#happy kim soo hyun day
iris-sistibly · 5 months
Imagining a scene wherein Hae-in finds out she's pregnant with Soo-bin on Mother's day or giving birth to her on this day 🥹
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Yeah...I gotta finish writing the fanfics 🤣🤣🤣
Anyway, to all the amazing moms out there (including mine), Happy mother's day! Sending lots of 💐🌹🌷🌸🪷🏵️🥀💠💮🪻and ❤️ to all of you 😘
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emmatgc · 1 month
Chapter 12- Wonderful World
“I DON'T NEED PROMISES” (Preferably for adults only. A bit of *Smut* is present. This is only for Seon Yul x Soo Hyun shippers)
“Till death do us part” - the lovebirds said. Soo Hyun is happy her ex husband found another love and hopefully, another family of his own. Congratulations, she said to the newly weds. It is a sunny day for a wedding. It took courage for her to attend but it took extra courage for them to attend together, Seon Yul and her. After that lovers spat, where it took both of them in an unspoken truth of fragile feelings, they promised to stay together and avoid secrets, if possible. They both understand the need to protect each other but the year is almost ending, and somehow their little secret, is taking its toll to people around them. They realized it cannot be this way for long. People can see, people talk. In this wedding, people actually did talk..a lot. One guest started it all. “My dear Soo Hyun, how wonderful for you to attend your ex husband’s wedding”, an old lady heavy on make up, probably a friend of the bride as Soo hyun never saw her ever before. All the more weird for her to reply but she did after-all. She smiled and said “yes, thanks”.
It was a tension filled sunny and windy afternoon and Seon Yul is the most uncomfortable of them all. He looks handsome in a tie and suit, perfect for his skin tone and brown eyes. Soo Hyun was breathless when he fetch her to go to the venue. Seon Yul didn’t talk much as he can see the piercing eyes upon him. It didn’t help that most of the guests are from the news channel’s company where in even that the last 6 years of news has been buried, some remembers. They can hear whispers “isn’t that boy the son of the one she murdered? Are they mad?. Every time they hear those words, their intertwined hands grows tighter and they grow closer as if they needed to protect each other from everything and anyone. They are united. Soo Hyun knows she is still a public figure but she is also a private one as she assumed and prefers to be left alone.
Driving her home, Seon Yul was still pretty much silent. He knows going into this relationship, this is bound to happen. His friend warned him “the world is not kind for your love story” he remembers hearing those words. Not only the nightmares are almost haunting him every night now, he hasn’t also told Soo hyun yet. He is avoiding the topic. He doesn’t want to burden her. Soo Hyun said “Im sorry” upon arriving at her home. He caressed softly her face and he in return, put a lock of her hair beyond her ear and replied “I am fine, don’t worry”. They kissed softly and bid each other goodnight and goodbye. 
“You traitor, how can you this to us? How can you love that murderer? She broke our family. She also killed me. What kind of a son are you?” His mom is strangling him in his dream. He woke up, panting and sweating. He can barely sleep 3 hours these days. Last time he dreamt of his uncle and now his mother. There must be a reason why he is having these nightmares after all these years. He wanted to call Soo hyun but its 3am and again, he doesn’t want to burden her with this.  He didn’t sleep after that and waited for the sun to rise and called some friends of his in his past life. He called a detective in charge of the case of his uncle Kim Joon. He wanted to know how is he and last time he heard , not sure that he was applying for a parole. What the detective told him send chills down his spine. “Son, don’t be surprised but in the coming days, his plea for a parole will be heard in court and he might do an interview if he is awarded that parole. They said for good behavior and national security purposes, the President wants to pardon him”. 
Seon Yul dropped his phone in shock. He thought deep. He needs to do something. He walks back and forth in his home , drinks water and walk again, thinking his next moves. It is over, he said but why does he feel unsafe and something is bound to happen again. His mind went straight to Soo Hyun, thinking about her safety. He texted her he has an emergency in the hospital and he has to work early and that he will call her later. He lied. He wanted to visit his uncle in prison. He wants to talk to him. He wants to see him now. 
“I want to see my uncle, Kim Joon” he said to the jail guard. The guard said he will ask first if he is expecting a visitor and when he came back, he opened the door for his entry. In a room, they can only talk behind a wall for his uncle is put in an intensive unit for high crimes unit. He sat down and waited for him. Handcuffed, and smiling he walked towards the glass separating him from Seon Yul and got the phone and said “Hello, Son”. He answered back “I am not your son”. Kim Joon fell from grace after that fateful night when his crimes were exposed 6 years ago. He has small grey hairs now but it seems his face lacks remorse as Seon Yul feels.
“My dear nephew, how are you? I heard you are seeing that woman, for real this time. I didn’t know you liked older women. Crazy. Is it because I took your Mom early?   His blood boiled upon hearing about his mother. He killed her and now he is granted a hearing for leniency? He wanted to punch him and the glass separating him. “What are you up to? , he asked. “ I just wanted to be free. I think I deserved to be free. I have been good and the secrets I hold, I don’t think the government can take it me spilling more”. He seems confident, this arrogant bastard he thought to himself. “Are you afraid I’d come back for your woman, your lover?”. “If you lay a hand on her, I swear will kill you myself!”, he stood up and punch the glass in front of him. The jail guard warned him and said he only has a minute left. “Be careful nephew. She be careful too….and his family”. Then he smirked at Seon Yul and went back to his cell. Seon Yul stood there for awhile to compose himself. This is not happening, again.
Soo Hyun has been staring at her phone all day. She never got a reply from Seon Yul after she said “Ok, I love you and I will see you later”. She was worried when she saw his texts saying “I have an emergency this early morning at the hospital and I’ll be out late. I’ll call you later”. He seems to forget we had a plan to have dinner but of course, she understands works comes first. She just can’t help but be worried afterall this past few weeks he seems agitated and secretive since that fight they had. She was waiting for him to open up and tell her about his nightmares but its been weeks and there was no stories he shared. She feared something is wrong, she knows something is up and he doesn’t want her to know.
It is now 6pm, she is at the orphanage and its been almost 8 hours he hasn’t; contacted her and continued to reject her calls. She is beyond worried. She decided to call his friend, Shi Joon. She asked him if Seon Yul is there. She Joon was surprised “Seon Yul? He filed for leave. He is on leave today until tomorrow I believe, Seon Hyun. I thought he is with you”. She replied, “He is not”. Is everything ok, he asked back? Soo Hyun was confused and behind the call, Shi Joon feels her fear and said “I’ll reach for him, I will update you if J have news”. Thank you is all she can say. Now, she is more than worried, he is terrified where the hell is her boyfriend! “Where are you?” She texted a 5th time. It is now 8 o’clock in the evening. Turning on the TV, and on the news, she dropped the remote control. Her jaw opened and Kim Joon is in the news. He is applying for parole.
This can’t be, she thought. Now she knows why he is acting strange lately, Does he know about this? He is too good to let this be all but a coincidence. The horror is setting in. Kim Joon might go free? Suddenly her fear is tangible. She looked at the kids in her orphanage. She thought of her family, especially her mom. Will he come back for me? to destroy us? She can’t think clearly. She wants to see Seon Yul, that’s all that matters. He is all that matters now. She grabbed her keys and went to his house.  “Seon Yul?”. Seon yul, are you here? She checked his rooms. No plain in sight, He is not here. Was he kidnapped? Is he hurt? Soo Hyun nearly fainted and took a seat. She drank water and told herself to calm down. 
She fell asleep waiting for him and she heard a text. “I am sorry. You must be worried. I am fine. Do not worry”. It is from Seon Yul. This jerk, she said cursing him out loud. She texted back “Where are you?”.  I need time for myself. I want to be alone, Soo Hyun. Please let me be for now. Please, do not be mad, I beg of you”, he replied. Soo Hyun starts to cry and she can’t give up. He must be hurting, she knows him too well. “Tell me where you are right now. Or I swear….you won’t see me again”.  He replied “Maybe it is better that way”. Her heart sighed and tears poured more. She doesn’t want to give up on them. “Ill drive in the middle of the night and will never stop looking for you. Tell me where you are right now, Seon Yul. If you want to protect me, talk to me. I’ll call on my ex husband and we will come looking for you, together”. That should do the trick, she said and it did. Seon Yul smiled a little. She knows how to trigger him just fine. His jealousy is his weakness, she knows. He is just a boy , a forever green boy in love with her. “I am here at the garage where we used to meet and eat”. Without a delay more, she grabbed her keys and drive down there. Soo Hyun didn’t even know it still existed. One detail Seon Yul didn’t share in their relationship, she discovered. She will ask later but for now, his safety is her priority. He is alone and she doesn’t want to make him feel that way, ever again. 
She saw him the same years ago, in a bonfire he created, looking at the stars. Same as that time, too..he had wounds in his knuckles. He must have punched at someone or something. She brought him some food, his favorites. “Hey” she said, coming forward but not too close. He seem distant. He smells wine. She doesn’t want to force her boundaries. He seems preoccupied in his thoughts. She decided to sit beside him. No touching. Just siting near each other and wishing he will talk. “I saw him today. Kim Joon. Sorry, I lied where I was. If you saw the news, it is true. The government might cut a deal for him and may grant him leniency. It sucks. The system is broken.” 
