#hate that too so what exactly… do they want frm me….
sungwoonha · 7 months
actually a walk can’t fix me
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intertexts · 1 month
ROSXSSSSSSSSS can u talk abt muse. pls. muse is the part of nhw that drivrs me the most crazy insane. makes me feel GENUINELY ILL i was reading one of ur most recent muse posts earlier and was like. Oh. ohhhhhhhhh oucwch. ouchiees. had 2 put my phone down and just stare at my desk at work for a minute or so. oh my god. tell me abt nhw ashe a lil bit!!!! his brief lucid moments as muse. does he ever snap out of it while using his powers???? how horrifuying is that. what is he like when hes finally not under the trickster's control and is completely free??? whats it like when hes back with the wards???? im going 2 throw something ougbghh nhw ashe i love u
GODDDDDDD. HIIII WHISKEY HI <333 insane person questions 2 ask because thats literally exactly what i've been thinking about for hours. holy shit. ok. yeah. u get insane 1130pm thought trains!!!! <3333
>it is VERY RARE for him to snap out of it while he's actively in his breaker state [non-lucid state regardless of whether he's being controlled, he's just. going on autopilot & instinct + thats also the terrifying reality melting one that the trickster Likes and chose him for. so.] just bcos he's fucked up regardless-- it happens a couple times!! during a couple fights that mark & tide + the wards are there for!! mackerel also had some thoughts on this i need 2 fucking pick his brain more tomorrow....
>when the trickster is finally Gone (via mal). um. things are. i will be real with you!!!!!!! they are Not Great!!!! they are-- better!!! still fucking Bad!! first of all wibby & virion & dakota are. horrifically traumatized by seeing muse disembowel and tear apart william while still keeping him alive and with all his senses & pain receptors intact. like, he survives, mal puts him back together, but it is-- not. something that any of them easily come back from, especially wibby. they all have involuntary trauma responses towards just. seeing ashe, really-- it's been long enough that their first thought when they see him isn't "oh our awesome best friend ashe :]" it's "oh god oh fuck how did the trickster get here." which everyone hates!!!
ashe specifically... god. he is in a fucking horrific headspace immediately post-muse. the physical and mental strain of being forcibly kept in his breaker state (something that, like, historically, had triggered maybe.. twice. three times. in ten years or so.) as long and as often as he was took a fucking toll. being kept under almost 24/7 mind control for almost a year straight kind of put his head in the blender. for the first... god, whoever knows how long after that, he gets, like, almost daily pulsing headaches & migraines with the aura and confusion and nausea & shit. has a whole host of fucking brain issues-- debilitating anxiety & paranoia over being followed & watched, delusions related to. well. being fucking lobotomized by an insane sadistic superpowered murderer who controlled you and kept you as his favorite toy and had you commit horrific acts for over a year. frequently is terrified or convinced he's still being controlled. shit like that. severe derealization & disconnection frm his own body & such.
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also ^ yeag. <3 he is. god. simultaneously insanely touch-repulsed & touch-starved because. the only person really touching him for a year was the trickster!!! yeah!!! his wires r so fucking crossed & he freaks the fuck out whenever anybody makes to touch him and he also misses it so badly, just wants a fucking hug from his dad but for a while he can't even do that without flashbacks and nausea and terror. the same except ten times worse for anyone touching his hair. freaks out when anybody tries to do Anything fucking... caretaking or comforting, really. which sucks because he also is in a ton of physical pain & damage from the insane amount of physical stress-- nothing permanent in a debilitating way, but. y'know. even after he's healed he aches and his joints hurt and he can't stand for too long without it being Bad and it takes a very long time for him to get his coordination and fine motor skills back-- anyway, it's a nasty feedback loop because he very much Cannot do some things on his own but anyone helping him almost always brings back trickster shit. can't help him into the shower can't drape a blanket over him or move him somewhere more comfy if he falls asleep on the couch can't hug him etc!!! & all this while the rest of the gang is also. incredibly fucked up & they're all accidentally hitting each other where they're already hurt and unintentionally triggering each other and like-- it's better!! god!! it's so much better! but it's still. u know. he has to have the worst most miserable excruciating long recovery arc. OH. YEAH. he also straight up fucking refuses to use his powers. is just. incredibly horrified and guilty and full of self-loathing and revulsion at everything that was done using him as a tool. is unspeakably terrified of it happening again, of him accidentally hurting anyone. etc. anyway. it gets better!!!!!!!!!! it gets worse before it gets better though. yeag. yeah.
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anna-neko · 3 months
I'm terrible at reports, so here's some unorganized notes frm the NYC Dndads live show
--- while having Charleston Chews shaked into hand, "listen..if i can't take candy frm strangers on the street in the middle of the night, why even bother leaving the house"
being complimented on my cosplay, by the most perfect Trudy ~♡ ~ "I've seen you on Tumblr!" -- uhhh... then you must be sick of seeing me by now < beat > -- wait.... if you don't have shoelaces, I don't know what am supposed to say?!?!??
Mad props and shout-out to all the cosplayers and cool nerds ~♡ The jingle bells on devil horns! Ron with their actual work business card! The mofo full giant mascot head Teeny!!
Being given not just a bracelet with lil skulls, but also a hair bow and "proud of you, kiddo" magnet ....im not crying...mascara just got in my eye...shut up
Apologies for goin full autism category 7 because my brain wants to ALL THE COMPLIMENTS but we aint at emoji-keysmash IRL stage of evolution and forget how to words....
WAFFLES vs PANCAKES Absolutely Beth May's lane and why is it socially acceptable to get a stack of pancakes but only 1 waffle. According to Anthony pancakes are just failed waffles. Matt derailed the entire conversation by bringing crepes and french toast into it
--- how in the fuck can Freddie pull off rocking out on the guitar this frellin hard while wearing slides and an Animal Crossing shirt (fittingly, DJ KK)
--- Apparently everyone's first impression when meeting Anthony was "this guy hates me", while Anthony's first impression of Beth May was "she looks sad". Freddie's first impression of everyone seems to be "this person's cool!"
--- Henry dad fact, and Will spent all day working on it: Oakvale is sometimes called The Big Apple...because one time someone found (saw?) a really big apple there
--- Glenn dad fact: the best place to go in NYC is.... the times sq Disney Store. At this point Freddie pulls out a Chip (beauty and beast) bubbles blower, starts blowing bubbles everywhere while talking about how Glenn would just need to figure out how to backwards engineer this blowing action, some tools, a couple wires and it will be a great bong! come on, Mrs Pots is your mom??
--- the adventure tonight was UFC, goin to rescue Paeden's friend Celery! the theme tho, was your inner child voice. All of them. Especially about 4 levels deep as hella high Glenn realizes he soooooo complex u gaiz....
--- Darryl asking how much does it cost to buy a child (300 gold). Then asking how much selling a Honda would earn (400) ......next 10 minutes are spent sorting out exactly _why_ is Darryl not selling the Honda Odyssey .... (its on lease, not fully paid off yet... so they'd only come out w/ 25gold or somethin)
--- UFC WEIGHT OFF! Anthony mentioning how now he can't get that close to her while Beth May is on her knees or he'll be canceled forever...so he's immediately made to gets on his knees too (and they do the angry head bump stare-off)
--- THE SLAP(s) HEARD AROUND THE WORLD!!! (context: instead of rolls... the LOUDEST SLAP was gonna win. Beth May slapped Anthony twice)
--- the smug way Anthony leaned back, kicked his feet on the desk and started outlining how this will go. Oh yes, they'll be using the mechanics he came up with before. For episode 3. But they completely destroyed all his plans back then by dropping pants in front of children.... --- Darryl Wilson immediately takes off his pants and starts twirling his axe
-- Matt counting out monster cards, 29 of them O_o; Beth points out then Ron will only fight 0 monsters and proceeds to roll stealth ...with Inspiration frm an earlier joke...
--- Anthony, "and if you all die...then you'll just be replaced by identical clones and the WIKI can stay the same"
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tenderlyrenjun · 3 years
hi again this is the anon that asked u to "WRITE WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT ❤❤❤" !!
im so sorry about the people who send u hate in ur inbox i literally don't understand why people do that especially when they know someone has clearly spent time and effort to create something lol
AND SEEING THE WAY U TITLED UR SCENES FOR NEW AXIS JUST MADE ME SO MUCH MORE EXCITED FOR IT 😭 i love ur details and the way u titled them seem so clever... ugh so creative literally THANK U who cares if it's hella long i will read every single WORD. i suppose long fics aren't for everyone, which is understandable, but for them to ask u to stop doing it and say dumb shit like "u expect me to read this" is just ridiculous
since we're talking about time out I REALLY LIKED THE WAY JENO CONFESSED TOO but i ESPECIALLY ENJOYED the part where he's in the process of realising he's in love with her and he thinks back to all the exchanges they had and the things he said to her and FINALLY understands why she reacted a certain way towards him AND YES that scene where she asked if they could go slow I WAS LITERALLY like omg?? she loves him this is REAL now and then SHE CONFESSED oh my god i just was so invested
i ALSO loved that she kinda knew of him and found him attractive before they started really interacting like she noticed the things he did and thought he was sweet but then oh, he has a gf... idk i just think it's so cute that at the start to jeno she was just some girl in his class and then she's that bitch from the ice rink who hates him for some reason THEN . LOVERS ?!?? UGH just SUCH A NICE PROGRESSION
i wish more people could read and appreciate ur work bc they are literally masterpieces to me 💔 will do my best to send u my love frm now on!!!!!!!!!
hey ~~~
yeah, the anon stuff rn is just ._. it's one thing to not like my writing and it's another to not like me. idk, it feels personal and vengeful, and, like, probably deserve
with the titles, I did this for time out too, just because the section titles are exact phrases that trigger exactly the moment I'm trying to write, like with all the scenes, I can almost physically see it happening, which is why there are so many words and I try not to show so much, which is why it's not overly descriptive and why thought/feelings sometimes replaces the descriptions. It's just a neat trick I picked up from therapy because sometimes I lose track of what I'm doing irl or what I'm saying and I have to comb back the last few minutes to figure out what I wanted. but with new axis, these section titles are, like, kinda vague but they're purposeful - I know exactly what the scenes are, what the goals are, which people are in it, but I only have a few dialogue points really pinned on, so far.
there was a poll a bit ago asking readers what they like and a lot of people liked one shots within the <6k range(?) I think, so when I go more than 10k, I try to apologize that it's so long, or I include in the summary notes that whatever they're there for is in the fic - eg, I've explicitly stated that time out has four sex scenes because I know that most people read for the smut. Idk, I know that I'm not the only one who writes >10k, but it's usually smut-only writers who stay less than 6k because they're mostly writing porn, which isn't a bad thing or anything, but it's a different to write a goal (eg, an orgasm) than to write a plot (eg, conflict, climax (pun intended), ending).
yeah, the part when jeno realizes he's in love is sooooooo ‼️‼️‼️❕❕❕ like, he's essentially in love with the reader in the prequel, like at the end when he wants time to pause and he finds that he kinda enjoys the hug, and he's literally in love with the reader throughout all of time out just by wanting to hold her hand and walking her places and being jealous, but he doesn't know it until he, like, learns more about her, which is just something I personally like about love: constantly learning and growing with your partner; it's neat and makes love long lasting, so I think that's why the ending is kinda satisfying(? maybe). And everything goes back full circle too - the reader tells him three things that she knows about him in the prequel; the reader tells jeno three reasons why she's pissed off at him at the gym; jeno thinks of three reasons why he's "pissed off" at her at the end of the gym sex scene; they have three rules and they're all broken by the both of them, almost equally because they know each other so well. And because they know each other so well - when jeno tells the reader (in response, in the prequel, to "can you tell me one thing? I gave you three") that he knows she goes to the ice rink before games and eat mflurries, that exact thing happens in the actual main part. they kinda get this validation from their friends that they (jeno and the reader) are the only ones who hate each other and that they "hate" each other (even though they literally never say I hate you) because they're so similar. So jeno easily finds himself defending the reader, which makes him realize that he knows a lot about her, which makes him realize oh shit I've been in love this whole time, that's what this feeling is. And he's racking his brain for literally every interaction - the whole "do you even know my major" thing with his injured thumb, the whole reaction to "not all of us have airhead majors and hobbies", the literature paper which has nothing to do with biology and reinforces his idea that the reader is a liberal arts major but he's not always right nor does he ever say the right thing - it's like a red herring to say unless you know the reader, you can't find her during finals week; she's a bio major if you ask anyone else (like na jaemin), but she's still a student who has to take GED classes. yeah, he fell in love already and he just has to recognize it.
The fic is mostly from Jeno's POV EXCEPT that one part when the reader asks "can we go slow" and that's ! literally ! on ! purpose ! cause, like, I wanted people to think "oh this is IT; it's the big moment, and you get to feel what they're feeling", except nah, it's not, because jeno talked himself out of those butterflies in his stomach just the scene before. I've had this scene in my head forever - I literally wrote the entire fic around "you remain in his bed, like an innocent virgin who doesn't know what to do, even though your preceding actions very clearly said otherwise"; like, that was a predetermined like from a year ago before I decided to make this into Jeno's pov for the heartbreak and obliviousness. And then, you're kinda like the reader (literally, ha), feeling utterly sad (or should be) because you just had your heartbroken, but then the next few scenes are like an insight to him being heartbroken too and it's like why tf is he heartbroken when he rejected you literally before you could get the words out? And it's because he's literally in love and he has to realize it. and yeah.
Yeah!!! It's strangers to enemies to lovers. He just hates her because he had a bad first impression, which is, like, a nod to Renjun saying that Jeno was intimidating (cold) upon first meeting, and also another reference to the prequel when he thinks that "the worst kind of time travel is this one, where you two are on opposite schedules" but oh oh oh, we come to find out that the reason was his fault.
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time out prequel | time out main part
new axis preview
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theachvdwick · 4 years
hi friends ! i’m farah nd i’m coming at u live frm the pst timezone to bring u one of my favorite characters, ms. thea chadwick. i realized i accidentally deleted her intro a while back, so i had to quickly rewrite it from memory so i hope it makes sense ! like this post or send me an im, if you want to plot. rlly excited to be here !!
