#hawks x black fem
fl5793 · 2 years
All Out
Part 1 part 2 part 3
Summary: Emily finds out she’s been acting strange lately and turns out everyone around her sees this too. It could be because of nightmares or because there’s someone inside her.
Oc’s: Emily Courtney and shadow
Non Oc’s: Hawks
Emily’s POV
It all started right after Christmas when I was trying to prepare for New Years. It was gonna be something special because I thought that Hawks would finally open up to me especially since I opened up to him about me not actually being a nice person.
“Yeah Hawks. I actually don’t have a high pitch voice and in reality I’m not a pick me girl,“ I said to Hawks revealing my real voice
“Yeah I know that. I follow you on TikTok and YouTube so I’ve heard your natural voice especially around your sister,“ Hawks said with a smile
“If you knew why didn’t you tell?! What if I strained my voice and you could never here me talk again?!“ I asked angrily
“Well it wouldn’t be so bad,“ Hawks joked just to get a reaction out of me
“WHAT!“ I scowled at him
“I mean you talk so much you never even notice when show off your deep voice,“ Hawks says and I was embarrassed
“I thought my acting has improved but instead it’s become even worse,“ I said and fell head first into his lap while Hawks patted my head
Since I can finally be my normal self around him and New Years is kinda romantic in a way. Hawks would do as Raye said in Escapism “ Get me hot and sizzling“. But of course instead of that happening I instead get bad dreams about what would happen if I sleep with him before marriage... But of course the day after New Years I slept with him anyway like the dumb bitch I am and now I think I have some kind’ve demon inside me
April 23rd
I had a day off from work while my boyfriend was getting ready to leave
“Wow even I don’t leave this early what’s the rush Hawks?“ I asked him while stretching
As I saw him put on his hero outfit he made a face when I called him that name.
“What you want me to call you by something else? Like birdbrain, chicken head which is an adorable name cannibal, or munchkin-“ I was interrupted by him
“Just call me Keigo it’s my real name,“ Hawks said and I just nodded not realizing what he just said
As soon as I process what he just told me I actually smiled
“ That’s a cute name... Keigo~“ I smirked as he put on his coat
Is he really ignoring me? God what’s up with men now these days. I roll my eyes at his silence
“I love you,“ I said and Hawks just leaves the room without saying those words
I literally jump out of bed and threw him back in the bed
“I wanna hear say I love you got it,“ I threatened and Hawks looked terrified
“Damn I was playing a prank on you don’t kill me,“ Hawks looked scared of me
“ Keigo did I rally scare you?” I asked getting off of him.
“No, your quirk just startled me,” Hawks said and that surprised me
“Besides you never told me you had a second quirk,” Hawks says while getting off the bed
“Yeah cause I was scared my second quirk would scare you as it did with others,” I said smiling nervously
I have two quirks that only a few people know about Metalic wings. Mental manipulation where as long as I talk to whoever I’m physically interacting with I can mske them do whatever I want. I have a third quirk that only my family knows about including my therapist. But only metallic wings can affect my physical appearance so what quirk do I have that scated him off and that he don’t know about?
I asked myself that question the entire day pondering the question of what he saw?
While I was in my hero suit I saw a criminal coming towards my way. I grabbed her by the wrist and she turned to look at me
“Hey I suggest you-” I was interrupted as the girl started to scream while looking at me
But then I saw my hand turn black including my glove and that scared me
I saw in my reflection as some black stuff on my face disappear.
I jumped and accidentally let go of the criminal and she ran away
“Okay that’s it I’m going to Courtney,” I said to myself and flew off
I found her playing old maid outside my agency with a few kid
“Yo Court we need to talk,” I said to her and she rolled her eyes
“You know I’m not gonna be free every second of the day your gonna need to solve your own-” Courtney was interrupted by me flying her away
We flew to the top of my agency. Their I looked around and checked for anything and found a little camera pointing in away from our direction but I knew it could hear
I didn't want to fly anywhere else due to the fact I needed that person to listen on but not tell them directly
“Yo Courts turns out my “quirk” got a new “update” amd with that “update” it can change my physical appearance in some way,” I told Courtney facing away from her
Courtney understood someone was listening so she played along
“No way your “quirk” got an “update”?Do you know where it came from?” Courtney asked
“ It came somewhere. Probably after running into someone... While “talking”,” I said to her leaning against a railing
“ Okay, but do you even know what the “update” is?” Courtney asks
“Not at all. I was hoping I could show you and you could at least help me figure that out at least,” I explained to her and turned around facing her
I took off my hood and face mask with only one more mask just barely covering my face
I took a breath and tried to let it out.
“Can you see it?” I asked her and Courtney giggled
I tried harder and Courtney started to laugh louder
“Emily you look like your taking a shit what are you do-” Courtney was interrupted when I suddenly threw a blade in her direction and ran towards her
I stopped right behind her and caught the blade right before it sliced her neck
“Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Bitch,” I whispered in her ear Courtney flipped me over but I was able to land on my feet
Courtney pulled out her gun bt noticed something was wrong with it
“Whay is it so-?” Courtney soped when she heard something drop
Courtney saw as I dropped all of the bullets in the gun on ground and kicked it off the roof
I put my hand in my pocket and smirked while looking at her
“The names shadow. I’m quirk that deflects other quirks. As soon as someone uses something that’s not a quirk to attack me it will go through me and hurt my holder,” Shadow introduces itself
It was like someone else was controlling my body it was insane. I saa through the reflection of Courtney’s glasses that my eyes were purple
The color purple symbolizes evil and it symbolizes my father. I was born with his quirk and my mother habe always resented that hell even I resented that as well. All I ever wanted was to fight back against that evil and become something good. But instead, I became the person my father aslways wanted me to be. That’s why as soon as I saw the color purple I attacked myself.
I started screaming I started banging my face againt the railing
“Leave me alone LEAVE ME ALONE!” I started screaming my head was hurting but then I did the unthinkable
“Emily calm down,” Courtney begs as she runs towards me
I saw my arms turnung a black-ish purple and it just broke me even more
I took out my blade and started stabbing myself in the arm. I looked up at Courtney who was trying to stop.
I saw my eyes were a glowing purple and then I stabbed myself in my right eye... lid
After that day I realized one thing. Never have sex before marriage
Weeks after that all unfolded I had to go around with an eye patch for a few and looked at myself in the reflection.
Shadow took over and shook a magazine in my face
“Your not a virgin right? And your boyfriends not here so why not?“ Shadow suggested
“Are you kiddin? You ruined my life and you thought you could fix everything with a porn magazine?“ I said to Shadow crossing my arms
“Fine whatever,“ Shadow says
“I have a boyfriend who’s on a rut I could just use him anyway,“ I said to her taking off the eye patch
“Yo they did manic on your eye it looks mad good,“ Shadow says
“Thank you but looks like the bad thing about this is that I can almost never blink from my right eye,“ I sighed
“Well luckily it’s not my fault- like how was I suppose to know your mentally disabled,“ Shadow joked
“If you were a person I would kick your sorry ass to hell,” Emily threatens to Shadow
“But yet I’m not a person anymore,” Shadow says and Emily looks confused
“What’chu mean by anymore?” I asked her
“Nevermind,” Shadow says
I’m about to have the time of my life with Shadow the quirk. I’m just glad Shadow is a girl but what I’m not glad about is the fact that she’s a pervy girl.
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fizziedoodle · 5 months
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dating keigo pt. 2! ᰔᩚಎ
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blkluci · 3 days
idk if your taking requests but i literally js read your mha boys seeing you fight and fell in love and i was wondering if you could do a part 3 with hawks, dabi, and iida or anyone else you’d like pls
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𝒎𝒉𝒂 𝒃𝒐𝒚/𝒎𝒆𝒏 and you fighting pt.3...
CHARACTERS ) keigo tamaki, toya dabi todoroki, tenya iida.
PLOT ) a headcannon of the boy/men seeing you fight.
A/N ) thankk youuu anon for the request!! glad you've been enjoying it :) sorry it took so long to fill. i'm so happy that everyone is enjoying this series. lmk if y'all want me to do a different fandom! :3 my requests are always open, so don't be shy y'all <33
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[ 𝐊𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐎 ] hawks is a walking chick magnet—nopunintended. but he's he made that EXTREMELY clear in multiple interviews; he only wants you. so, it makes no sense when his random girl pushes up on him talkin' bout sum‰—"HE'S MINE." she followed you guys around for too long and hawks asked her to politely stop. when she insisted to not leave him alone, you intervened. didn't go to we for her according to him.
... you've been patient enough
... when she twisted her mouth to say something disrespectful you took off
... your fist connected with them nasty thin lips
... keigo's distress signals in his body weren't working properly
... he didn't know whether to pull you off her and cheer
-> "get In the paint!"
... his chants fuel the punches
... the girl tried the cover her face but your hulk hands still found it
... you was whoppin' her like you had real issue
... kei was really really amused
... but being that you guys were in public, he didn't want trouble for you
-> "okay baby, i think you got enough hits in."
... right before you let go off her bald head, you landed one for good measures on her nose
... keigo was chuckling as he covered you guys with his wings and snuck away
... in the secluded area he admired your features
… your face was untouched but a bit of dirt on your shirt
-> "you did her real dirty babe."
-> "so?"
... he smirked
-> "she gonna have bruises for a while."
-> "her problem."
... damn
... that's kinda hot to him
... he chuckled
-> "so cruel. i love you."
… you gave a confused concerned face
… he didn’t care. judge him all you want!
[ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 ] toya hasn’t been with many women in his lifetime. but he’s been with one before you. he’s never mentioned it because he ain’t like her. so randomly, when she decided to take it upon herself and text him to leave you. mind you, he been blocked her on everything. he obviously doesn’t entertain, care nor does he want to or have to energy to deal with her. so he gave you the phone and you told her line it up.
… miss girl was BOLD
… she dropped that address with quickness
… so being an amazing and supportive boyfriend
… he took you to her
… as soon as the car pulled up you called her
-> “come outside, we not gon jump you.”
… dabi chuckled
… he sat on the car hood with his hands in his pants
… he made sure he pull out that phone too
-> “don’t beat her up too bad.”
-> “no promises!”
… shawty buss through the doors and ran up on you
… just to get kicked
… dabi almost fell out on the car
… you was putting beat to ahhhhh bruh
-> “ damn. damn. damn.”
… your hits echoed all down the dark street
-> “betcha won’t try it again!”
… dabi seen you fight before but not with typa anger and adrenaline
… your fist moving like lightning fast to her face
… you damn near pull her head off with how hard gripped her hair
-> “GET UP! GET UP!”
… next thing he know you pick her up like some WWE champion and body slam her
-> “OH!”
-> “DUMMY.”
… he didn’t know what to say but snaked his arm around your shoulder with a smirk
-> “where’d you learn that? how you know how to do that.”
-> “i’ll never tell.”
… he looks at you with a straight face
… them blue eyes damn near glowed in the dark
… like gojo
-> “you always doin’ that.”
-> “i love you too.”
… he rolled his eyes
… now he gotta go beat twice cause he knows he taught you that
[ 𝐈𝐈𝐃𝐀 ] mr. idc-ima-tell really ain’t have no romantic past. he does however have haters. boys and girls but he’s mr. don’t-care! so guess what, he don’t care! but some people really be bold out here. just like this ragamuffin boy that try to fight him. so what’d you do? JUMP THE HELL IN! you like corbin fr. but what makes no sense is why this girl would jump in. yeah she got dealt with.
… iida really didn’t have much time to react he could only swing
… you watched with the boy put his booger hands on your pootie, you wasn’t having it
… you punch the random in the back of his fathead
… iida notice that the weigh was off him
… but then he see it’s you
-> “Y/N!”
… all of a sudden!
… some shawty doo-wop run up
… iida pulled the guy off you and punch him in the jaw
… boy got slumped
… you and the girl tho
… y’all still going!
-> “y/n! come on, let her go.”
… poor girl was scattering on the floor like a roach
… you was giving her that work!
… twisted every way but sideways
… iida eventually pulled you back
-> “calm down, please. you’ve been her up.”
… the girl was limping walking away
-> “she won’t! i’ll make a complaint to aizawa and principal nezu."
… he was livid , but he needed to make sure you were okay
… so he asked if you guys could have the day off
… ofc he was granted permission
… so yall went to eat and chat
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Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand. (‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭CSB‬‬)
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lingeriae · 1 year
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your plump lips pulled into a frown, staring at the poptart inside of the microwave as it spinned around and around, your thoughts racing and you started to space out.
