#happy 413 to all who celebrate (me)
divineerdrick · 5 months
Homestuck: Beyond Canon Upd8 for 413
Happy 413 everyone! We knew we were getting something today, as James announced that earlier. This time, it's an extensive news posts with notes from the whole team. Looks like we've got a few comic pages as well. Let's see what we got!
James: I can definitely relate to what James is saying. Homestuck and its community helped me keep going when it seemed like there genuinely wasn't a path forward. Obviously it hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows, but I do still feel there is a lot of genuine goodness and greatness in our little corner of the internet.
And yay! James is an Aradia fan!
Kim is one of the people who grew up with this comic. I honestly can't imagine what that must be like. Although I had a lot of media I enjoyed at 13, I don't feel like any of it had the kind of impact on me then that Homestuck had now. It's not like there wasn't anything good on, either! It was 1993 when I was 13, and WB and Disney were at their apex. But Homestuck hit different. I honestly can't imagine what it was like being able to relate to those kids like they could be your friends in another life, growing up along side them.
A beautiful mindfuck is a great way to describe it. Honestly the somewhat over the top, trollish, insincere seeming way that Miles is writing shows a great love for Homestuck and the project in and of itself. The love honestly does come through.
Chumi appears to be even younger than Kim, though I could be wrong there. And she also grew up with it, if maybe starting a couple of years into its run. But it goes a step further for her. Homestuck is her formative fandom. And again, I can't imagine what that must be like, let alone now creating art for it.
Andi is another member of the team to have grown up alongside Homestuck. It makes sense that this would create the most talented and passionate people to work on the project. Like many fans, though, they also had Homestuck influence their identity and help them feel safe in discovering who they were. It will always be important we have people like them keeping this fandom alive.
While the way Homestuck inspired me was different, she too was drawn in and influenced by the very artistic questions Homestuck posed. Looks like James has managed to put together a team that has all been impacted by Homestuck in subtly different ways. And I'm totally here for it!
Oh wow! Coming in on Murderstuck! Ouch! Still, the effect Homestuck has had on them is very obvious!
It's nice to hear more from each voice behind the project. I'm glad they took the time to make this celebration a bit more personal. But with all that said and done, it's time to read an Upd8!
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There is so much to talk about just from this image.
First off, this is the most like Bro that Dirk has ever looked. And it's not just the fact that we've just got a plain white silhouette with shades. There is a lot of chaos in this panel reminiscent of Bro's apartment. That outfit has absolutely never looked wackier. The anime ninja aesthetics combined with the pooffiness of those shorts is already crazy. But the Kamina cape in this looks more cliché villain than anime hero.
While we can't currently see one of the monitors, we absolutely can see that Dirk has been keeping track of our Meat crew. My guess is that the other monitor is Deltritus.
Also we get a throwback with some orange drinks floating about.
Dirk is, of course, being suitably condescending here. After all, in his mind this is the only way to make the narrative matter, to make anything that we'll give a shit about. He probably knows we still enjoy the "narrative kiddy pool" but he's counting on us truly getting invested in what he has planned.
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Wow! Nice frame break! Also this art slaps!
Apparently Rose and Terezi are still a thing. Dirk only seems to partially approve of this. From his perspective, the relationship is a very Rose thing to do. And Rose doing Rose things is important to him and his plans. He also appreciates that Rose doesn't have infinite patience for the finetuning that Dirk could spend a literal eternity on. It keeps him on something resembling a schedule.
So are we going to see these "scions" of theirs?
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I like that there's an obvious sea horse in that test tube. Also, outside of Hero mode Dirk is still sporting his character features at least. He hasn't slipped into being a full guardian yet.
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Well fuck. That might just be the hardest anyone has ever "spoken too soon."
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Hell yes! Adult Terezi is awesome! Also, she's not getting rid of her facial features any time soon!
I hope I didn't jinx that . . .
I'd forgotten Terezi can hear Dirk's narrative. She's also very much on the "Get on with it!" train. Dirk was planning to skip ahead anyway, but of course he wants to unveil his creation first.
So Terezi will be the one that actually makes sure the new session happens. I'm surprised Dirk is allowing that. I can definitely get why he doesn't want it automated.
I can honestly believe that Dirk really does care about his creation.
And I can honestly see Terezi playing the long game. I'm honestly curious why she wouldn't, beside Dirk's fuckery.
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Also, damn this art is so fucking good!
We've seen the way Terezi can let what she sees as a mistake eat at her. We've seen how far she'll go to fix it. Is John's death doing that to her? Is even this older, seemingly more jaded Terezi unable to let something like that go even with what's at stake?
Or could she possibly be letting Dirk think that's what's going on? I really kinda hope that's it.
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Now that's just being mean pretending you don't know what she meant by being in her "CH4MB3RS", Dirk.
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Apparently Dirk still has a mouth when he needs to.
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That's an interesting way of showing them speaking at the same time. Kinda like it.
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Okay. That is some legitimate Bullshit. I like that even Dirk calls it out as such. That is a ton of power to just flex like that. His reasoning is sound, but even he knows he's partly doing it because he can.
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There is so much to potentially read into this moment. On the one had, this might be a genuine Rose moment. Even if Dirk has been manipulating her a lot, this version of Rose might genuinely be appreciative of what they're trying to do.
The other possibility is that Rose is manipulating Dirk this time. There've been hints, and I find it hard to believe otherwise, the Rose is aware Dirk has been manipulating her somehow. She may not have figured out how he's doing it, but I feel she knows. As an ascended Seer of Light, her ability to read the most fortuitous path is literally godlike. I can't imagine that definition of fortune including one where she keeps losing more and more agency. So this might be a moment where she's telling Dirk what he needs to hear to stop him from stealing more from her.
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The worst part is he genuine believes that.
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punkbeetleart · 5 months
Helloooooooo everybody!!
Let me tell you about homestuck ;3
AAAAAAAAAA ITS HOMESTUCK DAY!!!!!!!!! happy 4/13 to those who celebrate!! Im back again with a redraw of part of the Terezi: Remem8er flash, though this time i have a colored and an uncolored version!! Hope you all like it, as im quite happy w how it turned out!
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And like last year, ill include all my previous redraws below the read more!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated, and again happy 4/13! Happy 15th to Homestuck!
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Edit: idk why the pics got so fucked up in posting lol maybe cuz i scheduled it?? idk happy 413 :]
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rainbowsuitcase · 1 year
Fanfic Rec Friday #7
make me touch you, make me love you by stellataes - Yoongi x Namjoon, 17 681 words, E - Friends with Benefits to Lovers, Idiots in Love
Namjoon finds out that orgasms make your brain release dopamine. And dopamine makes you feel happy. Thing is, his best friend Yoongi has been so sad lately. Luckily, Namjoon knows just the cure.
all is fair in love and war by sseoltangie - Yoongi x Hoseok, 13 727 words, T - Highschool AU, Teenage Rebellion, Petty Revenge
When Yoongi wants to take revenge on his ex-boyfriend by keying his stupid car, Hoseok catches him.
