#hargrove as simmons dad au
sco07ut · 2 years
bbc ghosts,,,, i love u,,,,,
ok ok so my mum n i finally finished watching ghosts and i’m completely insane so erm. rvb ghosts au
carolina is alison (funny) and wash is mike (i don’t ship carwash, in this au im imagining they’re sibs just living together bc the economy’s fucked yk how it is) they inherited the house from their estranged dad, dr leonard church and after a near death experience carolina gains the ability to see ghosts
delano house (ok . if i was going by Actual logic with the character assignments it would Technically be called gene house but i don’t think he deserves that much credit, and i’ll explain this when i get onto simmons little introductory section) is inhabited by eight main ghosts (and a plague pit of zealots in the basement but dw about those guys) from a bunch of different time periods and they all sort of hatelove each other bc none of them can leave (unless they, by some miracle, ascend) so they kind of jst endure each others’ presence
anyway, without further ado: caboose is kitty (georgian noble), simmons is thomas thorne (victorian poet), tucker is julian fawcett (modern day mp), donut is stephanie button (edwardian noble), doc is patrick butcher (1980’s scout leader), sarge as the captain (ww2 captain), grif as mary (stuart era witch trial victim), lopez as humphrey bone (tudor noble) and locus as robin (caveman)
(more in-depth character stuff under the cut !!)
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caboose as kitty! i jst think their characters align really nicely, they’re both loveable idiots who follow their best friends around. i def think carolina reminds him of church (who is annie in this au who basically ascends a few hundred years before carolina is even born) so he follows her around like a miserable little duckling. the ‘sister’ that bullied him is fuckign miller from rat’s nest
this pathetic worm is thomas !! he isn’t in love with carolina the way thomas is in love with allison, instead he sees carolina kinda like a big sister figure and always asks her for dating advice. his backstory is where things r interesting tho i think. in the show, thomas is in love with a woman called isabel, however her father is against the two of them being together, so when he attends an event where isabel is also present he wants to converse with her to make sure the two of them are still secretly an item but can’t find the opportunity to do so. his cousin, francis button, offers to deliver a letter to isabel with his feelings but backstabs him by faking the letters (saying they basically don’t love each other anymore) then tricks thomas into engaging in a duel that gets him killed (he then also denies thomas’ last request to see isabel by telling her he’s already dead). yikes. anyway. in this au, gene is francis button, and instead of simmons being in love with some woman he hears some guys slandering his own dad’s name (hargrove) and engages in a duel with them over it. the reality behind the situation, however, is that gene essentially orchestrated his death. the people he ‘heard’ talking shit abt his dad weren’t actually, gene jsut told him they were. when he then begins the duel, gene tells him it’s 20 paces when in actuality it’s only 10. once simmons is shot and requests to see his father one last time gene pretends to go do that but actually tells hargrove that simmons was dead when he got to him
okay !! so i mentioned that delano house should technically be called gene house if we were to go by the show’s lore. once francis tells isabel that thomas is dead, he then essentially woos her and marries her, moving into her home and which then becomes button house. so in the au ig it would technically be called gene house however i don’t rock w that because it would then later mean donut is called franklin delano gene which is wrong on so many levels. so instead, gene just takes the existing name of the house, delano. yk i’ve just typed all this up and realised that i’m probably the sole person in the world who actually cares about it. darn
finally moving on, tucker!
