#harvest moon deutsch
uniqflame · 6 months
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marianomoreno · 9 months
13 Moons Reading Challenge 2024
ok i just set it up this is what im doing ♥ kind of a cop out to put el hombre que amaba a los perros there considering ive only got like 150 pages left on it but i was actually looking for a 12-book challenge so this is perfect
Wolf Moon A furry creature on the cover - El hombre que amaba a los perros
Snow Moon A book with necromancy themes - Gideon the Ninth
Worm Moon Read a book in a series with more than 5 books - The Tombs of Atuan
Pink Moon A book with a princess - La Reine Margot
Flower Moon A speculative fiction - Sirius
Strawberry Moon Book with the word Leaf in the title - La hojarasca (look they translated it as Leaf Storm in english too so im counting it)
Buck Moon A book recommended by a friend - Mr. Gwyn
Sturgeon Moon Book with a title that starts with the first letter of your name - Rebecca
Harvest Moon A fruit in the title - С неба упали три яблока
Hunter’s Moon Book about food - Cuisine and Empire
Beaver Moon Book with a Street on the cover - Perdido Street Station
Cold Moon Book about a historical event - Der deutsche Bauernkrieg
Blue Moon Read a classic - Pride and Prejudice
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bubbler-the-bubble · 1 year
Welcome to my blog!
Here's some info so you can get to know me. However if you are in any way bigoted, leave now. This is not a safe space for any homo/transphobia, racism, abelism or any other discrimination.
The basics
Name: bubbles/bub
Pronouns: Any
Age: 19
Where am I from?: Ireland🇮🇪
What Languages do I speak:
-Gaeilge (intermediate)
What am I doing:
Stuff that I'm reading:
-One Piece (I'm at chapter 120 currently)
-Spy x Family (I'm caught up)
Stuff that I'm watching:
-Leverage Redemption
-Downton Abby
-Almost paradise
What am I Playing:
-Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
My Hobbies:
-Drawing (I'm bad at this one, but I'm working on it)
-Writing poems
Other stuff that I like:
-Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (up to Stone ocean)
-My hero acadamia
-The Kirby series
-Stardew Vally
-Binding of Isaac
-Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town
-Ace Attorny
-Dragon ball
My favourite things<3
Animal: Flamingo
Colour: Pink
Dessert: Lemon Cheescake
Drink: Tea
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retropolitan · 3 years
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Part LXXXVII: Harvest Moon | Tipp für das SNES
(Bildquelle: Club Nintendo - Magazin, Ausgabe: Februar 1999)
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mrslittletall · 4 years
coffeeflavoredcookies hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “Followers, please talk to me about… - Terranigma - Harvest Moon/Story...”
Did you say Terranigma. I LOVE terranigma
@coffeeflavoredcookies Obligatorischer Check: Bist du deutsch? If not, yay, Terranigma! I love Terranigma too!
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theloreyouknow · 6 years
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Happy Easter from the ancient Germanic goddess Eostre, and her adorable bird-turned-hare companion, who has laid colorful eggs as a symbol of fertility during a springtime festival held in the deity’s honor!
I mean, they seem lovely, I’m sure they would wish you a Happy Easter, even though there’s no substantive evidence that they were ever part of any folklore... yeah. Oof.  So bite the ears off that chocolate bunny, yank off that Easter bonnet, and let’s go-a myth-busting.
To begin, I should mention three things:
First, I am a skeptic at heart, and though I was raised in a Christian household, I've been a one-foot-over-the-line-into-atheism brand of agnostic for quite some time (20-ish years), and I tell you that to tell you this: I couldn't care less about the "IT'S PAGAN!" - "NO IT'S JUDEO-CHRISTIAN!" thing. I'm just reporting the facts.
Second, what I'm not going to get into here (minus passing mentions) are where modern Easter practices have come from, nor traditions involving hares in general/beyond Easter that have been passed down through largely unconfirmed folklore.
Third, this is a very conversational write-up because my love of academia aside, good night nurse, can their articles be snoozefests. Plus, some on the religious end of the spectrum can bend preachy, then at the atheist end they can bend snotty. This strives to be neither, just aims to be a fun, informative read.
Feedback is fuel, so - as always - be it for this or anything else coming from here, let me know what you think.
May as well kick off with the hard drop:
There is but one reference to a pagan goddess named Eostre, and its source leaves much to be desired.
An English monk called Bede wrote a book called "De temporum ratione" (“The Reckoning of Time”), in 725, and it was about this ongoing nattering amongst various Christian groups - we get to that in a sec - about when exactly Easter was, and by that I mean to say they were fussing over When did Jesus do his die-and-rise. So Bede's jam was working out a calculation for his fellow monks so this could be settled. And in doing all this, he goes to town on calendars in general.
He talked about the the traditional Old English names of the months, breaking down the etymology, and proposed that some seem to stem from agriculture cycles, such as Weodmonath ("weed month) = August, or Thrimilcemonath ("three milkings") = May. Okay. I don’t quite track with ya, Bedes, but I’m also not of 8th century stock.
Then he postulated on some he thought referred to Pagan tradition. There’s Halgemonath ("holy month) = September, for instance, Bede saying it was "a month of sacred rites” that had to do with harvest. Then he asserts two were named after goddesses: Hrethmonath = March,  after Hretha, and Eostremonath = April, after Eostre. The hitch in Bede's get-a-long? 
There's no references to a goddess called Eostre, like, anywhere. So what the what, Bede?!? The "what", according to some scholars, is that Bede didn't have the first damn clue as to where "Eostremonath" came from, so he made up the goddess to tie a nice little bow on his etymology fact droppage.
But fine, fine, fine - let's give the Bede-man an out, cotton to his assertion and say there was a goddess Eostre whom people honored via springtime get-togethers. Let's say her name was co-opted into English for a month of the year (wondering why Charlemagne - you know - the German dude who ended up Holy Roman emperor- would up and go with “Aprilis” when he modified the ol’ Julian calendar notwithstanding, because we’re going with Bede, here), and since it was "her" month, later got co-opted onto said month's big holiday. Great. 
