#hashtag menstration
sleavesofgrass · 11 months
It’s that time of them month again when I just want die and also get fucked
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babymagi · 3 years
Because we all know that people with a uterus have that absolutely wonderful time every month, here's
Magi Girls On Their Period/Menstrual Cycle :)
Morgiana: She's at that age where she would just be starting and I feel like because she doesn't wear underwear she'd just be dripping and not really notice until someone points it out to her and she's just like o-o and all confused until someone (Yamraiha or Pisti probably) explains to her what she needs to do during this month.
Kougyoku: Has the literal worst cramps in the world, especially on the first couple of days. Like she will be completely unable to walk and is barely able to move. She probably has a uterus condition but there's not a lot they can really do for her so she just suffers and gorges herself on chocolate.
Hakuei: Is always stocked on products (which are fundamentally different than what is normally used today) and will help her step-sisters if they need anything. Noting really changes when she's on it but she is a bit more irritable.
Yamraiha: Is super moody both while PMSing and during the actual week. Sinbad usually gives her time off during that time because he knows she deserves just a week to herself in order to ovulate and relax.
Pisti: Because she comes from a kingdom of women she knew exactly what to do from a very young age. For a small girl, her flow is actually pretty heavy and she has bled through multiple pairs of pants.
Gyokuen: If this woman hasn't offered her uterus as some kind of gross sacrifice to their god I would be more surprised. I don't think she's old enough for menopause quite yet.
Myron: H O R N Y when ovulating. I do not blame her. Other than that I kind of see her with higher testosterone levels so her period pattern is uneven, coming every five or so months and lasting either 2 or 8 days, no in-between. Didn't mention this in Morg's but Fanalis periods might work differently but I'm not quite sure how.
Scheherazade: Feminine products are free in Leam because of her. She's very small but often has very painful headaches and cramps and she sometimes has to take a day or two off because of this.
Rurumu: I'm gonna go on a wild guess and say that Imuchukk menstruation works a bit differently. I'm going to say it's usually shorter, cutting it down to 2-4 days every handful of months instead of every month, but I also imagine this makes her flow heavier. Feminine products were something Sinbad had to learn to keep onboard the ships not only for her but also for future female sailors.
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cutevon · 4 years
not sure if this matters but seeing a twitter hashtag like this
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and then seeing it be full of “kill all men” “it isnt good” or just full of fancams (mainly of men) kind of hurts? as a trans guy? i know it isnt really about me but having to see “its good to be a man because i dont menstrate” kinda hurts. not all men were lucky enough to be cis and hated by women i suppose
anyways this ones funny because it implies that they’re gay 
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its good being a man because tom hardy exists. teatime75 says gay rights for tom hardy
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good to know all my transitioning and dysphoria has been for nothing 🤗
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veganizzm · 8 years
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"transformation to jewish grandmother is almost complete" part ii: vegan fig and strawberry hamantaschen. 👵🏼 some were prettier than others (#menstration) (don't click that hashtag) (or do) but they all tasted good.
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pandarose23 · 6 years
Today, my girlfriend and I bonded over using the same period tracker app (we each didn't know the other used it) and I think this is the height of my wlw relationship
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meperkinsown-blog · 6 years
D&AD Project
A case for her
Saying your on your period should be an accepted blanket statement that just means that. With no negative stigma, but even today it immediately tarnishes women with the negative associations that have been attached to periods.
Saying your on your period should be an accepted blanket statement that just means that. With no negative stigma. But even today it immediately tarnishes women with the negative associations that have been attached to menstorating.
This is a problem that runs deep, write down to the vernacular used by everyone like ‘sanitary’, adding products on the end does change the strong associations we have with it. So lets rid ourself of that word right now. We want period positive words and association so the next generation of menstruators, who single handedly make human life on earth possible, don’t think that their monthly cycle is anything but positive and necessary.
Our actions must also be checked, no hiding pads or tampons up your sleeve, its fundamental to life, don’t be ashamed. try starting a period positive conversation today, you don’t have to get into the ebbs and flows, but bringing it into conversation will break down the walls up put but those who don’t know how truly detrimental negative period shaming is to women, and how subconsciously seeing how well blue liquid absorbs, will not be telling her what she goes threw every month is natural and a sign of good health.
As far as progression in this bloody field goes, we have a long way to ahead.