She replied “ We will fight again. We did it once and we will do it again. It is just a possibility. It hasn’t been decided and granted yet”. She wants to touch him but he is too far gone in his eyes and doesn’t even look at her. “Is this my karma? My punishment of taking revenge on you? On being blinded by hate and for a while, accomplice to his evil acts? Or this… now finally he looks at her, “is this…us, frowned upon by the Gods so bad they don’t want us to be together and just be happy?  Is this a curse?  She stood up and went towards him and kneeled before him, capping his face touching him softly, he closed his eyes “Don’t regret us. This is not punishment for us nor for you. He is just a bad, evil man. He took her hand and kissed his knuckles even with the stain of blood and he stood up. He walked away from her and his back against her he said “Maybe, this is it for us. Let us end this. I don’t deserve you. I will only ruin you. Please stay away from me, Soo Hyun.
“Are you breaking up with me? She asked. Why are you doing this? I love you! Don’t push me away. He walked towards the home storage car he has. She grabbed his hand. “Don’t walk away from me, Seon Yul”. 
He raised his voice “Love is not enough! Don’t you see what’s happening, Soo Hyun? He is gonna get that deal and he is going after us, after you!  This is all my fault. I dragged you into this. I went back into your life, forced myself again into your life and for what? For this? Your life and your family’s life is in danger if he walks free. What then? I can’t run away from this. I am cursed. I don’t deserve you or any joy this world can give. So, just listen and let’s stop this. You deserve a peaceful life. Walk away now. Walk away from me, please. Just listen to me this one time”.
His voice is starting to crack. He is starting to cry. He went inside and sat in his bed. Soo Hyun wants to smack him or punch him for being an idiot keeping it all to himself. Does he think she is inadequate for him? She thinks he thinks of her too fragile. She can handle it. She wants him to know that. She went inside and again kneeled down to him. She grabbed his wounded hands and kissed them again. “Just go and leave me” he begged. “I don’t want to. I will only leave if you will say you don’t love and want me anymore. Say it and I’ll walk away…for good, forever. 
Seon Yul looked at her.. deep into her eyes. He sighed. He is breathless in front of her like always. “Of course, I love you. I always have and I always do” but…I don’t want to hurt you, Soo Hyun. Not again. Not ever. And this…this can hurt you, us and your family. It is not fair. She clapped back at him “You know what is unfair? You not trusting me to be there for you. Look at me, I am here. I am not going anywhere. Don’t try to belittle me. I can do this. I am strong, you know that. I can protect you, too. “ 
Tears came down his face. Nobody has said those words for a very long time. “Ill protect you”. It has always been him protecting everything from everyone he loves. “Just tell me what you need, Soon Yul, let me in. I promise I’ll give it to you”.  He brought his hand to her cheeks, “I don’t need promises. I can’t promise you anything either but I just want you to stay. Don’t leave me. I don’t want to be alone, again”. I just want you.
For the 1st time Soo Hyun saw Seon Yul’s darkened eyes with deep devotion and if she is right, lust. She knows that look. It has been a long time since anther man gave her that look. She teased him “You are the one wanting me to leave and let me go” . “You can have me. You always have me”. 
“I know”, he answered. She stood up and when he wanted to stand up, she stopped him. “ Don't. Just sit like that. Don’t move". Confused Seon Yul got stiff and frozen, what is she doing? His mind is topsy turvy. It is only now he realized, Soo Hyun is wearing a skirt. She adjusted something under her skirt, his mind went blank. Soo Hyun now is on his lap. There is always a first time. His legs is about to break. Yet, something is hardening below and Soo Hyun knows it. She kissed Seon Yul and this time, deep and hungrily. She is taking charge. She is taking control. In his ear, she whispered “ So, you still want to let me go and leave?”. He let a small groan and replied “No, I lied. I don’t want you to go. Not ever.”.
Both breathing heavily now. She is feeling intoxicated and wild. She hates him now but she can’t help it, she is in love with him, too it hurts. They are both hurting. But their bodies need this now. The hear is definitely on. This is somehow his punishment. She bit his ear and said “Don’t say those words again. Don’t do this again. It’s not him who will kill me, its you if something happens to you”. Those words made him moan. His first. He knows what she wants now. Its been the thing he wants the most, too. Them, to be as one. Opening his jeans and both eyes locked at each other, full of love, longing and lust now, he grabbed her waist and ran his fingers in her back like his life depends on it, she saw his length and he is ready to take her. She now is ready to be taken. Slowly, she went down and just like that, up and down, she rode him like it’s the last ride of their lives. She looks sexy, hot, beautiful and breathtaking he whispered to her. Gods be damned. The world be damned. This is their world and it is now crushing in. They made love for the 1st time. In an unconventional place and time. But then again, nothing is conventional with their love why start now? Panting and sweating together, they broke from their kisses, Soo Hyun said “Let’s face it all, together. And with another kiss and thrust, he replied, yes, together”.  🔥
NOTE: Whew! I know. A little smut here and there. lol 😉I am extra proud of this chapter and this one is one of my favorites to date. I don't know if you are surprised but I had a good time writing this one towards the end but also a hard time with their story of continued pain. They deserve better and they will have just that. Before the rainbow though, storms are always there. Last 2 Chapters and then epilogue. I am in love with this two! The end is near. Thank you so much for your support!
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luckykittens198 · 5 months
When Your Dad is a Pillar of the Universe 3
Little Kim Rok Soo always know his father was weird. His mother is fine, if a little ditzy. But his father is just weird.
One, his father always have 2 things with him, a crystal pendulum bracelet and an old antique western coin.
Two, his father's eye color changed. Most of the time they were light brown, sometimes they are black, but at certain times they are so dark it felt like lights can't escape from it.
Of course, Little Rok Soo already asked his mother about his father. "Your father's eyes? They used to be dark brown, but after the accident they turned a bit lighter. The Doctors said there could be some damage to his eyes, but everything seems fine so we didn't bother." Little Rok Soo didn't really understand what his mother said but nodded anyway.
Also, his father always speak about weird things. Like the first time Kim Rok Soo went to childcare since his parents have urgent works. "Rok Soo, whatever happens, just call the teacher alright?" he said. Little Rok Soo noted that his father's eyes were a bit darker than usual.
Little Kim Rok Soo noted his father's hands were always trembling. But when his eyes turned dark, the tremble would stop. "Hm? Why not keep my eyes dark you ask? What do you mean by that?" His father ask back.
After Kim Rok Soo explained his reason, his father chuckled. "You are quite the observant child aren't you? Honestly, I don't really like having my eyes going dark as you say."
Kim Rok Soo asked why. "Hm, when my eyes goes dark like that, I can see.... fate, I suppose is the closest one. Let's not tell your mother about this hmm? This is a secret between us men."
Kim Rok Soo didn't understand what fate is. But this is a secret between his father and him! How exciting!
So his father was weird. And that's fine. Kim Rok soo loves him anyway.
Until one day, when Mom was busy packing for their vacation celebrating Kim Rok Soo's 6th birthday, Dad, Father came to Kim Rok Soo's room. His eyes seems to absorb all lights in the room.
"You've grown well little one. Do you know the meaning of your name?"
"What do you mean?"
"Little Rok Soo. You were born in the time between the end of Fall and the start of Winter. That's why your name is Rok Soo. Green Rok and exceptional, growing Soo.
This is your mother's prayer, and my blessing for you. For you to always grow green even in winter and bloom exceptionally."
Kim Rok Soo is still confused. He didn't understand why his father is acting weirder than usual.
His father chuckled again, "Little one, there will be hardship ahead. As long as you survived through it, you'll certainly find happiness."
"But you will be there, right?"
"Who knows. Who knows what fate will bring," Kim Hyun Woo crouched closer to Kim Rok Soo. He brought Kim Rok Soo's forehead closer to his.
"But know this Kim Rok Soo, you are my son. I won't abandon you without reason."
There was a few seconds of silence between the two. "Dad, you are scaring me," Kim Rok Soo whispered.
Immediately, light returns to Kim Hyun Woo's eyes. He smiled a strange smile, a funny smile, a ridiculous smile. "Sorry, I guess the topic is too heavy. Are you done picking your toys?"
Kim Rok Soo nodded and soon forget this weird conversation. He brought his chosen plush toys to his father.
"I'll bring Mr. Blue Octopus, Mr. Red Socks, and Ms. Dragon!"
"Hahaha! Alright. Let's ask your mother if they can join us!" And so they went.
Later, many years later. a few months before the apocalypse, a man wearing old victorian era suit appear before Kim Rok Soo. He had that weird smile his father gave him before the accident. His eyes too, absorbed all light that enters it.
"We meet again little one. You've grown well."
