#the second post is a halloween post that i wasn’t feeling confident to post
justice4billiam · 2 months
I had this little thought.
Billy always calls you pet names and that’s just the norm because he’s a flirt and then there’s you who never calls him a single cute pet name ever. But one particular day you were like talking to the cat or dog or something and call it a cute nickname only to look up at Billy and see him red in the face because he thought you were talking to him for a second. So you go in for the kill with it and it practically does kill him. So now you only call him that nickname when you truly want to see him squirm
Billy Hargrove x Fem!reader
Word count: 4,152
Warnings: Nothing too bad. Just Billy being Billy. Maybe even a little less of himself actually.
Author’s Note: OMG. I am SO sorry about how long it took me to get this out. I'm such a perfectionist, and for some reason, even as I post this, it doesn't feel all that great, but I hope you like it all the same.
Oh Baby
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Billy Hargrove made a splash from the start.
He came cruising into the small town straight from the sunny shores of California, his cocky attitude and smirking face challenging anyone who crossed his path.
Everyone knew he was too big for a town like this, attracting stares and whispers as naturally as he breathed.
Billy had quickly become known for his flirty nature with the women of Hawkins, his inventory of pet names given with devilish grins and gazes that lingered just a second too long.
Handing them out like candy on Halloween with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.
But you?
You were the exception.
You were the challenge he couldn’t quite figure out.
Oh, how he wanted to.
The one girl who didn’t fall, the mystery that kept his mind racing.
You had always kept Billy at a distance, a boundary he seemed determined to cross. His invitations to hang out were met with polite declines, his attempts at conversation answered with noncommittal hums.
It wasn’t that you disliked him, in fact you were very aware of just how attractive he was; you just weren’t interested in being another name on his list.
But Billy was nothing if not persistent, acting like he didn’t even hear you most of the time, taking your rejections as a challenge.
It was on a day when the sky was a clear blue that opportunity knocked on Billy’s door—or rather, your car broke down.
Your car gave up on your way home from work right when you needed it the most, leaving you stranded with the hood open, staring at the engine.
As spring neared its end, the heat had become unbearable already causing sweat to drip down your face as you stood on the side of the road.
And what a coincidence that Billy would drive by, his Camaro growling like a hungry beast.
His car slowed to a stop in the lane, right beside you. Leaning over, he rolls down the passenger window, and peers out with raised brows.
“Need some help, sweetheart?” he enthusiastically calls out, his voice laced with amusement, clearly savoring the unexpected opportunity before him.
The urge to decline was immediate, yet you found yourself hesitating.
Accepting his help meant opening a door you’d fought to keep closed, and you weren’t sure you could take the consequences of letting him in.
But the sun was unforgiving, and your knowledge on cars was practically nonexistent.
That left you with two other choices: a long, lonely ten mile walk home or risk waiting for a stranger’s help, which, given the obvious, seemed like a stupid option.
Billy’s offer, which seemed honest enough, suddenly felt like the lesser evil here.
You gave an exasperated sigh and nodded your head.
“Alright, fine.” You grumbled under your breath.
The sight of Billy's smug grin made you instantly regret your decision as he pulled over a little distance up, and as usual, he looked like a model; his blonde curls blew in the wind as he got out of his car.
He kept his gaze on you, the same cocky look on his face as he boldly adjusted the front of his jeans before approaching.
"Hi." He greets cutely, stopping right in front of you, a little too close for your comfort.
Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you meet his gaze with an even look.
“Billy,” you acknowledge, your tone flat.
You could already tell he was going to be insufferable.
Billy’s grin was all charm as he leaned in.
“Having a bit of a day, are we?” he teased, casually flicking away a strand of hair that clung to your sweaty forehead.
The eye roll was involuntary this time, and without a second thought, you swatted his hand away.
“Are you going to help or are you just going to stand there?” you challenged, taking a step back.
Normally, you wouldn’t let anyone get to you so easily, but he was right—you were indeed having a rough day, and Billy had a knack for being an infuriatingly good pest.
He matched your retreat with a step forward, maintaining the intimate distance.
His gaze was unwavering, a hint of amusement revealing his enjoyment of your obvious annoyance.
Billy inched closer, the trace of a grin on his lips.
“Easy there, sugar,” he hummed, his words a soft whisper against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
As he moved past you, his body grazed yours just enough to leave a faint but unmistakable scent of his cologne—a secret tingle that you tucked away, never to be spoken of.
It was a sensation that you'd have never felt before, one you’d vehemently deny if ever questioned.
“I’ll take a look,” he stated simply, his attention already on the engine.
You paused, taking a deep breath to brace yourself against Billy’s bullshit. You knew he thrived on getting reactions, and you were determined not to give him the satisfaction. Ever.
With a measured step, you leaned in, your gaze fixed over his shoulder. You tried to follow along with his movements but they were a mystery to you.
However, the concern that suddenly showed on Billy’s face was clear.
A sharp breath caught in his throat, his hand freezing mid-motion. It was clear from his expression—whatever he saw, it wasn’t encouraging.
Billy stepped back from the car, and you reached into the backseat, rummaging through the clutter until your fingers found the familiar fabric of an old T-shirt.
“Here,” you offered, holding it out to him. He took it with a nod, wiping the oil from his hands.
“The bad news?” Billy’s started. “Your car’s distributor cap is cracked, and the timing belt’s snapped,” he stated plainly. “It’s not going to start without some work.”
You let out a weary groan, hands instinctively covering your eyes.
Why was the day just getting worse and worse?
This is what you get for leaving work early when they clearly needed you.
Karma really was a bitch.
Billys fingers tried to gently pry yours from your face, but you pulled away, fixing him with a dull glare.
His chuckle was barely there, and the boyish smile that followed was a detail that, despite your better judgment, you found quite charming—even if he was a heartbreaking jerk.
“Look at it this way,” Billy began, a hint of mischief in his voice as he shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m pretty good with my hands. We’ll take my ride to the closest phone, call for a tow, and get your car sorted out quick.”
Taking a step toward Billy, your suspicion was clear.
“But why?” you asked, eyes narrowed as you frowned in his direction.
You know what he was like.
He’s in your gym class, usually tough on people, and he doesn’t do special favors. Billy isn’t the type to help out without an angle, and you guessed he might be trying to get on your good side.
But you have never been the type to fall for his bullshit and he knew that.
Billy’s irritation was evident.
He exhaled a deep sigh, his eyes briefly darting to the side before locking onto you with a fiery intensity.
 “Do I need a reason?” he challenged, his tone sharp. “You need the help or not? Because I’m not sticking around if you don’t want it.”
With that, he pulled out a cigarette, lit it with a practiced flick of his lighter, and quickly pocketed it again.
You rolled your eyes, a combination of frustration and nerves as you clasped your hands together tightly.
 “Uhm—no—I mean, yes!” The words tumbled out in a hurried stutter.
“Sorry, I’m not trying to be rude. Yes, thank you, I could really use the help,” you said, the genuine gratitude finally surfacing despite the awkward exchange.
The hardness in Billy’s eyes seemed to dissolve, replaced by a hint of warmth as he gazed at you. He took a drag from his cigarette, the tension visibly leaving his shoulders.
“Alright,” he sniffed, a trace of his usual flirtatiousness returning. “I’ll get your car fixed. And who knows? Maybe you’ll owe me a drink after this.”
You let out a soft, disbelieving laugh. “Keep dreaming,” you said, the doubt in your voice barely hidden.
He nonchalantly shrugged, the cigarette dangling from his lips as he pushed the hood down with a clunk.
Frowning, you watched him—it was clear that this was his plan all along. It was almost funny how obvious his intentions were.
But you felt like denying his help was a bad choice.
The thought of walking for miles was not at all appealing, and you were actually thankful for his offer to fix the car, knowing it would save you a significant amount on mechanic fees.
You offered a slight nod to Billy’s when his eyes found yours again.
You then walked over to your car, locking it with a deliberate push that made a sharp clicking sound. After ensuring everything was secure, you turned and hesitantly began to walk towards his car.
Billy strides were confident and unhurried, reaching the passenger door of his Camaro before you.
He opened it with a casual flick, the gesture almost too practiced.
You eyed him, the suspicion in your gaze clear as day, but you held your tongue to avoid sparking another tiff.
Instead, you communicated your question with a simple arch of your eyebrow as you took your seat.
As you settled into the passenger seat, Billy’s voice broke the slightly awkward silence, his tone laced with playful arrogance.
“You know, dreams are just plans waiting to happen,” he quipped, the cigarette bobbing with his words.
He flashed a quick, roguish grin as he shut the door, the sound punctuating his words.
You rolled your eyes so far back, you half-expected them to get stuck.
"You're aware of how annoying you are, right?" You couldn't help but remark as you watched him slide into the driver's seat, your eyes unintentionally diverting to his crotch as he adjusted himself.
Billy’s voice was low, a teasing edge to it. “Eyes up here, sweetheart,” he muttered, and you quickly lifted your gaze to his face, feeling your cheeks warm when you’re greeted by that infuriating smirk of his.
"And sure, I might be annoying," he conceded, smirking as he cupped himself through his jeans.
"But deep down, you're into it," he declared with certainty.
You gasped as the heat in your cheeks grew.
Quickly, you averted your gaze to the windshield, the outside world suddenly way more interesting.
He added, "even if you're not willing to admit that yet," his laugh was a low rumble as he capped off his comment by starting the car, the engine rumbling to life assertively.
He was infuriating, no doubt about it. Each smirk, each nonchalant shrug sent waves of annoyance crashing through you. Yet, there was something else, a whisper of a feeling you refused to examine too closely.
But deep down, you were pretty sure it was all a game to him. He didn’t actually like you; he was just chasing a thrill.
And even if you entertained the idea for a second, it would end as soon as you let him in—literally.
The moment he got what he wanted, the momentary excitement would fizzle out, leaving nothing but the echo of your own doubt and a raw, exposed part of you that you really didn’t want to deal with.
Choosing to ignore his advances was the safest bet, even if there was a small, secret part of you that wanted to knock him down a peg.
Billy had kept his word.
The search for a payphone ended at the nearest gas station.
He stepped up to the phone, dialed the tow service, and with a casual strut, he said, “Yeah, I need a tow for my girl’s car. It’s over at Fifth and Lexington.”
You scoffed, your eyes wide with disbelief. His girl’s car? 
The words striking you bizarrely. 
Since when did you become ‘his girl’?
The thought was foolish, and yet, it unsettled you in a way you—again—didn’t want to explore.
But the fact that he knew your address without asking was even more disconcerting. How does he know where you live? 
That question nagged at you, adding to the mystery that was Billy.
He continued to speak into the phone, giving directions with a knowledge that bordered on intimate.
It was strange, yet there was a part of you that couldn’t help but feel a flicker of… something.
At the auto shop, Billy handled the costs with a casual ease, and you were left with a blend of emotions—surprise, a touch of gratitude, and a stubborn refusal to fully acknowledge either.
“It’s all taken care of,” he said, brushing off your attempts to pay him back.
So, as the tow truck pulled up at your house, you were ready this time.
You caught Billy’s eye, giving him a dull glare that said you knew exactly what he was about to do—and you weren’t having it.
With a swift motion, you handed the cash to the driver before Billy could even reach for his wallet.
His attempt to pay was unsuccessful, and the slight raise of your eyebrow made it clear you were the one calling the shots this time.
As the driver and Billy maneuvered the car into your garage, your gaze softened just a fraction, acknowledging his willingness to help, even if his insistence was irritating.
When the tow truck faded into the distance, you spun around to face Billy.
“I told you I could have helped you push it into the garage,” you said, exasperation seeping your words.
Your brows knitted together in a frown, a clear challenge in your eyes.
Billy’s response was a dismissive shrug, his smile unfazed.
“It’s fine,” he said as he shrugged out of his jean jacket and placed it in his front seat, his grin took on a teasing quality.
“Honestly, we’d still be out there on the side of the road if I waited for your help,” he joked, his voice light but edged with a playful tone.
Your gasp was reflexive, but the giggle that followed was more girlish than you expected, a sound that surprised you as much as the gentle smack you landed on his arm.
“I could’ve managed just fine on my own,” you countered, the roll of your eyes softening into something that felt dangerously close to affection.
He gave you a look that said he didn’t believe a word, but his nod was indulgent.
“Sure, sure,” he agreed, his smile broadening in a way that made your heart do an unexpected somersault.
Billy carried his tools from his trunk, his smirk sarcastic.
“Gonna watch me work, cutie?” he quipped, the playful edge in his voice clear. “I sure don’t mind an audience.”
You rolled your eyes, a response that had become all too common throughout the day and trailed after him into the garage.
“You’re insufferable, honestly, Hargrove,” you grumbled, though the annoyance was starting to wear thin.
He tossed a look back, his grin unwavering.
“But you wouldn’t have it any other way,” he teased, setting down his tools with a positive thud that resonated in the quiet garage.
Dragging a crate from the cluttered corner of the garage, you made yourself a makeshift seat. From this new vantage point, slightly off to the side, you watched Billy work.
The day was turning out to be pretty different.
Billy’s usual flirty jokes had a new feel to them, like he was actually trying to connect with you.
And seeing him with his hands in the car’s engine, he seemed to fit right in. It was strange to see him as more than just the guy who’s always either making a rude comment or trying too hard to charm you. Now, he was actually being helpful and knew his stuff. It was nice to see him like this, more real and down-to-earth.
As you kept an eye on him, you felt your annoyance start to slip away, and you began to see him in a fresh way.
It wasn’t a dramatic change, but it was real.
Billy was still Billy, but the good parts were starting to stand out more.
You just hoped that this nicer side of him wasn’t just an act.
With a dramatic sigh, you shoved your thoughts aside and stood up.
Despite your best efforts to avoid it all day, you found yourself heading straight into the very thing you had been trying to dodge.
“You want a drink?” The words came out softer than you intended, as you walked toward the door in the garage that led to the house.
Billy’s grunt drifted up from under the hood, his hands surely doing something important. Timing belt, maybe you mused, though your knowledge of car parts was very much limited to where the gas goes.
Heading into the kitchen, you actually felt thankful for your mom’s hospital shift this time.
It saved you from having to explain the boy in the garage.
The house was quiet, just the way you liked it. You weren’t lonely; you enjoyed your own company.
Sure, you hung out with school friends occasionally, but the calm of being on your own was something you cherished, even with your mom’s frequent work hours.
You took two Cokes from the fridge, their cans chilling your fingers.
As you returned to the garage, you paused to watch Billy.
Without his usual guarded demeanor, he seemed more genuine, almost endearing. 
He’s actually pretty decent like this, you thought, a quiet hum escaped your lips as you turned on the radio, filling the space with soft rock melodies.
Billy’s look caught you off guard, and warmth flooded your cheeks.
“What?” you asked, turning just enough to keep your blush from view.
His smile was soft, uncharacteristic.
“Nothing. You just have a nice voice, doll,” he said, his tone carrying a note of authenticity as he turned back to his work.
“Thanks,” you said quietly, placing his Coke by his tools, and sat down on your crate.
A small smile lingered on your face, enjoying the surprisingly comfortable presence between Billy and you.
You just sat there for a bit, humming along with the radio.
You tried not to make it obvious that you were watching Billy work, but he’s probably caught you staring. 
Every now and then, you’d catch him looking your way too. You didn’t say anything about it, though.
It was kind of nice, just being there together without needing to fill the space with chatter.
Your gaze drifted to the street when you felt a gentle pressure against your leg.
Startled at first, you quickly relaxed when you saw it was Pepper, your cat. The door must not have closed all the way behind you.
She rubbed against your leg once more, seeking attention.
“Come here, my baaaby,” you drawled, the word stretching out affectionately.
You picked her up and she immediately began to purr, content in your arms.
Billy’s movements paused, and he looked up, the late afternoon sun highlighting the surprise in his eyes.
The nickname had clearly caught him off guard, and a blush—a deep, rich shade you’d never seen—bloomed across his cheeks.
THE Billy Hargrove, always so sure of himself, now blushing and speechless.
He must have thought you were talking to him.
You couldn’t help but savor the moment, seeing the unshakeable Billy at a rare loss for words, all because of you.
With Pepper cradled in your arms, you rose to your feet, a newfound confidence lifting your stance.
You took a step toward Billy, your voice dropping to a teasing whisper.
“What’s wrong, Baby? Never had a girl talk sweet to you before?”
The nickname now felt like a playful taunt, a subtle shift in power as you watched him grapple with the unexpected role reversal.
Billy’s answer was a fumble, his words tripping over each other in a way you’d never heard before.
“I—uh, that’s not… I mean…” he faltered, his cheeks a deeper shade of red.
Witnessing Billy, always so sure and smug, searching for words was a delight you didn’t know you needed.
The smirk that spread across your face was instinctive, almost predatory.
“Don’t worry, baby,” you cooed, your head nodding slowly in feigned understanding. “I think I get it now.” The words hung in the air, heavy with implication and sweet victory.
Billy shook his head, his smile genuine and a bit surprised.
“Now that’s just not fair, doll,” he finally said, the words tinged with a hint of admiration.
He turned back to the car, his hands resuming their work under the hood.
You leaned in, a playful edge to your voice.
“Now you know how it feels for the rest of the female population.”
The sound of his laughter was unexpected, something you don’t think you’ve ever actually heard before, but you liked the sound of it.
A lot.
Billy’s voice was muffled by the engine.
“Wow, you’re actually fun,” he said, a note of surprise in his tone.
That drew a scoff from you.
“What made you think I wasn’t?” you retorted, setting Pepper inside and ensuring the door was firmly shut this time.
He looked up, giving you a look that was both accusing and playful.
“Well, it’s not like you talk to me, sweetheart. You usually act like I don’t exist,” he shrugged.
He had a point.
“Well—yeah…” you conceded, feeling a bit awkward as you rubbed your arm.
“I’m sorry for that. I just thought you were being nice because… well…” You trailed off, your eyes darting away as you felt your face heat up.
Billy exhaled, a note of understanding in his voice. “That’s fair.”
The casual admission made your eyebrows shoot up.
He continued, wiping his hands on a rag, “But I actually wanted to get to know you. Still do.” His words, simple and unexpected.
You took a moment to process his words. Could he be serious? After today, you found yourself hoping so.
This side of Billy was… different, likable even.
Releasing a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, you ventured, “I think I might want that too.”
Then, hastily, you added, “But I’m not sleeping with you!” just to set the record straight.
Billy’s smirk was anything but innocent as he nodded.
You shoved your hands into your back pockets, and for a moment, you both just stood there, silently assessing each other.
Then, his smile grew.
“I’m done here. Wanna try starting it up?” he asked, gesturing to the car.
“Oh! Yeah,” you said, a bit startled by the sudden change of topic.
You fished out your keys and climbed into the driver’s seat.
The key turned, the engine purred to life, and a rush of happiness bubbled up inside you.
You hopped out and, without thinking, wrapped Billy in a spontaneous hug.
“Woo, thank you, baby!” you shouted, the excitement making you bold.
Billy froze for a split second, the nickname catching him off guard, but then he relaxed and returned the hug, a chuckle escaping him.
Your own reaction caught up with you, and you pulled back, a blush coloring your cheeks.
“Oh—Billy—I meant Billy,” you corrected, but the moment had already passed.
Billy’s hands lingered on your waist, his smile soft but playful.
“I don’t know. I think I like ‘baby’ better,” he teased, his eyebrows lifting in a challenge and his eyes twinkling as they swept across your face.
You lowered your head, hiding from his intense stare.
“Oh, whatever,” you muttered, stepping back until his arms fell away.
You sighed, eyeing him again.
“But really, thank you,” you said with a nod. “I was this close to attacking the engine with a bat before you showed up.”
Billy chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.
“Ah, it’s no big deal, princess,” he said, trying to act nonchalant. “Plus, I got to spend the day with the prettiest girl around. So, yeah, worth it.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words, and you saw his smile turn a shade more devilish at the sight of your blush.
Billy lingered there for a moment before he picked up his toolbox.
“Well, I should go,” he said, a note of hesitation in his voice.
You nodded, a quiet “Bye” escaping your lips, but as he neared his Camaro, a thought struck you.
“Wait, Billy!” you called out hastily.
He turned, a question in his eyes.
“What about that drink, baby?” you added, the last word emphasized with a mix of challenge and playfulness.
He paused, the blush on his cheeks visible even from a distance, but his smirk was undiminished.
“Eight it is, baby,” he replied, his voice carrying back to you with a hint of laughter.
As he got into his car and drove off, you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
Maybe Billy wasn’t so bad after all.
331 notes · View notes
reidbae · 11 months
DAY 30: Scream — costumes w/dom!spencer reid & dom!aaron hotchner
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KINKTOBER 2023: masterlist
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summary: After vaguely mentioning your attraction to the Scream character, Ghostface, your two boyfriends decide to dress as him for Halloween. And, needless to say, they aren't afraid to make you scream.
pairing: dom!spencer reid and dom!aaron hotchner x sub!fem!reader
warnings/mentions: use of pet names for reader (princess, honey, angel, baby, love, doll [sry i went crazy]), reader is fairly shy, spencer is more soft!dom and hotch is more rough/hard!dom, obv use of masks and veryyy heavily implied mask kink, loads of degradation and a lot of praise, hair pulling, blowjob, vaginal sex, unprotected piv sex (pls do not do this <3), choking, teasing, small implication of hotch being a little older than reader, lmk if i missed anything!
wc: 3.5k
a/n: this took me so long PLSSS and i'm not even that crazy about it, but i think i will be posting the second part of this for halloween tmr so i hope that will be better <3 i hope y'all enjoy and have a good halloween tmr/had a good halloweekend!
tags: @nalycandy @prettyboydrspencerreid @mega-kittyglitter-1 @mrs-ssa-hotch @boimlers-gonna-boim
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You were walking through the doors of the the bullpen of the BAU, large bags of candy in your hand as you waved hello to various coworkers of yours.
The BAU, thanks to Derek Morgan, was having a Halloween party to celebrate the spooky holiday. Work had ended a few hours ago at this point, so everyone had finished most of their case files and papers of the like.
To your surprise, a lot of your coworkers were here, and a lot of them were dressed up. It was surprising to see, considering that it was a Tuesday, but it wasn’t an issue, really. As for yourself, you were dressed up as a princess this year.
Well, kind of.
You didn’t feel like going out to get a Halloween costume, so you decided to wear a dress and heels, some jewelry, and call it a day.
“Hey, Y/N. Cute fit,” Derek teased you the second you reached your desk, wrapping his arms around you in a friendly hug. You smiled, rolling your eyes at him.
You pulled back to look him up and down, observing his simple attire, that looked very similar to the henley and jeans combo that he wore on a daily basis. “Thanks, Derek. And what are you supposed to be?” you smiled..
“I’m me, obviously. Can’t get much better than that,” Derek chuckled, taking a sip from the glass that he was holding. You shook your head, giggling.
“Of course,” you said. “Um, where’s Hotch? A- And Spencer?” you then asked Derek, curious as to why you had yet to see the two of them.
It had been common knowledge among your team that you, Aaron, and Spencer all had something going on, but none of you had ever specified what that was.
It would be a simple answer, but you never felt the need to explain your business nonetheless. Aaron and Spencer were both your boyfriends, and while not romantically involved with each other, they were incredibly enamored with you.
So when you noticed neither of them were there, you felt not only concerned, but also suspicious.
“They just went up to Hotch’s office, I think,” Derek said, shrugging his shoulders.
You nodded, setting the bags of candy that you had down on your desk before saying, “Thanks, Derek.”
The blinds in Aaron’s office were shut as you approached it, causing you to raise even more of an eyebrow.
What the hell were the two of them up to?
Throughout the week hat Derek had been raving about this party, Aaron and Spencer had refused to tell you who they were dressing up as, or if they were even dressed up at all. You figured the two men would want to confide in you about their costume choices, but apparently, your help wasn't required.
Which only made you more sure that the two of them had something up their sleeve.
You knocked on the office door and put your ear to it, wondering if you could hear the two of them talking. You found that you could, but all of their dialogue was inaudible. Sighing, you decided to just open the door, let yourself in, and see what they were up to.
You turned the knob and pushed open the door. The view you were met with was one of Aaron and Spencer stood next to Aaron’s desk. Aaron had his arms crossed, and there looked to be a mask of some sort in his hand.
And from what you could see, Spencer was holding the very same mask.
The two men’s eyes met yours when you walked inside of the room, and their appearances sent a quick rush of butterflies to your abdomen.
Spencer was in a white button-up, black vest and tie, along with black slacks and belt. Aaron was wearing the same attire, except he was only wearing a collared shirt, slacks, and belt. While you were unable to tell who the two of them were supposed to be just yet, you grew nervous nonetheless.
They had to be doing this on purpose.
“Hey, princess,” Spencer smiled at you, taking a second to look you up and down and turn his body to face you. “You look amazing in that dress.”
You smiled shyly over at Spencer, a cheesy smile across your face. “Thank you. Um, so—What are you guys supposed to be? You—You never told me,” you didn't fail to remind them, crossing your arms.
“Oh, well…” Spencer 's voice trailed off, gazing over at Aaron and beckoning for him to say something.
Aaron cleared his throat and held up the mask he was holding so you could get a better view of what it was, smiling. “We’re not really resembling the original, but this is what we came up with.”
Aaron was showing you a mask that made your heart flutter; It was a Ghostface mask, the mask of a killer from a franchise of horror movies that you thoroughly enjoyed.
A killed that, despite your role as an FBI profiler, found very attractive.
You remembered vaguely saying a word or two about the masked man when the three of you sat down to watch Halloween movies a week or so ago. You made a brief, dismissible joke about the killer being attractive, and how you wouldn’t be afraid of getting injured if either Aaron or Spencer was wearing the mask.
Needless to say, though that wasn’t really true. Your pulse was going like crazy, and it was no doubt because of the nervousness that you were feeling.
You seemed to short circuit as you stood there, your eyes widening in response to the two men's choice of attire. Finally, when you didn’t speak up, Spencer smirked at you and asked, “Something wrong, love?”
You shook your head a little too quickly, looking down at the floor. “No, n- no!” you defended, giving a heavy sigh. “Nothing’s wrong. Um—You guys look—Really good," you barely managed to get out.
“Do you want to see them on?” Aaron asked as he smirked at you, holding his mask up as he spoke in reference to it.
If your pulse was high before, it was through the roof now.
“Um, su- sure?” you said a little anxiously, finding yourself annoyed at the fact that all words were failing you all because of a mask.
But, God, you couldn’t help it.
The two men gave each other a knowing smirk, one that you couldn't miss, before putting the masks on their faces and securing them in place. They both turned to look at you, waiting for some sort of answer from you.
But, unlike they were probably expecting, your response was physical, not verbal.
You were damn near weak in the knees at the view before you, your face, neck, and ears all growing warmer by the second. They could probably assume your look was one of unease, if it weren’t for the fact that they knew you, and they knew what you were feeling.
“Wow, you look—Good. Um, great, even,” you stuttered out, rubbing the back of your neck in a nervous manner. Before you could even think it through, your next words were gushing from your lips. “I’m going back to the party now,” you said in a muddled rush.
You were squealing as you walked out of the room, blushing as you replayed the scene of your two masked boyfriends in your head. You could hear Aaron and Spencer laughing as you left the room in a hurry.
You knew they liked to tease you, but, damn, really? You didn't think they would do this, of all the things.
They just didn’t have a care in the world about making you feel this way.
And if there was one thing you were sure of, it was that you’d be a mess by the end of this party.
You were sitting in an abandoned office in the BAU, doing your best to relax and calm yourself down with the way the last hour had just enfolded.
Your boyfriends were dicks. Assholes. Whatever you wanted to call them, that's just what they were,
They’d been walking around the place for the last hour like they owned it, knowing just what they were doing to you as they did.
You both hated and loved how grand of an effect such a simple action, such a simple costume could have on you, all because it was them who were doing it, and them who were wearing it.
You ran your hands through your hair as you stood in the room, trying to slow down the pace of your breath.
And trying to ignore the needy feeling between your legs.
Just then, as if on cue, a knock sounded at the door, causing you to jump out of your own head to pay attention to it.
And, of course, who could it be but the two men on your mind?
“Y/N, honey? Are you in here?” a calm male voice called out for you, opening the door to the office you were in.
Spencer, whose mask was perched above his head, walking in, Aaron behind him. Your eyes flickered between the two of them for a second, before you spoke.
“Hi,” you said shyly, crossing your arms the same exact way that you had earlier on in the evening. “What’s up?” you asked, attempting to make your voice sound as casual as possible
“You kind of ran off there, princess. We got worried,” said Spencer, a sly smile over his face as the two of them approached you. “Everything okay?” he asked, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You looked down as he did so, feeling your cheeks flare up with heat. “No, yeah, I’m—Okay. You guys can go back to the party,” you muttered to them, avoiding their eyes.
From the corner of your eye, you could see your boyfriends throw that same knowing smirk at each other, the same look they'd given each other earlier, before Aaron spoke up. “Alright, stop with the shyness and spit it out, honey. What’s on your mind?”
