#haunted ri
ree-duh · 24 hours
Nobody who follows me cares about overwatch and this is why I feel like I can say this without being hunted for sport… I love tragic exes symmweaver but also…. Tragic exes cashe…..
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lrdvyke · 3 months
just thinking of the bad when it comes to vyke dedicating himself to the hands that feed kinda deal: but he leaves some behind more than others in the process. sure he loves them, but he also wants to love them all in equal measure, but the question is: can he in the way that he thinks is right? where he moves from one dedication to the next, from golden order to dragon cult to the frenzied flame ( and everything in between ) all because he desires to be closer and give all to the one he loves ( at that moment ). maybe it's unfair to him to describe it as such, but when he is constantly moving from one to the next, there's surely going to be some misgivings from those he's leaving even when he, himself, does not see it as leaving. to him, he still loves them, he would still do anything for them, but that doesn't really translate when he's disappearing because one of those people claims to need him more than the other. kinda in the way of trying to give himself to everyone, he has nothing left to spare, but he keeps trying anyway because he needs that bit of validation, the assurance that he's not alone, that he is of use to those he cares about—which, in turn, leaves him to become the most useless and most alone he has ever been.
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yetdevout · 2 years
why is the needle just floating there im cryinf
- ris uwAAAAAAAH
why is he alone. in the black void. there's not even Text to accompany him. where is the red thread. what do u mean restart imsmso
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quindriepress · 2 months
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🔺 THE SECOND SAFEST MOUNTAIN by Otava Heikkilä is now live on Kickstarter!
THE SECOND SAFEST MOUNTAIN is mature, hardback graphic novella about leaving the mountain dedicated to sacred women, and the repercussions of entering the world below. When Aru ventures into the land beneath the mountain, they are soon confronted with what it means to leave the safety of being holy and beloved. A queer, surrealist horror from the creator of Letters for Lucardo.
"Haunting, allegorical horror at its finest. Heikkilä's comics are a masterclass in pacing and suspense." - Mel Gillman, As the Crow Flies
"Through its powerfully unsettling atmosphere and deeply human characters, The Second Safest Mountain illuminates why Heikkilä is one of the most exciting working cartoonists of the moment." - Ariel Slamet Ries, Witchy
"The Second Safest Mountain is visceral, stunning and dreamlike. It grips me by the heart. Otava can say so much with one look, one glance, one cast shadow." - Jess Fink, Chester 5000
🔺 Preorder here 🔺
Find Otava Heikkilä on Twitter, Bluesky, or itch.io.
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ridragon · 1 year
Lovely. The fire alarm has randomly gone off, and my coworker said it already did once while he was here. I have to deal with all these cranky old people who were just woken up and know this is probably another false fire alarm but who need to go outside and wait anyway. Yay. Joy. kill me
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What Kind Of Ghost Are You? - Ris
What Kind Of Ghost Are You?
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It wasn't fair, how you died. Everyone knows it wasn't fair. Maybe it was abrupt, or unjust, or just some freak occurrence with one-in-a-million odds. Either way, you weren't ready to go, and you're understandably hurt. So now you linger in a place of comfort. Your childhood home, your bedroom, the park you walked your dog in, the church you went to; somewhere of personal importance to you. The problem is, you lash out at anyone who invades your comfort area. You chase away people who encroach on your territory before you even know why they're there, and you get angry if they come back. What happened to you was terrible, but not everyone wants to hurt you. Remember that people who come into your comfort area may be trying to help you, and try not to immediately respond by isolating yourself.
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stayinlimbo · 3 months
she kissed me and i tasted you again
summary: the second worst thing to happen in minho’s life was losing you. he’s still living with the first.
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pairing: lee minho x f!reader genre: angst (and i mean it) WARNINGS: implied character death, a non-consensual kiss, grief, drinking, swearing, slightly unedited, intended lowercase please do not read if any of these themes are triggering. word count: 1.91k note: please read the warnings! i had "leave me alone" by daniel seavey on repeat while writing this. i hope you enjoy ♡ please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are always appreciated
minho shouldn’t have listened to chan. 
the blend of colorful strobe lights, though vibrant, does little to illuminate the dark room he finds himself in. the smell of alcohol and smoke permeates the air, stinging his eyes and nose as he blindly pushes through the numerous people blocking his way. an involuntary gag almost escapes him at the overwhelming body odor of the man he just brushed past.
at first, a “boys’ night out” to end a stressful work week didn’t sound like the worst idea minho had heard come from his friend’s mouth. now, though, the combination of being pressed between sweaty bodies and the mediocre club music pulsating in the background was reason enough for him to want to end the night prematurely and return to the familiarity of his home.
but he can’t. not if he wants chan’s disappointed face to haunt him for the rest of the weekend.
because chan is just trying to help. or at least that’s what minho tells himself every time he is dragged out of his small one-bedroom apartment to entertain his friend’s version of fun. last week was camping, which minho would normally enjoy if chan had bothered to check the weather forecast’s warnings of heavy rain and strong winds (he only lasted twenty minutes before sprinting back into the car, forcing a reluctant chan to take him home drenched and in a darkened mood).  
the thinning crowd reveals minho’s destination; the bar is too small for the number of people surrounding the countertop but chan’s broad stature is identifiable enough in the poor lighting for minho to walk over and squeeze himself beside him. on the other side of his friend, a woman holds chan’s attention as the two talk animatedly about somethi- 
minho’s eyes widen, sparing his friend’s back an incredulous glance. his pulse quickens, a rapid rhythm pounding in his chest, as snippets of their conversation reach his ears; the phrases knows how to cook, really good dancer, three cats, single, spew haphazardly out of chan’s mouth and echo in minho’s mind. the woman’s cheerful laughter resonates against the music's throbbing bass and the blood rushing in his ears. 
oh. oh. they’re talking about him. 
“chan,” minho’s voice is a low murmur, barely audible enough for the older man to hear, “what’re you doing?” 
minho’s question hangs in the air as chan’s rambling suddenly stops, carefully turning his body to face minho’s intense stare. 
the discomfort radiating off the younger is obvious. shifting in his stance, minho can’t help the slight furrow of his brows; the hardness of his eyes wanes as they flicker between chan and the woman before finally resting on his friend’s face.
softly exhaling, chan gives him a knowing look. 
minho remains silent as his grip on the bar’s edge tightens, avoiding chan’s sympathetic gaze. he knows what’s coming—the well-intentioned yet painful words that carve a hole in his heart every time they are uttered:
“its been over a year, minho. she’d want you to be happy… i want you to be happy”
minho’s eyes screw shut at his friend’s words.
perhaps it’s the pitiful expression etched on chan’s face, mirroring the ache minho feels within his own chest, or the alcohol flowing through his system that makes him truly consider the weight of the elder’s words. or maybe he’s seen enough of chan’s desperate attempts to mend the fragments of minho’s shattered heart, only to reveal more irreparable damage. 
he’s right…
“just try, okay?” chan quietly pleads.  
regardless, a small nod is all he manages to give in response. minho opens his eyes, tracking his friend’s movement as chan gives his shoulder two reassuring pats before walking away from the bar and disappearing into the sea of bodies. 