"It's kinda late to be eating that." a honeyed voice said from behind you.
your body jerked forward before you kissed your teeth, looking over your shoulder at the blonde who wore a coy smile on his lips. you took your time to really look at him, the way his red wings seemed to glow under the blinding dim light of the kitchen, his hair was ruffled like he had been running his hand through it. but then again it always looked like that. his narrowed golden eyes seemed to shine even with the bags that dragged them down, a physical sign that he hasn't been getting proper sleep, his pretty pink lips, with his bottom lip being bigger than his top, making him seem like he was pouting sometimes. your eyes then dragged to the new scars that adorned his face, they stood out but still made him look beautiful. he wore wife beaters with a black compressed shirt, his hands shoved into his pocket and you watched as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, the veins in them bulging at the movement, returning your stare.
giving him a quick glare to disguise you checking him out you turn back to the microwave trying your best to ignore him. Keigo watched you, a frown making it's way unto his face. he could tell something was up. he straightened up making sure to walk loudly so you knew he was walking up to you, watching as you tense and try your hardest to ignore him.
"what's wrong?" you don't aswer him shuddering at the warmth that suddenly overcomes you as he stands behind you. through your side eye you can see him bringing up his arm to rest right where your hips meet the counter having you trapped, his actions has your chest rising and falling fastly, not being able to keep up your facade as you spin around to fix him with a sharp look.
"you're fucking stupid." he has the audacity to hum at you which has your gaze sharpening. "Tokoyami was worried, he almost cried."
Keigo bites his lip to fight back a laugh mentally imagining the bird boy crying along with his dark shadow, the slap you deliver to his chest has him clearing his throat but a grin is still present on his lips. sucking your teeth, you cross your arms over your chest looking down at your feet while shaking your head. "i despise you." you whisper to him, afraid your voice will crack if you talk any louder. you head the blonde sigh, cupping your face and pulling it up so he can see it clearly, wiping the tears had begun to fall from them and rubbing his tumb over your pretty plump lips, feeling how plush and soft they felt. he kisses you softly, almost like he's afraid to break you giving your brown lips a gentle nip before pulling away tucking your bonnet behind your ears and smiling at the snort you let out.
"you know im never leaving you right?" he says, not whispering but saying it gentle enough that anyone would think otherwise. a sigh fell from your lips as you closed your eyes with a nod, you could feel more tears coming as keigo cooed at you kissing your cheeks and rubbing them with his thumb trying his best to comfort you.
almost losing him was so scary. the way he was unmoving in the bandages at the hospital had you thinking you were never getting him back. you couldn't look at him without bursting out in tears, and you hated him for making himself get hurt like that. every night you would wake up and lay your head on his chest, just to hear his heartbeat in fear of losing him.
you couldn't lose him.
"look at me, hey, look at me." he says, voice gentle and comforting and you're opening your eyes breathing shakily as you look at him. "keigo, I can't loose you."
he nods in understanding, bringing his hands to your hips to rub circles in them. "I know, baby. you wont." you bring your head down to rest against his chest, sighing as he rests his against the top of your head. "you made my poptart get cold."
chuckling, he moves to kiss the top of your head and you feel how his chest vibrates with his laugh, a smile pulling at your lips as you can feel his heartbeating. "well, you shouldn't be eating that shit so late anyway."
your both rocking back and fourth in the kitchen, your ears on his chest listening to his heart beat and his hands against your waist rubbing small circles against the skin. the silence is comforting, with the additional sound of the tv that he refuses to turn off in the background.
"keigo," he hums against your head, indicating he was listening.
"im pregnant."
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horrorcore2002 · 1 year
Wetdreamz- Keigo Takami(hawks)x reader Keigo Takami who has wet dreams about you😫😣 DISCLAIMER! THIS CONTENT CONTAINS : fem!reader, mentions of wearing a dress, black/brown reader, curvy reader, wet dreams, SMUT, kissing, pet names(baby, dove, my love), cursing/swearwords, and male masturbation. If I forgot anything else, pls tell me(•‿•) WARNING!: pressing 'Keep Reading' means you are consenting to the content below and you are 18+. (Wc: 845)
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This wasn't fair. You had got to be doing this on purpose. You had to be messing with him, in some way, shape, or form. You had to know what you were doing, giving him all of these semi-hardons and making his head and heart spin the way it does.
But that would be impossible. unless you read minds, which he would have to add to the list of amazing things you could do, right next to stealing this man's heart.
And Keigo couldn't help but want to punch himself. Figures, out of all the women he wanted, out of all the women that throw themselves at him, it had to be you, even though you have publicly expressed how much you cherish your privacy and being single, how you weren't looking for anything right then.
How'd it even get this bad?
It had to have been the banquette. The one where you wore that enticing red dress that did wonders for your curves and showed a peek of your leg with a slit at the side. God, you looked so gorgeous to him. The way your gold jewelry made your skin practically glow, and the way your skin looked sunkissed, even though it was well past 10pm.
You barely noticed him that night. just giving him a slight nod and smile in acknowledgment when you passed him, but he couldn't help but think of you all night until he got home later.
He thought he could seek refuge in his sleep, and feel better in the morning, but it seemed his conscience wanted to be funny.
But oh he wanted it to be real, holding your thighs and marking your dark honey skin with his nails, grinding right into your wet cunt.
Fuck, he could almost feel it, the feel of your hips, the feel of your ass on his crotch, grinding on him, the feel of your soft plump lips, your hands messing up his hair.
He could feel it all, even if it was his imagination.
"f-fuck, my love, just like that feels s'good" he was breathless as he sped up his hips shamelessly, trying to chase his pleasure.
"O-oh, Keigo, baby, please! I'm all yours, please!"
He opened his eyes to talk to you, only to be met with the prettiest sight in his life.
Your eyes and head rolled back, your back was slightly arched, lips plump from all the kissing and biting, neck and chest littered with kiss and bite marks just like his own, hands on his chest, gripping for dear life as you speed up your movements, trying so desperately to chase your orgasm, and you sounded so breathless, moaning and singing his name out, making him moan right back and rut his hips right into you.
"Keigo! fuuck!" you whined at the sudden movement "I-i can't! I think i'm!-"
But you were silenced by Keigo waking up abruptly, cutting off your perfect voice.
He looked down and couldn't help but be ashamed, thinking of you in such a vulgar position, rutting his erection right into his pillow, staining his boxers and pillow with a wet patch.
but he felt even worse and he took his erection out of his pants and began rubbing his length, thinking of your perfect tits, and how perfect they looked in that dress, and in his dream, marked by his teeth, and those perfect hips, oh god, those hips, getting squeezed by him so harshly.
And from there his brain just kept spiraling, wanting to have you on all fours and slamming into you as your tits bounced with every thrust and slam of his hips, your ass jiggling ever so slightly, to being in between your legs, littered with kiss marks as he fucks your wet pussy with his fingers, lapping up all of your juices and sucking on your clit, moaning every time you tugged his hair or pushed his face into your heat, grinding and using him all you wanted, disregarding his erection or needs completely, he didn't care, just as long as he made you feel good.
His hands sped up on his length, face turning slightly red as he heard the embarrassing squelches coming from his ministrations. He was so close, oh god he was so close, he wanted to cum so bad. He let out a small whimper as he felt his other hand going from his nipples to his balls, rubbing and squeezing them slightly, as he imagined it was your throat, taking him in so perfectly as your hands fondled and cupped his balls so perfectly, Eyes teary and droll all over your chin as you deep throated him, gagging ever so slightly, as your eyes looked up at him, all innocently, like you didn't have his balls deep in your mouth.
And that was all Keigo needed to cum all over his hand, his orgasm crashing over him, as the sound of his moans and whimpers filled his ears, as he stained his sheets.
And the worst part? He knew this wouldn't be the last time.
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Heeey! Hope yall liked that, and sry for the shitty ending, and the shitty writing in general, still tryna get into the groove of things. Hope you'll like it anyway and feel free to send me a request or two! (SIDE NOTE: was thinkin' of doin' a part two. Yall, let me know if you'd like that.) Rules Masterlist © DO NOT COPY, REPOST, OR STEAL ANY OF MY WORKS AT @HORRORCORE2002 ON TUMBLR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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star-dust-stuf · 4 months
Albert Shaw x fem!reader
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title: go ahead and cry little girl
warnings: none, pure rotting fluff
a/n: yes! another one, as always this has nothing to do with sex or abuse. listen to the song daddy issues by the neighborhood. sorry for typos, with love!
He left the basement door unlocked. He wanted me to play the game because if I didn't he wouldnt want to keep me here and I wanted to stay, stay with him. So I had no choice but to play and I never really knew how far I was able to go, once I made it up the steps it wasn't so hard because I've done it before, but I really didn't want to leave. 
But this time was different, I saw him in a chair in the kitchen, facing the steps to the basement, he was sleeping, his soft snoring. I didn't want to play this game at all, at all. I knew if I didn't hed force me to leave. He wouldn't kill me believe it or not because he knew id rather die that leave him. He knew I wouldn't tell a soul. 
I was barefoot, in the nightgown he gave me. The time floor was cold, he had his shoes on, he was definitely ready for something. I got close to him and tilted my head at him, he had his mask on like always but I could see his eyes were closed.
The back door was right there and I aprouched it, it was locked so when I unlocked it made a loud click and my fight or flight kicked in and I ran out that door. I didn't know if he woke but he did, he was in a shock but he didn't hesitate to get his van from his garage and chase me down the block. 
I was running, the cold night wind hitting my face and my hair. My feet hitting the hard pavement, what am I supposed to do? Would it be reasonable to scream for help? No. But what am I supposed to do? 
He stopped his van and got out as fast as he could, he ran after me. He took me down on the hard ground, on the wet grass, I cried out in pain and he immediately covered my mouth as a porch light turned on from across the street, he whispered in my ear, his voice was rough and mean sounding. "Say one word..."
I was breathing heavily, I couldn't help it. The adrenaline i felt to the tension made me start to cry, he felt bad for this and he felt he was being unreasonable. He put his lips to the side of my head and kissed me gently. "Hush." He said softly. 
His arm that was around my torso, I put my hands and gripped him a little, he kept whispering in my ear and trying to keep me from making any noises, which he knew I wouldn't do it intentionally. "Shh, shh, shh." 
He kissed my cheek, and when that porch light turned off he looked around for a second then lifted me over his shoulder, I didnt really know what to do, but I couldnt do anything or maybe I just didn't want to. He put me in the back of his van and I could tell he was angry by the way he slammed the door. 
We got back to his home, he carried me down to the basement and set me on the bed, tossing my gentle. He was breathing heavily, his fists clenched and his eyes narrowed to me. "Why would you do that... To me?" 
His voice was heavy, dark, his chest rising and falling with every breath. "I thought if i-." I tear up. "If I didn't try to... Escape, you wouldn't let me stay..." 
His breathing slowed, it was more calm and his eyes soften. "I was so scared... You didnt want to stay with me, you didn't want to be loved by me." 
I look at him, tears falling down my cheeks. "No, Albert. I thought if I didn't play that game you'd hurt me." 
Albert looked at me, his blue eyes shining in the dim light. "You dont listen. Bunny, I've told you. In any way you think i'd hurt you, is that fear I want you to let go of. I will never do something so terrible to you, the mere thought of trying to hurt you... To touch you. It's sickening." 
He scowled softly at me as he sat on the mattress, he strokes my cheek with his thumb and wiped the tears. "You don't have to think you have to hurt yourself to stay with me, that would be the opposite of why I took you." 
My tears grew heavy he saw this and without hesitation he pulled me tight to his chest. He put gentle pressure on my back and whispered in my ears, in a lullaby like tone. "I'm right here. And leaving is the only way you'll get away from me, and will never let anyone take you away from me."
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Can y’all comment and tell me some good Bakugo fics? Looking for Shinso fics too.
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ddymarie · 1 year
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Marie 💋 • age:21 yr
Hello, im a new blk writer just here using this app to write down my small blurbs about fictional men.
As someone who's been a reader for a while I do get my character traits from y/n's in other stories.
One reason why I've decided to become a writer is because I was tired of reading fics that weren't race friendly.
Welcome to the ' After Hours '💋
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12:00 am 💋
Smut fics
💋 ??x blk reader
About- make up sex with your ex shinsou
💋 pro hero bakugo x pro hero reader blk reader
" I got you touching on your body "
Acquainted- the weekend
About- how you went from being strangers to acquainted to lovers
💋 ?? x blk reader
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3:00 pm❣️
Fluff fics
?? X readee
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the-crystal-one · 2 years
The Crystal One's Master List
Yeaaaaah I know there's not that many stories yet but I don't want yall to like, scurry and try to find them soooo ILL JUST PUT EM HERE
Cobra Kai
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Eli Moskowitz x Black Reader (Deja Jones) Part 1 : Here Part 2: Here
HC #1: How did we get here?
Any request for other characters? Let me know!
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Fezco x Black Reader (Caramel Bennett) Here y'all Go
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Elliot x Black!Fem!Reader (WIP)
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Siiiiigh Big Mouth (Judd Birch) X Black reader (Shalene  Foreman-Greenwald) : ...Why would y'all wanna see this? anyway Here
Also in the process of updating so yeah, have fun!
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HairSpray (Corny Collins) x Black!Reader (Stubbs Reader)
Mood Board: Here
Nicest Kids in Town!: Always In progress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 7: Part 2 WIP Suicide Squad
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In Progress
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`𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘪 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬. 𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩’
♧↝𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾 ♤↝𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 ♡↝𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 ♢↝𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄
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…𝗉𝖺𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗎𝖾 𝗅𝗎𝗏💙
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*DISCLAIMER: All characters mentioned in this work are over the age of 18.
