#hawky lore
Cap (evil beast who plays with my emotions <3) lore questions for PN!! (unrelated to the thing i'm writing, i just realised i can just, well, ask you about the things i've been wondering about)
obviously if any of this veers off into spoilers territory or would lead to you pointing out something you wish to keep close to your chest, do just say :)
Numero Uno: i don't speak spanish not sure what that is, so we know that Juleka is every cats favourite human friend, is that just because its cute (valid) or is there more to why they flock to her? and does this happen to other miraculous holders? as i may just be forgetting something, apologies, but i don't remember if marinette has spoken about experiencing this as well
2) what was with the crows. tell me please. was it just for the.. i forgot its name- the really fucking cool thing which was amazingly written (metallica moment) or is this a new creature that follows her around due to symbolism or that you just wanted to use to foreshadow Cool Things Dead Ahead, once again, why are the other holders not experiencing this (or is it just 'off screen'?)
3) at the end of the chapter it was very very fast tonal change, civilians don't seem to be taking hawky boy as seriously as they should even those majorly affected, now this is obviously because a) he attacks with the stupidest looking guys b) no consequences due to ladybug and c) even the heroes seem to be content with goofing off, so will there be a tonal shift in public opinion as things become more serious or will that continue to be something they have to wrok against, the fact that as soon as an attack is over all fear of these events seems to dissipate (although we have seen that our core heroes seem to understand the severity of the situation slightly more) or am i being silly and the fast moving on is people posturing to not seem as affected?
4) are they being paid for the work they do...? like, i feel as though they should be and we all know that people like to throw money at things they like to show that affection, so even if it wasn't a government (or i suppose just the mayor) funded thing they would still end up with money from people. wait now i'm creating problems in my head of people pretending to be the heroes online to get money- scrap this one people would scam others if it was a thing <3 i just think it'd be nice if they were financially compensated... i feel like chloe would panic with more money and try to find a charity she likes only to end up making her own for very specific a very specific cause...
5) is there any fun world building things / lore that you want to discuss? i have for sure missed a lot of things i'm curious about this was just off the top of my head as i was musing about panthera, but its always interesting to see dealers choice
(bonus question, do you have specific real cats /designs in mind for minou and parrot? if so show us the beasts, in case you can't tell from the everything about me i like cats and would enjoy that greatly)
Number Hana! (lets learn some korean shall we?) Miraculous holders do indeed attract their animals! It's like a drawn magic thing. The animals aren't per say processed but they have this innate desire to follow and to find interest in the holder. (Marinette has been followed by ladybugs. Bees will follow Chloe soon. And so on and so forth.)
Number Dul! The crows are... lets say Juleka's thing. Not Panthera's thing. Not the cat miraculous's thing. Juleka's thing. Although.. half of those birds are only there cause they recognize and like her in an actual bird way and not a magic way. They hang around Rose's window a lot (both at the hospital and at home) and corvids have amazing memory on who is friend and foe!
Crows and Ravens- they're a sign of bad luck and death. They only started to show up around Panthera very recently. Imagine like, just days before Hero's Day they've started to show up more and more. Juleka finds them a bit, ominous, but is nice to them anyways as respect. Unfortunately this just attracts more birds, poor Adrien's allergies...
Number Set! I would say the in universe answer is more so "A" and just, the underlined layer of spite against Hawkmoth. Paris banded together and won against him, so their confidence is pretty high by the fact they somehow really did scare him off. Only the B Team are also goofing over it as well, though for them there's a slight edge, while our main two LB and PN are the most on edge.
As for the meta answer on why I wrote it like that- I just wanted you guys to have a sorta light reprieve from the angst. Some funny scenes to lighten the suffering I threw you guys into.
Number Net. Chloe's been trying their best to get them money!!!!!!! I can't remember if it's working or not.
Number Daseot. Hmmmmm.. Nothing comes to mind exactly.. I will say to keep an eye out for how I write Fei in the upcoming Shanghai chapters and how she relates to Juleka. Shanghai Special will be setting up some.. themes for Season 3. That's all.
(I got nothing on Minou he was just always a blobby void cat born from my mind. Parrot was designed a bit after my Nephew who is a cat and also the tiktok cat Reznor!)
