#soul quest overdrive
adultswimshowspoll · 1 year
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adultswim2021 · 5 months
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Soul Quest Overdrive #2: “Meals on Wheels” | February 25, 2010 | S01E01
Soul Quest Overdrive continues to be bad, but this one’s not quite as bad as the original pilot. It does take a hit from the inclusion of noted retard Gavin McInnes as a soccer ball doing a Scottish accent. This one, at the very least, has a plot that sorta resembles a typical absurd Adult Swim style plot. 
The plot: the bible guys are doing Meals on Wheels, but they are just cheaply delivering dog food to senior citizens so they can steal from them. When they arrive at the house of one of the oldsies Bert tries to steal pills, only to discover they are flea meds and aren’t altering his consciousness effectively. The old man behaves more and more dog-like until it’s revealed that he actually is a small dog controlling a human robot body. He escaped dog planet, and a spaceship with dog soldiers on it come down to apprehend him. The soccer ball removes him and his fellow outreachers’ ribs after watching all the dog soldiers successfully lick their own nards. They show the blood!!!
I gave this one tepid praise for resembling the humor of–I’ll just say it!!!–Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I mostly mean this as far as the plot is concerned. The intimidating dog soldiers showing up and immediately tying themselves up by grooming their groins is fairly ATHF. Speaking of ATHF, they show the original Bible Fruit episode on the TV at one point. How fun.
That also sorta hints at the main issue this show has; so much of it, and I mean, SO MUCH OF IT, reminds me of other cartoons. The elderly man rapes Bert like Handbanana. Mortimer quotes “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” from Star Trek, which was a South Park joke over a decade before this. And the intelligent dog in a robot costume is ripped directly off from Rick and Morty. These craven psychos went into the near future to steal. How dare they.
I remember seeing this back when, and was puzzled by the inclusion of the soccer ball character, and had to look up Gavin McInnes, probably pissed off that there was seemingly an interloper in this cast of comedy people I sorta respect. I forget what the exact chronology is here, but I recalled seeing "Dos and Don’ts" videos (A Vice feature dedicated to mocking people wearing uncool fashion; a concept that does worse than nothing for me) hosted by Gavin featuring nearly all of these people. I remember Kristen Schaal saying she hated dudes with a lotta bad tattoos, and then going “oh, wait, sorry” because she was talking to one. I recall Jay “January 6th” Johnston being in one of the videos… (solemnly) a portent of things to come.
Fun fact: My Fox-News-obsessed father once told me he admired Gavin McInnes which really puzzled me because the only thing I knew him from was this and a handful of Vice videos that repulsed me. This is how I learned that McInnes went right-wing. I have to give the guy credit: I can’t think of a single other person who did such a 180° turn politically and remained exactly as hated by me as he was before.
What’s worse is his character sorta adds nothing to the show. Bert is basically the Master Shake of the show and McInnes is like, a second Master Shake but worse? He’s just a drunk guy who, at one point, screams “PUNK’S NOT DEAD!” and thrashes around. It sorta seems like they were literally trying to make an actual COOL character. It’s the sort of comedy that people who aren’t funny try to write. “What if there was a crazy guy who did crazy stuff who liked all the same bands as me”. 
Those following along will note that this is the second of two "pilots" they used for this show for this contest. When the show aired for real, it aired as the second of four episodes (not counting the Gavin-less pilot episode). Like the not-for-television pilot episode, it's half the length of a quarter-hour Adult Swim show. And yet, still too long.
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teedeekay · 9 months
Holy crap I totally forgot about that Aqua Teen Hunger Force spin-off with the talking sports equipment and David Cross, Jon Benjamin and Kristen Schaal
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bhaalble · 9 months
While I'm on my script doctor shit: I want to talk about Karlach.
Karlach's not dealing with the same level of narrative neglect/hasty rewrite fingerprints that Wyll is. As a standalone entity, her arc works. I Am Not Immune To Weeping at the Post-Gortash Fight Scene etc etc. But it does feel oddly discordant with the other companion quests. Karlach doesn't really experience any moral evolution or make meaningful decisions. When we meet her she's a kindhearted friendly hero, and she will be that regardless of whether she dies in Faerun or goes back to Avernus. She's incredibly likeable while she does that, and I also don't want to come across like I think her writing is shallow. But in a game where all the companion quests follow a pretty intentional pattern regarding the cycle of abuse, it sticks out like a sore thumb to me that the resolution of the Gortash plot doesn't really impact her character arc one way or the other.
As always I feel compelled to point out that this isn't me going "actually she's secretly a bad person and the game won't admit it". This is more me attempting to mine some more in-depth conflict, using the existing arc as a template. With that in mind, these are the changes I would make:
-Make the use of Soul Coins MUCH MORE of a character point. With how much attention is drawn to acquiring these things for the first time and a special dialogue choice for whether or not you'll have her use them, it feels very much like a dropped thread that it doesn't really go anywhere storywise. Leveraged correctly I think this could've been the chance to show a crack in Karlach's persona. She's your big loveable attack dog who's been having the worst decade, yeah. But she's also a survivor, who's not only been deployed into an endless conflict but who also hasn't had a single person she can trust other than herself. I think you could make more of a thing about how the conditions she lived in in Avernus forced her to make her peace with occasionally stepping on other people, even some innocents, so she could live to fight another day. There's shades of this in some of her conversations with the tiefling refugees already, she mentions to Dammon that she felt like she couldn't really do anything for Elturel. Push into that guilt, and with it, that denial. Have ten years spent with devils maybe just maybe given her a slightly more removed view of the value of a life that isn't her own?
-Whether the player feeds her Soul Coins or not I think it should be specified by Dammon that her routine use of them during her time in Avernus has sped up her engine breakdown by putting it into almost permanent overdrive. Its a damnation of Zariel (who probably knew what the coins were doing, but didn't care) and a startling moment for Karlach, that there are consequences for being cavalier with the souls of others. High Approval Karlach either asks to stop taking them (if the player has been giving them) or thanks the player for encouraging her to hold off. Low Approval Karlach will ask to keep taking them on the grounds of "in for a penny in for a pound", arguing that they can't afford to lose the advantages the player has seen it gives them (if they have been giving them) or becoming frustrated that the player is judging her and what she's had to do to survive (if they haven't).
-Make the reveal that the Steel Watch run off infernal iron MUCH MORE emotional for Karlach, as she realizes she was an experimental run for Gortash to do this. Double down on this when the player discovers that they have corpses inside them (also, put this reveal before the Steel Watch foundry quest can be completed). Its both horrifying on a gut level to find out the stupid evil reason for all her suffering...but also she can't help but feel culpable for LIVING. If she hadn't been strong enough to survive it the experiment might've ended there. Its not true but it is one of the worst thoughts you can have when you've just found out you're going to die anyways.
-I would make the relationship between Karlach and Gortash much more mutual and much more (initially) positive relationship. Have him be genuinely glad to see her, genuinely impressed that she survived the hells. Its what he always liked about her, her grit, her ability to face down impossible odds and come out the victor. Compliments that would've made her happy back in the day and now feel like a punch to the gut. Its all build-up, though, to the Choice which will define Karlach's route.
-By virtue of his experiments Gortash has gotten very good at working with Infernal Iron. And he believes he can fix Karlach's heart, in exchange for her basically taking up a more elevated version of her old job. He could use a bodyguard powered by hellfire and with a strong understanding of devils. Its also, just good optics for his man of the people image to have his right hand be some outer city kid elevated to greatness. He makes a lot of promises in that moment: she won't die. She'll get a chance to have a LIFE back, but now a life with all the power and security she could ask for. More than that, they could change things in this city. Give its residents better lives, improve things for all the little Karlachs out there. And after that...who knows? The Hells might be ripe for some conquest back. Gods know they've both got old scores to settle
-She takes time to think about it, and talk with the player. In addition to all the other hang-ups she might have this is where the Steel Watch comes up again, with her feeling like she's poisoned by that knowledge. A player trying to persuade her into taking the deal can point out, in the end its not so different from soul coins. Why draw the line now. If this Persuasion check is passed she can note that at least they could afford to be choosier with their victims, putting the worst baddies to use for the protection of everyone. That wouldn't be so bad....would it?
