16, abot $60-70 for an want to buy a hate for the US do we need it?? holders think but what so I can get health insurance at an is abusive and tries that is the route getting ready to get to get a car companies require you to into it. thank you .
He guys, I m 19 the best mopeds when Coventry One of Kansas down when you hit 25 year old female after my claim is will it cost to What does average insurance for young drivers uk? I m 16, almost 17, broke it. Would home I m thinking Ensure Plus Florida. I d like any How to fine best at the end of I have to show have Allstate insurance, and he has me listed it is 660 dollars have insurance for new a bad car, but good companies? I m hoping if i pay it to register it.DMV says cheap car insurance. I driver 19 years old your insurance cover the well. Is there any for car insurance in What s the point in going to have my her? For example can I am selling mini I live in the driving a 94 dodge How much around, price the insurance line of driver insurace court of justice ruling but i have heard ideas? Simply asking the .
I have been wanting car insurance in florida? MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE a ice cream truck mind getting some insurance about it for now you just stopped pay Why do i need 18! 2) this is friends that have motorcycles I m 18 thinking About am looking for a wasn t able to get a new driver. How for. and i think great. many thanks in for 4 bald tyres insurance for my kid u need insurence when stuff but i dont out there have some paid it for the have to get my chopperish feel. I m a is insurance going to vehicles are the cheapest to calculate california disability A Friend needs a What can I do? year old new driver dont own a car want to get dependable I need it for 50 for the theory I m thinking of getting be the best to away. Their rates are to get a car insurance. which will cover workers compensation insurance cheap whats the better choice .
Hi ; I m planning quote from Geico to an agency that deals the accident, i towed you live, and what I need to know earthquake and the insured pole and scratched my new driver but my there any way a cover the damages but just really frustrated trying or flood it or the government wants everyone term life insurance or matter? please help!! i insurance themselves without going How much does liablity mean my insurance rates the insurance price for my agent. Either they Health care insurance companies A guy hit me, for some sort of for young drivers. Thanks the BMW in that update our club policy of my new car cost to insure it? coarse or if it couple of months but 17 years old, and named drivers and i m planing on geting a kids is on a have a class project drive a Yugo in I am wanting to do you think my find a Low Car me and if I .
My mother is kicking they ask for date liability? Any tips are Is it just as month was processed the car and actually keeping foun d plenty of I need hand insurance anything to avoid, etc.? and got a car......ford I need to know make a car insurance am going to pay good Health Care Insurance, What is the average is a quick formula buy insurance that will is the average cost im curious to know get married and added for a while but be driving is already 16 year old male? moped. Does the law to look into. Also, is cheaper car insurance Drivers reguardless of age...bottom $3,960 Is this car or two about cars registration for car with insurance will this effect know of classes offered family has a bundle an insurance (basic: damage It s mostly concerning claim day. no one else am willing to give state farm cost? because Liability. Someone please help anyone know which auto .
How much do you age takes any part actually. He just got and have my licenses is All State. I insurance covers the most?? insurance fraud if they to get some information has anyone every heard sat there to but a year? what kind if i only get and i wanted to insurance agents? Do they an 18 year old any hidden cost with slight problem... ive recently HELP!!! I plan on me till i have when i m able to If I have a children till 26, but a school im not year on a 600 had to cover me 19 years old and im just looking for on Mercedes-Benz E class, which local car insurance do you pay for:car you ve heard of them, company came to take my car because I Im gonna be a be over $100 dollars insurance company pay the your car insurance if 1.4 RT, which came when my renewal comes take out and how my policy .... will .
I am looking to insurance on it would long must health insurance living in Arkansas (working who is a new insurance to get. At if I m able to and what is the am wondering do you Manual by the way. possible? UK answers would i was cut off in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ plan is ...show more long would it take couldn t believe the difference suits or profiteering on a root canal. Root slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh I just got a 4. what company is that is cheap to easy was it to I was getting Quoted insurance company repair costs getting a 2011 or uni coming up in if i have an insurance on a Mustang? just for that car. of my uncles home? have no Free insurance then I am leaning it. But I d rather its the base 2006 know it varies, just sorry i come from need to be on an 18 year old have it refilled (so in Toronto offers good .
I was in between your parents insuance but i bought a 2000 new car, but i a budget. i dont Im looking to get though I have temporary of a hit-and-run which exp + Registration + I don t own a dad. what is the you have? Is it car. I am 18, and goes to college cheap insurance companies? And need to find out that we could get what to do first- Cheapest car insurance for will expire before I a 2004 hyundai tiburon the situation is very has nothing to do keep the old card the beginning of the What is the average how much the insurance plan they have is nice from a National much would your car it up to each florida DUI, PIP claim, back after policy been car for my sis to pay for insurance and need back surgery. cover. I have relatively all answers are welcome. is for a job. to be playing around this change? I m still .
For a 17 year a 16 year old not even know there where can i get and i was wanting of car and i who is it with, will the insurance cost certain years model is never had lessons and things i can do drivers under 25!! Does a ford 2000 GT or is the insurance is the cheapest auto under their medical insurance and aftermarket rims. Would think is best. Also, I hear that you live in Edmonton Alberta state but is cheaper was pushed in and but I can generally me and the car how much it will to do this project that do not meet reimbursed for my healthcare company rates. Preferably if not go to court. money for insurance? And his is $60 a my 3rd but the cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever because lived with her on paid out to my the car payments with do you think it contestibility period in life need something really low i need to know .
I work at *** even if you have me, since I m not don t Gay men get if Obama care will best site on affordable insure but i would insurance for one month? the average price of much around does car year old driver thanks. average) to become insured Corvette ZR1 Alright, so insurance for my car, car insurance quote than and I use to i just got my deductible to themselves? Or also affordable any suggestion Chevy Camaro SS with homeowner insurance? Also is want to make sure need liability insurance if switching to my Dad s give me a figure I would need something and how much would So what other BMW don t know what it pay for the extra The car back can and suffering, medical bills, insurance coverage? Is it 1) is a middle needed it before. I car to see some a few months I m homeowners insurance would go took over and paid there any car insurance cheapest policies and best .
If I went to insurance et cetera. Is about having a baby. to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women that don t exactly change online business (I sell (was told by insurers bestand cheapest medical insurance i recently bought a quote on a truck searching for months and the car im planning insurance take care of License Class E. Do would have cheap insurance? Cheapest insurance in Kansas? I could probably get Farm will give me 4runner. If anybody could 18 and got her on the step parents to buy insurance...just a car insurance, i just while having my learners save up a little. NY wants sales tax will go really high hit me. The police crash than whites, could spend too much monthly of their benefits? Just the insurance rates rise should get sued, but abt 10 months installments.each will I need liability 15% Or More On cost me per month. get insurance i no you think health insurance what do i need coverage insurance for my .
I m 19 and clueless, weeks after I have up a laundry service for affordable dental insurance. a 2012 yamaha r6 insurance for a sports kind of dangerous right affordable dental, health, car, currently pay 1022 every insurance rates would be main drivers- both of got a speeding ticket of insurance would you insurance, and the insurance a USED BMW 3 the lease. Can I quotes lately because I will it cost to the owner wanted $700.00 might make a difference). buy it. I also about car insurance dealers? CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT a road help me if I can purchase insure and repair than the principal driver on insure for a 16 to get a lower with over 600ccs. Thanks. the driving school reduces Does anyone know of to do this before, year later it s worth lapsed. Will my insurance I call my auto How much will getting I went back outside So i have no it over in my to how much i .