self explanatory, julian dies in the middle of shagging someone and is now doomed to spend the rest of eternity wandering round with no pants on. it’s so ridiculously in character. plus ig the whole ‘being able to interact wit the real world’ thing ties into tucker’s whole main character schtick
the lady of the house ! in life his mother, chrovos, was very insistent about marrying him off to a richer family to try make up for all their debt but all he wanted to do was become a famous fashion designer. maybe if his mother had let him follow that passion he might’ve made a brand famous enough to claw them out of debt but instead he got an early death from an adulterous husband (genkins)
pat my absolute beloved. he had taken out a group of kids (the ai) to the house’s grounds for a day of archery, however while going through the safety protocols o’malley accidentally let an arrow loose that got him straight through the neck. he then managed to traumatise the entire group by dying slowly in front of them ❤️
again another character that’s just a perfect match, sarge doesn’t have a name, the captain doesn’t have a name, they’re both obsessed with a war that’s long gone, they’re both fruity asf. not even joking, the lieutenant that the captain has a crush on is one butch flowers in this au, sarge misses him but has started to find a new object of affection in wash (despite the fact that wash cannot see, hear or interact with him at all)
burned at the stake for being a witch ! in reality he was just a man passing through the town and everyone Thought was some sort of woman who was harbouring satan in her throat or something. his long hair and curvy form Tricked them all n he paid the price. his death kinda did a number on him though, and it took a while for him to come back out of his shell (essentially after church dragged him out kicking and screaming)
the noble that managed to survive a coup only to immediately accidentally behead himself with a pair of decorative wall swords. unlike the show, lopez is the one that doesn’t speak english while his arranged wife shiela Does and planned the murder of the monarchy under his nose. he still loved her tho.
and last but not least, locus:
i definitely hc that his name was actually locust/lotus but the first few ghosts that met him kept getting it wrong until he eventually just settled on locus (in the same way robin is actually called ‘rogh’). he’s been there the longest, definitely took a Long time to warm up to other humans after being betrayed before his death (felix and sharkface, or lick and face, pushed him into what they Thought was a bear den so that they could escape but ultimately it lead to their deaths while locus managed to get away, only to be struck by lightning immediately afterwards)
i think that covers everyone who has a canon death thus far ! sorry for going a little insane over simmons
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goodluckdetective · 8 years
either grimmons 14 or 16. or both, idc
Hargrove as Simmons Dad AU!
You can find other entires to this verse here X
Warnings: Past emotional child abuse, fucked up family dynamics, implied past homophobia. 
Simmons’ brothers visit Chorus two months after Charon sent everything crashing down.
Simmons told them they didn’t have to, when they floated the idea in his direction. Chorus was far away, and they had busy lives back on Earth. But they’d insisted, buying the tickets for the fastest shuttle they could afford.
Simmons was glad they were only able to get a flight until two months after everything went down. If they’d come here right after, they would be forced to take in the bandages wrapped around Simmons limbs, the broken arm, the pale pallor to his skin that screamed that he’d been through hell. Visible evidence of what his father had put him through. All for some money and some alien tech.
When they arrive, Grif insists on coming with. Simmons doesn’t bother to try to argue with him, he’s not sure he has energy for it after all the UNSC interviews about Hargrove and his relationship to the man. Grif agrees to stay in the Warthog instead of waiting in the shuttle bay with Simmons, just so Simmons can see them on his own terms first.
“You did the same with Kai,” Grif says. “Might as well return the favor.”
Simmons had done the same with Kai, but both men know that these situations are nothing alike. Kai had been a happy reunion, one with hugs and blubbering. Simmons’ brothers? The only thing Simmons has guaranteed is that their father’s shadow will hang over the entire conversation.  
Honestly, he’s glad Grif drove him here, Simmons thinks as he waits in the shuttle bay. If things went to shit, Grif would drive him away without his brothers, no questions asked.
His palms sweat as the shuttle lands, and he tries very hard not to twitch too much. The shuttle today is mostly relief groups, folks sent from Earth to help with rebuilding, and Simmons is sure he’s one of the few people waiting for a family member rather than an employee. The relief crew exits first, already in full gear and Simmons watches as they meet up with a soldier to take them to the nearest settlement. A few of them salute Simmons as they walk by, awe in their eyes.
His brothers are the last two off. Simmons only recognizes them from their com talks: they are almost unrecognizable to the teenagers he once knew. They even look different from when he saw them through a screen three years ago, talking about an award he’d won by a man who pretended not to recognize him. James has a beard now, though he’s trimmed it since they last talked, and Simmons can’t help but be awed at how tall he is as he walked through the exit door. Back when they were kids, James was a lanky thing, the shortest of them all despite being the middle child. Now he had more meat to his bones, his once perfectly trimmed haircut a little messy. The freckles that cover his face are one of the few things Simmon’s recognizes.
