#have you seen Wang Yibo?
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YiZhan Same Shirt To Dispel Your Existential Dread
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dandyseedlings · 1 year
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my thoughts on the s4ep4
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circesastro · 4 months
Circe’s Note #1
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Note: These are just my own observations, ideas, thoughts and theories. This is just for entertainment purposes. Also, please be respectful of my observations! It is perfectly understandable to not resonate with some of my personal observations but please do not leave any disrespectful comments! Lastly, please don’t plagiarize any of my works!Without further ado, enjoy!
**All photos are from Pinterest**
✿ Cancer risings celebrities are often being linked with the "mother" reputation. Ex: Angelina Jolie, and Ateez's Seonghwa
✿ Aries Mars with Capricorn tend to either be super organized or impulsive/hasty. But one thing about these individuals, they will always get things DONE 😤.
✿ If you observe k-pop idols' mars signs, it shows their dance style. Ex: Aespa's Karina is a Taurus Mars who dances in a very elegant and sensual way and keeps her energy consistent. Stray Kids's Hyunjin has an Aries Mars and he has a burst of energy that occurs throughout the performance but tend to get tired more easily. Another example of Aries Mars and Taurus Mars is NCT Dream's Jeno and NCT Dream's Jisung.
✿ Men with Earth sun, tend to come from wealthy families too...
✿ What is it with Scorpios with tattoos?
✿ I've seen so many gorgeous Aries placement woman that are underrated when it comes to beauty posts. Ex: Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Bae Irene, Madison Beer, Audrey Hepburn...the list goes on and on
✿ People with Pluto/Lilith/Scorpio in 4th house tend to have complicated relationship with their mother
✿ Question, what is it with cap moons having bad relationship with their mother?
✿ Also Cap Moon mother tend to be workaholic
✿ Libra Mars and their anger issues...
✿ Since we're on the topic of Libra Mars, can we talk about how many libra mars there are in the C-Entertainment industry? Like everytime I look up a c-celebrity a Libra mars pop up. Its a requirement at this point 😭. Actually detrimental mars in general is dominating the C-Entertainment industry. Ex: Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Dylan Wang, Zhao Liying, Yang Yang, etc are all libra mars just to list a few and then there's Bai Lu (Cancer Mars), Angelababy (Taurus Mars), the list goes on and on and on.
✿ Virgo MC tend to get nitpicked by the public so much that their names are always mentioned. Ex: Kim Kardashian, Blackpink's Jennie, Taylor Swift, etc.
✿ A lot of idols tend to have 11th house placements (Ex: Seventeen's Hoshi, S.Coups, Mingyu and Dino have 11th house stellium, Twice's Nayeon have Sun in 11th, Verivery's Yongseung also have 11th house stellium.)
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accio-victuuri · 26 days
wang yibo - exploring the unknown interview with cheng er 🎤
Q: What is the biggest setback you have experienced so far? Is it what you wanted but didn't get?
Q: You want nothing that you can’t get?
WYB: Yes. I do what I like, but that doesn't mean that everything I like will accomplish smoothly. When I was learning street dance, it was considered unpopular by everyone. When I wanted to learn it, my parents also refused.
Q: So later, were your parents persuaded by you or willing to support you?
WYB: I remember this very clearly. When I was eight or nine years old, it was in winter when I was getting an IV drip in the hospital and saw a street dance competition on TV. I thought I had to learn this. I like it very much. At that time, I persisted in dancing. I was very persistent. I have been dancing all summer from 1pm in the afternoon to 9pm in the evening. If my parents hadn't seen my persistence and my talent in dance, I wouldn't be who I am now.
WYB: I don't believe that I can't complete it, but I know it's just a matter of time. Just like when I was skateboarding, I did a very difficult move many times and finally succeeded. It became like picking up many terrains, and all the skaters knew how to do it, so try again and again and again, and will succeed in the end.