Writer's Note: I decided to post something early for V-Day. Enjoy! -Jazz
ITADORI (Carnival Date) 
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Yuji loves to have fun, so it only makes sense that he takes to one of the best places on Earth. 
No, not Disney World. A college student don’t got money like that.
So Yuji decided on the next best thing when he heard that the carnival was going to be in town specifically for Valentine’s Day. He had asked you to go in January, a month before, by surprising you with a box of chocolates.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” he excitedly exclaimed, giving you that big, gigawatt, Yuji Itadori grin that never fails to brighten your day. “Thank you, baby,” you giggled, taking the chocolates. “But it isn’t Valentine’s Day for another month.” 
Yuji’s smile faded, replaced with the expression a child would make with his hand caught in the cookie jar and then a blush that makes you feel feral for your boyfriend.
“I know,” he bashfully said. “I just got excited. Plus, there’s a surprise in there. I clipped the thorns off, so you won’t get pricked!” You laughed and did as he instructed, carefully dipping your hand into the bouquet. Your fingers latch around paper and you pull out a sheet of paper with two tickets on it. “Two tickets to the carnival?” you gasped. 
He nods, running hand through his spiked, pink hair. “I figured it’d be the perfect date, y’know? Fun and romantic, for the two of us…i-if you wanna go, that is.” He gets that shy smile again that seems to always drive you insane and you kissed him as an answer, wrapping your arms tight around him. 
When Valentine’s Day finally arrives, Yuji makes sure he finishes all of his work for college courses before picking you up after your shift at work in his car. You changed in the bathroom before hand and Yuji has never seen anyone look so good in a dress and jacket before. His eyes roam over your legs, hair, and face, becoming overwhelmed by your beauty. “Wow,” he gasps. “You look amazing.” 
You smile at the compliment, giving him a hug in greeting. “Thanks,” you giggle. “I wore it for you.”
Yuji nearly melts, especially at the scent of your perfume. It’s just as sweet as you, his baby. After opening the car door for you and putting your work bag in the backseat, Yuji hops in and drives off towards the carnival which is packed with couples and single friends for the night. Once you get there and get through security, you and Yuji walk side by side among the many food stands, games, rides, and glittering carnival lights. 
“So,” you start, noticing how close your hands are at the same time as Yuji. You inch closer, interlacing your fingers together as you take his hand into yours. "Where here to first?” you ask with a smile that nearly stops Yuji’s thought process. He smiles back, shrugging. “Anywhere you want.” 
So you go everywhere. You drag Yuji to a haunted house where you both snuffle together in a cart, too occupied with kissing and touching to focus on the screams and impressive, ghostly attractions popping up everywhere. Yuji starts to pop a hard-on being so close to you and feeling your lips on his, but it’s dark enough where he has time to will it down before the ride ends. He then drags you over to a slingshot attraction where he laughs at your wild screams as you’re both shot dozens of feet off of the air, the chilly wind rushing through your ears. 
You eat everything too: cotton candy; hot dogs; funnel cake; chocolate. You feel like a little kid with Yuji, in the best way. You also play every single game because Yuji is hellbent on getting you an oversized plushie that you’ve had your eye on since you got here. Your man is as athletic as he is stubborn, playing every ring toss game or activity where you hit an object with a ball or a pellet. But he just can’t win. 
“Yuji, you don’t have the play every single of these games,” you giggle as he drags you over to yet another game. This one has to do with a bunch of balloon heads made up to look like clowns that you have to toss a ball at and pop. 
He shakes his head as he passes the host a dollar, having used all of your tokens on food and rides. “Until I win you one of those big ass plushies, I’m not giving up,” he huffs, his eyes burning with defiance and determination. You watch from the sidelines as he begins the game, taking a deep breath before nailing a ball at one of the balloons. 
It pops instantly, making you jump. Yuji pumps his fists in victory, looking like an oversized little kid.
“Did you see that, baby?” he laughs, pointing at the popped balloon. “I decked that damn clown!” You applaud him and stand by his side as the host asks you which plushie you want. You admire all of the cute animals and anime characters there before your eyes land on the oversized plushie.“I’ll take the panda,” you giggle. You turn to Yuji who knowingly laughs at your choice. “It reminds me of someone we know.” 
You also take photos in a photo booth, Yuji carrying everything you bought and won tonight despite you telling him not to. “Let’s take some for the road,” he suggests with a smile, nodding at the booth. “I wanna remember tonight.” 
After putting all of the items on the floor underneath you, you crawl into the small booth with Yuji, nearly sitting on his lap because of how tight and cramped the booth is.
After two pictures of you smiling next to each other and then making silly faces, you crawl into Yuji’s lap, unable to contain your happiness or love for him. He looks up at you, confused and starstruck at your sudden action. You then press your glossy lips to his before kissing his chin, his cheeks, his forehead, coating his entire face and neck in pink gloss. 
“Y/N,” he groans, blushing a beet red. You giggle, taking his chin into your hands as you turn to face the camera, your face and ass in the shot as you straddle him. “Smile for the camera, pretty boy,” you purr. A countdown appears on the screen and you smile, preparing yourself. 
“I love you,” he whispers right as the camera flashes. You turn to him and swoon at the adoration in his eyes. You bend down to kiss him as another flash appears, snapping a photo. “I love you too,” you giggle against his soft lips.
“Y/N, a-are you sure that no one's gonna…oh, shit!” 
You mischievously giggle from your spot on your knees between Yuji’s long legs and muscular thighs that your nails deliciously stroke, causing goosebumps to pimple on his skin in your fingers’ wake. He can only watch as you take his cock deep down your throat as he leans back against the Ferris wheel’s bench, doing his best to not move too much so the box doesn’t swing. 
Maybe it’s a good thing that you’re all the way at the top of the wheel or else someone would definitely see you gagging on his dick like the little slut he loves you as when you’re alone and in the mood. You gasp as you pop off of his cock, his head slipping out from between those plump lips. “No one's gonna find us up here, Yuji,” you giggle. “Unless you’re that loud. Now relax and cum for me. I know you wanna fill up my throat.” 
You go back to work, bobbing your head along his cock that stretches out your tight, wet, sloppy throat that drives Yuji insane. He bites his lip to the point of drawing blood as you begin to fondle his heavy balls too, your fingers massaging them to the point where he is sure he’ll cum. “Fuck, fuck!” he whines. “Baby, please!” His whimpers and soft moans fill the tiny box, his fingers digging into the seat. How are you this fucking hot? 
As you continue to take his cock down your throat like it’s nothing, he can feel himself about to nut, your hot, wet mouth too much to take. “N-No…wanna cum with you! Please don’t let me do it alone, baby!” His begging prompts you to stop, your lips coated in spit and pre-cum. He stares down at you, twitchy and pent-up. “Ride me,” he pleads. “I need to feel you wrapped around me, Y/N, please.” 
Riding him on a Ferris wheel? Who would’ve thought Itadori was so freaky? “Okay, baby, okay,” you coo. “Just keep it down, okay?” He nods as you push your panties to the side and climb on top of him, his big hands grasping your hips and ass the way he needs to. When you finally sink down onto his cock, it takes everything in you to not moan out loud. You have to cover your mouth as you begin to rock your hips into Yuji, riding his dick and rubbing your clit against his pelvis. 
Soon, Yuji can’t take it and begins fucking from beneath you, his hips slamming up into yours with enough force to rock the box, but neither of you care. Not when your gushing, tight pussy feels so good squeezing around him and his cock strokes your walls so well. “Fuck, Yuji, you’re so good!” you gasp into his ear. "Keep fucking me just like that! You’re such a good boy for me!” 
You run your fingers through his hair, gripping onto the pink locks as he gives your ass a smack that nearly makes you bust. “And you’re such a good girl for me,” he groans. “Gonna fill you up so good…make you mine…” You can feel his cock swelling inside of you and you begin to meet his thrusts, slamming yourself down onto him again and again until you both feel that cord inside of you about to snap. 
“Cum with me,” he begs. “Cum with me, baby, please!” He leans up and presses a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss to your lips as you both moan into each other’s mouth. It’s a good thing too because when you cum, you’re loud. You can’t help it, especially the way Yuji spurts cum deep inside of you as you gush all over his cock. The feeling is euphoric though very wet. 
After the ride ends, Yuji helps you with your dress and hair while he pulls his pants back up like nothing happened. But the cum that drips down your thighs is a reminder as he helps you off of the Ferris wheel, spent and satisfied. “Thank you for the date, baby,” you giggle. “And your cum.” 
Yuji smirks, a blush coating his cheeks as he wraps an arm possessively around your waist. To anyone else, it just looks like a guy bringing his girl close to him, but they don’t see his hand palming your ass. “Anytime,” he chuckles. “Now we’ll both remember this night.” 
GOJO (Nightclub Date) 
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When the man tells you to put on your sexiest dress, you think it’s for a romantic, luxurious dinner. Not a nightclub! 
You dug out your best, body-hugging, soul-snatching dress for the occasion, thinking your boyfriend would wine and dine you tonight, especially when he picked you up in a limo earlier. But now seeing where you stand, among the mood lights, dancing people, and bar hoppers, you feel like you shouldn’t have stepped out of the house at all. 
Gojo sits beside you in all black––black tee, black jeans, black kicks––with two gold chains hanging from his neck. He smells of expensive cologne and his usual shades just adds to the sex appeal he oozes. 
“Sooo?” he prompts, grinning at you. “You like it?” 
You look around the club, frowning from your section. Gojo rented out a private section away from the prying eyes of the club. It’s a nice section, you will admit, with a curved booth and complimentary water. “Satoru, this is not at all what I dressed for,” you say, disappointed. “I thought you were taking me out to dinner or somewhere more romantic!” 
His smiles fades, replaced with a pout that reminds you of a child. “But this is romantic,” he argues, nodding at the red and pink lights lighting up the place. You roll your eyes. “And they have food here! C’mon, you didn’t even look at the menu yet, babe! And all the drinks are for Valentine’s Day!” He shows you the menu which comes with shrimp cocktails, lemon-pepper wings, and all kinds of cocktails made for the holiday. 
You mumble indifferently to yourself, still unsure. “Yeah, but…” Though this is a fun idea, you want a candlelit dinner and then your back broken out in Gojo’s bed. He must see you struggling to enjoy yourself because he lowers the menu and stares you down across the table, his blue eyes serious. 
“I wanted us to try something new for tonight than just dinner or a movie. Something adventurous. Plus, you’re way too fine to not take out to a club.” 
You flush at the compliment, staring down at your cleavage that you just had to leave out to play tonight. He leans over to cover your hand with his. “Just give it a half an hour and if you’re still uncomfortable,  we can leave,” he promises, his gaze sad and dejected. “Just want us to have a little fun, Y/N. You’ve been workin’ so hard lately.” 
And you have. You’ve been going overtime to make enough extra money for the spring, so for Gojo to notice and want to do something fun for you is so sweet. It makes you feel incredibly guilty. “Okay,” you sigh. He grins at this, excited. “But only for a half an hour,” you pointedly add, jabbing an acrylic nail at him. He nods though there’s a devilishness behind his smile that makes you believe he is planning something to make you think different. 
After you order some Valentine’s Day-inspired drinks and some wings to share, you find yourself sitting thigh to thigh with Gojo, slapping his chest when he whispers something nasty in your ear. When you turn your head, you find several eyes on you, women and men alike. Their gazes are sharp and pointed with envy while some check Gojo out despite you sitting right there. Feeling hot with awareness and anger, you turn away to tell Gojo, but he is already one step ahead of you, having noticed eyes on him since he walked in…but that’s normal for him. 
Unbeknownst to you, you had eyes on you too, admiring your body in your dress and your hair that Gojo will most definitely be yanking on later when he has you bent over his bed and your cunt gushing around him. He slings an arm around the back of the booth behind your head, trapping you between him. 
“They know I’m here with you,” he chuckles, staring at you from over the rim of his glasses. “And they’re sadly mistaken if they think I’m giving this up for a single night with them.” 
He takes your hand and kisses it, filling you with butterflies and tingles. “You’re the only one for me, baby,” he coos. “And I hope this proves it.” His eyes tick to somewhere behind you and you turn, gasping at the sight before you. 
Your bottle girl has returned with your chocolate martinis and wings, but another stands there with a big ass bouquet of a dozen of your favorite flowers, sweet-smelling and colorful. You thank the waitresses as your food is placed before you and you’re given your flowers. “‘Tarou,” you coo, beaming at him. “You really must want some neck later.” 
Gojo smirks suggestively at your words, a hand snaking over your thigh. “Oh, I want way more than that, mama,” he purrs. “But after we get these drinks down.” You each pick up your martinis and he coaxes you to carry the toast. “Too an amazing Valentine’s Day,” you say with a giddy smile. “Cheers!” You clink glasses and share a kiss before downing your first set of drinks for the night. 
