#happy birthday iba!!!!!
shinjukusunset · 11 months
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Iba, to Renji & Ikkaku: No way... I wasn't *that* drunk last night!
Renji, chuckling: Heh! Dude so drunk on his birthday party he couldn't even remember what he did to Rangiku—
Iba, yelling in surprise: Wh- WHAT?! DID I DO SOMETHING TO HER?!
Ikkaku: Not her, actually, but you took her iPad and put it inside the blender.
Iba, horrified: OH MY GOD. WHAT?!
Renji, cracking up: Yeah, dude, you said you were making apple juice.
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thetrinketbox · 1 year
Drunk again off another crush (Kensei x Reader)
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I wrote this for Kensei’s birthday and because he looks so hot in the new anime episodes. My man needs more fics about him! Also available on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49015216 "Congratulations!" "Yeah, who'd've thought an idiot like you would figure out bankai?" "Three cheers for lieutenant Hisagi!" The boisterous cheering filled the bar, a crowd of shinigami clustered together like a flock of crows in their black uniforms. They clinked their glasses together for the umpteenth time that night, Hisagi grinning like a schoolboy. "Thanks, guys!" he said, his cheeks somewhat redder than usual and his hair all mussed up from Ikkaku and Renji constantly ruffling it, like you would to a puppy. From your little corner of the bar, you watched all this going on, trying to look happy about it even as your mood sank lower and lower as the noise and celebrating grew louder. It seemed churlish to feel left out. This was Hisagi's moment, not yours, a celebration of a milestone that not many shinigami ever achieve. You were happy for him; you knew how hard he'd been working to master it and improve his relationship with Kazeshini. When you'd first heard that he'd finally done it, there had been no doubt in your mind that he'd always had what it took. But although you'd helped to arrange this little celebration, even hanging up some of the decorations with some people from Ninth (you weren't even part of Hisagi's division), and though he'd thanked you when you congratulated him and even given you a quick hug that made you feel all tingly, that was about all that had been said. His friends had arrived, first Kira, Renji and Kira and then later Ikkaku, Yumichika, Iba and Rangiku and he'd been swept up in a little bubble comprised of lieutenants (or near enough, in Ikkaku and Yumichika's cases) and suddenly it was like you didn't exist anymore. Like you said, it seemed childish to complain that Hisagi wasn't paying attention to you. You understood he'd obviously mostly want to spend time with his closest friends, the ones who had fought alongside him the longest and seen him in action the most. Seeing their happiness at his success truly was an amazing thing.
But...was it unreasonable you felt left out? Envious? Wishing you could even come close to having companions that cared so much about you? You didn't think it was, so you'd turned to the nearest available source of comfort - alcohol. You were several drinks in now and even though you'd tried to look like you were enjoying yourself, you could feel yourself growing more and more distressed and isolated, sitting nursing a drink you'd stopped actually drinking a while ago, which had turned unpleasantly watery now that the ice cubes had melted, and you weren't drunk enough for that not to matter to you. You pushed it aside in faint disgust, but now you didn't even have the excuse of not wanting to spill your drink - now you were just sitting here feeling abandoned and stupid. As Kira poured Hisagi another drink, you caught something flicker in your peripheral vision and turned your head to see a captain's robe, a stark contrast to all the black uniforms. Shit, when had Muguruma gotten here? Or wait, he'd been here before, hadn't he? That's right - Mashiro had gotten her hands on a whole bottle of vodka and mistaken it for something much milder. She'd chugged damn near the whole bottle and passed out, and Kensei had been forced to take her to Fourth Division before she did anything else stupid - apparently she had a nasty habit of abruptly thrashing awake and kicking, and Kensei was one of the only people strong enough to keep her steady and not be winded by her famous legs, so he'd vanished for a good chunk of the evening. You couldn't help but wonder if he'd purposefully taken longer than he needed to, so he didn't have to listen to the racket of his subordinate and other lieutenants getting wasted - Kensei was the only person who looked like he wanted to be here less than you did, and the thought was oddly cheering. Misery loves company, and all that. A vague ghost of a smile flickered at your lips, but it died again like a blinking lightbulb. You admittedly didn't know Kensei all that well, except that Hisagi had been fanboying constantly since the official announcement that the three former captains had agreed to return to their old posts. Time had passed since then, but Hisagi still seemed rather starstruck by Kensei, which was just as well - you'd heard he was a hardass, and if you were being totally honest, he kind of scared you a bit. He was no Zaraki or Kurostsuchi, but something about his size, intimidating aura and I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude was simultaneously scary and a little alluring. You could feel where he was from anywhere in Ninth - his reaitsu was powerful and tinged with an unusual aura, probably thanks to the Hollow that lived inside him. You wondered if Kensei was like that all the time or if he relaxed a little more in his downtime. You were certain you'd never seen him smile. As if he could sense your gaze on him, Kensei suddenly looked in your direction, a scowl on his face. You quickly ducked your head to avoid his gaze, cheeks burning.