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kdramaxoxo · 1 year
hihi!! i wanna ask for a list of dramas with a lead whos cold, mysterious, haunted by a troubled past, secretive, prolly has a vocabulary of like 10 words. but is super soft on the inside, like they push ppl away cus theyre afraid of hurting them or being abandoned or smthn like that. ik this is hyper specific so sryyy if its hard to answer, but all my fave characters fit this bill so wanted to kno if u have any kdrama that can give me this high (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ thxxx!! ♡
p.s. it doesnt have to b exxxactly this but if it fits a few of the categories, ill be happi! ♡♡
We LOVE mysterious haunted trauma babies over here so thank you for this ask. (also this might be one of my favorite lists ever??)
K-Dramas leads with cold personalities/mysterious past, secretive trauma pups...morally grey a plus
The Smile has left your eyes - Kim Moo-Young Aside from this k-drama being a masterpiece that’ll leave you a pile of tears, Seo in Guk as Kim Moo-Young is the perfect example of a morally grey character you will fall in love with. He’s involved in a murder plot line, uses women to get what he wants and is clearly hiding something. You’ll try to resist being interested in him sure, but you’ll fail.
Beyond Evil - both leads This is a passionate unrequited romance crime drama about two detectives that are paired up to solve a crime in a small town. Everyone is really messed up and that's what makes this drama super good! Scary, haunted and super well written.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 - Lee Rang Lee Rang is one of my favorite trauma pup blorbo from my shows! This drama is the second season of the fantasy drama Tale of the Nine Tailed. I recommend you watch both but season two was my favorite because it focused on Lee Rang. You will LOVE HIM! MUST PROTEC.
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Alice The Final Weapon - Gyeo Wool Finally a GIRL with a traumatic past and the boy who loves her!! Actually everyone in this drama is messed up and dealing with horrific things. It's a very short and creative little drama and despite the gore, I really fell for the mains! They are blorbo from my shows!
See You In My 19th Life (both leads) This drama featuring a woman who can remember her past lives was one of my favorites this year! Both leads are tackling the trauma of the FL's death and there is a lot of healing that has to happen. Shin Hye Sun is a goddess!
The Eighth Sense - Jae Won A queer kdrama about two leads that meet surfing and fall in love. This drama is my favorite "bl" k-drama ever and the lead definitely has a traumatic past he's in therapy for. I highly recommend this one!
Flower of Evil - Hyun Soo: A psychological thriller centered around a jewelry maker who is running from his past, and his cop wife (power couple alert!)  who doesn’t know his original identity. The chemistry of the couple is amazing and all of the characters are nuanced and interesting. I was on the edge of my seat, AND sobbing! Also, I finally understand Lee Jun Ki stans, he was SO GOOD in this! A total trauma pup you won't believe it.
Doom at Your Service: Doom A girl is diagnosed with cancer and a morally grey god grants her wish to live 100 more days the way she wants to live. While I didn't LOVE this drama, the romance is amazing - that KISS! Doom is the perfect damaged god with a chip on his shoulder.
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Hello Monster - Lee Hyun and His Brother Jung Sun-Ho Featuring two brothers who have a murderous backstory, both are morally grey. Sure one is definitely “worse” than the other when it comes to being a murder baby but let’s face it - they both have their problems (sorry, didn’t want to post any spoilers so that’s all I can say about that!)
The Crowned Clown: Ha-seon The King The contrast between the good guy and the bad guy in this historical drama are so interesting to watch because one brilliant actor (Yeo Jin Goo) plays the same character. The king is insane and a murderer. He’s terrible in every way with literally no way to be redeemed but you’ll still feel for him…just watch.
My Liberation Notes - Mr. Gu This slice of life takes place mostly in a small town where siblings who really don't want to be there, live. Mr. Gu is renting one of the buildings and he's extremely burdened and and keeps to himself. I personally didn't ship him with the lead but he's definitely the type you're asking for!
Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Wang Soo Scarlet heart will destroy you, but you’ll also find yourself deeply empathetic to (and totally in love with) the most toxic of princes: Wang Soo. Cast out by his relatives, and treated like an animal he’s deeply wounded and despite knowing in your heart that he’s done terrible things, you’ll find yourself making excuses for him and imagining him as your boyfriend (wait…can you ignore that last sentence?)
Summer Strike - Both leads This slice of life has a quiet and thoughtful male lead who is traumatized by the murder of his sibling. I was a little disappointed in the ending but overall the show's mains were so soft and lovely.
Just Between Lovers - Both leads but. Kang Doo! I'm sure you knew I'd put this on the list but kang doo is my favorite trauma baby of all time. Slice of Life romance between poor pups just trying to live! The OTP is one of my favorite couples EVER and even as the years go on, very few couples have matched their love in my opinion. There’s a lot of comfort/healing themes with for me is just *chef’s kiss.* Lee Junho became my bias wrecker because of that drama.
Psycho But It’s Okay - Everyone A gorgeous k-drama using fairytale narrations as a backdrop, features two brothers who lost their mother, and a beautiful & famous author who grew up in a traumatic and abusive household. Everyone is very closed off and holding onto intense pain, but the three come together to help one another move on and find happiness. Gorgeous angsty and melodramatic romance.
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Thirty But Seventeen - Woo Jin Precious puppies with past trauma! The main has basically stopped living his life because of his past. Don’t be turned off by the shows description as it turned out to be one of the best surprises of 2018 for me. The leads are lovely and everyone relies and supports one another - it’s so sweet.
Come and Hug Me - Do Jin This thriller is not for the faint of heart but the main theme is healing. Two friends are torn apart when the boy’s dad kills the girls entire family. Later in life, they find one another and walk on the path to healing while still being tormented by their past. It also focuses on the trauma and manipulation the killer has on the whole family, making the show beautiful, terrifying and heartbreaking at the same time. 
Goblin: Grim Reaper Most of you have watched this drama but I’ll try hard not to spoil it. The Grim Reaper is such a hilarious character in the current time line but in order to be a Grim Reaper, you have to have done something “bad” to become one. His pain is deep and cutting and you’ll want to protect him.
It’s Okay that’s love: Jang Jae-yeol This is one of those cold male leads that you’ll just end up liking even though he’s kinda the worst in that “Pickup Artist” type of way? I had this show listed in my top 10 but then I recently watched it again and realized I’ve made progress in my “don’t like jerks who display jerk behavior” because he’s kinda an ass. You’ll soften for him when the plot moves along for sure, but he’s aggressive and says really sexist things sometimes (as does most of the male characters honestly - i really need to remove this from my top 10)…
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junkobato · 1 year
Upcoming Kdrama May 2023 🧡
1/5: Run Into You with Kim Dong Wook, Jin Ki Joo. 16 episodes; sci-fi, romance, mystery. Trailer
5/5: All That We Loved with Oh Sehun, Jo Joon Young, Song Jae Rim. 8 episodes; romance, youth. Trailer
6/5: Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 with Lee Dong Wook, Kim Bum, Kim So Yeon, Ryu Kyung Soo. 12 episodes; historical, romance, fantasy. Trailer
10/5: Race with Lee Yun Hee, Jung Yoon Ho, Hong Jung Hyun. 12 episodes; business, melodrama. Trailer
12/5: Black Knight with Kim Woo Bin, Esom, Song Seung Heon. 6 episodes; sci-fi, action, adventure. Trailer
15/5: Oh! Young Shim with Song Ha Yoon, Lee Dong Hae, Lee Min Jae. 10 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
24/5: One Day Off with Lee Na Young. 8 episodes; food, life. Trailer
29/5: Delightfully Deceitful with Kim Dong Wook, Chun Woo Hee, Yoon Park. 16 episodes; drama. Trailer
31/5: Happiness Battle with Lee El, Cha Ye Ryun, Jin Seo Yun. 16 episodes; thriller, mystery. Trailer
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So many new shows to watch!!!
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keichanreads · 5 months
tbh, I have been a fan of kim soo hyun during his dream high days. i have watched most of his shows. same with kim ji won. i have watched most of her work and I really liked the choices she made with what kind of characters she wants to portray. i like both ksh and kjw as individual actors. i have NEVER in my years of being a kdrama fan, ever thought if pairing them together and become this huge magnetic pair locally and internationally that everyone knows about their show and almost everyone wants them to be together irl. I have never thought I'll be this invested with another pairing's personal life again *sigh* I used to have this feeling with song song couple and i used to rewatch dots over the years. it's like my comfort kdrama. now, i am binge watching qot and i am excited when i see kjw or ksh post something. added points if their posts have some sort of relation to each other. i'd probably be devastated if they're not gonna be dating in real life but I'm still hoping but if not, I'm still going to be a big fan of them both. i know i sound very delusional (I'm sorry 😔) but the way they made me feel while watching them in queen of tears is beyond any other piece of media wñhas made me feel. so, i truly truly love both kim ji won and kim soo hyun as actors. regardless of their personal relationship, i am happy they're getting all the recognition they have right now. 🩷
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muttonthings · 5 months
Kdramas I have watched
117. Queen of Tears
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I have so much to say about this show so get comfy.
I planned on watching this show as soon as Kim Soo-hyun was cast in it, I didn't even need to know anything about the plot. After seeing the trailer I was very excited to watch it, the trailer was so funny.