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jadedbirch · 5 months
In response to this post about War of Faith
@isilaie said
Finally someone expresses what I was thinking 🙄 I've got a huge problem with propaganda (from any side) and despite the superb directing and acting this one is so blatant that in another context (or country) it almost could be considered as parody. I love Yibo to pieces but ...I think it started with "faith makes great" that there is a kind of red thread (pun intended) in his choice of roles. His success proves him right of course but ...😔🤷‍♀️
I really wanted to address your comment @isilaie because I think it's important we are all aware of the things that are going on "under the surface" so to speak when we engage with this kind of content. Again, speaking as someone who used to live under a totalitarian communist regime, I'm very aware that whatever "choices" and "freedoms" that people like Yibo enjoy are completely illusory. Especially if we assume from the preponderance of evidence that he's queer - and therefore have to assume that whatever lifestyle he may enjoy is sanctioned by the government - then these choices are even more impacted. We've all seen how quickly c-ent can make someone's career disappear (i.e. Zhang Zhehan) and how quickly the CCP can make PEOPLE disappear (i.e. Fan Bingbing) for not toeing the party line or not sending the right message. The more high profile you are (like Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo), the more scrutinized you are for all your "choices." Plus, we also know that these days you can't get anything past the sensors w/o a healthy dose of Patriotism, and at the end of the day, the project that Yibo might sign up for can end up being something else entirely by the time it hits the screen.
So, the only thing I'm going to judge my beloved son on is making career moves that allow him to grow and develop as an artist - and War of Faith definitely gave him the opportunity to once again stretch his acting chops. And I think his success is due to his radiant talent that turns anything he touches into gold, and not so much due to his "patriotic" project choices, but shit, I'm only slightly biased because I gave birth to him LMAO.
As for War of Faith laying it on so thick that it's almost a parody - you're correct - and I actually said to a friend last night that it's ironic that as I watch the show, the Big Communist Heroes actually come off as fanatical terrorists to me. Hmmmm. Interesting.
(On a funnier note, people have pointed out how incredibly GAY this Comrade Drama is for such blatant propaganda, and that perhaps you needed a heavy dose of one to slip in the other. If that's the case even the tiniest bit, then kudos to Yibo for making another secret BL drama right in front of everyone's salad.)
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sarah-yyy · 6 months
what is war of faith about? is it worth a watch apart from just wang yibo(being gay?)? and where should i watch it?
you were all expecting me to do this so okay let's see how many others i can drag down this shenlai (i think this is the ship name we've settled on?? i have seen many 沈来之笔 tags on ao3 so i'm assuming that's what the chinese fandom has settled on) hole.
what: republican era communist spy drama (finance bros edition) // completed // 38 eps, roughly 40 mins each where: iqiyi (standard disclaimer that i don’t watch with subs so i don’t speak to the quality of eng subs) why: *chanting* yibo yibo yibo yibo yib- wang yang?? xiansheng???? i'll preface by saying i don't watch many republican era shows - it's really just not my thing, like even zhu yilong couldn't make me watch one and that's saying a lot, but i did finish and quite enjoy this one!! extremely strong cast on this show, and the story moved fast enough and had enough action in it that it kept my attention.
meet my boy wei ruolai:
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ruolai is from a v humble family, worked hard to put himself through night school but is having trouble stepping foot into the finance world because he has no money, no connections, no diploma (the school is holding off on issuing him one because he's from a communist-stronghold province 😪). he's working several jobs to make ends meet in shanghai when he decides to interview for a job at the central bank.
he aces his entrance test! ofc he does! ruolai is a bit of a whiz with numbers, and is very very very determined to get the job - the place could be on goddamn fire for all he cares, he'll finish his goddamn test and get this goddamn job even if it kills him.
his performance gains him the attention of shen tunan:
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xiansheng!! 😍💖💕
chief of the central bank, The Guy™ of the finance and banking industry in shanghai. extremely attractive in a suit. 100% dilf certified.
xiansheng takes a shine on ruolai, but ends up not being able to hire ruolai despite his excellence because, again, ruolai is from a communist-stronghold province, and they don't want to take any chances with him possibly having communist ties.
does that set ruolai back?? no. my boy sneaks into a party that shen tunan is holding at his mansion, and convinces shen tunan to hire him by essentially picking apart shen tunan's ~secret strategies~ that he's uncovered just by following the finance news and making smart deductions 🥺💚
shen tunan caves and personally hires ruolai as his PA, and begins mentoring him and teaching him the ways of the banking industry.
