#harmony horizon
wonderrbeam · 6 months
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This was really fun to draw!
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computerbrxin · 3 months
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horses of course
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hupla222 · 5 months
Ponify Your Horizons Elements
There is one part of the lore that I realize I left out of the mass post: Which person gets which Element of Harmony. Let's see.
Magic - Goes to Liko of course. She represents the rest of the Elements and uses her magic selflessly.
Laughter - Goes to Roy. He's always so cheerful and the Element also represents optimism, which he has in spades.
Loyalty - Goes to Friede. If there's one thing he's never do, its leave his friends behind. He demonstrates this in everything he does.
Generosity - Goes to Orla. She gives so much to this crew and asks for nothing in return.
Honesty - Goes to Mollie. Girl knows when to be gentle and when to just hit people with the facts.
Kindness - Goes to Murdock. This man is filled with nothing but love for the people around him and can see the good in most.
That's not all though. Each of the Explorers also represents an Element, just corrupted. Sidian can see these connections with his gemstone resonance magic, allowing the Elements to communicate with him. I'll include a quote of what he says to each of them as he is forced to hand them an Element.
Magic - Gibeon. "He's got such powerful magic, yet he's so selfish. He'll never be a true leader."
Laughter - Coral. "Always so full of laughter and with a joke. But what a cruel joke it is."
Loyalty - Sidian. "Oh so loyal, but to someone who is not worth it. It's built on fear, not love."
Generosity - Spinel. "So very generous, aren't you? There's so many strings attached though."
Honesty - Chalce. "Ever the honest one. You always tell the truth, no matter how much it hurts."
Kindness - Amethio. "Kind to those around you, only if they've earned it and have something to offer."
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aheckinmess · 7 months
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(One-shot series 2/3 chapters posted - posts regularly on Saturdays. If anyone knows who to credit for the Hizashi fanart, please let me know!)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Graphic violence, Hizashi Yamada x OC, Present Mic, Present Mic saves the day, Hizashi Yamada is a ray of sunshine, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, pro hero to the rescue, fast friends, hibachi date, time for therapy
Word Count: 4,612 words
Summary: Breaking free of Kigai’s control grants Ichijiku the freedom she’s always dreamed of, but recovering from it isn’t easy. With Hizashi’s help, Ichijiku is able to make more progress towards a normal life, and maybe even a normal relationship.
Author's Note: I haven't posted fanfiction in years, but after a two-year obsession with My Hero Academia, I have more than enough content to share. This first series is pretty dark, but there's some comfort and sweetness along the way. Enjoy.
TW: Implied/Referenced Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse, PTSD Flashbacks
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Chapter 2: Nightmares & New Horizons
Ichijiku (Tigress)
Sometimes lullabies keep the nightmares away and sometimes Kigai sings them to me in my dreams. Life hasn’t been the same since he’s been locked up. It’s a far cry better, but an adjustment. Still, it feels good to stretch my legs and breathe again.
As days stretch into weeks, I find Hizashi again. He’s sitting on a bench outside the arcade with that huge smile stretched wide, hands behind his head, and head bopping to the beat of his headphones. When I tap him and he opens his eyes, he lights up.
“Ichijiku! Wow, hey!” He immediately gets up and makes like he’s going to hug me, then seems to think better of it and puts his hands in his pockets. “How’ve you been?”
I still find myself glancing around in public to keep a periphery watch out for Kigai, and I can’t stop myself now. The feeling of dread he imparted on me hasn’t left, it’s merely fading into the background. “I’ve been…it’s been a lot of work, you know, trying to move on. But, I think I’m doing okay.” I want to be optimistic about the whole endeavor. My therapist says that’s what’s helped me survive this long: the hope of a better horizon. I want to keep that part of me alive and prove Kigai was wrong about everything.
I want to prove that to myself too.
“How are you?”
“Well, I…I’ve actually been thinking a lot about you.” He admits sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “See, a lot of times we can’t get solid evidence on people like…your ex.” He’s very careful not to say his name. I can’t tell whether I’m grateful for it or not yet. I don’t want to be afraid of him anymore. Wounds take time to heal, Little One. “So they frequently get back out because of how well they hide the damage they’ve dealt.” It’s the first time his smile hasn’t fully reached his eyes as he looks at me, but it’s back in place soon enough. “But I’m glad to see that you’re still on your own and thriving! I mean, look at that outfit! Those curly locks and those sparkling eyes! You’ve made a lot of progress since I last saw you.”
