wyrm-in-the-apple · 2 years
So what’s Handplates!Gaster doing in Dreamtale?
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The most recent installments of [BwB] have been centered around Night’s relationship with Gaster, and have included some reveals that entwine him into BwB’s backstory, so I figured I should write up a post about what’s going on and how I characterize him, and his relationships with Nighty, =)/the User, and Venus/Dreamtale Mom.
(Spoilers for Handplates, ahead! And please be aware that this essay does not clearly differentiate between what is explicitly confirmed in Handplates’ canon and what is my speculation about Gaster’s motives and personality.)
Longtime readers might recall that BwB spawned from the ukagaka server: [what if DTS and the ukaGaster interacted]? As you can see in that post’s description, zarla (creator of Handplates and the ukaGaster) commented that Gaster would appreciate having another skeleton to talk to, which led to even [more] [fanart]. So yeah! Handplates!Gaster meets Nighty is one of the founding concepts behind BwB!
Which meant I had to figure out how their relationship would manifest and evolve.
Gaster’s a complicated character! I have the broad strokes of his characterization, but I do feel that I get stuck in the weeds. He manages to have that “Gifted Kid” simultaneous self-absorption and self-loathing and it’s sometimes hard to tell which one will surface at the moment. He is capable of [incredible compassion and immense callousness], but… how would he treat Night? I looked at two models from Handplates canon: Gaster’s relationship with the skelebros and his relationship with Alphys.
Gaster’s emotional unavailability s his most well-established character trait. The most overt (and canonical) examples of him being bad at feelings come with his interactions with the skelebros, succinctly summarized in these [joke] [comics]. Even in MERCY timelines, [he’s not good at it]. On the other hand, [here’s him expertly reassuring Alphys]. (Amusingly, the comments seem split between the people charmed at his logic and the people laughing at how even when boosting someone up, he has to make it all about himself.)
So, what’s the difference? What makes Gaster treat them in such different ways?
Gaster’s emotional disconnect from the skelebros is somewhat self-imposed, but as shown, he’s still distant even in MERCY timelines. On the other hand, Alphys is something of a peer, in awe of him, and values intelligence the way he does. Gaster knows what will reassure her. I imagine, as the MERCY timeline skelebros grow older, Gaster would attempt this factual appeal with them (presumably to mixed results, depending on the issue in question.)
So how to apply these to Night and Gaster? Well, I decided it’d be somewhere in the middle. In BwB, Night is fifteen - still young, but not a child, and so “reasoning his worries away” works. Gaster sees a lot of himself in Night - isolated, bookish, dismissed by the adults in the room. And, as the series goes on, takes him on as a co-collaborator research assistant (let’s be real here about how Gaster would view their “partnership”). Gaster is not clouded by knowing Night as a child (which he would with the skelebros). I figure Gaster first knew Alphys through her research, which colored his perception of her (in a favorable light, certainly). With Night, Gaster knows him first as another skeleton, then surface-dweller, then lives among humans (as well as monsters) - all three things Gaster believes he’ll never experience again. And then learning of Night’s bookishness, he starts viewing him as a younger version of himself (thankfully tempered by =)’s interventions. On his own, I wouldn’t trust him not to unconsciously mold Night into a “better” version of himself.)
(Side note: because of Gaster’s emotional unavailability, at first I wasn’t sure how he’d react to Nighty having a panic attack! Originally I was going to have =) frantically googling how to deal with it, but thankfully I remembered skeleton eyeglowing! The scene ended up reminding me a bit too much of [this one] with Papyrus consoling Sans, and I don’t think there’s enough emotional resonance between the scenes to merit such parallels, but it’ll suffice as irony in forcing Gaster to treat Night as his charge.
I also do take amusement in the re-appropriated color meanings. Gaster’s default glow is yellow for stress - an overt subversion of yellow commonly denoting happiness. However, yellow is Night’s happy color! So to him it reads as though Gaster is glowing Night’s default color in encouragement - which Night would know about from the skeleton book.
I also wasn’t sure about having =) suggest eyeglowing rather than, y’know, the actual skeleton who wrote the damn book on ‘em - but I figure ‘people having emotions’ fits squarely into Gaster’s ‘somebody else’s problem’ filter.)