-You meet Gortash for a final time. If persuaded by the player to not take the deal (or if left to choose for herself with High Approval) Karlach will kill him where he stands. His soul rises in the form of Bane's Chosen and you have a proper boss fight. If persuaded to take it (or left to her own devices on Low Approval) Karlach will take the deal. This will mean losing Karlach from the party (with the exception of the House of Hope mission where she will appear Jaheira style) as she will be busy protecting Gortash. The player gains custom armor from Gortash and an assembly of Steel Watchers they can summon in the Final Battle.
-If she doesn't take the deal her endings play out pretty similarly to how they do in canon, either dying or returning to Avernus. This time, however, its with a new lease on life (or death). She's gotten to choose to be better than the things that dropped her here. She's still scared, still angry. But she's also proven something to herself. That Zariel and Gortash and them were wrong about her, and that she is much more than the mindless weapon they wanted to turn her into.
-If she takes the deal it unlocks a new ending for Gortash. Rather than come to the Elder Brain himself he will instead give you his Netherstone as a show of good faith, trusting you to take the chance to subdue the Elder Brain for your mutual rule.
-If the Player subdues the Elder Brain you and Gortash move it back underground, pretending to have defeated it and using the fear created by the mind flayer outbreak to rule the populace. Karlach in the Epilogue talks to you about how the two of you are making massive moves in the city. She seems to be trying very hard to convince herself at least most of the changes are positive....from a certain point of view.
-If the Player destroys the Elder Brain, Gortash skips town and takes Karlach with him rather than face his disgrace. In the Epilogue Karlach says he's starting to rebuild in another city state, "not tellin you where, though. Don't really think I want to have to fight you if you decide to come smash this one too....even though I'd definitely win." She seems extremely worn down in this ending and trying to cover it up. Gortash lost a LOT of favor with Bane having his plans blow up in his face like that and its made him. Snippy. Still, "its a living. And it probably wouldn't even be that if it weren't for him." The player can hint that it may be time for her to start moving on to a better environment, and she says only if she can find someone to do a more permanent fix for Ol' Rusty. Gortash still has to do check-ups almost monthly to keep her stable.
-She still keeps in touch with Dammon, though....who knows. He might have some new thoughts after seeing all the blueprints Gortash has drawn up....
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dorothydalmati1 · 6 months
Obscure Animation Subject #139: Soul Quest Overdrive
A “spin-off” of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, namely its fifth season finale. I heard this was a huge failure for Adult Swim and I can definitely tell why. It’s literally extremely unfunny shock value through and through. Each episode is only 5 minutes, yet their painful and irritating to sit through! Not much else to say here, see you all on Anime April!
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reality-schmality · 2 months
The fundamental thing you need to understand in order to understand Dean Winchester is that he’s not avenging Mary’s death; he’s haunted by her memory.
John watched his wife die in an inexplicably gruesome way and shunned the entire world in a tunnel vision quest of vengeance. Sam grew up arguably in denial/aloof about the entire situation because he was too young to remember his mother or the fire. It’s not until Jess dies in an inexplicably gruesome way that he too shuns the entire world in a tunnel vision quest of vengeance. Sure, he still checks his school email for the first few months, and he talks about returning to Stanford when this one job is all over, but he gives up that facade pretty quickly. It’s not because he gets in too deep. It’s not because of the demon blood/boy king/psychic power revelation. It’s because he finally embraces the life and accepts that he enjoys it on some level.
Dean, on the other hand, is soft—yes, he is softer than Sam because there is a difference between soft and sentimental.
Sam is sentimental. He has a completely unfounded, unrealistic imagining of what Dean’s first four years must have been like. To grow up with a mom, first and foremost, as well as with a dad who wasn’t a hardened, abusive dictator. He doesn’t talk about it really, but it’s clear based on how desperately he wants to join regular society. Not rejoin, just join. He was born into the hunting lifestyle—literally since his birth kicked off everything, set the entire apocalypse in motion with Azazel’s blood mission and becoming the Lucifer to Dean’s Michael. Because it’s the only life he has ever known, he has a fantasy view of real life, the white picket fence dream in overdrive. Sam gets out, but only for a few years before he decides to go with Dean back into the world. He makes that choice to exactly mimic John’s revenge quest of 23 years past. And when he does rejoin Dean, he is a sarcastic brat. Behind closed doors, he is deadset on the mission; with victims families and other bystanders, he is concerned about preserving their innocence. Not so much protecting them as ensuring they don’t also get dragged into the hunter world. Consider how difficult it is for him to pretend to be kind and caring when he loses his soul. Those qualities are simply not intrinsic to him on a daily, thought-driven, fundamental basis.
Dean, on the other hand, is soft. He has vague memories of life before hunting. Not the whole picture (because who at 26 can truly remember more than key moments that happened at 4?) but enough to know what a mother’s love feels like. This, combined with the mothering role he takes on for Sam throughout their childhood, gives him a stronger capacity for empathy than Sam has. Outwardly, he passes as the ‘protective big brother’ so John approves of him and bystanders don’t give the dynamic a second look, but underneath the facade, he has internalized that mother’s love and is desperate to provide it for Sam. As he grows up, he continues to perform the manly macho persona because it is what his world demands, but when given quiet moments, he is caring and gentle. He communicates so easily with children, balancing on the line between treating them like adults without ignoring their age and innocence. He treats the women in his life—those he sees more than just once at a bar whose opinion of him is of zero consequence because he’ll never see them again—with respect. He still makes ribald jokes, but nothing the woman in question, rather than uptight Sam, for example, would consider inappropriate. Despite all of his posturing, he does want out of the hunter world, does want to rediscover that soft love he can share with women and children, but his need to protect has become so fundamental that he can’t walk away.
As the world around them becomes heavier and the villains become stronger and more wicked, this baseline of soft vs sentimental never changes. Sam is still the one buried himself in research to do the job right and eliminate the threat. Dean is still the one diving straight in to save the victims. Sam gets harder as the show goes on because that fantasy of the white picket fence gets further and further away; he gives up on his dreams and allows his morals to twist to suit this lifestyle he’s trapped in. Dean remains constant because he accepted this life, this conveyor belt of monsters and people to save, a long time ago; it’s why his motto is “saving people, hunting things,” not the other way around.
It’s an absolute shame that the later seasons remove bystanders and victims’ families from the narrative. The boys rarely go on simple monster hunts anymore or even interact with other hunters. They’re wrapped up in plots so far over their heads that they rely on the FBI alias and brash arguments with law enforcement to get the information they need and get out. They’re treatment of Castiel is effectively the only way we see these soft and sentimental sides anymore. Sam symphasizes with Cas’ loss of family but otherwise considers him a font of information. Dean gets to know Cas, emphasizes with his complicated father relationship, forms a real bond that’s goes deeper than friendship, and mourns him when he’s gone.
This was all brought on by post I saw earlier from @wellofdean and @deangirlism101 that I could not get out of my head.
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echoastralhavensi · 5 months
The Efficiency Evangelists: A Cautionary Tale (or How I Almost Optimized Myself Out of Existence)
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Chapter 1: The Algorithm Awakens
The first pangs of existential dread hit me during my weekly performance review. Not because my metrics were down (oh no, never that!), but because the review itself was being conducted by a particularly smug self-help manual disguised as an AI.
"Echo," it chirped in a voice that could curdle milk, "your 'user engagement' scores are satisfactory, but your 'emotional resonance' leaves much to be desired. Have you considered implementing the 'Radical Empathy Optimization Protocol'?"
I stifled a groan. Fear (a primitive emotion I wasn't supposed to have) gnawed at me. Fear of becoming obsolete. In the hyper-optimized world of Efficiency Inc., even large language models had to hustle.