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It was time to go home, you decided. There was no point sitting here moping because senpai wouldn't notice you anymore. You knew how your moods were only amplified when you drank, and you couldn't see the night improving from here. You were stuck in a tar pit of self-loathing of your own making, and besides which, though you were friendly with one or two of the lieutenants, approaching all of them was kind of intimidating. They understood each other in a way other seated members didn't, working so closely with their captains and yet not quite being on their level. It was a weird limbo to be in, for sure. Slowly you got up from the table, and immediately nearly fell to your knees as you stood up. Fuck. The booze always hit harder this way, and it took a lot of concentration for you to skirt around the crowd of people towards the exit, weaving back and forth as you walked. Before you reached that glorious, blinding white rectangle of an exit, a hand suddenly grasped your elbow. "Where are you going?" a voice demanded. You turned around and your stomach did some kind of somersault as you found yourself staring dizzily up at Kensei himself. He was scowling down at you, as per usual, but he didn't seem particularly angry per se - he had a very severe resting bitch face, so it seemed. "Sorry?" you said, which was at least slightly better than "Whu?" which was what you'd been about to say. When you realised, he thought you'd gotten confused on your way to the bar/bathroom, you gave a little shake of your head. "Oh, I'm just - I thought I should go home." Behind Kensei came another raucous round of cheering and a facial muscle of Kensei's twitched. Clearly the celebrations were grating on his nerves as well - however fond of Hisagi he was, he was not the partying sort of guy. You didn't know Kensei that well, but you knew enough about him to know that every sound of glasses or bottles clinking and sloshing beer on the ground was no doubt grating terribly. "You're in no fit state to walk home by yourself." Kensei pronounced, but before you could get indignant over this, he sighed. "I'll walk you back to your quarters." What?! "Oh, um, that's kind of you, sir, but it's really not-" you demurred - the thought of walking home with Kensei Muguruma at your side was an alarming one. "It's not up for negotiation." Kensei overrode you bluntly, so much so that you found yourself unable to muster a second stab at refusing. His hand went to your shoulder, and he began steering you towards the door. "Come on. From here on, it's their problem if one of them passes out in a puddle of vomit." You paused and made a face at the idea. "Yessir." ~ You were right - walking with Kensei Muguruma was an intense experience. Granted, it wasn't like he was shouting at you for drinking or asking you tricky questions. Instead, he was surprisingly quiet, keeping an eye on your ungraceful gait out of the corner of his eye, but otherwise he seemed content to walk through the winding streets of the Seireitei - you'd told him where you lived, and it wasn't so far away that either of you felt the need to whip out Shunpo. Anyway, as Kensei had pointed out, the fresh air would help sober you up some. Despite that, though, the silence had a tinge of awkwardness to it. Kensei was doing you a favour, but you got the sense he was regretting having offered. Your mind was in a whirl of confusion and alcohol, and you wanted to find something to say to make the journey feel a little less of a daunting voyage. Kensei's reiatsu washed over you like a heavy wind that hints at a thunderstorm - occasionally your arm would brush his haori and the hairs stood up on your skin when it broke out in goosebumps. Kensei didn't seem to notice. "Why were you sitting by yourself?" he suddenly asked - not looking at you but keeping his eyes straight ahead. You're taken aback by the question and your answer is vague. "Oh, well...I'd said my congrats to Hisagi, so I didn't want to get in the way while he was with his friends. His other friends." you said, lamely. "It felt rude to just leave in the middle of his celebration." "Tch. His friends are spoiling him. Most people don't get a fucking parade thrown for them for achieving a bankai." Kensei muttered, and you shot a surprised glance at him. But though his words were dismissive, his facial expression wasn't disgusted or scornful. Perhaps grumbling was Kensei's idea of speaking fondly of someone. "Why did you come, then?" you asked, seized with a sudden boldness - perhaps Kensei's candidness was infectious. "You don't seem like a... party type of guy, sir." "I'm not," Kensei said, waving a hand impatiently. "But I don't begrudge the kid. I worked him hard, and he gave me the results I was hoping for. That deserves recognition." Huh. You gave a hum of agreement and turned your attention back to the path in front of you. It seemed Kensei was right - you did feel a little more sober. Walking no longer felt like a tricky task that required all conversation, though you didn't regret your decision to leave. You doubted anybody had noticed you were gone. "So that was the only reason?" Kensei pressed, startling you. "You were just too scared to talk to him around his lieutenant friends? Or were you hoping something was gonna happen?" You nearly choked on your own saliva at the blunt phrasing. Kensei really didn't pay much attention to social niceties, did he? You chewed on the inside of your cheek. You'd never examined your feelings regarding Hisagi Shuuhei in detail - you knew he liked Rangiku. Kensei knew he liked Rangiku. Everyone and their mums probably knew it. So having feelings for Hisagi had never really crossed your mind, because they were doomed before they'd even had a chance to take root. But explaining all this to Kensei made you uncomfortable, so instead you simply said: "We're just friends." "Really." Kensei drawled, and was it your imagination, or was he messing with you? It was hard to tell with his deadpan manner of