“That means a lot, Hizashi.” A real smile graces my lips. How different he is from Kigai. If it weren’t for people like him…I’d still be stuck in hell. “Hey, why don’t I grab your number? I can keep you updated on things. And I’ll need a friend for certain assignments given to me by my therapist. I don’t really have anyone to keep me accountable for the hard tasks.” Worry and guilt suddenly swirl in my stomach and I stop pulling out my phone midway. “I-I mean. That’s a lot to burden you with, I’m sorry. I should have asked and not offered–”
“Hey, no sweat!” Hizashi looks like Christmas came early. He pulls out his phone, presses the new contact button and taps it against my phone peeking out of my pocket. “I imagine finding new friends…learning what feels like a whole new way of life…that has to be difficult. I’ll gladly help you out when times are rough!” 
“Thanks.” I sigh in relief as I look at the contact number and picture now synced to my phone. I snort. “What is this picture?”
“That’s my best friend’s cat, Cloud! He…got a little too enthusiastic about hogging the camera while I was taking a profile pic.” He laughs.
“It’s adorable!” A notification pops up and I start walking away, giving him a wave. “Oh! Got an appointment, gotta run!” 
“I’ll see you later!”
. . . . .
 Hey, Zashi, Kigai isn’t staring at me from the hallway, is he? I take a picture of the ghost in my hall, frozen with fear as tears glisten on my cheeks. “I’m sorry, Kigai, please go away.” 
His eyes bore into mine. You know the consequences for disobeying me, bitch. You weren’t supposed to tell anyone! I can smell the eucalyptus on his shirt and the minty tang of his gum. “Please, Kigai, I’m sorry…” I whimper, scooting around while feeling for the door to my bedroom. He’s going to hit me. He’s going to punish me so bad! Get away from him, Cub. Get a door between the two of you and lock it.
My phone rings and I bolt. I slam my door behind me and lock it. I search for the first thing I can to put between me and Kigai and start heaving my dresser in front of the door. Then I rush into the adjoining bathroom, lock the door, and hop in the tub, pulling the shower curtain. 
I finally answer the phone. “Zashi?” I choke out. “Zashi, he’s here. I need help.”
“Hey, Ichan, hey. I saw the picture. Kigai’s not there.” Hizashi’s voice swirls in the background. “Take a few deep breaths.”
My body jolts as I hear his voice screaming through the door. You know better than to run from me, whore! “Zashi, he’s trying to get through! He keeps yelling at me, please help…” I sob, clutching my phone close to my ear and clenching my eyes shut tight. “Stop, stop, stop…please, stop, I’m sorry…” I pant, peeking out from the shower curtain and feeling grateful Kigai hasn’t made it through the barriers I’ve set between us.
“Ichan, you’re having a flashback.” Hizashi coos through the receiver. “I need you to take a few good deep breaths for me. Tell me what you see.”
I try to listen. I really do. I suck in a heavy breath through my lips and grip the lip of the bathtub so hard my knuckles turn white. My chest aches on the exhale and I shove my free palm into my eye so hard I see spots. 
“What do you see, Ichan?”
I swallow and pull back, opening my eyes as my body trembles.
“Th-There’s,” You better open this goddamn door, brat! “Th-There’s my shower curtain…and…” Who the hell are you talking to?! 
“What’s on the shower curtain?” 
“Zashi, if he finds out I’m talking to you, he’ll hurt you.” I whimper. I’m scared to hang up the phone and face punishment. I’m scared to keep talking and watch Kigai hunt Hizashi down.
“Ichijiku, what’s on the shower curtain?”
“There’s seashells.” After all I’ve fucking done for you.
“What kind of seashells? What colors?”
“There’s a light pink…and lavender…blue…” I once again peek out the curtain.
And I promptly let out a shriek and throw my phone across the bathroom. What the fuck are you doing in the bathtub hiding from me?! “I’m sorry!” I cry, curling up against the porcelain and covering my head. Rough fingers grip my arm and I hear his voice growling in my ear. You know who you belong to, don’t you? Why the fuck are you letting those nobodies look at you like that?! Pain bleeds through my back as I try to placate him. “Please, Kigai, they didn’t mean it. Please stop.” I’ll stop when you know no one else’s body but mine. His hands grip my thighs and dread settles in my bones.
