#hand carved barn door
indiatrendzs · 10 months
Antique Farmhouse Handcarved Doors
Looking for antique farmhouse handcarved doors? You’ve come to the right place! Antique farmhouse doors can add a touch of rustic charm and elegance to any home. Whether you’re looking for a single door for your entryway or a set of accent carved doors for your living room, here are a few key things to consider: Style: Antique farmhouse doors come in a variety of styles, so it’s important to…
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mogulinterior · 1 month
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Sliding barn doors offer a unique way to add personality, style, and functionality to your home. These doors are not only easy to install and customize but also free up valuable floor space that conventional interior doors would otherwise occupy. This makes them an excellent choice for both small spaces, such as bathrooms or hallways, and larger areas where they can provide a seamless flow between rooms or create distinct, separate spaces.
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Style and Versatility
Barn doors have become incredibly stylish, fitting effortlessly into various design aesthetics. Initially popularized during the rise of the “shabby chic” style, which features rustic decor and distressed wood and metal furniture, carved barn doors have evolved to suit a wide range of tastes. Natural wood doors with metal hardware and accents complement rustic, industrial, and nature-inspired settings. Their simple, clean profile also makes them an excellent fit for minimalist and modern homes. carved interior door Available in various finishes and styles, some barn doors even incorporate tinted or etched glass, making them a unique statement piece and conversation starter for any room.
Easy Installation
One of the significant advantages of barn doors is their ease of installation. Unlike conventional doors that require precise measurements and can be challenging to fit into pre-cut doorways, vintage barn door hardware is straightforward to install, either on your own or with professional help. Once the hardware is in place, changing out doors is a breeze, making barn doors an ideal choice for those who enjoy redecorating or updating their home’s style frequently.
Versatile Designs
Barn doors come in various designs, making them suitable for almost any doorway. The traditional single sliding door on a track is a classic option, but double door configurations are also available, allowing the doors to slide to either side of the opening. This setup is perfect for larger doorways often found between main rooms. Bypass barn door hardware is another versatile option, ideal for closets, multiple side-by-side openings, and smaller spaces. Bypass doors can slide behind each other, requiring less track space and allowing you to cover a wider doorway without extending tracks too far on either side.
Whether you’re looking to enhance a small space, create an open floor plan, or add a stylish element to your home decor, sliding barn doors are a versatile and functional choice. With a wide range of styles and easy installation, you can find the perfect carved barn door and hardware kit to suit your aesthetic and transform your living space.
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nickfowlerrr · 9 months
Ohhh bonfire night with Bucky Barnes 🥹
it's easy to be loved.
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pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: fluff fluff and some more fluff. & like the tiniest little bit of angst if you really, really squint.
words: 2.9k
notes: ahh this is so cute!! thank you for sending it in! 🥰
comments and reblogs are always welcome and so appreciated! let me know what you think. 🖤
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"Where are you taking me, Barnes?" you question as Bucky leads you further into the woods, his hand holding yours tightly.
"I said it's a surprise, you can't wait another minute?" he lightly chastises.
You had just gotten done at the pumpkin patch, Bucky's car loaded with your haul of pumpkins, an assortment of sweets from the farm's bakery, and a good three pounds of some of the best fudge you have ever had in your life. You were already thinking about how you wanted to carve your pumpkin when you got home but were pulled from your brainstorming when Bucky pulled off the road, instead following a single, one-way road down into the wooded area that surrounded you.
You looked over at him quizzically and he turned to you for a second with a light laugh and that ever-disarming smile, though you didn't miss the twinkle of excitement that was shining in his gaze.
When he finally pulled up to a clearing with a little gated pathway just to the side, he parked and turned the car off, quickly getting out and gallantly coming to the passenger door to open it for you before you could even try.
"Okay seriously," you looked at him pointedly, "did you bring me out here to murder me? Was this past year just one long con to get my guard down enough to lure me out into the middle of nowhere?"
You narrowed your eyes at the laugh Bucky let out at your words as you got out of the car, standing before him as he stayed where he was, one hand on the car door, the other on the side of the car, keeping you right where you were. "First of all, sweetheart, we're not in the middle of nowhere. And secondly, you think I would've bought that much fudge if I was planning on killing you tonight?" he joked.
"Hm. Okay, fair point," you allowed with a quirk of your lip, your fingers finding the belt loops of his jeans, tugging him closer. You tilted your chin at him, an expectant pout playing on your lips when he didn't move, only a smirk on his lips as he looked at you. You tugged again and he relented, moving in to kiss you softly.
"Mm," he hummed against you, "you taste like chocolate."
You smiled into the kiss, pulling away only for a second to speak. "That fudge. It's so good," you murmured before kissing him again, your lips moving more firmly against his, your fingers tugging him closer once more.
Bucky groaned as he moved to press you against the car, sharing your desire for more, deepening the kiss, his lips hot against yours.
And then all too quickly he forced himself to pull away from you, biting his own lip as he took a grounding breath, shaking his head at you. "No," he huffed, "you can't distract me right now, doll. I didn't bring you out here just for some nookie."
You breathed a laugh, "God, I love it when you talk like an old man," you teased with a smirk.
He fixed you with that signature glare of his before he moved to grab something from the backseat. You watched with renewed interest, still wondering what exactly it was you were doing out here.
Bucky shouldered a large bag on his left side and held a full duffle in his right hand before he shut the door and turned to you, smiling again. He looked like a kid going on his first camping trip.
At the thought, your face fell, eyes going a little wide.
No, you told yourself, he wouldn't... Or would he?
As if he could read your thoughts, he spoke and put your mind at ease as he approached the small gate just across from where you were, signaling you to follow him. "We're not camping, don't worry."
"What are we doing then?"
"You'll see, just trust me."
"Hmph," you puffed as you trailed behind him.
You watched him for a long moment, admiring him among the beauty of the wooded trail. Smiling to yourself, you grabbed your phone from your pocket, making sure your sound was off before you took a photo of him.
Bucky wasn't the biggest fan of being on camera, but he always humored you, smiling when you asked him oh so nicely and even giving you his okay to post a candid to your Instagram every now and then.
This one, though, like many of the other shots you've taken of him this past year, would stay in your favorite album. Just for you, until December came around. You couldn't wait to finally put together the physical photo album you've been planning. It'd be the closest you'd get to showing Bucky how you see him through your eyes. The charming and protective, strong and cuddly, sweet and caring, loving, doting, brilliant man he is.
You wish he could see himself the way you see him, for who he truly is, without the darkness that can so easily cloud his outlook on himself.
He's been doing much better, therapy and healing work making a noticeable difference. But every now again, he gets that look in his eye. He tries to hide it when it rears its head, but you never let it go unnoticed. You never want him to feel alone in that. Not ever again.
You're not paying attention to your path, your eyes are drifting as you think, and you end up walking right into the brick wall that is Bucky's back, barely dodging the backpack slung on his shoulder.
"Shit," you laugh, resting your head against him and wrapping your arms around his front, "sorry."
"What the hell are you doin' back there?" he asks, turning and being careful not to hit you with the bag.
You shrug, "Can't beat the view," you say with a playful smack to his ass as you lean into him.
"Would you stop trying to get into my pants for five seconds," he laughs, switching the duffle from his right hand to his left and then grabbing yours to hold instead, tugging to his side. You squeeze his hand lightly with both of yours and let your body bump into his, your head against him as you walk side by side. You feel it when he presses a kiss to your head and it sends a fluttering to your tummy as you bite on your contented smile. "We're almost there," he says with a soft squeeze to your hand in return. You straighten up as you continue walking but stay close to Bucky's side.
Within a minute, Bucky is pulling you from the main path onto a peculiarly stoned one that branched off from it. From there, it was a short walk to the large, modern, yet rustic looking cabin he had been leading you to.
You stare in awe at the impressive building as Bucky smiles at you.
"You like it?" he asks, still grinning.
"It," you breathe a stunned laugh, "it's gorgeous. How did you find this place? Whose is it?"
"Didn't really find it... Built it," he says a little too casually for the pride you see in his eyes as your own widen.
"What? You- you built this?"
"Well, I mean, not entirely me. Sam and Steve helped out a bit here and there."
"This is incredible, Buck," you shake your head with a smile. "How long have you been working on it?"
"Took a few months,"
"Wait, is this the job you've been talking about?" you ask.
"I wanted to surprise you," he laughs, tugging you close as you both look on at the cabin.
"Color me surprised," you say as you hug onto him. "This is amazing. You are amazing. Whoever gets their hands on this place is gonna be so damn lucky."
"I'm glad you think so..." he trails off, the corner of his lip threatening to curl into a half smirk.
It takes you a second to pick up on what he's getting at, but you finally do.
"You own this?" you ask in near disbelief.
"It's not entirely furnished yet, but I couldn't keep this to myself any longer. I can show you inside later, but right now, I have a little something else planned," he leads you by the hand to walk past the side of the cabin, coming around to a fenced backyard as you take it all in.
Along the back wall is some kind of screen mounted, in front of it is what looks to be a bonfire pit, huge wooden chairs placed around it and an outdoor table off to the side, too.
You're still silent as you take in the sight, Bucky unlocks the fence door and lets you through. You turn back to him, and he is nothing but smiles as he ushers you closer to the setup.
“Wow,” you awe.
"I know it's not the same as that drive in you were talking about, but-"
"No, I-" you turn back to him, "I love this," you breathe with a laugh.
"Good," he says, leaning closer to kiss you softly. "Pick a seat, I'm gonna get this set up."
You listen, choosing the chair at the head of the pit, right across from the screen.
Bucky moves the table around behind you, and you watch in quiet amusement as he arranges all of the items he's brought in his bags on the table.
First, he sets up the wireless projector, the once white screen now dark as he pauses the movie on the very first few seconds. He then sets out a bag of marshmallows, a box of graham crackers, and a package of full-size Hershey bars; your smile grows at the sight, as a fuzzy warmth fills your chest. That feeling you’ll never tire of, the feeling you’ve only ever experienced with Bucky.
He turns and heads to the fire pit, already loaded with logs. He quickly gets it lit and dusts off his hands before striding over to you.
You're gazing up at him from your seat as he stands before you, "All this for me?" you ask, your voice much softer than you thought it'd be.
"All this for you," he responds just as softly, taking your hand in his and pulling you to stand, guiding you to the table.
Soon, you're wrapped up in a blanket as you and Bucky roast your marshmallows on sticks, your chairs pulled as close as they can be while your favorite halloween movie plays on the screen. It's a bit darker out now, the sun nearly set and leaving the remnants of a gorgeous autumn hue as the wind blows lightly around you. The first few stars to be seen are already shining brightly in the sky. Bucky has turned the light backyard lights on, the strings of small bulbs hung around you adding to the cozy outdoor atmosphere as the glow from the fire burns brightly before you. The smell of the smoke mixing with the sweetness in the air. You're both leaning toward the fire as you let the flames brown your sugary treats, a pack of graham crackers sitting on the arm of your chair and an open bar of chocolate sitting on Bucky's.
"Shit," he curses as he pulls his stick from the fire - his marshmallow fully ablaze while you laugh at him frantically shaking his stick about.
"Smooth," you comment as you ready your s'more, smooshing your marshmallow from the stick onto the chocolate between the crackers.
You turn more towards him as you take a bite, reveling in the gooey sweetness. He's looking at you with bright eyes, his smile nothing short of pure admiration.
You lick your lip, feeling some of the stickiness there.
"You missed some," he hums as he sets his stick down, his burnt marshmallow not so much a thought as he turns more towards you in turn. You watch him intently as he brings his thumb to the corner of your lip, wiping at the bit of chocolate that was left behind.
A shiver rolls over you at the soft touch and you lean into him further. His lips tick in a smile as he copies you, his hand holding your cheek while he leans in. Your breath almost hitches as he is about to kiss you, but you're left stunned, brows furrowing when his lips meet his thumb instead, sucking off the chocolate that sits there.
"That's not nice," you murmur as you turn your face, watching entranced by his sultry display. You place your hand over his, still holding you gently.
He smirks at your complaint but doesn't say anything as you brush your nose against his, taking matters into your own hands.
You press your lips to his, your other hand wrapping around the back of his neck, almost leaving your seat as you scoot forward - wanting to be closer to him as you deepen the kiss, but getting stopped by the barrier that is the chairs.
Your hand leaves his and moves to hold his face instead. You don't break the kiss until you're out of air, pulling back as Bucky chases your lips. You titter, letting your forehead press to his as he whispers hotly, "You always taste so sweet."
"It's the s'mores," you smile.
"No," he mutters, kissing your lips tenderly once, "that's all you, sweetheart."
The credit song catches your attention as you stay where you are, both you and Bucky teetering on your seats for a moment.
"This has been really nice, Bucky, seriously, I loved it. Thank you."
"I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to have the first night spent out here be just us, because this is the first of many nights to come. Sam's already planning a bonfire for next weekend with everyone," he rolls his eyes.
"Ever the gracious host you are," you kid, following Bucky up as he stands. "Are you gonna have the interior done by then?"
"Well, that depends."
"Oh? On what?"
"On whether you agree to help me decorate the place or not,"
"Bucky," you laugh, "I helped you decorate your apartment, now you want me to help decorate your cabin? If you're not careful, you're never gonna be able to get rid of me," you say as you help him pack everything back up, "You're gonna see me everywhere. From the bath towels to each and every throw pillow I'll force you to buy."
You're smiling as you close the box of graham crackers, facing the table as you work. Suddenly, Bucky's arms snake around you, his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck as he breathes you in.
"That's kinda the whole point, doll."
