#haven't been the most satisfied with the way I draw faces recently
kaemiezil · 1 year
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#pastelartchallenge on twitter from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf2Nsbh12Mo&t=1s
Didn’t do the first one cuz I recognized who it was nearly right away and didn’t feel like doing a from memory challenge lolol
The second one was really fun to follow along with, I based her crop top off a vampire squid cuz I thought that’d be cute. Also I discovered octopus have a sideways eyes! So I put something like that on the bows and in her eyes. I made her hair two twintails cuz they mention the hair has a bow “kinda like Miku” and twintails is what I got from that lolol. I also made the top of the ponytail into that round up-do cuz it kinda looks like the bulbous part of an octopus head.
I think she turned out really really cute!! I hope you like it!!
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doe-eyed-fool · 6 months
Fallen {Chapter Twenty Four}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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It had been about a week since that incident, I was still a little shaken from it. Though, I tried to keep my composure, and act normally. Most seem to buy it, except for two people. Angel Dust, he saw right through my act. He tried to make me feel better. Talking to me, inviting me out with him and Cherri. While I appreciated his efforts, it didn't help much. I tried to put his own worries at ease, but I wasn't much help either.
Then there was Alastor. Even if I wanted to pretend like everything was fine, it wouldn't convince him. He was patient with me and understanding. He did as I asked, and kept quiet about what he did to Liam. Though, telling from the grin on his face, he was satisfied with what he's done. 
Today, Alastor had stopped by my room. He wanted to take a crack at trying to cheer me up too. But, the way he went about it was...shocking.
I answer the door, I've learned overtime that his knock pattern was different from the others. He stared down at me with a friendly(?) grin. "Good evening Y/n! How are you feeling?" He asks. I shrug. "About the same." Not great, but not terrible either. Somewhere in between. But, it wasn't a good in between. I knew that much.
"Well, that's not good." Alastor knew it too. "It's because of that, I came by. I wanted to ask you to join me this evening." 
"Join you? I don't know Alastor, I'm not really in the mood to be going anywhere. I could tell I was dampening the mood, when Angel invited me out recently. I don't want to do the same with you." I tell him.
"Nonsense! You never let my spirits down! Y/n, I feel like this would be good for you. Trust me, you'll have a blast!" Alastor quickly adds. "And before you say anything, no, this evening will not involve murder or maiming of any kind." 
"Then, what were you planning?" I ask him. Alastor offers his hand. "That's for you to find out." I hesitated, but took his hand anyway. "Aha! Wonderful! I assure you Y/n, you won't regret it!" He begins to walk with me, but pauses after taking another look at me. I raise an eyebrow. "What?" 
"I feel as if we should properly dress for the evening, shouldn't we?" He says before snapping his fingers. Suddenly, we were both wearing new outfits.
I wore a red midi dress with a black bow tied around my waist. While Alastor wore a red suit, because of course it was red.
"Perfect!" Alastor exclaims. "Alright, are you ready, dear?" He asks. "I don't think I will ever get use to sudden wardrobe changes. But yes, I am ready." Alastor chuckles at my comment before leading me out. He teleports us both, as not to draw attention from the others in hotel.
We had traveled to a upscale part of the city, anyone here clearly were proper and fairly rich. I felt so out of place, though Alastor acts as if he's been here hundreds of times. He probably has, now that I think about it.
"I say we should start the evening off with a nice meal. What do you think?" Alastor asks me. I couldn't pass up the chance for food, especially when I haven't ate all day. "That sounds fine." I tell him. Alastor leads me to a fancy looking restaurant.
He informed the host of his name and reservation, and was swiftly welcomed in. Though, I'm sure without one he'd get in. He was an overlord after all.
We were brought to our seats, and given a bottle of wine that was sat in a small bucket of ice. The host told us our waiter would be with us momentarily before excusing himself. "I know you don't drink, so I won't force you. But, if you change your mind..." Alastor says as he pours both of us a glass. "It'll be there." 
"Well, it's not like I don't drink ever." I say while taking the glass. "I just, prefer not to over do it. I like to keep it light, you know?" I then took a sip. Wow. This is good. I dare not think about just how much this wine costed alone, on top of sitting down to eat here.
"Understandable." Alastor nods as he takes a sip himself. "I don't think I've gotten drunk in a while. Last time I did, I believe I found myself in a part of the pride ring I'd never been to before. Apparently, in my drunken state, I had bet quite the sum of money on a race horse...and lost." 
I couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. "How much did you drink?" I ask. "Couldn't tell ya. But my pockets were hurting for a bit after that, I can say that for certain." Alastor chuckles.
"I can't even remember why I was drinking that much to begin with. But I recall Mimzy being there, and when Mimzy and I drink together...The night can take us literally anywhere. I even asked her, and she can't remember why either. But she had gotten herself into some trouble as well." He takes another swig. 
"This Mimzy girl sounds like a blast." I say with a smile. "Oh, she is." Alastor chuckles. "Quite the trouble maker too. But, she's a decent woman. Me and her go way back. We were good friends when we were alive." He tells me. "We got each other out of a few sticky situations, every now and then." 
"I notice your quite popular with women." I say. "You get along with them better, and it seems you only make friends with women. I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend, or a wife." Alastor shrugs. "I was never interested. Romance, love, it was never a priority." 
"Oh, I see." Something about hearing that made me a little disappointed. Not upset. But, I guess I was hoping for something? Then again, this could be a good thing. My delusions and silly emotions could finally settle. At least now, I know for sure I won't get hurt again.
Our waiter then arrived, and took our orders. As we ate, me and Alastor talked about all sorts of things. He told me a bit about his living days. How he was a popular radio host, though that was unsurprising. How he basically came from nothing made something of himself all on his own.