I don’t know how long he spends growling obscenities in my ear and raking his fingers over every surface of skin he can touch. But I know I hear the door open and my whole body clenches. No. If someone comes in here Kigai’s going to kill them! 
“Ichijiku?” Hizashi’s voice echoes in the bathroom. “It’s me. It’s Hizashi.” 
You know this sleaze just wants to take advantage of you while you’re vulnerable, yeah? You belong to me! I whimper and try to draw air in my lungs. “Zashi, run!” I beg.
“Ichan, take a deep breath.” He says on the other side of the curtain. “Take a big, deep breath. You’re safe. Kigai’s not here.” You fucking whore!
I choke on the oxygen I’m trying to take in but dammit I breathe. I inhale and I exhale. Kigai’s hands tilt back and forth between feeling ghostly and real. I inhale and I exhale. “Zashi, you have to run…” I whimper.
“You’re safe, Ichan.” The warmth in his voice starts wrapping around me again. “Kigai’s not here. You’re safe.”
I inhale and I exhale. I slowly uncurl from my ball when I no longer feel Kigai’s hands roaming my body. I inhale and I exhale. The smell of eucalyptus and mint fades into the rusty smell of the tub. The sound of my air freshener spraying out apple cinnamon seems to emphasize the dismissal of his scent all around me. I inhale and I exhale.
I slowly rise in the tub and ease the shower curtain back.
Sitting against the bathroom wall, Hizashi looks at me with glistening, patient eyes. My phone still sits on the floor right beside him. When he notices I’m looking, he makes a big show of taking a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.
I inhale and I exhale as I sluggishly crawl out of the tub.
“Zashi?” I breathe, looking warily around the bathroom. I creep towards the door, open it, and then hop back out of view. I look in the mirror to see if anyone’s in my room, but it’s empty. “Is he gone?” 
“You’re safe, Ichan.” Hizashi says, looking up at me. “Kigai’s not here.” 
“You’re sure he’s gone?” I whimper, creeping to the doorframe and eyeing every crack and crevice that might be out of place. Nothing has moved except the dresser. “Did you move the dresser?” I ask frantically.
“Take a deep breath, Ichan.” He tells me, and I inhale and I exhale. I listen, and he starts slowly standing up, grabbing my phone along the way. “I picked the lock when I heard you scream. I had to shove the dresser back with the door to get in. I wanted to make sure you were safe, and you are. You’re safe, Ichan. Kigai’s not here.”
Security blankets me and as my pulse evens out, a heavy wave of exhaustion washes over me. My eyelids are harder to hold open and my shoulders sag. He’s not here. He never was. It was a flashback, just like he said. You’re strong, Little Cub. We made it through another flashback. It’s going to be okay. We’re safe now.
“Is it okay if I touch you?” Hizashi asks. “Give you a hug? I don’t want to frighten you.”
I survey my emotions and analyze how I’m feeling. When I’ve taken a few more deep breaths and feel more confident, I nod. 
Two, strong arms pull me into a warm chest. I hear the steady beating of Hizashi’s heart and close my eyes, drinking in the security that just being near him brings. I breathe in time with that strong beat of his heart. 
“You’re safe.” He whispers, and I squeeze him a little tighter. Please don’t leave. 
“I’m sorry.” A few of my tears decorate his shirt. “I didn’t mean to.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” He croons, rubbing up and down my back. “Flashbacks can be vivid. I’m just glad I was able to help. You don’t have to worry about him anymore, though. I’m here.” 
. . . . .
For the next few weeks, my therapist asks me to write down detailed accounts of my flashbacks so we can analyze my triggers and try to minimize them. It sucks, but writing them down helps us figure out that eucalyptus is in the Stress Relief pillow mist I use and causes most of my flashbacks at night. We also learn that I’m more sensitive to auditory triggers, like songs he used to play in the car or abrupt loud sounds.
It doesn’t happen every time, thankfully, which is good considering Hizashi’s been trying to help me acclimate to a normal life. He’s been taking me out to different places in the hopes of showing me the finer points of life. We’ve been to the arcade, had a picnic in the park, and he’s even taken me to a music store and serenaded me while playing the piano. I’ve also met a few of his friends: Nemuri, Shouta, and Oboro.
Both myself and my therapist are impressed with the amount of help he’s offered to my situation. We’re both cautiously optimistic, though. 
Kigai started out all sunshine and rainbows, too, after all. 