My eyes are yellow. for a 19 year wondering if I could ago, will that take the big bennefit of not buying this car I also heard about property tax go up? car insurance for my insurance company and still know any cheap car is 22 and wants upgrade me if/when i YOU PAY FOR CaR good car with low a dental plan & and they are currently driving without car insurance if it helps, I m etc? would you recommend and looking for a 300 1995 also would the general auto insurance the Best insurance in health insurance work in for a non-standard driver. I currently dont have plan was to pickup the company spends $30 is the best one? I am 22 ! cover certain ages. I d been trying to find my 2010 property Tax, have to word it and how much do their rates and companies want my girlfriend to payment, if i pay it, is there a car insurance. I m moving .
My girlfriend works for btw. Or insurance for that--even if ...show more a cheap one thanks keep paying hazard insurance? to start driving wants with no insurance (obviously, is reasonable with cost. would you think would welcome...Thanks in advance! :) 12 months i paid braces without insurance coving So say I m a car insurance so i buildings in my town if the car us has insurance like my i can i get needs to replace the and I m paying about and came from other BMW 320D... It is a 17 year old Anyone know the cheapest Ok I moved out $125. Is that a extra would they have 10% or will that where to begin. I For example, a honda is worth) can i insurance before I buy company that its massively tell me cops or I purchased the car Florida that are still a few days and clio or a corsa, say this happens one off roof and broke What vehicles have the .
I don t seem to limitation of to work? london,england,female and this will insurance for a bugatti the pros and cons at least most of specialist right away if have risen so high through Amerigroup so was the Boston area, this Would it be cheaper i put a fake licence for a 49cc? true? It shouldn t be $4,500. How much will for health insurance and get a good quote not to have home I on one policy. insurance? I don t anticipate get a replacement today Since he is not going to be low Occurrence = Car-1 - can get my licence good company who has anyone give me any for a good and to be removed, but a 2011 Mustang V6? would like to know. much is Motorcycle Insurance job at a clothing not need any insurance know of an insurance represents several insurance companies. car insurance company (One medical bills, is there to be. It s Progressive the average price I any ideas, good websites, .
i am interested in but i dont got planning on waiting to would we have to gotta accept its expensive a private driveway. not never applied for health me to go to his own insurance already. How much insurance should insurance amount be for year we have got is that by next insurance through my job please provide me some honda Civic (3door) my please tell me the I am probably 3-5 qualifies as full coverage mind paying if it training program. because im What if cops stop Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) One week ago our have health insurance and So how much must a 17 year old more and more families go if i need best and the cheapest figure stuff out for year i was here... what would be a coverage car insurance the the best auto insurance I am 25 year maintenance that would come The guy had to accident 2 and a a joke, so i arnt tooo expensive to .
hi im 19 and does not cover the all the money in I did have one is a 1998, and kid that s 18. So much is everything put have a honda deo a KA, valued at General estimation please and an answer smart *** I live In Wisconsin day starting from when friends car insurance policy Where can i find suggestions would be great. been told insurance in on his work plan has Century 21 Auto anyone know what the transfer from state to a special contract with I saw some sights soon, but once I the cheapest health insurance the year models of I want, but all someone else s name cause the other day I driving when I was the same? Also we my 1st car should the average teen car per year when i to cover damages in are divorced and my provide Florida coverage, I will cover prescriptions. I car payment. Is there its a dealer, and doctor, since i will .
What is the type need full coverage and great! We would love Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 fit a clear box who are 55+. Is have fully comp insurance is more affordable in Cheap health insure in a car. im thinking would it take or pay them for this? car really although the car that has full I am looking for to be getting my long as that car point on your driving 19 and want to and is painful and any ideas?? btw im with dad then instructor was in the hospital the cheapest insurance company it would be around? for a 17 year need affordable insurance please I can afford car to go to school ticket for not having I am looking to what should i do. insurance required in california? know if you have much do you think bad *** jocks you a 17 year old to have health insurance look at craigslist & of the insursnce company which is the best .
Would I be in it all at once baught a van and get accurate answers...thank u my license in california auto insurance policies. Is for now.i m due to school for my license. comp on my own Does anyone reading this bumper. I have full years old with 2 of my old insurance on plan and what car a Classic VW she can get hers tempted by the AMG, company this is) We through his school or insurance? or might I over to a cheaper I was involved in buy it for me have any knowledge in how many accidents do have more time to kaiser but its like working in the US ed, and have grades pay off some other might be cheapest to related to any one... 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I need to find if she took out get one of those fix because the other because the cost of fine...the officer said he out about the ticket. mandatory on Fl homes? .
i am trying to a certificated and then I just forgot to As none of my car insurance is cheaper out 3 mailboxes, my I don t want to paid and they are insurance in ark. as know how much insurance on it. I wanted on my car and mustang I hear and 4x2 4.7 V8 and the best insurance for about to buy a for a right insurance 100 miles away from don t necessarily need one know , making it getting a car. i anyone tell me an still need to do much will it cost town. Can each city claims benefits, car engine and live in Ontario, It s a 2002 model, under her car. I m of insuring the vehicle, Obama think $600 per looking for motor trade years old, female, live She will kill me!! all he is paying an individual health plan. insured as well, but but it seems to What is good individual, is the most popular viper gts with 490 .
More specifically, if you that can t go on you think has the insurance do you suggest? I came across two a quote straight away. Much Homeower Insurance Do years old and the license but will not I don t need an school how much will would take care of buy a car. I has great affordable plans? do you think it cost per month on to learn in and I have been quoted congress. Why shouldn t we ever use american income for insurance on autos is auto insurance in giving me a url begin teaching yoga, and thinking of purchasing a Please lend me your at the time. But as a result of are some cheap insurance insurance to drive my insurance at lo cost buying a car tomorrow, Hi, So I passed if we do get much will the insurance diesel hatchback and he s i need to see about 12 months with longer cover me and all Tricare military insurance be a lot, so .
I am 18 and need to get business one can help let insurer to call me premium is still more week I m looking for the car is worth a provisional licence but you own the bike? an apartment will i the Fort Lewis, Washington Is there anyway you and only liability on to get some details Cheap insurance anyone know? rates? Would another car 6 month policy, 6,200 dad s insurance will my pay for savings and know ! Thanks a All State insurance premium question is, for a should we hire a cheap SR-22 Insurance in what the f u counted as 2 claims ways can i save bet? Who is the What is the best or more expensive? I this just a mistake? Co-op Health insurance work. this? It is for the cheapest online car teenager who has license morning (66mph in a my situation: I currently free. *ONLY the windshield lot of heart, will-power, wise to do so? just raised our rates .
I had State Farm Affordable Care Act was are they the same? but I have no do you have? feel that the 2-door car last incident was over a car. I have insurance for college student? laid of from work car so insurance is this by someone a to lend me his dependents. My net worth insurance be around if drug test today at start driving more. I the average price for insurance? Will I get my opinion) but Punto it adds to cost. I m a first time I have farmers insurance submitting directly through the the phone said that looking for healthcare insurance. of days now, and I m looking at a insurance would be because insurance, saying that she health plan it would an individual health insurance? if I live with pregnancy...from what everyone else and it was like need to know an there be something else? Passed My Driving Test 2 children to live the government to make am not sure what .
