#hate it in here (the suitcase made of meat that houses my brain)
dubiousdoctors · 1 year
ow ow ow ow OW
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torikengel · 4 years
Thomas Hewitt x Reader (Part 4)
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“I see you already gave breakfast to her.” Luda, Mae smiled. “Is everything alright, m’dear?” She asked with a cheerful tone in her voice. “Yeah, I am okay.” You answered with a forced smile. “Then I will leave you two alone if you need anything just lemme know, darling.” She stated and disappeared in the hallway. You looked back at Thomas and could see how hurt he was by your sudden behavior. Even though he and his family literally kidnapped you, you felt the urge to apologize, so you did. “I am sorry for startling you; I really didn’t mean to. It’s just that I remember yesterdays’ events only partially. I-I think I might’ve hit my head or something…” you stuttered nervously as you could feel his gaze on you. Honestly, you felt incredibly exposed even though you were fully clothed. He kept staring at you without saying a thing. Right, he was mute… so how are you supposed to communicate, you wondered. Well, he could at least answer with yes or no by nodding or shaking his head, you thought. “So… umm…” you mumbled, not knowing where to begin. “I really want to remember everything, so there won’t be any misunderstandings in the future, but please bear with me, you know that this… it’s tough for me.” You tried to explain how you felt the best way you could. He nodded, but then pointed at the plate with breakfast. “R-right, I should eat to gain some energy first… after that, can you help me recall exactly what happened yesterday?” you asked as you took a bite of the bread with a slice of cheese. Thomas just nodded again and sat on the floor, his eyes not looking away from you for a second. 
As you were chewing the dry bread, you realized that they must struggle to buy food, that’s why they are doing all this. You suddenly coughed as the urge to throw up made you choke on the food. Thomas panicked but tried to help you by slapping your back. He was so clumsy when it came to human contact, and he hit you a bit harder than he should have. But it helped you because you stopped coughing in no time, and your attempts to catch breath turned into giggles. You enjoyed this lighthearted and awkward moment in the middle of your miserable situation. Thomas just got more and more confused by everything you did. “I am sorry, I guess I am just trying to laugh at the fact that you eat human meat instead of crying.” You didn’t understand your need to apologize to him and admired your brain for coping with cannibalism in such a way. You were stoked that you could remember something, even though it wasn’t charming this time. After you finished your breakfast and put the plate on the nightstand, you turned to Thomas, who was still exploring your body with his eyes. You took a sip of water to clear your throat and gestured for him to sit next to you on the bed. He hesitantly did what you wanted. “So, I know this might be a bit tricky, but I want to know what happened to me. Please just nod when I say it correctly.” You pleaded and took his hands in yours. He immediately nodded but looked away in embarrassment as he felt your touch. Everything he felt yesterday came back to him.
You calmly started speaking from the very beginning, talking about how you went to Luda’s shop, then about the spike strips that caused the accident, and after that, how Hoyt shot your friends and took all of you to this house. Still, you didn’t know where it was or how the house looked from the outside because you were unconscious until you woke up in the basement. Thomas just nodded as you seemed to recall everything correctly. “Now, it might be difficult…” you said as you tried to remember what happened there. You looked at Thomas’s face and thought about his mask for a while… Chloe and Matt… right, he killed and butchered them, as he did to Emma. “You killed all of them?” you asked, and Thomas looked away while nodding. He was nervous, he didn’t want you to hate him. “I guessed your name…” you looked over to the nightstand, “… and you gave me water when I asked for it.” You exclaimed after seeing the glass of water next to the empty plate. It bothered you because you didn’t understand why he helped you, why were you still alive. “I sang for you, and then Hoyt came into the basement and…” you stammered, “Emma was there because he did stuff with her.” You stopped talking to gather your thoughts, and Thomas just kept nodding. “And then we ate dinner… human meat?” you didn’t remember what happened at the table because of Hoyt. “You took me upstairs; I mean here, and I went to sleep?” You looked at Thomas who was now lost in his own thoughts. He was hoping you’d remember the kiss, so now he was disappointed. But maybe it was for the better. He knew that one day you would have to go, one day he will have to kill you… right? There’s no way you would accept him like this; he was a freak, an animal just like everyone has told him, plus his family was far from normal too. You, on the other hand, were simply perfect. After all, if you had the opportunity to run away now, you would do it without question.
He didn’t realize you were getting closer to him this whole time. You were intrigued by this man, you didn’t know if it was the instinct to survive or the trauma you went through, but you felt like he was the only safe space you had right now. He never mistreated you; he helped you when you needed and did whatever you asked of him. And those eyes, you could stare into his eyes eternally. You felt a familiar tingling in your stomach that made you recall one more thing. “We kissed…” You wanted to think it was the fever, but you couldn’t deny it anymore. There was no logic behind it, only honest feelings. When Thomas realized how close you were, it was too late for him to react in any way as you cupped his cheeks with your hands and desperately kissed him with tears forming in your eyes. Thomas moaned quietly into the kiss as your hands traveled from his cheeks into his hair. Even when you were almost breathless, you didn’t stop hungrily kissing him. Thomas held you tightly around your waist and closed his eyes while he tried to keep up with you. This all was still very unknown to him. You finally parted lips gasping for air. “T-Tommy…” you whimpered, trying to hide your tears. You knew it wasn’t right, and you were beating yourself up for feeling this way, regretting your decision to ever go on this road trip.
Thomas’s heart was pounding so fast as it was about to explode. He was happy, yet hopelessly confused. Did he hurt you? What was he supposed to do? He remembered how you snuggled in his arms last night, so he hugged you and caressed your hair, trying to calm you. Your muffled cried were becoming even more desperate as gruesome flashbacks from yesterday appeared in your mind. He could’ve killed you the same way he killed your companions, yet he chose not to. He spared your life.  “T-thank you…” you sobbed into his shoulder as he kept holding you in his big, muscular arms. You were grateful that he let you live and even felt sorry for his situation to some extent. You could imagine that his life wasn’t easy, and you couldn’t bring yourself to hate or blame him.
But he was even more grateful than you because you were the one who actually saved him. In the moment of inevitable death, you showed him humanity and kindness. His whole life, everyone called him a monster, an animal, so he became one. You treated him like a human without prejudice or disgust, and by doing that, you managed to save that sad, pained boy deep inside him. You took him back to his childhood and his teen years when he didn’t resent every single human except his family. In those days, he still had hope that someday he would have a normal life. He had his dreams and achievements he wanted to accomplish. He lost all of those the day he snapped. After each kill, it became easier, especially as his victims fought back with more nasty words, and Hoyt just fueled his hatred. However, now, with you in his arms, he felt like he could take on the whole world. He still wasn’t sure about all this, and he didn’t trust you yet as everything he was taught telling him to kill you, but his heart warmed when you were next to him, so as long as you didn’t try to run away, it would be alright.
When you finally calmed down, you leaned your body against the wall while rubbing your eyes dry. You were embarrassed by being so vulnerable in front of your captor. Even though you just woke up, you were still exhausted, and intrusive thoughts about your situation bugged you to no end.
Then you looked at the man sitting in front of you… this man who you just spent such an intimate moment with. You knew him for one day, yet you felt a sense of familiarity when you were with him. You pushed away the reality of him being a killer and a cannibal at that and settled with a thought that if he didn’t kill and eat you, it was okay. “Thomas?” you raised your eyebrow playfully as you put your hand on his thigh. “Can I please take a shower? And… if it’s possible, get the suitcase from the van? I have some clothes there… Pretty please.” You decided to make the best of your situation, at least until you can escape… plus he wasn’t so bad after all. Thomas still couldn’t process your mood swings very well, but a smile made its way on his lips. That made your heart flutter as this was the first time you saw him smile… he was kind of cute… kind of. Thomas nodded and left the room when he realized that your hand was on his thigh. He still got startled easily when he got personal with you as he was very touch starved and only used to pain coming from encounters with other people. He made his mind up that he would try his best to fulfill your request, however, it wasn’t up to him. You looked after him as he disappeared from the room like he was a mirage never to be seen again, and your heart ached unexplainably.
