#harumi is mentioned
wukpng · 2 months
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oracleofdiscord · 7 months
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finally watched Dragons Rising: Absolute Power
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Trade Offer: I have a shower thought and you get a quick scribble comic
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calypsolemon · 7 months
To me it's so incredibly obvious, considering the whole christofern thing, that when garmadon says harumi is like a daughter to him, it's another example of garmadon projecting his subconcious fatherly feelings towards lloyd on a "safe" party. "Safe" because as far as he's concerned in most instances of him saying this, she's dead and/or out of his life and can no longer express anything towards him (and when she was alive she was near completely subservient to him). Just like the fern, which cannot express complex feelings or frustration or anything that the actual living, present Lloyd can and very much does express. It does not actually mean that garmadon "adopted" harumi or is fatherlike towards her in any fashion, because as was obviously shown their relationship was one of near pure transaction - Garmadon treated her like an underling, and harumi idolized and dehumanized him. It's an interesting dynamic for sure, but it consistently baffles me when people still take the idea that garm is effectively harumi's adoptive father at face value.
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kindaasrikal · 13 days
I present to you:
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Morro, and-
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The only thing these now have in common is the fact that they’re petty and traumatised.
My rambles of these two drawings is under the cut->
I’m going to bite them. Negatively. Such big losers man do you see them. Like damn don’t be mad Lloyd went through exactly what you did better
Its so funny to remember Lloyd had his own ‘evil and i want power’ phase and didn’t have his parents for a long time. OH MY GOD, you know when Lloyd was like ‘i dont remember my mom…’ in the early seasons right before Misako got introduced?? GUYS what if he thought his mom was dead. OHHHH MANNN😭
Anyways I’ve been struggling to draw and then i actually have important drawings to finish but i don’t want to. So i did two headshot drawings of the two emo’s and here we are.
Neither of them were supposed to look like that but here we are. The Harumi drawing has poorly attempted pink veins and was also me learning how to draw her. The pink veins is supposed to represent the overlords power now being a deep part of her.
The Morro drawing ended up looking like how ghost morro might if i slapped headcanons on to him but uh, its actually where i place one singular head canon of Morro either being possessed by the Preeminent or replacing her. Wee wooo.
Lowkey was gonna draw Cryptor too but then i realised he’d be much harder to draw compared to these two so he’s being held off for now. I need to draw Pixal properly too.
Last but not least, if you see any mistakes or weird things, no you don’t.
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garmydon · 1 month
toxic yuri toxic yuri toxic yur
Seeing Lloyd with a literal ball and chain is so funny to me it always makes me thingk of dave mathews band
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do you think rumi thinks up more cartoonishly evil tragic situations 2 put lloyd in. is he doomed as the victim of toxic yuri
btw crash into me is a VERY llorumi song and i ain't even thibk ab it b4 getting this ask .... thank u bro thank u🫶 into my wip llorumi playlist :)
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 8 months
Y'all, Ice Emperor and Emperor Garmadon situations are ganuinely so fucking similar like:
-Were good guys before death/disappearance
-Had a memory loss (Garm due to resurrection bringing back only the Oni half and Zane due to Vex wiping his memory)
-Were corrupted by an outside force (Zane by the scroll, Garm by the venom)
-Someone else was constantly pulling the strings on the background, puppeting them (Vex and Harumi)
-Easily manipulated (memory loss and corruption placing them in a vulnerable position)
-Lloyd being involved in defeating them (give this man a break already)
-Both created a dangerous being that was heavily involved in controlling/destroying the area they ruled (Boreal and Colossus)
So basically after s11 Zane would be capable of understanding the situation Garmadon was in.
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spyrolunaritic · 15 days
continuning off my tags on this post
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i went off but like tumblr kinda cut my tags inhalf so
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But the thing is, this wouldn't be a problem if Ninjago had better written female characters. This is an intresting storyline. But Ninjago doesn't write their female characters as characters. They write them as love intrest or maternal figures.
Yes ninjago got better with it later into it's life span, season 8 being the first or closet season to introducing a prominate female character who are more than just their relationships with the male characters, multiple even. Harumi having goals and motivations other than her relationship with Lloyd and was her own character. Mystake is her own character. Nya is seperated from Jay and is allowed to act as her own character outside of Jay.
But this was seven years into Ninjago's lifespan. There is genuniely no good excuse that Ninjago took so long to have their female characters be characters. And even then it's not perfect, with Harumi's character being heavily linked to Garmadon. And frankily being ruinned in crystalized, by her character getting boilled down to Lloyd's love intrest. Her motivations being 'because the plot said so.' instead of her own goals and intrests.