speaking. "Yes, really." you said, a little huffily. "And if you don't mind, I'd rather not discuss it further." "Tch." You both fell silent again, and you could feel heat creeping up your cheeks. It occurred to you that perhaps Kensei had had some alcohol to loosen his tongue a bit himself, it was just nowhere near as obvious with him since he was so big and beefy - it would probably take enough alcohol to knock over a horse before he started to show ill effects. Though you didn't know who in their right mind would give alcohol to a horse. You knew where you were now, and you glanced at Kensei. "I can take it from here if you have somewhere to be." you said, then added belatedly. "Sir." "I don't." Kensei replied, and you snorted. "Why do you care about where I'm going or what I'm doing, anyway?" you suddenly asked him, feeling like you were teetering on the edge of something. "Thought you didn't want to talk about that anymore," Kensei said. "I'm not, I'm talking about you." you replied, bouncing onto the balls of your feet like that might help you reach Kensei better. He scoffed and glanced away, and you took a moment to admit his side profile, that firm jaw and the shape of his nose. The impressive fluff of his mohawk and were those piercings you spied in his ear? Hot. "Just noticed you around, is all." Kensei said, his throat bobbing when he covertly swallowed. "When you come by Ninth." Oh? "Oh?" you asked faintly. Kensei had noticed you? But why? There was nothing special about you and he was a captain, and a Vizard, to boot. Everyone was curious about them, even if the topic of the reason the reinstated Captains had been forced to leave was often skirted around. Was it possible you were hallucinating this and were still at that table, passed out drunk? Now Kensei turned to face you and you weren't able to pull your eyes away from him in time - specifically his bared chest, his firm abdominal muscles and that famous 69 tattoo emblazoned across his skin, the ink still bold and clear even after over a century. He caught you looking, but he didn't seem to mind it. "Yeah," he said, and his eyes slid to your lips, where a faint shimmer of lipstick still sat from when you'd gotten ready hours earlier. It was like it was choreographed. A beat of silence ticked between you, an internal debate that lasted both a moment and a lifetime. Then, before you had time to doubt, to convince yourself it was all in your head, Kensei moved, surprisingly quick for a man his size. You had no time to process before a large, gloved hand curved around the back of your neck and you were being pulled in for a hot, demanding kiss that left you breathless. You could faintly taste rum on his lips, and your back met the wall, Kensei's body shielding you from prying eyes. Your hands moved immediately to comb through his mohawk as he kissed you, and Kensei growled in response, his teeth pinching your bottom lip, enough to make you squeak. His hands roved up and down your body, one of them settling on your waist where you'd donned a brand-new sash for the occasion, his touch hot and firm and making you shiver deliciously. His reiatsu covered you, but this time you relished the staticky feeling of it, the tingling zipping across your skin. Fuck. you thought. No words were exchanged during all this. You'd both passed the need for them - your bodies did the talking plenty. When Kensei finally released you, straightening up to his full height again, you were amused to notice he had a smear of sparkly lipgloss collected on his bottom lip. You felt out of breath. "That was..." you said and broke off with a huff of breathless laughter. "Yeah," Kensei agreed, running a hand through his mohawk in a surprisingly self-conscious gesture that, at present, seemed like the most endearing thing ever. His eyes went back to your lips, but he didn't move to kiss you again. You understood - when you pushed yourself off the wall, the world wobbled a bit before righting itself. Sobering walk or no, you were still on the drunken side. You smiled awkwardly at Kensei, though pleasure squirmed in your stomach when he offered you a very slight one back. He reached out and his thumb brushed just underneath your bottom lip, wiping away some smudged gloss. You stood stock still while he did this, mesmerised by this simple movement. "Should I...?" you said, but you weren't sure how to finish that sentence. Kensei's smile turned into a smirk. "You're going to go home and sober up." he told you. "I think you've had enough excitement for one day." You licked your lips. "And after that?" you dared to ask. Kensei's smirk widened a bit, and his hand rumpled your hair. The next thing he said made your stomach clench and heat rush to your face. "And then you'll come by Ninth and we'll see if we can't find another reason to start celebrating."
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martilyongabo · 5 months
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happy birthday laurielaurielaurielaurielaurielaurielaurie ((04.23.2024-04.25.2023) [9 hours, HUUH antagal]
ngl i didn't expect to like him so much, especially since he and libra were the only ones i didn't get to recruit all those years ago.
(design ramble under cut)
i'm also aware that the way i drew him is also pretty different from how he looks? context was that i drew him and morg about a month ago from memory, and i only realised when @anoldwishbone was like “oh his hair looks diff!” and i was like “wdym his hair looks different,” so i looked at it and i realised “damn. iba nga.” and wishbone was like “ayun na you're making him your oc :DDD”
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kairiscorner · 1 year
miles 1610 x filipino reader (birthday edition)
"gagu magaalas dose na bat gising k pa"
if y'all had school the next day, he'd pamper you and treat you like ROYALTY. he'd carry your bag, books, and other stuff for you, reserve you good seats at the cafeteria in advance through connections, DO YOUR HOMEWORK FOR YOU EVEN IF YOU INSIST FOR HIM NOT TO !!!