I watched this show as it aired and actually really enjoyed watching it that way instead of waiting to binge it. It was difficult waiting for new episodes but I didn't have to avoid spoilers and could enjoy everyone's thoughts and theories as it aired.
On starting the show I loved the gender reversal of the typical kdrama tropes and I was also interested to see a show focus on characters after marriage. Most kdramas end with the marriage/proposal so this was going to be different.
I had some expectations/predictions from the first few episodes. I thought we were getting a show about a couple that fell out of love and it would focus on rekindling that love and that Hae-in's diagnosis would be a catalyst for that.
I was not expecting everything that happened later on in the show 😅 at times it felt the like the first few episodes were written by someone else.
Spoilers ahead
What I liked: I already mentioned the gender reversal on the tropes but I especially liked the ML saving the day as opposed to the FL (usually the FL bends over backwards to keep the families happy/solve everyone's problems,etc)
I liked that we got a villain that everyone collectively hated 🤣 there was no room for second lead syndrome or falling for the villain.
I adored the family dynamic that we got after both families were forced to live together.
And the acting! Our lead couple was mindblowing in their roles 👏👏👏👏👏 sometimes it was just the slightest change in tone or the smallest change in facial expressions but every little thing they brought to the characters was pure gold. We felt every emotion with them 😭
What I didn't like: We didn't need every single Kdrama twist to be put into one show. By the time we received "hit by a car" and "take a bullet for your loved one" I was tired of all the bad things keeping our leads apart.
I wanted more fluffy romantic scenes and felt robbed 😔
I think one villain would have been sufficient (Eun Sung and his obsessive and delulu tendencies were enough) and I expected more from his mother's villainy. We got so many flashbacks so I was expecting some well thought out revenge with so many people involved but alas it was just greed *yawn*
I was satisfied with the ending, most of my questions were answered and the final moments were bittersweet. The writer just had to drain us of every last tear, right? Iykyk
Overall I really enjoyed the show and the acting makes up for the slightly disappointing writing.
I am recommending this one, be ready for a wild ride.
(Did anyone actually read all of this?)
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Currently Watching - February
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 28.02.2023
This may contain spoilers!
1. Bed Friend (2/8 on iQiyi)
The trauma is strong in this one! As is the tension and longing looks of King. Do you have feelings for me? Should ask yourself, buddy. But it is interesting and the first episode was promising.
2. Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu aka The End Of the World With You (5/8 on Gaga or Viki)
This feels depressing and heartbreaking and I love it! Done right this can become a little sad gem. This is way more explicit than I thought...and there are so many plot twists! Now we have the supernatural element and the boy can influence the weather? What else is there to come?
3. Boyband (1/6 on Youtube)
And so they decided it is no longer free with subs on youtube...why starting with the first epsiode, when you can't keep up with it?
4. Chains of Heart (2/10 on iQiyi)
Cinematography and scenery - stunning! Really pretty and dark and atmospheric. The plot - I don't get it yet? I really have no clue who some of those people are and what is going on. The acting? Everything between okay and cringy. And there are some scenes which are so damn fucking long! Unnecessary long!
5. History 5 (9/10 on Viki)
I hate it here.
5. Island Part 2 (2/6)
It starts where part one ended and I really appreciate we got to see something from their past! There was so much to explain and they finally did it. Great first two episodes.
6. Moonlight Chicken (6/8 on Youtube)
I love EarthMix so much and I missed them and now I am just so happy they are back and damn they are fine! I felt so shy watching the first episode. Let me just sit here with a huge grin on my face. I won't be normal for the next few weeks...and GeminiFourth are so lovely too and took over the whole show for me! Oh this series is so good.
7. Tin Tem Jai (1/10 on Gaga)
I don't know when I am going to drop it, but the first episode was...not that good. I have no idea what is happening and why this little girl is everywhere...I just...I don't know...And Park looks annoyed like everytime he is on screen...
8. Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (3/4 on Gaga and Viki)
Yeah, I like it. And today my heart broke together with Kiyoi's.
Finished in February
1. The New Employee (7/7 on Viki)
I thought it would be 8 episodes, but apparently there are only 7. Fine by me. I liked this one a lot. It felt mature and they did great with the communication. It is Woo Seung Hyun's first relationship, so of course he is sometimes a little bit overwhelmed and shy, but he learns and trusts and Kim Jong Chan helps him and also learns so much in the progress and they both are just so perfect for each other. It is a 8,5 out of 10 for me.
2. Love at the End of the World (9/9 on Gaga)
What the actual fuck have I just watched...I left my best friend 20!!! voice messages while watching this. Some scenes left me speechless, some depressed and some I couldn't take serious. I don't know why it had to be this graphic, but okay. The end of the world is near and we accompany four different couples through their last days on earth. And those last days are fucked up, just as this movie and its plot twists are. It is a 6,5 out of 10 for me, because sometimes I just like a fucked up story.
3. It's okay not to be okay (16/16 on Netflix - no bl)
I am not okay and that is totally okay...the moment Kim Soo-hyun smiled it blew me away and the acting and the story hit me with all its force and I am in love with this series. I love it so fucking much! I don't know how to get on from it right now. This series has such powerful messages and I love all the characters and all the ups and downs and all my painful tears and happy tears I shed, I love every moment, every single emotion I felt while watching it. So fucking good. If I could, I would give this 100/10, and yes, this is my blog and I can do what I want, but let's keep it real, I'll stick to my rating: This is clearly a 10 out of 10 for me.
4. Work from heart (7/7 on Youtube)
Well, this one was...cringy and boring? And the pacing was something else. I liked the chemistry between the main, but everything felt a little bit rushed. The ending was unexpected heated. The ex was a big red flag and really annoying at some point. 5,5 out of 10 for me
5. Individual Circumstances (8/8 on Viki)
After years spending their lives apart from each other an almost worn out movie director and a famous writer meet again. The past has to be processed and the writer deals with their history and present in one of his stories. It started strong and overall I like it, but what was that kiss in the end? Korea you can do better, we know that! It is a 7 out of 10 for me.
6. Ameiro Paradox (8/8 on Gaga)
Well it had its moments, but sometimes there was just no progress. It started in a good way, but I just lost interest halfway through. But it is not a bad series, just a little bit boring from time to time. A 6 out of 10 for me.
7. I Will Knock You (12/12 on Gaga)
Not gonna lie, I had my problems with this one. I can understand where people come from when they say it is good, because I get the message and that is a really beautiful one. Don't judge people without knowing anything about them. To change is not always bad. Some people can bring out the best in you and love doesn't judge and I guess some more, I can't think of right now. I enjoyed the second half of the series. But till the end, I didn't like the characters that much. So for me this is a 7 out of 10.
8. Sh**ting Stars (16/16 on Viki - no bl)
This is one of those dramas that put a huge smile on my face. I really liked it! It is funny and cute and Gong Tae Sung is the biggest, softest puppy in love out there! He is just so awwww! It is a good 9,5 out of 10 for me.
9. Lonely Connections (6/6 on Gaga)
This series left a feeling of solitude in my soul. I have to let you go, so you can be with the one who loves you. This series shows different kinds of romantic and sexual relationships, the different types of love and desire. Does it mean I love you when I have sex with you? Can I love someone and still desire someone else? At some point it is very explicit, so not for everyone. I liked the tone of the series. It is very artsy. Overall 7,5 out of 10 for me.
10. The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name (6/6 on Gaga)
Well this was a quick one with a runtime of round about 15 minutes in total! But it told a whole story. The acting was a bit stiff and the dialogues were not that good. It is the story of two roommates who become friends and best friends and one day, out of the blue, one of them confesses. Well yeah...I really like the titel! 5,5 out of 10 for me.
11. Move to Heaven (10/10 on Netflix - non bl)
This is such a little gem. I have cried for like 8 hours straight. Such a fucking good and touching story! I want a second season! Now! But it is really a beautiful drama about growth and family and love and grief. One of the easiest 10 out of 10 ever!
12. Physical: 100 (9/9 on Netflix, non bl)
Well this was fun. Most of the fun came from watching with my best friend, but still. My last favorite came in third, so I am not that dissappointed 😅 and damn all of the contestens were strong af! I won't rate it, because, I don't know how 😅
13. Red Balloon (8/8 on Gaga)
Gaga is going to kick out a bunch of movies and series, among others also this series, so I took time today to watch it. It was sweet and heartbreaking and brutal and sad. It deals with a bunch of homophobia and mobbing and that was difficult to watch, especially because non of the teachers would really help...that was so frustrating. 7,5 out of 10 for me.
14. My School President (12/12 on Youtube)
It hurts so much to put it in my completed folder. This was such a wholesome series. There were no unnecessary cliffhangers, no unnecessary drama. The communication was superb! The characters were so well written and the character growth is just chef's kiss. I love every singel second of this series and I will come back to it, if I need something to comfort me. Because it is just wholesme and lovely and healing. And Tinn is the biggest, cutest green flag walking in bl-land. I adore him. I give it 20 out of 10, because that is what its deserve.