But at least that's a turning point, a shift in writing towards their female characters that Ninjago is mostly consistant on, ignoring Harumi's character deterioration.
But the treatment of Ninjago's treatment of female characters in the early seasons still echo's on towards late in the series. Skylor remaining as a plot device for all of her appearances, because of early Ninjago failing to establish Skylor as a character of her own character, so the writers don't know what to do with her beyond her powers. Even adding a previously unestablished limit to her power, purely just for the sake of the plot.
And the idea that all girls in the show are love intrests or mothers, deeply embeded itself into the fandom. Most people assuming that Cole and Vania was a canon relationship, dispite them being comfirmed to be purely platonic, both in and out of the show. Purely because, He's a guy, she's a girl, and that's what Ninjago normally does with their female characters. That's what they're expecting.
It's why i love Sora. She is so much more than her relationship with the male main characters, and it's the same with all female characters in DR. But it's ashame Ninjago took so long to get to this point.
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spinjitsuburst · 8 months
holy shit i've spent the past four real life days trying to beat a minigame in stardew valley and i couldn't beat it until today i was doing it and i zoned out while thinking really hard about the logistics of vengestone production and distribution prior to the events of crystalized and i beat it moral of the story zone out and think about a very specific aspect of ninjago you can accomplish anything
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rainofthetwilight · 1 year
honestly, when i first saw sora's backstory, i didnt react much, but now im noticing everything and its just really sad to think about
see this little kid who was full of hope? see this girl, that was just an innocent kid full of life, having that one role model that every kid had in some point of their lives?
this girl was then stripped away from everything she loved the moment she realized the truth, that this "role model" of hers was abusing poor innocent creatures, that their people have been brainwashed by this so-called emperess she actually used to follow, having your own parents shun you and take away everything you had and isolate you just because you knew the truth, and said truth wasnt just something bad, no, it was a fucking nightmare to think about, imagine taking that all in at 10
if the merge never happend, she would've been stuck in that sucker of a realm her whole life. she wouldve never been able to continue her childhood, her love for tech, nothing just absolutely nothing. she wouldve been locked away and alone forever, she wouldnt even have her own family by her side
the fact she didnt even hesitate to leave when the merge happend is heartbreaking, she was so fucking young, and was treated so poorly by everyone. imagine staying like that for probably months. she even named herself after that freaking dragon to respect her.
and as someone who actually experienced what sora had to endure when i was a kid, being shunned by my family for nearly a year during that time, i just have to point out that:
ana and sora are two completely different charcters.
when ana left, she became sora. a completely new person that was an ending with a new beginning, seeds that became remenants.
I know alot of people will disagree with me and say that lloyd had a tougher backstory, or maybe harumi, etc, but every charcter experienced something the other wouldnt handle, making no tragedy rougher than the other
i have nothing else to say but..damn
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laismoura-art · 2 months
Presenting my very own take on the Goddesses!
🌺Cetrion and Delia!☀️
The Goddess of Life, Light and Virtue and the Goddess of Sun and Bearer of the Eternal Flame!
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For their dynamics:
They are good friends!
Though Delia ascended to Godhood and Cetrion was born a Goddess, Delia was still a Goddess longer than Cetrion (as Outworld is waaaaaaaay older than Earthrealm) so for a while, Delia played the role of mentor for Cetrion!
Cetrion was trying to become a better Goddess for Earthrealm than she was in her past life (she doesn't quite remember why she was bad, but she knows she was and is trying to atone), so any help and advice was welcomed!
And as the younger Goddess likes Delia, she naturally DESPISES Argus! The Sun God and the Light Goddess have a TERRIBLE relationship, often bickering and insulting each other!
Cetrion tries to be on her best behaviour for Delia, but it really doesn't help that Argus won't put on the same effort!
Cetrion used to like Amara, Delia's favourite mortal and good friend. But their relationship took a critical hit once the Sorceress had an affair with Argus. They barely talk nowadays, and things will only get worse now that Amara's son, Zeffeero, flooded the whole Kingdom of Seido💀
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Now, allow me to ramble a whole lot about their designs! 👀 💚 ❤️
Starting with Cetrion:
Yes, I did redesign her head to toe😅
I REALLY love the idea of her being Mother Nature herself and I wanted her new design to show that she's fully embraced the tittle and is dedicated of making caring for all life in Earthrealm her true purpose!
So the main idea here is that she's a walking ecosystem, every part of her, from body to robes are an environment that carries actual fauna within them!