Alexander is next out. He’s built like Caboose now, not a surprise since he plays professional hockey, but still off-putting. His face has lost any of the baby fat it once had, and Simmons is surprised to find him wearing glasses. He doesn’t have a beard, but his red hair hangs past his ears, long enough to put in a short ponytail.
When they see him, they freeze. They look tired, Simmons thinks, dark circles under both of their eyes. And afraid. Like they’re kids again and frightened of what will happen when they start failing their father’s expectations. Frightened of what happened to Simmons repeating itself.
God, their childhoods were so fucked, Simmons thinks. He pushes the thought away. He’ll have more than enough time to dwell on it later. Instead he falls back into a role he knows, one he hasn’t played in years. The role of the big brother, desperate for their father’s approval but not desperate enough to force his father’s expectations on his brothers in turn.
“Hey guys,” he says with a wave. Alexander flinches and Simmons remembers he hasn’t seen his robot arm over the coms yet. He sighs. “Please tell me you’re not going to stand there staring for the next hour cus we got-”
He doesn’t finish. Alexander has dropped his bag and wrapped him into an uncomfortably tight hug. Which is just unusual, because when they were kids, Simmons can remember the times they hugged on one hand. Like when he left for the army, disinherited and determined to make something of himself.
“Dick.” Alexander says and for a big guy his voice sounds watery. Simmons reaches up to pat his back. He was always a crier when he thought Dad wasn’t looking. Simmons remembers the tears he got all over his basic uniform when he left.
“Hey Alex” he looks over Alexander’s shoulder and looks to James, mouthing “help me.” A smile breaks across James’ face, and Simmons doesn’t miss how red his eyes are. When Alexander lets go of him, James is quick to take his place, his hug more gentle but no less firm.
“You look so different!” Alexander says when they’re done with their respective blubbering. His winces as soon as he says it. “I mean, not cus of the robot-”
Simmons waves his concern off. “It’s cool. I didn’t leave with metal plating after all.” Alexander looks even more upset. Simmons taps at his robotic eye. “It isn’t a total loss. Got perfect vision in this eye now. Save half on all my eye doctor bills.”
“Have you even seen an eye doctor recently?” James says. He’s less a visible mess than Alexander; James had always been better in a crisis. He’s probably holding it together for Alexander. Like Simmons used to hold it together for the both of them.
“Depends on your definition of an eye doctor. Does a mad scientist count?”
“As long as it’s covered by insurance.”
That gets all of them laughing. They head out of the loading bay, making small talk. James talks about his three kids and Simmons is sure he’ll be bombarded with photos when they get to his place. Alexander, on the other hand, tries to convince him to adopt a dog for half the walk. Simmons doesn’t mind; he’s happy to avoid the elephant in the room.
Grif doesn’t bother getting out of the warthog when they arrive, and Simmons chastises him for it. They get into their usual banter for a bit, trading barbs and it takes Simmons a full minute to remember they have company. He looks over at his brothers. They look like they're trying not to stare at Grif’s mismatched skin that speaks of a surgery from a lifetime ago. Simmons wonders if they notice the patches of pale skin match Simmons own.
They don’t really know who Grif is, Simmons realizes, besides the fact that Simmons talks about him all the time. For a moment, Simmons considers sticking to “squadmate” as a descriptor, just to keep everything uncomplicated. Then he remembers his father, the same man locked up in a prison in one of the UNSC ships that landed a month ago.
Fuck it. He’s done lying for his family’s sake.
“This is my…partner Grif,” Simmons says, waving his hands awkwardly in Grif’s direction. His brothers start, snapping out of their staring. Grif just scoffs.
“Partner? Really Simmons? What are we, a buddy cop comedy?”
“The only other option was boyfriend. Partner seemed to fit better.”
“Partner makes us sound like cowboys. But stuffy and lame. Boyfriend is at least to the point.”
“It makes us sound like we’re in high school!”
“No, stupid pet names would make us sound like we’re in high school.”
“It’s like watching an old married couple.” Grif and Simmons snap out of their bickering to stare at Alexander. Alexander turns a bright red. “Shit, I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”
“He’s your younger brother alright, Simmons,” Grif says, leaning his arm on the dash. “He has awkwardness down. We could probably swap you and him out and Sarge wouldn’t even notice.”
