ndostairlyrium · 2 years
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@combatkittens the poor blacksmith. he’s there for beating up steel not for babysitting mad scientists
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daitranscripts · 1 month
Haven Conversations
Haven Masterpost
If spoken to before the PC goes to the chantry:
Harritt: Up on your feet are you? Good. I hear Seeker Cassandra is looking for you.
Harritt: Can’t talk now, sorry.
Harritt: Expected you’d be by. I’m Harritt… and everyone knows who you are. How’s the new gear fit?
Dialogue options:
General: Quite well. [1]
General: Odd. [2]
General: I’ll survive. [3]
1 - General: Quite well. PC: Sturdy and warm. It’s perfect. Harritt: Good.
2 -General: Odd. PC: It’s not exactly what I’m used to. Harritt (human non-mage male PC): Too used to sparkly dress armors, your lordship? Harritt (human non-mage female PC): Expecting more curly bits, Lady Trevelyan? Harritt (non-human/human mage PC): Hmph. Wrong time for style to dictate what you wear.
3 - General: I’ll survive. PC: It doesn’t really matter, in the long run. Harritt: ‘Course it does.
4 - Scene continues.
Harritt: World’s gone mad. Stock armor and blades are good against bandits, but we’re not fighting bandits. My gear will see you through demons, apostates, whatever this world throws at you. So, you need custom work? Something special? You bring the materials to us, we’ll make it happen.
Speaking to again after the first encounter:
Harritt: (Grunts.)
5 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: What’s your story? [6]
Investigate: Do you outfit the troops? [7]
Investigate: Why do you need my materials? [8]
Investigate: What can you make here? [9]
General: Can you improve my equipment? [10]
General: Do you have any designs? [11]
General: Goodbye. [12]
6 - Investigate: What’s your story? PC: How did you come to be here? Harritt: Come from a little town called Lothering. Long gone now. I was in Redcliffe when the darkspawn hit it during the Blight. Helped rebuild. Left when royalty decided it was time to hand the place over to the bloody mages.
Harritt (mage Hero of Ferelden): Then again, fair’s fair. It was one of them that stopped the Blight and all.
Harritt: Ended up here. Just missed the boom. Can’t decide if I’m the luckiest son of a bitch walking, or the exact opposite.
Dialogue options:
General: Lucky. [13]
General: Worrisome. [14]
General: Cursed. [15]
13 - General: Lucky. PC: You’re still walking. That’s always good. Harritt: True enough. [back to 5] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 14 - General: Worrisome. PC: Whichever you are, I hope the streak is broken. Harritt: A man can dream. [back to 5] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 15 - General: Cursed. PC: Sounds like someone has it in for you. Harritt: Don’t I know it. [back to 5]
Harritt (asked before): Long story. Not worth telling twice. [back to 5]
7 - Investigate: Do you outfit the troops? PC: Who outfits the Inquisition’s soldiers? Harritt: Not me. I’ve got work to do. Can’t be passing a sword to every blighter who signs up. If you want to help the troops, talk to Threnn, the quartermaster. She’ll set up requisitions. [back to 5]
8 - Investigate: Why do you need my materials? PC: Does the Inquisition not have supplies to make armor or weapons? Harritt: Tough convincing traders to haul up here. Impossible to get them to risk the rare stuff, so that’s on you. [back to 5]
9 - Investigate: What can you make here? PC: What can you and your team make here? Harritt: Arms and armor. We work iron to blighted dragonbone, if you’ve got it. Our designs are simple, but they get the job done. You want something fancy, bring your own design. We’ll see what we can do. [back to 5]
10 - General: Can you improve my equipment? PC: Can you help improve my arms and armor? Harritt: Yes. You find a new piece, a pauldron or greaves, we’ll take care of you. You can’t just slap a new hilt on your sword in the field. Bring it here, we’ll make sure it’s done right and proper. [back to 5]
11 - General: Do you have any designs? PC: If I want something, what can you make? Harritt: Start simple. Something to keep you safe. Take a look it on the table there, and we can talk. You’ll need materials. We should have what you want just outside. [back to 5]
12 - General: Goodbye. PC: Goodbye. Harritt: Right.
