fallenfoxie · 2 months
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them unfortunately
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thejoggingdead · 8 months
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When I was sketching the Mooninite gals I thought it would be funny to include handbanana and spaghetti but have spaghetti be like, horrifically over-rendered and fleshy. You’re all very lucky I have the attention span of a goldfish
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aqua teen art/sketch dump
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myxomat0s1s · 2 days
not even gonna lie i like emory almost as much as i do the mooninites. i’ve only seen the first plutonian episode and oglethorpe was kinda annoying sometimes but emory’s voice is nice and i just like his kinda unsure sidekick demeanor. yea can you tell i’ve only seen like 5 episodes
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adriscr4zyy · 3 days
HEYYY (anotheridealol)
(Well,, they're not rlly the villains of the series but THEY'RE BAD PPL)
(PD: They're thinking the name lolz)
Self-proclaimed Leader: Freda
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Co-leader: Tabitha (She's there bc she and Freda share the hatred towards Shake)
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(they would be 4 or 5,, but idk who could be the fourth/fifth- if u could give me sm ideas,, it would be very appreciated :3) (edit: uknowwhat?? they'll be 3. why? bc yes)
anyways,, I'm making redesigns for those three,, and how they met eachother and all that thing (I HAVE SM IDEAS FOR THE UCN SERIES YAYYYY!!)
sooo yeah,, stay tuned ^_^
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summercamp2007 · 5 months
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me and handbanana if he was a good dog
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leprosycock · 8 months
Your fics are so good. I hope your a millionaire tv writer doing this on the side because adult swim won’t let you submit rape porn scripts
welllllll handbanana is one of the highest rated aqua teen episodes of all time and carl is a canon rapist. not to mention that doc venture also canonically made date rape drugs and is a confirmed sex pest who drools over teenagers and impregnated a fifteen year old. and rape was a significant plot point in season three of moraI oreI. and coach mcguirk from home movies is a sex pest as well. basically what i’m saying is that aduIt swim would absolutely accept rape scripts but the porn part is definitely harder to navigate. that is true
however i don’t even necessarily love writing porn itself, it’s more like i love writing the aspects that surround it. i love writing about weird sex and weird relationships and weird body terror. i’m not much of a comedy writer and i definitely am not familiar with script writing, but if adult swim ever wanted to put me in the writers’ room for a project, i know i could pitch some truly subversive disgustingly delightful shit
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mrcrepsley · 3 months
u hav me rewatching athf. wats yr favorite episode . . . mine is the veggietales parody one
handbanana hands down but ill list a couple more. some recs for those who have taste:
- reedickyoulus
- one hundred
- fry legs
- the greatest story ever told
- chick magnet
- ezekial
- kangarilla and the magic tarantula
- video ouija
- gee whiz
- freda
- shaketopia
- hoppy bunny
- a PE christmas
- chicken and beans
- monster
- allen part 1 and 2
- der inflatable fuhrer
- anubis
- broodwich
- the dudies
- super birthday snake
- super spore
- super trivia
and best seasons are 5, 2, and 12. and the leaked boston bomb scare episode of course i mean just look at this
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adultswim2021 · 5 months
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Soul Quest Overdrive #2: “Meals on Wheels” | February 25, 2010 | S01E01
Soul Quest Overdrive continues to be bad, but this one’s not quite as bad as the original pilot. It does take a hit from the inclusion of noted retard Gavin McInnes as a soccer ball doing a Scottish accent. This one, at the very least, has a plot that sorta resembles a typical absurd Adult Swim style plot. 
The plot: the bible guys are doing Meals on Wheels, but they are just cheaply delivering dog food to senior citizens so they can steal from them. When they arrive at the house of one of the oldsies Bert tries to steal pills, only to discover they are flea meds and aren’t altering his consciousness effectively. The old man behaves more and more dog-like until it’s revealed that he actually is a small dog controlling a human robot body. He escaped dog planet, and a spaceship with dog soldiers on it come down to apprehend him. The soccer ball removes him and his fellow outreachers’ ribs after watching all the dog soldiers successfully lick their own nards. They show the blood!!!
I gave this one tepid praise for resembling the humor of–I’ll just say it!!!–Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I mostly mean this as far as the plot is concerned. The intimidating dog soldiers showing up and immediately tying themselves up by grooming their groins is fairly ATHF. Speaking of ATHF, they show the original Bible Fruit episode on the TV at one point. How fun.