You’re so glad Gojo rented a private section for the occasion because the after-party takes place right after the drinks start kicking in…and only you two are invited. 
And you highly doubt anyone would want to see your boyfriend’s fingers stuffed inside of you, your legs spread wide over the leather seats. “Tarou,” you whimper, your hand clutching his toned forearm. “S-Someone’s gonna see!” Your voice hiccups on the last word, growing high-pitched as his index and middle finger curl inside of you, gliding over that spot that makes the world blurry and your body tingly. 
Gojo chuckles teasingly into your ear as he nips and kisses your neck and collarbone, his body blocking the dance floor from seeing you getting finger-fucked. “Someone will definitely see if you don’t keep it down, baby girl,” he coos. “You’ve got such a cute expression when you’re drunk and horny.” 
He uses his free hand to grip your cheeks, causing them to squish together as you whimper and moan, each sound hidden by the music blasting from the speakers above. You shouldn’t have had so many drinks and you know you only made things worse for yourself by grinding your ass against Gojo on the dance floor moments before. You let out a muffled moan behind your hand as his palm begins to rub against your clit in time with his fingers fucking your pussy.
“Who knew two martinis and a couple shots would make you so slutty?” he cackles. “Shit, baby, you’re grippin’ around me so tight! That’s my girl. That’s my good little slut.” 
He starts to move his skilled hand faster, coaxing you to cum all over his fingers and the seat. But you stop him, grabbing his wrist. “Satoru!” you whine, desperate for relief but in private. “Not here, please! I need you to fuck me!”
At the desperation in your voice, his fingers pause, still snuggly inside of you. You stare into his blue eyes, willing him to listen to you. “I want you to cum with me,” you whimper. “Want you to fuck this pussy and make this night count. Please, Daddy.” 
‘Please, Daddy.’ That line seems to always work for Gojo. You’re saying the exact same thing when he has you on your back hours later in his silky-soft bed, his cock buried deep inside of you and his hips slamming against yours with enough force to make the bed rock. “Please, Daddy!” you beg. “Please make me cum!” 
Gojo hovers above you, his pretty face looking down at you as he watches your titties bounce and your wet cunt stretch around his cock. “Yeah?” he huffs. “You wanna cum? You wanna cum all over your man’s big fucking dick, baby?”
He doesn’t let up with his merciless thrusts, causing you to not only cum uncontrollably around his cock, but to squirt, your juices splashing all over the bed and his lower stomach. It triggers his own orgasm and he pulls out to spray his cum all over your gorgeous tits. 
Panting, you lie on the bed, spent and mouth agape from what you just did. “Aww, mama, you squirted,” he coos, laughing at your embarrassed expression. He suddenly pins your thighs apart and begins to rub your overly-sensitive clit, grinning at your gasps and sobs. “C’mon, gimme another one. C’mon, slutty girl.” 
You babble nonsense and protests, stuck between yes and no as tears begin to dot your lash-line. He notices, still flicking your clit with his thumb. “What? You gonna cry?” You nod frantically, hoping he’ll stop…but Gojo Satoru is an asshole. “Too bad,” he chuckles. “You ain’t gettin’ out of this one, baby. Now cum for me again.” 
And you do, once again squirting all over the bed and in your boyfriend’s mouth as he greedily laps it up. 
NANAMI (Picnic Date)
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Nanami is a pretty low-key guy anyway, so a park date appeals to him when you suggest it. 
Even more so when he gets that surprise the moment he happens upon the park’s grounds with you in tow.  You two walk side by side in your warm, wool trench coats through the snowy park on a starry Valentine’s Day night, your hand hooked through his elbow. The minute his eyes widen behind his spectacles, you smile. 
Before him lies a thick blanket where one picnic basket and a portable speaker playing soft music sits under a canopy of trees. You picked a place secluded from the hiking and running trails, not wanting to be interrupted by anyone. “I figured it’d be better than a fancy dinner date,” you explain with a shy smile. “I didn’t cook. I didn’t really have the time, so I just got some stuff from the grocery store.” 
Nanami still looks like he can’t believe that this is happening or that you did something so sweet for him. He has never celebrated Valentine’s Day with a romantic partner before, so he still isn’t sure what comes with it or what he’s supposed to do, but he knows that he’s enjoying it so far with you. He sits with you on the blanket, feeling slightly awkward and out of place, as you pull out your feast for the romantic dinner. 
He can't help but laugh to himself as you pull out the plastic packs of sandwiches on sesame seed rolls, fruit, a small charcuterie pack to share, and a bottle of wine with two plastic glasses. He picks up the sandwich, examining it. “Ham sandwiches?” he chuckles, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“You love ham sandwiches!” you protest, cutely pouting at him. “With extra mustard.” At this, Nanami’s smile fades and he looks down at the pack. Sure enough, it does have extra mustard which means you’ve been paying close attention to him. Taking his frown for something negative, you scramble to appease him. “W-We can always go somewhere if you want,” you quickly add. 
You can feel your heart drooping in disappointment. You know that the picnic isn’t perfect, but you thought it’d be perfect for Nanami. You just wanted to make him happy. But to your shock and utter relief, he is overjoyed. “No,” he firmly says. “This is perfect. I just haven’t had anyone do this for me before.” He puts the sandwich down and takes your hand, his eyes soft and loving. “Thank you,” he softly says, sounding moved by the sweet gesture. 
Your smile is as beautiful as the twinkling stars above, prompting him to retrieve a small bag from his coat pocket. “I brought a little something along for you too,” he says, a small, sweet smile on his face. “From that bakery where we first met. It’s sentimental, yes, but…” He passes it to you, his cheeks coated in a pink blush that makes him so endearing to you. You love when he gets flustered despite him being such a stoic guy. 
You excitedly open the bag, finding your favorite pastry coated in pink frosting for V-Day in there. 
“Keni,” you coo. “I haven’t had one of these in sooo long!” But as you go to take it out and feast on it first, your finger brushes against a small, white box at the bottom of the bag. You take it out, examining it. 
“What’s this?” you ask, staring at the box. Nanami just smiles at you, taking off his glasses. “Open it,” he coaxes, a twinkle in his gentle eyes. 
You do so, opening the box to reveal a silver chain with a small bottle attached to it. In it are grand of sand. “I know how much you love the beach,” he explains. “That’s one of the things we share with each other. This is so you can always think of me when I’m not there. I’m in that bottle, in every grain of sand there, right against your heart.” You stare at the bottle, your hands beginning to shake as emotion overcomes you. 
Nervous, Nanami begins to think the worst. “Too corny?” he asks. You shake your head and when you look at him, he finds that your eyes are glassy. “No…it’s beautiful.” You close your hand around the bottle charm, kissing it. “I love you, Kento,” you whisper, the words like a prayer answered to Nanami. 
But instead of saying it back, Nanami stands and offers his hand for yours. “Dance with me,” he says instead.
You put your hand in his and allow him to pull you onto your feet where he pulls you close against him. There, you begin to sway to the music playing, your head on his chest and his chin resting on the top of your head.
“I love you too, my love,” he whispers against your cheek and you smile into his chest, happily whipped.  
The picnic blanket wasn’t intended for a hot, passionate make-out session, but that’s exactly what it’s used for. 
Only this make-out session is semi-clothed. After downing the whole bottle of wine, both of you are pent up and letting your attraction for each other take over. The pretty skirt you wore is pulled up, your panties down and Nanami’s hand rubbing you between your thighs while he hovers on top of you, his shirt off and your hands gripping his taught ass as he rolls his hips into yours. 
He grinds his clothed, hard cock against your pelvis much to your liking, keening and softly moaning into his mouth as the heat between your legs begins to grow. Noticing how you’re grinding up into him, Nanami pulls away, staring down at you with lustful eyes and lips raw from kissing. “Are you sure you want to?” he asks in a hushed voice. “Out here?” 
You can’t think of a better place to get slutted out than under the stars and in the silent, still park, the music cut off and all sounds ceasing to exist except for a lone owl hooting and your hushed pants and moans. “Yes, Keni,” you whisper, holding his face in your hands to bring him closer. He looks so beautiful above you, the stars and inky black sky a backdrop behind him. “I trust you. I don’t care who sees us. Let everyone know that I’m yours.” 
Nanami doesn’t need any other confirmation to tell him that you’re absolutely certain about or ready to do this. “And I’m yours,” he replies before pressing a kiss to your lips…and then sinking his cock deep inside of you when you shrug his pants down to his free it. You moan into each other’s mouths as his dick sinks between your silky, wet walls, trapping him inside of you where he belongs. 
Slow, passionate strokes of his hips turn into feverish, rough pumps the more into Nanami gets. Seeing you beneath him, your sweater pulled up to reveal your lacy bra and your skirt hiked up over your thick thighs, is too much for him. “You look so beautiful underneath me,” he groans. “So pretty bouncing on my cock.” He fucks you harder, faster, tossing your leg up over his shoulder to get a better, more precise angle at your G-spot. 
And it works because you start seeing stars behind your eyelids that aren’t from the sky as Nanami its into you. “Fuck, Keni!” you whine, gripping his broad shoulders. “S-So big! You f-feel s-so good!” You can’t speak properly, each word coming out as a stutter because of how much you’re bouncing on his dick. 
Nanami holds his eyes with yours, forcing you to look at his handsome face gleaming in sweat and slightly flushed. “Yeah? You like taking this big cock, darling?” You frantically nod, unable to hold back your gasps or moans as he pumps into you like he’s trying to make you cum first…which he is. “It’s all yours. No one else’s. Only you can have me like this…make me feel this way…” 
His sweet, hot words and cock pumping inside you are too much and you begin to frantically rub your clit as you feel that blessed end about to near. “Kento, I’m gonna cum,” you gasp. “I-I can’t…!” 
The handsome blonde leans down to press his forehead against yours, his big body covering yours. “Cum for me, darling,” he grunts. “Look at me when you gush all over my fucking dick. Do it while I fill up what’s mine.” He fucks you harder, rolling his hips down into yours again and again until– 
Crunch. You gasp, causing Nanami to immediately cover your mouth. You both look towards a jogging trail several yards away where you see an older man and his dog from between the trees. “Hello?” The man calls out into the night. “Anyone there?” 
You both are quiet, hearts hammering against your ribcages, but the fear of being caught ignites something in both of you. Nanami doesn’t stop fucking you and you have no choice but to cum, moaning behind your hand. He cums too, burying his face into your shoulder to let out a primal groan as he fills you to the brim with his cum. “Keep cumming,” he demands. “Keep squeezing around my cock, you perfect little slut.” 
You whine at his constant strokes, your pussy becoming tingly and sensitive despite him slowing down. He holds you close, forcing you to take it until he’s exhausted himself and finally pulls out. Luckily, the man believes you’re just animals…and you’d may as well be with the way y’all are fucking. “C’mon, Peaches,” he calls with a whistle. “I think it’s just a bunch of squirrels.” 
And off he totters with his dog in tow, turning his back to the semi-naked couple behind him. Nanami sighs in relief, panting from the sex. “That was close,” he sighs. You nod and then your eyes tick down to his semi-hard cock twitching and glistening in your cum. “Not close enough,” you purr, grazing a nail over his cock, smirking when he tenses at the sensation. “Round two?” you giggle suggestively. 
More like round five because even when you finally leave the park, Nanami fucks you in his bed till dawn. 
CHOSO (Paint n’ Sip Date) 
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Choso had no fucking clue what people even did on Valentine’s Day. He didn't even know Valentine’s Day was a day away until someone mentioned it. 
Of course, it was Yuji, his little brother, while they slurped on ramen noodles. Yuji nearly choked when Choso told him that he forgot Valentine’s Day was coming up. “You forgot about Valentine’s Day?!” he gasped like Choso just told him he got someone else pregnant. “Dude, Valentine’s Day is the day for couples! Romance! She’s gonna leave your ass!” 
Choso rolled his eyes as slurped down his dinner. “You’re so fuckin’ dramatic,” he sighed, but even he got afraid. He didn’t know if you celebrated Valentine’s Day, but you had to have been expecting something, weren’t you? After all, he is dating you and though he is still learning how to properly “boyfriend”, he knows he wants to give you the most decent Valentine’s Day he can.
So after surfing the web for V-Day activities, he came across an event for one night only at a small art venue that he visited an exhibit before that is hosting a paint-n-sip. The one at 7 PM is for children and serves free cookies though adults can still attend and the other at 10 PM is enticingly naughty.
Choso smirked as read the details for the adult paint-n-sip which entails weed, alcohol, and couples stripping down to their undies to be painted by their romantic partners. He thought it was perfect since he loved painting, you enjoyed watching him paint, and it would be a perfect bonding and learning experience. 
And perhaps, romantic? 
Choso bought the tickets for both and sent the child-friendly ones to you first, wanting to surprise you with the adult ones the night of. “It’s just a local thing,” he shyly said into the phone. “But I figured we could do it since you’ve always wanted to learn how to paint.” You were luckily down with it, making him sigh in relief. “This is so cute!” you giggled. “I’d love to go with you, baby.” 