Explaining your on your period should not be come with bad blood, but it does.
So lets smash the negative, by blasting positive,
It is what it is, as much a necessity, as a blessing;
we are guaranteed to bleed,
If we’re lucky.
It began as an ad campaign, using a mix of traditional advertising and gorilla advertising. Where stickers would be sent out, to anyone who followed social platform/posted on/used hashtag and then stuck threw out the country,  that would spark period positive conversations, and T shirts could be purchased and the profits would go towards period positive education. This was going to be accompanied by a short video of women walking down a sunny street wearing the emblem of G. T. B on there bums, by powerful women, who own it, love it, are proud of it. Like a bag of honour.
But from doing more and more focus groups I feel the need for platform where real conversations and information could be accessed by everyone. So from there I decided to write a G.T.B manifesto, anyone who signs the manifesto and reposts etc. gets sent stickers. The manifesto will be on a G.T.B website where there are forums where real people can talk about there experiences and find others that have been threw similar issues to do with mensuration.
Sanitary products, scarp that, bad connotation. It implies its that being on your period is unclean.
Menstral control
Period products
. Products
smash the negative, by blasting positive
Target 17-25 women and men
The audience was chosen for its wide reach, the younger audience will be influenced by the 17-25 year olds
Mix of gorilla advertising
a conventional advertising campaign, a video, possible posters made ephemera etc.
Stylized blood stain/ ‘sexy’ blood stain
To be attached to jeans, trousers etc.
in video blood stain is worn by powerful women, who own it, love it, are proud of it. Like a bag of honour
Stickers to be made of ‘sexy’ blood stain with the words - guaranteed to bleed
To be given out for everyone who signs up via email/fb/insta/twitter, Free T-shits and stickers for posts and use of hash tag we(a case for her) think is awesome
I would like to address info-structure and systems, but this is not it
Quotes from link above
As recently as 1980, I was told by a farmer’s wife in Shropshire that if a menstruating woman touched meat it would go rancid.
Right into the 20th century, any inappropriate behaviour or poor mental health in women was termed hysteria, after the Greek word for ‘uterus’.
The paediatrician Béla Schick (1877-1967) believed that menstruating women released plant-destroying substances called ‘menotoxins’ through their skin. In 1919, he ‘proved’ it by asking women to arrange cut flowers. Sure enough, the flowers arranged by menstruating women died sooner.
The Yurok of California believed that if a woman’s menstruation failed to synchronise with the Moon, or with her fellow women, she could balance herself ‘by sitting in the moonlight and talking to the Moon’.
It was not until 1985 that the word ‘period’ was used in a television commercial; and in 2010, US TV networks banned a tampon commercial from using the word ‘vagina’ or even ‘down there’. To this day, advertisers use a mysterious blue liquid to demonstrate the absorbency of sanitary towels.
In a comment piece for The Tablet Catholic magazine in 2016, the British theologian Carmody Grey wrote: ‘If any other event caused me or anyone that amount of pain, disruption and blood loss, it would feature largely in our social interactions … Quite simply, women bleed and suffer so that others can live … Quite literally, shedding blood for the life of humanity is just what women do.’
Menstrual Matters, Period Positive, The Bloody Waste! and Ragtime Revolution.
(Making question more normalised, less clinical for results, this also put forward the idea of it being normal thing to talk about)
Focus group of two (friends- also might bring out more information)
18-40 year olds
Im conducting a studying into to period shaming and the awareness around menstration. For the sake of the data please answers as honestly as possible and please difolge as much as you want.  
Let start with some nick names for periods
Tell me about your first period, and how was this addressed by those around you at the time
How did you feel about getting your period
did you feel prepared, did you know what to expect, and do you feel those expectations have changed
If yes, how
If no, how
did you feel supported by your family and friends
Did you feel comfortable talking about your period this with friends
Do you have a happy memory attached to having your period
Do you have a uncomfortable memory attached to having your period
do you feel comfortable talking about periods in a mix gender group
Have any positive associations with menstration that have followed you threw out your life
Have any negative connotations attached to menstral cycle followed you threw out your life
If you could giving a younger you advice concerning menstration what would you say?
would you feel comfortable asking someone else to buy sanitary products for you?
anything you would like to add to this decision? Or point you would like to talk about…
Tell me about your first encounter with someone having a period,  tell me about it
how has your understanding changed since your first encounter (with periods)
when did a female friends first talk to you about periods
Have you ever bought sanitary products for someone else
If yes, tell me a bit about it
If no, tell me about that
Do you have a happy memory attached to periods
Do you have a uncomfortable memory attached to periods
Do you feel comfortable being in a group talking about periods
Have any positive associations with menstration that have followed you threw out your life
Have any negative association attached to menstral cycle followed you threw out your life
If you could giving a younger you advice concerning menstration what would you say?