And being a black man in a time like that, it was more than a little difficult. But he did it, and he was damn proud of it too. He told me more stories of him and Mimzy, and from what he talked about, she was a handful. She would get herself into trouble and usually Alastor would have to help her out. But, she would always make up for it somehow.
By the end of dinner, he would take me to a jazz lounge. The relaxing atmosphere, along with a few drinks, had put me a calmer mood. While the restaurant made me a little anxious, this place was the total opposite. Jazz wasn't my most preferred music, but I still liked and appreciate it.
And as I said, it was very relaxing. I take a look around, there was a few couples in lounge, cuddled up next to each other. I smiled at the sight, but it made me a little jealous. My gaze then moved to Alastor. He was focused on the performance, so he didn't catch my stare.
Maybe it was the alcohol finally settling in, but, the lighting of the lounge made him look very handsome. And we were sitting so close, our shoulders nearly touched. My cheeks began to heat up, and I prayed he could hear my heart beating as fast as it was. 
"I was never interested. Romance, love, it was never a priority." 
My heart started to settle, upon remembering those words. I turn to face the stage, feeling that same twinge of disappointment again. 
After that, Alastor and I took a stroll trough the city. We didn't talk much, but it was a comfortable silence. My arm interlocked with Alastors as we walked.
The night here in Hell was different from the one on Earth. Instead of a black sky full of stars, the red sky was a cool maroon. Even the bright pentagram had dimmed down, still bright enough to light the sky, but not enough to hurt your eyes. It was like looking at the moonlight. 
I looked up at Alastor. "Did you have a nice time?" He asked me. I smile and nod my head. "I did. Thank you." Alastor's grin soften, he turned his attention ahead and kept walking. As we walked, the sound of music steadily grew louder.
Ahead of us, was a street performer, who was playing a saxophone. There was a small gathering of demons who watched him play, some playing money into the saxophone case next to him. He was pretty good.
Alastor suddenly stopped walking, unhooking his arm from mine, and twirled me around. "Alastor?" I gasp slightly. "May I have this dance?" He asks, pulling me close. "I thought I told you, I can't dance." I laugh weakly. 
"You did fine the last time we danced." Alastor said, beginning to move. "Don't focus on the dancing, just focus on me." I tried to do what he said, keeping my eyes on him, trying to drown out my thoughts as we danced.
I follow his lead, and like before, he was perfect. I couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been dancing. 
I became less tense by the second, just taking it all in. The soft music in my ears, the beautiful city lights. The very same feeling I had when Alastor held me like this before...I couldn't help but smile, and finally give in. Alastor made it clear, he wasn't interested in romance. But it was a nice thought. 
It was nice to pretend for a while. Just for tonight, just in this moment. 
 As the song slowed to an end, Alastor and I found ourselves closer than when we started. Our lips but inches away from each other's. I half expected Alastor to back away after the song finally ended.
But, he stayed put. His eyes, looking deep into my own. I swore I saw something in his, I had never seen from him before.
It was really nice to pretend...
I inwardly sighed before pulling away from him. "That was nice." I say softly. Alastor was silent for a moment before speaking. 
"Yes...Yes, it was."
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Tag List! @krak-jj
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
Slower (18+)
A/N: An overly innocent Attuma gets a taste of the things he had been missing out on. Explicit Content Ahead Minors DNI
Slower on Ao3
It was embarrassing to say the very least. Attuma, nearing 30 years old and still hadn't been able to take things further than a sloppy hand job when it came to his sexual activities.
He wasn't incompetent, far from it actually. He knew what it was. He knew how to use what he was given. He just had no desire to. The only reason he ever made use of what was in his pants was to stop his jeering friends who seemed to never be satisfied with making fun of his 'situation'.
Once that very incomparable experience was over, he vomited in the nearest bathroom and drove home to wash himself of the filth.
Sex was never something he truly desired. Attuma saw it as a chore almost. A chore that would simply never get done.
That was until he met Okoye, his therapist. He started seeing her as an outlet for the many things that took up the space in his head. She would always sit pretty in that yellow rocking chair, a form fitting dress, and a pair of glasses on the tip of her nose.
She smelled of vanilla and her voice was like silk, drawing him in with all sorts of articulate words. Her nails always done in rhinestones and glitter and he wanted her to drag the tips along his skin, leaving him scarred and pleading for more.
Ever since Attuma started seeing Okoye, he wanted sex more than ever.
She had to be good at it, he was sure. She was a woman who knew what she needed and wanted, Attuma doubted that her sexuality was any different.
"Attuma, how's your sex life?"
The question made his ears ring as his head whipped up in a swift manner, his eyes blown wide as his mouth stammered for words. "I- I don't-"
Now how was he supposed to tell the woman he desired so deeply that a sex life was non existent. That it was just an idea for him.
"It's not- um..Why do you ask?"
Okoye's brows furrowed as she rolled her shoulders back. "We were just talking about your overall health, yes? Do you remember?"
Attuma gasped, nodded his head with much eagerness as he recalled the mess of words she spoke while he got lost in how pretty her lips looked with the sheen and glimmer of gloss over them.
"Yes..I do."
"Well, having a good sex life is part of your overall health. Everyone needs some sort of release once in a while, right?" It was like she was fully doing it on purpose, making him crave her. "So how's your sex life? Active?"
"Hardly." Attuma's pout was unmissed. Just a little pucker in his lips and a scowl in his eyes. It made him look...cute.
"So it's been a while?" Okoye tilted her head as she thought of how to write some notes for the next session.