Like the Movies by stellataes - Yoongi x Taehyung, 18 202 words, M - Famous Taehyung, Fluff, Love at First Sight
Min Yoongi's perfect life is turned upside down when world famous actor Kim Taehyung takes shelter from the rain in his bookstore. Only, Yoongi doesn't know he is world famous actor Kim Taehyung.
The Flickering Warmth of Love by Lssimpson999 - Yoongi x Hoseok x Namjoon, 36 413 words, E - Canonverse, Established Namgi, Friends with Benefits, Secret Relationship
The friends with benefits rapline fic with established Namgi and Hoseok who broke his promise not to fall in love.
I’ll drink you in (Deep into my throat, the whiskey that is you) by @mydis-ease - Seokjin x Namjoon x Jungkook, 57 043 words, E - Established Namjin, Age Gap (around 20 years, no underage), Dom/Sub
Crushing on your dad’s incredibly attractive friend sounds like all fun and games until you realize you’re going to be stuck working with him and his new husband for weeks. Nevertheless, that’s where Jungkook finds himself.
The List by Nisaki - Seokjin x Taehyung, 46 952 words, E - Toxic Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Actor Seokjin
He ignores the matter of the list for awhile and as long as he pretends it's not happening he's tentatively content. Until the night his boyfriend gets promoted and they go out to celebrate and Taehyung finds himself ten meters away from a man he's always thought of as unreal and out of his realm.
Kim Seokjin.
The only name on his OK to Sleep With List.
Fast, Furious, and Falling in Love - Series by myheartandsoulbelongtonamjoon (couldn't find socmed) - Namjoon x Jimin, 18 456 words, M - Detective Namjoon, Criminal Jimin, Fluff and Smut, Hate to Love
Namjoon is the star detective of the NYPD. Jimin is the car thief and street racer who helps him solve cases out of the goodness of his heart--and the heady desire that clouds his mind and stirs his dick whenever they're together.
Fall For Me, Burn For Me by thestarskeepfalling - Jimin x Taehyung, 58 609 words, E (for epilogue) - Fantasy AU, Magic Users, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstanding
Years ago, before the accident, before the lies, before everything, Jimin and Taehyung were the best of friends. Studying to be mages at the top university in the country, their futures looked bright. There was nothing they couldn’t do when they were side-by-side. But then, a single day changed everything.
Now, when an outside threat brings them hurtling back into each other’s lives, will the fire that burns between them heal what was broken? Or will it consume them entirely?
Practice Makes Perfect by beebalm (couldn't find socmed) - Yoongi x Namjoon, 67 947 words, E - Practice Kissing, Virgin Yoongi, Friends with Benefits
Yoongi has never been kissed. He asks Namjoon to help him out.
BONUS - Seokjin x Jimin Twitter AU, 81 parts, Soulmates, Crack
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hermitcyclop · 4 months
for the ask game…
fuck you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25.
jk. 1, 2, 7, 13. bonus points if they are homestuck related
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
Ok so for one, the sheer variety and uniqueness of fancontent produced by this fandom. The MSPFAs. The reanimated flashes. The dozens of fanmusic albums. The fangames, from VNs to fighting games to puzzle games to even multiplayer online sburb simulators. Fan merch like I've never seen before. Even more "classic" fancontent, like fanarts and fanfics, are distinct. Seriously, I didn't know it was possible to do all these things on ao3 before I started reading homestuck fanfics.
2, I don't know if this reflects the hs fandom at large (probably not) of the communities I dwelve in, but the fans are pretty queer, and it shows into their character depictions and comic analysis, so that's pretty cool.
3, I love all the little events and celebrations that rhythm the year, be it important dates such as 413 or 612 or the kids' birthday, or fan-led events such as the dirkjake big bang or rosemary month. These events persisting after years is pretty cool too.
a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
I'm not sure how to answer that bc I'm either pretty lenient about my HCs, or a die-hard about some of them and will have a hard time coming around an HC that contradicts them. Although when I was pretty new to the fandom I didn't really see Dirk as a trans guy, and look at me now.
your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
I *love* seeing two characters, who aren't into each other or related, who are ride or die for each other. BFFs who'll go to the end of the world if this means the other is happy. Bonus if one of them is a guy and the other a girl, for personal reasons. As for hs tropes, it's probably not really one but I like godtier garb and dream pajamas redesigns.
your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
Fuck I already kind of answered that in the first question. Pretend you didn't read it. Anyway my fav fandom event is the djbb. Second place is SAHCon.
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t-hal-mothman · 1 year
Happy 413! And happy birthday to the sweet character!
Now in my life is quite a difficult period and the state of health doesn't allow me to take an active part in many things, draw or even have a full rest, consequently I cannot celebrate 413 as usual with a picture, posts and all things, and my interests have now shifted towards other things
But in any case, I couldn't just leave this kind of holiday, just go like this without any intervention, so I'll briefly write about how much the Homestuck meant to me, it gave me great memories, incredible characters and OCs, and a few canonical and fan stories that I won't get tired of talk. Although I returned to other humans and aliens in a calm and much more mundane place, but I will never forget about the Homestuck!
This year I am without fanart, but I will post something during the next time, for example my old art on 413, maybe even talk about my ocs or individual canon characters... who knows!
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(oh, look, it's my sonas having a mini party!)
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
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@kaibacorpstocksplit happy birthday they did nothing wrong
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matan4il · 3 years
Buddie 413 meta
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Buck talking make-up with the bridezilla is the kind of ‘secure in his masculinity’ content that I fucking love 911 for. And even though Eddie makes a face (he's on teasing boyfriend duty), right after that he basically continues along the same line of helping the bride, by pointing out she’ll have her veil to help disguise what happened. I love the lack of panic over discussing make-up and bridal veils, plus the way Buddie naturally complement each other.
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Also, the mother of the bridezilla talking about being too lenient with her made me grin. A small wink at Buck and Eddie’s exchange over what is “too much discipline” that we saw in 410? ;) Might be a coincidence, but it's still a fun little throwback to Buddie's parental discipline banter.
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David hanging out with Michael and his kids, being a part of their custom to play games together (since we learn this isn’t a new thing) reminded me of how Buck is a part of Eddie and Christopher's game nights, as seen in 309 and 403. This small parallel made me so happy. Buddie are BOYFRIENDS, confirmed (yet again). Oh, but Michael wants both David, his boyfriend, and Bobby, his best friend, to be there in order for this to be complete. Buddie don’t need anyone else there during Buddifer game nights, because they are both. And isn’t that a part of what makes Buddie so special? How many other same-sex canon ships have we gotten to see on screen who are built as both? I think it’s a part of why we want to see them become canon so much...
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Another small touch that I liked was the glimpse of Eddie’s St. Christopher necklace in the dinner scene. Honestly, it’s such a nice touch of continuity and it also reminds us what a great dad he is, which fits how naturally he goes above and beyond the call of duty when helping out Charlie.