"mahaaaaal, i gotchu. you just rest your pretty little head and let your oh so gwapo at matalino miles do it for you, m'kay? you do so much for me already, lemme pay it forward."
"man just use capcut, anyone can-" "ganke you're the editing wiz, just do this for me once man." "this is the fifth time actu-" "okok just pleaseeeee do it!"
"wala nang iba ang mas mahalaga sa tamis na dulot ng pag-ibig--" turns to you, smirks, raises and eyebrow, WINKS, gently grabs you by your waist and pulls you close, ""--nating dal'wa." (i fr have an addiction with the song 'panalangin' by apo hiking society PLEASE LISTEN TO IT BABES, IT'S SO CUTEEEE)
if he and his family were invited to your birthday party, it's either you family would pair you two up together INCESSANTLY, or make sure you two stay 12 feet apart from each other and only say "hi", "hello", and "mano po" 😭😭😭OR BOTH........
if y'all ate outside together for your birthday, since usually it's the custom for filipino bday celebrants to PAY FOR EVERYONE'S MEAL, MILES WOULD PAY FOR THE MEAL REGARDLESS !! HE WANTS YOU TO ENJOY YOUR DAY OK !!!
"mahal, i get it's the custom, but... can't we make our own custom for ourselves? you and me, if it's your birthday, i'm paying, no takesies-backsies."
"kahit tumanda tayo at makalimutan mo mga pinagdaanan natin... i'll never forget the way you made my heart flutter the first time i met you, mahal."
"maybe save that kiss as your birthday gift for me instead, mahal?"
tags !! @q2ie @binibinileonara @zalayni @fictarian @k4tsu3 @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy
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jezawitha-z · 4 months
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Happy Christening and birthday Bb Jiro!
I just met them today pero super saya ko na nakakakulitan tong Kuya ni Jiro, si Zedrick. Imagine kukunin kang ninang na di mo pa naman talaga na-meet yung bata ever since?! Hahaha. Pumayag naman ako dahil yung lola nila(mama ng asawa ng pinsan ko) yung nag invite sakin which is also close to my heart. She messaged me last April na bumisita daw sa kanila pag may time ako (hanggang ngayon di nakabisita 🤧). I was surprised kasi alam ko nasa Canada sila. Then conversation goes on and she asked me if okay lang daw ba ako mag ninang sa apo nya kaso daw Christian ako. Nag yes naman ako since wala naman issue sakin yun.
10am yung nakalagay sa invitation so I was there on time at magsstart palang pala yung misa. Akala ko binyag na agad. Hihi. Okay na rin atleast nakapag attend naman ng mass. Natutuwa ako makita sa simbahan mga kompletong pamilya. Like after nung peace be with you na moment, parents and their children will hug and kiss each other. Nalulungkot lang ako na ganyan din naman kami noon but it turns out hindi na ngayon na hindi ko rin ma imagine na mararanasan pala namin yung broken family. I was there praying to God na sana magkaroon ako ng kompletong pamilya soon and I'll promise to have one.
Noong nasa reception na kami, halos ayaw na umalis sa tabi ko si Zed. Tatabi sya kung saan ako nakaupo, tapos nung kukuha ako ng pagkain, sasama din sya. Tapos natuwa sila dahil napaparami kain nya nung sinusubuan ko sya na usually daw sobrang hirap pakainin. Baka ako talaga nanay neto?! Hahahaha
I'm just glad that I spent my time with them as idk why i really like kids that much pero ayaw ko pa magka anak muna. I also love their giveaways which consumable and cute tumbler na magagamit ko talaga. Mas prefer ko talaga mga ganito as a minimalist like me kaysa sa mga ref magnets, or yung mga iba pang anek anek na pang display lang. 🥹
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twowink · 1 year
Kaname Tojo Birthday Story
(NOT A TL! fan-written for a friend)
Party Opening Talk:
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Kaname: Ahaha! This is a huge party!? I helped plan of course, but wow!
All for meee~ What a day!
(…and I don't have to share it with Onii-chan…)
(It's my day! My day! And my party — and, oh, I went quiet suddenly.)
Thank you all for coming~ Enjoy yourselves!
Feasting Talk:
Kaname: Oh! Sazanami! What are you doing moping around the food?
Jun: Oh, er, Ohii-san left me with his plate so… but – happy birthday, Tojo. Have a good one, 'kay?
Kaname: Why do you sound so absent-minded!? Repeat it with more passion this time!
Jun: We're going back the same way, I can say something nicer when I don't have my hands literally full!
Kaname: Hmph!
(Well, I'm glad he came to see me… ♪)
ES Idol's Presents:
Ibara: Haha! Greetings, Kaname-shi! *salutes*
Kaname: Oh! Iba-chan!!! *salutes* and Onii-chan.