15. Never let me go (12/12 on Youtube)
I like this one. Yes, there were plotlines I don't understand. Palm, why did you have to leave, again? Just stay together, because alone both of you are unhappy! The best part of this one was definitive the chemistry between Pond and Phuwin. Those two did a really great job! 8 out of 10 for me
Short Film
1. Table Manner (on Gaga)
This one...I don't like it that much. It was a little bis boring. There was a sweet kiss, but the story was just not that interesting. 5,5 out of 10 for me
2. Plus Minus (on Gaga)
Not to be msitaken with the taiwanese Plus & Minus, this one is a Pinoy short film with a confusing plot. The time line is not linear and most of the times I didn't know when the scene took place. 5 out of 10 for me.
3. Firsts (on Gaga)
For everything there is a first time. Problems occure when you can't deny your desires anymore, when there is no going back for you. Then you have to be true to yourself. You can't pretend forever and you have to make a choice. A great short film that displays the intimacy and vulnerability really good through words and actions. 8 out of 10 for me
4. Pure Vanilla (on Youtube)
Such a sweet short film, just as the titel promised. Two coworkers who have feelings for each other, but don't know if the other person feels the same. Really cute. 9 out of 10 for me
5. One Afternoon (on Gaga)
It is a quiet short film with not much talking, but nevertheless is it quite intense. It is a different point of view than we usually get. We see most of the film through the eyes of the younger brother and how he deals with discovering that his brother loves another man. 7 out of 10 points.
1. Tinted with you (Viki)
A historical drama with time travelling and some really nice scenery. It is always difficult to tell a good time travel story. At some point I just had to stop thinking about all the problems which could come with the things they did, but okay. It is not a bad bl, but a little bit boring. For me it is a 6,5 out of 10.
Dropped/On Hold in February
1. Cutie Pie 2: You (2/4 on Youtube)
Oh this is so boring! I couldn't bring myself to watch any further, even though it only has four episodes and I watched with double speed...I was in love with the first season, before it lost me on the way with its sugary, lovey dovey washed story and this second one is just...no. I can do so much more with my time...
Looking forward to in February
Moonlight Chicken (Feb 8th)
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (Feb 8th)
Marry My Dead Body (Feb 10th)
Egoist (Feb 10th)
Moments of Love (Feb 14th)
Boyband (Feb 16th)
Jack Frost (Feb 17th)
Bed Friend (Feb 18th)
Chains Of Heart (Feb 18th)
Island Season 2 (Feb 24th)
Tin Tem Jai (Feb 27th)
Café in Love
A Shoulder To Cry On (-Viki and Youtube page were created)
The Luminous Solution
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psychemeanscure · 2 years
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And so to celebrate his special day! Here is,
Happy Valentine
enjoy y'all~ ^^
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Doom at your service
Year : 2021 | Country : KR | Nb of episodes: 16
My rate: 5/10
Synopsis :
Tak Dong Kyung has been working hard ever since her parents passed away. Her life seemed more stable after working as a web novel editor for 6 years, but then she gets diagnosed with glioblastoma (brain cancer). She blames her unlucky life and wishes to curse everything to disappear, which unintentionally calls Myeol Mang, Doom himself - neither human nor god - to appear.
Myeol Mang says that he can grant Dong Kyung's wishes. As her last hope, she makes a contract with Myeol Mang for a hundred days to live how she wants, risking her everything.
Main cast :
Park Bo Young as Tak Dong Kyung
Seo In Guk as Kim Sa Ram/ Myeol Mang
Lee Soo Hyuk as Cha Joo Ik
Kang Tae Ho as Lee Hyun Gyu
Shin Do Hyun as Na Ji Na
My thoughts on this drama :
I don't know what I was expecting when I started this one. Certainly not what I got. I wasn't expecting to laugh with such a title. The end is also anticlimatic. No spoiler here but I would have prefered it to end is a not so happy ending. No rewatch value whatsoever for that one.
A Favorite ?
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zhoufeis · 1 year
kdrama ask meme
based on my cdrama ask meme: send me a number and I’ll reply with a gifset
1: extraordinary you or true beauty 2: goblin or hotel del luna 3: bring it on, ghost! or happiness 4: i’m not a robot or see you in my 19th life 5: doom at your service or tale of the nine-tailed 6: w - two worlds or flower of evil 7: moon lovers or alchemy of souls 8: weightlifting fairy kim bok-joo or strong woman do bong-soon 9: 100 days my prince or the tale of nokdu 10: semantic error or the eighth sense
11: haru or baek kyung 12: jang man-wol or myul mang 13: jang uk or naksu 14: park bong-pal or seon woo-hyul 15: kim hyun-ji or dong dong-ju 16: eun dan-oh or tak dong-kyung 17: ki seon-gyeom or lee young-hwa 18: oh yeon-joo or yoon sae-bom 19: kim min-gyu or kang chul 20: hong cha-young or seo dan-ah
21: haru / eun dan-oh or lee soo-ho / im ju-kyung 22: im ju-kyung / han seo-jun or eun dan-oh / baek kyung 23: kim bok-joo / jung jun-hyung or cha heon / shin sol-yi 24: wang so / hae-soo or jang man-wol / koo chan-sung 25: kang chul / oh yeon-joo or ban ji-eum / moon seo-ha 26: jang uk / naksu or tak dong-kyung / myul mang 27: seo dan-ah / lee young-hwa or ki seon-gyeom / oh mi-joo 28: song geu-rim / ji soo-ho or kang dan-i / cha eun-ho 29: sae-bom / yi-hyun or do hyun-soo / cha ji-won 30: cho ji-a / kim min-gyu or hoo joon / lee geun-young
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eunicexxx · 3 months
Life Update: June 2024
I always love the month of June. Not just because it's my birth month, but there is something special to it that I get excited every time it will come by. But the month of June this year was totally a roller coaster ride for me and my emotions. To be honest, I find it hard to give an update for this month because I am scared to feel everything again. But here we go…
June 12
I was assigned to lead the P&W for the provincial Youth Revival. I am not feeling good that time in so many aspects but God carried me through and for that I am so so so grateful. Before the event, I keep questioning and asking if they're sure that they will put me on that. But God is good, that's all I can say.
June 16
I was pressured to tell what I was feeling during that time. It was supposed to be a secret between me and a friend but ended up telling the whole room instead. But I think it was really supposed to happen because that was where everything started to be unfold.
June 17
Watched a movie at the Cinema at 11am! Yes, 11am in the morning. I was so happy during mid-day without knowing that I am bound to experience the most painful heartbreak ever up to date. I have no clue nor hinch of what was happening. Until I was given hints with the situation that I ended up guessing it right. I won't put to details everything, but during that moment, I can really feel my heart being ripped inside my chest. It was so painful, my hands were shaking but I can't even cry. I feel so betrayed. It feels like I was stabbed in the back by the person I trust the most and that is the most painful part. And the saddest part is, I can't even get mad at this person because this person is so close and special to my heart. I can't put into words everything that I felt during that time. I prayed and prayed for God to heal my heart. To forgive the people who caused me this pain. I hope time will come that I can look at them without any question or hatred in my heart. I am trying my very best to just act cool, like nothing happened but I can't. And now, I don't know if I can trust anyone around me anymore. I want to put my heart in a safe box so no one can hurt it again. And you know what, I want to seclude myself for now. Because I am afraid I might hurt them like how they hurt me.
Okay, let's move on. Fast forward to my birthday, June 26.
Start of my birthday week, I feel so lost and emotional. I feel okay but I do not have joy in my heart. I am happy while in the moment but after that, when I am alone, I feel sad that I don't want to do anything for my birthday. But Mama planned everything, and I want her to be happy so I just let her to do what she gotta do. So my birthday celebration happened. Thankful to the Lord for all the provisions. Thankful to Mama for planning everything. And thankful to my friends who made time to celebrate with me.
Oh, June. I don't know where to put you. I don't know if I can look at you the same way as before. But I hope I would.
Hey, if ever you reach this part, can you pray for me? For God to heal my heart and let me forgive people and forget what they did to me.
(Also, last June 29, we went to Kim Soo Hyun's fan meet!!! I'll make a separate entry for that.)
