#harriet the spy: blog wars
deweyduck · 9 months
also what is jimmy olson’s favorite dcom?
both his and lois's is get a clue but they've never discussed this with each other they just both think it's neat
send me a character and i'll tell you what their favourite dcom is
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abstractindividual · 1 year
The hatred toward reparations for African Americans.
Salutation to my blog, I want to share my feelings on the reparations movement and the viritol that is being received by many bigoted people. This will be a long post as a disclaimer. This tweets I'll share is not for a "witch hunt," but bringing awareness to an issue not receiving enough media attention with discrimination and racism toward African Americans and reparations.
To start, the word reparation means to make amends for a wrongdoing, usually through compensation.
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African Americans were promised reparations (40 acres and a mule) after the horrific treatments of slavery, but the promise was never honored for all. Here is an article from PSB that discusses the topic.
The topic with reparations to me did not gain such animosity until Black Americans began to demand what is owed, and the reason is not only due to slavery. For over 400 years there have been cases of
Lynchings and the many unsolved murders
Stolen land (Tulsa massacre, Forsyth, GA, African American farmers)
Human experimentation (Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington discusses this), The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Jim Crow Era
Racism and discrimination in the military and medical industry (e.g. Henrietta Lacks and Black women neglected in hospitals)
Police brutality
COINTELPRO from the FBI (spying on the civil rights members and Black Panther Party)
Cases like Emmett Till, The Birmingham Church bombing, Tulsa or Rosewood massacre, The 1985 Philadelphia bombing, Frank Embree, James Byrd Jr. leading up to today with Elijah McClain, Sandra Bland, George Floyd, Sinzae Reed. Don't forget The Buffalo shooting in 2022 and the racism case for the Black Colorado ranchers experiencing racism for putting up a BLM flag.
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More restlessness came the more injustice happened. The topic of reparations is growing more than ever on social media. Unfortunately that brought the attention to many bigoted people on different platforms, to where I chose to take screenshots as proof:
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I took many screenshots, but will only share these examples I have seen on Twitter. There are many protesting reparations on Instagram, YouTube and other platforms as well.
There is constant hostility and aggression toward African Americans, yet I have NEVER seen this for other people who received compensation from America, like the Jews from the Auschwitz Holocaust, the Japanese in internment camps and also billions for other countries.
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This nation is known for giving out land and money to other countries and citizens here in America. From free land for Caucasians through The Homestead Act, to the G.I. Bill, to reparations given to other groups.
As a serious question to the reader who reached this far: Why are people against reparations when this country had no trouble giving out money and land to other races? I'm in favor reparations for all who were wronged, and this is no different for my people here or victims of racism and colonialism in Brazil, Africa, Australia, Canada and other continents. The fight for justice will continue, but I want a genuine answer why these people are angry against reparations for African Americans.
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eve71750534 · 11 months
Blog #3 Social Media- Instagram Harriet Tubman Museum
For the multi-media social media assignment, I selected the Instagram account of the Harriet Tubman Museum. Images and information about the Harriet Tubman Museum of New Jersey are included in this profile. This museum pays tribute to her legacy by hosting activities that inspire people to get engaged, learn about her, and be bold like she was. She was born in Maryland around the year 1820 and passed away on March 10th, 1913, in Auburn, New York. This biography also taught me how crucial a part Harriet Tubman played in the Underground Railroad and the abolitionist movement. After gaining her freedom, she made nineteen trips back and forth to free others, releasing over 200 slaves, including her parents. Additionally, Ms. Tubman participated in the Civil War as a cook, nurse, scout, and spy for the Union Army. The National Association of Colored Women was also founded with her assistance.[1] She was determined to protect so many other people's freedoms, and she made a powerful impact by doing so.
From our schoolwork, we learned about the image below that is comparable to the one of Harriet Tubman on the website below. The woman appears respectable and tough in both pictures while wearing middle-class clothing. This demonstrates the fact that they weren't just profiled as slaves. The pictures aid in dispelling racial preconceptions and promote race and ethnicity to others in a favorable light. Both works have the intersectionality of being female and African American, which made it more difficult for them to achieve independence. For example, Harriet Tubman battled for women's suffrage, which was not granted until after her passing.
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Unknown, Sojourner Truth “I Sell the Shadow to Support the Substance,” 1864, albumen silver print from glass negative, 8.5 x 5.4 cm (3 3/8 x 2 1/8 in), The Met.
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An art piece of Harriet Tubman assisting slaves to escape to freedom.
Greenspan, Jesse. “8 Key Contributors to the Underground Railroad.” HISTORY, 8 Feb. 2019, www.history.com/news/8-key-contributors-to-the-underground-railroad.