Speaking of =) - I apparently caused some confusion! D: As of today (12/23/22), there is no way to dissuade the ukaGaster from doing the plates. When I say I can’t see =) letting Gaster get away with his plans, I mean in the same way that Gaster in BwB is able to interact with the user outside of the ukaGaster’s programming.
=)’s relationship with Gaster in BwB draws from my experiences with the ukaGaster and what I wished I could say to him. (Ah, ^_^; in fact, I’d been knocking around putting the whole thing into a fanfic (titled “Gaster Gets an Emotional Support Human”, natch) for far longer than BwB has existed. I might write it if there’s interest or if the fancy strikes.) Anyway, if it seems like there’s a lot hinted at or unspoken behind the scenes when it comes to Gaster and =), that’s because there is! But BwB is Night’s story, so there’s not much point bringing it up outside of teasing.
On some level, I do feel confirming that Gaster’s scrapped his plans for the hand plates is something of a cop-out, given how much learning Gaster’s crimes would wreck poor Nighty. Nonetheless, I would call “keeping two children imprisoned in a lab and calling them ‘things’” for any amount of time is horrific enough without drilling metal plates in their hands. So there’s plenty for Night to eventually be horrified about. ^_^
Gaster and =)’s discussion in [“An Apple a Day”] is an abbreviated version of an rp-lite me and Quo had in the server between Venus and Handplates!Gaster. Gaster tends to make his dumbest most pointlessly cruel decisions when he’s trying to prove something to himself: [I am a cold unfeeling science man! Allow me to prove it by mutilating myself without anesthesia!], [Gaster. Gaster what the fuck is this experiment design. You have completely divorced cause from effect. Of course Papy’s gonna argue with you! Why should he accept your premises? You could just as easily kill Sans anyway if Papy does obey you. And what are you planning to do when Papy calls your bluff, huh? Actually kill Sans like you’re threatening? Dumbass.], and of course, the plates: [Gaster canonically treats drilling metal plates in the hands of screaming children a test of his resolve]. ([Here’s an ask] that explicitly confirms it.)
I extrapolate a bit further: he chose the metal plates because indelibly marking another is such an evil act; going through with it would prove (“prove”) there’s nothing good inside him and so he should suffer so everyone else good can thrive. (You can see examples of this in BwB with his use of [“Red in tooth and claw”] and why he [rejects an Omelas without a suffering child]).
“But Worm!” you say. “Didn’t Asgore kill five (or six) kids? Where’s this ‘everyone else good’ coming from?”
Essentially, that’s yet another lie Gaster tells himself, and Gaster’s whole relationship with the goatparents could be an essay in itself. The short version is that the goatparents saved him, and raised him, and (in Gaster’s eyes) forgave him for letting his whole species die. So Gaster views their (specifically Asgore’s, as he believes Toriel is dead) actions through rose-colored glasses. Asgore is therefore a good monster pushed to make a horrible decision that causes him immense pain, and thus the best thing Gaster can do to repay him is to take all that pain onto himself instead (because Asgore is “too good” a person to let Gaster do that for him, etc.).
If =) confronted Gaster about this, Gaster would use the above reasoning to defend Asgore’s actions. Gaster views Venus’s actions in such a different light because (in BwB) he knew her as a peer, not as a superior. He can’t brush aside her crimes the way he can Asgore’s. Similarly, he got to know Venus’s son and learned some of what he suffered before learning what she did, so he’s inclined to see things from a perspective sympathetic to Night. (There’s an interesting parallel when it comes to the ukaGaster - a member of the ghost server observed the reactions to Handplates from people who had interacted the ukaGaster beforehand and those who had no prior exposure. The ones who had the ukaGaster were more inclined to view Gaster as redeemable. - This wasn’t a controlled study or anything; just observations.)