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foamofthe-sea · 1 year
What minion best represents your character and why? Is it one you could feasibly see them possessing - like the wolf/coeurl pup - or are they tied more intricately to more obscure minions or those based off certain characters in their wind-up form? If your character were to be turned into a minion, could you think of some flavour text for them?
Sorry for the late reply, I usually save questions for rainy days at work.
But I have a lot of minion lore, actually! Also chocobo lore because I love him.
Marz's canonical minion is the Hunting Hawk named Hawky. She was originally named "kree" but young Marz called her Hawky so much it stuck. Was nursed back to health as a hatchling by Veha, Marz's childhood best friend, and bonded with him. She's prickly and quick to annoy but fiercely loyal. After the massacre of Marz's tribe they've been inseparable, though Marz gets the feeling that Hawky misses the Othardian skies a lot. I'll paste some Hawky lore down below because I love her a lot lmao. (Wirt is Marz's chocobo. Dumb but full of love. Think golden retriever but bird)
-Has been trained to hunt and scout and knows various hand signals and whistles.
-Hates estinien, warms up to him after he's forced to care for her and wirt during ShB.
- Marz is currently trying to teach her triple triad for practical reasons, of course.
-Loves Aymeric
-Her and Wirt are a comical cliche of "evil mastermind with their dimwitted companion"
-Marz frequently talks to both her and Wirt like people, will even argue with them
-no she can't actually understand them verbally, though the echo does allow her to feel what they do to some extent
-She does like to fuck with people though and make them think she actually can understand animals, it's one of her favorite running gags
As for minion Marz, flavor text would describe the minion as "mischievous but lovable", prone to biting if annoyed and warns you to not leave unattended with baked goods.
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug has been going on for 7 years, and even if we give them a year slack for the pandemic, do you think there is enough lore and story to match the episode number and length the show has gone for?
Nope. The villain’s backstory should’ve been brought up in S2, same with the miraculous lore, etc. Hawky should’ve wrapped up back in S3 and moved on to a new villain after.
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floweryotter · 3 years
My ML Season 5 wishlist
So now that we are officially in hiatus, I will enlist all the things I theorize or want to see next season so when it finally premieres, I can keep track of what ends up happening
I'll keep it pinned so I can keep adding new stuff it occurs to me or that I remember thinking in a past time or that I heard from someone else and loved the idea
First theories, speculations and headcanons:
The first episode will start with the continuation of Strike Back's last scene / GUESSED CORRECTLY (by Gloob's first minute release of Evolution)
The miracuclass will fight - or at least try - not minding they have no powers anymore / GUESSED CORRECTLY
Parisians will also sum up to the fight in one way or another / IN PROCESS (by Gloob's first minute release of Evolution)
The rich adults will be relevant for Hawky's plan, especially Tomoe / IN PROCESS (did you saw Multiplication’s teaser... yeah...)
Adrien is gonna remember about Felix's monocle and find out what it was for... / FAILED (Gabi has it...)
The episode titles are mostly kwami-related but also universe lore-related / IN PROCESS 
LB will start to be more open with CN little by little until she finally addresses what happened with Chat Blanc / IN PROCESS (Ladynoir conversation in Perfection my beloved)
Adrien won't trust Felix any time soon and will keep mad with him
Adrien will punch Felix in the face (i know... too ooc...) / HALF-FAILED (I will take Adrien launching the basketball to Felix’s memory in “Multiplication” as a partial succes lol)
Su-Han will finally do something productive and start training LB and CN / FAILED (the bitch has been MIA since Evolution, tho I hope his at least back for the finale)
Chloe actually gets redeemed for good / IN PROCESS (LISTEN! I have a new theory that she can still change for good if they get rid of Audrey at the end)
Secret code between Adrien and LB to know he is the real one / FAILED (yeah i don't think this will happen anymore)
Gabriel will have the "brilliant" idea to wear all the miraculous and perish :) / HALF-GUESSED HALF- FAILED (ok he will perish but not because of the miracoulous, but because of CN's cataclysm... lol?)