You looked up at him, and then quickly looked away as you again saw his mask, which was in the same place as Spencer’s was. “Nothing. I told you guys, it’s nothing,” you said to them again, sighing.
Spencer walked up to you, his tall appearance causing a lump to form in your larynx. “Well, obviously, something's the matter, princess,” Spencer cooed, bringing his thumb to rest under your chin. Deciding to get to the root of the issue, Spencer asked, “Is it the masks, honey?”
That was when your nervous gaze finally met Spencer’s eyes, and you nodded, feeling like a little girl being forced to admit to misbehaving.
That’s sure as hell what it felt like.
Spencer smiled down at you, and looked back once at Aaron before asking, “You like them, huh?” his tone somehow caring yet coy all at once.
Again, you nodded.
“We figured you would,” smirked Aaron from behind Spencer, moving closer to you himself. “That was why we got them, really," Aaron shrugged.
“Yeah,” Spencer laughed in response, grinning at the two of you. Spencer’s eyes then softened as he looked down at you as he noiced the shyness of your demeanor. “We’re glad that worked.”
You gave a small, nervous giggle, too, and you couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen now.
No doubt, whatever it was, it wouldn’t be able to leave this room.
“Well, uh, we’ll be happy to put them back on for you, princess,” Spencer smiled at you, smoothing his thumb over your cheek. “Is that something you’d like?”
Your words fell quickly from your lips as soon as the query was spoken. “Y- Yes, please,” you eagerly said to the two of them, suddenly finding a voice as soon as Spencer promised you that they’d put their masks back on.
You couldn’t dream of anything better.
“Mmhm. Just do us a favor, okay?” said Aaron lazily as he moved closer, running his fingers over your hips as Spencer backed up a little. Aaron then put his mask back on, looking down at you. "Don't scream."
Spencer followed through and put his mask back on as well, and your eyes widened at the view of your boyfriends, dressed as one of your all-time favorite horror roles. They were so, so close to you as they looked down at you.
It was a wonder you didn’t pass out on the spot.
Aaron backed you into the wall of the office as Spencer walked away to close and lock the door, leaning his arm on the wall next to you. Spencer joined the two of you seconds later, positioned next to Aaron.
You felt yourself grow weak in the knees as the two men hovered above you, closing your eyes as a fiery blush filled your cheeks. Aaron cupped your cheek, and if you could see his face, you’d be sure that he was smirking, gazing down at you as you shyly slid down the wall.
“Aw, what’s the matter, princess? What’re you so nervous for?” Aaron chuckled in a jeering tone, holding your face in a soothing manner as he smoothed his thumb under your cheek.
“Give her a break. She’s just shy,” said Spencer in response. Spencer reached his hands out to grip your hips, chuckling. “Aren’t you, honey?”
“You guys are such teases,” you murmured more to yourself than them, earning chuckles from both of them.
“We just love to play with you, honey. You’re so easy to mess with,” said Aaron, like that fact was common knowledge. “How do we look?”
You looked up at him, like that fact was common knowledge. But, “G- Good,” was the only word stuttered you could get out of your mouth without your tongue slurring the words.
“Glad you think so,” smiled Spencer, running his hands over your body.
"But we'd look better with you between us," said Aaron in a sly tone, pulling you closer, so that you were flush against his front.
You couldn’t get a word out as Aaron picked you up from the ground, walking you to the couch that was in the room. He put you down on it, and, just like he’d said, put you onto all fours, so that you were bent over for the two of them to see.
Spencer had his arms crossed as Aaron ran his hand over your back, looking down at you. “Oh, look at you, honey. Fucking adorable,” Aaron groaned. He turned back to look at Spencer. “What do you think, Reid? What should we do with her?”
Spencer chuckled behind his mask and sat down in front of you on the couch, cupping your cheek with his hand. “I think our princess here needs some attention of her own. Wouldn’t you agree, angel?” Spencer cooed.
You were eager to nod, feeling your pulse quicken at Spencer’s teasing. “Y- Yes, please,” you whimpered.
Aaron obliged, moving himself behind you and grabbing your hips to keep himself steady. You could hear his belt unbuckling from behind, followed by the sound of it clattering to the ground.
Aaron lifted your dress up, and didn’t misuse even a second as he yanked down your underwear. The older man thumbed your thighs, and then your clit, causing you to let out a low mewl.
“Fuck, doll, you’re dripping. Eager, aren’t we?” Aaron laughed at you, rubbing your clit more, just to get you going.
You let out small whines and whimpers as Aaron touched you, and from what you could see, Spencer was hardening in his slacks from the sound of your moans alone.
That only made you want the two of them more.
“There you go, honey. Let me hear those pretty moans of yours,” Aaron encouraged you, moving his thumb at a quicker pace over your clit.
Spencer, eager to be engaged in some way, began to tease your nipples through the fabric of your dress. Your bra wasn’t doing all that much to stop him from doing so, and, it was then and there that you knew you were done for.
You looked back to see Aaron pulling his boxers down, revealing his aching cock, that was just as hard as Spencer’s was. He let out a low grunt as he moved his hand up and down on himself for a few seconds, readying himself for you.
Meanwhile, Spencer’s attention was fully on you, and he chuckled as he cupped your cheek again. His other hand fumbled with his belt, and he tilted his head at you, his mask being what was gazing back at you.
“You don’t mind me using that pretty mouth of yours, do you, princess?” Spencer cooed to you. You quickly shook your head.
“That’s a good girl,” Spencer whispered back to you, smoothing his thumb under your cheek.
You moaned as Aaron then suddenly, very suddenly, pushed himself inside of you from behind, slowly inching his cock inside of your cunt. Your hand almost immediately went to cover your mouth while Spencer yanked down his pants.
“Ready, angel?” Spencer cooed like nothing else was happening, like you weren’t getting fucked goddamn senseless by Aaron, even if it'd only been a couple seconds of sex thus far. Nevertheless, you nodded, and did just what Spencer asked of you.
Spencer’s size concerned you only a bit as you went down on the brunette genius, bobbing your head up and down on his dick as Aaron pounded into you from behind, and maybe you’d gag, or choke, or cough.
But it didn’t matter, just as long as you got to have them.
“Fuck, doll—You feel so fucking good,” Aaron muttered to you from behind, fucking you at a pace that should be considered illegal for how quick it was.
And how good it felt.
“Such a good girl,” Spencer whispered to you, petting and pulling your hair as a means of pulling you down more onto his dick. “You’re taking us so well, angel,” he cooed.
“Mmhm,” Aaron hummed in response. He moves both of his hands from your hips to your ass and grabbed you by it, pulling you closer to him, and thus pushing himself further into you. You let out a loud mewl in response.
Aaron covered your mouth, letting out a chuckle from behind you. “Didn’t we tell you not to scream, honey?”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered with flushed cheeks, pulling back from Spencer for a moment to not only speak, but to also catch your breath. “I’m—Trying.”
“Try harder,” Aaron said roughly as you reattached your lips to Spencer’s cock. “We’re the only ones who get to hear how much of a whore you are," your boyfriend shamelessly degraded you.
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you whined for more pleasure, feeling overwhelmed by the two men in front of you.
Or, well, behind you.
“Fuck, just like that, love,” Spencer groaned, not paying too much attention to what Aaron was saying. “You’re doing so good for me. So, so good," Spencer praised.
You moved your head up to get a better view of Spencer as you sucked him off. He looked so hot like this, as he did each time that you blew him.
That mask only magnified that fact.
“You should see how much of a slut you look like, honey,” Aaron chuckled. He ran his fingers through your hair and grabbed a handful of it, pulling your head down and guiding you as you sucked Spencer’s dick. “Fucking whore.”
Your cheeks were warm with arousal as your brain did the best it could to keep up with Aaron’s degradation, mixed in with Spencer’s praise.
Your eyes were rolling back into your head as the scene unfolded before you: Aaron pounding into you from behind, you gagging around Spencer’s cock, and you knew it was going to send you to the edge so fucking quick.
And just when you believed it couldn’t get any better, you were quickly proven wrong.
Aaron, like he’d done so many times before when the two of you were having sex, used a hand to grab a hold of your neck, and squeezed down with force. You found yourself coughing at the sudden, but arousing action, causing both Aaron and Spencer to chuckle.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” Aaron chuckled, administering a small slap to your ass with his free hand. “You want it harder, doll?”
You did what you could to nod, and even pulled away from Spencer’s dick again just to get the words out. “Please, I—I want more, A- Aaron.”
“You’re going to have to beg me better than that,” Aaron said cruelly, beginning to slow his pace down as well. You whimpered in response, ready to give some bratty remark back to him.
But your body needed him too much.
“No, please—Please don’t stop. I’m—I’m begging you. Please,” you whined, feeling utterly helpless to him.
“Please, what, honey?” Aaron teased you anyways, as if this couldn’t get any worse for you, as if you weren't already in the most vulnerable place you could be, begging you for his mercy.
Like you’d said earlier: You were done for.
You let out a small groan at your boyfriend’s continued teasing, but were quick to concede, sighing. “Keep going, please. A- And, harder, rougher, fuck, please," you whined aimlessly, hardly sure of the words coming out of your mouth at this point.
Aaron, knowing that when you began to become incoherent, that you were close to the edge, smirked as he obliged your needs. He began to pound back into you again, and, out of habit, you began to suck Spencer’s dick once more.
Spencer was letting out groans of his own as you sucked him off, pushing your head down as much as be could without making you gag. “Fuck, baby, fuck, I’m so close. You’re doing so good,” Spencer whispered to you, running his fingers through your hair for the millionth time as he praised you again and again. “Good girl, just like that."
Spencer moved his hand over to your back, caressing you slowly for a few seconds before moving his hand down to your clit, just as Aaron had done before. Reflexively, you whined out in pleasure.
The mix of Aaron’s cock, Spencer’s fingers, and both of their moans, was building a pleasure inside of you that you didn’t think humanly possible until now. Spencer thumbed over your clit as quickly as he could, rubbing you in fast circles as the scene before you enfolded.
“You gonna cum for us, honey? Show us how much of a whore you are?” Aaron said in a malicious tone of voice, still squeezing down on your neck. Again, you did what you could to nod.
“That’s it, baby. Go ahead,” Aaron finally encouraged.
You didn’t need much more than that.
You were climaxing in seconds upon Aaron’s command, the room smelling of sex as the three of you filled it with your moans. You could taste Spencer’s seed as ropes of it made their way into your mouth, while relishing in the pleasure of Aaron filling you with his own release at the same time.
Aaron chuckled as he pulled out of you, getting up from where he was on the couch. You whined at the sudden exit, your thighs shaking as you moved your head off of Spencer’s tip and sat up on the couch. You then pouted when you saw Spencer getting up, too.
“Where are you guys going?” you asked with a sad face, already feeling incredibly bare without the two of them next to you. They had never been ones to have sex without aftercare, so the fact that they were getting up was worth raising an eyebrow over.
Spencer put his thumb under your chin and finally removed his mask, just to kiss the top of your head. “Giving you some time to come back down to earth, princess. You probably need it.”
“And we’re sure you’ll need us again before the party’s over. And after the party’s over,” Aaron chuckled, removing his mask as well.
You rolled your eyes at his teasing tone of voice, your cheeks warm from the unneeded jeering. All you could do was cross your arms in response.
Spencer smiled down at you. “Don’t worry, princess. There’ll be more fun later on, okay? Just as long as you’re good for us. Can you be good for us, angel?” Spencer asked you genuinely.
You looked up at Spencer in a pout, but, at some point, you sighed and nodded. “Yes.”
“There’s our girl,” Spencer cooed. Then,  Spencer turned to face Aaron, smirking at him. “Shall we?”
Aaron, mirroring Spencer’s expression, nodded, and the two of them walked out of the office, leaving you there to think about all that had just happened.
Your dress was ruffled, and your thighs were a messy, shaking mess in the aftermath of what had just occurred with your two boyfriends.
You wanted to hate them so bad for this. How were you supposed to go back to the party now?
It didn’t even matter. You heard what they said.
"After the party’s over…"
You couldn’t even conjure up the image of what was going to happen then.
All you knew was that it was going to be a hell of a Halloween.
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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coichii · 11 months
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Pumpkin - HYUNJIN
pairing: bf!non idol!hyunjin x f!reader
genre: tooth rotting fluff, non idol AU, School AU
word count: 1k
warnings: mentions of food
A/N : Second post and i’m not so sure how I feel about this… confidence is already dropping smh💔. feed back is appreciated!!
“Come on… it’ll be fun!” Hyunjin pleaded, slightly pouting when you didn’t respond right away.
You two had been dating for 6 months, however you have been friends for 3 years. Obviously, you knew his adorable pouting was a ploy to make you give in to him.
There was a fall festival going on in town, about 15 minutes away from your place. It has pumpkin picking, painting, and carving, hay rides, a haunted house, and so much more. It looked like so much fun, so who wouldn’t want to go?
Well for you, fall meant one thing. Exams. You had been studying for the upcoming exams for about 2 weeks. You take school very seriously, so studying meant not getting enough sleep and not eating or resting properly.
Obviously, your very attentive boyfriend picked up on these habits. So he did some searching, and suggested the festival to you. He knew that you were going to be hard to convince, but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying.
“Sorry babe, but I have to study. Those test are coming up soon you know?” You say, glancing at him before looking back at your books.
“I know that, but you’ve been studying for a long time, and as your boyfriend, I think you need a break” He sighs, before continuing.
“You’re not eating or sleeping enough baby, you’ve been so tired you know. I just want you to not burn yourself out” He finishes, rubbing your cheek with his finger gently.
You look at him with a look of conflict in your eyes, knowing he’s coming from a good place. You know he’s right. You have been a little bit more tired than usual, and eating has definitely not been your top priority lately.
“Ok, i’ll go with you.” you mutter, smiling when you see hyunjin jump off the edge of your bed in happiness.
“We’re here, y/n” Hyunjin whispers, in an attempt to wake you up. You have no idea when you fell asleep, but when you open your eyes you’re welcomed to the sight of a field, full of other couples on dates, friend groups, and laughing children.
The place is decorated well, with a lot of pumpkins and little halloween things. You can see the corn maze from here, taking a mental note of the location.
Hyunjin gets out of the car, walking over to your door to open it. He takes your hand into his before walking you guys towards the entrance.
“Two adult tickets please.” He says, before handing the staff member 20$.
“Oh it’s ok, you don’t have to pay for me” you protest. In your past relationships, they’ve always made you pay for yourself. But with Hyunjin, everything was different. If he could, he would have you never lift a finger.
“No, i’m the one who recommended this place to you, I should be the one to pay for it.” he replies, shrugging off your suggestion, grabbing your hand and walking away before you could further protest.
“What do you want to do first y/n” He ask, looking down at you, waiting for your response.
You pretend to think about it before telling him that you wanted to do the corn maze first, knowing it would take the longest out of all of the activities here.
“Ok baby” He replies, grabbing your hand at walking off, completely forgetting the fact that he has no idea where it is.
Before he could turn around and ask a staff member, you point towards the sign post showing the directions to the attractions before giggling at the rose pink blush that found its way onto his cheeks.
You guys eventually make it there and through the corn maze, not without shaving off 30 minutes due to how much time it took to not get lost.
“Crap, we lost a lot of time. What do you want to do next Hyunjin?” you asked him. A smile formed on his lips as he grabbed your wrist and started lightly sprinting.
“Ok, what do you want to carve? We can have matching pumpkins and put them in front of our houses.” He requested, looking at you longingly.
You chuckled at how adorable the sight was, before obviously agreeing.
After the two of you finished your carvings, you had to call it a day after doing the haunted house. Don’t worry, he didn’t forget about your donuts.
In the car, you stare out the window, unconsciously rubbing your pumpkin. However, your boyfriends eyes are fixated on you, staring at your beautiful features.
“I..” he started, catching your attention. You waited patiently for him to finish his thought.
“I love you” he said, quickly turning his head back towards the road in order not to crash the car.
“I love you too.” You stated, not breaking eye contact with him when he looks at you with glossy eyes.
The rest of the car ride is a comfortable silence, just you two and your pumpkins.
Hyunjin drops you off at your house, giving you a deep kiss on your lips before driving off,
You walk over to your house, placing your pumpkin with your the both of your initials etched into it on the step so it would be visible, before noticing a little white on the bottom of it.
You turn over the pumpkin to see a polaroid a staff member had taken of you two when you guys completed the corn maze taped to the bottom.
You take off the polaroid, tears pricking your eyes as you turn in around and read the message.
“I love you y/n. I will always care about you in this life and every single one after. Take care, love”
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Spellbound | Part 2
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader ❧ Era: Alexandria/Season 6-ish (non-Savior AU) ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: slight SMUT (mostly just like groping and sexual language, as well as implied smut), mild language ❧ Word Count: 7.5k
❧ Summary: A year later, neither you nor Daryl can stop thinking about last Halloween, when the two of you first connected. This year, you're determined to try to get Daryl to officially come to your Halloween party, and Daryl is determined to make you his.
❧ A/N: Damn it's literally been a year since I posted the first part lol but here's part 2! I always intended to make a second part because there was so much sexual tension in the first one so I had to at least imply they have sex in the sequel... Also this is my first time writing in an AU where Negan and the Saviors just basically don't exist/don't have any contact with our group, so everything is pretty peaceful at this time! I definitely want to write more in a non-Savior AU because it's a lot easier to just imagine none of the Savior shit happened. And also it's what we deserve. Anyway, happy Halloween! I hope this gets you in the Halloween spirit lol.
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A lot had changed in just a year, as was to be expected in the world you lived in. 
For the most part, though, everything was all right within the little world of Alexandria, which was becoming not so little anymore.
People came and went, but the walls expanded, and a few new buildings popped up (well, not without the help of the entire community, of course). Life was as close to normal as it could be in this world, where the dead walked and the living feared them. The biggest change in Alexandria was that now people were fighting back, taking the world back from the walkers’ cold dead hands. That was thanks, in large part, to the arrival of Rick’s group, just a little over a year ago now.
Rick’s group marked a turning point in the history of Alexandria, and when Deanna died, the torch was passed to the group’s fearless leader. He ran the place well, not with an iron fist, but with a steady, outstretched hand that kept everyone secure, confident in his leadership. 
By all accounts, Rick’s group coming to Alexandria last year was the best thing to happen in a long time. Most importantly, it felt safer. People were becoming fighters, defending the community from incoming herds throughout the year. And, of course, the walls were stronger now, reinforced with stronger steel beams. In every possible way, the town was secure.
But there was one thing that made you feel even more safe than any steel wall or trained militia—he was about five foot ten, with soft locks of wavy, albeit messy, brown hair, and a broad chest that connected to impossibly toned arms that flexed and bulged with every movement as he replaced the bolt in his crossbow, preparing another shot for you.
You bit your lip absentmindedly, watching him carefully as you tried to focus on his private lesson, but the man’s tendency to wear sleeveless shirts was always distracting, and you found that every lesson with him you’d had for the last month or so had been a little… unproductive.
He grunted as he pulled the string upwards, locking it tight. You’d been through the process several times, and yet you never stopped Daryl from explaining it to you over and over again, just for the chance to watch him do it.
“Now it’s locked in nice and tight,” he huffed, handing you the bow. “You’re ready to shoot.”
You cleared your throat, leveling the bow with your eyes. The thing was still much too heavy for you, though you really did try your hardest to hold it up as much as you could. Upper body strength wasn’t as easy for you as it was for your trainer.
Your hands were particularly shaky today, and maybe it was because you were nervous. Well, it was definitely because you were nervous—you were planning on asking Daryl to attend your third annual Halloween party. 
This time, you hoped he’d actually show up, before the party ended. 
“Quit shakin’,” he said, not with any harshness to his tone, but with the soft, gentle cadence of a supportive teacher. He was always such a good teacher, even if your attraction to him was a little distracting. 
He cleared his throat from somewhere behind you, while you tried to focus on the target, spray painted on the side of the tree several yards away. 
With a deep breath, you closed your eyes, trying to recenter yourself before you shot, though the feeling of Daryl’s hands on you, one on your wrist and the other on your upper arm, stopped you from pulling the trigger.
Oh, God, you thought. He’s touching me again.
He’d done it before, trying to change your position or steady you like he was doing now, but you’d never get used to it. You should’ve known when he offered you private lessons that it would require him paying more… close attention to you, but you still always melted under his touch, becoming more pliable and bendable to his will.
“Just relax, girl,” he said quietly, and you swore you felt the breath of his words against your ear. “You’re all stiff. It ain’t ballet.”
His hands moved slowly, carefully, long your arm, painstakingly adjusting every bit of your hands, wrists, everything. Of course, he didn’t need to do that. Your position wasn’t that bad, but he liked it.
Oh, he really liked it.
When you first told him you were interested in learning to use the crossbow, he had a mind to offer you these lessons, just you and him, outside the walls. Not too far, just within range of Alexandria, but far enough to allow him more time with you.
Maybe it was obvious, but his feelings for you were strong, and hard to ignore. Ever since last Halloween, he’d thought about you in a more… intimate way. He always found you beautiful, but something about the way you looked in that witch costume was enchanting to him. He was half-convinced that you really did cast a spell on him that night, and that maybe you were a witch after all. 
And so when he got the opportunity to touch you a little, he took it, and with every lesson, he became more brave.
“Don’t take your eye off the target,” he practically whispered. He himself didn’t follow his own rules, as his eyes trailed aimlessly up and down your arms, goosebumps forming on your exposed skin from the cool autumn breeze, or maybe it was from him. 
When your arms began to lose strength and you lowered them just a little, he was quick to lift them back up, taking some of the weight from you as he held tighter to your wrist. He knew he shouldn’t do that, but he also couldn’t stand to leave you hanging, and he wanted you to get a bullseye. Maybe he was a shitty teacher in that regard, but he liked that smile and that laugh of yours, so if you shot well, he was sure he’d be rewarded with that.
Soon you felt his chest hard up against your shoulder, and the tips of his hair tickling your neck… That neck…
If he were a vampire, he’d be spoiled. He was in the perfect position to clamp down on it, not with his teeth, but with his lips. His hungry, starving mouth… A year of pining for you, sometimes getting very close to you only for his shyness to get in the way, made him ravenous, like a werewolf stalking the moonlit wood for his prey. 
He was a beast for you, and that scared him, but most of all, it excited him. He wondered if you felt the same, or if his beastliness frightened you beyond excitement. That’s why he moved and spoke gently, not trying to be rough or harsh with you. A powerful sorceress such as yourself deserved that respect.
Still, it didn’t stop him from all but salivating at the sight of your sweet neck, straining with slightly exposed veins as you began to breathe heavily, panting in your anticipation. 
His heartbeat raced, too, and you felt its steady, quick pace against your side. It thumped wildly, exciting you. Adrenaline tightened your aim and steadied your shaky arms. 
“That’s it, good,” he said, letting go of you just a little bit, but keeping his body just where it was. He liked to share your warmth. “Pull it.”
With another deep sigh, you pulled the trigger, sending the newly sharpened bolt through the air. It didn’t hit the bullseye, but it was on the outer red ring of the target, and that was the best shot you’d gotten this far.
Your eyes widened as you turned to face Daryl, who shook his head in amusement. “Oh my god!” you laughed. “That was pretty good!”
“See, it ain’t so hard.”
“That’s easy for you to say, Robin Hood.” You turned to admire the bolt protruding on the edge of the target. “Thanks, Daryl.”
“Ain’t nothin’.” 
“It’s everything.”
A flame sparked in each of his cheeks, and to prevent you from seeing, he walked past you to retrieve his bolt. His confidence seemed to swell for a moment, now that he wasn’t facing you. “So, uh… got any plans tomorrow?”
Is… is he asking me out? No, no way. 
Considering you were hoping to ask him to attend your party, the sudden outburst threw you for a loop, and for a few moments, you stared wide-eyed at him.
Shit, he thought. I’m a dumbass. 
“I mean,” he said, breaking the silence, “I know it’s Halloween, or whatever.” He cleared his throat, fiddling with the bolt in his hands as he avoided too direct eye contact. “Kinda felt bad, thinkin’ about last year.”
You tilted your head in genuine confusion. Why would he feel bad about that?
“Nothing to feel bad about,” you replied. “Why would you feel bad?”
“Well, ‘cause, ya know, I, uh, missed it.”
“But you showed up afterwards. That meant a lot to me.”
“I know, but…”
“No buts.” You trudged forward through the mud, caused by yesterday’s rainfall. When you got close enough to him, you ventured to hold his hand. Any other man, and you’d never want to touch him, but Daryl was different, and you rather liked touching him. He seemed to like touching you, too. “You’ve been nothing but kind to me. It makes up for last Halloween… But if you really wanna make up for it, you should come to this year’s party.”
He smirked, playfully swinging your arm as he held your hand in his. His eyes lifted to meet yours, and he couldn’t help but notice that little sparkle you had. It was subtle, but he noticed, just as he noticed every little detail about you—the gently sloped curves of your upper lip, the angelic contours of your face, the way your hair color shifted in different lights. Everything. 
Others remarked that you were pretty, but for Daryl, that was an insult to the pure, otherworldly beauty you possessed, inside and out. Your kindness only made you more attractive to him, more utterly bewitched by you. It was in the way you never let anyone feel forgotten or alone, and he remembered that feeling from last Halloween night, and every night thereafter so far. You made an effort to make him feel welcome, despite his scruffy appearance and his sometimes aloof demeanor. 
Something about you made him feel safe, too, free of judgment and presumption. Funny—he made you feel safe in a different way. Well, in every way. 
“Yeah?” he asked, looking at your fingers curled around his hand. “You want me to come?”
“Of course I do. It starts tomorrow at dusk… What, are you busy? You got a big date with some girl I don’t know about?”
“No,” he replied quickly, and quite seriously. “Uh, I mean… nah.”
“Good,” you laughed, tugging his hand to lead him back towards the gate with you. “So, what costume are you going to wear?”
His silvery blue eyes widened adorably at that word “costume.” What the hell kind of costume would he wear? All he had in his closet were several black button up shirts with the sleeves lobbed off and a few pairs of tattered jeans. The fact that he was even considering wearing a costume just to impress you made him realize just how head over heels he was. And then you smiled so wide, biting your lip just a little as you looked at him, still holding his hand as you walked slowly, savoring the moment. Walking with his hand in yours was just too sweet of a feeling, you couldn’t possibly let it go. 
“So?” you asked, and he shook his head to get out of his intrusive thoughts.
“I, uh… I don’t got a costume, (Y/N).”
He looked so cute, genuinely concerned you’d be upset with that not so surprising admission. You figured Daryl didn’t have any Halloween costumes. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to really care that much about dressing up. 
“That’s okay,” you replied. “You don’t really have to dress up, I just thought I’d ask.”
“Well, uh… ain’t you gonna dress up?”
Oh, that intrigued him.
He had to admit, ever since seeing you in that costume last year, he hadn’t been able to get that image of you dressed as a witch from his mind. He memorized every detail of your corseted dress, how it sucked in your waist so delicately, and yet so wonderfully highlighted the curves of your body. Of course, he couldn’t help but pay special attention to your cleavage, that low cut collar revealing not too much of your supple breasts, but just enough that he could imagine the rest of you. The hem of the dress wasn’t particularly revealing of your legs, but the sliver of your skin he did see made him a little more excited than he liked to admit. Even that adorable pointed witch hat that sat askew on your head was attractive to him.
It wasn’t lost on him, either, that you had been so… committed to the witch role last year. He couldn’t forget the tone of your voice when you said, “Maybe I’m a real witch… You better watch out.” A simple joke, perhaps, and maybe you were still a little tipsy from the party, but he always wondered if you really did put a spell on him. Not that he believed in that kind of thing, of course, but it was kind of sexy to think about. 
“You gonna be a witch again?” he asked, a little too overenthusiastically. “I mean, just wonderin’.”
“Yeah, I like my witch costume, and you can’t go wrong with a classic.”
He nodded, still loosely holding your hand. How was he to let go when it fit there so perfectly? Still, he’d be sure to let go once you got closer to the walls. He knew whoever was on watch would have some wise ass comment to make. Besides, this was friendly hand-holding, he assumed, even if he wanted it to mean something else.
“I like that costume,” he said. “S’perfect for ya.”
You giggled a little too loudly, then cleared your throat. Control yourself, whore, you thought. 
“Thank you… I was thinking of cutting my dress so it’s a bit shorter, though.”
The sweat from his hand was getting to become much more noticeable, so he pulled it away, wiping it on his jeans as he swallowed hard, nodding nervously. “Y-yeah, yeah,” he stuttered. “Think that would look good. How, uh… how short?”
You sighed as you thought. “Oh, um… maybe up to here.” You reached down as you walked to gesture to your mid-thigh, and his eyes glued there a little too long, though you didn’t notice. “Or is that, I don’t know, ‘slutty’?” You gestured your hands to make air quotes. 
“Nah,” he replied gruffly, yet in that good natured tone of his. “Not at all. ‘Sides, don’t matter anyway. Can dress however you want. Any guys give you trouble, though, I’ll be there to set ‘em straight.”