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the show is mostly about ruolai's growth in the central bank and the shift of his political beliefs, centred around the kmt and communist party's conflict in that era. the premise of the show is fairly simple - most republican era dramas move in the same direction. this one was well-written, had a solid cast, and beautifully shot.
the development of stn and wrl's relationship in this show was good! it's v shippable, if that's something that is important to you. ngl, i did stay through till the end because these two were so interesting.
we have proud teacher shen tunan who is so so proud of his boy and takes ruolai suit-shopping and tells him how special he is :
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starry-eyed disciple wei ruolai who would literally do anything for shen tunan:
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he really does mean it when he says that. he gets tortured and thrown in goddamn jail for shen tunan, and he just bears it all and doesn't let himself react in any manner that could harm shen tunan.
i started this strictly for yibo, and had no expectations that i would enjoy it, but guys...........wang yang is 🥵🔥 in this as shen tunan, and this ship just.......sails itself. what else was i supposed to do except go three hundred different levels of ahhhhhhhhh over them.
ANYWAY. strong rec. like at least 8.5/10. even if you're just in it for yibo (who is EXCELLENT in this, the whump scenes are incredible), or if you just want to ship shenlai, the payoff is strong in this.
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rainbowsky · 2 months
Hi...I am new fan and I want to ask is it true that during wyb birthday the letter that 'someone' write was first seen in 2020 until now except for 2022? Do you know why there no letter in year 2022?
Hi new turtle! 💛🐢💛
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Those letters are always exciting for turtles to read, and it's a shame we didn't get one that year, but it was what was best for DD at the time that such things didn't get posted that year.
There was almost no birthday content at all that year, and nothing official posted, because of the political situation in China at the time. There was a great deal of political tension, and China was ramping up to go to war with Taiwan. At the time many suspected it was just posturing, but when your country is talking about going to war, that's no time to make a big deal about your birthday on social media.
If you want to see what was said about the situation at that time, I talked about it in my birthday post for that year, and later in an ask I got about it.
Here are the letters so far:
24th birthday in 2021
26th birthday in 2023
27th birthday in 2024
I didn't post the letter for his 23rd birthday in 2020 because I actually joined Tumblr on that day and didn't post any birthday content that year, but here's the letter from 2020:
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If you want to view any of the past birthday content you can browse my tags for each one:
Hello, 23-year-old Wang Yibo~ At this moment, you are filming on the set. It is both your birthday and a notification day as usual. As time goes by, you now have multiple identities. As an actor, the currently filming "Being a Hero" is a breakthrough and brave attempt for you. You can learn acting skills from senior teachers and accumulate experience. I believe this drama will allow you to gain more different experiences and get a new cool thing in life. As an idol, you are incredibly demanding of yourself, working tirelessly to achieve perfection. In the late-night rehearsal room of Street Dance of China 3, you practice over and over again, just to get every note and rhythm right, just to live up to your demands and persistence to be true to yourself. Regarding "pursuing passion to the extreme", everyone actually overlooks that your original intention is not to deliberately pursue "extreme", but because of your all-out passionate efforts and your unwillingness to admit defeat, you inadvertently take your passion to the extreme. Every day, you are making rapid progress; every time you appear, you are new and bright. You have multiple identities, but you are also the purest you.
DD 27th birthday
DD 26th birthday
DD 25th birthday
DD 24th birthday
GG 31st birthday
GG 30th birthday
GG 29th birthday
As a new turtle you might also find my masterlist post helpful. A lot of older topics, common questions and background can be found there.
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porcupine-girl · 2 months
The BJYX Store!
Ok, it wasn’t a whole BJYX store, but it did have a BJYX section! It was an idol store, whose existence I was tipped off to by @marlo-noni. This mall (Shanghai Joy City) had two idol stores in addition to a million anime/donghua/etc stores–I’ll make separate posts for all the non-bjyx merch I saw (and bought). Both idol stores were 75% kpop but with Cpop/Cdrama sections if you looked around.
And this one had an actual shelf that was not labeled Xiao Zhan or Wang Yibo or both, but actually labeled 博君一肖 bjyxszd!
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It wasn’t huge, but the fact that it’s still there five years after the Untamed aired speaks volumes about how mainstream this is.
See more under the cut!
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Yes, there was a full-size (well, not quite as tall as he really is) XZ cutout next to it. :)
It had a lot of stuff that was just XZ or just WYB–photo cards (which seem VERY popular, they were like 50% of the content of both idol stores), standees, pins, etc–but also actual BJYX merchandise! Mostly fanart-based, some of which I'd seen before. This stuff was definitely not officially licensed by either of them (which makes me wonder if anything in this store besides the K-pop CDs was actually officially licensed?)
Two sets of wedding-themed fanart standees:
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Also this kind of ugly/awkward pin of them... kissing? Ish?