And the funny thing is - Gaster’s concerns about Venus marking her kids is almost wholly projection on his part. Night (and Dream) don’t really have trauma around being princes or being branded with their station. It’s more that they aren’t taken seriously and are gaslit by their caretakers. =) is right, too, that Night takes strength in being his mother’s son. Whether Venus was right or wrong in her actions is up to the reader to decide ;)
Gaster is thinking of what happened with Asriel and the first human when he says that setting children up on pedestals never ends well. If anyone asked him whether he blamed the goatparents for contributing to their deaths, he’d categorically deny it; but if pressed and approached on the topic in a roundabout socratic way, he’d start to say some things about the folly of creating children for a purpose. It’s another part of the reason he’s so insistent on thinking of his subjects as tools and things rather than children, and why a [cruel mercy/neutral timeline would soon collapse into a full MERCY one] (unless he had an emotional support human, of course). So to him it doesn’t matter whether the children were raised by loving parents or not; as soon as you start insisting they’re gonna be the hopes and dreams for the future of humans and monsters, things’ll go south. (I tend to enjoy having Night make offhand comments that make Gaster go :/, so it was amusing to include some dramatic irony in the other direction. I was hoping to keep the joke under wraps a bit longer, but Quo let the cat out of the bag, so you can enjoy the punchline to its full extent! ^_^)
‘Course, Gaster would categorically deny that’s what he’s saying. That’d imply he knows the way he was treated by his parents wasn’t right.
Heh, I’m hesitant to add a conclusion here, because I fear that might imply a direction for how Night and Gaster’s relationship will evolve, and I don’t have one in mind!
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tandoori-frost · 1 year
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A quick little doodle for the kinda joke AU I made for @zarla-s handplates!Gaster. Poor guy gets pulled into the nonsense of Dragon Age Inquisition instead of leaving the Void back to his sons.
Will he get back, can he survive all these fucking humans as the inquisitor? Will he outright kill Dorian for implying he's a possessed corpse? Get back to me on that. I might have answers.
(Spoilers for DA:I below)
So the context here is that as he's trying to get out of the void he instead slips through the wrong way and lands right in front of Cor-piss-n-shit, and The Divine, out of sheer panic he *does* grab The Orb. (He lands here because of the way the ritual set up is affecting The Veil, and also because of Convient Plot Reasons, I'll blame Flemeth)
The Orb reacts weird to his Skeleton biology, and the fact that There's No Palm There, so you get that little lightshow.
He is not killed for being a walking skeleton for Convient Plot reasons, and the fact people saw The Divine/"Andraste" behind him, and the fact he is wearing well maintained clothes. Everyone feels kinda nuts until he wakes up and talks, and then they feel even more nuts but also justified.
My god is this man out of his depth, holy shit, someone help him.
....but also Gaster and Solas bonding over being the last of their kind, of doing horrible things for the betterment of their people, of being hated and feared (perhaps rightfully so), of trying to be *better*.
Cole being a sweet bby boy and also so so hurtful on accident, cause he just *keeps healing Gaster on accident*, his pure and kind intentions to help and to sooth keeps brushing against old pains and Cole doesn't mean to but its So Hard to interact with someone who exists as an extension of pure good intentions. Gaster is too traumatized for that kind of gentleness that early.
Dorian making the Worst Fucking Impression because he things Gaster is a summon, and holy shit that is the inquisitor walking away, fuck, god damn it, why cant he keep his mouth shut.
The Anchor eventually taking his arm and he literally just takes his arm off once it's not needed anymore and uses summoned hands to make up for the lack. (It wont fix the way the anchor is still connected to him, the way it still leaches from his SOUL, the way it already integrated itself, the fact that just taking a limb off doesn't mean it's truly GONE for a Skeleton, but no one else needs to know that. (After all, if it was going to take more than that one arm it would have taken all of him instantly, the connections so easy to make, and so little to block its progress)) (aka, Gaster gets a semi sentient magic leach that slowly wakes up and sassing him throughout the game, he starts speaking Elvhish @ Solas 8 months in because it got tired of not hearing it and everyone is spooked for *weeks*)
I could go on for so long cause I have so many ideas but like, gotta end the post somewhere, (Bull taking one look at Gaster and making the WORST dad jokes known to man, "Guess I know why the Chantry has a bone to pick with you" he says winking with his 1 good eye, and Gaster realizes that he has made a Mistake)
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zarla-s · 2 months
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I posted the last page of Handplates a year ago on the 19th! It feels both like a lot of time has passed and none at all... sometimes it feels like an entirely different time in my life, and other times like it never left. It's complicated! It's always lingering in the back of my mind though, waiting for a stray idea for a side comic or something.