Daryl’s protective side always made you weak at the knees. You could never forget that time he warded off some unwanted male attention during one of your training classes. Some guy named Alex had been staring at your behind throughout the session, and Daryl’s response was to call the man out in front of the entire rest of the class, saying,  “Eyes on me, unless you wanna die.”
Of course, he could’ve been referring to the fact that not paying attention to Daryl’s instruction would get the man killed outside the walls, but Alex got the real implication behind the message, and he never attended another class.
“Yeah,” he replied. “I’ll be there.”
You hardly got any sleep that night, both because you were busy baking three dozen Halloween cupcakes, and because that damn man had your heart all aflutter. 
As far as you were concerned, Daryl was like the star athlete, the most popular boy in school, Alexandria’s most eligible bachelor. Now, perhaps for most women in town, that title would go to someone like the tall, conventionally handsome Spencer Monroe, but for you, there was only room in your heart for that dashing, mysterious, ruggedly handsome man called Daryl Dixon. 
Other women did appreciate Daryl’s unique charms, too, but you prided yourself on being closer to him. He was intimidating, you could admit that. It was hard to break through that shell, and sometimes you were sure that you still hadn’t. Hours of talking, though, proved to be the best way to get to know him, and in a lot of ways, you felt that he was your best friend. Indeed, he felt the same way, and despite his aloofness, he found himself opening up to you more than he had anyone else in his life.
What you liked about Daryl was his loyalty, his undying devotion to Alexandria and the people within it. Rick cared about Alexandria, too, but Daryl? He would lay down his life for these people… For you. 
So, yes—your infatuation with the quiet, dark haired marksman only grew with time. A year of his attentive, almost intimate, training had fed your attraction. Still, you hadn’t worked up the courage to do anything more than, say, innocently kiss his cheek when he dropped you off at your doorstep after nightfall, or “accidentally” fall asleep on his shoulder on long car rides to the Hilltop or the Kingdom or Oceanside. 
Tonight… maybe something would happen tonight. 
You were a firm believer in letting nature take its course, so that’s what you planned to do. You just hoped that Mother Nature was on your side.
Three hours before dusk, you were almost ready, except for your costume. As you had told Daryl you would do, you cut several inches off the hem of the dress,  until it reached your mid thighs. The edges were jagged, but you supposed that matched the witchy look. As you tied your corset top, you were careful to… hoist up your breasts until they appeared to practically spill out of your dress, but isn’t that the best part of a corset, the way they make a woman’s chest look? Yes, most certainly yes.
A once expensive choker with a silver chain and several black opals sat not too tight, but not too loose, around the base of your neck. Your hair didn’t need much fixing, as the witch hat did most of the work. You dusted deep brownish red rouge on the apples of your cheeks, matching perfectly with the dark, purple tinted carmine shade coating your lips. The blur of mauve upon your eyelids, sprinkled with a smattering of iridescent glitter, made your eye color seem more vibrant, and your overall aura more… enchanting.
There wasn’t much time to admire your handiwork, as the first guests soon arrived. It was a large group, thank God, but no sign of Daryl, the guest of honor. Indeed, a part of you was already crushed, preparing for the worst. Self-preservation taught you to always be ready in case of rejection, and Daryl was not a man to be easily won, you thought. 
About an hour into the night, your living room was a bonafide soirée. Guests poured in through the front door, now too many to receive a personal greeting from the hostess. You were swarmed with faces, all familiar, but still the face you longed to see most was not among them.
Music was a luxury, and Halloween was the one night of the year that the big speakers were hauled out from storage. Of course, they weren’t half as loud as they could be, but the ever-present threat of walkers outside the walls deterred anyone from turning up the music too much.
You’d found a Halloween mixtape not long ago, packed with the essentials—“Thriller,” “Monster Mash,” “(Don’t Fear) the Reaper”… It seemed to go well. Those overplayed hits were a welcome sound after living in a world where music was seldom a part of everyday life.
Two hours in, and no sign of Daryl. Granted, the party was still in full force, and showed no signs of stopping. Even with the overstimulation of the music and the purple and green lights adorning your home, you could still only think of one man. One broad-shouldered, gruff-voiced man.
“Have you seen Daryl?” you found yourself asking Glenn, both of you cornered as you watched the other partygoers. You figured he might know where Daryl was. After all, he was rather close to Daryl, too. “He said he’d be here.”
He shook his head as he took a sip from his red Solo cup. “No, but don’t worry. He offered a smile. Reassuring, but you couldn’t smile back. “He’ll come. You know how he is about parties.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. In the distance, you spotted Eugene awkwardly shuffling through the crowd, tripping over a few pairs of dancing feet. “I just hope he doesn’t feel—”
“Good evening, (Y/N).” Eugene’s southern accent cut through your sentence, catching you off guard. You blinked and assessed his person—he was dressed up as a cowboy, complete with boots, hat, and a bolo tie. “I trust you are in good spirits this Hallow’s Eve.”
“Hi, Eugene,” you said. “I love your costume.”
“It’s great,” added Glenn. “That tie is awesome.”
“Many thanks,” he replied, then lifted his bolo tie. “Procured this beauty from a ramshackle pawn shop a fortnight ago. The cord is no less than genuine braided leather, and these aiguillettes are really somethin’, they’re—”
“I’ll be right back,” interrupted Glenn. “I gotta find Maggie. Lost her in the crowd.”
Don’t leave me alone with him. “Okay, sounds good.”
“Anyway, as I was sayin’, the aiguillettes are, by my reckoning, sterling silver, with a millesimal fineness of nine twenty-five. Now, sterling silver is most often alloyed with copper, but I believe this silver was alloyed with the chemical element germanium to reduce tarnishing, to which sterling silver is prone.”
You nodded absentmindedly, with absolutely no interest in Eugene’s rambling. Usually, you tried to be more attentive, but your anxiety trumped any desire to seem alert.
“(Y/N)?” Eugene’s voice cut through your haze, and you wondered how much he had spoken before he got your attention again. “You all right?”
“Mhm, never better.”
Eugene smiled sheepishly, and nodded as he spoke. “Well, uh… pardon my abrupt inquiry, but I was itchin’ like a flea bite on a dog’s behind to ask you if you’d do me the honor of joining me in cuttin’ the proverbial rug, as it were.”
“You, um, want to dance?”
Your heart pounded in your chest, not from flattery, but from the anticipation of turning him down. There was no way you were going to dance with Eugene, not tonight. Not when all you wanted was to see Daryl come through that front door you’d been so closely watching. You simply weren’t in the mood.
Still, you were going to have a hard time rejecting him. Eugene might’ve been a little verbose, but he was a sweetheart.
“Oh, well, I—”
Whatever song was being played in your crowded living room became muffled, drowned out by your now faster heartbeat swelling in your ears. Your knees seemed to weaken a little, practically giving out underneath you, but you caught yourself, keeping your composure as much as you could. 
“Daryl…” you sighed dreamily, your eyes half-lidded and glued to the man’s broad, bulky frame as he stepped over the threshold. His hands were tucked in the pockets of his leather jacket, and he seemed to be a little lost as he looked around the room at a sea of heads bobbing like apples in a barrel of water, but if you could make him out right, you swore he looked beautiful. 
You blinked rapidly, turning slightly back towards Eugene, though your eyes remained on Daryl. You couldn’t help it—you needed to keep track of him, make sure you didn’t lose him in the crowd. “Yeah?”
Eugene followed your gaze, though he didn’t see your target until that very target laid eyes on you. 
Daryl was a hunter, after all. He knew how to find his prey. 
You lifted your hand eagerly to wave to him, and his step moved faster, more confident now that he found you. 
Eugene’s presence soon faded away from you, though he still stood beside you, petrified. Few things were as intimidating as Daryl Dixon on the prowl, and for the squeamish Eugene, he had always tried to steer clear of the famously hot headed archer. 
And if Daryl’s passing disapproving glances at Eugene were anything to go, he needed to get away from you before he unwittingly made an enemy.
“I—I’m gonna fetch myself a refill,” he said, shakily holding up his cup to demonstrate. You nodded at his empty words, completely meaningless to you now, as he quickly turned himself around and hurried off to the kitchen. 
By the time Daryl reached you, you were alone, smiling wide and holding out your arms to hug him. It caught him off guard for a moment, causing him to let out a brief grunt, but when you kissed his cheek, this time a little longer than you had done in the past, he melted in your arms. 
“You made it,” you said, squeezing both his shoulders. “I almost thought you weren’t going to show up.”
His smile faded a little—he hates to keep you waiting. “Sorry, I…” 
Got nervous and spent an hour tryin’ to figure out what to wear, he would’ve said if he felt like being particularly bold. 
“Don’t be sorry,” you said. “You’re here now. That’s what matters to me.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
And that was true—he might not have liked parties that much, and Halloween more or less meant nothing to him, but seeing you in that costume, and being there knowing that his presence was important to you, that made all the difference. 
The party went off without a hitch, going into the wee hours of the morning, long after it had ended last year. The only alone time you would get with Daryl came in the form of him helping you up the stairs, guiding you to the bathroom, as you were a little too tipsy to get there yourself. Well, you insisted that you could, but Daryl wasn’t convinced.
“I’m fine!” you laughed, being dragged up the stairs by Daryl. 
“What if ya break your neck or somethin’?” he asked. “ Ain’t havin’ that.”
You smiled wide as he held the bathroom door open for you, then began pulling it closed. “I’ll be out here.”
“No, wait,” you said, holding the door open with your body weight. “Could, you, um… come in with me?”
He furrowed his brow, slightly amused at the sight of you pouting in your witch hat and getup. “Why?”
Oh, you thought. I hadn’t thought of that. 
In all honesty, you hadn’t thought it through at all. Perhaps your slightly inebriated mind just wanted to be absorbed in Daryl’s presence for as long as you could. After all, you were clinging to each other’s sides all night since he arrived, why not? And maybe, just maybe, you wanted a true, private moment with him. Maybe nature would take its course this time.
“I—I… What if I fall off the toilet?”
He shook his head and laughed under his breath. “So ya don’t need my help up the stairs but ya need my help goin’ to the bathroom?”
You realized how stupid it sounded then, and quickly shook your head to try to will the situation away. “Never mind,” you said. “Sorry, that was weird.”
With your hand guiding the door closed, he held it open. His face was more serious now, and yet still a bit shy. “I’ll come in.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, don’t want ya fallin’ off the toilet.”
You didn’t fall off the toilet.
He kept his back turned, shuffling his feet and fiddling with his fingers as he averted his eyes from you as you relieved yourself. When the sound stopped, he asked, “Are ya decent?”
“Mhm.” You stood shakily, turning to flush the toilet. Daryl turned, too, eyes widened to realize that your dress was covering you completely, but your panties were pooled around your ankles. “Uh, (Y/N)?”
He pointed to your feet. “Your, uh…”
Following his pointed finger, you laughed loudly as a blush formed across your nose and cheeks. “Oh, God. Sorry.”
He’d be lying if he didn’t take the opportunity, short-lived as it was, to study your underwear, as he’d sometimes imagined what kind you wore. Tonight it was different than usual, intended to match your costume—black with a floral lace print. Simple, but enough to cause a dizziness in his head. 
As you bent down to pull them back up, he caught a glimpse of your cleavage, just barely spilling out of your corset dress. He internally begged you to straighten up, but you took your time, adjusting your boots, too. 
When you finally stood back up, you sighed and crossed over to the sink to begin washing your hands. Daryl looked on, keeping an eye on you, just in case you fell, or something (though he doubted that would happen). 
“Hey,” you said, soaking your hands under the water, “we haven’t had a moment alone yet. I mean, it’s nice. We can talk.”
He leaned against the bathroom door, chewing on his bottom lip. “Talk about what?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know… Just talk. About anything.”
Maybe now you were going against your own philosophy. Maybe your desire for him was preventing Mother Nature from doing her job, but you couldn’t help it. He looked lovely tonight, with a particular glow about him. He dressed much in the same way he always did, but his hair fell in the most beautiful way, and his lips were somehow shiny in the reflection of the twinkly lights (little did you know he’d been constantly licking his lips that night out of nervous habit). 
Most of all, he made the effort to set his dislike of parties aside to be with you. Well, you hoped that, maybe, he wanted to be with you. After all, there wasn’t much else Daryl did that night except hang around you.
“Well, uh… Thanks for invitin’ me,” he finally said, after several moments of chewing his lip and not knowing how to speak without accidentally spilling every last intrusive thought he had about you. “I’ve been havin’ a good time.”
Just Daryl saying that he was enjoying the party was enough to nearly bring a tear to your eye. He was so sweet without even trying. Some men put on a facade, not Daryl—he was sweet through and through. 
“Me too,” you said, now wiping your hands on the towel. “I wasn’t really having a good time until you showed up, to be honest.”
“Mhm… Actually, I was sort of just waiting for you.”
He scoffed at the thought, though it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. “Waitin’? For me? Why would you wait for me, girl? I ain’t gonna make or break your party.”
Lifting yourself to sit atop the bathroom counter, you peeled off your hat, revealing the frizzy top of your head. You quickly reached up to fix it, but Daryl rather liked it slightly messy. He wondered just how messy it could get.
“Well, you just mean a lot to me, Daryl. That’s all.” It wasn’t all. It was a whole lot more than that. “Halloween doesn’t even matter that much to me these days. I think… maybe since last year, when you came over after the party, I was looking forward to tonight, just to see you again.”
“You see me almost everyday.”
“Yeah, but… That night felt different to me, you know? Kind of just wanted it to feel that way again. And it does. So I’m happy.”
Despite your words, you frowned and hung your head, hands folded in your lap. You weren’t sure where the sudden wave of sadness came from. Maybe it was your fear of rejection showing its ugly head again, but when Daryl stepped forward, taking your hand in his, you looked up at him, standing before you with that beautiful little smile on his face.
It wasn’t a big smile. It was close-mouthed and crooked, but it was beautiful to you. It meant the entire world to you. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Why d’ya look so sad? Thought you were happy.”
“I am happy, it’s just… I don’t know. It’s stupid.”
He shifted closer to you, holding your other hand now, too. His thumbs busied themselves with brushing the outsides of your hands, almost massaging them. The skin was soft, warm, and smooth. He was almost afraid of marring your beautiful flesh with his calloused fingers, but at least it would be some way of leaving his mark on you.
“Ain’t nothin’ you could ever think or say would be stupid to me,” he said. “You can tell me anythin’, just so long as I get to hear your voice.”
Well, how were you not going to tell him now?
Besides, it was hard to resist those eyes of his, deep set and somehow a subtle, intense blue. How could his eyes be so soft, and yet so penetrating? Everything about Daryl was an enigma to you, and yet you still felt you understood him so well, all his little quirks and idiosyncrasies, all his beautiful ways of speaking and feeling and being. Sometimes, you ventured to think you knew him better than anyone else, and maybe that was because he showed you a different side to him he rarely showed to anyone else, even to Rick or Carol. What he showed you was his heart, and though you couldn’t yet be sure if he would give you his heart, you hoped he’d at least consider it.
“You… like hearing my voice?” Of course, you were stuck on that line.
He swallowed hard. Shit, did I say that out loud? No avoiding it now.
“Yeah. I do. A lot.”
Funny. You liked hearing his voice too, so much so that you tried to memorize it as best you could, in case you needed to hear it just to get through the day. 
Your wide smile betrayed your flattered state, and he continued to speak, emboldened by your apparent appreciation. 
“Still think you’re a real witch or somethin’.” He took your pointy hat and firmly, yet delicately, placed it back on your head, to which you let out a giggle. He was sure to prop up the brim, ensuring the beauty of your face was on full display. 
The glimmer of your eyeshadow was intoxicating to him, and though he didn’t know the first thing about makeup, the way those colors blended together on your face was nothing short of magical. 
“Why?” you asked.
You hadn’t even noticed until you felt his thigh brush against yours, but his body was positioned right between your legs now, and the heat of him was radiating beneath your dress. You’d never felt him like this before, not between your legs. It caused you to bite your lip until you felt the skin just begin to break. 
“‘Cause ya put some kinda spell on me.”
He spoke so seriously that you couldn’t tell if he was joking, but he definitely wasn’t. “Oh…” You cleared your throat, fully intending to assume the role of the witch. “Yes, yes, I did. I performed a love spell at my altar with a lock of your hair.” You let go of one of his hands to curl a strand of brown, wavy hair around your finger. Your perfume wafted around his nose, allowing the sweet scent of patchouli and rose to linger there. He moved closer to smell more of it, until his crotch was fully pressed against yours, and there was no doubt about it—he felt lovely there. “I like to dance naked in the moonlight, too. Is that what you think of me, Daryl?”
His eyes trailed up and down your body, getting lost in the low-cut bodice of your dress. Noticing his infatuation, you pressed your chest to his. Being this close to him was enough to raise goosebumps all over your skin, even under your long sleeves. How could you feel so warm, and yet so cold?
“Nah,” he replied, though he had to admit, now that you mentioned it, he was imagining you wildly flailing your limbs as you danced under the cool white light of the moon, with your nude breasts beating together and your thighs spreading apart to jump over the fire around which you danced…
Perhaps he’d find you like that, after many long hours on his hunt. You’d hold your hand out to him, inviting him to rid himself of his filthy clothes and move his weary body with yours until you both fell clumsily, yet somehow intentionally, to the ground, writhing underneath each other until he found his way on top of you, or maybe you found your way on top of him, riding him into the night like a witch on her broomstick. 
Little would he know that you had called him there, using your sorcery to guide him exactly where you wanted him. And now, you had him exactly where you wanted him, for real.
“Don’t worry, I’m a good witch,” you said, tightening your legs around him. He wasn’t going anywhere now, not when he dared to look at you like that—like he was about to devour you. The veins protruding in his thick neck made him look as though he was about to turn into some kind of wild beast, driven by primal instincts. “I promise… But I could be a bad witch, too… If you want.”
His hands had somehow found your hips, gripping them tight as his resolve began to crumble. How was he going to resist you now? He couldn’t, he simply couldn’t. Not that he wanted to, anyway.
“That depends,” he said, his voice somehow soft and quiet, but gruff and demanding. “What does a bad witch do?” 
He tried not to think, to shut off his brain for a moment while he was between your legs. If he thought too much now, his shyness would take over, and he’d ruin this moment he’d dreamed of for so long.
“Lots of things,” you laughed. “Let me show you.” Your hands were practically tugging at his broad, firm shoulders now. The muscles underneath were so tense, so rigid and begging to be caressed, so you did, gently kneading them until they became just a little more loose. 
He let you pull him further until his forehead rested against yours, and he was already groaning under his breath, desperate to taste your mouth. 
You moved slowly, though, a little too slow for him at this moment, and he couldn’t keep himself from grabbing your hips more roughly now, until your arms had no choice but to flail around his neck and your lips crashed against his. 
Your whimper of surprised bliss was devoured by his mouth, just as your tongue felt his swirling around it, extending deep into your mouth until you swore there was more of his saliva in you than your own. 
In his insatiable lust, he gripped your thighs to spread them further, allowing more of him to get between your legs. Soon the skirt of your dress was completely hoisted up, allowing him to once again see your panties, and in the see-through spaces of the lacy pattern, he caught a peek of your hair, and your slit, and he couldn’t even stop his own hand from reaching there, cupping your mound so hard that you squirmed and yelped into his mouth. The pressure of his palm was so perfect on your clit, and not even the muffled sound of the loud music booming downstairs could distract you from that intense, shivering feeling.
“Oh!” you yelped, your lips now separated from Daryl as you threw back your head. “Daryl!” 
Your exposed neck was calling to him, those muscles flexing and veins protruding as you tried to keep your voice down. He could tell how much blood was rushing to your head, and the vampire in him compelled him to latch his lips to your supple neck. He didn’t dare bite you too hard, but his teeth nearly broke the skin. 
“Ah!” you cried out, your fingernails etching shapes into his leather-clad back. “Oh…”
Your moans began to shiver the tighter he held onto you, as his mouth left marks wherever it could, with the hope they would last long enough to prove who you belonged to.
You’d never known Daryl like this, so passionate. It was another side to him, and you quite liked it. “Daryl… I…”
He let out a deep, animalistic grunt as he pulled his lips away, only to crash them back down on yours. He tasted the wine on your tongue, though he was already drunk just off your taste alone. 
His hand rubbed up and down the outside of your panties until he could feel the pooling of your arousal underneath. It made him harder, just knowing that your body was preparing itself for him. 
His fingers clumsily tugged at the crotch of your panties, urgently trying to get to your entrance. “Wait,” you panted against his lips, holding his hand steady. You closed your eyes and leaned against his forehead. “Daryl…”
Breathless, he softly kissed your lips once more. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Are ya scared?”
In truth, you were, just a little. This new side of him was thrilling, and you loved it, but there was no way you could continue in good conscience, not while there were guests still downstairs. 
You smiled and bit his lip, pulling it towards you until you let it go. “A little.” Your hands retreated to his strong, broad chest, rubbing up and down the smooth leather of his vest. “I’ve never seen you like that before. You turned into a beast.”
He scoffed, but his cheeks became deeply blushed. “Ya do things to me.”
As you let his hand return to your crotch, his fingers drew slow circles over the wetness. “You do things to me, too,” you said. “And I’m not really scared, Daryl, it’s just… my party. I’d feel more comfortable if we were completely alone.”
He nodded in agreement. He had to admit that this wasn’t exactly the way he wanted to make love to you for the first time. “What about when they all leave?” he asked. “I can… stay and help ya clean up, like last time.”
His hand moved a little faster, now concentrated on your clit, and you squirmed in his arms with a long, blissful sigh. “Can you wait that long?” you asked, though you were honestly asking yourself that same question. 
“I’d wait forever for you.”
With another kiss, you left the restroom first, fixing your askew witch hat and heading downstairs as if nothing happened. Daryl stayed in the bathroom, adjusting himself. He had half a mind to relieve himself completely, but he wanted to save whatever he had in him for you. 
It took great self-discipline not to shut down the music and begin ushering everyone out of your house, but you were sure to be a good hostess, as you always were. When the last few people left, you didn’t even hear Daryl’s footsteps come up behind you. He moved like a hunter. After all, he was one, and you were his prey.
He lifted the brim of your hat to throw it somewhere behind him. With his lips latched to your neck again, you smiled and leaned back into his touch. 
“You still gotta work some of your magic on me,” he mumbled against your shoulder. 
“I thought we were going to clean?” you giggled, feeling him pull you backwards towards the stairs. 
He grunted as he turned you around, hoisting you up by the back of your knees. You were slightly terrified he’d drop you, but Daryl’s arms were so strong. So very, very strong.
“Nah,” he said, carrying you up the steps. “We’re gonna make a mess.”
Indeed, no cleaning was done that night. 
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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ladygenius · 2 years
Blood Red Tango
To celebrate a post Halloween temporal rise from the dead here's to what was (I guess) my first fic ever written. However, I never posted it since it was meant to be significantly longer. Will it ever get a part 2 to fill you in on the rest? Who knows!
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description: you got into danger while being undercover, Spencer is your only safety
pairing: Spencer Reid x (gn) bau reader (maybe I missed something)
content: angst but comfort in the end
warnings: mentions of blood, knives, gun shots, fear of your loved one being hurt
wordcount: 600ish
If you would like this continued - please let me know🙏🏽
Your POV
It wasn’t until you heard the metallic echo of an empty cartridge hitting the ground that you realized a shot had been fired.
Instinctively, you waited for the stinging pain or agonizing cold to set in since in the first split seconds your brain couldn't even figure out who got hit.
All you could hear was the stable high-pitched ringing in your ears, drowning out all the voices and shouting around you.
And then you saw him.
In fact, you've been looking at him all this time since he was your only point of fixation during those last dreadful minutes. It pained you to see him with that look of sheer panic in his eyes and yet, you couldn't break contact between the two of you. Not even for a split second. It was him who kept you stable. Even if there wasn’t any physical connection whatsoever. But you two never really needed that anyway. He was your anchor. Not to keep you grounded in reality but reciprocating his gaze alone was giving you the strength to endure the whole situation. Maybe it also had something to do with the fact that if you ever were to die, he would definitely be the last image you’d want ingrained in your memory forever.As you slowly became conscious of the blurry sensations and happenings around you, your gaze fell back on him.
Everyone else was rushing around while Spencer stood frozen in place just like you. It was then that you noticed a cold liquid on your neck. You lifted your hand to check where the substance came from, even though you already knew.
The burgundy color of blood glistened on two of your trembling fingers. You looked down to your right and saw Morgan kneeling on the unsub's back pinning him down to secure the handcuffs. There was a growing leak of blood right next to them on the floor, they must have hit his shoulder or torso. You could still feel his tight grip around your neck, the knife's sharp blade burning mercilessly against your skin. His hoarse voice threatening to slit your throat right then and there.  
As your eyes landed back on Spencer you realized his eyes were glistening with tears. This suddenly caused all your emotional buttons to flip as well. All the memories from before the confrontation with the unsub reentered your consciousness.
The dancing, Spencer's unusual confident manner as he was playing his part and that brief moment when your lips were mere inches apart... all these different impressions and feelings left you completely overwhelmed. All you knew was you needed to be close to him right now.
You felt your body moving on its own accord, sprinting in his direction.
Also snapping out of his paralysis, Spencer immediately took you in for a desperate hug. "Good god, Y/n. I'm so glad you're okay!"
"Spence...", your voice cracked as you sobbed into his shoulder, tears making their way down your cheeks almost instantaneously.
"Shh..Everything’s alright. You're safe. No one can hurt you anymore.. it's over", he cooed. His tight grip around your waist felt like he himself was holding on to you for dear life.
You couldn’t recall a time when he ever held you like this before. It was all you needed in that moment, and you didn't care the slightest bit what the people around you thought about it.
After some time, he loosened the hug to face you properly, the loss of contact instantly making your heart ache. Carefully, he cupped your face with his hands and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, the cool breath sending shivers down your spine.
What had happened tonight?
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in honor of speak now tv about to drop, im bringing back my stranger things taylor song casting. i wrote a lot of this on my phone after listening to the album so apologizes for grammar errors or anything
mine: ronance, from Nancy's POV. Careless man's careful daughter. Sitting there by the water mirroring the boat scene. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded. In the music video, we see the couple fighting when things get tough outside of the relationship, which we've also seen Nancy do, both when she was struggling with Barb and fighting with Jonathan when dealing with sexism from her job.
sparks fly: lumax. Max is the rainstorm, Lucas the house of cards. "I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but for you, I know it's no good"
back to december: stancy; but just Nancy apologizing for how things ended, not them getting back together. "that night" not just being the Halloween fight but her cheating on him. I think she would feel bad about how things ended and I really want them to talk everything out in season 5. Plz. Also the line, "I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile...how you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry" Obv with the tan skin and smile, but I hc that after Nancy told Steve what happened to Barb, he held her while she cried
speak now: byler, from Will's pov. Not in a literal wedding sense (though that might make a fun fic...) but more of Mike asking Will for advice about El and Will just finally coming clean. Maybe it doesn't go great and he doubles down with El and it causes some tension or maybe the roles are reversed and Mike comes clean then panics and doubles down and Will is trying to get him back
dear john: Joyce about Lonnie. I hate this man.
mean: El about Angela. Imagine if before the roller skate incident, she confided in Joyce and she told her to just confront her with her words, ya know? Like just call her out for being mean. Then when that doesn't work, she thinks, "well, what would Hopper tell me? Gotta fight back." Makes my heart melt
the story of us: Mike and El, from El’s pov. I just really feel like El would use story tails and romance stories, etc. to compare love to. This song to the letter fight just... ugh.
never grow up: Nancy. First verse to Holly, how she knows what's ahead, both in terms of alternate dimensions and being a teenage girl. She doesn't want her to have to deal with either of the two, just to stay little while she can. Second verse to Mike, seeing him start to become more of an adult and secretly missing her annoying kid brother. (brings more punch to the line “all your little brothers favorite songs”) Third verse takes place after she graduates, moving for school. Her night light mentioned in the verse was her graduation/farewell present from Holly, who says she's a big girl now and doesn't need it.
enchanted: elmax! From Max's POV. Imagine the second verse is them having a sleepover, playing truth or dare. I also love the use of referencing the story tail love metaphor again
better than revenge: stommy; Tommy singing about Nancy. idk it’s the closest I could get.
innocent: Steve and Nancy. First verse is about Nancy (lost your balance on a tight rope, lost your mind trying to get it back. wasn’t it beautiful when you believed in everything and everyone believed in you. , second about Steve. bonus points if you imagine them singing this to each other (not in a romantic way)
haunted: lumax (I’m sorry) Lucas begging for her to come back after her attack. Trying to move on and be happy but he can’t get over her. the chorus too, “somethings gone terribly wrong” “your eye’s gone cold” the bridge too “you’re not gone, you can’t be gone” you can also imagine it as like, she lives but can’t face the party without thinking about what happened too
last kiss: stancy / mike and el (parallel!) I think I’m gonna write up a post about all the parallels I see in the characters and dynamics, but I really love this one. Steve being El and Nancy being Mike. The Wheelers having severe issues with love (specifically saying the word) and hurting those who are head over heel for them. I see this from all of their perspectives, switching based off the lines. first verse is mileven (the plane line, “sit on the floor wearing your clothes” we’ve seen El wear clothes from pretty much everyone in the party) the second verse is stancy from Nancy’s pov (life of the party, “i’m not much for dancing, but for you i did” listing things he did she loved without saying “i love you”) bridge is rapid fire switching. “so I’ll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep” mike (bylers take a lot of family photos; i can imagine him seeing her in photos will sends) “i feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe” steve “and i’ll keep up with our old friends just you ask them how you are” el “i hope it’s nice where you are…it’s a beautiful day” nancy (i think she feels bad for how things ended)
long live: the whole party. they deserve to feel like hero’s and royalty after everything they’ve been though. i desperately need to find an edit to this
ours: Steddie. the town hates eddie atm and would probably not take well to king steve dating him. the lines “i love the riddles that you speak” and “any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored” i can also see lumax, but this is just such a light hearted song to me so i didn’t want to compare it to the racism we’ve seen be thrown at lucas and his relationship
superman: jopper. i love the idea of joyce hyping him up as her superman. also based on my parents (my dad was a first responder and this song always made me think of them for the “saving the world” aspect) “he’s not all bad like his reputation” i’m ignoring the sad parts and just focusing on the “go be a superhero, i’ll be here when you get back”
electric touch: steddie. eddie’s taylor, steve is patrick. “this could either break my heart or bring it back to life” “got a history of stories ending sadly” (eddie) “everytime i tried for love, it fell apart” (steve)
when emma falls in love: robin. i have no real proof, it just reminds me of her. i love the image of steve saying all of this about her ❤️❤️ (obvs pronouns change and stuff)
i can see you: steddie (it’s a very steddie coded album, leave me alone) from steve’s pov, talking about how he’s always had a crush on eddie and always noticed him but it breaks eddie’s brain fhat king steve has a crush on him
castles crumbling: steve angst time. talking about his “fall from social grace” and how he lost everything, both in terms of reconciling what he lost from being a jerk as king steve and what he lost when he was dethroned
foolish one; byler. “stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love” “it’s delicate but i’ll try my best to seem bulletproof” “maybe someday when we’re older this is something we’ll laugh about” “you haven’t written me or called” “i’ll get your longing glances but she’ll get your ring”
timeless; jopper. soul mates for real
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miximagic256 · 2 months
Points of Interest 4
Hi friends! This POI has been overdue for months I'm so sorry! One thing you may have noticed is there's a number attached to the title now. This titling scheme will follow for every POI post from here on out because it's honestly way more convenient especially with how some months there's little I want to type about while other months have lots I want to type about (although if you're really curious what's below occurred from January - February, I wasn't kidding when I said this was well overdue!)
