#harryo duncan
ulabewriting · 4 months
Harryo Duncan.
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TW : mention of bullying, (cuteness overload)! ! !
• "Ah, welcome back ! I was actually thinking about you ! ... Not like– wait, not like that– I was– like, I found a book you might like so, uh–"
• hides behind the shelves when people he doesn't know enter the library.
• the biggest studio ghibli fan. owns tons of goodies.
• always wearing dr. martens because he thinks it makes him look cool :) (still a cutie patootie)
• for the longest time, you thought his name was "Duncan" because that's what's on his little library card. When you two get close, he tells you his actual name— he plays nervously with the fabric of his shirt, a blushing mess when he whispers : ".....Harryo. My, uh... You can call me Harryo. I– I'd like it if you called me by my name. Please."
• gets along with Angela, the actual official librarian, his supervisor. They're very close. (he still calls her Mrs. Pierce, though.)
• addicted to cinnamon rolls. One day, you brought him some to thank him for all the help he gives you and he pretty much melted on the spot. You swear you saw him stare at the baked goods with stars in his eyes and honestly, he looked at you the same way the whole day too–
• talented violinist. He's very shy (no shit) about it though; you only learn about this when he invites you to his place for the first time. You see a violin in a corner of his room and suddenly, he's blushing again, rubbing his neck awkwardly and telling you about the numerous competitions he won when he was younger. He started playing when he was 9.
• 6'4 and all limbs, basically. You started calling him "slenderman" at some point and it always makes him grin like an idiot. <3
• despite being so tall, he feels very petite somehow? He's just so delicate and sweet, he's just– Must protect at all costs! ! !
• his body is always cold, especially his hands, no matter the weather and season. He gets a bit worried when you hold his hand for this reason; what if it's uncomfortable for you? what if HE makes you cold? When you hold his hand in yours though, he gets all flustered and cute.
• "Would you mind staying like that a little longer ? I like your warmth... a lot."
• so soft-spoken, it's insane.
• reads whenever he's free. He likes any kind of book but, his favorites will always be love stories and poetry.
• very studious. He was a straight A student.
• takes medication for his (social) anxiety. Getting this place as an intern and interacting with people all day... it's a big deal. Even though he doesn't have the best self-esteem, he knows he's doing good. doing better.
• used to be bullied in middle school. (hahaha awkward introverts are so ridiculous (ew))
• cries very easily when he's happy. Absolutely stoic when he's sad, upset.
• has a terrible handwriting, but still leaves you cute little notes here and there. (like "i think you'll like this one!" on a piece of paper glued to the book he slides to you in silence or "see you later, pretty" on your mirror after he spent the night at your place and left early in the morning to go to work.)
• gets distracted pretty easily.
• "Sorry... uh... sorry, you were saying ? I just– I was looking at your eyes and like, they're really like this one semi-precious stone. You know, the beautiful one, how's it called–"
• a big fan of vinyls. Has a huge collection at his place. He regularly goes to thrift stores to buy old, rare ones.
• One day, you say you want to accompany him and he just. he just loses his cool. suddenly, he doesn't know how to act anymore, and he's blushing so much, and his heart his racing, and he bites on his bottom lip and–
• hides his flustered face in his palms when you call him cute. ;)
• “I’ll be the love interest of your romance for as long as you’ll let me be. I wouldn’t know how to exist outside of your book anymore… I don’t want to.”
• very timid and nervous about physical touch but, once it's inserted in your relationship, he's sooooo down for it. He's definitely a hugger. always wants to hold hands too though he's too shy to say it; you often catch him staring at your palms.
• his glasses slide on his nose all the time, and it's absolutely adorable.
• talks with his hands.
• favorite color : beige. His eyes get so soft whenever you wear this color; he looks at you like you're the most comforting thing he's ever seen... because you are.
• very humble about it, but is an amazing cook! He likes to feed you to show his love. He'll prepare you some hot tea in your favorite mug, a heart-shaped pizza for dinner, pack your lunch before you guys go out for the day.
• kind of awkward with pda. Like he won't french kiss you in public, but if you ever manage to steal a little kiss before you part ways in front of the library, his skin will go crimson and he'll whisper a high-pitched "love you, bye", then run to hide in the nearest aisle.
• likes to be the little spoon.
• whimpers and whines. like, a lot.
• super super close to his mom. He calls her every day! She's his bestie. He doesn't talk to his dad; he hasn't been around since he was born.
• talks about you ALL THE TIME when you're not around. His mom and Mrs. Pierce know everything about you before they even meet you.
• could sleep anywhere. Some stairs, a public bench, the floor, against a shelf... Sometimes, he starts falling asleep, his head lowering, then he suddenly snaps his eyes back open. He looks left and right, embarrassed as hell, praying that nobody saw him.
• hates horror movies. He hates them.
• Yep, you guessed it, he's... a scaredy-cat.
• the only person you know who actually wears a tie every day.
• too handsome for his own good. There are always some people admiring and whispering about him and he has absolutely NO CLUE.
• doesn't like talking to people, really... you're the only exception. He loves talking to you.
• likes to drink, but very much a lightweight.