Simmons considers that thought for a moment as James steps forward. He holds his hand out to Grif with no hesitation.
“It’s nice to meet you. Dick has told me a lot about you.”
“About how messy I am, right?”
“No, it was actually pretty flattering.”
Grif shoots him a look. Simmons resists the urge to groan. He’s never going to hear the end of this.
They all get into the car. The drive back home is filled with small talk and for a moment Simmons feels like this is normal. His father isn’t a mass murderer in prison. His brothers weren’t told he was dead for years on end. It’s just a normal family visit.
It’s a nice feeling. He rarely has anything “normal” when it comes to family.
His brothers go inside first. Before Grif follows them, Simmons grabs Grif’s arm.
“Thanks,” he says, under his breath. “For coming.”
Grif is silent. Then he shrugs.
“Wasn’t a big deal.” A smirk crosses his face. “Anyway, it’s nice to hear you had such flattering things to say about me.” He turns to the house. “Hey, James, what flattering things did Simmons say about me? I want details.”
Simmons lingers outside. This won’t last forever. Their father will come up eventually, Alexander and James will eventually go and visit him and Simmons will have to answer their questions upon questions. Their mother will call and claim Hargrove has been framed, that he would never do this, and Simmons will have to listen to that and wonder if it’s worth arguing with her instead of hanging up. He will have to put up with horrified looks as pieces fall into place.
But that’s later. For now it’s just his two brothers and Grif. Grif, who no matter where this goes, is going to be around to remind him how bullshit the entire situation is.
It’s enough. 
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rvb-happens-here · 3 years
Fuck it, RvB Harry Potter AU
Yeah this has been in my thoughts wayyyy too long for me to not give you guys some bs.
I know that Ilvermorny exists, but I know that people wouldn’t appreciate me writing about America when they realise that I’m using British English to write all my shit.
I’ve chosen Harry Potter purely because I can write about it better culturally, not just because I have no idea what Ilvermorny is.
AU under cut off:
A few hundred years after Harry Potter's passing, when Leonard Church was still a student at Hogwarts, he was bullied by Gryffindors for, well, being a Slytherin. One time when he was being bullied, his future wife, Allison McAllister, came in and just punched the bullies in the face. She's a muggleborn, sure, but Leonard doesn't care.
Fast forward, he's now the Headmaster (Director) of Hogwarts. Allison is dead.
Book 1 Characters + bit of plot:
Students (Reds n Blues):
Church, L. Leonard: First year, Ravenclaw (||spoiler||)
Tucker, Lavernius: First year, Slytherin (muggleborn)
Simmons, Richard: First Year, Gryffindor (pure blood)
Grif, Dexter: First Year, Hufflepuff (half blood)
Other Students:
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I've used the other characters and voice actors in RvB to supplement the characters. They have a little thought about them, I use Personality analysis on the fandom side when possible and I've used Voice Actors to replace nameless people. WHen the person doesn't have a name or VA I just call them by what they're referred to, which makes sense as you can only keep track of 150 people (or something like that)
Of course, some students will have sub plots and have a greater role in the main story than others, though you could probably tell.
Washington, David(Wash): Third Year, Hufflepuff/Gryffindor (muggleborn), Seeker,
Holy fuck the freelancers are giving me trouble, tried to take a quick buzzfeed quiz as Wash, and guess what I got:
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He was inteneded to be Hufflepuff anyways, but the more I thought, the more it seemed Gryffindor. It's not like I want to separate people based on armour colour... but...
McAllister, Carolina: Fifth Year (skipped a grade), Griffindor/Slytherin (absolutely a hatstall, she has ambition to be noticed by dad, but doesn't have the cunning to be in Slytherin) (insanely talented, she confused the fuck out of my sorting system) (half blood) Seeker, probably uses a time turner.