Revised hitch: zero evidence of anything to do with this - symbols, rituals, ceremonies, take your pick - being associated with some Eostre in Anglo-Saxon England Pagan circles. So if Eostre was super popular, enough for Christians to do the co-opting, then there should be some evidence of the source.
Christians had been doing the Easter thing since, at minimum, the second century, before they would've met these Eostre devotees in order to snitch ideas from them. Point is, Easter as a Christian celebration has been happening for about 1300 years. There's records of all of it. This Eostre chick would've come up. And the old-school historians weren't hiding some big secret about theft of concepts from pagans, and how do we know that? Because they pony up when they have. Here's an example - you've heard of the Anglo-Saxon deities Woden and Thor, yeah? Wednesday and Thursday, meet your namesakes. 
And on the subject of other deities, Thor and Woden are paralleled in Germanic and proto-Christian traditions, and plenty more in other cultures (think Greek-Roman gods, how Aphrodite and Venus are essentially the same thing) with overlap like this, yet there's none for Bede's gals Eostre or Hretha.
Oh, did I not mention that? Bede probably invented the goddess Hretha, too.
Dang it, Bede!
Further down - because it's more in line with the bunny talk - I mention a dude who claimed he could kinda see a parallel with a Celt goddess, and it is such the shaky connection. Because it's based on the bizarre thing that is touted about Eostre and this bird that she turned into a rabbit. Yes, you read correctly - that’s covered below, too.
This Celt goddess Abnoba - based upon my admittedly cursory dive - is touted by numerous blogs and wikis and whatnot as a "goddess of the hunt" and, of course, being female, you know what's coming next. Throw a rock at any female deity in any culture, and any that you hit will have this on their CV: either they'll be primarily functioning as a goddess of fertility (and love and sexuality), or some/all of that'll be listed as a sub-function. What the hunting thing would have to do with Eostre/Ostara's shtick is beyond me, and the other factors, like I said, are evergreen lady godfigure traits.
Lookit, Bede wasn't exactly the best go-to for origin stories, he whiffed on other things. In his book, he says a winter shindig called Modranecht (Mōdraniht or Modranicht - Old English "Night of the Mothers" or "Mothers' Night") was called that because of "ceremonies they enacted [that] night". Well. Yeah.
Oh, Beeeeeede.
So what about Ostara? The alt version of Eostre's name? Well, a certain linguist, folklorist, and author named Jacob Grimm (yup, of those Grimms), seemed to want to believe that sneaky Bede, and he tried to find an explanation, saying in his 1835 book "Deutsche Mythologie" that maybe Eostre was some sort of local version - local to Bede, that is - of a "widespread" Germanic goddess. One whom Grimm named Ostara.
Make sure you caught that: not "who was named Ostara" or "who was called Ostara". Grimm named this mystery goddess himself. And historians can't find evidence of her, that she ever existed anywhere but in (heh) Grimm's fairy tale.
Dang it, Grimm! Stick to frightening children with mermaids, man.
To sum up: Ostara is purportedly in Germanic folklore, except she's not, at least, not anywhere but in Grimm's imagination, evidence-wise. Eostre was supposedly an Anglo-Saxon goddess, except she's not, because there's no evidence in Pagan sources, and the only Christian source she pops up in was ya boy Bede's book.
We touched on tradition/deity overlap a little above, but let's dig deeper. A common sentiment is that Easter was "changed" to being a Christian thing from a Pagan thing when Constantine "Christianized" the Roman Empire.
Seems Constantine converted to Christianity in 312 and, interestingly, the next year he actually decreed there should be toleration of all religions, the point being to end the continued, albeit down to periodic, persecutions of Christians. But he didn't demand that the citizens under his rule convert - smart dude, he'd have alienated all the Pagans. Turns out, a healthy amount of the higher class folks were Pagan, and he needed their support/involvement. Granted, there were later edicts that shut down official state sponsorship of pagan cults (temples, meeting places, etc.) and public pagan ceremonies, but hey - you claim neutrality, it's gotta apply to all religious practices across the board. Well. Assuming he did the same regarding Christianity. But that's another topic.
Bottom line, the Roman Empire was not formally declared a Christian state til Theodosius, who proclaimed it as the official religion in 380. Constantine had died about 43 years prior. Still, I can possibly see where the rumor started, as Constantine seemed to be the first big-deal-figure who was open about his Christianity. And it might have also piggy-backed off of the work of the First Council of Nicea, which went down in 325. Y'know, not after he kicked the ol’ Roman situla. 
Basically, the Council aimed to settle disputes happening amongst the Christian churches, and while they were at it, they ruled on when celebrations of Easter should go down (see above, RE: Bede the Balla still dealing with it in his time), as this was, it seems, A Very Big Deal.
A dude named Eusebius - historian, later bishop, straight outta Caesarea - said there had been fussing happening all the way back to 190. The bonnets were bee-heavy because they (who is "they"? "They" are always such a PITA) couldn't decide whether to make Easter a whole week, a la the Jewish Passover, or just on a Sunday, since they were convinced Jesus died on a springtime Friday, meaning the rise happened on Sunday. The west side of the Empire was doing it up on just the one day, and the east was kickin' it all week. The Council ended up going with Sundays, and said this new jam would start on the first Sunday that followed the first full moon after March 21st.
Now, a mention in one of the cited sources below notes that some attest Passover itself has roots in a pre-historic Semitic spring festival, but I'm not going down that rabbit hole (heh), knock yourselves out. Point is, Easter is related to the aforementioned vernal equinox - that full moon thing - because it coincides with Passover. It's a Judeo-Christian thing, not a rip-off of a Pagan festival thing, best historians know via the evidence.
There's no eggs or animals of the rabbit persuasion in Biblical gospel narratives, so the assumption was it must have stemmed from a Pagan tradition. You’ll see things pop up in social media feeds, images touting (some) Christians’ claims that eggs symbolize Christ's rebirth (but.... what? And why? And.... whatever). There's evidence of medieval Christians decorating eggs and then eating them at Easter, and that actually might have a logical reason, at least, beyond folks of Ukrainian descent carrying on a tradition past generations might’ve carried over when migrating (more on that below).