Which table are you at? I text Hizashi as I step into the hibachi restaurant. The heat of the room feels good as the impending winter sets in. I love cold weather. I look around for a pair of familiar orange sunglasses. 
Hey! The table in the far back. You won’t be able to see me from the front.
I start heading that way, and smile when his yellow eyes meet mine. I’ve never been more grateful to hear blissful silence accompanying a tender gaze.
“Hey, glad to see you found the place okay.” He hops up the second he sees me and pulls the chair out for me to have a seat. It’s been a while since I’ve been pampered by an actual gentleman. “This place has a great atmosphere, and the food is amazing!”
“Yeah, it’s really warm and vibrant.” I agree as I get situated in the chair and he pushes me in. I twirl a piece of hair around my finger nervously as I look around at the crowd of people at other tables. What if they’re watching me? Kigai will– He’s not here, Dear One.
“Look at me.” Hizashi says, staring across the table and drawing me in with his essence. “There you go. No need to worry. I’m here.”
“Thanks.” I chuckle nervously, still twirling my hair as a comfort. “What would you recommend from here?” 
“You’ve got to try the freckled lemonade. Unless you’re allergic to strawberries. Then, don’t.” Hizashi laughs, opening his menu. “But aside from that, the shrimp hibachi is killer! I’m salivating just thinking about it.”
I’ll grab the shrimp hibachi then, as it’s probably the simplest and one of the cheaper menu items. I wasn’t exactly left with a lot in my bank account to compensate for what Kigai took from me. I think with some financial anxiety. 
Once we’ve made our decisions and the waiter has taken our orders, there’s a group of girls that walk by laughing. One of them gives me some side-eye and I instantly start fussing with my outfit. I pull up the shoulders of my burnt orange blouse and adjust my cardigan. Fatass. You know if you ate less I might have fewer men looking at your thick curves.
“You look gorgeous.” Hizashi says, and I snap my head up with worry. He flushes and holds up his hands, waggling them nervously. “I-I mean, you seemed worried about those girls and I just wanted you to know that you didn’t have to fix up anything. They were probably just jealous that you look so good…I-I mean! Well…oh man…” He rubs his shoulder as he fumbles over his words.
“It’s okay, Zashi.” I also flush, but only because I don’t think I’m worthy of his flustered manner. “I’m probably just overreacting anyway. I can’t…seem to turn off my anxieties.”
“It’s to be expected. You’re doing great based on what you’ve gone through.” He reaches across the table and squeezes my hand, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive skin there. “You don’t have to be afraid around me.”
“I know.” I breathe, looking at our hands and feeling  a strange combination of terror and warmth. Am I afraid of how good he makes me feel? You’re afraid of getting close and getting hurt again. I don’t want to be afraid of Hizashi. 
“I’m sorry.” Hizashi pulls his hand back and gives me a smile. “I forget that touch is still hard for you. As I’m sure you know now, I’m a dramatic and expressive person. If I ever make you feel uncomfortable, please let me know.”
“You don’t.” I promise, looking up at him and instantly regretting the absence of his touch. “I’m…just scared.” I look down. “I’m scared of getting too close to you. I enjoy your company, but I’m afraid you’re too good to be true. I’m afraid you’ll either end up like Kigai or I’ll do something wrong and you’ll leave.” My eyes start watering.
The silence between us stretches on as we eat our food and Hizashi looks thoughtful over his next words. When he swallows a bite of rice, he opens his mouth to speak again.
“I can’t make you trust that I’m not like Kigai. That’s something I know will come with time. But I can do my best to reassure you that even if you do something to upset me, I’m willing to communicate with you and not just leave you.” He opens and closes his mouth a few more times before sighing. “I care about you too much as a friend to leave you without trying to save the relationship first.”
When the words as a friend cut to my heart, I understand why I’m so scared. I take a deep breath. I’m falling in love with him, and I’m scared. You’ve been hurt. You’re allowed to be afraid…but you’re also allowed to love again. I don’t know if I’m ready to love again. And that’s okay. You can take your time. But I don’t want to lose him, either. I don’t know if I’m ready to watch him find love with someone else, but I don’t know if I’m ready to claim him as my own. I’m too scared. Then tell him that. In those words. I can’t…
I fix my face into a smile. “Thank you, Zashi.”