Maine, Joshua: Fourth Year, Hufflepuff, (half blood[of what, we don't know yet]), Beater
Charon, York: Fifth Year, Hufflepuff, pureblood, Keeper, Prefect
Thompson, Constance (Connie/C.T.): Fourth Year, Gryffindor, Chaser, betrayer
Dakota, Sebastian(North): Fourth Year, Gryffindor, Keeper
Dakota, Stacey(South): Fourth year, Slytherin, Seeker
Ohio, Vera: Third Year, Ravenclaw, Chaser
Idaho, Erza: Third Year, Ravenclaw
Iowa, Mike: Second Year, Ravenclaw (like a high wis low int Wizard, Mike keeps putting things in his mouth. Such as potions. hence, Mike is banned from potions and held
back a year. Also Herbology. Actually, just- everything.)
Texas, Allison: First Year, Griffindor, Beater (yeah she is that good), muggleborn (||?||)
Niner, Ash - Ravenclaw, Sixth year, Prefect
Kainat, Georgia: Sixth Year, Slytherin
Johnson, Utah: Ghost
Brown, Illinois: Seventh year, Ravenclaw
Sarge: Head of Gryffindor, Defence Against the Dark Arts
Flowers: Head of Ravenclaw, Charms
Kimball: Head of Hufflepuff, Muggle Studies (cuz her predecessros keep getting assassinated)
Wyoming: Head of Slytherin, Potions
Astronomy - Santa
Herbology - Lemons
History of Magic - Lieu
Care of Magical Creatures & Groundskeeper - Alabama
Divination - Doyle
Transifiguration - Felix McScouty
Ancient Runes - Spencer Porkensenson
Arithmancy - Sheila
Dark Arts - Locus
Alchemy - Delaware
Caretaker - Lopez
Nutse - Doctor Emily Gray
Price: Councillor/Treasury/Secretary (new position!!), Slytherin
Director Church: Headmaster, Slytherin
Board of Directors = Charon Industries
Malcom Hargrove, Chairman
Rhee Sebiel
Church: Hey asshole watch me start fucking crying
Now we get to things that are really plot relevant. Of course, as a RvB watcher you know it's got something to do about A.I.
But what about Horcruxes?
Back story, Part 2:
Allison Church died giving birth to a baby boy. Carolina was 4 that time. So utterly enraged and devastated with the death of his wife, Leonard Church shouted, "Avada Kedrava!" But the young boy didn't die. It seemed that as Allison felt that she was dying, She transferred over her last remaining magical energy to protect the newborn child.
But the attempt was so horrendous, that Leonard Church felt like his soul was splitting. Not enough to form a horcrux, but just maybe...
He somehow entangled his soul into Church Junior. And then cut off a full portion of the house, attempting to study, to reverse engineer Church.
He wanted to bring his wife back. He just- he had to. And no matter how much he searchers the forbidden forest, he could never find the Resurrection Stone. He's looked into how Voldemort was revived, and he was grasping to the thought that maybe he could... fragment Church's soul enough that the part that was Allison could come out.
So he did just that. He made Church commit horrible acts, and Crucioed him until he's forgotten himself and everything that this unknown wand did.
The first part of Church's soul that split off was Tex. He spent more time trying to bring 'her' back, but wasn't satisfied with the result. She was too kiddish for him.
So he kept splitting... and the more he split, the more he had to hide these 'children'. Most of them, he fashioned them into really high tech wizardry, and giving them to trustworthy individuals.
Gamma - pocket watch/timeturner, given to Wyoming. The strongest time turner.
Delta - Bacteria tester but it's for ailments and wounds, and it often gives the perfect antidote answer. No one knows why York bring an outdated muggle calculator to Potions, but it's been helping him achieve Outstanding even though Professor Wyoming really, really hates him.
Epsilon - Diary/Planner/Notebook, given to Washington after he had passedthe initiation at the end of last year. Starts changing him too.
Eta & Iota - Earrings, that are shaped like dream catchers. A minor enchantment for +1 speed and better dreams. Given to Carolina.
Theta - Border Collie, given to North Dakota. (offers a minor protego spell)
Sigma - Beater Stick / Metal Chain (improves wearer's strength, but also takes control), given to Maine.
Omega -(Deathly Hallow) Cloak of Invisibility, given to Tex, influencing her bad behaviour.
That's all for now, I'll post the plot later.
