#hawaii 5-0 rp
copwithsass · 1 year
Welcome to a mutuals only, solo roleplay blog run by @generalnachocolor formerly known as @sizzlingwombatglitter & @soarsthroughthesky.
Offline means: Not actively around to check messages or write.
Online means: Fairly active, will more likely check messages and write.
Mun: 21+
Muses: You must be at least 18+ to participate, if your not, you will be blocked. Steve is multiship/multiverse.
I am 15+ hours ahead of most of you timewise, so if I don’t reply then please know it’s at least in my drafts ready to go for the next time.  
I am a fairly chill writer, so whilst I’m not going to be upset if you godmode Steve, I will be upset if plots aren’t communicated or at least talked about once. I do however have the right to block anything I feel uncomfortable with.
I play characters to the best of my ability, I make mistakes, but I will always try and communicate.
This character is Bisexual. But in some plots may be polyamarous.
Our muses won’t always gel and that’s ok, sometimes RP is just about readjusting, again that’s when communication comes in.
In terms of smut, I write it with writers I get along with, and again that’s communication based. If there’s no reply do not spam me, that’s really annoying when I’m sleeping.
Lastly thank you to those that when my account was lost helped me out, and hope to see you on the RP waves.
xx Sizzles xx
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“I hate the bastard for a variety of reasons, and the biggest at the moment is that Stan can afford frivolous things that make my kid happy while here I am trying to scrape by, trying to make her time with me just decent. Not even great, but a bare minimum of okay enough. 
“If you have any idea on how to make things more festive while going easy on my wallet, I’d owe you big time. Being a grump to the world is one of my best attributes. But I don’t want to be a Grinch for my kid.”  
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heldisrps · 11 months
♡ COMMISSION◝  by clicking the source link below you’ll be redirected to #470 gifs of scott caan in hawaii five-0 [3.01-05]. all of the gifs were made by me from scratch, so please do not redistribute or claim them as your own, and do not edit in any way without my permission. please reblog post if you found these useful. tw: police, weapon, alcohol, flashing light, blood, food/eating
◝ * info about my commissions can be found here.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello, hello! 24yr writer here looking for someone interested in a Hawaii Five-O roleplay! I'm in particular looking for a platonic oc x cc rp in literate style, 3rd person and past tense. I'd like for someone to play either Steve McGarrett or Danny Williams against my female oc, in a sorta of father-daughter dynamic. I'm down to double up and am willing to play both cc x cc or oc x cc pairings for your part and open to plenty of ideas! If you are interested, interact and I'll reach out.
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
@devilsmenu​ said : Was that [LEE DAHEE]? Oh no no, that was just [KONO KALAKAUA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [HAWAII 5 0]. They are [THIRTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. kono kalakaua [lee dahee]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  
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sunnflow3rshowers · 7 months
Rp Search
In this year of Our Lord 2023, Omegle has fallen. (RIP) So here I am, laying all of this out, desperate to find more rp partners. I am 27, so I am only really interested in rping with people that are 21+. I am interested in both fandom and OC rps, depending on the mood and all of that. I will list the fandoms I'm looking for, as well as who I play, and general themes. I am a third person, literate roleplay, I stick to 1-2 paragraphs, but the length can always fluctuate depending on the roleplay and my roleplay partners. When it comes to RPs, I like them light and soft. I also like them dark and heavy, with lots of Whump, Angst, and Hurt/Comfort, as well as some darker themes that would require trigger warnings, all of which will be discussed privately, of course.