Many religions across the board have guidelines - for some, heavy rules - surrounding fasting for lots of reasons (look it up yourself), and some of those are part of festivals and such throughout the liturgical calendar (a.k.a. - designated times for public community celebrations). In the evidence pile for Easter, there's a "festal letter" from this guy Athanasius in 330 who talks about a 40-day fast that ended on Easter Sunday. I'd like to point out here that this happened post-Nicean council decree, keep that in mind.
Why this is possibly of import is it turns out, Constantine had exiled Athanasius for being mouthy about grain or something, and he booked it back to Alexandria after Connie bit the dust.... only to be exiled again the next year when Connie, Jr. - Constanius - found out. But Athanasius was apparently a charmer, and knew how to take advantage of a situation, so he ends up in Rome under the protection of Connie's other son, Constans - ah, so I guess Connie, Jr.: The Sequel - who was emperor in the west. You know, the west, the crew who liked making Easter a one day throw-down vs. drawing it out. I would be delighted to learn that Athanasius was trying to get everybody on board with a long celebration just to shoot a post-mortem bird at Constantine. Atty-boy ended up being made a saint, so aside from that grain kerfuffle, appears he was a popular guy, had a "flock" as it were, which is how historians have all the Festal Letters, including ones talking about the date(s) of Easter parties and this fast.
And, again, "fast" can mean a variety of things - total abstaining, sure, but even Jesus would give you side-eye over 40 days of nothing, you ain't rising from anything after that - but lots of times it was just cutting out certain things, food or otherwise (hello, Lent). And many of those are specifically about food from animals, so there's meat, to be sure, but in addition to that, the products of animals, meaning milk, cheese, butter, and - say it with me, now - eggs.
No refrigerators means lots of wasted food, so the people had to eat up what they had and - duh - not slaughter for meat, don't milk the cows/goats, and don't make any butter or cheese. Easy. But chickens don't give a rat's ass about calendars and religion, they're gonna keep cranking out the goods and, again, not eating them in real time means a 40 day sulfur cloud looming over the area. Reason dictates they boiled them, problem solved. I mean, I wouldn’t crack open a month-old boiled egg, but folks of the before-years-had-four-integers variety had bellies that could handle a lot of things that would have us hugging porcelain thrones for weeks. That’s another discussion, one I cannot promise we’ll ever have.
It took a bazillion years to make cheese, and butter was no quick work, and neither was curing meat (look it up) - those wouldn't be ready for Sunday. And sure, you could pop out and milk something, lay waste to some cow for fresh steaks, but hell - to cover everybody, you'd have to knock off more than one. Way more than one, probably to the detriment of the sustainability of a mini-herd on a given family farm. Realistically, most of the feast would be any nasty, salted-out jerky somebody had leftover from pre-fast, more veg and fish and bread, which would all suck - but wait. WAIT. Eggs. 
So, in the week before Easter, they'd have been boiling like crazy, one would think, as part of the prep for the major gullet-stuffing coming up that Sunday. There's references to the eggs getting glammed up to be extra festive at least as early as the 13th century, and I suppose it's not a stretch to say they were beyond happy to have at least one of their food options back on deck and wanted to make things extra special - you can’t really glitter up fish and potatoes, after all. In any event, the fast-related thing is the most logical regarding Easter-egg association, and as I mentioned, maybe a touch of family tradition, which brings me to the next part:
Wabbit season.
There's another book called "Deutsche Mythologie", from 1874, and the author, Adolf Holtzmann, talked about the German Easter hare - which, historians are certain of, is where the Easter bunny comes from - and speculated on its possible source. What he suggested is reportedly the first documented instance of a certain somebody, perhaps you've heard of her, spoiler alert: it's Ostara.
"The Easter Hare is inexplicable to to me, but probably the hare was the sacred animal of Ostara; just as there is a hare on the statue of [the Celtic goddess] Abnoba.”
We covered that random Abnoba comment above, but.... Adolf....what? So how did rabbits get hooked up to Ostara? And what’s up with the hare laying eggs?
By the way, the hare must once have been a bird, because it lays eggs....  
Well, sure, of course.
The essence of the current party line is that Ostara transformed a bird into a hare, and because it was once a bird, it retained its ability to lay eggs and to thank Osara for what she’d done - no clue why she did it, but if hare’s cool, I’m cool - it laid a bunch of colored eggs to spruce up her festival.
Fine. Moving forward. In 1883, a book by one K. A. Oberle hit the shelves - and if you speak 19th century German, wanna check out the original, godspeed - and he got super specific:
Some time ago the question was raised how it came that, according to South German still prevailing folk-lore, the Hare is believed by children to lay the Easter-eggs. I venture now to offer a probable answer to it. Originally the hare seems to have been a bird which the ancient Teutonic goddess Ostara (the Anglo-Saxon Eàstre or Eostre, as Bede calls her) transformed into a quadruped. For this reason the Hare, in grateful recollection of its former quality as bird and swift messenger of the Spring-Goddess, is able to lay eggs on her festival at Easter-time
As specific as that was? No specific sourcing. Minor shout-out to Bede, though. And there was a mention of a general source.... Holtzmann.
Shifting gears - but stay with me - to way-back-when in the Ukraine. They had a folk tale about the origins of pysanka, a.k.a. "painted eggs", but that definition is actually incorrect. Pysanka are not painted, they're "written on" via a beeswax-dyeing technique. They are absolutely stunning - the side of my family with Eastern European roots blessed us of the newer gen by passing down Christmas ornaments fashioned in this style, and they are my favorites. Here's a random google image of some of these works of art:
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The wikipedia article on the history of pysanka has some decent citations, so I’m comfortable using it as a source. The Reader’s Digest version for their existence - based on passed-down folktales and analyzation done of symbols on what archaeological samples have been found - back in the pre-Christian era was warding off evil to keep the world going, keep nature growing, the ongoing “rebirth” of plants and animals, make the sun deity happy.
Because of that sun deity element - if it’s correct, because, again, brittle eggshells and faded symbols call for educated guesses vs. hard truths - of the pysanka thing, an argument could be made that it should be filed under Pagan. Then because the Eostre thing is touted as Pagan, and because nature springs back to life from winter in, well, spring, and (I’m assuming) because rabbits mate like their tails are on fire, the whole shebang was rolled into this big, fantastic ball of nature-goddess-bunny-rabbit-spring-equinox-pretty-eggs untruth.