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tavtiers · 1 year
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A hypothetical god tier for Harritt from Dragon Age: the Knight of Void.
A Knight of Void is among those who use knowing and perceiving. They are motivated by themselves to utilize the unknown. (x) The Knight of Void puts on a front to hide an insecurity and is very independent. (x) They are the Defender Spy, defined by guarded secrecy. (x) Their opposite is the Page of Light. Their inverse is the Rogue of Light. They share their personality with the Thief of Doom. The Knight of Void would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Haze and Void, reigned over by Nyx (Goddess of Night) or Poseidon (God of the Sea). They would rise to ascension on the wings of bats. (x)(x)(x)
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lambshots · 12 days
Ch 56 - What We Sow
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persephoneggsy · 3 months
bianca davri should've been our dwarven artificer companion in Inquisition instead of varric and i stand by that
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jolieeason · 2 years
WWW Wednesday: February 1st, 2023
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading?What did you recently finish reading?What do you think you’ll read next? Personal: I hope you all had a wonderful week last week. My week after Wednesday was pretty good. My drama from earlier in the week went away, and I got an apology from a higher-up. Miss R had…
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camelliagwerm · 6 days
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I want the white and gold gone. Now the Breach is sealed, it's time to put the lie to rest like it should have been after Adamant. If I must be seen as something, let me be seen as the Inquisitor. Inquisition charcoal, iron and red. P.S. Dagna: do not mess around with the staff. The spirits get a little temperamental when you start tinkering and it gives me a headache — Lord Inquisitor Arthur Trevelyan, in a note sent to Harritt and Dagna.
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dragonageconfessions · 8 months
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I really liked Dagna in Inquisition but there were a few times when talking to her, she would say things under her breath that sounded creepy and foreboding. There was a actually a moment I expected to walk in the undercroft and discover Harritt dead with Dagna looking all innocent saying he collapsed or something.
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alenseress · 1 year
Dushan lore (3/?)
I do plan on making more lore art and more text because he's my ultimate way of every artblock, but here are some silly facts until next time
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Him and Blackwall bond in Skyhold specifically because he hangs around the stables INSANE amount of time. So much that Bonny Sims (the merchant) starts thinking he's hitting on her. All that because he forms a weirdly codependent mind fuse with the red hart the inquisition acquires. He names him Radish and Cole often remarks that Radish and Dushan are pretty alike. Noone's sure in what way exactly because he sure isn't talking about the redheadness
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Him and Krem, surprisingly, aren't that close, mostly keeping it friendly-professional because Krem isn't exactly fond of Dorian, but he is close with Dalish
Viv is his divine but he lets the inquisition go
He gives up nobility after Trespasser as much as he can while being long-distance married to Dorian. He kisses his husband on the nose and moves to Highlands after passing the Trevelyan land to a relative and making cheeky diplomatic arrangements with some neutral nobles in Dorian's Tevinter lineage. Starts a deer farm there while still being an occasional menace. Both Cole and Sera visit him there
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Remember Chief Movran? With the goats? Sent to Tevinter? Yeah, Dushan spends big chunks of winters in Tevinter and they link up. Funky guys being funky together
He has a badass wooden arm prosthetic made by Dagna and Harritt and Dalish in collaboration. Parting gift
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dragonagekeeper · 2 months
Disclaimer: This is not recorded in the keep.
 Act 1 / Dragon Age Inquisition Polls
See quest descriptions from Dragon Age Wiki below
On the way back to the gates, the blacksmith, Harritt, will ask for help getting into the nearby building. This begins the sub-quest, Evacuating Haven.
