#harry x ezi
heyyyharry · 2 years
Deep End - Chapter 17: Die for Me
...in which Ezi feels betrayed, and Harry just wants to help.
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
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A/N: Starting my new job tomorrow, kinda nervous but excited!!! Enjoy this chapter. New update next week :)
A million thoughts ran through Harry’s mind when Maggie took him to her home. It was an old block of flats near Shadwell station. Hers was the door numbered 27 on the ground floor.
“I hope she’s awake now,” Maggie said as she unlocked the door. There was light coming out of the room at the end of the hallway, and Maggie beckoned Harry to follow. The flat was cold and wet, with muddy boot prints on the wooden floor, but it didn’t make any difference since both Harry and Maggie were soaked from the rain anyway.
“Oh, you’re awake,” Maggie said as she entered the room. “Harry is here to see you, dear.”
When Harry stepped in, Ezi’s blue eyes pinned him to the spot. She was sitting on the bed in Maggie’s funky rainbow t-shirt; her forehead and arms were bruised. Maggie had told Harry that Ezi had fallen from the bridge, and honestly, he had imagined worse, so this was quite a big relief. He did wonder how Maggie had managed to dive in and save her, but that was a question for later.
“Hi, Ezi. How are you feeling?” There was no response or reaction, so he continued, “I was very worried when I heard. I’m glad you’re safe now.”
Still nothing. Just two hollowed eyes staring at him like they didn’t speak the same language.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Maggie said.
It was then that Ezi spoke. "Get out. No, not you, Maggie. You can stay. I don't want him here."
Harry's gaze jumped to Maggie, who was now half a step out of the door. She slowly looked up, eyes locked with his.
He didn't know what he was expecting, for her to say something, maybe? He wished she would defend him and try to convince Ezi to just hear him out. But Maggie only stared back, helpless, as if saying, 'Maybe you should go.'
But you fucking asked me to come here, Harry wanted to say, but he clenched his fists and took a deep breath.
Ezi still refused to meet his eyes. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and an agonising look on her face. It was at this moment that Harry thought about her falling into the dark water, her struggling to swim, drowning and helpless against the currents for the first time in her life. She must have been so scared. He wished he'd been there. He would have jumped in and tried to save her.
"What did I say?" she snapped. "Get the hell out or I'll start screaming and the neighbours will come. Maybe they'll even call the police." She whipped her head to Maggie with a threatening glare. "You wouldn't want the police to knock on your door, right?"
Maggie tugged gently at Harry's soaked sleeve. "M-Maybe you should go outside for a bit."
But Harry was impatient. He shrugged off Maggie and strode over to the bed, and Ezi recoiled and gripped the duvet tightly to her chest, an alarmed look on her face as he sat down on the edge of it and reached for her. She didn't think he meant any harm, did she?
"Hey, listen." Carefully, he placed his hand on her knee and felt her stiffen against his touch. He hated this. What had he done? "Ezi, please hear me out."
"I've heard enough," she hissed. "My sister tried to kill me, my queendom is in danger, and now I can't go home. Are you happy now?"
"Of course not. How could you say that?"
"Harry, maybe you should go.”
Maggie’s attempt to intervene was ignored.
"When Maggie told me what happened to you, I was so scared I'd lose you. Why do you think I came?"
"You came because you feel guilty." The words came out of Ezi’s mouth so fast that Harry believed she'd spent this whole time thinking of the reason why. "You want me to forgive you for the horrible things you said so you could move on. Well, guess what? I'm not a person, remember? I don't feel, and therefore, I have no sympathy for you.” There was a pause, and then, the worst thing she could possibly say to him, "You will never get my forgiveness, Harry." Her voice was shaking, her lashes wet. "I can't believe for a second...I was willing to die for you."
When coming here, Harry had prepared himself to get yelled at or have stuff thrown at him depending on how well Ezi was, but to hear her say she would never forgive him left him completely numb. His hand fell back onto his lap, and he sat there, watching her turn her back to him and yank the duvet up to her neck. As she pretended to fall back to sleep, he got up and quietly left the room.
“Hope you like herbal tea. I don’t really drink tea.”
“Thank you.”