"No..I've just never..done..it. Sex..It hasn't happened for me yet."
"Oh." Frankly, she didn't believe such a thing. That a man with such charisma and looks as Attuma was a virgin. "Well, that's not a bad thing at all."
"Do you desire it? Sex?" Okoye couldn't help but cross her legs, clenching her thighs together as she wondered just how innocent was he when it came to sex. The things she could teach him were endless.
"Not until recently." He shrugged those broad shoulders of his, lowering his head in some shame at the topic as his face flushed pink. "Haven't really been looking forward to it until maybe a few months ago."
Suddenly, her throat ran dry. No way was he talking about her. Okoye didn't think the idea was too far fetched, as delusional as she seemed to be. They had started meeting about three months ago and since, he seemed to be in some sort of state she couldn't quite get him to open up about.
That was until now, as he spoke of his desire for this person, it became clear that he was most resembling a man with needs very unmet.
"....I can't seem to control it..It's all I think about. But I can't do it."
"Why not?" Okoye pressed, breaking Attuma from his rant.
"It's...weird. The woman I want, I don't think she feels the same. I don't want to embarrass myself by asking her to fuck me-" His words were cut by the abrupt slam of her clipboard to the floor and the clatter of her pen to the table.
“Yes..” He whispered as her eyes bore into his soul.
“Who is this woman?”
“I- I just-“
“Tell me who she is, Attuma. I can’t help you if I do not know.” Okoye rose from her seat, taking her glasses off and letting them sit at the table.
“It’s embarrassing!” He shuddered, watching as she sauntered to him.
“You are embarrassed of me?”
“Never! Never..I want you so bad. I just don’t know how.”
Okoye’s lips turned up in a smile, soft and sweet, very contrasting to the force at which she kicked her heels off. “Do you want me now?”
She wasted no time in mounting his lap, tugging up her dress so her damp panties could rub against his growing erection.
His hands trembled as he braced them against the cushions of the couch.
“‘m sorry.” He mumbled, his chest heaving as she raked her fingers through his hair, fixing it so it draped and framed his face perfectly.
“Don’t be sorry, honey. Mama’s gonna teach you some things. You just have to be willing to learn.”
Attuma nodded, wildly, eagerly as his hips thrusted shallowly for some friction against her cunt. “I want to learn.”
“Good. Now keep your hips still.”
“It hurts..”
“You will get relief soon enough. For now, kiss me.”
Okoye cupped his cheeks in her cold hands, lightly scratching at his stubble with her nails as she pressed her lips to his.
It took him a moment to react, when he did he was rough, rushed and her grip on his chin had to draw him back before she lost her mind.
“No rushing.” She slapped his cheek lightly. “You’ll get nothing from rushing. Take your time. Enjoy it, Attuma. I’m not going anywhere.”
He let out a small whimper as his lips parted again, her grip on his face too strong and her gaze too intimidating to go against her wishes.
Carefully, she kissed him again, his parted lips giving way for her tongue to delve into his mouth with a moan.
His own tongue chased hers, tangling and trembling as he followed her movements, indulging in the sensuality as his dick began to throb against the rough fabric confining it.
His knuckles flashed white as he gripped hard on the couch, Okoye tasting all the whines and moans that left his mouth.
Her gloss smudged against his lips in a sloppy trace as she pulled away. He chased her with a groan and a thrust of his hips.
“Slow…Attuma. Your patience runs thin. You must enjoy it.”
“I’m trying. It hurts..I need it!”
“Mm what do you need, honey? Talk to me.” Okoye rut her hips against the bulge in his crotch causing his mouth to fall open and a strained moan to leave his throat.
“I-I need you so bad. Please? I’ll slow down..be good.”
“Gonna be good? Huh?” Okoye chuckled as his desperation grew. “Alright.” She climbed off of his lap, plopping her self on the couch next to him. “Take your clothes off. All of them.”
Attuma tripped over his own feet trying to stand and fumble with the buttons of his shirt. His frustration eventually got the best of him and he ripped the damn thing apart, buttons went flying and clattered to the floor as he shrugged the shirt off.
His belt was next as he unbuckled it and pulled it free with a grunt.
“Slower..” Okoye demanded from the couch once she pulled her dress over her head and folded it to the arm of the chair.
With a huff, Attuma used his shaky hands to undo his pants, shoving them down to his ankles and stepping out of them.
His cock sprung free, bobbing against his abdomen firm and hard. He resisted the urge to put an end to his ache, clenching his fists at his side as Okoye stared.
“Is it..” Attuma started to feel self conscious under her stare. The last time someone besides himself had even gotten a glimpse at it was in college with the half satisfactory hand job and that was under the darkness of the night with the cover of his car.
So he wasn’t quite sure if he was truly good enough.
“Okoye? Say something please.”
“You are more than enough Attuma.” She chuckled. “Why I think I’m looking forward to being your first time. Come sit.”
Hesitantly, he sunk into the couch again as Okoye stripped of her bra and panties, folding them up on her dress before she straddled his waist again.
“Are you ready?”
“Hm…I think so.” He murmured. “Are you?”
“More than I ever have been.”
One hand went to his base and the other to his cheek as she latched to his lips and lined him to her entrance, sinking down on the intrusion with a moan.
Attuma flinched hard, tossing his head back and gripping her hips with a force that could snap her bones.
“Okay..okay. Shhh.” She stroked his cheek as she continued to impale herself until she was flush against his pelvis. “It’s okay.”
“Mmm! No! I can’t! Okoye!” His eyes screwed shut as he continued to squeeze her hips with bruising strength.