Note that rescuing Haven's townspeople is entirely optional. After being rescued, each townsperson will head to the Chantry. It is useful to save the game after each rescue to minimize redoing work if a rescue is botched, particularly Adan and Minaeve.
There are 6 townspeople that can be saved during In Your Heart Shall Burn:
Lysette, Seggrit, Flissa, Threnn, Adan and Minaeve
 If Lysette is ignored, she will survive the events of Haven and be present at Skyhold.
If all six townspeople were helped/rescued (only party members):
Varric  Greatly Approves
Vivienne  Approves
If not all six townspeople were saved, but do manage to save at least one (only party members):
Varric  Slightly Approves
Vivienne  Slightly Approves
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rosella-writes · 8 months
new to dadw, but maybe “you don’t need to protect me.” for cassandra/solas/trevelyan, if that strikes your fancy
Thank you and welcome!! I love this one.
Rating: T Words: 963
For @dadrunkwriting
For more time than what was marked by scratch marks on the wall of her cell, Cassandra had only had the hum of red lyrium and Solas’s occasional conversation as company. 
She paced — she mourned — she reminisced, wondering aloud if there was anything she could have done differently, anything she could have done to stop this from happening. But, as Solas continued to remind her, in his own cell just beyond her line of sight, it was no use to agonise over the past. There was only forward. 
But how could they move forward when the Herald was dead?
Some days, she didn’t realise she’d faltered in her recitation of the Chant until Solas’s gentle voice picked up the missing lines. She’d lean her head against the stone wall that separated their cells and mouth along, voiceless, to the words he must have heard her say a thousand times over. These days, more than ever, she wished she could reach through the stone and touch him — any confirmation that this was real, that he was real, and that this wasn’t some twisted nightmare. She didn’t know if that would be a comfort or a curse.
As time passed, Cassandra withdrew further into herself. It was not unlike her vigil to become a Seeker — but there was no numbing, no dwindling sense of self, that culminated in a burst of radiance and faith. No, it continued, as deadening as the steady drip of water upon stone that wore channels into its surface. 
Time pressed onward, unrelenting with its sickening hum of lyrium — a scarlet thing that even she, a Seeker supposedly unaffected by lyrium, could sense. It was a sharp poison in her flesh, as if she were breathing in needles of it. She could hear Solas’s breaths become hoarse just beyond the wall, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. And when he began to cough, she wished she could do more than simply turn away and cover her ears. 
Then the day came that brought the sound of thudding footsteps down the stairs. 
It was not the approach of the jailor, for she knew the sound of him as well as her own heartbeat. It was a pair of mages, as she could tell from the rattle of a staff striking the stairwell. And when she heard the muttering of a voice she had not heard in a year, she thought for certain that she’d begun to dream — she had slid sideways into insanity, finally, and that thought would have brought relief if not for — 
“You’re alive!” Solas gasped, and Cassandra knew that this was real. 
Lucas Trevelyan appeared as he had the day he’d disappeared. He reached out to them with the same delicate hands, his face creased with the same ever-present worry and compassion, dressed in the same rumpled robes and hastily crafted armour that Harritt had seen fit to clamp him into. The mage who had disappeared alongside him — who was to blame for all this, if Cassandra were to be asked — lurked just behind, glittering with silk and gold and worrying at his moustache with ring-encrusted fingers. Dorian, she remembered. He explained what had happened with terms meant to be understood by Solas, Cassandra was sure, as she only understood part of what he claimed. 
But Lucas seemed to pay him little mind as he went from Solas’s cell to hers, then rushed in the moment the door sprang open. He was tugging at her hands even as she moved to stand, then passed those hands over her cheeks, her forehead, as if searching for wounds. When he met her eyes with his own warm brown ones, they were wide with fear — but then he smiled, those eyes crinkled, and hope broke across his young features like a dawning star.