The night of V-Day, he arrives at your place and tries not to marvel at you in your pretty, pink sweater that makes your skin practically glow and brings a blush to his cheeks. He takes his hand in yours as you walk together, you on the inside while he stands on the outside near the street.
Unbeknownst to him, you flush with bashfulness too, loving how attentive, tall, and handsome your man is. His piercings sparkle in the moonlight peeking through the trees lining the block, making your body tingle in delight…especially the lip ring you love to nibble on when you kiss. 
The art exhibit is small, quaint, and filled with kids running to get their art supplies. Choso stands awkwardly behind you while you get a canvas, some paint brushes, and one of the heart-shaped cookies set out for the guests. “I didn’t realize there’d be so many kids here,” he mutters, making you giggle. 
A little girl running with a big ass paint brush and a heart-shaped cookie stops, staring up at Choso with a gap-toothed smile. “Hey, mister, I like your ponytails!” she shouts despite her mother’s criticism. “You’d look so nice with some bows!” You’ve never seen Choso turn so red before. “Yes, he would,” you agree, struggling to not bust out laughing. 
Though it is embarrassing, seeing you interact so well with the kid makes Choso wanna fill you up with all the babies he can. 
Those naughty, feral thoughts are dampened luckily when the painting begins and the instructor shows an example of the painting for tonight. Choso smirks at your reaction as you begin to sketch the heart out on your canvas, making it big and wobbly. “Oooh, a heart,” he teases. “Think you can handle that, mama?” You side eye him, nudging him in the side. “Shut up!” you whisper. “Not everyone can be a master painter like you.” 
He laughs once he finishes sketching his own heart and begins to mix his paints together, planning on making this drawing as three dimensional as possible just to see you gag over it. He smirks to himself as he begins to paint with a bright pink he made from red and white, your eyes on his and his hand carefully filling in the heart. “So how’d you get a pink like that?” You curiously ask, peering over at his paints. You decided to do your heart in red, but now you’re deciding something different. 
“Just add a dash of white and a lot of red,” he explains with a humored smile. You do as he says, taking a tiny bit of white and adding it to the red in your palette tray. “Uh-uh, like this,” he whispers, taking your hand and guiding you. Suddenly, he’s behind you and taking your wrist in his to help you add more white and mix. He is gentle and careful yet firm. His touch and deep voice in your ear does wonders to your body, making you feel like you’re baking in an oven in your sweater. 
It doesn't get any better for you either. You find it hard to focus whenever Choso guides your hands to make certain strokes and his warm, minty breath caresses your ear. “Don’t go so fast,” he murmurs. “Take your time with it. Enjoy the process.” You swear, your pussy is leaking on your chair by the time you finish painting and you’re ready to take your time with your Valentine next. 
Choso’s painting is as beautiful as one could get despite it just being a heart. The same cutie with the gap-toothed smile walks by with hers and gapes at it. “That’s so pretty!” she gasps. “Mommy, look at his heart! I think he made that for his girlfriend!” Once again, Choso blushes and you laugh to yourself. 
“Now I can see why you love painting so much,” you giggle. “It’s so relaxing.” You sneak a hand towards his, laying it on top of his knuckles and caressing his rings. “Without the kids, yeah,” he agrees, earning a laugh. He slowly turns his hand over to lace your fingers together, making your heart and your clit jump with joy and excitement. “You know, there’s an “adults only” paint n sip after this one if you wanna stay.” 
His eyes flash with mischief, intriguing you. “What’s at the adult one?” you ask, curious. You take a bite of your cookie before feeding it to Choso. “More alcohol. Weed. Body painting. I, uh, bought tickets beforehand to surprise you.” A light blush coats his cheek as he chews, making you smile. 
“You had me at body painting,” you purr. “Anything to get my hands on you.” And to spend more time with him. You lean into his side, not so subtly snaking your hand down to squeeze his thigh.
He tenses, making you giggle, but he silences you with a kiss in front of the little ones. “Naughty girl,” he growls against your lips. “But the feeling’s definitely mutual.”
Staying for the “adults only” pain n sip was definitely a good idea.
As soon as the kids and their parents leave, the adult couples arrive and bring alcohol and weed that they’re willing to share. Tonight’s activity involves stripping down to your undies (or as much as you wish) and painting your partner’s body with watercolors. “It’s a fun and intimate way to bond with your love,” the instructor says while you’re already trying to get Choso out of his pants. 
You’re given wet sponges and paint brushes to paint Choso’s body with. With a glass of wine and a few puffs of weed in you, you’re already feening and feeling naughty as you watch your boyfriend strip. Your eyes roam over his lean upper torso as he takes off his shirt, revealing his nipple piercings and the tattoo dedicated to his younger brothers on his right side that trails down to his well-defined V-line and happy trail. 
The air feels tense and hot as you begin to paint him in all different colors, reds, pinks, and blacks coating his pale skin in shapes and swirls. “Stop lookin’ at me like that,” he chuckles, catching your hooded gaze as you paint him.
“Like what?” you ask, feigning innocence. “Like you’re the sexiest man in here and you look even better with paint on you?” Sneakily, you pull down his pants an inch and give his ass a smack, making him gasp. “Hey!” he exclaims, swatting your leg with a wet sponge. “What?” you giggle. “It’s part of the activity!” 
He gives you the same treatment when you finally strip off your sweater, revealing your lacy push-up bra. He leans down until he’s eye level with your chest and begins slowly, sensually, painting your chest and collarbone a bright pink. Then, before you know it, his hands are unzipping your pants and looping through your belt loops to pull them down. “What?” he asks, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. “It’s part of the activity, ain’t it?” 
Sneakily, one finger trails down to your thighs and sneaks in between to touch your pussy over your panties. ”C-Choso, stop,” you whimper, gripping the chair you sit in. “Someone’s g-gonna see…”
Choso stops, pulling his hand away with a hooded look that drives you damn near to sucking his dick. “Then maybe you wanna tell her to wait till we’re back at your place,” he murmurs. “And stop soaking the stool.” You glare at him and shift in your seat to pull your pants up, making him snigger. 
When the event finally ends and you’re finally at your place, you jump on Choso as soon as you’re behind closed doors. He moans into your mouth as you kiss him, your hands moving quickly to snatch off his clothes. “Damn, you couldn’t wait till we got in the shower?” he chuckles, but even he is hurrying to get you naked, your sweater and jeans on the floor.
"Hell no,” you gasp as his lips caress your neck. “I at least needed to get you naked…but we do need to wash off.” 
You giggle at your bodies and faces coated in paint of all colors and he smiles, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Let’s not waste any time then.”
And you don’t. Minutes later, you find yourself in the shower under the hot jets of water and among the steam as Choso kneels before you, lapping at your cunt. You grasp his shoulders and his wet locks of hair, your moans bouncing off of the tiled walls. 
“Chosi,” you whine, “you’re supposed to be cleaning me up.” He looks up at you, his soft lips coated in your juices. “I am,” he argues, still in between your thighs. “You’re so wet down here for me, mama. What the hell else am I supposed to do?” 
He then hooks one of your legs over his shoulders and grips your ass, shutting you up. “Now shut the fuck up and put that pussy on my face,” he growls. The only words you have for him as he eats you out till you cum on his face are his name and many, many swear words.
TODO (Couples’ Yoga Date) 
*Note: The Reader is described as Plus-Sized!
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It’s not a particularly usual Valentine’s Day date, but Todo thought it would be a nice activity to do together for the special day. 
“I saw it in the window at my gym,” he excitedly announced to you over fruit smoothies despite the cold. “It’s free and they give out free sugar-free treats after the event! It’d be perfect for us, princess!”
He was so excited for the holiday even though he always treats you like every day is Valentine’s Day. To see the excitement and joy in his brown eyes made you feel utterly guilty for feeling so odd about the idea. 
“Well…” You looked down at your pink smoothie and even pinker nails. It isn't that you had something against yoga. You loved yoga! You practiced it as much as you could, even bought yoga wear specifically dedicated to big girls to feel comfortable doing it. But doing it in front of other people bothered you a lot. 
You always strive to be healthy and have tried going to the gym, but the paranoia you feel about being watched was enough to run you out of Planet Fitness. As a fat girl, you get enough shit with the fact that your arms and tummy jiggle and your thighs shake, and you have cellulite on your ass. Big deal! It’s your body and it’s perfect just as it is. Todo certainly thinks so.
But others think differently. No matter if you drink your water, eat your veggies, and do your squats, society will always perceive you as some unhealthy, gluttonous bitch. 
That’s part of why you’re still so shocked that Todo is still here. Despite the shock people have when realizing such a fit, muscular, sexy guy is with a big girl (though you’re also sexy), he doesn’t let that get to him. “I don't care about anyone else,” he once said to you. “All I care about is you. You mean everything to me, Y/N.” So seeing him sit across from you, with his handsome, scarred face, you had no choice but to give into his idea.
“Okay,” you reluctantly agreed. “But I’m not too hype about your gym girlfriends lookin’ at my man.” He just chuckled, taking your hand across the table and kissing it. 
“Oh, sweetheart, please,” he chuckled. “All of those girls are simply friends and plus, no woman looks better than my pretty little princess!” 
You flushed at his sweet talk, secretly loving it when he referred to you as his “little whatever”. His little princess. His little girl. His little...well, that's reserved for the bedroom, but it gets you purring every single time. 
And it makes sense being the fact that the guy is HUGE, standing at six-foot something and built like a tank. He intimidated you so much the first day you two met, but after realizing how much of a sweetheart he was, all you wanted was to feel him on top of you. 
The night of V-Day is a chilly one so you dress in your favorite coat with shaggy fur like a teddy bear’s. You also dress in your favorite active gear that hugs your curves and rolls but also makes your ass and titties look immaculate. When you answer your door for Todo when he arrives at your apartment, he just about faints. “Oh, my God,” he gasps, his eyes comically wide. “Princess, you look so…so…” 
He clears his throat and clenches his fists at his sides. “No,” he firmly says. “No inappropriate compliments…yet.” You flush at his reaction, feeling better about this date already despite feeling nervous at the idea of being watched while you work out. “You don’t look bad yourself, big guy,” you giggle, patting him on his big, beefy chest. 
He takes your hand and walks you outside, standing beside you like a big, burly bodyguard. Once out in the chilly night, you turn to him. “Now which way are we walking?” Todo raises an eyebrow at you. “Walking?” he parrots, confused. “Oh, no, no, no, sweetie! You’re not walking and getting those pretty shoes all dirtied up. Allow your personal ride to give you a lift.” 
He gives you a wink before scooping you up into his huge arms like you weigh nothing. You gasp as your feet dangle off of the concrete and he begins to walk. “Todo!” you squeal. “Stop, I’m too–“ 
“Don’t say it,” he growls, his brown eyes flashing. “You’re never too heavy for the likes of me, my sweet. Now pipe down and enjoy this ride or you won’t be getting another one later tonight.” You pipe down as he orders, not wanting to miss out on another "activity" once the date is through (but you know you’d get to anyway because Todo is addicted to you). 
The session takes place at the gym Todo is a member of where he introduces you to some regulars and friends of his who you’re 90% sure flirt with you. The atmosphere is nice and relaxing with fake candles lit, the scent of incense in the air, and free snacks and fruit-infused water set aside after the session ends. 
The instructor sits among all of the couples, including you and Todo. “Welcome to our very first couples’ yoga,” she chirps into her headset. “We’re going to start off with some warm up stretches and then get into the poses. Remember to breathe and be one with your partner tonight.” 
It’s impossible to not be “one” with Todo when he has his hands on you every minute during warmups and poses––on your hips, your back, your thighs, your waist. He pretends that he isn't trying to rile you up, but you know different, especially when you bend down to touch your toes as instructed. 
Todo stands behind you, holding your hips in place and placing his foot between yours so they are square and grounded. You gasp when you feel him press against your backside in his gym shorts. “Careful now, princess,” he chuckles. “You wouldn’t want to cause something you weren’t intending to.” 
You know it’s too late for that shit. And it’s too late for you too. When you slowly release the pose and rise, Todo’s muscular body pressed against you from the back causes every part of you to become aroused. Your heart pounds, your breathing is labored, and those familiar and agonizing tingles between your thighs make an appearance. “Nicely done, princess!” he praises you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Those pants do wonders for you.” 
His hand sneaks down to give your plump ass a squeeze, making you gasp and nervously scan the room for anyone watching. 
Your arousal only increases not just because the poses and having Todo so close, but because of his attentiveness and the praise he gives you with every pose you do. During one that is particularly straining on your legs where Todo and you sit face to face and he pulls you into a forward bend by your arms, he keeps his eyes steadily on you, paying close attention to your body. “Deeper, sweetie,” he coos. “I’ve got you.” 
