#has anyone ever done a fanfic where Byakuya had to like bind a wound with his scarf?
recurring-polynya · 3 years
The more I think about the scarf thing the more deranged it gets. Does Renji know - he must be aware it's worth 99 bajillion ghost-yen, but does he know it's a *family heirloom*? Is he aware that he got a genuine passed-down-to-the-eldest-child-lo-unto-these-many-generations Traditional Kuchiki Accessory tossed on his head for unclear reasons? Has Byakuya had to explain its disappearance to family members? Maybe they just don't ask him things anymore. You do you, Byakuya, we don't want to know
(2/2): Having actually read your followup reply, okay, so Renji didn’t actually hang on to it, that does make more sense, but I do think it would be much funnier if he did. Byakuya ordered a knockoff on Ghost Etsy and has been wearing that since, Renji has a slightly-bloodstained million-dollar scarf which he is extremely confused by 
So, speaking of deranged, for starters, please read my absolutely unhinged crackpot theory that Unohana used this opportunity to steal Byakuya’s scarf. (Note: this is anime only: Renji still has it in the manga)
Secondly, I love scarf discourse, absolutely my favorite flavor of Bleach discourse. Let’s look back at that character profile even though I posted it, like 2 days ago, because time marches on and Tumblr is an ephemeral river of garbage:
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Now, I have always interpreted this to mean that it’s a style of scarf that is only allowed to be worn by the clan head, but that each clan head has their own (or multiples) custom made by this particular line of weavers. I probably decided this for exactly the reason that you state: it seems unlikely that Byakuya would breezily toss an irreplaceable family artifact onto the gross lump of meat that used to be his adjutant, but it did look really cool, lest we forget. While we’re at it, let’s relive that magical moment:
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lol. Also, as you can see, that thing definitely got Renji’s blood on it and not just a little. I’m sure Byakuya felt like he was doing this as a sign of ??respect?? but can you just imagine being Renji, lying on the ground, hoping that maybe at least you bought Ichigo a little time to save Rukia as your lifeblood soaks into the earth and then you feel something flutter over you and you’re like “what the fuck dude why is there a scarf on my head? why?”
I think maybe Byakuya doesn’t care about the scarf and possibly even hates it. The next time he wears it into a fight, he gets blood all over it again when he dramatically slices his own arm tendons-- in other words, he definitely could have done this in a way that did not result in ruining a second gazillion kan scarf.
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Why does he even wear it to work??? I would just leave it at home!!! This is even funnier to me because Renji also insists on buying sunglasses that cost half a year’s salary, wearing them to fights, and breaking them immediately. Who let these two men run a squad??? It’s no wonder they are besties professional colleagues with a particularly good rapport!!!
Byakuya actually stops wearing the scarf after this. For a while, I thought he might have given it to Rukia in the TYBW (I bet the clan would love that!), but that theory did not hold up to rigorous analysis.
Anyway, I *adore* the idea that Byakuya wears knock-off scarves to work, but I do not think he could bring himself to do so, I think he just keeps buying them.
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