Maggie placed the steaming cup down on the table, and Harry instantly warmed his hands on it. The kitchen was just as cold as the rest of the flat, and while waiting for the water to boil, Harry had taken some time to observe. Everything here seemed clean and tiny but didn’t really feel like it. He paid attention specifically to the seashells collection on top of the fridge and the dead flowers, which had sat in that dusty vase for so long that they’d turned black. Since this building was so close to the tube station, you could hear the train from the distance.
“It gets quieter after midnight,” Maggie said as she sat down in front of Harry with her own cup of tea. Harry’s cup was plain white, but hers was shaped like a fox.
Harry blew into his cup and took a sip. “So, how did you manage to find Ezi? Did she tell you she was going to the bridge?”
“Not at all. I followed her there because I assumed that would be the place she would meet the Sea Queen.”
Harry froze while Maggie just calmly took a sip of her steaming tea.
“What…did you just say?” he asked.
The steam fogged up her glasses, so she took them off, folded them, and set them down on the table. Without them, her blue eyes were more vivid than usual, almost resembling Ezi’s. The colour of the sea.
Chills rushed down Harry’s spine and he swallowed thickly. “You know what she is?”
“Harry, darling,” Maggie said. “I am what she is.”
“You’re…a siren?”
“Well, I used to be. Decades ago. My sister killed the man I loved. He was a fisherman. I was supposed to become the next Sea Queen, but my sister had always been jealous of me. She knew I was in love with a fisherman, so she murdered him and ate his heart. But then she suddenly possessed power so strong that she could raise the ocean and drown an entire island. She turned me into a human and forced me to live eternity in this world while she told everyone that I had been killed by my lover. And I must tell you this, immortality is overrated. People mourn and forget about you, and you have to watch every single person you know pass away.”
That was too much for Harry to take. He could feel the pounding of his heart inside his own head. After a moment of silence, he managed to ask, “Have you told Ezi?”
“Yes. She was more shocked than you, actually. But deep down, she knows I’m someone she can trust. I think we established this mutual understanding from the moment we first met. After all, we both share royal blood. One Queen would recognise the other.”
“Does that mean she’s gonna be trapped here for eternity as well?”
“Unlikely. I think her sister took the pig’s heart, thinking it was your heart, and attempted to kill her, but failed.”
“We have to do something.”
“We are no match for the Sea Queen. It’s Ezi who has to stand up for herself.”
“I don’t want her to end up like you.” The words flew out before Harry could stop himself, causing Maggie to stare at him, wide-eyed. “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant,” he stuttered. “But Ezi is a good person. Not that I’m saying you’re not, but Ezi never really wants to be Queen. She just wants to make her mother proud. She just wants to be loved like any of us in this godforsaken world. She belongs here with me. She deserves to have a normal life here with a family that appreciates her, and if those creatures believe she’s dead, then we cannot allow her to face them.”
“Those creatures are her family.”
“By blood, not by choice.” Harry clenched his fist so he wouldn’t slam it on the table. “I’m not letting her go back to the ocean after what they put her through.”
Maggie broke into laughter as she slowly shook her head. “Do you have any idea what you’re talking about, child? When they realise the heart they have is not yours, they will come back for you. The Sea Queen would do anything for your heart. Now you may say you don’t care, that you will gladly die for your damsel in distress or whatever, but what you’re thinking right now isn’t heroic; it’s foolish. This is not your fight, Harry. If the Sea Queen got your heart, she would wipe out humankind.”
“So you’re saying I have no choice but to lose Ezi?”
Maggie reached across the table to hold his trembling hand as she looked into his eyes. For a moment, they shared a sense of understanding. “If you care about Ezi, you must stay back and let her fight her own battle.”
Harry picked up his cup of tea and sipped away in silence. Then, he asked, “Did you turn back into a siren to save Ezi from the river?”
Maggie smiled. “No. I’m just a really good swimmer.”
Harry woke up to find Ezi staring at him. He was sitting in the armchair facing her bed, unsure how or how long ago he’d fallen asleep, but it seemed like she had been awake for a while; she’d read a big chunk of the book lying open and face down on her lap.
“You know, you talk in your sleep,” she said suddenly, breaking the nerve-wracking silence between them. Harry didn’t expect her to acknowledge his existence after her tantrum earlier, so he really didn’t know what that observation was supposed to mean.
“Did I say something wrong?” he asked, combing his fingers through his messy hair.
“No, it’s just gibberish, really. But you seemed frightened.”