I prefer MxM for fandom rps, although there are some small exceptions for specific ships. I"m more open to MxF and FxF, and other pairings with more OC rps. With most Fandom Rps, I am looking for Shipping Rps, aka a Merthur rp, Kylux Rp, etc
Fandom: Who I play
Teen wolf: Stiles Stilinski The Old Guard: Nicky Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Armitage Hux Umbrella Academy: Klaus Stranger Things: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins The Witcher: Jaskier Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin ATLA: Sokka Our Flag Means Death: Lucius Spriggs Gotham: Oswald Cobblepot Merlin: Merlin Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Hannibal: Will Graham Arcane: Viktor Spider-Man: Peter Parker (NOT MCU) GOT: Sansa (only paired with Sandor Clegane) The Eternals: Makkari (only paired with Druig) Detroit Become Human: Connor Good Omens: Aziraphale Agents of Shield: Fitz (as gay and not paired with Simmons) FAHC: Jack (fem) Yugioh: Joey Wheeler Person of Interest: Harold Finch Haikyuu: Suga, kenma X-men: Charles Xavier The Boys: Hughie White Collar: Neal The Goldfinch: Theo Hunter X Hunter: Kurapika, Shalnark Barry: No-ho Hank IT: Eddie Hawaii 5-0: Danny Daredevil (netflix): Foggy, James Wesley Fantastic Beasts: Credence Vikings: Athelstan OC Fandoms! Hit me up if you want to talk about rps in any of these. In these sorts of rps I am 110% down to double up if you play canon against my oc, all of which can be talked and discussed privately! Marvel Xmen GOT Star Wars Barry General Rps! I am a huge fan of brainstorming rps with general themes! Fantasy Horror Drama Sci-fi Cyberpunk Etc! Please please just reach out and I'm always going to be happy to brainstorm! If you made it this far, thank you so much! If you are interested, like this, leave a comment, send me a dm, or add me on discord @ sunnflow3rshowers !
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teruel-a-witch · 11 months
tag 9 people you'd like to know better
i was tagged weeks ago by @crackers4jenn (*waves* sorry it takes me ages, i'm a scatterbrain)
last song: had to check my youtube history because i rarely listen to music and apparently it was precious by depeche mode on July 12th, lol. it's the soundtrack at the end of bones 1x10 and rewatching the episode always makes me want to listen to the song again.
currently watching: of the shows that are still on right now, only what we do in the shadows. (i think how i met your father s2 officially ended, i mean to pick nancy drew back up but i don't remember where in s3 I fell behind) but i'm in a perpetual process of rewatching/watching so many things, just since the beginning of the summer i've rewatched s3-5 of community, the entirety of black books, went back to white collar which i had abandoned after s2 and watched s3-4 in full before getting distracted, i am also in a neverending rewatch of castle and bones that's been going on since like 2016. earlier this year i was rewatching rizzoli&isles, warehouse 13, grimm, etc. did not finish them all. i jump around a lot depending on my mood. also mean to get back to my lucifer and wynonna earp rewatch at some point. i very rare finish shows and then i get back and have to start from the beginning and then i don't finish anyway, it's a vicious circle, i don't like saying goodbye. also i have no attention span. i guess technically i am also in the process of watching hawaii five-0 but i haven't watched any new (for me) episodes in a loooong time because canon is such a drag compared to the happy au land i've been living in. i do also watch some shows that are on hiatus right now but i probably wouldn't even remember them all. i only remember when they come back. suffice to say i watch a lot of tv lol.
currently reading: embarrassingly, nothing. only stuff that comes up on my tumblr dash 🤷🏻‍♀️. i haven't even read fanfic since ao3 was blocked in my country in april of this year. because of how my brain works if you add an extra step to something i am used to doing (aka i have to turn on vpn to open ao3 links) i am just that much less likely to do it. i miss losing myself in a book but my brain is too preoccupied by my blorbos to be able to invest in anything new.
current obsession: probably shocking to no one who follows me, it's mcdanno. this ship ate my brain in november of 2021 and since then its hold on me has not lessened at all, probably got worse, lmao. i found myself unable to gather any feelings about any of my old long time ships because all that space has been eaten up by steve and danny's insane chemistry and frustrating and wonderful epic love story. also within the mcdanno fandom the obsession of recent months has been building/brainstorming aus with aron @emphasisonthehomo (best rp partner one could wish for) . and i guess you can call making mcdanno screencap edits and metas an obsession of its own.
tagging (no pressure, only if you want to): @emphasisonthehomo , @stephmcx , @trickster-archangel , @pepperf , @wordybee , @alexihawleys , @aflawedfashion , @annieaceofhearts , @lukeclvez
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LAST LINE OF WIP (or more):
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
Tagged by : @cowandcalf (Thanks for the tag babe!)