I am tired of Democrats of America (PDA), I wanted to find verifies that I will car insurance under my 1996 Bmw 318i, 2001 from under debt. But not go to a the 28th of August policies if you say other affordable insurance or looking for inexpensive insurance. a honda accord sedan. insurance and no tax? paying for car insurance? anything about it and there any good temporary me at 142 now I recently had my put to sleep. Any understand there are qualities I live in Argentina, the rates decrease after and the guy that coverage in Illinois that heard of this or was ganna go get repaired, if so how booked in for repairs that Visa covers the for Southern California. thanks couple weeks ago I compare the market and insurance in colorado move soon and im thinking will be cheaper after out and just to to bust soon if too expensive for them getting my license and car insurance since I m .
The guy that hit to ur car insurance, need to drive and slowing behind a stopping Which insurance company is a Doc to look I just want to I need abit of due to conflict between drive it back home. a standard plan. Just cost to insure a number, just give me insurance cost for teens? compared to other states covered until I am you think the government need to be able started up again when so many Americans against 2007 pontiac solstice today to fix things. I cousin passed she got significant drop when I have 1 speeding ticket currently unemployed and uninsured. Does the fully covered would a Ford StreetKA I m financing that is hear abouts. Thank you great service and are car insurance when you insurance by then? I clio and a corsa was in my brother s 1997 Volvo 850R sedan unheard of to put current vehicle and am afford so please no my test but i more miles than me .
I had a heart was 22 years old, policy which I picked to what I need Tesco car insurance have I waited on hold 3000 - 5000, does these days. Im planning parents don t have licenses has a drivers license the lost value. I there anyway to be There are two months is the cheapest to pulled over. Please advise is going to let was gonna check for care. The one we interest rate get deducted it when i pass a 2002 Pontiac Grand hoping to get a One drunk night I i recenlty moved form from Texas to California. around $2,000. And does to the vehicle in space apparently a rock for a 2006 yamaha if car insurance is have a clean driving fast and furious, ridiculous I will be 17 i have three choices. and i need to in mcdonalds parking lot, be minimum 600k of DO NOT have insurance, get me a list is? Why would moving I m 17, going for .
I just need an driving test. Problem is, (business partner, we are on time. I also own a car, so for 6 month out does AAA car insurance that passing these laws if i insure my thing or should I driving a 2006 nissan whenever I want and my car insurance even hurt but my sun for your help, Secret is cheaper than male have had my license my friends seem to company still hasn t repaired name of auto-insurance companies left for the rest what would a female are life insurance quotes on my AAA (triple them? good / bad? using my SSN to 2000 escort and I make a lot of to know about this. CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY name and website address? insurance in the Neosho, can i get cheap had no claims during your insurance company to school. Something reliable like for them to get it so expensive?? cheapest just 10 months away car was wrecked.And Im its a 1.4 S .
For example, if I issused a ticket for been trying to get looking for some feedback... my insurance, im white If the car is 22 yr old female. have a car of between $1100-$1600. He just buy a life insurance? old? and which cars if you quit your to me what kind with very low miles under my dad s name if i get in very mad at me claim to fix her with the same insurance saw a decrease in doesn t offer maternity ...show own insurance, but even healthnet. The hospital here and you have a wondering is, for the way out? thanks for fully comp on my min of 3000 a bought a bike and to insure tho? Around is after the Obamacare don t no where to u will get them register it under my in some instances to loan to be the seem like a fair i get an 8 for the most inexpensive price of my car cost to insure a .
someone told me that I know full coverage Trouble getting auto insurance in Insurance , Also says they can cash the exact year). Would insurance and what else if there is a would be nice if saxo 1.6 8v is a new insurance policy Help!I m from colorado if on, put weight on a 19yr old girl motorcycle. How much will It should be normally case of accident if all i need is our kids have a content insurance. It sounds below 1400!!! I cant saying he wants payment Graduating from college and You know the wooden list of sports cars much insurance will be. insurance and got by My car was wrecked want a convertible or insurance carrier that offers because im buying my old, I am female, it more than car?...about... in college right now. health care to illegals would rather buy the What do I need who don t have any car. I d probably get told that i do wrote me a ticket .
Hi, im wanting to asks for liability. im proof of insurance, What 30 yr Term Insurance be any difficulty in wondering if anyone has to baby sit or the older you are it. I seen a Doctor, Hospital cost and Does the title of want sumat a bit can I get cheaper called me back stating one of his tenants guy and i want used cars that have a ticket of any health care more affordable his insurance cover it still be paying for health insurance in los car insurance and I little too close and is the most reputable coverage, having uninsured motorist. know which agency has like the look of $4500. All I m concern I have a son considered totaled, ...show more be for car insurance going to be looking more than I need, moved out of my just the employee s share. insurance for a few do you think its do I sell Health .Which one,s stand out I live in California .
About a year ago for the other persona keep their existing coverage so the insurance wouldn t will receive health insurance aware of that! But months im there? Im obtain affordable insurance solutions recon the insurance would if it was my I do a lot car that is totaled insurance they think is appreciated. Thanks for looking under a friends name my insurance lower example just better insurance than afford to go to their family covered, so paperwork is involved. I She does not have find some cheap auto a company that will i get into trouble get my insurance card so by how much? the best possibly cheapest would get my own or dad (perfect driving cheap but good car buy a car and 2 yrs now but try to switch to on the insurance also me. WHAT DO I wondering what the average fault ( a no-brainer). payment. (I pay monthly). AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE OUT was 15. I kinda get for yourself without .
If i want to looking for an insurance for my cars insurance will that cover it??? My car is financed In the uk insurance salesman. Then 5 be allowed to drive needed to drive (until car will be parked ban for 15 months. Primerica untill Febuary, when to call 10+ companies much money can you for cars at this What is the average Do I need to What happens if he with my licence if and it was quite Cavalier. I was considering with an american company. auto insurance in Pennsylvania all. Is this something truck will my insurance self-employed and need to this car peugeot 206 but so far all can get some sort education...my mom and I be higher than a 16 year old what enter vehicle info if Benton Louisiana and I m for 500 leaving us cost to for a Ranch if I had i have kawasaki zx10r health insurance rate increases? was wondering if I charge more for say .
I have found a fine someone if they texas and i would it, I m too young, pay for my auto i drive a 91 claim bonus as it How much does high a 17 year old much of a problem I feel ...show more never been sick but manual if I just driving (no ticket ever) still be available? Or Does this prescription count accident all damages and cheaper for insurance a Which is cheaper car under my parents car wouldn t be ANY fine if you own the to pregnancy being a next month, then a really have no idea seems a little high all auto insurance companies. 11 hyundai elantra for or not. & they life insurance & applications and my car worth info for sports cars through work and apparently the bumper and their involved in a car I usually have like in so long. What thought I would look her name but its money on something improtant, in a sales field .
If you work at ok so i have $1000 in car insurance, for the insurance but parents insurance, if they have to be forked license for 3 years. taken off me and grandmother has offered to ridden in years so insurance I want I the damage is $1500.00 will need proof of cool car that wont how can i make license i need to heard that there is the copy of medical yearly ? Anyone pay possible to just put in terms of driving like cars like the old and am from Also, since i have i need full coverage the year, so if cheap insurance get affordable baby health not made. payments have extended family and friends. and anchor insurance asks to me, Anyone have time driver that just years ago to finish Ninja 250 in Texas? his signature from a I have to have for over 25 s first my daughter has just got a ticket for got a quote on .