You whimper at the burning in your arms and thighs as you’re pulled lower and lower to the ground. “Todo,” you whine. “It hurts!” Unbeknownst to you, Todo feels his heart burst for you, his pretty, pretty princess, doing this all for him. “I know, but it’s good for you! And you’re doing so, so well for me.” 
A glutton for praise, you inwardly leap at this and hold the pose until, finally, you’re able to stop. “And release,” the instructor says. “Very good!” You groan in relief as you sit up and Todo releases your hands in replacement for your thick thighs. “Very good,” he parrots, smiling proudly at you. “Now don’t you feel all stretched out?” 
His big hands begin to massage your aching thighs and calves, his fingers making your body tingle. “Hardly,” you giggle, biting your lip as you stare at him through your lashes. “But maybe something else can help with that.” Todo smirks, on the same type of time you’re on tonight.
And hours later in your bedroom, Todo gives you his own remedy for stretching. 
He has you in the same pose you did before, standing with your feet width apart and attempting to touch your toes. The only difference is now you’re naked and your man’s big, thick dick is stretching you out as he slams his hips into you from behind, making your ass and titties jiggle. “Such a good, good girl takin’ orders,” he coos, one hand palming your breast “You deserve a reward after this.” 
You whine in pleasure and protest, your knees starting to buckle from the effort it takes to hold your pose despite the searing pleasure you feel. “C’mon, baby, touch your toes,” Todo says, stroking your backside. “I know you can do it. Just breathe for me.” 
His gentle touches only make matters worse, your pussy beginning to throb and gush all over his balls and down your thighs. “Todo!” you yelp. “T-Too much! Too much dick!”
You try to squirm away, but Todo grips you to him, causing his cock to sink deeper inside of you. “Ah-ah, princess,” he tuts, poisoning his hips faster into your wet heat. “Don’t run from me now. This is what you get for wearin’ that shit tonight at yoga. Do you know how hard that got me for you? Do you understand how hot you are?” 
His luscious moans and grunts fill your ears as he takes your pussy harder, faster, fucking you in a way that is so primal and mind-blowing that you see stars. “A-Ah, fuck!” you loudly moan, close to screaming. Your knees buckle and you have to catch yourself on one hand to avoid falling face flat on the floor. 
“Well, now you do,” he huffs, “and now, you’re gonna take that dick like a good little yoga bunny if you wanna cum. Is that clear?” He pulls you back by your hair, making you gasp at the sensation of being yanked back. “Yes!” you yelp. “Yes, baby, I promise!” 
Todo releases you, pulls out of you with a soft groan, and turns you around to press a sweet, gentle kiss to your lips. You shiver at the sweetness, your hands stroking all over his lusciously hard and toned body. “Good girl,” he coos. “Now up you go.” 
He hooks his arms underneath your legs and picks you up, holding you up by your ass to sink his cock into you again. There, in the middle of your bedroom floor, he begins fucking you while standing up, his heavy balls slapping your clit that begs for release. You have no choice but to grip onto him and stare into his eyes as he fucks you silly, bouncing you up and down on his hard dick.
“And don’t worry, princess: your man can handle anything. Just feel good on my cock, okay?” 
You only moan in response, going dumb from his dick and the pleasure he gives you. With every mind-melting, orgasmic thrust he gives you, he only says three words that are punctuated by each thrust: “Happy. Valentine’s. Day.” 
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fl5793 · 1 year
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗! 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙸 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝙷𝙰/𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢. 𝙸𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚗, 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚑𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏. 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠!
𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚎!
𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 (full of request obviously)
𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘺
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ enjoy!
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fizziedoodle · 5 months
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dating keigo! ᰔᩚಎ
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sunnymoonxx · 3 months
❝programmed for pleasure❞ | qimir x fem!reader
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pairing: qimir x fem!reader
summary: Your best friend Qimir always had your back, and that didn't change when the Jedi accused you of treachery. Without hesitation, Qimir helps you hide. After days of close quarters and constant danger, things get heated and secrets flow to the surface.
warnings: this is just filth, english is not my native language, p in v, rough sex, unprotected sex (who needs it with him right), fingering, hints of mind control, reader finds out qimir's identity during the act, choking, cockwarming, degradating, praising, 5k+ words, not proofread
a/n: in ep2 when osha was pretending to be mae and qimir's mask dropped- so did my panties and i wish we could see what would happen if the jedi didnt barge in
also i apologise if this is not my best work my brain's rotting
now playing, fill the void by the weekend and lily rose depp
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The sun blazed overhead, casting long shadows across the bustling market square. The air shimmered with heat, and the scent of exotic spices mixed with the dust kicked up by the steady flow of people. The cacophony of merchants hawking their wares and customers bartering for goods filled the air, creating a lively yet chaotic atmosphere. That's when you jumped in, covered in a heavy cloak, weaving through the crowd, moving with desperate urgency that contrasted sharply with the slow pace of the marketgoers.
Your breaths came in ragged gasps, and sweat trickled down your temples, but you didn’t dare slow down. Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat echoing the fear that suffocated you.
You glanced over your shoulder, scanning for signs of your pursuers. There, in the distance, the unmistakable silhouettes of Jedi Knights moved with an unerring determination, their robes flowing like liquid shadows. Panic surged within you, propelling you forward even faster.
You stumbled into a fruit vendor, nearly toppling the cart, and barely registering the vulgar complaint thrown at you, only focused on your desired destination.
Ahead, through the throng of people, you spotted the familiar sign of your friend’s shop. It was a small, unassuming place, nestled between two larger establishments, almost easy to miss if you didn't know what to look for. You aimed yourself toward it like a ship setting course for a distant star, your legs burning from the exertion.
Another quick glance back showed the Jedi gaining ground, their calm, composed faces a stark contrast to your own panic. You had to reach the shop; you had to get to safety. With a final burst of energy, you pushed through a group of curious onlookers, thrusting them to the ground, and practically threw yourself against the door of the shop.
It swung open with a jingle of bells as you tumbled inside, the cool air a welcome relief against the overheating streets. You slammed the door shut behind you, the noise causing your friend, Qimir, to look up from behind the counter, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Hey, what are you—"
"Shush," you panted, leaning heavily against the door, trying to catch your breath, scanning any sign of the Jedi through the glass door. "I need to hide."
“What is going on?” Qimir appeared right behind you, his face a mix of concern and curiosity. He motioned for you to follow him. This wasn’t the first time you had begged Qimir to help you, and many times you had promised to pay him back, but you never did. You tried to calm yourself as you followed him to the back of the shop where the infamous hidden trapdoor was placed.
“I owe you,” you breathed out, looking up at Qimir before you kneeled down to get in, climbing your way into a narrow space, the darkness of the room slowly enveloping you.
“You always do,” he murmured to himself before he closed the door, leaving you alone in the pitch-black darkness. You’d been here many times, so it wasn’t difficult finding a certain switch, turning on the lights that partially blinded you. As you quickly got used to them, your other senses heightened, hearing Qimir making his way back to the front of the shop above your head.
You pressed yourself against the cool earth, willing your racing heart to calm. Above, you could hear the faint murmur of voices, the unmistakable timbre of the Jedi questioning. You held your breath, every muscle in your body tense, praying that your hiding place would remain undiscovered.
You calmed yourself, putting your hand on your chest where your heart would be, carefully listening to the conversation above you.
“Have you seen a cloaked figure running by this shop? We saw them run this way; do not bother us with lies,” came Yord’s unmistakable voice. You had never liked him, even as a youngling or a Padawan. He finished his trials sooner than you and felt the need to remind you every second. Today was the last day you decided to respect it.
“I think I saw someone pass by, but I didn’t see their face or where they were going,” you heard Qimir lie to the Jedi, protecting you again. You never grasped how he could lie to the Jedi and not get caught. You always suspected he was Force-sensitive and accidentally blocked everyone out of his mind, but that theory vanished quickly when he once face-planted on the ground after you woke him from his peaceful sleep. Maybe he was just a good liar.
Minutes felt like hours, but eventually, you heard the Jedi grow quiet, leaving the shop. You allowed yourself a tentative sigh of relief, knowing that you had narrowly escaped capture. For now, you were safe, as long as you stayed with Qimir.
It didn’t take long for Qimir to come back for you, opening the trapdoor to get you out. You climbed fast, jumping at him, almost crushing him with your suffocating hug.
“I’d like an elaboration on this one,” he declared into your ear, waiting for you to let go of the hug but returning it with slight pressure. “Weren’t you supposed to be in the Outer Rim? That’s where your Master sent you.” You let him go, running your fingers through his hair, making a big mess on his head. He let out an annoyed scuff, furrowing his eyebrows, but his smile betrayed him.
“Hmm,” you whispered, turning back to him to walk to the door and shut down the blinds. The Jedi might have been gone, but you weren’t sure. “I was already there. Mission accomplished.” You replied with excitement as you threw away your cloak on the counter, turning in a circle back to Qimir. His expression was to die for.
“Wait,” he picked up his hand as if to stop you from coming closer to him. You stopped your movements, a cheerful smile playing on your lips. “You killed Kelnacca, without a weapon, and managed to come back and do whatever you did for the Jedi to hunt you down?” He didn’t trust you at all, and it was painfully obvious. He circled around you to block your way, even if you had no intention of going outside and leaned against the counter.
“I killed Kelnacca without a weapon, came back here, and killed Torbin.” You smiled, hoping for Qimir to cheer up too, for he was the one always believing in you and your Master’s missions for you. “That’s why they chased me; they found out. But it’s done. I did it.” You couldn’t help but jump towards him, looking up at him as he stared you down.
“You killed them both without a weapon?” he repeated his question, scanning your figure up and down, like he was trying to figure out if you’re joking or serious. Your smile dropped, as you realized he was more of a puppet to your master than your friend. You liked Qimir, but there were times when you didn’t know what he was thinking or where he was going on random days.
You scuffed to yourself, annoyed but understanding in some way. You weren’t always the best apprentice, but you earned it. You earned your place as his pupil and hoped, one day, your master would show his face to you.
“Is this what you want?” you asked, irritated, throwing a tied bag on the counter, right next to Qimir’s hands. He was hesitant but opened the sack, revealing two Jedi lightsabers: Kelnacca’s and Torbin’s. “I could have brought their heads, but that would defeat the purpose.” You added, frustration obvious in your tone. You were so excited to tell Qimir, your friend, about the great news and were immediately let down by his reaction. You hoped he’d be happy for you, finally safe from your Master as you satisfied him with your work.
"Sorry, just shocked," he let out a small chuckle before closing the bag again and leaving it on the counter. "He'll be so pleased with you," he turned to you, a wide smile on his lips. The drastic changes in his mood always scared you, but now you were simply happy you could share the happy news with him.
“Of course I’m proud of you too,” Qimir added, coming towards you to pull you into another hug, this one warmer and more reassuring. You hesitatingly wrapped your arms around him, melting in his embrace. However small and skinny he looked behind his untidy clothes, whenever he hugged you, you almost disappeared between his arms.
“Now who’s gonna tell him?” you muttered into his shoulder before he let go of you, his hands leaving your back seconds later. You were so happy about your success that you never thought of informing your master. Even though you passed his test, you were still nervous about talking to him. His mask was scary enough for you, and his quiet mannerisms were even worse. You could never read what he was thinking, what he was planning next, or what he might be contemplating doing to you. If Qimir volunteered to inform him, you wouldn’t protest.
“Well, you should,” he stated to your bad luck. “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.” He smiled before going behind the counter to search for something on the lower shelf. You had to snort at his choice of words.
“Please,” you chuckled. “My Master? Thrilled?” You came behind Qimir, observing as his long fingers grasped a small glass of orange drink and set it on the table. “I don’t think he’s ever shown any emotions besides boredom and anger.”
“That’s because he’s wearing a mask,” Qimir pointed out, pouring the orange fluid into two separate small glasses. “Maybe he’s smiling behind it.” You admired Qimir’s delusion.
“I bet,” you started, waiting impatiently for Qimir to finish pouring the drinks, “he’s actually planning my demise behind that mask.”
Qimir handed you a glass, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Or he’s planning your next big test, which he’ll pretend doesn’t impress him but secretly makes him proud.”
You raised your glass to his, a smirk forming on your lips. “To surviving another day and confusing my Master,” you toasted.
Qimir clinked his glass against yours. “To more victories and shared secrets.”
As you took a sip, the cool, sweet liquid refreshing your parched throat, you felt a wave of gratitude wash over you. Despite the looming threat of your master’s reaction, Qimir’s unwavering support made you feel like you could handle anything. With a deep breath, you set your glass down and looked at him, determination shining in your eyes.
“Alright,” you said, your voice steady. “I’ll tell him. But if he decides to execute me, I’m holding you responsible.”
Qimir laughed, a sound that felt like a balm to your frayed nerves. “Deal. But I have a feeling you’ll come out of this stronger than ever.”
“Let’s hope,” you sighed, leaning against the counter on your elbows, letting Qimir’s eyes wash over you. “Also, he has to be hiding something.”
“What do you mean?” Qimir asked, a confused expression on his face as he put his already empty glass down.
