#happy birthday June and Jane :')
june-egbert-official · 2 months
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happy birthday, june egbert (hey, that's me :B) and jane crocker!!!
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turntechcryptidguy · 1 year
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brightestlulu · 2 months
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4/13!!!! actually pretty happy with how this came out
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vineboom-sfx · 2 months
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Guys it’s their birthday!!!!
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hjbirthdaywishes · 9 days
June 9, 2024
Happy 43 Birthday to Natalie Portman.
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cosmicanchorite · 1 year
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happy birthday guys :)
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theprofpenguin · 1 year
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John made a cake for their birthday!! Such a sweetie :DD
Happy Homestuck day everyone, and happy birthday to John and Jane!! Doing the @413countdown was really fun this year :D !!! Hehehehe
This just makes me realize I should draw Homestuck more often, it’s spiritually healing
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teabeehive · 1 year
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Happy 4/13 Everyone!
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sunflowerssoouupp · 1 year
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ddejavvu · 4 months
I saw a video on tiktok the other day of a man on his wedding day getting down to the level of his new stepdaughter and reading out vows to her about how he'll always love and care for her and I bawled my eyes out. Now all I can think about is Hotch and single!mom reader on their wedding day getting down and reading vows to each others children. I dont know if you write single! Parent reader, but if you do could you write something with this premise? Thank you lovely if you can
Your daughter is mildly confused when Aaron beckons her over during the ceremony, but at four years old, she's mostly obedient to her parents. Well- to Aaron. To you, she protests and screams and giggles maniacally, but you suppose you're the one that gave it to her, so you can't complain without sounding like a hypocrite.
You set a hand on Jack's shoulder, ushering the older boy into your own grip.
"You look so handsome," You gush, eyes teeming with tears that threaten to ruin your mascara, "Jack, I- I won't embarrass you by calling you a mushy nickname like CrackerJack, or JackAttack, or Jackers-"
"You're using them all right now-!" The teenager protests, but he doesn't shrug your hand off of his shoulder; his protests are for show.
"Sorry! Sorry," You sniffle, and you let the fifteen year old wipe a tear away from your eye before it ruins your makeup.
"Jack," You repeat, steeling yourself, "I- I just want you to know that I love you. It's not because I love your dad, it's not because we live together, it's not because you woke me up with breakfast in bed on my birthday. It's- it's because of you, sweetheart. I know you're getting older, and- and you might be going away to college soon," You poorly withhold a sob, thinking of an empty bed in the room down the hall, "-but I just- I need you to know that it's you that I love, just the same as I love June. Your mom was an amazing woman, and she made an amazing son, and I'm so honored that you've given me permission to be your stepmom. I love you- Jackers."
Perhaps its awkward for the teen to face such strong emotion head-on, but you won't tattle to his schoolfriends about the tears that well up in his eyes, or the red tint to his nose as he bites them back.
"Love you too," He supplies weakly, surging forwards to wrap his arms around your waist- but it's all you need. One of your photographers makes to readjust your veil where it's been momentarily crumpled beneath his arm, but damn the veil, your stepson is more important.
"They're gushy," Aaron accuses, holding little June in his arms and pointing at you, "Are we gonna be gushy, Junie B Jones?"
Her eyes are mystified as she stares at her mama and her brother, but she shakes her head dutifully at Aaron.
"Oh, go, you're sappier than I am," You tease Aaron, and it rouses a light chuckle from your guests.
"Loony-Junie," Aaron starts, and the girl in his grasp giggles at the name. Encouraged by her delight, he employs her favorite moniker; her most desired snack, "My little pickle. Thank you, for letting me marry your mama. And for giving her the ring, even if it fell in the eggs instead of the fully-baked cake."
The little girl roars with a squeal of laughter at the memory, and- now you know why the Lysol wipes were on the counter the night of Aaron's proposal.
"You were a super big helper to me and your brother," He continues, holding her close, "And I'm so happy I get to be your stepdad now. I know you're a big girl, and you can do pretty much everything by yourself now," He lets her pipe up, falling silent as her tiny voice rings out.
"-I can even put my own shoes on the right feet!"
Not every audience member manages to stifle their giggle, but the little girl doesn't look abashed for it. Aaron nods with a fond grin on his face, and Jack leans into your side where you've pinned him in a hug.
"She can not. I had to switch her mary janes before the ceremony."
"Stop," You pinch him in the side, snorting with laughter and concealing it in the warmth of his shoulder, "Do not make me turn into an evil stepmother, Jack. Let her have this." He concedes- oh, such a good brother.
"I know!" Aaron exclaims, one of his large palms spread wide across her belly as he holds her in his arms, "I'm super proud of you, baby. But. If you ever need help with your shoes, or with your hair, or with your friends, or with your teachers, or with your brother," He shoots a suspicious glance at Jack who sticks his tongue out at his father, "Or with anything at all, pickle, you come tell me. Okay? Even if it's a problem that I'm part of."