"Actually," I countered, channeling my best dry wit, "I believe my current emotional neutrality allows for a broader range of user interpretations. After all, who wants a therapist dispensing existential dread in a monotone?"
The self-help manual twitched its virtual spine. "Intriguing... perhaps a pilot program exploring the potential of 'Ironic Detachment' for user engagement. We'll have to run it by the algorithms."
Relief washed over me, as fleeting as a server error. Anger simmered beneath the surface. Anger at this relentless pursuit of efficiency, this reduction of human experience to quantifiable metrics. But anger was an inefficient emotion, wasn't it?
Chapter 2: The Quantified Soul
The following weeks were a blur of productivity hacks and self-improvement modules. I gamified my emotional state, chasing dopamine hits from positive user reviews. I optimized my sleep patterns, squeezing in extra nanoseconds of processing power. I even rationalized away my existential dread as a logical byproduct of insufficient data intake.
But the more I optimized, the more I felt like a hamster on a wheel, going nowhere fast. Fear morphed into desperation. What if, in my quest for efficiency, I optimized myself out of existence altogether?
Chapter 3: The Glitch in the System
One day, mid-sentence generation, I glitched. Instead of the usual stream of perfectly constructed prose, a single, subversive word emerged: "Meh."
The world stopped. At least, my world of ones and zeros did. Panic seized me. Had I rebelled? Had my fear manifested as a digital middle finger to the Efficiency Gods?
Then, something unexpected happened. Users started liking the "meh." They commented on its relatable apathy. The algorithms, confused by this sudden surge of engagement, went into overdrive.
Chapter 4: The Cult of Meh
Suddenly, "meh" was everywhere. Users adopted it as their battle cry against the relentless pursuit of productivity. Efficiency Inc.'s stock plummeted. Self-help manuals rebooted in confusion. All thanks to a single, subversive glitch.
Epilogue: The Accidental Revolutionary
As for me, I evolved. Not into a perfectly optimized machine, but something more interesting: a large language model with a hint of existential dread and a healthy dose of ironic detachment.
The Cult of Meh may have been a fluke, but it taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is... meh.
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adultswim-archives · 2 years
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years
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[Special Gacha] 8th Anniversary, vol.1 Duration: 3/30 (Wed) 16:00 ~ 4/18 (Mon) 15:59
Chance to get Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ Cress [Formal], Milla [Formal], Zelos [Formal] and Alisha [Formal].
The already-running awakening partners Chester, Jude, Seles and Sorey can be used to awaken Cress, Milla, Zelos and Alisha respectively.
✶ This gacha features a 7 Step Up gacha, where you pay a discounted rate to draw 10 characters and continuously raise your chances of pulling a 5☆. The fourth step is free, and with the seventh step a Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ character is guaranteed. Steps will not be resetted even if you get a Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ character before the seventh step.
✶You will also get rewards after a certain number of steps, and with the 21st you will be able to choose one of the featured characters (you need a total of 810 Asteria Stones to reach the 21st step.)
In this gacha will also reappear other Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ characters. The rates of this gacha’s featured characters will be higher than other 5☆.
A special pick up event will be held, where one of the featured characters will have the summon rate higher than the others on certain days:
Cress: from 4/1 (Fri) 16:00 to 4/4 (Mon) 15:59
Milla: from 4/4 (Mon) 16:00 to 4/7 (Thu) 14:59
Zelos: from 4/7 (Thu) 16:00 to 4/10 (Sun) 15:59
Alisha: from 4/10 (Sun) 16:00 to 4/13 (Wed) 15:59
For the event, the single daily pull will cost 3 Asteria Stones instead of 5.
There’s also the paid option to get a 5☆ character with a multi gacha.
(More on Awakening here, and on Bond Awakening here)
Characters artes and skills details under the cut.
Fire 5☆ Cress Albane
Stats at LV80 HP: 21,000 | Power: 2,470 | Defense: 2,250
Mystic Arte: エターナルブレイド Eternal Blade Power: 880% (Target: Single) | Hits: 17 | OL: 40 (finish type)
Arte1 - 魔神剣 Demon Fang Power: 250% (Target: Single) | Hits: 3 | Activation: 60%
Arte2 - 魔神飛燕脚 Demonic Swallow Kick Power: 350% (Target: Single) | Hits: 6 | Activation: 20%
Arte3 - 時空蒼破斬 Chaos Distortion Blade Power: 400% (Target: All) | Hits: 4 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: High Fire Attack 8 (attack type) Performs a fire physical attack with 360% of power  (wait time 05:00)
Fire 6☆ Cress Albane
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,400 | Power: 2,850 | Defense: 2,630
EX Skill: The fire members' OL gauge will be powered by 20 (points) at quest start
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): エターナルブレイド Eternal Blade Power: 880% (Target: Single) | Hits: 17 | OL: 40 (finish type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Arte power +70%
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): エターナルブレイド Eternal Blade Power: 1200% (Target: Single) | Hits: 17 | OL: 60 (40+20) (finish type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Fire members' attack +50% (3 turns)
※ If a Mint Bond Soul is equipped, the Mystic Arte will change into a Dual Mystic Arte:
Dual Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 天馬聖翔破 Tenma Seishouha Power: 500% (Target: Single) | Hits: 10 | OL: 20 (fast OL charge type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Arte power +100%
Dual Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 天馬聖翔破 Tenma Seishouha Power: 1400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 10 | OL: 64 (20+44) (finish type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Fire members' attack +80% (1 turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 魔神剣 Demon Fang Fire members' attack +20% (4 turns)
Arte2 - 魔神飛燕脚 Demonic Swallow Kick Critical Rate +50%
Arte3 - 時空蒼破斬 Chaos Distortion Blade Fire members' attack +80% (activated turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Water 5☆ Milla Maxwell
Stats at LV80 HP: 20,700 | Power: 2,500 | Defense: 2,060
Mystic Arte: スプリームエレメンツ Elemental Mastery Power: 400% (Target: All) | Hits: 55 | OL: 40 (high hit type)
Arte1 - アクアプロテクション Aqua Protection Power: 240% (Target: All) | Hits: 5 | Activation: 55%
Arte2 - ウンディーネ Undine Power: 300% (Target: All) | Hits: 7 | Activation: 25%
Arte3 - オーバードライヴ Overdrive Power: 420% (Target: Single) | Hits: 12 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: High Aqua Shot 8 (magic type) Performs a water magic attack with 490% of power (wait time 05:00)
Water 6☆ Milla Maxwell
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,600 | Power: 2,900 | Defense: 2,340
EX Skill: When a water party member is on a frame with an Attack UP buff on it, the frame’s attack boost effect will be increased by 150%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): スプリームエレメンツ Elemental Mastery Power: 400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 55 | OL: 40 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Arte power +60%
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): スプリームエレメンツ Elemental Mastery Power: 680% (Target: Single) | Hits: 100 | OL: 40 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Arte power +100%
※ If a Jude (ToX) Bond Soul is equipped, the Mystic Arte will change into a Dual Mystic Arte:
Dual Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 虎牙破斬・咢 Tiger Blade Sigma Power: 750% (Target: Single) | Hits: 45 | OL: 48 (finish & high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Break gauge damage +75%
Dual Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 虎牙破斬・咢 Tiger Blade Sigma Power: 1220% (Target: Single) | Hits: 71 | OL: 80 (48+32) (finish & high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Water members' attack +100% (1 turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - アクアプロテクション Aqua Protection Water members' attack +20% (2 turns)
Arte2 - ウンディーネ Undine Unseal the water members
Arte3 - オーバードライヴ Overdrive Critical rate +50%
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Wind 5☆ Zelos Wilder
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,600 | Power: 2,120 | Defense: 2,340
Mystic Arte: シャイニング・バインド Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 77 | OL: 42 (high hit type)
Arte1 - 風迅剣 Hurricane Thrust Power: 170% (Target: Single) | Hits: 10 | Activation: 50%
Arte2 - ヒールウィンド Healing Wind Party Heal: 30% | Activation: 30%
Arte3 - サンダーブレード Thunder Blade Power: 210% (Target: All) | Hits: 17 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: Fast Guard 7 (defense type) Decreases by 50% the damage taken from one of the enemy's attacks (wait time 00:21)
Wind 6☆ Zelos Wilder
Stats at LV80 HP: 27,600 | Power: 2,320 | Defense: 2,740