The reality of your situation dawned on you again as you blankly stared into the hallway. He left you to yourself, and you really didn’t know what to do. “Is he going to do what I asked for?” you started quietly talking to yourself to make yourself less lonely. Am I going to be here every day like this, you wondered? It felt so weird, especially how physically close you got to your captor in one day. “It just felt right at that moment! Don’t beat yourself up over it like it’s your fault! It was probably a onetime thing as well…” you argued with yourself, but then decided to stop acting like a lunatic and stretched your sore body. Your leg was cuffed to the bed, but you could at least stand up. Then you just stared outside from the window, lost in your thoughts. You ignored the passage of time. Loud footsteps that gave you goosebumps echoed in the hallway and made you realize that you’ve been doing nothing for more than an hour. Thomas came into the room with your purse and suitcase, looking defeated. “Oh my god! You actually got my stuff. Thank you so much, Thomas!” you jumped up, ready to look through everything, but your clumsy self, tripped on the rope again and felt on the floor with a big thump. Thomas chuckled under his mask when you tried to stand up again. As you noticed his expression, your face became completely red. So, he’s having fun at your expense, huh? A thought came across your mind, and you fell back on your knees, covering your face with both hands as you started sobbing. Thomas’s smile disappeared, and he rushed over to help you. As he got close enough, you suddenly burst out laughing and grabbed his hand. “Got you!” Your prank irked Thomas, but when he saw your genuine smile, he melted. That was the first time in many years someone laughed together with him and not at him. “Sorry, but that’s what you get for looking at me embarrassing myself like that.” You smirked at him. Talk about being positive in a bad situation you thought for yourself when you looked at his bloody apron. “So, now that we got this out of the way, can you take me to the bathroom, please?” you stood up and looked at Thomas, attempting your best to look as cute as possible. He nodded and uncuffed your ankle. You contemplated if you should just run for it, but he was too used to this, so he grabbed your wrist, almost crushing it. “Ow, ow, ow.” You cried out in pain as his grip was tightening around the abrasion on your wrist. Startled, he completely let go of you and stepped back to the door so that you wouldn’t escape.  “That hurt,” you looked at your bruised wrists. “How about we take it slow?” you sighed, and Thomas grunted. You opened your suitcase and took out a black lace top, white shorts, and clean underwear. “Now,” you stepped closer to Thomas, who guarded the only exit with his big body. “Let’s try this.” You grabbed his hand and teased him, “Don’t let go if you don’t want me to run.” He rolled his eyes and led you to the bathroom, clearly confused about whether to be happy or mad. When he closed the bathroom door behind you, your body finally gave in. You exhaled and felt all your muscles loosen. For the first time in two days, you were free to an extent. The bathroom was far from clean, but you felt happy, finally having some privacy and time alone without being tied up. You stepped into the tub and let the brownish water run down on your hair and body. There was nothing but a bar of soap, so you just used that to clean yourself. When you were done, you dried yourself with what seemed like a clean towel and put on your clothes. You weren’t sure if you felt cleaner, but you definitely felt more like yourself now. You then looked around for anything useful, but then scrapped your silly idea and just opened the door.
Thomas looked you up and down, mesmerized by everything. However, he snapped back to reality and grabbed your hand, so you don’t try anything to escape. He led you back to the bedroom. When you sat on the bed, he kneeled to inspect your wrists and ankles. Maybe he could get his momma to look at your wounds for him? He then loosely cuffed your ankle again so that it wouldn’t deepen your wound, but not that you could slip out of it. He glared at you with a growl, trying to say: Don’t try anything stupid. “Thank you for your concern…” you shook your head a bit. How could he think you’d be able to escape when he had the key? He stood up, prepared to leave as he had work to do, but you stopped him. “Am I going to die anytime soon?” you bluntly asked him as you braced yourself for the worst outcome. He shook his head and looked you in the eyes. There is going to be a time when he would have to get rid of you… He knew it would be hard as he saw you as a human, not a piece of meat. “I am glad to hear that… because you know, despite everything, I want to keep living.” You teared up a bit at the thought of his cleaver next to your skull but quickly wiped your tears off.
Thomas rushed out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving you confused and alone once again. He wasn’t prepared to face the reality of you being a victim and him being a captor. Him being the one who took your life, not literally, but still. He took away your freedom, family, friends… They won’t ever know what happened to their precious y/n. You made his mundane duty so difficult to carry out by acting the way you did. You didn’t even realize it, but by everything you’ve done so far, you completely changed Thomas’s life. He wasn’t sure if he liked it, because it made everything very hard. All he had to do up until this point was providing for his family without any hope for having a nice future for himself. He just did what had to be done and listened to Hoyt’s commands. Sometimes he thought about having a normal life, a normal face. Everything could’ve been different, and he felt so desperate about being unable to change it. That’s why when he saw that handsome soldier boy, he ended up taking his face… because that guy had everything Thomas could only dream of. He had given up on his dreams after the first kill; he knew he became the monster everyone wanted him to be. However, you made him think about his dreams again.
His thoughts dispersed as he heard Hoyt’s voice. “So, how’s yer bitch doin’?” he snickered. “Why are you even keepin’ her, it’s just ‘nother mouth to feed?” he kept blabbering. “Let him be Charlie, and he can keep ‘er until we run out of meat.” Luda Mae interrupted. “Okay, whatever you say, ma, but maybe I could show him some tricks, so he gets the best outta her.” He teased. Thomas was clearly uncomfortable, even though he was used to the sex talk and knew what it was as he grew up next to Hoyt. This time it wasn’t just a random girl. You had a name. He also realized that even if he tried to touch you in that way, you would probably finally curse him out and look at him with disgust. Hoyt often bragged about how amazing it felt and how Thomas should finally become a man.  Hoyt even offered to show him how it’s done with some victims. Of course, he would love to try it someday, but only with someone who would like touching Thomas, and he was convinced there was no one like that in this world. He didn’t like the faces and sounds the girls were making when Hoyt did it with them. For him, it just tainted the fantasy.
a/n: I swear this was so hard to write, but I am trying my best <3 Thomas is so precious, I just wanna kick everyone who bullied him... and I want you to show him all the love in the world too, but you are still a victim of kidnapping... we are steadily getting there though. Any comments would be highly appreciated.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 127
Chapter Summary - Danielle and Tom return home and organise themselves for their next time apart, but Danielle's trip to the shops leads to a peculiar situation.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine.
I WILL get there, it is my dream!
All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​ @jessibelle-nerdy-mum​​ @nonsensicalobsessions​​ @damalseer​​ @hiddlesbitch1​​ @winterisakiller​ @fairlightswiftly​​ @salempoe​​ @wolfsmom1
‘Where are my best boys?’ Both dogs were almost frantic to get to Tom and Danielle as she knelt down in front of them. Mac got there first on account of his longer legs and Bobby tumbling en route. When he righted himself, he decided to seek attention from Tom before both dogs seemed to hear a silent signal and both swapped humans almost as though they had choreographed it. ‘Did you miss us?’ Bobby all but climbed into her arms and licked her face.
‘What happened to not rewarding this behaviour?’ Tom asked as he scratched the fur on Mac’s chest.
‘I saw you do it first.’ She grinned as she cuddled the pup in her arms.
They got the dogs into the car, securing them before heading back to the house. Tom spoke about different engagements to do with Early Man as they went.
‘Did you spend much time with the rest of the cast for the movie?’ Danielle asked.
‘No, you don’t with voice work, you are in a recording studio, mostly by yourself.’
‘Do you know the rest of the cast well, bar Redmayne?’
‘Not really, I mean, I met most of them a few times, the British circuit is a smaller one, but I will have to spend the most of my time with Maisie and Eddie for the promotion.’
‘Maisie Williams, right?’
‘I like her, she and I spent way too long talking about her stunts when she and I were on the set together, she is mad in the loveliest possible way.’ Tom stared at her. ‘She’s in Game of Thrones you absolute numpty.’ Danielle laughed.
Tom shook his head and chuckled. ‘Oh course, how foolish of me. You will see Redmayne before me though.’
‘No, he is there for the second week, he is doing stuff for Early Man the first one.’
‘How do you know this?’
‘I may have checked the schedule on the flight back.’
‘What, you were asleep and I am leaving first thing, so I wanted to get ready and that way get in the shopping and walk the dogs at home instead of readying for this.’
Tom nodded slightly. ‘That does sound like a better idea, in all fairness.’
‘So, we drop the dogs and bags back, I get some shopping while you sort the house and...why are you looking at me like that?’
‘You’re not even going to be here, why are you getting the shopping?’ Tom chuckled.
‘Because I don’t forget half the list because some people recognise me and then forget why I was there, leading to a return to the shop fifteen minutes later to forget….again!.’
‘That was one time.’
‘You mean you only forgot twice one time, it is not the only time you did that.’ She laughed. ‘You can remember Hamlet, including five soliloquies but you cannot remember to get red currant jelly.’
‘I am a terrible man.’ Tom chuckled, taking her hand and kissing it.
‘Well, you had to have some faults. Contrary to many of your fan’s beliefs, you’re not actually a deity.’
‘You seem to think me a deity when we’re in bed.’
‘Behave.’ She warned, giving him a momentary glare, but there was a grin edging its way into her features as she did.
When they got back to the house, Mac saw fit to mark the two cars as well as the two brick gate posts before finally going inside, Bobby having already went to ensure their bed was still where it had been before. Tom and Danielle brought in their bags and their gifts that they had gotten, into the house.
‘I am not going to lie, your way of doing this is far easier.’ Tom beamed as he took his suitcase upstairs as Danielle brought hers to the back kitchen to the washing machine.
‘Well, it makes more sense, all the dirty laundry in one bag, the clean in the other, otherwise you are forced to wash everything, and that is not practical.’ Danielle explained as she ascended the stairs after him.
‘Very thrifty, Ms Hughes.’