0 notes
leeminkifanblr · 8 months
Lee Min-ki Filmography and other works
(reverse chronological order)
Dramas |*| Movies |*| Music |*| Magazine etc. |*| Others
2024 <Sangyoung ENT>
페이스 미 - Face Me [Cha Jung-woo] Wavve
사흘 - Three Days [Father Ban]
Sep 14: Fanmeeting [Japan]
May 13~Jun 18: 크래시 - Crash [Cha Yeon-ho] ENA
- Apr 24: ARENA
2023 <Sangyoung ENT>
Nov 26: Fanmeeting "Hello Again" [Tokyo, Japan]
Aug-Dec 30: Filming of Crash
Aug 12-Oct 1: 힙하게 - Behind Your Touch [Insp. Moon Jang-yeol] JTBC
- Aug 24: MMTG ep 306 [x]
- Sep: Elle Korea [x] [y] [z]
Mar 29: ARENA [x]
Mar 18-July: Filming of Look at Me
Sep 21 2022-Feb 20: Filming of Behind your Touch
2022 <Sangyoung ENT>
Nov 16: 데시벨 - Decibel [Cpt. Hwang Young-woo]
Sep 21-Feb 20 2023: Filming of Behind your Touch
Apr 9-May 29: 나의 해방일지 - My Liberation Notes [Yeom Chang-hee] JTBC
- Apr 9: Elle Korea [x] [y]
- May 20: Cosmpolitan [x] [y]
2021 <Go_od> <Sangyoung ENT>
Sep 2: NELL(넬): Beautiful Jeopardy MV appearance [x]
Jul 12-Dec 28: Filming of My Liberation Notes
- Dec 31: Workman ep. 132 [x]
Apr 20-Aug: Filming of Decibel(special appearance)
Mar 24-May 13: 오! 주인님 - Oh My Ladylord [Han Bi-soo] MBC
- Mar 9: Dazed [x] [y]
Feb 23: Marie Claire Korea [x] [y]
2020 <Go_od>
Feb 10-May 2: Filming of Three Days
2019 <Go_od>
Oct 12-Dec 1: 모두의 거짓말 - The Lies Within [Insp. Jo Tae-sik, 36] OCN
- Sep 19: Cosmopolitan [x] [y]
- Sep 24: Marie Claire Korea [x]
Feb 27: KNTV preview(Beauty Inside) [x]
Feb 3: Elle Korea [x] (Hong Kong)
2018 <Go_od>
Oct 1-Nov 20: 뷰티 인사이드 - Beauty Inside [Seo Do-jae] JTBC
Jul 5: 김비서가 왜 그럴까 - What's Wrong With Secretary Kim [Mi-so's father] tvN (flashback ep. 10)
Feb 8: 조선명탐정: 흡혈괴마의 비밀 - Detective K 3: Secret of the Living Dead [Heukdopo/Jung In-yul]
2017 <Go_od>
Oct 9-Nov 28: 이번 생은 처음이라 - Because This is My First Life [Nam Se-hee, 38] tvN
- Oct 23: Marie Claire Korea [x] [y]
Aug 7-Oct 26: Filming of Detective K 3: Secret of the Living Dead
2015 <Go_od>
Jan 28: 내 심장을 쏴라 - Shoot Me in the Heart [Seung-min, 25]
2014 <Go_od>
- Dec 30: Elle Korea [x] [y]
Aug 7: Enlisted in the army; assigned as public service worker to Yonsan-gu office, Seoul
- Aug 2: Entertainment Weekly [x]
Section TV Entertainment ep. 713, 724
Entertainment Weekly ep. 1526, 1534
Jun 14: 황제를 위하여 - For the Emperor [Lee Hwan]
- Mar 15: Marie Claire Korea [x]
Jun 13: Witch Hunt ep. 44
Jun 5: Happy Together ep. 349
Mar 16: 몬스터 - Monster [Tae-soo]
- Mar 13: Elle Korea [x]
2013 <Go_od>
Oct 31: Han So-hyeon(한소현): Sorry MV appearance[x]
May 5-Jul 31: Filming of Monster
Section TV Entertainment ep. 667
Entertainment Weekly ep. 1468, 1486
Mar 21: 연애의 온도 - Very Ordinary Couple [Lee Dong-hee]
- Mar 14: Lee Min-ki with 3rd Coast: Those Days I Had with You [x] [inst]
- Apr 11: Lee Min-ki with 3rd Coast: Everything [x] [inst]
Feb 25: Cosmpolitan [x]
Jan 16: A Song for Island Memoir [x] [x]
Jan 11: Fanmeeting [Japan]
2012 <Go_od>
Section TV Entertainment ep. 662
Entertainment Weekly ep. 1439
Apr 9: NELL(넬): The Day Before MV appearance[x]
Jan 30-Mar 20: 닥치고 꽃미남 밴드 - Shut Up Flower Band Boy [Joo Bung-hee] tvN (cameo)
- Feb 6: SUFBB OST: Not in Love (single) cover MV [x] [y] [inst.]
The Class
~Jan 18: "Youth" Photobook
2011 <Wellmade Star M> <Go_od>
Midnight TV Entertainment ep. 338
Dec 4&6: Fanmeeting “Minki’s Forest” [Omiya&Osaka, Japan]
Dec 1: 오싹한 연애 - Spellbound [Ma Jo-goo] [x]
Nov 27: Running Man ep. 70
Oct 28: Elle [x]
Jul 20: 퀵 - Quick [Han Ki-soo]
Vogue Girl
The Class
Beatles Code ep. 49, 50
Yoon Do-hyun’s MUST ep. 4
Live Talk Show Taxi ep. 202
Jan 15: Fanmeeting [Tokyo, Japan]
2010 <Wellmade Star M>
Aug 6-Dec 20: Filming of Quick
Mar 13: Filming of Brother Young Ja-ya is cancelled due to production issues [x]
Max Beer CF [x]
2009 <Wellmade Star M>
Sep 25: Kim Jung-eun’s Chocolate ep. 72
Sep 17: “News of the Imagination”
Sep 3: Live Talk Show Taxi ep. 103
Aug 27: Live Talk Show Taxi ep. 102
Aug 10:  Lee Min-ki NO KIDDING EP [x] [y]
- Eternal Summer MV [x] [y]
- Dreaming [x]
- Joujou (Let Me See the Love) [x]
- Play My Way [x]
- Tonite, Tonite [x]
- Joujou (♥Minki Remix) [x]
Aug 6: 10억 - A Million [Park Cheol-Hee]
Aug 3: Come to Play ep.254
Jul 22: 해운대 - Tidal Wave [Choi Hyeong-Sik]
Feb 22-May 6: Filming of A Million
Feb 19: 오이시맨 - Oishii Man [Kim Hyun-suk]
- Feb 23: Oishii Man OST:
-- Frozen Mountain [x]
-- Neanderthal Man II [x]
-- Disappears Like That
-- A Match for You [x]
2008 <MEN> <Wellmade Star M>
Dec 31: FreeTEMPO Power of Love Tour- Miller FRESH countdown 2009 [x]
Dec 24: 로맨틱 아일랜드 - Romantic Island [Lee Jung-hwan]
Dec 10: Lee Min-ki feat. Weekenders: We Can't Forget the Reason [x]
Nov 15: Performed a rendition of My Way for the Mnet KM Music Festival(MKMF) opening act [x] [y]
Nov 14: FreeTEMPO feat. Lee Min-ki: Power of Love Part 2 [x]
Nov 28: Japan Fanmeeting [Japan]
Sep 26: FreeTEMPO feat. Sheean and Lee Min-ki: Power of Love MV appearance [x]
Come to Play ep. 224
Aug 22: The One(더원): My Girl MV appearance[x]
Aug 18-Dec 17: Filming of Tidal Wave
Mar 13: 허밍 - Humming [Oh Chun-jae]
LG Telecom OZ [x] [y]
2007 <MEN>
Dec 21: Fanmeeting "Hello, Minki" [Japan]
Oct 8-Nov 27: 얼렁뚱땅 흥신소 - Evasive Inquiry Agency [Park Mu-yeol] KBS2
Aug 27: The Name&Choi Jin-yi(Rumblefish): After Break-up MV appearance [x]
Heroine 6
Come to Play ep. 129
Sangsang Plus ep. 151
Feb 8: 바람 피기 좋은 날 - A Good Day to Have an Affair [College Student]
Jan 22: Ya Shim Man Man ep. 196
Jan 3-Mar 15: 달자의 봄 - Dalja's Spring [Kang Tae-bong, 27] KBS2
2006 <MEN>
Sep 7: 뚝방전설 - Three Fellas/Riverbank Legends/Bar Legend [High-school Student #7] (cameo)
~Jul 16: Filming for cameo in Riverbank Legends
Jul 12: Rainbow Romance OST: Before I Become Sad [x]
May 2: I Really Really Like You OST: Like Candy 2 [x]
Apr 8-Aug 6: 진짜 진짜 좋아해 - I Really, Really Like You/Love Truly [Nam Bong-ki, 28] MBC [x]
Feb 5: X-men ep.97 [x]
2005 <MEN>
Pizza Etang CF [x]
Oct 29-Nov 19: 태릉선수촌 - Taereung Athletic Village [Hong Min-ki, 26] MBC [x]
Oct 24-Nov 3 2006: 레인보우 로망스 - Rainbow Romance [Lee Min-ki] MBC
LG Telecom Phone & Fun CF [x]
Aug 6: 계룡산 부용이 - Booyong of Mt. Kyeryong [Hyeong-su] KBS Drama City [x]
Jul 24: X-men ep.69 [x]
Jun 19: X-men ep.64 [x]
Jun 5: X-men ep.62 [x]
Jun 1: SoulStar(소울스타): Only One For Me MV appearance [x]
Feb 14-Sep 30: 굳세어라 금순아 - Be Strong, Geum-soon! [Noh Tae-wan, 26] MBC
Jan 2: 오!사라 - Oh! Sarah [Kim Dong-kang] KBS Drama City [x]
Nina(니나) Hit'm MV appearance [x]
Come to Play ep. 69
X-men ep. 35-43
2004 <MEN>
Jun 13: 우리 햄 - My Older Brother [Kang Min-ki] KBS Drama City [x]
Nizoral CF [x]
SK Telecom
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eddydreaming · 9 months
Kdramas January 2024
Happy New Year everyone! A new month starts and that means we have some new kdramas that are being released soon, so let's dive into them.