But enough of the foreword, let's get into it!
Portal 2
So interesting thing, I got Portal 2 around 2013 when I first got my PS3, I never played the first Portal game as I didn’t have Steam and I never played The Orange Box which is where Portal debuted in 2007. Portal 2 was a game I played because I remember at the time hearing about how good the game was and while I did play it I never actually finished it.
Late last year I remembered I never finished the game so I started again from the beginning and finally beat it in January, and I can safely say that over a decade after the game’s release that Portal 2 is a fantastic experience from beginning to end and deserves all the praise people give it.
There is so much I could gush about with the characters, worldbuilding, storytelling, etc. But as a first for this series of mine I won’t go into detail because Portal 2 is one of those games that’s best to be played with as little knowledge as possible (in my case there were some things I knew about prior unfortunately, but luckily a lot of what I experienced was new to me).
One thing I will do though is share a link to this playlist of Portal 2 animations by Harry101UK which look, sound and feel so close to the game that you'd be amazed Valve had nothing to do with them! In particular I absolutely love his remake of his first ever Portal animation based on the song This Is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas, you have no idea how many times I've listened to it! (Don't worry there's no spoilers for the game so if you've not played it you can still watch his videos without worry of that)
If you’re like me and have never played Portal 2 after all this time I highly recommend you do so if you get the chance (in fact you can even skip the first Portal game since outside of some backstory it doesn’t affect the sequel much), you won’t regret it!
The Repair That Never Was
I realise that with all the talk I’ve done about appliances and fixing things that it may give the impression that this is something I normally do, but in reality this is very rare and it’s a big coincidence that two appliance fiascos happened close together (although pre-teen me would have been ecstatic at the knowledge they’d eventually get to do something they always wanted - fixing a broken appliance).
So context, back in 2016 we brought a second-hand tumble dryer, it worked fine but some years ago I started to suspect that something was off because there would be rumbling noises every so often (bear in mind the type of noise a dryer can make can point to different types of faults like bad roller bearings, bad rear bearings, etc.) So after trying to figure out what type of noise it was I thought it was a result of a bad dryer fan (which is what takes the air from the drum through the vent and out the back) As sometimes they can “warp” due to the heat and not spin evenly causing it to be noisy when in use.
I was so confident that this was the issue I brought the part for it in advance for the time where there would be a good opportunity to open the machine up (although buying the part online was tricky as the dryer was made in the late 90s and sometimes machines that old can be hard to find parts for). Cut to January where one day it’s drying as normal only for me to notice that at some point the machine was running but the drum wasn’t turning, which suggested one thing, the belt had snapped (what sits around the motor that causes the drum to turn).
Now that the dryer was broken I took the opportunity I had been waiting for and opened it up, but I discovered that the rumbling noise wasn’t actually caused by a warped dryer fan at all but rather a loose jockey wheel (the part that’s on the end of the motor which the belt fits on) what a plot twist! Honestly considering it was loose for goodness knows how long it’s no wonder that eventually caused the belt to snap, not only that but I have an unopened dryer fan part on my desk I can't do anything with so it makes some pretty unconventional decoration hehe.
Because of this and the fact it was deemed easier to just get a new dryer, the old one was sent to its final resting place in the scrapyard (which considering it was at least 25 years old, I’d say it did its job well). But it doesn’t end there. I felt the best thing to do was to buy a washer dryer (because it would be more convenient for my small kitchen) which meant it would also replace our washing machine at the same time which I wrote about replacing the door seal a year ago, so despite me doing that repair it ended up being too little too late ironically.
One final thing to note: The washer dryer bought was the same manufacture as the one before our machine which I repaired, of which the former machine lasted 13-14 years. No Pressure!
Video Game Museum Trip Feat. @Klonoamiyumi
Video game museums are somewhat uncommon throughout the world but in recent times more and more have been opening up, and a year or two ago I discovered one myself but it was a far away from where I’m located so I never visited it. As my birthday was approaching and there was a holiday I was going to go on soon I decided just before that would happen that I would finally visit the museum alongside two IRL friends (including @klonoamiyumi!).
Due to the distance I decided for us to get there by train which was honestly nerve wracking as I normally don’t take the train (not only that but add on to the fact I was taking the train while organising the trip in the first place), but outside of one slip up (which I’ll get into later) we all got our tickets and away we went!
On the train itself we sat together and talked about our video game history along with some general topics as well, bear in mind the three of us up to this point hadn’t met up much together so it was an interesting experience being able to talk among ourselves. After around an hour on the train we arrived at our destination and stepped out, I had researched directions on where to go to the museum beforehand however actually exploring around the city was tricky because I had never been to that location before, luckily I was able to rely on Google Maps to figure out where to go and after accidentally going in a circle (oops!) We did eventually find the building we were looking for: The National Video Game Museum!
For most of the year this specific museum is only open Thursday – Sunday except for the UK summer holidays where it’s open everyday, there were a wide array of both arcade machines and video game consoles to play on, anecdotes from past and present video game developers (including a small tribute to the late Masayuki Uemura who supported the museum), signs describing various bits of history along with glass cases including important related material, etc. Despite not being the largest of museums for what’s there it should satisfy the curiosity of any video game fan of any era not only because of what’s on display but also because there’s so many things to interact with and discover that there's bound to be something you didn't know of beforehand, plus because it's not that large of a museum there's no worry of getting lost or overwhelmed but it doesn't feel underwhelming either. The place is ideal for a day out even if it was just yourself going there.
There was another thing that happened as well while we were there, by complete chance an online friend of both @klonoamiyumi and I (who has her own Tumblr blog @janeypoodle) was at the event, not only was this meetup not planned at all but they were planning to go to the museum the day before but couldn’t as the train got cancelled. What a plot twist! Janey is someone me and Klonoamiyumi have known about for a long time and while a potential visit did sometimes cross our minds for one reason or another it never took off. So to actually meet them in an unexpected place was such a wonderful surprise and a bonus to add to our day out, we all talked for a while and then we took a photo of us three to remember :>
Throughout the museum for the most part we all split up when going around what video games were available, but just before the museum closed Klonoamiyumi wanted me and our other IRL friend to play a game with him called Buzz! Junior: Jungle Party as it served a particular importance, he recalls this game was one of the only video games he played with family and not just by himself (which I can relate because I myself had Buzz! Junior: Rino Rumble which plays identically to Jungle Party, and that was a game I played with my family as well).
After that session together we quickly looked at the shop section and then left the museum, we decided to have food since it was late in the afternoon by that point (we went to McDonald’s specifically) and then we went back to the train station, however… Remember when I said there was one slip up that happened? Well while we managed to get back to train station, we narrowly missed our train (it was late in the evening as well), so I had to think quick and look up another train to the same destination on my phone and after some wondering around and last minute changes (because the train we needed to take ended up being on a different platform then announced). We got on and despite it being late in the evening we all got home safe and sound!
This trip was notable not just because of where we went but also because I've never organised anything like this before, but now that I have I can arrange a meetup of any kind again because starting something is always the hardest part, after that you start to get the hang of what you're doing and you get better every time! I think I speak for all of us when we all had a great experience!
Topic End: Epilogue
Again I'm really sorry for how overdue this is, I think you can tell the most significant thing included in this post hehe. I will say though this might be the last Points of Interest post for a while due to things that aren't really appropriate for this series, such as:
Events that are too negative to include (I intend this series to be positive and I don't want to bring myself or other people down reading the post)
Events that are positive but are too personal to include, this one is important to mention because truth be told I didn't really want to include topics relating to IRL events with family (like the cruise ship holiday) because while this series is a semi-dairy of sorts at the same time I only want to talk about things I'm comfortable being public online.
With that said, I hope you all enjoyed this POI and I'll see you next time!
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mysteryiousskin · 1 year
Okay wuestion, do these store recs help? I figured since I didn’t add actual links (I’m too lazy and would rather ppl find their own options that work for them) that it could potentially help? I did it for some of them last yr and just continued it this yr but i don’t wanna waste my time doing them and breaking down the outfits if it’s not helpful 👀👀
(Also ps. This post is mostly just costumes that come with second options)
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Daisy!! I would absolutely adore if ppl did this I feel like I’ve seen more Lisa’s than Daisy and I think Daisy is trending a little on TikTok so this might be the time to do it! Now I’d also like to nominate the scene before she dies where she’s wearing the yellow robe and stuff
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Example A. I rlly like this outfit and since this scene specifically is trending ppl might recognize it easier
Another option for Daisy I wasn’t even gonna include was her pink shirt! I figure it’s gonna be harder to find but I’m confident that you’re be able to get something like the “cherry” part on her shirt if your willing (if you look at her gifs it’s mostly just the blue shirt and the pink one so if you don’t know what I’m talking abt look for the pink shirt and you’ll know what I’m talking about)
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Paris Hilton in house of wax??!?
I feel like this move Is so loved and hated at the same time but I adore the cast (especially paris she’s my everything 😭) now both of these outfits are stupid easy to recreate and if nobody does this for Halloween this year I am going to sob (bonus points if you could talk anyone into being another character with you)
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Baby firefly! The first one is also stupid easy to recreate but the second I don’t rlly know about, I’ve seen some cosplayers pull it off like the girl in the photos but I definitely think that one would be harder to find something similar and a lot of work to recreate but if you can find something props to you and if you have the effort to recreate it pls do I adore baby firefly and that outfit is so good (also another outfit you could do is the one where she’s wearing the cheer uniform maybe a little hard to find a cheer uniform that looks like that though)
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Pls tell me more ppl have seen this movie, I love Casper and Wendy this was one of my favs, the second look is probably easier but harder to recognize, if u can get a friend to be a ghost I think it’d be adorable and more recognizable, I’d also say I personally think the first is better bc it’s more recognizable and they have it in this move and the cartoon!
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sushigirlali · 11 months
Bad Idea Right? - Part III (Reylo Fanfic)
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Part I | Part II | Part III (Complete!)
Summary: Rey Niima realizes she may not be over Ben Solo when Hux’s social media posts show her ex-boyfriend may be moving on at Poe’s Halloween party. Donning a matching costume purchased before their breakup, Rey decides to stop running and confront him. Horny Halloween hijinks ensue!
Pairings: Rey/Ben, Rose/Hux, Finn/Poe
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: Hope everyone had a great October! Spooky season may be “over,” but Rey and Ben still have to do the scariest thing of all: talk about their feelings 😱 Thanks for the nice comments, I really appreciate the encouragement 🥰
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr
Bad Idea Right? - Part III
By: sushigirlali
Boston, MA
Saturday, November 1
Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
"I only see him as a friend," the biggest lie I ever said
The next morning, Rey woke to an annoying, repetitive buzzing. Slowly lifting her head off of Ben’s shoulder, she blearily looked around for the sound, but couldn’t see much in the dim room. After removing every stitch of clothing from both their bodies and making slow, sweet love to her a second time, Ben had remembered to close his heavy black curtains before they went to bed. Even after two months apart, he knew how much she liked sleeping in.
Pressing a kiss to his chin, Rey smiled down at him. He hadn’t given up on her. He still loved her, she knew it. 
Buzz. Buzz.
Sighing deeply because she knew she deserved the rude awakening after what she’d put Ben through, Rey carefully lifted the arm encircling her waist and slipped off the bed. Ben stirred at her absence, turning to clutch her pillow, but didn’t wake. 
Grinning like an idiot at his unconscious possessiveness, she went about identifying where the sound was coming from. She vaguely remembered tossing her purse aside before Ben blew her damn mind…
Buzz. Buzz.
“Ah ha!” she said quietly, squinting her way to the black crossbody on the floor with her phone in it.
Removing the device, she shut off the annoying 9 a.m. alarm. Glancing at the current time–10:31 a.m.–Rey realized she was going to be late for brunch with her friend. “Oh, shit. Whoops.”
Sending off a quick text before dashing into Ben’s bathroom, she took a quick shower using his sandalwood scented body wash (no wonder he always smelled so good), borrowed his comb to get the kinks out of her hair (from his fingers last night), and then entered his walk-in closet to try and hunt down something to wear that wasn’t a soiled cheerleader uniform (no regrets). But it didn’t take much of an expedition to find an outfit as he had apparently kept some of her things during their temporary breakup. 
Shimmying into a simple black sleeveless dress and another set of expensive lacy underwear, she raced back into the bedroom to grab the white socks and sneakers she had worn with last night’s costume. Outfit complete, she glanced toward the bed to see if Ben was still sleeping.
“I really tired him out, huh?” she thought smugly. “Well, better leave a note in case he wakes up before I get back.”
Going over to the small reading desk in the corner, she pull out a sheet of paper and a pen and wrote: 
Went to brunch at Frenchie with Rose, will be back later. Love you. - R
Impulsively adding a few little hearts to the note, she left it on his desk and skipped down the stairs. They still had a lot to talk about, but Rey was confident that after last night there was no getting him out of her system or vice versa. Therefore, in her newly minted opinion (free from the fear of rejection), they were stuck together forever.
But first: brunch.
Oh, yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed
Rey was amused to see that Finn and Poe had joined Rose at this thinly disguised interrogation over mimosas. Regardless of their intentions, it was probably for the best since she really needed to come clean with her closest friends. Ben’s reputation had been questioned because of her actions and, now that she had her head out of her ass, she needed to set the record straight.
“Hi, friends,” Rey smiled, dropping down into the seat they’d saved her.
Rose tapped her watch. “About time, babe.”
“Sorry, I totally missed my alarm.”
“It’s fine,” Finn said, defending her as always. 
“It’s not, but it will be.” Rey paused as the waiter came by to take her order. She always got the same thing: eggs Benedict with fruit and bottomless mimosas, but today she was feeling adventurous. “Can I get the spicy breakfast burrito and a bloody Maria?”
The waiter jotted it down and left to fill her order.
Turning back to the table, Rey drew up short at their stunned expressions. “What?”
“Are you… okay?” Rose asked slowly. “You always order the same thing here.”
“I felt like a change,” she shrugged. “And don’t worry, I’m actually better than okay. Ben and I are back together,” she beamed.
Poe exchanged a dark look with Finn. “Listen, I know he’s our friend too, but are you sure you want to get mixed back up with him? You’ve been a total mess since he broke up with you and—”
“He didn’t break up with me,” she interrupted, annoyed at the way Poe was talking about Ben. “I broke up with him.”
“What?!” Her friends all exclaimed together.
As they waited with baited breath, Rey steeled her nerves and began to explain. “So, back in August, Ben put together this amazing scavenger hunt all over the city for our anniversary. There were puzzles and anagrams and all manner of silly clues that led to… a question and a box.”
Rose gasped. “Rey!”
“Yeah, he asked me to marry him.”
“You never told us that!” Rose looked upset. 
“Neither did Ben,” Poe said thoughtfully.
“So, what happened then?” Finn asked, confused. “Did you have a fight about the proposal or something?”
“Not exactly. What happened—” Rey stopped again as the waiter placed her food and drink on the table. “Thanks!” she called to their retreating back.
Taking a fortifying sip of her savory cocktail, she continued, “What happened was I let my past dictate my actions and get in the way of my happiness.”
“What do you mean?” Finn leaned in for her answer.
“I know I’ve told you all a lot about my childhood, but… whatever you think happened to me in foster care, whatever you read between the lines, it was worse.”
“Oh, Rey.” Rose reached for her hand and she let her take it.
Rose’s kindness was just another reminder that her fears, while valid when she was a powerless child, were not based in reality now as an adult. She had people who loved her, people who would never turn their backs on her; she had a family now and they weren’t going anywhere.
So, Rey pressed on. “As a result, I have a deep fear of being rejected by the people I most care for and who are supposed to care for me. So, I…” 
She choked up as she remembered the devastated look on Ben’s face when she had refused to marry him and ended their relationship. “Sorry, um… so, I told him I didn’t want to marry him or see him again and left him there all alone and it wasn’t his fault, so please don’t blame him.”
Her friends were silent for a long moment and she had to force herself to stay seated. If not for the passion she had shared with Ben the night prior, she didn’t know if this conversation would have ever happened. Actually, no, she did know. Ben still loving her after breaking his heart was proof that some bonds were strong enough to withstand almost anything.
At least, she hoped so.
“Rey,” Finn spoke first, “I’m not going to say that I fully understand why you treated him that way, you’re both so crazy for the other that it’s almost painful to watch sometimes, but it seems like you’ve really grown in the last few weeks and see that you were in the wrong.”
“Thanks, Finn.”
“Shit, I feel bad for how cold I’ve been to the big guy now,” Poe frowned. “I wish you would’ve told us sooner, but he certainly didn’t help things by keeping quiet too. Not that your relationship is necessarily our business,” he added. “I guess what I’m trying to say is you can confide in us in the future, okay?”
Rey nodded solemnly.
Rose was still holding her hand gently, but there was some fire in her eyes too. “I’m so mad at both of you for being complete and total idiots!” She tossed her long, black hair over her shoulder. “But I guess if you’ve decided to be idiots together again, I can’t stop you.”
“I appreciate it,” Rey chuckled.
“Anything else you need to get off your chest?” Finn teased.
Rey was teary eyed as she looked at her friends. They had been stern but fair, and they weren’t abandoning her. “I love you guys.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Poe drawled. “Let’s get another round. On Rey!”
“Cheers!” Rose and Finn said in unison.
Rey picked up her glass and smiled brightly. “Cheers!”
Oh, yes, I know that he's my ex
Can't two people reconnect?
Thirty minutes and three drinks a piece later, Rey was stunned when Rose threw an uneaten tater tot at her head.
“Hey!” Rey groused, rubbing her forehead. “What the heck was that for?”
Putting a hand to her temple like a migraine was oncoming, Rose handed Rey her cellphone.
Armie: Darling, I need you to get your friend Rey in check. Ben is drinking himself stupid in a shitty public bar and crying over a woman who “doesn’t love him enough to stay” 
Armie: Whatever that means
Armie: Oh, great. I think he passed out
Armie: Well, at least he’s stopped crying
Rey reread the thread several times, totally shocked. “This can’t be real, not after the night I just shared with Ben. Is Hux trying to stir shit up again? Like with Bazine? Rose?”
“Scroll down,” Rose sighed dramatically, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Quickly doing just that, Rey gasped at the photo. Ben’s head was resting on a dirty bar top, surrounded by several empty beer bottles, and he did appear to be quite unconscious.
“I don’t understand!”
“What did you do after you two got back together last night?” Finn wondered.
“We—well, I guess we didn’t say it in, um… words… that we’re back together,” she stuttered. “It was more of a feeling.”
They all sighed at her this time.
“If you two really are back together, couples therapy is clearly a must,” Poe said, more serious than he had been all morning. “Your communication skills are atrocious.”
“Hey, I left him a note before coming here! I’m going back to his place right after this to hash everything out with him!” she said defensively. 
“You left him a note?” Poe said skeptically.
“Yes! With a “love you” and stupid hearts and everything!”
Poe raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow. “And where did you leave this note?”
“On his desk, where I got the paper.”
“Not on his pillow or nightshade or in front of his damn coffee maker?” Poe continued.
“Oh my god,” Rey groaned, realizing her mistake. “I’m an idiot.”
Rose patted her hand. “That’s what I’ve been saying, love,” she said affectionately.
The biggest lie I ever said
I just tripped and fell into his bed
Slapping two twenties on the table, Rey pulled her phone out and opened a car service app. There was someone nearby who could take her to… where?
“Rose, ask Red where Ben is,” Rey demanded.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Rose said primly.
“I mean—please ask Hux the name of the bar he and Ben are at,” she amended.
Rolling her eyes, Rose sent her boyfriend a short message. He returned it almost instantly, as if waiting for the question. “They’re at that place with the cheap drinks by the bus station where Kaydel rescued a kitten that one time,” she read verbatim.
“Not a name, but luckily I remember where that is.” Rey kissed Rose on the cheek. “Tell your interfering boyfriend I said thanks.” Then she waved goodbye to the boys and dashed out of the restaurant without another word.
“So, who’s gonna text her later to get the tea?” Poe said casually.
Finn and Rose stared at each other for a moment, then launched into a competitive game of rock-paper-scissors for the privilege of butting into their best friend’s business.
“You’re both ridiculous,” Poe laughed at them, “but this has definitely been a Halloween to remember.” 
My brain goes, "Ah"
Can't hear my thoughts
The biggest lie I ever said
She found Ben slumped on the bar Hux had snapped a picture of ten minutes later, out of breath from running for several blocks; the hired car had let her out early after a traffic jam blocked their path. His friend was still there, drinking sparkling water and looking so out of place in his Gucci loafers and pressed suit that it was almost comical.
Ben, on the other hand, was wearing the rocker jeans from last night and a Hellfire Club raglan backwards. “Oh, Ben.”
Moving toward the bar, she tapped Hux on the shoulder to get his attention.
He tapped his expensive Rolex in response. “About time,” he said, prissy as ever. 
“Wow, déjà vu,” she returned once her breathing had regulated, “your girlfriend did the same thing.”
Hux’s expression softened at the mention of Rose. “Did she come with you?”
“Nope, just me. She’s still at Frenchie with the guys.” Rey smirked when he looked crestfallen. “What a simp. I guess he’s not that bad.”
Hux stood from the stool two spots away from Ben and cast him a sympathetic look. “Well, I’m off since you’re here—hopefully to clean up your mess—but I must say,” he turned to glare down at her, “if you hurt him again there will be consequences.”
“Thanks for the warning—and the Instagram post last night and the texts to Rose this morning. They were just the kick in the head I needed to work it out with Ben. You’re a really good friend, he’s lucky to have you,” she beamed.
He looked incredibly uncomfortable at her compliment. “Yeah, well, he needs someone with a modicum of intelligence in his corner.”
Rey chuckled as he left, then turned concerned eyes on the man she loved. She had to fix this, once and for all. For both of them.
“Ben,” she said softly, going to stand beside him. His hair was longer than usual, falling softly over his face where it rested on his bent arm. “Ben, it’s me, I’m here.” His head lifted slowly, groggily, and she saw his eyes were puffy and red. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.”
“What… what are you doing here?” His voice was like gravel.
“Hux texted Rose while I was at brunch with her and Finn and Poe. I only went out with them to explain my part in our—uh—time apart and make sure they knew you weren’t to blame since we’re back together now,” she said so fast she hoped he got it all. “I left a note on your desk,” she added lamely.
He looked absolutely floored. “But—you left. Again. And I—wait, a note? Really?”
She took his much larger hands in hers and locked their fingers together. “Yes. I was just going to brunch, then I was coming back to you.”
He looked like he might cry again. “We’re back together?”
“Yes,” she smiled tremulously. “I mean… as long as that’s what you want too?”
“Of course I do.”
“Good, I’m glad.” A serious understatement because she was relieved as hell he wanted her back. “Can we go home and talk?”
Ben slipped off his stool and pulled her into a tight bear hug, a little clumsily because he was slightly intoxicated, but no less enthusiastic for being so. “I’ll go anywhere you want, just don’t leave me again.”
“I won’t,” she vowed, soaking up his warmth. “I can’t believe I almost lost this, lost him, all because I thought at some mysterious future point he’d get tired of me.” 
Holding him close until he could stand on his own two feet, she promised herself that she wouldn’t make that particular mistake ever again.
My brain goes, "Ah"
Can't hear my thoughts
I just tripped and fell into his bed
By the time they arrived at Ben’s place, he was more sober than not, but Rey still insisted on helping him up the stairs to the bedroom. Ben wasn’t making it easy, however.
“Ben, if you hold me any tighter we’re going to fall back down the stairs,” she said, pushing at the arm clamped hard around her waist. 
“I need to hold you to believe that you’re really here.” He squeezed her against his side for emphasis. “And to make sure you can’t escape again.”
“What you need to do is lie down,” she said sternly, but his blatant desire for her company made her giddy. “I really don’t deserve him.”
“I’m fine,” he countered, wobbling a few steps from the landing.
“Right, you’re totally steady,”  Rey deadpanned. “Let’s just get to the bedroom and—”
He made a frustrated sound. “Rey, you really don’t have to prove anything to me.”
“I disagree.”
“I believe you about the note.”
“I need you to see it,” she mumbled stubbornly. 
They made it to the top of the stairs—finally—but Ben didn’t loosen his hold. “Alright, then show me.”
Moving awkwardly together, they didn’t speak again until Rey positioned them in front of his desk. “See?”
He reached down with his free hand and held the brief note up to read. “The hearts were a nice touch,” he teased after a minute. 
Rey stared up at him, carefully watching his expression. “Do you believe that I wasn’t leaving you again now?
“I believed you at the bar,” he smiled, turning into her body.
She hugged him tightly, resting her chin on his generous pectorals without breaking eye contact. “I’m sorry,” she said simply. “About everything.”
“I know.”
“Thank you for waiting for me,” she murmured. “I panicked when you asked me to marry you two months ago, but I don’t feel that way anymore.” 
“You don’t?”
“Well, I’m still a little worried that you’ll eventually discover you hate everything about me and divorce me and banish me to a life of loveless solitude, but only like”—she held her index finger and thumb slightly apart—“this much.”
“Rey,” he rumbled, “you’re it for me. I knew the moment I met you that I wanted to marry you.”
Tears gathered in her light eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, dimples popping. “I understand what it’s like to feel inadequate, to feel rejected, you know how it was for a time with my family, but I promise I’ll never make you feel that way. You’re my person and I love—”
Rey practically exploded at his words, climbing him like the tree of a man he was, her arms and legs wrapping tightly around his neck and waist. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she said like a litany, pressing soft kisses over every inch of his face. “I love you so much, Ben Solo!”
He laughed joyously, easily taking her weight. “I love you too, Rey Niima.”
She quieted then, shyly biting her bottom lip. “I think Rey Solo has a better ring to it, don’t you?”
She would never forget the look he gave her, so intensely loving and hopeful. “Absolutely.” 
“Can we have a long engagement, though?” 
“Whatever you want.”
“And maybe… we should try couples therapy?” Rey said, recalling Poe’s suggestion. She just hoped Ben didn’t take her query the wrong way. “Just to start off on the right foot now that we’re together again,” she added quickly.
But she needn’t have worried. “My parents have a great couples therapist, I’ll ask them for a referral.” Ben looked thoughtful. “I want to share everything with you, Rey, so I think that’s a great idea.”
She kissed him again soundly. “I love you!”
He chuckled under her lips, then moaned as she ground her pelvis against his. “Rey, I only have so much control where you’re concerned,” he warned.