‘I am a very practical woman.’ She smiled as she entered the bedroom, laughing as she watched Tom jokingly toying with her unused underwear, a cheeky grin on his face. ‘You fecking eejit.’ His smile only widened at her reaction. ‘How are you a man that is assumed to be so professional and proper and here you are, messing with my panties?’
‘I am a very talented actor.’ Tom beamed proudly.
‘Fecking eejit.’ She laughed. ‘I am going to get some shopping.’ She grabbed her purse that she had left at her side of the bed and left the room.
‘What about…’
She paused on the stairs as a concerned looking Tom came out of the room. ‘Yes, love?’
‘Why would you pay for the food when I am the one that will eat most of it?’
‘Because there is a water charges bill that needs paying on the counter, they will be about the same.’ She dismissed.
‘Fair enough.’ Tom shrugged. ‘Don’t forget the Hobnobs.’
‘I plan on getting two packs.’
‘I love you.’
‘You love Hobnobs.’ Danielle laughed.
‘I love you more though.’
‘Good to know.’ She chuckled as she grabbed her jacket and went to the shops.
Danielle paid little heed to anything around her bar the road as she parked and paid her ticket before grabbing a few bags from the back seat and rushing into the first shop.
It did not take long to get what she needed, eggs, milk and other such items, before heading to the butchers for meat. Grabbing the few things for the rest of the week, she didn’t really think too much of anything before bagging her purchases and leaving again. It was at the last stop, a small Tesco Express not far from the car to get Tom’s biscuits that she paused and frowned.
She had seen Tom on magazines before, especially after the whole Taylor Swift situation, but seeing herself and him on them seemed to make her brain incapable of processing it. On the front cover of three different magazines, there were photos of her and Tom on their arrival to Rome, as well as a comparative picture with him there with Taylor, and a few headlines that made her brow raised. Shaking her head, she turned slightly only to see a women flicking through one of the magazines only to stop at the page of her and Tom, the woman reading ardently what few lines that were there before noticing Danielle next to her.
‘My daughter is stone mad about him, he’s not bad to look at. Could do with a shave though.’
‘I prefer a beard, personally.’
‘Well, his girlfriend doesn’t seem to mind. Poor Amanda was gutted to see him with someone, as though she’ll ever even meet him.’ The woman rolled her eyes. ‘She seems too down to Earth for all that madness, look at that outfit, she’s not trying to show off her knickers like half of them.’
‘I don’t blame her.’ Danielle smiled before going to get the biscuits, laughing to herself. As she grabbed Tom’s favourites she fell into fresh giggles and forced herself to breathe deep before laughing again. When she got to the checkout, the girl behind the counter was looking at her oddly, which did little to help Danielle’s giggles. She barely uttered out thank you as she took her change, noting the girl checking her hand. Danielle, unable to stop herself, turned over her hand and gave a pretend saddened face before thanking the girl again and walking off, another checkout girl nearby laughing loudly as she did, also saying “I told you it was her” as she did so.
Danielle was still laughing when she parked the car in the driveway and collected the bags of shopping and heading into the house. She was about to see where Tom was to tell him her funny story when she heard him speaking on the phone.
‘So nothing too mad then? No, I told you I wasn’t going to propose. No, she loved it. She needed the break, work has been hard on her recently.’ Danielle closed the door gently and went to make her way into the kitchen quietly so not to startle Tom and interrupt his call. ‘No, I haven’t asked her.’ Danielle paused for a moment. ‘She could tell I wanted to ask her something and I froze.’ She frowned at his words, remember the odd look he was giving her and her questioning it before he dismissed it. ‘Because she will say no and everything will become awkward and it could very well destroy everything.’ Danielle felt odd about what Tom was saying, not sure what he was wanting to ask her. ‘She actually allowed me to embrace her and she kissed me, in public, I am not risking all that. I….I can’t. If she said no and felt as though I was pressuring her and...no, it’s not worth it. I know I do, but not at the cost of her.’
Deciding not to let the conversation continue without Tom knowing she was there, Danielle inhaled deeply and used her elbow to open the door. Tom swung around, clearly startled by her appearance. She gave an attempt at a smile as Tom ran his hand through his hair before clearing his throat.
‘Luke, I need to go, Danielle is back and I need to help her get sorted here. I’ll talk to you more tomorrow. Yes, I will send back the paperwork to them as well. Bye.’ Tom hung up the phone and rushed over to Danielle. ‘Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you were getting everything.’ He smiled as he brought the meat to the fridge. ‘Was there anything of note in the village?’
‘No, here?’ Danielle asked, wondering if Tom would think to mention the earlier content of his call.
‘Nothing much. Luke rang, as you gathered, letting me know that there was a few pictures and articles, nothing of note.’
‘We are on the front page of a few magazines.’ Tom stared silently at her. ‘There are a few of the weekly trash ones with the pictures of us in Rome on them. Going by the publishing dates, if there is any of us elsewhere, they will happen in the next issue.’ She did not even look at him as she put the rice and other foods in the cupboard.
‘Are you alright?’
‘Fine, you?’
‘Fine.’ Tom eyed her cautiously. ‘Are you mad?’
‘About what, the magazines?’ He nodded. ‘Not at all, I couldn’t give a fuck about them, I thought it was funny if I’m honest. I giggled the whole way around Tesco’s and the entire journey home about it actually.’ She stated as she all but threw the groceries away. ‘I am going to get changed. Are we both walking the dogs or am I going alone?’
Tom could not help but notice her harsh manner. ‘I thought we were both going?’
‘Well, we better get started so, I need to get an early dinner as I have to be up at stupid o’clock to get the half six flight.’ She left the room and a baffled Tom behind her.
For the whole of the walk, though Danielle ensured she kept her tone light and spoke casually, Tom did not reveal anything of the conversation that concerned her with Luke, upsetting her slightly.
He tried to suggest ordering something or going out to dinner since they were tired out after their holiday and Danielle was up so early, but she insisted on cooking, making sure both their steaks were done as they liked them and putting together a delicious dinner to go with them.
‘Thank you, Elle, that was incredible.’ Tom kissed her cheek as she soaked the dish she had put the roast potatoes in. ‘I am going to miss you terribly.’
‘Yes, it is odd after so long of both of us in the house to be apart again, but we are well able for it.’ Danielle smiled. ‘Unless we don’t count my hell hours.’
‘How will Safeguard do without you around for two weeks?’
‘Well, I will have a shit-tonne to do again on my return, obviously, but for the most part, I am needed to ensure the set is ready but that is going to be mostly before shooting, I can deal with a lot of the paperwork while on site, so I will be fine, just checking over everything when I...stop that.’ She gently pushed Tom, who was snaking his hands down her sides. ‘You are insatiable.’ His lips pressed against her skin. ‘The dogs are looking at us.’
‘Tom, I am not a prude, you know that but we are not going any further in front of our pets, that is not something I am into.’ She nudged him again.
‘Then leave the dishes and get away from the dogs.’
‘I need to tidy and pack.’
Tom groaned. ‘Spoilsport.’
‘Finish these and let the adult get her work done.’ She scoffed, drying her hands and tossing the tea towel at him before leaving the room.
When Tom joined her upstairs half an hour later, Danielle had a fresh bag packed and everything she needed ready. ‘I will bring that down for you.’
‘You’re fine. I am going to get a cab in the morning, let you sleep in.’
‘What? No, I will drop you.’
‘You don’t have to, I’m better off getting there myself.’
‘Elle, are you alright, you have been bothered since coming back from the shops?’
‘I’m fine, I just don’t want you having to get up early for no good reason.’
‘Seeing you off is not “no good reason”.’
‘Are you that desperate to get rid of me?’ She joked, putting her arms around him. ‘Tom, I mean it, nothing happened when I was out today, well, it did, but positive, I was actually in a great mood from it all.’
‘But you seem …’
‘Don’t go looking for issues when there are none,’ She warned, throwing a pair of folded clean socks at him. ‘I am trying to get myself ready for two weeks of hard work after a fortnight of shit, then a nice break, it’s a lot to organise in my head.’ She explained.
‘I’m sorry, I just don’t want something like magazines coming between us, I don’t want to lose you to something so inconsequential.’
‘Do you think you will?’
‘No, or I hope I don’t, but the way you kissed me, you actually leant up and kissed me, in front of others, in full view of everyone...I…’ There was some emotion in his face that Danielle found difficult to place, it was almost like happy disbelief. ‘I love you, so much. And the idea that we are developing this much...You have no idea how incredibly happy I am, Elle.’ She could not help but smile as he looked at her adoringly. ‘I love this, I love you and I love us.’
‘Tom, you are too loving, do you know that?’ She smiled. ‘I love you too.’ She leant up and kissed him. ‘But no matter what, I am not going to run off over something small, I promise, so don’t ever feel you can’t talk to me about certain things that are bothering you, okay?’
Tom’s brows knitted together slightly before he nodded. ‘I know.’ He kissed her and pulled her in against him, but said nothing else on the matter, causing Danielle to wonder again as to what it was he was referencing in that phone call.