You close your eyes enjoying the warmth he offers and the way his stubble tickles your skin as he nuzzles into you.
"I don't ever want you to leave," he confesses against your skin, a part of him hoping you didn't hear the desperation in his voice and another part wanting him to just get down on his knee and pull out the box that's been burning a hole in his pocket for the past week. To finally ask you the question he knew he'd end up asking the day he met you.
But he won't. He's waited this long, he can wait a few more days.
Your anniversary isn't far off. He can wait, he tells himself.
You turn into him as he keeps his touch around you, "I'm not going anywhere," you assure him, resting your hands on his chest, your eyes gleaming with love and sincerity. You mean what you say, you're not going anywhere. Not unless he's planning on going with you.
“I’m gonna put out the fire, then we’ll head home, okay?”
“Okay,” you simper, letting your fingers graze along his chest as he pulls away from you.
“Bucky,” you say his name, so lovingly he swear he could melt right then and there, and he turns back to meet your eye, your soft gaze full of adoration, “I love you.”
It’s a simple statement, one he’s heard pass your lips many times, but one he knows he’ll never tire of hearing.
He smiles at you, one of the few people who can so easily get a genuine one out of him. As he gazes back at you, he can’t believe, that by some miracle, he found you in this life. Can’t believe that you allow him to be in yours, that you want him to be in yours, and really can’t believe how easy it is to let himself be loved by you.
After everything he’s been through, he fought with himself for the longest time. He wasn’t sure he’d feel worthy of being loved ever again. Wasn’t sure he’d find someone who would even want to, someone who could love him.
And then he met you. And you make it seem like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
He feels it when you so much as look at him, every little touch from you, every kiss, every laugh. He knows he's never felt less worthy of anything in his life, but he also knows you never want him to feel anything less than worthy. He's still working on it, and he'll get there...someday.
But for now, he's going to keep thanking his lucky stars for leading him to you.
"I love you more," he returns as your smile grows at his words.
And he means it. He loves you more than he could ever say, more than you could ever know, more than he ever thought was possible to love someone.
There's a twinkle in your eyes and his fingers twitch, wanting to reach for his pocket again before he thinks better of it.
Just a few more days...
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jobean12-blog · 9 months
Feelin' Gourd
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,454
Summary: You really want to go on a trip to the farm but not with the girls this year. This year you want your husband to take you and even though he's the boss and busy a lot he always makes time for you, even if it means stepping out of his usual role and being soft and sweet...because for you, he'll do anything.
Author's Note: So I've decided that mob!Bucky is one of my kinks, especially when he's a big softie for his woman. And honestly, he's perfect! So here's my first kinktober '23 story featuring mob!Bucky and his softie side. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always❤️❤️❤️ and Happy October! Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: It's fun and fluffy and sweet and soft!
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Steve escorts the men out of Bucky’s office and down the hall. He smiles warmly at you before his face hardens into it’s usual work mask again as he practically pushes the men out the door.
With a soft goodnight to you he shuts and locks the door of your house.
Without waiting another second you skip to Bucky’s office, stopping in the doorway when you see him focused on his phone.
“There you are doll face,” he croons.
He looks up as he sets his phone down on his desk.
“Work done?” you ask sweetly.
“All done,” he says as he holds out his arms for you.
You rush into the room and around his desk, falling against his chest and nuzzling his neck as he drags you onto his lap.
“Mm,” he hums appreciatively as you wrap yourself around him.
He kisses your temple, taking your face in his hands before pulling your mouth to his. The kiss starts out sweet and soft but swiftly grows deeper as his fingers search for the bottom of your shirt, sneaking beneath to feel more of your skin.
“Bucky,” you breathe out, pulling away enough to look into his eyes.
“What?” he asks, slightly breathless himself. “Missed you today.”
He gives you his best boyish smirk, the one reserved only for you, and it makes your heart flutter.
“Missed you too,” you whisper, peppering his check with butterfly kisses, “but…”
His lips find yours again and your words are lost against his mouth, his hands dancing higher until he’s toying with the clasp of your bra.
He unhooks it with ease and starts to peel it off under your shirt.
“Buckyyyy,” you pout.
“Doll,” he groans as his hands roam over your newly exposed skin.
“I wanted to ask you something.”
He stops his caresses, giving you a disgruntled look.
Your expression falls and he immediately brushes his thumb across your lips, cradling your cheek and drawing you closer.
“No, none of that now baby doll. I’m sorry. Talk to me.”
You instantly brighten and he growls out a mumbled curse, knowing you totally got one over on him. With a bright and triumphant smile you toy with his tie, mindlessly adjusting it as you begin to talk.
“I want you to take me pumpkin picking.”
His eyes widen and he blinks several times. “Pumpkins? Like on a farm?”
You nod excitedly, bouncing in his lap. “YES! We can pick our own to carve and get some for the front of the house and even get apple cider donuts and hot apple cider and take home a pie or pick apples to make a pie and maybe even go for a hay ride!”
Your enthusiastic wave of words rushes out and he can hardly keep up and all the while you’re still fiddling with his tie and the collar of his shirt, smoothing out each until they’re perfect.
“Didn’t you go do this with the girls last year?” he asks softly but with a smile.
“I did,” you start, pouting a bit. “But I want to go with you!”
He opens his mouth to speak but you press a finger to his lips.
When you’re done with your pleading he grabs your wrist and holds you finger to his mouth, kissing the tip softly before pushing your other fingers up so he can kiss them all too.
“Of course I’ll take you,” he whispers.
You squeal in delight and kiss him, trying to pull away to tell him more about what you can do at the farm but he keeps you pressed firmly against him as he spins his desk chair and lifts you out of his lap, placing you on the edge of his desk.
When he finally releases your lips you nibble your bottom one, watching as he kneels down, spreading your legs and tugging on your panties.
“Thank you Bucky,” you whisper.
“I didn’t even do anything yet doll,” he teases.
“I meant for agreeing to go pumpkin picking with me.”
“You know I’d do anything to make you happy,” he murmurs, kissing along your calf, his fingers massaging your soft skin as he moves higher.
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Bucky struts out of your walk-in closet, adjusting the collar on his shirt before smiling at you.
“Ready doll face?” he asks.
You look him over from head to toe then sashay your way into his arms. “I am…but I think you might need to change.”
He frowns. “Why? I thought my red shirt was good…fall color and all.”
“Oh the red is perfect,” you assure him. “But I’m not sure you need to wear one of your three-hundred-dollar Prada shirts to the farm.”
“Huh,” he muses. “Am I going to get dirty?”
“The pumpkins are sometimes muddy or dirty with soil and there’s lots of dust and vines…if there are horses and other animals there might be…”
“So I should lose my Prada loafers too then?”
He grins, looking slightly sheepish.
“Definitely,” you giggle, giving him a soft kiss. “But the jeans are perfect.”
You step back to let your eyes roam over his thick thighs that are on full display in the tight denim.
He starts to unbutton his dress shirt but you stop him, slowly undoing each button yourself until it hangs open and reveals his tanned and toned chest and stomach. You ghost your fingernails down his skin, watching his muscles flex from your touch.
When you push the shirt from his shoulders you sigh, “why can’t you just go like this?”
He huffs out a laugh and adjusts his belt, drawing your attention to the trail of dark hair that lines his lower stomach and the disappears into his jeans.
“Still wanna go pumpkin picking doll?” he asks wearing an amused and smug smirk.
You slowly drag your eyes up to his and cock your hip out, placing your hand there and stealing your features.
“YES! Now find a tee shirt and hoodie and change your shoes.”
“Where are my hoodies. I thought you stole them all,” he says as he’s walking back into the closet.
“I left you one…maybe two!”
“What about a flannel?” he calls out.
“Perfet,” you reply.
Once he’s dressed in his soft tee and even softer flannel, his feet clad in leather lace up boots you head for the door.
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It’s still early when you get to the farm so there aren’t many people around yet. You and Bucky walk hand in hand under the warm sunshine toward the pumpkin patch.
“What are we looking for exactly?” he asks, eyeing the rows of orange squash.
“I want some really big ones for the front of the house! And then we need two for carving and some smaller ones for more decoration. And I want gourds too…they have a lot of different colors and shapes!”
“Am I supposed to carry them all?”
He looks suspicious and when you start to smile he takes you in his arms brushes his lips against yours.
“I will if that’s what you need me to do.”
You melt into him, sliding your arms around his waist. “As much as I’d love to see you trying to carry all these pumpkins, we can just get a wagon.”
You peek around him and point to the red wagons lined up along the fence.
“Phew,” he says with a laugh.
You walk through the patch, Bucky dragging the wagon behind him as you gush over every pumpkin you see, picking them up, inspecting them and asking for his insight. He takes his job seriously, examining each one with thorough precision before giving you his honest review.
“This one is perfect for carving,” he says, holding up the tall but still wide pumpkin with a good flat face.
“It is!” you cheer. “What are you going to carve?”
He stands there, looking from you to the pumpkin. “I have no idea!”
You bend over with laughter, loving to see your husband in such a relaxed state but also taking the pumpkin picking so seriously. He never does anything half-assed.
After he sets the pumpkin in the cart he looks over what you’ve picked so far. “One more?”
You throw your arms around his neck. “I love you so much. I’m having the best time.”
He wraps you in his embrace, nestling his face into your neck. “Love you more doll and me too.”
“Before we pick more can we get some cider and donuts? I’m hungry.”
“Of course,” he says, tucking you under his arm. “I hope they sell these donuts by the dozen. I have a feeling I’m going to want more than one.”
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@randomfandompenguin @book-dragon-13 @goldylions @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @hiddles-rose @kmc1989 @lizette50
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thebearer · 9 months
maybe richie inviting you guys to take eva and teeny ted to the pumpkin patch 😔
picky |dad!caramen berzatto x mom!reader|
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based off the above ask! with baby dorothea "teddy", richie, eva, and pumpkins :) apart of thebearer's ber month masterlist!
"Finally!" Richie threw his hands up, rolling his eyes at Carmen. "What took you so long?"
Carmen rolled his eyes, pulling the stroller out of the trunk. "There was traffic."
"Traffic? Cousin, we left at the same time-"
"-He wouldn't go over fifty, Richie." You grinned, poking your head out of the backseat. "Took us forever because he drove so slow-"
"-Well, I'm not drivin' like a fuckin' maniac, alright? Got a baby." Carmen snapped, rolling his eyes.
You beamed, eyes cutting to Richie's with a soft shrug, unfastening a sleeping Teddy out of her car seat gently. She was so adorable in her little coat and jacket. So tiny, you had squealed putting it on her, parading her around to show Carmen proudly- your precious baby Teddy Bear.
"Did you bring the baby?" An excited Eva startled you, bouncing on her toes behind you.
"Yeah." You nod, cradling Teddy's head carefully while you lifted her, shushing her when she started to fuss. "You wanna see her?"
Eva nodded, leaning up on her tip toes to peer at the tiny baby in your arms. "She's so little." Eva gasped lightly.
"She is." You nod. "She's gotten bigger, if you can believe it." You giggle, fixing Teddy's little hat over her ears, shutting the car door with your hip.
"Oh, look who it is." Richie grins, cooing at Teddy gently. "How are you doin', sweetheart? Sleepin' finally?"
"Yeah, 'm good." You hum through a half hug with Richie. "Sleeping more, now. She's kinda gotten on a schedule." You roll your eyes lightly, settling Teddy back into the stroller.
Carmen strapped her in, situating the blanket over her with a hushed tone. "You're ok, Teddy, you're alright." He muttered sweetly.
"Eva, go get your wagon." Richie nods towards the lines of bright red wagons by the entrance, watching the kid run bounding towards them.
Carmen's lips tightened, brow furrowing. "You don't-You don't go with her?" He asked Richie, eyes flitting to him cautiously.
"What? I can see her-"
"-Yeah, but what-what if someone tried to take her or somethin'?" Carmen muttered, eyes trained on Eva like if he looked away she might vanish.
"Then I'd get this out." Richie muttered, lifting his shirt lightly to show the glock resting in the band, both you and Carmen hissing at him to put it down. "No one's gonna do shit, alright? I won't let it. But what do you want from me? Want me to put her on a leash?"
Carmen shook his head, pushing the stroller on to the asphalt, his hand finding yours easily. "Hey, kid." Richie called, catching Eva's attention. "You want the maze first or are we pickin' a pumpkin?"
"Pumpkins." Eva nodded firmly. "Before all the good ones are gone, like last year." She glared at him in a tone and stare that made Carmen snort in laughter- she looked like Tiff.
"Yeah, yeah, you lead the way." Richie nods. "Or you want me to pull it?"
"You pull it." Eva hands him the wagon handle, settling into the dirty wagon easily.
"Are you gonna get a big pumpkin?" You ask her, steps falling with Carmen's.
"Yeah. We're carving them tonight." Eva nods.
"We are?" Richie looks at her carefully. "News to me, kid."
"Duh." Eva shook her head. "We have to, before they go bad."
"Yeah, alright." Richie grinned softly. "What about you, Cousin? Gettin' a big one to make that weird sh-stuff you made last year?"
Carmen rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, maybe." He nodded towards the barn. "You want somethin' from in there? Cider?"
"Yeah." You nodded, eyes cutting down to Teddy, who was stretching, blinking in the autumn sun. You smiled, watching her turn and look all wide eyed at the world around her. "Will you get me a cider donut if I ask really nice?" You tease lightly, lashes batting playfully up at Carmen.
"I'd get you one even if you didn't." Carmen grinned. "Hey, where's the pumpkins at? Behind the barn, right?"
"Yeah." Richie nods. "You need a break already?"
"Getting a donut." You shrug. "We'll meet you over there."