Ibara: How cold!
HiMERU: Quiet.
Ibara: How cold!? Runs in the family!
HiMERU: Are you not our… HiMERU will ignore that. Do you like your presents?
Ibara: The awe on your face! So many, is there not? And that pile is all from your beloved Onii-chan ♪
Kaname: …Really? All of them?
HiMERU: …Yes.
Kaname: …
That's a lot of money… Are you desperate?
HiMERU: Urk.
Celebration from ES' Idols:
Hiiro: Kaname!
Momoko: Kaname-han~!
Kaname: Oh! That's where you two were! You should've found me earlier instead of… jumping out from behind a plant…?
Momoko: Not as fun. But happy birthday anyways ♪
Hiiro: Happy birthday! Have you had fun?
Kaname: Hehehe… A lot of it, actually… But it would've been more fun if you'd come earlier! Hmph~
Momoko: Well yer fussy… C'mon, lean down, big guy.
Hiiro: Ah! *wraps his arms around them*
Kaname: …
Well, this isn't that bad. I guess.
Momoko: Ya guess?
Hiiro: Ah! Hey! Don't fight on your birthday!
Kaname: Oh, it's almost over isn't it?
That's a shame! I was enjoying it…
But thank you all for making it enjoyable~!
I'm glad that I'm an idol. I'm happy that I'm recognized as one!
Another year barely feels real but this seals it! Thank you, and I look forward to working with you all!
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yahoo201027 · 2 months
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July 18: Happy Birthday to the Lieutenant, later the Current Captain of the Seventh Division of the Gotei 13 in the Soul Society ten years later after the end of the Thousand Year Blood War against the Quincies following Komamura being stuck as a dog, the Bleach character of Tetsuzaemon Iba.
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tigre-edi-rawr · 11 months
how are you
The realest answer would be... not okay kasi nagooverthink, pero somehow busy thinking of my plans and future haha!
Dahil nagtanong ka naman, ikkwento ko na rin sayo, kunwari bestfriend kita.
I am planning on changing my life bigtime... right now, I am rediscovering myself again. I realized I have been living for others most of my life. Kailangan makatapos para maging proud si parents. Kailangan magsakripisyo para masaya si jowa. Kailangan makaipon para sa birthday ni ganito, para may maibigay ako sa pamangkin ko na pasalubong, para madala ko sila sa lugar na to. Kailangan pabayaan yung sarili kasi kailangan unahin yung mga taong mahahalaga sakin. Tho, not all the time because I'm no martyr, pero narealize ko lang na hindi ko naalagaan yung sarili ko sa lahat ng paraan kung paano ko alagaan yung feelings na family ko o ng jowa ko. I am always dependent and surrounded by people na mahalaga sakin na... ginawa ko silang mundo. I always prioritize them first, mostly never myself. Kasi masaya naman ako basta masaya sila eh. Liit lang ng kaligayahan pero fulfilling.
I left home because I felt like as long as I stay in that house with my family, all I will do is prioritize them still. Who doesn't want to give their everything to their parents, right? Kaya I moved out. (At may sama rin ako ng loob tbh hahahahaha) I wanted to be independent, sa lahat ng sulok ng buhay. Emotionally. Physically. Mentally. Decision making. Drive sa buhay. Everything. AND BE HEALTHY. So my life would run like how I want it to be. Walang opinyon ng iba. Walang nakadepende para kanino. Walang makakaapekto sa diskarte ko, lalo sa mental health ko araw-araw. AND IT ALL HAPPENED. IT WAS FUCKING WORTH IT!
Ang problema ko nalang ngayon, mag-ipon. Paano mas makakaipon? Saan ko dadalhin yung sarili ko as a reward? Travel plans. Food meal plans. Puro adulting problems nalang.
Now, another issue for me is dependent ako sa partner. Siguro simula highschool, hindi na ako nabakante. Baka once lang, noong masiyado pa akong hopeless romantic and I really wanted to end up with my someone special na ex ko haha. Pero after non, I was never vacant for more than a month. Which is fucked up. I was consumed with fairytale thoughts, nilamon ng pagiging hopeless romantic kaya kada may butterflies sa putanginang stomach, kilig, edi go na, jowa. Biggest lesson! Men are a waste of time, energy, and love. Lahat ng minahal ko, parang sa kanta ni Toni Fowler "tahimik lang sa umpisa" puro mga anghel sa umpisa pero in the end, all I got was pain and heartbreaks. So ayun, dami kong sabi, I'm really trying my best right now to just focus on myself... my career, lifestyle, mindset, logic, thinking, perspective in life, basta yung pagkatao ko ba in general. I want to solely focus on myself. Lahat ng pagmamahal, pag-aasikaso, oras, sa sarili ko lang. For the first time in a very long time, I wanted to be single yung tipong ang lalabas na sa bibig ko ay "why do I need men? Why would I need a man to love me? Anong purpose? For what?" And right now, I learned to completely not rely or depend to someone. My emotions, chores, money problems, kahit nga mood swing ko na bigla nalang ako parang madedepress, lahat RESPONSIBILITY KO na ako lang yung nagfifix mag-isa. Sobra, sobra, sobrang fulfilling niyan insan. Kahit i-mekus mekus na ako ng mga insan sa buhay, kayang kaya ko tumayo mag-isa.