…you’d want him to be happy. 
flinching, minho snaps his head in the direction of the feminine voice. his posture straightens, a tight lipped grimace threatening to reveal itself.   
oh, right, she’s still here.
a hesitant smile graces the woman’s expression. the gentle glow of the pulsing lights caress her face with various colorful hues, the radiant shadows enhancing her black-dressed figure as she grabs her half-full drink from the countertop. taking a small sip, her eyes glaze over his tense form. a soft chuckle escapes her glossed lips as she locks her eyes with his. 
minho won’t deny it; she is beautiful. and he must’ve been staring too much because her name falls on deaf ears when she attempts to introduce herself.
“...hello? you are minho, right?” the woman questions, eyebrows furrowing with slight doubt. 
“uh, yeah i am, sorry,” minho answers, his sweaty hands fumbling to grab chan’s left-behind soju, ultimately choosing to shove them into his pockets instead. he can feel the awkwardness emanating off of him, filling the room with a lingering tension he doesn’t know how to escape.
the woman’s smile widens, eyes crinkling with pleasure at his reply. 
well, she doesn’t seem to notice at least.
“ah, great! chan, i think that was his name, was telling me all about you. you have a really dedicated wingman.” 
“yeah, he’s a good friend. i’m lucky to have him,” minho sighs, turning his body to fully face her. 
“you’re a dancer, right?”
the rigidness of his stance loosens slightly at the comfortable subject. talking about himself isn’t hard; it never has been.
“mhm, i’m a dance teacher for a studio nearby,” minho replies, a faint smile playing on his lips. the flow of conversation remained focused on him: he’s been a dance teacher for three years but has danced since he was in middle school. yes, maybe he’ll audition for a company one day. yes, he has three cats named soongie, doongie, and dori. 
the passage of time blends together with their laughter. the nameless woman’s drink has long been finished and replaced with a new one. chan’s soju finds its way into minho’s hand, nursing the bottle carefully as he finishes it with a final swig. the stress mounted on his shoulders has finally lifted, the buzz of alcohol brushing the pain off as they rise and fall rhythmically at her drunken attempt to finish recounting an embarrassing date.
“do you live alone?” the woman’s speech is slightly slurred, tone breathless from laughter. a lopsided grin adorns her features, as if she already knows the answer, “i forgot to ask you earlier.”
minho’s smile begins to fall. “no, i told you about my cats, remember?” 
“i meant do you live with another person? a roommate? chan told me you used to live with your ex, so i was just wondering if anything had changed since then.”
the room freezes over. icy tendrils of shock and disbelief squeeze his hammering heart, his blood running cold at the woman’s words. his ex?
silence fills the tense space. the intensifying pain from his clutch on the soju bottle thrusts him back into his dreadful reality. he lets go, placing his hand flat on the counter.
minho sucks in a deep breath. “oh. what else did chan tell you?”
“wellllllll,” she drawls, a flirty smile appearing on her face. the shadows seem menacing now, their elongated forms dancing along with her slow, deliberate words, “he said you needed help getting over her.”
the woman reaches towards him, fingers closing firmly on his forearm. minho doesn’t have time to react before she lurches forward and seals her lips with his. 
the kiss lasts for two seconds before she pulls away. paralyzed, minho can’t move until she attempts it again, forcefully shoving her away. tears well into his widened eyes, quickly threatening to spill onto his cheeks. the transferred lipgloss feels sticky against his mouth.
“get the fuck away from me, now.” 
the woman doesn’t move, her mouth stammering as she tries to form a coherent sentence. “i-i’m sorry. i was just trying to-”
minho doesn’t wait to hear her justification, swiftly pushing away from the bar and stumbling in the direction of the exit. the rush of air as he pushes the door open makes singular tears streamline down his face. the chilled breeze burns his eyes as they dart around his surroundings lit by the sparse scattering of street lamps. 
no, he really shouldn’t have listened to chan. 
minho doesn’t know how he made it home (well, actually, he does but he’d rather pretend he doesn’t than admit that chan saw his distressed state leave the nightclub and called him an uber).
the taste of the woman’s lipgloss remains on his lips, no matter how many times he tries to wipe it away. he hates how he doesn’t hate it because it tastes like you.
you, who wore the same strawberry lipgloss every time you went on a date, only for minho to kiss it all off by the end of the night. 
you, who was so excited to move in with him in this small, dingy apartment until the two of you could find a better place; a home.
you, who promised you’d be right back before kissing his cheek and heading out the door.
you, whose hands he will never hold again. 
you, whose spot on the bed his cats now sleep on every night.
you, who one year, four months, and six days later, still occupy his every thought. 
you– a sob wracks through his body, echoing around the bedroom’s walls. the empty mattress trembles with him as he curls into himself, breath hitching with every whimper of your name, as if calling it enough times would bring you back into his arms once again—right where you belong. 
no, you were never his ex. you were everything. you are everything. 
your presence is everywhere in the apartment. your favorite coffee mug (that he gifted you) rests on the counter next to his. the book you swore you would finish reading one day is left bookmarked inside the drawer of the bedside table; the same place a velvet box is tucked away and hidden since he knew you’d never pick it up again (but god, he wishes you did). he had to throw away your toothbrush but your skin care products taunt him every time he retrieves his from under the sink. 
his heart aches with a feeling that refuses to fade; he loved you. he loves you.
everyday becomes harder to breathe, to exist. the apartment, once filled with loud laughter, gentle whispers, and promises of love, is now a silent void. the absence of your soft footsteps, a careful dance to avoid stepping on the cats crowding around your feet, claws at minho’s heart. the sanctuary he knew he could run to and be welcomed with open arms and a warm embrace crumbled before his eyes the moment you were gone.
minho’s breaths evens out after a few minutes, each inhale pulling the familiar scent of the apartment. the tears leave damp marks on his pillow and lines on his face but its nothing he isn’t used to; a ritual, a routine he’s sadly accustomed to. it's not the first time his tears have stained the sheets, and it won’t be the last. the cruel cycle will repeat itself until one day he wakes up and doesn’t instinctively reach out for you in hopes that his reality isn’t just a hellish nightmare. 
the second worst thing to happen in minho’s life was losing you. he doesn’t know if he can keep living with the first.
liked this work? want to let me know how i did? please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are greatly appreciated my asks are always open ♡
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cerastes · 3 months
Do you think at some point early on in Arknights the intent was to be a buildup to a more critical look at Rhodes as more morally grey than it first appears? Because when I started the game I was so sure that's where it was going. Popukar probably being one of the first characters you get, the idea of SWEEP, the understanding I had at the time of darknights doctor and y'know, the villains being who they are. I just thought it would be more of a thing.
I don't think necessarily, I think the intent was always to posit Rhodes Island as "as good as you can get while still being a relatively major power but not quite as big or resourceful as a state". I do think it bears mentioning that child soldiers/children and teenagers with a job as a concept don't seem to really carry a stigma as they do in the real world: The only real times in which these are painted in negative lights are when the conditions or results of these decisions end up in something negative:
Popukar was clearly indentured labor at the lumberyard. The part that's condemned is that she was miserable and practically a slave, not really that she was working per se, and she's given a job by RI later after Kal'tsit personally gets her out of there.
Frostleaf's being a child soldier even before Rhodes Island isn't really all that condemned, the effects it had on her psyche is.
Absinthe, just orphaned, is made a Rhodes Island Operator. This notion isn't rejected or truly contested, no more than "maybe we can send her somewhere proper for care". Hell, all the Ursus kids also get made into Operators.