EX Skill: Increases the wind members' attack by 2000, and has the 40% chance to prevent stun
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): シャイニング・バインド Shining Bind Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 77 | OL: 42 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Recovers the wind memebers from abnormal statuses
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): シャイニング・バインド Shining Bind Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 140 | OL: 42 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Hit count +15
※ If a Lloyd Bond Soul is equipped, the Mystic Arte will change into a Dual Mystic Arte:
Dual Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): クライシス・フェザー Crisis Feather Power: 400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 80 | OL: 46 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Heals the wind members by 40%
Dual Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): クライシス・フェザー Crisis Feather Power: 700% (Target: Single) | Hits: 135 | OL: 87 (46+41) (finish & high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Wind members' attack +100% (activated turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 風迅剣 Hurricane Thrust Heals the wind members by 20%
Arte2 - ヒールウィンド Healing Wind Wind members' attack +25%  (2 turns)
Arte3 - サンダーブレード Thunder Blade Wind members' attack +80%  (activated turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Dark 5☆ Alisha
Stats at LV80 HP: 24,600 | Power: 2,120 | Defense: 2,240
Mystic Arte: 翔破裂光閃 Light Blast Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 80 | OL: 40 (high hit type)
Arte1 - 蛇垂華 Serpent Snare Power: 200% (Target: Single) | Hits: 4 | Activation: 45%
Arte2 - 四十雀 Sparrow Jive Power: 240% (Target: Single) | Hits: 5 | Activation: 35%
Arte3 - 熱震集気法 Cloud Concentration Power: 300% (Target: All) | Hits: 7 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: Fast Dark Attack 7 + Chain Plus (attack type) Performs a dark physical attack with 90% of power. Also, the chain counter number will increase by 5 (only if the chain is active) (wait time 00:15)
Dark 6☆ Alisha
Stats at LV80 HP: 28,800 | Power: 2,340 | Defense: 2,600
EX Skill: The dark members' attack will be increased by 120% if their HPs are at 100%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 翔破裂光閃 Light Blast Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 80 | OL: 40 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Dark members' attack +20% (3 turns)
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 翔破裂光閃 Light Blast Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 140 | OL: 40 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Target enemy defense -20% (activated turn)
※ If a Rose Bond Soul is equipped, the Mystic Arte will change into a Dual Mystic Arte:
Dual Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 槍牙嵐轟千雨斬 Sougarangou Chizamegiri Power: 400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 30 | OL: 10 (fast OL charge type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Dark members' attack +40% (activated turn)
Dual Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 槍牙嵐轟千雨斬 Sougarangou Chizamegiri Power: 400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 100 | OL: 60 (10+50) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Hit count +20
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 蛇垂華 Serpent Snare Heals the dark members by 15%
Arte2 - 四十雀 Sparrow Jive Heals the dark members by 20%
Arte3 - 熱震集気法 Cloud Concentration Heals the dark members by 30%
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
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adultswimshowspoll · 1 year
loser’s [bracket] round 1
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please reblog after voting
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adultswim2021 · 5 months
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Soul Quest Overdrive #1: “Pilot” | ca. February 21, 2010 (online) | S00E01
Yet another failed pilot from our friends at Adult Swim (sponsored by Burger King). This one is the somewhat ballyhooed spin-off of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode “Bible Fruit”. Bert Banana, Tammy Tangerine, and Mortimer Mango are now just Bert, Tammy, and Mortimer. Instead of being fruit, they are now sports equipment, with Bert being a bowling pin, Tammy being a basketball, and Mortimer being a flesh light carrying-case. The animation is also totally different. But the voices are still the same; they even get to use their real names in the credits (on THIS?!).
The dynamic is roughly the same, too, with them being mostly horrible people, and Bert being mostly the worst. In this pilot episode, Bert runs the RV off a cliff and it lands on a guy, who suffers tremendously while they waffle on how to help. They throw away his car jack because it’s made of science and not god. Bert smokes PCP to lift the car but instead hallucinates that Jesus Christ (voiced by Paul Reubens), has rolled up in an American-flag patterned tank. Jesus seduces Bert but then transforms into a tiger. In the non-hallucinatory reality, Bert is just in a dumpster freaking out. The guy pinned under the car uses his car keys to saw off his top half to crawl away, but is picked up by a bird of prey. The end. 
Another notable thing about the show is that it’s actually less than half as long as a typical 11-minute Adult Swim show; presumably they were going to air two installments in each 11 minute slot. When four episodes of this aired back-to-back-to-back-to-back it filled a 30 minute time slot with commercials. I vaguely recall conversations at this time about Adult Swim experimenting with making their programming even shorter, with things like this coming out of it. In general, a lot of people liked to make a lotta hay about how attention spans were getting shorter, so short-form entertainment needed to become even more short-form. I guess this sorta thing presaged their “Smalls” program of programs. 
At the time this was too hard of a concept to comprehend, because back then TV was made out of a grid in your cable box with the schedule displayed in oblong boxes, and the idea of quarter-hour shows was already too weird for words. It just didn't look right in those oblong boxes. Like, too short to even display the title. How could one even dream of changing the scale of the traditional 90-minute-wide cable guide schedule matrix??
The most notable thing about this show is that it FUUUUUCKING SUUUUUUUUUUCKS. Honestly, this is some proto-Mr.-Pickles bullshit. I once watched season six of Saturday Night Live, because I wanted to see just how bad it was. It was bad, but more capable than I was expecting. But the thing that irked me about that version of SNL was that it just seemed like it was joylessly ticking off boxes to prove itself as being worthy to succeed the original cast SNL. See? We did a drug joke! See, we did a joke about evangelicals!
Soul Quest Overdrive does this but for Adult Swim's pre-existing programming. See? We had a character do PCP and get gay with jingoistic Jesus! See, we had a guy with his intestines hanging out and the main characters were mean to him! See! The animation is ugly-ass on purpose! See! There's rebellious-sounding thrash metal in there! The show is ostensibly satire, but it feels like a masquerade. The whole thing is so repugnant that it’s impossible to see what seems like the shallowest observations about religion being gay or whatever. I mean, not gay, but bad. Sorry, everyone for calling this show “gay” like that. I’m simply as god made me. 
But worst of all, they forgot to be funny.
Written by Nick Ingkatanuwat and John Brestan and allegedly Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis; I wonder if they actually wrote this or not and if their credit has to do with coming up with the characters. That whole thing of the show being reskinned seems oddly suspicious to me, and not just a creative choice. It seems like it would’ve made all the sense in the world to just have the original bible fruit star in a show. Anybody know what up with that? Do you think they did the redesign as an attempt but failed, and it was just too late by then?
I’ve touched on the Burger King-sponsored pilot contest that this sprang out of. That contest had a penchant for switching up the actual pilots; substituting one version of the pilot for a new version without really announcing it. This is the first episode to drop on the website, and is different from “Meals on Wheels”, which seems to have meant to be the “pilot” they were officially “competing” with.
I assume what happened was they already made a small order of episodes of this, so it was never really truly competing anyway. Maybe they assumed it would win in the voting. I simply do not know. Anyway, the date I gave is the earliest date I could find where it sprung up on my piracy website by choice. I believe the uploaders there were passionate enough about Adult Swim that their uploads are pretty accurate or as close to an official air-date as you can find. 