"You want anything? Eva?" Carmen asks, patting his pocket for his wallet.
"We'll get it on the way out." Richie nods. "Meet you back over here?"
"Pick me out a good pumpkin." You grin at Eva. "A big one, please."
Eva nods excitedly, while you settle at a picnic table, shaded under a tree. Teddy was gurgling, spit bubbles that had your heart swelling while her wide eyes darted around, stretching gently.
"It's pretty, isn't it, Teddy Bear?" You babbled lightly, pushing the stroller soothingly. "Are you gonna be like Mama? Gonna be a fall girly? Yes you are."
You pushed her slowly in the stroller, taking photos for your friends and family. Carmen came back, holding a white box and a drink carrier. "What's all this?" You giggle, taking the warm cider from his grasp.
"I got you a dozen." Carmen shrugged, settling beside you. "We can take the others home, and you can have 'em later, if you want."
You beamed, pressing a kiss to his cheek that had him flushing. "You didn't have to do that." You shake your head lightly, opening the box, mouth watering at the sugared donuts. "But I love you so much for doing it."
Carmen grinned, moving Teddy's blanket up. "She's being really good." He beamed.
"She is." You nod. "I think she's gonna be a fall fan too." You tear a piece of the donut off, plopping it in your mouth. "Have to come here every year, now, Berzatto. Have two girls that want to come."
Carmen just smiled. He'd gladly come out here every year if it made you happy, both of you.
"You want a bite?" You ask, offering a torn piece. Carmen nods, eating it off your fingers lightly, lips touching your fingers making your body shudder lightly.
"Fuck," He groans softly. "Forgot how good that is. Should get Marcus to make somethin' like that for the seasonal menu."
"Oh, that would be good." You nod. "I'd like it anyways."
"Yeah? I'll have him make some stuff, have you come over and approve them then." Carmen hummed, arm wrapping around your back gently. "You want to go to the maze?"
"Maybe." You sigh contently. "Is it bad I'm fine here? Just happy to be out of the house and in real clothes with my donuts and my baby."
Carmen laughed, nodding softly. "No, I'm on the same page." He grinned. "Feels good not to see the house or the restaurant. Good change of scenery, y'know?"
"Exactly." You nod. "It's cute out here." You look around at the crowds of people with their wagons, pumpkins, mums. "I can see why Richie and Eva like it."
Carmen nods, looking at Teddy, cooing at her lightly. "Think you'll take her out here when she gets older?" You hum. "Go pick pumpkins?"
"Yeah." Carmen nods, smiling down at the little baby. "You can come, too."
"C'mon," Carmen shakes his head lightly at you. "You're the best at picking pumpkins. Picked that one last year and it was amazing."
You laugh, leaning your head against his shoulder. "Thanks." You look at him, all starry eyed and mushy. "I'll come and share my talents, only if you buy me a donut every year."
"I fuckin' promise." Carmen grins, squeezing your hand lightly.
You sit in silence for a moment, pushing the stroller gently. "You're going to make that soup again with this pumpkin?"
"Yeah, yeah, I am." Carmen grins. "Fuck Richie, it was good. And-And he knows it too. Jagoff ate all of it last year. Just bustin' my balls about it now."
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dreaming-of-lu · 4 months
A thought that I shared with a couple of mutuals, cause I cannot shut up about Stardew Valley right now. Imma mix mash my favs together and make y'all spiral with me.
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You, the only beloved grandchild of your grandfather, was given a letter by your grandfather who was on his last leg, filled with information regarding his left behind farm and cottage in your name. He told you when the day comes that when you've grown tired of the city and yearn for a life free from the shackles of the ever growing demand of corporates and nonstop hustle bustle. The farm and cottage will be waiting until you are ready. Years passed and of course, you become tired, exactly what your grandfather told you would. With no thoughts to spare to the city you left behind and little clothes on your back. Quitting your job, you head towards Pelican Town.
The mayor was friendly, save for the carpenter that definitely made you laugh until she made a jab at your grandfather's cottage. While you could agree, since it's honestly not much, yet you'll make do with what you got for now and add things on later. However, the slight pang went through your heart at the disrespect she gave to him. Before the mayor could set off, he highly encouraged you to introduce yourself to the entire town. He then goes over with you about the shipping container, what to put in there while handing you a sack filled with parsnip seeds. He also gestures to the tools he was able to get you that were sitting on the porch, with a wordless pat of good luck, he sets off down the road back to the town.
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First: Single (Bachelor)
Meeting First was quite quick since the man was known to be busy and quite on the run to get things done before heading back to the adventurer's guild that his great uncle runs. He was short in his greetings to you and apologized swiftly that he had to be somewhere.
It may not seem like it, but this man is definitely a poet with words. Chivalrous, that had his great uncle playfully rolling his eyes at his nephew.
Yet there's something underlying mysterious about him that drew you in to him. Perhaps you should gift him things and get to know him a little more better!
Sky: Single (Bachelor)
The eldest son of the carpenter! He lives down southeast of Lon Lon Ranch. He's the absolute sweetest person you've ever met in your entire life. The bright smile on his sleepy face had you mentally cooing at him.
He carves, paints, builds little bird houses just like what his mother use to do. He definitely decorates his home each time the season changes, it's so damn adorable.
He's single due to a breakup that did not end on good terms unfortunately. While he still respect her, however, there are things that were said that ended up hurting the other.
Four: Single (Bachelor)
The grandson of the blacksmith. He was working behind the counter when your fresh face entered the shop. Obviously, a little put off since not many people tend to flock to Pelican Town. He's a bit shy yet he makes small talk just to get to know you better. Until his grandfather emerged and the look on his face had him laughing.
Yeah, he ain't laughing anymore when his grandfather told him 'that's the kid you used to play with all the time when you were younger.'
He takes the tools you got and upgrades them or process the geodes that you tend to bring in.
Time: Single (Bachelor)
The working left hand man of Lon Lon Ranch. This man scared the absolute shit out of you when he showed up on your front porch that morning. To open a door to a towering, one eye, scarred man was not on your bingo card of shit you witness while living here.
He was straight to the point of who to come to when buying animals whenever you get your barn and coop up n going.
He's someone you want to be careful around, an anger you do not want aimed towards you. That mask you saw sitting on his belt felt ominous. He's hard to get warm up to.
Twilight: Single (Bachelor)
You were just planting the parsnip seeds when you heard a bark come from behind you and yelling from someone telling to 'Come back!' A black and white dog ran up on your porch with its tail wagging a mile a minute. A cute dirty blonde haired male came jogging up with an exasperated look before realizing you were the new farmer there.
He was embarrassed yet quickly introduced himself. The adopted son of Uli and Rusl's, the older brother to Colin and his soon to be born little sister. He also works at Lon Lon Ranch.
He's hiding something.
Hyrule: Single (Bachelor)
The doctor of the town. A shy sweetheart that introduced himself to you after you came in due to an already early incident on the farm. He scolds you gently for doing something stupid and rash.
May or may not have told you one day that he wasn't getting enough patients which affected his pay heavily.
Man has unprocessed trauma.
Wild: Single (Bachelor)
He runs the saloon, all by himself, save for his friend Flora does tend to come help him to keep things smooth and sailing when it gets packed. He was friendly enough to introduce himself to you when seeing you pass him on your way to Ravio's General Store.
He def encouraged you to take a load off once and awhile to relax in his Saloon.
He doesn't remember his old life, it seems like he doesn't want to either way.
Warriors: Single (Bachelor)
The older brother to Wind and Aryll. House is on the beach and he's dramatic as hell yet he comes in later on year 2 of your life on the farm. He introduced himself first thing in the morning and he's a bit stiff about it.
He's the only soldier(?) in Pelican Town and ties to the city, he seems so tired and run down honestly.
He's doing his absolute best to raise Wind and Aryll after the funeral of their grandmother.
Legend: Single (Bachelor)
The lone wizard that "summoned" you to his tower to gift you the language of the Junimos. Just to be able to easily translate the language and to fix up the community center.
His sassy attitude def threw you off yet he's standoffish. Only asking you of things he needed from the mines.
He seems to be mourning something.
Ravio: Single???
The owner of Ravio's General Store. The sight of his bunny ear hat sat upon his head was the first thing that caught your eyes. His eagerness to greet you while showing you the package of seeds he was given, showing off the wares he gotten.
The sight of his broken heart made yours clench when one of the workers of Joja mart came in and declared loudly that things were on sale for 50% off. He's trying his best, but the income is needed.
Is finding ways to take down Joja Mart
-TO BACHELORETTES (To be added at some point-
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
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Yandere Fae King + G.N Huntsman Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Drugging, Kidnapping, Angst
What’s your favorite fairytale?
You hardly remember it now. It's been so long since you've been able to kick back and think back on all those old tales you once loved. Been a while since you've been able to do anything, really. The days drain away by the second with each life you take, and the nights in wait for the next cull. Your equipment receives better care than you’ve had in years. 
If you were another person, maybe you'd seek for a change. Scrounge up every coin you earn and never looked back on this world, living free and without needless bloodshed. If only such a life was meant for a person like you. The person deserving of that dream died ages ago, on the day they learned to block out the screams. 
He..lp me…
At least… The ones that no longer mattered. 
You shift towards the source of the plea, equipping your trusty steel from the fire in which it brewed. It damaged the durability, but was the only way you could properly snuff the weakened voice. Its frightened face reflects in the flat blade of your axe; the bloodstains you weren’t able to remove marking its place as another victim to the flame. You've lost track of how many have fallen before it. At one time, you carved a mark into the handle of your weapon, but you lost the original piece for which you did so. You can’t recall if you stopped keeping track before or after that happened. 
You stalk towards your captive like the cautious hero sneaking up to the wicked wolf to save the damsel in red, yet the only one who needs saving is one of you. Your feet grow colder the closer you approach, but lost in determination is not the cause. The snowy flesh and frozen tears of your prey chills the very air to a still. It's your first run in with such a creature, but far from the last. You raise your axe high.
“Please… Have you no heart?” 
You would’ve gagged it if you had more rope. There's no reason to reply, for your eyes speak volumes. Silence rains as you bring down the axe.
A wet thud sounds as you toss the spoils from your kill on the ground. 
“Found this in your barn. It's what's been freezing your crops.”
The farmer's face contorts in disgust, but they keep silent as they shove your payment in your hands and slam the door shut. You hear shouting over whether who will clean up the mess you made, but that's all behind you. With their miscalculation in pay, you should be able to get a decent meal in your system along with the supplies you need. The thought was a little too hopeful as the very second you allow yourself to rest, the ghost of your past comes knocking once more. 
A note slides across the table you sit at, sealed with crimson wax. 
“Your majesty requests your immediate attention.”
You take small bites of your food. The messenger sighs.
“Need I remind you that it's mandatory?”
“Do I have to remind you that I no longer work for that man?”
“This isn't about you or your issues with our king. It's about another.”
Their seldom glance towards the window is all you need to know. You settle your rumbling stomach with a drink of water and pour the remaining contents over the letter.
“Let's go.”
The messenger looks confused, and slightly worried. “I really think you should read-"
You quickly place your axe on the table, blueish blood embedded into the metal. “I said we're leaving. Take me to him, now.” 
The messenger returns to the castle pale as a sheet and with you in tow. They hand you off to a younger hire to avoid the backlash of your arrival themselves; the servant leading you directly to the king's throne with the same tactic you used on the other party. The king sits in his chair, chatting away to anyone who'll listen to his personal retellings of the past. His general expression shows fearlessness and glee, but the trained eye could see the anxiety practically dripping from this shell of a man. A fear that unsheathes itself as he turns his head towards you. Not a thing has changed since you left.
“Hunter!” The king masks his faulty start with a well placed cough as he rises to his feet, arms raised. “It's been a while, hasn’t it, old friend? I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow. We had a feast planned and everything.”
“I'm not here for pleasantries. Are you finally putting an end to this petty war or not.”
The king struggles to maintain his smile. “Ah, right. Never were one to allow yourself a break were you? Well once this task is complete, you'll have all the time in the world. We believe we've found something that will put an end to everything once and for all.”
He calls a servant to bring the item in question. It's a map. Hand drawn from what you can see. You drew one similar in your youth. 
“With the noble sacrifice of our men, we've successfully navigated a path through the cursed part of the forest and straight to the fae king’s castle. There's theory that a hidden passage exists along its walls, but we have yet to figure it out. If anyone is able to, let alone kill that creature, it would be you. We'll prepare you a steed and armor by morning-"
“I'll leave before dawn.”
The king's eyes bulge out of their sockets like you just threatened his life. “Aha, surely you jest. There's the preparations, plus wouldn't it be better to leave on a full stomach and the support of your people.”
Your flat, direct tone cancels any further argument. “If that is what you wish… old friend. Allow my staff to escort you to your room.”
You settle down for the evening in a room of the king's choosing. The bed is softer than you're used to, but too foreign to provide you with any actual comfort. You don't sleep that night, thinking of the life you'll have after you bring an end to the opposing forces' rule. A happy ending isn’t in the cards for someone like you, but maybe, just maybe- you'll be able to return home.
You refuse the servant's billionth attempt at offering you a warm meal, wolf down the dinner roll you snuck in, and tried to get some sleep with the remaining time you had.
You're up once again before the sun can peak over the horizon. The king, reluctantly giving in to your demands, greets you at the front gates with all the equipment his guard had prepared. You pick through it, only taking a water canteen, lantern, and the shiny new axe. The king appears uneasy with your hall.
“I do not doubt your skill, but is that really all you'll take? The journey may take less than a day, but you'll need to eat and walking yourself will only lengthen that time.”