Even outside of this, we hire children frequently: Bubble, Suzuran, Shamare, you name it. Sure, each has a context, especially Shamare who is Fucking Haunted, but the matter of the fact is that Rhodes Island isn't just housing them, it's also showing no real qualms with them taking the Operator Testing Battery and, if they succeed, hiring them. It's mentioned several times that Rhodes Island has many non-combat roles -- Angelina used to be a Messenger for Rhodes Island before taking the Operator test, Orchid was offered a desk job at Rhodes Island initially, and Weedy was a Rhodes Island researcher who explicitly worked out and trained so she could pass the physical components of the test -- but there's no real turn of eyes when a child says mmmm yeah I'll do the Battlefield Supporter Battery please, thank you.
Amiya is, you know, the CEO of Rhodes Island, and that IS pointed out in a "damn, fucked up" way, but what's being lamented is not her having a job, it's her having a BIG difficult job. I think no one would bat an eye if Amiya was a regular Operator under Theresa instead (granted, because she's the owner's daughter, but even without that link).
These are some examples of in-universe logic regarding the whole child soldier and kid with a job. I'd wager it's because life expectancy in Terra is pretty damn low from what we've gathered: Armed conflict, crime, Catastrophes, Oripathy, there's plenty of ways to kick the bucket in Terra, much like it was in Ye Olde Ages in real life, which is coincidentally an era in which by 16 you already were an adult and were expected to start having adult responsibilities.
Pre-Amnesia Doctor was definitely not a stellar person but it's always understood that they weren't bad as much as broken: Scout put it best that it broke his heart to have seen this kind educator and fun, loving individual become a heartless tactician. Even when described this way, though, it wasn't like Doc became this Brooding Evil Mass, it's still mentioned plenty that they were pretty beloved by most people and a person they liked being friends with -- Ace, Scout, and Amiya all corroborate this, and in flashbacks, you have Theresa being pretty warm with Doc -- but if you were a footsoldier, Doctor was probably your worst nightmare because you were disposable -- W, Ines, Hoederer and Flamebringer can tell you as much -- so we had less a villain or a vile individual and more a broken individual who was remolded into someone that could withstand the immense psychological pressure that came with having their role. That's not to sanitize pre-amn Doctor, it's to echo the game's own words on them as per the characters in the setting that knew them from back then, and who held both positive and negative opinions on them.
Looking at all of these from an in-universe lens, they all have coherent in-universe explanations. I also think they would have foreshadowed any sort of Rhodes Island Insiduous Vileness with characters or actions by now: Less than stellar, antagonistic high command, dubious orders to do some vile stuff, other such things. The closest we get to this is Kal'tsit hating Doctor's guts, but also Kal'tsit is a really good person and her hatred of Doctor stems from her knowing them pre-amnesia, seeing how that happened, and what Doc did in those times, particularly one big event that's pretty lore relevant.
You may have noticed the elephant in the room [SPOILERS FOR PEOPLE NOT DONE WITH THE REUNION ARC YET]: I didn't address the enemy part yet. That's because that's the part that I still have some conflicted feelings over: The real enemy, in the end, isn't Reunion's ideals -- which are shared with Rhodes Island -- but rather it's what Reunion has become, a false flag operation for the Ursus Empire to justify a war. On one hand, I like that, on the other, I do think it's something that should've been more graciously hinted at in the very early chapters, because in those very early chapters, you REALLY are rent-a-cops in essence, putting down the people you set out to help. Of course, it's not that simple and there's a nuance as to why and the business dealings and all that, but given the relative simplicity and pace of the early chapters, it really is easy to see it come across that way.
It does, however, ring consistent with what we were previously talking about, though: The essence of, more than the act or thing in itself. Or, in other words, in Terra, the onus of things seem to be placed on the result or context surrounding something more than that something in itself: Child soldiers are fine, unhappy and in-risk child soldiers are not. Teenagers with jobs are fine, teenagers with huge stressful jobs way out of their league are not. Revolutionary movements are fine, revolutionary movements with civilian casualties are not. And so on. There is DEFINITELY commentary that can be had about this, mind you, but that can be for another post in another blog.
With this in mind, I go back to what was first said in this post, I think the idea was always to posit Rhodes Island as "as good as you can get while still being a relatively major power but not quite as big or resourceful as a state".
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valkyriexo · 2 months
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All works are works of fiction and created purely from imagination. They are in no way meant to be an accurate representation of the idol.
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╰┈➤ headcanons.
*·˚ᑉ³They confess in your sleep | OT8
*·˚ᑉ³ How Skz would ask you to be theirs | Hyung | Maknae
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³💬 Skz Texts | Groupchat | You're a teacher | OT8
*·˚ᑉ³💬 Skz Texts | Best friends skz accidentally confessing when they're jealous/mad | OT8
*·˚ᑉ³ 💬 Skz Texts | They break up with you | Part 2 | OT8| angst
*·˚ᑉ³ 💬 Skz Texts | They want you to meet their parents | OT8
*·˚ᑉ³ 💬 Skz Texts | Confessing to another member's girlfriend | OT8
╰┈➤ collections
*·˚ᑉ³ He helps you when.. | Chan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Jisung | Felix| Seungmin | Jeongin
╰┈➤ movie x skz collections
*·˚ᑉ³ What Faction would they be in? | Headcannon
╰┈➤ humor.
*·˚ᑉ³ Who in skz?
*·˚ᑉ³At the met gala
*·˚ᑉ³Falling down the stairs
╰┈➤ other.
*·˚ᑉ³ Met Gala Sketches
*·˚ᑉ³Skz at the met
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Bang Chan
╰┈➤ series.
Invasion of privacy | Master Post | Teaser | Suspect Cards | IN PROGRESS
࿐ྂ In the dazzling world of fame, you have it all—a beautiful home, devoted fans, and Chan, the love of your life. But when cryptic messages start arriving, the line between adoration and obsession blurs. With each note, you feel increasingly unsafe. Now, you're on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth before it's too late.
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³ I Volunteer | Bang Chan | Smut MDNI
*·˚ᑉ³ Microphones and Mistakes | Part 2 | Angst
࿐ྂ Amidst the chaos of a highly anticipated performance, You find yourself grappling with unexpected challenges both on and off-stage. With the pressure of your debut song with Stray Kids mounting, you face technical difficulties and personal turmoil, including a rambunctious toddler and a strained relationship with your husband, Chan.
*·˚ᑉ³ Broken Promises | Angst
࿐ྂ You and your fiancé, Chan, are eagerly planning your wedding, envisioning a future together. But when doubts about your relationship's strength begin to emerge, you're faced to confront a choice; salvage what's left or walk away.
*·˚ᑉ³ You Faint | Sickfic, Comfort
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³💬 Skz texts You get scared playfighting | Comfort, fluff
╰┈➤ thoughts.
*·˚ᑉ³ Late night thoughts 001 | Chan
╰┈➤ humor.
*·˚ᑉ³Channie at the met
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Lee Minho
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³ Nightmares | Angst, Comfort
࿐ྂLost in a nightmare where Minho is gone, fear consumes you. Panic claws at your chest, each breath heavy with the weight of imagined loss. In the void left by his absence, shadows that dance mockingly in the corners of your mind. In this surreal realm of darkness, where reality blurs with the surreal, you're left grappling with the haunting question: where has Minho gone?