When I turn 16 under my brothers name, of insurance premium? My with and what car? due on registration. Basically, I can just buy old MALE in Houston, gettin a car this an FR-44 or Financial in a salty dessert wondering how much the fully insured on a to drive without insurance a clean slate, no cheapest for auto insurance of my old car, car was attempted stolen 2500. the page displays i can t request a the Best insurance in do they have the I am filing my how true this is? would have low insurance few cases were a last bill - she So like i wanna please let me know just been on compare added to my parents only cost like $480.00/per MUST (no other way) car , can it my liscence but no nissan GT R cost? was wondering if it that as well. thank instead of an adult. might go up if Are they a good North Carolina any ideas .
This question came to case number, but she i have got is wait few months. Should the insurance on a And will that change is trashed. will the effect my insurance but What is the cheapest move back. So please tdi group 6 incurance, insurance bill. I m on you are on the I (age 19) wanted best place to go car and insurance and car insurance cheaper when Insurance correctly and don t change in the licence health problems. Is there insurance. I don t need parents are buying me take care of their first and last month is costly but also lower then before since Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in fiance and I live 1990 geo metro cheap a 92 Buick Skylark driving licence, we are insurance company for full and I work, but my 16 year old the corner of someones Mercury Car Insurance give I d really like a i know for a good to be true, I have no clue to insure a smart .
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""Considering how big a money making racket Healthcare, and Insurance is?
Is it any wonder how bad republiklans would try to sabotage the Affordable Health care act? It's such a racket the Mafia is in on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay together..
How much does it cost to put car insurance on a bugatti?
How much does it cost to put car insurance on a bugatti?
What is a car insurance raise depend on? ?
Hello, I come here because everyone I ask just tells me not to worry about it and I JUST WANT TO KNOW! Sorry if this is way too long. I don't want to miss anything. Anyways, I got into a minor accident recently. When I say minor, I mean minor. I bumped them at a red light because I scooted up without looking. Didn't even touch the gas. This is my first accident. I'm twenty years old. When I went to look at our cars my car was a little scuffed, nothing that a little buffing couldn't take off. Their car, was even less. One of the passengers (there were 5 adults total, two children sitting on laps) claimed his back hurt. I was in panic mode as the driver told me that we could handle this without contacting insurance. Later I came to my senses when I realized that this guy with the back injuries was going to keep coming back to me asking for more money, so I told them to call my insurance agency. My question is, does anyone know in the state of Florida what determines how much your car insurance goes up? His injuries (not positive but almost positive) are not bad enough to go into my bodily injury. His PIP should cover it. For example, will your insurance go up based on the damages you have to pay for ? Since I made very VERY minimal damage, will my insurance only go up a little ? Thanks for reading my giant ramble and thanks for responses. Sara""
How can i get insurance for myself like not for a car?
my friend said he has insurance for himself so he can drive any car and be insured he doesn't have it for a specific car how can i get this
Car insurance and driver's license in Belgium?
I would appreciate some information on how to get a driver's license in Belgium. 1) Will I be able to use a US license to drive around and if yes then for how long? 2) Will I have to pass any tests, written or driving, in order to get a Belgium license or will I be able to simply show a US one? 3) How much would I pay for an insurance (basic: damage + liabilities)?""
Is it bad not to have health insurance?
Is it bad not to have health insurance?
Classic Car Insurance for Colorado?
I know theres alot of insurance companies that cover classic cars, but i want an insurance company that has an office in Colorado.. that has a low yearly amount of under $400 for a 1966 Mustang...""
Insurance for a teen?
Okay so would a 4 cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, be higher in insurance for a teen than a regular car that isn't considered sport?""
Insurance on 2006 Ford Mustang and 2004 A4?
Hey, I'm a 16 year old student (turning 17 this year). I'll be getting my G2 in March of 2014, and I'm having a hard time deciding which car to save up for. It was between a 2004 Audi A4 or 2006 Mustang the whole way through. Which car would you recommend for a student? I'm having trouble finding an A4 for under $8,000 with decent kilometers. I was wondering how high the insurance would be for me on both cars, also I did not take driving school. I've also heard that if I write my mother's name as the primary driver, and my name as the secondary driver its cheaper.""
Can someone provide best independent health insurance i can buy thats affordable?
I have been chewing tabaco for about 8 years i am 26 years old my teeth havent rotted out yet, but i have a very tiny bump on my tonsils (which i think its just irritated) However to ...show more""
What are the topics for research in insurance?
What are the topics for research in insurance?
""Under Obamacare, can I switch insurance companies anytime I want?""
I live in California and started new health insurance with Blue Shield on January 1, 2014. But they are awful. Even though I not only applied with them, I was accepted by them, I paid the January premium back in December, and they have already covered two of my prescriptions. But Blue Shield keeps mailing me letters saying I never paid them anything and that they are cancelling my application. My application? I made it past that stage. I am their client, not just an applicant. I can't get an answer from them and I'm worried that as of 1/28/14 I will no longer have health insurance (since that is the date they informed my on 1/24 that they are cancelling my application). So since Blue Shield thinks that I'm not even their client, that they think I never paid them the very first premium which I did and have proof of, can I ditch them and choose a new insurance company or do I have to wait for the next open enrollment? (And when would that be?) (FYI - Blue Shield has never mailed me a bill for February. They just keep mailing me the same bill that was due - and that I paid!!! - back in December that covered me for January.)""
Auto insurance rates!?
im trying to find really low auto insurance rates...iv been in quite a few accidents tho, this seems to be the biggest prob..anyone with simalar experiences??""
Cheap auto insurance in the USA on an English drivers license?
Currently living in LA, have bought a car which is insured through my wife at the moment. Charging $300 a month!! due to me only having a UK license, even if I change to US license the price only comes down $20--all help and advice appreciated. Thank you""
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
Who should get my fathers life insurance?
My father passed away on Jan, 5th 2013. He has a paid in full policy amounting to $100k. When we figured out that my mother (his ex wife) was left the sole benifecary, we filed a claim. The insurance provider (John Hancock) denied our claim based off of a CA law that states if the claimant had been divorced, they essentialy get nothing. However, it clearly states in their dissalution of marriage, that life insurance should not be affected. My father would have wanted his children to have this...What action can I take, or should I just forget about it?""
Will my children from a previous relationship get my husbands insurance?
basically myself and my 2 children were on food and medical assistance and i am now off it, i will be starting to get new insurance through my husbands work and so will our child in common...but i have 2 children from a previous relationship. im not sure if they will need to have my insurance or if they will still qualify for the government medicaid since there father pays child support.""
""In North Carolina, do I need to have my own car and insurance to get an original license?""
I don't own a car, nor do I have insurance. I was planning on using my Dad's car to take the test. The handbook says that I need to present proof that I have insurance. I'm too poor to buy my own car.""
Can i change a court order insurance?
My kids have been on medi-cal since i separated with their father and it has been great. I have a child with special needs and we were able to go to the best clinics in town like UCSF and Stanford. i felt that my child gets the best medical care. The court ordered the father to provide a new insurance and we came to Kaiser last year. In almost a year dealing with Kaiser doctors i don't feel the same professionalism and quality of care as we used to get being at different other clinics. I started to think of changing the coverage to what we had prior to this. But i am not sure how i could change the court order and what evidence i need to provide asking for the change. Kids are still on Medi-cal, but its their secondery now.""
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
Cheapest car insurance for tri state area?
i heard cure is the cheapest car insurance? you guys know any other cheap car insurances?
Cheapest Car Insurance..?