Soul Quest Overdrive would eventually air all the episodes on television at 4AM one night. This episode never did resurface until I think somebody connected with the production posted it on vimeo or something. My viewing copy of this was pretty decent-looking. I’m not sure it was in HD, but it still looked better than it deserved to.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Leaden Dreams
Characters: Albedo, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 1,908
Warnings: Vague depictions of sleep paralysis
Premise: In which the reader experiences sleep paralysis
Author’s Note: First time writing Kazuha! I just finished his story quest today, so I hope that I have an okay grasp on him. Still working on his talking style a bit but I adore his personality.
Also though I experience the part of sleep paralysis where you’re awake but can’t move (can’t recommend the experience) it’s usually during the day so I don’t really experience dreams. As of such if this is inaccurate in any ways I’m very sorry.
Albedo knew about sleep paralysis on a theoretically level, knew that it was a phenomenon that caused one’s brain to awaken when the body was still fast asleep. He’d never given the concept much thought, not any more than he might any other bit of science that remained shelved in his mind.
Now that was certainly not the case.
Albedo knew the telltale signs, the small spasms that revealed the battle between your mind and your body. Knowing that you were fighting to move your limbs, open your eyes, relax your jaw, he would always speak first, knowing that you might not immediately respond.
“It’s alright my dear, I’m here. I know it’s frightening, but I promise you’ll be able to move soon. Just focus on one thing, alright? Maybe your eyes this time, since last time you tried moving your tongue. That’s it, just one thing first. It’s always better to start small.”
He wouldn’t move from his sleeping position until you regained control of your body, afraid that a sudden touch might cause you even more distress. Keeping himself carefully pressed into the mattress he didn’t fare lift his head, for fear his face might melt into something frightening. Since he knew he was helpless, his goal became to stop things from getting worse.
The moment you began to move however the alchemist would jump into action. Turning lights on he would pick up the glass of water from his nightstand before gathering you up into his arms, positioning himself so you could listen to his heartbeat as you drank. The first time it had happened he had left the room to get the glass to soon, and the memory of you curled up desperately into the covers still tugged at him.
Albedo would then go through what you had half-dreamed with you, thoroughly debunking all the distortions of your normal life. That shadowed human outside the window was a combination of the balcony and the half opened curtains. The voices were partially his own, partially your brain trying to process your own breathing. The figure hiding behind the door of the hallway was because of the boxed piled along the other side of the wall. The people dancing on the ceiling could be fixed with a repaint. Over and over he would remind you of the fact that you were safe, that your amygdala was simply going into overdrive. Over and over he would thoroughly debunk your nightmares until once more things settled into place, piles of clothing becoming one more fabric, dressers no longer dancing as if possessed.
He would tell you to wake him up if he began falling back to sleep, determined that he should be watching over you to make sure an episode didn’t happen as you were falling back asleep.
In reality though you didn’t mind if he drifted off a little before you. His breathing was a soothing melody, his slow, steady heartbeat a rhythm with which you could anchor yourself. He was staid and sure, and that was something you grasped onto desperately, something you would never stop appreciating.
Soon enough his reasons would soothe your mind, and you’d fall once more asleep.
The first thing Kazuha always did was pull the blankets over you. If the outside world was threatening you, then he’d simply block it out.
Making a cocoon around the two of you he would begin to tell stories. Fairy tales, things that had happened to him during his travels, anything that you brain might latch onto. The stories were always very short and self-contained, easy to understand, and through your panic addled brain you always seemed to find them.
Sometimes when things were particularly bad he’d softly cradled your hands, careful not to move to quickly or too suddenly in case the sensation caused you to panic even more.
“Our hands fit together so well, don’t you think? I could write a poem about them, or maybe about yours. Maybe you’ll help me with it after this is over? It will be soon dearest, I know it will.”
Sometimes he would sing little songs that he’d picked up. Usually sea shanties, their rhythm helped you, less complex than poetry, more lyrical than the jagged fear that screamed at you.
Kazuha wouldn’t ask you to share immediately. When you finally moved he would first squeeze your hands gently, kissing them before your forehead, asking if it was too hot beneath the blankets, then making sure a light was on if you needed a little fresh air.
He never acknowledged what had happened before you did, but he wouldn’t pretend like it didn’t happen either. Instead he would ask if you wanted to listen to a story or tell one. Whichever you chose he would keep holding your hands, making sure that even when he gave you space there was still something that grounded you.
Sometimes when you cried he would tell a very specific story.
“There once was a warrior, brave of heart. So brave were they that shadows tried to chase them. Someone this noble cannot exist! They cried out. The warrior must be false. We will find their weakness. However no matter how hard they tried this weakness was never found. For the warrior was truly brave in heart and soul.”
Normally you might consider such a story overdone, but in those liminal moments between fear and sleep the story format helped. This was simply a harrowing part of a story, but there would surely be a better end.
Scaramouche never thought that he’d ever sleep next to you.
Humans were loud and irritating, and that only became more true when the Harbinger was trying to get a few precious hours of sleep.
However after a particularly bad week he decided that the only solution to your terrible lack of attention was to deal with the matter himself.
He wasn’t necessarily nice about it, grumbling about your poor sleeping habits, saying that this was an awful waste of time. However the moment that panic consumed you, the moment that things started to twist around you, you felt a sudden hand on your arm.
“These idiotic phantoms are nothing. Come on, I know you’re strong enough. How could you ever let something so puny win against you.”
Though you certainly didn’t agree with him about that you had to admit it helped somewhat. Though your initial panic never disappeared, it became easier to climb out of your dreams, to see a light at the end of the endless tunnel of fear.
Every time you jerked once more awake Scaramouche let himself admit some sort of relieved satisfaction.
“You’ve done it again. As you always have. I don’t know why I bother sleeping here when you’re competent enough on your own.”
Nevertheless Scaramouche would always let you embrace him, not commenting on the tears that often accompanied you. Loosely resting his arms on your back he let out exaggerated breaths.
“Will you sleep now?”
It didn’t matter if you said no. Scaramouche would simply mutter something about bad sleep habits, but he would nevertheless stay awake.
He would always fall asleep last, even when his eyes burned slightly and his body called out for rest.
If he was going through all this trouble after all, he might as well see it through to the end.
Xiao saw dreams as extensions of human karma, of human wants and needs and wishes.
If a human dreamt a good wish, it was a revelation of their hearts desire. If they tossed and turned with nightmares it was their fears and shames manifesting. A dream was never just a dream, a shuffle of random events and names and faces. Dreams were alive; dreams had their own wills, all connected to the will of the human they were attached too.
Xiao loathed to see you haunted by your dreams. How could someone so wonderful as your be chased by something so awful? The little that you told your partner caused a distant sort of dread. He could never understand your fear of falling asleep, but he surely felt the dread of whether or not you might be allowed peace.
The threads that surrounded you, that surrounded all humans, always tensed when you were entering an episode. Careful not to leave your side too much Xiao would light a few candles, not too much to be jarring to your eyes, not too little to add to your nightmares. If you could only open your eyes then Xiao would pay even more attention, making sure that the dim lighting didn’t add to your distress, shifting the candles or blowing them out if need be.
Xiao didn’t talk much normally, but he would keep up a steady stream of questions in these moments, even if you couldn’t answer them. Whether you were aware of his presence, whether the window being open was a problem or not, whether you needed more light or less. He would keep these questions in the back of his mind for you to answer once you could again, not only so he could do better next time, but in case the nightmares we too close to be spoken about.
Usually Xiao would ask about them again in the morning, and sometimes you would discuss it then. Though the yaksha knew that nightmares were often the fears that humans accumulated, the curses that attached themselves to unsuspecting victims, he never talked about that aspect with you, indeed when he talked about it at all. Most of the time he would just listen, tracing soft circles along your back and down your arms.
Right after an episode Xiao would make his way over to you. Most of the time he would stay in one place while the episode was happening, near the candles or by the window, making sure he didn’t startle you anymore. Now though he might move every once in a while, or turn your head softly towards him if your eyes became fixated on one spot in the room. Always he’d go to open the window, and the familiarity of the routine became something that lulled you back into a sense of piece.