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sheeple · 5 years
A big adventure
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GIF NOT MINE. THIS IS ALL FICTION. Genre(s): fluff / smut / friends to lovers!au Group(s): EXO Pairing(s): Park Chanyeol x reader Summary: Your friendship with Chanyeol is something you never expected to end. But when one adventure ends, another adventure begins. A bigger adventure than you expected. Warnings: Smut (obviously) / badly written smut / brief dry humping / sucking sum dick A/n: This is requested by the lovely @babybunnysworld. It turned out to be/took a lot longer than I expected but I hope you like it boo xx [Masterlist] [Moodboard]
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Bbq parties are fun. You’ve the chance to stuff your belly full with delicious meat and wonderful salads. Drinking fruity cocktails and hearing fun stories from relatives.  
As you loom around your dad who prepares the meat on the grill, trying to convince him to give some of the best meat. He swats your hands away and scolds you, saying it is for the guests. 
“(Y/n), stop bothering your father! Go take the children to the field or something”, chides your mother and you nod with a pout, taking your cousins’ small hands and running off to the field in front of your house, playing tag and hide-and-seek. 
After a while, you let yourself fall on the soft grass and grab your phone, tired from playing with the energized children. 
“Don’t go too far”, you call after them as they run around. 
“Here you go, I thought you might be hungry after all that running around”, says a cheery voice as a plate appears next to your face with different kinds of meats, salads, and pieces of buttered bread. 
A person flops down next to you with the same kind of plate and you turn your face with a big smile to thank them. 
Chanyeol laughs and runs a hand through his hair, the movement making him effortlessly handsome. Not like he never looks like a total heartthrob.
Park Chanyeol. Your stubbornly and funny neighbour from when you still lived with your parents. You guys were the bestest of friends when you were younger, making pillow forts and having sleepovers with loads of junk food and almost no sleep. 
But, when you both finished high school, he just moved away to the big city to go to college. He hates saying goodbye, said his mother. That didn’t mean it didn’t break your heart. And you still feel bitter about it.
“Ah, look who’s showed up”, you say sarcastically while rolling your eyes and shoving the meat into your mouth. 
Chanyeol sighs, looking down at his hands. “I guess that I deserve this treatment. It was not right of me to just leave without saying anything. I just... I couldn’t say goodbye to you and watch you cry.”
You sniff, angrily wiping tears away. “While, peanut brain, mission failed.”
He laughs softly before engulfing you into a bear hug. “I am sorry”, he whispers into your hair. “Let me make up to you, please. Have a sleepover with me, tonight. Just like when we were smaller. Let’s make a pillow fort and eat ice cream until our stomachs hurt while having a Disney marathon.”
A smile creeps on your face, How can you say no to such a golden offer to be stupid kids again.
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“What kind of take-out do you want?”, you yell from the kitchen at Chanyeol who is stationed in your living room on the couch. 
“I don���t care. Chinese?”, he yells back while scrolling through Netflix. 
“Chinese it is then.”
It has been a year since the bbq and the first sleepover between Chanyeol and you in years. 
He told you about his job as a producer at a music label and it turns out he lives two blocks away from you. So it became a regular thing on Saturday night for the both of you to hang out, order take out, and watch movies. And today is like one of those days.
After the take out arrived, you walk to the living room and give Chanyeol his order, plopping down next to him as he starts the movie. 
“Are you serious? You’ve chosen Saw while you know I hate horror movies.” You look in disgust up towards him and he smirks smugly. 
“Yeah, and you know I hate chick-flicks and we still watched House Bunny last week.”
You purse your lips. “Touché.”
Throughout the whole movie, at every jump scare and gore part, you bury your face in Chanyeol’s shoulder to block out the nasty movie scenes. And every time he laughs, hard. 
At a particularly gruesome scene, you whimper while hiding into his chest and Chanyeol laughs again. 
“Fuck, I love you”, he whispers but you hear it. 
Your breath hitch and you look up. 
Chanyeol’s whole face and ear colours red as he begins to stutter. “I─ I mean... I don’t don’t love you─ fuck, that just made it weirder.” 
As Chanyeol stutters through over his words, you reach up and kiss him on his lips, making him shut up.
“Wait... So that does mean you love me too?” He looks down at you with big, scared eyes.
You laugh. “‘Love’ is a pretty big word. Let’s start with ‘like’, shall we?” You smile and Chanyeol nods happily. 
“Yeah, I can live with that”, he says breathlessly, kissing you again.
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You push Chanyeol against the soft mattress as you straddle him, kissing him intensely. “Happy second-anniversary babe”, you whisper seductively in his ear and you lick his earlobe.
He moans and wraps his arms around your lower back, kneading your butt with his big hands. 
A groan escapes your lips while you suck a dark spot just below his ear. You sit up and admire your work, a content smirk on your lips. 
Chanyeol sees his chance and reaches up and flips you both over. He attaches his lips to your exposed collarbones and you moan loudly.
Arching your back off the mattress and wrapping your hands around Chanyeol’s broad shoulder, you grip his shirt tightly and bunch it up. 
He grinds his hard-on on your clothed pussy, drawing a moan out of your mound.
But before you both continue anything, takes Chanyeol a step back as he looks to you with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open. His shoulders rise and fall heavily as he searches for a breath.
“Yeol? Everything okay?”, you ask while cocking your head to the side with knitted brows. 
He licks his lips as a deep shade of red spreads around his face. Chanyeol scratches the back of his neck and turns around, letting himself drop to the end of the bed.
You crawl towards him and wrap your arms around him.
“I ehm... I want to wait with the...” He trails off at the end of the sentence and you understand immediately.
To lighten the mood, you pout cutely. “So that does mean I don’t get to suck your dick?”
Chanyeol laughs loudly and shakes his head. “No, I am afraid you have to wait for a little.” He pats you hands wrapped around his torso with a goofy smile.
“That’s okay”, you say as you pull Chanyeol down with you, “I am patient.” You wrap your arms and feed around him like a koala and kiss all over his face, making him giggle in the process. 
After a while, the kissing stopped and Chanyeol noticed that you have fallen asleep. He smiles and wraps his arms around you, tucking your head under his chin. 
“Thank you for understanding, darling.”
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“Praise the Lord! I thought he would never ask you”, says your mother over the phone and you smile at her happiness. 
“He is a bit slow in everything, mom. You know that”, you muse while looking at your fiance who’s baking cookies in the kitchen. You play with the ring around your finger as lick your lips.
Your boyfriend of five years had proposed to you and you couldn’t be happier. Of course, you had to tell your mother as soon as you had a little alone time. 
“Does that mean you both did the do?”, she asks and you choke on air. 
“Mom!”, you hiss and look at Chanyeol, scared if he heard it. But the boy is just happily kneading the dough. 
“I take that as a no... Is he saving himself?” She’s such a curious person sometimes. 
“Okay mom, I am ending the call. You just made it weird! Love you tho!” You end the call before she can protest and you shove your phone into your back pocket while walking towards the giant idiot. 
“Everything okay, sweetheart?”, he asks cutely with a bright smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes.
You giggle and wrap your arms around his body. “Everything is just peachy.”
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“Do you, (Y/n) (L/n), do you take Park Chanyeol as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“And you, Park Chanyeol, do you take (Y/n) (Y/l/n) as your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
“Then you can now kiss your bride.”
Those words swarm through your head the whole day. A smile never left your lips, not even when you both got on the plane to get to your honeymoon. 
Chanyeol and your parents gave you a honeymoon to Antigua Cocobay Resort for two twelve days. Only you, your husband, and the tropical weather of Antigua.
“Are you excited?”, whispers Chanyeol in your ear and a shiver runs down your spine as you nod. 
“I can’t wait ‘till we’re there”, you look up with a smile and place your hand on his cheek, stroking it softly.
“Neither can I”, he smirks as his hand that’s rested on your knee, creeps up your leg and slowly getting closer to your gradually heating core.
“Chanyeol”, you hiss, “not now!”
“Why not, baby?”, he whispers before nibbling your earlobe and kissing your neck seductively.
A shiver runs down your spine while grabbing his hand, intertwining your fingers and bringing them closer to your lips, kissing his knuckles.
“Because I waited so long to not throw it away such a special moment by having our first time on a plane. How much I love the idea of joining the mile-high club, not for our first time.”
He nods slowly, understanding my point. Chanyeol licks his lips with a sly grin before bending to your ear. “Just imagine baby, my face between your legs, you grinding against my mouth as I lick a stripe up your delicious core.”
A deep red colour appears on your face and you gasp. Where did your cute husband go to? 
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You let yourself fall on the white bed as soon as you step into the hotel room. Chanyeol chuckles as he places the suitcases on the designed rack before walking towards the big open windows that overlook the white beach and clear blue waters of the ocean. 
“Holy shit, come look at this view”, he calls over his shoulder as he steps onto the balcony. “Oh my God, there is a bathtub outside!”
You smile at this adorable excitement while stretching out with a jawn. 
Chanyeol’s head peeks around the corner with raised eyebrows. “Okay good, I thought for a second that you started without me.”
You let out a scoff before throwing a pillow at him, that he catches.