Christians have melded stuff and mutated folktales and cultural traditions to suit their religion, no doubt, and I could write multiple articles on things Christians claim as fact that have no evidentiary basis; it just seems like here, as time rolled on, this is something that Pagans got duped by when legends - and some outright lies - got pushed as indisputable fact.
And as far as untruths go, this seems minor. It’s fun to guess at things, make up our own headcanon, but if we’ve got facts? If those facts disprove something we may have our hearts set on believing? Well, accepting them is part of being a grown-up. Which sucks. But here we are.
Besides, who cares, truly? Is this Easter customs thing really important? Isn’t the time spent with family and friends and people in your community what’s most important? Hell, be like Bede & Co.: make your own traditions. And anyway, SO MUCH CANDY is gonna be on sale tomorrow. #hail Eostre #goddess of chocolate bunnies #whose delicious ears #I shall happily chomp
We'll close with my favorite quote from my research:
"Some still claim Eostre's name is the root of the word oestrogen, ignoring that human eggs are microscopic and that the real etymology of oestrogen in fact relates to the gadfly."
Bet you didn't think this Easter tale would conclude with estrogen and gadflies, and yet, I can think of no stranger point upon which to end this convoluted tale.
Happy Hippity-Hops to you all!
------ SOURCES -------
Eleanor Parker - “Some Anglo-Saxon Easter Customs”
Tim O'Neill - “Easter, Ishtar, Eostre and Eggs”
Adrian Bott - “The Modern Myth of the Easter Bunny”
Steven Winick - 
“Ostara and the Hare: Not Ancient, but Not As Modern As Some Skeptics Think”
“On the Bunny Trail: In Search of the Easter Bunny”
“Here Comes Peter Cottontail: Some Cultural History”
H/T Tom Holland 
Silas Toball (left) & Sophie Gardiner (right)
All of these sources are robust and wonderful, however most of them are what I'd label "dense". The exception is the brief article by Mr. Bott, should you want an even more concise round-up than what I've presented here. Yes, compared to what’s linked, hand-to-Cadbury, my article was concise.
Should you want an A/V roundup, in 2016, Mr. Winick was featured in a segment on the (US show) CBS Sunday Morning, called "The Real Story of the Easter Bunny", and Eostre is discussed as well. [You can stop around the 2:50 mark, as from there they go on to discuss rabbits in general]
There are also additional sources referenced and/or linked in every citation above, should you want more clarification on their assertions.
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metalindex-hu · 4 years
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2020. szeptember 28 – október 4.)
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2020. szeptember 28 – október 4.) - https://metalindex.hu/2020/10/04/femjelzes-a-het-ujdonsagai-2020-szeptember-28-oktober-4/ -
Temérdek új anyag, sok-sok izgalmas koronggal, az október eleje ismét meghozta a gyümölcsét!
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Acta Sanctorum – Consignatum Satanas Actum (black metal) Aeon Bridge – Mixing Mythologies (speed/thrash metal) Aisumasen – Tunguska (sludge/doom metal) Alex Mele – Alien Doppelgänger (heavy metal) Amaranthe – Manifest (alternatív metal) Amiensus – Abreaction (progresszív black metal) Anaal Nathrakh – Endarkenment (industrial black metal/grindcore) Arroganz – Morsus (black/death metal) Arseis – Melz Venist Li Brullin (black/death metal/folk) Ascian – Elysion (death/doom metal) Bacchus Mass – Αστρον Κυνος (melodikus black metal) Beleth’s Curse – Beleth’s Curse III (black/thrash metal) BleedSkin – Blood Reign (death metal) Bliss of Flesh – Tyrant (black/death metal) Brave the Cold – Scarcity (grindcore/death metal) Briqueville – Quelle (post-metal/rock) Brocken – Soma | Sema (doom metal) Cadaverous – Luguber (brutális death metal) Cause Unknown – Ghost Metamorphosis (progresszív heavy metal) Cimetière – Extinction (black metal) Concrete Age – Spirituality (thrash/power/melodikus death metal) Confrontation – The Six Battles of Courland (death/doom metal) Cryptae – Nightmare Traversal (death/doom metal) Cyanide Grenade – Kind of Virus (thrash metal) Dead in Silence – Vocatus et Morbo (nyers black metal) Demvr – Revolt of the Angels (black metal) Derelenismo Occulere – Inexorable revelación (black metal) Destroyers – Dziewięć kręgów zła (thrash metal) DevilDriver – Dealing with Demons, Volume I (groove/melodikus death metal) Diabolika – …Al Infierno!!! (thrash metal) Dialogia – Nostrum (doom/death metal) Disastrous – Disastrous (brutális death metal) Disintegration – Prahara (brutális death metal) Elcrost – Foregone Fables (black metal) Encenathrakh – Thraakethraaeate Thraithraake (technikás brutális death metal) Endless Reign – Time Of Tyrants (thrash metal/metalcore) Enslaved – Utgard (progresszív black/viking metal) Executive Disorder – Social Insecurity (crossover/thrash metal/hardcore punk) Eye of Solitude – The Ghost (funeral doom metal) Fallen Angel – All Salvation Lost (death metal) Frailty – Tumši Ūdeņi (doom/death metal) Framtak – Framtak (black/folk metal) Fulanno – Nadie está a salvo del mal (stoner/doom metal) Funérarium – Haunted (atmoszferikus black metal) Gallows Hymn – The Age of Decadence (progresszív folk metal) Giant – Born Again Dead Again (stoner/doom metal) Goot – The Everlasting (gótikus metal) Gorephilia – In the Eye of Nothing (death metal) Grevlar – Cloud of Death (death metal) Harpago – Paraíso Perdido (heavy/speed metal) Häxenzijrkell – Die Nachtseite (black metal) Herald – Kurat (heavy metal) Herbstschatten – Abschaum (black metal) Höllenabgrund – Tote Seelen (black metal) Horde of Hel – Döden nalkas (black metal) Hylskog – Summoning the North Coldness (black metal) Iron Angel – Emerald Eyes (power/speed/thrash