He had a good reason to be. Although he didn’t quite remember the specifics, he’d had a short nightmare about falling into the ocean, and he’d just kept falling and falling. There had been flashes of a half-fish, half-human creature, and the stench of blood was alarmingly vivid. When the claws ripped his chest open, the last thing he saw was Ezi’s face, his blood dripping from her fangs.
“It’s alright,” he said. “I’m alright.”
Ezi only nodded. This eerie nonchalance wasn’t like her at all, and he kind of wished she would start yelling at him again. Instead, she flipped the duvet to the side, revealing her broken ankle, which had been bandaged by Maggie. Speaking of Maggie, where the hell was that woman? She had told Harry to watch Ezi as she went out to get groceries, so she should be home by now.
“Would you mind helping me out of bed? I want a bath,” Ezi said.
Harry was frozen in shock for a second, then he snapped out of it and quickly got up from the chair to help her. She could barely walk, so she had her arm around his neck and held onto him as she limped to the bathroom. He would offer to carry her, but he wasn’t sure if they were cool enough for that yet; she couldn’t have forgiven him after one short nap.
He drew the bath with extra hot water, just the way she liked it, and waited for her to strip off her clothes so he could settle her into the bath. She lay there, her bandaged ankle resting on the edge of the tub, looking relaxed as if she’d just finished her 9-to-5 and not survived from attempted murder by her own sister. After his conversation with Maggie, Harry knew Ezi couldn’t have that simple life, but he couldn’t help but fantasise about one for them.
“If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen. Just call.” Harry turned to leave, but Ezi stopped him.
“Wait. Can you stay here with me?”
He stared at her. “You want me to stay?”
“Yeah, to make sure I don’t fall asleep. I don’t want my bandage wet.”
“Okay. I’ll stay then.” He came to sit on the floor beside the tub, elbow resting on the edge, head against his knuckles. Steam curled up from the water as she soaked her entire body in, only leaving her head above the surface. They sat in silence, listening to the dripping of the sink. Harry had so much to say, yet he didn’t want to give her a reason to dismiss him. Maybe she’d thought it through and changed her mind about him. Letting him stay here with her could be her way of showing forgiveness.
“When you said I wasn’t a person,” she spoke suddenly yet quietly, “was there any part of you that meant it?”
He nervously wet his lip. “To say no would be a lie. So yes, only at that moment, though,” he sighed. “It was like…oh, I think I’m in love with this girl, but now I find out she’s been plotting to murder me this whole time, so maybe none of it was real.”
Ezi nodded once. “Fair enough.”
Her response made him chuckle. “You know, you sound very British now.”
“Guess I’m easily influenced,” she said, giggling a little. It felt good to hear her laugh again.
“But I’m very sorry about the things I said out of anger. I didn’t mean them.”
“That’s okay. I know you didn’t. I guess I was being a little bit harsh, too. I just...well, it was a lot. Feeling betrayed by you and then my sister also betrayed me, and I..."
She left the sentence unfinished. Silence seeped back in as Harry watched her stare intensely at her broken ankle.
“Why didn't you believe me when I said I loved you?”
His question caught her by surprise, and her brows furrowed thoughtfully. “Why do you believe you love me? I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but as you said, love is a complicated thing. It’s not one emotion. You can’t possibly know what love feels like.”
“Yeah, well…I don’t know. But I miss you when you’re not around. I get happy when you are. I think about you in the middle of the day. And I’ve been having these scenarios of you, me, and Chilli just having a normal life together, away from the fame and your murderous family. I know I’m just a useless human. I don't have magical powers, nor am I the ruler of a kingdom, but I want to protect you and keep you safe. If that's not love, it's something very close.”
“Well...I wouldn’t know.”
“I think you do, Ezi,” Harry said. “When was the moment you realised you couldn’t kill me?”
“This may sound silly, but I think it was bedtime, and you were reading to me and Chilli, and you were so tired that you stumbled over your words.”
“You didn’t want to kill me because I couldn’t read properly?”
She rolled her eyes at the joke. “It was when I realised I didn’t want to be Queen or my mother’s puppet. I just wanted to be in bed with you and the cat after a long day and listen to bedtime stories.”
When she placed her hand on top of his, Harry squeezed it tight and brought it to his lips.
“Harry!” Maggie’s shout made Harry jump. He told Ezi that he would be right back and hurried to the hallway to see what Maggie needed. But Maggie had brought another guest home with her.