“I thought I’d lost you,” he said thickly. He reached out for Solas, who came into view around the wall that had separated him from Cassandra for so long, and pulled him into a bone-crushing embrace. “Both of you. I didn’t know if you’d lived.”
“If you would call this life,” she spat, but returned his hug when he threw his arms around her. She caught Solas’s eyes — reddened from his exposure to lyrium, dark as foreboding death — and knew that whatever existence pressed on past this moment, it would not include either of them.
So she armed herself from a nearby chest and positioned herself in front of the three mages on their way up the stairs. Nevermind that the lyrium had sunk into her bad hip and caused a limp. Nevermind that her knuckles ached when she tightened her grip around her sword. Nevermind that when they were attacked by Venatori at the top of the stairs, she moved slower than ever before, and could hardly pull upon her Seeker powers to burn the lyrium within them. 
Cassandra was expendable. Her life here was forfeit — it was all for nothing if Lucas didn’t return to that day in Redcliffe castle. 
But as she leaned over the final dead Venatori, her breaths heaving in and out of shard-ridden lungs, she felt Lucas’s familiar grasp upon her shoulder. 
“It’s alright,” he assured her, his voice low and comforting in her ear. “I can manage. You don’t need to protect me.”
“We shall be the judge of that,” Solas murmured on her other side as he pressed a healing touch to a burn on her cheek. “Focus on Alexius. Leave the rest to us.”
When Cassandra glanced back, Lucas’s expression was inscrutable. All she could determine from it was his omnipresent sense of concern — but before she could speak, his countenance lightened again into a mask of soft cheer. 
“It’s alright,” he repeated. “We’ll make it alright.”
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jazzmckay · 7 months
oc tag meme!
tagged by @lyriumlullaby-ao3 to talk about an oc :>
here is one of my inquisitors from dai!
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NAME: el of clan lavellan
NICKNAME: just el. el is already a shortened version of their given name because they're nonbinary and their given name has too strong of a gender vibe
GENDER: afab nonbinary
TAROT/ZODIAC: the knight of wands (upright: action, courage, energetic, rebellious, hot tempered. reversed: reckless, impatient, impulsive, volatile, domineering). and idk, aries?
HEIGHT: i never think about height idk whatevers average for elf
ORIENTATION: queer. in what way? wouldnt you like to know, weather boy
FAVORITE SEASON: autumn. they're more comfortable in cooler weather, but they also don't love how cold it gets in the south for winter
FAVORITE FLOWER: sorry to say el barely thinks twice about plants in general. they do NOT stop to smell the roses
FAVORITE SCENT: i may have picked the wrong character for this lol literally the one oc with the defined trait "dull sense of smell"
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: coffee. they like it bitter
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: at least 7, then five more minutes, and then lying about for a bit because if someone makes them move too fast they're gonna start biting
DOGS OR CATS: both are okay, but more of a dog person. they like the energy, the ability to have them as a combat companion, that sort of thing. cats tend to mind their own business though so el's cool with them
DREAM TRIP: regrettably, seheron. only place that both piques their interest and is worth exploring in their opinion, but of course. there is a war there, so
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 2 max or they'll start to feel like theyre drowning in it
RANDOM FACT: when they're pissed off, they like to fuck or spar if they're willing to interact with other people, and if they don't want to deal with anyone, they go to the undercroft to make new weapons. harritt and dagna know to leave them alone unless they ask for something
tagging! @streganicha @thelaughingmagician @inscrutable-shadow and @broodwolf221 yes i know youve done it already but if youre up for round two, give us another :3
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Skyhold Masterpost
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Main Quest Related Conversations
Here Lies the Abyss: Hawke Here Lies the Abyss: Warden Alistair Here Lies the Abyss: Warden Loghain Here Lies the Abyss: Warden Stroud Here Lies the Abyss: Morrigan - The Final Piece: Morrigan