“Oh, it’s on, baby.” He smirks before charging at you and he starts hitting you with the pillow. 
A loud laugh escapes your mouth as you shield yourself from his blows. “Mercy! Mercy! Please, have mercy!”
He giggles while he drops next to you, grabbing your hips, pulling you closer while kissing your lips with such fire you never felt. 
“Can we have sex now?”, he asks huskily while licking his lips. You nod slightly and kiss him again. 
He moans loudly. He grabs your buttcheeks firmly with both hands and kneads them. 
“Wait.” You break the kiss before starting the press kisses down his neck. “Let me suck you off.”
You feel a faint nod as you undress him from his travel clothes. You reach his pants and push down his sweats. His dick slaps you right in the face and you look up shocked. 
“You went commando? In sweats? How kinky”, you tease him and his already red ears get even more fired up. 
You lick a stipe up his dick, ending with a slight suck at the head. 
“Holy shit”, he curses with parted lips, head thrown back. “Where did you learn that.”
You let out a chuckle. “This is nothing baby.”
Before he can answer, another moan leaves his lips as you take him back into your mouth, this time properly sucking him and going all the way to the base. 
Not like it is easy. He’s thick and long. His dick is really testing your gag reflex. Well, now you know it is true what they say about guys with big hands. 
Where you can’t reach him with your mouth, you grab him with your hands and flicking your hands. 
You hollow your cheeks and suck even harder, really wanting to get Chanyeol off. 
He trusts up into your mouth and you moan, sending vibrations all the way down to his dick.
“No please”, he whines breathlessly. “I don’t want to cum yet.” He lays an arm over his face, hiding how worked up is from only your mouth and tongue. 
With a pop, you release the head. “It’s okay, baby, let it go. Cum in my mouth, Chanyeol.”
He moans loudly as you keep jerking him off. Not soon after, his length starts to twitch and you take him back into your mouth, giving him one strong suck before he unloads his seed into your mouth.
“Oh fuck”, he curses, “don’t swallow.”
“Too late”, you chuckle, sticking out your tongue to show it’s empty of his load. 
“Where did you even learn to suck a dick”, he asks as you lay next to him. 
“Well, I was really bitter in my first two years of college so I started to sleep around, eventually settling on being friends-with-benefits with two friends.”
Chanyeol looks at you shocked. “Wow”, he mutters, surprised at how casually you speak about sex. 
He nestles his face in the crook of your neck but you push him away. 
“You promised me something on the plane, and now you have to relive it.”
Chanyeol gulps as you push his face down, promising him that it will be a very long night. 
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madamslayyy · 6 years
Log Cabin and A Brewing Fire (Trevante Rhodes x Reader)
Pairing: Nebraska Williams (Trevante Rhodes) x Reader.
Warning: Suicide mention, Dark Themes, Depression Themes, Angst
A/N: Hey y’all, so I don’t know if y’all remember Trevante’s character in that dumbass Predator movie but he play Ex-Commanding officer Gaylord ‘Nebraska’ Williams. If you haven’t seen the movie I won’t spoil it for you but I took that character and his back story and kind of twisted it for the purpose of this story (ps there are no aliens or anything here, the events of the movie never happened, i just used his character and backstory). THIS IS SLOW BURN!!! I plan for it to have a couple more chapters, at least 3 more and maybe a little epilogue. Not gonna drag it out like my Untitled Series (lol remember that fossil 🤣🤣) but it’s gonna have some build up. Really sad themes in here so please be cautious. Also let me know what you guys think and if y’all would like to see more of it ! Anyway i hope y’all enjoy it🥰🥰🥰
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Well today was the day. You were getting a roommate. A real roommate. But not by choice.
Your Uncle and last close relative you had left, was an army general, and his Lieutenant, his number two, the young man he’d always seen as something akin to a son... put a bullet in his brain.
It tore your Uncle apart. Your Aunt was barren and the two never looked into alternative methods to have a child.
By protocol, the Lieutenant was supposed to be dishonorably discharged from service but your uncle had managed to pull a few strings and get the boy a temporary leave of absence. And that’s where you came in.
Mental health was something you’d struggled with your whole life. Finally, on the verge of a mental breakdown, you left the city, opting to move into a cozy small cabin on the edge of a little New England town. You had a job at the local museum by day and that helped cover most of your bills, your Incle quietly taking care of the rest. You were happy here. And healthy. It finally put you in a place to heal without the expectations and constant showboating of modern society. You’d found your peace at last.
And your Uncle knew it. And he hoped it would do the same for his favorite soldier as well.
You’d been nervous at first, having never had an actual roommate before, let alone a suicidal, male ex-soldier with PTSD that could probably snap your neck like a twig given the slightest inclination. All concerns you’d brought to your Uncle who’d assured you “The kid wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless that fly was himself.”
So you’d trusted that. He was set to arrive today. You’d spent the entire weekend making sure your home was spotless and that his room would have everything a guest would possibly need. You knew how hard it was to bounce back from a dark place and environment was one of the greatest impacts.
At 13:00 sharp, your Uncle was pulling into your driveway, as punctual as ever. He exited the vehicle first, pulling you into a hug. You could see he’d aged considerably since the last time you saw him, his hair beginning to show small sprouts of grey on the sides.
“Uncle Raynard, long time now see,” you smiled. He and your Aunt lived nearly two states over so it was rare you’d go to visit, especially by yourself.
“Y/N, you’ve grown since the last time I saw you,” he chuckled, laughing as you rolled your eyes. You’d been the same short height since you were in middle school.
“Did you have a safe drive over?” You asked, watching as the other car door opened.
“Eh, we got a little rain once we hit the highwa-“ your uncles words began to fade into the background as you watched one of the finest men you’d ever laid eyes upon step out of the passengers side of the your uncles Cadillac.
Smooth, dark skin, full lips, incredible physic, thriving beard, and he was tall to top it all off. Your confusion was off the charts. This man looked like th poster child for Black Male self care and self love. For him to look like that and not want to live, you knew whatever was eating at him sure as hell couldn’t be skin deep.
“Ah, took you long enough. Y/N, I’d like to introduce you to Lieutenant Gaylord Williams, Williams this is my pride and joy, my niece Y/N.” The lieutenant dropped the suitcase he was holding in one hand and held it out to you, his other hand carrying an enormous duffle as if it was as light as a grocery bag.
“Most people just call me Nebraska,” he said shaking your hand. His voice matched his build and features perfectly: deep, sensual and sincere like his words were going straight through you.
“Ne-bras-ka,” you said in a bit of a daze as you shook his hand slowly. You could see the veins trailing up his arm.
“Thanks for uh... for having me,” he said with downcast eyes. You could see he was obviously a little uncomfortable with the whole thing.
“Of course, any thing for Uncle RayRay,” you said flashing a smile at your Uncle.
“Well I’d love to stay longer but the roads are supposed to ice over from that rain later tonight and I’m trying to get home before then. Anything you need before I take off?” Your Uncle said giving you one last hug.
“I’m think I’m good. Be careful on the roads. Gotta get back to Aunti Mae in one piece.”
“Course, nothing less.” He turned to Nebraska, “Anything you need before I go, Lieutenant Williams?”
“No sir,” he said raising his arm to salute your Uncle but Raynard pulled him into a hug instead.
“It’s gonna be alright, son. You’re gonna get through this.” He said to him, holding him tight. He tensed for a moment before hugging your uncle back. You smiled at the scene before you, seeing Black men openly support each other in cases such as these was a rarity. Mental health was a touchy subject to begin with and most opted to ignore it rather than combat it.
“You two be good and I’ll call when I make it back home,” and with that your Uncle drove off, leaving the two of you standing there awkwardly. You just realize how bitterly cold it was outside.
“Well you must be freezing, let’s get you inside,” you said holding the door open for him.
“Need any help with your bags?” He glanced over at you, purposely looking down as if to reference your short statue before continuing inside. Apparently he wasn’t much of a talker.
“So you’re room is going to be upstairs if you’ll follow me,” you led him to the room across the hall from your own. You’d been using it the last couple of months as sort of a green house where you grew all of your plants because it had an enormous window allowing for plenty of sunlight to stream through however you’d cleared them out and arranged them throughout the rest of your home so they’d still thrive outside of the room, only keeping a few in there that were especially sunlight dependent.
“Here we go. Need any help settling in?” He shook his head no looking around the room.
“Alrighty then. Anything I can get you? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Tea? Fresh-squeezed orang-“
“I’m good,” he said in a small voice. It almost sounded unnatural coming from him because his voice had such a deep timbre to it.
“Okay well I’ll let you settle in and come back to check on you later.” And with that you tiptoed out of the doorway
God he was so.... mysterious? Was that even a good word to use? It wasn’t really much of a mystery what he did, you knew and he knew you knew too, maybe that’s why it’s so awkward? Maybe he was just reserved? Shy? No, he’s in the army, they don’t get the luxury of being shy. Quiet? No they don’t get to be quiet either. Serious? Yes that’s it, he’s just a serious man and that’s what’s making everything so tense. Well that and the fact he put a bullet through his- okay no, nope we’re not gonna keep dwelling on that. He’s here now and he’s alive and that’s what matters. He’d probably rather forget that whole incident by now so you should go ahead and try to put it out of your mind as well.