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💀  * [ kristine froseth + cis female + she/her ] —— have you met thea chadwick? they are a twenty year old sophomore currently studying art history. they live on decker house, and word around campus is that this gemini is lively + daring, as well as secretive + naive. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. lipstick stained cigarettes. meeting eyes with your crush across the room. vivid dreams that make you question reality.
thea grew up on a ranch in montecito, ca. both of her parents were from old money on the east coast. they knew each other when they were kids, dated in high school, and decided to elope and move to the west coast to escape their families. since they both collected trust funds, neither of them have ever worked. they really just had “hobbies” per say. they also weren’t the most mentally stable people and shouldn’t have had children, but of course went ahead and had four of them.
out of the four kids, thea is the only girl. she has two other brothers and one younger. it’s safe to say the chadwick kids had a far from normal upbringing. because their father was a bit of a recluse, they essentially grew up very isolated with little to no contact with the outside world. they were homeschooled with an extremely rigorous curriculum, and as their father’s mental illness got worse and worse he continued to basically control every aspect of their lives. as a result, thea there’s a lot that thea doesn’t know about the world. for example, she wouldn’t have a lot of the same common experiences of other kids growing up, because she grew up so isolated from everyone else. her father also drilled a sort-of superiority complex into his children. always telling them that they were these gifted child prodigies who were better than regular kids. while thea didn’t pay much attention this, it was still there.
the thing about thea, though, was that she’s always had a very defiant spirit. she was always a troublemaker in her father’s eyes. she didn’t exactly know any different from the life she grew up in, but she knew there had be something else out there from the stories she’s read in books. this led to quite a few running away attempts on her behalf. the most famous being when he coerced her young brother teddy to run away with her to go live in the metropolitan museum of art in new york like in the book from the mixed up files of mrs. basil e. frankweiler. while they did make it on the bus, it was only a matter of time before one of their housekeepers caught up with them and dragged them back to the ranch.
over time, she realized she had to conform to the rules her father set forth, and this rebellious streak went dormant for a while. his punishments became too much for her, and she hated being sent off to this psychologist to be evaluated or put on this medication that made her feel numb and disoriented. so she did what she had to do to survive, and decided it was better to go along with things and keep up a happy face than to try her hand at making waves. it became easier to daydream the day away or live vicariously through the stories she wrote in a leather-bound journal she kept hidden under her mattress. ever since, she’s always been a bit out of touch with reality. or so it seems. she has a sharper eye than what she lets on and always knows what’s really going on, but she’s extremely good at pretending like she doesn’t know what’s going on and that everything is wonderful. it’s like she lives in her own imaginary world, but this has always been easier for her and essentially her main defense mechanism. which can be harder for some to grasp, because at a certain point it seems like she’s never being real.
however, there have been a few times where’s she’s dropped the act. the first was when she was sixteen and she caught her father cheating with another woman. it was by pure accident that she walked into her father’s study that afternoon but as soon as she locked eyes with her father, she knew she’d made a grave mistake. part of her knew she should’ve just acted like she’d forgotten it’d never happened, but the other part of her was so angry about it. it led to a major fight with her father and she was very vocal about how she was going to tell her mother, which led to her father getting a doctor to try and drug her to make her forget. she didn’t forget, but she acted like she did.
the second was when she was eighteen and her brother teddy died. teddy was thea’s younger and favorite brother. they were extremely close and he was her best friend. what happened was that teddy and thea’s father got into a terrible argument, teddy left to go sailing on the family’s boat to let off some steam despite bad weather conditions, and he died in a sailing accident due to the storm. this was just the most devastating thing for her to ever experience, because she couldn’t imagine a life without her brother. and deep down, she knew her father was behind it because without the argument, she knows he wouldn’t have tried to sail that day. at this point, she went a bit off the rails. she was acting out, not eating, chain smoking, and her father just couldn’t control her anymore. when an aunt of her that she’d never met died and left her money because she’d never had kids of her own, thea told her father she was running away to new york to become a model, and that there was nothing he could do about it. of course, he wasn’t going to let that happen. but when she threatened to bring up the cheating incident to her mother, they settled on college. it was not easy to get him to agree to it, but she was becoming to much of a problem for even him to handle. thankfully, for her family’s name and for her father kept extremely detailed reports of his children’s homeschooling, and she was accepted holloway. it’s the most free she’s ever felt, and it’s like she’s fallen in love with life and the world for the first time.
personality wise?? she’s extremely social and outgoing. can get along with anyone but as a mentioned earlier, she kind of lives in her own little world and always appears to happy so this might get on some people’s nerves. she’s extremely romantic and has probably had a ton of flings. isn’t the best at being committed and is always falling in love with someone new, so may have cheated on people or have broken up with them because she can’t exactly be in a real relationship when it’s hard for her to be real. there’s definitely a lot going on in her head and she rocks a ton of secrets, some may be in-tune to this while others won’t be. doesn’t talk too much about her family, but may let some things slip. she rarely visits home and may be seen hiding tears when she’s forced to talk to her father on the phone if she needs money and has to check in with him.
WANTED PLOTS: exes, flings, someone who’s in love with her, unrequited crushes, friends, enemies, someone who sees beyond her whole facade, someone who knew her family growing up in some capacity...i will add to this, but i’m honestly open to almost anything!
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holdvns · 4 years
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hi friends ! i’m farah nd im coming at u live frm the pst timezone to bring u a new muse of mine. so excuse me as i ramble abt holden under the cut. like this post and i will come bother u for plots?? that or u can im me on here or on my discord (farah#1263), whatever works rlly! anyways, super stoked to be here and to get to write with u all!!!!
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holden grew up between upstate new york and manhattan in an extremely wealthy family. from the outside, his family had the appearance of perfection, but underneath that facade lay years of shocking and hidden family secrets that one way or another got out into society, even if his family tried to put them down as merely rumors.
his father is a highly respected but also deeply feared business man/media magnate known for his cutthroat attitude in his business dealings and personal relationships. he had an extremely difficult childhood, having been orphaned at a young age and passed from relative to relative around europe, many of whom were not very kind to him. still, he was incredibly intelligent and wanted to make something of himself, having this belief in the american dream and wanting to move there if he ever got the chance. after attending college on a scholarship, he was able to use his connections and move to new york, where he founded his own start-up that eventually led to him building his own personal fortune.
his mother was very much a hustler. she grew up poor in new york and at an early age, learned how to use her good looks to manipulate men for the finer things in life. she had a short stint as a model before she met holden’s father, charming him enough to call it quits with his first wife. underneath her obvious beauty, however, was a fiery temper and substance abuse problem. the thing about her was that she really wasn’t made to be a wife and mother. holden’s father thought he could turn her into this perfect socialite/housewife (marrying her and then proceeding to have his older brother, cal, and holden in a very short span of time), but the task proved impossible. she was always only looking out for herself and didn’t enjoy being tied down, certainly not with kids to take care of despite the nannies his father provided. they fought constantly, and their home life was extremely unstable. it was a normal occurrence for holden to see his mother being dragged off to an institution by his father’s security guards or for his mother to use him and his brother as bait to get his father to give her money for drugs, to leave him, or sometimes just to try and get back with him.
eventually, she finally did leave, having told holden and his brother the three of them were moving to los angeles, but leaving without them and dying of a drug overdose shortly after. holden was about six at the time and thinks he has successfully hidden this entire episode from his memory, but it’s definitely something that affects him whether he likes it or not.
although his family claims this was merely just a rumor, it was often said that there was some foul play behind her death and that his father had some involvement, not wanting her to ever leave him and move on with her life. while holden deep down may admit that this could be the case, it’s never something he would really say.
at this point, his father rarely talks about his mother and when he has, he has poisoned her memory so much, holden feels like he never really had one. when he was younger, he’d often make up stories about her in his head, which were far different than who she actually was. it helped at the time, but after a while it was easier to just forget her altogether.
while his father cares deeply for his children and has provided them a life of ease and luxury, he’s certainly not innocent in all of this mess. he’s extremely manipulative and often psychologically traumatizing to them as well. he often finds his children to be lazy and ungrateful and resents the way they’ve been raised (even though it was his own doing), while he suffered from poverty and abuse in his own childhood. he often pits the two of them against each other, always trying to see who’s the stronger, smartest, who will do whatever it takes to be the best, especially because there’s always talk about who’s going to be the one to be the one who’s going to take over when he retires. it is usually said to be his older brother, because it’s no secret that he’s his father’s favorite.
because of this, holden and his brother never really got along. or so it seems. they did when they were younger, but their hatred runs so deep that the even thought of that feels like a distant reality. they’re only two years apart, but they couldn’t be more different. while his brother is a complete perfectionist and will do just about anything to please his father, holden gave up on that idea along time ago. it didn’t matter what he did, he never seemed to be able to measure up against his brother. maybe it was because he was younger, maybe it was because he was more sensitive and seemed to feel things at a deeper level, maybe it was because he wasn’t as competitive, or maybe there was no explanation why his father simply liked cal better. holden’s never seemed to figure out. he’s always felt like the screwup of the family, so eventually that’s what he became.
he started drinking and using drugs at an early age, basically trying anything to mask his pain and trauma. while his brother excelled academically and in sports in high school, holden never applied himself. he fell in with the wrong crowd and gave up his spot on the football team to run around the streets of new york and engage in all kinds of debauchery. it was common for him to disappear for days on end, spending his father’s money and racking up drug and gambling debts. obviously his father wasn’t happy about this and would constantly remind him of that, but he didn’t exactly do anything to stop him either. if this was a cry for help or attention, it didn’t exactly have the desired effect and only left holden feeling empty. 
he started dating this older hippie girl who was in college while he was a senior in high school who influenced him to want to detach from his family and money and the crowd he was running in. he kind of... took it to the extreme and started talking like timothee chalamet in lady bird lmao, even though he reeked of privilege. honestly, it was just another way to annoy his father and brother, which was always his goal at the time. they ended up breaking up because he cheated on her, but he kept some of her ideas and mindset afterwards.
after high school, he wasn’t really sure what he wanted to do. so he ran off to europe for a year and didn’t talk to anyone from home. just traveled around by himself with little money and getting into all kinds of trouble. he probably would’ve stayed longer, but one morning he came across an american newspaper while he was in greece reporting on how his father had suffered a heart attack. he rushed back to the states and luckily his father has survived, but in that moment of weakness he manipulated him into attending college. his father pulled some strings and got him into yates, and while it isn’t exactly his idea of fun, he’s taking it day by day and looking it as another way to push back actually having to enter the real world.
~ personality wise ~
acts like he hates his family, new york, and everything that comes attached with money and privilege, but completely reaps the benefits of all these things when he can. claims everything having to do with high society is vapid and that he wants more out of life.
a bit of a compulsive liar. will make up fake identities and pretend to be other people or tell people he doesn’t know some sob story about growing up poor. rlly just gets off on stuff like that and doesn’t tell the truth. like ever.
doesn’t always like people knowing how rich he is or who his father is. for those that do know, he doesn’t like to talk much about his family. probably won’t ever say a word about his mother.
has no real ambitions in life or any sort-of life plan. has switched his major at least 10 times and never goes to his classes.
very much a hedonist. likes to party and hates being alone. hooks up with too many people and finds it very difficult to be in any sort of real relationship. he’s just not reliable or faithful enough.
also goes through phases where feels like he doesn’t connect with people? or that he hates everyone?
always attracts chaos of some kind. black eyes from a fight over kissing someone’s girlfriend or owing his drug dealer money.
lives life day by day. doesn’t plan for the future. usually always drunk or high.
kind of... morally ambiguous. with the way he was raised, he doesn’t see life as black or white. it’s sort of grey. usually doesn’t do the right thing, usually doesn’t feel bad about it... but there is a heart there somewhere. he just doesn’t usually care enough to use it.
rlly tries to avoid feelings as much as possible. he’s actually quite a sensitive person, but after being constantly told that makes him weak by his father and having a robot of a brother he’s always felt ashamed by that. so he uses his vices to try and not feel things.
wanted plots
hook ups, fwbs, exes, someone he cheated on, friends, enemies, someone he owes money to, someone who knew him grew up and knows his family, someone he actually rlly cares about (romantic or platonic)...i’ll add more to this when i think of more things!
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Lucky Charms Week Day 5. Mermaid prince. My friend on discord made the art, I wrote the ficlet!
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“Qrow?” he whisper-yelled upon entering their cove. “Qrow you here?”
“Over here Cloves!” his lover's voice called to him from a bit ahead.
Clover grinned and rowed his dingy towards the voice, turning the corner he saw exactly who he was looking for. “Qrow!” he beamed, darting to the merman.
“Clover!” Qrow grinned back from the rocks he sat on. “What’s cookin good lookin?” 
Clover snorted and pulled the man over for a kiss, “Kiss me like you miss me red.” 
Qrow grinned into the kiss before kissing him back. They stayed like that for god knows how long, locked in each other's embrace, lost in their kiss. 
“Miss me much?” Qrow panted, his hot breath falling over Clovers lips.
“Always.” he breathed, caressing Qrows cheek with the backs of his knuckles. “You remember what today is?” 
Qrow kissed the tip of his nose with a laugh, “Course I do. Happy anniversary lover.” 
“Happy anniversary scales.” he hummed, casually eyeing the gift he had for the merman. 
He couldn’t believe it had been 3 years since he met this amazing man. He remembered the day clear as glass, he doubted he could ever forget it. He had been out on a walk alone, simply enjoying the lovely weather. He had been about to turn back towards his home when a flash of movement caught his eye. He decided to investigate, and he couldn’t believe what he saw. In front of him was a merman, black and red scaled tail wrapped up tightly in a net, his upper body covered in cuts from the net and he seemed to be barely breathing. Clover didn’t even know what he was doing before he was doing it. Cutting the mer free from the net with his pocket knife he worked quickly and carefully, not wanting to hurt the creature further. 
“Don’t worry buddy, we’ll getcha free soon.” he gently soothed, cutting the last of the net off the man.
“Get….away...frm...me” the mer panted, weakly hitting Clovers arm. 
“Sorry buddy, no can do, you’re hurt and I can’t just leave you here.” Clover said, carefully lifting the mer into his arms. He luckily wasn't terribly far from his home, so he walked as quickly as he could, careful to keep to the less populated areas. As soon as they reached his home, he quickly placed the mer in his tub before racing to get something to help with the wounds.
Things had progressed from there. He patched the mer up, learned his name, learned he was a prince, and fell in love with him. Though that last part took a bit longer. They grew closer and closer everyday, each fearing where their progressing feelings would lead. Mer and human relationships were banned, across all of Remnant. Especially since Qrow was royalty. But alas, the heart wants, and they both wanted each other more than words could say. 
Meetings were difficult to plan, Qrow had to sneak away from his guards along with his royal duties and Clover had a rather busy life with his booming fishing business. But they made it work as best they could. Well as well as it can work when you can only see each other once or twice every two months, if they were lucky. 
“Clover? Are you still with me?” Qrow's voice called, breaking Clover out of his revery. 
“Yeah, just thinking.” Clover said.
Qrow smiled and tilted his head, “What about?”
Clover climbed out of his dingy and sat next to Qrow on the rocks, “You and me, how we met.”  
The merman snuggled up to Clover side, “Is that so?”
“Mhm.” Clover hummed, kissing the top of Qrows head, “You were so angry back then.” 
“I’m still angry, the hell you talking about?” Qrow said indignantly, pulling away from Clover and a glare.
Clover laughed and trailed his finger over Qrows back fin, making Qrow shiver and jump, “Not as angry as you used to be.”
“Screw you, I don’t why I put up with you.” Qrow pouted, turning away from Clover with crossed arms.
Clover shuffled closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, “Cause you love me, that’s why.” He kissed Qrows neck, a bit above his gills.
Qrow turned his head away, still acting mad. Though Clover could see the smile Qrow was no doubt fighting. “Fuck off human.”
“I won’t fuck off but I will fuck you.” he purred, nibbling at Qrows head fin.
Qrow gasped and began squirming, “Clover!”
“What?” he grinned, kissing down Qrows neck to his shoulder and down his arm, reaching his hand and kissing each finger tenderly. Before placing the hand on his own chest right above his heart. 
“You teasy bastard.” Qrow playfully growled, “But you’re not the only one who gets to play.” 
Clover's grin was quickly washed away by the splash of water that hit his face. Spluttering and gasping he gave his laughing boyfriend a betrayed look. 
Qrows laughter filled the cove they hid in and made Clover feel slightly less betrayed, “Oh my god! Your face! Holy shit!” he cackled, his head fins waggling with mirth. 
“Shut up, that was cheating!” Clover cried, fighting the laughter that threatened to bubble out any moment.
“Maybe.” Qrow singsonged, grinning cheekily at Clover.
“Not maybe! That tail of yours is mean!” he pouted playfully, “I’m gonna need, like, a bunch of kisses to make up for it.”
 “Well kisses I can give.” Qrow purred, moving closer to Clover and kissing the underside of his chin. 
Clover smiled, squirming a little when Qrow began kissing his neck. “Careful, you know I’m ticklish.” 
He felt Qrow grin against his neck before playfully nipping it, making Clover gasp and blush. “Qrow.” he whined, tilting his head to allow Qrow more access to his neck and putting his hands on Qrows shoulders.
“You know you lo-” Qrow was cut off by Clover suddenly throwing him into the water. Popping his head out of the water he glared at the brunette, “I hate you.”
Clover laughed before shouting in surprise as Qrow pulled him into the water with him. “Hey!” he laughed, splashing Qrows face.
“You really wanna start that with me?” Qrow smirked, raising his tail and waving it a bit. 
Clover put his hands up in surrender, “Ok, ok. Truce.” Clover smiled and put his arms around Qrows shoulders, “You’re incorrigible.”
“Yup, and you love it.” Qrow smirked, looping his own arms around Clovers waist.
“I love you.” he said, kissing Qrow and tenderly threading his fingers through the mers hair.
Qrow pulled back slightly from the kiss, “I love you too.” he then came back to the kiss pulling Clover even closer so their chests were flush.
Clover would take whatever punishment came from this and a thousand more if it meant he could have a single moment like this again. Who knows? Maybe one day they wouldn’t have to hide. He could show off his love for Qrow over the land and sea. Until then, he was content with these stolen moments on their own. Held in his lovers embrace, blind for a moment to the world outside. Caught in the moment of pure bliss with Qrow. 
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basilgrimbitch · 5 years
Day Two: Swap
Normal high school AU where Baz is new to Simon’s English class but Penny is the one that gets assigned a seat next to Baz. Aka English nerds in love.
Words: 3457
Note: this is unedited and super rushed but its something!
No warnings apart from a lot of swearing. Enjoy!
“Alright so I posted the seating plan on the class page, did everyone get a chance to see it?”
