#happy birthday chrissy!!!
goldengirlchrissy · 1 year
this is a very important post to tell everyone that it is ms chrissy’s birthday!!!
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nowritingonthewall · 7 months
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Happy Birthday, Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada 🥰 (March 9th, 1979)
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iamdangerace · 10 days
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stevethehairington · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @stevecarrington!!!!! I HOPE TODAY IS UNBELIEVEABLE!! i'm so glad this fandom has brought us together, you're such a wonderful friend and im very lucky to know you!! i know how much you love steddie AND ted lasso so i whipped up a little steddie lasso for you, i hope you enjoy 💕💕
Eddie is not quite sure how he got here.
One day he was sprawling across his ornately carved DM throne, gleefully ruining the lives of those brave enough to sit at his table and dip their toes into his particular brand of tabletop roleplay chaos, and the next he was packing up his life and getting on a bus heading west, back to god damn Hawkins, Indiana — the hometown he swore he'd never come back to all to coach soccer.
Yeah. That's right. Soccer.
The thing is — he's never been a sportsball kind of guy. Not baseball, not basketball, not football. Certainly not soccer. Outside of ogling the players for their tight little shorts and their calf-hugging socks, of course. The only reason he knows even the slightest brush of the basics — and even then, it's a strech to say he knows it — is because Wayne is a sportsball guy.
But apparently that incredibly bare quasi-knowledge of it was good enough for Chrissy — Eddie's best friend extraordinaire and prominent figure in the sports world (truth be told, Eddie really couldn't tell you what her actual position was — all he knew was that she did everything and was everywhere. Seriously, it was insane how many connections she had in the world of professional organized sports.) — because when she heard the words "looking for strong leadership" and "to build comraderie" and especially "with a creative, outside of the box approach" when the league announced that they were looking for a new head coach, she had immediately submitted Eddie's name. Without even consulting him on it. Without even telling him in the first place.
It was a true testament to just how desperate the club was that they had actually chosen him.
Getting that call had boggled his damn mind.
Still does, if he's being honest.
And now here he is, fresh off the bus and standing in front of Nancy goddamn Wheeler — the tiny, but incredibly intimidating owner of the whole goddamn team.
"Eddie, welcome," Nancy says, flashing him a perfectly pleasant smile that still somehow makes him feel like prey. "It's great to meet you."
She holds out her hand, and Eddie quickly wipes his palm against his jeans before accepting it. Her handshake is firm — she's not fucking around.
"It's lovely to meet you too, ma'am," Eddie replies, with his politest midwestern manners.
Nancy's lips press together, turning down at the corners, and for a brief moment Eddie thinks he's somehow managed to fuck this up already. Could you get fired for sweaty hands? Was that legal?
But then a small laugh slips from those lips and Nancy says, "Just Nancy. Ma'am makes me feel like I'm seventy-five and belong in the bingo hall."
Eddie can't help the bleat of laughter that bubbles out, probably a little too enthusiastic. "Hey, the bingo hall's a riot," he says.
That gets Nancy to chuckle again before she clears her throat and smooths down the lapels of her blazer. "Well, thank you so much for taking on this position, we're really grateful to have you here, and we look forward to seeing what you can do for us," she says, and she sounds genuine about it, which puts Eddie a little more at ease. Nancy barrels on, "I'm sure Chrissy had briefed you about speaking with the press?" She asks, but she doesn't give him a chance to answer. "You'll just be sitting down with some journalists and answering any questions they may have — and I'm sure they'll have plenty."
Eddie lets out another nervous titter. Yeah, he's sure too. "Sure," he says. "Um, and that's... tomorrow? Later this week?"
Nancy makes a face, a sort of half grimace, half sympathetic thing.
Eddie's stomach turns.
"Actually," Nancy starts, eyes flickering towards the door behind Eddie, "it's right now."
"Did— did Chrissy not let you know that?" She asks, chewing on her lip.
"No, no!" Eddie is quick to reply. "She did, I'm sure she did, I just— probably wasn't listening. It's kind of been a... crazy fucking day—" his eyes go wide, "— I mean—"
Nancy laughs. "You can say that a-fucking-gain," she agrees, and Eddie's shoulders relax from where they'd tensed up to his ears.
"Well, I'm sorry to just throw you to the wolves like this, but we can't really call it off now," Nancy continues, giving him an apologetic look.
Eddie glances towards the door too and nods. Rolls back his shoulders and straightens his spine. Let's himself slip into his DM persona — the guy that can handle every punch that's thrown his way, no problem.
"No, it's fine. I got this," he says, nodding again.
Nancy smiles and leads him towards the door. "Whenever you're ready," she tells him.
Eddie takes a deep breath, steels himself, and turns the handle.
Immediately he is bombarded by flashing cameras and an increase in volume as dozens of eyes all pinprick right onto him.
He's got this. They're just people. He's good with people.
Eddie climbs the two steps leading up to the staging area and swaggers to his place behind the desk, dropping himself into the seat. He reaches out to tap the microphone, which emits a sharp whine that shuts the crowd up.
He stifles his grin and leans into the mic, "Let's start this thing, shall we?" He pauses, scans the audience, quirks a brow. "Questions?"
Almost every single hand shoots straight up.
Yep. Should've seen that coming.
"Okay, okay, you know what? Let's just—" he motions for everyone to put their hands down, "— yeah, there we go. Great. Thanks. Right. I'm sure a lot of you have some of the same questions, so why don't I start by clearing a few things up first."