Your mind was racing and you hadn’t even been paying attention to where you were going but had somehow ended up in the kitchen. You figured now was as great a time as any to start on a late lunch. But what should you cook for him? You couldn’t just make lunch for yourself, that’d be rude, especially on his first day. Maybe something Italian, everyone liked Pasta right? What if he didn’t eat meat? Or cheese? What if he was vegan? You knew some militants kept very strict diets and you’d hate to put him in such a compromising position. So you quickly decided to get to work and began cooking at once.
About an hour later you were almost done cooking when you realized you hadn’t heard a peep from Nebraska this entire time. The house was made of wood and would creak the second anyone put the slightest amount of weight on it, especially someone his size, yet you’d heard nothing.
You quickly ran upstairs, panic beginning to settle in as your thoughts took a turn for the worst. You swung the door open to see him on the bed fast asleep. He hadn’t changed clothes or even bothered to get under the covers. His bags were untouched in a neat corner of the room and he slept with his feet still firmly planted on the ground as if he had been sitting on the edge of the bed and simply laid back.
You didn’t mean to stare but this was the first time you got to actually appraise him without those intense brown orbs staring back into you. If you thought he was beautiful before at a glance then up close he was down right gorgeous. Even in his relaxed state, his arms rippled with veins, his swollen muscles making him look absolutely sculpted. You took note of his full lips, slightly parted in slumber. He was a silent sleeper, he didn’t snore or actually really move at all. It was almost as if he were.... dead.
The last thought seemed to bring you back to reality more as you remembered why you’d rushed up here in the first place. Now you were faced with the decision of waking him up from his nap or letting him sleep through to the evening.
You decided against the latter and moved towards him about to shake his shoulder when you paused. He was a military man, there was no telling what type of things he’d seen or reflexes he had. You decided to take a few steps back.
“Nebraskaaaa?” You cooed. He didn’t even twitch. You decided to grab one of the pillows off the bed and nudge him gently with that.
“Nebraskaaaa,” you cooed again, a little louder this time. His eyes fluttered open but he didn’t move. He simply stared at you, his eyes red from sleep.
“Heyyyyy....” you trailed off awkwardly, setting the pillow down, “lunch is um... lunch is ready.... if you’re hungry that is... or not.... either way it’s ready...”
“Yes ma’am,” he groaned, his voice thick from slumber. You could have fainted right there.
“Okay so I’ll see you down there then?” You realized how stupid that sounded the moment it left your mouth and mentally cringed. You couldn’t control your word vomit around him and that was presenting itself as a growing problem.
Luckily he didn’t seem to pay it any attention as he stood up, stopping at the doorway extending his arm in a swooping motion.
“Ladies first,” Okay maybe he was trying to kill you. Or maybe you were so accustomed to men having the manners of a bent spoon that you were just overthinking. Either way you had to get a grip on this or risk ruining all your best underwear.
“Thanks,” you said walking past him with your head down. Maybe if you ignore how fine he is, you’ll idle down until you’re used to it. That was going to be your plan. Just wait it out, eventually his looks won’t phase you. Or his voice. Or manners.
You made it downstairs and began to set the table. It took less than a minute because with only two people there wasn’t much to set. Nebraska stood staunchly at the doorway as if he were unsure what to do in this situation.
“You gonna sit down?” Wow that sounded rude. You couldn’t win for losing today, maybe it’d be best if you just didn’t say anything again ever.
He sat down without a word and you began sitting lunch on the table. Once everything was complete you stood proud of your creations.
“So I wasn’t sure if you had any dietary restrictions so I made Vegan Lasagna and Greek Salad hold the feta. Of course if you’d like feta I have that too, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t overstepping. I kn-
“You didn’t have to do all this,” he said lowly causing you to falter in your rant.
“Oh... um..... I.... don’t mind. I cook for myself all the time anyway and there’s always extra so there’s really no change. Besides, I want you to feel at home here. And nothings says home like a home cooked meal.” You chuckled lightly. He said nothing. You were beginning to think maybe this stoic nature was his everyday personality and not just shyness.
The two of you ate in silence even though neither of you ate very much. You were to nervous to really eat and mostly picked at the food on your plate. He slowly ate his own portion, neither of you really putting a dent in anything.
When he finally finished, he rose from the table and headed towards the sink.
“Are you finished as well?” He asked reaching for your plate.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks,” you said handing it to him. He eyed the near full plate of food before dumping it in the trash and washing all the dishes. You began putting away the leftovers. When there was nothing left to do, you both kind of stood there in a thick silence.
“Thank you.... for the meal. And your hospitality,” Nebraska nodded towards you, before heading back upstairs towards his room.
You decided to do a bit of reading since you had time to pass this Sunday evening so you curled up on one of the plush chairs in your living room and started reading a new book by one of your favorite authors. It wasn’t newly published of course but it was new to you because you’d never read it.
You weren’t sure if it was the snow trinkling outside the window next to you, the comfortable silence in the house, or the exhaustion from preparing for a new guest but you’d fell asleep within ten minutes of sitting down, your book long forgotten.
When you woke up, it had to be late at night, the window beside you pitch black and covered in snow. You noticed the blanket you kept in a little basket in the corner of the living room was now draped across you. You knew you hadn’t grabbed it before you fell asleep so the only culprit had to be your new mysterious roommate.
You felt your stomach flutter at the sweet gesture. You silently scolded yourself about getting use to this type of thing. As soon as he got himself together and was army ready, he’d be gone and you’d never see him again. There was no use getting attached now if he was just going to leave.
A/N: So let me know what y’all think! I really did feel like Trevante Character in Predator was the only one actually fleshed out plus he was the only one who wasn’t just telling jokes and screaming. As always I’m tagging my usual Trevante gang, I’m so sorry if I forgot anybody, let me know and I’ll add ya to the list (best way is to let me know on my Trevante taglist post because I always check there first.)
Taglist: @chaneajoyyy @queen-of-the-jabari @queennanayaa @clydevevo @queennanayaa @chaneajoyyy @killmongerthiskoochie @theunsweetenedtruth @blackgirloneshots @blmforeal @erikkillmongerstan @jozigrrl @quietstorm-73 @sailorsenshi420 @wakandamama @mxearth h @chefjessypooh @macfizzle @chasingsunlight @dameshaemonique @rubiesandravens @raysunshine78 @melaninmarvel l @melanisticroyalty @softnani @vibranium-soul @itstaliaduh @cinki-the-black-goddess @thehomierobbstark @darkangelchronicles @bartierbakarimobisson @doublesidedscoobysnacks @blackpinup22 @tchokemedaddy @clydevevo @amirra88 @labelletemps @wawakanda-btch
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katecarteir · 6 years
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In Just Four Minutes [They Knew Each Other for Life] | Chapter One 
His dorm mate crawled out from under the single bed, a sock stuck in his messy brown curls and his thick rimmed glasses sliding his nose. He grinned toothily and stuck his hand up from the floor. “Sup, roomie! Richie Tozier is the name, voices are my game!”
Fucking fantastic, Eddie thought to himself. He’s hot.
[or: Eddie Kaspbrak hadn’t planned on being an absolute cliche the fell in love with his college dorm mate, but ain’t that just the way. To add insult to injury, said room mate has a girlfriend … doesn’t he?]
“Yes, Ma.” Eddie Kaspbrak said, tugging his suitcase behind him and cell phone tucked between his ear and his shoulder. “Yes, I know. You don’t need to treat me like a bab- Okay, yeah, Ma! I’m going to take them! You know I will! MA! Ma, I need to unlock my… yes! I know you hate the idea that- No, I got a private room! Yes, I did. Yes, I did! MA! PLEASE! I need to unlock my room, I can’t just- Ma… Ma, I’m going to hung up on you. Yes, I am! What do you mean I won’t, of course I- Ma, Ma, MOTHER! I’m hanging up now… No, I didn’t hang up-“
Eddie exhaled roughly, shooting a dirty look at the boys staring at him from across the hall through their open dorm door. And no, Eddie hadn’t gotten a single room because they cost an entire $1,500 and Eddie was frankly excited at the prospect of making friends in school. God knows it had been hard enough to make friends living in Derry with his mother breathing down his neck his whole life. That little thought brought a spark down Eddie’s back, realizing that Sonia Kaspbrak couldn’t breathe down Eddie’s neck here unless he let her.
Smirking to himself, he took his phone from his ear and hit end call. He’d probably be paying dearly for that later, but he couldn’t have been the worst decision he’d made recently in his mother’s eyes. Hanging up on her would have to land somewhere between coming out of the closet and choosing to attend college on the actual other side of the country. Eddie would have gone further if he could have, but NYU would have to do.