For the rest of dinner, I stew over my thoughts while I laugh at Hizashi’s jokes and stories. Between the ambient atmosphere and his glowing presence, I feel full of optimism as he walks me home.
It’s while I’m digging for my keys at the door that he throws me for a loop.
“Hey, um, Ichijiku?” His voice shakes, which is unusual for him.
“Yes, Hizashi?” I turn, pulling my key ring from my purse. 
He takes a step forward until he’s close enough I can smell his cologne. 
“I know that you’re going through a lot right now, and I want you to know that I’m proud of you for pushing through.” At first, he seems ready to leave it at that, but he opens his mouth again and looks at me with pink cheeks. “So, I have no right to ask this given what you’ve already gone through, but is it okay if I kiss you?”
I hold my breath. My chest gets tight and my muscles seize. You belong to me, got it? “Hizashi…”
“If the answer is no, that’s okay.” He says quickly. “I’m not trying to force you into anything and I certainly don't want to bring up any unhappy memories for you. I just…couldn’t go any longer without seeing where you stood. I was scared if I waited too long, I might lose the opportunity.”
Why does that sound exactly like what I was thinking in the restaurant? How do I tell him that I love him but I’m not ready? Say exactly that. Once the ground beneath me stops swaying and the beat of my heart returns to normal, I look up at him.
“Zashi, the answer is no…but not because I don’t have feelings for you.” I watch as his eyes dim and light up again. “I don’t know if I’m ready to make that kind of commitment. I want to be. I wish I could tell you yes, but I can’t.” I reach up and caress his cheek. His hand wraps around mine as he leans into my hold, his expression akin to that of an adoring puppy. “And it’s not fair of me to want you this much and ask you to wait for me.” My voice gets tight. I want you to hold me and keep me close, but I’m afraid if I let you, you’ll choke me. And I’m not worth the wait. I’m not worth the work and the effort so I know you’ll walk away and I’m sorry. “So, you don’t have to wait for me. But if it’s any consolation, I think I have it in me to do this.” I lean up on my tiptoes, and place a tearful kiss on his cheek.
“I love you, Hizashi, even if you’re not meant to be mine.” I swallow thickly and turn away to unlock my door before disappearing inside.
. . . . .
Hey, Ichi, can we talk?
Ichan, are you there?
I’m going to grab frozen yogurt later, want to join?
I’m starting to worry about you. Can you at least tell me if you’re okay?
Ever since the night we’ve had dinner, Hizashi has still checked in on me regularly. I’ve been trying to distance myself in the hopes that by doing so, he’ll stop trying to reach out and move on with his life. 
He proves to be rather stubborn.
I’m sorry if I’ve worried you. I’m fine. I finally send, not wanting him to think I’m in any sort of trouble.
I’m glad to hear it! The response comes in seconds. Are you free?
That’s where I stop. I can’t entertain this. I’ve already told him that he’d have to wait for me, and I’m not worth the time. Shouldn’t he get to decide what’s worth his time? 
I hug my knees to my chest on the couch and stare out the window overlooking the city. Everything is colder now that winter’s hit. Frost paints the windowpane and people walk down the streets blowing smoke from their lips. The cold would be much more enjoyable if I had Hizashi’s warmth to complement it.
My jaw clenches as frustration mounts. I don’t want to push him away but… Then why are you? Isn’t this how it’s supposed to be? Shouldn’t I be proud of myself for communicating my needs clearly? My therapist is certainly proud I’ve set boundaries and worked on coping skills. With all of this handled, we’ve been able to work on how to respond to my flashback triggers and implement strategies to work through them. 
But even she thinks I’ve been a little extreme cutting all communication with Hizashi. 
Yeah, I’m free. I send the text before I can talk myself out of it and then pull my blanket around myself to hide from whatever might follow.
A knock sounds at my door. I peek out from under my blanket as my breath catches.
“Who is it?” I call.
“The one! The only! Hizashi Yamadaaaaaaaa!”
One voice. One voice and spring blossoms in my veins amidst the cold winter storm. 
When I open the door my body moves on instinct. There is no thought in my mind when my arms reach out and pull him in. There is no question or hesitation when tender arms meet my back and squeeze tight. There is only Hizashi.
“You never let me answer that night.” He breathes in my ear, before pulling back and tilting my chin up. His expression is inescapable. “I love you, too, Ichan. You’re worth waiting for.”
“I’m so sorry.” My chest quivers. “Hizashi, I’m so sorry. I was afraid.”