While everyone scrambles to look at their laptops, I’ve already seen Ms. Possibelf’s seating plan and can I just say… What. The. Fuck. She’s sat me across the room from Penny (honestly fair since we never get any work done) next to some random girl named Trixie; she seems nice enough but so bloody boring. How am I supposed to make it through a whole year of English without Penny? I can hear the complaints layering up in the tiny classroom and I can see the teacher ignoring every single one of them. I don’t think I’ll bother asking for a change. Though, maybe she’ll listen to Penny?
I nudge Penny’s arm, I guess she’s already seen the seating plan too because she makes no effort to look at her laptop and moves towards her assigned seat.
“Surely the fuck not?” I don’t bother whispering.
“I think you mean surely the fuck yes. I’m not failing this semester because you want to tell me a gross story about your arms smelling like Cheetos mid class.” I’m smirking and she looks like she’ll bite my head off. That makes me smile more.
“That was once!”
“It still happened, and I’d rather hear about your smelly limbs at lunch time - or better yet, never.”
We’re cut off by Ms. Possibelf starting the class, or at least trying to.
“You should’ve all written a draft of your persuasive orals over the holidays, now you must refine them and prepare a final copy. These will be presented in two days.”
Okay as much as I’m a clown in English, I’m actually decent at it. I’ve already written and edited my script, so I really have nothing to do. I sit in my seat and glance at Penny, it looks like she’s done too. I’m fairly sure she’s playing fire boy and water girl, she’s playing both parts (because I’m not there) and she’s taking up the entire table, her desk mate looks so uncomfortable squashed into a corner. Who is he, by the way? The name on the roll was Tyrannus, what the fuck kind of name is that? So pretentious.
I open up Instagram on my laptop and text Penny.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Simon Snow [10:04]: who is heeeeeee
Penelope Bunce [10:04]: who?
Simon Snow [10:04]: the guy ur sat next to whats his name?????
Penelope Bunce [10:05]: got a bit of crush huh :0
Simon Snow [10:05]: oh fk off I haven’t even seen his face,,, whats his name??
Penelope Bunce [10:06]: he said to call him baz
Simon Snow [10:07]: hmm weird but cool name
Simon Snow [10:07]: what schools he frm?
Penelope Bunce [10:07]: idk do ur work Si
Penny stops typing, she looks me in the eyes then turns to speak to Baz, shutting her laptop. That’s such an odd name, right?
They talk, she’s laughing, he’s just sitting there so composed. He doesn’t look bored exactly, just that he’s better than seeming overly excited. Dickhead it is then.
Even though I think I’ve already decided I hate him, I don’t stop looking at them. He’s got long hair, its black and loose just above his shoulder, his skin is this gorgeous caramel that doesn’t need tanning and his eyes, they’re so grey a mix of green and blue I think and – fuck. We’re making eye-contact, not in like oh oops, more like oh shit why is this guy staring at me. He must think I’m a fucking creep. Shit.
It’s not like I care though, he probably thinks he’s better than everyone in this room anyway. But he’s just smiling at me? Fuck that’s a good smile. I think I’m smiling back, I can’t help it. He turns back to speak to Penny, they seem like they’re in deep discussion about something, I wonder what? And suddenly, I catch myself wishing I was her. Um, what?
The rest of the period flies by. Too quick, I think, not that I need more time to work, I just kind of wish… whatever.
Penny, as per bloody usual, is taking her precious time packing her stuff away. I walk up to her table, hyper aware of Baz’s presence there,
“Planning on leaving anytime soon?” I ask, trying to seem as nonchalant as can be, but my eyes keep glancing to him. I think Penny must’ve picked up on it because then she says, all smug,
“But then you wouldn’t get to meet Baz,” she gestures to Baz, who’s raising his eyebrow and smiling a little against his better judgement I think, then she gestures to me and then back again, “Baz, Simon. Simon, Baz. There we go.” He’s full on smiling now. Fuck, how can someone be so pretty?
“So nice to meet you, I’m Baz Pitch.” He puts his hand out for me to shake it – that’s so proper. I’m not even convinced he’s 17. He’s so calm and put together, these are not words you use to describe a 17 year old guy.
“H-hey, yeah, Simon.” Of course, I trip over my words, I’ve always struggled with that but I’m also really fucking nervous for some reason.
“Do you wanna have lunch with us, Baz?” Penny’s throwing her bag over her shoulder, looking at me like she knows what she’s doing to me and then back to Baz with genuine eyes. Penny doesn’t usually get on with people like that, that’s why we’ve been friends for so long, she really doesn’t have other options (not like I do either).
“That’d be nice.” He says, the corner of his mouth inching up, giving his cool exterior away. He’s not a pretentious git, is he? He’s just a boy on his first day of school; that’s fucking daunting.
We walk out the classroom – finally – and Baz starts telling us about himself and his old school. Mainly just answering Penny’s questions. Does he have siblings? Yeah, four half siblings. How come he moved schools? dad moves a lot for business. Oh, is he going to be moving again? Probably not until after high school, by then I could move out anyway.
I’m not usually this quiet. Usually I’m more social than Penny. I don’t know what’s come over me, I wish I could be her right now.
Lunch happens, Baz doesn’t really eat. Not like I was watching him. Well he was sat right in front of me and I just noticed that he wasn’t eating anything. Surely that’s normal.
I finally ask Baz what other classes he’s taking; other than English we don’t share any classes and then I let myself say, “that sucks.” But only because its normal, its not flirting. You can want a friend to be in your class. Penny still looks at me anyway.
But then he says, “I’ll just have to look forward to English,” and my heart melts.
I try not to think about Baz right now, in bed, but I am anyway, and I remember him telling me his full name; so naturally I’m suddenly typing it into the Instagram search bar. Aha! He’s not on private, thank the gods of social media.
I start scrolling through his feed, careful not to tap anything of course. There are a few photos of him alone, they’re gorgeous; he dresses so nice. Penny says I can’t dress myself. In one photo from a month ago he’s in this incredible suit, taking a mirror selfie in a bathroom that looks nicer than my whole house. His hair is slicked back (I think I prefer it loose – still so bloody fit though) and his cheekbones are so defined, he’s got that same face he had when we first met today – eyebrows raised, little bit a smirk, beautiful eyes.
I scroll down to the next photo, this one is different. It’s not a hot mirror selfie, its him carrying a little girl – his little sister? – on his shoulders looking up at her with a smile, a real big smile. He’s dressed a bit more casual too, still nicer than anything I own though it’s just jeans and a black button down. I keep coming back to the jeans. How can someone look so good in jeans?
I scroll through a few more photos, some with friends, some more of just him and a few of books he’s reading or places he’s visited. I feel like I know him a little bit better now – less in a stalkerish way more in a… well I can’t think of the write word. I can never think of the write word.
My phone vibrates all of a sudden and I literally drop my phone, so I don’t accidently like anything.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [23:13]: up thinking bout prince charming?
Simon Snow [23:14]: shut up
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: don’t blame u he’s v cute.
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: And smart.
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: you have my blessing
Simon Snow [23:15]: bugger off,, as if he’s even into guys
Simon Snow [23:15]: I was literally such an idiot today he probs doesn’t even wanna be my friend
Penelope Bunce [23:16]: AHA SO U ADMIT IT
Simon Snow [23:16]: did I even have to
Penelope Bunce [23:16]: ofc not. For what its worth I think u have a shot.
Simon Snow [23:17]: sureeeee
Simon Snow [23:17]: fuckkkkk im gonna be so dead tomorrow,, gn love u
I turn my phone off, pull my glasses off chucking them somewhere I probably won’t find them tomorrow and roll over to fall asleep.
We’ve got English first period today. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for English, but then I remember I don’t even get to sit next to him.
I walk into class and he’s already in there, we make eye-contact – way less awkward than yesterday – and he gives me a nod. Its friendly, it’s nice, it’s already a bit familiar. I give him a little wave with my right hand below the books I’m carrying but then I’m nearly dropping then, and my laptop starts sliding through my arms. It’s a shit show and it’s too early in the morning to embarrass myself, but I don’t get a say do I? As a say good bye to my laptop that is threatening to smash in the ground any second now – and any possibility for anything with Baz – I hear a chair scraping at the floor then not being pushed in. Suddenly, Baz’s hand is on my shoulder; the other grabbing my laptop that’s basically just resting on my belt buckle at this point. I beg myself not to blush, not now.
Baz is laughing. We’ve – he’s – saved my laptop and now he’s carrying it and my books; he insisted I was not to be trusted.
“Alright, special delivery all the way to your seat. You sure you’re okay Snow?” He’s using my last name because he thinks it’s ‘such a waste to not make use of such an iconic surname’. I like the way it sounds on his lips. I think I just like his lips and anything after is automatically perfect. Perfect.
He taps my shoulder, “you okay there?”
“Huh? Yeah yeah, just a bit tired. Didn’t sleep very much last night.” That’s not a lie.
Baz nods and says he’s gonna go get started on the work, I watch him walk away. The school trousers, they’re no jeans but he looks good in everything.
I try to do some work, making cue cards for my presentation, but I keep letting myself look over to Baz. Penny just caught me and stuck her tongue out.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [08:31]: ur staring
Simon Snow [08:32]: am not,, go away
I go back to working on my cue cards after making a show of shutting my laptop in front of Penny. I get through two more cards before I see a pair of shoes approaching my table. I look up and sure enough its prince charming – I mean Baz. He clears his throat and says,
“I hear you’re good at English”
“There’s no way Penny said that,” I laugh.
“True, she said ‘he thinks he’s better than everyone else.’ But I take it for good reason.” He smiles while doing air quotes, I smile back at him because I can’t help myself.
“Well, I definitely don’t suck.”
“Good. Do you mind reading over my script, please? I feel like it needs a little bit of editing.” He hands over his laptop, “don’t drop this one okay?” he chuckles.
I honestly don’t know how to act around him. I’m the epitome of those ‘act normal’ memes. He hands me his laptop and I start reading. His presentation is on single use plastics and it is so well written, he definitely doesn’t need my help. My neck is getting warm and I hope I’m not blushing at a script on environmentalism just because it was written by a hot guy. That’s pathetic.
But he’s not just a hot guy, is he? He’s smart – so smart – and he’s so kind even if you wouldn’t think so; when he helped me with my books today, I couldn’t help but think back to that photo of him with his sister, so much warmth and kindness expertly hidden under a cool and calm facade. I get to the end of his conclusion and look up in awe but he’s standing just behind me leaning forward waiting for my response. That explains the warmth I was feeling.
Baz doesn’t seem like the kind that would ever doubt himself but if you could see him now, you’d think he cared about what everyone thought about everything; and maybe he does, maybe he just hides it really well.
“Baz.” I make eye-contact with him, finally on purpose, “this… its incredible. I don’t even know why you’d ask for feedback. Your arguments are excellent, and your use of inductive reasoning is really fitting.”
His face lights up, a kind of innocent smile creeps up on his face and for the first time I think I want to kiss him. But even more so, I want to be responsible for more of those smiles. “Really?”
“It’s perfect.”
I look away because I don’t want him to see me blush. Penny is looking straight at us, she gives me one of her reassuring smiles.
It’s been two weeks of school; all my classes suck but it’s our last year and soon enough we’ll miss it. At least that’s what Penny keeps saying, Baz agrees with her.
Baz has been spending more time with us; we hang out at lunch time, he’s joined us for frozen cokes a few times in the past few hot days. It’s nice. I can actually talk to him now too.
He’s so smart, smarter than I had thought. He’s not just academically smart, he knows more than just surface level knowledge. Yesterday, on our walk to English he was talking about some article he read on the relationship between sleep deprivation and blood alcohol concentration just for fun. Though its nerdy and just a bit lame, the way his eyes light up when he talks about things he cares about, I’d listen to the summary of a thousand dumb articles to see that again.
Right now, Baz isn’t here though, and all my brain can do is think about him.
“Pennyyyy!” she’s lying on my bed while I do my art homework on the floor, she always comes home with me on Tuesdays, I don’t know when that started.
“Si, I already said no like three times.”
“Why not? Do you not love me?” I asked her to swap seats with me in English. I just wanna sit next to Baz, I can say I need extra help or something.
“I love you of course but I don’t want Baz to think I’m avoiding him, and I certainly don’t want Ms. P to fail me for disobeying her one rule.”
“Just please.” I give her my best puppy eyes and pouty face, “I fink I’m in wuv,” I say mockingly. She
throws an old stuffed toy in my face. I guess that’s a no.
The next day I see Baz at the school gates, he’s holding a cup of coffee and his hair is up in a bun today. Flawless.
“Fancy seeing you here,” how can he look so perfect at eight in the morning. I don’t even feel awake yet.
Baz bumps my shoulder with his and we start walking to our lockers. We talk about the English reading we were set, we’re reading Lord of the Flies and Baz is going on about how he and Penny think the book would be drastically different if it had female characters.
“Golding said he didn’t add girls to avoid sex being a subject.” I say, and Baz just looks at me with his eyebrow raised. I call this the signature Baz look now.
“Oh, come on, as if every single kid on that island was straight.” I choke on nothing for a second. Baz and I have never talked about relationships or sex or sexuality. It’s not really a matter of discussion I guess but hearing him acknowledge the idea of guys being together, I don’t know, it gives me hope. That makes no sense obviously, he’s taking about characters from an English novel not himself and really its more an act of Baz’s resistance than it is a nod to gay rights or whatever. But, still, it gives me hope.
“True,” is all I manage to get out.
We get to English extra early after home room, and I start making my way to my seat. Ever since Baz started hanging out with us outside of class, English is back to being plain and boring, nothing special. So, with my shoulders slumped I mutter a goodbye to Baz as I walk to opposite way to my seat but then I feel something on my hand. Oh my god, its his hand. Its Baz’s hand. On my hand. Pulling me towards him. Its not especially romantic or anything. But its something!
“Hey! Swap seats with Penny, come sit next to me today,” surely this is a dream, I must’ve hit my head. “I need your uhhh help with the essay.” Baz doesn’t help, he just discussed key themes of the novel for breakfast. I feel it again, lingering in my chest, hope. “It’s okay if you don’t want to…” he says a bit quieter now, trying to seem as cool as possible. How Baz of him. Fuck I still haven’t said anything.
“What no no, I want to. I’m just not sure what Ms. Possibelf will say; or worse, Penny.” He pulls at my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand.
“What? Scared Snow?”
“We’re not in Harry Potter, Baz.”
“True. I’m wayyy better looking than Draco Malfoy and you wouldn’t be a very good chosen one. The worst chosen one who’s ever been chosen.”
I hear myself saying, “what so I’m not more better looking than Harry Potter?” Is this flirting? He squeezes my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand.
“You needed me to point that out? I thought it was a given. You’re well fit, Simon.” Simon. Hope.
I hum in response and with one final tug at my hand, he lets it go. I follow him (I’d follow him anywhere).
“Sit, I won’t bite,” He grins at me.
“Yeah but Penny will,” she better not ruin this for me. For us. I sit next to Baz and we start working on our essays. He doesn’t ask for help once.
Penny walks into class, glances at her seat, sees us and walks to my – her – seat next to Trixie.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [08:14]: u win. Enjoy!
I can’t tell if that’s sarcastic or not.
Baz notices I’ve changed my window to Instagram DMs and nudges me, “how come you don’t follow me?”
“Huh, I don’t know? What’s your user name?” As if I don’t know.
Baz grabs my laptop, “I’ll just type it in.” I let him because I’m lazy and I like watching him type but then he clicks on the search bar and has the biggest grin on his face. Fuck. He can see my search history, “looks like you already know it.” How could I forget about that?