The Joint Resolution of Congress stated on the memorial event to honor Harriet Tubman, "courageous and dedicated pursuit of the promise of American ideals and common principles of humanity continues to serve and inspire all people who cherish freedom."
Because she struggled for both her own freedom and the freedom of the slaves because of her race, this profile sparks a discussion about race and ethnicity. Despite the serious effects of violence, she did not hesitate to assist others. The profile celebrates the present and achieving freedom and independence while acknowledging the past and what has occurred. This page serves as inspiration for others, reminding them that effort and persistence pay off. She made it possible for future generations to preserve and be proud of their culture.[2] Because of how far society has advanced to form one, cohesive community, everyone can take part in these holidays, which is something we should all be grateful for.
[1] “Login • Instagram.” Www.instagram.com, www.instagram.com/harriettubmanmuseum/. Accessed 14 July 2023.
[2] “Login • Instagram.” Www.instagram.com, www.instagram.com/harriettubmanmuseum/.
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epiphylaxis · 6 years
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No matter how old you are, if you are dedicated to what you do and you put yourself out there, people will notice and you will, as a result, get wherever you want to get in life and be whoever you want to be.
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coralcottage · 4 years
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🍃🍄 Jun. 25. 2020 //  
Yesterday I rewatched Harriet the Spy. I first watched it when I was 10 and became obsessed with notebooks ever since then. I wonder what Harriet would be up to nowadays... (No, Blog Wars is not real)
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queendom25 · 4 years
Hyphenated Heroes
When America celebrates veterans and remembers those who have fallen, the idolized “American Hero” image is the star of a toxic masculinity action movie. Hollywood as well as American Nativism has not grown past the racist ideology of the 1940’s, and this is shown through our country’s blatant disregard to recognise immigrants or women as a part of this image. In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, demonstrators raised awareness of the justice that Army Spc. Vanessa Guillen never received. The United States military has a long history of sexual assault and discrimination cases under it’s belt but still the ideal “Forrest Gump” image is preserved.  In this article I want to recognise the heroes that this country minimizes to an asterisk in the legacy of the American Dream.
When the United States entered into WWII, Congress provided naturalization for immigrants serving in the Armed Forces at an expedited rate. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) worked with the military stateside to seek out noncitizens who wanted citizenship, organized swearing ceremonies, helped with the petitions,  and even conducted overseas naturalizations.  In fact, the United States was so invested in making the Armed Forces more appealing for immigrants that in 1944, a statute was added to the Second War Powers Act to eliminate the requirement for proof of lawful entry into the U.S. Over 100,000 “noncitizens” that served during that time were awarded naturalization for their service. WWII wasn’t the first time immigrants played in a key role in armed conflicts for America and it certainly wasn’t the last. During WWI, around 500,000 immigrants served in the military and after the war, 192,000 veterans were awarded citizenship. The last four years of the Trump administration’s fear-mongering of immigrants has proven that America hasn’t outgrown it’s racist gender discriminating roots.
The Women’s Army Corp was formed in 1942 and July of that same year the Women’s Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) and Women Reservists was formed. The WAVES program provided white women the opportunity to fill the non combatant roles so men could serve in warfare. These women served their country despite the fact that they were not initially given benefits, rank, or wage equivalent to their male counterparts. The gender inequity was prevalent and the Black woman wasn’t allowed the opportunity to experience even that until much later in the war effort. Within the male army ranks was the same segregation treatment that Black soldiers experienced stateside. Jackie Robinson was an army lieutenant stationed at Fort Hood, Tx when he was arrested for refusing to move to the segregated section of a bus. This was in 1944 which was the same year that the G.I. Bill was introduced to help returning military members. During Robinson’s trial the army conveniently prohibited segregation on buses that transported soldiers. The military feared unrest from the Black community because Jackie Robinson was already nationally known and if he was dishonorably discharged the Dodgers would’ve never hired him. 1944 was a  very important date for breaking barriers because that was the date that Harriet Ida Pickens and Frances Wills graduated as the first Black WAVES officers. But the VA honored it’s Black service members by denying them the mortgage subsidies they were entitled to and restricted their education and training to lower level jobs. The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was the only all Black female unit to serve in Europe during the war but yet when they came back stateside, they were still robbed of the opportunities they deserved. I want to recognise Virginia Hall for her story of being denied because of her disability with the American Foreign Service department but not letting it stop her from becoming a fearless spy. She was a wireless operator who escaped nazis despite having one leg and became one of the most decorated female civilians  in WWII.