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This store (I wish I'd taken more photos of the whole store, tbh) had a ton of these double-sided posters/banners about 6"x18" for all the different idols, and in addition to individual ones for XZ and WYB they had a whole bunch of BJYX ones. They were on the shelves with the other banners, rather than in the BJYX section. I wound up buying three–the first photo is one side of each, the second photo is the other (not sure which is "front" and "back").
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I'm honestly not sure what "Doll's Fate" is about on that third one. Tagging in the BJYX experts: @rainbowsky @accio-victuuri @wwx-lwj-ai-ni @bjyxobsessed any of you know what that's referring to?
The other idol store in Shanghai Joy City wasn't as explicit about the BJYX, but they did have a whole shelf just for the two of them, separate from all the other Cpop people:
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All the merch was just one boy or the other, though, I couldn't find anything with both on one item, let alone explicitly shippy.
For the record, I scoured three malls in Beijing (SoShow, Xidan Joy City, and Chaoyang Joy City) and while I found various other cool merch, I could not find any dedicated idol stores in any of them. Although I will admit I didn't have time to go through Chaoyang JC as thoroughly as the others – these malls are all huge, like 8-11 stories!
Bonus #1: This eyeglasses kiosk that was right outside the bjyx store knew exactly what it was doing:
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Bonus #2: Can you believe they just happened to be playing Wu Ming when I was browsing the BJYX merch? It's not surprising that they were playing music by the idols they sold, but the fact that they just happened to play one of Yibo's songs in the 15 or so minutes I was there was amazing.
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excineribusbooks · 1 year
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we waste the same day like nobody dies by @magpieandwhale, illustrated by @cloudy-recesses
I've lovingly referred to this project as "We Waste the Same Day Like Nobody Dies: The Illustrated Edition" ever since its inception [mumblemumble] months ago (since, if you haven't seen it yet, @teleportbooks also made a beautiful binding of the same series!). magpieandwhale is another friend I've known for TWENTY FREAKIN YEARS somehow; I knew I was going to make her a copy of this as soon as she finished it, and I had the great joy of giving it to her in person last week while in her city for a family wedding ❤️
This was another design that got slammed sideways at the last minute by finding the perfect cover paper. Last month, Renegade Publishing had its first-ever retreat, which included plenty of paper for swap and sale -- and what should I find on the swap table but that incredible gold-and-black Art Deco-ish stuff? It fit so well with the titling I'd already done that I immediately switched it up from a full cloth binding to a quarter-binding, with an inset carved out of the board for the title to sit in. For contrast (and a little intentional clashing), I went with silver-and-black on the endpapers, to play with the idea of Xue Yang and Wang Haoxuan as two not-quite-separate entities with much more in common than either wanted to believe.
The spheres in the cover design reference a scene partway through the third story, "shatter what you will not carry":
Xiao Zhan twirls his pen and digs up a fresh piece of scratch paper. “Okay. Think of a ball of some sort.” “Make it a football,” Yibo says, bone-dry. Involuntarily, Haoxuan laughs. His real legacy, right there. Xiao Zhan scoffs. “Too complicated, I’m not drawing that.” He sketches out a sphere. “A ping-pong ball. One half is black, one half is white.” He draws a vertical line down the middle, giving it dimension, shading it into a half-moon. “Do you get it? Two colors, one ball. If you rotate it so one color is facing you, the other is still there. Sound familiar?” Haoxuan glances at Yibo; his gaze is fixed on Haoxuan, stolid. It bores into him. Haoxuan swallows. He dabs his face with a napkin. Xiao Zhan keeps narrating. His pen dashes across the image. “Okay, now spin the ball on its axis. It’s still the same ball, it’s still got both colors on each side. But now that it’s in motion, the colors blend. The ball is.” He wrinkles his nose. “Gray. Should have chosen better colors. But now it’s a whole new thing, still with its component parts. Are you following?”
And the art! THE ART. cloudy-recesses, thank you so so much for letting me include so many of your incredible pieces -- whether they were made especially for the fic or just so fitting that magpieandwhale yelled "THAT ONE! I LOVE THAT ONE!" as we were hashing out what to include.
You can read the whole series at the link above, and see a whole lot more of cloudy-recesses's art on their Tumblr!
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
Hello there!