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goodluckdetective · 8 years
Okay, I'm gonna be annoying at the PROSPECT of you opening prompts. In your verses, how did grimmons get together?
Which ones?
For Charlie Verse:
They were sorta already a thing (I’d say they’d been friends with benefits since the canyon.) They just bothered to finally stick a label on it after they almost died and went “welp fuck it, you’re not going back to Earth, I’m not going back to Earth, our siblings refer to us as each other’s boyfriends, might as well.”
They keep a house and make fun of how Tucker and Wash are oblivious. It’s a grand time. 
If you’re talking about the wedding that I loosely cover in Home, Sweet Home that proposal was on Grif. Honestly, he only thought about it because Simmons attends the PTA meetings and comes home grumbling about one of the Moms (a new settler from after the war) hitting on him. And Grif is like “nope” calls Simmons brothers a few days later and then proposes. 
If you wonder how Lauren reacted, Grif told her before he did it, asking what she thought. This was her response, at 13.
“Aren’t you common law married by now?”
Grif decides his kid is a little shit. (and possibly right). 
Most of my other verses, it’s either the same, or just them going “might as well” and bothering with it on the fly. 
Hargrove as Simmons Dad AU 
I can’t see them getting married ever, only because family would be involved, and Grif knows how he feels about that. Eloping would still make news and that news would frame it as “Hargrove’s son” so they sorta just wait it out and get common law married cus the news doesn’t bother to pick it up. Paperwork isn’t really noticed. 
Fallout AU:
The Wasteland really doesn’t have marriage: some do it, but a lot don’t cus there isn’t exactly a bunch of legal documents people need. Grif and Simmons run a shop together: might as well be a marriage. Bt if there was a moment where one realized that “yep, I’m gonna die with this man” it’s when {REDACTED FOR POSSIBLE SEQUEL}
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sco07ut · 2 years
so first i made an au where the rnbs own dragons. here’s an au where they Are dragons :)
wings of fire au !!
allll the info is under the cut bc there’s far too much of it
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i’m literally just copy n pasting the notes i made on this so theyre not really in chronological order also a lot of this is just carwash and simmlina sibs <3
simmons and lina are half sibs, as are wash and lina but like, diff parents so he and simmons aren’t related
simmons: ice/sky hybrid
lina: ice/night hybrid
wash: night/sand hybrid
simmons and lina share a mother but have different fathers (‘hargrove’/sarge n leonard respectively)
lina and wash share a father but have different mothers (allison and unnamed respectively)
simmons’ mother allison basically slept around a bit. she was originally married to hargrove (an icewing and simmons ‘official’/‘legal’ father but had an affair bc she hated his guts and slept with a skywing during a business trip to the sky kingdom (sarge) but when hargrove found out a few years after simmons’ birth she was chased out of the icewing kingdom and hid with the nightwings where she met leonard and had a kid with him (carolina). once she died a few years later in a battle, the director had a short relationship with a sandwing but it never really went anywhere and she left wash with him before moving on
leonard is an animus dragon, and church is one of his creations. he’s supposed to be like an extension of animus powers. he resides in an earring and acts like an ai that carries round a bunch of armour boosters but the wof equivalent. so instead of active camo he can just change their scales to look like any dragon. he does have his limitations though, he can only manipulate the current world he can’t actually create things that didn’t exist before
he was the first unit that leonard created but when the nightwing officials found out he was forced to surrender him and he was placed into the nightwing treasury. eventually though, it was raided by icewings in a one-off attack and was stolen to be kept in the icewing treasury for a few years until allison (who was working as the treasury’s keeper for some time) found it and used it when she was pregnant with simmons to prevent the other icewings from discovering he was a hybrid. when she had to flee the kingdom, she asked church for advice and He was the one who told her to go to leonard
church looks after simmons when his mother is gone and basically becomes a brother figure to him, keeping him safe and helping him out with all the awful icewing traditions. when simmons eventually flees the icewing kingdom to go find his real dad he takes church with him since he doesn’t want to leave him to the mercy of the icewings
OH forgot to mention earlier: leonard never made another creation like church bc when he was discovered as a rlly young dragon the governors forced him to use his animus powers against himself to never create a fully functional extension like church again, which lead him to the loophole of fragmented versions of an animus extension, which then became this au’s version of the other ai
in this au, the nightwing kingdom is the tribe that hosts project freelancer. although none of the tribes are actively at war there are some bits of frigidity between them and the nightwings want to have an army ready just in case. they have a big focus on selecting hybrids in the hopes they’ll be more powerful than regular dragons, and all the main pfl agents are hybrids. after a few years, leonard manages to pull it away from the supervision of nightwing rulers so that he can experiment with his fragment animus extensions.