That also sorta hints at the main issue this show has; so much of it, and I mean, SO MUCH OF IT, reminds me of other cartoons. The elderly man rapes Bert like Handbanana. Mortimer quotes “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” from Star Trek, which was a South Park joke over a decade before this. And the intelligent dog in a robot costume is ripped directly off from Rick and Morty. These craven psychos went into the near future to steal. How dare they.
I remember seeing this back when, and was puzzled by the inclusion of the soccer ball character, and had to look up Gavin McInnes, probably pissed off that there was seemingly an interloper in this cast of comedy people I sorta respect. I forget what the exact chronology is here, but I recalled seeing "Dos and Don’ts" videos (A Vice feature dedicated to mocking people wearing uncool fashion; a concept that does worse than nothing for me) hosted by Gavin featuring nearly all of these people. I remember Kristen Schaal saying she hated dudes with a lotta bad tattoos, and then going “oh, wait, sorry” because she was talking to one. I recall Jay “January 6th” Johnston being in one of the videos… (solemnly) a portent of things to come.
Fun fact: My Fox-News-obsessed father once told me he admired Gavin McInnes which really puzzled me because the only thing I knew him from was this and a handful of Vice videos that repulsed me. This is how I learned that McInnes went right-wing. I have to give the guy credit: I can’t think of a single other person who did such a 180° turn politically and remained exactly as hated by me as he was before.
What’s worse is his character sorta adds nothing to the show. Bert is basically the Master Shake of the show and McInnes is like, a second Master Shake but worse? He’s just a drunk guy who, at one point, screams “PUNK’S NOT DEAD!” and thrashes around. It sorta seems like they were literally trying to make an actual COOL character. It’s the sort of comedy that people who aren’t funny try to write. “What if there was a crazy guy who did crazy stuff who liked all the same bands as me”. 
Those following along will note that this is the second of two "pilots" they used for this show for this contest. When the show aired for real, it aired as the second of four episodes (not counting the Gavin-less pilot episode). Like the not-for-television pilot episode, it's half the length of a quarter-hour Adult Swim show. And yet, still too long.
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2 Men 1 Tesla Coil
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Warning. Highly cursed. Smut is towards the end mostly. Direct sequel to this but can be read as stand alone. https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/741029367625482241/femboys-2-electric-boogaloo?source=share
It was decided then. Sundowner was going to learn what a power bottom was. The two men met up the following night. They decided to go to a hotel since Sam could still be heard sobbing throughout the building. "What is with that guy? He plays VR chat once and now suddenly everything is about him needing to cry to my heart will go on? Disgusting."
Monsoon finished rambling only to find Sundowner laying on the bed while eating a bag of Cheetos. "What are you doing?" The other man opened his jaw and ate the contents in one gulp. Burp "waiting for the movie to start." Monsoon frowned. "Its not another one of Sam's suggestions is it?"
"Course not! I asked the guy at the video store what all the gay fellas are watching and he suggested this one." Before the cyborg could even ponder about how a DVD rental chain was still open, the opening credits started. Sundowner then grabbed the man and forced him on to the bed, snuggling him. Well this was new.
Just as Monsoon had tried to hide his blushing cheeks the dialog could be heard. "Sometimes, I pull so hard, I rip the skin-" It was now ten minutes later. The television had been destroyed by a flying sai and one could hear loud screaming in Khmer. "FROM NOW ON YOU WILL READ THE CASE TO CHECK FOR 'STARRING STEVE RAMBO'!"
Sundown lowered his head in embarrassment. "Will do." He realized the best thing to do was to calm down. "Got any smokes?" Sundowner asked. "That depends. How do you feel about red phosphorus?" An hour later and the two men were higher than the length of the ending cutscenes of metal gear solid 4. "This reminds me of the time I took so much benadryl and was visited by the hat man. Good times were had, I tell ya what."
Monsoon had a higher tolerance to the smoke so he wasn't as severely affected. "Dude. What in the hell are you talking about?" He would give the other man a judging look if he had the eyes to do so. "Y'know. Hat man!" Monsoon had no idea what the man was talking about. "You've lost your mind..."
And with that Sundowner ran into the bathroom and locked himself in. The cyborg sighed. "Stop being such a baby! I already learned to stop crying by the time I was seven so stop being so dramatic!" More sniffling could be heard. "Ugh. If I say I'm sorry will you come out?" The crying stopped for a moment. "Maybe."
"How about this? I'll have the lab department create you that dog you love so much. What was his name? Handbanana?" The door then burst wide open. "YIPEE!" Sundowner jumped on the bed canon ball style and violent shaking could be felt through the whole building.