*·˚ᑉ³You have an injury | Sickfic, Comfort
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³ None yet
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Seo Changbin
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³Pretty Pretty Princess | Fluff
࿐ྂ The adventures of Dad Binnie and Daughter Ha-ri
*·˚ᑉ³You're Drunk | Sickfic , Comfort, angst with a happy ending
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³ None yet
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Hwang Hyunjin
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³My Favorite Princess | Hyunjin | Fluff
࿐ྂ  You and your husband Hyunjin celebrate your daughter Areum's Birthday
*·˚ᑉ³ One + One = Three | Angst, Fluff | RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS
࿐ྂIn the serene world of a rising K-pop star, you find solace in the quiet moments shared with your boyfriend, Hyunjin. Their love is carefully concealed, known only to a select few. But when a scandalous article surfaces, threatening to expose their carefully guarded secret, Y/N must navigate the treacherous waters of fame, loyalty, and betrayal.
*·˚ᑉ³You get your period | Smau, Sickfic, Comfort
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³ 💬 Skz texts You feel insecure | Comfort, fluff
╰┈➤ humor.
*·˚ᑉ³ Hyunjin driving
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Han Jisung
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³ You get surgery | Sickfic, comfort
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³ None yet
╰┈➤ humor.
*·˚ᑉ³Dating Han is like
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Lee Felix
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³You have the Flu | Sickfic, comfort
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³ None yet
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Kim Seungmin
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³ You have a migraine | Sickfic, Comfort
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³ None yet
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Yang Jeongin
╰┈➤ one-shots.
*·˚ᑉ³Cake tasting | fluff
*·˚ᑉ³You accidently hurt yourself | Sickfic, Comfort
࿐ྂ Part of the "He helps you when.." Collection
╰┈➤ texts.
*·˚ᑉ³ None yet
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*·˚ᑉ³ M.LIST | Ko-Fi | Taglist | Thank you for your support | Consider leaving a comment, reblog or like | © 2024 Valkyriexo  licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 
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Love and Liabilities: Chapter Four (Agatha Harkness x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: As you prepare for the impending trial and attempt to find ways to relieve your stress, the biggest stressor in your life has a funny way of showing up when you least expect it.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Lawyer!Agatha is back after a little hiatus! This is a bit of a shorter chapter to get me back into writing after a few months. I’m hoping to be updating a bit more regularly but I’m (sadly) growing even more busy & stressed, so I promise to do the best I can! As always I hope you enjoy, and thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think. My asks/dm’s are always open!
Tag List: @chiar4anna @harknessshi @neverfindmegone @aggieslittleslut @ris-ris-mind @tr333sus @sabstance-blog
Present Day
The whooshing of the wind in your ears combined with the cool air filling your lungs fueled you to increase your pacing as you ran through the deserted park. It had been nearly a week since you reunited with Agatha, and your brain had been hellbent on torturing you ever since. Nothing could take your mind off the infuriating attorney, not even work. You had spent the past few days pouring over every word in the various documents Agatha presented during the pretrial conference, hoping to find something, anything really, to solidify your case.
It was times like this when you missed working in corporate law. Although you had only been a junior attorney at Stark & Strange, you had unlimited access to paralegals and attorneys at your disposal. Unfortunately, working for the government meant not only taking a significant pay cut, but also limiting your outsourcing. You didn’t regret your decision to leave the firm, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss the perks.
Since burying yourself in piles of work proved useless, your only real escape from Agatha came from running. The familiar burning sensation began to fill your lungs as your body begged for a break, but you forced yourself to continue. Your legs felt heavier than when you first started, and as you rounded the corner of the trail you had to work twice as hard to not slow down. Even though you were growing tired, the rush of endorphins was a welcome change from the haunting memory of searing blue eyes burning holes into your own.
Agatha would be far too pleased to learn how much of your time and energy was being wasted trying to forget her. However, being the soul sucking succubus she was, you wouldn’t be surprised if she was already aware of the pain she was causing. A swell of anger suddenly overtook you, a feeling you had long grown familiar with when thinking of her, and you used it to finish the final stretch of your run. The thudding of your feet on the pavement along with the loud thumping of your heartbeat acting as a painful reminder of the woman you so desperately wanted to rid yourself of.
Swirls of scarlet, orange, and yellow painted the Manhattan skyline as the sun gradually rose over the city, and the quiet beeping of your phone from your back pocket signaled the end of your run. Nearing the end of the trail, you slowed your pace down to a steady walk, allowing yourself to do some breathing exercises in the process whilst checking your email. It was early enough in the morning that there wasn’t much for you to go through, but you knew it was bound to be yet another busy day.
You had timed your run to give yourself just enough time to head back to your apartment to get ready for the day and get to the office before the rest of your colleagues. The stress of the looming trial was becoming overwhelming, and you had to be prepared for whatever chaos Agatha would inevitably throw at you. Unfortunately that meant you were working nearly double the amount of hours than normal.
Luckily you were able to take a quick shower, find clean clothes in the back of your closet, and managed to get to work before anyone else had arrived. You would hopefully have an hour or two to yourself before you were eventually interrupted, and you intended to use every last possible second you could. As you strolled the corridor, you were tempted to stop to make yourself a coffee, but decided to get settled before adding caffeine to this situation.
Absentmindedly dropping your bag to the floor after you entered your office, you refocused your attention on reading a memo that one of your colleagues had left for you. Making mental notes of what needed to be addressed, you turned to open the blinds when you stopped dead in your tracks at what was in front of you.
Agatha Harkness sat in an armchair in the corner of your office, an amused expression painting her face. You nearly fell over at the sight of her, how did she get in here? The door was locked when you had arrived, wasn’t it?
Agatha, unaware of your current inner ramblings, took a sip of her coffee before repositioning herself, recrossing her legs as she gave you a disappointed look. “Your lack of situational awareness is truly astonishing. I could have been a murderer.”
Adrenaline continued to course through your body as your heart thumped loudly in your chest. Taking a deep breath, you ignored her sarcastic remarks as you leaned against your desk, attempting to calm down.
“What-what the hell are you doing in here?” You spluttered out, unsuccessfully trying to regain your composure.
The attorney frowned, as if that was an absurd question. “This is your office, is it not? I wasn’t sure at first, but the withering plants were a bit of a giveaway.”
Typical Agatha. They weren’t dying, were they? You made a mental note to ask your paralegal to water them a bit more.
Ignoring the jab, you took another deep breath, your body still on edge. “Do I even want to know how you got in here?”
Taking a moment to think over your words, she shook her head. “No. Now drink your coffee before the ice melts.”
It was then that you noticed the untouched cup of iced coffee on the edge of your desk. Narrowing your eyes at it, you gave her a suspicious glance. “How do I know you didn’t poison it?”
Agatha rolled her eyes, as if that was the most ridiculous thing to ask her and she didn’t just break into your office. “Honestly, dear. You’re far too paranoid this early in the morning. Drink. We both know how irritable you are without caffeine.”
When you refrained from grabbing the cup, Agatha huffed, her stormy blue eyes swirling in annoyance as she rose from her seat. Taking a step towards you until your legs were nearly touching, she snatched the cup, the silence in the room disrupted by the clanking sound of the ice swirling in the cup. Hovering over you, she used her free hand to grab yours, the soft feel of her touch briefly taking you back to a time where it would have been more welcomed.