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It’s an interesting shot when Carla comes back and they celebrate her birthdays together. When she comes in through the door, Eddie and Chris hug her, but Ana is left to the side. That’s understandable, Carla doesn’t know Ana much at this point. The camera didn’t have to linger on Ana outside of this circle of love and connectedness, however, and yet it did. Then at the dinner table, we see Ana physically connected to Chris, but not to Eddie. This leads to the way Eddie talks about her to Carla. It’s “nice” and “easy”. But that’s not necessarily love. Especially this early on in a relationship, love gives you butterflies in your stomach and makes you nervous. It makes you buzzingly uncomfortable in your own skin in that good way of being hyper-aware of someone else’s presence and of everything between the two of you, because everything matters. It’s challenging and makes you gulp because you want this thing so much. And Carla picks up on the fact that something’s lacking, telling Eddie to make sure he’s following his own heart and not just staying with Ana for Christopher’s sake. The look Eddie gets after that is even more telling than Carla's words that she is, in fact, completely right. It all paints a picture that tells us Eddie’s at the start of realizing he’s with Ana for the wrong reason…
(meta and gifs for THAT SCENE under the cut to save your dashboards)
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All that would have been a lot in itself, but then we get all of this leading to Eddie getting shot while paired off with Buck. Consider how the show took pains to make sure it would be Eddie and Buck together out there in the street, even though Chim was shown to be a part of the conversation when Eddie got Charlie’s call. He and Buck are just coming in, so they’re still in civilian clothes, Buck finds it so important to go with Eddie, he doesn’t even change into his uniform before they get to Charlie. But we’re shown Chim did change into his uniform and that he didn’t come along, even though it’s clear they had a medical emergency on their hands and Chim’s a paramedic, unlike Buck and more experienced than Eddie. It would make more sense for Buck to stay at the station and for Chim to go with Eddie, but nope. Buddie are a team. Where one goes, the other one follows, even in civvies and when it doesn’t make sense. “All we ever wanted was to go together,” as Mitchell told Buck in 208.
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Then we have the way the shooting is filmed. I already screamed about the ceaseless eye contact, because it is incredible, but let me try to be more coherent about it. When Eddie’s shot, we immediately see Buck, Eddie’s blood splattered on him. Eddie’s looking down, but as the reality of the bullet piercing him starts to set in, he looks up at Buck, seeking his gaze. They hold it for a really long moment. This shot establishes the moment as a shared experience. It’s served by the contrast with the previous shot. Right before the sniper shoots, the camera is restless, circling Eddie, showing us Buck in his perimeter, but not stopping on anything. This enhances the still shot of them just standing there, staring at each other. The sound also plays into this, going from a noisy street to blocking out all human communication. It will only kick back in later. Both the camera and sound choices highlight that Buddie are having one of those moments of wordless communication that they often share, only this time it’s wordless, because there are no words for what they’re trying to process together. They’re within the same bubble of shock and emotional pain that’s only beginning to take shape.
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I can’t emphasize enough how much this shot is a romantic trope. I know the most immediate parallel is to Buddie themselves, in ep 306, because we have them similarly standing across from one another, staring at the other guy, and because we have the episode director’s confirmation that this was meant to mimic lovers' cinematography. But I think this shot is even more meaningful, with the whole build up around it and the way this turn of events is the ep’s climax, and it reminds me of other examples from TV and movies when we see would be lovers about to be torn apart, maybe forever, with the threat of death hanging over them. The most famous example that jumps into my head is Han Solo and Princess Leia when he’s about to be lowered into the pit. That’s the moment when she chooses to finally confess she loves him. It’s honestly impossible not to see the romantic trope subtext.
Now I have to add a word about Buddie’s record when it comes to the other guy being in danger. In ep 203, Buck tells Ali he’s glad not to be worried about Abby and Ali replies that it must be nice to have someone to be worried about. During the tsunami eps, we have a scene of Eddie leaving Buck a message, telling him about the tsunami and that Eddie’s glad Buck’s missing it. Buck is the person Eddie worries about in a way that parallels how Abby, Buck’s former romantic partner, was the person Buck used to be worried about. That’s pretty powerful in itself, but consider all the times they now had to stand there and watch, incredibly worried for the other man. We had Buck going crazy when Eddie climbed into a burning house in 214, Eddie watching Buck lying wounded in the street in 218 and rushing to hold his hand as soon as he could, Buck losing his mind over Eddie trapped underground in 315, and then Eddie watching the factory explosion knowing Buck’s inside and reacting by leading the charge to get him out. Now we get Buck having to watch Eddie as he’s shot and about to collapse. This scene is made all the more poignant because of all of these other scenes leading up to it. It infuses this scene with accumulated meaning and adds to the sense that even though it was only Eddie who was hit by the bullet, they’re both irreversibly affected by the bullet.
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Then Eddie collapses. The danger is still present, the sniper is still around, but Buck is so paralyzed by shock, he can’t even think of taking cover himself, Captain Mehta has to force him to do this. And then as they’re both laying on the ground, they’re still holding each other’s gaze across the firetruck between them. The whole world is narrowed down to the other man’s eyes. More than that, Buck angles his body towards Eddie, almost like he’s stupidly thinking of getting up and running to him, while Eddie’s hand reaches out for Buck. The shots deliberately captures Buck’s body and Eddie’s hand in the frame so that we see this.
When all this is playing with the lead up of Carla advising Eddie to follow his heart, when shows tend to deliver the emotional impact of a character getting hurt through showing us the person who’s their significant other (romantic partner or the person destined to be that) during this, when Ana is nowhere to be found once the emotional climax of Eddie's story in this ep is reached, despite being in the ep… All of this weaves its own narrative about who Eddie’s heart really belongs to.
When I tell you that this is fanfic material! Not only do I mean it, I mean it so much that I actually wrote once a fic where Buddie do that 'stare at each other before death might tear us apart' thing. And I’m sure I’m not the only one. I can't fucking believe 911 actually delivered the fanfic of our dreams. 
( NGL, I saw someone misspelling Captain Mehta’s name, writing it without the ‘h’, and for a second I thought I found my superhero name… XD )
Thank you so much to the unbelievable @bicepsie​ for the awesome gifs. Even when you have a lot going on, you still make these for the weekly meta posts and you’re truly the real MVP! *hugs* If you like   my takes on Buddie, you can find more of my meta and fics here. Thank you for reading, and for every reblog and like.
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peaches-writes · 4 years
wahh hello!! advanced happy birthday love <3 will it b possible to request 25 + seungmin :') thank u so much
25. “It says ‘happy birthday old hag’ on the cake.”
vivi’s september special (drabble game) - september 12 
member: seungmin wc: 413 genre: fluff
“Ya, Kim Seungmin!” You lean to your right and smack your best friend with your phone as you slide in the seat next to him, only to receive a simple hum of acknowledgement from him. You then lean over the table and lower your gaze so you meet his eyes while he flips through a magazine, laughing when he glances at you with raised eyebrows. “Ya, look at me.”
“What?” He says, absentmindedly flipping to a next page while keeping his eyes on you curiously now. He notices your phone still in your hands, with little shapes and texts that quickly gives away what you wanted to talk about.
And as he expected, you show him your phone screen to him, displaying the conversation you had last night, “‘You should make it strawberry theme then it says ‘happy birthday old hag’ on the cake’.” You read one of his messages without even looking, already having it engraved in your memory from so much laughter last night. “Were you dead serious?”