Monsoon then sat down next to him and patted the mans bald head. "You know what? I think I'm ready to know what a power bottom is!" The cyborg grinned. "Wonderful. Let's get started." Monsoon then went on in full detail about the meaning of a power bottom and every gay slang terminology one could think of.
"Wow. You find out something new every day, huh?" Monsoon grabbed a book out. "This is my favorite novel. Let's move on to the foreplay!" They ended up reading the selfish gene in its entirety. Sundowner didn't understand a word of it but he enjoyed hearing the other man moan when talking about memes.
"So how do we do this?" It was Sundowners first time with another man. "We use my electromagnetism to our advantage. You enter inside me and it will be like we've become a tesla coil." Sundowner was confused. "What's that?" Monsoon sighed. "Just shut up and get on with it already..." Sundowner was about to put it in when he remembered something important.
"Wait! What about protection?" Monsoon threw something towards him. "I've got it covered." It turns out that it was a condom made of tinfoil. "Alright! Three..., two...., one...." And blast off. Sundowner was trying to enjoy the feeling when he noticed something was off. "Monsoon? Babe ya okay?"
The cyborg started violent shaking. "NOT ENOUGH MEMORY IN STORAGE". Sundowner pulled out like a slip and slide. "THE HELL?" He went to make sure the other man was alright. "Sorry about that. I guess you're bigger than I assumed you would be. But don't worry, we just need to make more room." Monsoon then gave him two USB sticks. "This should give us more memory. Insert them right here." His chest plate moved to reveal two USB ports where his nipples should be.
Sundowner plugged them in and then twisted them like a key causing Monsoon to let out a loud hentai style moan. Sundowners penis than began to harden more than Armstrong's nanomachines. "Hot!" Then he rammed inside and shouted "IT'S MY HOLE! IT WAS MADE FOR ME!" Monsoon couldn't get enough. "C'mon, I can take it!"
Sundowner somehow went even deeper, causing Monsoon's eye socket wires to burst out and push off his mask. They were both close to finishing. Soon the Alabama man screamed "AND IT WILL CUM!" finally climaxing. This caused the other man to release, his snail like protrusions twisting into hearts.
As they both rested they soon heard a beep. "What's that?" Monsoon blushed. "My battery is low. You better hook me up to an outlet." Sundowner then carried the man bridal style all the way to the kitchen counter and placed him on top of it. "Hope this works..." He took out his phone charger and plugged it into the wall outlet. Then he saw the two USB nipples protruding. 'Well I gotta take those out I guess..."
Five minutes later and Monsoon was now charging. "This goes without saying but I think we're going to need to leave soon. I'm not paying for the damage we caused to our hotel room." Sundowner shushed him. "No need darlin'. I've got it covered." He then slammed down a large stack of cash. The cyborg zoomed in on what he was seeing. "Where did you obtain this?"
Sundowner grinned. "Why monopoly of course! I can't believe they just let you take it all!" Monsoon then stared into the ceiling, contemplating his life choices.
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handbananad · 8 months
read my magnum opus where shake gets fucked by handbanana while carl watches. love u athf love u food people love you funny yellow rape dog
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hellyesadultswim · 2 years
ATHF: AquaDonk Side Pieces
Ten NEW ATHF shorts you can watch free on Youtube.
The Broodwich is back! (Sort of)
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fuckyeahshitidig · 7 years
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Awesome tatt is #awesome
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myxomat0s1s · 13 days
just watched the handbanana episode because i saw it was the highest rated episode of the series and whaaaaaat the fuck? i did not expect... that to go in... in that direction?
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cruxworldwide · 4 years
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Carl Exotic enamel pin now available link on bio // #CRUX #cruxworldwide #tcrux #art #illustration #vector #aqth #aquateenhungerforce #carlexotic #joeexotic #tigerking #netflix #handbanana #tonightyou #carolebaskin #enamelpin #pingame #patchgame #pridemonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvmjYSB1ET/?igshid=n9qly180g0z1
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leprosycock · 8 months
It pisses me off how good the writing in the Handbanana fic is. The humor is spot on and I could hear everything in the character’s voices. You’re squandering a career writing for aqua teen. Perfect comedic timing and you’re using it to write rape fanfiction
if you read the note, you would’ve seen that it was written primarily by @handbananad. all i did was edit it and add a few chunks here and there. she’s massively talented and understands these characters very well and i’m so glad you said that because she’s gonna be thrilled to hear that you thought it was so good. i do actually have a career in writing because i am actually pretty good at it, but i write rape fanfiction in the meantime just to pass the time and to piss you the fuck off
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