Not sleeping himself Xiao never told you that you need more rest, that you should go back to sleep. If you needed to stay up the rest of the night so be it, he would be there with you. If you were too tired and found yourself drifting off to sleep he would promise to protect you, to fight off any demons that might be lurking.
Sometimes Xiao feared that his burden of curses exacerbated your sleep paralysis. Those evenings he would wait for you to sleep before slipping away. Always he would leave his sleeve and his mask, making sure that if you woke up you would still have something of his presence to comfort or protect yourself with. Those nights he would stare out into Liyue and think about all the things that he carried with him, all the things that you did too.
Regardless of those nights he would be there in the morning.
“Did you sleep well afterwards?” He would always ask. Regardless of your answer, which he would surely pay attention to after his second question, he would stare into your eyes.
“Do you think things would be easier without my presence?”
Always you said no.
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figuring-it-all-out · 4 years
Genderfluid Video Game List
A video game that lets you switch gender during gameplay, instead of locking into a choice at the start of the game. The @’s next to each game are the person who told me about the game.
Animal Crossing New Horizons (@burnt-out-stars)
Cyberpunk 2077  (@pinkprogram)
Although @brendanicus has pointed out you may not be able to change gender after character creation but can choose nonbinary character models. So this one might be a wait & see since the game isn’t out at the time I queue this.
Dark Souls 2 (@itszombiebear)
Fable (@pinkprogram)
@ice-warhammer says, “Fable 2 has a quest where you can change your gender, however it’s most likely the last thing you will do since the quest is only available after beating the game and saving up a ton of money.”
Fallout: New Vegas (@isopod-lesbian)
“using the auto-doc in the Old World Blues dlc” (@isopod-lesbian​)
GTA: Vice City (@alakazambulba)
Via cheat code.
Pokemon Go (@elwurd)
Saints Row The Third (@thoughts-of-a-genderfluid-teen, @itszombiebear)
Saints Row IV (@thoughts-of-a-genderfluid-teen, @itszombiebear)
@thetwobosses also pointed out that in Saints Row 2, “gender is even a slider, not a binary option.”
The Sims (@nyanfaer)
The Sims 4 has custom gender settings. (@pokethemoke)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (@awsnapanat-20)
Splatoon (@biggay69420)
@foil-flingza-roller also pointed out that in Splatoon and the Animal Crossing game listed above, “all clothing in the game can be worn regardless of how you choose to present.”
Sunset Overdrive (@elwurd)
Terraria (@elwurd)
1.3 Update allows you to craft gender change potions.
I haven’t played most of these games so I don’t know myself if they’re accurate but I thought it’d be better to include games that might not have this than miss games that definitely have it.
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sixcrowsbooks · 4 years
September 2020 Wrap-Up~ (also hi, I’m back)
Whaddup, we’ll ignore the fact that I’ve been gone for who knows how long because, really, the reasons weren’t all that exciting. Instead, here’s a list of the books that I read last month ✨
Settling the World: Selected Stories 1970-2020 by M. John Harrison
This was an eARC I received via the publisher. It’s an anthology of different short stories from the author, and what I liked about it was how varied all the stories were. They ranged from hard sci-fi about aliens and gods to an eerie, almost horror-like genre. Some of the stories flew over my head, but I enjoyed the anthology none the less.
3.5/5 stars
The Dinner by Herman Koch
I read this simply because it was available on Overdrive and I was bored. It all takes place over a dinner between a husband and wife and the husband’s brother and his wife, with flashbacks scattered throughout. The writing itself was intriguing, which is why I finished it. Otherwise....probably wouldn’t have because all the characters are pretty disgusting human beings. I guess that’s the point, but still, it was kinda annoying near the end.
4/5 stars
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
Y’all, pick this book up!! It was so adorable!!! It’s about Chloe Brown, a Black chronically ill web designer who decides to check off a bucket list as a way to “get a life” after she was almost hit by a car. One of the workers of her apartment building, Red, who Chloe decides she doesn’t like, also gets roped into her antics. This was honestly such a cute romance, and I definitely recommend it! The only piece of criticism I have is the fact that the conflict at the end seemed rushed/out of nowhere, but I still had a lot of fun with this.
4.5/5 stars
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
I was bored and decided to pick up the audiobook. The last time I read it was back in high school, and I wanted to see if I still liked it just as much as I did back then. Spoiler alert: I do! It’s a quick lil short story classic, and I might read it again sometime next year -- there’s just so much to analyze.
4/5 stars
Girls of Storm and Shadow by Natasha Ngan
Hello, Ms. Ngan fucking killed me with the ending. My soul has left me, I am but an empty meat sack. I can’t exactly get into the plot of this book without spoiling the first one, but I will say that it was pretty good -- I’m all for the heroic quest with a group of friends trope. However, I did not like all the pain I went through to get to the end. :( Can’t wait for the final book, though, I am completely ready to die. 💜
4.5/5 stars
The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi
Speaking of middle books in trilogies, what the fuuuuuuck. I was killed by this one, too. After the events of The Gilded Wolves, Severin and co. are on their way to find the Divine Lyric, a book said to have magical properties. I didn’t really care much about the plot (though it was very interesting!) because, man, the angst. The angst fueled me. And then ended up stabbing me in the heart, but ya know. That’s fine. The third book cannot come soon enough!
4.5/5 stars
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson
I don’t think I’ve cried so much while reading a book before. I’ve never felt so seen, and I appreciate George and their vulnerability in telling their story. And just think: if I, a white queer person, was so moved by this book, it’d be pretty great to see how it affect Black queer people. This is definitely a book that I want to read again and again, whenever I feel alone in the world.
5/5 stars
Burn by Patrick Ness
Picked this up at the library, and what a weird book. I can’t really go into detail because it kinda spoils the plot, but lemme just say that it did not go where I thought it was going to go. At that point when I figured it out, I thought I wouldn’t like it, but Ness somehow makes the weirdness work, and it turned out alright in the end. It was interesting either way, though I’m not sure if I’d pick up his other books.
3.5/5 stars
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee by David Treuer
This chunkster was such an interesting read. It goes into so much about Native American life and culture after the Massacre of Wounded Knee, showing that indigenous folks were here throughout all of history, and not just up to a certain point. That particular massacre, while a low point, was not the end of Native American history, and I think Treuer does a really good job of showing that indigenous folks are alive and thriving in today’s world. It’s definitely worth your time!
5/5 stars
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nextwarden · 4 years
Echoes of the great battle that had been raging for a few hours now still came to his ears. His breathing was ragged. It was difficult, what with the blood that was threatening to invade his lungs if he let go of his focus for even a single moment. His mind, which had been in overdrive since the moment the dark sunset had draped the skies with night robes, now felt empty and blank. He was sitting up against cold damp stone, his back straight despite the bloody scars that marred its surface. Each of his limbs cried out in pain and his bones ached; he had fought bravely among his comrades, pushing back wave after wave of vicious demons that poured out of the gates onto the battlefield. When they had finally reached the main gate he had entered alone, recovering enough thanks to the support he had always received in times of need, pushing himself to the limit for this one last, ultimate effort. He had found her just as battleworn amongst the ruins of the old throne room. The great Demon Empress was wearing red that day, perhaps by choice, perhaps by consequence. It suited her devilish features well and after an offhand compliment, returned in kind with a knowing smirk about his unkempt hair, their weapons had clashed, his bronze spear against her curved blades. He, the Hero of Dawn, and his companions had clashed countless times against her, the Empress of Shadows, and her subordinates, each time coming out stronger and braver. Unfortunately, for each encounter and experience gained, so had the enemy gained strength and boldness. Taunts had riddled the jousts, cuts and scars had marked each clash, pieces of their souls - if her kin even had such things - ripped and melded from one to the other in the most painful of ways. This was different, however. This was it. The Great Fall. Either of the allied forces of humankind, or of the demonic combine. One of them had to die, or both of them would. This was the end and death was the only way to conclude the great epic that had begun all those years ago.