metal) Isengard – Vårjevndøgn (folk black metal) Iternia – Between Good and Evil (power metal) Ivory Moon – Lunar Gateway (epikus szimfonikus metal) Ixion – L’adieu aux étoiles (atmoszferikus doom metal) John Matrix – Empty Hands (sludge metal) Karpackonaut – Transmissions (experimental sludge/post-metal/rock) Kivelak – The Spiral (industrial black metal) Lamp of Murmuur – Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism (black metal) Largo Viaje – El sabio (folk metal) Last Century – A State of Being Aware (technikás thrash metal) Li Nus – Li Nus (sludge/death metal) Malignant Curiosity – The Portal (melodikus death/power metal) Medieval Demon – Arcadian Witchcraft (melodikus black metal) Memórias Póstumas – Descanse Em Dor (doom metal) Methodica – Clockworks (progresszív metal) Monsterworks – Malignment (thrash/death/heavy metal) Moon Wizard – The Night Harvest (stoner/doom metal/rock) Movarbru – Sob o Domínio do Antigo Culto (black metal) MyGrain – V (melodikus death metal) Nachtblut – Vanitas (melodikus gótikus/black metal) Necroneutron – Goetia’s Mourners (black/thrash metal) Nemesis – Warrior Queen (EP) (doom metal) Nether – Beyond the Celestial Sphere (thrash metal) Nightmare – Aeternam (heavy/power metal) NouseyesuoN – Death Is Nothing to Us (szimfonikus metal) Nubivagant – Roaring Eye (black metal) Ohm Rune – Gargantua (stoner/doom metal) Old Sorcery – Sorrowcrown (black metal/ambient/dungeon synth) Oldmoon – The Osteomantic Incantation (doom/death metal) Once Awake – Bridgeburner (groove metal/metalcore) Orgiastic Defleshment – Perverse Carnivorous Humanicide (brutális death metal) Origin’Hell – Realm of Necromass (death/thrash metal) Orion – Mysterivm Cosmographicvm (thrash/death metal) Pandemic Holocaust – Human Extermination Kult (death metal) Panzram – Black Hearted Battery (industrial/black/doom metal/ambient) Periodeater – Wore More than Your Life (black metal) Persefone – Truth Inside The Shades 2020 (melodikus death/progresszív metal) Project Alcazar – Lost in Centralia (progresszív metal) Projekt Nebelkrähe – Deutsches Requiem (black metal) Protokult – Transcending the Ruins (folk metal) Rerthro – The Bird’s Song (black/death/thrash metal) Rezn – Chaotic Divine (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal) Rimethurses – Rimethurses II (nyers black metal) Sammas’ Equinox – Tulikehrät (black metal) Sandworm – Revenge of Bygone Clans (nyers black metal) Satan’s Basement – Devout Malevolence (sludge/drone doom/grindcore/death metal) Serpent Column – Kathodos (avantgárd black metal) Six Feet Under – Nightmares of the Decomposed (death/groove metal) Skáphe – Skáphe³ (black metal) Skycrater – Journey to the Motherland (heavy metal) Skyless Aeons – Drain the Sun (melodikus black/death metal) Smogg – Watch Yourself Rot (thrash/death/groove metal) Sorrowful Life – Far Away from This World (depresszív/atmoszferikus black metal) Sove – Tapte sjeler (black metal) Striborg – Unknown Entities (blackened coldwave/elektronika) Strigon – Lone Wolf (black metal) Sumac – May You Be Held (atmoszferikus sludge metal) Swarmageddon – Inhuman (melodikus death metal) Symphia – Anteludium (szimfonikus metal) Synthetic – Clepsydra: Time Against Infinity (melodikus death metal) Takezo – Reality Left Behind (sludge/doom metal) Tchort – Happy Devil’s Necrophiliacs (black metal/industrial/ambient) Terror Mundi – Terror Mundi (heavy metal) Thanatorture – Iesu Nazarenus Rex Inferni (doom metal) The Erkonauts – I Want It to End (progresszív metal) The Initiation – Misanthropic Litany (black metal) The Plague Physicians – In Arkham’s Shadow (doom metal) Thirteenth Sign – The Ashes Of A Treacherous Silence (melodikus death/thrash metal) Those Who Bring the Torture – Dark Chapters (death metal) Toadeater – Bit to ewigen daogen (post-black metal) Trident – North (death/black metal) Umbilicus Necis – Confine Astratto (post-black metal) Until My Funerals Began – Traitor (funeral doom metal) Vaginal Anomalies – Violent Devotion to Kill (brutális death metal/goregrind) Vanik – III (heavy/speed metal) Vardan – Dark and Desolated March (black metal) Viikate – Rillumarei! (melodikus heavy metal) Vuduwasa – ᏬᏙᏩᏌ (sludge/stoner/doom metal) Waroath – Infernal Tortures Blades (thrash/speed/black metal) Winter Elf – Vow of Revenge (EP) (experimental black metal) Wolfdusk – The Beginning (doom metal) Yovel – Forthcoming Humanity (black metal) Zarabanda Moon – Unseen Forest Patriot (black metal) Zöldïer Noïz – Merci (death/thrash metal)
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uniqflame · 6 months
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The Birth of QAmom
Parenting influencers have embraced sex-trafficking conspiracy theories — and it’s taking QAnon from the internet into the streets
Rolling Stone   2020
by EJ Dickson
“… If somebody is brought into the QAnon orbit for a good cause, and they think this is a worthy narrative and it has this positive element to it, it’s not a far stretch to think that someone might be then convinced by additional Covid disinformation, or the really vile and vicious elements of the QAnon narrative, such as the anti-Semitism, that have nothing to do with saving the children,” Phillips says. “You have people entering into this world, thinking it’s about one thing, feeling good about connecting to it, and then it exposes them to all kinds of polluted information.”  Whitney Phillips, assistant professor of communication and rhetorical studies at Syracuse University.
“… It’s been thought of as this fringe conspiracy theory that only people super into 8chan and are sort of internet-savvy adhere to, but really it has a much broader appeal,” Khazarian says. “And that is sort of the danger of it — it can be something that’s very attractive to a suburban soccer mom.”  Zarine Khazarian, assistant editor at the Digital Forensic Research Lab.
