#harsh washing
undefeatablesin · 9 months
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A couple of WIP previews of Good Hunter Aloysha's comic ✨️ ⛈️
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dailyedgeworth · 2 years
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today, trans edgeworth tuesday
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bitacrytic · 9 months
not the mafia man self-domesticating.
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rohirric-hunter · 8 months
"Strip your clothes" this and "pretreat your clothes" that literally just stop using Tide and Gain and buy yourself some industrial washing powder like what hotels use it's literally better in every respect and gets years old stains that regular commercial stain removers won't even touch out in a single washing
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gayvampyr · 2 years
seeing people who have been brainwashed by the health and beauty industry gradually come to realizations like “actually maybe we shouldn’t be subjecting our skin to potentially toxic and damaging chemicals every single day” and “maybe stripping our bodies of their natural oils constantly is actually a bad thing” is very gratifying
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pseudoirony · 25 days
rip to this teenager who got so fucking scared of me she almost threw her phone away
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babygirlcowboy · 11 months
If anyone has any skin care products for sensitive skin they would like to recommend me...pls let me know bc I am struggling
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vulpinesaint · 2 months
engaging in the time-honored tradition of boyhood by having a fucked up and unconventional skincare routine that is not actually a skincare routine at all :)
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minophus · 3 months
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lured-into-wonderland · 6 months
🎶 from a like here
Nezumi had pushed all the chairs to the corner, along with the dining table. He had cleaned up the piles of books from the kitchen and moved them to the living room to join their numerous brother and sisters. When Nunnally emerged from the bedroom where she'd been resting, he turned to her as if he were expecting her.
"There you are—I—," he paused, gesturing to the free space, "thought of something," Nezumi explained and set his phone on the kitchen counter. There was just enough room in the middle of the kitchen for an exercise—or for a twirl.
"You've mentioned living in a castle," Nezumi continued. "And it got me thinking about balls and music and—well—." He set up his phone and hit play. A soft piano tune emerged and filled the room—Chopin's Waltz in A minor.
Nezumi tucked one hand behind his back and extended the other towards Nunnally. "May I have this dance?"
Once Nunnally accepted, he placed one palm to the middle of Nunnally's back as was the tradition and held her hand gently in his, then elegantly led the dance. Not too fast and not too wild—the kitchen was just about big enough for a moderate dance.
"Do you miss home?"
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She was surprised. Nunnally didn’t expect Nezumi to be so gentle and caring. She didn't think there was such a kind-hearted man behind all these rude remarks and harsh treatment he was delivering to her daily. Since he took her to his home. Like a homeless kitten. Nunnally was surprised he remembered (or rather that he accepted) that she was a princess. Although her life in the castle now seemed like happening centuries ago. Like it was just a dream of a girl who didn’t know any better. Nunnally wanted to refuse. But instead she offered Nezumi a proper curtsy; the one she would deliver only to the ones who had royal blood in them.
She didn’t expect him to be such a good dancer. Nunnally did enjoy how gently he led her; how caring his touch was. Or perhaps it was just her imagination. The yearning for something she never had (and never would have). No, Nezumi’s place wasn’t her home. And Nezumi wasn’t her family. She was just staying there for a short while. Getting some rest before gaining the courage to face the consequences of his reckless actions. Finding the way to keep him safe. But Nunnally didn’t want to think about it in that very moment. Instead, she let music enchant her; she didn’t feel anything nor hear anything apart from the gentle sounds of the waltz and Nezumi’s touch on her back. And her hand in his.
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…until he asked that question…
She looked at him with a disappointment (and sadness) in her eyes; the dance abruptly coming to its end.
Did she miss home? Did she? She turned away from Nezumi hugging her slim silhouette with her own arms as if to unsuccessfully prevent herself from trembling. Did she miss home?
“It was never fully my home…” – it wasn’t technically an answer to his question, but it was the only one she had for him.
“But it was the closest to home I ever had.”
And now she also lost that. Nunnally knew exactly what to expect when she was to go back. Cause it was never a question ‘if’ but, indeed, rather ‘when’. Even if Nezumi was not aware of that. She wanted that foolish man safe.   
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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the coloring on the dress...