An episode will be named "Adrien" / FAILED (I had this in mind but never wrote it here so I'm updating)
Theories, speculations and headcanons from this post:
Alix will finally become the permanent holder of the rabbit miraculous in “Reunion” / HALF-GUESSED (happened in “Evolution”)
Alya will reunite with Trixx in “Reunion” “Illusion” (changed due to recent evidence in “Evolution”) / FAILED (she it didn't happened)
We will see Felix again in “Reunion” (new one) / HALF-GUESSED (Ok he appeared  in “Multiplication” so... much earlier than I thought)
The kwamis will reveal against Gabriel in “Deflagration” / HALF-GUESSED (Plagg cataclysming his own miraculous was chef's kiss)
“Revelation” will have some of the main problems and mysteries solved / HALF-GUESSED (at least we saw a little of wha's going on with Lila, but there's so much more we still don't know...)
“Confrontation” will be mainly about the Agreste-Graham de Vanily / FAILED (well I wouldn't have ever imagined this was gonna be school centric and having Lila be the main villain again)
We will see the Order of the Miraculous in “Collusion” / FAILED (I WAS SO WRONG HAHAHA but what happened at the end is still sooo grounbreaking)
LB will do some guardian badass move in “Revolution”
“Representation” will show us more context about the kwamis
We will see a wish granted in “Conformation”
New theories, speculations and headcanons:
The scarf will make an important comeback
We will see an upgrade of Chat Noir’s costume or powers in “Destruction” / FAILED (the only thing that was destroyed were my theories about this lol... oh and Mothriel's arm)
Ladynoir will recover part of the miraculous in “The Kwamis’ Choice” / HALF-FAILED (probably...)
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lycorogue · 3 years
Some Passing Thoughts on the New Miraculous Episodes
Finally got around to watching the fansubs of the Shanghai special and “Truth” (I’m still waiting for the other episodes to come out before watching Furious Fu).
Miraculous World: Shanghai – The Legend of Ladydragon
I have to say, I might change my mind later if the Prodigious proves to be more crucial to the overall lore of the series, but right now? Yeah. This special is a major skip for me. 
I did not connect with Fei the way I fell in love with Jess and Aeon. I am so pissed at the set-up the writers came up with to GET Marinette to Shanghai; her reasoning is the most selfish thing we have ever seen her do and it is such an injustice to her character. Plus, it is like neither Ladybug nor Chat Noir learned anything from the New York trip as they both show up in Shanghai kind of spur of the moment (i.e. didn’t tell the other they were leaving Paris). In fact, Marinette - again, going back to my hatred for the setup to get her to China - didn’t even CONSIDER the fact that Paris would be left unprotected; that Ladybug would be MIA. Granted, it was stated that Hawk Moth was surprisingly inactive, but shouldn’t that put her on hyper-alert; waiting for the other shoe to drop and Hawky to release something big that he was building up to? Instead she just lowers her guard and doesn’t even consider her superhero duties when planning on following Adrien. 
Another annoying thing is that the writers didn’t seem to learn anything from backlash against the episode “Kung Fu.” They just once again have Adrien be the one offering to teach Marinette Mandarin; not her mother (whose Chinese name Marinette never even knew), nor her great-uncle. Another writers flub was in the battle against Roi Argent. Ladybug questions Mei Shi’s suggestion that revenge does not equal justice (if that was translated properly), and... I’m pretty sure Marinette already showcased in previous episodes such as “Silencer” that she very much knows that revenge doesn’t equal justice??? She’s the one who corrected Chat Noir that Silencer coercing Bob Roth to admit he stole from Kitty Section and Marinette isn’t justice; it’s revenge. So???? HUH? NOW she magically feels like Fei’s revenge on Cash is justice for what he did to her? 
If all of that wasn’t bad enough, the pacing of this special was in complete overdrive as well. You didn’t have any of those emotional moments - both heart breaking and fluff-bombs - that you had in the NY special. The focus was largely on Fei, and I didn’t even really like her. She didn’t have the heart and the fully-fleshed characterization that Jess or Aeon had.
I’m also confused about Gabriel spending the past 15 years planning this whole thing. HOW!? WHY!? This is before Adrien was even born, or VEEERY shortly after if we skipped over his 15th birthday in the series. This was LOOOOOOONG before Emilie’s illness, which is presumably why Gabriel started using the butterfly miraculous in the first place (as showcased by Gabe in Origins asking Nooroo to remind him how the powers even work before using them for the first time in a corrupted state on Adrien’s first day of public school). So, if getting the Great Power of the Prodigious was something he was planning on doing literally all of Adrien’s life, why present it as “I found something that can finally give me an edge against Ladybug and Chat Noir”? I mean, what was his original endgame going to be? He couldn’t have possibly known that he’d be in dire need for the cat and ladybug jewels but struggled to take them from two teenage superheroes. It’s like the writers are trying to set him up as some mastermind akin to David Xanatos from Disney’s Gargoyles, but they are failing miserably. The whole Hawk Moth plot just doesn’t make sense to me.