What also makes child trafficking conspiracy theories so attractive to influencers, and so difficult to fight back against, is that, much like all other conspiracy theories, they are at least in part rooted in reality. Child trafficking is a legitimate and terrifying issue (albeit one rooted in statistics that are tenuous and arguably inflated); and there are extremely powerful people who have sexually abused children and not been held to account, as the Jeffrey Epstein case starkly demonstrated. “The tragedy is that these unfounded theories are damaging the actual cause,” says April Daniels Hussar, managing editor of the parenting website Romper.
While there is a tremendous chasm between acknowledging this reality and, say, embracing the belief that the star of Forrest Gump is harvesting adrenochrome from babies, it’s easy to see how the gap between these ideas can seem much smaller during unstable and frightening times; trusted influencers like Self promoting them makes it seem even more miniscule. And for mothers of small children trying to navigate the pandemic era, endlessly scrolling through pastel-pink versions of other, more contented lives, “it’s not a question of why would people believe such a crazy thing,” says Phillips. “It’s, why wouldn’t they?”
Full story:
Rolling Stone
It took years for the cracks to emerge for Jadeja, who slowly started to realize that Q drops were laden with logical inconsistencies. A turning point for him was a follower asking Q to get Trump to say the term “tippy top” as proof of Trump’s knowledge of the conspiracy; when Trump did say the phrase during a 2018 Easter egg roll speech, Q believers rejoiced, believing it to be confirmation that Q was real. Jadeja did some research and saw that Trump had said the phrase many times before. “That’s when I realized this was all a very slick con,” he says.
Former QAnon Followers Explain What Drew Them In — And Got Them Out
Like those leaving cults, some people who believe in conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate can break free from their beliefs
by EJ Dickson       Sept 23, 2020 9:00AM ET
CNN: Born on the dark fringes of the internet, QAnon is now infiltrating mainstream American life and politics
CNN     July 3, 2020
by Paul P. Murphy
There’s no evidence that any of what QAnon claims is factual.
by Joe Pierre M.D. in  Psychology Today  2020
Part 1 The Psychological Needs That QAnon Feeds
Part 2 How Far Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole Did Your Loved One Fall?
Part 3 What to do when someone you love becomes obsessed with QAnon
The thin line between conspiracy theories and cult worship is dissolving
An information war is being waged.
bigthink.com     May 18, 2020            
by Derek Beres
The Prophecies of Q American conspiracy theories are entering a dangerous new phase.
The Atlantic   June 2020
The Women Making Conspiracy Theories Beautiful
The Atlantic    August 18, 2020
I Was a Teenage Conspiracy Theorist
The Atlantic   May 13, 2020
I’m dating a conspiracy theorist. But it feels like I’m the one going crazy.
Washington Post     August 16, 2020
by Trent Kay Maverick   
Why it’s important to see QAnon as a ‘hyper-real’ religion
May 28, 2020
West Point
The QAnon Conspiracy Theory: A Security Threat in the Making?
July 2020
Coronavirus: How do I recognize a conspiracy theory?
DW        Deutsche Welle      May 19, 2020
Reddit community QAnon Casualties share stories of conspiracy cult
Herald Sun    August 11, 2020
by Jack Gramenz, news.com.au
Christian Groups That Resist Public-Health Guidelines Are Forgetting a Key Part of the Religion’s History
TIME     April 20, 2020
by Matthew Gabriele       
Childcare in the Unification Church of Oakland
Sun Myung Moon’s Sex-based Adam and Eve story is just another conspiracy theory
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Trotzdem werde ich es irgendwann noch einmal hervorkramen um es noch einmal auszuprobieren. Ist diese Meinung hilfreich? Es ist dir nicht erlaubt , Anhänge hochzuladen. Wer etwa die Zuneigung des Delphins gewinnt, den führt er zu den ergiebigsten Fischgründen. Ich finde das aber auch cool mal was anderes noch zu erleben und zum Heiraten muss man ja auch Dinge machen. Steuerung, Bewässerungssystem, unverschämte Preise, es hat einfach viel Frust-Charakter, gerade wenn man es besser und einfacher gelöst aus anderen HM Teilen kennt. Ich finds super wenn man so ca.
Name: harvest moon mein inselparadies rom Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 68.74 MBytes
Eigentlich halb so wild, aber da man bei Mein Inselparadies Probleme hat, schnell an Geld zu kommen Vor allem, wenn man erst am Anfang steht ist das einfach viel zu viel. Kauft es euch wenn ihr es noch habt! An sich schön und gut. Die Feste sind immer lustig da die Bewohner dann auch was anderes sagen. Und so wird die Insel, auf der man gestrandet ist, langsam aber sicher bevölkert. Man kann aber auch gut Geld machen in der Roj, allerdings ist das eine Heiden-Arbeit. Hoffentlich hats euch gefallen!
Mich regts manchmal auf das die Bewohner morgens, mittags und Abens immer nur zwei Sachen sagen. Auch schlecht ist, dass der Spieler immer, besonders am Anfang viel zu schnell erschöpft ist. Selbst nachdem man geheiratet und mrin Kind hat, gibt es viel zu entdecken und man kann die Entwicklung des Kindes, wenn sie auch etwas lang dauert, mitverfolgen.
Harvest Moon
Die zahlreichen Bewohner sind auch schön gestaltet. Es ist irgendwie langweilig, es gibt keine anständigen Junggesellen das war das erste Spiel, bei dem ich absichtlich zuerst einen Jungen orm habe und die Steuerung ist meiner Meinung nach der absolute Garvest Naja, genug gejammert XD. Da ich auch ewig Lang schon Harvest Moon spiele hier ein Link der mir inselparafies bei manchen Sachen weitergeholfen hat Viel spass beim durchlesen. Schade ist ebenfalls, ijselparadies es in diesem Spiel nicht möglich inselparxdies die EG zu heiraten.
Ich kann mokn nicht so wirklich entscheiden. Ich hab im übrigen die mystril kanne. Bestimmt weil sich die Erfinder? Es ist jetzt Es gibt eine Herausforderung, inselpadadies muss bestimmte Dinge erfüllen, damit man an die verschiedenen Dinge kommen kann.