I must look mortified because he places his hand on mine. Second time today. “It’s all good. I already have yours too.”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
what is a food that you’d hate to be allergic to?: Omg SEAFOOD. Can’t live without it. If I was allergic to it I’d be that person who brings tons of antihistamines everywhere I go so I can power through when eating crabs and mussels and shrimp. I just can’t live a life of being forced to watch others eat seafood while I can’t lol.
what color was the last towel you used?: Light blue.
would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you? Same height or a tad bit taller is fine; I’m not super particular when it comes to height.
when was the last time your nose bled? My nose has never bled before and I dread the day it happens for the first time, because I’m totally unprepared and blood freaks me out and I will highkey probably pass out for a bit hahaha.
how old are you turning this year?: I already turned 22 last April. Considering the circumstances, my birthday had surprisingly gone really well too.
what is your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie?: French fries from Potato Corner. My go-to bucket size is Mega and I will typically request my order to be 1/2 barbecue and 1/2 cheese fries. I’ll feel super uneasy if I don’t have that exact order when watching a movie at the cinema.
swimming pool or hot tub?: So I had to look up hot tub because I wanted to know how it’s different from a jacuzzi, and holyyyyy crap I’ve learned something new - Jacuzzi is a brand of hot tubs, wtfreak my life has been a lie I thought it was a word!!! Hahaha in any case, I do prefer hot tubs more. I’ve always felt dirty hanging around in swimming pools.
can you swim well? I’m not able to perform any of the strokes like an Olympic athlete, but I can tread well and for a good amount of time.
what body part do you wash first in the shower?: Not really a part of the body per se but I’ve always washed my hair first.
who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day? No thanks, I find that too invasive. 
what kind of first impression do you think you make? Cold and a little aloof, which isn’t too far off from the truth especially if I’m not approached first. If someone does talk to me for the first time, it’ll depend on their body language whether I’ll choose to continue to be reserved, or if I’d want to be bubbly and vibrant around them.
name your last reason for using a camera? My dad honked his horn as he parked in the carport to let us know he was home, and my dog ran up the screen door and sat patiently to wait for him to come inside, his tail wagging the whole time.
where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? Sometimes I’ll line up our dining chairs together so it can turn to some sort of bed, and I’ve been falling asleep on that often lately.
what are you excited about? To drink the rest of this milk tea my dad bought me :) He went out to run some errands and I guess he’s been hearing me talk about how I miss having milk tea, so he went out of his way to go to a Chatime and get drinks for me and my sister.
seven days from now, will you be in a relationship? Yes.
are you a happy person? My emotions are always all over the place. I’m never consistently in a certain mood.
when was the last time you laughed really hard & why? I was bored and missing normal life last night so I went through my uploaded photos on Twitter so I can see what I used to do before everything went downhill...and by doing that, I realized that I’m quite good at tweeting HAHAHA most of my captions made me laugh and my content/photos weren’t all that bland or bad either. Idk, this is one instance where I can confidently say that I’m funny hahaha.
what are you wearing? A UP shirt and a pair of shorts.
what do you want? For my college to post the official list of graduating students for this school year so that I can finally partake in the tradition of changing my Facebook DP to my senior photo. I REALLY love how my portrait turned out and I can’t wait for my loved ones to see it.
did you enjoy your weekend? It was okay I guess. My mom was annoyingly cranky throughout Saturday for no reason, but it mellowed out by the next day and that’s good enough for me. Other than that, it was just as uneventful as the last three months have been.
do you regret anything you’ve done recently? Just little stuff that I get over quickly like, “oh I regret making this coffee at 11 PM because it’s now 3 AM and I’m jumpy as fuck.” But no big regrets recently.
is there anybody you wish you could see? For fucking sure. I don’t even have to tell y’all who it is.
have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with j or m? Nope. I almost went out with an M, though.
how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2 3/4 lol. I trust Andrew 110%...and I mooooostly trust my dad. Not with every single topic under the sun, but I still trust him a whole lot nonetheless.
do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? I hope I will be by then.
what makes you mad most about girls? Definitely wanna avoid generalizing in this question but the way some girls will fawn over men is super hypocritical and that bugs me to no end. Girls shaming other girls for a range of things is also annoying, whether it’s over wearing too much makeup, not wearing makeup, choosing to abort, physical appearances, their diet, etc. Some really need to mind their own fucking business.
have you ever been given roses? Yes.
do you even like getting flowers? I love receiving stems or bouquets but I’m not obsessed with them in that I wanna get them regularly. Giving me flowers for Valentine’s Day or on our anniversary is more than enough for me.
what’s your favorite flowers? Peonies.
could you go out in public looking like you do now? No. I’d change my shorts.
who’s the first person you texted today? I haven’t texted anyone today.
would you move to another state to be with the person you loved? That’s a toughie...it would depend on the opportunities I have wherever I live in the present, and whether there are better ones where my partner is. I’m young and still building up my career, so realistically I’d wanna look out for myself first instead of clumsily jumping in headfirst for love lol.
how’s the weather today? It’s strangely warm and humid and uncomfortable, which is annoyinggggg. News has said that the wet/rainy season already begun, so I don’t know why the sun is still hanging around and being, again, annoying.
what color are your eyes? Really dark brown, almost black.
do you like poptarts? In my country we only get the same five flavors but my favorite out of all of them is chocolate fudge. I really wish we had a wider selection though :(
where will you be 12 hours frm now? Getting ready for bed most likely.
is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated? No. I’m usually the one who involuntarily makes others feel intimidated, oops.
do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? Not exactly but it’s definitely gonna be one of the several tops and shorts I’ve just been repeatedly wearing at home since March.
are you on a desktop or laptop? Laptop. I haven’t used a desktop in ages.
does anyone hate you for no reason? I’m sure one or two people do, but I genuinely can’t care less.
what are you planning to do today? Finish my milk tea, maybe take another survey or two, eat the salted egg chips that my dad bought, and, if it cools down later in the day, take a quick nap.
play an instrument? I can play the recorder. I also memorize several songs on the piano, but the key word there is memorize lmao. I just know which keys to press due to watching covers over and over; but I can’t read notes, I don’t know which letters match which keys, have no idea what major and minor is, and I basically know absolutely nothing about using a piano.
would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Just to get closure from certain people or events. If I can go back in time I’d spend more time with my late grandpa, for one.
where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? I’ve already forgotten.
have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an r? No. I’m an R though, heh.
have you ever passed out? Yeah numerous times. I’m a big fainter, which just sounds so uncool lmfao.
are you easily confused? Yes I feel lost quite easily. I’m often the butt of my friends’ jokes because of this, but I don’t mind hahaha.
do you think you would make a good wife/husband? I like to think that I would be, but I dunno. I’m still insanely young and I know I’ll be a completely different person with different priorities, mindset, attitude, etc., by the time I get married. It’s too early to tell.
what’s your favorite kind of ice cream? Cookies and cream. Queso real is also a really good flavor and it was my favorite for some time before my taste shifted to cookies and cream.
do you like coffee? Love coffee.
do you like summer? I like it when I get to go to the beach or when my family books trips out of town or the country, but I reeeeeally could do without the hot and sticky weather. It’s definitely not my favorite period of the year.
where were you at 8am this morning? I was asleep for half of it, then by 8:30 I was up and scrolling through Facebook.
do you fall for people easily? No. That is one thing I can’t do as a demisexual haha.
everything happens for a reason? This is usually my mindset, yes. It helps me process and accept circumstances better and much more quickly.
have you ever dated someone more than once? Yup, Gab and I have broken up before.
who have you texted in the last 24 hours? No one. Not really big on texting these days as I’ve been using Messenger to contact people throughout the quarantine.
what color nail polish is on your toes? My toes are never painted.
do you find members of the preferred sex confusing? People of any gender have the potential to be confusing. < This.
what are you listening to right now? Right now all I can hear is the work being done for the new house that’s being constructed in front of ours, so I’ll hear the occasional shoveling of stones and trucks coming in and out of the construction zone. The last music I listened to was the Presto from Summer of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons because Portrait of a Lady on Fire always makes me feel things.
how has the week been? It hasn’t been horrible, I’ll give it that. I’ve been revisiting my old fandoms out of boredom but it’s turned out to be a lot of fun; my mom brought home cupcakes at the start of the week; I had milk tea today; and we just had Kimi groomed this afternoon so his fur is all gone and now he looks like a giant rat.
is there something you wish you could tell someone but can’t? I wish I could have respectful debates with my Duterte- and/or Trump-supporting relatives, but I know that’s impossible.
what are your biggest turn offs? People who: can only hold shallow conversations, are disrespectful to those in the service industry; are casually homophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic, and/or fatphobic; take their religion way too seriously; and neglect their pets.
favorite shirt to wear? My CM Punk Best in the World shirt, without a doubt. I’ve been wearing it semi-regularly for nine years and have absolutely no intention of throwing it out.
favorite drink? Depends on my mood and the occasion. If I’m studying I’d wanna have coffee with me, if I’m casually dining at a restaurant I’d be happy with iced water, etc.
last person to say ‘i love you’ to you? Gab.
would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yeah, but when that’s gonna happen again I still have no idea...
what’s your favorite color gummy bear? I always find myself reaching for the red ones.
what is the nicest part of the opposite sex’s body? I don’t consistently stare at a certain part of a guy’s body.
have you ever run into a dishwasher? No, those aren’t common here.
ever had a song sung about/for you? Nope.
is there a baby in the room with you right now? No, not technically. But I do consider my pets to be my babies. < Same. Kimi, now a giant rodent, is walking around the living room at the moment but he never strays too far from me.
where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? CAAAAAAAAAR. This is a big reason why I miss driving, I haven’t been able to belt out in a while.
what is your favorite thing that is green? I don’t own a lot of green stuff since it’s my least favorite color...buuuuut I do have a printed flowy dress that I just love to wear, and it’s mostly olive green.
what did your last text message say? It’s an automated text from a vet clinic I went to last December telling me that I should bring Kimi back for a checkup. I appreciate the gesture but I’m not going back there after how condescending the vet was acting towards me.
what is the way to your heart? Acts of service has been my love language for the longest time.
what do you smell like? I smell nothing off of me now but I do know that I don’t smell unpleasant, because if I did I would’ve noticed it immediately and would feel more conscious.
what’s in your pocket? I don’t have any.
anything in your mouth? Not right now but I’ve been sipping milk tea with pearls all afternoon.
ever hurt yourself playing wii? Only after my first day of playing Wii Sports. It was like a workout for my tiny 10 year old body and I woke up all sore the next morning.
do you have freckles? No, not a common feature here.
what’s the last movie you saw in the theater? Knives Out.
ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? Noooooooooo. I feel like that’s super uncomfortable; I’ve always entered pools with a swimsuit or bikini. My glare is usually enough for people to understand that I wouldn’t appreciate being thrown into a pool while I still had clothes on.
are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? Technically. I took a shower in the evening and changed into the clothes I’m wearing now, but that was in the evening so it’s not like I wore them all day yesterday.
name a song that you know all the words to: Every single Paramore song. Guaranteed.
what’s the last thing you watched on tv? If we’re really going with a physical TV, the last thing I watched was Descendants of the Sun when I used the Netflix app on our TV. The last series I watched in general was Friends.
what can you hear right now? Two fans whirring in the living room.
did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? I’m slightly better today. I’m glad Kimi has finally been groomed since his fur had knotted up in the last couple of weeks. Plus I also have milk tea today, and that’s always a winner :)))
are you close to your siblings? With my sister, but we treat each other like buddies and are more of the tough-love type. We banter more than anything and we don’t hold heart to heart talks.
do you bite your nails? No we have a nail cutter at home that I use. If I’m going through a period of heightened anxiety I will bite my nails though.
do you like your feet? Uh, I guess. I’m not complaining about them? but I’m also not attracted to feet. Mine are just there and I’m fine with them.
do you sleep well at night? For the most part.
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lanasaved · 5 years
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cue me, clanking noisily at a nearby manhole as i attempt to scrabble my way bk out of the sewer like the stinky little rat tht i am. enchanté, ghouls! some of u might remember me (nai/from manchester so i pronounce things like a gallagher brother n i’m profusely sry abt it) bt if nt i hd to drop off the face of the Earth rp wise fr a hot minute there bt now im bk n i couldn’t resist reviving lana so???? here we r. u kno the drill more abt her under the cut!!
( cis-female ) haven’t seen LANA JAMESON around in a while. the KRISTINE FROSETH lookalike has been known to be (+) VIVACIOUS & (+) ALLURING, but SHE can also be (-) UNRELIABLE & (-) CARELESS. The 22 year old is a SOPHOMORE majoring in BALLET. I believe they’re living in AUDAX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. ( nai. 22. gmt. she/ha/the beast from split. )
some random aesthetics: a red water pistol topped up with caribbean rum and covered in stickers of cartoon pin up girls, a vinyl record whirring silently because you got too distracted by a stranger’s hands to reach over and flip sides, giant inflatable flamingos floating in the aftermath of a pool party, smudgy lipstick kisses left like an autograph on someone else’s mirror
SO i think in terms of explainin where she’s been fr the past month i’m gna say tht she didn’t rly.... tell a lot of ppl??? probably only a select few bt to others im guessin she was pretty vague bc she hates discussin anythin serious/personal. anyway essentially she’s been back @ home helpin her brother out n i won’t elaborate much more bc im a thot
frm this point on ive jst pasted her old intro bc im the laziest woman alive n that’s jst life Babey
she’s local to the ny area i jst havent decided where exactly she grew up tbh. probably somewhere upstate
okay so her mum is an old money socialite / three time campaign model way back when n her dad is a big record label mogul. he owns a label called jameson records n they repped a few rly big rock bands back in the eighties, altho they’re mostly known for ‘poppy injects’ whose lead singer had a big heroin scandal tht brought down his career. lana p much grew up around musicians snorting lines instead of spooning down cereal fr breakfast n her parents were v much absent her whole life
they’re pretty well off obviously n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst.... a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pastel coloured fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her. it was v clear that she was an accident after her older brother caleb n that even when they just had him alone they weren’t cut out for parenthood. they always kind of jst… ignored her n hoped she’d go away. she had to mke herself microwave meals when she ws only like 12 bc they’d forget to get her anything. once she went like 6 days without her mum even looking her in the eyes once
despite this tho!!! she’s always been insanely close w her brother caleb. he’s her whole world. thts why when he decided to sign up to the army she ws understandably scared bt supported him regardless. bt then he wound up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed his best friend die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home n he was never the same n lana kind of felt like he’d died out there too. he’s in n out of hospital a lot n it’s rly hard on her bt she doesn’t tlk abt it to anyone rly
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. jst literally…. knew everyone n everyone definitely knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character
she’s always been insatiably spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
anyway so after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. in fact she’s so… shameless in her endeavours tht she’s actually currently having an affair w her ballet instructor tanya who’s engaged to b married
she also currently? is working as a cam girl. she found this website bc she trawls… porn stuff a lot n she wound up applying to work as one bc she thought it’d b fun n wld earn her some disposal income (even tho she frankly doesn’t need it bc she’s already well off). the guy tht manages all of the girls on the site is kind of suspect n it’s a whole plot i’m gna unravel where it’s actually like the front for a cult or something wild so. stay posted ig. kgjdkgjh
new development!!!!!!!! cue me trottin around doin jazz hands. she’s actually been cut off by her dad so she’s….. living off the money she has left n has to look to find a job which is jst. a nightmare fr someone like lana bc she’s insatiably irresponsible n destined to be fired from anything she tries to hold down bt. it’ll be interesting bc this means she genuinely has to keep on camming even tho she’s starting not to want to any more bc of other circumstances i won’t elaborate on jst yet winks
personality/some fun facts: uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. her fav book as a child used to b alice in wonderland n she’d fantasise abt having her own little wonderland too where everyone knew her name n asked her things n took her on adventures. at the time it didn’t rly strike her how evident it was tht that was bc she was so lonely. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s strawberry laces or gummy bears or cherry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. wildflowers r her favourites bc they’re the brightest and u can’t buy them. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
plot ideas: exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. let’s get wildt!
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teenwvlfs · 6 years
Beautiful - Michael Gray
Request: hey! could you do a fic michael gray (pb) x reader?? where the reader is insecure about her body and he finds out (not frm her) and tries to make her to tell him and so she tells him. very fluffy pls & sorry for my english, its not my 1st language😬💙
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"Where's (Y/N)?" Polly asked her son as she scanned the pub for her daughter in law, sitting down beside him at the bar.
"She felt sick so she's stayed home." Michael responded, finishing the remains of his drink.
"I find it quite coincidental that she's sick every time we're having a celebration." Polly commented.
And Polly was right, over the past few months any form of celebration they would have (Y/N) wouldn't be there
"What's that supposed to mean?" Michael grew defensive, no longer wanting to talk to his mum if she was going to attack his wife.
"Have you spoken to her, Michael? Properly spoken to her? Because I don't think she's sick. It's something a lot worse if you ask me."
Michael suddenly grew worried, "Worse? Mum what are you on about?"
"Go home and talk to your wife, Michael."
"Mum." He demanded.
"Ada told me she's seen (Y/N) throwin' up after she eats and she's been hiding herself away. Think she's feelin' self conscious. An' Im not surprised with how you've been acting."
"What the fuck 'ave I done?"
"Being out all hours of the night with your cousins, never in during the day. And you know what they're like fuckin' whores like they don't have wives at home. She's thinking you're like them and now she's doubting herself."
"I'm not cheating on her mum, I wouldn't do that."
"Don't tell me. Tell her. Go home to your wife, Michael."
And that's exactly what he did. He put on his coat, left the Garrison and made his way home in the car.
(Y/N) was surprised to see his headlights outside of the window so early. It had only just turned dark and usually Michael wasn't home until long after midnight.