“Sorry, I know you’re still a little drunk,” she said sheepishly. “I just…”
“Drunk? Hell, I’m almost dead sober now thanks to your timely rescue.” He barked out a laugh when she didn’t look convinced. “I’m not drunk. What I am is about ten seconds away from tearing your clothes off, though.”
“Well if that’s the case,” she purred, “I must confess that out of control Ben Solo is my favorite brand of man.”
He exhaled harshly. “Do you want it sweet and slow or hot and fast?”
“You decide, I just want you.”
Ben’s smile was so tender that every worry Rey still had suddenly floated away. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you, so I’m glad you feel the same way.”
Then he walked her to the bed and proceeded to remove every article of clothing between them, pressing sweet kisses to each of her body parts as they were revealed. He was slow and methodical, stirring her up with his hands and mouth until she was whining and begging for more.
“Ben, please!” Her voice cracked as he inserted a third finger into her opening and curled them upwards.
His eyes locked with hers from between her legs, shining with determination. Sucking her clit between his plush lips, he deftly manipulated her pleasure center, slowing down just before she was about to come, then speeding up again to make the build up to climax last as long as possible. When she finally found release, in what seemed like an eternity later, Rey screamed so loudly the neighbors at the end of the block probably heard her.
But she didn’t care; the orgasm rolling through her was so intense she was nearly incoherent with need. Ben’s name was the only word she could form for at least ten minutes after, but he was patient with her, allowing her to come down at her own pace before making love to her fully. And she loved him all the more for the respect he showed her body. 
“Ben?” she said when she was ready for more.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I want to make love now.”
He pushed her loose sable hair away from her face. “I’m yours,” he said solemnly.
“Damn right you are,” she said heatedly, pushing him onto his back and rolling on top of him.
Rey felt powerful in this position, she always had, but being with Ben like this also spoke to her femininity. Despite her dominance in the moment, he could easily control her if he wanted to. But his huge hands, which spanned her entire waist, were incredibly gentle, as if afraid she’d break if he was too rough with her. It was a heady experience to be both the aggressor and the one being cared for.
Needing to be one with him, Rey sat up for better leverage. His arousal swelled under her, ready and willing to give her the pleasure she sought. Holding his dark gaze, she gently rocked against him, lining his penis up with her entrance. 
“Rey,” he said reverently, palming her upper thighs as his tip parted her creamy folds. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
“And we haven’t even gotten started yet,” she said coyly, so soaked from her recent orgasm that when she lightly bore down on his length the rest of his cock easily slid inside her to the hilt.
They exchanged gasps, clutching at each other for stability. Rey rested her hands on his broad chest, playing with his nipples as he skated long fingers across her sensitive skin to cup her behind. Kneading her curves, he helped set the rhythm of their lovemaking, lifting his hips every time she pressed down to drive his cock as deep into her pussy as it would go.
Rey rose over him again and again, clenching and releasing her inner muscles in time with his strokes. It was the closest she had ever been to another person, and not just because she was riding him bareback. They were communicating the love they held for each other with their bodies, moving in perfect unison, giving and taking in equal measure. It was the most beautiful expression of love…
“Oh!” Rey moaned as Ben released one butt cheek to circle her throbbing clit. She was still hypersensitive from earlier, so even the slightest pressure felt like too much. “Ben, wait, I’m—ah!”
“Fuck, I’m going to—I thought I could last longer, I’m sorry—I don’t want to come without you though.” He flicked her bean faster, pounded into her harder. “Are you close? Rey, I—oh, fuck!”
She dipped her head to his chest to attack his nipples, sucking and licking the hard nubs like he’d done to hers so many times before. She’d never kissed him like this before, but judging by the sudden uneven thrashing of his hips, he liked it a whole lot.
“Okay?” she murmured knowingly.
“Don’t stop!”
Smiling, she took over rubbing her nub while both his hands squeezed her ass. The more she nibbled on his nipples, the more frantic he became. It was pure bliss, watching him lose total control like this. He was desperate to have her, fucking her so thoroughly that she knew they’d both be sore in the morning. 
“I’m here, baby, what do you need?”
“Kiss me!”
She was happy to oblige. Lowering her body until her chest was crushed against his, she sank her hands into his thick hair and pulled his mouth under hers. Technique was out the window at this point, so Rey just dedicated herself to devouring him with her lips, her hands, her pussy…
“Ah! Mmm! Yes!” Ben sounded like he might die trying to get close enough to her, dragging her on and off his dick so fast that the resulting friction on her clit from where their bodies were melded together was just the push she needed to go over the edge with him.
“Ben, I’m coming,” she yelped, still pressing sloppy kisses on his mouth. “You can let go, you can come. Fill me up!”
He shouted her name harshly before she had even finished talking, back arching off the bed and snapping his hips to hers one final time. “Rey!” 
Piggybacking off the incandescent wave of pleasure he was experiencing, she happily sailed over the peak with him. Afterwards, exhausted but more fulfilled than she could have ever imagined being, Rey felt smug that it was Ben who needed time to recover this round. 
“I’ve got you, baby,” she said, hugging him comfortingly as he groaned beneath her.
When he was finally able to manage full sentences, he rasped, “Just so you know, I’m never letting you out of this bed again.”
“Maybe… I should move in then?” she said bravely, holding her breath. Never being parted from him again sounded like heaven. 
His eyes widened. “Really?”
“To kick off our engagement, I mean.”
“It’s not a bad idea right?”
“No,” he smiled, using his wide wingspan to reach into the top drawer of his nightside without dislodging her. He retrieved a small, black box and presented it to her. “Falling into my bed is the best idea you’ve ever had.” 
Rey stared as he revealed the gorgeous white gold ring she’d refused two months ago. The center diamond was large and flawless, with four bands of amethyst stones surrounding it to create a star shape. On the inside of the band, “You’re not alone” was inscribed in swooping cursive writing. The ring was perfect. It was so them.
Without reservation, she held out her left hand and allowed Ben to slide the ring onto her finger. “Thank you,” he said, kissing her hand before wrapping her up in a tight embrace. 
“Thank you,” she returned, tears long held finally escaping restraint. 
Rey closed her eyes, content that the next phase of her life was starting. She couldn’t wait to fall asleep next to him, to wake up with him, to grow old by his side.
She couldn’t wait to stay.
Thoughts (Blah)
Thoughts (Blah)
A/N: I’ve also been listening to 1989 (Taylor’s Version) and All You Had To Do Was Stay definitely influenced this fic too haha hope y’all enjoyed it! Now back to finishing my Assassin!Rey/Senator!Ben fic 😅
Bonus Scene!
Boston, MA Sunday, November 2
Rose: So… 👀
Rey: Yes
Rose: Yes, what?
Rey: Yes, we took loads more nudes and tbh I should probably get a better app for security purposes because they are filthy 🍆🍑💦
Rose: Let’s be serious for a sec 
Rose: Are you and Bennie back together?????? Like for real
Rey: Ben says “you can’t keep adding “ie” to everyone’s names and not expect retribution”
Rose: What does that even mean
Rose: I’m not scared of that simp!
Rose: Also answer my question 😤
Rey: So you can report back to those gossips Finn and Poe?
Rose: Maybe
Rose: Tell meeeee
Rose: Reyyyy, my bff, my love, light of my life 
Rey: Stop or Armie is gonna get jealous
Rose: REY
Rey: Well…
Rose: Omg!
Rey: We might be engaged, I might be moving in, we may be about to fuck again
Rose: Awwwww! ❤️❤️❤️
Rose: Wait ugh you just had to ruin it
Rose: But aww! Are you happy?
Rey: Yeah 😊
Rose: Are you about to get plowed like right now or can we chat some more?
Rey: I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Rosie 😛 Give Armie my love!
Rose: Okie, I get it, the “ie” is silly. JOKE’S ON YOU I LIKE SILLY
Rey: Wouldn’t have you any other way. Goodnight 😘
Rose: Goodnight! Tell Bennie I said to take it easy on you 😆
Rey: No, I don’t think I will 🍆🍆🍆
Rose: TMI
Rose: But yeah same over here 🍆🍆🍆
Rey: 🙌
5 notes · View notes
bunnysuit-femboy · 2 years
Bite - Vampire pt.2
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(Sasha x Reader) - Word Count: 2.3k
Creature: a corpse supposed, in European folklore, to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth
Warnings: Fingering, Descriptions of Trauma, Nonconsensual Biting
Extra Notes: Later post than normal today, but day 3/5 and two more days until Halloween! Also, check out last year’s part one right here
It was hard for you to forget what had happened at the club the last time you were here. You tried not to think about it the past year, only allowing yourself to remember it for a second before pushing it back down. But when you saw Sasha in the cafe, you couldn’t ignore the memories anymore - you remembered her, and you remembered what she is.
She had confidently walked up to you this morning, bringing you a coffee and striking up a conversation. At first, you wished you could pretend to not recognize her, to thank her for the coffee and then go about your day never having to remember that boy with the long hair and that horrible place with those horrible creatures. You wanted to cut her off in the middle of her loud and exhausting attempt to catch up with you, as if you were old friends, but you soon realized she wasn’t doing this to be nice, she wanted to use you for something.
She tried to dance around the truth, but you could see through her facade. You could see how nervously she glanced around the room and how fidgety her fingers were on the side of her coffee cup. You waited for the shoe to drop, furrowing your eyebrows and leaning closer to her with every minute of useless information she used to sway your mind. Right when you had thought that maybe you were wrong and she really was being nice, that’s when it happened.
She admitted to you why she was here.
She wanted you to go back to the club tonight.
You refused immediately and persistently, but now that you think of it, it didn’t take a lot of convincing to get you here. You said no, she said please, you said maybe, she said please, and now you’re standing in line on a cold night in late October, wondering how the hell you allowed yourself to be put back in this situation.
You still had nightmares about that boy’s teeth, and how much it ached to feel your blood being sucked out of your body. You thought you were going to die that night, you had put your life in the hands of a murderer, and you thought that that would be the last mistake you’d ever make.
You had spent the last year trying to mend your brain back to the way it was before that night. You seeked professional help, ignored Mikasa’s many, many texts about going back with her and how much he missed you. And, you decided that that was a mistake you had made and you would never make it again.
But boy were you wrong - you made the mistake again.
And now you’re back at this damned club tonight.
Your body shook as you waited for this line to move even an inch, but it was like nobody was being let into the club at all. You had forgotten how exclusive Freedom was with who’s allowed to enter, and you raked your brain for some sort of memory of what could get you out of the cold faster, it was beginning to make goosebumps stand up on your bare legs. Mikasa had had something that made her presentable to the bouncer, some sort of clothing item-
“Here you go,” You heard Sasha’s sweet voice and felt her cold hands press a piece of fabric to your shoulders before seeing her standing beside you.
“Uhm, thank you.” You looked down and saw a red scarf hanging from your shoulders, and Sasha’s hand gently caressing your arm. She guided you through the line, ignoring the snarky comments made by the obviously upset college students waiting in line. “How did you know I was getting cold?”
Sasha grinned at you, “This isn’t for you, it’s for him.” She turned to the bouncer and winked at him as he let the both of you pass. “He needs to see that you’re-” She took a moment to think through her words- “Not like the others.”
You ignored Sasha’s explanation and walked with her through the club. It looked just as you remember it; the LED lights, the dancing people, the red scarves discarded to the floor.
You felt yourself stubbornly stomp your feet, halting you and Sasha’s journey to their normal room. You can’t go back into that room, it took you a year for you to feel okay and now she’s restarting all of your process. You feel like she’s robbing you of a normal life, a normal mental state, a normal fucking experience as a college student.
“I can’t,” Your voice cracked as you spoke, finally feeling the tears streaming down your cheeks and the familiar weight of these memories on your shoulders, “I can’t go back there, I can’t stand to be there on that damn couch and to see that asshole again. He-he ruined my life.”
“Okay, okay.” Sasha looked genuinely distressed, rubbing her hands up and down your arms while she held you at arms length from herself. “We won’t, fuck Eren, you don’t have to see him ever again if you don’t want to.”
Eren, that was his name, you had honestly forgotten.
You looked at Sasha through blurry vision, “You’re sure?”
“Of course.” Sasha smiled, and weirdly enough, you felt safe.
Sasha led you quietly through the loud club. You passed through people and up close, you could see the horrendous sight that was Freedom. The regulars of the club were close to their counterparts, kissing their necks passionately while the regular held them to their bodies in a tight hug - or that’s what it would look like to somebody who had never been here before, but you knew better. You knew there was no kissing involved with these couples, it was all biting and sucking.
You felt bad for the regulars who had gotten stuck in this cycle and were constantly being used as blood bags. You were almost exactly like them, but you got out while you still could. You pitied the people like Mikasa, and how desperately she needed to be here every week, craving the feeling of her blood being sucked out of her body and the feeling of being needed, desired, and cared for.
These creatures were smart, they knew what made mortals tick. They knew mortals desired money, love, and compassion, so that’s what they got. The mortals came here every week, meeting up with the same people, going through the same routine; they got gifts, they felt loved, they were taken care of with an endlessly supply of drinks and food all night long in exchange for one thing - their blood.
It must seem like an easy exchange in some of their heads. It’s only blood to them, but it wasn’t only blood to you, you had changed your mind on the whole matter. You knew if you were to ever be in that same position again, you’d have to hear a promise of loyalty for you in order to feel completely safe giving yourself away like that.
“Okay,” Sasha finally spoke after guiding you to a smaller alcove hidden behind a red curtain on the far right wall of the dancefloor. “Here we are, you can put your purse anywhere, we’ll just be visitors for the night. I’m honestly not interested in all of the normal happenings of this place, I just want to get to know you tonight, okay?”
You furrowed your eyebrows suspiciously, “Okay.”
You took a quick mental note of the fact that Sasha didn’t close the curtain to hide the alcove once you had both sat down. And, you took a second quick mental note of how close Sasha sat to you once she had found a comfortable spot on the booth. She was close enough to touch, and close enough to you that the candlelight on the table helped you see every little detail of her face; her brown eyes that were slightly bloodshot, brown hair falling over her dangling over her forehead, and a few small freckles splattered across her nose and cheeks.
You had never been this close to her before, it made your heart pound in your chest; and you were sure she heard your heart rate too considering she even glanced down at your chest for a second before grinning up at you.
“Do I make you nervous?” Sasha asked with one slightly raised eyebrow.
You had to admit that yes, she did make you nervous. Her eyes were piercing into your soul so deeply you felt as if she could read your every emotion. If you didn’t already know what Sasha was, then you’d be surprised by the slightly sharper teeth replacing the spot where a normal person’s canines would be. Last time, and the only time, you had seen her using her teeth on a mortal, you had mistaken it for passionate kisses instead of the gruesome truth.
“No,” You lied smoothly, but she still didn’t believe you.
Sasha raised her eyebrows at you, “I could if you wanted me to.”
“Why would I want you to make me nervous?” You giggled breathily in the small space between you and Sasha’s faces. “That doesn’t sound pleasant at all.”
“It could be pleasant, if you wanted it to be.”
Your laughter echoed off of the walls of the small alcove, “You’re ridiculous!”
“Ridiculously-” Sasha paused for a moment, piquing your interest and giving herself time to think of a clever way of ending her sentence- “Interested in kissing you right now, if you wanted me to, of course.”
Your heart pounded a little bit quicker against your chest, and you tried to ignore Sasha’s gentle grin once she heard the rapid beating. Your mouth felt dry and your body felt hot and if you were just a little bit stupider, you were sure you’d be completely comfortable being in the worst place on earth with the sweetest girl on earth. But, you unfortunately knew better and wouldn’t allow yourself to be completely enamored by the girl in front of you.
But, you supposed it wouldn’t hurt to let her kiss you just this once.
You nodded, “You can, I want you to.”
Sasha gently caressed her thumb across your cheekbone until she leaned in and lightly pressed her lips against your own. She was so soft; her skin, her lips, her touch, she kissed you as if you were delicate, you felt like glass in her hands.
She must’ve noticed how deeply you enjoyed her kisses because she began to deepen them. Sasha opened her mouth with each kiss, inviting you to do the same and welcome her tongue into your mouth. You moaned around her tongue, your lips sucking on it slightly before separating and going back in.
The moment between you two moved quickly and slowly at the same time. You felt as if her hand had suddenly teleported to your thighs, creeping under the skirt of your dress. And at the same time, you felt every moment in between; her one hand on the back of your neck and her other hand making its way down from your hip to the outside of your thigh and then underneath the skirt of your dress.
Her fingers teased your clit from the other side of your panties, only touching you lightly and then moving away and then coming back and then moving away. The repetition drove you insane, you instantly became desperate. To save some face, you decided not to say anything and instead show her how badly you wanted more.
You brought your hand down to Sasha’s hand, curling your fingers gently over her wrist. After a few moments, you tightened your grip on her wrist and brought her fingers closer. You gasped from the sudden pressure as Sasha separated from your lips, whispering into your mouth.
“If you wanted me to touch you more, you could’ve just asked.” Sasha’s voice sounded raspier than normal, it sounded like she might have been losing her breath from the kisses as well. “You’re so desperate for me.”
You smiled as her fingers slowly found their way past your panties, “Shut up,” Your voice came out breathily, “And just touch me already.”
Sasha’s fingers gently caressed your entrance and then swooped back up to your clit, using your slick to move around your clit more smoothly. The feeling caused you to arch your back, pressing your body closer to her body.
You now sloppily kissed Sasha, her tongue moving in and out of your mouth and swallowing your moans. You could hear her moaning against your mouth, she was so deeply invested in your pleasure, you could’ve sworn she was close to coming too. Her lips slowly moved from your lips and down to your overly sensitive neck.
With your body convulsing from pleasure, you suddenly became aware of the unclosed curtain that should be blocking you and Sasha from the outside world if she had closed it. At first, you were unsure of why she’d even leave it open - assuming it wasn’t an accident - but now you were sure.
Of course it wasn't an accident because while your body exploded with pleasure, you made eye contact with the club members, and more specifically a pair of very curious emerald eyes. You recognized him immediately considering he had haunted your nightmares consistently for the last year.
Your fingers gripped into Sasha’s back from desperation, pleasure, and fear. You wanted to tell her who you can see staring at you from afar with a cocky grin plastered on his face. Just as the words were about to reach your lips, you felt a sharp pain pierce through the sensitive skin of your neck, and gasped as you once again felt your blood being sucked from your body.
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
You Feel Like A Holiday // Ashton Irwin
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Of course the cabin would find its way into the Stage!Ash universe at some point! I was so excited when I came up with the concept for this Christmas fic last year, I actually paused writing the Halloween fic to start on this one lol. Thank you to @cal-puddies for enduring endless drafts of this and to everyone who requested the return of Stage!Ash over the past year, I always knew I'd get around to finishing these "lost" fics but I don't know that I'd have the confidence to post them so belatedly if it wasn't for the support and affection for this series.
This is somewhat of an ending to this series - I'd say it's enough of a conclusion to the emotional thread that if I never wrote this couple again, we'd all be satisfied but it's still open-ended enough for me to continue if it felt necessary. I'd love to know your thoughts on this!
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash, Stage!Ash: Christmas Getaway Edition. So much soft, romantic shit it's actually embarrassing, like I was clearly going through something. Brief mention of weed use, 69 (simultaneous oral sex), needy sex by the fireplace, cockwarming. Seriously, though, this fic will absolutely call you single. I'm the person who wrote it and it hurt MY feelings.
Word Count: 12k
Encore: A Stage!Ash Series Masterlist
Masterlist // Ko-Fi linked above
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
You rub your tired eyes and roll over to face the chuckling man laying in your bed beside you. “Wait… what? Are you serious?”
Ashton answers with a soft smile as he reaches over to run a hand gently down your back. “Baby, you’ve been dealing with a lot of stress already before this back-and-forth game you have going on with your parents. ‘Can’t wait for you to come home for Christmas… no, actually don’t, it’s not safe… OK, come home but don’t bring guests… and since you’ll already be here, might as well all quarantine through New Year’s and spend that together’,” he recaps the past couple weeks of messages you’ve relayed to him. 
“I guess it has been a lot,” you admit.
“Soooo, would you want to go up to the cabin, turn our phones off and spend Christmas just the two of us?” He repeats his suggestion. 
You frown, thinking. “I dunno, Ash… didn’t you say Mike was having a thing at his place? Since you can’t go home, you should still be with family.”
“I would be,” he says simply.
As if his offer wasn’t enough to floor you, the casual way he notes how close you’ve become leaves you speechless. You stare in dreamy disbelief at your boyfriend; even after dating for half a year, you’re still not sure how to respond when his earnestness catches you off guard like this.
Ashton is unfazed by your silence, leaning over your pillow to press a kiss to your forehead. “You deserve a break and you know your parents will be thrilled to see you no matter what date the calendar says.”
He starts to lay back down but you stop him by taking his face in your hands and kissing him. The look in his eyes when he pulls away tells you he understands how much this conversation has meant to you. “I have been wondering when I’d get my invitation up there,” you tease.
“Well, this is obviously a pity invite,” Ash giggles, unable to keep a straight face. “Plus, it’s way too cold for Calum this time of year.”
You land a few playful jabs to his side before he scoops you up to lay on his chest and the two of you discuss logistics until you fall asleep.
You decide to head out a few days before Christmas since there’s a storm making its way up the coast and you want to be settled before any rain or snow starts up. Telling your family about your change of plans goes much smoother than you expected and by the time you’re sitting in Ash’s passenger seat, tucking into a hot coffee and breakfast sandwich, you’re feeling relaxed already.
“It’s an easy trip up, just a couple hours,” he explains as he climbs in the car, waiting all of 8 seconds before planting his hand on your thigh. He queues up the playlist he put together for the ride and mentions, “There’s a market just down the road from my place, figure we can make a quick grocery and firewood stop on the way.”
You raise his hand to your lips, kissing it before placing it back on your leg where it belongs. “Sounds like a plan,” you chirp enthusiastically. 
As promised, the drive flies by - it’s always easy to lose track of time when you and Ash get to talking. At the store, you stroll the aisles together, breezing through the necessities list you made on the ride there. As you’re tossing the last of your items onto the checkout counter, Ashton casually announces he forgot something, hands you his car key and credit card and vows to meet you outside. Your curiosity outweighs your suspicion and you play along, paying the bill and pushing the cart out to the parking lot.
Midway through putting the bags in the trunk, you laugh to yourself as you realize you’d recognize the sound of his keys jangling on his belt loop anywhere. You turn around to see a grinning Ash headed towards you with a boxed artificial Christmas tree hoisted over his shoulder and two bags containing ornaments and lights hanging off his arms.
“Ash,” you sigh. “You didn’t have to do this.”
He cheerfully brushes off your comment and carefully fits the box in the car. “Well, what’s Christmas without a tree?” 
“We’re literally going to a forest,” you reply playfully.
He giggles as he pokes your side, unwilling to let you deflect from how touched you are by his gesture. “You’re welcome, baby.”  He pulls you in, kissing your temple.
It only takes a few more songs on the playlist to arrive at Ashton’s cabin and it's as peaceful and cozy as you’d hoped it would be. The pictures you'd seen and stories you'd heard definitely made it seem like an idyllic getaway but as you follow Ash into the charming avocado green house, you’re still surprised by how instantly at home and welcome you feel.
“Lemme get this fire going and then I’ll give you the grand tour,” he promises, quickly unpacking the supplies from the market.
You nod agreeably, watching as he shrugs off his coat and starts working to set up the fireplace. The way his large frame contrasts the small living room, how he so easily hauls the wood around, how carefully his hands work to arrange everything - it all makes you want to curl up into him and let yourself drown in his warmth. You know there’ll be plenty of time for that later so for now, you just admire from afar.
With the fire now warming the cabin, Ashton shows you around, beaming as he points out which features are his favorites and what he thinks you’ll love. It’s not a large property by any means but it takes a while to move through the space since of course he has an anecdote for just about every piece of art or furniture he selected.
“I hope it isn’t too cold to hang out back here. At night we’ve got heat lamps and the fire pit and in the mornings, the sun hits everything so perfectly,” he comments as you follow him onto the large deck. “Having the forest right there, almost like it’s my backyard… I could stay out here for hours. Writing, smoking, just thinking… it’s perfect for just about everything. There’s nothing like this view.”
“I’ll say,” you flirt, sliding your arms around his waist and snuggling into his side. 
He laughs, giving you a squeeze. “That’s so cheesy!”
You shake your head. “It’s true! I love watching how you get when you’re passionate about something.”
“Well in that case,” he says, smoothly bringing you into a slow kiss.
You giggle as you pull away, “That was cheesy.”
The two of you work together to unload the car and get your belongings somewhat organized. The weather stays agreeable enough for Ash to fire up the barbecue and grill some burgers for an early dinner. The evening is devoted to moving the furniture around so there’s room to assemble and decorate the Christmas tree you both now apparently own. 
“You realize we’re going to all this trouble just so we can undo it all in a couple days and lug everything all the way home?” You tease as you grab the popcorn out of the microwave, emptying it into a bowl to cool before you string it.
“Nah,” Ashton jovially shrugs off your remark, stepping back to admire the lights he’s just finished wrapping around the tree’s branches. “It’s fake so we can just leave it up and deal with it next time we visit… stick the box in the spare room and it’ll be here waiting for us next Christmas.”
There it is again: the way your heart skips a beat, that familiar warmth that floods your veins whenever he talks about the future. You’ve been together a matter of months and yet he so easily references being with you in a year’s time, like it’s a given - not that he takes your presence for granted but that it’s only logical you’d be spending another holiday season together. You’ve found each other and you belong with him now, your plans are his and his yours.
As your mind processes these thoughts, you cross the room and do what you’ve become accustomed to doing when you’re feeling overwhelmed: you slip your arms around your boyfriend and bury your face in his back. The knitted sweater he’s wearing is scratchy against your face but you don’t care, you press yourself harder against him, inhaling deeply, letting both his scent and his body heat ground you.
You can tell Ashton’s not exactly sure why you’re feeling the way you are but he knows enough to let you take what you need from him in this moment. He separates your clasped hands from around his torso and takes one in each of his hands, holding them tightly as he crosses his own arms around himself, essentially helping you hug him. 
He sways with you for a moment before gently breaking the silence because it’s in his nature to. “Popcorn smells good.”
You smile into his back, pressing a kiss to the center before loosening your hold on his body. “I was thinking about throwing another bag in to snack on while we decorate. We’ve got plenty.”
He turns around and cups your chin to kiss you softly. “Perfect.”
The next morning, you roll over, intending to curl up against Ash but instead are met with the feeling of cold sheets and an unoccupied pillow; your eyes shoot open, lips forming into a pout. The sound of an acoustic guitar strumming in the distance softens your mood instantly and you get out of bed, sliding your feet into a pair of slippers and draping a blanket over the shoulders of the henley you stole from Ash to sleep in, and you follow the music out onto the deck.
You step outside and discover that not only is the weather surprisingly mild for a December morning, it’s apparently warm enough that Ashton is out here, barefoot and in his bathrobe, spread out on the patio couch with his guitar. As you walk over, you note the empty coffee mug, picked over bowl of fruit and half-finished joint in the ashtray sitting on the fire pit ledge - it looks like he’s been out here a while.
“Mornin’, baby!” He greets you cheerfully, moving to a cross-legged position to make room for you on the couch. “Hope the music wasn’t too loud?”
“The music was nice, the bed was just too cold without you,” you explain, giving him a quick kiss before you sit down, murmuring at the combination of coffee, smoke and citrus on his lips.
“Aww, poor baby,” Ash playfully pouts, reaching over to squeeze your knee through your flannel pajama pants. “I wanted to make sure I got some writing time out here before the storm, my creativity is always so different up here. I didn’t think you’d be a fan of the early wakeup call, so I let you be.”
“My hero,” you grin, leaning over to kiss him more thoroughly, happily scratching over the fresh stubble adorning his previously clean-shaven cheeks. “Mmm, can one of my Christmas gifts be you not shaving while we’re here?”
“Didn’t even consider bringing a razor,” he laughs, leaning into your touch. 
You settle back and relax on the couch, listening to him skillfully pluck the steel strings of his guitar while you help yourself to the breakfast he abandoned. Ash was right, the morning sun hits just right, warming your skin and casting a luscious glow across the deck. He pauses his playing to scrawl something into a notebook and you study him as you pick up the still burning joint from the ashtray and take a puff. The way the sunlight catches the natural highlights in his hair, that one particular curl hanging over his furrowed brow as he writes, his jaw clenching and unclenching in concentration. You weren’t kidding when you said this was your favorite view.
He reaches over to set the guitar aside and you feel your eyebrows involuntarily raise at how it causes his robe to pull open slightly, exposing even more of his bare chest. His dark chest hair is already a tempting invitation to touch but the gold medallion resting between his pecs somehow makes him look even broader than usual and you find yourself unable to resist any longer.
You take another hit and scoot closer to your boyfriend, brushing the hair out of his eyes as he leans over his writing. “Hi,” you coo innocently, placing the joint between his lips, letting him take a puff before you return it to your own mouth.
“Hi,” he responds, simultaneously suspicious and amused as he watches you reach for the ashtray. “What’s up?”
You bat your eyelashes coyly, running your hand through his curls and down to cradle the base of his neck. “Nothin’... just like watchin’ you.”