So there was a concept that started forever ago in an rp. My partner in that thread went on hiatus but I loved the concept so I turned it into a fic. It’s...complicated. To say the least. 
It’s a Hawaii 5-0/Three River’s crossover. Steve and Andy are twins that were separated at birth. Years later, Steve’s son ends up in Andy’s ER and secrets are revealed and so many questions raised. But now Andy, who had a goal and desire to be a father one day, was now in custody of a child who by genetic reasoning was his. Wanting to give the child time to recover from being in foster care and the streets they don’t rush into alerting the McGarrett’s...Thre River plot points later force Andy to bring Steve’s son to Hawaii. 
Steve’s struggling to adjust as fatherhood is thrust onto him along with so many new insane family secrets, a twin, and an uncle that could only be classified as evil. 
My intention is that this is pre-McDanno with Steve forcing Danny into his life because he needs help being a dad. And Danny is in the middle of this chaos, befriending both brothers in different ways, understanding both sides, and while trying to improve his life to be a better dad to Grace himself in a new environment, make sure that ultimately, Steve’s son, Jack, isn’t facing harm. 
TL:DR I gave the McGarrett family a BIG can of worms and it was opened and now Danny’s gotta help them deal with emotions. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Mary looks away from the window to look at Steve who was still watching Andy and Jack until their car was long out of sight. Despite being told the insane shit storm their family’s found themselves in, it didn’t feel real until she met them herself. Even if they were her family too, it was so much more different for Steve. Still, she was confused by his apology. “For what?” 
“Somewhere along the way I did stop being your brother. A good one, anyway. Feeling like a failure as a son isn’t new. There’s plenty I served with who were just like it, so it just seemed like part of the course. I ignored it, like everyone else does. But now it’s fucking me over...I don’t know how to be a son. I’ve proven not to know how to be a good brother...and there’s someone else with my face being a better father to my son.” 
“Hey...don’t do that. You helped me when I needed it! I didn’t need a friend when I fucked up, I needed someone who loved me...someone who would look out for me! And you did! I’m sorry too. For...not being good at being a sister to you either. But you know what? I know it’s hard...but you’re trying. And that’s already more than what dad did for us.”
“Look. Siblings are their own species. We’ll figure out a plan of a attack together about what to do about Andy. As for Jack...well, you got a secret weapon. He may wear ties in Hawaii for some reason but that DILF you scored to be your partner is the perfect model you need to know what kind of dad your son deserves.”   
Tagging: Anyone who wants a chance to spread their ideas and their WIP! 
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katb357 · 2 years
Sicktember 24: “I Need You to Pull Over.”
S. McGarrett/D. Williams/Hawaii 5-0
Thanks for the RP Xav!
Danny’s left hand flew to his mouth as that all-too-familiar sensation of nausea intensified. His right hand, white-knuckled, was anchored against the dashboard. “I need you to pull over, Steve,” he croaked. “NOW!” He should’ve known better than to come to work when he was dealing with the tail-end of the stomach flu. Of course, the maniac was going to cause mayhem. And Danny really didn’t want to puke out his guts in front of that barbarian. Especially not in his freshly cleaned car.
“Wait a few Danno we almost got this guy!” Steve shouted back. “I… don’t think you understand, Steve.” He turned his head toward the driver’s seat. Of course, he would probably regret vomiting in that direction the next time he had to drive, but it would be sweet revenge if it ended up in Steve’s lap. “Forget this guy… I… need… OUT.” 
Steve glanced over at his partner and the light bulb finally lit. “OH…! Don’t puke in the car, Danno!” He slowed down and headed for the side of the road. Danny lurched out of the car just in time and lost his cookies. All of ‘em. When he was finally finished, his knees felt wobbly, and he had to grab hold of the car to ease himself back inside. 
Steve was there with a towel from his go-bag and a bottle of water. He never said a word, just handed them over silently. 