Her hair was inspired by my favourite brazilian tree, the pink Ipê! She can change her hair at will, to make it resemble all types of different trees, and you can always find birds, bees and butterflies flying around her!
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Her robes are an actual ocean, and if you look closer, you may find a variety of fishes swimming in there! You can even attempt to fish one for yourself, but be careful not to fall in to the water!
Speaking of careful, her magma body is usually safe to touch, though she can make herself unbearably hot, to the point a simple touch can melt your skin!
Her freckles are stars she crafted but were not used in any galaxy design, but as she's very attached to her creations and didn't want to see these go to an waste, she decided to wear them herself!
The flowers on her belt and arm are... well, Cetrion flowers, they grow on her only and have medical properties. They are trusted to the her warriors only, more specifically, to her head healer, who is also the Grandmistress of the Order of Cetrion! (Harumi got to use them once she graduated as Umgadi warrior and proved herself worthy of the tittle of head healer)
Now for Delia:
I'll start by saying I wasn't feeling at all confident while working on her🫣
I genuinely don't like her canon design-- really, she probably has my least favourite design ever! She's hypersexualized to an extreme. Her skirt and veil are so vastly different that they just DON'T match at all, and her top is just offensive!
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What in the ever loving heck am I looking at?? (ಠ_ಠ)
MK couldn't just screw her over by giving her a shitty husband, an evil son and death. They also had to give her an awful design!
*Sigh* anyways... despite my strong opinions on this design, I believed a couple alterations could make me like it better.
So for her I started my giving her whole attire ONE main colour, which is the dark red.
I get that her skirt was trying to emulate a flame with that gradient, except they also messed that one up cause guess what? In a flame, the lighter yellow/orange part -> 🔥 is on the bottom!
And let's be real, her whole design would've improved 110% if they had made the gradient go from red to orange, the skirt would match the top, it would properly emulate a flame and for once, the colours wouldn't look all over the place on her!
Now as Delia is a Goddess here I really wanted her attire to stand out and look alive and magical (much like Cetrion's) so instead of a common gradient, I gave her a whole living flame! It glows and moves inside her dress!
I also wanted a special thing for her jewelleries and details on the veil, so I made them the sun's surface :D they were fun!
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And who would've guessed the sun would make such perfect jewellery, huh? Lol!
For reference, Suchin's Blessed Swords look like Delia's jewellery (but she doesn't use them yet, only when she grows up and take over the position as the family's vigilante)!
And Jade has a protection amulet like this too. She has had it with her since forever, but she just can't for the life of her, remember who gave it to her! Learning it might belong to Delia is what encouraged her to go seek answers among the Umgadi.
And for the final touch, the symbol on her veil is of the Umgadi!
Oh, hi! You made it to the end! :D
Before I wrap this all up, a huge thanks to @rasta-bot and her amazingly inspiring work on Delia and Edenia!!💕💕
And as always, my beautiful girlies, hope you enjoy the reading! @mikka-minns @thedragonholder @orbitinytheworld @madamealtruist @moody-bloos 💕💕
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Get. Lost
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!]
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emerald-cloud23 · 8 months
tell me please which lloyd ships you like and why
but please don't say him x harumi because that makes me uncomfortable as hell
requesting this bc the only one i like is with akita, but that's mainly cause she resembles the main character of my favorite game and both are wolves and i have had an obsession with wolves 10 years ago. so. i wanna be open to potential other ships with him (i hardly ship anything ninjago related, so.. introduce me to your ways, using my comfort character)
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bihanssoul · 1 year
Harumi getting tired of Kuai Liang giving Raiden the Heart Eyes™ and Raiden being so focused on the training given to him, he's oblivious to it, so she locks them in a closet and yells at them to figure it out.
A few hours later, Tomas walks by and is scarred for life by the noises coming from the closet.
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I got gifted this very very very cute story that, while not perhaps entirely accurate to Book 3 (for those caught up), it still technically adheres to Cracked!Legacyverse, so all is good if you’ve been keeping up with the sidestories~
(Which means psst @k1ngtok1 there’s Jamie mention!!)
Summary: Antonia had a front row seat to her best friend Jesse's disaster of a love life for so long, it's becoming sad now.
So with all her options exhausted, she decided to ask the two unlikeliest individuals for help.
Let's hope she won't regret this.
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Garmadon is totally into strong women who can and will beat him to a pulp whilst cussing him out.
For some reason, it runs in the family.
Edit: you know that tag i added saying “wish i could say Morro too but he’s probably the strong woman in the relationship”?
Yeah, that’s the Fsm too.
No, I’m not explaining.
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