He wriggles in his seat, getting comfortable. "Yes, the rumors are true. No, I have not coached soccer before. Haven't coached anything before, actually. Hell, I'm probably the least qualified guy they could have hired for the spot," he laughs, and a murmur goes through the crowd. "I don't really know the first thing about soccer, but what I do know is that this team, the Hawkins Demodogs FC, these ferocious warriors of sport— they're going to get out on that field and they're— they're gonna put all of their intelligence and wisdom and strength into it," he says firmly, falling back on his trusty DnD knowledge. Game of sports can't be that different from a campaign, right? "They're gonna put their constitution to good use and fall back on their dexterity and they're going to defeat their enemies — I'll make sure of it."
Glasses guy in the second rows eyebrows lift, almost like he recognizes the terminology.
"Now," Eddie says, clapping his hands together. "I'll take one question from the masses. Make it a good one."
The hands shoot back up again, but the only one Eddie notices is the one belonging to glasses guy. It raises it a beat after the rest, lifts his hand into the air relaxed, easy, like he doesn't actually care.
It intrigues Eddie. He intrigues Eddie.
"You, in the second row," Eddie says, pointing right at the man.
A slow smile spreads across his face as he rises to his feet, clicks his pen, pushes up his glasses again.
"I like your glasses," Eddie comments, unable to help himself.
The guy's smile twists at the corners. "Thank you," he says, and his voice is smooth, rich, like honey. Eddie kind of wants to bathe in it.
His stomach swoops. "And you are?"
"Steve Harrington, the Indypendent," he says.
Eddie leans forward on his elbows, lets his smile turn a little flirty. "What's your question, Steve Harrington from the Indypendent?" He asks, stretching out Steve's name, loving the way it tastes in his mouth.
"Yeah, I've just got one question for you," he says. He fixes a narrowed, nettled look on Eddie, cocks a hip, and says, in a perfectly, deliciously, bitchy tone, "is this a fucking joke?"
Oh, he's going to be a fun one.
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becabeale143 · 1 year
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Happy birthday baby 🌹❤️
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munson-mjstan · 3 months
It's my birthday today! 5th of July!
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foxyx · 2 years
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sagittaria semper spēs
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bobbie-robron · 1 year
On this day… 22nd of April
Happy birthday, Robert 🎁
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Let us not talk falsely now, the hour’s getting late. Or, happy birthday to a surprisingly reflective Chrissie Hynde.
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But if I’m honest, my lasting thoughts on that whole wider situation is that all of us hippies were conned, in some ways, by the peace and love thing.
During the Vietnam war there was a draft system, and if you were in university, you didn’t get drafted. My dad had been a marine in the war and my parents were hard- working ordinary people. They didn’t go to university, but they worked to put me there. All of us who were against the war, we were in the university, but the kids whose parents couldn’t put them there were in Vietnam. That is what us hippies didn’t see.
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laceysfarout · 2 years
After about probably 20ish hours, she’s finally done! 🥺
Happy Birthday @quirly ! I hope you like this color pencil piece I drew for you ! Hopefully one day I’ll be able to give it to you in person! You mean so much to me and Iysm! I hope your day is as amazing as you!
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maxineholtzmann · 1 year
what’s all this talk about love?
Chapter One: when the train rolls by
Nancy burst into her editor’s office, slapping her hands down on his desk. “I’ve got a story.”
Murray slowly spun around in his chair to face her. “Great job with the knocking, Wheeler.”
Nancy waved her hand dismissively, “Who needs manners when I have a great story!” She was practically vibrating with excitement, her bright blue eyes shining.
“Nancy, may I remind you that you are on the weddings and human interest beat? Not the whatever-investigative-expose-you’re-about-to-pitch beat?” Murray said, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose as if trying to preemptively ward off a headache.
“No need, Murray. This story falls entirely within my purview,” Nancy grinned, dropping into the chair opposite him.
“Oh, do tell,” Murray said, sarcasm dripping as he leaned back in his chair.
“So I just met this guy in the bar–” Nancy started, leaning forward.
“Ah yes, the best place to meet reputable sources.”
“ –and he was going off about his ex-fiancée–”
“Very regular and stable of him.”
“ –and he said that she’s left 3 men at the altar including him so far–”
“ –AND she’s engaged again. Obviously he’s gotta be–”
“Like fully AT the altar? In front of all their family and friends?”
“ –full of shit, like who would do that? But–”
“You gotta go interview her.”
Six hours later, Nancy was on the road, heading to Hawkins, Indiana from Chicago. All she had was her suitcase, a notebook, and a bar napkin with the names Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson, and Gareth Emerson scrawled across it in drunken handwriting. Her first order of business was going to have to be finding a way to meet Chrissy without scaring her off. Well, maybe her second order of business. She had forgotten her toothbrush, so the first order of business was finding the local general store.
As she drove through the town to the Hawkins Inn, she passed Melvald’s General Store. Perfect. She could start there. (read the rest on ao3 here)
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sofiiel · 1 year
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Happy Birthday @chrissymjstan! Eddie's singing to you, he's been waiting all year for today. He's more excited now than he is for any other holiday.
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nowritingonthewall · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada 🥰 (March 9th, 1979)
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August 28: Happy Birthday Chrissy (Animal Crossing)!!!!
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Happy birthday Suzanne Somers. May she and John Ritter RIP.
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apunkrockbabe · 1 year
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Happy birthday my girl! ♡︎
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