“This handsome boy saw me at the station, and I told him about Ezi so he wanted to come check on her,” Maggie said as she unzipped her boots. Meanwhile, Dawson stood there holding two grocery bags and gave Harry a tight-lipped smile.
Maggie headed to the kitchen, and the men followed. Watching Dawson put away the groceries, Harry couldn’t even act like he wasn’t upset. He came to stand beside Maggie by the table. “You told him about Ezi?”
“He’s her friend, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, but not every friend of hers needs to know.”
“Harry, I’m literally right here. I can hear you.”
“Yeah, I know, Dawson. You shouldn’t even be here.”
Eyes narrowed, Maggie flicked her finger between them. “I sense some tension here. Is there any rivalry backstory that I need to know?”
“No,” Harry and Dawson said at the same time, but it was obvious in the death stare they’d been giving each other. What was Dawson doing here anyway? Harry thought that it was clear that Ezi wasn’t interested in him. Why was he so persistent? Ezi probably didn’t even want to see hi—
Harry’s jaw dropped when Ezi – now with clothes on and her hair in a towel – limped into the kitchen to embrace Dawson. Okay, rude. What about their romantic moment in the bathroom?
“I’m so sorry for running away without an explanation,” Ezi said, eyes squeezed shut, still holding Dawson like he was a lifeboat in the middle of the storm. Harry tried to act unbothered, but it did make his skin crawl.
“It’s okay. I’m glad that you’re okay now. Maggie told me about your car crash.”
“Car crash?” Ezi blinked at Dawson, then whipped her head to Maggie and Harry. “You lied to him?”
“Well, I…I didn’t know if he knew…”
“He doesn’t,” Harry told Maggie.
Ezi let out and sigh and took Dawson’s hands. “I can’t keep lying to my friends, and I think you of all people should know the truth.”
“Erm, Ezi?” Harry spoke, but Ezi ignored him and told Dawson to take a seat, then sat down beside him. Harry opened his mouth but Maggie shushed him so Ezi could talk.
There was no way this was a good idea. Dawson would think Ezi was wrong in the head for admitting that she was actually a mythical creature. He wouldn’t believe her, but on second thought, maybe that would be for the best. If Dawson didn’t believe Ezi, he would leave, and Harry wouldn’t have to worry about him anymo—
“I believe you.”
“What?” Harry gasped, causing all heads to turn to him. Quickly, he sat down at the table across from his cousin. “You believe that she’s a siren? Really?”
“Be fucking for real. You’re only saying that because you’re a simp.”
“Harry!” Ezi gasped, but Harry hadn’t said anything he didn’t mean.
“He probably thinks you’re crazy, Ezi. He doesn’t actually believe this without proof.”
“Well, I’ve spent enough time with her to know that she’s not just odd because she’s American, Harry. And to be honest, her being a siren is better than her being American.”
“Thank you, Dawson.”
“Absolutely ridiculous,” Harry hissed as he slumped back into his chair, arms crossed like an angry child.
Ezi sighed. “Guys, can you let me talk to Harry for a sec?”
“Yeah, sure, Dawson, come. I’d be happy to answer any of your questions about us,” Maggie said as she pulled Dawson up by his arm.
“Us? Wait, so you’re also a siren???” Dawson said before his voice faded into the hallway.
Now alone with Harry, Ezi’s smile was gone. “What the hell? Why were you acting like a dick?”
Harry leaned across the table so he could whisper angrily to her so the other two couldn’t hear. “Because you didn’t need to drag my cousin into this. He doesn’t have to be involved.”
“I’m tired of lying,” Ezi said. “And who cares if he knows? It’s not gonna change anything.”
Harry let out an exaggerated exhale as he threw his hands in the air. “Because he’s going to want to help, and if he dies, my mother will kill me. Maggie and I are enough help around here.”
“Who says any of you is gonna help me?” Ezi scoffed. “Tomorrow, I will come up with a plan and confront my mother on my own. I just don’t want to leave this world without telling the truth. I owe it to everyone here.”
“Wow, you’re so fucking strong and independent, aren’t you? You have to do everything on your own. I swear to God, Ezi, for fucking once, let other people help.”