Both of her hands cupped his cheeks, bring his forehead to meet her own to ground him. “You’re okay Attuma. I’m just gonna sit for a minute okay? You tell me when you’re ready.”
“Fuuuck! I think I’m gonna cum!” He felt the pressure build in his belly at an alarming pace, the clench of her pussy not helping at all.
“No. You won’t. You’ll be good remember?” Okoye brushed his hair back, stroking his cheek with the lightest touch as small gasps escaped his lips
“Mhmm. Oh!”
“Shhh. It’s alright. Mama’s taking care of you, right?”
“Mhm.” Attuma grunted as his chest heaved, his orgasm slowly retreating. “Oh my…fuck, you feel amazing.”
“Yeah?” She chuckled. “Still gonna cum?”
“N-no. It’s gone.”
“Good. Good boy. Now, I’m gonna take my time and I want you to do the same. No rushing, understand?”
“Yes. No rushing.”
“Quick learner.” Okoye lifted her hips, dragging her walls against his cock before sinking back down to meet his pelvis.
She repeated his slowly until Attuma started to meet the slow pace, thrusting his hips in tandem with when she sunk down. “Good Attuma.”
She muttered praises against his skin as his shallow thrusts hit her spot effortlessly.
“There it is.” She groaned, dropped her head to his neck.
“What is?!” Attuma’s hips stuttered as she had stopped lifting her hips. “Okoye?”
“It’s my spot! Attuma don’t stop!”
“Fuck! What does…that mean?” He began to drill into her, a soft clapping sound filling the office as he continued to hit that spongy spot inside of her walls.
“Means I’m gonna cum..Ooh! Faster! Now you can go faster.”
“O-okay..” Attuma repositioned his hands, gripping up the globes of her ass cheeks and holding them up so he could have some room to thrust.
“Oh!” He growled, setting his pace quick and precise. “Shit! Okoye! Fuck, it’s back!”
“Let it go!” She gasped as she hit her peak with a whine and her nails dragging down his arms. “Attuma!” She shivered as she came only supplying him with more slick to reach his own state of ecstasy.
“Ooh! K-ko! Okoye, fuck!” He growled, throwing his head back with a booming thud against the wall as he filled her up to the brim with cum, so much it started to leak.
Chests heaving against each other, sweat mixing between their skin. Okoye couldn’t find much strength to dismount him and Attuma was sure worn out.
“Next time..” Okoye started. “We will try your hand at oral..your mouth I should say.”
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cursedfortune · 1 year
One of the Witch's dresses, currently placed not on her person yet bearing the residual scent of lavender - so seamlessly interwoven with other smells of the garden, herbs and alchemy. The Hunter lifted it slowly, before bringing it up to his half-covered face.
One of the odd and yet charming aspects of the man of the dark gales - he didn't exactly skulk around. If he wanted to take a deep whiff of something pleasant, he simply did.
...She would find him with his face buried in black fabric, sniffing intently as a scenthound. Guess he did miss her after their recent period of separation.
There was absolutely no shame, nor any noticeable shift to his expression when he finally noticed her (or, at least, refocused his attention). If anything, he seemed rather self-satisfied as he extended his hand, returning the garment.
"Blood and blossoms alike suit you," purred the elder of the Unlimited. "Red and violet dance well together."
Where she was, no one could truly say but her. Legs curled inwardly; her hands cradled the odd crystal ball within her gentle grasp, seated neatly within her lap as she delved beyond what most knew. In her mental wanderings through old ruins and history, as she studied lost knowledge and pieced together the puzzle of unique spells that haven't been used in ages, she felt an interruption.
Curious spirits of knowledge tapped at her, curled around her conscious shape and whispered of a visitor within her domain. Politely the witch excused herself for this session and shifted away from the ruins; she channeled herself closer to home as she scryed, viewing her own clearing to see a familiar redhead crossing through.
Excitement bubbled up within as she carefully disconnected herself from the ether of all things, brought herself back into the known reality - or the one she chose to acknowledge as her own. Placing the crystal orb within her bag of holding, the witch proceeded to give a lazy stretch of her arms above her head - back arching against the gravestone she had been resting against for hours prior.
Upon her feet once more she cleaned up the space around what was meant to be her grave and padded out of the brush, returning swiftly to the cabin. Pulling open the front door she stepped in and found him there, face buried within one of her dresses. Perhaps some may be put off by such a sight but the witch understood the man before her, there was only a slight squint of amusement shown as she admired the sight. It was far more pleasant to see him in the flesh than not, after-all. She was certainly curious of his adventures away from this place they both could call home, together.
The witch ventured closer, accepting the garment upon him seemingly having his fill of it. Yet it didn't stay within her grasp, not when she could simply toss it onto the dresser nearby. It would seem her focus was only upon him, upon his return and she did not cease walking closer until they were a hair's breadth apart. Here and now black eyes took in her Hunter, assessed his condition and well-being both physically and within the energy that made up his being. Yet they did not stray far from his own gaze, far too much comfort found in the stares they exchanged.
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"Oh? Thank you, lovely. I agree with you entirely." Mortem mused as she stood a little taller to wrap her arms around his neck, to draw the two of them closer until the distance was closed finally. Yet in this embrace the witch's gaze gleamed with a familiar playfulness, "That's why I love our dances so very much. Whether it's beneath the moonlight, or one with blades-- or something more carnal." Ashen lips curved into a teasing grin at the latter. "I do so hope you'll be visiting long enough to indulge me in all three... numerous times, preferably."