“I know the beginning of the forest like the back of my hand. I'll be fine until I reach the creek. What happens after isn’t any of your concern. There's bigger fools than me ready to play hero if I don't come back.”
“I suppose you're correct…” He holds out his hand. “For luck? …and old times?”
You toss your bag onto your shoulder as you turn your back to the man.
“Suit yourself. Goodbye, Hunter.”
Word of your travel reached the village due to the drunken ramblings of an unnamed, yet frightened individual. The folk that shunned you lest they need your aid all watch as you set out towards the forest. Some try to give you words of encouragement or extra support, but you’re long past the need of their help. Taking your first step into the forest you feel the first thing you’ve felt in ages. Grief. It quickly passes once you cross the threshold of burnt wood laid out along the ground.
The start of the journey is as easy as you expected and remembered. Just a pleasant stroll through the woodlands, if you ignore the warning signs and nail marks in the tree bark. Some are faded and thin, but the majority are far larger and much fresher. They’re getting bolder. Best to hurry.
You make it to the creek with a few hours of daylight to spare. The bridge across it broke when you were a child, but now you were old enough to cross straight through without the fear of being swept away. The water barely reaches mid calf when you roll up your sleeves and step in. You hear splashing from nearby, but they quickly disburse with the squeak of a small gasp. The wise ones knew to steer clear of anyone who matched your general profile. 
Crossing into the forbidden area of the forest, you expect more danger than you're met with. In this business, it's more worrying to go without danger than to be right in the middle of it. The only sounds you hear are the crunch of leaves beneath your boots – and the rumble from your stomach. 
You stop to take a break at an overturned stump. The weight of the situation is really getting to you. Normally you’re about to go at least a day or two without something to eat, but now your body was fighting just to keep upright. You check your bag to see if you had anything left over from the last time you packed. It's empty, besides a single snack cake at the bottom of the sack. And a note.
“Dearest Hunter,
I know things between us have soured over the years. Your home was taken from you in the crossfires and that is truly one of my deepest regrets. I wish the fates could have turned out differently for you, but all I can do now is offer you my prayers and this final gift in hope that you'll forgive me in another life. Know that I do not even forgive myself. In the future, I pray you are cared for well.” 
You crumble the letter and toss it back in your bag. Could be used for a fire if need be on your way back. You take careful bites of the cake. It's sweet and a bit tart, filled with some sort of jam which taste you can't put your finger on. It gets caught in your throat after you swallow the rest in one mouthful, but you dislodge it with a sip of water and continue on your way.
It's night by the time you make it to the castle. The snack gave you some of your energy back, but your legs still felt heavy. You bite through the fatigue and lift them high as you cross over to the unfamiliar land. You were warned of the king's carefree attitude, but you never expected it to be this lax. Not one guard manned the front gates nor the road to doors from what your blurring vision could see. The wiser choice would have been to round the back of the castle like the original plan, but the prospect of freedom and the growing headache lead you down the riskier path. 
The heaviness of your legs travels upwards with each step you take. It isn’t long before you can barely keep a grip on your axe. You want to turn back, but something keeps you moving forward. The races through the trees. Cutting firewood in the fall. You want to be the person that loved those things so dearly in the past. You wanted to be you again.
Opening the gate with a shaky palm, you fall limp in the arms of the one person who could fulfill that dream.
Welcome home, my heartless spouse.
When you wake you find yourself in shackles. They're loose enough to give you a taste of freedom, yet they fit around your wrists just right to condemn you to the bed you lie in. You look around the room. It's impossible to move your body. Everything is so heavy and your throat is dry. A cool towel wipes away the sweat beading down your forehead. 
“Are you finally awake? I’m so sorry for the confusion you’re likely experiencing. This was the only way we could be together with our people coming for your head.”
His hands creep up your neck. Soft, cloud-like skin more inviting than the pillow your head rests upon, but twice as cool. His eyes meet with yours, too beautiful pools of love and adoration, and so, so much sadness. Almost enough to drown out your own. You know this man. You’ve never seen his face, but you know.
“They'll come around someday. Maybe not a month. Maybe not a year, but they will. I know they will come to love this version of you just as I.”
His fingers sap the warmth from your skin. “What ever did happen to that sweet human I promised myself to ages ago? Worry not for any attempt at change, for my love for you counters any tide.” 
You close your eyes. You don't want to hear another word of what he says. His lips ghost by your ear.
“Trust is a two way street. I should start our rekindling by informing you that it wasn’t just I who willed this fate upon you, but the king of the people you gave your years to.” 
Your eyes snap open. The realization brewing gifts you the will to speak. “You're lying.”
“I wish I was. I know this hurts for now, but in the future you'll see it's the best for us all.”
Your breathing grows ragged. “You're a liar.” 
“You and I both know that what I say is true. Deep down you know that the fire that broke out that day was not an accident. It was not by coincidence that the former king came across your weakened form. He was in need of a new tool, and you were in the prime condition to become his blade.”
You grit your teeth; nails sinking into the flesh of your palms. Precious memories break from the chains you had locked them in since that day. Your peaceful upbringing in the forest, the kind man who carried you away from the flames. The same man who made you kill those who you once called friends.
“You don't belong anywhere, my love. Raised right in the middle of the battlefield, neither side has use for you besides the things you can do. We are alike in that aspect. It's probably the reason you imprinted on me when we met for that brief moment he took you away. From that very second I knew – you were my everything.”
“Stop. Talking.”
“Don't be so cruel, my dear. There surely must've been a time when even you had a heart. I know that better than anyone. I will do my best to pick up those pieces and make you whole."
You can't keep it in. The floodgates you tried so desperately to keep up burst, and the decades of misery resurface. You thrash against your binds, kicking and spitting at the man who only draws his spit covered fingers into his mouth, and smiles so warmly at you. 
“I'll kill you! I'll slaughter the people this land protects, and then I'll go after that bastard and his! I’ll kill you all and I won’t stop until I make sure every single one of you is dead. Don't fucking touch me!”
The fae king hushes you as he hooks his arms around your flailing form. He does his best to comfort you, even when one of your hits finally connects, and long after your screams turn into hoarse cries. He brushes your tears away just as he'll do someday when he takes away all your pain permanently. 
“Worry not, my broken heart. You'll get your revenge when I bring you the broken body of that man to serve as the centerpiece for our wedding. We'll rebuild your cabin and live out the remainder of our days in nothing but happiness and pure devotion. Grief will only be a bad dream by then, but for now, just rest.”
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onmyyan · 1 year
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
A/N: here comes the boy NOT EDITED
Ashley Hunt HC's
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The idealized western cowboy in a modern man's body.
6'6 and wide as a barn, Ashley is an old-fashioned type of beautiful, looks like someone straight out of an Old Western.
His sandy hair has a habit of falling in his eyes when he's working so he often wears a brown leather hat he'd gotten from his Father to prevent this.
He has this habit when he's thinking where he plays with his lips, it's very distracting.
Smells and looks like he's just come running from somewhere- never unpleasant though, it's a mix of sweat and the country air.
Always has that saccharine smile on his handsome face.
Has a loud, goofy laugh, his eyes light up when he does it and his nose scrunches in the cutest way.
He's polite to everyone he meets but he is far from a pushover.
Hates bullies of any kind. Takes on the hero role whenever he's confronted with injustice.
If he sees something wrong he can't just sit by and not do something.
Which isn't hard considering this big mf hauls farm equipment around for a living, he's had to wrestle rowdy bulls into their pens before, he can take another person down easily.
Holds the door open for you every time. Don't even think about touching that handle.
His go-to look is a pair of denim Levi jeans (man's got serious cake when he's working all the strong muscles in his thighs bulge), a white tank that sits on his flesh like a second skin, if it isn't too hot he'll throw on a flannel.
Got a BAMF belt buckle as a gag gift one year but he unironically loves it.
Does this thing where he stands at his full height, stares down at you, his hat casting a dark shadow over his heated stare, both of his big, strong hands rested comfortably on the buckle, it made your knees weak every time.
Knows you have a thing for his voice so he likes to come up from behind and gently kiss just below your ear,
"Hey there Sugar Bear."
All his clothes look well-loved and worn, he don't care much for how he looks, which is ironic since the whole town calls him a pretty boy.
Looks like someone pulled him straight out of one of those sexy country man calendars.
He's a pretty confident guy, except when it comes to you, of course, then he turns into a bumbling teenager trying to talk to his crush without fumbling over his words.
Gets all red and blushy when you call him pretty. Literally has to fan himself with his hat.
You like to randomly shower him with compliments and he gets so flustered he has to stop what he's doing to kiss you.
"Good lord woman yer gonna' put me in an early grave."
For a while, you had to avoid the friendly farmer because the mere sight of him hauling hundred-pound stacks of hay like they weighed nothing had you feeling some not-so-platonic things.
Has you sweating like a sinner in church just from one well-timed boyish smile.
His wavy locks are a few different shades of dirty blonde, he's almost always wearing his hat in an effort to keep his bangs outta his eyes,
The times he took the damn thing off were your favorite cuz the way his hair fell around his face, framing it beautifully, you could really see all of his marble-carved features.
Takes his hat off inside, of course, his mama raised him right.
Works on his family's farm, he grew up working the fields with his Pa so hard work is in his blood.
When he starts something he finishes it. No matter what.
That includes pursuing you as his one and only.
Sun-kissed skin from being outside all day.
He can play the acoustic guitar and loves to sing to himself during his free time.
Voice is deep and warm.
Really good at puzzles.
Loves the idea of a big family but at the same time is so possessive of you and your attention that he battles with the idea.
Likes to draw for fun, mostly sketches and stuff is really good at it.
He likes to sketch you most of all.
Has dozens upon dozens of journals filled with your visage, he doesn't think he can ever truly capture your beauty.
Really self-sufficient if something breaks down in your house and you don't wanna spend a fortune calling some company, you called Ashley Hunt, and he never asked for anything in return either.
Whenever he goes to town people always stop him for something, be it for his help or to give him some goods as thanks, he never leaves empty-handed.
The whole town just adores him, so much so that if you ever tried to run from him, try to use the townsfolk to hide, they'd lure you into a false sense of security, convincing you they'd drive you outta town, only to hand deliver you back to Ash.
He's a protective/possessive/worshiper kinda Yandere.
The first time you meet you're just moving into your Gran's old farmhouse, he knows your Grandma well as she's the closest neighbor to his Farm, he'd been regularly helping her out with household chores or busy work whenever she asked.
The day he sees you hop out of her pick-up, he swore his heart skipped seven different beats.
Your delicious-looking form was clad in these little shorts, no doubt trying to combat that county heat. The black t-shirt you had on was rolled up at the sleeves showing off your arms, he watched them flex as you hauled a box over your shoulder like it was nothing.
His throat goes dry, sweat begins beading at his temple, and it's not the 90-degree weather, you helped your grandmother out of the car with a graceful smile and a certain kind of sweetness, the sight had a swarm of butterflies going wild in his belly.
He saw the remaining boxes stacked in the back of the truck and knew he'd found his ticket in.
You'd come back outside to the towering man at the edge of the yard, hat in hand, he'd shoot you that star-studded smile, voice sounding like melted butter.
"Hello there Miss, my name's Ashley Hunt, I'm your next-door neighbor, I just came on by to check if y'all needed a hand." He gestured towards the truck with his hat.
Then you had the nerve to shoot him that damned smile, so bright and full of life it nearly knocked him out of his socks.
He spends the rest of the day helping you move in, the conversation flowing so easily by the time you two stopped talking it was well past midnight.
He learned so much about you, just from this one convo he knows everything he needs to about you.
And you're perfect.
"I sure am sorry for keeping you up so late sweetheart." Running his hands through his hair he couldn't keep his eyes off you.
He watched you visibly light up at the pet name and couldn't fight the smirk pulling at his lips.
"Don't worry about it! I was having so much fun- again thank you so much for all your help today." You looked so sweet standing there next to him, he was a good head or so taller than you, you looked up at him with those beautiful (e/c) eyes and he had to fight the strong urge to hold you against his chest.
Knows from that night alone you're his Darling.
It's inevitable you spend time with him, as he was your closest neighbor.
He finds any and all excuses to come over in the beginning.
"This floorboard feels a little loose, I'll come by later n' fix her up."
"That window feels a bit drafty hun, why don't I get a handle on that."
Eventually, he runs out of stuff to repair and builds the courage to just ask you out for a romantic dinner at his place. He doesn't cook anything fancy, but it does taste good a real homemade meal.
He thinks long and hard about how to show you he's the one and comes up with a teeth-rottingly cute idea.
Leads you by a gentle hand out to his field where he'd prepared a soft blanket and several throw pillows, fairy lights were strung up on the fence nearest, casting a warm glow on the scene.
After you spend hours talking and giggling, you lay back against the soft blanket and stare up at the clear sky.
Well, you were busy with the stars, he was busy staring at you.
"Ain't you a pretty picture."
That night after he walks you home, just before you turn to say goodnight, cups your face in one hand, "Can I kiss you pretty girl?" And when you breathlessly nod yes, he brings his other hand to the back of your neck and softly pulls you the rest of the way in.
He kisses you the same way soldiers kiss their wives before war, takes the breath outta you both.
Loves when you do anything domestic if you cook at his place or oh my god for him? He's whipping out the ring before the plates are clear.
Or when you stay the night for the first time, he's immediately addicted to the way you feel in his arms, and literally cannot sleep without you by his side look what you've done.
His morning voice is to die for.
"G'mornin' pumpkin." He has the biggest grin on his face when he wakes up, likes to trace his fingers on your bare skin.