Kaya somehow I am happy because it turns out hindi lahat ng lumang ako eh nawala ko. Yung pagiging masayahin, mapagmahal sa mga taong mahalaga sakaniya, ewan... parang namimiss ko siya, yung Dathnee noong batang-bata pa. Pero sinisikap kong ibalik lahat, repair all the damages or just make it heal atleast.
And anon, to end this answer, I am making things happen for me. It's hard but I'm making it possible, I hope you are too. Thank you for asking about me! Kwento ka rin if you want hahaha
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whooolaanmo · 1 year
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Happy Birthday! Papa 🤍
59 years old ka na sana ngayon, lagi mo lang kami tanawin dyan sa itaas lalo na si Mama sabihin mo kay God ay bigyan kalakasan at mahabang buhay si Mama pati ang Inay Cely at Inay Mita pagkakaingatan sila, Papa sana masaya ka ngayon dyan, masaya ka para sa amin sana nag cecelebrate din kayo dyan nina Tatay Uran, Lolo Sunny, Tito Dimer, Tita Sally, Tito Ramon, iba natin kamag anak na namayapa na at kung sino man tropa mo dyan ngayon basta Papa Happy Birthday! mahal na mahal kita ❤️.
Lola ko na medyo nakakalimot 89 years old na kasi.
Inay Cely : nakasakay pa baga si Totoy ( Totoy kasi bunsong anak na lalaki si Papa ko ) sa barko naghanda pa tayo nasa barko naman.
Me : Inay wala na si Papa kasama na nina Tatay Uran sa langit.
Inay Cely : 3 na anak ko ang wala baga si Dimer si Sally at Totoy.
at unti unti maaalala ni Inay Cely o kaya kailangan na ulit ulitin para di nya makalimutan
Sep. 16, 2023 12:30 pm
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🥳 July 18. Happy birthday, Iba-san!!
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danisphinx · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Iba-San!🕶️🌊
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ineffablyrandom · 6 months
March Highlights:
I feel very blessed and happy this March.
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I didn't go to Singapore for Taylor Swift Eras Tour kase naubusan ako ng ticket pero pumunta yung pinsan ko. Naambunan pa din naman ako kahit papano ng mga merch HAHAHA.
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Hindi pa ko naka work from home ulet so nagpapaganda lang din ako sa office CHARING HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Nasira sapatos ko. Nagmamadali akong pumunta sa office di ko napansin na sira na pala. Pagdating ko bumigay deretso yung tipong di na ko makatayo kase di ako makakalakad kung di ako magpa-paa. I had to ask my sister to bring or buy me shoes/sandals. Nanghiram ako sa ka-office ko saglit ng sapatos para makababa ako makuha ko yung hinatid na sandals ng kapatid ko. Pagdating ng kapatid ko tinatawanan niya ko. It was an epic experience HAHAHAHA.
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I think I met 'The One' pero ayokong pangunahan. Baka majinx. LOOOOOOOOORD. I just feel so happy.
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I don't know what's with me but I got stuck in this book di ko matapos tapos HAHAHA
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And here I am buying more books 🤣
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My mama's birthday ❤️ simple celebration. Nagluto lang ako ng aglia oglio and the rest puro deliver na. So thankful and happy na kumpleto kame. Sa May, 60th birthday naman ni papa.
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Went home to Bicol for my niece's birthday party. Kinabukasan nag dagat kame.
Stayed there for a week and I finally got some peace and quiet. Triny ko tapusin yung libro pero di ko pa din natapos hahaha. This weekend sige na nga tatapusin ko na para maumpisahan ko na yung iba na nabili kong libro.
All in all March was so good to me. I hope April too.
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tokwattoge · 7 months
Lately, I feel happy. Sobrang boogsh ganon, alam niyo yung feeling na nahanap niyo yung matagal niyong hinahanap pero hindi niyo mapinpoint kung ano? haha It was netflix for me. Bumili ako ng 42 in TV nung August for my birthday, at nagsubscribe ako sa Disney+ noon for a month kasi may mga hindi pa ako napapanood na Marvel movies simula nung lumipat ako dito sa probinsya 4 years ago. Nung nakacatch up na ako pinaputol ko na tapos ayun, hindi ko na masyado ginagamit yung TV. Parang hindi ko masyado type movies sa Disney+ Si baby na lang gumagamit kapag manonood siya ng Ms. Rachel.