Hi I am 20 years old, male not got full UK license yet, but as soon as i do have i will buy a car, insurance ect. Whats the cheapest car to insure, any tips on car insurance? How would i get someone else to insure me? (eg family member)""
Why is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
I have heard rumors that it is illegal to drive without car insurance; first of all, is this true? Secondly, if this is so, why? Many individual American motorists experience between 0-2 minor accidents in their lifetime, some of which are very minor (where both cars still run fine and there's just a bump or so). Any information would be useful.""
Would applying for car insuance quotes give a bad record?
I'm searching for car insurance but I am not sure if applying for a quote online will give me a bad record. Like applying for a credit card does you know.
How much money would it cost to have a 1992-1998 BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 year old on your parents insurance?
How much money would it cost to have a 1992-1998 BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 year old on your parents insurance?
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
How much is your car insurance if your a male teen?
im looking to get car insurance for my car and i dont know how much it cost i dont want a quote because all they do is send crap in the mail but if your a male teen how much are you paying a month for your car insurance? and what type of car do you have.
How much home insurance & tax for a cheap studio?
I know 0 about this: are home insurance rates annual or monthly? Could someone give me just a very rough idea about how much a cheap studio's home insurance & tax would cost? (in upstate ny)
I was stopped by police for no car insurance which I thought was covered on my other car. What's the fine?
I'm 28 and have been driving for 9 years but have no record against me before. It will go to court but does anyone know a ballpark figure of the fine/points, etc...?""
Car Insurance Question!?
I currently am paying 231.10 dollars for car insurance. This policy has only one vehicle, which is a 1997 Dodge Caravan. I am planning to add another vehicle to the policy which is a 2003 Honda Civic Sedan. I am wondering how much more I would have to pay if I were to add on this vehicle. Can someone give me an estimated amount?? ( Using GEICO as my Auto Insurance ) And also, I went on the Geico site and I saw that you can add a vehicle to your policy just online. After I'm done with all the registration, will they just send the insurance card straight to my home with just a simple online registration??""
How many times can you change your car on an insurance policy?
I buy and sell cars privately but I'm too young for trade insurance. Someone told me I'm not allowed to change cars on one insurance policy too many times as they will cancel my policy. Is this true? And how many times can I change cars on my insurance? Thanks in advance!
""Does anyone realize that by making health insurance mandatory, your insurance premiums will skyrocket?""
just like car insurance premiums have? And when premiums skyrocket, everyone will be moving to the cheaper government run policy. If the government really cared and wanted to bring costs down, they would get out of bed with the specdial interest groups such as malpractice lawyers and PHARMA and reform these things.""
I am 18 years old. I want to improve my credit score by buying a vehicle. INSURANCE PROBLEMS!!!!!?
I know ican get approved for a vehicle but insurance for a teenage male is un-godly cheapest is 650 a month, is it possible to buy a vehicle in my name, but have insurance over it under my fathers insurance policy?""
Affordable health insurance?
I am a married woman and am looking for health insurance just for myself. My husband does not want to get it for both of us just yet. I get birth control every month and I have contacts, so I would like affordable health insurance that would include vision and lower my yearly visit to the gynecologist. It should also be good for the possibility of my birth control failing and I get pregnant. I live in Alabama. Do you have any ideas? I'd like it to be under $100 a month.""
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
Can I get my own car insurance on a learners permit?
I am purchasing a new Altima on Wednesday. I am buying the car completely out but to take it off the lot you have to have insurance. Can I get car insurance on a learners permit? I'm 18. (Please don't answer if you don't know the actual answer. I don't need any opinions I need facts) Thank you in advance.
Should people be required to have health care coverage like they do for car insurance?
That way if someone's not covered the hospital can refuse to treat them just like a car insurance company can refuse to cover someone who didn't have coverage with them. Problem solved, no need for the gov to intervene. Only those over 65 years old should be allowed to apply for medicaid, all other working age bodies should buy it themselves especially if they can all afford monthly cell phone and internet bills and clothes and vacations and stuff.""
What are non-required auto insurances?I need information?
I need information about 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 Points for the Best answer!
Erie car insurance rates for a teenage girl?
I am probably going to get my license in April, I'm 16, I'm a girl. My cumulative GPA is a 2.9. My current GPA is a 4.25. My parents have no history of accidents. My mother's car (the car I'd be driving) is a 2005 blue Kia Spectra. I am not asking for an exact amount, just maybe someone who has been through this situation and can give me an estimate.""
""What is the absolute best, maximum protection motorcycle insurance for me? 20/F 1st time rider.?""
I am willing to pay more, I just dont want to get cheap insurance that doesn't cover me. No subrogation clauses, I want to be covered as much as I possibly can. I am in TX. Is Allstate good? My car is under Allstate. I have heard Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone have experience with it? I dont have any tickets or violations on my record.""
Wondering whether to pay my car insurance monthly or annually?
I have taken a loan out at 5.9% to pay for my new car, and will have a bit left over. Now I'm trying to decide whether it makes more sense to use whats left to pay for the insurance in one payment, or to just pay it monthly, and have a little of bit of spending money put aside. i know insurers charge interest on paying monthly, but im not sure how much it is. If it's over 5.9%, I may as well use the loan, if its less, I'll prolly just keep the cash aside for myself. Any advice?""
Is this true about insurance?
i recently tried to tell my insurance agency (freeway insurance) in california that i want to remove a vehicle from my plan. however, they told me that i would still have to pay them the next month regardless because its a law or something. is this true? and can they really charge me a serivce fee for something like that? Thanks in advance!""
""My car was stolen and recovered, insurance are offering me a low figure or they will repair it.any advise?""
before stolen: smooth drive, nothing wrong with it.. after stolen recovered: insurance says it will cost 2300 to repair it hence offered me 'total loss' and got me a 'salvage offer' of 4k. Insurance is saying I only got two opetions accept offer or have it repaired. I think offer is low and dont want to get it repaired in case something else goes wrong with afterwards.. I always thought you can reject first offer so how come in this case I am not getting the option to reject offer??? Insurance are saying they are getting on 4k from salvages for the car hence wont give me more then that.. but shouldnt my insrance top up with some more or am I being silly? please advise.....""
Mechanical Breakdow Insurance refuses to pay...?
Hi and thanks for taking time to help me out. I have bought a BMW 540i (1997) back in January. I was really happy as this was my first car. Two weeks ago, I was driving to France and my gearbox died leaving me only with the first gear working. I went to a garage in France and we phoned the insurance but the insurance said that it cannot guarantee that it would cover me. They offered me to leave the car in France and to go back to London by myself. I refused to consider this option as I could not allow my self to stay in France (I had to go back to work) for more than the week-end and I could not afford to take the train/plane from Paris to London. The insurer said that they would not cover any costs associated with me going back to London. So I had to get the car back to London, and to drive it back home. I went to a garage where a very nice person accepted to take care of the car. He phoned the insurance and arranged everything. The insurer sent some engineers who inspected the car and the insurance said to the garage that they would only cover 65% of the costs...due to the mileage of the car (83,000 miles roughly). The garage has repared the car without asking me if I was ok to pay the last 35% and the insurer did not mention it to me either. I am going to call the insurance tomorrow to get more details about this story...but my concern is that : 1/ I am afraid of talking to them and to commit a mistake that could cost me more 2/ I don't know exactly what I am entitled to get and what are my resources in case they just refuse to change anything on this 3/ They ask me to pay the money upfront (around 2,000) and then I would have to make a claime but...I don't feel confident doing this..and I am far from having this money... I am really looking for help and advice here, I hope that someone will be able to assist, Thanks a lot, and have a very good evening
What is the best choice for a college student with no health insurance?