You put his hat on once as a goof but he freezes in place, his face is beet red and his breath gets all heavy.
"Don't move a muscle Darlin'- lemme get a good look at ya'."
"Mm mm mm- now that's a sight a man could get used to."
Sleeps naked, if you're uncomfortable with it he'd throw on some boxers but that's it.
Runs too hot for much else.
Sleeps on his stomach and likes to stare at you when he does it.
Hold his hand and he will giggle like a little kid.
He's a lot smarter than he looks so his Yandere tendencies are easy to hide.
"C'mere sweetheart, don't think we're leaving the bed yet."
He's slowly getting you used to the idea of being his housewife, just wants to take care of you.
Like I said before he's beloved by the entire town so if anyone ever tried something with you he didn't approve of (smile at you a little too hard, make you laugh, get too close for his liking) all he's gotta do is give em' that look and if they're smart enough they back right on off.
However if their self-preservation doesn't kick in at that murderous glare, he gives em' one and only one warning to stay away from what was his. It's only polite.
If they did, Ashley would be all smiles and buddy-buddy. You'd never even know something was wrong.
If they don't back down though, well that's what he keeps pigs for.
Did you know pigs can eat a whole body in like three hours? Cuz Ashley knows.
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥
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The creatures of the night were stuff of legends, tales to tell children to dissuade them from misbehaving. You had ignored the stories as nothing more than what they were made for — they were just that, stories.  Oh, how you were wrong.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ☽☾ Incubus!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ☽☾ 3.2k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ☽☾ Dark themes, mildly dubious consent in the beginning ჻჻჻ SMUT: Monsterfucking, oral (F recieving) unprotected, possessive piv, multiple, forced orgasms, so much dirty talk ჻჻჻ KINKS: Somnophilia, praise, choking, breeding
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ☽☾ Well, this was originally not in my wheelhouse, but here I am. ☽☾ A very big thank you to @buckyismybicycle for her help on this and looking it over and being a cheerleader — appreciate you so much, babe! ☽☾ Check out the beautiful and awesome art that @mxaether made for Incubus!Bucky!
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ☽☾ Hellfire by Barns Courtney ☽☾ Demons by Hayley Kiyoko
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ☽☾ @the-slumberparty's week 4 moodboard challenge — Masterlist
𝑫𝑬𝑴𝑶𝑵 ☽☾ 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍, 𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍.
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𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Nightmares were something you weren’t all too familiar with. Sure, you had a few here and there, but it never persisted beyond what you could settle with a simple breathing exercise you had learnt to loosen the vice in your chest. 
What was abnormal, however, was the fact you dreamt non-stop of a towering figure that never moved from the shadows in the corners of your room. Its wings, blackened like soot, and two horns that wound and curled up towards your ceiling made the creature’s stature all the more intimidating. You couldn’t be sure if you had imagined it right, but you swore there was a tail somewhere in the mix too. 
It unnerved you to no end — to the point you had started to be afraid to fall asleep without a light on. 
The day had passed much too fast for your liking. Your job had been tedious, testing your limited patience to no end, and dammit all, you were looking forward to curling up under the blankets on your bed, and getting some damn sleep. 
Dinner was uneventful, if you discounted the shadow you kept seeing out of the corner of your eyes that moved whenever you moved. “Losing my damn mind,” you muttered, frustrated.
A sudden stab of fear made your heart stutter in its rhythm, and the dish in your hand fell to the sink with a loud clatter. Your breathing turned fast, sharp gasps for air as you looked around your kitchen and into the shadows of the hallway. “I swear to-” A spark of heat spread through your body when your eyes glanced over where your bedroom door lay wide open. It lit up along your skin in crackles and zaps of electricity – with it, came the uncontrollable urge to clench your thighs together. 
“What the fuck!”
Your exclamation echoed in your empty home, and the feeling of being watched settled heavy in your stomach, joining the simmering warmth.
“No, I’m not doing this,” you said, shuffling around the kitchen and haphazardly throwing your dishes in the dishwasher to slam it closed. “I need some fucking sleep.”
The soft sheets of your bed made you sigh in relief, they were cool, a nice contrast to your warm, feverish skin. It was an easy assumption that maybe you had developed a cold, or flu, so you brushed it off in favour of burrowing into your pillow with a heavy breath, and sleep took you not long after you closed your eyes. 
Your dreams were flashes of that creature, of tongues and sharp teeth carving their need onto your skin and making a home; becoming one with it, connected in a way that would make a sinner sweat.
It was late, well into the night, when dread joined the mix of nerves and arousal in your stomach. The sourness woke you and your eyes fluttered, just as a weight settled on the back of your thighs. 
“So fucking pretty, sweet thing,” a voice purred. “I might keep you.”
What the fuck.
You tried to squirm, your stomach brushing against the mattress. Stomach — You were not a stomach sleeper. “No- No, get off of me!”
“Aw,” the voice cooed, an octave lower and you hated how it sent a chill up your spine, the instinct to stop moving and bare your throat in submission shrouded your better judgement to run–run and not look back. “Don’t get all shy on me now, sugar.” 
There was a slight hiss to the words, the weight on your thighs lifted, and with it, you took a breath. “You were callin’ me in your sleep, squirming all over the bed with the need to be fucked and filled.”
What in the actual fuck. 
“You were, sweet thing,” the voice purred, having sensed your budding denial, and its face finally came into view. It was all you could do to not cry out in shock — it was the creature in your dream! Horned, winged, and pointed teeth- “I can fucking smell you, I know you want it just as bad as I need it.”
“What the fuck-” You gasped. The creature grinned, pointed fangs and forked tongue bright in the light cast from the bedside lamp. Its eyes were an icy blue, disappearing fast behind a black veil — its irises were bleeding into the whites of its eyes and- “What are you?”
“Just an Incubus, sugar. You had a lil’ bit too much fun as a teenager and I’ve been following you since. After all,” it said, shrugging a shoulder before leaning in close. “Not everyone is as silly as you, summoning something like me.”
Your mind reeled back to that stupid sleepover when you were in your late teens, mucking around with Ouija boards and everything a teenager should not do. “Oh, god,” you groaned. 
“Oh, no, honey, not God,” the Incubus purred, pressing his heated lips to your temple. “It’s Bucky.”
The world froze, the axis jarring to a stop and you stared wide-eyed up at the Incubus — Bucky — horror struck. He seemed to sense your sudden terror and his brows furrowed, black eyes glinting in the warm light. “What is it, honey? Don’t wanna be sweet for me no more?”
“Please don’t hurt me.”
Bucky looked affronted, as much as a fucking demon could, anyway. “Hurt you?” 
He moved off you like he was burned and moved to lay next to you — though you still could not move. “I won’t hurt you,” he breathed, bringing a hand to cup your cheek. “I only want to fuck you senseless, tha’s all.”
“How romantic,” you huffed. Bucky barked a laugh and you watched his forked tongue while it wet his lips, unable to help but think about what it would feel like —
“Oh, sweet thing, you keep thinking like that and I won’t be able to control myself.” Bucky’s nostrils flared and his eyes glinted dangerously, making you gulp. “Go on, tell me.”
“You can read minds?”
Bucky shook his head, his long hair swaying with the movement. “No, but I can smell just how fucking wet you are, and your eyes-” he paused, as if to prove his point and licked his lips again. You watched helplessly, ensnared and desperate to know. “You’re watching every single move I make.” The bastard finished with a dangerous smirk; the tip of his fang just visible. 
You couldn’t help it — you shivered. Bucky shifted closer and to your surprise, placed his lips on yours softly and moved his tongue past your lips. It was heaven, and your cunt clenched around nothing, forcing a sound from your throat that you’d never even heard before. 
The kiss ended far too soon and you whined, but Bucky shushed you. “Nuh-uh, patience, sweet thing.” Bucky moved to sit up and then stand from your bed which turned cold without his presence. 
“Wait, don’t go-” You tried, but Bucky was already walking towards the corner of the room, the shadow where he had hidden for years. 
“I will be back, sugar,” Bucky purred, a small wink thrown your way. “You just get some rest, sweet thing, I need you to have enough energy to cope with what I am gonna do to you tomorrow night.”
A click of his fingers, and you were out like a light. 
The next day dragged impossibly slow, but you felt surprisingly energetic, a rubber band of tension that would snap without even a second's notice. Bucky had said he would be back, and the sun had started to set, casting an orange and pink glow through your bedroom window. It would be night soon.
It was surprising, though, when you had the intense urge to sleep just as you moved to lay down in your bed, a sudden exhaustion settling deep in your bones. The last thought you could muster before your eyes closed was a fleeting hope that Bucky would be back — you were desperate to know what he had planned, consequences be damned. 
Your dreams were the same, tongue and teeth, wings and horns, all of which belonged to Bucky — blackened and tainted with lust.
Shuffling sounds came from the corner of your room and you only just registered it when heavy weight settled on your thighs again, but you couldn’t open your eyes. You could hear them breathing, a soft steady rhythm, and then you felt something brush your leg. “Wha- Oh!”
A heat like no other lapped at your core and you groaned, pushing back against whatever it was. You had enough wits about you to look over your shoulder to see horns and a set of ruffled wings. “Oh, fuck, Bucky!”
In lieu of an answer, Bucky forced his tongue deeper in your cunt and you keened, arching your back so your ass was higher in the air. A low growl vibrated against your clit at your sudden movement and you gasped. “Don’t stop- Ah! Oh, fuck me, Bucky!”
The forked tongue you had dreamed of pulled away, and you whined loudly at the loss. “Hold on, sweet thing,” Bucky soothed, voice low and honeyed. You looked back over your shoulder again and gasped, his chin was covered in slick and a predatory grin that sent a sharp spike of heat straight to your core. “Get on your back for me.”
You hastened to obey and sprawled on the bed, watching as Bucky crawled back up to nestle between your thighs. “Grab-” He commanded as he grabbed your hands and placed them on his horns, “-hold.” He grinned and dived back into your cunt with a low moan, and you groaned back. It was like having every thought, every dream come to life. 
“Oh! Bucky, there!” You yelled, your entire body pulling taut. Bucky’s tongue had just found what he had been desperately searching for, and like hell was he going to let the discovery go to waste. “Fuck- Ah! Ah, Bucky! Please!”
The tension snapped, and you screamed to the ceiling, jerking and twitching while Bucky continued to lap at that spot through the aftershocks only to trigger another. Chants of his name and a litany of curses filled the air until they turned into whimpers and weak moans. 
You pushed back against his horns when it became too much, and he obliged, pulling away with that same wolfish grin. “Hey there, sugar,” he purred, and you moaned weakly, gesturing for him to move up your body. “Miss me?”
“Fuck me,” you gasped, pulling him in for a bruising kiss that he returned in earnest. The taste of yourself on his tongue only sent another shiver of desperate need down your spine. “Please, please I need it-”
“I will fuck you, sweet thing,” Bucky simpered. He moved and attacked the column of your throat, his teeth scraping against every spot that made you sing. “I will, but I wanna make you desperate. Hearing you beg, baby,” he sighed and pulled back to loom over you. The hand that had been next to your head suddenly wrapped around your throat, his thumb tilting your chin up so you would be exposed. The sight seemed to tear at his restraint, if his darkening eyes were anything to go off of. “It’s so fucking good, honey. I wanna hear you beg for my cock.”
“Not tonight, sugar, I tired you out.” Before you could whine in protest, Bucky clicked his fingers and you fell into a deep sleep, sated and exhausted. 
Two nights passed by without a sign from Bucky. There were no shadows, there were no heavy feelings deep in your gut, it was just nothing. You supposed the good night’s sleep you’d been having for the past couple days were his doing, but it did nothing to abate the tension that had ruthlessly settled in your core. 
Bucky had promised to fuck you, and he had disappeared. 
It wasn’t that you were disappointed — hell, you couldn’t lie, you were, but you missed him. Everything seemed to be okay when he was around, and you missed his company. 
The sun had started to set, and you had decided to dress in just a long night shirt because that odd feverish heat had settled over you again, your skin too hot to bear. You were confused on how that would have come about, you weren’t sniffling, nor expelling a lung with violent coughing fits, no — you were healthy, and normal. If you didn’t count how insanely aroused you had been the past two days.
Sleep settled over you like every night before, and the same dreams played on repeat.
“Oh, look at you, honey,” a voice whispered in the shadows. You didn’t register it, but the figure moved closer. Whimpers and moans were coming from the bed and the atmosphere turned heated, consumed in fire. “Oh, sugar,” they whispered again. 
Your dream changed suddenly to visions of someone moving you on your stomach and then moving your legs, and your legs moved apart on instinct, your ass titling up with the angle. Someone inhaled deeply and moved behind you in the dream, it was a shadow, not discernible in shape or form, and as it neared you squirmed against the hold it had. “Ready for me, huh?” The figure leant over you and you squirmed again, pushing against the billowing heat. “Such a good girl for me. You can wake up now, sweet thing.”
Fire enveloped you and you gasped awake, pinned and unable to move for the weight above you and being speared on a huge cock. “Hey, honey.”
“Oh, my-”
“I know,” Bucky soothed, his voice so low and deep it reverberated in your bones. “Taking it so well, honey. Such a good girl for me,” his voice ended in a sigh and you felt him move forward, slowly and only slightly, but it felt like he was carving his way through and splitting you in half. “Lookatchu,” he purred, leaning close and breathing hotly on your neck. “I told you I’d fuck you.”
Words failed you. Your walls pulsed and Bucky hissed. “I haven’t even started and you’re close,” his tone was sly, mocking — dangerous. “You gonna come for me, sweet thing?”
You whined and nodded. “Please, move- Ah!”