Skyhold Quests
Sit in Judgements:
Introduction Magister Gereon Alexius Knight-Captain Denam Magister Livius Erimond Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons Ser Ruth Samson - Chief Movran the Under Mayor Gregory Dedrick Crassius Servis Mistress Poulin - Skyhold's Cells
Promoting Barris Quizquizition Skyhold Upgrades Sutherland and Company
Other NPC Conversations
Cremissius Acclasi Dagna Lace Harding - Mother Giselle - Main Quests Mother Giselle - Investigate: Tell Me About Corypheus Mother Giselle - Investigate: I'd Like Inquisition History Mother Giselle - Investigate: Let's Talk About the Chantry Mother Giselle - Investigate: Skyhold Exclusive - Morrigan - Archivist Cabot Elan Ve'mal Gatsi Sturhald Harritt Helisma Derington Marden Ser Morris Surgeon
Haven Survivors - Dennett Fiona
Specializations for the Inquisitor
Assassin - Heir Artificer - Three-Eyes Tempest - Khim - Knight Enchanter - Helaine Necromancer - Viuus Anaxas Rift Mage - Your Trainer - Champion - Chancer de Lion Reaver - Breaker Thram Templar- Ser
Ambient Dialogue
Quest Related:
Here Lies the Abyss: Morrigan and Warden
Cullen's Runner Josephine's Runner Leliana's Runner - Apothecary Runner Merchant Runner Quartermaster Runner Researcher Runner
Locations Masterpost  
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cityandking · 3 months
7, 11, 18 for narayani, vesper and rasa!
thanks dear! // random inquisitor asks
7. Who was your Inquisitor's first friend in the Inquisition?
NARAYANI — rani was really not interested in making friends when she joined the inquisition—even her early conversations with solas were more about desperately seeking a connection to something (anything) familiar. iron bull was the first person who properly managed to warm her up, which was impressive—she didn't realize he was doing it until he'd gotten under her walls, and when she caught on he just grinned and bought her a drink. (she likes the chargers a lot) VESPER — varric! early game vesper had extreme lost duckling energies and varric is a pro at taking people under his wing. vesper's grateful for his company and the quiet nudge to help her open up in those early days when she wasn't sure how to reach out to anyone RASA — also varric but more importantly, cullen. rasa spent his early days hanging around with the soldiers mostly, which meant getting to know the commander (no matter how much the commander tried to resist getting known). nobody is quite sure how they work but they're good friends.
11. Where is your Inquisitor's favorite region to visit?
NARAYANI — likes the emerald graves and southern exalted plains. despite the grim and bloody history of the dales, it was nice to be there and see other dalish VESPER — quite likes crestwood—there's a glade there she really loves visiting. also the emerald graves, which are simply beautiful despite the heartbreak of their history. RASA — honestly rasa likes the hinterlands. it's nice to see things stabilize in the area, and he likes ferelden in general. plus it doesn't rain as much down south as it does up near the coast.
18. What kind of armor does your Inquisitor wear? Do they like the official Inquisition armor, or do they prefer something else?
NARAYANI — she spends a while wearing whatever she can get her hands on—a slapdash mix of her hunter leathers and the pieces seggrit crafts or that she pulls off enemies in the field (waste not)—but when they have the funds and the connections and the materials for it, she goes back to her dalish-style armor. it's not quite the same, since it's hard to find a clan to trade with (and her own is no longer around), but she's very particular about her requisition and between her, harritt, and even a little input from dagna, she manages something close enough. VESPER — vesper mostly wears whatever she can get her hands on. she's not particularly picky; as long as she can move easily and it helps keep blades on the outside of her body, she's content. (in an ideal world, she'd wear the inquisitor medium/scout armor, rather than the usual mage coat—the long hems get in her way when she fade steps) RASA — wears bog-standard inquisition-issue heavy armor. while he's a bit of a fancy lad, he's not gonna waste that on shit that's going to get dirt- and mud- and blood-stained. he does spruce it up a bit at vivienne's insistence, so he ends up with some unique accents, but the base armor is still official inquisition.