Your breath hitched as the rich, musky scent of her expensive perfume washed over you, and you fought the temptation to look into her eyes. How many times had you found yourself in this exact same position with her, you mused lightly as your brain attempted to regain its ability to function. Agatha’s fingers intertwined with yours, as she leaned in even closer, her lips grazing your jawline and you closed your eyes, fighting against the urge to lean into her touch.
Clearing your throat, you shook your head. “No. This can’t happen again.”
Agatha pulled back, her eyebrows slightly raised. “What can’t happen again?”
Giving her a pointed look, you tried to ignore the feel of her fingers still interwoven with your own. “I don’t think we need to relive that mistake, do we?”
“Oh I don’t know about that,” Agatha replied, swishing the cup of iced coffee as she lifted it up. “I seem to recall you rather enjoying yourself during that mistake, or was that someone else who pulled me into a closet and jumped me?”
“I did not jump you! You’re the one who came onto me,” you hissed as your irritation grew exponentially.
“Easy, tiger,” Agatha teased, raising the cup until the straw was nearly touching your lips. “I see the caffeine withdrawal is already kicking in.”
“Agatha…” you trailed off, ignoring your brain protesting that this would hurt even more than your last encounter.
Dropping your hand, Agatha gently cupped your jaw, tilting your head upwards until you were forced to meet her eyes.
“Sip,” Agatha murmured, raising the cup once more to your lips.
Her words were soft, but you both knew it wasn’t a request as much as a command. A part of you knew this was a mistake, that you couldn’t give into her yet again after being strong for so long. But then you looked into her eyes and found yourself getting lost in the fiery intensity she always seemed to carry. Logic and reason held no weight against the pleasure that was being at the mercy of Agatha Harkness.
Wrapping your lips around the straw, you lightly sucked, savoring the creamy, cold taste of the iced coffee on your tongue. Agatha’s eyes darkened at the sight; using one hand to brush your hair behind your shoulders while the other remained glued to your jaw, fingers brushing lightly against your skin.
“Good girl,” Agatha quietly praised, running her fingers through your hair, tugging lightly at the loose strands.
As you released the straw from your mouth, Agatha set the cup down, tightening her grip on your hair before capturing your lips in a kiss. Her lips were warm and gentle against your own, but it wasn’t long before she began nipping on your lower lip, biting down harder when you let out a whine. Moving forward, she pressed herself fully against you, while you instinctively wrapped your arms around her waist. Her tongue expertly sought out your own, and it felt like she was trying to get every drop of coffee from your mouth.
Panting, you were the first to break the kiss, tilting your head as Agatha proceeded to pepper persistent kisses down your jawline, each leaving you more breathless than the last.
“Agatha…” you whimpered, the last bit of self control slipping away even as you tried to hold onto it. “We can’t do this again.”
The attorney chuckled softly against your skin, tickling you ever so slightly in the process. She took a moment to look up at you then, with her ever blue eyes hazy with want and perfectly swollen red lips, and you remembered a moment in time where this had been easier. It was almost too easy to forget the pain of the past when she looked at you in that special way; as if she saved those intimate, sweet glances just for you. You used to believe you were able to bring out a different side of her than the rest of the world saw; that you understood who she was at her core.
Having her here now made the whole situation even worse than you previously remembered. It complicated things, and if there was one thing you hated more than anything, it was unnecessary complications. You found it difficult to remember the seemingly obvious reasons why you left her all those years ago when she was standing within your reach; the light that once dimmed in her eyes was once again ablaze. Gone were the demons of the past, in its place was the woman you had once fallen in love with.
Unfortunately, you were snapped out of your thoughts as you heard chatter from the hallway; your colleagues had arrived for the day. Agatha’s head tilted at the sound, and the moment was broken as she took a step back.
Clearing her throat, she folded her arms across her chest. “I was hoping you had given more thought to dropping the case, that’s why I dropped by.”
Annoyance took over any feelings of longing that had been threatening to emerge, and you frowned. “You do realize that this could be perceived as intimidation, right? That on top of trespassing could mean you potentially lose any upper hand in this trial that you believe you possess.”
Agatha fully cackled, which only served to enrage you further. She picked up a few files that she must have previously set on the desk. “You always were so full of pride and ambition, dear. I’m not surprised to see it still has a hand in clouding your judgment. It’s a pity. I always thought you had a lot of potential.”
Flabbergasted, you shook your head. You should have known better. Only Agatha would be capable of attempting to manipulate you over your shared past to better serve her motive. Shoving past her, you finally opened the blinds to your office, the once sunny morning replaced with dark gray skies as rain furiously poured down. As you turned around to tell Agatha to get out, you were unsurprised to find she was already gone. Typical.
Settling down at your desk, you opened your laptop and started going through your checklist for the day when you noticed something on the edge of your desk; a file folder. You quickly realized Agatha must have left it behind by accident, which was strange; it wasn’t like her to do something like that. It was unclear what drove you to opening the file, but looking back you’d blame it on your own morbid curiosity. Inside there were over a dozen pages of what appeared to be hospital records for two people, one being Wanda Maximoff.
As you settled in to read, your eyes drifted to the neglected iced coffee. A part of you wanted to throw it away, but the caffeine driven side of your brain led you to grab it. After all, it would be a shame to let it go to waste.
Flipping the page over as you sipped, you paused as you actually tasted the coffee for the first time without distraction.
This is your exact coffee order. Iced coffee, extra ice, one pump of vanilla and a splash of oatmilk. After all of these years she still remembered, remembered it perfectly.
You weren’t sure why you hated that as much as you did, but it burns in your mind as you keep reading and drinking, trying to wash her taste out of your mouth.
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dramastream · 11 months
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I hear people whispering and mumbling every night and footsteps too. It's sad enough that I don't have money, but do I really have to live in a haunted house? If I haven't moved from my house, it means a ghost took me, so make sure to come to save me. - All right, don't worry.
Kim Tae Ri as Gu San Yeong & Yang Hye Ji as Baek Se Mi REVENANT 악귀 (2023) dir. Lee Jung Rim, Kim Jae Hong  
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the-broken-truth · 2 months
Blot-Mates: Yuu & The Overblots [Part 4]
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Summary: Jami is struggling with his innate programming of servitude, but he has no one to serve. Consequently, he is finding it difficult to relax and function properly. What would happen if Yuu decides to teach Jami how to live a life where he is no longer a servant but rather spoiled?
[Note: The Yuu Variant is Male with Enma Yuuken's Body Build, Yuuka Hirasaki's Fighting Skills, and Yuuta Mito's Cooking Skills.]
[Note: This Storyline will be written in Script Format.]
Parts: [Prologue] - [Ri] - [Leo] - [Azu] - [Jami] (Here) - [Vi] - [Idi] - [Mal] - [All] - [Epilogue]
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[Coal-colored eyes were fixed on the ceiling while serpents made of dark locks of hair hissed in irritation or struck at each other, showing their displeasure. Jami placed his hand on his forehead and ran his inked hand through his bangs before sitting up from his bed and perching on the ledge with his head hanging. He lifted his head and looked at the digital clock on the wall of his room: it was 6:45 in the morning. This was usually the time The Prefect would get up to make breakfast for the Overblots. The thought of the Prefect making breakfast for all of them, just as he and his Original Body would make breakfast for Scarabia Dorm and Kalim, was overwhelming. Jami wasn't sure how to cope with it..]