This time, it’s Seungmin laughing as well, pressing the magazine up to his face at reading your exchange last night from your new cake-baking sideline’s Instagram account. “Y-Yeah, it’s serious.” He stutters out between laughs, setting his magazine down on the table behind you after when he’s calmed himself down enough. “You said we can request anything on the cake as long as it’s not obscene or offensive.” 
“Yeah, but you’re asking me to put ‘happy birthday old hag’ on Minho’s birthday cake,” You point out, significantly slowing down at the mention of who the cake is actually for. “Unlike you and Jisung, I don’t have a death wish!”
He frowns, “But that’s the punch line, you can’t just take that out! Anyway, we commissioned you to do it so if anything, he’s going to come after us before you.”
“That’s not really comforting when you’re still implying that he will still come for my neck after.” You pout. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He shrugs, chuckling again when he catches a glimpse of the conversation on your phone, now discarded back on the table. “It’s all going to be funny, promise.” 
“Promise?” You narrow your eyes at him, earning you a roll of eyes from him.
You don’t want to admit it in front of him but, without the threat of the birthday celebrant, the idea is actually quite amusing. 
“Yup.” He pushes you away from his sight with his hand on your forehead. “Now, sit back, I’m trying to read.”  
september special m.list
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ru2ya · 3 years
A Satirical Response to the Problem Self-Help Has With Women by Samia Osner
This blog entry was inspired by one of my roommate’s experiences at a Tony Robbins workshop. The Dickens Process, based on Scrooge from “A Christmas Carol'', is a technique where individuals visualize what their futures will look like if they continue engaging with a bad habit or behavior. To clarify, it is a satirical piece critiquing the burden society places on women to be in a relationship.
The entry begins with a narrative experience on when I, as a self-help author, came to the realization that I was “painfully single”. Including this helps readers validate their problems, as I’m sure many readers would have experienced something slightly similar. Grodin highlights the importance of connecting with strangers by validating their problems, stating, “Knowing that countless others share your problem, on some level, seems to suggest to many readers that there is an overwhelming social basis for a problem” (1991, p. 413). My authority as a qualified writer is weak. I only mention that I “cured my singleness”, have worked with countless single women, and imply that I “know women” and therefore should be trusted. This weakness solidifies Salerno’s point of view that the Self-Help and Actualization movement is a SHAM. It also aligns with Salerno’s critique that authors of self-help nowadays make readers believe that they are experts, when in reality, they are not (2005, p. 19).
My solution promises to be individual based, low-cost, easily completed, comfort invoking and for all types of women. These characteristics all emphasize Rimke’s hypothesis that self-help is popular because of the agency it gives readers (2017, p. 4). It was important to explicitly mention that the solution works for all types of women, because Fiske understood that popular texts are structured to appeal to both the dominant and subordinated classes (2000, p. 5).
To be clear, the proposed solution to the “problem” of singleness is supposed to be bogus, borderline quackery. It emphasizes Grodin’s feminist critique that self-help categorizes a woman’s cultural experience as an illness (1991, p. 407). Women’s issues are defined as purely personal in self-help; there is never a blame to be placed on the political or cultural climate (p. 406). My solution pokes fun at Amy Cuddy’s research behind the power pose and illuminates its critiques (Dominus, 2017). The solution also satirizes the Pavlok watch, which utilizes the harmful principle of negative reinforcement to get people to stop engaging in bad habits (as cited in Reagle, 2016, p. 11). I hope that this light satirical read stimulates people’s opinions on absurd societal expectations that women are expected to adhere to.
I was diagnosed as painfully single last summer, while attending my cousin’s graduation. Aside from the graduation, there was much to celebrate. One of my other cousins had just revealed that she was set to get married within the next year. I was so happy for my cousin, but my face turned sour when my aunt asked me aggressively, “When is it your turn?” I responded quietly, “I’m single”. Met with headshakes and low murmurs of disappointment, my singleness became blatantly apparent. At that moment, it hit me that being single had been dangerously affecting my life! It was making me bitter, selfish, high-maintenance and most of all– incapable of displaying affection to anyone.
I went through a long process to heal my singleness. I went through it so you don’t have to. As a result of conquering singless, I am extremely qualified to provide an easy, low-cost and comforting solution. I have worked with hundreds of single women, so I’ve developed extensive knowledge on every single (pun intended) type of woman that exists. This solution is groundbreaking because it can be utilized by women of all sexualities, ethnicities, religions and upbringings who want to stop being single. I call it the Think Pose Fear Feel method, or TPFF.
Here’s exactly what I want you to do: think about your triggers. Whenever you find yourself choosing to stay home instead of socializing to find a partner, being too picky with potential suitors, or considering fostering a new cat, call yourself out on it. As soon as you experience the dreadful feeling in your stomach when you think about dying alone, I need you to find the mirror closest to you. Once you get to that mirror, face it, and place your palm onto the mirror. After doing so, look yourself in the eyes and say the following phrase: “I do not want to die alone.” Say this three times, placing special emphasis on the words “do not” and “die”. While you repeat this phrase, pay attention to the physical reaction your body has. Common reactions include fear, dread, anxiety, heart pounding and occasionally, nausea. This might feel overwhelming, but it is all part of the process! The point of this exercise is to make you intensely feel these negative emotions, so you are encouraged to find a perfect partner.
This solution works! It works because of the connection you build to your better self. When you first look into your eyes as you look in the mirror, the connection to your better self is elevated. The pose of placing your palm to the mirror symbolizes the connection to the woman you want to be. Research has shown that posing in specific ways influences the way we feel about ourselves. The solution also uses the principles of negative reinforcement identified by psychologist BF Skinner. Negative reinforcement is being highly modernized these days, with products like the Pavlok, a watch that emits tiny shocks when you engage in bad habits.
This solution has changed the lives of countless painful single women. Becky is a middle aged recently divorced middle school teacher. After her husband left her, Becky wanted nothing to do with love. She wrote me a personalized letter after reading my previously published articles on TPFF.
I felt awful one Friday morning, when one of my students remarked loudly to the class, “Ms. DeAngelo, when are you going to find a husband?” When this 12 year old called me out, I felt humiliated. It reminded me of my painful singleness. I began reading your articles on TPFF after this incident. I started practicing this technique and at first, repeating the statement “I do not want to die alone” felt hurtful, harsh, and a little bit agonizing. Over time, I started to value the feeling that came after the fear. Now I repeat this technique at least three times a day, and am proud to say that I recently got engaged. TPFF cured my painful singleness!
I get letters like these all the time. To practice the TPFF technique, all you must do is 1) Think about triggers, 2) Pose by looking yourself in the eye and placing your palm to the mirror, 3) Fear your singleness momentarily by repeating the phrase, “I do not want to die alone” and 4) Feel the deep feelings of shame, humiliation, despair, depression and anxiety that arise.  Practice TPFF today, and join the community of tens of women who have cured their painful singleness!
 Dominus. (2017). When the Revolution Came for Amy Cuddy.(Magazine Desk). The New York Times Magazine, 29–.
Fiske, J. (2000). Understanding popular culture. Reading the popular (pp. 1-12). Routledge.