Danny wiped at his face and took a drink of the water. “Thanks, Pal.” He fastened his seat belt and leaned back in his seat. “Nice ‘n slow… take me home.” 
“You’re comin’ to my place where I can keep an eye on you. Obviously, you came back too soon. Not gonna let that happen again. Just relax. I’ll give you a nice smooth ride.”
Danny’s eyes drifted closed. He wanted to argue, but he felt too crappy. He would just go with it. Still… he wasn’t so sure he trusted Steve to keep that promise of a nice smooth ride. He gripped the door handle tightly, just in case, and prayed that the drug smuggler they had been chasing wouldn’t show up again.
Steve eased the Camaro into gear and to Danny’s shock, kept the car at or under the speed limit all the way back to the house, thus proving he could drive like a normal human being when he wanted to. “We’re home, partner.”
“I’m gonna remember that buddy.” Danny was still sitting in his seat, eyes closed, but his grip on the door handle had loosened.
Steve grinned. “You want me to carry you over the threshold there, princess? Or are you gonna get outta the car on your own?”
“I’m movin’, I’m movin’.” Danny opened the door and stepped out. His knees were still wobbly, and he held onto the car for a minute to get his balance. “Aren’t you curious what I’m gonna remember?” 
“My good looks and attentiveness to you in your time of need?” “Don’t make me hurl again.” Danny felt the nausea building. Damn… why couldn’t he shake this bug?! “No… I’m gonna remember you know how to drive like something other than a maniac.” 
“Ha! Won’t do you any good. I’ll deny it to my dying breath.”
Danny reached to grab Steve’s arm. “Gimme my keys. Drive your own damn car.” The movement threw him off balance and he almost ended up on the ground. “Just get me inside and on the couch, pal.” 
“Why should I drive my truck when your Camaro is so much faster and convenient? Besides, you like being chauffeured around and you know it. And you can’t drive in your condition anyway.” This monologue was spoken the whole time Steve was practically carrying Danny inside the house and onto the couch. He placed a pillow under Danny’s head and a blanket over him.
“Puke bucket,” Danny said. His eyes were already closed again.
“I’m getting it. Gimme a second.” Said bucket was placed strategically near Danny a few moments later, and Steve went to the kitchen to pour his partner some 7-UP.
When Steve brought the glass out to him, Danny tried to sit up a little. He looked at it, then squinted up at Steve. “Didja stir it up? It’s gotta be flat.” 
“Picky, picky.” Steve sighed, then used the straw to stir the drink. “There, happy?”
“I just puked my guts out on the side of the road. No, I’m not happy. But this’ll help the nausea better this way. I learned that when Grace was sick a couple weeks ago.” Danny sipped the 7 UP through the straw and grimaced slightly. He didn’t like it flat, but he knew it would help more.
Later that evening, Steve got Danny ready for bed and headed upstairs himself. He didn’t mind an early evening once in a while. The following morning, he got up to check on Danny.
He found Danny in the kitchen making pancakes. “Good morning, sleepyhead. I was starting to wonder if I needed to blast an air horn at your door to wake you up or something.” 
Steve gingerly shook his head. “No, I’m fine. But I think I’ll skip the pancakes this morning. I’m running late for work. Look, I think it would be best if I leave the Camaro here for you. My truck isn’t running right. It needs a ring job. I called Kono. She’s gonna pick me up.”
Danny frowned. “Skipping my pancakes? Hang on… Steve, you look a little green.” 
Just then Kono pulled up, and Steve headed out the door before Danny could get any further.
They got halfway to the Palace when it hit. Steve looked over at Kono… “I need you to pull over…NOW!” 
The End
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swift-knigth · 2 years
ೃೀ• ʚ . . . . [ 𝙰𝙱𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙼𝙴 ] . . . . ɞ •ೃೀ
Mi nombre de usser es Erika, pero mis amigos en Rp me dicen Moon.
Mis pronombres de preferencia son she/her, pero también utilizo He/Him.