Jami (Hearing something coming downstairs): Prefect... (Stands up and leaves his room)
[Jami walked down the hall and down the stairs as silently as he could to make sure he didn't give away his location. He crept to the opening of the kitchen and hid around the corner while listening to Yuu speak to himself.]
Yuu (On the phone with Sam): Hey, Sam. I know you're getting the shop ready, but do you have cookbooks or teas from the Land of Scalding Sands?
Jami (Thinking): 'The Land of Scalding Sands? Surely, he is not thinking about...'
Yuu (On the phone): Did Ace and Deuce tell you about what happened in Potion's class? Yeah, The Overblots got separated front their original bodies and I offered them to stay at Ramshackle; I wasn't going to make them uncomfortable with dealing with their hosts in their dorms.
Jami (Thinking): 'He cares for our comfort? After we attempted to kill him? (Looks at the ground in shame) After I used him for my personal vendetta?'
Yuu (On the phone): I noticed that Jami seems uneasy and I want to do something to make him more at ease here. I thought of making him some food and tea from the Land of Scalding Sands, as he's not much of a coffee drinker. Also, I noticed a Mancala Board and I'm interested in buying it. Can you tell me how much it is? (Sam Talking) Great, I'll also take the Cookbook, Tea Canister Bundle, and Silk Bundle. I think I can make Jami some new robes with the silk. When can I pick up the items? (Sam Talking) Yes, I'm willing to do all of that for Jami, just like I would for the others. He deserves just as much as the others do. Can I come get the items now? (Sam Talking) Perfect, I'm on my way. (Hangs up phone)
[Jami silently moved away from the kitchen opening and around another corner just as Yuu left the kitchen, grabbed his wallet off the table, and walked out of the first door. Jami looked around the corner and stared at the door for a while before the same question began to haunt his mind.]
Jami: Prefect... Why are you willing to do so much for me...after everything I have done to you? All the pain I caused you? Why are you doing so much for me - A Servant?
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[The front door of Ramshackle opened, and Yuu walked in with his arms filled with stuff; he walked over to the sofa and placed everything down before reaching into a bag and pulling out the Cookbook from the Land of Scalding Sands before he walked around the corner, only to see Jami sitting at the table with his hair snakes constantly hissing.]
Yuu: Jami?
Yuu (Placing the book on the table as he walked over to Jami): Jami, are you okay? I've never seen you up so early.
Jami: I had a hard time sleeping - the snakes are very...aggravated at the moment and their hissing is making it hard to sleep.
Yuu (Looks at the hair snakes with a thinking expression on his face before snapping his fingers with a knowing smile on his face): I know - They are dry.
Jami (Raises an eyebrow at Yuu): Dry?
Yuu: When was the last time you oiled your hair since coming here?
Jami: I... I hadn't.
Yuu: Give me a moment. (Walks over to the bags on the sofa, reaches into one, and pulls out a bottle of Hair Oil that came from the Land of Scalding Sands - Sam gave it to him for free) Found it. (Walks back over to Jami) I'll give you a hand.
[Yuu whistles, gaining the hair snakes' attention as he pours some hair oil into his hand and holds his hand out to the snakes, showing them what is in his hand. Once the first snake came close enough, he rubbed his hands together and rubbed the oil on the hair snake, making it hiss in pleasure. Yuu continues this process with all the hair snakes until he reached the top of Jami's Head and massaged the hair oil into Jami's dry scalp, making the Overblot hiss in pleasure.]
Jami: This... This feels nice...
Yuu (Smiles): I'm glad you like it, Jami. I'll make you some tea after this.
Jami: I have been meaning to ask you about that, Prefect: Why are you doing so much for me after everything I have done to you? Used you for a personal vendetta I had against Kalim? Why do all of this for me, a mere servant?
Yuu: You are not a servant here, Jami. Ramshackle Dorm has no servants and I will not allow you to speak about yourself in such a matter.
Jami: But... My entire life, I have served...
Yuu: And that was a crime done to you. It's no wonder you and Jamil overblotted; who would want to live like that? Forced to hold themselves back for the betterment of someone who doesn't deserve their staion?
Jami: You don't think Kalim deserves to be Housewarden of Scarabia?
Yuu: In all honesty: No, he doesn't. Listen, I have nothings agsint Kalim personally, but he is too immature to hold the position of power he does; constantly throwing parties at the slightest whim and leaving the aftereffect up to you and the other members of Scarabia; it's pitiful, really. The only reason he is in his position of power is because he was from the Asim Family. You are clearly a better choice of Housewarden, considering all the work you do.
Jami: You... You really think so?
Yuu: Of course, you are. Jami, you are skilled in both magic and cooking, your memory is sharper than a blade, you are skilled in multiple languages...
[4 Minutes Later]
Yuu (Making cups of tea and breakfast for Jami from the cookbook): You are able to craft an antidote from plants within a matter of mintues before the poison can actually kill someone, and don't even get me started on your Mancala Tips...
[5 Minutes Later]
Yuu (Placing the food in front of Jami with the tea): All and All, you are a amazing person, Jami.
Jami (Staring at Yuu): Prefect... You just spent 9 minutes praising me...
Yuu: Of course I did. I would say more but we would be here all day and I have to make breakfast for the others. Jami, you deserve every bit of praise I can give you and I shall give you as much as you wish. (Pets the top of Jami's Head) You are brilliant and loved, Jami. (Goes into the kitchen)
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[Later that day]
Ri: No, Rose and I are going to tend to the Roses!
Azu (Shouting downstairs since his pot can't go upstairs): PEARL AND I ARE GOING SWIMMING!
[Inside The Room]
Jami (Moving his stones on the Mancala Board): Your turn, Little Flower.
Yuu (Thinking of his move while Jami's Hair Snakes are wrapped around his waist - preventing him from leaving): Jami, when can I leave? I need to make lunch.
Jami: They can order-in.
Yuu: But...
Jami: You are not leaving me until you beat me in Mancala, Desert Flower. Listen to your brother.
Yuu: Jami, you've beaten me over 20 times. I'm not gonna beat you anytime soon.
Jami: Then, you won't be leaving anytime soon.
Yuu: Okay. (Makes a move on the Mancala Board)
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dangermousie · 7 months
This drama just gets better and better. I love how past and present are beginning to echo and blend more and more. Like the story she suggests for a fantasy romance, and his arrested face:
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Or this:
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(Also, his face not just because she dreamt/remembered him but a confirmation that it was love.)
I am so enthralled by the fact that he's not just haunted by her in their past, she is beginning to be haunted by him in their past.
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And the fact that things are not dragged out - she asks him right away how he can shoot so well since he's never had before and he basically provides her an answer, as much as saying that the man in the dreams is real and is him.
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He is so relieved to have this be confirmed...Her remembering him is like a second chance he'd never thought he'd get.
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I am !!!! at finding out that she really is different from past incarnations - not in just looking like Ri Ta but that she could always see him (!!!) and then she stopped one day, but it was there before. I get the sense that he went to each incarnation hoping to be seen and/or remembered and there was nothing and by the time she is born now, he's given up on it and then...but of course then she lost the ability to see him and I wonder how that must have felt like (but also, because she COULD see him for so long, I wonder if it formed a deeper bond for him somehow than with other incarnations, even before he realized she remembered the past.
ETA: I hit my tumblr image upload limit for the day because tumblr is fucking lame and barely has any room but I got to say the scene where thanks to the talisman, DH left the body and she saw him in his Silla clothes and went "naeuri" is !!!!!