Honestly? The only things that made this special worth it for me were: 1) Finding out a bit more about Sabine and her family (I love that she probably picked the name Sabine because it sounded like the pronunciation of her Chinese name) 2) Seeing Gorilla be his action figure nerd self a bit more (and the action figures of Uncanny Valley and Eagle) 3) Mei Shi in Renling (?) form, who was hella adorable! I need him as a plushie STAT 4) Adrien being the precious bean that he is. Just every moment he’s on screen was adorable (complete with him STILL having the picture of Marinette that was sent to him in “Evillustrator” saved to his baton and using that to try to find her) 5) Seeing the world through the eyes of a kwami for the first time and learning a touch more non-crucial lore 6) Mei Shi in statue form reminding me of the Dragon costume on The Masked Singer.
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(I know, seeing them side-by-side now, they really aren’t that similar after all, but it’s been about a year since Dragon was on The Masked Singer, and he’s still what I kept thinking of as I watched Mei Shi on screen)
While I obsessively watched the New York special at least a dozen times, I’m really only seeing myself re-watch this special once more when it’s in English, and maybe whenever I do a full-series binge (which is super rare that I take the time for that).
Not impressed. Sorry.
“Truth”, on the other hand? Hhhhhnnnnnngggg. My heart! It breaks! Poor Marinette. Poor poor Luka. I mean, silver linings at the end there, but also BIG OOF. (Also, why wasn’t Adrien around at all whenever Truth made people confess that Marinette’s secret was her love for Adrien? xDDD)
I’m also a bit confused about the Adrien pictures. She had them taken down pretty much since “Troublemaker”, and yet her walls are once more papered with Adrien’s likeness now that Marinette is trying to get over him and date Luka? How does THAT make any sense outside of the writers going “we need an awkward phone call between Marinette and Luka. Oh! I know! A picture of her Adrien-covered bedroom walls is accidentally sent to Luka!” >3> Also.... what is UP with Luka’s animation again!? The kid was so pale it’s like they forgot to add any color to his model in this episode. WHY CAN’T THEY JUST ANIMATE MY PRECIOUS SON LOOKING HANDSOME EVER!? FIRST NO EYELASHES, AND NOW NO SKIN TONE!? WHYYYYYYYYY!? Personally, I prefer “Silencer” to “Truth” both in overall story and in Luka’s akumatized form design. Also, side note, did anyone else notice that Ladybug was hit by Luka’s attack and couldn’t speak for most of the battle both times? And that she needed Chat Noir to help her set up her Lucky Charm both times? And that Luka’s drive both times was to get to the truth?
I did still enjoy this episode very much. It showcases the new stresses Marinette has to face (totally unfair; I agree. However, it’s a standard trope in most teenage superhero stories such as Teen Titans and Spider-Man, so I was expecting it). It showcases how hard it is for her to figure out a balance between life and superheroing (again, re: standard teen-superhero trope). The fans get confirmation on a fantheory that’s been circling pretty much since Luka was introduced (ESPECIALLY after the episode “Desperada”). The Ladynoir shippers are well fed, and it’s great to see LB and CN praise each other - including Ladybug’s love of Chat Noir’s humor. 
I hope this isn’t the end of us seeing Luka in the show (that would break my heart even more) and it feels lame to build up the Lukanette “love rival” arc only for it to die off before it really goes anywhere. There was so much story potential there where Marinette could grow to learn what it truly means to be in love, and not just idolize and romanticize someone you’re infatuated with. Instead, all she learned is that she is alone aside from Chat Noir, and I feel like that’s SUUUUPER railroading the Ladynoir ship. And, frankly, I’d much prefer to see the Ladynoir side grow naturally, as it has been, instead of forcing Marinette’s hand because Chat Noir is the only one she can be MOSTLY honest with (secret identities notwithstanding).