Bucky surged forward and latched onto your throat, sucking harshly and pushing further into your wet heat until he was seated to the hilt. “You’re gonna take it, and you’re gonna say thank you, aren’t you, sugar?”
“Thank you- Oh, fuck, thank you-”
“Good girl.”
The pace was brutal, each thrust punched a high keen or moan from your lips and you could feel Bucky grin each time. A hand wound its way around your throat, forcing your head back so you could just see Bucky’s horns. “Bucky- Please, I can’t-”
“Yeah, you fucking will,” Bucky panted into your ear, speeding up his thrusts. “You’re going to take it, and you’re going to come.”
You wailed and Bucky hummed quietly, shuffling in his stance, then you screamed. The angle had changed and now every time he fucked into you was right against that spot. “There it is, sugar,” Bucky growled, gripping your throat tighter. “Come for me. Scream for me, go on.”
Incoherent babble escaped you as the pleasure surged and exploded, your thighs shook with the force and you went limp, at the mercy of the throes of blinding pleasure Bucky had given you—was still giving you, because he had not stopped. 
“Tha’s it, baby,” Bucky cooed, slowing just a second so he could kiss your sweat slicked temple, almost lovingly. “Did so good for me, such a good girl.” His pace picked up again and you mewled. “Gimme another one, honey, then I’m gonna fucking fill you.”
“Oh fuck,” you gasped before Bucky wrenched you up by the throat, his grip iron tight. 
“Beg. Beg for me,” Bucky moaned, his thrusts not slowing or stopping. “Tell me how good I fuck you, sugar.”
It’s a good thing you weren’t going to the pearly gates, because hell had swallowed you up, and he was in you — fucking you senseless, just as he promised. 
“S’good, Bucky, fuck,” you breathed, hiccuping with the force of his thrusts. “Don’t stop- Ah!”
“I think I’m gon’ keep you, sweet thing,” Bucky said, his breath hot on your throat. “Fuck you and fill you whenever I want- You want that don’t you, honey?” At his words, you tightened like a vice and forced his hips to stutter. “Fuck, baby, you’re squeezing me.”
Tears began to fall and you sobbed, overwhelmed and on the edge again. “Please, I’m-”
“You gonna come again for me, honey?” 
You nodded fervently and pushed back as best you could against his thrusts. The sudden pressure of his hand against your stomach startled a gasp from you, and the roaring fire intensified tenfold — it was unbearable, you were gonna implode. 
“Go on, sugar, come for me.”
Amidst the earth-shattering orgasm he had ripped from you, Bucky had forced you down flat against the bed, and fucked you hard into the mattress. His arms were wrapped tight around your chest and stomach while his tail wrapped around your thigh, nestling itself at your clit. The constant flick and pressure made your vision white out. “You feel so fucking good, baby, fuck-” Bucky moaned, going impossibly harder, faster— “‘M gonna fill you, make you mine.”
“I want it! Please, I want it, Bucky!”
Bucky’s hips stuttered and a shout echoed around the room, followed by the intense heat of his seed filling you and leaking out with the shallow pump of his cock. The pressure forced another climax from your exhausted body and you moaned, trying your best to squirm and push yourself back against his pelvis. 
“Don’t move,” Bucky growled, still thrusting slowly. You complied and fell limp against the mattress and in his arms. 
A sudden jolt in your heat made you cry out and tremble, grabbing weakly at the sheets. “Wha-” 
Bucky nuzzled against your cheek and it happened again, ripping a weak moan from you. “You’re mine.”
It happened again, and this time right against that spot. “Bucky!” You came weakly, shaking and squirming in Bucky’s hold. 
“Easy, sugar, that’s just the barbs.”
“Bar- Oh!” Bucky had rolled his hips just as you began to speak and you shuddered. “What the fuck?”
Bucky didn’t answer, he only pulled you impossibly closer and sighed happily. “You’re mine.”
You’re mine. 
The words caused a rush of affection and you took a deep breath, feeling how tight he held you, like you were precious. “I’m yours?” You asked, suddenly nervous. “How-” Bucky cut you off with a bruising kiss that you returned, just as heatedly. 
A reckless feeling flooded you, having never been one to go against the norm; always following rules, not really having fun, everything that led you to be in the stalemate that was your life. You pulled away from Bucky’s lips and hushed him when he whined quietly, chasing your lips. 
“Take me, Bucky.” He looked at you and blinked, a slow blink that told you he hadn’t expected that. “Take me, I’m yours. I want you.”
That wolfish grin returned, and his tongue ran over his lips, considering. “I can do that, sweet thing.”
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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indiatrendzs · 13 days
Enamored by Nature's Palette: Creating a Calming Home Environment
Promoting Tranquility and Comfort with Blue and Green Home Décor Our homes are meant to offer comfort and serve as sanctuaries where we can unwind and be ourselves. The colors that promote tranquility are subjective, with many finding blues to be among the most relaxing shades, reminiscent of the serene summer sky or the turquoise sea. https://www.facebook.com/mogulinteriorr…
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mogulinterior · 2 months
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 Consider pendant lights with woven rattan shades, sculptural floor lamps, or oversized boho chandeliers to add an element of drama and style.
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pairing: dad!bucky barnes x au pair!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 10 years younger than bucky), smut (18+, dni if under 18)
author’s note: an earlier update because i got some good news so you guys get good news as well xx
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i'd like to hang out with you for my whole life
Y/N was sure she was gonna lose her driving license the moment the police ran the plates based on how many accidents she'd almost gotten into and how many speeding limits she'd crossed, but it didn't matter. It didn't matter that she was gonna lose her license because she was also gonna lose her freedom as Y/N was very close to murdering the receptionist of the paediatrics department if she told her once more she couldn't tell her anything. She sighed angrily once more before continuing on to try and argue her soul about why she should know more about Sadie. What were all the years of debate club presidency if she couldn't argue with a receptionist?
      - What's going on? - Bucky came from the entry, joining Y/N and looking equally frazzled.
      - They won't tell us anything about Sadie. - Y/N pointed at the nurse in a way that reminded her of the way her mother used to argue with the baker whenever he tried to swindle her with stale bread.
      - What do you mean? - now he turned to the nurse and God bless her, because upsetting Bucky was not something someone should ever want. - She's our kid, since when do your staff keep us in the goddamn dark?
      - The doctor is still running some tests and when we have any news we'll let you know. As I've told your wife, please take a seat and we will let you know.
Bucky punched the desk a bit before grabbing Y/N and leading her towards the waiting area. Y/N crossed her arms, her gaze burning the receptionist as she wondered if when she was distracted she could steal and break her mug. Sadie is two, how come they're doing anything to her without talking to Bucky, the father, the parent. Bucky, himself, was shaking which stole her attention from the hellish receptionist.
      - Hey, what's going on? - she put her hand on his arm, hoping it would calm him down.
      - I don't like hospitals. - he looked up at the ceiling. - Reminds me of when they I lost my arm. I don't like it.
      - Uhm ... - she tried to distract him, looking around before she noticed Sadie's toy box. He'd brought the toy box. - Buck, is that Sadie's toy box?
      - Yes.
      - I said bring her cuddly toy not every single one she ever had. - how had he even managed to carry that so effortlessly? She'd once got her shirt stuck under it and it took her a while to get it off. It was a handmade wooden box Bucky had made for her with little flowers and her name carved in.
      - Well, Sadie sleeps with Bingo which is her favourite but what if she has a new favourite or her favourite needs a friend?
      - Point taken. - she shrugged. - You know, what's the point of me even studying and paying Columbia if they won't tell Columbia students anything?
      - I'm gonna make a call. Look after the toy box.
Y/N didn't like hospitals too much either, specially paediatrician aisles. It saddened herself and sometimes it gave her baby fever which was never good. Bucky yapped in the phone for a few seconds and as he was about to sit down, a doctor came through the doors and walked in their direction.
      - Sergeant Barnes. - he extended his hand to shake Bucky's. - I am so sorry, I didn't know you were here.
      - How's Sadie? We tried speaking to your receptionist but she wouldn't tell us anything.
      - I will absolutely check on your girl and I'll let you know. Give me five minutes.
The doctor left and Bucky sat down looking visibly upset once more. Y/N didn't know what to do or how to comfort him but she could distract him.
      - You could rule the world with your little phone there.
      - I know some people.
      - Honestly, can you call someone and make me pass my PhD?
      - Maybe I can sleep with Professor Anderson. - he said getting a chuckle out of Y/N for the first time since they fought. - She has a cute ass, I could do it.
      - She has a husband.
      - Married ladies, my favourite. - he joked before settling down, looking at the wall in front of him. - That's Doctor Tinsdale, he's on the board and he's ... Anna's dad.
      - Anna, your Anna?
      - Yeah. He doesn't know Anna's the mother. Not that it would matter anyway. - he shrugged. - Anna used to say she had a brother in New Haven she barely saw. Anyway, he can get information.
Y/N didn't say anything, instead leaning her head against his shoulder, her hand holding his until the doctor came back holding a medical board. Y/N got up, pulling Bucky up with her as he walked towards them.
      - So, the school guessed appendicitis and they were right. Because Sadie is so young and the risk of perforation is so high, we're wheeling her in for an appendectomy. You should be able to see her in an hour.
      - Can we see her before she goes into surgery?
      - She's already in surgery, Sergeant Barnes. Why don't you and your wife go and get some food and some coffee? I promise you, I'll tell you the second she's out of the block. She's with our best surgeons, she will be taken care of until you can see her.
Y/N nodded still holding Bucky's hand. At least the school had taken action and Sadie was going to be fine and see the two of them when she woke up. Until then, Y/N and Bucky were stuck with lovingly awful hospital cafeteria food. It was some kind of stew served with a bowl of carrot and squash soup. The two sat down in a table looking at the food with disgust.
      - Do you want some salt?
      - Hm? - Bucky looked up at Y/N.
      - Salt. I have salt.
      - How do you have salt?
      - I carry salt in my purse. They're always out at Columbia so I usually have some and you know how unflavoured and unsalted hospital food is. - she shrugged rummaging through her purse. - What are you thinking about?
      - Hm?
      - Earth to James Barnes. - she waved her hand in front of his face. - Hey what's on your mind?
      - Nothing's on my mind. - he went back to his soup, tasting it before grunting and putting the spoon back. He'd rather go hungry for the remaining of his time here.
      - C'mon, the TV has no sound and we have crappy food. We need entertainment so tell me what are you thinking about?
      - I'm thinking about Anna. - he finally said, looking at her as if he expected her to say the exact same things Steve said. He just stayed there, waiting to hear an earful, but she instead placed her hand over his. He looked at her for a few seconds before pulling his hand away, clearing his throat and getting up from his chair. - I'm gonna get some cake. You want some?
      - Huh ... sure. - she smiled, stretching the corner of her lips in a comprehensive smile. - Hey ... can I use your phone? Mine is out of charge and I need to make a call.
      - Sure. - he fished the phone from his trousers' pocket and handed it to her before going to grab themselves some cake or something with a bit of flavour.
A few hours passed down and Y/N had fallen asleep horizontally in the line of seats next to Bucky. He'd placed his jacket over her, himself also slightly between the states of awake and asleep. All Bucky could do was stare at the lights on the ceiling, the blinding yellow light reminding him of things he didn't wish to be reminded off.
      - Don't think about that. - a voice surprised him as he turned to the side, seeing who he least expected. - It's was in Switzerland for starters, not here.
      - Anna. - he got up staring at the woman in front of him. - What are you doing here?
      - Seems like you need some company. Shall we get some coffee?
Bucky looked at Y/N and Anna read his mind.
      - Let her sleep. It'll be quick.
He took a last look at Y/N before following Anna back to the cafeteria. He followed her with a mix of both confusion and distrust. He didn't know why she was here, maybe Steve told her since they're apparently such great friends. Judas. She sat down on a small table, it was blatant she was still wearing her work clothes - those matching suits which now only annoyed him.
      - Were you gonna tell me Sadie was in the hospital?
      - I'm sorry, I must've forgotten to call the woman who is not her parent.
      - What if she needed something from me?
      - I have my ways. What are you doing here, Anna? Steve call you since you two are so close?
      - Nice to know you're still hateful. Is that what you're gonna teach Sadie?
      - Absolutely and then we'll have daddy-daughter hate sessions. - he said sarcastically. How dare she act all upset when she hadn't been here before.
      - I'm actually here for you, Jimmy.
Jimmy. Bucky hated being called Jimmy and out of everyone, it was only Anna who did it. He used to put up with him because he used to believe she was a good person. Not anymore. He didn't even understand why she was here. To make his life a living hell probably.
      - You look like shit. - she said putting a bag on the table. - When was the last time you actually ate?
      - Gee, Anna, I don't know. I've been too busy worrying about my daughter's well being to eat.
      - I thought maybe it was because you were distracted with the girl on your lap just a few minutes ago. Steve said she was a postdoc, how did you trick someone smart into sleeping with you?
      - She's not sleeping with me.
      - Why not? She's cute. You have my blessing.
      - I don't need your blessing, Anna.
      - Hey, I'm sorry, James. I'm sorry I am not the mother you want me to be, I'm sorry I left Sadie by your door, I'm sorry. - she got up from her seat. - Just because I'm not cut out to be a mother, doesn't mean I don't care about you. C'mon, we've known each other since we were 7.
      - My daughter comes first, Anna, and you hurt her. When you hurt my kid, you hurt me.
      - Tell my dad I said hi. - she grabbed her jacket. - Eat something and brush your hair or the staff will think you kidnapped that girl.
      - Don't forget your bag.
      - It's for you. Looks like you need it. - she waved him goodbye, leaving him to stare at a white label-less bag and a terrible cup of coffee.