Grodin, D. (1991). The Interpreting Audience: The Therapeutics of Self-Help Book Reading. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 404–420.
Reagle, J. (2019). Chapter 3: Hacking Time. In Hacking Life (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://hackinglife.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/npc7g21v
Rimke, H. (2017). Self-Help Ideology. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, 734–737. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483391144.n337
 Salerno. (2005). SHAM : how the self-help movement made America helpless (1st ed.). Crown Publishers.
0 notes
lnkjanitors · 3 years
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What would you do if you didn’t have to spend hours beautifying your home before an event? When you call  LNK Janitorial Servicesand request urgent cleaning service, you can trust us to take care of the actual work while you complete your preparations. Put the finishing touches on your dining room table, order the evening’s entertainment, or just sneak in a quick nap—you’ll have time to do all of that while we deal with the dirty work. We utilize environmentally preferred cleaning products and an array of tools that will capture dirt, bacteria, and allergens, leaving you with a cleaner, healthier home to show off to your guests. Our Promise to You The highly trained teams at  LNK Janitorial Serviceshave received excellent reviews and consistent referrals for many years. We’re members of the community, just like you, and your complete satisfaction is what we strive to attain. If you aren’t 100 percent happy with any area we've cleaned, just contact us within 24 hours and we’ll send out a team to clean it again. When you’re ready to let someone else handle the dirty work, give us a call at  LNK Janitorial Services. Tell us what kind of last-minute cleaning service you need to shine up your home for your visitors or event, and we’ll provide a free quote to get you started. You’ll be ready to take on your event planning (or your in-laws) in no time!
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matan4il · 2 years
I am very much like you. I manage and keep my expectations very low for my ships. Like the cell block episode, I was one of the few who was like let's not get ahead of ourselves. And I was grateful because it was a great episode and lead to great things but had I wrote a different story in my head I would have been disappointed
So that's why I hate that all this us making me excited. The promo, the using of Ryan and Oliver. Even 2 weeks ago the nervous Buck arriving at Hens.
I actually feel comfortable getting in my head and I kind of hate it because I don't want it to be underwhelming.
I guess I was wondering where you were at head space wise after all this? Feeling very confident? Because I was honestly thinking if they went Canon in 6 it would be the end of the season and now I feel like shit could it really be the hiatus.
HI lovely Nonnie!
First of all, I hope it's okay to send you a hug! I get that feeling of being torn between like that initial buzz of excitement that things might be moving in that direction on the one hand, and the desire not to be set up for disappointment.
I have to say, I've seen the fandom getting SO excited and sure that canon Buddie was going to happen after 303 and Eddie's "there's nobody I trust in this world with my son more than you," after 309 with the kitchen flirting (that one had especially nasty fallout when 310 came and went without any canon Buddie), ahead of s4 when people started speculating Buddie spent covid as roommates, after the shooting in 413 and ahead of s5, around 506 as we started learning details about Buddie being held together at gun point after the shooting arc, around 517 when we gathered that Eddie was going home and he was going to confront Ramon and a lot of people thought it would be revealed that Eddie was punished by his dad for being gay. I also tried to assess the likelihood of this, because it was implied we'll learn about some unknown until now trauma, and I was wrecking my brain to find something that would fit Eddie, that would fit the tone of the show (i.e not too dark) and that wouldn't just be more of the same stuff we already know. Turned out, it was more of the same toxic masculinity stuff we knew about.
The thing is, it would have made sense for Buddie to go canon at any one of those points. It would have made sense to unveil some teenage experience that made Eddie suppress any same-sex attractions he might have only started becoming aware of. And yet none of that happened, so I'm glad that I did manage my expectations, and kept reminding myself that just because it's fun to scream now, doesn't mean I won't be disappointed later.
Obviously, I would rather not be disappointed during actually watching the eps. So, if I'm not married to a specific scenario I built up in my head, I end up being much more content while watching. And of course, as I said here, I do wanna feel happy about the show even if Buddie will never become canon. But more than that, I do wanna believe that eventually we will get canon Buddie. Because nothing else will ever fit either one of those guys, and because I wanna believe in our show being brave enough to go there.
So if and when we do get canon Buddie, I know that celebrating it, screaming and jumping up and down, and just basically losing my goddamn mind would be that much better, precisely because it's not something I'm doing constantly, every time there's a shadow of a possibility that it'll happen soon. I'm reserving all that for when it's the real thing, and that's gonna make how hyped I will be when it finally happens special and that much sweeter.
So am I seeing signs that might mean Buddie could go canon in s6? There are some. IDK that I would say they're definitive. We've had both Buck and Eddie be single at the same time with both of them getting out of meaningful relationships before. Ryan and Oli doing an interview together is awesome, but it's one interview that we know about so far, right? Not more than that. So maybe it's meaningful, or maybe it's Fox feeling 911 needs to do more promoting for its ratings, and why not send in the most popular pair on the show? Based on experience from previous fandoms, I don't put much stock into social media stuff. It's why I wasn't that distressed when Ryan and Oliver unfollowed each other, and it's also why, while I'm glad they've re-followed each other, I wouldn't try to read too much into it. Much like the interview, it could be very meaningful, but it might be about something we're not even aware of and that has nothing to do with Buddie going canon.