There was never any denying her interest in him in all ways imaginable. Red and violet mixed well when feet were sweeping across her hardwood floor or out within the grass beneath the moon - though he could be clumsy, he had come far as a dance partner. For dancing was just another form of combat and violence was a language they both knew intimately. It was why she loved to speak it with him, to tear each other down in the guise of building themselves up. Trust to restrain oneself and trust to go harder than others would existed within the same beautiful knot that kept the two of them bound. And speaking of intimacy... her cool fingertips danced along the back of his neck, desire ever evident in some capacity whenever she looked upon him. "I'll let you choose the sort of dance our reunion should consist of first~"
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
A Helping Hand (part two) - Anakin Skywalker x fem Reader (whump and smut)
Hi this is the smut part enjoy :)
Read it on ao3
WC: 2.4k
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Anakin was right. Your shoulder was healed with a bit of bacta, but your wrist-- for lack of better terms-- was fucked. By the time you had made it to the infirmary in the Jedi temple, your fingers were going numb and you had no motion at all in your wrist. Not that you had any motivation to move it.
Anakin was forced to stay in the waiting room as you got x-rayed and treated… which included setting the broken bones back in place. You were thankful he didn’t have to see that. After you were let loose, Anakin brought you back to his and helped you wash up. He even cooked for you and made you a mug of tea while you lounged in his bed, loopy from pain meds, resting your newly casted arm on a pillow. 
In the days directly after, you were a crabby mess. The council had not, in fact, decided to give Anakin a break, and he was sent back into battle only a day later. You had to come to terms with the fact that you were going to take a while to heal, which meant you were effectively useless to the Republic army until you were all better. The realization was like a blow to the chest-- you would take months to heal fully. What were you supposed to do until then?
You blew off some steam by focusing your efforts on training your uninjured hand to be able to throw. It should have been something you had worked on before, but your injured arm had been so good at it, there was no need. Now, you learned your lesson and began training your non-dominant hand to be just as good.
There was another reason you were in a terrible mood. It had been far too long since you had blown off steam in… other ways. Before recent, Anakin hadn’t been as busy, so he took care of you. Usually it wasn’t a problem when he was gone because you could just do it yourself. But ever since your wrist started hurting, you haven't been able to satisfy yourself. It had been weeks, and the clunky cast on your wrist reminded you that there were still months to go. 
Anakin came back from his most recent mission during the last few hours of the afternoon. He had been gone for over a week, and you missed him terribly. When he came through the door, you expected him to be exhausted, covered in dirt and debris, and begging for some food. However, he opened the door to find you getting dressed from your shower, his leather armor perfectly clean and a bright smile on his face.
You wanted to say something, but he beat you to it.
“Good news,” he shrugged his robe off, discarding it on a chair before immediately coming and wrapping you in his arms. “The Council gave me a whole week off.”
You squeezed him as hard as you could, the cast on your injured arm keeping you from holding him to your full potential. You breathed in his scent, closing your eyes as you felt his chest rise and fall with every breath. Wordlessly, you pulled at him to get on the bed, and he took the hint. You stayed pressed against each other as he settled onto his back, and you buried yourself into his chest. Your cast hung off to the side awkwardly.
“How’s your arm doing?” he spoke into your hair, rubbing your back.
“Doesn’t matter,” your cheek was squished against his chest. “You’re back.”
His body shook with laughter beneath you. “But is it feeling any better?”
“Still broken.”
“Have you been icing it?”
“Every day.”
“Taking your pain meds?”
“Thinking of me?”
You hugged him tighter to you. “Always.”
He sighed contently, hand dragging soothing lines up and down your back. Unfortunately, with the way you were laying on him, his leg was slotted between yours. You wanted to relax and enjoy this peaceful moment being alone with him for the first time in weeks, but there were other needs that were taking over the forefront of your mind.
You shifted your hips, hoping he wouldn’t notice your movement as you rubbed against him. You just needed some sort of friction, the blood in your veins becoming hot as you felt the first sparks of pleasure in weeks. If Anakin hadn’t noticed your movement, he did notice the color now staining your cheeks.
“Something wrong?” he pulled your chin up to look at him.
You froze. “Not at all.”
“Really?” the hand on your back shifted to grip onto your hip, pushing you against his leg.Your eyes fluttered closed at the eruption of pleasure, giving you away. “That’s what I thought.”
His tone dropped a decibel, words dripping from his mouth like honey. That was always one of your favorite things about him-- the slow, smooth way he spoke. He could do nothing but whisper in your ear, and you’d be all ready for him.
“I missed you,” you responded truthfully, then looked to your casted arm. “I-I haven’t been able to…”
He cocked an eyebrow at you, smirking as the pieces instantly clicked. “Oh, you poor thing,” his hand travelled from your hip and between your legs, applying the gentlest pressure over your underwear. You shivered as he traced slow circles into your most sensitive spot, closing your eyes again and leaning into his touch. He kept his hand under your chin, forcing you to face him.
“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” he remarked. “Good thing we have a whole week to catch up.”
You balled the robes under his leather armor in your fist, squeezing at his shoulder for purchase. He let go of your chin and moved his hand to your neck, bringing you down so he could kiss you. 
It was sweet; a slow, gentle kiss that mirrored what he was doing to you below. You needed him to go faster, but he seemed content with this relaxed pace. He was teasing you, you knew it, but you were afraid that if you called him out on it he’d draw it out for even longer.
You began shifting your hips to meet his fingers, grinding yourself against him. Your body sang like a live wire as he deepened the kiss, slowly tasting you. The deliberate movement of his tongue against yours had you pooling in your panties, sighing into the kiss.
You needed your underwear off. Now. You sacrifice your good hand from his shoulder to reach down, but it was harder than expected to shift them down your legs.
“What are you doing?” he mumbled against your lips. “Oh.”