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Marry My Husband
"Kang Ji Won is married to Park Min Hwan, but their marriage is troubled due to Min Hwan's selfishness and his demanding mother. Ji Won is the primary breadwinner for the family, while Min Hwan is unemployed and in debt. Ji Won also handles all the household chores herself.
One day, Ji Won receives the devastating news that she has cancer and not much time left to live. To make things worse, she catches her husband and her close friend, Jung Soo Min, having an affair. A physical struggle ensues, resulting in her tragic death at the hands of her husband.
Suddenly, she wakes up in the past, 10 years earlier, when she was dating Min Hwan. Determined to change her life, she decides to make Soo Min marry Min Hwan. Meanwhile, at work, Yoo Ji Hyeok, who serves as a chief in the same department as Ji Won, has feelings for her and slowly begins to reveal them. He also harbors a secret."
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 16
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama and Fantasy.
Release date: January 1 - February 20
Main cast: Park Min Young, Na In Woo, Lee Yi Kyung, Song Ha Yoon and Lee Gi Kwang.
Love Song for Illusion
"It tells both the heart-fluttering love story and fierce obsession of a King with two opposite personalities and an assassin girl who wants to kill him but ends up falling in love with him.
Crown Prince Sajo Hyun is an intellectual character who uses his innate artistic sense to work as a fashion designer at a downtown boutique while hiding his identity of crown prince. He has a wound deep down in his heart from his childhood due to his oppressive father Sajo Seung. Sajo Hyun’s other personality Ak Hee is a charming character who can easily seduce others, but he is cursed to feel extreme pain when he makes physical touch with others.
Yeon Wol lives a life full of twists and turns, going from an assassin to concubine. Yeon Wol is the royal descendant of the fallen Yeon Dynasty and the only daughter of Yeon Poong Hak. Yeon Wol hides her identity and becomes assassin Gye Ra to avenge her family. While trying to assassinate the king, she falls into a trap set by an unknown person and wakes up the next day with no memory of her past."
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 16
Genres: Historical, Romance, Drama and Fantasy.
Release date: January 2 - February 20
Main cast: Park Ji Hoon and Hong Ye Ji.
Knight Flower
Cho Yeo Hwa has been a widow for 15 years. Her in-laws are the most prestigious noble family in the area. During the day, she lives quietly at home and never goes outside. But, during the night, Yeo Hwa secretly jumps over the surrounding wall and takes care of people who need help. In the process, she gets involved with Park Soo Ho, and she begins to dream about her future. Meanwhile, Soo Ho is a senior officer. He is good at his job and has an attractive appearance.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 12
Genres: Historical, Mystery, Comedy and Drama.
Release date: January 12 - February 17
Main cast: Lee Ha Nee, Lee Jong Won, Lee Ki Woo and Kim Sang Joong.
A Shop for Killers
Shortly after entering college, Jian receives a call from local police informing her of her uncle’s “suicide”. Her carer, since the death of her parents, uncle Jeong Jin Man, had always been quiet and mysterious but never suicidal.
But before Jian has a chance to think, her life is turned upside down by a flurry of gunfire, murder drones and more, as a medley of highly skilled assassins inexplicably turns their focus to killing her. Pinned down in her uncle’s home, Jian will be forced to revisit some of the bizarre training her uncle gave her throughout her formative years if she hopes to survive long enough to discover what is going on.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 8
Genres: Action, Thriller, Mystery and Drama.
Release date: January 7 - ?
Main cast: Lee Dong Wook and Kim Hye Joon.
The days of burning with sexual desire and lusting after each other’s bodies are long gone, and Woo-jin and Samuel have evolved into a somewhat withered couple, both physically and emotionally. By coincidence, they find themselves forming a blackmail team that specializes in exposing cheating couples, seeking an opportunity to turn their lives around.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 6
Genres: Comedy and Drama.
Release date: January 19 - January 19
Main cast: Esom and Ahn Jae Hong.
The Bequeathed
A woman inherits a gravesite under mysterious circumstances, just as her family's history begins to unravel.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 6
Genres: Drama.
Release date: January 19 - ?
Main cast: Kim Hyun Joo, Park Hee Soon, Park Byung Eun and Ryu Kyung Soo.
Captivating the King
Lee In is a prince. His older brother is King Lee Sun, who cares about him a lot. Vowing loyalty to his older brother, Lee In is taken hostage by the Qing Dynasty. King Lee Sun soon views his younger brother's loyalty as betrayal and begins to hate him. Lee In endures deep emotional pain because of this.
Lee In then meets an unknown baduk player who wagers on her games. He is completely fascinated by the baduk player. Through circumstances, Lee In becomes the king. He holds the highest position and is a strong person, but he is sad and weak internally.
When Kang Hee Soo was gaining fame as an unknown baduk player, she met Prince Lee In and fell in love with him. Through a vortex of fate, she becomes a spy. She approaches King Lee In to get her revenge.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 16
Genres: Historical, Romance, Drama and Melodrama.
Release date: January 21 - March 10
Main cast: Jo Jung Suk, Shin Sae Kyeong and Lee Shin Young.
Flex x Cop
Jin Yi Soo has everything in life. Being a third-generation conglomerate, he never requires others’ assistance. However, things start changing when he gets entangled in a case.
Jin Yi Soo joins the violent investigative team at the Kangha Police Station that specializes in catching robbers. He aims to use his wealth and personal connections to his advantage. He works under Detective Lee Kang Hyun. Kang Hyun is dedicated and a smooth-talker and doesn't care for Yi Soo's presence when they begin working as partners.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 16
Genres: Action, Mystery, Comedy and Romance.
Release date: January 26 - ?
Main cast: Ahn Bo Hyun, Park Ji Hyun, Kang Sang Jun and Kim Shin Bi.
Doctor Slump
During his school days, Yeo Jeong Woo always placed first in academics and he studied at the top medical school in the country. Jeong Woo is now a popular plastic surgeon. His life goes smoothly, but, due to a mysterious medical accident, his life is pushed to the edge. At this time, he meets Nam Ha Neul. She was a rival in his past and he meets her at the lowest point in his life.
Ha Neul works as an anesthesiologist. When she was growing up, people called her a genius due to her extreme intelligence. She studied hard and became a doctor. Her life consists of only work and studying. She doesn't have any time to experience fun. One day, Ha Neul realizes she isn’t happy with her life and she wants to make a change. At this time, she meets Jeong Woo during one of the worst moments in her life. They comfort each other and a romantic relationship blossoms between them.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 16
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama and Medical.
Release date: January 27 - March 17
Main cast: Park Shin Hye, Park Hyung Sik, Yoon Park and Kong Seong Ha.
Queen of Divorce
Kim Sa Ra was the daughter-in-law of the biggest law firm in South Korea, but she was betrayed by her husband and lost everything. After that, she began working as a divorce troubleshooter. She is now the team leader at the divorce settlement office Solution. She punishes bad spouses and provides help for those who find themselves in unfair divorce situations.
She works with Dong Ki Joon. He is Sa Ra’s business partner and an advisory lawyer at Solution. Before coming to Solution, he was an excellent prosecutor who had the nickname of "German Shepherd." He picked up the nickname because of his persistence and keen intuition, but Ki Joon left the prosecutors' office for an unknown reason. Sa Ra and Ki Joon work together for people who are suffering through difficult divorces.
(Source: mydramalist)
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Episodes: 12
Genres: Law and Drama.
Release date: January 31 - March 7
Main cast: Lee Ji Ah and Kang Ki Young.
What do you think? I'm so excited for Doctor Slump and A Shop for Killers, what about you?
If there was any mistake or any important drama missing please tell me, I may have missed something.
(Source: soompi)
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egerhjtrt · 1 year
너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)
너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막) 링크<<
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너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)
너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)
너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)
너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화 2화 3화 4화 5화 6화 7화 8화 9화 10화 11화 12화 13화 (자막)
Born on June 23, 1958 in Haeundae-gu, Busan Metropolitan City [6], when he was preparing for his debut, his real name 'Lee Young-chun' was unconventional, so he thought of a stage name, but he wanted to become the best singer lik너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)e Na Hoon-ah, and he wanted to be a singer like a boxing round. I named myself Na Undo, which means to live hard in the round, but the manager said that 'Undo' was okay, but it would be difficult to succeed because the surname 'I' was not good, so he suggested that we study other surnames. [7]
His son Lee Yoo (real name Lee Seung-hyun) debuted as a member of the idol group Pokerz in January 2010, but later withdrew. After that, from October 2013, under the stage name Lumin, as the 7th member of the 6-member idol group Empire, he resumed activities from the 2nd single. He was assigned to 너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)a battalion of the division and was discharged on August 13, 2018. His son's attitude towards eating sweet pumpkin became a hot topic.In the beginning of his debut, he had been active with long hair like this. He is a representative singer-songwriter in the trot world. He composed hit songs such as 'Samba Woman' and 'I Only Loved You', and there are numerous cases where fellow singers received Seol Undo's songs and made them hits.[8] Meanwhile, his spouse Lee Soo-jin works as a lyricist, and many 너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)of Seol Undo's songs were written by Lee Su-jin. The lyrics for his 2nd hit song 'Woman Girl Girl' was the beginning, and the story was revealed in Radio Star, where he appeared with Jang Yoon-jung. When Lee Soo-jin wanted to work as a lyricist, Seol-woon also said that he knew how to compose and became close.
