#harry holland hh
old1ddude · 1 year
Heya Dude, PE here…update…Harry’s House was the best sold album of 2022 in the Netherlands or for those who don’t know that…Holland 😜😄😄😄😄
Hi PE,
I haven't logged into Tumblr for ages, but it was nice to see a note from you when I did!
Wow! Harry's House is doing so well all over the place! It feels kind of funny for me, since HH is my least favorite of his albums. There are songs on it I really love though. I guess it makes sense in a way, because I very rarely find the most popular music to be palatable in the least. I think As it Was is okay, but a mediocre song at best. The ten note musical phrase which opens the song (and then repeats over and over) is a variation on a phrase that's been around for eons (it's the musical version of a cliche) and it gets very old after a while. I think, 20 years from now, people will be more interested in the "deep tracks" where his artistry is clearly better.
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hxrryhxlland · 3 years
Soft - Harry Holland
a/n - sorry it’s been so long again AHAHA i also hate this fic but i wanted to try do a request which i haven’t done in a loooong time so. love you.
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Harry watched you from afar, Nikki sat next to him and his soft hands lifting a mug to his lips.
you had both fallen in so deep so young, and he loved seeing you both grow together, he loved growing up into the people you were meant to be.
sometimes he questioned where it had all come from - not that he would ever condemn it.
‘i dunno... we’re just doing so well right now.’ he says, and out of the corner of his eye, Nikki gently smiled thinking about the young love that she had also experienced.
he knew he had never felt this way, he knew this was miles different to how he had ever looked at you. the way you were just so soft to him, so loving. such a warm human was something very rare, nothing he had experienced to this level before - and he couldn’t look at you the same as others.
‘you do seem like you are. lovely together you two.’ She grins, looking at you also as you throw the ball for tessa again, laughing away as always.
the sun was bright that day. Harry thought it no coincidence either that the one day he decided he wanted the rest of his life to be by your side - it was the brightest he’s seen it in a long time.
the usual british weather wasn’t like this, it wasn’t the soft sunlight beaming through the windows. this was something else, and harry wondered whether it was a sign.
‘did you see tess fall over then?’ you laugh, harry looking up at you and smiling when he sees you.
‘ah no i missed it.’ harry softly smiled, looking at your eyes and seeing the rest of his future in them - he had never noticed such a deep love of that before.
most of the time Harry wasn’t as romantic as this. it was rare that you got such an obvious connection with him in public - he wanted to show you his heart behind closed doors.
harry knew that one day, his gentle hands would be placing a ring on your finger - it was just deciding when that confused him.
- tags -
if you want to be tagged/untagged let me know :)
@theliterarymess @a-danish-gurl @tommysparker @duskholland @un-limit-edd @the-hollands-own-my-heart @unsaidholland @hollanderfangirl @gayfeministbroadwayyeet @im-salt-but-not-salty @greenorangevioletgrass @euphorichxlland @writertoo18
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
no one:
tom: 🏌🏻‍♂️⛳️
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cagethemunson · 3 years
how am I only seeing this picture today??? 😭😭
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he looks so adorable
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List A, angst 34: “I don’t deserve to be loved. ”, love 51: “ I want to take care of you.” With Harry
It was a bad day. You knew that from the moment you woke up. Your migraine was bad enough to make you nauseous and your mental health was taking a complete nosedive. Before lunch, you were questioning everything in your life, which unfortunately included your relationship with Harry.
He was playing Fifa with Harrison, and you didn’t want to bother him, but as you passed by the living room on your way to the kitchen to make yourself some tea, Harry called out, getting your attention.
“What are you doin’, love?” He asked.
“Just...making tea.” You mumbled, clearing your throat. You tried not to let your voice reflect how distraught you felt, but you knew that Harry knew you better than that.
“Hey! What the hell?” Harrison grumbled from the other room, making you turn just in time to see Harry approaching you.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered, eyebrows furrowing in concern.
You wanted to lie. You wanted to tell him that absolutely nothing was wrong, but you knew that he would just call your bluff.
“I don’t deserve to be loved.” You whispered, making him gasp softly.
“Oh, baby. Come on, come here.” He sighed, wrapping his arms around you. “That’s not true at all, my love. You deserve to be loved the most. Here, why don’t you go to our room, and I’ll finish making your tea, just how you like, and bring it to you?” He offered sweetly, making your heart melt inside your chest. It wasn’t perfect, but Harry always knew how to make you feel better.
“I don’t want to be a bother.” You shook your head before he grasped your cheeks, forcing you to still and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“You’re never a bother. I want to take care of you. Now go lay down. I’ll bring you your tea and some painkillers, okay?” He offered sweetly. And true to his word, Harry took good care of you, and before you knew it, you were feeling so much better.
No more requests, please.
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lickmeleclerc · 4 years
#41 and #46 with Harry holland, hope you’re doing well xo
41. “I should have fought for us.”
46. “I missed you. So much.”
“I miss you. So much.” Harry finally breaks the silence between you two. His voice strains on his words as if he’s about to fall apart. You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes, keeping your arms crossed he tries to speak again before you cut him off.