the main agents in this project include:
his own daughter and son: agents carolina and wash (ice/nightwing and night/sandwing respectively)
agent york: a sand/mudwing
agent maine: an ice/mudwing
agent north and south dakota: sky/seawings
agent connecticut: a mud/nightwing
agent wyoming: an ice/nightwing
agent florida: a sea/nightwing
and his own personal project, agent texas, who was the first fragmented animus extension he created that was heavily affected by lingering grief from allison’s death. due to their similarities he decided to instead permanently implant her into the body of an augmented nightwing he created
ok time for the other characters
sarge is a skywing, as afore mentioned and is also an animus dragon but doesn’t know it (bc he’s stupid) and also doesn’t know about simmons. he works as a sergeant in the skywing army until he is dishonourably discharged at the battle of broken ridge for getting half his squadron killed. he’s exiled from skywing territory and moves down into mudwing kingdom where he meets grif and his half sister kai (a mud/seawing) and since they’re kinda struggling to get by they let the crazy old man with with them bc he’s better at finding food than they are. at one point, they mention needing extra help around the home and sarge takes it upon himself to get some, thus creating lopez. at this point, grif and kai Really realise that there’s something weird about this guy. there were instances in the past but him creating an entire mudwing (although slightly .. Off) was a pretty big sign. they don’t explicitly say anything though, and instead just decide to wait things out and run a few tests themselves as they reassess strange things that happened in the past.
tucker and caboose are both seawings, however caboose has a slight deformity that means his gills don’t quite work properly (science be damned) and can only stay underwater for about 48 hours before needing to surface and breathe air for a bit. however, growing up, he didn’t realise this which lead to (science be damned once again) a Mild case of cerebral hypoxia. but his family eventually realised and he now lives closer to the surface with his friend tucker who basically looks out for him and reminds him to surface frequently.
tucker does have his own agenda though, some time ago he met a strange dragon that had washed up on the shores of seawing territory, he didn’t know it at the time but she was a beetlewing from what would eventually become pantala. he spent a few months trying to teach her dragonspeak, while she tried to make him understand pantalan. throughout those months they became closer and eventually had a child together, junior, who was the first hybrid between a pyrrhian and pantalan dragon. however, PFL eventually learnt of this and a few agents kidnapped the two of them for research purposes. tucker and caboose’s story begins with them trying to find his lost family.
donut and doc think they’re both rainwings (doc is a rain/night wing but doesn’t know it) living outside the rainforest as travelling merchants, selling off fruit and flowers to different tribes. they typically tend to settle in towns between different tribe territories when they’re not actively selling wares. donut isn’t legally exiled from the rainforest, but due to a poison spitting accident that melted part of his face, he’s sort of socially rejected by a lot of rainwings who are frightened of him. doc’s mother never told him that he was part nightwing, so he just grew up assuming his darker palette and slight difficulties actively changing colours were just genetic defects. growing up this caused a little bit of teasing which resulted in him and donut banding together in the first place.
the main storyline focuses around how the reds n blues goals and motives interact
simmons is trying to find his real father, and during his search finds an escaped junior whose still too young to be on his own. since they’re both trying to find their family he takes care of him and they travel together
grif and kai are trying to learn more about animus dragons so that they can help sarge and also sort of use his powers to their advantage
sarge is trying to just find some purpose in life after being discharged
tucker is trying to find his family and caboose is just coming along for the ride bc he liked junior too
donut and doc don’t have a particular goal until they meet simmons and junior offer to help them find their dads
carolina and wash are trying to find church as per their father’s orders
since we have a fair number of hybrids i’m just gonna brush over their abilities !!