The day couldn't get any worse. He had his shitty cup of coffee and grabbed the bag which had a bottle of whiskey. Well, at least Anna knew that she needed to give him alcohol whenever she came. As he started to make his way down the stairs to join a sleeping Y/N, his phone started ringing like crazy.
      - Bucky, Sadie is out of surgery. Where are you? - Y/N's voice came through before he even had the time to say Hello.
      - Y/N? How are you calling me? I thought your phone was out of ch ...
      - Seriously? That's what you're gonna ask? If your daughter wakes up and you're not there so help me god Bucky Barnes you'll be lucky you're in a hospital because I'll kill you with my own hands.
taglist: @talesofadragon @themermaidscales82 @winters1917 @vladsgirlxx @stinkerbelle007 @maybefoxysouls @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @chipilerendi @kandis-mom @belennasif @fedeffy
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jungle-angel · 9 months
The Little Pumpkin King (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Auggie wants to carve the giant pumpkin he picked out at the pumpkin patch, but what happens when Bob lets him do it all by himself?
Bob came barreling down the stairs a minute later at the sound of Auggie's shrieks. "Auggie?! Auggie what's wrong?" he asked frantically.
"I got eaten by a pumpkin!!"
Bob had to stifle a laugh when he saw Auggie half submerged into his giant pumpkin in the middle of the living room, his legs sticking straight up in the air.
"Ok, ok gimme a sec buddy," Bob said as he made his way into the living room.
"Looks like your mini-me bit off a little more than he could chew," Joe chuckled as he stuck the milk back in the fridge.
"No shit, Dad," Bob laughed as he grabbed Auggie by the ankles and lifted him up, pumpkin mess and all. Thank God he had put newspapers down when he had rolled the pumpkin inside.
"I'm covered in guts," Auggie chirped as he was set down.
"Yeah and you'll need a bath later, little man," Bob informed him. "You and your brother."
Bob reached in and fished out Auggie's glasses which had fallen off his face, carefully rinsing them off in the sink and handing them right back. As soon as he was all set, Bob set to helping Auggie scoop out the rest of the bright orange insides of the pumpkin which filled up three large milk pales from the barn. All the while he thought about all the delicious things to be made with it, pumpkin soups, cookies, cakes, pies, oatmeal, butter and a whole host of other delicious and useful things.
Auggie jumped with excitement as you came in the door with Patrick, setting him right down on the floor, your back creaking a little as your seven and a half month bump became a little more noticeable through your orange knit sweater.
"(Y/n) you ok?" Bob asked.
"Oh yeah I'm fine sweetie," you assured him. "All I had was Patrick. Your mom went to the store last I saw to get some dinner supplies."
You were barely in the door, just having gotten Patrick from the preschool at the Waldorf school where Auggie and the other Dagger kids attended kindergarten and where you yourself had taught ever since moving to Bozeman. Half days were always the best, your students being dismissed from your third grade classroom faster than you could blink while you got to pack up before noon and head home to Bob and your family. Auggie ran right up to you, protectively hugging your bump and resting his head right on it before you had a chance to hang your purse up on the hook.
"I see somebody took a dive into the pumpkin," you laughed.
"He sunk about halfway in before I had to pull him out by his ankles," Bob answered, unable to hid the grin on his face.
You laughed again before you joined your husband and son on the floor, carving the monster pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern that even the most frightening of ghouls could be proud of.
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red1culous · 1 year
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“Can I help you, ladies?”
You open the passenger side and get out of the car. Nat follows after turning off the engine. She walks up behind you and grabs hold of your pinky.
“Ah don’t mind the dog” the woman yells at her dog recognising your hesitation to approach the porch. “Get back in the house” she commands holding the screen door open as it obediently enters the home. “It’s all right. Come in, darling. His bark is worse than his bite.” The woman steps off her porch and walks closer to you and Nat.
“We’re really sorry to bother you” you say stepping towards the kindly old lady. She pushes her glasses further up her nose.
“My name is Natalia” she offers stepping up from behind you still holding onto your little finger. You smile hearing her use that name. “I used to live in this house with my parents and little sister ages ago. We, this is my girlfriend Y/N,” she bumps you with her shoulder and you give a shy wave, “we were driving through the city and got curious. Would it be alright if we just looked around a little?” she stumbles uncharacteristically over her words, afraid the lady would decline. 
“Really? What were your parents’ names?”
“Alexei Shostakov? Melina Vostokoff?”
The lady hums to herself contemplating. “I don’t seem to remember those names” she laughs to herself before continuing, “I’ve been living here for over 20 years now and It’s hard to imagine anyone lived here before”.
“We really don’t want to be a bother” you quickly add taking a half step backwards. 
“No no dear” the lady steps back onto her porch and holds the screen door open inviting you and Nat inside. “Go ahead and look around. Take your time. I’ll be inside folding some laundry.”
Nat walks first into the house pulling you by the finger. She thanks the lady who disappears into the laundry room. You look at Nat and give her a mischievous smile.
“Ok that was almost too easy,” she smirks leading you around the house. You walk around the house and into a white dining area attached to a big back porch at the rear of the building.
“This is very nice” you remark running your finger along the cold marble worktop. “Oh! Is that where the swing you and Yel used to play at was?” you point towards an old shed next to a row of well manicured rose bushes. 
“Mmhmm” she nods. “Come on I wanna show you something” she slides the back door open and leads you out into the yard. Your finger still tucked safely in her hand she leads you through a corral past a large barn to the right of it. You imagine the fun Nat and Yelena used to get up to. She leads you through some bushes and you feel like you’re trespassing even though you knew you had permission to be there. Finally she slows her pace to a stop. She points to a clearing and starts tugging you towards a large oak tree. Running her fingers over the gnarly bark she smiles fondly. 
“Look” she says and you squint noting the very faint “N & Y” etched into its bark. You place a quick kiss on her cheek as she smiles fondly at the marks she carved into the tree all those years back.
“You know, I could live with you in a place like this and be happy.”
“Oh yea?” 
“Yup” she answers popping the P playfully. 
You turn her towards you and pull her into a kiss. You cup your hands on her cheeks and hold her close. She smiles into the kiss. When you pull away you run your thumbs over her cheeks noting how rosy they’ve become. 
“Wanna get something to eat?” Nat says resuming her previous position of your finger safely grasped in her hand.
You raise an eyebrow at her and she laughs. “Stop! I didn’t mean that. I meant a hamburger.”
“Sure babe, let’s go get a hamburger.”
I do have a taglist. Plse click here to join.
@arcturusseer @readings-stuff @blackwidow-3 @justyourwritter69 @cutelittleakira @jareguiromanoff @sk1nnyftt @official-clint-barton @nattysredhair @black-kittycat18 @owloftheshadows @angryalpacachaos @iliketozoneout
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onceuponastory · 1 year
last stroke of midnight - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: When a stroke of luck and a little bit of magic allows her to attend Prince James' royal ball, Y/N soon realises that they’ve met before. Pairing: Prince!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of Y/N’s stepfamily belittling and degrading her, her parents dying, and her doubting herself. Classic Cinderella story stuff. Also, a little bit of angst bc it’s me. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know! Notes: My final entry for @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate June-iverse Connect Four event! My final square was Fairytale, and I realised I haven’t written a Cinderella inspired story before, so here we are! This can also tie into the Royalty square I had, but I’ve used that already.
Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.
Slowly, Y/N makes her way down the hallway, the sound of her heels against the tiles reverberating around the room. Various elaborate portraits and other pieces of artwork stare down at her. Unsurprisingly, the royal palace is ornately decorated, ready for the hundreds of guests attending tonight. Y/N has never seen somewhere so beautifully decorated in all her life. When she reaches the end of the hallway, two heavy oak doors stand before her, the muffled sound of music and laughter from the ball seeping through. That’s how her life seems to be nowadays. On the outside, looking in. It’s still a wonder that she was invited to this ball in the first place. But Prince James ordered every maiden in the kingdom to be present, and who was she to deny a Prince’s wish?
Of course, if her stepfamily had it their way, she’d still be at home, finishing her chores. Honestly, she thought her dream of attending the ball was as ruined as the dress they tore up to force her to stay home. It was only then that Y/N learnt she had a fairy godmother of her own, who gave her a gorgeous new dress, a pumpkin carriage and a pair of glass slippers, making her look like a true princess. And now, Y/N is standing in the royal palace, surrounded by various noblemen and women, and royalty from all over the world.
And she’s never felt so out of place. She’s still waiting to wake up, for this happy dream to be over in the blink of an eye. Even now, she can hear her stepfamily screaming in her ears, forcing her to do all the household chores, as they have done every day since her father died. Treating her like a servant, rather than a human being. For so long, Y/N thought that was what the rest of her life was destined to be. Living as Cinderella, their idea of a nickname for her, rather than Y/N. Since her stepsisters took over her bedroom, Y/N has nowhere else to sleep at night other than on the cold tiles by the dying light of the fire. And each day, she wakes up covered in soot, which inspired the name.
Their voices and laughter still echo in her mind, even now. Belittling her and labelling her a mere servant with no potential. Especially for even thinking that she could attend a royal ball, Prince’s invitation or not. But here she is, at the royal ball. Wearing a gorgeous ball gown that shimmers like the stars whenever she walks, and a pair of glass slippers that somehow perfectly fit her feet.
Finally, she has a chance to do something else, to be someone else, even if it's just for a night… and she’s terrified to take it. What if they see right through her? Realise that she doesn’t belong here, that she never did? Warily, Y/N holds her hand out, her fingers tracing along the ornate, carved detailing on the door. But she’s made it this far. Surely that must mean something.
Suddenly, the doors burst open, and Y/N gasps. “I apologise, I wasn’t-” Apologising for everything is simply second nature to her now. At least, it is when you live with people like her stepmother and stepsisters.
“Ma’am.” The guard bows to her, gesturing for her to enter the ballroom. She steps back for a moment, taking a breath for courage as her heart pounds through her chest. Yet, her feet start moving without a second thought, leading her into the ballroom. She glides through the room, past everyone’s watchful eyes. Y/N can hear them whispering, wondering who she is, and she has to tune them out before she becomes too panicked and flees.
Until suddenly, the crowd parts like the sea, and Prince James steps forward, right towards her. The second she looks into his silvery blue eyes, she recognises him right away. “Hello again.” He chuckles. “I’m thrilled to see you made it.”
Of course, Y/N could never know that she was the entire reason he suggested inviting everyone in the kingdom to this ball. Since he first saw her, Prince James couldn't get her out of his mind and yearned to see her again. And the ball his parents insisted he throw to find a suitable wife seemed like the perfect opportunity to find her again. The sparkles on her dress twinkle in the light, and he can’t stop smiling the more he looks at her. She looks beautiful.
And yet, Prince James could never know that the main reason Y/N is attending this ball is for the hopes of seeing him again. Although, she had no idea he was the Prince in question.
The two first met when Y/N was at the market with her stepsisters, being bossed around once again. Thankfully, they soon stopped bothering her and went to visit the local dressmaker, granting Y/N some precious alone time. Once they left, she took some time to walk around the stalls and take in everything on offer. Just taking some time to do nothing. As the sun warmed her skin and the cool breeze blew through her hair, Y/N finally felt at peace again. She wasn’t Cinderella, at the constant beck and call of her stepfamily. For a few blissful moments, she was Y/N again.
Soon, she found a stall selling fresh fruits and vegetables, and her stomach began to rumble. That morning, like most others, she was preoccupied completing the other chores and making sure her stepfamily were fed. And that meant she hadn’t thought about feeding herself. All the food on offer looked so enticing, and she just couldn’t resist. She rifled around in her pockets to find the few coins that she had managed to hide away, hoping it would be enough for something to eat. As she did so, a voice cut in.
“No, please. Allow me.” She had turned to see a face with a pair of gorgeous silvery blue eyes smiling back at her. Before she could protest, he paid for some apples and handed them to her.
“T-Thank you, sir.” She smiled, gazing over at him. It had been so long since someone treated her with kindness that Y/N swore she could’ve broken down into tears right then.
“Please, don’t worry about it. I couldn’t leave a lady like yourself in distress.” Y/N giggled at that, her cheeks burning slightly. As they started walking together, Y/N glanced over at the kind stranger, her gaze tracing over every inch of his face. As she did, a feeling of warmth settled in her stomach. Of course, a large part of that was because of his kind gesture, but Y/N found herself attracted to him from that very moment. With the way his eyes sparkled whenever he laughed, and the way he smiled at her… falling in love with him was very easy to do.
They spoke for a while, as close as friends, despite only meeting a few minutes ago. “Forgive me if this sounds rude, sir, but I haven’t seen you at the market before.” The man laughed, adjusting the hood of his cloak.
“Is it that obvious?”
“A little.”
“Well, I thought it would be a pleasant change from my normal life. Getting out in the fresh air, meeting new people.” He explained. “And….” He looked over at her, smiling softly. “I’m glad I came.” Her cheeks burned, and her heart felt like it was doing backflips in her chest.
“I’m glad you did too.” She smiled. But before they could talk for much longer, the voices of her stepsisters filled the air, calling her and pulling her out of her brief moment of happiness. Sighing, her body slumped in disappointment. The handsome stranger raised a brow, concerned by her sudden change in emotion.
“Is everything alright?” He had asked, instinctively placing a reassuring hand on her forearm. For a moment, she considered telling him the truth about her life. But as her stepsisters got even louder, she realised she couldn’t possibly drag him into this, or let him hear the things they say about her. It’s bad enough that she gets to hear it day in, day out.