Her eyes went wide with feigned shock. “Oh, what are you gonna do? You’re gonna punch my mother in the face when she shows up to rip out your heart? I think you humans underestimate how easily we can—"
“Listen," he cut her off, "when you told me you were willing to die for me, I told myself that I would not let that happen again. We’ll come up with something, but I want to help. After all, I will be her new target when she finds out the heart Koa brought to her isn’t real. Also, how did you manage to get a pig’s heart??? You know what? It doesn’t matter. What’s important is that I need to be there with you, and you can't get rid of me."
Worry edged into Ezi’s expression. “How do I know you won't abandon me again?"
"You need to trust me this time."
"Trust should be earned, not given."
"I'll earn it then. Just...don't push me away."
Ezi's expression immediately softened, and Harry knew he had said the right thing. Even though he wasn't sure if he was forgiven or not, it was reassuring to know she still wanted to give him another chance.
"I gotta go check on Dawson and make sure Maggie hasn’t traumatised him.”
Ezi pushed herself up from her chair, and Harry quickly got up to help her. “You know, if push comes to shove, we should sacrifice Dawson.”
With her arm around his neck, she shot him a glare. “Harry.”
“Sorry, sorry, just a thought,” he said, grinning.
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kynky · 7 years
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October Update. 
Subscribe. Hit Shuffle. Enjoy.
1 2 B Needed – Machinedrum, Roses Gabor
Adios – Bare, Sluggo
Alpha – Jauz
Arriba! – Kezwik, Deflo
Ascend – Jay Cosmic
Basement Dwellers – Barely Alive, Virtual Riot
Beamin' On The Purp (Part Four) – Notixx
Beast Ft. Skeez – Boy Kid Cloud, Skeez
Beleza – Rawtek, Herve Pagez
Better – What So Not, LPX
Better - Team EZY & 12th Planet Remix – Mija, Vindata, Team EZY, 12th Planet
Blaze It Up – LOOPERS
blessin' – redz
The Block – Stereoliez, Vlien Boy, Peacemakers
Blood Brother – Zeds Dead, Diskord, Reija Lee
Brainstorm – Special Request
Bubbles – Tokyo Machine
Code War – Dub Gabriel
The Come Down – Des McMahon
Copycat – MineSweepa
Corruption - Original Mix – Nostalgia
Das Fuego – Hi I'm Ghost
Debt 'N Eight – Herobust
Degenerates – Virtual Riot
Demon – The Others, Virus Syndicate
Depths - Mark The Beast x Krook Remix – Mantis, Maksim, Mark The Beast, Krook
Dispatch – ZEKE BEATS
Do You Like Bass? – Yellow Claw, Juyen Sebulba
Dubplate 99 – Wolfgang Gartner
Dungeon – Terravita, Kompany
Elbows Up - Original Mix – Them Lost Boys
Flashback – Axel Boy
Focus – Kyral X Banko
Fragments – Droptek
Get It – Tascione
Got The Love (feat. Jennifer Hartswick) - Kill The Zo Remix – Big Gigantic, Kill The Noise, Mat Zo, Jennifer Hartswick
Higher State – TJR, Chris Bushnell
Hijinks – Aweminus, Phiso
Hysteria – G Jones, Eprom
In Love With the Devil (Mantis Remix) – Mark The Beast, Mantis, SEIDS
Into You – Blaine Stranger
Jah Light – 12th Planet, General Jah Mikey
Jefe - Rickyxsan Remix – Boombox Cartel, Rickyxsan
Kabuki – 1991
Last Fight – Justin Levai
Last Laugh – Jameston Thieves, TWO OWLS
Let's Get Crunk – Gammer
Loud In The Streets – Andromulus
Love U – Marshmello
Mad Night – Joker
Magic – Kabuki, NGHT DRPS
Monster – Datsik, 1000volts, Redman, Jayceeoh
Monsters – Rakket
Moving Hectic (feat. Harry Shotta) – Slips & Slurs, Harry Shotta
Never Say Goodbye (feat. Pixel Terror) – EXSSV, Pixel Terror
Ninety 3 – Thelem
Ninjas – Matisse & Sadko
No Sleep – Eliminate
Nobody Knows (feat. WYNNE) - Cofresi Remix – Autograf, WYNNE, Cofresi
Oh My! - Gentlemens Club Remix – Spag Heddy, Gentlemens Club
One Shotted – Ablaze, Nanoo
Over the Edge (feat. AU8UST) – Kayzo, Gammer, AU8UST
Part I – Kill The Noise, Mat Zo