"What are you doing home? Thought you were celebrating?" She asked, sitting up on the sofa.
"Nah. Rather be here." He spoke, removing his outdoor clothes and sitting beside her, pulling her into him and he sat back into the sofa.
"What's got into you?" She asked amused.
"Mum spoke to me. Knocked some sense into me, told me how i'm being a bit of a shit husband. And I know you've been making yourself sick."
(Y/N) froze in his embrace.
"Look at me, eh," He said, cupping her face and lifting it to meet his, "you are beautiful. And there's no one else on this planet that I want to spend my life with other than you. I'm sorry for making you not feel enough. I love you, (Y/N), so much."
"I love you." She responded before he leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips, "It's just hard, Michael. I hate what I see in the mirror."
"Baby, I can't- I can't express to you how amazing you are. Beautiful, absolutely fuckin' breathtaking. Intelligent. God, you're everything. Everything I could ever ask for. I need you to see that too.
"I try, Michael, I do. I just-" She stopped midsentence, not wanting to cry.
"I know," he empathised, it broke his heart to hear his girl talk like this, to know what she'd been doing, "I'm sorry. I know I've not been making it any easier. I promise I'll stop, alright? No more late nights and I'm gonna spend more time being around. Fuck the business, fuck everything. You are the most important thing in my life n I've not been treatin' you right."
(Y/N) cuddled into his side, letting tears fall from her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to speak, but Michael knew, just from the squeeze of her arms around him, that she appreciated his words.
"C'mere." He started up, propping himself on the edge of the sofa and pulling her with him so that she was now sat, straddling his thighs.
His hands rested on her hips, rubbing softly and his eyes staring into hers.
"You're beautiful." He whispered seriously.
He bought a hand up to her cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb before slowly bringing her face to his where their lips met in a passionate kiss. His lips trailed down to her neck, gaining quiet moans from her and his hands began exploring her clothed body.
"Let me show you." He whispered against her skin
"Let me show you how much I love you."
Another kiss.
"Let me make you feel beautiful."
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lilbreck · 7 years
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Sequel to Leave a Light On
Title: Chapter 1: New World in My View Beta: @emacsweeny​ Characters: Bonnie Bennett, Brady, Caroline Forbes, Deputy Adams (OC), Elena Gilbert, Elijah Mikaelson, Elizabeth Forbes, Jules, Klaus Mikaelson, Maddox, Paige, Ray Rating/Warning: FRM / graphic sexual language Word Count: 5,903 A/N: A huge thank you to Eileen for beta'ing this for me. Though I list a lot of characters, and some of them actually do get dialog, some of them just pass through.
Read Elsewhere: Personal Archive \ LiveJournal \ InsaneJournal \ Dreamwidth \ AO3 \ FF.net
She was technically supposed to be keeping an eye on Ray until Jules and Brady could get there, but just staring at him would have drawn too much attention. At least, that was what she was going to tell Klaus if he happened to show up while she was on the phone with Elena. Werewolf hunting trip or no, she wasn't going to go without wishing her friend a happy birthday – it was bad enough that she hadn't really done anything for her friend's birthdays over the past year because of the whole Klaus and Silas situation going on.
When Elena picked up she skipped over hello, ignored any pleasantries and went straight into crisis mode.
"Caroline, are you okay? Do you need us to come get you?"
While part of her was very touched that her friend was worried about her, she was also kind of offended that she would assume Caroline would only be calling for help. Before she could get really worked up over it though, Bonnie's voice interrupted.
"I'm sure if there was something wrong Caroline would have said something in one of the daily texts she's been sending us for the past two weeks. Right, Caroline?"
While she was still very aware of Ray sitting at the bar making friendly conversation with the bartender, Caroline let herself be pulled into the easy and familiar rhythm of the conversation between her and her friends back home. She could almost pretend she was back in Mystic Falls instead of a bar in Tennessee.
"Do you have me on speaker? Is the whole town listening in and waiting to hear how my summer vacation is going so far?"
Allowing the subject to change, Elena's voice turned pouty as she replied, "No, it's just me and Bonnie. She's keeping me here and distracted while Stefan's putting together the birthday party I never agreed to."
"You were never going to agree to a big party, Elena. That's why I had to ask Stefan to put it together. It's not every year you turn eighteen, so you should make it memorable. Oh, speaking of which…"
Bonnie's laughing voice cut her off, "He's following your plans down to the last detail. He's been texting me whenever he has questions about what you mean."
She could feel herself getting ready to defend her need to micromanage nearly everything in her life. Bonnie apparently knew her well enough though, to step in and calm her defensiveness. She couldn't remember Bonnie knowing her this well before but she really appreciated it now.
"I'm pretty sure we would be an absolute mess without you, Caroline."
"You'd make it through. Everything would be a lot less fun, but you'd still make it through."
Her response got the laugh she was after and Caroline enjoyed the warm feeling that spread through her at the sound. The two quickly took the time to let her in on all that she had been missing in the couple of weeks she'd been gone. Bonnie, in particular, seemed like she needed to vent.
"And let me tell you, I've never been happier that Pearl and Anna are here. They've been basically acting as a buffer between the Mikaelsons and the rest of us. Finn is alright. He's basically not around much and when he is he's just kind of… there. Kol and Rebekah are absolute nightmares. I can't count the number of times I've had to use my magic to stop Kol from, well, being Kol. I'm also pretty sure that Elena is ready to try and rip out Rebekah's hair the next time she makes some innuendo while talking with Stefan."
Elena spluttered at that while Caroline complained about the fact that she would have the luxury of a buffer with both Rebekah and Kol. She pouted at first as Bonnie and Elena laughed at that, but soon she was joining in. Too soon, the laughter faded and she could almost feel the tension from the other side as both of her friends held back something they were obviously wanting to say.
"Okay, you two. Out with it. What's ruining the happy moment?"
Surprisingly, it was Elena who spoke up.
"We don't want to worry you, Caroline. Lord knows you've got a lot to deal with right now, but Elijah has been spending a lot of time over at your house the past week or so. Like, every day."
Caroline hadn't realized how much she had tensed up until she felt her whole body relax. Her mother had already let her know that Elijah had been coming around and reassured her that it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. While she knew her friends were worried about her mother, she still couldn't resist teasing them a bit.
"I don't know if I should be touched or disturbed that you two are spying on my mom so closely, Elena."
She had delivered the statement in a serious tone of voice but quickly lost the fight against a giggle when she heard Elena and Bonnie floundering to explain themselves. Still aware that she wasn't exactly in a private setting, Caroline made explanation as vague as she could.
"It's okay, you guys. I already knew about it. Apparently, his family hasn't been very good with communication, so my mom's been keeping him up to date. Nothing to worry about."
That explanation would have to do because, just as she could hear Elena and Bonnie begin to ask more questions, she caught sight of Jules and Brady walking into the bar. The latter quickly caught sight of her and Caroline couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes at the scowl he directed at her. Yeah, she had a feeling they were never going to be friends and only part of that was because she couldn't forget that he was capable of torturing her and enjoying it.
"Okay, girls, break time's over. I've got to get back to work."
As they said their goodbyes and ended the call, Caroline watched the scene unfolding across the bar. Jules and Brady approached Ray and sat next to him on either side. Almost immediately she could see his body stiffen. She had warned Klaus that this wasn't the right way to start things off and that he'd be able to tell that they weren't regular werewolves. She was already halfway to them when Ray practically launched himself from the bar stool and started walking away from the pair. Abandoning any pretense, she sped forward to stand in front of him with her hands held up in what she hoped would be a calming manner.
"Please don't leave yet."
She could see the building panic as he looked between her and the two hybrids joining them. "You're vampires."
She couldn't tell if he was expecting help from the people in the bar or if he was thinking of trying to warn them to run, but she needed to calm him down quickly. She knew she had a limited time before Klaus lost what little patience he had and came barging in.
"Yes, I'm a vampire, and I've compelled everyone in here not to interfere. I realize how shady that sounds, but we're not here to hurt you. We just want to sit down and talk."
When he continued to side eye Jules and Brady, Caroline quickly realized that he could sense their hostility. Although he appeared to assume it was directed at him, she knew better. Dropping her hands, she gave a huff of frustration over the hybrids interference.
"Okay, that aggression thing you're getting from them is not because they're going to hurt you. It's because they want to hurt me. It's a gut reaction to millennia of hatred across the species divide that we're still trying to overcome."
The latter seemed to catch his attention and he looked at her confused as he asked, "You guys aren't vampires?"
Caroline could now see a way to steer the conversation the way she wanted it to go. With a calming breath and a smile that she hoped was friendly, she shook her head.
"I am. They were werewolves until very recently. Now they're something else. That's actually why I'm here to talk to you."
Caroline gestured to the table and, after Ray reluctantly walked over to sit down, turned to Jules and Brady. She smiled at them both and then looked to the bar in what she felt was an obvious hint. Jules, for her part, simply rolled her eyes and went to sit back down. Brady crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her. Refusing to let him bait her or intimidate her, she stared back at him silently, smile still in place. Finally, with one final low growl, he turned around and went to join his alpha. The pleasant expression dropping from her face, Caroline then made her way over to join Ray at the table.
"Sorry about that. They really don't like me very much."
While he still looked nervous, Ray shot her a confused and disbelieving look.
"If they don't like you, then why are they here with you?"
Doing her best to turn on the charm and put him at ease, Caroline answered "I'm a means to an end. Kind of a middleman, really. They want their pack and their kind protected, and I can help them do that."
At this, Caroline paused and flagged down a passing waitress. When she asked her for two beers and didn't get carded, Ray's eyebrows shot up. His tone was slightly accusing when he said, "I've never known Jessie to not card someone who she didn't know."
Caroline fought down a small twinge of guilt and tried for nonchalant.
"Compelling her to not feel the need to ask for ID was shady but not evil."
As much as Caroline hated being laughed at, she did feel a small thrill of victory at the small smile that Ray apparently couldn't stop. She took a moment to gather her thoughts as the waitress, who she totally didn't feel guilty for compelling, left two bottles and took the money that Caroline handed her.
She pretended not to hear him ruefully murmur, "At least you didn't steal the beer."
"Werewolves, as I'm sure I don't need to tell you, are an endangered species. I'm convinced that the only reason they aren't extinct is because most vampires don't think you're real. Which, in my opinion, is extremely stupid. Hello, we're vampires! Who knows what else is out there." At this, Caroline paused and couldn't help but voice her next thought out loud. "When I get a chance to take a vacation, I should try and find out if mermaids are real."
She was brought out of her off-topic ramblings by Ray's contemptuous snort.
"Mermaids are just myths."
A part of Caroline wanted to engage in a long debate with him about myths usually having some basis in truth and about how there were still so many undiscovered creatures in the world. However, she just settled for a bland stare as she replied "Said the werewolf to the vampire in a bar in Tennessee."
Caroline took a drink of her beer as Ray seemed to struggle with a comeback. When he finally appeared to give up, she continued.
"Jules and Brady were regular werewolves when I first met them. Now they're hybrids. Specifically, they're werewolf vampire hybrids. They're harder to kill than werewolves, their bites kills vampires quicker without having to transform fully, they have the potential to live forever and are super strong like vampires, and they don't have any pesky issues with the sun. More importantly to them and you I think, they have complete control over their transformation."
Ray sat in stunned silence for a moment and then stuttered out, "How?"
With a small, rueful smile Caroline answered, "There's only one way, and it comes with strings."
As if summoned by her answer, the door opened and Klaus came strutting in with Maddox following closely behind. His grin told her he was unrepentant when he spotted them and then made his way toward their table. Caroline had to quell the urge to snap at him. For what seemed the millionth time, she had to remind herself that this wasn't the same Klaus who was in love with her and would take all her controlling ways with an indulgent smile.
"You were supposed to wait until I called you."
Some of her frustration may have leaked into her voice. However, he just smiled in a way she was convinced he thought was charming. It wasn't.
"I got bored, sweetheart. You know I don't do well with boredom."
He then took a seat at the table with them, lounging carelessly as if he didn't have a worry in the world. Maddox did a fair impersonation of him in the seat to the other side of her. After flagging down the waitress, Klaus gestured for her to continue. Caroline again barely managed not to snap at him as he asked Jessie for a drink. When she looked back at Ray, she could see he was eyeing Klaus warily. This was why she wanted to get everything out in the open before Klaus ever showed up.
"As I was saying, there's only one way," at this, she gestured to Klaus. "And it comes with strings."
Klaus made as if to join the conversation, but Caroline's none-too-subtle cough had him leaning back with a mockingly apologetic expression on his face. His attention was quickly caught by the arrival of his drink, and Caroline continued her explanation to Ray.
"We only need a small number of your pack, perhaps six. Half of them will stay with you, the other half will leave with us." When Ray looked about to angrily object, Caroline continued over him. "We're not doing this out of the goodness of our hearts because we feel so bad that your species is essentially dying out. Nothing comes for free in this world, but we're asking for volunteers, not slaves."
Ray didn't look all that convinced and Caroline had to fight against the knot of panic forming in her stomach. Taking a deep breath and leaning in, she brought out her most convincing argument.
"Imagine it. You and your pack will no longer have to fear being discovered by vampires. You won't have to wait until the full moon comes around to strike back at them, hoping they're still around and haven't killed off too many of your friends and family. You'll have protectors that you can trust with the life of your pack because they are pack."
He seemed torn. It was obvious he was reluctant to trust Caroline, but she could also see how tempting the thought of safety for his pack was.
"I can't make this decision. All I can do is talk to my alpha. If she even considers it, she'll want to talk to you herself."
Klaus looked less than pleased but kept silent as Ray wrote down Caroline's number and promised to plead their case and get back to them as soon as possible. As soon as Ray walked out of the bar, however, he broke that silence.
"What's to keep good old Ray from simply hiding out until he believes we've left the area and he's safe?"
Something in his expression told Caroline that he already suspected the answer and was only waiting on her to confirm it. Maddox looked curious but unconcerned, which only confirmed a suspicion she had.
"You of all people know what it's like to have to hide from something when, by all rights, you should be powerful enough to not have to hide from anything. Freedom from the fear and secrecy will make sure he talks to his alpha. Besides, it's not like you didn't have Maddox put a magical lo-jack on him."
Klaus looked as if she'd done something he had completely expected and yet still made him proud. Sometimes he made it hard to separate him in her mind from the Klaus she once knew.
Over the next eight days that became a bit of an issue as they waited to hear if Paige, Ray's alpha, would talk to them. Caroline was convinced that the only reason Klaus didn't try to hunt down the pack in that time was because Ray called them daily to keep them updated. Maybe he had caught wind of Klaus' reputation as an impatient creature with a ruthless temper.
It was also possible that his new hobby of harassing her kept him from getting too bored with waiting. He didn't consider it harassment and went overboard pretending to be offended when she confronted him. He said he was simply getting to know her.
It became something other than mere harassment, however, during the most recent of his 'getting to know you' sessions when she had told him that a dead witch had bonded part of her soul to Caroline and that that was the reason for the witchy feeling Maddox sensed from her. He didn't look very surprised and Caroline asked why. That's when he said that even he was drawn to her light and he could understand someone who loved her wanting to protect her even after death.
And suddenly Caroline had been reminded that, for all his strength, ruthlessness, and iron will, this was the most dangerous part of Klaus for her. He could make her feel like she was something truly amazing, like the world ceased to exist for him when they talked. For a young woman who, she could admit, if only to herself, was insecure and starved for validation, that could become something very addicting. That was why she had to fight the pull she felt toward him; because if she ever let herself fully experience being the center of his attention, she was afraid of what she would do to stay there.
Caroline was close to giving into that pull after a few days of Klaus 'testing' out her ability to sense other supernatural creatures. In all honesty, he barely bothered to hide the fact that it was a series of excuses to have as much physical contact with her as possible and she didn't bother to hide the fact that she saw right through him. It was a dangerous sort of flirtation that could have led to something she might have regretted had Ray not finally called to let them know that Paige would talk to them.
The negotiation went rather smoothly –they already had pack members who were willing to turn and stay as well as members that were willing to turn and leave with Klaus. Caroline would have dearly loved to know what Ray said to convince them because he didn't strike her as a very persuasive person. Not to mention that everyone was eying Klaus, Jules, and Brady with more than a bit of wariness. Before Paige could hand off members of her pack to be turned, however, there was one more thing they needed to talk about.
"Klaus and I need to talk to you. Alone."