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
The Eight Sense and missing pieces
(this is going to be long. I apologize in advance)
The Eighth Sense, from the cinematography to the narrative, is about what is missing, what isn’t shown, what we don’t see. The whole show feels like peering at the edges of a jigsaw puzzle: the uneven margin of tabs and blanks hinting that there is something missing, a broader picture, just beyond our line of sight.
I’ve talked about this before, but the filming style of The Eighth Sense leaves so much out. The backgrounds of shots are often so blurry we can’t see what is lurking out there, though sometimes we know there is something we are missing out on, something we can’t fully see. Other times, the shots are shaky and tight, leaving pieces we would generally consider important out of frame, like the filming of their ocean kiss in ep. 6.
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And then in the narrative, like @chaoticfandomthot and @asianmade mention in their posts (1, 2), there are so many things we don’t see or know.
There are large parts of Jaewon’s backstory missing to us (and to Jihyun) which are filled in a bit as the show continues, but not all the way. We never see Jaewon’s brother’s accident, or Jaewon’s dad. We don’t see the incident where the camera is broken, just flashes of it smashing on the ground and the aftermath. These are things Jaewon doesn’t even share with his friends - they don’t know about his home life, or his brother’s death, as @lurkingshan points out. Jaewon hides things from the people in his life just as the show hides them from us.
Though, like Jihyun, we the audience get closer than anyone has before. We step into Jaewon’s life, we see his therapist, we catch those occasional flashes like with the camera incident, we watch him open up to Jihyun, and like Jihyun we get many of the pieces of Jaewon and his story he hides from everyone else.
There are other scenes in the story missing from the show too. We never see Jihyun’s accident, or Jihyun in the hospital. We never even really hear what happens. We don’t see Jaewon reuniting with Eun Ji after the accident, or much of their relationship before the first breakup or the second. We do hear about what precipitated their first breakup in a rare moment of explicit explanation, but this comes after much of the show has gone by and we don’t see it, we just hear about it.
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"the hole they left inhabits the narrative more than their presence ever would have" - the show is about what we don't see. It’s about the trauma that haunts Jaewon, his home life, what he hides from others. It’s about Jaewon’s brother, who isn’t in the show except briefly in flashbacks, but has shaped Jaewon’s life and his relationships with others in innumerable ways. It’s about the trauma that Jihyun and Jaewon experience at the beach that isn’t shown, even to the audience.
@respectthepetty writes about how The Eighth Sense is all about tradition: Tae Hyung wants to continue the traditions of their seniors even though it caused him pain, Ae Ri wants to break with traditions she finds are stifling, much of Jaewon’s trauma comes from his family and familial expectations (the death of his brother, his desire to pursue a career in photography, etc.), and so on. But this “tradition” is in many ways curiously missing from the show. We don’t see the forces and people imposing tradition on Jaewon, like his time in the military, or his father, or his home life. We don’t see the club seniors or hazing Tae Hyung references, even in flashbacks. “Tradition” structures the characters and therefore the events of the show, but it is also more of a looming spectre, blurry in the background, just out of frame.
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Half the show we have to piece together - what happened on the beach? Is Jihyun really dead? What happened to the camera? Who did that? Things are missing, told out of order, fragmented... and the cinematography echoes that.
This style of storytelling and filming works so well for the characters. Many people, like @emotionallychargedtowel, have talked about how Jaewon is a survivor of trauma and how that affects how he acts and sees the world. He is depressed, he has been through horrible events, he hides from others - and the narrative and camera work of The Eighth Sense reflects that. The backgrounds are blurry and unfocused, the shots are shaky, the framing shows flashes but not always the full picture, sometimes the chronology of shots is unusual.
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@emotionallychargedtowel and @jjsanguine and many others offer (1, 2) that the filming style of The Eighth Sense, particularly at the end of ep.6 reflects/is caused by Jaewon’s mental state. He has just been through another traumatic event, which greatly resembles the one from his past, so consequently his recollection of events will be blurry, shaky, incomplete. Even the colouring gets darker and greyer. Jaewon’s mental state and emotions are so strong they are altering the form and the filming of the narrative. He is responsible for many of the conspicious absences in the show. We don’t see his brother’s accident or Jihyun’s accident or confrontations with his dad because we can’t - Jaewon can’t or won’t let himself remember them, at least not in their entirety.
The show also feels so queer because of this style. I talked about this in my other post, and @talistheintrovert​ talked about it in this post too, but the way the cinematography is fragmented into close up shots, shaky camera work, montages... the tension of being queer, not knowing if you crush likes you or could ever like you or if them knowing you like them is a threat to your safety, the dream-like safe bubble of two people loving one another amongst the outside world... Being queer, sizing up another person, it’s all about looking closely but not lingering, searching carefully for details that are hidden to most others. Like @jemmo​ says, “queerness can often hide in plain sight” - it’s the things broader society doesn’t see that hold the most significance for queer people. Of course a queer narrative wouldn’t be able to show things clearly, of course they must be hidden and hinted at but never explicitly said, never fully or clearly shown - eyes lingering in the shower, hands held for a moment and then released in the next shot, montages of an evening at the beach together.
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We see the edges of the pieces, and from that we can understand most of the picture. The Eighth Sense is about the holes, the absences, the lingering presences of characters and scenes and moments we don’t see. It is about what isn’t shown explicitly, what the character’s can’t remember clearly, what the characters are avoiding remembering, what the characters hide from themselves and others and even us, the audience. It is about paying attention to what isn’t there and why it isn’t there and how we know what is missing.
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axailslink · 1 year
Backseat memories
Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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SongFic: Touch me by Kehlani
Summary: You and Riri have agreed to forget that night but you can't lie it's always on your mind it's always on hers too. So what happens when you're haunted by the thoughts of that night as the same song you had on then plays now.
Snippet from the fic: “
A/n: Alright I hc that Riri has tattoos especially the one that Dom has behind her ear.
Awkward and uncomfortable are the best two words to describe your current situation as you sit in the back seat of your best friend's car with what you said was a light buzz next to an also lightly buzzed Riri Williams. "Yo Y/n" you glance over at Riri "yeah..?" She smiles as she leans back "remember last Friday?" You groan out of embarrassment "I was intoxicated just like I am now" "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts and if I recall that night you said "do whatever you want to me."
The memories play like a vcr tape you can rewind but due to fuzziness of your brain right now the thoughts are all over the place you can't remember who was on who was she licking you or the other way around? You're just remembering snippets. "I don't remember" you slouch into the seat as Riri smiles "I do. I remember we were both intoxicated like we are now and you just kept telling me how horny you were-" the embarrassment shoots through your face but Riri keeps talking "-you know you ramble when you're drunk you say whatever is on your mind with no shame. You said so much that night like "Riri right there" "oh God Ri don't stop" and my personal favorite "Are your windows tented?" Trying to keep a stoic facial expression doesn't last for long because the smile you crack at those last words brings a smile to Riri's face too "I was worried someone would see us... I remember... Some not a lot but I remember that I was covering my chest and looking around all panicked but you just kissed me and..." The memories come rushing back and with them comes that all too familiar feeling of wetness in-between your thighs one you wish would go away but it's hard not to get a little aroused at the thoughts. It's not something you can ignore with the ease because now that she's reminded you every time you blink you see her sprawled out before you every time you take a deep breath you think about how your breath hitched when her pretty manicured fingers were curled deep inside you and right now you're thinking about how tempting her stare is.