He smiles sweetly, clearly basking in your attention. He plants a playful kiss on your lips before pulling away to laugh, “I almost said ‘good thing I like being watched’ but that sounds like a conversation for a different time.”
Surprise and desire light up your eyes as you pull him in by the collar of his colorful robe. “OK, so we’re definitely revisiting this topic,” you giggle naughtily. You don’t mean to kiss him with the full force of the hunger you’re feeling, you meant to play it cool for a little while longer but it’s hard not to get carried away when you’re with him. He meets your energy, tongue playing with yours as his fingers nimbly unfasten the buttons of your shirt, making room for him to slide his hands inside to paw at your breasts; your hands dip inside his robe, rubbing at his defined chest, brushing through the hair you’d been so eager to touch.
Your hands eventually travel further down and you chuckle as it dawns on you that you don’t feel the waistband of his underwear. “Excuse me, sir, are you seriously out here naked under this robe?” You cackle, tugging at the belt until the fit loosens so you can explore more.
Ashton shrugs, proudly declaring, “Just tryin’ to be one with nature.”
“Hey, I thought the cold was supposed to make guys smaller,” you joke as you let your fingers graze his cock.
He replies with a smirk, “Well that clearly doesn’t account for those who have their gorgeous beyond belief girlfriend with them.”
The grin you’ve been wearing is so wide by now, your face almost hurts. “Well played, sir. Well played,” you nod, shifting down the couch to position yourself on your knees, between his legs.
“We should also revisit the topic of you calling me ‘sir’,” he quips, his laugh turning to a groan as you open the robe fully and dip down to roll your tongue over the head of his cock. 
He starts, “Baby…” but never finishes the thought, the rest of his words swallowed in the deep breath he takes while he watches you ghost your lips up and down his shaft, the both of you relishing the feeling of him growing harder as you work. He presses back into the pillow resting against the arm of the couch and softly runs a hand through your hair, letting his touch tell you how much he appreciates you.
Your eyes flit up to meet his when your lips close around him and glide down his length. You both keep eye contact as your warm mouth begins moving up and down, until you close your eyes to concentrate on taking more of him but even then, you can feel his gaze steady on you, his attention focused on every bob of your head and swirl of your tongue. You hear him sigh your name as he hits the back of your throat before you sloppily pull back up, letting your spit fall freely, dripping onto his cock, making him shiny and wet for you.
You lock eyes with Ash again as you lift your head, stopping to suck at his tip, making sure to exaggeratedly pout your lips to emphasize how wide you have to open your mouth to accommodate his size. Judging from his glassy-eyed, slack-jawed expression, it’s no surprise to you when his lips move as if he intends to praise you but no sound emerges. Leaving Ashton speechless - especially during sex - is no small feat and you feel both pride and confidence surge through you as you pull off with a loud pop to address him.
“Seems like you’re a fan of watching me too, aren’t you, babe?” You tease, pumping him slowly.
He blinks rapidly, as if the process will reset his weed and lust clouded mind. He finally gives a chuckle of your name as he lolls his head back. “Just look so fuckin’ amazing when you take me,” he purrs dreamily. “Can’t keep my eyes off you. Love watching you be so good to me.”
His compliment immediately stokes the fire in you and you don’t want to waste another second not pleasing him. “Well then, you’ll definitely love seeing this,” you promise. You brace your hands on his thighs as you lower your mouth on his cock again, this time determined to take him into your throat as much as you possibly can.
“Jesus, love,” he whimpers as you sink further and further on him. You flutter your tongue while you work him down and out of the corner of your eye, you see his fist clenching the material of his robe as he fights the urge to thrust into your mouth. “So fucking good, baby…”
You reach your limit and start to come back up, lungs burning as you repress your need to breathe in favor of maintaining a heavy suction on his cock while you pull off. As soon as your lips are off him, Ashton’s hands are on you, holding you as you pant, pulling you up to him.
“C’mere,” he coaxes, thumbs tenderly wiping at the tears on your cheeks and the drool on your chin. His lips peck at your neck as you catch your breath and as he moves in to finally slot his lips with yours, you hear the breathy “good girl” your mind has been craving.
“I’m not done yet,” you quietly protest against his lips.
His teeth tug at your bottom lip as he pulls away. “I know,” he grins. His hands travel down your back, slipping inside your pajama pants to squeeze your ass. “You were just making me feel so good, I was getting impatient to show you my appreciation.” 
“Well… that’s fair,” you say with an air of mock arrogance before melting with a half-moan, half-laugh as he nips at your skin.
“Can I take these off?” He asks, hooking his thumbs inside the waistbands of your pants and underwear. You nod and the two of you fumble and giggle trying to undress your bottom half; you’re finally freed of the offending clothes and Ash lets his hands roam your bare ass as he gives you a kiss that’s somehow both calming and frantic in its passion. You gasp into his mouth as he brings his hand between your legs, gently tracing through your wetness. He rasps, “Yeah… I thought so, baby… knew my girl was needing some attention.”
You quietly whine and rock against his hand, wrestling with your desire to finish the blowjob but now also tempted to seek out your own orgasm as soon as possible. “Always need this kind of attention from you,” you admit, sighing as he leans forward to bury his face inside your shirt, mouthing over your tits.
He kisses you, wild with need, before looking up at you with fire in his eyes. “I have an idea if you’re up for trying something?” 
You agree with a cautious laugh and then Ashton is helping you to turn around so that you’re straddling him but facing away. About halfway through following his direction, a switch flips inside your brain and you realize what he’s suggesting. You eagerly get yourself into position, propping yourself up on your hands over his crotch while you scoot the rest of your body down until you feel his breath between your legs.
“Good girl,” he praises in a quiet voice, deepening with desire.
“This experiment is gonna be over pretty quick if you keep calling me that,” you crack, reaching for his cock. He laughs, giving a playful slap to your ass. You laugh with him, “Or if you keep doing that.”
He chuckles, using his hands to encourage your body down within range of his face. He tentatively rubs his scruff around your inner thighs while you test your position by pressing chaste kisses to his balls. He checks in, “Comfortable, baby?”
“Except for when I think about the extreme close-up view you're getting of my asshole right now," you joke.
"Another topic we’ll revisit at a later date," he cackles, massaging your cheeks.
“Oh my god,” you laugh at his comment. Before you’re done giggling, he flattens his tongue and gives a long lick up your pussy. You groan out a surprised but relieved, “Oh my god.”
He continues, humming happily as he licks, nips and sucks at you, exploring how to best please you in this angle and position. You admit you were skeptical about this at first but as you subtly roll your hips over his face while you sink your mouth down on his cock, you think to yourself that your boyfriend might be a genius.
You easily find a rhythm with each other, communicating through murmurs and muffled sighs and you quickly get lost in pleasuring each other. Ash’s tongue diligently licks away at you while yours runs along the underside of his cock as you bob up and down. He’s the first to pull away, moaning your name loudly when you pull up and start lapping sloppily around his tip.
“Mmm, baby… that’s… yeah,” he rambles, letting out a long breath as your hand starts lightly working over his balls. 
Ashton regains his composure and continues his efforts, teasing your entrance before moving towards your clit with a slow drag of his tongue. He flicks over it a few times before fitting it between his lips and sucking gently. He increases the pressure, buzzing appreciatively and you’re not sure if he’s responding to your taste or the work you’re doing on him but the shiver it sends down your spine has you whining around him.
“Ash…” You sound desperate and slightly unlike yourself but the way he’s eating you feels too good for you to worry with self-consciousness. “God, keep… that… that, like that.”
He follows your jumbled instructions, fingers digging into the skin of your thighs as he struggles to hold your bucking hips still above him. You breathe deep to steady yourself before you take his cock into your mouth again, moving down his length in time with the strokes of his tongue on your clit. 
Your head spins as the entire situation threatens to overwhelm your senses: the cool morning air raising goosebumps on your exposed body while the bright sun and constant touch of Ashton’s hands work in tandem to warm your skin. The taste of the precum steadily leaking onto your tongue, the muted groans of praise coming from the man underneath you. The feeling of your body rocking back and forth, grinding against his face while sliding your mouth on his length, your mind on fire from both receiving and giving pleasure.
You pull off to lick up and down the sides of his cock, needing a moment to catch your breath but also needing to keep tasting him, keep pleasing him, keep hearing him fall apart for you. Ash’s tongue picks up speed, fluttering over your clit so rapidly you can’t do anything but bury your face in his thigh and moan.
“I know, I know, love… taste so sweet, baby, I feel like I can’t get enough,” he praises, pecking at your pussy softly. He rubs the small of your back soothingly, watching you try your hardest to keep stroking him despite being so close to the edge yourself. “Your hands always feel so nice on me, baby… make me feel so fucking good.”
You visibly perk back up from his compliments. “Always want you to feel so good, Ash… you deserve it,” you huff against his leg, hand determined to keep working him. “Always make me feel incredible… you should feel that way too… love being the one who gets to do it.”
He kisses your legs sweetly, loving your half-stoned, half-love-drunk ramblings. “No one else could ever make me feel like you do,” he declares. He gives your ass a squeeze before asking, “Think you’re ready to cum with me, baby?”
You let out a weak but agreeable mewl and right yourself, raising your head over him again. Your brain tries to formulate a sexy reply or a flirty joke but all you can think about is how badly you want to feel his tongue on you again, how you can’t wait to taste his cum splashing into your mouth. These thoughts swirl around your head as you lean in to swirl your tongue around the head of Ash’s cock. The whine it earns you from him is so viscerally satisfying to you, you briefly wonder if you might beat him to the finish line right now this second.
Your hands and mouth work over Ash while he resumes worshiping you with his tongue; he tightly grips your ass, pressing you further down onto his face, completely burying himself in your pussy. The wide surface of his tongue lavishes over every sensitive inch of you and as his lips close over your clit, you feel that familiar fire starting to build in your belly. You hollow your cheeks, doubling your efforts on him, determined to push him over the edge first. In an inspired moment, you decide to carefully run your nails over his inner thighs, knowing he might appreciate the surprisingly sharp feeling. You hear his muffled reaction from behind you and when you press down just a little bit harder, you feel his cock jump on your tongue. 
The both of you expertly work each other’s bodies, tirelessly sending the other barreling towards their release until finally it’s as if time slows down, allowing you to feel everything happening at once. Your hips jerk over his face and you feel the pleasure start rippling through your core. Ashton groans against you as his cock begins pulsing, flooding your mouth with his cum, the vibrations of his outburst amplifying the sensations of your own climax. Your brain and body feel overloaded with stimulation as you try to concentrate on swallowing all that he’s giving you while still losing yourself in the endless waves of your orgasm.
The intertwined sounds of your combined satisfaction eventually fade into blended gasps and pants and you feel Ash tenderly stroking the backs of your thighs as your upper body suddenly goes slack, your head falling onto the couch, exhausted. He sweetly pecks over your skin for a beat, letting you have a moment before gently tapping your leg, saying, “Come kiss me.”
You smile into the couch cushion at the simplicity of his request; the joy that washes over you in that moment gives you the strength you need to pick your body back up and turn yourself around to lay on his chest.
“There’s my girl,” he coos, gathering the fallen sides of the robe he’s wearing and wrapping them around you, cocooning you to him. You press your lips to his and neither of you comment on how the taste of one another lingers on each other’s tongues but the revelation is so simultaneously filthy and intimate, you feel absolutely intoxicated by the time the kiss is finished.
You look at him, dazed smile on your face. “That was…”
You can’t find the words to describe it but he agrees nonetheless. “Definitely.”
“I forgive you for leaving me alone in a cold bed,” you tease.
He cackles loudly. “Oh? Never would’ve guessed.”
That blend of goofy tenderness becomes the brand of the day. You finally make it off the couch and inside to share a more substantial meal and a hot shower. After checking the forecast, Ashton excitedly shares that the inclement weather isn’t scheduled to hit until late night, so you decide to make a quick trip down to the store for a few things you’d wished you’d bought yesterday.
You’re steering the cart towards the parking lot when, just like your previous trip, Ash tosses you the key, saying he has to go back for something.
“We don’t have room for another Christmas tree, Ash,” you tease.
He mockingly repeats your joke before kissing your cheek and taking off in the opposite direction. There’s only a few bags to load into the trunk this time so you’re all packed up before he makes it back. You lock up and turn to push the basket towards the return aisle at the end of the row when you see Ashton emerge from the store holding a bouquet of roses. You feel your face warm instantly and you stop, holding onto the cart tightly to collect yourself. You realize you’re swooning as you watch him, looking sleek in his long trench coat and boots, bright smile adorning his face as he joyfully brings you fresh flowers for seemingly no reason, and it hits you that you've lost track of how many times he’s made you literally weak in the knees.
You finish putting the cart away and you start towards him, figuring you’ll meet him halfway. He spots you when he makes it onto your row and smoothly moves his hands behind his back to obscure the gift but as you get closer, he reads your expression and accepts defeat.
He laughs and calls out, “You saw already, didn’t you?” 
You grin, nodding sheepishly. “Didn’t mean to but you caught my attention… so unlike me, I know,” you giggle, skipping your steps a little to get to him faster.
As soon as he’s within reach, you wrap your arms around his neck and bring him down to your lips, unwilling to wait another second to show him your appreciation. He happily reciprocates your affection and holds you tightly to him with one arm as he pulls away to give you the flowers.
“I don’t know… I saw these on our way out and thought you should have them,” he shrugs, almost blushing and it’s so adorable you’re having a hard time not immediately interrupting him for another kiss. “Think they’d look nice on the nightstand on your side of the bed.”
“They’re perfect,” you gush, gleefully inhaling their sweet scent. “And you’re not so bad either.”
The rest of the afternoon is lazy and comfortable. The two of you head back out to the deck and hang out in blissful silence: Ash occasionally strumming his guitar but mainly writing in his journal, you busy with the holiday needlepoint kit you bought at the market because it seemed like a cabin-y activity to try and you figured you could send the finished product home to your parents. 
When it gets a bit too cold to stay outside, you help Ash move and cover the patio furniture for the storm and start discussing dinner. He picks out a record to play and gets the fireplace going while you throw some soup on the stove because it’s easy and sounds cozy on such a chilly night. You eat and talk and when you’re done eating, you sit at the table and talk some more. Since you cooked, he suggests you go relax by the fire and he’ll tackle the clean up; you put on another album, grab your needlepoint and a blanket and stretch out on the couch.
He comes into the living room a while later, carefully carrying two mugs of hot cocoa and the bag of mini marshmallows you bought earlier. “Didn’t know how many you’d want,” he explains, dropping the bag in your lap as he sets the mugs on the coffee table in front of you. You murmur your thanks as you curl your legs under you so he can sit down. After a short but heated debate over the proper amount of marshmallows that belong in a serving of hot chocolate, you sit quietly and enjoy the fire together.
Ashton gets up to throw another log in the fireplace. He looks back at you, snug on the couch with your project and smiles, asking thoughtfully, "Do you think you could ever live like this?”
“Is this a romantic ‘what if’ scenario about the two of us specifically or like a value based, practical conversation?”
He laughs, lifting your legs and setting them in his lap as he sits back down. “Practical.”
You take a sip, thinking. “I don’t know… I love how quiet it is up here, love how remote it is, how removed it feels from everything. Obviously it's gorgeous. But I definitely feel like there are things about ‘city life’ that I'm not sure I'd be able to give up.”
“OK, see, that’s the thing - I feel like I should be embarrassed saying this but… I like the city?" He says, with equal parts passion and incredulity. "I like that anything you want is so readily accessible at any time, I like meeting dozens of new people everyday, I like getting bored at 10pm on a Saturday night and knowing I’ll always be able to find somewhere to go and it’s anybody’s guess if it’s going to be a worthwhile endeavor but goddamn, good or bad, it’s gonna be memorable… No two nights are ever the same in LA and I find that beautiful.”
You rub over his arm, fondly, enjoying his passion. “I feel the same way, if I’m really honest with myself. It’s like the simplicity here is quaint to us now because we're not used to it and we know we’re only going to be here so long. But once the novelty wore off, that monotony would be a tough adjustment for some people."
He plays with the hem of your sweats. “But I think I would like to get to the point where I don't feel like I need those other things. Where I could sustain a life out here, or somewhere like this. Something pure, something free… more natural, I guess.”
“I think you could, you’re very resourceful and adaptable and very at peace with yourself," you muse, nudging him. "I think you’d be able to recreate those 'city' experiences or find something that gives you those same feelings out here on your own.”
“Doesn’t necessarily have to be on my own,” he points out, nudging you back.
You tease, “You really think being in my presence is on the same level of thrills as living in the city?”
“I mean, you’re pretty cool, baby, but I was actually talking about moving Calum out here with me,” he zings, howling as you jab your foot into his side.
You get up to take your mugs to the kitchen and when you come back, he’s still pensively looking at the fire. You sit beside him, spreading your blanket out over the both of you and he resumes the conversation, chuckling, “I was actually meant to spend most of the summer out here. Wanted to give myself kind of a test run, see how long I could make it. Until I met someone who made me rethink the pros of city life." He winks at you, reaching for your hand.
You laugh, squeezing his fingers. “That's sweet, Ash, but let’s not gloss over the fact you were also recording an album with your band that required you to be in the city too.”
He shakes his head vehemently. “Nah, my summer project was gonna be converting the attic into a studio so we could at least lay down demos here,” he shares. “That’s why Cal and I spent that week up here right before we met, we were taking pictures and planning.”
You sit all the way up, staring at him in disbelief. “So you’re saying you fully intended to spend the entire summer in the mountains, renovating your cabin so you could live and work out here and just because you happened to meet some random girl at a party, you scrapped the whole thing and stayed in the city just to hang out?”
He giggles, kissing your temple. “I wouldn’t put it like that - things just kept getting put off because I kept finding other ways to spend my time that interested me more.” Your shocked expression doesn’t waver and the grin he's wearing only seems to grow wider, dimples sinking even deeper into his cheeks.
You shake your head. “Can’t decide if that means you were crazy about me or just plain crazy.”
He shrugs, pulling you closer. “Why not both?”
In the morning you roll over and are pleased to discover your boyfriend still sleeping next to you. While the thought of snuggling into him and drifting back off to sleep is immensely appealing, you decide you have a better idea. You ease out of bed and down to the kitchen where you start preparing eggs, bacon and coffee for the both of you. You hum quietly to yourself as you cook, happy to be able to do something for Ashton since so much of this trip has been about him treating you.
The meal is cooling on the counter and you’re standing at the sink rinsing the last frying pan when you feel the fuzzy fabric of Ash’s robe brush your skin and his arms slink around you. A shiver runs down your body as his scruff tickles your skin as he buries his face in your neck and grumbles, “You’re right, it gets fuckin’ cold in that bed.”
“Sorry, babe,” you sing song, reaching behind you to scratch at his beard, which is filling in nicely. “Wanted breakfast to be a surprise.”
His deep, scratchy morning voice teases, “What if I wanted to eat somethin’ a little sweeter for breakfast?” and he nibbles along your neck while his hands run down your body before tugging at the drawstring on your sweatpants.
A naughty grin spreads across your face and you close your eyes for a beat to enjoy the work Ash’s tongue is doing behind your earlobe. You don’t know if you’ll ever get over the fact that he’s as hungry for you as you are for him. “Play your cards right and you might be able to have dessert for lunch.” You dry your hands with a dish towel and spin around in his hold to face him.
You fling your arms around his neck and he lets out something between a sleepy sigh and a growl when you move in for a kiss. “Love when we compromise,” he jokes against your lips. You communicate silently with your tongues for a moment before he pulls back to coo, “Merry Christmas Eve, baby.”
Breakfast is a bit rushed because Ashton wants to hurry outside to take pictures with you in the fresh snow before the weather gets too crazy. But he’s sure to give your thoughtful gesture its due, exaggeratedly moaning at every bite and offering you multiple hyperbolic compliments during the meal. You stand up to clear the table but he objects, dragging you to the bedroom to get dressed, promising he’ll clean it all himself once you come back inside from seeing the snow. 
You know it’s pointless to push back when he’s this determined about something plus it is pretty cute how excited he is, so you humor him, quickly pulling on some leggings. By the time you’re slipping one of his hoodies over your head, he’s already headed out the sliding door to find the best place to set his phone up on the deck railing.
“You want me to grab your coat for you?” You poke your head out the door and ask, puzzled by his choice to go out in just his henley and jeans. 
Ash shakes his head. “Nah, we won’t be out here long,” he insists, blissfully unconcerned by the temperature despite his breath instantly forming a frosty cloud in front of him as he speaks.
You skeptically watch him shuffle around the deck for a few more seconds before you pull the door shut behind you. “Babe, you don’t even have your boots tied! We’re not gonna get snowed out in the 30 seconds that’ll take, come on,” you laugh, tugging on his hand.
He lifts your hand to his mouth, pecking it softly, giggling as you yank it away when his cold nose brushes your skin. “I will, baby, I will,” he promises while making a beeline for the stairs leading off the side of the deck. “I just need to check…” 
You can only guess what the last part of that sentence is because suddenly he’s disappeared from view with a surprised yelp and you hurry over to the edge of the deck, peering over just in time to see him roll onto his back, laughing hysterically. Judging by the amount of snow shaking out of his beard as he laughs, you make the assumption that he did a full face plant. Stifling your own laughter, you grab his phone off the rail and snap a handful of photos of the spectacle, which only makes him laugh even harder.
“Slippery?” You call down to him with a grin.
Ashton shrugs, laughter still rattling through him. “Slippery, missed a step, should’ve put my shoes on right.”
“Ah, the trifecta,” you tease, making your way down to him.
“Just trying to make this trip as memorable as possible for you,” he jokes. You start making your way down to him and you can’t help but feel soft about the quiet “Careful, baby” he warns you with as he watches you descend the stairs.
You stand over him and he cackles as you click a few more choice pictures. “Come on, baby, help me up,” he requests, casting a hilariously dramatic pout on his face to sell his plight.
“Just one more thing,” you reply before plopping yourself into the snow next to him.
He gasps your name as you settle in next to him, stretching your arms out to take selfies of the two of you in the snow. “Baby, no,” he protests, fussing over the way your sweatshirt has ridden up and exposed your skin to the cold. “We don’t need to both be shaking and wet.”
“Thought you preferred me that way,” you tease, pecking his cheek for one last picture. “Besides, I’m a loyal gal. Stand by your man and all that.”
“Or lay down in the snow by your man?” 
“Exactly,” you laugh with him, happily letting him lead you into a sweet kiss.
Although you ostensibly came down to aid his fall, Ash easily gets back on his feet and extends a hand to you, pulling you up alongside him. Even though he’s notably more snow covered than you are, he still instinctively brings you in, rubbing his hands up and down your arms, trying in vain to warm you up. 
“You’re basically a popsicle trying to warm up an ice cube, babe,” you laugh, teeth slightly chattering towards the end of your sentence.
He snorts, conceding defeat, and takes your hand, leading you past the deck - presumably to avoid the slippery stairs that led to this predicament - and around the house to the front door. 
“Off,” he commands, tugging at your wet clothes as soon as you get inside. He quickly yanks his henley up over his shoulders, steps out of his pants and heads further into the house, moving too fast for you to get a flirty joke out about his advice. You strip down to your underwear and follow him into the living room, where he’s adjusting the fireplace, completely naked.
“I’m gonna selfishly ask you to be careful over there,” you giggle, annoyed that your voice sounds so shaky because of how cold you are.
Your obvious shivering catches his attention and he shifts his gaze over to you. He frowns, gesturing at your bra and panties. “Aww, baby… get those off too and come stand by the fire.” He grabs the flannel blanket off the couch and drapes it over your back, using it to pull your now naked body against his. “I’ll grab us some sweats and something hot to drink in a few, just wanna get us both situated.”
Ashton holds you tight against him, rubbing over your arms just like he did outside, his efforts much more effective with the aid of the roaring fire. Finally warm enough to drop your arms from around yourself, you slide them around his waist, instantly noting how cold and damp his back still is.
“Ash…” You pout, struggling with the blanket around you, fruitlessly trying to pull it to reach more of his body. You offer, “Let’s get another blanket, babe, get you covered too.”
“I’m fine, baby, want you warm first,” he insists, emphasizing his point by rubbing your arms faster.
“Ash, you’re not fine, you’re standing here with your entire ass out.”
“Thought you preferred me that way.”
You can’t help but crack up at both his joke and his stubbornness. You shake your head and sigh, “I love you.”
The words hang in the air and though you said them, you seem to hear them at the same time he does and the two of you freeze and look at each other, wide eyed. You’ve had that thought many times and even considered saying it out loud once or twice but you were never sure if the time was right. You can’t fathom why your brain decided that now, arguing over a blanket while you’re naked and freezing, was the right time for you to blurt it out, but what’s done is done.
It’s only been a moment but the silence feels endless and you’re dying to fill it. You laugh nervously and stammer, mind racing faster than your mouth can speak. “Well. Um. I… uh… I mean…” 
Ashton appears to be speechless - an event you’ve only seen happen one or two times since you’ve known him - but he sees the panic on your face and he subtly shakes his head, snapping himself back to reality. He squeezes your hands and brings them to his lips to kiss them sweetly. “Baby… I love you… have for a while,” he says with a soft, reassuring voice and smile to match. 
A wave of relief rushes over you, though you’re not quite sure why. You were sure Ash loved you - you feel it every day in the way he smiles at you, the way he cares for you, the way he kisses you - and you were confident your confession wasn’t a surprise to him either. But saying those words and hearing them repeated back still feels monumental. You find yourself overwhelmed and you toss your arms around his neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He immediately reciprocates, squeezing you tight to him, humming approvingly. 
With your arms around each other, the blanket covering you inevitably falls to the ground but neither of you notice, warmed by the other’s embrace. It’s not until he pulls back to cradle your face that he deduces your trembling is likely due to the temperature instead of emotion.
He sympathetically sighs your name, pecking your lips once more before pulling back to grab more pillows and blankets from the couch, making a quick makeshift bed by the fire. “C’mere, baby,” he coos.
You join him on the ground, crawling under the blanket he’s holding open for you and settling onto your side, snuggling against his chest. He wraps the flannel material and then his arms around you, pressing silly wet smooches around your face before landing one on your lips, which you waste no time in deepening. You kiss lazily for a few moments, still processing everything that just happened but with each kiss, confirming the sentiments that you just expressed to each other.
Ash is the first to finally break away, breathing deep, stroking your hair back as he smiles at you. You smile back, scratching at his beard. “I love you,” you repeat, confidently this time. You laugh, “I’ve stopped myself from saying it so many times, I guess I just couldn’t keep it in anymore.”
He grins, sweetly replying, “I love you too… can’t say this is quite how I imagined telling you but…”
You interject with a giggle, “Oh? And how often would you imagine professing your love for me?”
“Hmm… just about every fucking day the past few months,” he shrugs, with a good natured smile, knowing you’re teasing him but insistent on being sincere. “Probably since you came to that first show and I saw how naturally, how easily you fit in with all the other parts of my life that I love.”
You pout, kissing him because you don’t know how else to respond. You murmur against his lips, “Well. Naked by the fire is pretty romantic. Weird context, but still.”
“Anywhere with you is a dream come true, baby.”
You sigh and bury your face in his chest, suddenly needing to feel engulfed by him. He wraps himself around you, warming you, loving you. He tugs your hair after a moment, raising your head to look at him. He doesn’t say the phrase again but you can see it as clear as the hazel in his eyes. He loves you. You place your hands on either side of his face and deliver a slow but quietly heated kiss to his lips.
Ashton’s touch begins to wander, appreciating the convenience of your already naked body. His hands untangle from your hair and move tantalizingly slow down your back to grip your ass before caressing over your sides to palm your breasts. He pinches and rolls your nipple between his fingers, leaving you moaning into his mouth; you return the favor, rubbing over his chest and he moans similarly. You feel his cock swelling against your stomach and you instantly ache for it.
“Ash,” you breathe, stroking him gently. 
He nips at your jaw, groaning. “I know, baby,” he soothes, pulling your leg over his hip. “Need you too.” He runs his hand through your wetness and coats his cock with it, his fingers grazing yours, the both of you working to ready him for you. He grips your waist as you bring his tip to your entrance and gently push him inside. 
“Ashton,” you sigh in relief, grabbing onto his shoulder as you continue to take him. He slowly starts rocking against you and you let out a series of low moans in sync with his movements. “Feels so good, babe… so good. I love it.”
“Love you,” he insists, grabbing your ass, trying to get you closer. “Nothing better than being in you, baby. ‘S where I belong.”
Mind and body both overwhelmed, a needy whimper pours from your throat. “Ash… need you like this all the time,” you pant, clinging to him while he picks up the pace. “Never felt like this with anyone. Not just this, I mean… I don’t think I’ve ever felt this much for someone.”
There’s so much more you could say but every thought in your mind has been replaced by a seemingly endless chant of Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. How well he’s filling you, how adoringly he’s looking at you, how desperately he’s rasping your name. His lips on your neck, his thumb on your clit, his fingers gripping your thigh as he raises your leg higher, trying to thrust into you deeper. It’s all too much and your nails drag down his back as your orgasm starts to overtake you.