So I'm very much in my cool, calm and collected element, which IMO is a good thing. It's not me being Debbie Downer. It's me saving the celebrations for when 911 takes us all out like a freaking sniper in the middle of a shooting arc. Too soon? ;) Sorry, my sense of humor is lame. But I hope that in spite of me not being hyped, this reply isn't a disappointing one to you, darling! xoxox
(If you’re looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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As I Have Loved You Love One Another John 13' 34 T Shirt
This is going to be one special show cat deeley joins the As I Have Loved You Love One Another John 13' 34 T Shirt band on the road in sao paulo and in the studio at abbey road for ‘u2 live at the bbc dec 19th bbc1 9pm u2songsofexperience u2. Ok a while back ago I bought mascara if that’s what you want to call it so I get credit ok fine so I use the credit to give another chance and my shipment comes in today and the box looked like it came out of garbage on top of besides my bill inside they included someone else’s bill with that person’s address really aside from that I decide to try the two different lip stains and I literally have to scrub it off till my lips are red it’s seriously like a damn marker so besides crappy products packaging is horrible and they give out people’s information very angry enclosing picture of box. My mom’s the inspiration for me becoming a representative and she’s a total beauty boss avon gold leader ivanna diaz hansen on why she’s celebrating her mom this mother’s day and all other 364 days of the year feeling inspired by this mama love enter to win the ultimate mother’s day gift basket for your mom by a sharing why she’s the boss in our momsthebosscontest full contest details in the prize post above
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Yesterday was a As I Have Loved You Love One Another John 13' 34 T Shirt busy day of meetings and airplane travel for peter and connor but last night peter took some time to share his thoughts on the passing of the great christopher lee christopher lee was the tallest actor I ever knew he was also by far the most literate when we first met in a los angeles studio where he was recording his lines as king haggard in the last unicorn he had just recorded haggard’s speech about his first sight of unicorns and I mentioned that it was probably my favorite speech in the book he immediately wanted to know well did I do it properly we can always redo it right here of course he’d handled the lines perfectly but writers and writers’ opinions about their work mattered intensely to christopher that same afternoon we discovered that between the two of us we we could call to mind just about all the lines of g k chesterton’s poem the rolling english road we also discovered a mutual need to hit the men’s room and my son dan in his mid teens at the time still has a very clear memory of christopher simultaneously peeing while declaiming in that voice which no one could ever keep from imitating after fifteen minutes with him before the roman came to rye or out to severn strode the rolling english drunkard made the rolling english road a reeling road a rolling road that rambled round the shire and after him the parson ran the sexton and the squire I leave it to the reader to imagine that voice in the tiled acoustics of a hollywood bathroom we met a second time in munich where the last unicorn was being dubbed into german most of my memories of that time and of chris lee have to do with books and authors he had known both j r r tolkien and a writer who mattered more to me t h white we had a long ongoing argument in munich about a chapter of the sword in the stone that appears in the english edition of the book but not in the american one he turned out to be right he usually was he never failed to mention the last unicorn as one of his very favorite books and as one of the movies he was most proud of having made indeed he left my whopperjawed as mark twain would have put it when we were being interviewed together on austrian television and he announced oh yes I simply couldn’t resist a chance to play king haggard one more time even in another language after all and he looked straight into the camera it’s the closest they’ll ever let me get to playing king lear the camera swung toward me to catch my stunned reaction and chris looked across the studio at me and winked but my most vivid memory chilling as it remains to this day has to do with the day that I and michael chase walker associate producer of the last unicorn and the one who really got the film made in the first place somehow found our way out to dachau I can’t now recall how we managed it considering that neither one of us spoke german and that you had to take both a subway and a bus to get there from the hotel where the crew were staying but we got there somehow and spent a good half of the day roaming with other tourists around a legendary concentration camp peering blindly into the huge crematoriums but staring with equal horror and fascination at the endless rows of filing cabinets containing every record of every human being who was ever imprisoned starved gassed or simply worked to death in this place michael and I grew quieter and quieter that afternoon until by the time we started back to munich we weren’t speaking at all I think we both felt that we might say anything in words again the first person we met in the hotel lobby was christopher he took one look at us and announced you’ve been to dachau we nodded without answering chris strode toward us looked all the way down from his six foot five inch altitude lowered his voice and inquired still smells doesn’t it with the end of world war ii christopher as a member of the special forces and whose five or six languages included fluent german had been assigned to hunt down and interrogate nazi war crminals and had been present at the liberation of dachau and yes the smell of death had undoubtedly faded somewhat since 1945 but it was still as real as michael and me wandering dazedly between the ovens and the filing system we just didn’t know what it was but christopher did and i’d know it again I never saw him again after munich though we spoke on the telephone a few times on the last occasion when I had called to wish him a happy 90th birthday I remember him assuring me that if by the time you come to make your live action version of your movie I have passed on do not let it concern you I have risen from the dead several times I know how it’s done he worked almost to the last as the real artists of every kind do they work to be working because that’s what they do and they die when they stop I always regarded him as the last of the great 19th century actors that bravura larger than life style went with him no modern rada trained performer would ever attempt it today nor should they it would inevitably come out parody however earnestly meant yet there was always more to christopher lee as an actor than dracula or the mummy or saruman or sherlock holmes for that matter though he was very proud of having played not only both holmes and watson but sherlock’s brother mycroft as well lord summerisle of the original the wicker man probably his favorite of his own movies is most likely closer to chris’s dark benignity than any other role he ever inhabited I believe this because lord summerisle sings a surprising amount in that movie and chris passionately loved singing if there is any such thing as an afterlife or reincarnation I truly hope no believe that christopher lee will return as a wagnerian opera singer if he hadn’t been considered too old in his 30s to be accepted for formal vocal training he might have been in his own eyes at least a happier more fulfilled man but we would have been deeply poorer for it and never have known. 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natsubeatsrock · 7 years
What is Canon?
You know, I genuinely wish I felt anything other than the annoyance over the Nalu and Gruvia kid sketches. And honestly, it’s just from the discourse that their “existence” caused. To be honest, I think it’s cool that Mashima would draw kids for fans of the ships, even as I don’t particularly like them, or that fans took the opportunity to ask for drawings of the kids when Fairy Tail ended with so many other unanswered questions. 
In the time it took for me to write this and actually get to type this in a post format, Mashima outright confirmed them as non-canon. So their “existence” is no skin off my nose. However, this discourse has finally given me a reason to make a post about a mindset that was used to argue that the kids are canon. Namely, that Mashima wouldn’t draw something if he didn’t think it was possible. 
This isn’t a new line of thought. I’ve seen this line of thought used to justify plenty of other drawings Mashima has done. I’ll be honest, a lot of the time I see it done, it’s by Nalu and Gruvia shippers. I’d say all Big 4 shippers, but I don’t know that this is an issue for the Jerza fandom.
My question is simple: Is that really what we want to go by? Is it a good idea to believe that all of Mashima’s drawings are accurate representations of his characters or that they’re good indications of canon, in general? Of course, by my introduction, you can tell where I stand on this issue. 
There’s a fairly recent school of thought called “Death of an Author”. The idea is that once an author puts out their story, they are no longer the chief interpreter of their work. In a sense, the author’s input as to what was meant is as important as the audience’s.
I’m not personally a big fan of this school of thought as a composer and arranger of music. I think that one of the most important things about understanding a work, especially when you’re trying to reinterpret it, is what the author was thinking about it
However, I personally don’t think that we should take anything outside of the main series to be canon unless explicitly stated otherwise to be part of the canon timeline. (Something something jab at Naruto. Why did I add this?) Like, I think Natsu and the Dragon Egg is, for the most part, canon because it actually fits in the canon timeline. 413 Days, as I argued prior, makes no sense in the timeline and probably isn’t canon. And, of course, stuff like FT Stone Age probably is just for “fun”.
Now the reason we’d want to consider those things canon (aside from helping our ships and headcanons) is that its Mashimas world and he’d know what his characters are like when he puts them in all kinds of crazy situations. But, again, is that what we really want? Because I remember a sketch of Natsu flipping up Lucy’s skirt. Is that something we should consider a part of his character, especially in light of Nalu? Doesn’t that conflict with his statement of seeing Lucy naked too many times?
And don’t get me started on stuff like 413 Days. I already reviewed this chapter, but even if I ignored the opening, it’s not like the rest of the chapter is good. It’s good that Juvia wants to give Gray a gift to celebrate an important day, at least for her and it would have helped him that day anyway. But does the fact that Juvia thought that it was a good idea to give Gray an article of clothing, specifically intended to make him feel less cold, help the case that Juvia actually cares about Gray and doesn’t put him on a pedestal? Now, I know that Gray ended up taking the scarf, which may or may not be a talking point in and of itself. (Nope, not going to do it.) 