He slide the key card into his lock and watched the door light glow green. Grinning to himself, Eddie pushed the door open a little overexcitedly and stumbled into the room. His roommate had cleared already been here, his stuff scattered across one of the beds and one of the desks, but the boy in question wasn’t anywhere to be seen. It was a pretty small room, but Eddie hadn’t expected anything larger. Putting his suitcase leaning up against the free bed, Eddie jumped and gasped as he became aware of the rusting under the bed. Oh god, there wouldn’t be rodents in a dorm room would there…
His dorm mate crawled out from under the single bed, a sock stuck in his messy brown curls and his thick rimmed glasses sliding his nose. He grinned toothily and stuck his hand up from the floor. “Sup, roomie! Richie Tozier is the name, voices are my game!”
Fucking fantastic, Eddie thought to himself. He’s hot.
Richie seemed to realize pretty quickly that Eddie wasn’t going to give him a response and pushed himself up to his feet. He scratched at his neck, then pulled the sock from his hair. Tossing it over his shoulder onto his bed, Richie smiled. “Sorry if I scared ya, being down there. Had to put away the prime goods.”
Eddie raised his brow, wondering what kind of illegal things his dormmate was hiding under his bed on move in day. Deciding it was better to let it be than start some sort of fight on day one, Eddie gave a small chuckle. “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting to meet you crawling out from under the bed, but I can’t deny you know how to make an impression.”
Richie openly beamed, cheeks turning a little pink and bounced slightly on his toes. “Oh, we’re going to be best friends! I know it. What’s your name?”
Eddie couldn’t help but burst out laughing, leaning over to open his suitcase. “I’m Eddie Kaspbrak.”
“Eds!” Richie cheered, flopping backwards onto his bed. Right on top of half his belongings, groaning slightly, and pulling a laptop out from under his back.
Eddie raised his eyebrows but gave Richie only a simple response of: “Don’t call me Eds. My name is Eddie.”
Richie smirked at Eddie, who got the distinct vibe that he’d be hearing a lot of Eds for the next year. Richie glanced at Eddie’s single suitcase and frowned. “Is that all you brought?”
Eddie sighed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’m getting my mother to send the rest of my stuff since I didn’t want to pay the extra to take it with my own the plane, and I hadn’t even know if I was going to be able to come until like… last weekend, so we didn’t have a chance to arrange things before hand.”
Richie’s brow pinched, and he looked- if Eddie had to describe it- as somebody who was fighting against his own brain. “Okay, well…” Richie smiled. “Since you are here, we’re going to make the best of it! Come out for food with me. My buddies are all meeting at this little café on campus, my girlfriend started here last year because she’s some sort of genius or whatever, and they say it the place to be! And they’re definitely the people to be around, so, win win.”
“I…” Eddie said slowly, letting the information roll over him. He shook his head. “I need to unpack.”
“Unpack later!” Richie cheered, jumping up and tugging at Eddie’s arm to get him standing straight up. “Your stuff isn’t going anywhere, and it’s only suitcase! Don’t tell me you aren’t starving, I bet you haven’t eaten all day.”
“Well..” Eddie said, feeling his face heat at the truth. He hadn’t eaten all day, he was too nervous to eat with his mother and the idea of eating plane or airport food made him sick. He hadn’t even realized that he was hungry until Richie had suggested food, but he could now feel his stomach’s disappointment. “Okay. But you can’t complain when I’m still unpacking in the middle of the night, because it’ll be all your fault.”
Richie smiled and tossed an arm around Eddie’s shoulder. “I shall never complain about you, Eddie Spaghetti!”
“Oh my God, that’s worse!”
Richie showed Eddie around the campus. “I’ve been here once or twice. My girlfriend has been going here since last year, so I know some basic stuff. I couldn’t help you get to class or anything boring like that, but I know which Starbucks always has the smallest lines and what time of day is best to get a burrito. If you eat meat, I mean, my best friend Stan is a vegan. I think it’s because his boyfriend is one- he says it’s not, says it’s some saving the planet bullshit, but I really think it’s because if he eats meat then Mike won’t be able to swallow his cum, you know? Cuz of the animal products.”
Eddie blinked, struggling to keep up with the seemingly unconnecting words of Richie Tozier. “I feel like he wouldn’t be able to swallow the cum anyway,” he said finally, scratching at the back of his hand. “Human are mammals, wouldn’t cum be an animal product.”
Richie’s mouth dropped open and he slowed down to stare at Eddie with his head titled to the left. He grinned. “Edward Kaspbrak, I think I just fell in love with you.”
Eddie’s cheeks burned. “I… It’s Edwin. Not Edward.”
“Ew,” Richie said with a crinkle of nose. “Don’t tell people that. This is college, the perfect place to re-invent yourself. It’s Edward Kaspbrak now.”
“Okay…” Eddie said slowly as they reached the little café that Richie had upsold so nicely. It was a beautiful little place, picturesque, that didn’t look like it belonged on any college campus. Admittedly, Cali Direct wasn’t exactly like what Eddie was imagined a campus would be like, nothing like he’d seen on TV. It took up nearly the entire downtown core, with the large buildings full of classrooms, and libraries, and the student houses. All the store shops and clubs on the streets were also catered to the student life. This little hole in the wall café didn’t belong here, but Eddie was happy that it was.
Richie grabbed Eddie’s hand and pulled him into the café, grinning from ear-to-ear as he came up to the table with three people about their ages sitting around a table. “GUYS!” Richie cried excitedly, too loudly probably, but it made a smile tug at Eddie’s lips. “This is Eddie. He’s my room mate and the love of my life.”
Eddie groaned in embarrassment as Richie dragged him into the booth beside him.
A tall-seeming black man with bulging muscles in a yellow T-shirt whistled. “Not very respectful on your girlfriend there, Trashmouth. Declaring your undying love for a guy you juts meant right in front her. The disrespect.”
Richie blinked, and glanced towards the only girl sitting at table. She was beautiful, in a nature and genuine way, with long hair eyes and bright red eyes. Her face was dusted in freckled and she smiled at Eddie. “Richie can declare his love for whomever he pleases,” she said happily. “He knows our agreement.”
Richie waggled his eyebrows at her from across the table while the neat looking man in the button shirt beside her rolls his eyes. “I’d forgotten how unbearable you two are. Can we please go back to last year when we only saw Bev two or three times every couple months?”
“Awww, Stanny,” The girl- Bev- cooed, reaching out to pinch at the man’s cheeks. “I know you missed me!”
“Missed you?” Stan said, glowering at her. “Maybe. But I can tell you that I did not miss the chaotic energy that is Bev and Richie.”
“Uh,” Richie cut in, waving his hand in Stan’s face. “It’s Beverie. It’s about time you start getting the terminology right! It’s only been what? Five years?”
Five years, Eddie thought to himself. Sure, he’d only known his roommate for about an hour, but Eddie thought the guy seemed to be a bit of a beautiful disaster. A hot mess, if you would. Richie Tozier was likely good for flings and hook ups, but Eddie found it a little hard to believe that Richie had been in such a long term, committed relationship. Maybe someday, sure, of course, but already?
Richie had turned to him and was beaming, Eddie startling as he realized he was being looked at. “What? I mean, yeah?” Eddie’s best friend, Bill, had told Eddie a way times that his blunt attitude came across as rude. It was one of the many things Eddie was hoping to change about himself in college.
Richie tilted his head and smiled at Eddie so softly that Eddie was sure he flushed. He could feel Stan and other man watching them, though Bev was much more interested in the fries on her friends’ plates. “You’re so cute,” Richie said happily, pinching Eddie’s cheek. “Cute, cute, cute!”
“Richard, tone it down.” Stan said sharply. “I already like this guy. He’s quiet and he looks clean. Don’t scare him off by being obnoxious.”
Richie clutched his chest and let out a soft, oof sound. “You wound me, Staniel. Do you have no faith in my ability to make friends?”
“No, I do,” Stan said, sliding his plate away from Bev without so much as looking at her. Bev stuck her tongue out at him, and Stan gave the smallest hint of a smile while still not glancing in her direction. “I just don’t have faith in your ability to keep friends. I’ve known you fifteen years, and you’ve only managed to hold onto three friends.”
“Uh-“ The other man broke in, grinning. “Two friends. I’m not actually friends with Richie, I’m friends with you two and he’s just sort of came included.”
“Hey,” Richie pointed at his friend, eyes dancing with amusement. “Don’t act like you wouldn’t die for me.”
“I would not die for you,” his friend said with a deadpan expression.
“Kill for me?” Richie suggested, with a shrug and small smile. His friend tapped on the bottom of his chin then grinned.
“Maybe. In desperate situations only.”
“Aw, fuck ya,” Richie leaned back in the booth, his arm coming to drape across the seat behind Eddie’s shoulders. He looked over to Eddie and smiled. “Our man Mikey here likes to pretend he doesn’t love me, but we know it’s a lie. Last year, at this party-“
“Okay!” Mike laughed. “Eddie here, cute as he is, must be at least a level three to unlock high school stories. Sorry Eddie.”