Soy multimuse (quiere decir que uso más de un personaje), multifandom (Puedo rolear desde un personaje del señor de los anillos hasta el personaje más robotizado que te puedas encontrar, ej) y multishipp, no me apego a un único shipp.
Hago tanto rol extenso como Chat-rol. Rol extenso suelo escribir dependiendo de mi inspiración y ganas de escribir, pero suelo adaptarme u pasar de 20 líneas.
Roleo únicamente por WhatsApp y a veces suelo tardar bastante en responder. Pero siempre va a llegarte una respuesta mía (Si eres una persona con poca paciencia o que está acostumbrade a tener respuestas rápidas, no esperes lo mismo de mi)
Sobre la exlusividad. Yo pienso que es un detalle a alguien o alguna shipp que realmente sea especial. Así que no suelo darla a la primera. Que yo la de no quiere decir que me la tengan que dar también.
Tengo tanto personajes canon como personajes propios (oc, con ellos suelo dar exlusividad. Repito no me la tienen que responder).
→ ❪𝙁𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙊𝙈𝙎 ❫ ←
⪧ Marvel
╰── MCU
╰── X-Men
╰── Cómics (próximamente)
╰── Animaciones (próximamente)
⪧ DC
╰── DCU
╰── Arrow
╰── Supergirl
╰── Constantine
╰── Flash (incompleto)
╰── Legends of tomorrow (próximamente)
╰── Batwoman (próximamente)
╰── Cómics (próximamente)
╰── Animaciones (próximamente)
⪧ Libros
╰── Harry Potter
╰── Saga Hush Hush
╰── Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo
╰── Trilogía Divergente (+ Cuatro)
╰── Trilogía Maze Runner (+ extras)
╰── Trilogía la prueba
╰── Vacaciones peligrosas
╰── Asesino de brujas (libro 1)
╰── Yo antes de ti
╰── Trilogía hidalgos ( I Y II)
╰── A todos los chicos que me enamore
╰── El señor de los anillos (incompleto)
╰── Saga cazadores de sombras ( Solo Mortal instruments incompleta/próximamente)
⪧ Películas
╰── Piratas del caribe
╰── Las Crónicas de Narnia
╰── Divergente
╰── La quinta ola
╰── Harry Potter
╰── Animales Fantásticos
╰── Los juegos del hambre
╰── Maze runner
╰── El conjuro
╰── It
╰── Crepúsculo
╰── Matrix
╰── El señor de los anillos y el hobbit
╰── Blade Runner
╰── Blanca nieves y el cazador
╰── Pacific Rim
╰── Jurassic Park
╰── Cuando te encuentre
╰── Project Power
╰── La niñera
╰── Bohemian Rhapsody
╰── Work it
╰── El día de la independencia
╰── A todos los chicos que me enamore
╰── Cazafantasmas
╰── De amor y monstruos
╰── El stand de los besos
╰── Navidad en California
╰── Enola Holmes
╰── Volver al futuro
╰── Terminator
╰── Hombres de negro
╰── Los ilusionistas
⪧ Series
╰── Stranger Things
╰── Shadowhunters
╰── Teen Wolf
╰── The Witcher
╰── The Vampire diaries
╰── Defendiendo a Jacob
╰── The umbrella academy
╰── The walking Dead (sin terminar)
╰── Grey's anatomy ( sin terminar)
╰── Universo Chicago (sin terminar)
╰── Hawaii 5-0 (s/t)
╰── El mentalista (s/t)
╰── McGyver (s/t)
╰── NCIS: Los Angeles (s/t)
⋆⋅⋅⋅⊱∘───────[ 🌸 ]───────∘⊰⋅⋅⋅⋆
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uozlulu · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers!