It’s been a long hiatus. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to dodge fandom salt, but still get a larger dose than I intended to have in my fandom diet, so maybe my views are a bit tainted from that. However, this special and season premiere feel a bit like the writers are stumbling. I don’t know if the pandemic somehow affected their writing flow, or if they feel pressured by the fans to tell the series’ story a certain way and are scrambling to do so, or if they are rushing to an ending instead of taking their time and letting it naturally unfold as they had with the first few seasons. But, regardless of their reason, I hope they re-find themselves; the ones who told great stories in seasons 1 and 2 and (poor writing for Marinette notwithstanding) really good stories in season 3. I hope they can step up their game for the remainder of season 4. 
It’s been a long break, and we all deserve something good to feed us. We don’t need another GoT or HIMYM final season. Especially when this isn’t even supposed to BE the final season of the series.
Guess it’s time to wait for “Lies” to come out, and hope for the best.
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fluff-and-such · 4 years
how would a demon would go about turning a human back into a nephilim. might be spelling that wrong. aslo do you write fanfic. would love to read it. also do you know any good diablo fanfic.
As of fluffy-lore, and my own personal interpretation, humans and nephalem are really two different species. Just as irl humans come from ancestors such as Australopithecus, but are not the same species. 
However, a mortal will always have the potential for great power. The ease of accessing this power really depends on where they were born in the timeline. Before the end of of Diablo 2, and Tyrael’s destruction of the Worldstone, it would take a lot of magical meddling on the demon’s part before they could turn a human to something like a Nephalem. They’re more likely to accidentally kill their human.
In the wake of the stone’s destruction, there are two ‘sub-species’ of human now; those born before, and those born after. Someone born before the destruction will have an easier time than before, but still be hard pressed to tap into their potential.  But for a mortal born post-destruction, that’s when latent Nephalem powers start really coming out. Without the stone to dampen humans, they are able to tap into their own powers. 
More than likely, any attempt at forcing a mortal into their powers is going to end in corruption.
tldr; can’t make a human into a Nephalem, but you can help them use their fancy magic powers if yer careful. 
As for fanfc, I’m not much of a writer. There is a small yet robust Diablo fic community around though :D
@mal-likes-biscuits has been writing an ongoing fic about a mortal Malthael, and his adventures in Not-being-an-angel anymore. https://archiveofourown.org/users/darkhelmetj/pseuds/darkhelmetj Their blog is full of side-stories and character interaction. Highly recommend reading the fic, and giving the blog a perusal. 
@asktheangiriscouncil isn’t exactly fanfic, but an ongoing fancomic with a fascinating story beneath.
@zooheaded has a whole series of wonderful Demon Hunter shenanigans. Lyndon is there too. https://archiveofourown.org/series/94036
@cyberlights Has a mini-fic series going here on tumblr, and their blog is full of fun diablo things. 
@macabrecabra was writing a behemoth fic that I highly recommend. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17746829/chapters/41872655 On hiatus (I think) but is a very beefy read already. There’s supplementary material on their Ao3 as well.
Ya gotta dig a bit cuz they’ve written an enormous amount of fic, but Hawki on FF.net has several mini-fics and poems that I highly recommend. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1011556/Hawki
That’s all off the top of my head. If I missed anyone, feel free to holler or reblog or let me know or. Whatever.  Ao3 is full of fics too. Give the Diablo tag a trawl, I’m sure you’ll find all kindsa good stuff.
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official-ladyblog · 5 years
"x is a sentimonster" we've... we've all seen the writers of this show, right? as if they'd ever attempt something like that when they can't even pull of continuity.
well... let’s pump the brakes.
we forget about it because a lot’s been revealed by now, but we have to keep in mind that the show has juggled several secrets and hidden lore. things that we didn’t explicitly know at the beginning of the show that they ultimately revealed:
Gabe is Hawk Moth. foreshadowed in Bubbler, Simon Says and Volpina.
Alya as Rena. her color scheme is orange, her beauty mark kind of transitioned into the mask’s eyebrows
Chloe as Queen Bee. yellow with black stripes, “queen bee” archetype.
some of the zodiacs have arguably been foreshadowed
Fu as the guardian. foreshadowed in Princess Fragrance.
Nathalie knowing Gabe is Hawkie. foreshadowed in Collector and Style Queen. 
the current status of Emilie. we’ve known Adrien’s mom has been “missing” for a long time (I can’t remember when lol but definitely mid season 1). foreshadowed (with increasing information) in Volpina, Origins, Santa Claws, Gorizilla, Queen’s Battle trilogy, Heroes Day finale, and Ladybug.