“Harry. I’m only here for Tom. It’s his first big role. I wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t asked me to be. Don’t make this about us, there isn’t even an us.” The word leaving your lips come out harsh, the pent up anger finding its way out. The conversation shouldn’t be happening especially when anyone could walk into the dressing room at any moment. He sighs and runs a quick hand through the unruly curls at one point you’d be the one to grab that shaky hand and calm his nerves.
“I know. I know.” He softly repeats himself the words meaning more to him than you. His dejected frame leans against an arm chair before he jumps to his feet standing straight up. “Goddammit! I- I should have fought for us!” He shouts as his voice cracks and the stream down his face. He’s flushed and as quick as his anger was there it fades to heartache an all too familiar feeling shared between the both of you because of the both of you. His words cause to jump and finally look at him.
“Harry I-“ you go to speak before stopping yourself. Tears form in your own eyes knowing you want nothing more than to be with him. You step over to him and pull him to your chest he sobs into it as his strong arms hold you tightly, a feeling you’ve missed.
“I should have fought Y/n. I’m so sorry.” He whispers as he continues to sob. You sigh before stepping back he slowly regains his composure and with a silent gulp you say some of the hardest words you’d would never thought to be so hard to say. Usually this sentence it’s joyful and exciting but not right. Not when you’re staring at the person you love and you have to say
“Harry I’m engaged.”
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bigilante · 4 years
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uglypastels · 5 years
could you please do sucker by the jonas brother for harry? and him being completely whipped for his gf?? there is a serious lack of harry writing on tumblr😔😔
yes there is!!! although, it’s not like i’m helping. i think i only wrote one fic about him and maybe 3 blurbs?? (*shameless plug* and you can check them all out on my masterlist *shameless plug*) 
prompt: Sucker - Jonas Brothers 
join spotify top 100 blurb night!!!
If anyone ever asked, you were absolute perfection to Harry. They didn’t even have to ask, he would gladly tell them anyway. There was no denying, that boy was whipped. 
And that is why one beautiful winter morning while the two of you were walking Tessa in the park, as the snow fell down slowly, Harry came down on one knee and showed you the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. 
“y/n,” he said. The cold air betrayed him and showed you how shaky his breathing was with every little puff of condensation. “before I met you, I was a mess.” You both laughed at that undeniable statement. 
“But then, that one night when you helped my stumbling arse to get back home from the pub and basically forbid me to drink like that again, I knew you would make me the best version of myself I could ever be.
“You-” he took another breath. “are so special to me. I would follow you anywhere, through the dark, through the ocean. Anywhere as long as I can be with you. You make anything worthwhile. Hell, I’m on my knees in the snow and you still manage to make me feel warm.” 
You smiled at his last comment and pulled him up so he was towering over you like he should be. 
“I wasn’t finished.” He said. 
“So go on, you dork.” You had the biggest smile on your face. 
“Okay, okay. I don’t want to complicate it so I’ll get to the point. I know everything about you and you know everything about me and all that is left to know is the future, so will you please, please, marry me?” 
“Yes! Of course!” you kissed him deeply while he held you close. At the bottom of your feet, you could feel Tessa nudging your leg, jealous of how all the attention had been on her owner. You laughed through the kiss but it certainly did not stop. 
The End 
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quinjetboi · 5 years
harry holland cannot--and i repeat CANNOT--shave his head for a long list of reasons that i will explain and in this essay i will
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hollanderheart · 5 years
2/20/19- Tuwaine’s Instagram story of him, Harry, and Harrison shopping at Asda
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princessunicorn13 · 6 years
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Day dates :))))
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hxrryhxlland · 3 years
The End - Harry Holland
A/N - hey :) writing this during my break, hoping you are all ok. I miss you all, spending my time writing fics & figuring out where my head is at. Love you.
Warnings - angst
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It was most days you wondered when everything had passed you by. Almost as if things had never been the same since the last time you felt his hand in yours, like a missed opportunity you would regret for life.
And god, it had been at least two years since you had seen Harry, the life before being some sort of blur, a mist passing over each memory that you couldn’t quite return to.
The day you packed your things and left his house, it was clear things were final - that the days of dancing through thunderstorms and smiling through sad songs were done, and things were a lot clearer for the both of you, that it was just right place, wrong time. ‘Maybe i’ll see you again soon.’ Harry had said, voice wobbling in the wake of something you had both seen as so special.
Things had been amazing, the classic baseline example of a whirlwind romance - the beginning seeming forever, yet the end being sudden and final.
‘Thank you for everything, Harry.’ You said, tears in your eyes as the boxes sat idly in your car, waiting to see where you go next - something which even you didn't know the answer to.
‘Don’t say that, feels like the end of that film.’ He smirks, thinking back to that one night you had both just missed the entire movie just chatting to each other.
You hadn’t been together long at the time, still learning how each other moves and breathes. Things had felt like something you’d never even thought about before, some kind of love that you never thought existed - a film type of thing. You had both just brushed it off as butterflies, infatuation with a new person to spill all your secrets to.
By the time you realised the film had played almost the whole way through, it was almost the end - in which the two left separate ways.