In the past, I was often called on Sunday nights to do comedy acts. When reproducing 'Beauty and the Beast' in Cinema Heaven, the beast played the role of a prince after the magic was broken [9], and in TV Life Theater, he played the role of Lee Hwi-jae's evil boss.
On February 10, 2016, in the Lunar New Year special program 'Voice of God', he sang Yoon Hyun-seok's LOVE, a song that was unfamiliar to him, and received praise for his excellent performance that struck the back of the people who u너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막)nderestimated Seol Un-do's singing ability.[10 ] Since then, he has demonstrated that class by appearing in various music-related programs such as Maritel and Duet Song Festival.
On December 24, 2016, he appeared as a special guest on the radio drama KBS stage, the longest-running program in Korea. KBS Stage My Original (Video from 1:00)
After participating as a judge in the 3rd contest of King of Mask Singer, I participated in the 47th contest of King of Mask Singer in 2017 as a funny jjambbong. In the first round, when he was annoyed, he sang Ahn Sang-soo's 'Forever Me' against Jajangmyeon and won, and in the second round, he sang너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막) Kim Jeong-ho's 'Nameless Girl' passionately and had a close match with his opponent Yong-man, Hello in the semi-finals, by 5 votes. The judges' reactions were so good that after taking off their masks, they sang Kim Hyun-shik's 'My Love, Beside너는 방과 후 인섬니아 다시 보기 1화~13화 (자막) Me', a preparation song for the 3rd round, and came down. He revealed that he appeared because he wanted to break the age prejudice, and in the contest that day, he participated in the contest only with songs of other genres, excluding his main specialty, trot. Most of the online reactions were also favorable, and they were very sorry for his defeat. After that, he participated again as a judge in the 50th and 84th contests.[11]
On May 22, 2019, he appeared as a guest on Channel A’s liberal arts program Happy Morning.
In 2020, Hidden Singer 6 Chuseok special broadcast, appeared as the 8th original singer.
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gertegg · 2 years
귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)
귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누) 링크 <<
귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누) 좌표 <<
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귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누) 한글 자막 다운로드 스트리밍 무료 보기 누누티비 소나기 티비 나무 영화 애니 귀멸읠 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 1080p 고화질 hd 풀버전 풀영상 몰아보기
In 1991, he debuted in the 14th KBS open recruitment. Naturally, she acted in TV dramas in her early days. As soon as he made his debut, he appeared in the KBS saga drama 《The Wind Flower Does Not Wither》, and in 1992, he became a youth star with Park So-hyun in the role of Shin Beom-soo, an all-around college student who is good at anything, in 《Tomorrow is Love》.귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)
Afterwards, in 1994 and 1998, when the public loan contract with KBS ended, he signed an exclusive contract with SBS for drama appearances that required more than a certain number of drama filmings. All In” was aired in 2003, and for nearly 10 years, he 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)worked as an actor only in SBS dramas. His representative works are almost all SBS dramas such as 《Asphalt Man》, 《White Night 3.98》, 《Happy Together》, 《Beautiful Days》, 《All In》 based on the original work by Heo Young-man.귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)
In the late 1990s, he secretly had a connection with the music industry, and in 1998, Jo Sung-mo, who was unknown at the time, gained popularity by starring in music videos for the title song 'To Heaven' and the follow-up song 'Immortal Love' of Jo Sung-mo's debut album. In 1999, thanks to the popularity of the drama Happy Together, he officially debuted as a singer and released his first full-length album. The title song 'Tears' seemed to get a good response, 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)but due to his sudden military service, he stopped his activities and took a break from the entertainment industry. The music video for 'Tears', which was produced along with the release of the album, was also replaced with a video clip of Lee Byung-hun's activities in the entertainment world and his enlistment in the military for that reason. Originally, he was scheduled to enlist as an active duty soldier, but due to his father's sudden death, he was converted to a short-term enlisted soldier (aka army) for 6 months [16], and returned to the 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)entertainment industry in February 2000 after completing his brief military service.[17]
After returning in 2000, he started delaying the fulfillment of drama appearances for the reason of appearing in movies such as "Joint Security Area JSA" and "Bungee Jumping", and became embroiled 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)in a dispute due to non-fulfillment of the exclusive contract with SBS. [18] In the end, Lee Byung-hun decided to appear in the lead role in the ambitiously planned drama 《All In》 by SBS for the remaining parts, but during the production process, 《All In》 changed from head office production to outsourcing production, and a quarrel broke out again. Fortunately, an outsourced production company, Green Snake Media, coolly put an end to the dispute by taking responsibility for the payment of the amount corresponding to the remainder of Lee Byung-hun's contract for the drama, and after the end of 《All In》, Lee Byung-hun was also freed from the long 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)shackles from SBS that had lasted for about 10 years. Unwind and start acting freely.[19] It seems that this was the reason why the SBS programming of "Mr. Sunshine" was overthrown.[20][21]
In 2009, he returned to the home theater for the first time in a long time, but it was not SBS with a tough bad relationship, but his own KBS, where he made his first debut through public recruitment. It is none other than the main character of the drama 《Iris》. He is 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)under the main character Bajeong who does not die even if he dies (?). When he handed the candy he was eating to the heroine Kim Tae-hee in the play from mouth to mouth (aka candy kiss), he bought public rage. That year, he won the KBS Drama Awards for his performance in Iris. In his 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)acceptance speech, when he was a minor actor who did not receive attention at the year-end acting awards at the beginning of his debut, he sat down on the stairs and envied the senior actors winning awards. Compared to the first episode of Iris, in which Lee Byung-hun led the play, there was a marked difference in the attraction that immersed viewers, and every time the sequel was aired, Lee Byung-hun's acting charm was felt anew.귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)
Afterwards, in 2018, he took on the role of Eugene Choi in tvN's "Mr. Sunshine", which was his return to the small screen after 9 years, and overcame the concerns at the beginning of casting, received favorable reviews for his work with Tae-ri Kim, his 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)counterpart, and raised high viewership ratings. Showing viewers what proper star power and acting are like, they swept all awards at various awards ceremonies that year.
In 2021, he made a special appearance in the Netflix original drama 《Squid Game》[22]. She appeared because of a relationship with director Hwang Dong-hyeok, whom she met in the movie 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)《Namhansanseong》.
In 2022, she starred in the tvN Saturday drama Our Blues. Originally, he was scheduled to appear in Noh Hee-kyung's new work, HERE, but the filming was completely stopped due to the Corona 19 incident. Appearing in the role of Dong-seok in the play, he showed acting with a tasteful Jeju dialect, acting in romance with Sun-ah (Shin Min-ah) in the first episode, and showing a sad귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누) reconciliation with his mother, Ok-dong, who had been in conflict for a long time in the later episode, why Lee Byung-hun He proved once again that he is a god of acting.
The drama pioneering plan is outstanding enough to be noticed. Starting with Happy Together in 1999, all 6 dramas in which he starred have hit the viewership ratings and are considered Lee Byung-hun's representative works.귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누) 2.2. Activities in the film industry[edit] In the 1990s, while running the popular road as a teen star, he appeared in several movies based on his popularity in dramas, but there was a time when he toppled all of them and even gained public opinion that the movie was not suitable. Until 《Joint Security Area JSA》 The filmography is almost at the level of black history. 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)Except for 《The Organ in My Heart》, in which he worked with Jeon Do-yeon, all of them failed at the box office and received poor reviews. Even the ambitious action thriller Runaway, directed by director Kim Seong-soo, failed.귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)
That's why I heard a lot of sarcastic remarks about being a soup actor who succeeds in dramas but doesn't eat movies. There was even a rumor floating around that even if the movie failed, the reason why the casting was ranked 0 was because it was a 'level to appear for free'. So thrilled that it was the first hit in the film 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)industry, he secretly watched Joint Security Area JSA countless times alone in the theater. Rumor has it that he went to the cinema and watched it whenever he had time.[23] I have maintained a close friendship with director Park Chan-wook ever since this work.[24]귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)
Starting with 《Joint Security Area JSA》[25], he stood out as a movie actor, and after the drama 《All In》, he completely changed his job as a movie actor for a while. Although he has been a top star since the 1990s, it is correct to say that it was after the 2000s that Lee 귀멸의 칼날 상현집결 극장판 다시보기 (누누)Byung-hun gradually began to establish himself as a movie star.
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