“I’m sorry. I better go.” She sighed. When she saw the man’s face fall, she regretted her choice even more. But she didn’t have a choice. “Hopefully, I’ll see you again, sir. Thank you again for the apples.”
And here he is once more, standing in front of her in all his royal finery, looking like a completely different person. He’s still just as handsome as he was that day, his eyes still sparkling. And of course, she’s sure that she looks a lot more different than she did that day, too.
“You’re a Prince?” She gasps. “The Prince?” Embarrassment flows through her veins, and her heartbeat rises. How could she have been so stupid, so naïve to not realise that she was speaking to the Crown Prince? The bitter venom of her stepmother’s words flows through her veins once more.
“You foolish child! To think the Prince would even want you, a servant girl, at his ball-”
“It’s quite alright. Please, do not worry.” He reassures her, placing a soft hand on her forearm and pulling her out of her spiralling thoughts. Just like he did that day at the market. As he does so, Y/N feels herself beginning to calm down once more. And a familiar warm feeling settles in her stomach. “I’m sorry. I should have been honest.”
Even after the complete bombshell that's just been dumped on her, she is glad to be reunited with him, too. She and Prince James stare into each other's eyes for a little while longer, each feeling their hearts beat faster and faster. For a moment, the crowds fade away, leaving just the two of them together. Despite all her anxieties from earlier that night, Y/N feels so at ease around the Prince. For the first time in a long while, she even finds herself smiling. It isn’t until the music starts playing again that they remember where they are. And the crowd is still watching them. Clearing his throat, he stands up straighter. “May I have this dance?” And once more, Y/N’s feet move forward without even thinking about it.
“Of course.” Nodding, she slips her hand into his, whilst he rests his on the small of her back. As his fingers brush along her spine, she gasps. Being in his arms feels so right, so comfortable. Every time his touch brushes against her, it feels like a spark of electricity throughout her entire body. She’s never felt so alive.
Despite how long it’s been since Y/N danced, being with Prince James makes her feel so at ease that she easily matches his steps. As they dance together, moving gracefully throughout the room, Prince James twirls her under his arms, spinning her around the room. Y/N honestly feels like she’s floating. For a moment, she forgets all her worries, and it’s as if she and the Prince are the only people in the room once more. In fact, it feels like they’re the only people in the universe right now. The fact that her stepmother and stepsisters are here, and are no doubt watching her with the Prince doesn’t even cross her mind. She could stay here for the rest of her life, in his arms.
After spending most of the night dancing together, Prince James soon invites Y/N out into the palace gardens for some peace, and to relax after dancing for so long. The cool night air hits her skin, and Y/N takes a breath. All thoughts of the time limit on her night, and her fairy godmother’s warnings seem to have slipped her mind.
“I must say, you are a wonderful dancer.” Y/N chuckles.
“Thank you very much, Prince James. Although, I did have wonderful company.” Prince James grins, blushing furiously.
“Please allow me to introduce myself. Properly, this time. My full, official name is Prince James Buchanan Barnes. Personally, I think it’s too fancy of a name, so my close friends and family call me Bucky.” Immediately, she drops into a curtsey. “Please, don’t feel the need to do that. It’s alright.” He chuckles. She’s still amazed by his refusal to treat her like she’s any different to him, or a different class, like she’s been used to people doing most of her life. In fact, he looks at her like she’s the most important person in the world. And it’s making her even more smitten.
“I just can’t believe I didn’t realise you were a Prince when we first met, Your Highness.”
“Please, call me Bucky.” He smiles. Y/N chuckles, and her cheeks burn even more. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth when we first met. The truth is, I enjoy going out into the kingdom and meeting the people. It’s surprising how easy it is to be undetected when you wear a cloak.” He laughs. Oh, she knows that very well. “And besides, I’m sure you understand. Wanting to get away from it all.” His words confuse her for a moment… until the penny drops.
He thinks she’s the same as him. A royal, disguising herself in order to escape her life. Of course, she looks the part right now, but it’s all fake, just pretend for the night. Her head swirls, her smile dropping. Is that why he wanted to speak to her alone? Because he thought she was something different, something special? If he knew the truth, who she really was, he’d never want to see her again. Embarrassment rushes through her, chilling her veins as her stomach churns.
“Is something the matter? Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No. I’m alright.” She lies. Her mind screams at her to tell him the truth, that compared to him, she’s a nobody, just a simple servant girl. He’s been so compassionate towards her already tonight, surely he’d understand. But she can’t bring herself to tell him. This night has been so wonderful already, and she can’t ruin it now. She just wants one good night with the man she’s falling in love with. At least after tonight, she’ll never see him again. He won’t know anything else about her.
And that hurts deep in her soul, more than anything in the world. The universe seems to be set on constantly taking away every ounce of happiness in her life. First it took her parents, and then her freedom. And now, it’s taking Prince Bucky. But like she said, this is how it has to be. She couldn’t bear him seeing the truth, or seeing him letting her go.
“These gardens really are beautiful.” She says, hoping to steer the conversation away from anything to do with her.
“Well, that’s my mother’s pride and joy.” He chuckles.
“My mother loved flowers too.” She nods, thinking back to the flowers that used to adorn their garden, vibrant hues of pinks and purples. The bees and butterflies that filled the air, flying past as Y/N played with her parents. Life was so much simpler back then, so happy. She’d give anything to return to that time, when she had no worries or stepfamily. Although, being with Bucky is making her feel just as happy as she did back then.
“Well, she must have been a wonderful woman then.” 
“She was. She really was.” 
“And you’re right, they are beautiful. In fact… there’s a lot of beautiful things here tonight.” He smiles, and Y/N’s cheeks burn even deeper this time.
“Thank you.” She murmurs, a small smile tugging at her lips. “This has truly been such a wonderful night. And I never want it to end.”
“Then stay with me. Just a little longer” Bucky smiles, stepping closer. Y/N gasps, shaking her head in disbelief.
“I wish I could, but I can’t.” When he sees the tears shining in her eyes, Bucky’s brow furrows, noticing how panicked the woman is becoming. He sighs, not meaning to come across as so forceful, or to scare her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t. Not at all. You’ve been nothing but wonderfully kind to me all night.” She sighs. “It’s just… a lot to explain, Your Highness.” When he hears her call him by his official title again, it registers a feeling deep within in his gut. At the market, when her face fell as soon as she heard people calling for her, he wondered what was wrong. And now, seeing her so distressed, things are starting to make sense. Whoever this woman is, she seems to be hiding from someone. Or something.
“If anything is wrong, I can help you with whatever it is you need.” Y/N chuckles, sniffling slightly.
“I wish you could.” She’s worried enough about the possibility of her stepmother finding out she went to the ball in the first place, let alone her knowing she spent the whole night with the Prince. But if she did, Y/N would take full blame for it. It would break her heart if Bucky was hurt by her actions. Y/N steps closer to him, gently taking his hands. “But the fact you even offered means more to me than you could ever know.” Bucky looks into her eyes once more, gently cupping her cheek. Even though he only met this woman recently, he already feels like he knows her better than anyone else in the entire kingdom, even his closest advisors. He’s falling more and more in love with her with every waking moment. And he wants to make sure she’s alright. He has to.
Suddenly, a sound pierces through the air. The sound of clock chimes. Immediately, Y/N’s blood runs cold.
“What time is it?”
“It’s midnight.” Everything hits her all at once, like a bucket of cold water has been dumped over her, chilling every part of her. Her fairy godmother’s warnings ring out in her mind once more.
“At the last stroke of midnight, everything will be as it once was.”
“I’m so sorry, but I have to go. Thank you for a lovely evening!” She gasps, breaking free from Bucky’s grasp and rushing back towards the palace, to her carriage before the chimes finish. As she runs through the gardens, dodging people left and right, she can hear Bucky calling after her, trying to get her to stop. And every fibre of her being wants to turn back and tell him the truth. She knows he could protect her if she needed, that he would in a heartbeat.
But she can’t take that risk.
When she reaches the steps leading up towards the palace, Y/N runs down them, adrenaline rushing through her veins. In her haste, she can feel her shoes slipping off, but she has no time to stop them. When the first slipper falls off, Y/N doesn’t go back for it, too worried about Bucky seeing the truth to care about a shoe of all things. She slips the other one off, clasping it in her hands as she finishes her descent of the stairs and climbs back into her carriage.
As it sets off, whisking her back to her ordinary life, Y/N glances out of the window. Bucky stands on the stairs, watching her go. And Y/N feels her stomach twisting, and regret fills her veins.
“I’m sorry Bucky.” She whispers.
The carriage only makes it a few miles away from the palace before collapsing completely, turned back into a pumpkin. And so, Y/N begins the long walk home, still clutching her remaining glass slipper. The waltz she and Bucky danced to replays in her head, and she hums along to the tune, moving through the steps in her head.
“It was wonderful.” She sighs to herself. “Better than I could’ve ever dreamt it.”
When she’s only a few yards away from home, the sound of hooves approaches, and Y/N ducks out of the way behind a wall. Peeking out, she glimpses them as they pass. Almost immediately, she notices the royal crest on the saddle. The feeling of hope builds in her gut once more, and she smiles. Bucky’s looking for her. He wants to find her again.
But just as soon as the hope rises, her anxieties sink in once more.
He’s not looking for her, some poor orphaned servant girl with no dowry to her name. He’s looking for the girl he thought she was. The princess, the wonderful dance partner. The girl who doesn’t exist. Sighing sadly, Y/N glances down at her remaining glass slipper, still glinting in the moonlight. A permanent reminder of the wonderful night she had…and what she lost.
But like she said, it’s better this way.
Isn’t it?
“Your Highness.” The Captain of the Royal Guard pants, rushing into the room. “We looked everywhere, but there’s no sign of the mystery maiden. It appears she’s disappeared out of sight.”
Bucky sighs, nodding. “Thank you for trying, Captain.” He murmurs. He can still see the look on her face as she ran, the fear that something would happen if she didn’t leave immediately. It still makes his heart sink, even now. Nervously, he begins to tap his foot. Something is wrong with this woman, something in her life must be causing her great pain. He wants to find her again and to help her more than anything. The slipper sits atop his desk, sparkling in the candlelight. He picks it up once more, his fingers tracing around the heel. “A shoe made of glass.” He chuckles. “What a wonderfully strange woman.”
“Your Highness?” The Captain asks.
“Tomorrow morning, we commence a kingdom wide search for the maiden who fits this glass slipper.” He states. “No stone will be left unturned. Do you understand?” The Captain nods. “Good. Ready your men for the morning.” As the man departs, Bucky holds the slipper close to his chest, as if he was holding her that closely. “I will make this right.” He whispers. “I promise.”
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buckysslutsblog · 11 months
The dark age | b.b
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Warnings- smut, dark!bucky, the winter soldier, non-con, choking, knife play, gun play, degrading, sex (p in v), carving
Authors note- hey this is a dark Bucky smut the winter soldier so if it makes you uncomfortable don’t read
You were sitting on your couch watching tv when the news comes on ‘the winter soldier other known as Bucky Barnes has escaped his containment and is on the run, lock your doors’ and a picture of him pops up on the screen
Your stomach drops, he’s your ex
You get a uneasy feeling as you stand up and lock your door and windows, then turn off your lights and walk to you room just wanting to be in your bed
When you walk in the door is slammed behind you and someone says “take one move and I blow your fucking brain out” as a gun is pressed to your head you freeze and say “Bucky”
He chuckles and says “yes doll have you missed me” as he starts kissing your neck gun still pressed to your head, he starts pushing you towards then bed and you say “Bucky what are you doing here, you need to leave”
He just pushes you onto the bed on your stomach as he says “I’m here for you, your mine and you need to be reminded of that” then he takes out his pocket knife
“Bucky you don’t have to do this, I won’t tell anyone you were here” you say pleading, he just cuts your shirt off of your body leaving you in a bra and panties
“I don’t have to worry about you telling anyone you want to know why” he says darkly holding the knife to your hip “your mine and I’m never letting you go again”
Then I feel him start to carve a b into me and he adds another one, then he says “there your mine forever now” as he wipes the blood with his thumb and he sucks it into his mouth
He smiles and says “now shut up and take it” then he cuts your panties and bra off spreading your legs, and you can feel coldness against the wetness of your cunt
He chuckles and says “look how wet you are for me doll, you do want this” as he takes off his clothes and gets on top of you “now be a good girl and let me have my fun”
Then he slams into you fully bottoming out as he groans and you moan, he wraps his metal arm around your throat as he starts pounding into you at an incredibly hard pace “that’s. Right. Take. It. You. Whore” he grunts out
You moan louder as you move a hand around your back and you grab his hair saying “Bucky” he smiles and pounds harder moving a hand under you to rub your clit
“Good whore say my name, who’s the one making you feel this good” he says choking you harder as he rubs your clit harder and continues to fuck into you hitting your g spot
“Bucky!” You moan loud then say “please let me cum please” you say feeling yourself needing it, “awe the little slut wants to cum hm should I let you I don’t think so” he says sharply
“Please Bucky please” you say as you move back into him, he rubs harder at your clit and says “fine cum” and in an instant you cum squeezing his cock hard and that causes his hips to shudder and he cums filling you up with his cum
The thrust hard a couple more times fucking him cum into you and he pulls out watching it drip out smiling “there we go doll, all mine” he say laying down beside you pulling you into him
“Bucky you came in me” you say worried and he just smiles and says “I know doll, I’m hoping it got you pregnant, that way you can’t leave me” as he plays with your hair
And all your thinking is what are you supposed to do now, you can’t leave or he’ll kill you, so you just make the best of it and cuddle into him and he says
“Your mine, and mine only”
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