“I know.”
“I thought you’d want a better life without me.”
“That life doesn’t exist for me. Not if you’re out of the picture.”
“I’m not worth the wait.”
“You’re worth the world, lovebug.”
I hug him for the next three minutes, thanking God for His mercy and kindness, and I thank God for Hizashi. He feels so good. I don’t ever want to leave. Why don’t you start there then? The idea comes to me quite by surprise, and I look up at Hizashi with newfound hope burning in my chest.
“Hey, Hizashi?”
“Yes?” His thumb strokes my cheek.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for a kiss…but would you settle with cuddles on the couch?” 
The corners of his lips turn up into that heartstopping grin. “I’d love that.”
. . . . .
We start small. For the first few weeks, we’re barely close enough for it to be considered cuddles. I mainly sit by him and rest my head on his shoulder. Gradually, however, we start making some headway. Leaning on his shoulder turns into sitting in his lap and curling under his chin, which turns into laying beside him, which turns into fully wrapping myself around him and taking well-earned naps.
It’s a little scary at first, being so close to him. I imagine it a little like being too close to the sun, always on the lookout for getting burned. But he’s attentive, gentle, and patient. When a small miscalculated move makes me flinch or freak out or freeze, he’s apologetic and understanding.
And thus, we manage to move into those bigger steps together. Doubts and fears of Kigai become less pervasive the more Hizashi shows me he’s not going to hurt me. With each passing week as he proves it, I find myself more and more open to his touch. I find myself more expectant of it. But most of all, I find myself more eager for it.
“Ichi, where’d you get this beanie? I need one!” Hizashi turns the blue and orange striped beanie in his hand.
“That? I made it. You can have it if you want.” I chuckle, wrapping my arms around his middle and sighing into his back. “It was meant to be a craft experiment. But it turned out sort of ick yucky.”
“Ick yucky? It’s magical!” He uses my token phrase as he pulls the beanie on and poses. “What do you think? Am I runway ready yet?”
I reach my fingers under the beanie and give his hair a good ruffle, effectively messing up his hair and sending the beanie to the floor. “Now you are.”
“Wa–heeeeeyyyyyy!” He pouts and bends down to look at me with sad puppy eyes. “How am I supposed to look like a model now?”
One moment I’m giggling at his antics and the next my lips press against his. My fingers wind up his chest and around his neck and I’m hanging onto him like he’s my last chance at oxygen. When his hands move to my hips, I’m violently yanked back into reality and I pull back hard, gasping.
“I’m sorry. Should I have stopped you?” Hizashi reaches out for me, but doesn’t close the distance. “Do I need to give you some space?”
“Was that your first kiss?” I blurt, before hiding my face as Hizashi’s face wavers between his and Kigai’s. I take a few, steadying breaths and Hizashi is himself again. “I’m sorry. I should have warned you. I don’t…know what came over me.”
There’s a sad smile on his face. I don’t like it. His features don’t model sadness very well. It doesn’t fit him.
“It’s okay. No, it wasn’t my first kiss, I regret to say.” He looks sheepish before his eyes sparkle. “But it was definitely the best kiss.”
A few moments pass. I did it. I wasn��t thinking about it, but I did it. And it didn’t trigger anything. Maybe…I could try again…I think I want to.
“If I move slowly…do you think we could try that again?” I ask.
So we do. I taste him again and spring blossoms into summer. Sunshine sinks into my veins and hope blossoms in my chest. Light brightens the dark fear in my mind and joy sings through my heart.
And Hizashi doesn’t let me go.
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 3
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reginrokkr · 2 months
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Once you're stripped clean, what's at your core?
Rippling sunset
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You’re the nicest person i’ll ever meet, probably. With an undying passion to protect those who can’t protect themselves, you’re energetic and bubbly to a fault. It’s cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. I feel bad for you — out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone’s aware of. This isn’t something that you want attention for at all, and you’d really just rather forget it exists at all… even then, it seems like you can never escape it. I wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
Tagged by: @caemthe (Thank you! Both for the tag and the Jiyan feels with his result ;;) Tagging: @jueying @seraphicus @astrxlfinale @madrites @lunaetis @apocryphis @everlastiingiimmortals @delusionaid and if anyone else would like to give it a try, feel free to take it!
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saturn7162 · 5 months
All the Danganronpa characters I can remember as animal crossing animals bc I have nothing better to do and I'm defo not procrastinating on writing the next chapter for the SU story.