“What if he’s deformed under the mask?” you let out, your face scrunching at the thought. “Or what if he’s just ugly?” You stared at nothing, not paying any attention to the words you were saying.
Qimir’s eyebrows twitched with amusement as he scanned you carefully. “You haven’t seen his face yet?” he asked, noticing how you played with your ring between your fingers as you stared down at the ground.
“You know I haven’t,” you replied with an annoyed sigh. “Look, I made peace with it, but I’m still curious about what he looks like. I want to know who’s teaching me all these things.” You complained, pushing yourself away from the counter, your eyes glancing at the black curtains over the window.
Qimir leaned back, crossing his arms with a thoughtful look. “I get it. It’s human nature to want to see the face behind the mask. But maybe it’s more about what he’s teaching you than what he looks like.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, shaking your head. “Leave it to you to find the deeper meaning. I just want to make sure I’m not taking orders from someone who might be scarier without the mask.”
Qimir chuckled, stepping closer. “You’ve faced Jedi Knights, completed impossible missions, and survived under his training. Whatever he looks like under that mask, you’ve proven you’re stronger than any fear or curiosity.”
His words settled over you like a comforting blanket, and you felt a bit of the tension ease from your shoulders. “You always know what to say, don’t you?” you turned back to face him, a genuine smile on your lips. Lately, you had noticed the way he looked at you. How his eyes darkened when he thought you weren’t watching. How his arms twitched your way when you walked past him and his intense gaze during your conversations. Like now.
Qimir was your friend, supplier, and occasional therapist. You could always vent to him about your Master, and he listened carefully. Many times, you slept over in his shop, passing out on the floor, exhausted from your tests and missions. You couldn’t count how many times you bled out in front of him and woke up the next day with your wounds bound and healed. You knew Qimir had his own secrets that he wasn’t confident in sharing with you, but some things kept you awake at night, wondering.
Despite his poor hygiene and greasy hair that framed his face in an unflattering way, you found him magnetic and charismatic. Something about him pulled you closer, and you didn’t know what. Between the nightmares and horrors, you were a victim to in your dreams, Qimir showed up to comfort you many times. You were embarrassed every time you woke from them, but the images never left your mind. And whenever you saw him after, you deep down wished they would become true.
Two days have passed since then, yet his intense gaze still lingered in your mind. He let you use his shop as your personal sanctuary, a hidden refuge from the Jedi that didn’t stop searching for you. Each day, you watched them through the window. Three times they've marched past, and twice they've entered, repeating the same questions, their eyes scanning for any sign of you.
Qimir once suggested you could leave the planet, but you quickly dismissed the idea. The Jedi now controlled who could leave or enter the exosphere. You regretted not hiding Torbin’s body, leaving him there to rot. Anger had taken over. You wanted the Jedi to find him. You wanted to shove it in their faces.
The days began to stretch into what felt like weeks, with only the tension between you and Qimir keeping you alert, even though it made time drag. The first night when you jumped out of the shower and had to borrow his clothes, you didn’t miss the way his eyes flew to your legs that the towel didn’t fully cover. Or when you tied your hair into a braid, his gaze never wavered. You didn't mind being observed, but with Qimir, it was different. His gaze made your stomach flip, and you couldn’t decide if in a good or bad way. His touch made you shiver, his presence alone made your skin burn. The only relief was that he wasn’t sensitive to the Force. If he knew what you thought every time you saw his hands or brushed against him, you’d want to drown yourself.
A few hours after you hid in his shop and got drunk together, you both decided it would be fun to practice some moves and fighting techniques, without lightsabers. Minutes later, you found yourself straddling Qimir’s lap, pinning his hands above his head. You knew he could easily turn the tables and have his way with you, but he didn't move a muscle. Instead, he laid there, letting you crush his lap as he circled your face. You remembered it vividly: how his breath tickled you, how his lips were so close that moving an inch would ruin your carefully built friendship. You were grateful for the self-control classes your Master put you through.
Now you were seated on the floor, leaning against the cold surface of the counter, staring out the window. The black curtains were no obstacle to you. You heard Qimir coming out of the shower; he didn’t want to smell like the gasoline you accidentally spilled on him. You held a glass of some beverage Qimir had prepared, both of you slowly getting dizzy from boredom and drinks. Resting your head against the table, you closed your eyes and saw Qimir through the Force. He was still in his small, cozy bathroom, drying himself with a towel. His hair was wet but looked better than it had a few days ago. His back muscles flexed as he raised his arms to dry his hair. You hadn't realized he was so fit under his clothes, and it made you squirm in your seat.
You knew you shouldn’t be spying on him like this, but the only time you had seen him like this was in your dreams, and reality was far more enticing. Your thoughts grew louder with each passing second, one screaming over another.
He was your friend and also worked for your Master. It would be wrong. You knew the consequences it could have on your relationship with Qimir, and you didn’t want to risk it. But the way he looked at you, the way his proximity made you feel, and the thought of his body against yours drove you crazy.
Your Master wasn’t against you having lovers and fulfilling your desires, as long as you stayed loyal to him. But you weren’t sure how he would feel if his two subjects started something together.
“You alright?” Qimir’s voice woke you from your thoughts as he stood in front of you. Only in his pants. You looked up at him, trying to contain your craving as you checked him up. Droplets still falling down his chest as he leaned against the other shelf, looking down at you from dangerous vicinity.
You almost choked on air, forcing yourself to look away.
“Yeah,” you choked on your words, lifting the glass to take a sip of your untouched brew. “Why you ask?” you forced a smile, missing his still wet, glossy chest to get to his face. Your heart dropped as you met with his prolonged stare. Half-lidded dark eyes staring right at you, his silhouette towering over you as he took a step closer, throwing the towel he was holding on the table.
“You staring into distance kind of scared me.” He chuckled, tilting his head as he leaned against the counter, you almost broke your neck looking up at him. He was right above you.
His hand was placed right above his pants that got to caress his thighs first. His skin was clean and wet, scars decorating his abs. His muscular chest was uncovered, free for you to admire. When he spoke to you his voice was low and raspy, different from the one he usually used. Your heart fluttered as you noticed his eyes wondering around you as he awaited your response.
You had to move, you thought to yourself. Pushing yourself against the floor you lifted yourself to your legs, the drink in your hand spilling as your hand twitched from almost falling into Qimir’s arms. You could feel the warmth radiating of off him and smell the shower gel he used. His hair was dripping wet, droplets adoring his sharp collarbones. His nipples were hard from the chilly temperature in the shop, his forearm big and large, holding his body above the table.
“Just, concentrating.” You coughed, putting the glass on the counter. “So,” you woke yourself from your dreaming, turning away from him, trying hard not to stumble. The drinking wasn’t as bad as Qimir’s half naked figure centimeters away from you. You felt faint and your thoughts only got worse, like somebody was putting them in. You felt a pressure, but you were convinced you were doing it to yourself subconsciously.
“Is everything okay?” You heard Qimir asked again behind you, feeling him walk towards you. You could feel his hands lifting, so when you turned back to face him, they brushed against your stomach. You had to fight back a moan.
“Just, the Jedi thing.” You smiled, hoping you were convincing enough, and he wouldn’t suspect even the theme of your thoughts. Resting your hip against the table and crossing your arms against your chest, you put a leisure expression on your face, as your mind raced with images. “It’s stressing me out.” You unnecessary added, trying to stare anywhere but his face or his arms or his exposed chest. He had to be cold.
“It’ll pass in a few days.” He smirked, lifting his arm to rest it against your shoulder. The cold skin made you gasp but not as much as his dark eyes.
“I just don’t want to bother you here for days.” You tried to convince yourself. “You surely have things to do, and my Master will be waiting for the news. I’ll go after sundown.” You didn’t wanna go but you had to inform your Master and the air between you and Qimir started to be intoxicating if you didn’t do anything.
“I’m sure he already knows.” He cocked his head, pulling his arm away but leaving his fingers to tickle your skin.
“You told him?” you wondered, pushing your thighs together as a small smirk appeared on his smile.
“No,” he denied, his eyes leaving yours, to trace them down your body. “But I’m sure he knows. Maybe he wants you to relax for a while.” He implied. You dropped your gaze from his eyes to his lips, your core slowly heating up.
“I would rather still be sure,” you swallowed your saliva, your voice breaking, his body dangerously close to yours. “Aren’t you cold?” you let out, embarrassment washing over you. He let out a chuckle when he saw your hand awkwardly pointing at his bare chest.
“Not really,” he replied, scanning your expression. He knew you were nervous; he knew your legs were about to give up and how you struggled to pretend to breathe normally. He enjoyed every second of it.
“Good, good.” You uttered, nodding along. “As long as you’re comfortable.” You wanted to fall into some deep hole and never come out.
“Are you comfortable?” he purred, closing the space between you two, his hand lifting to your face but not actually touching you. Just hanging there, below your jaw, right next to your neck.
“Why, why wouldn’t I be.” You stumbled over your words, his eyes burning your skin open. You felt his breath against your face, his curtain bangs brushing over your forehead. His feet met with yours, his chest in front of your face.
“You don’t look the best.” He whispered, leaning in, his lips now touching your ears, sending shivers down your spine. You moved your hand to the counter next to you, praying and holding yourself for dear life. “I think you need to relax.” He teased against your ear, slowly moving to your neck.
“I think I should get ready to go.” You panted, but not moving a muscle. His one hand moved right next to yours on the table, fingertips touching yours. You were so frozen by his lips tickling your neck, you inhaled sharply when you felt his hand sneak behind your waist to pull you against him. Your hands automatically pressed against his chest, closing your eyes.
“If you want,” he rasped, lifting himself to face you. You couldn’t recognize him. His eyes were pitch-black dark, animalistic look set in them. His lips were full and pink, not a sign of the Qimir that you talked to few minutes ago. You were breathless, your heart pounding heart against your ribs.
“Do you want to go?” he whispered, carnal lust in his gaze staring right back at you. You felt the wetness between your legs growing stronger with every passing second. “Do you want me to let you go?”
“No.” you answered so fast you felt ashamed. But what followed fulfilled all your dreams and more.
All the useless items and glasses on table thrown on the floor without any of you touching them, to make a room for you as Qimir lifted you up on the counter. You shakily brought your hands into his hair as he dived into your lips, imitating sex. His hands groped your breasts, fondling them and pinching your nipples through the thin fabric of your borrowed blouse.
You felt his hand abandon your face, making its way between your legs, feeling your wetness through the pants. You were soaked. You didn’t miss the smile on his lips when his fingers pushed against your core, feeling how wet and useless you were for him.
You whimpered against his mouth when he pulled away, resting against your forehead as you breathed each other air.
“For how long you were this wet?” he smirked against your lips, his fingers putting pressure against your pants making you gasp. He knew the answer, he knew exactly what you liked and where you liked it. But he wanted to hear it coming from your mouth.
“Since I first saw you,” you muttered, rolling your hips against his fingers for more friction. As soon as you made that movement, he pulled his fingers away to shoved them inside your mouth. You didn’t protest and without hesitation started to circle your tongue around them. His fingers were thick and long, making you choke when he moved them deeper.
“Such a fucking slut.” He growled, his legs spreading yours apart. Your heart fluttered at his words and confirming its statement when you let out a moan, from his fingers sneaking its way under your pants and panties to find your burning clit. You threw your head back, as your back arched, wanting to feel more of his touch.
Qimir watched you with satisfaction spread on his face as he felt you getting wetter and wetter, your body responding to his digits. He continued teasing your clit, rubbing it in circles as his other hand squeezed your breast roughly.
“You want it that bad?” he murmured, his voice raspy and electrifying. He chuckled at your failed attempt to respond, inserting his finger into your soaked hole. He pumped it slow and deep, reveling in your reaction. “No worries now.” He taunted.
Qimir couldn’t keep the smirk off his face as he watched you squirm and moan. He relished the power he had over you, keeping you in the dark and letting you believe you weren't being humiliated in front of your Master. He added another finger, scissoring them to stretch you for his cock.
“Let me hear you beg for it,” His eyes gleamed with lust as he towered over you, plunging his fingers deeper inside of your cunt. He curled his fingers inside you, rubbing your g-spot as he pumped them faster. “I want to hear you plead for my cock.”
You had no idea Qimir had this in him, but you were so dizzy because of his fingers fucking you hard, you had no strength to focus on anything else.
“Please Qim-“you shivered, eyes rolling back in your head. “Please I need you inside me.” Your breath hitched, his fingers curling and spreading your cunt.
“Atta girl.” He whispered to himself before pulling his fingers out of you, receiving a vulgar insult thrown at him. He relished in seeing you like this. He dreamed of this every day, wanting you, his pupil, spread open in front of him, letting him take you however he wanted. You were his and he was gonna make sure you understood what exactly that meant.
He smirked mischievously before leaning forward to kiss you deeply, wrapping his arms around you tightly. “Once I start, complain all you want, I’m not gonna stop.” He whispered against your lips before breaking away and looking deep into your eyes. He was a totally different man and it made you shiver throughout all your body. Even his energy changed, letting it wrap around you in the Force.