• becomes extroverted when he's drunk lmao.
• has dimples. They're so powerful– they go crazy when he's chewing, almost like flashing lights.
• love language? making playlists. (quality time - just sitting in silence with you honestly; he’ll be so happy he won’t stop smiling to himself. gift giving - but it’s like…. books, cute rocks he found on his way to work, flowers, weird little drawings, pretty sea shells. . .)
• probably the most awkward guy you'll ever meet, but he's twice as charming.
• "Hey, I hope our book never knows an end. I want to write sweet nothings with you forever."
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ulabewriting · 4 months
meeting Harryo Duncan.
The cute librarian helping you in your research.
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Being part of Mal Helloborus isn't always easy. The prestigious academy hosting soon-to-be powerful mages and sorcerers is insanely demanding to its students. Good grades, impeccable attitude, seriousness and determination... a lot of determination. For you, holding a scholarship, mistakes are not allowed. You've wanted to master magic since childhood and you have worked very hard to give yourself the means to join this highly prized academy. And now that you’re there, there’s no way you’re releasing the pressure. You'll work as hard as you're physically able to do so.
You spend all your "free" time at the academy's library. No time to make friends, no room to let anyone pass you by; your only goal is to learn as much as you can about a lot of subjects to stand out and realize your dream : become a powerful and respected wizard.
It was during your second visit to the library, at the beginning of the first semester, that you met him... Harryo Duncan, the adorable and shy librarian.  He's your age and, just like you, begins his apprenticeship : this is his first internship in a library.  The first time you talk to each other, it’s in one of the most cliché scenes of all times... you bump into him in one of the large, silent aisles of the library, dropping all the books he was carrying on the floor, but not just that - his whole body is laying on the ground. His hands slide on the floor, blindly looking for something. He raises the tip of his nose once he finds what he was looking for : his precious glasses. He readjusts them on his nose, then avoids your gaze again, rushing to pick up his books while babbling apologies, bearly audible. You watch it all happen, rather amused. When you lower yourself to help him pick up his books, the librarian stares at you, like a deer caught in headlights. When you realize that he's glancing at you, and look back at him, his cheeks instantly turn pink. He stands up in a hurry and runs out of the aisle, saying one last distraught «sorry» .
It’s only the next day, when you revisit the library, that you meet him again. Sitting alone at a table, five huge grimoires opened in front of you, you rub your temples, trying not to lose your cool in the face of frustration; you've been searching since yesterday, but you're struggling to find the information you need. You are pulled from your thoughts by the faint noise of a book placed on the table, someone slides it towards you. You look up and recognize this brunette guy right away : the awkward librarian. He's still avoiding your gaze, the same blush on his cheeks. He adjusts his glasses on his nose while clearing his throat. You lower your eyes again on the book he brought you. You light up – that’s exactly what you were looking for !
"I think you... were doing some research on this, yesterday. I remember because it's pretty unusual; this topic isn't popular nowadays...'' He clears his throat again, shaking his head as if to chase away the enthusiasm that seized him at the opportunity to talk about books. That’s cute, you thought. "Sorry about yesterday and, uh... thanks. for helping with the books. I’m not used to interacting with customers yet, so... I got nervous. There are other books on the subject you’re looking for, so... if you want, maybe I can, like, point them out to you or something?" You smile.
This is how your sweet friendship with the shy but loveable librarian begins. And from now on, every time you visit, he's the one who greets you, the smile bright and cheeks always pink.
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"Bye ! Uhm... I'll see you tomorrow... right?"
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ulabewriting · 4 months
You're most welcome, reader.
Hi, I'm Ula. Sometimes, I get bored... so I write.
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and here's a little help to navigate it all :)
All my OCs are adults and I usually write gn!reader.
Tell me, reader,
where will you start ?
- MAL HELLOBORUS : the magic academy.
the sweet librarian, Harryo Duncan.
meeting Harryo.
get to know him.
NSFW - in the sheets.
the cocky creature, Olja Agregor.
meeting Olja.
get to know him.
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- THE FOREMAN-MCGUIREs : a new hope for the dynasty.
"Oh, you know, the biggest name in town, the most powerful dynasty of our land... The Foreman-McGuires."
Dominic Foreman-McGuire.
meeting Dominic.
get to know her.
Liz Foreman-McGuire.
get to know her.
Celestia Foreman-McGuire.
get to know her.
Oliver Foreman-McGuire.
get to know him.
Mickayla Foreman-McGuire.
Karter Foreman-McGuire.
get to know him.
Skyh Foreman-McGuire.
get to know her.
(lots of upcoming characters lol)
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Now, some transparency and a few limits. :)
Please read carefully before submitting requests.
You won't ever catch me writing :
suggestive content with minors.
any kind of hate speech.
graphic abuse scenes of any kind.
any existing fandom content - I only write (my) OC based stuff.
If any request I receive makes me uncomfortable, even if the topic isn't listed up there, I will decline it.
Please be kind and understanding if I take a bit of time to answer/write anything<3 (i'm anxious, i'm so sorry-)
Thank you so so much!
Take care :) <3
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