Have you ever assumed a women is in her period from her behour
anything you would like to add to this decision? Or point you would like to talk about…
Thinking bigger
Could this be a template to tackle other issues that suppress women?
Body dismophia/eating disorder etc.
The Brief- to demolish the negative stima attached around periods.
Approach is to implement effective commutation with women and men, my target is 18 to 30 years old. I feel this demographic hits an even wider audience because this is an age group that influence the younger coming or age of menstration women.
Reseach from focus group I have conducted have shown
- a lack of communication, we just don’t talk about periods
-the education into periods, its not discussed how different periods can be for everyone and about its mental and emotional impact
My solutions would be a campaign with the outcomes in the form of a provocative brand identity, video, website/platform/forums and stickers and T shirts. Using a mix of gorilla advertisement via stickers, and a traditional approach via a video, with the back bone of a manifesto/declaration that people can get behind/re post/feel part of a wider community that cares and also share advice/ information.
Tone causally, humous, provocative and conversational
What we need is to start having the conversation.
Taking back the power.
Once we start having the conversation, it becomes normalised, and quality of life improves for all.
Then we can start having conversations about other areas of improvement within the human race. (Fingers click/epiphany) We need a Kyle Jenner of periods,
(Friends reaction )
Yeah yeah (brushes off their surprises off), but she paved the way, the turn over from taboo to praised and idolised was impressive.
If we could get this in the home, in schools, at the work place, its only a matter of time before people stop giving a shit and get on with life.
Don’t get me wrong, I know this is a problem that runs deep, right down to the words we use… and don’t use.
(Like said like its an obvious example) Like sanitary, shoving products on the end doesn’t exactly rid ourselves of the strong reminders of sewage, does it.
We want period positive words and associations so that the next generation of menstruators, who single handedly make human life on earth possible, don’t think that their monthly cycle is anything but positive and necessary.
As far as progression in this bloody field goes, we have a long way ahead.
Explaining you are on your period should not be come with bad blood, but it does.
So let’s smash the negative, by blasting positive,
It is what it is, as much a necessity as a blessing;
we are guaranteed to bleed,
If we’re lucky.
Sticker seen about
Video seen about
Person visits site
Person starts a conversation about periods
Threw out the website it promotes the idea of starting a period positive conversations.
pushing the idea by giving the power back to the indiviual, by signing up/agreeing with the manifesto G.T.B you are sent stickers to use as you see fit.
menomite- someone who has sex with women on their period
A good place to start, with a few forums set up initially to get the conversations going.
Chapter one, my first period. - a place to share stories of firsts, first period, first time you leaked, first time you had sex while on your period.
The good the bad and the ugly - home truths, facts.
there aren’t any. period - talking about how different periods can be, how no two are the same, and that lots of people have complications, a ‘you are not alone’ feel.
i don’t like tampons. they’re stuck up cunts - talking about different forms of period products. first had accounts, anecdotes.
Alternate names
Take back the power
Take back
Its ours
Some of us bleed
Some bleed
Lets bleed
Lets start
We’re in it together
in it together
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wanderingangie · 6 years
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WOW what an amazing day at #superlativelyrudelive The day started with a lovely breakfast followed by an intro from the host herself @superlativelylj and into the first talk in comparison from @lucysheridan After Lucy we heard from the wonderful @moorizzla about being both and neither, and thinking about being the other. The we had a picnic lunch and got the chance to chat to each other. I will be obsessively scrolling through the hashtag to find everyone I spoke to! Then into the afternoon we talked menstration and cycle tracking with @_clairebaker_ an eye opener for me! We then had a mini break with cakes (the photo) and came back into an afternoon talking about all different kinds of love with Bridget Minamore, @theguyliner and @natashachloelunn I really hope this is the first of many events like this. It was brilliant to be surrounded by such amazing people and talking about things I wish more of us talked about in our daily lives! https://ift.tt/2jhBTg9
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