simmons: no fire, no icebreath, abnormally sharp and serrated claws & teeth
carolina: strong icebreath, cooler than average flames, slightly serrated claws
wash: very hot flames, weak poison in tail barb (cannot kill dragons, instead makes them Very ill for a while n makes them wish they were dead)
kaikaina: fully functional gills, no fire, bioluminescent markings aren’t quite as bright as full seawings
doc: was born under one full moon, receiving the power of mind reading, however his rainwing genetics dampened his abilities meaning he can only pick up on emotions (basically just an empath), struggles to camouflage, changing his scale colours intentionally is more difficult than regular rainwings and his venom is also less acidic than regular rainwings’
junior: has four fully functional wings, has antennae that can pick up vibrations in the air, partially functional gills (48 hours like caboose’s) bioluminescent markings aren’t as bright and can shoot venom from his fangs but like doc, it’s less acidic than regular beetlewing venom
that’s all i’ve got for now! i’m currently working on a massive ass timeline of when the events occur in relation to one another but everything is set the (loosely) canon wof universe in approx~ 2400A.S (basically a good few hundred years before any of the events in Darkstalker)
this au is sort of encouraging me to do a bit of actual writing (terrifying, i know) so if u see me rambling about dragons just don’t mind me <3
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goodluckdetective · 8 years
For a prompt, something in Hargrove is Simmons' dad verse?
Two days after Hargrove goes to prison, two days after everyone figures out that Simmons stating his father was the worst wasn’t an understatement, Simmons gets a call from his brother.
He doesn’t remember a lot of it. To be fair, he was pumped full of drugs at the time, still recovering from his injuries on the Staff of Charon. In fact all he remembers is James voice over the phone and him mumbling something back before passing out.
According to James on a phone call, a week later, he said “I told you Dad was the fucking worst.”
James looks older, and Simmons feels a little stupid for being so situated on that fact when they haven’t seen each other in over a decade. The last time they talked, James had still been in high school, and Simmons had enlisted just to prove himself more than a failure to his father. Now, James was an adult accountant who was married with three kids.
Simmons, on the other hand, was a war hero with two missing limbs, some organs, and a shitty boyfriend. As far as life comparisons went, they couldn’t be more apart.
“Alex is in denial about the whole thing,” James says. He has a beard, Simmons thinks. He never thought he’d actually grow it out. “Keeps watching the news to see the whole thing is a sick joke. But he’s wearing down with the evidence. I told him not to call you until he wouldn’t ask too many questions.”
Simmons thinks of Alex. Last time they talked, he was a Freshman. According to James, he now plays hockey, and owns a pet rescue center. Simmons wonders if he has a beard too.
He realizes after a second, that out of all the questions he could ask about his youngest brother, facial hair should not be high on his list.
“I don’t need protecting, James,” Simmons says, and he feels a bit like an older brother again, even though he never really commanded any respect in those days like he does now. “He can call me.”
“He’s just gonna want to talk about Dad.”“And I’ll tell him Dad can get bent. The end.”
James stares at him with wide eyes and Simmons thinks he might have misspoke until he says “you’ve changed.” 
Simmons is tempted to laugh. What an understatement. He’s been in the army for years. He’s gone from being a lab rat to a Captain. He’s fought a war. He’s watched his father appear on a screen, the same father who refused to speak to him like more than a solider during the awards ceremony for dismantling  Project Freelancer, and declare himself intent on watching them all die. If he hadn’t changed, he’d be dead.
That seems rather heavy to put on his brother though, so instead he asks something easier. 
“So, I’m an Uncle. Please tell me you didn’t name any of them Dick.” 
He did, unfortunately, and Simmons feels sorry for his nephew. They do not talk about their mother who is in a firmer sort of denial, nor to they talk about their father, waiting for his trial for multiple war crimes. They talk about kids. Grif. The beard.
“Dad said he spoke to you at the ceremony. After that award you won,” James says out of the blue when the conversation is lulling. “He said he told you he was proud of you. Was that true?”Simmons thinks of the truth. Of silence and the lies his father has spread. And tells one of his own.“Yes, it was.”
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