#hawaii five0
itsmrvlxh50 · 2 years
Hawaii50 is a show about hot cars and even hotter people who carry guns and grenades and run around in a sunny island
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Remember when i said french mcdanno is better? well in the french dub of 8x14 steve refers to the restaurant as “their [danny and his] baby” when in the original he refers to it as “their thing” which yk is still cute but come on. steve is not even hiding the fact that he wants to have a child with danny that is JUST theirs. but like yk no homo. just straight men.  
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ionlylikemycat · 2 years
ok i’m sorry the ppl i follow who really like the rookie i tried i really really tried i saw the gifs it looked fun and i can usually handle cop shows but i just. hate. cops. so. much. it’s just impossible to watch even my liking of characters and actors could not save it bc, again, i
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peggyswilliams · 5 years
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aleqhardykent · 4 years
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 Summer Vibe : Steve Mcgarrett 
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eyyitsash · 4 years
my boy Steve has spent his entire career in the military where familiar touch with other men is frowned upon, has emotional baggage because of his mother and father, and is not shy at all about cuddling and doing sweet things for his husband partner Danny. tell me how this show ends again?
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nobodyzhuman · 3 years
Does Danno ever call Steve Babe?
So I’ve noticed in like every Hawaii fan fic I read Danny calls Steve babe and it feels so natural and perfect and now I’m wondering if he ever actually says it in the show? or if someone somewhere wrote it in a fic and it just became Danny’s term of endearment for Steve.
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kcsplace · 4 years
I just really love Tani Rey
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Random OC  H50 Fic
This one’s been in my archive for YEARS here go fetch--
Reiley grinned at the sound of her front door opening up. “In the kitchen!” She placed the lid on the saucepan and turned around to face her visitors “Did you get the chance to grab the olive oil? Cause otherwise this sauce is going to be clumpy as hell-” She grunted as a foot met her chest and she was forced back against the oven door. “What the-” She blocked the knife coming to meet her chest and pushed her attacker back and kneeing them in the stomach. Gasping as the knife came down to meet her side she stumbled to the side. Blindly kicking behind her, her foot met human and they tripped backwards, reaching behind them to grab their gun. Before Reiley could recover she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. Looking up, the attacker was gone.
“Reiley!” She groaned and grabbed her shoulder, hissing as pain swept through the left side of her body. “Yo, Danny, what the hell happened?” “I came in and she was on the floor. I got her, the attacker ran out the back. Go!” She heard pounding footsteps heading towards the back door, moaning softly as Danny slid to a stop next to her. “Shit. Come on, kiddo, stay with me...” He pulled out his phone. “This is Detective Williams, I need EMS at Lieutenant Commander Reagan’s residence immediately. Officer down, I repeat Officer down!” He hung up and grabbed the kitchen rag, pressing hard against her stab wound. “d-Danny-hurts-” He shushed the girl. “I know, kiddo, it’ll be over soon, I promise.” Less than two minutes later Steve walked in, shaking his head at Danny’s unspoken question. Chin, Lou, and Kono ran into the room at that moment. “We heard the call as we were driving over, EMS is less than two out.”
“Lou grab another towel, she’s been shot in the shoulder.” As Danny shifted so did the towel. He cursed as a heavy stream of blood exited the wound. “Rei I need you to keep your eyes open. Don’t go to sleep yet.” She rolled her eyes as he looked towards her face. “I know the drill Danny.” She panted out, groaning as 
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itsmrvlxh50 · 1 year
I swear, H50 s7 is full of wonderful McDanno moments
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“thank you for loving me” really is a mcdanno song. no way danny doesnt listen to it thinking about steve (even in a platonic way) 
“[...] You pick me up when I fall down You ring the bell before they count me out If I was drowning you would part the sea And risk your own life to rescue me
Lock the doors We'll leave the world outside All I've got to give to you Are these five words when I
Thank you for loving me For being my eyes When I couldn't see You parted my lips When I couldn't breathe Thank you for loving me
When I couldn't fly Oh, you gave me wings [...]”
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widomauked · 4 years
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—i love you, man, the way you are
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mcsdannos · 5 years
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aleqhardykent · 4 years
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Aloha Steve !
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rehcolt · 4 years
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I'm watching the H-50 seasons again and in episode 2.17 I noticed that the actress who plays Noelani had already made an appearance. In that episode, she was an activist named Allison.
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kcsplace · 5 years
Steve: What would you do if I was kidnapped?
Danny: Nothing. I’d just wait for thirty minutes until they let you go voluntarily.
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