Phantasm – Figure
Play With Fire (VIP) – CRaymak, Neon Dreams
Pulse Rate – Ivory
Purple – p0gman, Mikey Ceaser
Rail Breaker (feat. Rico Act) – Riot Ten, Rico Act
Rapture – Tetrix Bass, Ghostz
Reality – Guillotine, Pane Mua
Religion - Far Too Loud Remix – Black Tiger Sex Machine, Far Too Loud, LeKtriQue
Rude Boy Soulja – Axen
Sahara – Soltan
Sauce – Tyro
Savage – Dack Janiels, Protohype
Send Nudes – GARABATTO
The Serpent – KSHMR, Snails
Showdem – Fed-Up
Sleep – Rickyxsan, Hydraulix
Smash That – Conrank
Sorry – Pholo
The Spider – Figure, TenGraphs
Sprite – TMSV
Stain – Flux Pavilion, Two-9
Stank Gum - Ponicz Remix – 12th Planet, LUMBERJVCK, Ponicz
Stash Pad – K.L.O., Kursa Lone Drum Osmetic
Talk Too Much – Loadstar, Harry Shotta
Terraform – Chime
Thief - Flux Pavilion Remix – Ookay, Flux Pavilion
Thump – 5 & A Dime, Holly
Time For The Techno – Carnage, VINAI
Time To Jack – TJR
True Power – Axen, Messinian
Ultra Beam – MUST DIE!
We Are the One – Data Wave, Skan, Born I Music
The Werewolf Returns – Figure
Wicked - Dirty Audio Remix – GRiZ, Eric Krasno, Dirty Audio
Yow – LeKtriQue, Proxy 
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monstercatfh · 8 years
Whats up guys!! I wanted to start off the new year by releasing my first mix!! This is the first of my new Neon Mix series!! Its filled with riddim, uptempo rave beats, feelsy tunes, and of course some heavy dubstep bangers! I hope you guys enjoy it, I will see you on The 2017 Excision Tour :)
Dion Timmer - Neon Mix Vol 1 - Free Download: www.hive.co/l/neonmixvol1
Neon Mix Vol 1 Tracklist 01. Adventure Club x Dion Timmer - ID 02. Dion Timmer x Snails - ID 03. Adair - Mumbo Jumbo 04. Excision x Datsik x Dion Timmer - Harambe 05. Oliverse - Hold It Down (Tisoki Remix) 06. Dubloadz - Cuck Life 07. Calvin Harris - How Deep Is Your Love (DJ Snake Remix) w/ Dion Timmer - Down With Me VIP 08. Spag Heddy - Thats Right 09. Dion Timmer - Before The Fall (ft. Psognar) 10. Dion Timmer - Rip The Roof Down (ft. Mayor Apeshit) 11. Badklaat - UK Cheese w/ Ponicz - Cursed w/ Skrillex x Trollphace - Burial Remix w/ Phiso - Blue Screen (Aweminus Remix) 12. San Holo - Light 13. Dion Timmer - Bones 14. Samplifire - Misty 15. Lookas - Can't Get Enough 16. Dubloadz x Krimer - Go Mad! 17. ID - ID w/ me2 - ILY 18. Excision x Dion Timmer - My Boo Remix (VIP) 19. Excision x Dion Timmer - Final Boss 20. FAN FICTION - Rave Tool 31 21. Dion Timmer - Money 22. Dion Timmer - Feel 23. Ducky - Rave Tool 07 24. Dion Timmer - Wanna B In Luv 25. Ducky - Rave Tool 13 26. me2 - Stop Frontin 27. G Jones x Buku - Meridian 28. Slander & YOOKIE - After All (PhaseOne Remix) 29. ID - ID 30. ID - ID 31. G Jones - Collision Course 32. ID x ID - ID 32. ID x ID - ID 33. Dubloadz x Spag Heddy - Rotten Tomatoes 34. Crankdat - Unison Remix 35. Barely Alive - Scoop 36. Dion Timmer - Plug Me In 37. RL Grime - Core (Dion Timmer Edit) 38. QUIX x Boombox Cartel - Supernatural 39. 12th Hour - Chitown Crush w/ Tisoki - Adrenaline 40. Dion Timmer - Panic 41. Dillon Francis - No Money Remix w/ ID - ID 42. Dej Loaf - Desire (MEGAMAOR Remix) 43. Tommy Trash - Luv U Giv (NGHTMRE Remix) w/ Flux Pavilion x Doctor P - Party Drink & Smoke 44. Excision & Dion Timmer - Africa 45. Bro Safari - Reality (Dion Timmer Remix) 46. Slander - Dead (KLAXX Remix) 47. Tascione - Baile 48. Dion Timmer - Flashy 49. Dion Timmer - Break My Heart (ft. Tima Dee) 50. Skrillex & Team EZY - Pretty Bye Bye (Dion Timmer Remix) 51. Dion Timmer - Alchemy (ft. Azuria Sky)
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emmie458 · 8 years
0 notes
samourfali · 8 years
0 notes
heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 14: Heart for A Heart (PREVIEW)
...in which Ezi cannot make up her mind and Harry is angry.