I totally don't procrastinate haha wdym
Makoto Naegi: Lazy Dog, because he is basic. Sayaka Maizono: Peppy Squirrel, because also basic. Leon Kuwata: Jock Lion, tries so hard to be smug. Chihiro Fujisaki: Lazy Mouse, because small. Mondo Owada: Cranky Tiger, big cranky man. Kiyotaka Ishimaru: I'm totally thinking Cranky Horse, but it's obvious he's meant to be a zebra. Hifumi Yamada: Lazy Anteater. I struggled HARD with this one, because nothing really fit him at all. Celestia Ludenberg: Snooty defo, and she was also defo a cat, rabbit, wolf, or deer. So, I decided on Snooty cat. Sakura Oogami: Absolutely Sisterly Bear, but again, it's obvious she's supposed to be a Polar Bear. Aoi Asahina: Peppy Dog or Deer Kyoko Kirigiri: Normal/Snooty cat/wolf Byakuya Togami: ABSOLUTELY SMUG AF, and a cat. Yasuhiro Hagakure: Lazy sheep 100% Toko Fukawa: Snooty goat. Why goat? Mind your fucking business. Mukuro Ikusaba: Normal Wolf Junko Enoshima: Peppy Wolf
Hajime Hinata: Lazy Wolf becuase basic. Izuru Kamakura: Cranky Wolf, because cooler basic Byakuya Twogami: Cranky Cat because I totally believe he's more cranky than actual Togami. Teruteru Hanamura: Smug Pig.. He's fucking Chops. Mahiru Koizumi: Peppy Squirrel or Rabbit mostly because I entirely believe that she's a little on the shorter side. Peko Pekoyama: Snooty Wolf, but also supposed to be like a fox, like Audie (And also Vivian which I headcannon to be a fox as well) Hiyoko Saionji: Snooty 100% and she's either a squirrel, rabbit, or hamster. Ibuki Mioda: Peppy as hell. And totally a dog. Mikan Tsumiki: Normal deer becuase I love deer villagers and I love Mikan. Nekomaru Nidai: Jock Bull because, why did you ask, you know why. Gundham Tanaka: Cranky Goat bc he's totally into goat rituals, i kid u not. Nagito Komaeda: Lazy wolf. He's totally a wolf that looks like a fox. Chiaki Nanami: Normal Koala, because she's small. Sonia Nevermind: Peppy Horse that's meant to be a unicorn. Akane Owari: Sisterly Doggy bc she's kinda dorky like a dog and sisterly bc of her backstory. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Cranky squirrel because he's tiny, and cranky. Kazuichi Souda: Jock deer. dk why I made him a deer.
Shuichi Saihara: Cranky dog, specifically one designed to look like a bloodhound Rantaro Amami: Lazy dog, specifically one designed to look like a stoner Kaede Akamatsu: Peppy cat!! Ryoma Hoshi: Cranky cat because have you fucking seen this man? Kirumi Tojo: Sisterly deer Angie Yonaga: Peppy koala all the way Tenko Chabishira: I believe that she'd be snooty, and a tiger Korekiyo Shinguji, aka, the love of my life: Smug deer. 100% Miu Iruma: Snooty dog Gonta Gokuhara: Jock bear. big bear. grizzly. Kokichi Ouma: i genuinely fucking hate him, smug mouse Kaito Momota: Jock deer, meant to look like a reindeer. Maki Harukawa: Snooty cat Himiko Yumeno: normal rabbit. I love danganronpa, and animal crossing so much.
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artekai · 2 years
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milathefox1384 · 2 years
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Olivia, Nikki Maxwell and Isabelle sing that’s my girl
link to original https://www.deviantart.com/wildcat1999/art/What-if-this-these-character-s-sing-this-song-752281604
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goldendoodledraws · 1 year
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I missed pride month, but I'll still share some iterator ocs anyway.
Original picture for the first image under the cut.
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blxphotos · 2 months
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Photo taken and edited by me. Please seek permission before copying or reproducing. For inquiries, contact me directly. Thank you for understanding and respecting my work.
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babyxvelvet · 5 months
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hendryroeslyart · 11 months
Louis Vuitton Horizon Collection by Marc Newson.
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kairosrhys · 1 month
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Hello everyone! 🎨👋 Today, I’m excited to share the process behind this painting. If you’re interested in art or looking to try some new techniques, I hope these steps inspire you!