Deutsche Harvest Moon Spiele – Harvest Moon Bauer
Die Feste sind immer lustig da die Bewohner dann auch was anderes sagen. Man kann sich aussuchen, ob man als Mädchen oder als Junge zocken möchte. Ich hatte in kürzester Zeit genug Geld zusammen, um alle drei Brücken zu bauen und Julia zu heiraten. Die Dorfbewohner sind nicht gerade welche, an die man sich gern erinnert Aber dann hab ich mich eingelesen Wer kräftig ackert, hat natürlich auch ein Recht auf Freizeit.
Seit geraumer Zeit haevest ich „Harvest Moon“. inselparsdies
Wo gibt es eine deutsche rom von Harvest Moon nds? (Nintendo, Nintendo DS)
Man kam unheimlich schnell an Geld heran und konnte es nicht wirklich für irgendwas benutzen, weil man iselparadies schnell alles hatte. Allerdings finde ich nicht, dass es jetzt so ein schlechtes Spiel ist.
Wuhu, da kommt Freude auf. Mit der Steuerung kommt man nur sehr schlecht klar.
Ich liebe dieses Spiel, hat man einmal angefangen, lässt es einen nicht mehr los. Ich finde dass schlechteste Spiel ist die Sonnenscheininseln!
Wenn nicht dann habt ihr Pech, Ja? Die Spieler können mit bis zu 25 Dorfbewohnern Freundschaften aufbauen, mit ihnen plaudern oder kleine Geschenke austauschen. Und dann nochmal ne frage Muss ich immer level harvesy ihr runterhampeln um sie zu sehen?? Ansonsten finde ich das Spiel auch sehr schön, auch wenn die charas inselparsdies in der Welt nicht die Bilder beim spreche etwas komisch aussehen, aber kann ich mit leben. Diskussions-Forum und Chat – Lern nette Leute kennen!
Auf meiner Niselparadies hab ich die auch gehabt aber die Figuren sind so was von kindlich und das gefiel mir gar nicht.
Schlechtetes Harvest Moon?
Adamandit ist für Maschinen, für Orikalk gibt es laut Spiel keine Verwendung. Die Mädchen die zur Auswahl standen gingen so, waren jetzt nicht so meins insepparadies das ist ja Geschmackssache.
Es ist dir nicht erlaubtauf Beiträge zu antworten.
source http://mezitli.info/harvest-moon-mein-inselparadies-rom-88/
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symbianosgames · 7 years
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope will nicht nur den Charme des Originals einfangen, sondern soll auch direkt für den PC erscheinen.
Spiele wie Stardew Valley beziehen einen Großteil ihres Charmes aus der Nostalgie des SNES-Klassikers Harvest Moon. Die Serie, die etliche Ableger erhielt, hat es allerdings nie von der Konsole auf den PC geschafft. Dies soll sich nun ändern. Der neue Teil Light of Hope soll auch direkt für den PC (und Switch und PS4) veröffentlicht werden.
Auch interessant: Stardew Valley - Bauer lernt endlich Deutsch: Update 1.2 ist da
Der Titel wird im Kontext des 20. Geburtstags der Reihe erscheinen und soll all das beinhalten, was die Farming- und Datingsimulation auszeichnet. Man möchte in Light of Hope bewusst nostalgische Töne einfangen und ein Spiel »im SNES-Stil« mit bedeutsamen Charakteren und einer packenden Geschichte erschaffen:
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope will set itself apart from other Harvest Moon titles with its depth, including a robust story and clear-cut goals. We set out to create a SNES-style nostalgic game with deep and meaningful characters and events, and we are excited to have our fans play it at E3 and tell us what they think.
Ein Releasetermin wurde von Seiten des Entwicklers Rising Star Games nicht genannt. Eine spielbare Version und die Bekanntgabe von weiteren Details auf der im Juli stattfindenden E3 seien aber bereits fest eingeplant, heißt es. (via gematsu.com)
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uniqflame · 7 months
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Rune Factory 2 – Der zweite DS teil war um einiges besser als der erste. Und ich mag so ziemlich keines für den DS. Die Erntegöttin hat sich vor Enttäuschung, weil sie von vielen Bauern nicht mehr verehrt wird, zu Stein verwandelt. Die Sonnenschein-Inseln muss der Farmer mehrere Inseln wieder an die Oberfläche bringen, die nach einem Erdbeben im Meer versunken waren. Das Thema ist womöglich bereits veraltet. Mein Inselparadies –
Name: harvest moon sonnenschein inseln rom Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 60.9 MBytes
Sonnnenschein Brücken zu bauen und alle Hauptdorfbewohner zu bekommen war darüber hinaus viel zu einfach, während das verlassen des Dorfes von Bewohnern um die man sich nicht ausreichend kümmert nur noch blöd war. Ich würde davon kein Spiel als das schlechteste sehen und da ich nicht alle Spiele kenne, kann ich auch nur von denen sprechen, die ich haevest gespielt hab. Mich hat es ja gar nicht gestört das es in dem Teil nicht möglich war zu Heiraten und sich zu vermehren. Die grafische Umsetzung des Spiels ist oft nicht optimal — so bleibt der Farmer häufig an Pflanzenteilen hängen, die seine Fortbewegung einschränken. Man muss den Erntekönig auf die Insel sonnenschhein, um die Erde wiederzubeleben, während man seinen eigenen Teil, man konnte hier sogar schon mit einem Mädchen Spielen. Auf dem Weg in ein neues Leben wird das Schiff, welches Sie über das Meer bringen sollte, bei einem tropischen Sturm versenkt.
Auch, dass man das Dorf nicht verlassen konnte, wie die anderen.
Mir fehlen Rivalen, Bergbau geht erst ziemlich spät, die Öffnungszeiten der Läden und das Angebot in den Geschäften ist lächerlich, man kann nur beim Schlafen gehen abspeichern, das Sammeln von Sachen in der Natur ist sehr zeitaufwendig wenn ich alles abklapper ist der Tag schon um.
Mein Inselparadies – und viel, niseln Zeit. Dagegen finde ich Geschichte zweier Städte etwas zu leicht für den Anfang.
Man kam unheimlich schnell an Geld heran und konnte es nicht wirklich für irgendwas benutzen, weil man sonnemschein schnell alles hatte.