He chuckled deeply at your failed attempt to rid yourself of your underwear, pulling them the rest of the way himself. “This better?” he breathed, fingers returning to massage deep circles into you. 
You moaned in answer, rocking your hips in time with his movements. He pressed quick kisses into the delicate skin of your neck, slowly building you up with his fingers until you were pretty sure you were dripping onto his Jedi uniform. You pushed aside every instinct telling you to continue and sat up, pulling at his belt.
He paused with his fingers still against you, watching you struggle with his belt for a moment. You pulled at the straps, but it was hard to undo with just one hand. He watched your face grow redder and redder, waiting for you to ask for help.
“I can’t… I can’t do this,” you admitted quietly. 
He caressed your hot cheek with the back of his finger, and then removed his hands from you so he could take off his own belt. “Is there anything else I can help with?”
You ignored his teasing and tugged at the leather armor. “This needs to go. And the shirt under it.” 
Anakin steadied you on him with a hand to your hip, sitting up so he could shrug off the leather armor and robes underneath. Watching him undress before you, you wished more than anything that you could drag your hands down his chest, feel the hard muscle of his abdomen beneath your palms-- both of them. But your casted arm still hung by your side, pathetic and burdensome. 
You swung your leg off of him so that you were kneeling beside him on the bed. He frowned, questioning what you were doing.
“I’m making a mess on you,” you gave a pointed leg to where you had been positioned over his leg.
“It’s no matter,” he brought you back to him for another kiss. “I can deal with a little mess.”
He trapped you beneath him, his arms on either side of you as he licked into your mouth again. You met his movements halfway, responding in earnest. Your new position allowed you to wrap an arm around his neck, and you lifted your casted arm to do the same, but hesitated. You didn’t want the hard material to hurt him, but it would be awkward if you just let it lie limply at your side.
He answered your silent debate by lifting the elbow of your injured arm, placing it around his neck like you wanted. Your chest swelled with warmth and you rolled your hips against his, searching for the feeling that could satisfy your ache. You used your knees to push his pants over his hips, and he removed them the rest of the way, kissing down your neck again. 
This time he didn’t stop, hands slipping under your shirt and bunching it up around your neck as he sucked wet kisses into the flesh of your breasts. You ran your good hand through his hair, watching the messy curls flop back down over his forehead. He smiled at you crookedly before ducking back down, lips marking a trail down your stomach, across your hips, to the inside of your thighs. His fingers dug into the skin there, pulling you open for him so he could taste the arousal that was waiting for him.
The feeling of him never got old. You bit the skin of your good arm in your mouth, head rolling back into the pillow. It had been far too long since you’d done this. His tongue felt like heaven, massaging you just right as he licked and kissed your sensitive bud. He wasted no time with teasing you, thankfully, as he forced you to come undone beneath him. 
It was embarrassing how fast you came close to finishing. Your legs tensed up around his head, and he held you open as he kissed deeper into you. Your moans bounced off the walls, uncontrollable as he kept up his sweet torture. The lava was building up in your veins, just about to burst, when he pulled back.
“You look so pretty,” he groaned, replacing his mouth with his hand. He spread your wetness around with his fingers, dipping inside you with one and then another, working you open slowly.  He watched himself do it, his gaze on you focused on the way his fingers disappeared in and out of you. You don’t know why it made you bashful, but you cupped his jaw with your good hand, pulling him up so you could clean yourself off of his lips. 
You sucked his bottom lip into your mouth, nibbling on it as you reached down again to stroke the hard length of him in your palm. He pressed you back into the pillow, kissing you hard, thrusting into your hand in time with his fingers inside of you. You clenched around him, wanting nothing more than to be filled to the brim with his cock.
You positioned him against your wet folds, hinting at what you wanted, but he wouldn’t move his fingers. Instead he dug deeper, curling his wrist just right so he could hit the place that made you lose control. You broke away from the kiss to gasp, hand tightening around his length.
“Fuck,” he murmured, lips closing over yours again. He swallowed your whimpers and when you realized he wasn’t going to let up, you settled for rubbing the head of him over your clit. Your ecstasy was approaching again, he could feel the vibrations of your moans growing louder and louder. 
When he finally let you sink his length into you, it was like stepping into a warm bath on a rainy day. You were so wet and so ready, you opened up for him effortlessly, walls squeezing excitedly around him. He buried his face into your neck, breath hot as he marked your skin up. He made sure to be cautious of where you had been shot, skimming his lips over the sensitive skin of your shoulder.
Your bodies were pressed against each other at every point, not a single space left between you two. He buried himself deep inside you, your legs wrapping around his waist as he rocked in and out. It was slow and sweet and careful, yet satisfying all the same. You were both content with this, just wanting to be together and feel each other. You kept Anakin’s head pressed against your skin with your hand to the back of his neck, curling into the hair there. 
God, you had missed this. The warmth of his body against yours, the heavy length of his hardness scraping against your walls, the bliss that it pulled from the pit of your stomach. You arched into him, his arm anchoring you to him on the small of your back. 
It didn’t take long for either of you to finish. You cried out, hand tightening in his hair as he buried himself inside you, deep and deliberate, hips rolling just right. The pleasure washed over you in waves, and your body shook as you came undone beneath him. He twitched inside you soon after, spilling hot liquid into you as he groaned in your ear.
Your breathing was beginning to slow when he pulled out of you. He moved to pull his pants back on, but you stopped him-- this night was far from over, and you were just beginning. He shot you a cocky grin, and then pulled you on top of him with one arm.
“How’s your arm feeling now?”
You kissed his sternum, feeling his heartbeat beneath your lips. “Still broken, Anakin.”