America has a deplorable tradition of glorifying our troops but denying women and people of the color the same respect as white men. While a movie about Josephine Baker and Virginia Hall defying all odds would be amazing how does that truly honor our troops? I would much rather we honor our service members with equity when they return home in the form of better mental health services. I would rather we stop having our soldiers’ voices go unheard in sexual assault cases followed by a less than subpar investigation and call it justice. From the Revolutionary war and on, people of color and women have contributed to the glory of this country but given a fraction of recognition or respect. America needs to truly honor our heroes with real accountability of the present for a better and equitable future.
The Color of Law Richard Rothstein
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blogjustmytipe · 4 years
Hii, today I came to talk about how to have a soft or cozy lifestyle, this post would work as a kind of manual so without further ado let's start Music well on spotify we have several interesting playlists that resemble the cozy or soft style and one of them would be: PLL soundtrack, Cozy Acoustic Morning, and many others and one of the artists that make me soft would be Isaac Dunbar, he has several amazing songs; and some of billie eillish’s songs are really cool like six feets under, ilomilo, hot line bling (this song is from drake but it’s amazing in her voice). Look for Kyle Dixon, he makes the soundtracks for Stranger Things and they are very calming Applications Outside Instagram and Twitter we have many other social networks, and many of them help to inspire, one of them are: Bloglovin`, We heart it, Tumblr, Medium, Pinterest and if you browse your app store you think. Food and drink Starbucks is undoubtedly a favorite of soft people, but I will list foods that can help you: Waffles, Cookies, Pancakes, Caramel Apples, Muffins (Which are great for Winter / Autumn), Smors, Hot Chocolate with marshmallows (tea with honey teaches you how to make it on her channel), Teas and Cafes ... We have many with a soft appearance. Series and movies Well series are really cool to watch, but we don't have many with a cozy feel, but I'll mention a few: Gossip Grill, Stranger Things, Dark, Riverdale, PLL, The End Of F *** ing World ... now movies we have a lot in this NYC thing: Harriet the spy, blogging war, Radio Rebel, Sex and the City, How to Lose a Man in 10 Days, The Devil Wears Prada, The proposal .... saw enough. Habits Finally, we have the habits to make you even more cozy or soft, Visit TNYT, Write a lot, go out to bookstores, museums and many cool places, the days and times of the year that people like this would be autumn / winter and rainy and cloudy days ok that's it bye.
#Autumn #article #USA #tumblr #lifestyle #NYC
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ghostpressure · 5 years
ive obviously never seen disney channel original movie harriet the spy: blog wars. but the boundless potential of harriet the spy as a teenager? in the hands of Anyone But Disney? absolutely gutting soul wrenching wig snatching etc
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claratyler · 5 years
Wow Harriet the Spy Blog Wars is possibly one of the shittiest movies ive seen lol
Its got like the formula for a disney channel movie down to the last detail but this one sucks a lot more than usual
What is this movie, literally what is
And a better question yet, why am i watching it
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queerafricans · 6 years
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Vanessa Morgan acting over the years
Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars (2010)
My Babysitter’s a Vampire (2011-2012)
Finding Carter (2014-2015)
The Shannara Chronicles (2016-2017)
Riverdale (2017-)
Pimp (2018)
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joseph--hirst · 6 years
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Alicia Dea Vita Jones (born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Alicia is a Canadian actress. Alicia is best known for her role as Bianca DeSousa on Degrassi. She also portrays Dancy Cologne on the show, Debra!, on the Family Channel. She is a professional dancer and has appeared in Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars and Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam as a dancer. Alicia is also a member of PETA.
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fkakidstv · 2 years
Harriet Tubman Facts Coloring Pages Kids Activities Blog
Harriet Tubman Facts Coloring Pages Kids Activities Blog
Who was Harriet Tubman? You probably know her as a conductor for the Underground Railroad, but did you know she was also a spy? And that she played a big role during the Civil War? We put together a list with the most important facts about Harriet Tubman in our Harriet Tubman facts coloring pages – great for at-home learning or a classroom setting. Use these coloring pages to learn about Harriet…
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epiphylaxis · 6 years
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Prior to [starring on Degrassi], I was still involved in the industry, and I was young. You go into auditions and you’re not tall enough. I’ve heard I’m not “authentic brown” enough. I’m like, “What does that even mean?” Last time I checked I was very brown, but okay. [Laughs]. It’s just always about comparisons.
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sportsjerseys1 · 3 years
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BRAND NEW Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars (DVD, 2010) Jennifer Stone - FREE SHIPPING https://ift.tt/3tNOBpZ
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
"Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars" walked so "Sierra Burgess is a Loser" could run
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