“No problem,” Eddie laughed slightly. The rest of the hang out seemed to pass quickly, the warm and fuzzy feeling in Eddie’s chest growing as he felt more comfortable with Richie and his friends. By the time Richie turned to him and suggested they leave, Eddie was pretty sure he could’ve floated away.
“What do you say we head back to our room?” Richie suggested, waggling his eyebrows. “You do have that whole suitcase to put away.”
“You don’t get crictize my suitcase when your side of the room already looks like that.” Eddie said, pointing at him but smirking all the same. His smirk turned quickly into a beam when Richie tossed a shoulder around his shoulder, tugging Eddie against his chest.
“Aw, Eds, you know exactly what buttons to push,” Richie laughed. “This is going to be an interesting year.”
Yeah, Eddie though as his heart pounding. It sure fucking is.
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meltingalphabet · 7 years
Have you ever met a cannibal?
Have you ever met a cannibal? I assume not. Or at least, not that you know.
What do you picture when you think of a cannibal? Someone from a country far from yours, with sharpened teeth, straw skirt, and black mud painted on their face, skin browned by sun and dirt?
Or do you picture a moving corpse, shuffling over the pavement towards you, one arm dangling uselessly while the other points at you, not accusingly, but with a lazy determination that pulls them forward closer to your still-living brain?
Do you imagine a man in a grey and yellowing wife beater, large sweat stains permanently etched under his arms, his forehead slick with perspiration from the humid southern heat, sawed off shotgun in one hand and his wife/sister smiling gleefully behind him, revealing two incomplete rows of teeth, as you struggle against the restraints of your bounds?
Does a white wintery mountain top fill your mind instead? Blistering wind swiping at her face as the stranded hiker grits her teeth, stabbing desperately at the frozen elbow of her guide, ignoring the frostbite sinking deeper into her lips and nose, tugging at the forearm in an attempt to free it from the corpse for her weary trek downward.
Mrs. Jones was an old woman, plumb with age and prosperity. Her face traced by the lines of age, wisdom, and, what some would consider to be valuable experience. Her long fine grey hair, cleaned and brushed every morning, hung behind her back in a neat simple braid. She did not live in a shoe, nor did she live in a house made of gingerbread and candy. She lived with her husband, Henry Jones, and her Grandson, Billy Jones. Billy’s mother died of a staph infection when he was very young, so the older Jones, having money and room to spare, adopted him and raised him as their own.
Mrs. Jones, or Beatty, as she preferred to be called, was very happy living with her little family in their modest but comfortable two bedroom home on their sunny friendly suburban street.
All of Beatty’s neighbors, as well as the teacher’s at Billy’s school, and the girls who played Bridge at the community center every week, loved her. She was kind, and gentle, and everyone agreed that she made the best snickerdoodles in town.
But Beatty was also the one responsible for the string of missing people that occurred over the span of thirty years, only a few miles away from her home.
See, every six months or so, Beatty would drive twenty minutes to the bus hub. Chrome buses that took passengers from one city to another would stop briefly in the town next to Beatty’s sunny suburbia, before continuing on. When the night was still and calm, and the neighborhood slept around her, Beatty would climb out of her warm bed, careful not to disturb Henry, snoring peacefully beside her. Her slippered feet would pad across the carpet, quiet and light as a cat’s paws. She’d shuffle to the front door, put on her gardening shoes, and get in her low grey Buick, the door closing with a small audible thud behind her.
Once at the station, she’d laboriously pull herself out of the driver’s seat. She’d have parked at the back of the parking lot, just out of reach of the few yellow lights standing close to the busses, as if huddled around comfort and warmth. She’d grab her cane from the back seat, and depart to the hub. The rubber tip of the cane coming down onto the ground with a dull smack, followed by one slow footstep, and then another, making the trek to the lone bus or two, waiting to reboard.
There, she’d stop and scan the desolate crowd of tired travelers, the wind lazily blowing around her, pulling and pushing at the long heavy braid. None of them paid attention to her. They never did. It was late, and dark, and they were weary, All they wanted to do was get on their bus, fall asleep, and wake up home, or on vacation, or with a long distance lover, or an old friend.
Beatty would find the most pathetic, loneliest of the bunch. The man, woman, girl, boy, or none-of-the-above who was distancing themselves from the rest of the waiting group. Maybe the skin of their cheeks was stained with tears. Or maybe they were rubbing their arms, not for warmth, but for comfort. They were the ones who didn’t have a cell phone in their hands. The ones who didn’t seem impatient to  leave the isolation and emptiness of the bus station.
Once found, Mrs. Jones would walk slowly to this person, her cane hitting the pavement in front of her with each step. Maybe the person would look up at her. Maybe they’d be so involved in their own issues that they wouldn’t notice. Maybe they just wouldn’t care.
She’d clear her throat, and say, “excuse me, sir” or “pardon me, madam” or “hello?” They’d lift their head slowly, locking eyes with this sweet, kindly old woman, and smile slightly.
Beatty would open her mouth into a wide, gummy smile. “I hate to be a bother,” her weak voice would creak and groan over the words, “but would you mind helping me with my bag?” She’d lift her cane slowly and point to the buick, waiting in the inky darkness.
The trunk would rise slowly into the air, revealing a small black bag sitting inside. The stranger would turn to her and smile, often saying, “is this all?” Mrs. Jones would chuckle, the sound escaping her throat dryly, and the person would feel lighter, freer. Maybe more than they had in a really long time.
They’d grab the handle of the bag and pull, but the bag would not come easily. It was heavy. Very heavy. They’d be surprised. Sometimes they’d make a joke, “are you bringing the mixer?” and Beatty would repeat the same dry chuckle. They’d reach into the trunk, grabbing onto the bottom of the suitcase with one hand while keeping the handle in the other, and prepare themselves.
A quick deep thunk at the base of their neck would leave them limp. Billy, holding an old worn bat, would look into his grandmother’s eyes. She’d nod her head, slowly, and he’d return the nod. His dark gaze would survey the area, double checking the parking lot to make sure no one saw. No one ever would.
Beatty had noticed Billy’s particular appetite after he had turned eight. It started with Billy refusing his vegetables, which Beatty laughed off as normal childhood behavior. Then he started refusing potatoes and bread, and even cakes and candy.
She was a smart woman, and she soon realized that Billy would only eat meat. Over time, his preference became specific to meat that was practically still raw. The tiny boy refusing anything that wasn’t red and juicy when she cut into it, the flesh cold to the touch. Just like his mother. She knew the tastes would change, morph. She knew what she had to do.
Beatty was a good grandmother. She took care of Billy, and due to her efforts, Billy grew up to be big and strong and successful.
We all have to make our way in this world. We all have to learn to satisfy our own cravings.
The felt tip of the black marker glides over her skin. Stacy, or Tracy, or maybe Laura, sits back onto the plastic medical chair, the blue and white gown draped over her slight body, to protect a modesty wholly unnecessary in front of me. I mark her cheekbones, her ears, her neck, her arms. The marker metaphorically cutting into her, showing me where I’m going to dissect her skin, lacerate her tissue, tear her muscles, break her bones. It is the outline of where I will rip her apart, where I will saw and pick and slice. I push aside her gown and mark her waist and thighs, the soft fleshy feminine parts of her body that I will cook, chew, swallow.
When I am done, her face and body are a mask of black war paint, signally death and rebirth, a battle upon her body that together, we will overcome. She to return, not as the wounded warrior, but as the hardened princess. I have reclaimed her body as the cubist mirage all matter can be broken into. I, the Picasso who will rearrange her until her form is mutilated beyond beauty and perfection. Until she is no longer whole, but pieces of a human transcendent of biological need and years of evolutionary progress. She is a canvas of all our posthumanistic desires. Why be mere mortal when one can become art?
Pulling the medical gloves taught, I let go of the wrist with a sharp snap, picturing the blood oozing through my fingers, the feel of the firm sticky flesh, dulled by the slick rubber. I salivate as I walk into the operating theater. I think of bowing to an imaginary audience before I begin, but I refrain. I am the silent director of my own macabre masterpiece.
Afterwards, I return the pieces of flesh, fat, and meat that I’ve taken from my victim, wrapped delicately in plastic, to my personal lunch cooler in the staff fridge. My mind lazily toys with thoughts of the nurses who walk out of the room, focused on the next task at hand as they leave me to deal with the biological trash. I’ve spent years insisting on cleaning up after myself. I think they believe I’m being sweet, the only surgeon who has remained humble here in this house of butchery. No one ever notices the suspiciously light biowaste bags leftover from my operations. Or if they do, no one ever cares.
I feel bad that my grandmother had to go through so much pain to provide for me. But now, people are prepared to throw away their meat and flesh, desperate to pay me lavishly to cut it out of them and take it away.
I pat down my tie, and walk into my office. The next Stacy, or Tracy, or Laura, sits in the leather chair, waiting patiently. Her perfect frame outlined with flowing blonde hair. Long eyelashes plastered black, firm lips painted pink. I gaze upon her sunkissed skin. I can already taste it.
“Good afternoon, Ms. Roberts,” I say, extending my hand. “My name’s Dr. William Jones. It’s very nice to meet you.”
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