Is there any canon episode that shows Chat Noir being viewed as a forgotten sidesick by the people of Paris? I see so many fanfics in which Marinette/Ladybug has to defend him and tell everyone he is her PARTNER, not her sidesick, and he’s very useful and helpful, thank you very much, or Chat feeling forgotten because he doesn’t have as many fans as Ladybug, but... From what I’ve seen, the people of Paris absolutely love him? He’s pretty popular and charismatic, and Astruc has described him as a “beloved hero.” Besides, Elation (?) has him running from his fans. The one who consistently viewed him as inferior to Ladybug and useless was Adrien himself in Season 04. Chat Noir is not the leader and Ladybug calls the shots, but that’s something he’s okay with.
Besides, Adrien as Adrien himself is arguably even more famous than both Chat and Ladybug... Since Astruc has said he’s as famous as Justin Bieber, a member of BTS, or Wang Yibo. If anything, I think he wishes for less fame and more freedom, hahah.
But I also understand the need for The Angst™ in fanfics 😅
as far as i can recall, there's been individual people that have made comments about him being a sidekick or useless (like nino in rocketear), but no, we've never seen any evidence that that majority of paris sees him that way. the closest we've come to that is kuro neko, but that seemed more like people were worried/confused about his absence than anything.
usually i see this used in fic not for angst as much as to endear marinette to adrien when he hears her defending him, which is sweet, but yeah, not entirely accurate to what canon shows us regarding chat noir's popularity. a more canon compliant version of this plot would really just need one individual whose opinion adrien values to make this kinda comment within earshot of marinette (rocketear au where nino invites marinette too, anyone? gabriel agreste insulting chat noir in front of ladrien, perhaps?) - something that's gonna bother him more than whether he's a popular hero with the masses, because yeah, fame is pretty cheap for adrien. love and respect are what he's starving for.
of course, i will also note that this trope was more popular in the early seasons, when we had less to go on regarding the public opinion of chat noir. i've actually seen it happen less recently, probably because seasons 3 & 4 gave us a more definitive flavor of chat noir angst (and also less need for reasons to make adrien notice marinette, since he's doing it so much on his own by then anyway).
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lanwangjihouse · 1 year
This might seem like a stupid question, but it's been bugging me and this seemed like the best place to ask. How hot was it on the Untamed set? I'm just asking because Xiao Zhan alway seems to be holding a fan but the others only sometimes do. Is it all the dark layers he's in, do you think?
hi! From what I read about the shooting, it was VERY hot (I think it was more than 30'C - maybe until 40`C). we should not be deceived about clothes with long sleeves - in China, they protect the skin from sunburn, besides, there is a great risk of getting badly burned in the sun. you've seen how often they walked under umbrellas! I've seen many actors have hand fans in bts- not just Zhan. (for example- Wang Zhuocheng, Xuan Lu and and her bad hubby lol). from various rumors from the bts* (no one can say with certainty that this is true, not fiction)- I got the impression that Zhan generally sweats a lot in the heat and therefore uses special body cosmetics for cooling (except deodorants, I mean). besides, black clothes, you're right!!! we remember that Yibo often wore shorts under his robe instead of long pants, probably from the heat. I don`t know how they experienced large temperature changes - after all, in the mountains and in caves, (as well as the water in the cold spring) were very cold. the heat is also indicated by the fact with what pleasure guys lift up their long skirts during filming breaks lol
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*bts- behind the scenes, no bangtan boys lol
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zhongwans · 2 years
You guys must have seen that article from Vox that was filled with misinformation about ZZH's case written by someone called Aja Romano.
The article was very hostile towards Junzhe CP fans, which is actually not that strange knowing how RPS fandoms are seen, but since Romano herself was part of RPS fandoms and even believes that Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are in a secret relatonship, you've got to wonder where all the hostility is coming from. It's also very interesting that she never once showed any interest in WOH ever since it aired, but then suddenly appears and writes a scathing article about Junzhe CP fans a full year later, even regurgitating anti talking points from weibo beat by beat. So when I first read it I suspected that it wasn't written by a passerby journalist, but rather by someone who was very familiar with the WOH fandom and specifically with Junzhe CP fans. Someone who was keeping an eye on the fandom's conversations. And also possibly, someone who has something against us or ZZH and GJ.
On June 2022, an article that was published on The China Story finally laid out the facts about ZZH's case: that he wasn't banned by the CN government, that CAPA wasn't a government entity and therefore had absolutely no right to issue a boycott, that ZZH was the victim of a vicious smear campain that must have taken millions to fund. After the horrible articles Aja Romano wrote for Vox, it was a welcome relief.