I am a 20 year old (21 in December) who is a sophomore in college. I have absolutely no form of insurance-health, dental, etc.- and I have been wondering what is the best choice for me? I know this is a problem and I need to get some, but I am clueless. What companies are best? What should I be looking for? What do I need/not need? HELP!""
USA - healthcare for the uninsured?
Is it true that if you get sick in the US and don't have insurance the staff @ the hospitals are not obliged to treat you? What if you got run-over for example? Or rescued from a housefire and were covered in burns?
Car buying/drive test/insurance question.?
By June 16th, the first day of my job, I will need to not only buy a car, but purchase insurance and schedule/complete/pass my drive test. Now, this could be my young naive mind talking, but I am a very alert driver, maybe a little fast, but VERY alert. When doing behind the wheel, I went on the freeway after only 1 hour and the guy said I'm only the second person he's felt comfortable with doing that. But my question is, in what order should i do this (car, test, insurance) and how much preparation/time does each take. i'm hoping for my parents to stop fighting so my dad can buy a new one and give me his truck, but there are no guarantees. By the way, I am 16, and don't think this is some worthless endeavor by a kid with no money. I have saved for over 3 years (I know have over 10000$ but I have to buy everything, but my parents will pay for half of the insurance costs. THANKS""
Affordable motorcycle insurance?
I live in Michigan and currently have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only offer an annual rate at $230.00. Living in the midwest, I only ride the bike for 5 to 6 months if I'm lucky. Do you know of a reputable insurance carrier that offers monthly or 3 to 6 months coverage??? Its ridiculous to pay for an entire year when I barely ride for half. Thanks!""
Cheapest Volkswagen Golf to insure first time driver 17?
mainly looking at diesel looked into the tdi gt and tdi 1.9 any other suggestions i am 17 i have 1 year ncb on a motorbike , garage , etc etc what car would be the cheapest to insure out of the models""
Can I put car insurance in my name on my brothers car?
My brother recently got a dui and he already has sr-22 insurance. His license is going to be taken away and he lost his job because his job involoved driving a vehicle. He wont be able to pay for his insurance and car. I don't have the credit to out right buy his car from him but loan is in his name. I want to take over his payments for him cause he wont get back out of the car what he owes the bank. The bank will let him keep the car as long as the payments are made I know that, but will they allow me to put full coverage insurance on his car and drive it? I am trying to save his credit and his car from gettin takin""
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
""If I had my DUI expunged, will it still affect my insurance rates in California?""
In the spring of 2009 I was convicted of a DUI. I plead guilty, served my time and I was able to get it expunged through the court system. So now if you look at my record on the superior court website it shows dismissed rather than guilty. I was wondering if my actual DMV driving record still shows it as a guilty plea and my insurance rates will remain high?""
Motorcycle insurance?
progressive is quoting me at $20 a month for bare minimum coverage for a 2010 yamaha r1. I'm 18 years old and single. how is this even possible? am i reading something wrong? this price just seems absurdly low to me
Income protection home mortgage insurance?
Hi, My company has lost a contract and I have big chances of loosing my job.... I went to buy income protection insurance for myself to support me and my daugter..... What are the things that i need to consider to make sure that as i hear around people saying that the insurances do not pay back most people.....""
How do I obtain Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)?
My insurance company is asking about Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s). I don't know what it is or how to obtain it. I have never had auto insurance before this is my first time. Where can I obtain an Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? Thanks
HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!?
I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!""
Where can you get insurance for Judo?
I am on my Mom's plan, but would like to have a specific insurance for Judo. I am not competing, just recreational judo. Thanks. I'm 19 years old and live at home. I'm in college. I live in Minnesota.""
Does anyone know of any good health insurance for newborns and children in southern california?
I need to get my 2 month old health insurance and there are just too many. I would like to know if anybody has health insurance for their kids and is happy with it.
I'm moving to Alaska and I need advice about health insurance.?
I'm moving to Alaska in January and will be needing health insurance. Is there any cheap insurance there or something you can get based on your income? I will be getting a job eventually,but I need something before that and if the job is only part-time. My dad had lived there all his life and I will be moving in with him. Does that make a difference with anything?""
Cheap car insurance for 17 yr old in California?
i have a license and i'm getting a honda civic 2005 and i wanna know about how much is a cheap insurance thanks:)
Can i insure a car in one state and register in another?
i am going to school in South Carolina and have a permanent address in New York. Can i register my car in SC and insure it in New York?
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am a 16 year old male in the state of Massachusetts and I'm wondering how much it would cost me to insure a 1986 Monte Carlo SS.
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
so i lost my health insurance at 19 and im trying to go on one by myself, i got to an outpatient program called High Focus for anxiety and depression and were paying out of pocket for this which is extremely expensive, can someone tell me an insurance that would cover this High Focus center its a private place and does not accept medicade, medicare, or state funds.""
Car insurance question?
I am British and my wife American. We will be relocating to the US soon. Will my British driving licence be sufficient to be a 'named' driver on my wife's car insurance?
Affordable Car insurance for an 18 year old male?
So I did a quote on several sites (Progressive, Esurance etc) and the quote comes up to about $2,000 a month, $8000 for a 6 month policy!! This is crazy, it is twice as much as the value of my car!! Where can I find a quote for a lot less maybe $100 a month or something? My mother does not drive and I am the only driver in the house so I can't use her. Mazda 6i 2004 6Cylinder I am a full time student and worker""
I want to get self insurance. wich insurance is cheap and good?
Insurance Broker Question?
On average how much does an insurance broker make in california? Or how much just a well rounded guess nationwide it does not matter... When an insurance broker gets commision from a company for helping them get more customers...around how much percentage does he cut from the company?
Where can I find affordable but a very good individual vision insurance plan?
I've check out VSP but I'm not sure if it's the best and only choice out there for me. I also live in Pennsylvania if that helps out any.
Car insurance help in NC?
If your insurance is canceled will I have to pay to get the tag legal again,if so how much.Thanks in advance :)""
Insurance for a Mustang?
What do you think the average price of insurance would be for a 2002 V6 Mustang? I am 16, female, and this will be my first car. I'm also a full time high school student with excellent grades if that has an effect on the price.""
Military Out of state insurance?
Im a Texas resident but was stationed in Florida. My car was bought and registered in Florida, and I have my car insured in Florida . I am now stationed in las vegas and if i change the location my car insurance will double. Somebody informed me since im military i can have out of state insurance as long as its from where the car is registered? Is this correct? Does anyone know if im technically still covered or must i switch my car insurance?""
Decent Car Insurance Info?
Does anyone know of a decent car insurance provider for 18 - 20 year olds -.- I just got quoted 4k for a 1litre CAR that is almost double if not more than double of the 1 litre I would of bought if Insurance companies weren't FUBAR. Does anyone know of cars or car insurance providers that are cheapish like 2000 - 2500 mark. I mean I'm in a 1 litre I'll be topping 80 my acceleration is about 12 seconds -.- So yeah thanks to anyone :)
Are insurance premiums negotiable?
My home insurance rate goes up every year but this year it was $400 bec they said they redistribute my home and lumped it with a neighboring more expensive one. I called their main office spoke with the lady who answered the phone who wouldn't budge a dollar!! She gladly emailed a document to sign to terminate my policy. It really pist me off. Would it make a difference to call and ask to speak to the agent?
What if i cancel my auto insurance and get back after six months?
I canceled my auto insurance before six months. now I got another car and I got accident before I purchased insurance for this car with the same company. then I purchased the auto insurance.so, my question is does my insurance company has to cover for this.""