I was tagged by @firebatvillain :D!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 148 works on AO3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I have 740,203 words in total. I added 59,061 words this year
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supernatural (TV 2005) (32) Naruto (16) Doctor Who (12) Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) (11) Black Clover - Tabata Yuki (Anime & Manga) (10) The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (8) Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (8) Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms (8) Tennis no Oujisama | Prince of Tennis (7) Banana Fish (Anime & Manga) (7) Sherlock (TV) (7) Teen Wolf (TV) (5) My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (5) Spider-Man (Movies - Raimi) (4) Hawaii Five-0 (2010) (3) Death Note (Anime & Manga) (3) X-Men (Movieverse) (3) xxxHoLic (2) Whitechapel (TV) (2) Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle (2) Star Trek (2) Captain America (Movies) (2) Hannibal (TV) (2) Pacific Rim (Movies) (2) One Piece (Anime & Manga) (1) CSI: NY (1) Spider-Man - All Media Types (1) The Venture Bros (1) Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga) (1) Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits (Anime) (1) Suite Life on Deck (1) My Life in Film (TV) (1) Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (1) Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (1) Daredevil (TV) (1) Gundam 00 (1) Vampire Chronicles Series - Anne Rice (1) Star Trek: The Next Generation (1)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Our Soulmate Academia (BnHA (MHA)) - 355
Pain (Banana Fish (manga!verse)) - 280
Crush (SuperWolf (SPN/Teen Wolf (MTV))) - 256
A Gift (Avengers (MCU)/Daredevil (Netflix)) - 219
Best Laid Plans (Banana Fish (manga!verse)) - 203
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always respond because it seems like the polite thing to do especially now that people don't leave as many comments as they used to back the 00's on ff.net
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You Can't Stay Blind - (SuperWho (SPN/Doctor Who)) - the Eleventh Doctor runs into Crowley who's wearing a too familiar face
In the Pasture of a Vale (Supernatural) - Dean runs into Adam and Ben five years post-season 5 (written back in 2010)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
 I think I always end up with a kind of mixed emotion ending like Best Laid Plans or Our Soulmate Academia, so it's difficult to remember the truly happy ones. The most recent happy ending would be The Mystery in the Fog (ACD!Holmes) where Holmes and Watson end up at the same secret wedding of an underground queer club they're both members of unbeknownst to each other and have some revelations
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes I do. The most infamous incident was the time I wrote a fic speculating on who Castiel's vessel might have been before I got to Jimmy's episode in my binge watch back in the day. The reviewer went into gruesome detail on how I was going to burn in Hell for my fic. It was unreal. I just deleted the fic and then went on to write several more SPN fics as you do.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written smut a handful of times for fics and more often than that for RP since that's part of the RP culture I fell into in university. Most of my smut fics have been orphaned now, but the one that remains is Swallow My Fang at Night Island (Interview with the Vampire (AMC)) I approach smut like I approach fight scenes so I can keep track of the flow of action. I keep my own personal kinks out of it and try to write a scene I think the audience would look for instead
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written 15 crossovers. I enjoy them tbh. In terms of plot, the craziest one I wrote was Distortion (BBC Sherlock/My Life in Film) where Jones was hired to play Moriarty and things get way too real. In terms of titles crossed over, the craziest one is probably The Hokage (Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle/Naruto)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, ages ago. It's why I'm my own beta reader or Kitty Britpicks me because I can trust her
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had some requests but I've never been alerted to the final products
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My brother and I regularly cowrote fics together when I was in high school and he was in middle school. If you ever read a Trigun script-based crack fic in the 00's with the phrase "Love and peace! Doves and geese! Change the world!" or "Another carnival ride with cotton candy," that was us.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don't think I actually have one because I'm a multi-shipper and I have so many favorites. That said, it might be inuyasha/Kagome since I always had an Inuyasha fic in rotation (usually more than one though) from 2001 - 2007 or so. Unfortunately they've all been lost to time. According to my AO3 relationship toggle in the filters sidebar, it's Destiel (7) and Devil's Minion (7)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a BnHA fic from before we learned what Hagukure's powers were where she sent Class-A and Aizawa back in time to Yagi's high school years to do a kind of Tenchi in Love (1996) type of plot where they had to stop a time traveler from murdering Yagi. I wrote quite a bit of it but it stalled on me when Midoriy and Nana interacted and I wasn't completely sure how to get that to work
16. What are your writing strengths?
The most consistent thing I get complimented on are my fight sequences, which is why it's sad I lost all my IY fics because I wrote so many fights for them
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My memory is a sieve and some of the holes are too big
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it before because I was a weeb and it was a trend in the 00's. Not sure I'd do it again now that I've matured past that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically fairytales. I retold Cinderella when I was so little my mom had to write it down for me because I couldn't write yet. I drew pictures to go with the narration
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
The Land Across the Sea (Black Clover/Boruto) - Boruto ride a tsunami to Clover Kingdom and the knights have to take him back home, which is also Yami's homeland.