Well now some amazing people over on twitter found out that Aja Romano actually emailed the editors of The China Story, asking to retract the article. It's the ONLY article that contains the truth about his case, and has all the facts that Li Xuezheng himself stated. And she asked for it to be taken down.
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She claimed that the article was filled with misinformation, even though the article was based only on facts that were verified during the time Li Xuezheng was active. Aja insisted that ZZH was banned by the government, even though that was debunked three times, twice by the NRTA and once by the MCT. Since when did a chronically online waste of space and human equivalent of watery diarrhea like Aja Romano have more say about ZZH's case than the literal Chinese government?
Like what you like, ship what you ship. Mind your own fucking business. There's no rule saying you must stuck your rancid dick in other fandoms just to enjoy your own.
Full post about Aja Romano's email here:
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islandgirl003 · 5 months
I didn't want to address the issue as I thought common sense would prevail, but I forgot many people lack it. Yes, I'm talking about Wang Yibo film and all you haters calling it racism instead of seeing it for what it is.
You all here on social media making posts calling him racist for your 5 min of fame (not 15 because u are not worth even that)
Where is the outrage on how the people are being treated by terrorists? Where is your outrage on how the children are being used.
Nothing. You all quiet because that won't get you seen on social media. But calling out the famous boy who is showing the reality of that country and how the soldiers are living and helping!
Can you take a second and imagine that soldier risking his life to save a stranger! His family might never see him again because he went to save someone who is brave enough to speak up against terrorism and you idiots sitting comfortably at home are complaining how he camouflaged himself to save them!!!
You are all privileged! Don't give me crap that because you are African American you are not! That is bull because compared to those in war torn countries your ass is privileged!
Funny enough, I don't see you calling out people for black fishing.
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But here you are degrading a soldier!!!!! Have you ever spoken to a person who was saved by a UN policeman!?! No, because that won't get you seen! You ignored the videos on the victims who spoke out that this is reality, and they are grateful they were saved! So busy living your life in a dream reality online!
I didn't want to get all emotional about this, but you know... I'm a Libra, and my scale kinda tipped, and I saw red when I saw all the shit videos... my post won't be saying how your feelings are valid!!!! They are not to me! Who's feelings are valid are the ones living that nightmare! The ones who were brave! This stupid video you made for attention is not brave! You are an attention seeking wh...e!!!!!
You want to call out racism and black face go on Instagram!!! There are 1000s that have millions of followers instead of bashing a movie made on a soldier's camouflage to SAVE people!!
Don't come calling me out saying I'm racist! You don't me ! Don't know my life! Don't know my family! I'm calling you out for being stupid because you are! All this so you can get seen for 5 minutes!!! Spend that time and energy into people around you instead!!!
Guess I need to end it now as I will continue to call out you idiots! There was nothing malicious in what he did!!! It was a movie on UN soldiers! Be happy that you are lucky enough to live peacefully!
Bye Beaches...
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p-h03n1-x · 1 year
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Yibo Official Weibo update 8.5.2023 for Wang Yibo’s birthday. Translation under the cut and it’s making me 😭😭😭
Happy birthday to Wang Yibo! 26 years old, hello~
The small number has been updated again, carrying the growth and achievements of the past year, and also harboring hope and expectations for the new age.
Throughout this year, we have seen you on the silver screen, breaking and reshaping, experiencing and perceiving, constantly exploring. You have brought distant stories and life to the audience, with three movies released one after another, Mr. Ye, Lei Yu, and Chen Shuo. Your stubborn figure, working hard day and night, has received the best response. Perhaps those struggling times will be sealed by the roles you played, but the insights gained through persistent learning and accumulation, the experiences of life felt with heart, will surely have an unforgettable impact beyond the screen.
In this year, you have gradually learned to relax and face the world with more warmth. You are willing to look at the stars in between journeys, willing to witness a heavy rain in the afternoon, willing to gaze at the distant horizon, and willing to stop for a beautiful sunset. Time doesn't have a pause button, but it seems like you have mastered the code for the occasional pause in this world. Yibo, the sunset is beautiful, just like every evening that you used to overlook while focusing on moving forward.
In your journey through life, you will naturally encounter obstacles and difficulties. Although it's hard to explain all the experiences, let's treat it as facing thousands of mountains and welcoming waves of a thousand feet high, leaving no regrets in your youthful spirit. Fortunately, there have been many blessings along the way, with good mentors and friends accompanying you and support from fans and friends. There is always anticipation and plenty of rewards.