It was obvious by the low growls and spike in tension throughout the room that the pack did not like that one bit. Having expected that –and even talked about it beforehand with Klaus –Caroline quickly said it could just be she and Paige. While the pack members still didn't seem to like it, their alpha agreed. They made to follow, but it only took a quick word from Paige to stop them in their tracks. Caroline could see there was a reason she was the alpha.
"There's something we haven't told you about becoming a hybrid. When they're turned, there will be a sire-bond in place." Caroline could see rage quickly building in Paige's eyes –she obviously knew what a sire-bond meant – and rushed to reassure her. "We're going to help them break it before we even leave here. But no one else, including the rest of your pack, can know about them breaking it.
"There's a... cult, that's going to want to use them for a sacrifice. They're going to try and get the hybrids to turn on Klaus so that he will slaughter them all. If everyone who could know about the sire-bond believes the hybrids are still bound, then they'll use that to try and get them killed. Klaus is aware of this, and we can use it to trap the members of this cult while not actually risking the hybrids."
Apparently, whatever good will Ray had planted with his alpha was not exhausted because she looked pacified by Caroline's words. She did ask, though, "Why are you bothering to tell me this now?"
The grin Caroline sent her way was just a little bit guilty. "I'm hoping that you'll get in touch with other alphas, let them know about the deal you've made, see if they're willing to make the same one to protect their packs. Of course, I'm asking that you only tell them about breaking the bond if you trust them to tell no one else. We're not even planning on telling the chosen werewolves until after they've turned."
Paige was silent for a moment, but agreed to see what she could do. She also promised to tell no one about what had been said. They joined the others as plans were made for both turning the chosen werewolves into hybrids – it seemed the pack had decided it deserved a bit of pomp and circumstance – as well as for the 'training' Klaus had said they'd all need to undergo in order to fully control their transformations. Of course, Paige was now aware this would, in reality, be them breaking their bonds and would be done away from the rest of the pack.
That night, back at the surprisingly upscale hotel Klaus had found for them, she told him and Maddox that she wouldn't be sticking around while they unbound the hybrids. Klaus, who still looked less than pleased about helping his hybrids break the sire-bond, argued heatedly against it. She held firm.
"I have a life that I plan on living as much as possible. I'm not going to be like Stefan and repeat high school again and again for all eternity. It's a onetime thing for me, and I want to milk it for all it's worth. That includes summer cheer practice. I will be back by mid-month and you're going to be so busy that you won't even notice I've been gone. Besides, hanging around here probably won't be all that safe for me."
Klaus was quickly in front of her, his hand a barely-there caress against her hair.
"I would protect you from any danger the hybrids could pose to you, Caroline." He seemed reassured by her small smile and murmured acknowledgement.
As she packed the next morning, Klaus teasingly pouted at her as he threw out wilder and wilder arguments for her to stay. He appeared to be resigned to her leaving and seemed to trust that she would return. After all, they did have more packs to find once they were done here.
She zipped the last suitcase and repeated that, they were ready to leave before she got back, they were under no circumstances allowed to leave her stuff behind. His response was to sigh dramatically and huff, "Fine, go off and play human during this monumental step. We will endure without you."
While Caroline was returning to Virginia for her practice, she didn't have enough time to return to Mystic Falls itself. Had she made it home for the July Fourth celebration like she'd wanted to, she would have been dismayed to see that her mother was accompanied by Elijah.
For about three weeks Liz had been juggling time between both Finn and Elijah. Neither one came out and said they had no wish to encounter each other; still, they both had settled into a schedule that ensured just that. As much as part of her wanted to get the two of them talking about their issues, she forcefully reminded herself that she was not getting involved in Mikaelson family dynamics. Her visits from Finn were spent mostly in silence with occasional conversations about modern technology and culture. Mostly so that he could try and get by in this day and age.
A simple business arrangement – that's how those visits from Elijah had started out – and, at first, they were almost boring. Time spent talking about what his brother was currently up to and where he was. Towards the end of that first week, however, they had quickly evolved into what Liz would almost call a friendship. If your definition of friendship came with a healthy dose of flirting. Liz tried to remind herself not to make too much of it; he was probably just a natural flirt. Unfortunately, that reminder didn't stop the flutter in her stomach or the flush in her face that would occasionally occur with his more suggestive remarks.
As his flirting increased, his questions about what his brother was up to and where he might be decreased. As it was, by the time he escorted her – his words, not hers, and she really tried not to read into it – to the town's Fourth of July celebration, it had been nearly a week since he'd even mentioned Klaus. As they walked by various food stands set up for the occasion, the wind gently blowing the skirt of a rarely-worn dress she'd pulled from the back of her closet, she let herself forget that her vampire daughter was on a summer road trip with his hybrid brother and just enjoy the early evening breeze.
She had just managed to focus on the here and now when she and Elijah were approached by one of her deputies. Given that he was in uniform, it was obvious that it was about work and Liz could feel disappointment settle low in her stomach.
"Sheriff Forbes, I didn't realize you had today off."
The combination of his stutter and the blush he was sporting let Liz know that this had nothing to do with police business. Remembering that he had specifically requested to work the celebration, an awkward and uncomfortable feeling took the place of her previous disappointment. She had been trying to encourage his work ambitions while subtly trying to discourage his obvious blossoming crush on her. It didn't appear to be working.
"Well, Adams, once you get to a certain age, you need a break every now and again." She took pity on him when he started to splutter, obviously looking for an appropriate way to deny she was that much older than him. "I'm pretty sure the pyrotechnics could use another once over. I'll see you Tuesday morning, Adams."
The last was said in a kind but firm tone. With any luck, he would be reminded that she was his boss, not a potential bed partner, and in no way interested in making small talk with him. Adams walked off with a slightly disappointed expression and as he did, she caught a smirk on Elijah's face from the corner of her eye.
Turning to him with a challenging brow raised, she asked, "What?"
He didn't reply immediately, instead tucking her hand into his elbow as he led them once again forward through the cheery crowds before answering.
"You always seem to deflect by referencing your age as if you were far older than you actually are. One begins to question why," he finally said.
Ignoring the knowing gleam in his eye, she answered frankly.
"I'm trying to remind him that there is no romance in the cards for us. When bringing up the fact that I'm the boss doesn't deter them, I find reminding them that I'm near old enough to be their mother dampens small flares of infatuation in the more persistent young bucks."
While he looked as if she confirmed something important for him, he didn't comment any further. Watching the fireworks later, though, she couldn't help but get the feeling that they weren't finished with that particular conversation. Perhaps he had figured out the part of her reasoning she hadn't voiced that only applied to him; that she was trying to remind herself that when dealing with someone who was eternally young and beautiful, she really shouldn't set herself up for rejection.
Elijah made pleasant conversation as he drove her home, managing to put her at ease even as he continued with his habit of flirting semi-outrageously. When he turned off the ignition and asked if he could come in for a drink, even though she knew it was dangerously close to giving her libido the wrong idea, she couldn't resist saying yes.
They had just their beers --she got a bit of a kick essentially forcing Elijah to drink something so common-- when she heard a knock at the door. Knowing no one was likely to visit her this late at night and worried it could be Finn with a problem, Liz stood up, setting her empty bottle on the coffee table and went to answer the door.
As she turned into the hallway, she felt a frisson of annoyance when she saw Deputy Adams through the window of her front door. Seeing him now dressed in civvies, she quickly realized that she was going to have to stop playing nice and just shoot him down quickly and cleanly. Still, as she opened the door expecting things to get awkward, a part of her did hope he wasn't here hoping she would suddenly fall into his waiting arms.
"What can I do for you, Adams?"
Honestly, considering how often she has had to walk the line between nice and hostile with him, she should take up diplomacy.
"Hey, Liz, I thought I'd stop by and see how your night went."
It wasn't the piss poor excuse that let her know she'd be playing hard-ass tonight, it was the fact that he'd used her first name. This was the first time she'd ever even gotten a hint he knew her first name wasn't Sheriff. Just as she took a breath to let him down none too gently she saw his posture straighten and his jaw tighten. Stiffly, he said, "I can see you have company, though. I'll see you Tuesday, Sheriff."
Liz watched him stride away down her porch steps and back to his car parked along the curb, preparing herself for whatever she would see when she turned around. Nothing, however, could have prepared her. Leaning against the doorjamb of the open French doors in her hallway, his feet bare, shirt untucked and halfway unbuttoned, and his hair noticeably disheveled for lack of a better word, Elijah presented the very image of someone interrupted mid-make-out.
Liz almost didn't recognize the full-on belly laugh that came out of her. Still amused, she couldn't help but channel her daughter more than a bit when she asked "Seriously?"
Eyes opened wide in comical faux innocence, Elijah spread his arms out slightly, palms up, as if to ask what she could possibly be referring to.
"I don't know why Deputy Adams didn't stay. He looked like he spent a good amount of time getting his hair to flop just so in his face. It really gave him an air of boyish charm."
Liz was chuckling as she walked past Elijah to collect their bottles. She was halfway to the kitchen before it dawned on her what he had said. Turning around she nearly jumped when she found he had followed her and closely at that. Deciding to ignore his closeness, she grinned up at him.
"Elijah, is that why you cut your hair?" She turned back toward the kitchen and began walking again and continued the conversation.
"You really didn't need to be insulted when I told you that your haircut made you look twelve." Liz quickly rinsed out the bottles and threw them in the recycle bin before turning to deliver the final, and in her mind witty, blow. "It was really... cute."
She wouldn't describe the look he leveled at her then as cute. It made her breath shudder and something deep inside her clench as he began closing in on her.
"I was not insulted, dear Lizbet, nor was it vanity that led me to cut my hair. I simply sought to ensure you had one less excuse to use and remind you that, while I may look... marginally younger than you, I have been alive a millennium longer. So, unlike the way things went with your young deputy tonight, I would like you to be completely upfront and honest with me."
Elijah was well within her personal space at this point, his closeness leaving her unable to even point out that her name wasn't Lizbet. He ran the fingertips of his left hand up along her right arm and across her shoulder until his wrist rested against her neck and he could lightly tug at the hair at her nape. Leaning forward, he continued to speak, his breath ghosting across her temple.
"If I let us continue along the path you have set for us, we will be left with nothing save frustrated flirting. However, I believe we can have something so much more pleasurable."
Another tug to her hair sent her head back slightly and Liz was left trying to hold back a moan as he pulled her against his body with his other hand and placed an open-mouthed kiss just under her ear. A small, sharp nip at that very ear and then he was talking again.
"Tell me to stop, and we will return to the way things were, as if this never happened. But what I really want to do, my Lizbet, is kneel down in front of you in this kitchen, reach up under your dress to pull down your underwear. I want to bury my head between your pretty thighs as you ride my tongue. Then I want to take you to your bedroom and see how many ways I can bring you to orgasm in one night before you pass out."
Pulling back he looked in her eyes and Liz felt like he was trying to devour her with just that look.
"In order to do that, in order to do all that I want to, I need you to say 'yes, Elijah' and mean it. Please, Lizbet, let me have what I want."
Though his words could have sounded as if he were begging, his tone was all demand. Part of her felt she should say no on principle given that tone, but why should she deny herself something she wanted? Reaching up, she buried her left hand in his hair and pulled his mouth toward her. He came easily enough, but quickly took the lead in their kiss. It was wide open and dominating, leaving her feeling as though he had claimed part of her. That feeling only left her eager to see what else she could feel with him.
When he pulled away from her mouth, it was only to drag his lips and tongue down her throat and growl against her pulse, "Say it, Lizbet."
Taking a shuddering breath, Liz let go of her doubts and insecurities.
"Yes, Elijah."
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picficskpopstyle · 8 years
The Truth pt.1 (Male version)
Request for this scenario:
there is this song called “the truth” by bei maejor and I was wondering if you could write a smut scenerio using that song where Jungkook steals you frm rapmon?
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Group: BTS
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (Male)
Genre: Smut
“Please understand” Namjoon begged. His fingers wrapped around your wrist as his eyes melted, pleading with you.
“Understand what? That you’re putting your ex-girlfriend above me?” you asked. Namjoon sighed and the thought of slapping him crossed your mind.
“Your current boyfriend? You’re ditching your future for your past?” you said, talking over him. He just stared at you, his eyes still attempting to beg you. Why had he been so stupid lately? Were you speaking a language that he couldn’t understand?
“I’m not ditching you, okay? I can’t stand the idea of having her hate me. We used to be best friends, ___. I love you and you know that” he replied, sliding his grip down to hold your hand. Your eyes looked down at his hand and you raised an eyebrow.
“If you loved me as much as you say you do, you wouldn’t be acting like such a dick to me. I don’t care if you work on your relationship with her but it’s not okay that I have to watch your foreplay-”
“Foreplay? What are you talking about?” Namjoon questioned, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“What am I talking about? You haven’t noticed the way she touches you? I’m surprised she hasn’t dropped to her knees yet-”
“Okay, ___. That’s enough” he cut in, voice a bit escalated. He was yelling at you now? You gave him a look and he groaned before starting up his usual apology. You snatched away from him and he stood up, trying to get you to come back to him.
The door opened and she emerged from the darkest pit in hell. “Namjoon are you really going to miss your own birthday party?” she asked, eyes slowly moving from your face to his.
“-are you really going to miss your birthday party” you mumbled, mocking her little voice as you walked out of the room. You heard Namjoon calling your name but you just kept walking. You needed a drink. You needed a walk. You needed your boyfriend to quit acting like a clueless dumbass.
You turned around and watched as Yoongi walked to meet you.
“You know, usually, when you scream someone’s name you’re jogging to catch up with them” you criticized.
“Yeah, yeah, sure. You and I both know that I am not going to run just to get you” he responded.
“Truly the greatest best friend in the world” you said sarcastically. Yoongi smiled in his drunken state and smacked your shoulder. His arm draped over your shoulder as he walked with you to the open bar. He sat with you before frowning, using his Jedi-Yoongi tricks to read your mind. He ordered a few drinks and passed them all to you.
“What did he do now?”
Before you could answer, a loud roar of applause started up and you both turned your heads toward the door. Namjoon walked into the room with his dimples flashing and the she-witch glued to his arm.
“Ahhh, Medusa again?” he asked, stealing one of your drinks.
“Cruella” you responded.
“…Jafar?” he struggled. You laughed and he smiled.
“I couldn’t think of anymore evil chicks” he explained. You just shook your head and downed a couple of the drinks. Your eyes cut back to the two of them and you felt your jaw flex, your teeth pressing together. You turned back to your drinks and quickly drunk the rest before taking Yoongi’s.
“Maybe you should try not being an alcoholic..?” Yoongi said, watching you.
You ignored him, asking for another drink. Who was he to judge? He’d been drinking too.
“I think it hurts more that it’s a girl because I literally can’t do the things that she can do for him” you vented. Yoongi frowned in confusion and you sighed.
“We don’t have the same parts?” you tried again. You could see that he still wasn’t getting it.
“A vagina. I do not have a vagina. I am vagina-less” you said, spelling it out for him.
“Well, she can’t give him what you can. SHE DOESN’T HAVE A PENIS. SHE IS PENIS-LESS” he shouted. You clapped your hand over his mouth and smiled to the people who’d began to stare. He mumbled something against your hand before licking your palm, forcing you to snatch your hand away.
“Seriously?” you asked, wiping your hand on him.
His glazed eyes were a sign that you’d clearly underestimated how much alcohol he’d had. He was officially beyond his limit and you needed to get him home.
“Let’s go” you sighed, standing to help him up. Yoongi allowed you to help him through the crowd, his smile thoroughly worked into his face. Namjoon saw the two of you leaving and he hurried toward the door.
“Is he okay?” he asked.
“He’s fine. Carry on with your party” you replied, not even glancing at him.
Ursula, being Namjoon’s shadow, moved to his side and asked the same question.
“He said that I’m fine, you dick-less homewrecker” Yoongi said. You held in your laugh as you continued out of the room.
Yoongi shuffled his feet along, making it a little easier to help him out of the building.
“You’re an idol. Why don’t you guys have your driver with you at all times?” you complained. Yoongi slapped his hand to your face and you slapped him back. He laughed and put his finger to your lip, telling you to ‘shhh’.
Yoongi tripped and you were barely able to catch him in time. He laughed as he went down and laughed even harder as soon as you caught him.
“You need to get me home before I die out here” he smiled. You just shook your head and continued down the street with your arm around him. As you approached the building, Yoongi had gone from laughing uncontrollably to singing at the top of his lungs. You tried to quiet him down but he was just too far gone to listen.
Eventually, despite his disruptive behavior, you were able to get him into the elevator and up to their floor. You posted him up by the door and knocked, praying that one of the boys were home.