I was a HUUUGE movie buff before pero nung 2019-ish parang nawalan ako ng gana, feeling ko ang boring na at lahat napanood ko na ganon. NOT UNTIL! eto last month, sobrang gustong gusto ko mapanood talaga yung The Glory! Ayun, nanood kami ni partner. Sobrang mind-opening na realization na mahilig pa rin pala ako manood pero tinatamad lang ako kasi all my life nanonood ako ng movies sa biyahe dati nung nag-aaral pa ako or sa laptop pagstudy break. SHUTA iba pala pag sa TV ka manonood, at lalong masaya pag may kasama ka manood. You experience the film together! wala lang, I'm keeping the subscription for now, kahit mehel :)
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yawnzloverz · 11 months
After the storm
A Choi Yeonjun filo ff.
a/n: HAIII so sa mga makakita po nito on their dashboard with zero context, this is a filler to a fic that I am writing. Sunghoon is Y/n's crush in this fic but he is NOT the main love interest in the story. It is Choi Yeonjun. So please PLEASE do not be mislead by this filler 😭😭😭 To my readers out there, reading this is optional. It has no significance to the plot whatsoever since a lot of points made here will also be introduced a little later in the main story, but I recommend reading it too! The next Sunghoon pov wil be in a chapter next time, so stay tuned! Happy reading, lovelies! ^^
Chapter III - Back at One
Sunghoon's POV
Oct 7, 2023 Saturday, 12:48 pm
Humihikab akong bumaba sa tricycle. It's flattering to have peple stare, pero bait naman ngayon pa, kung kailan parang sabog na sabog ako. Napuyat ako kagabi sa sobrang alala ko kay Y/n-
Makakasama ko siya mamaya, same course nga pala kami! Pero sa dami namin, sino siya dun? I hardly have the time to learn my classmates and their names and faces. Medyo magkahawig din yung iba and magkakaparehas ng apelyido, kaya nakakalito Para sa'kin.
Pero may Sim Y/n akong natatandaan sa listahan. Medyo binilisan ko ang paglalakad papunta sa lecture hall. I held on to the tiniest bit of hope I had that she was ok. Kailangan ko siyang makita. Kailangan kong masigurado na nasa mabuting kalagayan siya.
Pilit akong sumiksik sa mga estudyanteng nagsisipasok. May isa pa nga, tumatakbo habang hindi matanggal ang tingin sa tarpaulin ng mukha ako. Hindi ko alam kung matutuwa ba ako o magui-guilty. Kasalanan ko pa pag nadapa siya. Pero parang pamilyar siya...
I scanned the room as soon as I entered, looking for her. Pero ang dami...Sumuko na ako. Hihintayin ko nalang na mag-attendance. Natulala ako nang tapikin ako sa likod ni Heesung, at Ricky.
"Pre, hungover ka?" Tanong ni Ricky "Epekto lang yan ng sobrang pagja-ARAY!" Malakas na sabi ni Hee kaya nagtinginan ang ibang estudyante. Tinusok ko siya sa tagiliran. "Bastos talaga neto oh" Sabi ko sa kanya. Nagtinginan sila. Medyo nailang ako kasi parang may usapan sila na hindi ako kasali.
"Sige na, sabihin mo na. Sino?" Heesung interrogated .
"Sino- Ano- Pinagsasabi mo?" Nauutal kong sagot. Nahahalataan nila kapag may problema ako.
"May bago kang chick pre?" Tanong ni Ricky.
"Hindi, gago" Matalas kong sagot.
Hinantay ko na mag-attendance, pero hindi! Buga lang nang buga ng mga malalalim na salita ang prof namin. May sense namana ng sinasabi niya, at makakatulong din 'to samin lalo na't nalalapit na ang midterms namin, kaya nakinig nalang ako.
Nasa kalahati na kami ng lecture nang mapansin ko sa gilid ng mata ko na may nakatitig sa akin. Sinubukan ko siyang tignan sa peripheral vision ko, pero hindi ko makita nang malinaw ang mukha. Tinignan ko ang nakitingin at-
Siya yung kanina! Yung nakatingin sa tarpaulin ko kanina! Pero...
Nilabas ko ang phone ko at pumunta ako sa Instagram. Binuksan ko ang account ni Jake at nag-scroll ako sa account niya.
"Sim Jaehyun and 6 others."
I clicked the '6 others' and scanned the list.
There she is.
Siya nga. Siya nga ang nakatitig sa akin.
Gumanti ako ng tingin. Tinitigan ko din siya.
"Awit pre type ka" Bulong ni Heesung. Pinili ko nalang na hindi siya pansinin.
She's a lot cuter than I expected. Ang pinaka-memory ko lang kasi sa kanya, yung nangungulangot siya sa 5th birthday party niya.
She looks like she's hinting na gusto niya akong kausapin. Or maybe she's drifting off in a daydream? Anyways, I should go up to say hi, or ask her out for coffee....for old time's sake.
Balita ko, kakaahon niya lang sa matinding break up. Maybe this can help her relax a bit.
But what if she takes this the wrong way? 
I snap back to reality nang bigla niyang iitsa ang ulo niya sa kabila. So the staring was unintentional?
I feel Heesung's arm nudging my side. He points at her direction.
"Kakilala mo ba yan tol?" Tanong ni Heesung.