"And?" You stare at Ri who's sitting rather comfortably leaning against the door her legs in a nice man spread and her head against the window while those pretty brown eyes stay on you. Your attention is taken off of her momentarily when the sound of a familiar song plays from the radio you laugh while you realize Riri's confused to say the least because her brows draw together "that song...Touch me it played when I made you climax." Riri's the one who takes a moment to herself now reliving the moment too "oh you talking about when let me see" Riri hums to herself before scoring over to you "if I recall one of your hands was right here-" Riri grabs your left hand and gently places it at her throat and the other you off instincts slide to her clothed crotch "was it right here?" Riri just stares at you begging with those damned eyes of hers without having to say anything or make any gestures she's begging you to kiss her and you do. You lead with a gentle peck on her lips but she sits up on her elbows leaning up to deepen the kiss and you hum as she does so her tongue slipping inside of your mouth and fighting with yours. Without really noticing as if it's muscle memory your hand tightens around her throat cutting off that air wave just a bit not a lot but just a bit to make her dizzy to make her head spin make her surroundings seem more profound and that's what it does. Riri's so warm she's sitting up moving weakly as if you're sucking the life out of her with this kiss she rids herself of her shirt and loosens her pants. This is the moment your mind is dragged but to the reality that you're in the back of your friends car because you two are too drunk to drive home but obviously not drunk enough to be freaky horny fucks. Maybe you shouldn't do this. Here at least. You can almost scoff at those thoughts seeing Riri waiting on you to kiss her again those wanting eyes of hers give you all the confirmation you need as you kiss across her collar bone and loosen your grip on her neck so she doesn't pass out.
Your lips connect with hers again and she's a smiling mess but it's wiped gone as quick as it's found itself to her face when your hand centered at her crotch strategically takes a nice dip into her oversized jeans. As if to tease her you play with the edge of her underwear before allowing your hand to dip farther and cup her clothed pussy but like an alarm the music comes to an end and the conversations of friends beside the car has you running back to your side of the car and Riri doing the same. When the doors begin to open you scoot over to a poorly dressed Riri as everyone gets in pushing you into her you take a chance to smile at her before turning your attention to the conversations coming from both of your shared friends. "Leave it to Ri and Y/n to not be able to drive home."
A/n: obviously not edited like much because I have work and did this on the way there but I guess it was finally time to post this.
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jupitermelichios · 9 months
so you've probably seen the news that riverdale ended with the main 4 in an actual, canonical, poly relationship
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and that's amazing for a bunch of reasons, including the fact that the number of canon poly relationships on tv are miniscule and also it brings the number of canonically straight main cast members down to 1. Ethel is legitimately the show's token straight representation. love that for her
but to get the full impact of that news, you really also need to know that in order for the polycule to form:
Jughead's transdimensional angel girlfriend has to destroy multiple other timelines to create a new stable timeline for the polycule to live in. timelines destroyed include the one where jughead is immortal and trapped forever in a bunker underneath riverdale, and one where tony and fangs's magical timetravelling gay baby is fighting an evil wizard for control of a train full of evil ghosts
Jughead's magical transdimensional angel girlfriend then returns to the newly created main timeline, and restores the main cast's memories of all the other timelines, which she does by forcing them to watch the show riverdale. That is not a joke or a metaphor she even goes to the trouble to bring a colour tv back to the 1950s so they can watch in colour, except for Clay and Julian, because they did not exist in any of the previous timelines and they're sad about it and refuse to watch a show they're not in.
(Well, Julian technically did exist in the original timeline, but only as a ghost possessing a haunted doll, which doesn't really count)
(Also for some reason as well as the main cast, she makes dilton doily watch it, despite his only contributions to the show being a) dying as a human sacrifice in the og timeline, b) trying to blow up the planet and then dying because of it in the rivervale timeline, and c) gay kevin telling people he has the biggest dick in the 1950s tlmeline, and honestly, I feel like it would be kinder to just not show him any of that)
(ethel does not get to watch riverdale, because she did the only sensible thing any riverdale character has ever done and fucked off to a normal town to have an actual life, because as well as being the token straight character, she's also the token sane one)
After watching Riverdale, all of the main cast except Jughead and Betty decide it sucks and they hate it, and ask tabby to rewipe their memories and only give them the cute bits and not all the serial killers and shit, because the writers have run out of time for subtle metaphors and they weren't sure the audience had fully grasped that the entirely last season of the show is a weird metacommentary on the criticisms people have of the show riverdale so they're just straight up going to have archie andrews look straight to camera and say that the show should have been more like the comics
also I have no idea how only showing them the happy bits works, because that removes 90% of the entire plot so I assume they just have a bunch of completely out of context sex scenes and meals at the diner and nothing else. possibly also some musical numbers, idk if I'd count those as happy memories personally
Betty and Jug chose to keep their memories of the Gargoyle King and Betty's 2 long-lost secret gay serial killer brothers because they're edgy (and also because the writers are annoyed at all the people who say the show should be more like the comics, so they have the smartest characters say they liked the actually and everyone else is being a wimp about all the serial killers, because again, we have run out of time for subtlety)
Having had his memories restored, Jug's like "oh hi tabitha, my secret transdimensional angel girlfriend, I haven't seen you for months, I've really missed you. I'm so glad you're you're back. i love you so much"
And she responds by telling him that she'd chosen to write herself out of the timeline when she fixed in, and she has to return to the great big diner in the sky (not a joke, heaven is a diner in the riverdale universe and, it is heavily implied, also in our universe, so that's something to look forward to), so she freezes time halfway through kissing him and just nopes out of time and space. which is also how I would handle all break ups if I had angel powers tbh
since jug is now single, and all 4 of them just got multiple timeline's worth of fucking one another mainlined straight into their brains, the main 4 decide to all start dating
(they are probably inspired to do this in part by betty's sister, who in the new timeline is a burlesque performer who's stage name is Polly Amorous)
As far as I can tell from the last episode, they tell gay kevin about this and literally no one else, for reasons known only to themselves
also genuinely can't tell if this was the writers wanting a poly relationship for them, or if they just couldn't be bothered with the internet slap fights that would have followed them picking individual monogomous ships to be endgame
they also, hilariously, refuse to say that archie and jug are dating, I assume due to network restrictions, despite archie being canonically bi at this point, so betty's just like 'well sometimes I go to veronica's and we fuck, and the boys do... something we're not going to talk about'
the final episode of the show is a flash forward where as a now old betty is dying, jughead's ghost shows her memories of their teens, in which it's reveal that she has just straight up forgotten about being in a poly relationship
literally she looks at her teen self and is like "wow, I seem weirdly close to veroica jughead and archie" and Jug's ghost has to be like "because we were dating. how do you not remember that we were dating? what the hell? did I mean nothing to you?!"
also old betty specifically seeks out reggie and is like "hey you know how me and you dated, and you and veronica were together for years in multiple timelines, and you archie keep declaring your undying love for one another and nearly fucking, well we're all dating and we specifically decided not to invite you, sucks to be you" and walks away and I have no idea why she did it. justice for reggie
anyway RIP to the greatest television show ever made, it was so gay and so deranged and so meta, and there really will never be anything quite like it again
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