Here are the steps for creating this painting:
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Steps 1-2: Sketching and Coloring 😊🎨
Start by drawing simple lines to outline the sky, horizon, and tree, ensuring the basic shapes are correct. Then, boldly apply foundational colors to the sky and ground with pastels. At this stage, don't worry too much about the boundaries; the goal is to lay down a solid base of colors.
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Steps 3-4: Detailing and Finalizing 🖌️✨
On top of the foundational colors, begin to add detailed textures and nuances, using shades to bring out light and depth. Take extra care at this stage to ensure smooth transitions between colors. Finally, refine the shapes of the tree and the details of the sky, adjusting the contrast and brightness to enhance the overall harmony and visual impact of the painting.
Thanks so much for checking this out!
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art-vortex · 1 year
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(via Coussinundefined avec l'œuvre « "Au-Delà des Frontières : Portrait Abstrait de Femme Futuriste" » de l'artiste Art-Vortex-fr)
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"...we finally got a week off..." Bless exhaled slowly, dropping onto the couch with a rather dull thud. His fur was still a bit dirty from the latest delivery, and while he could clean it in a Sonic-second... He was just trying to catch his breath. The blue hedgehog's eyes flicked towards a framed picture on the coffee table- which was coated in papers and letters from all over Mobius, writings from nearly every corner of the world.
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"....y'miss 'em too...?" Node wasn't much better- they were practically coated in paint and dust, their cream-yellow fur having long-disappeared under the crud. The photo caught the light for a moment, making Node squint- hazel eyes slowly flicked back towards it.
A photo of a certain hedgefox hybrid, and his fluffhog daughter... Smiling ever-so-happily into a camera. They glanced from purple hues to emerald green. It had been so long... So much had happened, and yet, it could be summed up so easily...
Node didn't even blink as the sun's dying orange rays began to fade over the horizon, a purple smoke exuding from their boyfriend as he bit back a groan of pain. They rested a hand on his shoulder, feeling as the lean form began to shift and mold- a dark aura practically oozing off of him as muscle grew, bones strengthened, and claws formed on the tip of each finger. He'd already taken off his gloves, so there was nothing to destroy, at least.
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"....tomorrow....we'll visit them....tomorrow." A quiet statement, but a statement nonetheless... And a promise, one Node silently nodded their head to.
They'd go see their loved ones again.
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sarenssight · 1 year
Air Signs Healing
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Get ready to soar through the clouds of healing as we explore the captivating world of the air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These intellectual and social butterflies find solace in the realm of ideas and connections. Let's take a journey to uncover the unique ways in which these air signs approach healing:
Gemini, the curious twin (May 21 - June 20): #MindfulHealingWanderlust: Imagine Gemini, embarking on a mindful adventure to heal and expand their intellectual horizons. These inquisitive souls find solace in exploring new ideas, engaging in stimulating conversations, or diving into captivating books. Gemini thrives when they engage their agile minds through practices like journaling, mindfulness, or even trying out different hobbies. They embrace the power of communication and seek healing through expressing their thoughts and emotions.
Libra, the harmonious diplomat (September 23 - October 22): #BalancedHealingSymphony: Picture Libra, orchestrating a beautiful symphony of balance and harmony to heal their souls. These harmonious beings find solace in creating a serene environment, whether through aesthetics, interior design, or surrounding themselves with art. Libra seeks healing through fostering meaningful relationships, cultivating empathy, and finding equilibrium in their interactions. They thrive when they engage in acts of kindness and create a space for both inner and outer harmony.
Aquarius, the visionary water-bearer (January 20 - February 18): #RevolutionaryHealingCurrents: Envision Aquarius, harnessing their visionary energy to bring about healing and positive change. These forward-thinking souls find solace in community engagement, advocacy, and intellectual pursuits that challenge the status quo. Aquarius seeks healing through embracing their uniqueness, nurturing their inventive spirit, and contributing to causes they believe in. They thrive when they connect with like-minded individuals, engage in innovative practices, and ignite the flames of transformation.
Remember, astrology is just one lens through which we can view our healing journeys. The air signs have their unique approaches, but everyone's path is beautifully unique. So, let your ideas take flight, embrace the power of connection, and explore various healing modalities to create your own uplifting breeze of healing that resonates with your air sign spirit! 🌬️💙
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