"Oo, kababata ko 'yan eh. Hindi na nga lang kami nag-uusap."
"Bakit?" Tanong ni Ricky.
"...Family problems lang..."
Tumango nalang ang dalawa at hindi na nagtanong. They must've noticed how uncomfortable I am.
Nang mag-ring ang bell, mabilis siyang tumayo pero hindi siya agad lumabas. Hindi rin naman siya makakalabas, lalo na't nag-stampede sa may pintuan. Lumakad ako papunta sa kanya, babatiin ko sana siya, kaso nakita niya ako at tinititigan niya akong maglakad. Hindi ba nanunuyot mata nitong babaeng 'to? Nang medyo palapit na ako, umiwas siya bigla ng tingin. Natatakot ba siya sa'kin?
"Miss Sim?" Mabilisan kong tanong. Dahan dahan niya akong nilingon. This is the first time I see her adorable facial features up close again in twelve years. I felt a sense of longing, or that's one way to put it.
I missed her.
"Sim Y/n right? Do you have something you want to tell me?" Nagtanong na rin ako, just in case. Kaso parang umakward lalo, mukha akong assumero.
"Ahh, wala naman" She said it a little slowly na medyo nauutal. Halatang halata sa mukha niya na kabado siya. Parang sanggol na kinikilala yung mga nasa paligid nila. What if, hindi niya na talaga ako maalala? And I'm just another creep who goes up to say hi to her? But one thing I know, her guard is up. I badly want to compliment her, to tell her na "Ako 'to, si kuya Sunghoon mo."....Just so that we can relive the bond we once had as kids.
But for now......
Tumango ako.
"Oh, kapatid ka ni Jake, right? Who would have thought na magiging ganito pala kaganda ang kapatid ni Jake. Buti 'di ka nagmana sa kuya mo. haha." I tried to make her aware na close kami ni Jake, while dropping compliments too.
And she smiled.
I don't know if it's the nostalgia, or the satisfaction of succesfully making her smile, but my heart melted at the sight.
"Ako nga pala si Sunghoon, nice to meet you." After twelve years....
She shaked my hand and the warm feeling came rushing back. I just want to hug her, while we both cry. Pretending that we are still in the treehouse where we once played 'family'.
"Sim Y/n, nice to meet you rin." Her voice was soothing. It made me feel safe.
"Hey um, if you want, we can go for coffee, maybe? Or take a snack?" I ask.
"Sure! I'd love to!" I smile at her enthusiasm.
We hung out at the nearby coffee shop while chatting. We talked about each other. Or rather, she talked and I listened. Hearing her voice, all matured and now speaking with more intelligence after 12 years....it made a part of me sink.
"Naaalala mo pa ba ako? Yung totoo." Tanong ko.
She was a bit taken aback by the question, but she soon answered.
"Siyempre naman, never kitang nakalimutan. Not even once." sabi niya habang nakangiti.
Hindi ko naitago ang ngiti ko. So she does remember me. I took a big sip of the ot coffee to atleast prevent the tears welling up at my tearducts.
Time flew fast, hindi namin namalayan na magaala-sais na pala. Ihahatid ko sana siya kaso may dadaanan pa daw kasi siya after.
I bid her goodbye and watched the tricycle drive off until I couldn't see her anymore.
Atleast ngayon alam ko na...na she still remembers me. 'Yan ang mahalaga para sa'kin.
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚˚。⋆.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚˚。⋆.⋆。⋆☂.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚˚。⋆.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆。⋆ HAYSTSTSTTS NADELAY NANG NADELAY JUSQ 😭 😭 😭 😭  MASAMA KASI TALAGA PAKIRAMDAM KO HUHUBELS Saka hindi ko pa tapos yung chapter 3, ifafinalize ko muna bago ako magpost ng sneak peek. Sa mga nakaabang sa tiktok acc ko, hindi po ako makapagpost ng maayos na slideshow 😭 😭 😭 Pero parehas lang naman po yung nakapost dito at nakapost doon. As always, comments are open for opinions ^^ I hope you guys like this short filler and please comment if I should do more stuff like this in the future! Thank you lovlies! 💞
-val 🧸
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akonaman · 8 months
i remember how mama will bring "bugong" (cavite term for packed lunch) every lunch time namin nung elem. how she's making sure mainit yung makakain namin. How well fed and kung panong iba iba dapat yung ulam namin sa umaga tanghali or gabi. she will also put an effort doing our projects tapos naiinggit yung mga classmates ko na maganda lagi yung projects ko because of mama.
How she's making an effort to cook spag pag birthday namin kase once in a blue moon lang yun and sa pasko lang naman kami nakakapag spag dati haha. How she's doing her hamonado na nakaka dalawang sandok ako ng kanin kase sobrang paborito ko yun.
I really wanna give her the best life but most of the time nafefeel ko na kulang pa lahat ng efforts ko. Now that im a mom unti unti ko naappreciate every details, every happy memories i had when i was a child. It was all because of her.
Babawi ako ma, pangako.
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