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broodsys · 1 year
listen. listen to me. you all need to know that my lavellan commissioned a strap-on from arcanist dagna.
I'm still writing the full fic and the rest is quite dirty but this first part isn't and I'm just gonna post it here bc I can't get over it At All
She visited the Undercroft frequently, so Harritt was unsurprised when she came in today, just nodding. She tried to casually make her way towards Dagna, staring out at the view. The dwarf turned to face her as she approached with a bright smile. "Inquisitor! What can I do for you?"
"Well, actually…" This seemed like such a good idea in her head. After all, where else could she go? She'd be recognized anywhere. She sighed, pushing her hair away from her face - a nervous motion, particularly since it wasn't in her face. "I have a… private request." Dagna gave her a curious look and she sighed again. "Very private. I, uh, wrote it down. Can you take a look?"
"I… yes? I mean, I'd be happy to, Inquisitor. Whatever you need."
"Okay, but can you keep it a secret? From everyone? Um. Forever?"
"...yes?" Dagna appeared equal parts curious and confused now. Oh well. She took the leather scroll with the parchment inside it and handed it to Dagna.
"Don't laugh," she said after a moment, earning a raised brow and slow nod as the other woman slowly unfurled the paper. Dagna took a quick look before raising a hand to her mouth, stifling a giggle. She squeezed her eyes shut at the woman's glee, but was grateful for the attempted propriety, anyway.
"I, um. Wow. Okay." Dagna stared for a moment longer before rolling the parchment up again, clearing her throat. "This is… interesting."
"Yes, yes. Is it possible?"
"Oh, definitely! I mean, this should be easy compared to what you've been asking me to make." She let out a slow breath, nodding. "I assume you want it, ah, functional? I mean, nothing… fancy?"
"Absolutely nothing fancy," she said firmly. "Simple materials only. Please don't give it a life of its own." Dagna snorted.
"Can do. Wow. Um, can I ask, the belt measurements…?" She closed her eyes again, counting to three before opening them.
"Mine." They already had everyone's sizes. That part should be easy. Dagna grinned and nodded.
"And the, uh, other measurements?" Oh, this conversation was going to kill her.
"Can I just… gesture?" Dagna nodded, grinning widely. She sighed and made a circle with her forefinger and thumb, not too wide. After a moment Dagna nodded. She then held her hands apart, decently long. The arcanist snorted a little before nodding again.
"Got it. Okay. This is gonna be… something else, Inquisitor."
"Remember: a secret. Forever."
"No problem. Pretty sure no one would believe me, anyway." Well. She wasn't sure she agreed, but it was a comfort anyway.
"When should I come to pick it up?" Dagna looked away, muffling another giggle. It took her a moment to compose herself.
"If you can get Harritt to step out, I can probably have it to you by tonight." The arcanist arched a brow, looking quite smug. "Don't want to keep you waiting, my lady." Oh dear. She'd never live this down.
"Very well. Tonight." Dagna nodded and she turned on her heel, walking towards Harritt - trying to look subtle as he attempted to eavesdrop. "Harritt! I hear Horsemaster Dennet needs a smith to come look at the stables. Maybe the horseshoes? Come with me!"
"But Inquisitor, shouldn't I-"
"Oh, come now. It'll just be for the day. Get you out of the forge for a while, right?"
"I, uh. Yes'm."
"Great, come with me then. Oh, and maybe I'll have you look at my door, it's been squeaking something fierce lately-"
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solasyoulittleshit · 19 days
ok so what was built in Skyhold's undercroft?
Inky and Harritt have a convo about how it was purpose built for something big, and when you open the rotunda there's a line about "I wonder what they needed all this room for"
obviously those veil artifacts that Solas activates but I'm thinking something else too.... something bigger
I've been wondering if it could be those round leafless trees that we see in the crossroads?
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