Qimir startled you when his hands landed on your chest, pushing you back so you’d lay open on the counter, legs spread open for him to take. Smiling excitedly, he grabbed your hips and move you closer to the edge of the table, before slowly unbuckling his pants.
“You ready?” he asked, licking his lips before pulling his cock out, already covered in pre-cum. He looked so beautiful above you, his hips so close to yours, his hair falling into his face and his chest raising as fast as yours. You looked a mess, but you were his mess and he wanted to devour you.
Nodding, you made yourself comfortable on the table, its cold surface making you shiver.
Smirking, he positioned his dick at your entrance and slowly thrust himself inside, making sure to stretch you nice and slow, taking his time to make the moment last. He bit back a moan, looking down at you lovingly as you struggled to keep your eyes open and not pass out at his thick cock filling you up.
“You’re doing great so far for me.” He grinned, before pulling out and slamming back in, his movements becoming faster and rougher. You forced yourself to grab the ends of the table to hold yourself in place, Qimir’s grip on your hips being nothing compared to the way he was treating your pussy.
His thrusts became harder, loving the way your walls wrapped around his cock, squeezing him tightly with each thrust.
“You’re finally getting what you dreamed of,” he groaned, lifting your hips to drive his cock deeper before pounding away. “Getting fucked by your Master.”
You cried out when his cock brushed against your sweet spot, not realizing the meaning of his words until seconds later.
“What,” you tried to lift your head up, but the way his grip tightened on your waist to fuck you harder had you failing to catch your breath. Your heart started to pound faster as the realization hits.
He saw your expression change but your body kept replying to his merciless thrusts. His hand moved from your waist to reach for your head, lifting you up, face to face. His forehead was covered in sweat, his long hair curling around his ears.
“You did so well on your last mission, I had to reward you.” He panted, not stopping his assault on your cunt. He read the conflict in your mind, letting you come to your own conclusion.
“You’re,” you trembled, his cock spreading your walls so good you had trouble to even consider the words he was saying, denying yourself.
“You’re such a good apprentice but such a slut now,” he mocked you, his hand moving from your hair to your neck, putting in pressure. “I wished you realized sooner tho. We could’ve had this every little visit of yours.” You cried out as his hand fully wrapped around your neck, his cock never stopping filling your cunt.
“Master, I don’t understand,” you managed to breathe out, feeling his cock start twitching inside your walls. You heard him groan, right next to your ear, at the feeling of your tight hole gripping him. He started to thrust harder, feeling the friction build up.
Resting your foreheads against each other and swallowing each other’s moans, had the both of you sweat, the room picking up your scents.
Qimir reached down, rubbing your clit as he continued to fuck you hard. He could feel the tension building inside of you and knew you were close.
“Cum for me, love.” He growled, his hand never leaving your neck and pulling you closer to him. “Cum for your Master.” He hitched, picking up the pace, slamming into you as hard as he could. He could feel his own orgasm approaching.
His grip on your throat tightened as he fucked you harder and faster, slowly losing control of his strength. He could see the look of pure ecstasy on your face as he pounded into you and squeezed your throat harder. Your hand automatically few to his hand that held you, struggling to breathe but not enough to make you pass out.
“You belong to me,” his voice broke, letting you know he was getting closer and closer to losing it. “You’re mine.” He whimpered into your ear, his hips bucking wildly, driving his cock deep inside of you as he came, filling you up, marking you as his. His paced slowed down to match yours, wanting to feel you cum around him, your walls almost crushing him.
Qimir didn’t move and kept his cock inside you, letting himself and you calm down and try to catch your breath. As you regain your composure, your head against Qimir’s chest, your mind almost exploded with the overwhelming thoughts.
I fucked Qimir.
I fucked my Master.
Qimir was my Master all along.
You wanted to run away, hide yourself and never come out, but Qimir’s, your Master’s arms wrapped around you and your pussy still keeping his cock warm, had you melting, not wanting to move an inch. You were confused, terrified, and thrilled all at the same time. All the times when Qimir disappeared without explanation, all the time he lied to the Jedi or did things only Force sensitive beings could achieve. It all made sense now and clicked together like a puzzle.
But you also realized he had the power to read your thought all along. He could see the impure images, the ideas, and pictures you had in your mind. Your complains and desires. Your fear. But that didn’t matter anymore. You let your Master used you, like the good apprentice you were. You had no idea what would happen now, your heart wanting to jump out of your chest, your skin covered in goosebumps. You were scared but the desire was stronger. And if Qimir ever taught you something was to transform those emotions into power. And you had enough desire to annihilate the entire Jedi order, with Qimir by your side.
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katsukistofu · 3 months
my caffeine mix-up!
contents ౨ৎ ⋆ hawks x fem reader. fluff. slightly suggestive. you accidentally pick up the number two hero’s coffee so picks you up instead. | pt. ii
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You take a sip of your morning coffee and almost spit it out on your dashboard.
This could not be your order. It was so… unusually sugary. Too sugary. Like someone liquified a whole candy store and shoved it into a venti cup.
Still reeling a little from the overly sweet aftertaste that lingers on your tongue, your eyes trail down to read:
Vt Crml Crnch Frap
5 Banana
Ex Caramel Drizzle
Extra Whip
Extra Ice
Ex Cinnamon
7 pumps Add Dk Crml Sauce
Ex Caramel Crunch
1 pump Honey Blend
Heavy Cream
Double Blended
What kind of pretentious asshole orders this garbage? Were their taste buds dead?
You mentally sent your condolences to the poor person that had to make this disgusting monstrosity of a drink. Please, you would’ve taken one look at the order and thrown it in the trash.
Your eyes searched the paper cup for who your local coffee shop transgressor was– catching sight of a scribble in blue marker reading “H-A.” You moved your hand a bit to reveal a “W-K-S.” A sense of dread creeps in as you numbly stare at the squiggly heart next to it.
It was like someone slipped an ice cube down the back of your shirt.
You had mistakenly picked up the wildly famous winged pro hero’s order and to make things even worse, put your mouth on where his was supposed to be.
Okay that sounded kind of dirty. But it’s not like you could drive back and return it now, what with your lip gloss already staining the lid.
Hey, um, I think I accidentally took a sip of the Hawks’s coffee? Oopsies? You guess you could pay for his order to be remade, but who’s to say he’ll even come back for it, much less accept it from some random stranger?
You were already running late to your desk job as is, and your coworkers were probably scratching their heads, wondering where you were since you always arrived at least half an hour before them. Should you just throw it away and pretend it never happened?
Oh god, would some person dig through the trash the moment you turned your back and extract your DNA from your lip gloss on the lid, thinking you were a deranged fan who stole his drink on purpose?
Or worse—that you were his secret girlfriend picking up his drink who had just wanted a little taste first before delivering it to him?
Your brain starts to wring itself dry of all the possibilities that could happen, shuddering despite each one being as unlikely as the next. An impressive mental workout for an un-caffeinated person at barely eight in the morning.
You wish you never even went to get your usual little treat today. That barista definitely looked right at you when you went to pick up your order, you swear they did.
But now that you’re thinking about it, maybe they were looking at the person standing behind you that you didn’t see as you rushed out of the shop? How do you even miss a man with wings that big?
Something gently knocks on the driver side window and you almost jump out of your seat.
As you roll it down with caution, your brain momentarily stops functioning as you’re met with a pair of striking golden eyes. Another inch of tinted glass down, a strong Grecian nose.
Forget work, the hell. You didn’t even know noses could be that pretty, and as your last bit of window disappears into the car so does your self-respect as you realize he’s abandoned his usual tan-colored jacket, standing before you in his black compression shirt with gold embossment.
Forget everything, actually.
You don't realize you’re holding your breath until he laughs at you, and you sheepishly close your slightly parted lips.
“Didn’t know coffee thieves came this cute.” Drinking in your appearance his keen eyes stray from yours, slowly trailing down to your trembling lips, a stark contrast to the growing smirk on his. “Or this nervous.”
His fingers drum absentmindedly on the side of your car door, clear amusement written across his handsome face as he waits for you to say something. You collect yourself and snap out of your thoughts, taking a deep breath.
“I’msososorryIdrankyourcoffee!” You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment as your words come out in a jumble. “I totally grabbed the wrong order and I can’t believe I didn’t see you waiting behind me, I swear I’m not a creep–”
“Hey, hey,” Hawks gently interrupts you, reassurance laced in his voice. “It’s all good, no harm done.” He taps the paper cup that somehow miraculously hasn’t slipped out of your fingers yet.
“Sooo was it good?”
You choke on air, not expecting that. “Your drink?”
“Yeah, my drink.” He shoots you a cheeky grin. That bastard. “Good or nah?” You pause, contemplating if you should lie–no. No, today you chose honesty.
“...Genuinely, I have no idea how you drink this shit.”
Hawks laughs at your bold answer. “Thanks for being my little taste tester anyways. Too sweet, huh?” The tip of his finger traces around the remnants of your lip gloss on the lid, the cup still in your now slightly shaky hand as you nod.
His touch seared against your skin, as his pretty fingers closed around yours to raise the drink up to his lips to take a slow sip, eyes never leaving your own.
With a gaze that was infuriatingly sultry as it was sweet, like a bird of prey beckoning a field mouse to be their next meal, he murmurs, “Just how I like it.”
You’re not really sure he was talking about the coffee anymore.
He hums, and your thighs involuntarily clench a bit as his soft-looking mouth closes around the opening of the lid to take another sip.
“I’d say you’re a villain that deserves their own special category.” He grins, eyes sparkling conspiratorially. “One that involves letting me take her out to dinner.”
If you weren’t sitting down you know your legs would have given out. “Like… like on a date?” You gape at him incredulously. Because there was no way. Hawks. Just asked you out.
“Now sweetheart, what else would it be?” Hawks smirks at your dazed expression, like you’re sure you misheard him. So cute. “I mean, unless you don’t want to–”
“No!” He blinks, and your hand flies to cover your mouth at your sudden outburst.
“I-I mean, I want to…” You shyly say at a much quieter volume, fidgeting with the rings on your fingers. He leans closer to you with a grin, languidly resting his folded arms over the open frame of your car door.
“It’s a date then. I know this really good sushi and ramen place down the block near my agency, my treat of course.”
“If I’m a villain is this your idea of rehabilitation?” You joke dryly. “Because it’s working.”
He tips your chin up. “Oh don’t worry pretty, I’m just getting started with turning you into a good girl.” A hot flush creeps up your neck to your cheeks, and you almost melt into a puddle right then and there at your steering wheel.
“I’d love to stay but I’m actually so late for work right now.” You utter weakly, chin still resting against his finger. Hawks tilts his head at that, unfolding his vibrant crimson wings as he wordlessly opens the front door of your car.
With little effort and an impressive flex of his biceps, plus a sharp intake of breath from you, one of his arms slips under your thighs and another firmly hugs you just under your shoulder blades as he lifts you up to his firm chest.
A smirk tugs at his lips as he feels your flustered arms hastily reach up to wrap around his neck. Honeyed eyes like molten gold meet yours as he gives a gentle squeeze to your thigh through your pencil skirt, and once again you find yourself needing a reminder to breathe.
“So, where to?”
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say you can’t sleep, baby i know, that’s that me expresso~ ♪
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yanderenightmare · 4 months
TW: yandere, toxic traits including benevolent sexism
fem reader
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Thinking about a benevolently sexist boyfriend...
A handy and helpful boyfriend who’s just a pinch condescending about it. He fixes your kitchen sink with a lazy grin—tools and blacked hands—asking smugly, “How would you ever survive without me?” And even though it’s a bit belittling, it’s just silly enough that you find it charming—smiling as you wrap both your arms around him while receiving his kisses. A sweet “Thank you~” on your lips as he lifts you up to sit on the kitchen counter as easily as lifting a toy.
A hero-complex boyfriend who lives for those times you need him and gets unreasonably annoyed with you those times you do things on your own. All but yelling at you, “Your door fell off its hinges? You fixed it? You could have hurt yourself! Why didn’t you call me!? Next time, don’t be so reckless.”
It’s not as charming… But can you blame him? He's just a real traditional boyfriend who wants to do all those romantic gentlemanly tasks—pick you up from work and take you out to eat and buy you jewelry, and all he ever expects you to do in return is put out—give him a blowjob here and there and a little strip-tease before letting him fuck your brains out. All you got to worry your pretty little head about is making sure all your sweet nothings are reserved for him.
He just wants that fairy-tale experience and expects you to play your role—quit your job when you move in with him—be his stay-at-home wife. He’s going to put a kid in your belly soon, after all—it’s only right you get accustomed to taking care of the house before then.
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♡ BNHA – Bakugou, Kirishima, Hawks, Enji, Natsuo, Mirio, some type of Deku ♡ JJK – Nanami, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji, a very special soft Sukuna ♡ HQ – Daichi, Kuro, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Sakusa ♡ AOT – Eren ♡ DS – Tanjiro, Sanemi, Genya
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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