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thefandom-fanatic · 4 years
Drawing Hearts Chapter 1
So this is my first fanfic ever. English is not my first language but I am trying, I do have a second part to this so I'll eventually post it. Hope it's well liked? Non of the gifs or pics belong to me btw.
(Y/N) was a Goner. In only been here for a short amount of time and yet she where already swooning. That pretty cute guy with a adorable fanged smile, Bright golden eyes and the most beautiful complexion of blue. Kurt Wagner. Aka Nightcrawler, the adorable X-Men that had stolen her heart in days with his shy smile and adorable ways. (Y/N) could just imagine herself in his arms all day and just staring at his smile.
"Ugh...I sound like a creep"
She grumbled as she stared down at the most recent sketch of the Mutant. It was a simple sketch, One she had done rather quickly of Kurt when he was in her perch like position and tail swaying behind him. (Y/N) always thought he looked bad ass like this.
(Y/N) stared at the small picture and sighed softly. 'Why would he, A X-Men of all people even glance your way? You don't have a cool mutation. You aren't some model... You're... Just you' She thought softly before sighing in utter defeat. Just picking up her pencil to continue her art.
Once finished with her sketch and some light shading she scribbled down a fast and small little 'Love letter' next to the sketch. Pouring her little heart out through the words before smiling proudly, she had done this with all the little pictures of Kurt she drew... yes there where quite a few in this sketchbook alone. Making a small little poem, Note, Letter or whatever else next to the sketch. Almost like she was able to speak to him through these words.
Satisfied she set the book to her left to grab her bag. In a matter of seconds there was a small gust of wind and when she turned to grab her book.... It was Gone...
"What. The. Fuck!?"
Kurt POV
Kurt was in Love.
He tried so much to hide his feelings and try to psych himself out of it, But it was far too late for that.
In the short few weeks that (Y/N) had arrived she had already stolen his heart, Without even having to say a single word. Her simple smiles and pleasant waves was all that was needed for his knees to feel week, That kind look in her (Y/C) eyes was all it took in that moment for him to fall under her spell and his heart skip.
"Wow, You got it bad don't ya?" Peter said with a snicker as he watched his blue friend pout from the lunchroom table as he stared out the nearest window where (Y/N) was sitting sketching in her book. Kurt groaned softly as he placed his face down on the table, Ignoring the snickers of his friends next to him, Jubilee rubbing his back as a small act of comfort.
"You should just go talk to her. She seems really nice" Jean said softly as she leaned against Scott who was smirking as his miserable Friend. "Yeah. I haven't seen anyone talk to her yet so I imagine it will be welcomed"
Kurt just shook his head softly from his position "Nein...I don't know her, I vill chust scare her avay"
Kurt said softly. His spade tipped tail droping as he sulked and didn't look up from his face full of table. The small group sighed at this as they wanted to cheer up their friend. Peter stood up however rather Quietly which was unusual from him. He grabbed a hand full of chips shoving them in his mouth and slid down his goggles
"My Time, Has Come"
The Silver haired speedster said with a grin before zipping away. Kurt instantly Pulling his head up as he heard this and having a bad feeling. In a matter of a few seconds Peter had returned holding up a well used sketchbook with a grin on his face, Kurt's golden eyes went wide as he instantly recognized what that was.
"Is Zat..."
Peter smiled as he pulled up his goggles with a grin.
"Yes it is Devil Dude. Now, Let's see what she really likes!"
Peter said as he opened the book. The rest of the group now fully catching on to what Peter was holding in his hand.
"That's so Uncool!" Jubilee protest as she shot up to grab the Sketchbook. Knowing that with any girl there was some things that were written that was never ment to be read! Jean also got up to take the book as Well "Peter stop it!" Scott staying oddly silent in all this as he saw the reactions of the girls (He looked through Jeans journal before-)
This seemed to only to strengthen the Speedsters resolve as he started to flick through the book at lightning speed. Kurt also now on edge as this felt wrong.
"Zis isn't right" Kurt said Quickly as he went to snatch the book.
"She likes you!" Peter announced loudly, It was suddenly like a shift Kurt was suddenly next to Peter looking over his shoulders with wide eyes. He stared back at a well done picture of himself, Sitting around with a wide smile on his face like he'd been laughing, A small poem on the side of the drawing. Kurt's cheeks and tips of his ears started to turn lavender as Peter flicked through the many well done pictures of him and the sweet words that went with them.
Kurt was quiet as he stared at the pictures. Blushing more and more as his tail swayed side to side happily like a puppy. Jubilee stepped in and ripped the book from Peter's hands. "Alright that's enough Creeps! I'm gonna return this to (Y/N) before she-" "Vait! I...I can give it back to her" Kurt said, Being surprised by his own sudden boldest for a moment. There where a few raised eyebrows at this before Peter grinned, Jean also looking Hesitant but Scott just smiled. All of them agreeing to this as Jubilee handed the Blue mutant the book who quickly Bamf'ed away.
However he didn't go to where he had last seen (Y/N) instead he appeared in his bedroom. Holding the sketchbook close to his chest before rushing over to his little desk and grabbing an empty spiral notebook and getting to work.