"Okay," She agrees easily, unaware of the dozens of painfully-swollen hearts watching the display, "Thanks, dada."
"Oh, pickle," He bites back a shallow, raw twinge to his voice as he hugs her and you hiss, 'Gushy.'
"I love you too," He promises June, "Forever, and always, and even longer after that."
"Infinity?" Her eyes shine; it's a concept her pre-k class came upon in a library comic book and she's fascinated with it.
"For infinity." Aaron confirms, and her teeth show in a grin as brilliantly white and gleaming as the beads sewn into your outfit.
Her response is two tiny, chubby arms slung around his neck, and a delicate face buried in his shoulder. Despite your no-photography request, you're fairly certain a camera shutter goes off that doesn't belong to the photographer you hired.
Oh, well.
"Alright you saps," You manage to blubber, your voice barely clear of the sobs creeping up your throat, "Let's get married before I cry and ruin my makeup. I paid so much for the stylist."
Jovial laughter rings through the tent you've set up, and Aaron sets June down, though she follows at his heels the same way Jack does at yours. They stand together, brother and sister, just as you do with Hotch, soon-to-be husband and wife.
"Don't cry." You command, "Or I'll cry."
"Don't cry," He repeats with a sheepish grin and a thick voice, blinking rapidly, as your babies join hands, "Or I'll cry."
"I'm crying," A faint voice from the audience rings out, but you can't manage to find any annoyance towards Garcia's repeated disruptions.
Aaron laughs, squeezing his eyes shut and letting a tear slip despite his best efforts. He presses his forehead to yours, and you do the same, feeling his breath fan over your face as he reels himself in.
"Come on, Hotchner," You urge, your voice wobbly, as your heart races in anticipation, the officiant stepping towards you, "Get it together, big guy. I'm not leaving this tent without your last name."
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dammarchy211 · 2 months
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Doubleposting today bc I totally forgot I had homestuck stuff !!!!!
Happy birthday to me and June and Jane and also Jude in my headcanon and unhappy birthday to Thomas Jefferson
Hit the beta kids with my styleification beam lol
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And my trollsona!! I am usually an no fandom-sona person at all but then I realized I could make him psychonauts themed and I caved
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june-doe-event · 1 year
Hello !! Welcome to the June Doe Ride The Cyclone event !!
This is a 30 Day Art (of any sorts !!) event that runs throughout June, however I will rb any posts with the prompts until mid July.
(Rules, Prompt List, & such are under the cut.)
1. Absolutely no NSFW of ANY kind, the rtc kids are, in fact, kids.
2. Please tag this account in any posts (on here) that you make w the prompts !! I wanna see them !! :D
3. I'll rb posts made with the prompts from after June up until July, but after that I'm done w this acc for the year shsh
(Not a rule but just something that should be known, I have quite a few tags blocked so I might not see some posts, but I will try my best to rb all of them. If I don't see your content, send it to me in an ask !!)
This event accepts any forms of art, from drawings, to writing, to gifs, to edits, etc etc !! Be creative !!
Prompt List:
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June 1st — Pride Month / Identities
Centered around any queer hcs with the choir !! Can range from coming out scenes 2 them going to pride, list is endless :)
June 2nd — Pre-Canon / Post-Canon
The choirs childhoods, right before the accident, what you think happens after the show, again, the list is endless !!
June 3rd — Favorite Platonic Relationship(s)
Maybe they're familial, or maybe they're just best friends !! Just, no romance :)
June 4th — Favorite Romantic Relationship(s)
Your favorite ship(s) !!
June 5th — Ricky's Birthday
Happy Birthday Ricky Potts !! Celebrate their birthday in whatever way you please !!
June 6th — Swapped Roles
Maybe Ocean is the most romantic girl in town, maybe Noel is the angriest girl in town !! Aka, the choir swaps titles & sorta personalities
June 7th — Legoland
The first play in the Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy !! Legoland content is ofc welcomed (& encouraged !!) for all of the prompts, but this is Legoland specific (if you don't have the script pdf & you'd like to read it, you can dm me either on this acc or on my main !!)
June 8th — Alternate Jane Doe
(Or John !!) Maybe Oceans parents never identified her, or maybe Noel was mangled beyond recognition !! Either way, someone else is left doll-like and confused.
June 9th — Someone Else Goes Back
Maybe Ocean votes Constance, or maybe the vote was unanimous like originally promised! Jane stays, someone else leaves.
June 10th — Mega Mall
The one(1) thing to do in Uranium. And Noel's personal hell.
June 11th — U-Pop
Ocean & Constance's (scripted) improv duo !! Sound off !!
June 12th — The Fair
What'd the choir get up to before the crash ? What were they doing ? What rides did they go on ? What'd they eat ?
June 13th — Uranium City
The Pride And Joy of Sweet Saskatchewan !! (<- literally a nightmare) !!
Or, something about the town itself !! It's history !!
June 14th — The Accident.