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hongchicken · 1 year
How to make a homemade laundry detergent for a sustainable home
DIY: How to Make a Homemade Laundry Detergent for a Sustainable Home
Laundry detergent is an essential item in any home, but there are many questions about the best type of detergent to use and whether it’s possible to make a sustainable choice.
In this article, we’ll explain the basics of laundry detergent and why it’s important for a sustainable home. We’ll also provide step-by-step instructions for making a homemade laundry detergent that is both effective and eco-friendly.
What is Laundry Detergent?
Laundry detergent is a cleaning agent that is used to wash fabrics and other items. It usually contains surfactants, enzymes, and other chemicals that help to break down dirt and stains. Different types of detergent are used for different types of fabrics, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.
Why is it Important for a Sustainable Home?
When it comes to sustainability, laundry detergent is an important factor. Many store-bought detergents contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. These chemicals can end up in our water supply, which can have a negative impact on wildlife and human health.
Using a natural, eco-friendly detergent is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint and make your home more sustainable. Plus, it’s much better for your skin and clothing!
Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Homemade Laundry Detergent
Making your own detergent is easy and cost-effective. Here’s how to do it:
2 cups of baking soda
2 cups of washing soda
1/2 cup of citric acid
1/2 cup of salt
Essential oils (optional)
In a large bowl, mix together the baking soda, washing soda, citric acid, and salt.
If desired, add a few drops of essential oils for a pleasant scent.
Transfer the mixture to an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place.
To use, add one tablespoon of detergent to a full load of laundry.
Tips for Using Your Homemade Detergent
For best results, use warm or hot water.
To boost cleaning power, add a half-cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle.
For extra-tough stains, let the garment soak in a solution of equal parts water and laundry detergent for 30 minutes before washing.
For a fabric softener, add one cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle.
Final Thoughts
Making your own laundry detergent is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and make your home more sustainable. Plus, it’s cost-effective and easy to do.
By following the steps above, you can make a homemade laundry detergent that is both effective and eco-friendly. So, why not give it a try today?
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lemememeringue · 1 year
said family seemed to be doing better and my therapist immediately responded w "No." <3
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
Different Universe, Same Love: Final Day
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Free Day (Creator's Choice)
For Vincent and Abby's day, since it was a free space day, I looked around for ideas since nothing was specifically coming to mind. AU generator suggested a 'Worst Ending AU' and I just NOPE'd the hell out of that. Another suggestion was 'Homeless AU' (this generator might have some issues it needs to resolve) and, while I technically didn't go with that idea, it did remind me of a fic I wrote for Fictober 2021, (I've Waited for This) about Theo finding Vincent and Abby again in the future. Towards the middle, I gave a little bit of Abby telling Theo about their lives up until that point in the fic.
With the mention of Homeless AU, it reminded me about Abby mentioned how hard it was for her and Vincent living on their own, before they started living with her auntie. So, I decided to depict a scene from that time before the fic takes place, where Abby is frustrated and upset about everything while Vincent tries to calm her down.
I think this one is my favorite of drawings I did this week, with everything being super soft, a semi-complicated background (Vincent's motif being sunflowers? Stick sunflowers EVERYWHERE!!), the unintentional story-telling with the grayer outside the window while inside is warm and colorful, the emotions on Vincent and Abby's faces, I'm just super proud of this one.
Unsure of what to call this AU tho, because it's just a mix of a whole lot of things. After Happily Ever After? Extended Universe (since it is taking an implied scene from my own fic)? Domestic/Family AU again? Real Life Sucks™ But We Got Each Other So Things Aren't So Bad AU? The Before Times?
Whatever we want to call it, I'm glad that I could participate in this event as much as I did. Thanks again to @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady for hosting this event and I'm glad that I got to see so many fun and wonderful entries.
This one is the last entry for me, but I hope that I'll participate in more events more often. Thanks for stopping by everyone! Hope you had fun on this artistic journey with me.
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last-answer · 1 year
girls when theyre looking a lil too pale under certain lights
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thirteens-earring · 1 year
lice poll reminded me that when I got lice in fourth grade the kid’s haircut place my sister & I went to put us onto this rosemary line by fairy tales which supposedly repels lice but more importantly smells amazing and was soooo good for my hair 10/10
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