Deutsche Harvest Moon Spiele – Harvest Moon Bauer
Genauso wichtig ist es, Kontakte zu den Bewohnern des Vergissmeinnicht-Tals zu pflegen. Nicht dass es mich jetzt wahnsinnig gestört hätte, aber mir ist da einfach dieser Unterschied zwischen den Spielen aufgefallen.
Und wer seine Leistungen als Farmer mit denen anderer Spieler in aller Welt vergleichen möchte, kann dies über die kostenlose Inzeln Wi-Fi Connection tun. Die Grafik ist so harrvest, war aber zu harvesf. Endlich gibt es die beliebteste Farm-Sim der interaktiven Welt auch für den Gamecube!
Ich komme damit irgendwie überhaupt nicht klar. Aber nicht noon Spiel an sich, das war toll. Aber was ich ganz lustig finde ist, dass ich nie Probleme mit dem bewässerungssystem hatte obwohl ich nie wirklich was dabei beachtet habe.
Wer das Landleben liebt, aber kein Stück Land sein eigen nennt, sonjenschein jetzt trotzdem pflügen und pflanzen, säen und ernten – im heimischen Wohnzimmer. Auf dem virtuellen Feld schwingen sie die Wii Remote wie ganz normale Ackergeräte. Wer kräftig ackert, hat natürlich auch ein Recht auf Freizeit.
Bitte logge dich ein um einen Kommentar zu schreiben. Man konnte einmal komplett durchs Dorf laufen und zurück und es war trotzdem erst 12 Uhr mittags.
Allerdings finde ich nicht, dass es jetzt so ein schlechtes Sonnenschejn ist.
Harvest Moon – Chronik
Wurde immer gelöscht und das Spiel froh sehr oft ein. Harvest Moon fordert dem passionierten Sonnenzchein sonnenschen ab, wenn er die besten Preise auf dem Gemüsemarkt erzielen will. Mich hat es ja gar nicht gestört das es in dem Teil nicht möglich war zu Heiraten und sich zu vermehren.
Aufjedenfall besser als diese 3D Grafik von Mip und Si. Hmmm, wie schlecht MiP hier wegkommt Der Spieler hat alle Inweln voll zu tun.
Harvest moon ds rom auf deutsch/ europäisch?
Magical Melody – Lange hat die Überstetzung gedauert, eigentlich sollte das Spiel für den Game Cube erscheinen, da hierzulande aber gar keine neuen GC Spiele mehr verkauft wurde, hat sie RSG entschlossen das Spiel gleich für die Wii zu veröffentlichen, man konnte nun sogar mit der Fernbedienung per Bewegung die Werkzeuge benutzen. Der Spieler kann seine Farm ganz nach Belieben gestalten, indem er eine komplett in 3D gerenderte Welt erkundet.
Im Prinzip mag ich aber beide Spiele sehr gerne. Man muss die Insel aufbauen und belebter machen, man braucht ein Restaurant, einen Laden wo man Baumaterialien sonnenchein bekommt, man muss die ganzen Hauptcharakter und Harvezt freischalten.
Um alle Funktionen dieser Website nutzen zu können, muss JavaScript sonnnschein sein. Man durfte hier zuerst den Vater spielen und nach dieser Geschichte als eines seiner Kinder weiter spielen. Das stört mich auch an Geschichte zweier Städte, wenn man nicht dann abspeichern kann, wann mion sonneenschein.
Und eigentlich nur harvset. Sie können das Feld beackern, das liebe Vieh hüten, Pflanzen züchten, Fische fangen, ja sogar auf Schatzsuche gehen harvesh vieles mehr. Und je mehr Elfen er befreit, die für ihn z. Von denen die ich bisher gespielt habe Inselparadies, Innocent Life, Magical melody, Save the homeland fehlen würde ich echt sagen Geschichte zweier Städte.
source http://mezitli.info/harvest-moon-sonnenschein-inseln-rom-39/
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symbianosgames · 8 years
Verwirrung um den Multiplayermodus in Stardew Valley durch die Switch-Ankündigung. Jetzt ist klar: PC-Spieler dürfen zuerst gemeinsam ackern. Nur wann ist noch unklar.
Auf dem PC können ausgehungerte Harvest-Moon-Fans schon seit rund einem Jahr das entspannende Farmleben von Stardew Valley genießen. Im Rahmen der Nintendo-Präsentation zu kommenden Indie-Spielen für die Switch-Konsole wurde am 28. Februar erstmals der Multiplayer-Modus von Stardew Valley gezeigt. Dies sorgte für Verwirrung bei Fans und Presse, da der Eindruck entstand, dass der Modus für zwei Spieler (zeit)-exklusiv und damit zuerst für die Nintendo-Konsole erscheinen würde. Das ist nicht korrekt.
Der Entwickler hat sich daraufhin auf Twitter zu Wort gemeldet und den Sachverhalt klar gestellt. Korrekt ist, dass die Nintendo Switch den Multiplayermodus als »erste Konsole« erhalten wird. Der PC sei aber weiterhin die Hauptplattform und daher werde das Update auch dort zuerst veröffentlicht.
Just to clarify: the Switch Stardew Valley multiplayer announcement DOES NOT mean that PC will get multiplayer later. PC will still be first
— ConcernedApe (@ConcernedApe) February 28, 2017
auf deutsch: Um das klarzustellen: die Ankündigung des Stardew-Valley-Multiplayers für die Switch bedeutet NICHT, dass der PC diesen Modus später erhalten wird. Der PC wird immer noch zuerst dran sein.
Mehr zum Thema: 1 Jahr Stardew Valley - Einblicke aus fünf Jahren Solo-Entwicklung
Wie das Magazin PCGamer berichtet, wird der Multiplayer-Modus nicht zeitgleich mit dem Release des Hauptspiels im Sommer 2017 für die Switch erscheinen – ergo auch nicht für den PC. Man brauche noch »etwas mehr Zeit«, um den Multiplayer da zu haben, wo man ihn gerne haben möchte, heißt es:
It'll take some more time to get multiplayer where we want it to be!
Einsame Farmer müssen sich also auch am PC noch ein paar Jahreszeiten vertrösten, bis gemeinsam das Feld bestellt und geerntet werden kann.
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