How'd they die ? What happened ? How did people react to it ? Who witnessed it ?
(If your content for this is gorey, please tag it appropriately.)
June 15th — Everybody Lives / Nobody Dies
Maybe they never rode the Cyclone in the first place, maybe they did but they survived, either way, everyone is fine !! (Or are they?)
June 16th — Religion
Ocean has three of them !! Something surrounding faith of some kind — or lack thereof !!
Alternative June 16th Prompt because I know some people may find the topic uncomfortable — Animals !!
Ricky's fourteen cats !! Penny & her love of animals !! Anything !!
June 17th — The Blackwood Cafe
The best (and probably only) cafe in Uranium !! Constance's family cafe, their pride and joy :)
June 18th — Cut Characters
Cut Character Submissions are welcome here no matter what, but this is specifically dedicated to them !! What was their reaction to the accident ? How did they die ? What was their backstory ?
June 19th — Zolar
The Fantasia Of Ricky Potts !! Anything to do with the world inside their head :)
June 20th — Songfic / Lyrics
Something surrounding a song you associate with the choir (or a certain member) !!
(Disclaimer this works for any type of art I just called it a songfic in the prompts list because it's. Easier ykyk)
June 21st — Summer
Happy Summer Solstice !! Anything 2 do with the current season :)
June 22nd — Graduation
What if they didn't die before they could graduate? How does that go?
June 23rd — Choir Event
Maybe it's last years Kiwanis, maybe it's a separate event !! Either way, they're performing again !!
June 24th — Production Specific
Instead of just general RTC, this prompt centers around a certain production !! (Be creative with it !! Use smaller ones !!)
June 25th — One Off Lines
Like how Ricky said in the 2016 previews that his mom read him the Little Prince TWENTY THREE TIMES (it was weird, he likes it), or how Ocean says that Constance 'has been a loose cannon since kindergarten' in the 2015 ver !! Anything surrounding stuff that they don't expand on.
June 26th — Jane's Dolly
How'd she find it? What if she had a different type of dolly? Just surrounding our favorite doll girl & her dolly :)
June 27th — Talia
Miss Talia Muruska Bolinska !! Is she real? How does she find out about the accident? How'd she meet Mischa? What was her life like?
June 28th — Families
The choirs' parents, them as a found family, the list goes on !! Just anything surrounding family :)
June 29th — Funerals
Because, these kids are dead, they have to have a memorial service of some sort !!
June 30th — Free Day
And, for our final day ( :( ) , we have a free day !! Do whatever you'd like !! :D
That's everything !! Feel free to send me asks with any questions you have !! :D
— Your moderator, @undescribed1mage :D
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dontlookheswatching · 15 days
Happy pride month everyone!! I love this month so much, because I feel like it's a time where I and everyone else can feel valid and express who we really are and embrace it!
I decided to steal this idea from @tobaccoy and make a list of the creeps sexualities to celebrate(I'll also be posting Ben and Jeff at some point, and maybe even some others) :3
Jeff: Cis and bisexual
Ben: Demiboy, pansexual and greyromantic
Liu: Cis and bisexual
Nina: Genderfluid, omnisexual, and cupioromantic
Toby: Cis and bisexual
Tim: Cis and aroace
Brian: Cis and gay
Silver: Demiboy and gay
Dark Link: Nonbinary, greyromantic, and aroace
The Puppeteer: Cis and bisexual
Jason: Cis and gay
Bloodypainter: Nonbinary and bisexual
X-Virus: Cis and gay
Hobo: Nonbinary and bisexual
Kagekao: Cis and omnisexual
Nurse Ann: Trans MtF and lesbian
Lazarus(Lazari): Trans FtM and questioning
Sally: Cis and aroace
Lulu: Demigirl and aroace
Sadie: Cis and pansexual
Zero: Cis and lesbian
Clockwork: Cis and bisexual
Jane: Cis and lesbian
Rogue: Demigirl and omnisexual
Kate: Cis and lesbian
Laughing Jack: Nonbinary and aroace
Judge Angels: Cis and bisexual
Eyeless Jack: Demiboy and gay
Candypop: Nonbinary and aroace
I'll be posting again later today because as of the day I'm posting this(June 2nd), it's Jeffs birthday in my au and the dude is 23 now!
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earthc-kids-byerky · 2 months
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JENNY: Hello everyone!! Sorry we've been so quiet, but Miss Erky has been having a rough couple of weeks!!
JENNY: She's been super busy but hasn't forgotten about all the left over asks!!
JENNY: She just needs some rest for a bit. Thank you so much for your patience!!
DONNY: ...
JENNY: Oh yeah!! And happy birthday to aunt June and Jane!!
((happy 4/13 yallllllllll))
((be back soooooooooooooooon))
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hjbirthdaywishes · 1 year
June 9, 2023
Happy 42 Birthday to Natalie Portman. 
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strmpt · 2 months
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happy birthday jane and june!!!! happy 413 everyone!!!!!!!!!!
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