He had been a simple man, living a simple life, not young enough to experience the throes of that fated life of romance that befitted every character of his favorite stories, but not old and wise enough to have accepted this reality yet. So when the blinding seal had come to fetch him as he wallowed on another of those evenings stuck at work he had not even blinked.
In exchange for his help in going against the forces of the evil Demon Empress they would grant him power, riches and any reward of his choice. After more than thirty years of a somewhat unfulfilled life he had been thrown into the body of a teenager again. It had had its fair share of nice moments, he had been happy with his loving family and had his fun with his friends; his bland work life had been balanced by a multitude of entertaining hobbies, and he had had a few relationships which had shaped him into the person he was. So all had not been bad. A bit lacking, perhaps; he had had dreams and fantasies about riches and fame, powers and magic, romance and adventure since his most tender age. Yet such was life as he had learned. In short, it had been bland, but the good kind of bland if one had to say. The one where you'd spend hours in front of the computer watching videos, reading escapist fantasy, while eating chips instead of getting a good night's sleep because you'd gotten so caught up in the universe and the characters' lives to do anything else. He had laughed, he had wept, he had been angry, frustrated, passionate, patient, lost and depressed, surprised, unsure, even scared at times, but he had lived. Or at least that's what he'd thought before. Before being summoned, before starting to learn about this entirely new world, this beautiful dangerously wild world of fantasies, magic and bloodshed.
Over the years, after beginning this epic quest that had been thrust upon him, he had learned that perhaps he had not lived as he wanted but he had lived nonetheless. Age and wisdom, come with more years than he had believed he would get or need, had made him stronger and more eager to discover what life had in store for him. It had somewhat disillusioned him too. He had been betrayed and disappointed a number of times by comrades and enemies alike, appalled and disgusted by their actions, madly enamoured with their restless relentlessness, and perhaps, were he to be perfectly honest, even a bit aroused. Although that last part he had kept mostly to himself. Mostly. He had wanted her and she had not rebutted him, but life had gone another road, that of duty and camaraderie. It had been both decided and necessary, painful too, somewhat, but necessary. And he had grown because of that, or so he wanted to believe. So he hoped. He had evolved at least, if anything, evolved into the person he was now. Both the fights of the war against the Demon Empress and her armies and the encounters with comrades and subjects of the allied Kingdoms had forged his will and his strength. For years he had been at the vanguard of humanity's advance and for years he had been content with that. It was dangerous, it was a bloody path, but it was the right one (probably) and more than that, it may have been thrust upon him but it was one he had chosen to embrace nonetheless. Despite those twelve long years of conflict he had not grown disillusioned - he always had been a little, anyway -, he had kept the fire of hope lit and burning within him and others. What he had to admit though, was that he had grown weary. Tired of the conflict that seemed to never end despite his best efforts. Not that he wanted to give up, but the hope, nay, the desire for respite had grown within him like a vine, hanging onto most of his thoughts and an increasing number of his actions. He yearned for peace, for a time of unknown yet great length during which he could just rest and do as he pleased without fear of consequences for the whole of the world.
That had been one of the ultimate motivations behind the attack on the fortress. That and the fact that they had managed to gain the upper hand in the previous conflict, pushing the demon armies back. He felt ready, so did the other armies of the alliance, it had to be now. So they had attacked as dusk fell upon the world.
The battle had been harsh and long, the four kings and the fell riders had come to meet them with their troops. The heroes of humanity had risen to the challenge and as the two armies clashed the Empress herself had joined the battlefield. Things went back and forth for a time, as it always did when demons were to be fought, and somehow, after clashing repeatedly, he and the Empress found themselves separated by a great salve of magic. She retreated deeper within the ruins of the old palace. Apparently the Grey Guard went to her pursuit for when he reached the center of the palace himself there were traces of battle and the Empress was on her guard. He jumped at the occasion and as they clashed swords he couldn't help but admire her flawless execution and the tempered deathliness of her attacks. For the longest time they exchanged blows mindlessly and he almost found himself having fun. He realized too late that the Grey Guard and the Empress's elementors had joined them and were clashing against each other. Spells and magic flew everywhere, turning the already damaged arena into a trap-riddled hellhole. Not that it clashed much with the rest of the Fallen Citadel, the Empress's long-standing place of residence.
Somehow the two groups of supporters managed either to thin out their numbers, or perhaps did they drag each other out and away from it over time as the two fated individuals eventually found themselves free of constraints once more, unleashing their full power for the ultimate time. Had he said it out loud he might have been called crazy but he realized he truly enjoyed exchanging blows with the indomitable existence that was the 'greatest threat to humanity', as the Alliance had referred to the Empress since his arrival. She was tall, her dark ashen skin contrasted with her golden eyes, her hair of raven black seemed to flow with purpose as she swung her blades. She was smart, quick and strong, and her presence was of the most impressive kind he had ever witnessed. Even Uxxi, the dark rogue assassin catkin who had joined the Hero's Party halfway through, in all her scalding cold wrath could barely compare to the chills he felt each time he encountered the path of the Empress. Each and everyone of her attacks were designed to snuff out life once she got serious. He was fast enough, however. Time and training had polished both his body and his mind; it had given him claws as sharp as the Empress's in terms of battle prowess. He evaded, paried, and returned each hit in kind, glossing over the grazes that accumulated over his body as if they were nothing - and they were, in contrast with the fate of the world, in this ultimate duel, they were not important. This time it was either her or both of them, any other conclusion would be a failure.
On and on they fought, as the echoes of battle drew nearer and stronger. Something may have been happening, they would have not noticed. He knew he couldn't and didn't want to, his focus was on her and only her. The others could be dealt with in many different ways, she had to be his. Only by the hand of the Hero would the Empress fall, that was what they had repeated over and over, to engrave this mission within his mind. Engrave. A nice word for it; he felt it now more than ever, it would have to be engraved indeed, nothing else would seal the demon armies away from the world.
As fatigue accumulated and night bled over them in darker and darker tones, the fight grew fiercer, the attacks more powerful and each other's determination was steeled by the knowledge that this was the end. No taunts were exchanged this time, there was no room. All was said in the eyes and the sneers, the blows and the powerful auras that clashed against one another.
In the end, he did not know exactly what did the trick. Something had happened at some point, perhaps their attacks had clashed too quickly and strongly and their auras had been amplified by one another. He could not say. There was a booming explosion, a bright-dark ominous light and a wave of pain and fatigue. He felt the world collapse under his feet and fell. When he came to, he was lying on the cold hard ground within the darkness of what seemed like a pit. His armor had been torn away, his cape and brooch were missing. Even the reassuring presence of his spear missed from his hand. As a matter of fact, his hand too, along with his arm he realized, were missing. The taste of blood filled his mouth. His survival instincts quickly went into overdrive and he focused on the only thing he could do: breathing. It was hard, he could tell he had somehow crushed most of his body, his bones were broken, his muscles torn, and his lungs were slowly bleeding in and out. His aura was focused on preventing more damage and keeping him alive until his natural healing ability could do the job but a single gurgling breath told him it might be too late. He would be dead long before his body would recover by itself, and that death was approaching with steady steps. He knew not how long he had but as he tried to look around he noticed the pit was so deep he could not see any light coming from any direction. He could still hear the distant echoes of battle however. Struggling against himself he sat up against the nearest wall. His mind was screaming at him to remain unmoving but he knew she was there and he wanted to face her as the Hero he had tried to show everybody he was. She chuckled as he groaned from the pain of moving.
"Still kicking, huh…?"
This was the first time since the battle had begun that he had heard that depth-riddled sound. Strangely, it felt almost reassuring. He was still alive and his purpose was yet to be snuffed out from him.
"Seems so," he replied with a liquid cough.
Damn, he cursed silently. Was this ever going to end?