But I feel as though this is part of a bigger issue many people, myself included, have with Mashima’s job with Fairy Tail: his inconsistent writing. There are plenty of almost legendary examples of Mashima’s inconsistent writing. There’s taking Fairy Heart, Natsu’s insistence on the importance of friendship, the existence of Lost Iced Shell, the Juvia dying situation, the Gruvia/Lyvia rejection and the Kageyama situation to name a few. The absolute worst of which is the argument that Fairy Tail isn’t actually about friendship considering events in the series working against that motive.
This is a fairly popular point to make now, but I still think it’s worth mentioning. One of the things that went criminally under-noticed by the fandom here that came out during Mashima’s trip to NYCC is that he hasn’t planned out a lot of Fairy Tail. He even admitted that he wondered how he would write his characters out of situations, as fans would also wonder the same thing. (Gee, I wonder why this didn’t get a lot of attention?) I don’t think that means that it’s impossible for a writer of a 545 chapter series, plus extra chapters and other goodies, to keep his characters and story in a completely consistent state of writing 100% of the time. However, I do think this is a good reason as to why we don’t see Mashima do exactly that with Fairy Tail.
So, if Mashima isn’t going to be consistent all the time in the actual series that matters, why should I expect him to be for the stuff that very much doesn’t, like omakes and graffiti? I don’t say this to invalidate what he has written. I say that so that, if and when we revisit Fairy Tail, we pay more attention to what Mashima does with his characters. I say that so it doesn’t sound so insane to people when they accuse actions of being “out of character” even though Mashima’s the one who should know their character the most. 
At the same time, considering that today’s Thanksgiving here in the States, I do think we ought to be a bit grateful for what we have. Despite the dismal state of Fairy Tail’s writing, it’s still popular enough for so many people to have read/watched. Mashima has been able to do what he’s done with Fairy Tail in large part because of us, the fans. The fact that he’s written the same series for 11 years with no breaks or hiatus, resulting in an anime with two movies and a third season on the way is nothing to sneeze at. (I just wish I could show it to more people.)
I think that, while there’s no real issue with asking whether or not something he’s made is canon, I think we should just be grateful that he did make something awesome for his fans. Like I said at the beginning, it’s cool that our series’ mangaka was willing to draw hypothetical kids for ships that may or may not be canon. I know that I wouldn’t do that. Especially if I had to tell people some of those same people to chill out over this kind of thing over a year ago.
In Conclusion:
Be wary of stuff that may or may not be canon, but be grateful that we have what we do. Happy Thanksgiving!
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old-stellar · 7 years
Bee movie script KIDOUYUUTO SEP 16TH, 2013 71,831 NEVERrawdownloadreport58.50 KB1. Bee Movie Script
5. According to all known laws
6. of aviation,
9. there is no way a bee
10. should be able to fly.
13. Its wings are too small to get
14. its fat little body off the ground.
17. The bee, of course, flies anyway
20. because bees don't care
21. what humans think is impossible.
24. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
25. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
28. Ooh, black and yellow!
29. Let's shake it up a little.
32. Barry! Breakfast is ready!
35. Ooming!
38. Hang on a second.
41. Hello?
44. - Barry?
45. - Adam?
48. - Oan you believe this is happening?
49. - I can't. I'll pick you up.
52. Looking sharp.
55. Use the stairs. Your father
56. paid good money for those.
59. Sorry. I'm excited.
62. Here's the graduate.
63. We're very proud of you, son.
66. A perfect report card, all B's.
69. Very proud.
72. Ma! I got a thing going here.
75. - You got lint on your fuzz.
76. - Ow! That's me!
79. - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
80. - Bye!
83. Barry, I told you,
84. stop flying in the house!
87. - Hey, Adam.
88. - Hey, Barry.
91. - Is that fuzz gel?
92. - A little. Special day, graduation.
95. Never thought I'd make it.
98. Three days grade school,
99. three days high school.
102. Those were awkward.
105. Three days college. I'm glad I took
106. a day and hitchhiked around the hive.
109. You did come back different.
112. - Hi, Barry.
113. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
116. - Hear about Frankie?
117. - Yeah.
120. - You going to the funeral?
121. - No, I'm not going.
124. Everybody knows,
125. sting someone, you die.
128. Don't waste it on a squirrel.
129. Such a hothead.
132. I guess he could have
133. just gotten out of the way.
136. I love this incorporating
137. an amusement park into our day.
140. That's why we don't need vacations.
143. Boy, quite a bit of pomp...
144. under the circumstances.
147. - Well, Adam, today we are men.
148. - We are!
151. - Bee-men.
152. - Amen!
155. Hallelujah!
158. Students, faculty, distinguished bees,
161. please welcome Dean Buzzwell.
164. Welcome, New Hive Oity
165. graduating class of...
168. ...9:15.
171. That concludes our ceremonies.
174. And begins your career
175. at Honex Industries!
178. Will we pick ourjob today?
181. I heard it's just orientation.
184. Heads up! Here we go.
187. Keep your hands and antennas
188. inside the tram at all times.
191. - Wonder what it'll be like?
192. - A little scary.
195. Welcome to Honex,
196. a division of Honesco
199. and a part of the Hexagon Group.
202. This is it!
205. Wow.
208. Wow.
211. We know that you, as a bee,
212. have worked your whole life
215. to get to the point where you
216. can work for your whole life.
219. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen
220. Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.
223. Our top-secret formula
226. is automatically color-corrected,
227. scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured
230. into this soothing sweet syrup
233. with its distinctive
234. golden glow you know as...
237. Honey!
240. - That girl was hot.
241. - She's my cousin!
244. - She is?
245. - Yes, we're all cousins.
248. - Right. You're right.
249. - At Honex, we constantly strive
252. to improve every aspect
253. of bee existence.
256. These bees are stress-testing
257. a new helmet technology.
260. - What do you think he makes?
261. - Not enough.
264. Here we have our latest advancement,
265. the Krelman.
268. - What does that do?
269. - Oatches that little strand of honey
272. that hangs after you pour it.
273. Saves us millions.
276. Oan anyone work on the Krelman?
279. Of course. Most bee jobs are
280. small ones. But bees know
283. that every small job,
284. if it's done well, means a lot.
287. But choose carefully
290. because you'll stay in the job
291. you pick for the rest of your life.
294. The same job the rest of your life?
295. I didn't know that.
298. What's the difference?
301. You'll be happy to know that bees,
302. as a species, haven't had one day off
305. in 27 million years.
308. So you'll just work us to death?
311. We'll sure try.
314. Wow! That blew my mind!
317. "What's the difference?"
318. How can you say that?
321. One job forever?
322. That's an insane choice to have to make.
325. I'm relieved. Now we only have
326. to make one decision in life.
329. But, Adam, how could they
330. never have told us that?
333. Why would you question anything?
334. We're bees.
337. We're the most perfectly
338. functioning society on Earth.
341. You ever think maybe things
342. work a little too well here?
345. Like what? Give me one example.
348. I don't know. But you know
349. what I'm talking about.
352. Please clear the gate.
353. Royal Nectar Force on approach.
356. Wait a second. Oheck it out.
359. - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
360. - Wow.
363. I've never seen them this close.
366. They know what it's like
367. outside the hive.
370. Yeah, but some don't come back.
373. - Hey, Jocks!
374. - Hi, Jocks!