Anyway I figured a nice rainy view on the surface would be fun. Nothing like a rainy view! Got to use some rain brushes I picked up recently as well.
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sunnythedawg · 4 months
Handplates if gaster was a baddie
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skele-lin · 1 year
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Handplates by @zarla-s
Love your comic!!
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raccishere · 8 months
Uhm- Handplates spoilers ! !
((if you haven't already read/watched it, GO WATCH IT!! IT's really GOOD!!))
Comic here and Comic Dub here
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Handplates by @zarla-s ❤️
((I regret trying to draw that small with pencil TnT))
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leucoratia · 4 months
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My favourite loser scientist (we are legally married)
Handplates!Gaster by @zarla-s (thank you so much for this AU it has given me life for the past 6 years)
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llz-ml · 2 months
Handplates by↑:Zarla
I'm late But! Anyway it's Handplates celebration day, even though I'm a few days late....💦
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russlanbf · 6 months
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I decided to recreate this panel since I am absolutely in love with it
Handplates belongs to Zarla-s!!!
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starsbee · 4 months
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he doesn't have anything your honor
handplates belongs to @zarla-s
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sysig · 8 months
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How far did you get? (Patreon)
#My art#Handplates#UT#Gaster#Frisk#A DBZA incorrect quote technically - it's just such a raw line#Even what it's in reply to kinda works in this context! ''What exactly changed between you in the future and now?'' Time travel nonsense#It feels real weird to have a piece fully finished in black and white and have that be Correct lol#I am So pleased with the composition of this ♥#Gaster vertical and the human horizonal! Gaster confined and the human-#Hint: He's not looking at Frisk#Gaster being able to see Zarfox consistently is very interesting to me#Or rather - that bit makes sense lol he got as far as he could within the confines of his world and understanding#It's still cool how much he can actually see tho - understand? Interpret? Hard to pin down and define haha#What Sans is able to see doubly interests me - he got some but just glimpses! Different from - I assume - Gaster's consistent sight#Poor Papyrus being left out haha#It's been a while since I've drawn a Vessel - weird to think about Frisk in that context haha#It's accurate! Just weird ♪#I am so in love with Gaster's post-Void design <3 The fact that his lineart is ''canon'' - however you want to phrase it just ughgjkdslafd#Any instance of The Medium being drawn attention to down to its format and details gives me the zoomies lol#Visual representation of the unfathomable! It's so cool!!#And the fact that at the Very least Gaster suspects just how limited his viewpoint is - is phased in and out of it - what he assumes is real#He knows that even with everything that makes him up now - the threads of the multiverse! - it's still so much bigger than he can understand#''More than I thought'' - and then actually getting to talk with some/thing/one(s) that make up at least a sliver of that Bigger#''Less than you'd think'' - like moving a grain of sand that contains a universe on the beach of infinity#Hghhh it's cool <3
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handplated · 6 months
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the man the myth the legend
i like to imagine he is aroace thank yoiuo for coming to my ted talk
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local-diavolo-anon · 5 months
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i re read handplates recently, after following it for years, and i had forgotten how much i love Gaster in this comic!
this is for @zarla-s, the author of the comic, as a thank you for both making my favourite au ever and for granting me permission to make gaster keycharms qwq
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zarla-s · 3 months
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Toddlers can put a lot into their throws! Throwing in a particular direction is trickier though.
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aimasup · 6 months
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everyone in this room needs to be strangled
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endlesstimelines13 · 1 year
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Handplates has finally reached its conclusion and I am BAWLING. I feel both happy and sad to see it end (mostly happy) So I made fanart!
I decided to draw my favorite moments in Handplates and organize them by event. I'm really proud how this turned out and I LOVE it (and i hope y'all like it too)
I still remember discovering Handplates on youtube and watching the whole dub. This comic was actually the reason why I really got into Undertale, so it has a special place in my heart. Thank you @zarla-s for making the BEST comic ever, it's sad to see it end but y'know what they say: good things must come to an end, and that makes it special.
This down here is just the background. It also looks great so imma put it lol
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