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crabnby · 6 years
ok @the-defiant-pupil i'm just gonna go ahead and make a new post bc this is about to get too long for my adhd ass
(context: continuation of this post)
1. funny thing is, i've actually read most of your sources already. they get really, really boring after awhile though, bc all of them start to say the same thing: yes there are differences, but there are also similarities, and scientists have yet to figure out the significance of this.
i'm not gonna go through each and every one of your sources, and i shouldn't be expected to either. when it comes to biological research, find the most recent articles with the most solid evidence/conclusions and call it good. don't dredge up an entire archive. i could find you sources that only characterize lichens as 2 symbiotic organisms rather than 3, but that wouldn't be correct bc the most recent research says otherwise. so yeah, just bc you CAN find that much info out there doesn't mean all of it is viable and should be used.
also, you can't just list a bunch of sources and expect it to be enough. you should contextualize them, explain them, tell your audience why each one matters. if you're really going to have that many, then be prepared to give a short annotation for each one bc i can guarantee you no one has enough time on their hands (or in my case, attention span) to read that many sources
your "plain as day" source by the way?? says this as well:
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this is what i was talking about earlier!! do you actually read, contextualize, and analyze what you read? or do you just find the first line you agree with and run with it?
bc what i got from reading that article is that even after years of research and the largest study to date, scientists STILL don't fully understand what they're looking at, and they might never. so we, as people Not Actively Researching This Subject should be incredibly hesitant to draw our own conclusions when even the researchers can't do so.
i also like that the author mentions how socialization can affect brain structure and development — did you know that domestication causes visible differences in gene structure between the ancestor and current-day species? bc of selective breeding, humans changed the genetics of dogs, cows, crops, etc.; genetics changed bc of domestication, domestication didn't come about bc of a change in genetics. and i KNOW that you're going to tell me this has nothing to do w what we're talking about, but it does hold a similar concept: it's not just genetics and bodily functions that affect behavior, the environment has an equally important role.
similarly, gene expression in almost every species is highly regulated by the environment just as equally as it is the body (and for clarification: environment means anything external, body means anything internal). as are hormonal responses, reflexes, emotions, etc. all of which can have subtle but lasting impacts on the body! i don't actually think that anti-transmeds are trying to deny science when we say that how your brain developed is not the only thing that affects gender identity! i think it's kinda actually the opposite!
2. i've haven't heard of this tumblr biologist, so please direct me to their publications, i'd actually really love to read them
3. science literacy is a whole other beast than literacy in general. like, yes, you have to be able to read, but suddenly specific word choice and HOW you read articles becomes important. it goes from reading chronologically (english literacy) to reading section by section and contextualizing what you've read in previous sections and articles so that by the end you understand the initial hypothesis, if the evidence ACTUALLY proved it, if their methods were sound, and why it matters in the particular field.
i'm not trying to say that people who aren't studying science can't read peer-reviewed articles and understand them, but you do have to realize that it's a completely new skillset you have to practice over and over again, not just something you can pick up on the fly
4. i think you completely missed my point about the anti-vaxxer movement. the reason it started was bc McBastard Wakefield published his article and before any other research could be done to refute it or back it up, the greater population picked it up and ran with it. 7 or so years since it's been debunked and he lost his medical license, but people still believe him bc he got published, and to some of the most accredited journals at that.
my point was that just bc the research exists doesn't mean we should accept it at face value until the medical/scientific community can undeniably say "this is what this is, and what it means." and they're STILL doing further research, which means that hasn't happened yet. bc the whole point of science, and by extension research, is to never be satisfied w your results, and instead continue to look for more than you can currently see. or at least that's what i've been taught.
bc to look at published articles and assume that they MUST be true bc it's PUBLISHED SCIENCE is...exactly what the anti-vaxxer movement began on. and i'd rather not repeat that.
(please show me, by the way, how """tucutes""" 1. actually exist and 2. harm anyone by simply living their own damn lives)
5. yeah """""tucutes""""" don't have any science bc uh.....there really is none. science is a process, and we're currently in the research phase which means NO ONE should be using it as proof. it's good to say "hey this exists" but to completely invalidate someone's existence based on studies that scientists are still trying to understand? that's called abusing and misconstruing results
6. i'm guessing you don't actually care, but sure. i'll explain mating types of fungi to you.
in short: genetic diversity is advantageous for survival, and fungi are nothing if not crafty little bastards, thus 1000s of mating pairs for better chances of sexual compatibility
in long: each mating type is determined by a set of genes. really, you can think of mating types as extended alleles, since each distinct allele has a distinct mating type.
so as for 5 different mating types and how they're different...there you go. that'd be like asking me to tell you 5 different alleles of the same gene and how they're different. the only difference is in sequence and then how they're expressed due to differences in sequence.
usually we don't categorize every single mating type since that'd be a bit...much.
however, we can and do categorize fungi by how they reproduce! i.e., what kind of syntamy do they display? can they go through diploid selfing? can they inbreed or only out cross? what's their primary stage of life: diploid or haploid? do they rely on sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction? if it's an ascomycete, do they form pericarps or ascocarps?
in fact, one of the main differentiators between fungi is their life cycle, most of which is geared towards reproduction. that's why although basidiomycetes and ascomycetes are the only fungi that can form macro fruiting bodies (as well as many, many other similarities), they'll always be categorized differently.
but i digress. the reason i compared fungal mating types to brain morphology and "sex" categorization is bc i was making an analogy. i'm not a neurologist, as you can probably tell at this point, but that doesn't mean i haven't taken any classes that covered the brain pretty extensively.
what i was really trying to say was this: everything that i've read so far says that although there's definitely some differences between brains, there's also a significant amount of overlap, so much so that when you try to categorize the brain into two distinct types, you're still going to have an incredible amount of variety.
likewise, you could, theoretically, do the same to fungi. you could sequence the genes from each mating type, determine the different SNPs, and categorize them into two distinct groups based on what SNPs they do/don't have. it wouldn't make sense to do so, though, bc there'd still be too much variety within each group.
this was just me trying to relate it to what i personally study but tbh i can see how that would've been confusing, so i apologize for that
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