I got the idea for this fic when a friend and I were talking about what we'd want the Black Clover movie to be about when it was first announced. Then I took my idea of Yami getting to return to his homeland and made it a crossover because I like the idea of Yami and Naruto knowing each other from back in the day.
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Plot: Danny stumbled into some sex pollen flowers and could use some help getting it out of his system...through fucking.  Established relationship, teetering on becoming a couple, established friends with benefits. 
Open to M or F 
He’s never sure when his team is messing with him when it comes to ‘superstitious’ things that tie to the island’s mythology that he’s not familiar with. A lot of the time he knows he deserves the flack for his impatience while on cases that are slowed down or halted by things he doesn’t believe in. 
Tonight he went after a suspect that ran into a part of the woods that people were warned against. Danny asked if there were any sacred grounds and when told no, he didn’t care to listen to the rest. He got a bit lost and ended up tripping into some flowers that coated him with almost glowing spores. 
Danny paid them no mind as he continued to chase after their suspect. Catching him some feet later. Dragging the suspect back to where everyone else was, he handed him to another officer before going into a sneezing fit. 
His team made comments about some plant and stories that they heard. Their tone light and teasing, and Danny dismissed and claimed he expected someone to buy him a drink for his victory. 
Rather than head out with everyone to celebrate however, he went home. He felt...odd. Not in pain or even itchy, which was what he resulted in telling the others when they asked why he wasn’t joining them. Danny assumed it was just the uncomfortableness of the plant...with his luck, he probably landed in poison ivy or something.  
He made it home but when he did, he just felt weird. No other true way to describe it since he’s never felt like this before. 
He felt hot. He began to claw at his clothes and with difficulty that only happens when you’re drunk, he began to shed his clothes. His vision blurred slightly and he found himself stumbling until he fell on his ass. Running his hand down his face and the other down his chest, he felt a heat like no other while his mind fogged up and became fuzzy. 
It feels like an eternity before he can make it to a phone. Luckily, he’s got (your muse’s) number on speed dial, which made it easier. His focus was leaving him as his mind filled with dozens of sexual thoughts. “Something’s...wrong...fuck, I need you! I need you now!” 
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heldisrps · 11 months
♡ COMMISSION◝  by clicking the source link below you’ll be redirected to #449 gifs of scott caan in hawaii five-0 [3.11-15]. all of the gifs were made by me from scratch, so please do not redistribute or claim them as your own, and do not edit in any way without my permission. please reblog post if you found these useful. tw: police, weapon, flashing light, hospital, alcohol
◝ * info about my commissions can be found here.
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oc-rp-ads · 2 years
Fandoms: One Chicago, Suits, Hawaii 5-0, The Resident, 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lone Star, original rp
Age: 18+
Looking for 18+ people to rp the fandoms listed at the start! NSFW friendly so that’s why I’m asking you to be 18+! CC x OC or OC x OC! Doubles welcome. Interact with this post and I’ll find ya! Thanks in advance ⭐️⭐️
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findroleplay · 2 years
Fandoms: Hawaii 5-0, The Resident, Chicago Med, original stuff
Age: 22
Looking for 18+ people to rp the fandoms listed at the start! NSFW friendly so that’s why I’m asking you to be 18+! CC x OC or OC x OC! Doubles welcome. Interact with this post and I’ll find ya! Thanks in advance ⭐️⭐️
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“Just because you know what you’re doing, doesn’t make it a good idea. And yes, I’m speaking from experience.” 
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