It had been so long since you had stayed awake, listening to his heavy breathing and wondering why such a quiet man was such a loud sleeper. One of life’s many mysteries.
That time a new album had come out after you’d been waiting so long for it, that was a favourite memory of yours. He had come home with the brightest smile, asking if you liked it, telling you he had listened to a few songs too - you knew he hated the music, but at least he tried.
Something in you knew you wanted to see Harry again after all this time, but those feelings were quickly brushed away by an understanding that it should happen naturally - maybe he would message, or by some miracle from the sky you would run into each other.
How unlikely.
Something stopped you in your tracks wandering through the streets with headphones on, volume loud - you barely heard a voice behind you, turning around with your heart dropping.
‘Hey, been a while.’
— tag list —
If you want to be tagged in future fics let me know! If you no longer want to be tagged also let me know :)
@theliterarymess @parker-hollandx @a-danish-gurl @tommysparker @duskholland @un-limit-edd @fineline-stateofmind706 @the-hollands-own-my-heart @unsaidholland @mapater151 @hollanderfangirl @gayfeministbroadwayyeet @im-salt-but-not-salty @greenorangevioletgrass @euphorichxlland @writertoo18 @storybookholland @cdizzle-swizzle
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
harry yelling “brake brake brake brake” while tom’s driving is peak younger sibling
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pvterparkours · 6 years
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List B, Lemons 20. “I could use a hand…” Lemons 29. “I want to watch you fall apart.”, Lemons 39. “Let me watch you touch yourself.” (Last line is the reader to Harry) with Harry
Harry had been teasing you all day long. brushing against you subtly while out. You would gasp softly, before shuffling your weight, pressing your thighs together in desperation. You knew that the minute the two of you got him, it would be game over for him.
Sure enough, the minute your front door was closed, you pushed him toward the bedroom, making quick work of undressing him. As your clothes littered the hallway, you giggled when you finally made it to the room, both of you completely naked. He fell back onto the bed, expecting you to climb on top of him.
“Let me watch you touch yourself.” You demanded, feeling your want pulse between your legs and your own wetness made your lips feel sticky. A loud moan passed through your lips as he began to do as he was told, grunting at the feeling of his own fist wrapped around his cock.
“Y...you too.” He huffed out between light moans. “I want to watch you fall apart.”
Whining, you let your hand slide down your stomach, circling your clit and making your hips buck into your own touch. The erotic way his hungry eyes watched your hands move made you even wetter, allowing you to slip your fingers into your dripping hole easily.
“Tha’s it. Good girl.” He hummed appreciatively, pumping faster and you tried your best to match his pace, feeling yourself approaching the edge of something really, really good.
“I...I could use a hand.” You whined, climbing over him and quickly sliding his hard cock into you, bouncing on him at a punishing pace. He didn’t hesitate in gripping your waist with one hand, your breast in the other as he rolled your nipple between his fingers. Your own hand dipped down, rubbing slick circles over your clit, crying out in ecstasy as his cock hit in all the right places. You hit your climax with a cry, Harry stilling inside you with a deep, residing groan of pleasure before you collapsed on top of his chest, panting.
“Fuck. I’ve got to tease you more often.”
No more requests, please.
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lickmeleclerc · 6 years
“Wanna, like– I mean, if you’re not busy… We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?” With harry please?? Ps. love ya❤️
“Wanna, like– I mean, if you’re not busy… We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?” + harry Ps. I love ya too💞💞
The set was busy today. All actors had scenes today and all the actors had wardrobe changes, so lucky you being the wardrobe assistant got to be on set all day. Usually you were there before and after the filming setting up stuff for the next day, but not today.
“Y/n, I need you to take this over to Tom, he needs for his next scene. Hurry! Thank you.” Your boss calls handing over a wardrobe bag. You nodded and excited the trailer filled with clothes, that at first seemed like a dream closet but today more like a nightmare. As you got to the set you couldn’t spot Tom.
“Excuse me?” You call to a curly red head who’s back is facing you. He sets down a smaller camera than the one they use to film before turning around.
“Yeah?” He asks looking surprised you’re looking his way. You’re definitely taken aback by how young he is. And how his eyes are a honey brown and a smile always seems etched into his face.
“Do you know where Tom Holland is? I have his wardrobe change.” You laugh gesturing with the bag. The boy nods and gives a light laugh.
“I should know where my brother is.” He says lightly and your eyes subtly grow wide at his remark.
“Oh you’re Harry right?” You ask for confirmation, you’ve heard of him. He nods in response before turning to face a trailer a few feet off in the distance.
“He should be in there. Yes, I’m Harry, and you are?” He asks a more prominent smile on his face now and a light blush showing off his freckles more.
“Y/n.” You respond and even though you know you should head in the direction of Tom, you linger.
“Well Y/n, Wanna, like– I mean, if you’re not busy… We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time.” He finally spits out stumbling over some of the words when his nerves get the best of him. You nod eagerly before giving a verbal answer.
“Yes. I’ll make time for lunch if you can.” You smile thankful for the busy day.
“I definitely can Y/n.” He nods as you finally continue on your way. When you peak back behind your shoulder you see Harry smiling wide and nodding happily to himself.
fluffy Blurbs
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