“Yes, baby, yes,” he encourages, keeping his rhythm steady. “Let me feel it, love. That’s it.” You cry out and he groans alongside you as you squeeze around him. He holds you tight, fucking you through your climax and shortly after, you feel his back muscles tensing underneath your grip; before you have a chance to react, he’s whining your name and his cock is pulsing inside you. He buries his face in your neck as he cums and you soothingly stroke his hair as he relaxes against you. You lay in silence, holding each other in the afterglow, letting your pounding hearts speak to each other, saying all the words you can’t seem to find.
After a hot shower, a cuddly nap and a dinner that the two of you prepare together, you spend the evening drinking cocoa on the couch, the living room illuminated only by the fire and the Christmas tree lights. You trade stories of past holiday memories and share a few dreams for future ones, ones Ashton’s now more confident than ever that you'll be spending together.
The howling wind of the snowstorm wakes you early the next morning; another gust hits, rattling the bedroom’s sliding glass door. Your boyfriend stirs, mumbling something incoherent but clearly concerned. 
“Think that’s the sound of a White Christmas, babe,” you chuckle sleepily, reaching over to rub at his bearded cheek.
“Ooh, that’ll be nice,” he mutters. He moves your hand to his lips, smooching it before turning you on your side so he can spoon you. 
His warmth - physical and emotional - surrounds you as his arms envelop you and he mumbles sweet nothings against your hair. He shifts closer and the happy hum you’re emitting becomes a suggestive whine as you feel his morning wood nudging your ass. “This a stocking stuffer for me?” You joke, wiggling against him.
“Never too early for a little Christmas cheer,” he giggles, pressing into you more. His voice is heavy with sleep, his joyful laugh octaves lower than it usually is and it makes you feel like you’re on fire.
“Little is definitely not the word I’d use, babe,” you laugh, yawning through it as you turn over. You look at him, eyes tired but hungry. “You wanna?” You grip him through his flannel pajama pants, groaning quietly when you feel how rock hard he is. You love having him in the morning, it quite literally hits different.
“Baby,” he rasps, grabbing your wrist before you add any more pressure. “Always yes but also no, it’s so fuckin’ early… let’s sleep a little more. Soak in the tub together later.” 
He leans in and kisses you with a heat that feels contrary to the plan he just laid out. You bite his lip as he pulls away. “Want you now, though,” you murmur, palming him again, just because you love the feeling of him hard, even if it wasn’t your doing. 
Ash smiles knowingly. “My girl feeling needy this morning?” You nod with a playful pout that he plants a kiss directly onto. He turns you back onto your side and aligns his erection with your backside again. “Could just slip in while we lay here…”
“Yes,” you cut him off, not needing to hear any more details. He chuckles at your eagerness as he reaches for the bag on the nightstand and you hurriedly pull down your pajamas and underwear. The slick sounds of him spreading lube on his cock riles you up to the point that you look over your shoulder and half-jokingly state, “Babe, if I have to keep listening to that, we’re not gonna need lube anymore.”
He snorts, giving your ass swat before settling in behind you. “Need it that bad, huh?” You nod, proudly owning your desire. His tip nudges between your legs and you bite your lip in anticipation. His fingers dig into your hips as he slides in and the two of you moan together as he moves deeper and deeper until he’s fully inside you. You both adjust and get comfortable and once you stop squirming, he checks in, “How’s that feel, love?”
“Full,” you answer dreamily. He nuzzles the back of your neck, sliding his hands underneath your sweatshirt, one carressing your tummy, the other grabbing your breast. You let your head fall back against him and you close your eyes, focusing on the satisfying but grounding feeling of his cock inside you: thick, rigid, undeniable but undemanding. His warm hands on your body, his lips grazing your skin, how his breath syncs with yours as you relax in the stillness of each other. You’re almost caught up by how much emotion you suddenly feel so you just offer him a quiet, “Love you.”
“Love you, baby,” he answers, soft and slow, smiling as he feels you relax in his arms as you drift back to sleep.
You wake up alone a few hours later but before the disappointment has a chance to sink in, Ash is walking through the door with a steaming hot mug of coffee for you.
“Merry Christmas, love!” He greets you cheerily. He sets the cup on the nightstand next to your flowers and leans down to kiss you. “Didn’t want to wake you until I had the fire going out there, something warm for you to drink.”
“Sweet of you,” you pout, pulling him down for another kiss before you take a sip. “What should we make for breakfast?”
“Started some French toast already, thought I’d wait until you were up and around before I put the bacon on so we could eat it crispy,” he reports, beaming at you. You smile back, hearts surely shooting out of your eyes, he’s so cute when he’s excited.
The excitement continues when you join him in the kitchen a few minutes later, after you’re clothed and caffeinated. The Christmas music pouring from the stereo is easily drowned out by the gleeful sing-song of your name he lets out when he sees you approaching. You head for the cabinet, figuring you’ll set the table but Ashton steps away from the stove as soon as you’re within reach, pulling you into a bear hug and smothering your face with kisses.
“You’re touchy today,” you comment, ruffling his hair as he moves back to attend to the food.
“Says the woman who refused to go back to sleep without the aid of my dick,” he teases, reaching back over to give your ass a light smack.
You watch him carefully plate the food and carry it over to the table, where he’s already set your gifts for each other by your placemats. He comes back to the stove and you press your face into his back, placing a kiss between his shoulders. “This all smells delicious, babe. Everything you’ve done for me this week has been so sweet and special and I wanna make sure you know I appreciate it.”
He turns around and answers simply with a smile. “It’s a special time and I’m glad I get to spend it with you.”
You’re halfway through breakfast when you can tell he starts getting antsy about the gift exchange; you’re not sure if it’s nerves or impatience but to be honest, you’re surprised he held out even this long. 
“Maybe three cups of coffee before noon wasn’t the best idea for today,” you crack, stilling his bouncing knee. 
“Slow day for me,” he jokes, flashing you a sweet but apologetic smile.
You decide to cut him a break and you scarf down your last few bites so you can take the plates to the sink and quickly wipe the table down, ensuring sure your gifts are safe from any syrupy stickiness.
“Do you want to go first?” You offer, handing him the big box on the table addressed to him.
His eyes light up but he tries to play it cool, responding, “Whatever you’d like, baby.”
You sit back and giggle as he oohs and aahs over the wrapping before he tears into the package. He uncovers a plain brown shipping box and makes a big show of weighing it in his hands, shaking it around to see if he can detect what’s inside. He finally opens it, digging through the tissue paper to pull out a vinyl record with a photo of Los Angeles on the cover. He doesn’t recognize the picture so he turns the album over to investigate the track listing and your heart melts at the way his face softens when he sees the back cover art is a photo collage of your past six months together. Pictures he’s taken of you, you’ve taken of him, pictures of you two together, pictures of places you’ve been. His eyes drift to the track listing and he quickly recognizes the selections are of the same theme, highlighting moments of your time together.
“These songs!” He says in awe, reading it over. “How did you even pick these?”
“It was hard to whittle it down so that it all fit on one record. But there were certain songs I knew had to be on our soundtrack,” you answer with a grin. You get out of your seat and kneel next to his, pointing to some tracks. “These are ones I remember watching you rehearse endlessly in your basement over the summer. And these are from that playlist you were obsessed with the first few times we went out.”
“Oh yeah,” he laughs, remembering. He points to another song. “We slow danced to this while I was waiting to get called to the press line at Global Citizen.”
“Mmm hmm,” you confirm, touched he remembers. You run your finger down three titles. “These are from the records you found at that thrift shop we went to and you insisted I come back to your place to listen and that night was --”
“The first time we had sex,” he finishes the memory, smiling. “This first track… did we talk about that song the night we met?”
You nod happily. “Some other song was playing at the party and we couldn’t decide what it reminded us of. You figured it out and played it for me on your phone.”
“Wow,” Ashton sighs, staring at the song titles, snapshot memories of your relationship flashing in his mind. “This is incredible, baby. It’s so thoughtful… I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t need to say anything, then,” you say softly, sitting up to draw him into a tender kiss. “Music just sounds different… better ever since I met you.”
“Baby,” he breathes, quickly kissing you again. He clears his throat and you detect a slight break in his voice as he offers a soft “Thank you.”
You squeeze his leg and move back to your seat, overjoyed by his reaction. You’re curious to know what’s inside the pretty package with your name on it but you want to give him as much time as he needs to process all that he’s feeling right now, so you sip your coffee and watch as he continues to stare at the custom record.
He finally tears his eyes away from it, announcing, “We're gonna listen to this by the fire.” He scoots your gift closer to you, cooing, “Your turn, my love.”
The gift is so beautifully wrapped, you almost feel bad ripping it open but with Ash’s eager eyes encouraging you, you dive in. You toss the gift wrap aside and lift the lid on the box, finding two thick leather bound journals; as you begin to thumb through the first one, you see Ashton’s handwriting filling about a quarter of the pages and it dawns on you that this is what you’ve seen him writing in all week.
He sees your wheels turning and he begins to explain. “So there’s two parts to this: I wanted to tell you how I felt about some of my favorite memories with you so far. That’s what those pages are.” He leans in and flips to a few pages that are blank, save for some dates scrawled in the corner. “I thought maybe you could write down your thoughts and memories of those same days here. And then if you wanted to, you could share your thoughts about any other days you wanted to remember and give it back to me and I’d write about the days you picked and we could just go back and forth like that.”
“Ash, that’s so sweet,” you start, heart immediately warmed.
“And then,” he continues, picking up the second book. “This one is blank. I have one just like it. I was thinking when I leave for tour, we could write in them a little bit every day and then swap when we get to see each other, so we can kind of catch up.”
He smiles wistfully. “I know we’ve still got a while. And I know we’ll talk on the phone and I know you’ll visit but… I’m gonna miss being a part of your everyday and you being a part of mine. And maybe this can give us a little of that back. And it’ll be nice to see how different our lives are from day to day but the emotions of missing each other and looking forward to seeing each other, that’s gonna be the same.”
“I think it’s a great idea and I love it and I love you,” you enthuse, setting the box on the table so you can get up and climb into his lap. You wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly. “I can’t wait to read what you’ve already written.”
He giggles, “Wrapped it last night after you fell asleep but after this morning, I had to crack it back open and add a little more.”
You exaggeratedly drop your jaw in faux shock. “There’s saucy content in my romantic journal?”
He snorts, pinching your ass. “Baby, think about our relationship and tell me how many G-rated memories you think we’ve had.”
“Guess you’re right,” you laugh, stroking your chin, pretending to think. “God, why are you such a slut for me?” He jabs your side as you dramatically try to escape his hold, yelping until he silences your protests with a soft kiss.
Hours later, after the two of you have finally taken successful pictures in the snow, cooked another simple but delicious dinner together and taken that bath he promised you hours ago, you find yourself on the couch once again with a mug of cocoa, watching Ash prod at the fire. He smiles at you before he moves over to the stereo to flip over the record you made him, pulling his cardigan tight around his broad chest.
“It got chilly tonight,” he comments as he shuffles into the kitchen to grab his mug out of the microwave.
You hold your blanket open for him in response and he settles in next to you, tucking the both of you in. You rest your head on his shoulder, watching the fire, listening to the music you fell in love to; though the temperature outside is freezing, you don’t think you’ve ever felt so warm.
The record spins the next song and your mind travels back to Ashton’s car the night of your first kiss. A thought enters your mind and you can’t help but share. 
“Do you ever think about what you’d be doing right now if we hadn’t gotten together?”
He strokes your hair tenderly as he considers his response. “I try to go out of my way not to think of scenarios where I’m not with you,” he admits.
“I mean, it’s not my favorite topic either but it crosses my mind sometimes,” you shrug. “I probably would’ve moved back home over the summer. Lockdown was just so hard… I got so lonely and discouraged… felt like I was in freefall. I didn’t really have anything to keep me here, to ground me until I met you.”
He kisses your neck with a tenderness that suggests he believes he can retroactively heal the heartache you felt before he knew you. “I don’t really know where I’d be right now… I’d be trying my best. Like I was before I met you. And my life would have joy, I’d make sure of that. But the kind of peace I feel knowing you, the happiness that comes from my soul being recognized by yours every day that we’re together… I can’t imagine being fulfilled like that without you with me.”
His words hit you like a ton of bricks and you reach for his hand, squeezing it tight as if it’s the only anchor you have to keep you from drowning under the weight of his sentiment. “I wish I could think of a better word to describe it… ‘magical’ seems so trivial. But that’s what it feels like,” you muse. “How many things had to go right and wrong, how many choices we had to make and not make, all for our lives to line up perfectly so that we would meet and end up here? How can that not be magic?”
“I was meant to be on tour this summer,” he says quietly.
“What if I’d moved to LA a year earlier? A year later? Made different friends, friends that didn’t know you?”
“If our album had come out in 2019, like we wanted it to, we probably would’ve been on break when lockdown hit… I might’ve been stuck in Sydney this whole time.”
“Even something as simple as: what if one of us had skipped going to that party? I was still getting used to being social again, I almost didn’t go, I was so nervous.”
“Cal and I had talked about going to the desert that weekend,” he remembers. “At the very last minute, he decided he’d rather wait a week. Weather or something. I was only at that party because I went down my contact list texting around to see who wanted to hang out… I was having a rough time and I didn’t want to be alone, I needed to be out of the house.”
You lift your head to look at him. “You never told me that.” 
“Didn’t seem important until now. What if someone else had replied first? What if I’d gotten caught in traffic and got there later? You were on your way out when we introduced ourselves.”
You grin at the memory of that night. “What if you hadn’t been wearing an insane looking pair of pants that made me take notice and stop to ask around about you?”
“What if you hadn’t been the most beautiful human I’d ever seen and I hadn’t decided I needed to know you?”
“Listen, I’m just recalling that night from my personal perspective here,” he teases, giving you a peck on the cheek.
You snort, getting back to your point. “Any of those things… if anything had been different, everything could’ve been different.”
“Glad it’s not.”
“Me too.”
Ashton sighs, slinging his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. “Don’t know if we thank the universe or the gods or our own intuition but it seems to me that things happened the way they did because we were meant to have this time together.”
“I agree.”
“All the shit that we had to go through… I’d say it was worth it to get here.”
“I agree.”
“I love you.”
“I agree.”
“Hey!” He protests.
You giggle, snuggling into him closer. “I love you too.”
Not entirely sure what my plans are re: continuing to use a taglist (would love to know your thoughts on that as well tbh) so keep your eyes open for future updates on that!
@hoodharlow @mashtonasfuck @pxrxmoore @bxcketbarnes @talkfastromance4 @camelliastreet @itjustkindahappenedreally @saywhatnow07 @mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower @findingliam-o @fedorable-killjoys @trix-arent-for-kids @olivia-foster-irwin @calmsweetcreature @onthecliffside-mgc @feliznavidaddycal @himbohood @maggiesupertramp @karajaynetoday @ashtonangst @sunshineeashton @aladyofalbion @youngblood199456 @calumrose @irwindoll @in-superbloom @2fangirl4u @highstwildflower @bport76 @chamaleonsoul
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
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On Sunday we went for a short walk and a picnic!  
Unlike our previous BBQ-fueled outing, this one was purely local and featured salads from CAVA.  CAVA has been our go to takeout restaurant lately since it’s relatively low cost and we can get tasty salads that fit into our macros.  
We all (Kevin, MIL, Erp, Aug and myself) headed outside around 2:30 p.m. and walked to pick up the salads then walked back home where we immediately loaded up the car and drove to a nearby park.  Thankfully there were some empty picnic tables in the shade where we posted up and enjoyed our meal.  Erp’s first time sitting on a bench went well!  I wasn’t sure if it would work out for her and it totally did. 
Now that Erp is getting better with walking, and we got her a pair of shoes she doesn’t immediately walk out of, we were able to roam around the lawn!  It was SO fun walking all over the grass as she walked independently or held onto my hand.  Can’t wait to go on more walking adventures with her!  
Near our picnic table was a group of people (relatively around my age) who were doing some kind of organized activity.  We watched them from arrival to warm up to practice, eventually realizing they were playing kickball!  By the time we left to go home, I mustered up the courage to go over and ask if there was an opportunity to play in the future.  Please note this is ENTIRELY out of my comfort zone, both the initiating conversation with a group of strangers, and expressing interest in a group activity!  BUT, I do love kickball so it seemed worth the risk.  Fun fact, I completely dominated kickball in fifth grade so my confidence is sky high, which I’m sure helped with the courage mustering.  
The people were very nice and didn’t shun or ignore me!  Success!  They informed me that while the current fall season had already started and wasn’t available to participate in, that I should look into joining in the spring.  One guy even said that they “highly encourage” people to sign up and participate - exactly the words I need to hear in order to feel welcomed to play!  
Hopefully I can make the spring league can work with our schedule so Kevin can be home to watch the girls, but given that residency has no set schedule or hours I expect it’ll be hard to nail down. BUT, I’m going to try!  I set a reminder to look into this in February since the spring schedule isn’t out yet.  
On an entirely different subject, @i-feel-like-a-joan, @redradley, and @operationkay10 all tagged me for the 3 random facts tag.  Thank you so much for the tag!  (I’ll leave the above kickball amazingness fact as a bonus :))
I was born with, and still have, three nipples.  One just isn’t developed and looks like a mole. 
I broke my tailbone on my first (and only) snowboarding trip while in high school.  It still hurts to this day if I sit for too long on a hard surface.
One of my all-time favorite Halloween costumes is when I went as Pippi Longstocking when I was 9.  
*Can we please take a moment to appreciate how similar Erp’s expression is to mine in the second photo!?  And also, Aug’s limp-necked, cross-eyed adorableness with Kevin.  Yup, officially obsessed with these two.  
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
Hello! I love your posts about both of the Leverage series. What role does Breanna as a Maker fulfill in the team?
First off, sorry I took so long to answer this. I was holding off until I watched all the episodes because I wanted to see how much more was or wasn't done with 'Maker' Breanna.
And the short answer is? Not much.
But the long answer... well, to sum it up, that might change pretty soon in the next part of the season, and it's actually pretty character-based that we don't see it yet. Let me explain my reasoning.
Breanna tries to sell herself as a team member like this:
Breanna: "I'm not as good a hacker as you."
Hardison: "Damn straight."
Breanna: "But hacking's kinda old-school anyway, it's like any script kiddie can do that. I'm really better with, like, the social media part. Or like, drones, physical builds, you know, like... relevant skills."
So. First off, in this scene she's clearly trying to make herself sound valuable to the team. She doesn't want to just present herself as 'Hardison, but not as good.' She acknowledges that he's a better hacker but then tries to point out her own skills that could be useful, and the 'relevant' dig is just a joke because she's nervous and also he's her sibling so she's gotta.
No one really responds, so she asks them to give her a shot, to let her in because she found them and she's earned this. Hardison, though, is still stuck on her calling him a "script kiddie":
Hardison: "S- I'm s- scrip-script who? Who you calling script kiddie?" [to Eliot, standing behind Breanna] "Bruh, script kiddie? You hear this?"
Eliot: "Hey. Head chef." [pauses, tilts his head towards Breanna] "Chopping lettuce."
I bring this up because I think it's pretty relevant to what we see from Breanna. She literally just tried to present herself as different from Hardison, to emphasize her own skills in drones and social media manipulation. But the very first thing she hears is "head chef/chopping lettuce." Without the context of Eliot and Hardison's earlier conversation about Hardison being torn between his other work (that only he can do) and needing to let go and delegate some stuff, all she's hearing here is Eliot essentially calling her the less experienced cook. Same job really, just not as good at it.
We don't see much reaction on her face to this line. But throughout the rest of the season, a recurring aspect of her characterization is that she gets frustrated or disheartened when people shut her ideas down, and she tends to be less confident in herself/hesitant about offering ideas or surprised by getting praise.
She tries to prove herself quickly in the Rollin' on the River Job by going for the pearl despite being told not to, and then gets very upset and resentful when she's confined to the van for the rest of the con. Thing is, she was trying to prove herself by demonstrating Parker skills - skills which Breanna does not have at this point.
She's also compared negatively to Hardison in I think the same episode or maybe the next one? When she finds the shell corporation and is all proud of herself and then the team just kinda goes "even Harry coulda done that." They're not mean about it, but Breanna clearly isn't going as deep into the research as they like or are used to. Similarly, Eliot complains about having to apply for a job instead of just having it given to him and changes his backstory on the fly when Breanna really isn't ready. She doesn't have all the backups built like Hardison, she isn't able to change them as fast as he can. Again, there's a scene where he left her manuals and she kinda skimmed them but failed at something that would have been explained in the manual if she'd read it all.
She showed up wanting to be an addition to the team, to fill a different role from Hardison. But he took that as the impetus to leave and do his own thing, meaning Breanna now feel like she has to fill his role. And it's not going super well at first because that's not what she's good at. Not that she's bad by any means - but the Leverage team is very used to Hardison, and they aren't slowing down enough for her, or aren't always clearly explaining what they want from her.
Also, they're planning their cons with two things in mind for her: a) her safety, and b) her doing tech. Parker tries to teach her thieving skills onscreen, and just generally be a mentor. They put Breanna in the van early on and hesitate to let her out too much until they're more confident in her skills. This isn't helped by the whole pearl fiasco, obviously, but in general, they build plans around her being with someone else guiding her at first, or her being back at base doing Hardison's old job. Partly because they see that as safer but also because that's just, what they know to plan for.
Breanna is someone who feels bad about herself pretty easily, in my opinion. She gets discouraged. Eliot's early comment and Hardison leaving was enough to push her into the reckless pearl grab to try and impress the team with her skills. When that backfires, she gets a lot less bold about protesting a plan. Part of that comes from Harry's pep talk to her, as well. He encourages her to work as part of a team with the rest of the crew. And she basically takes that and throws herself into being what she thinks they want her to be.
Now, I'm not saying she never offers any ideas of her own. But it takes a while before she's very confident doing so, and it's not until the Card Game Job (which happens to be very emotionally significant for her personally) that she really tries to argue her point. (She repurposes her Halloween decorations to help the con the episode right before, but it's not quite the same situation.) And then she's still shut down. This is partially due to Parker's own hangups about being a mentor meaning she should always be the wiser one and not have to learn from her own student, and that does change over the course of the episode. But Breanna doesn't push super hard for Parker to use her notes at first, despite clearly wanting to. However, she does grow in confidence once her relevant knowledge starts being the key to figuring out the riddle. And at the end of the episode Parker makes a point of mentioning that Breanna's a good teacher.
The very next episode, she brings a drone to a job.
Now, sadly poor little Frodo the drone is killed basically instantly, but that timing seems pretty telling to me. The other incredibly important thing that happens that episode, is that Breanna opens up, at first to Eliot, and then to the rest of the team (minus Harry), about her past and her regrets and mistakes.
We never actually learn what those are, because the team tells her it doesn't actually matter to them. Eliot tells her directly that they don't need her to be Hardison. Parker goes a step further and says "All we need from you is to be exactly the person you are."
And I think that is the key. Breanna was trying really, really hard to show them that she's a worthwhile member of the team. She was trying to live up to their perceived expectations of her, trying to fill Hardison's shoes. And because they aren't familiar with any other skills of hers/don't often work with things like social media and drones, they don't make plans for those. Breanna needs to take the initiative to offer her own skills and ideas, because unlike Nate in the original show, Parker and Sophie don't have the same knowledge of everything Breanna is capable of. They put her in plans in ways they knew she'd be safe, and doing things they expected she could do. And it wasn't exactly wrong of them, but it didn't give her the opportunity to bring many of her own unique skills to the table.
Now, the Double-Edged Sword Job (where they tell her all this) is the second-to-last episode, and the finale is entirely focused on Sophie and the ghost of Nate. Breanna plays a relatively small role in that one, so we don't see instant payoff from this conversation. But I do believe that, now she's no longer carrying the yoke of 'being Hardison', we will see her feeling more confident in offering up her own skills. We will see them succeeded and her own ideas and techniques becoming something the rest of the team learns how to account for in planning cons.
The two things Breanna brags about at the beginning are social media and drones/physical builds. As of yet, we've seen her utilize social media once (to throw the rave in her first episode - when Hardison was still there), and a drone once (the episode after her knowledge was key to the con succeeding). The drone didn't work that time, but I hope to see more, and see more clever applications of whatever "social media manipulation" and "physical builds" even means, in the second half of the season.
(Granted, Hardison never fit fully into a box of just hacking in the first place, and I'm sure there will still be a lot of overlap with Breanna being the primary tech person, but I'm excited for more variety as well.)
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fonulyn · 3 years
Hi! I love all of your fics so much they always make me smile whenever I see you post! I was wondering if I could request leon seeing chris in his revelations 1 sailor costume? I think that costume is the best thing capcom has even given us so I think maybe its Halloween and claire made him wear it?
awh thank you! :) i'm so happy to hear you enjoy the ficcage! 💖also yes, that costume really is something else :'D i had the pic open in a second window while writing this little thing and it was kind of distracting lmao
"I don't know about this," Chris grumbled as he looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't know which part was worst. The sailor shirt he was wearing was so tight it was like painted on, hugging his torso in a way that practically underlined every single muscle, the collar cut so low it made him feel half-naked. It was a crop-top, too, revealing a slice of skin even with how high-waisted his pants were.
The pants were another problem: they were white shorts, and they might've even been tolerable had they not been so tight. Chris wasn't sure if he'd dare to sit or crouch down in those. His thighs might just burst the seams open. He felt absolutely ridiculous, grumbling again as he pulled the white gloves on. "Are you sure you won't reconsider?"
Claire, that asshole, laughed at him. "Nope. You lost the bet, now you'll wear whatever I make you wear." She grinned brightly as she approached him, reaching up to set the sailor cap on top of his head. "Trust me on this, you'll feel much better about the costume later on." She held out a pair of aviators and he snatched them from her to slip them on his nose, even if he was still frowning all the way.
"I don't see how this could get any better," Chris argued. "Unless half a bottle of whiskey helps." Goddamnit, Claire had even rubbed a press-on decal tattoo of a damn anchor on each of his upper arms, completing the ridiculous mock-sailor-getup.
Claire patted his shoulder, handing him a pipe of all things. "C'mon, Popeye," she teased. "Don't you trust your sister?"
Chris sighed. "Absolutely not."
As soon as they got into the Halloween party, Chris headed off to find something to drink, preferably something strong as he really needed something to stave off his nerves. Claire bounded off in her noir detective costume, already collecting long looks from more than one person. Chris absolutely refused to look around enough to see how many people were looking at him. He could do without the mockery.
Once Chris got a beer in his hands he felt a little bit better, grabbing a slice of some kind of quiche from the buffet table. He didn't even realize he wasn't alone, not before suddenly he was startled out of his thoughts by "Nice outfit, Redfield."
Grumbling, Chris already geared up to tell whoever it was to fuck off, but as soon as he turned his head he realized who it was. "Jesus Christ, Leon, don't scare a guy like that," he huffed instead, trying to play it off like he wasn't bothered at all by how ridiculous he looked.
Leon looked amazing, as always. Sure he was wearing a pretty hilarious pirate hat, but the rest of the outfit looked good on him. A long red coat, knee-length pirate boots, a wide belt across his chest, a sword strapped to his hip. Chris would've gladly swapped costumes with him, and seeing Leon in the tight white shorts would've been only the cherry on top.
"It's not my fault you lack basic awareness of your surroundings," Leon answered good-naturedly, even winking at Chris. He had an eyepatch but he'd flipped it up so it wasn't actually covering his eye, and a little petulantly Chris reached out to turn it back down.
"You're not the one who looks absolutely ridiculous," Chris said, at length, shifting a little uncomfortably in his place. "I'm not sure if there's bloodflow in my thighs anymore."
Leon looked down, letting his gaze linger. He didn't stop at that, but shamelessly raked his gaze over not only Chris' thighs but also his waist, practically drinking in the sight of his abs, all the way up his toned chest and his thick muscular arms. Chris was beginning to sweat a little under the intensity of the gaze, until Leon met his eyes again.
"I don't know what you mean," Leon said, and Chris was ninety-percent sure he didn't imagine the huskiness in Leon's voice. "I think you look absolutely smokin'." As much as he glanced at the pipe as he said it, the meaning of his words was still more than clear.
It sent all blood rushing down and Chris swore under his breath. He couldn't afford these pants getting even tighter. Besides, everyone would notice it if he'd pop an awkward boner in them. ...if he even could, realistically, the shorts were really, really tight.
There was a short pause, but then Leon went on. "If you're concerned about the lack of bloodflow, though," he said, sipping at his own beer as he let his gaze drop down, clearly suggestively, "I think I could help you restore that."
It took a second for the meaning of the words to sink in. Thankfully in those seconds Chris' confidence also returned from the war and he managed a pretty cocky grin. "I'm a respectable sailor," he teased, "what makes you think I'd follow a dirty pirate like you?"
Leon grinned. "Dirty pirates know all the dirtiest tricks."
They stayed - and continued their awful flirting - for a while longer, but as soon as they figured it'd be polite to ditch the party they headed out. Just before he slipped through the door Chris caught Claire's eye, and Claire immediately gave him a wink and a thumbs-up.