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AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
FULL CHAPTER: Sunday, 6/3/2022.
Summary of chapter 13 (since it's been so long lol):
- Ezili wanted to have sex with Harry but Harry told her that he couldn’t do that because it wouldn’t be fair for her (she didn’t know much about sex).
- Harry’s mum came over and had a chat with Ezili which made Ezili realise that Harry dying would hurt other people in his life.
- She also realised that she didn’t want to take Harry’s heart and she actually enjoyed being a human and spending time with him.
- Chapter 13 ended with Harry finding out Ezili’s search history “Which animal’s heart is most like a human’s?”.
“The listening party would be on Wednesday, and you’re invited as well, so we have to make sure—“
“Party?” Ezi asked, hoping her nervousness wasn’t showing. She used to be so good at hiding her emotions but all this time on land had softened her. Soon she would return to the ocean, though…She wasn’t excited about it one bit.
“Yes, party.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Like people are gonna be there and you have to dress nice. But mostly just the people on my label and the press.”
He seemed nonchalant, so she guessed he hadn’t picked up on her acting strange. Maybe it wasn’t noticeable. Maybe he never cared enough to suspect anything.
She cupped her hands around the cup, letting it warm her skin. She tried to focus on the brown steaming liquid instead of making eye contact with him.
“You okay?” he asked.
She remained composed and nodded. A forced smile spread across her face. “Just nervous.”
“About the party?”
She nodded again. But mostly about the fact that she’d asked her boss to get her a pig heart. Once she’d got it, she would come clean with him and explain everything. Then, she would go and never come back. And he could have his old life back. Well, kind of.
“There’s no need to be worried,” Harry said. She felt him leaning back into his chair, but his eyes didn’t leave her. “My mum would be there. Dawson and Niall, too. It’ll be like a family thing. With other people. But you did well at my family’s event so everything should be fine.”
“Cool.” He slapped his legs and got up from the table. “Now let me ring up some people to get you a nice dress. Can’t let you look like a peasant on your birthday.”
Their eyes met and she could see the panic in his eyes as he froze. “You just said my birthday?”
“Y-Yeah. Was I wrong?”
“No,” Ezi mumbled, her heart dropped as her arm fell limp onto her lap. “I just completely forgot.”
Harry sighed in relief. “Okay, good, because I’m pretty sure I wasn’t wrong.”
He turned and left while Ezi sat there with her now cold tea.
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heyyyharry · 2 years
Deep End - Chapter 16: Kiss Me Goodbye (Preview)
…in which Ezi leaves Harry.
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AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Full chapter: Wednesday, June 1, 2022. 
Read it now on Patreon.
A/N: Apologies for the wait! Here's the new Deep End chapter :) Also I wanna share some good news that I submitted a different version of Deep End for my final submission of my Creative Writing MA and I got the highest grade in my class! Thank you for supporting this series and these characters. It means a lot to me.
When she made it all the way down the steps, she found Koa waiting for her by the front gate. A taxi was waiting for them. Ezili wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her jacket and eyed her sister up and down. Koa was wearing a bright orange dress that looked too big for her. How was she not freezing?
“Did you–”
“No, I didn’t kill anyone for this.” Koa rolled her eyes. “I bought it with the paper notes I stole from that lady sitting by the station.”
“You stole money from a homeless person?!”
Koa shrugged. “It’s just paper. It’s everywhere.”
Ezili rolled her eyes and grabbed her sister’s elbow. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
“Ezili, wait!”