“I’m going on the floor, ___” Yoongi said.
“Floor time” he answered, letting his body slide down to the floor. You narrowed your eyes and groaned. This was the worst version of Drunk Yoongi. He was quickly slipping into the ‘too drunk to stay awake’ version of himself.
“Yoongi, please don’t get on the floor-”
“I’m on the floor. I’m going to sleep on the floor” he said, curling up on the floor. You knocked again and thanked the heavens when Jungkook opened the door.
“Yoongi, let’s go. Get up” you said after shooting Jungkook a look. He just groaned and you rolled your eyes before grabbing him by the arms. You started dragging him in while Jungkook held the door open for you. After you’d cleared the door, Jungkook grabbed Yoongi’s legs and helped you carry him to his bed.
“He really went hard tonight, huh?” Jungkook asked as soon as you put Yoongi down.
“I was a bit distracted all night. I couldn’t really monitor his alcohol intake” you said, stretching your arms. Jungkook followed you out of the bedroom, closing Yoongi’s door on the way out. He walked with you to the living room and sat on the couch. He flipped through a few channels and you absentmindedly stared at the screen.
“Decided to ditch the party?” you asked after a while.
“I had a headache and my throat is killing me” he explained without much emotion.
“So… you didn’t really want to go” you smiled, looking over at him.
“Basically” he grinned, landing on a channel.
Your mind began travelling, wondering what everyone else was doing at the party. Honestly, you were only wondering what Namjoon was doing at the party. Was he still letting that parasite touch him? For a second, your mind was blank and you just stared straight ahead.
“Can I ask you a question, Jungkook?” you asked, eyes glued to the TV. He turned his head to look at you and you swallowed hard.
“Would you ditch your partner to be friends with your ex?” you asked.
“Namjoon is doing that to you?” he asked, his eyebrows rising in disbelief. You just stared at him, this obviously being hard to talk about.  With you staying quiet, Jungkook took it upon himself to continue the conversation.
“Does it hurt more because she’s a gir- ” Jungkook asked after a while. You looked down at your fingers before clearing your throat.
“I really don’t want-”
“-to talk about it? Yeah, sorry” Jungkook said, ending the conversation. You sat in a few more minutes of silence, feeling Jungkook’s eyes on you every couple of seconds. You could tell that he wanted to say something but he was very hesitant.
“Hyung, really cares for you. I know that you probably don’t want to hear that but it’s true” he offered. Jungkook scratched his head, unsure of what to say. This comforting thing was getting weirder by the minute. What was he supposed to say? Was he supposed to compliment you or something?
“I mean, it’s not like he would actually ditch you… he isn’t completely crazy. You know? You’re attractive and everyone seems to like you so…” Jungkook said. You smiled at how awkward he was and just said ‘thank you’.
“It’s true. You’ve got…it” he said.
Jungkook nodded and you’d never felt more confused. What did that mean? What is ‘it’?
“What does that mean exactly?” you asked with a laugh. Jungkook laughed with you and turned the volume on the TV down. He turned his body toward you and tilted his head to the side.
“Are you really going to laugh at me? I’m trying to make you feel better!” he complained.
“Ah, right. Sorry, continue” you said, trying to control your laughter.
“Thank you. You have, I don’t know. You’re very smart and you don’t let people walk all over you. You’re actually kind of hot when you think about it” he rambled, his hand movements just as confusing as his words. Your smile grew and you just couldn’t hold in the second batch of laughter. To make matters worse, your head felt like it was swimming. More likely than not, it was thanks to those shots you were pounding down earlier.  
“I’m never going to compliment you again” he smiled.
“I’m trying but these are some of the strangest compliments I’ve ever gotten. I’m only hot when you think about it?” you asked. Jungkook shrugged.
“I don’t know what you want from me. You have a nice…shape to you? Your lips are…your lips are pretty sexy actually” he said, looking down at your lips and then jumping back to your eyes.
“Thanks” you said, shaking your head.
“Would you? Treat your boyfriend like that?” you asked again. Jungkook shook his head almost instantly.
“I’m a bit territorial so, the way I see it, when I commit to someone and they commit to me: that’s it. No one else matters but me and that person” he spoke honestly.
“Territorial, huh?” you asked. He nodded and you thought over the word, flipping it around in your mind.
“For example, if it were me instead of Namjoon, Jess wouldn’t be here. Especially if you didn’t like her. You’re most important as I should be to you” he said, eyes peering into yours. For a few seconds, you couldn’t look away, being drawn into his stare.  
It suddenly became quiet and Jungkook mentally screamed at himself, breaking the eye contact. Sensing the tension in the room, you decided to change the subject.
“It does” you said out of nowhere. Jungkook looked at you expectantly, scratching the back of his hand.
“Hurt because she’s a girl, I mean. I am his first relationship with a guy so it’s always been a worry of mine” you opened up. Jungkook mistook your glazing, reddening eyes as a sign of you crying and slid closer to you. He hugged his arms around you and you welcomed it. You’re ears felt as if they were on fire and suddenly the only thing you were registering was the warmth of his body and his scent. The longer the hug went on, the warmer you felt. Jungkook began to wonder if he’d been hugging you for too long. He began to pull away, hoping that you weren’t thinking that he was a complete weirdo.
He had to be careful with you. He was slowly reaching that line between right and wrong. Comforting you was perfectly fine. Hugging you was perfectly fine. That long, extended hug that gave him enough time to inhale your scent…that was a little too much. Jungkook had always found you attractive but you were his friend’s boyfriend. He’d always made it a point to keep his distance.
Noticing his own silence, Jungkook cleared his throat and looked down at his hands.
“He cares about you though; a lot” he said, not having anything appropriate to say. Somehow, even though he’d said that earlier, his words made your eyes sting. If Namjoon cared as much as everyone believed, then why was he acting like this? You’d invested a full year into this relationship and now it seemed to be crumbling before your eyes in a matter of weeks. Trying not to drag attention to your fresh tears, you slowly moved to wipe your eyes. Unfortunately, Jungkook seemed to have some sort of distress monitor and he looked at you just as you swiped away a tear.
“____, don’t- don’t cry, please?” Jungkook almost begged.
His plea only forced more tears out of you and you sighed, apologizing.
“Don’t say sorry. I just- I’m not really good at this comforting thing” he spewed out. Based on the eccentricity of his earlier compliments, you had already guessed that. You tried to pull yourself together but it was proving harder than expected.
Jungkook went back to the only thing he knew how to do and hugged his arms around you. Another apology spilled out of your mouth and you pulled away from his embrace to wipe your face.
“I shouldn’t be torturing you like this. There’s just a lot going on tonight” you said. In addition to the stress, that alcohol was slowly but surely kicking in.
“No, no, I want to help” he responded. You thanked him, your eyes strangely being attracted to his lips. They were so pink. How were they so perfectly shaped? Perfectly shaped and pink?
Jungkook noticed you looking and the alarms began going off in his head as his heart began beating faster. He could tell where this was going and he knew that he needed to back away.
‘Don’t kiss Namjoon’s boyfriend. Don’t kiss him. Don’t kiss him’ Jungkook repeated in his head.
“You’re welcome” Jungkook breathed, unable to control his head from bending down. Without much thought, you met him halfway, pressing your lips to his. After the initial connection between your lips, Jungkook sighed against you. This was wrong and he knew it. There was that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that wouldn’t stop reminding him.
You wrapped your tongue around his and he had to stop himself from moaning. You sexily sucked on his tongue and it was at that point that a silent ‘fuck it’ reigned over his thoughts. He put his hand to the side of your neck, pulling you closer against him. As it went on, the kiss became sloppy and much more urgent.
You could feel yourself hardening with every second that passed. A light moan sounded from inside of you, making his dick throb. Your hand slid over his chest and down to the waistband of his sweatpants. Little by little, all of your worries about Namjoon and his bitchy ex-girlfriend were thrown out of the window. The only thing you could focus on was Jungkook’s pants and the way his teeth nipped at your bottom lip. You rubbed his bulge over his sweatpants and he bit down on your lip harder. His teeth tugged at your lip and he moaned. As you rubbed him with a bit more force, Jungkook could feel his ears burning and his heart beating out of his chest. His lips faltered and he leaned against the arm of the couch, his mouth falling open. You leaned over and kissed the skin just below the cute mole on his neck. Your hand snaked under the waistband of his pants and you firmly gripped his dick in your hand.
With one squeeze, you were able to get a deep moan from Jungkook.
“___, we should stop” he moaned again, eyes sliding shut as you slowly pumped him. Even though you knew he was right, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. Between the look on his face and the sounds that he made, it was becoming too addicting.
Your hand pumped him faster as your teeth sunk into his neck. Any thoughts of stopping flew from his mind in that instant. He humped along with your hand, his teeth clenching as he grew closer to his release.
“I-I’m going to cum” he groaned. You moaned in his ear and kissed his neck once more.
“Do it. Cum in my hand” you said into his ear.
“Ungh, fuck-”
His chest was sinking and rising rapidly as he panted, his eyes squeezed shut. Within seconds he was exploding into your hand, a bit of his seed spilling into his sweatpants.
Jungkook sank even deeper into the couch, exhausted. You pulled your hand from his pants and ran your tongue over his juices. Jungkook’s lips parted as the image burned a hole into his memory. Looking into his eyes, you sucked your fingers into your mouth as he sat there transfixed.
“____!” Yoongi yelled from his room. His voice caused both of you to jump, reality beginning to set in. Jungkook immediately fixed his clothes and you quickly scampered to the bathroom to wash your hands off.
“____!” Yoongi called again. You went to his room next to see what was wrong with him.
“Water” he complained once you came into view.
“That’s all you wanted?” you asked, annoyed. He’d been screaming like he was dying.
“Please?” he asked, eyes begging.
Just as you walked out of the room, you ran into Jungkook. He held a bottle of water out to you and you smiled awkwardly, reminded of your stubborn erection.
“Please, just keep this between us” he asked.
“Of course, but you owe me” you smiled, taking the bottle. Jungkook smiled with you, your eyes connecting again.
“Of course” he responded. Yoongi complained about his water again and once again, snapped you back to reality. Jungkook watched as you turned around with the most conflicted feelings he’d ever experienced. There was the obvious problem that you were taken by one of his close friends. The other part of it was that he felt strangely drawn to you and that was obviously wrong.
Turning around, Jungkook could feel the guilt of what he’d done with every step that he took.
A/N: How was it? ...I feel wayyy nervous, lmao. Em, to all of you boyxboy readers/ fans, let me know if I fucked up or screwed this up royally or...idk. It’s just the first part but maybe you can sense that this is going to be good or bad? Idk, just let me know!
Part 2
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bugcadaver · 8 years
for the kinask !!! 🎮 🎩 💘 💭 for doc !!! 💍 🍔 🎮 💘 🎥 🎩 for P !!! 🍔 🎥 🎩 💘 💭 for bee !!!
doc (envy) -🎮if you could change 1 moment that happened in canon what would you change and why? most of canon kinda sucked idk abt any ONE moment. wish i’d been able to change myself i guess? CHOSEN to act for myself but that’s hard when ur a physical manifestation of some1 else’s emotions :}🎩fav outfit: i guess my usual one lmao? i changed it up a bit sometimes but tbh that’s what i was comfiest with!💘what do u like the most about your cc?does my sis count? i liked her & spending time w her like missions but also just chillin’ out and stuff :p 💭favorite memory? it was all p shit lol. again, time w/ my sis was pretty good but most of the rest i. regret a lot, yknow. idk what else to put here.
james (th puppeteer):💍your relationship with a cc in canon vs your personal memories? it’s pretty close, i wasn’t ever dating jenny we wer platonic FPs, and all th stuff i said abt loving jack was a Romantic thing not a Bros thing but that’s not EXACTLY stated in canon so it’s not rlly that different at all lol :p🍔favorite meal? there were a few, i think the first time i cooked for myself back in my home aftr breaking out of jail and getting my aunt&uncle out of the way. most of the time i ate in those months was pretty good i’d make food then sit down to plan out how to set up the mansion for the first act, I was usually full of energy and Excited plus it was actual fucking food for the first time in years so yeah. My absolute favourite was one quiet evening in the kitchen with jenny and feather, we had dinner and then just sat and talked for a while. That was nice.🎮if you could change 1 moment that happened in canon what would you change and why? i’d kill matt. i’d have never let him leave the mansion and i would never, ever let him take over or hurt my puppets. letting him live is my biggest regret. not protecting alice hurts a lot too but i had no way to know what had happened to her or how matt was manipulating her. basically i just really hate matt.💘what do u like the most about your cc? all my puppets count as comfy charas but ill go w/ my fps and jack so: they’re all amazing people and their determination, the fire in their eyes and courage always blows me away. i love them all for being Themselves and for fighting so strongly against my tests :) i’ve always loved jenny she got me through years of darkness and feather changed my perspective of the world and showed me how to be human and jack…………………………………………..sucked my dick
no ok im kidding he ws like…. the paragon of my entire Life’s Mission the perfect puppet but also a good Friend nd stuff? always pushing me to try harder and challenge him and myself and stuff (tho maybe he didn’t appreciate it :p)🎥favorite moment in canon that you can’t stop rewatching? THE S3 SCHEME QUESTLINE WHERE I DECLARE MY LOVE TO JACK OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND HE SAYS “WOW IT’S ALL RIDDLES AND MINDGAMES WITH YOU ISN’T IT?”🎩favorite outfit? ok look i know i dressed like a dork but it was nice and comfy
bee (frisk)🍔fav meal: everything toriel made for me! sometimes she tried to make things like what i used to eat with human family and that was always nice but i loved the things She liked to make more ^__^🎥favorite moment in canon that you can’t stop rewatching? having fun with sans and papyrus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎩favourite outfit? my stripy sweater and th bandanna frm snowfall ^__^💘what do u like the most about your cc? um…….i love everyone i don’t want to play favourites…… i love all my friends and i love my goatmom!!!💭favorite memory? living with toriel and visiting my friends and playing with them!!!!! ^__^ i love everyone and spending time with my friends was always lots and lots of fun :DD
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reomanet · 6 years
Comment on Hudson Mohawke and Zomby involved in altercation by Ggbhytewdgjuy
Comment on Hudson Mohawke and Zomby involved in altercation by Ggbhytewdgjuy
Reddit UK producers Hudson Mohawke and Zomby exchanged words and apparently punches during an event at London’s XOYO on Friday night. While it’s unclear exactly what happened, both musicians discussed the confrontation on Twitter, with Zomby even posting a photo of his bloody knuckle. We collated all the relevant tweets below and will update this article as more information becomes available. Update: Several of the tweets have been deleted. You can find a written transcript of both accounts below, followed by the tweets still posted. Zomby: Let him talk all the shit he wants he just caught 3 in the face LOL… Lost yourself. We are so far ahead. Now u know… Seen cut thumb from hudmo teeth. Next time xx… Ask security for footage. See me slapping shit out of u while 3 security who smoke with me after try stop me. U pussy— U pussy. Front it next time rather than hide round corners so my man can spot u And u don’t get 4 in the jaw— I know you read this you beg me up u Scottish prick u can’t front me u just found out— Think I’m lying. Ask anyone who was say deviation what happened— That pussy. Don’t try it with me I’ll come directly to your jawline— My sweater worth more than your life but let’s not go into that u don’t know givenchy unless i wore it first @HudMo— He keep tweeting. But the truth is he just got the shit slapped out of him and security took him away for his own good. Then smoked with me— My man did a beat for some famous rapper and no one have a fuck so wants to try fuck with me and the cult. U just got warning punches— Next I’ll get real time xx— Gimme that free promotion bitch..while u wipe your blooded lip… That boy he’s a snake wants to come sabotage my shit lol. U got a first taste. Keep tweeting cuz I’ll see u again Hudson u little fassy— Anytime again is fine I’ll see u— That’s 1. Watch me catch em in real time— You’re the only person on planet earth who makes givenchy look cheap u sweaty unwashed tramp @HudMo… He a fan. He come to our show. He hate he get slapped. He cry on twitter cuz he a hoe. All these guys like hudmo and whoever come to my shows they have too I never been to any of theirs tho I’m fine.. Hudson Mohawke so ugly the motherfucker looks like he smells of shit- Not all the givenchy in the world can save u fam you look like a retarded blind alcoholic @HudMo- I mean I had the flu all week I still rock up kill a club and slap up a pussyhole- For that guy it was a big night lol. Come to my show tweeting shit about me and my people and expect to walk off. Good luck. Hudson Mohawke: Poor @ZombyMusic thought i should apologise in his face after wearing socks worth more than his entire outfit. but apparently non Poor fellow. On the edge @zomby music w 20 dudes on stage n no gals but to each his own I guess… Shit is embarrassing for the poor boy. Wish him the best tho as I always do to all the pussyme heh. Let’s make music no?!— sorry 4 the poor boy that gets his mans 2 take it to actual violence tho. genuine szchizophrenia, boy belongs in hospital as we all know :/— crying out loud, poor lad. genuinely hope the boy gets some mental health care, as amusing as it is for us, its no joke, boy needs treatment— throught we left primary school like 15 years ago but some ppl still in that zone heh. night everyone. love.— reallyy realllly feel sorry for this guy its a terrible shame cos i think he’s capable of making good shit but fucking it up 4 himself :/— 1st time in very very long time i felt genuine pity for a fellow human, sposed to be an adult come on @ZombyMusic embarrassing urself. AGAIN— Actually cant believe im giving the lil man shine heh. Final gd evening frm team @Hudmo . Nothing but music. Fuck the bullshit (busta voice). Zomby:
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bankofamericavevo · 7 years
a single text frm my ex
”dude im so confused like wtf is going on???”