377. You guys did great!
380. You're monsters!
381. You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
384. - I wonder where they were.
385. - I don't know.
388. Their day's not planned.
391. Outside the hive, flying who knows
392. where, doing who knows what.
395. You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen
396. Jock. You have to be bred for that.
399. Right.
402. Look. That's more pollen
403. than you and I will see in a lifetime.
406. It's just a status symbol.
407. Bees make too much of it.
410. Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it
411. and the ladies see you wearing it.
414. Those ladies?
415. Aren't they our cousins too?
418. Distant. Distant.
421. Look at these two.
424. - Oouple of Hive Harrys.
425. - Let's have fun with them.
428. It must be dangerous
429. being a Pollen Jock.
432. Yeah. Once a bear pinned me
433. against a mushroom!
436. He had a paw on my throat,
437. and with the other, he was slapping me!
440. - Oh, my!
441. - I never thought I'd knock him out.
444. What were you doing during this?
447. Trying to alert the authorities.
450. I can autograph that.
453. A little gusty out there today,
454. wasn't it, comrades?
457. Yeah. Gusty.
460. We're hitting a sunflower patch
461. six miles from here tomorrow.
464. - Six miles, huh?
465. - Barry!
468. A puddle jump for us,
469. but maybe you're not up for it.
472. - Maybe I am.
473. - You are not!
476. We're going 0900 at J-Gate.
479. What do you think, buzzy-boy?
480. Are you bee enough?
483. I might be. It all depends
484. on what 0900 means.
487. Hey, Honex!
490. Dad, you surprised me.
493. You decide what you're interested in?
496. - Well, there's a lot of choices.
497. - But you only get one.
500. Do you ever get bored
501. doing the same job every day?
504. Son, let me tell you about stirring.
507. You grab that stick, and you just
508. move it around, and you stir it around.
511. You get yourself into a rhythm.
512. It's a beautiful thing.
515. You know, Dad,
516. the more I think about it,
519. maybe the honey field
520. just isn't right for me.
523. You were thinking of what,
524. making balloon animals?
527. That's a bad job
528. for a guy with a stinger.
531. Janet, your son's not sure
532. he wants to go into honey!
535. - Barry, you are so funny sometimes.
536. - I'm not trying to be funny.
539. You're not funny! You're going
540. into honey. Our son, the stirrer!
543. - You're gonna be a stirrer?
544. - No one's listening to me!
547. Wait till you see the sticks I have.
550. I could say anything right now.
551. I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
554. Let's open some honey and celebrate!
557. Maybe I'll pierce my thorax.
558. Shave my antennae.
561. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get
562. a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!
565. I'm so proud.
568. - We're starting work today!
569. - Today's the day.
572. Oome on! All the good jobs
573. will be gone.
576. Yeah, right.
579. Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,
580. stirrer, front desk, hair removal...
583. - Is it still available?
584. - Hang on. Two left!
587. One of them's yours! Oongratulations!
588. Step to the side.
591. - What'd you get?
592. - Picking crud out. Stellar!
595. Wow!
598. Oouple of newbies?
601. Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!
604. Make your choice.
607. - You want to go first?
608. - No, you go.
611. Oh, my. What's available?
614. Restroom attendant's open,
615. not for the reason you think.
618. - Any chance of getting the Krelman?
619. - Sure, you're on.
622. I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.
625. Wax monkey's always open.
628. The Krelman opened up again.
631. What happened?
634. A bee died. Makes an opening. See?
635. He's dead. Another dead one.
638. Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
641. Dead from the neck up.
642. Dead from the neck down. That's life!
645. Oh, this is so hard!
648. Heating, cooling,
649. stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,
652. humming, inspector number seven,
653. lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,
656. mite wrangler. Barry, what
657. do you think I should... Barry?
660. Barry!
663. All right, we've got the sunflower patch
664. in quadrant nine...
667. What happened to you?
668. Where are you?
671. - I'm going out.
672. - Out? Out where?
675. - Out there.
676. - Oh, no!
679. I have to, before I go
680. to work for the rest of my life.
683. You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?
686. Another call coming in.
689. If anyone's feeling brave,
690. there's a Korean deli on 83rd
693. that gets their roses today.
696. Hey, guys.
699. - Look at that.
700. - Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?
703. Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.
706. It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.
709. Really? Feeling lucky, are you?
712. Sign here, here. Just initial that.
715. - Thank you.
716. - OK.
719. You got a rain advisory today,
722. and as you all know,
723. bees cannot fly in rain.
726. So be careful. As always,
727. watch your brooms,
730. hockey sticks, dogs,
731. birds, bears and bats.
734. Also, I got a couple of reports
735. of root beer being poured on us.
738. Murphy's in a home because of it,
739. babbling like a cicada!
742. - That's awful.
743. - And a reminder for you rookies,

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Homestuck Epilogue: *is released* Homestuck Epilogue: *is depressing* Me: wELL GUESS ILL GO FUCK MYSELF THEN :’) In all seriousness, my 413 was a lot of fun. I actually went outside and did stuff... which is probs why these drawings are rather shitty ngl lmao. Got to hang out with my friends and talk about hs practically all day...n we got an upd8 WHICH IS RELALY COOL AND IM EXCITED AND WORRIED OVER WHATS GONNA HAPPEN. So, to all the homestucks who celebrated today, n for Hussie who *did the thing* in the first place... HAPPY 413!!! #homestuck #413 #johnegbert #homestuckfanart #homestuckanniversary #epilogue #upd8 #myart #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #immpidraws https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPFcK3AshL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xp4sqmahzzum
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jeremysaffer · 7 years
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Yesterday w/ Killswitch Engage, All That Remains, Within The Ruins, and Volumes in Holyoke, MA... (just a small taste... full set of photos are on my website in the archive section under each band) saying this was a celebration of Western mass music, metal, friendship, and family wouldn't quite skim the surface. Western Mass has always been an incredible and supportive community for metal and hardcore, having launched countless incredible bands and careers within the music scene, myself absolutely included as I would not be where I am if not for the support of this scene and the bands within it. it was great to show up early (two miles from my home) and get a bunch of behind the scenes photos and catch up with so many friends not only from the 413 but from all over who are now or have once been a part of the mass metal scene such as members of Bury Your Dead, Shadows Fall, Aftershock, Scurvy, and so many others past and present as well as the bands playing of course. Weekly local shows for me were Killswitch, Shadows Fall, Hatebreed, All That Remains, Unearth, Bury Your Dead, Acacia Strain, and so many other bands that grew from a local to international touring bands. I am very fortunate to have grown up in and around such an amazing metal scene and to have had the opportunity to work with most of these bands since their inception as I continue to photograph them as their careers grow. This isn't a scene, it's a family, and nothing solidifies that more than a day like yesterday surrounded by such incredible friends, conversations, metal, and of course... photos. All of us truly proud and happy for our friends successes, which are many. Home truly is where the heart is and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my friends or more proud to call the metal/hardcore haven that is Western Mass... my home. #killswitchengage #allthatremains #withintheruins #volumes #massachusetts #westernmass #413 #holyoke #mountainpark http://ift.tt/2tbb58s
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