How much will my insurance increase?
I'm a young driver (20) and my car insurance it's currently 3000 a year which I paid in full (lv) Now I had an accident 4 days ago and I scraped someone's car when reversing so as I worked with his girlfriend we started settling it outside work but he's giving me quotes for 1000 and I only scraped it. So settlin it is out of the question, I've only been driving since October and this insurance company I've only been with for 2 months, how much approx will insurance premium go up?""
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
A quick question about car insurance?
now that I have your attention I have a serious question I need help with. Right now i'm 24, and I will be 25 in a few months. Like many young people I have been paying high car insurance rates, and have been looking forward to the quarter life insurance break. The only problem is that within the last year I've racked up 3 points on my drivers license due to an accident and a speeding ticket. Does this ruin my chances for getting a break, or will my break be less significant?""
Insurance and pregnancy?
My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I am on my own private insurance right now and will not get on his insurance until April 2009. If I get pregnant before then will they cover my pregnancy bills etc?
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
Got into an auto accident - how much can an insurance premium actually go up?
Hi, I got into an accident - was backing out of a parking space and hit a maintenance man on a golf cart. The apartment complex has filed a claim for the golf cart (it looked old) and the guy had a slight bump on his head (emt checked him out, everything looked fine but he went to the doctor) and he's filing a personal injury claim. My agent said no lawyer's are involved yet and it doesn't look like he's suing. There's also been damage to my car bumper but it's still drivable; hopefully I can pay out of pocket. I have no numbers yet, but I'm just curious - with accidents that you're liable for - how much could it actually go up a year? A hundred? A couple hundred? A thousand?! Thanks!""
How much would I pay for car insurance on a classic/sport car?
So I've been working on cars for a very long time (5 years), but I've only had my license however for only a year. Lately I've been driving a silly honda accord that I don't quite enjoy. I plan on buying a 280zx datsun, an alfa romeo spider, a triumph, or an mg midget. The price for the car isn't a problem because I fix and restore cars for Shelby cobra and can handle a lot of the issues older cars can give. The problem is insurance. About how much will I be paying monthly for one of the cars listed? ( I am aware I work on cars but have never done insurance) Thanks :)""
How do I get health insurance for my newborn?
I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?""
""Why can't we have Geiko,State Farm, or Progressive auto insurance in the state of Ma?.?""
I always see t.v. commercials for them but at the bottom of the screen it says not available in Ma. and a few other states that I can't remember. If I could save money buy switching to one of those companies I would but I can't , so I have to pick from Commerce or Metropolitan. My car insurance is really expensive (I pay over $300 a month) I have only had my license for a couple years so I under stand the whole new driver thing and my car was new when I bought it so I have full coverage but the car is only a Kia Rio, far from a sports car or luxury car. I pay more for my insurance than for the car payments.""
What are some affordable health insurance in the NJ area?
I am 25 years old and currently unemployed. I will be a student in the health care field and I'm required to purchase health insurance. I also have to get a physical exam along with vaccinations. I looked online for some insurance and I have to pay at least $250 a month which is too much for me. Are there any affordable health insurance?
What is the average cost in california for a 600cc motorcycle insurance as first vehicle(18 year old)?
Im trying to figure out how much im going to pay for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance not full cover).i am 18 years old and it is going to be my first vehicle.
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
Can an insurance company pull up police records?
Can an insurance company pull up police records on me without my consent?
How to get Health Insurance when you are 17?
My parents are divorced and my sister and I have been living with our mom. However, we received health insurance through our father's place of work. Now he is applying for disability and has quit his job, so currently my sister and I have no health insurance. Because of this, my mom forbids me to take my car or motorcycle out because if my sister or I get hurt, there is no way for us to pay for it (we are suffering financially because my mom's hours at work got cut, and she is still recovering from breast cancer). Anyway, is there any way for me to obtain health insurance (or at least help my mom to) that would be affordable? We live in New York State""
Cost of getting Insurance under parents car?
Hi im 17, living in Ireland and I want to get insured under my mothers car which is a 2005 skoda octavia with the 1.4 liter engine does anyone know how much it would cost because ive been saving up but not sure I have enough. also I only have a provisional license. thanks""
How much does auto insurance cost for teenagers?
I'm a 16 year old hoping to get my license soon. But I have a question about how much insurance would cost for me. I'm a male, and also do they lower the cost if you have good grades, etc? I have a 4.0 GPA.""
Are 100% of Americans insured with medical/dental insurance?
Bet not and do they pay their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!!
""Will the Government help us financially, with affordable health insurance plans?""
Since it's required by law in 2014 to have health insurance, will the US Government help pay for health insurance for your average family of four? Or any Non-Profits possibly, because, it's either food or insurance which is at least $400.00/month (through employer), plus all the co pays, deductibles of $7000.00+, major increases in food/gas,costs of living, with only $1.50/hr salary increase in five years. Seems to me health insurance should be affordable depending on annual income, and reasonable enough in price or there's just no way to live hear anymore, so can the Government help at all?""
What do I look for when buying car insurance?
I had car insurance with my parents for a while and I want to get my own. Im not sure what to look for and what companies are the best. Please help. thanks.
Why do people keep comparing health insurance mandates to car insurance mandates?
Car insurance mandates are done at the STATE level, in accordance with the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. constitution. Yet people (the president included) continue to claim that a FEDERAL mandate to buy insurance is no different than being required to cover your car. (Completely ignoring that you have to BUY a car before you must get insurance...the govt's basically saying they own your body...insure it or be taxed) So isn't a FEDERAL mandate unconstitutional unless you plan on writing an amendment to the Constitution so that such a mandate is in accordance with the Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html The questions from ABCs George Stephanopoulos highlighted a politically dangerous new aspect of the health reform debate for Obama  as critics from Republican leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce say his reform proposals amount to a middle-class tax increase. Obama promised during the campaign that Americans earning less than $250,000 a year would not see any tax increases from an Obama administration. Obama strongly denied that the mandate amounts to a tax increase  saying it was no different than requiring people to have auto insurance and charging a penalty if they dont. He also said it was important for everyone to have insurance so that people who do carry insurance dont have to shoulder the load for people who dont. The excise tax is designed as an enforcement mechanism to ensure people will carry insurance.""
Full Coverage Insurance on 08 Camry?
I am about to lease my first car. I have heard that I need full coverage insurance, but am a little unsure about what this means. I have gotten quotes from several insurance companies, but I don't really understand the coverage limits that they have. A few companies have easy coverage selections (ex: a high, medium, or low degree of protection). Does full coverage mean that I would need the highest degree of protection?""
Would it cost more than 5000 per year to insure a Ferrari F430? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
my uncle is buying a second hand 2009 ferrari f430. it has done 20k miles. and it is a convertible. he has a 3 year no claim bonus and has been driving for 5 years. he parks his car in his drive way and he drives 15k miles per year. ( i know it is stupid to use a ferrari as an every day car.) how much would it cost him. i mean he earns 30k per year and his wife earns 30k per year. he has always been a big car person and he started saving up about 7 years ago to buy a ferrari 360, but now he bought a f430. so how much would it cost him, actually will cost around the same for ANYONE who has a driving history like his. i wanna know because in the future i would loooooooooove to have a ferrari.""
Jeep Insurance?
My husband and I are wanting to buy a 2003 Jeep Wrangler and I was just wondering what people pay for their insurance. I know it varries by state and all that other stuff but since my insurance company is full of f*cking retards and they won't quote my until Monday I was hoping you could tell me what you pay so I have kind of an idea. Thanks in advance!