It is often said, "all things are cool, grow up slowly," but actually, there is another half of the sentence, which is to traverse the wonders and embrace the beauty.
Happy 26th birthday to Wang Yibo! 💚
I wish you to create your own playground in this wonderful world and have a more passionate new age!
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accio-victuuri · 20 days
one day i will write a proper per episode post about yibo’s show, but right now, just sharing some really heart felt reactions from people who watched the documentary. 🫶🏼
yibo is so easy to love if you just give him the chance!
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(P1) "exploring the unknown" is a must-see for every postgraduate candidate preparing for the exam. I originally watched it with the mentality of watching a documentary about wilderness science, but after watching it, I realized that I was narrow-minded. This is not just a documentary about survival in the wilderness. In the journey of exploring the unknown, we are often driven by a desire to conquer, eager to challenge the limits and prove our strength. However, there is such a documentary that subverts the traditional concept of exploration. It is not about how to conquer nature, but about how to coexist harmoniously with nature and how to love every inch of land on this planet. The protagonist of this documentary is none other than Wang Yibo. He was not challenging the authority of nature, but challenging his own limits. I really like what he said: "I never believed that I couldn't complete it, it was just a matter of time." This sentence really gave me a lot of thoughts. Looking back at the time when I was taking the postgraduate entrance examination, if I had seen such a documentary, I would really have less anxiety. In the process of the examination, everyone is challenging their own limits. Because I took the postgraduate entrance examination relatively late at that time, I didn't have much time left. At that time, I was anxious and uneasy. Fortunately, I met a group of very good people at that time, which allowed me to quickly get out of anxiety. The postgraduate entrance examination is a long and challenging process, which requires you to have a firm will and good qualities.
(P2) In order to get to know my daughter's idol better, I watched it again..."Exploring the Unknown" made us feel a different Wang Yibo.
In the past, we felt more about him in film and television works, and documentaries are different from film and television works, because the characters in film and television works are more about the plot settings, while the characters in documentaries are closer to the characters themselves. But the documentary is different from ordinary documentaries. It is not just about recording scenes and processes, but about challenging and experiencing the extreme geographical environment.
First of all, you must have the courage to challenge, and dare to challenge, especially when facing an unknown and uncontrollable environment, people will involuntarily produce fear, which really tests the courage and courage of the participants, and in "Exploring the Unknown", Wang Yibo showed it vividly, allowing us to feel the power from him. Just like what Wang Yibo said in the film, "I used to think that every time I did something new, the first time in my life would become less, but after trying, I found that there would be infinite first times. Secondly, you need to have super physical fitness. The complex natural environment of Ba Wang Ling, what you will encounter and what will happen in the process of chasing gibbons are all unpredictable and uncontrollable, and the necessary condition to face it calmly is that your physical fitness must be absolutely super. Long-distance hiking and swimming, Wang Yibo's super physical fitness is fully displayed. Super physical fitness is not trained overnight, nor is it obtained by persistence for one or two years. It is the result of more than ten years of accumulation, perseverance and self-discipline. It also shows the superhuman perseverance.
(P3) I have a new understanding of the stars my daughter likes. Last night, I watched the documentary "Exploring the Unknown" created by Wang Yibo. This is the first time I have watched a star program carefully from beginning to end. Although Wang Yibo's name has worn calluses on my ears, why do I say that? Because my daughter is his die-hard fan. After watching the program last night, I really got to know him and it really touched me. In the Hainan Bawangling Nature Reserve with a temperature of up to 35 degrees, we all know that the temperature is 35 degrees, but people may feel nearly 45 degrees. At the same time, they are also tested by various animals. In such an environment, in order to throw a rope to the opposite tree, he threw it for a whole hour, doing repeated actions again and again, and thinking about the skills and strength of the actions again and again. In the middle, the explorer said to take a break and come back, but he did not stop and still insisted on throwing it down. Seeing this makes me admire him, and it makes me understand why he can succeed. His tenacity, perseverance, his determination to achieve his goal, his fearlessness of hardships, and his courage in the face of adversity are destined to make him successful. He is the spiritual representative of the younger generation. I remember his donations and on-site disaster relief during the 21st flood in Henan. He is a public figure with a sense of responsibility and mission. So my daughter likes him, which makes me feel relieved. Because I believe that she can definitely draw more positive energy from Wang Yibo, because she likes him, she will definitely make herself better.
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