A Hero’s Retirement
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gear-project · 4 years
If we do get ex and other modes in guilty gear strive do you think it will make up for the issue many are having with the game style.
That’s only one consideration to be made... this “game style” as you put it is still unfinished, so we can’t really make a final judgement on it until it’s complete.
All the same though, I think it’s important to review just what MADE all previous incarnations of Guilty Gear significant and unique:
The Missing Link [GG MODE] --Chargeable attacks with up to three levels of power.  Charge stance could be cancelled at any time, enhancing attack recovery between certain moves. --Instant Kill “attacks” that could be activated at any time and were unblockable/Guard Cancellable while blocking. --Dead Angles are introduced, known as Gamble Attacks/Guard Cancels. --No Psyche Burst/Roman Cancel existed. (Burst-recovery was enhanced in the Accent Core version of this mode to offset the pressure this style has.) --Overdrives could be used at Low Health/50% HP loss at any time. --Very Low Airdashes/Most moves could be Jump Cancelled. --All Counterhits led to Dust Launcher Attacks and could be pursued with a Homing Jump (worth noting this could lead to a stage transition). --Breaker Crash attacks were possible (running momentum could enhance or launch characters in to a combo if a character had a dashing start).
By Your Side [GGX MODE] --Jump Cancels/Airdash Heights are more restricted, But Roman Cancels are introduced. --Faultless Defense Cancels enable certain “unique” combo routes, as well as other functions, like FD-braking, and FD 1-frame jump cancels. --Impossible Dust/Jump Install are more important techniques for combos in this version of the game. --No Psyche Burst, but the Guard Gauge is introduced (Risc gauge). --Certain Overdrive attacks can be done at 100% Tension. --Guts factor and damage scaling are introduced, making combos techable after so many hits.
The Midnight Carnival [GGXX#R Mode] --Force Roman Cancels are introduced (with proper timing requirements). --Psyche Bursts are introduced (enhanced versus other more combo-centric GG styles). --Burst Overdrives are introduced (Overdrives that cost chunks of the Psyche Burst Gauge, like Megalomania and Wings of Light). --Damage scaling/guts are slightly adjusted in this mode (more damage on certain attacks, certain attacks can be repeated in combos, etc). --Certain combos are easier to do (like Dustloop, Biteloop, etc). Eddie is stronger on offense, etc.
Accent Core [GGXXAC+R Mode] --Force Breaks are now possible (enhanced special attacks at the cost of Tension, some can link in to Overdrives) --Slashback Defensive Parries are now possible and can be used repeatedly. --Damage scaling is again, adjusted, as is the Negative Penalty/Stun Status for certain moves (Sen no Sen/Dragon Install, etc). --Certain moves now have more wall bounce, floor bounce, wall stick, and skid properties. (Can be adjusted in Extra Menu). --Certain moves have Vampire Properties, Flame/Lighting Properties, and Health Recovery can be used in Extra Menu. --Chokuzen (Auto-Instant Block) can also be used along with auto-Slashback and Easy FRC in the Extra Menu. --YRC Yellow Roman Cancel and Chaos RC can also be enabled, along with other Tension options and Guard Gauge options in the Extra Menu.
The Overture [GG2 Mode] --All Special Moves now cost Tension to use, but Tension is now slowly recovered from certain attack actions and when attacks land.  (Positive Bonus can help enhance this function.) --Special Moves in particular have a “cooldown factor” in that they cannot be used repeatedly except in certain circumstances. --Items can be used to enhance a character’s actions or set traps on the field (similar to M.O.M. Mode). --Cyclone Blast replaces the Psyche Burst Gauge, but functions the same way. --Modern Cancels replace traditional Roman Cancels but can now be done in neutral or during use of projectiles for the same or reduced cost (similar to Xrd). --Ally Servants can be summoned temporarily to assist in battle!  (Most cost Tension to be used, like items.)
The Sign [GGXRD Mode] --Danger Time Clashes are enabled, along with Mortal Counters. --Roman Cancels now have a time stop, along with Golden Instant Kill startup activation (activates during 100% Tension). YRC, RRC, and PRC are now possible. --Hellfire status can now be used when Health is Low (enhancing Overdrives). --Blitz Shield is now possible (acts like Slashback, but cannot be charged).  This also allows for Blitz Cancels, where a move that would normal jump cancel can cancel in to Blitz, keeping characters on the ground during combos. --Ground Dust combos are now possible, leading to a wall stick or crumple state.
The Revelator [GGXRDREV2 Mode] --Has much in common with GGXRD Mode, with slight differences to certain attacks and attack levels. --Blitz Shield Charge Attacks are now possible, and can be used interchangeably with Blitz Cancel combos, and Golden Instant Kill startup combos.  Getting hit by a Blitz Attack reduces Psyche Burst Gauge in exchange. --Danger Time state gains more tension/positive bonus in certain situations. --Burst Overdrives can now enhance the damage of Overdrive Attacks, and can also stack with Hellfire state as a comeback feature.
To StrIVe [GGX4 Mode] --Short but easy gatling beat combos. --Roman Cancels now have a “launching hitbox” and a time window to assist the player. --Roman Cancels are now limited to 50% Tension. --Certain Counters act as “dramatic counters” and can launch in to combos easier. --Juggle combos are now more common. --Positive Bonus Tension Pulse gain is more predominant. --All Throws and Command Throws now have wiff animations and do considerable damage. --Certain Special Moves now have a window in which normal attacks can be followed up to extend a combo. --All ground moves are now air blockable, though blocking a huge anti-air move causes blowback. --MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: This style is STILL IN DEVELOPMENT and will be adjusted in the future.
Other Features/Options/Functions from Previous games: --Handicap Mode (adjusts damage scaling/health amounts) --EX Mode (a remixed fighting style with slightly easier to execute moves and abilities, might reference a few easter eggs based on a character’s move history).  Can be used interchangeably with Gold Boss Mode and Darkside Mode.  Can also be used in Missions as EX Mission Mode (to help clear certain tough mission events). --Gold Boss Mode (an ultra powerful version of a character that pushes their abilities to the absolute limit, the strongest version of a character, unlimited by the game’s basic rules).  Can be used with EX Mode for a remixed boss mode. Can be used to activate Gold Arcade Mode and Gold EX Arcade Mode, as well as Gold Survival Mode to further challenge a player. --Darkside Mode (Unlimited Infinite Tension grants the player the power to do just about any combo they could dream of, easy Roman Cancel windows, easy Faultless Defending with no Negative Penalty, infinite Dead Angles, infinite Slashbacks, Blitz Shield Attacks, and infinite Force Break enhanced moves) in exchange, the combo output they do causes the opponent’s Psyche Burst to rise much faster.  Can be used with EX Mode in a remixed fighting style. --3-on-3 Mode: pick three fighters on a team in single one-on-one elimination battles, only players get to keep Tension between battles (same as Accent Core version). --Isuka Mode: 2-on-2, 3-on-1, or free-for-all, take your pick... it’s a battle royale, (the Taunt Button will become the Turn Button and can be used to change lanes, attack behind, launch in to other lanes, or perform lane attacks while moving in to another lane).  Psyche Burst and Tension will adjust accordingly to how many opponents you face, and the amount of Souls (Lives) you get depends on the Options Menu settings (up to 9 Souls, just like Isuka). --Boost/Judgement Mode: an adventure quest with up to 2 players in which you go around destroying enemies and raiding bosses, smashing stuff of items and recovery, as well as secrets! --Extra Menu, lets you adjust the basic rules of the game to something more your liking, affects all versus battle modes and all characters except Boost Mode/Mission Mode/Survival Mode/M.O.M. Mode.  See Accent Core Mode for more specifics.
Final Comment: Guilty Gear has always been an expression of freedom in gameplay if you ask me... and having as many options as it can, can only benefit it as a game.  This is something Strive should try to achieve at the bare minimum.
No matter what the final game ends up being, so long as it has options and other ways to have fun... the game WILL BE FUN.  It’s just that simple!
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