“Oh, God,” Ezili groaned. She knew whom that voice belonged to without turning around.
“Wait, that’s your other human boy,” Koa exclaimed. Ezili put her hand on Koa’s head and shoved her into the back of the taxi. Dawson rushed down the steps of the mansion and strode towards them.
“Where are you ladies going?” asked the taxi driver.
Ezili asked him to give them a few minutes, then grabbed Dawson’s arms as soon as he came close. “Dawson, you need to go back inside.”
“Ezili, what happened?” Dawson asked, panting. Then he saw Koa, and his eyes widened. “Dolores?”
Koa waved at him, a wicked grin on her face. Ezili tugged at his arms to turn his attention back on her. “She’s not Dolores. She’s my sister.”
“What?” He looked at her as if he believed she was telling a joke.
“You need to go back inside. I’m so sorry I cannot explain everything to you.” She tried to spin him around, yet he refused to follow.
“Ezili, what’s going on?” His eyes shifted back and forth between her and Koa. “Did Harry do something?”
“No.” Ezili sighed. She wished she could tell Dawson everything, but when she closed her eyes, she could see Harry’s disgusted expression back in that room. She didn’t want Dawson to look at her that way, too. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”
“Go where?”
“Hurry. Mother’s waiting,” Koa hissed.
Ezili threw her arms around Dawson’s neck and felt his body go rigid as she hugged him. She kissed his cheek, probably the first and last one she could ever give him, then quickly got into the taxi and shut the door.
“Wait!” Dawson tapped frantically on the window, but she refused to look at him.
“To the giant bridge with lots of lights,” Koa told the driver, who seemed confused.
“You mean the Tower Bridge?” he asked over his shoulder.
“Yeah, that! I think…”
“Oh, are you girls tourists.”
“Just drive, you–”
Ezili slapped a hand over Koa’s face and faked a smile at the surprised man. “Yeah, it’s the Tower Bridge.”
The driver nodded, probably thinking Koa was drunk so he didn’t ask further questions and started the engine. Ezili didn’t look out the window when the taxi headed towards the gate, leaving the mansion. However, she imagined Dawson watching her go with pain in his eyes, and Harry, somewhere inside, probably still sitting in that chair, was relieved that she was finally gone.
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heyyyharry · 2 years
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Condescending classmates: “I liked the story but it’s too Little Mermaid for me.”
Bestie it’s literally a Little Mermaid retelling 😭😭😭
“Also why are these sirens pretty? Didn’t they just rip out a man’s heart?”
“As an ocean nerd, it’s not factually correct that sirens can live that far under water.”
But my tutor enjoyed it 👍 and I got some very helpful feedback to rewrite the story.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
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heyyyharry · 3 years
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Some guy said this to me 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Ezi's vlog #1: About us (preview)
I came up with this new mini-series for Deep End when I was in the shower. If you guys like it, I'll make this a regular thing :)
Read it full here. I'll post this on Tumblr in a few days.
Ezi: *waves* Hi, guys, welcome to my channel! My name is Ezili, and this is my boyfriend, Harry! Today, we're gonna answer some questions about ourselves.
H: *waves* Hi, I'm Harry.
Ezi: *glares at Harry* You're late.
H: Because you didn't pause to let me introduce myself, did you?
Ezi: *rolls her eyes* I'm not cutting the camera again. We'll edit that out later.
H: How do you know so many modern terms now?
Ezi: TikTok. Anyway, back to the job. *puts on fake smile* Alright, first fan question! *reads from paper* What was the first gift you gave each other?
H: I gave her legs.
Ezi: I will literally kick you with them.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
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No one:
Ezi: Yeah? Well, Harry’s annoying and mean and lame. How can someone be annoying AND lame at the same time? It amazes me, truly. Fuck Harry. Can’t wait to kill him.
Harry: You know I can hear you, right?
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heyyyharry · 3 years
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I got offers from all creative writing programs I applied to even though I had a business degree. Harry and Ezi strike again 😭
Should I try to get Deep End published instead of My Girl?
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heyyyharry · 3 years
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...in which Harry bought Ezi a phone.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
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I just spent an entire day rewriting Deep End for my final submission for class. Finally took a break to eat and chat with my friend to decide what I should name Harry in this story. I think we’re going for Alexander. 🤣🤣🤣
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