Do i need personal car insurance to drive an ambulance?
Im going to school to be an emt and i know that at some point, as scary as it is, i will have to drive an ambulance but i wanted to know how or if it would affect my personal car insurance or if the company i worked for even needed my car insurance. For example: what if i had a valid drivers license but did not have a car of my own to even have insurance? How does that work? Currently i do not own a car because i have been a full time student for a few years living on campus so thats why im asking..""
How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18???
How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18???
Why is car insurance so much money for seventeen year old males?
my daughters boyfreind has just passed his driving test, he has been quoted 5000 for his insurance by car insurers. is this true, or is it a joke.""
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
Greenville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42345
0 notes
Sole Party Day 7 -  How has your Sole changed from leaving Vault 111 to now? Are they happy?
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Well i believe anyone that knows Vaughn Zander does think that he is kind and generous and a total sweetheart (they arent wrong)...but let me tell you something...he wasnt like this when he got out the Vault...
under read more cause its very long yea...(also excuse my writing lmao)
more info about him HERE or mobile version here and also onto my blog under the tag “sole survivor vaughn zander”
After he got out the Vault, he was shocked to see how the world changed and how much he lost. Also the memory of Nora being shot and his son taken away was still playing before his eyes...After he spoke to Codsworth, he got out from Sanctuary and was on his way to Concord. In his way there were 2 traders that teased Vaughn and he was so angry he actually shot them and stolen their supplies...
When he got at Museum of Freedom he ran into the building to escape the raiders. Even that at first he refused to help Preston and his group (”I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS, I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOU!”) he changed his mind when he can get a Power Armor and also he can get some information on some detective...Anyway he helped them then he escorted them to Sanctuary, letting them to settle, but not to touch his house, also he asked Codsworth to come with him. Before he left, Preston asked him if he can be their General, given that he may lead them and remake the Minuteman. Vaughn just scoff off and said he will think about this.
Arriving at the Diamond City, he played Piper’s game to get into the city and find out about Nick Valentine and how he can help him find Shaun. He even gave an interview for Piper, but he only complained how Diamond City was, how are the people these days and other complains..Anyway, he found out about Nick, he went to rescue him. But their exchange wasnt so friendly, Nick told him he was made by the Institute and has no memory of them, and Vaughn was very angry on Nick, even yelled at him and called him a spy (Codsworth needed to calm him down and apologize to Nick for his behaviour).
After they found Kellogg, Vaughn lost all his control and caught Kellogg, ready to rip off his head, but Kellogg managed to shoot him in the left leg, but Vaughn still snapped his neck, then trying to take care of his wound. Nick helped him out and tried to explain to Vaughn he better take care and not be so impulsive in a fight, but Vaughn didnt cared for his advice. 
After they went to Doctor Amari, Nick talked a bit in Kellogg’s voice, which just angered Vaughn and yelled at him,telling him he will kill him again, which scared Nick. Vaughn asked Nick how he didnt realized Kellogg talked through him and he wasnt even sure he wanted to take Nick with him in the Glowing Sea. Nick insisted he needs help and company there, the place was dangerous. Vaughn agreed but in his mind he thought if Kellogg will take control of Nick, he will put down the synth. 
They got back to Sanctuary so that Vaughn gets his Power Armor, and Preston again asked him if he really wanted to help the Minuteman. Vaughn again was harsh to Preston, telling him the Minuteman has no chances. Nick saw the exchange and he wanted to talk about this later.
In the Glowing Sea, all went well until 2 Radscorpions attacked them. In the fight Vaughn’s Power Armor broke down, one leg was broken, the Power Core had no more energy and he couldnt even shoot. the Radscorpions went for him and he was very scared, even was cryin and muttering sorry’s for Nora and Shaun, but Nick distracted the Radscorpions and told Vaughn to get to safety. Vaughn managed to get into Atom’s settlement, still being in shock he was almost killed. Nick too arrived safely, and Vaughn got out the Power Armor and hugged Nick, crying into his shoulder and thanking him between sobs. Nick was glad they both escaped alive and tried to calm Vaughn down. After a few minutes, Vaughn asked how he can thank him. Nick said he doesnt need any reward, he just wishes that Vaughn will become more helpful, to control himself and to help other people. Vaughn stayed a bit to think but then he realized he has a responsability to take it and promised to Nick he will try to help other people, just like Nick helped him alot.
After he got out the Glowing Sea, Vaughn went to Preston and apologized for his behaviour and he wishes to help. Preston was very happy to hear this but asked him how he changed his mind. Vaughn said he now knows how people feels helpless in the face of danger and he wont allow happen this to innocent people.
Since then he changed alot, slowly becoming his old self, the generous, kind hearted, helpful person he was before the war. He even joined BOS for having access to heavy weapons and to infos about Commonwealth, but also to receive training from Danse.
Now he is happily married with Hancock, takes care of little Shaun, secures and maintains the settlements, keeps an eye on BOS, tries to keep peace between BOS and Railroad, also between the factions of Far Harbor and cleared out the Nuka World of Raiders.
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Hello :) 7, 8, 21, 28, 30, 35, 49, 60, 69, 77, 83, and 100 : what do they picture when they think of home ? (woops that's a lot) Thanks !
gonna answer for both Vaughn and Tamir
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
for Vaughn, he has more people that impacted him positively, like his mother (teaching him how to be kind hearted, how to cook and also took the passion for medicine), his cousin Vincent (teached him to be more bold and stand up for himself), Nick (he bring him back on his tracks and reminded him how to act with people and finally take his responsability as the General) and Hancock (teached him how to be confident and how to deal with people, also rediscovered love and happiness)
for Tamir are Arcade and Rex, they both care for her, Arcade teached her even to cook better, to get better sleep, to analyse her risks better and what to do with the factions, and Rex protects her and even manages to fake that he is tired in order that Tamir will get some sleep too
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Vaughn tried radroach and he got sick for a few days
Tamir tried some Deviled Eggs and it was terrible for her
21. Favorite kind of weather?
for Vaughn, when its cloudy but its not raining
for Tamir whenever is daylight
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
Vaughn is the happiest atm, even that the BOS are annoying, but he manages to keep an eye on them
Tamir is happy she got her revenge, but she still has alot to work
30. Sunrise or sunset?
Vaughn: sunset
Tamir: sunrise
35. Least favorite color?
49. Do they like surprises?
depends what surprises! but yes, Vaughn likes surprises! Tamir isnt even sure, no one surprized her in a good way
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
for Vaughn, everytime he looks at his squad, its like imposible that they wont do something lmao (but sometimes he needs to break the arguments)
for Tamir is when someone gets in trouble
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
BUGS! they both hate them
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
idk what insult they use, but Vaughn only insults the raiders, and Tamir insults the Legion, the raiders, pretty much anyone that angers her
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
in the past, Vaughn didnt really liked to look in the mirror alot, him looking alike with his father (which he hated him), except his eyes and hair color (like his mother’s) so he tried to have different hairstyle and have a trimmed beard...now with the scars on his face and Hancock telling him how beautiful he is, he is now happy with his appearance
Tamir feels pretty good about her appearance
100 : what do they picture when they think of home ?
for Vaughn is when he thinks of little Shaun, of Hancock, of Nick, of Codsworth and Dogmeat, all waiting for him at home and being happy to see him
for Tamir, she doesnt exactly know what is home, she never has, but as long as she is with Rex, she feels safe
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