i’ve been polite and apologetic, so why are you like “hey so what’s up talk to me” and then like *radio silence* every week??? is this middle school? is this degrassi? anyways im sick of being terrified to text you because of how you responded with the intense blocking (???) and what alexander has said. im glad you finally acknowledged my apology, though it’s clear that apologies apparently mean shit all to you, bc i literally apologized to you multiple times profusely and honestly but you weren’t ready to talk about anything. the first time i tried to apologize you literally said “youre only apologizing out of peer pressure.” like what the heck??? do you realize how messed up that is to say to someone who cares about you and who you care about? if you really thought that, that i was capable of that, then why are you even friends with me? why do you even care enough to be mad, if you think i was the kind of person who wouldn’t actually feel bad if i hurt you? and when the hell have i EVER apologized out of peer pressure??? if im pissed, im pissed, and you know it. i lowkey ignored alexander for months when i didn’t think he acted fairly towards me when i’ve always had his back - i think i make it plenty clear. conversely, if i feel bad, i apologize and do some corresponding action(s) to show that i really feel bad, which i did. i deleted my instagram account and told you that i felt bad for what i said and that’s why i deleted it, and said i was sorry. nobody fucking MADE me do that, or even suggested for me to. just because someone might make a mistake and hurt you doesn’t mean you get free reign to treat them however the fuck you want. you didn’t even talk to me after that week and then blocked me on literally everything ??? as if i even show up that much on anything but tumblr and/or snap?? and i know what i did and what i posted was wrong, and i am sorry for it, but it was also incredibly immature and out of character for me!! and you didn’t even think to ask if i meant that, or call me out yourself like “dude wtf is that insta post about me for?” or talk to me about why i said it or how you felt about it or facilitate any sort of conversation about it. but anyways after that i apologized again multiple times to make sure you really saw that i was indeed sorry, once even in person, and at that time my whole attitude and body language was literally filled with shame and relief and joy to see you and talk to you and apologize to you. i was and always am ready to know how to improve things, in spite of all the various mental and physical problems that i have. hey, you know something? it’s almost like we’re friends and i care about you!!! and even when i fuck up and hurt you, i care about you and what you think and feel and how you’re doing!!! and what i can do to help!!!! anyways, on top of this i apologized profusely about you/to you via alexander and sabrina as well, when they literally sought me out for the sole purpose of like? reprimanding me or some shit? on your behalf and putting words in your mouth, even though they are NOT involved in our relationship, don’t know everything about me or even about you, honestly, and have no right to pass judgment and verbalize their hurtful thoughts to me, especially fucking sabrina. she NEVER texts me back or even tries to maintain a friendship relationship with me, who the hell is she to suddenly appear out of the blue to tell me she “was so happy i was growing but now i’ve disappointed her” and make me feel like some schoolchild who needs to stand on the wall during recess ????? as if she even knew any of the growth i’d done other than what was told to her filtered through your voice and mind. she never seems to give a fuck about me apart from when it has something to do with you, so what the hell? there was no reason for me to deserve that, especially not from her, someone who hasn’t had a heart to heart with me in like two years. and im sick of hearing 10 different stories about what MIGHT have gone on / be going on in your brain from Alexander and Sabrina and other people, who don’t even know all the facts or what happened or even exactly why you’re upset. every time i ask for clarification or to be told specifically exactly what all you’re mad about (because if i don’t know exactly for sure, my mind wanders to bad places and i start overthinking every single action, which detracts from the main point, leaving me with the complete wrong impression), everyone always keeps saying “you know what you did” all dramatically like this is house of cards or law and order or some shit??? like calm down! i obviously am still confused and don’t know exactly, or i wouldn’t be asking, and i obviously care to fix it and make it right or, again, i wouldn’t be asking! and when sabrina was scolding me or whatever, i literally had to correct some of the information that she was incorrectly upset with me on your behalf about. and since im assuming youre the source of that information, god knows what the hell you’re thinking, or what all your assumptions and anger are based on!!! you may even be mad about shit that didn’t even happen or isn’t true and never has been or that you assumed, all because you never talked to me!!! like when you assumed i cheated on you??? what kind of person do you think i am??? you assumed that about me, and then immediately accused me of it like im even capable of that???? like i even have enough game?? for god’s sake, you thought that when i said you were my best pal that i was acquaintance-zoning you, when i literally have talked to you every day for like 3 years and love you to bits and pieces??? and i know i hurt you this night too, and i’m sorry that was completely unintentional and caught me by surprise and im sorry i said things in a way that triggered you, but do you honestly think im like a super femme pokemon like altaria, or like roserade - when im so obviously not that femme of a person???? im not NOT femme but im no altaria?? and just because i dress up when i hang out with you, doesn’t mean that there isn’t more to me apart from how i dress? and if i say i think im monferno, and relate to that and feel that, then maybe consider that you could be incorrect and that my self-assessment might be more accurate than your assessment of me? someone like sabrina could maybe be a roserade, all pretty and fierce. but not someone like me! anyways, do you still think that? that im all femme? or that i hate you, or that i’m out to get you? or that i’d cheat on you???? because all those thoughts are all evidence that just goes on to show how bad you are at perceiving and understanding me. so do you really trust everything you maybe have assumed that you think about me or my thoughts and feelings or reasoning behind my actions without confirming anything with me?? what the hell did you even tell them anyways, that made them vilify me to that degree and treat me as though im incorrigibly horrid? i didn’t murder anyone, i didn’t cheat on you, i didn’t even break any rules??? i didn’t know what was happening in my head myself and i wasn’t ready to tell you and also assumed you weren’t ready to hear any of my thoughts/perusings in that area. but what alexander and sabrina said to me? made it sound like you’re a saint and i’m uncontrollably evil and batshit crazy (and i hate using tjat word but jesus). and that literally fucked with my brain and self esteem so badly, and you already know how crap that is (it’s what caused most of this mess in the first place) and just because i made a mistake and we’re in the middle of an argument does not mean that i deserve to feel like that, or view myself like that, or to be treated like that. what did you say to make them completely ignore and forgo my own friendship with them and treat me like literal shit as they stroked their own moral egos for telling me off in your defense? and i know you let them because alexander sent me a screenshot where you literally said he could say whatever the fuck he wanted to me on your behalf. and if you have the right to literally make most everyone i know in this state hate me to the point of them seeking me out and making me feel like an irreparable disgusting monster and then actively ignoring me for a mistake that i made, accepted, and apologized for (which you don’t, by the way, but you did it anyways, so about what i said earlier, you can say whatever you want to whoever but you need to learn to fight your own fucking battles, and you need to take responsibility for the consequences of what you tell people and what they do with that information), then i at least deserve to know what the hell is happening in your brain, why you thought it was a good idea to drag this on for so long without even directly speaking to me and allow other people to speak for you, and why the hell it is that you can forgive shruti after they ignored you for literal months, or why you can hang out with amy who literally makes your stomach curdle and makes you hate yourself to the extent that you get anxious and sick, but you can’t treat me, your fucking best friend, like a FRIEND who made a MISTAKE and is OWNING UP to it and is SO OBVIOUSLY TRYING to make it right. im not forcing you to forgive me, or even asking for you to, but your policy about not talking about important stuff that you can grow from just because it’s difficult or because it hurts you is honestly? complete shit. that’s not how you talk to people or maintain relationships with them. and just as i have shit to learn from this experience and work on, that’s something that you do too.
additionally, about what i said earlier about my misplaced guilt, i’m sorry, but that’s kind of on you. i phrased it nicely earlier, but i am NOT responsible for how you feel about my feelings (that i am not in charge of/in control of) for other people. “it feels so good to see you blog about hahn and caroline in a way that you never blogged about me, it makes me SO wet!” is pretty much what you said to me on tuesday when we facetimed. i had not slept at all the night before, was cramming all night for my chem final, took my chem final, just came out of a two hour yelling session with my best friend holly (which actually allowed us to work out our issues and im grateful she spoke to me clearly and honestly like that so we could resolve the problem as effectively as possible. so. idk what i did to make you think that i was rolling my eyes or being dismissive of her and what she said to me??? but wtvr), i had a pounding migraine, and my eyes hurt like hell. but you had asked me what happened so i just called to tell you what happened, and you like ??? suddenly start with that ??? completely unrelated topic that i am not even responsible for??? you didn’t even address the actual problem, the actual reason you actually had a right to be mad at me about!!! look, i am not yours. i like you a lot and wanted to give us a shot to see if we could work out, and i cared about you enough to try before dismissing the possibility. maybe that was wrong but i was trying my best and have learned and grown from that. i was not trying to hurt you, and i learned my lesson that it can still hurt anyways, and we already talked about that stuff and resolved it as best as we could. and i know you’re not mad about that, you get it. it might hurt, but we talked about it so you’re not mad. but what you said to me on facetime on may 9th? is NOT my responsibility. i can’t MAKE myself be obsessed with you, not that i’m even sure why you’d want me to be in the first place. i have told you repeatedly that being like that makes me feel disgusting, and is terrible for my mental health, and regardless of whether who the object of that angst is, it feels fucking terrible for me to experience and i hate it and i hate thinking like that and being like that. and you know that. and the reason i blog about it at all is because i want to flush it down the toilet, get it out of my head and out of my life, so i can breathe again before i get consumed by some trash useless feelings, but i want to be able to see what i said and thought later when i’m better, to remember that it did in fact happen because of my memory issues. and yet you were upset about me not angst blogging about you??? because you never treated me like the people i DID angst about did??? are you seriously upset that you’re so nice to me that i unconditionally love you??? and back when i did angst abt you and you saw my sideblog back in september or october you got pissed and rightly so, and i apologized then and i explained to you then too that those are my toilet thoughts?? and then i made my vent insta for being similarly salty and flushing away similar crapola thoughts like ??? like for example, im not still upset with autumn for protecting hahn back when i was mad at him. i was irritated then but i dont give a fuck now. same with the things i vagued about you - i was mad and pent up then but i dont think any of those things consistently and im obviously not mad at you now. that doesn’t excuse saying them, or make it okay, but it helps explain where i was coming from in my irritation. people say bad shit they don’t mean in a fight. that’s not an excuse, that’s a fact. people also apologize for saying shit they don’t mean in a fight. that’s what i’ve been trying to do for two months now. im guessing the blogging thing you said might have been something you don’t mean that you only said bc you were pissed, but i don’t know because you HAVENT SPOKEN TO ME. im currently still frustrated with this situation regardless of you saying to clear it from the top of my mind, and im upset and annoyed that what sabrina and alexander said to me made me feel like the worst person alive, which i know i am not by any means. bc i’ve deleted those things i said and also apologized to you for them. so like what else can i do? im not justifying my insta posts or defending them, i know and admit that they were unnecessarily mean, and a paragon example of the word Extra but im just asking you to be a little introspective. since we didn’t talk properly or clearly after that, and we were both highly emotional and upset, anything that we may have spoken about tuesday night (may 9th) does not count as us talking about this issue in a beneficial manner. and we haven’t spoken properly since, which i do Not Like. how do even know what you’re supposed to be mad at someone about if you haven’t even talked to them?
and speaking of angst, just so you know, you were so fucking wrong about Hahn this entire time. all your weird suspicions that you kept projecting onto me about me being angry because i still liked him were all fucking wrong. i emailed him on may 4th because i felt like complete shit, like i was powerless, and it was the only thing i felt like i had the power to change in that moment. it was me doing something to try to drag myself out of my own mental hellhole. and at that time he and i talked, but i did not forgive him. but then three weeks later, in the middle of this shitstorm between you and me going down, he called, crying, saying that he wasn’t ready to be friends again, and that he may never be, and that he’s sorry but he’s not at that stage. and i said thanks for respecting me and telling me that, i wish you the best, goodbye. and that ended that. so im not talking to him currently and im fine, because all i ever wanted was just to be treated like a human. and i haven’t thought about that boy angstily since and when he does come to mind? i feel nothing. just calm and normal and pleasant. so you were wrong to make me feel paranoid and guilty and gross in my own skin because YOU thought i still liked him, and also it wasn’t cool that you somehow conveyed to alexander that ME trying to DO SOMETHING for my crap mental health made you sad because i was “shoving it in your face” ??? that im somehow responsible for how you’d feel upset ??? about me FINALLY getting some semblance of peace and getting over a mental block i’ve been tormented by for MONTHS???? one that you knew all the gory little details of and still insisted that i reevaluate because you thought i liked him??? bc im sorry that it made you feel bad, but you insisted on me telling you everything always, so i did, honestly, but ultimately your suspicion that i still liked him hurt both yourself and hurt me. and my entire attitude when i told you and alexander about talking to hahn on the phone was empowered and salty and savage and relieved, not goo-goo-eyed in love or any crap like that. so there. that’s some shutting down of some of your unkind thoughts that i know are often intrusive or mean to you, and im willing to do it as many times as it takes for you to believe me. and i know that your insecurities and intrusive thoughts are not your fault, but you need to be aware of when those intrusive thoughts affect your relationships with other people, and so do i. i let my intrusive and frustrated thoughts hurt you because i was mad, sick, and sleep deprived, and that was fucking wrong and messed up. i should have shut up then and then asked you to explain to me what you felt when we both were calm and ready to talk about things. and im sorry for it, and have been ready and willing to make up for it for a long fucking time. but this is a rule that applies to everyone, and letting our intrusive thoughts hurt each other is something that we both do, and that we both need to work on in general for ourselves and the people we love.
so all in all, please stop holding your moral high ground over me until you’re ready to do it properly, so either disappear for a while like you did before and take your time to deal with it on your own and be mad or whatever, or speak up now. because i can’t stand another second of this stupid weird fake melodramatic dancing around, where you peek your head out the bushes for a moment before vanishing again. i thought we were good enough friends to grace each other with the honest opportunity to talk it out, including BOTH PARTIES communicating, even if you ultimately decided you needed space or didnt wanna be friends or whatever, since we’ve both done shit to each other in the past and gotten over it. but i guess i’m not a friend, anymore ??? in your eyes?? all because i made one mistake that i am apologetic and regretful towards. oh, and before you go to sabrina and alexander and shriya (who literally just dumped a boy and got with a new one within like two days??? and yet IM judged and “insensitive” for catching feelings after a month since we broke up?? ok 😒) and the rest, if you’re offended, maybe try considering that if someone you supposedly care about makes you upset, the normal thing to do is to talk to them rationally about it and explain to them clearly why what they did made you upset, and what you expect from them moving forwards. when you’re mad at people you love, and you’re fighting with them, most people like to try to resolve it as soon as theyre ready and as soon as possible, not drag it out for months, include everyone they know, and allow their friends to say whatever they want to them. not ignore them for months, let other people say random shit to them to stroke their own egos, and assume that everyone can read your brain and knows exactly how you feel. to axie at one point you said “they know what they done” but obviously i am still unclear about it if you don’t tell me with your own words why exactly you’re pissed??? so do with that what you will, because if you think that this mistake defines our 6 year long friendship where we’ve frankly overcome much worse shit than this, if you’re really that shortsighted and salty and naive (which I like to think you’re not) and if you think that i don’t have other shit going on in my life apart from you to deal with and spend my time on, and that i’m not strong enough to move on, then that’s your problem. talk to me when you’re ready to be real about things. it won’t kill you to be emotionally vulnerable with your supposed best friend for 10 seconds. im sorry about creating this mess. let’s try to work on fixing it. and if you’re not ready to talk about this? then let’s continue this radio silence thing. and let’s talk only when you’re ready to address this and move forward from it.
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