Turns out, Chris absolutely should have trusted Claire all along.
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ahsxual · 4 years
Purple and Green Desire
Pairing: Ledger!Joker x Female!Reader
Summary: You wanted to make J a surprise by painting your hair half purple, half green, and provoke him to see what his reaction would be. Little did you know what would come for you...
Warnings: Rough and mad J, possessive and jealous J, J scaring the reader, reader with psychotic thoughts, sir kink, dom/sub, vaginal sex, hard spanking, oral sex (male and female), fingering, nipple play, some blood involved, swearing, degradation, a little bit of edging, mentions of anal sex
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 4,2 k
A/N: Sooo this was supposed to be posted on Halloween, but as always I'm late. I had this idea a while ago, and thought: "why not write a smut out of it?". I thought it would be a good idea to join your request and my ideas together, my lovely @mountainjiwish. Thank you so much for your incredible idea!! I wanted to write something like this for so long, but I thought I wouldn't be able to write such a rough J fic... but how do we know we're not good at something if we don’t try it? Anyway, I still hope you all enjoy it <33
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In the last few months, your life has changed drastically. You never thought you would be where you were right now, however you couldn't complain about it, not at all. How could you? You received what you had always wanted and desired for the longest time, something you had always idealized, waiting for your darkest kinks turn into reality with someone you trusted... and he, well, he could have his little toy only for himself, something he didn't know how tremendously he craved until he landed his hungry eyes on you.
If it was possible, your relationship would be seen as extremely toxic by others: you didn't have, or at least you never admitted out loud, the true feelings you had for each other. You just made your darkest wishes come true every time you were together, feeding the hunger that was growing inside your hearts and cores, and that only you could make that happen.
He could be compared to the biggest and most dangerous lion in the jungle, and you to a little masochist deer who would always be eager for the lion to come after you, and eat you in the most cruel way possible. But what was "funny" to you, was the fact that the lion would never let his deer escape from him without causing it some deep wounds... however, he would never kill the deer, wanting for it to come back to him so he could catch it and have some fun. That was the game you both enjoyed playing since day one.
Today was october 31st, your favorite day of the year. Why? It's simple: on this day, you felt like you could be yourself, without being judged or being too obvious that you also had psychopathic instincts. Of course you had your own dark thoughts. Of course you also had the cruel desire to rip someone's throat every time they messed with you or with someone you loved. But you didn't have enough courage to cause such bloody chaos, so instead you decided to be with someone who represented your inner self. Unlike you, J does not fear the consequences of his acts, or even feels guilty. But you do, so that's why it's so much funnier to watch the world burn by someone you love. That way you don't have to feel guilty about anything, because you didn't do anything by your own hands, right? You're not guilty for liking to see the blood coming out of people's mouth and eyes, while they scream in agony. You're not guilty for craving so much to watch the world be destroyed by the scalding fire before your sadic eyes, to love someone who would realize your wishes for you. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered is that you wanted to surprise J, to show him once agaim how a good and dedicated submissive you are for him.
You painted your hair half purple, half green, and put it in two ponytails, each one with a different color, while your makeup also had those gorgeous colors. You wanted to look sexy, yet cute and innocent for him, even if you were the bratiest woman he had ever met in his entire life. And believe me... he had met a lot of girls. Yet none of them were as good as you, and none of them would be loyal and stay with him for so long, even when he had been considered a monster before everyone's eyes... but not yours. He always saw you as his little bunny, his little doll, his little loyal masochist... and he surely planned to keep you for himself for a very long, long time. Your outfit was a little different and scandalous too: you dressed yourself in a fit leather dress you had recently bought, with the highest leather boots you had in your wardrobe, while wearing your sexiest black lace thong briefs and the choker with a diamond "J" on it that he gave you in the beginning of your "relationship". This item was utterly sacred. He always made you to wear it: everyday, at any second of the day, so you wouldn't forget to who you belong to. You then thought carefully if you should wear a bra or not, and decided it would be better if you didn't wear any at all, before putting a comfortable leather jacket on.
You checked yourself in the mirror and for what felt like an eternity, you felt stunning. Halloween never failed to make you feel more confident about yourself, neither the expensive clothes J "bought" you or the compliments he gaves after seeing you wearing them. You stared in the mirror a little while, until you realized that you had something that was excessive on your body: the "J" choker. You knew too well that he would be furious if he didn't see you wearing it... but after all, that's what you wanted, to see the ravenous lion being released from its cage. However, you didn't feel satisfied. Not yet. You were also planning something else to make him even more mad: what about, pretending you went to a party without his gift and permission, while using your favorite perfume in your most exuberant outfit, and then not giving him the attention he always craved from you? Deep down, you even feared he would kill you out of anger, because of your malicious and provocative plan... oh, you really didn't know who you were messing with. But thinking about it, what better way to die than to have sex with the person you were so immensely addicted to?
When you finished fixing your hair by making each ponytail look messy, you heard the door of your house being closed so hard that you genuinely believed he had broken it, which meant he was already mad. Perfect. You ran to your room and started to act normal, pretending to be packing your sex toys. But now that he was there, you felt yourself slightly shaking from pure fear and anticipation. You had a slight idea of what was coming, you just didn't know the gravity of it.
Suddenly your room's door was carefully opened, which wasn't a good sign. The calm before the storm. Maybe he felt your perfume from afar, and knowing that you would only use it for very special occasions, and that he wasn't there with you before, it only meant you did use it for something else. He could even be compared to a quiet dangerous dog, because of his keen sense of smell... and because of his unpredictable behavior. You could sense his stare burning into your back, but you acted like you had a durable shield against his fervent fire. You purposely positioned yourself in a way so that he had a good view of what you were doing: packing your sex toys that were forbidden to be used, unless J used them on you. Now, you could feel and smell the hot and suffocating flames of his fire getting way too intense. You then finished packing them under your bed, and stood up to take your jacket off, making sure he noticed you weren't wearing the choker he gave you.
"You don't look very joyful. Rough day?" you answered contemptuously, calmly taking your boots off in the process. From his point of view, you went somewhere else to do who knows what without his permission, and since you were too desesperate and lazy to undress yourself first, you masturbated with your clothes on. According to his perspective, you didn’t give a shit about his rules, like the obedient slut you should be to him.
Saying that his glare towards you was terrifying and caused shivers down your spine, was an absolute understatement. You instantly regreted making all of this up, but it was too late. Now, you would have to deal with the real consequences of your brat decisions. J slowly walked towards you, making you unconsciously step back until you met the rigid wall of your suddenly cold room. He was so close to you, making you feel his hot, yet deep and rhythmic breathing on your face, and without your leather boots, you felt once again intimidated by his much taller figure. He took this opportunity to analyze you better: your messy colored ponytails and makeup, that for a moment almost made him crack a smile because of your choices, your sexy outfit... to the absence of your necklace.
"Something is ah... missing on ya, dont'cha think, doll? Huh?" completely ignoring your question, he calmly, yet dangerously asked, making known the fact that he instantly noticed you weren't wearing his precious and meaningful accessory. His gloved hands slid to your naked neck and grabbed it forcefully, making you unable to respond him, because of the lacking of air in your throat and lungs. Once he realized you would literally pass out if he continued to choke you, he slightly let it go, just enough to make you receive some oxygen to your now extremely frightened brain.
"I don't k-know what you're talking about..." you really weren't one to give up easily. You wanted to see how your little game would end, even though you had just been almost choked to death. His pupils became so much darker once he realized what game you were playing.
"Ya don't... know?" he suddenly started laughing maniacally, the loudest and scariest sound you had ever heard in your entire life. You knew he had already discovered what your intentions were, however he still didn't know if the fact that you went out with someone else and played with yourself, was true. Yet you would keep him thinking about  that... What a strong and determined woman you were.
His laugh started to slow down and his not so happy expression returned to his scarred face. "Do I really need to ah... remind ya of the rules dollface, huh?" his voice was deeper and hoarse, and you could tell he was trying to contain his humiliating words towards you to himself... at least for now. He walked away from you to grabbed the box under your bed, keeping an intense eye contact with you, and put it above the bed. You were watching very attentively with each step he made, not having the courage to look away from him. He then grabbed each vibrator you had, and started to break them with his own hands. Since when did he have so much strength??
"J, what the hell?!" you screamed at him and the moment you took a step forward, he nimbly took a knife from his pocket and pointed it in your direction.
"Ata-tada!" he warned you with his fatal object in his left hand while giving you a sharp stare, making you return immediately to your initial position. "Dont'cha wanna make things harder for yourself. This is all your fault." he grabbed a broken piece of your favorite vibrator and threw it caressly to a random corner of your room. Much to your control, your eyes started to water instantly: you wanted to provoke him, not ending up having your dear toys broken. But that's what you get when you get on J's nerves... and this was nothing compared to what he wanted to do to you...
A single tear came out of your eye and you instantly looked way, ashamed for feeling so unnecessarily sad for having your sexual toys destroyed. You closed your eyes, and all you could only hear, was your own sobs and his heavy steps.
"Shh-Shh why are ya crying bunny? Ya knew this was ah... gonna happen the moment you messed with your owner, didn't ya?" you didn't answer to him. You were way too pissed to give him what he wanted, but once again... you made the wrong choice. "ANSWER ME!" you never felt so intimidated by anyone the way you did at that moment. You were now trembling with fear, and even if you didn't want to admit it, you were also trembling by lust, excitement and hunger for him. He suddenly harshly grabbed your cheeks and made you look up at him: your makeup was already ruined because of the mix of emotions that filled your slippery salty tears, and by his rough movements on your face.
"YES!!" you responded the loudest you could, but he didn't seem satisfied.
"Yes, what?!" he asked calmer while tightening his grip on your aching jaw, yet he was calm by far.
"Yes sir!!!" for the first time for what felt like hours, you saw a proud grin form on his scarred cheeks. You unconsciously smiled too, but that didn't last for too long since he caressly shoved you against the bed. If your bed wasn't so soft, you were sure you would have bruises or even broken your face. He then roughly pinned your hands together, and tied them tightly with some handcuffs he found in the box beside you both. He turned you on your back, and instantly placed a knife on your jaw. You didn't dare to move, because if you did... that scene would definitely turn into a bloody mess. He was so concentrated on your body, memorizing every detail of your soft skin into his psychotic mind, and without a warning, he cut your dress in half with his pointy knife, and this time, you didn't dare to complain.
"Hmm, no bra..?" he pretended to look surprised and looked like he didn't care about your decision, but his body language betrayed his mind since his excitement was way more noticeable. "Now tell me... how ah... naughty and filthy can ya be, huh?" he then grabbed your hips with such force that you knew for sure he would leave dark bruises there. You didn't know anymore if it was the fact that you were so distracted in leading your own emotions, or if it was due to you being completely consumed by pure desire, that you didn't prepare yourself from what was coming: you suddenly felt his sharpened knife being softly, yet firmly craved into your chest. You couldn't see it, but you did feel the fatal object drawing a "J" letter on your once soft chest. He wanted to mark you forever, so if a goddamn choker couldn't make that happen... a deep scar definitely will. Your screams were mistaken for loud moans, so he continued to do his work, blood running out of your body into the sheets, that were once white, into a dark, permanent red.
When he turned you around, you felt another hot and painful sensation, but this time on your butt cheek, so painful and hard it was, that you almost fell out of the bed, only to be abruptly grabbed by your ponytails to make you still.
"Where do ya think you're going, huh?" he pushed you to himself by each ponytail. A muffled sound of pleasure and pain came out involuntarily of your mouth, yet you couldn't care less.
"Please..." you pleaded, blinded by the absurd amount of pleasure that was running into your veins for him.
"Please what, huh? Tell me... Tell your sir want you ah... desire from him. And if ya behave like ah... good little slut for him, maybe he will reward ya." you opened your eyes that were previously tightly closed and looked deep into eyes, noticing that his eyes were now completely black, like he was possessed by the devil himself. You could feel his huge and solid bulge leaning against your now reddish ass since he pulled you so close to him, and you knew that everything was finally leading to where you wanted.
"I want more... please sir, I want you to destroy me..." the moment those words came out of your mouth, he totally lost it. Neither him or you could hold yourselves anymore. With your leather dress thrown into a corner, your ass was now exposed. He caressed your butt not so softly with his strong hands, admiring the gorgeous view for a few seconds. Oh, how he loved to see his doll with lace.
Your room was then filled with loud moans, deep groans from him, and even louder sounds of skin being roughly spanked. He knows your limits very well, so he stopped once he noticed you couldn't take it anymore: after all, the pain is beauty for him, but so is pleasure and trust from both sides. Your ass was now covered in shades of dark purple and red, a view that J never got tired of... in fact, it was his favorite.
"The purple really ah... suits ya, doll. So does the green and the red..." he whispered more to himself, getting lost in the beauty of the job you both did: the spanking session he just gave you, and the look you chose for yourself that had everything to do with him, as it proved your submission for him as well. While he was saying that, you were trying to catch your breath and collect yourself from what just happened. Your ass was hurting so bad, and you were sure you wouldn't be able to sit properly for weeks, but the pleasure that came from it... it made it all worth it. You were almost getting your breath back, almost, when you felt your ponytails getting pulled once again. He really liked the idea of the colored ponytails, you proudly thought for yourself.
"Ata-tada, ya weren't going ta sleep on me, now would ya? Oh sweet cheeks, we are just-getting-started..." you shaked your head, and before he could punish you again, you immediately remembered what you must do.
"No sir!! I won't upset you again... I-I promise I will be a good slut for you!" you obediently answered, fearing to be punished again. Your makeup must be already ruined because of your uncontrollable crying. Your cheeks were covered in a black mascara, and purple and green makeup that was very blurred because your previous position, so it was practically inevitable to rub your face against the bed. This was something that always made J's pants twist with randiness: the messier, the better.
After your response, you heard a satisfied groan from his throat: he had already forgotten the fact that he was extremely mad, only for that feeling be replaced and completely consumed by lust. He then approached your neck and sucked it roughly, leaving marks that would last for a very long time because of the force it was made, while grabbing your throat to make you still. It came to your mind the idea of him being a vampire who was immensely thirsty by your blood.
You gently rubbed your ass on his throbbing, hard cock: it hurted really bad, but it was the only movement you could do to caught his attention, since he was restraining almost all of your body movements.
"Someone is feeling really eager, huh? Ha! All it takes is ta teach ya some ah... manners, to get those panties all soaked for me..." after that, he ripped your lace briefs with his own hands, making you flinch, and then put two long gloved fingers in you. He was never a very patient man and he wasn’t going to be now, so he started to finger you as fast as he could, curling his skilled fingers into your g-spot from time to time. It felt like pure bless, and it was impossible for you to contain all of your sweet sounds. But even if you did, you knew you would be in real trouble for containing them: J loved to hear your moans and screams of pleasure and pain for him, so he had forbidden you to hide them from him. When you were about to cum, he turned you around and replaced his experienced fingers by his hot and wet tongue on your clit, sucking it hard.
" Oh God, J!!" you moaned as loud as you could, and if it weren't the cuffs holding you still, you would ride your orgasm while fucking his face. This was the first time he let you cum without edging you first. Looks like he's feeling generous. Yet neither of you would be satisfied with only one orgasm, especially you, and J knew it.
"God has nothing to do with your ah... pleasure, doll. I am the only one who makes ya cum like a fucking squirter whore, do ya hear me?" he grabbed your face hard enough to make it hurt, and then forced you to look at him while he slowly sucked his gloved fingers with your juices on it, right in front of your face, wanting to make a show for you. "Hmm, always so... tasty." he admitted with the sexiest tone you have ever heard from anyone. "But now... I've gotta prepare ya for da real deal." once he said that, he pushed three fingers into your mouth.
You could taste your own cum and his saliva mixed on his fingers, and you would be lying if you said it wasn't your favorite taste. You knew you had little time to adjust to his fingers, trying so hard to control yourself from gagging... and that was what was worrying you, since if you couldn't take his fingers... it would be ten times worse once you sucked his dick. He decided to take his fingers off of your wet mouth, since his cock was starting to get so tight in his pants, to the point of being painful. While he was unbuttoning his pants, you took the chance to breathe properly, yet that didn't last too long.
"Come here." he ordered while he grabbed your legs, and then pushed them out of the bed to make you kneel on the ground, before grabbing your freshly painted purple and green ponytails.
"Now open wide that pretty mouth of yours. Sir is gonna ah... feed his slut until she's full." with a smirk printed on his scarred white and red cheeks, he wasted no time in shoving his erected cock inside your already wet mouth. "Fuck! That mouth of yours never fails to get me all riled up, dollface!" he started laughing maniacally right after while thrusting faster and harder into your mouth. You could barely breathe, especially when he shoved all of his dick down on your throat, only to get it out for a few seconds before shoving it back inside, where it belongs. Your boobs (that were also covered in blood because his previous signature he made especifically for you), upper legs and even the floor were covered in saliva and some of his cum, and you couldn't wait for him to release all of his cum inside your mouth... you couldn't wait to make him proud of you.
You started to feel his movements getting sloppier, his groans and breath getting uncontrollably deeper, and his dick twitching in your throat. You could tell he was close, and the moment you felt your ponytails getting pulled closer to his pubic hair, you knew that was it.
"Fuck!" he loudly cursed before releasing all of his cum inside your mouth and down through your sore throat. His taste felt more salty than before, but you still managed to swallow it. It was too much cum for you to keep in your mouth, so some of it escaped from it into the ground. After looking at you silently, he caught your attention by his demanding tone towards you.
"What are ya waiting for, huh? Clean your mess. Now." his glare was fatal, and his hold on your hair started to become unbearable, so you didn't challenge him any further. You crouched down on the ground and started to lick the rest of his cum that fell out of your tiny mouth, yearning a satisfied groan from him after you were done.
"Good girl..." he praised, before helping you getting up from the rigid floor to kiss you passionately. You melted completely into the kiss, his tongue fighting for dominance and obviously winning, until you felt his sharp, yellow teeth bitting your lower lip, making it bleed. He sucked all of your blood like his life depended on it, and you couldn't help but feel wetter with each second. Seems like J wants to be a vampire for halloween this year.
When he got bored of it, he pushed you onto the bed, and lifted you legs around his neck once he was positioned on top of you. You could tell he was really hard again, until you felt him rubbing only the tip of his cock on your clit. He remained in that position for some time, creating the perfect amount of friction on your clit to make you squirm under him. It seemed strange, however it was something you learned from him that felt so incredibly good. He decided to suck your hard nipples meanwhile, which made you gasp because of the unexpected, yet very welcome act, and moan harder. When you were about to cum, he shoved himself inside your dripping cunt, this time having no mercy on you. His thrusts were fast, hard and pounded you so deeply, that you could swear you were seeing shiny stars all over your room.
"Oh fuck, right there sir, please let me cum!!!" you closed your eyes, only to be slapped in the face as a warning to keep them wide open.
"Ya wanna cum, huh? Do ya think you deserve it?" he asked, staring into your soul to see if you would dare lie to him. "Dirty sluts don't get to cum, and believe me when I say that I'm gonna fucking destroy ya." after that, he put both of his gloved hands around your neck, grabbing it with such force with the porpuse to punish you from your supposed desobedience. You could see the madness itself returning to his eyes, and before you weren't able to talk anymore by lack of air, you decided to expose the truth to him, before it was too late for you.
"I-I didn't go anywhere! I didn't f-fuck anyone and... a-and I didn't go to any p-party!" it was so difficult to talk, but at the same time, in the situation and position you were currently on, it made you cum so hard without even getting time to ask him for permission, yet he didn't care about it since he was now focused on what you said.
"What?" he looked so confused, and his eyes started to return to their original color, getting also softer in the process. He suddenly stopped fucking you, and in that moment you thanked to whoever was up there for letting you cum before he stopped.
"I-I just wanted to make you mad... I wanted this..." you admitted, ashamed for making yourself look silly and desperate in front of him. You couldn't tell if he was still mad and irritated, or relieved. Maybe all of them, because now he had the guarantee that you obeyed him and didn't fuck anyone else.
"Oh, doll... If ya want me to fuck ya this hard, all ya need to do his to ask nicely. But ya like to play games instead, dont'cha? I always knew how kinky you were. Then congratulations, ya got what ya wanted! Ya really pissed me off, but dont'cha think you're gonna get out of this that ah... easily..." he warned you. For some reason, he decided to look at your bedside table, only to discover where your very badly hidden J’s choker had landed. He grabbed the innocent object, that was also the responsible for the best sex of your life, while still being inside of you, and then put it back where it belongs: on your neck. After making sure his gift was well tightened around your neck, he took his dick out of your vagina and lined it up right with your tight ass hole.
Now this was going to be a long night...
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Cater is so underrated! Could you do a yandere Cater fic where a fem!MC is already dating him and they’re having an intimate moment (kissing) when she decides to break up with him and he keeps trying to get her to stay (he’s desperate). He wasn’t a yandere until she decided to leave. I hope this is an okay request! Slight nsfw if you’re willing!
I don't know why but writing Cater as yandere was way harder than Kalim.
Achievement unlocked: You made your boyfriend go yandere
Italics indicate thoughts
Cater Diamond
Warning: Yandere behaviour, toxic relationship
You can do this, (Y/N)! (Y/N) was giving herself confidence-boosting phrases as she firmly made her way to Cater, her boyfriend, well, soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend. He was taking selfies when she arrived at his side. He greeted her with a kiss on the lips after he was done with selfies. She couldn't find it in her heart to return the kiss. To get out of the situation and get his attention, she gingerly patted his shoulder. Lady luck must have been on her side as he withdrew the next second.
"No kissy today?" Cater asked with a cheerful attitude. He didn't even wait for her response before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pressing their cheeks together, and making a peace sign with his hand. "Say cheese!" She force smiled at the camera instinctively as she grew accustomed to Cater's sudden selfie moments. He took a few selfies and retreated his arm to select the best one in his standards.
"Cater, we need to talk."
"Hmm hmm," Her request, once again, fell into deaf ears as he didn't even acknowledge it. "Just a moment babe, I'm posting our picture #CutestCouple #Sweethearts #CantGetEnoughOfEachOther #Ca(Y/N) #(Y/N)ter"
Oh shit!
(Y/N) launched at his phone before he could post it, being grateful that he was "You need to listen to me before you post it." Only interrupting him posting on Magicam would get his attention since it was all he cared about. “I don’t think this,” she motioned herself and Cater, “... is working out.”
“Huh? What are you saying?” He looked confused, looking at her intently while he was reaching to get his phone back.
“I asked you to meet because I want to break up. It would be better to do it in person." She felt relief wash over her after she told him what she was holding back for the last 2 weeks. "I just ca-"
"That is not cute, totally not Magigrammable." (Y/N) assumed he didn't process what she had told yet considering he was standing in front of her with a blank expression.
"You are amazing and I had such a great time with you. I thought I would be fine with you posting every moment we have on Magicam but I am not." It is better to be straightforward than to beat around the bush. He is going to understand me, I'm sure of it.
"I want people to see how cute we look, (Y/N). Why wouldn't you like it?" He was trying to bargain with her, completely ignoring what she had just said.
"You are too focused on being cute and showing it off to everyone and expecting validation for it but you don't live the moment from my point of view. It is not something I can handle. It just encumbers me." (Y/N) put her hands on his biceps gently, making eye contact so he would see her genuineness. She didn't want to hurt his feelings but the reality was better than living a lie. "I can't expect you to change or force to be different than you already are. It is best if we part ways as a friend. I'm sure there is someone out there who would love every side of you." She let her arms fall to her sides, slightly patting on her thighs as she awaited his response. He was far too silent than usual. She just hoped he accepted her reasoning as a mature person would and now was pondering a way to react.
"That's not going to work." Thank goodness, he understood! "My followers adore our pictures together. They get the most likes! We can't break up!" Damn it, I spoke too soon. (Y/N) was about to reason with him but he suddenly grabbed her arm. "You can't break up with me!" She had never seen his eyes blazing with anger, and it was a sight she ought to not see.
(Y/N) was wriggling to be free of his grip but he was squeezing her arm more and more as she continued her struggle. "You are hurting me!" She grabbed his hand on her, digging her nails on his skin so that he would let her go out of pain.
"I'm hurting you?" Cater ignored her plea as if it meant nothing to him. "You are the one who is hurting me! Are you trying to make me lose followers? Do you want people to dislike me? Is that your goal?"
She stopped her strife momentarily, too shocked to hear what he had said. "Wh-what... What does that have anything to do with how I feel about our relationship?!" He was being too self-centered at the moment, only caring about how he felt. "Listen, I want to remain as friends. We can take occasional pictures together that you can post on Magicam but I gotta go my own way, Cater." She wanted to bite his hand and kick him in the sack but she wagered it would be worse if she pushed forward so she decided to take a passive approach.
"Is that your way of pitying me? You are just like my sisters. So cruel, thinking yourself better than me, taking the best thing from me, and expecting me to be content with the scraps." He let her go abruptly, making her lose her balance and fall on her butt. "But you aren't a cruel person, are you?" He knelt on her level, lifting her head from her chin with his hand. "We aren't going to break up. That is just a silly joke you made."
Was he always delusional? (Y/N) tried to sing his tune but it didn't work. She hastily swatted his hand away. "I thought he would stay as friends but clearly you are too deranged for it!"
When she tried to get up, Cater pushed her back. "I believe you would prefer to continue dating me." He was too calm as he uttered those words while twirling the end of his hair strand with a snide smile on his face.
What the fuck is he on? He better gives me the number of his dealer! "Were you not listening to me?!" The more this drew out the more she got irritated. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He just smiled at her remark. "I suppose plenty of things but now isn't the time for me. It is the time for you." He unlocked his phone and scrolled through something. He chuckled when she assumed he found what he was looking for. "You would prefer to date me than seeing what I have to be shared on Magicam and for everyone to talk about it." He had a chesire smile as he closed his eyes and waited for her response.
The gears turned on her mind as she understood what he was talking about. She couldn't help but laugh, it was such a weak threat for her to continue dating him. "If you think I'll still be with you because you would share my nudes and you're in for a ride. The moment you share them or are involved in their distribution, my lawyer will call you." She was certain that he would cut the crap now.
Instead of him falling out of his act, he let out a burst of loud laughter. He then turned to face her once more, bopping her nose. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would I put myself at that type of risk? It would ruin my life more than yours." He chuckled, giving her the most devilish look. "I know what you did last summer."
(Y/N)'s heart started to pound in her chest. She was panicking, her breathing was getting hitched but she kept quiet this long and she wasn't going to quit the act now. "Nothing besides having fun." Her voice cracked as she spoke, her nerves getting to her.
"I bet you did. Especially with your high school friends. Did all of you agree to never speak of what happened last summer?" He was calm as if he was talking about weather instead of her secret.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She was convinced that he would drop the topic if she persisted to deny it.
"Oh?" He feigned surprise before turning his phone towards her so that she could see what was on the screen. Her breathing stopped and her eyes widened the second her eyes laid upon what was on Cater's phone. How did he learn about that? How did he get that video?
(Y/N) gulped, trying to collect any courage left. "H-h-h-how?" Her mind was racing, trying to find an escape from the situation but failing amazingly.
Cater just shrugged his shoulders, acting as if this was a regular thing for him. "I know a lot of things about everyone. Perks of knowing many people and having a broad network, I say. I have everything to know everything about my girlfriend, don't you think?" He didn't expect her to answer. Even if he did, what could she say? She just remained silent and she tried to process everything that happened in the last 10 minutes. He seated beside her on the grass. He took her right arm and put it around his shoulders. Her arms were limp, not having enough energy to fight back. He inched even closer and wrapped his left arm around her waist. They must have looked like a loving couple from outside while in actuality, one of them was a psycho who just threatened his girlfriend into dating him and the other one was a murderer who kept quiet even though it was just an accident.
Cater looked at her, stroking her face as a lover would. "Now be a good girl and wipe that terrified expression off your face. That's not Magigrammable unless it is Halloween time." He closed the video and opened the camera on his phone, holding it up for another selfie. "Smile for the camera." (Y/N) couldn't even bring herself to fake-smile. She was just looking at his phone with a blank expression. Cater must have seen it too since he pouted after looking at the pictures he took but he didn't fret about it, instead, he moved forward. "Now kiss me. Lovers kissing always gets more attention." (Y/N) turned towards him and leaned to kiss him as he took pictures. After he ended the kiss, he simply turned his attention to his phone. "This is going to get so many likes, (Y/N). See what happens when you stay with me?"
She only nodded in response, not wanting to talk. As Cater was adding tags to their picture, (Y/N) was left alone with her thoughts.
I deserve this. I shouldn't have agreed to stay silent last summer. Now not only I have to live with its guilt but also have to obey everything Cater says if I want to live free. But will I be truly free with Cater?
If someone is threatening you to share your intimate photos, don't bend to their will. You can take legal action which can result in you receiving indemnity from intangible damage caused by them and they can get jail time for the distribution of sensitive personal data (I am unsure of the actual term in English). Just know your rights and don't stay silent.
I love "I know what you did last summer". It is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. I highly suggest it.
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