Fu’s past/how Team CockMoth even got miraculous in the first place. foreshadowed in Volpina, Origins, Sandboy, and Backwarder.
as someone who’s been here since episode 4, when we had no idea how miraculous work and no idea where they were going, this show has revealed a lot. Don’t underestimate the work the writers are doing behind the scenes. 
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vindictar · 5 years
hawky, i love you a lot, and i hope this doesn't come off like i'm attacking you because i don't mean it like that, but trans masc geralt is bad, the amount of social stigma and torturous pain that witchers go through to become witchers can't be translated well onto a trans masc geralt when being amab is a hard selling point for witchers. trans FEM geralt, though, with her girlfriend yen, is a whole other ballpark, and incredibly good. thats just my opinion as a trans dude though.
i totally feel that and trans lady geralt is also extremely good 10/10
i know literally fuckall about witcher lore as I've only seen the show and played some of the the 3rd game so i really dont know anything about what happens to make them witchers other than the vague allusions to it they make. but also. im a big believer in death of the author and death of the source material if it's stupid and i think the whole women / afab people cant be witchers is really fucking stupid and honestly plan on ignoring it tbh
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seyaryminamoto · 5 years
Anon-Nemesis - It pleases me that my Hawky joke "landed". Your rational approach to OC creation was refreshing. The quantity Mary/Gary Sues in fics can get tiring. Powerful OCs alone aren't bad, they can be if they're flawless or unbeatable. But if they're just a lore friendly challenge for the protags to overcome, it can work. Like cannon Combustion Man was an effective powerful antagonist who had Team Avatar at the edge of defeat 3 times until the mighty Captain Boomerang put a stop to him.
Yeah, there’s no denying there’s a lot of OP things in fanfics and of course in original fiction. In all fairness if Combustion Man was a fic character rather than a canon one I think everyone would label him as OP lore-bending nonsense xD but as he’s in canon, and he opens a whole new door to a certain variant of firebending, he’s a really helpful character for me in Gladiator.
Now, there’s a problem in some stories, which is establishing something as a pretty rare skill and then turning it into the default, or something common and easily found everywhere. This is potential problem in Avatarverse: as a fic writer, you shouldn’t make nearly every OC a bender when the original show didn’t do that (if my memory serves me right, there’s a lot less benders than non-benders in ATLA, though in LOK it’s the exact opposite, at least as far as main characters are concerned...). When you go too far with making characters extraordinary and powerful, combat-wise, you end up generating a rift between your characters like it happened in Dragon Ball. Those initial characters who were great and strong once, long ago, end up becoming cheerleaders with lesser roles and next-to-no-use in combat after the saiyans are shown as the superior fighters who can always scale to higher heights than everyone else can. Therefore, Combustion Man’s combustion bending has to stay rare, extraordinary and unusual or else the whole importance of it just... fizzles out. Can’t suddenly turn all my important firebenders into combustion benders or he’ll no longer feel all that relevant or intimidating. Likewise, I feature strong fighters who aren’t benders, even if the top of the ranking is indeed full of benders, because if everyone’s a bender, non-benders come off as less important, nowhere near as powerful in combat (despite they can absolutely be a threat with  weapons) and just not relevant.
So this is also why I’ve always used Combustion Man as the “man to beat”. He serves as a cap, sort of, for the Ranking: everyone else is less powerful than him. They may have great skills, they may be strong, they might even beat Sokka... but they’re NOT stronger than Combustion Man. And Combustion Man’s power was established in canon too: he’s got some really crazy skills that only fail him under very specific circumstances, and he earned recognition through fighting Agni Kais (and killing his opponents) even in ATLA. So, with a canon character to hold the title of top-tier fighter, I’m at less risk (I think) of making OCs who come off as outlandishly, freakishly strong because there’s a canon someone who can, theoretically, wipe the floor with them all :’D
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mangaka-neko-chan · 6 years
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...aaaaand 9.2?? oOo
So yea, this day so many things got leaked. Not only did DBD 360 us in the face with an absolute TON of lore. But also the Queen’s fight of Miraculous Ladybug got dropped and cataclysmed our minds (omg Nathalie, Hawky, PLAGG, JUST EVERYONE...), Overwatch then one shotted us with the Halloween Event AND I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE WITH SOMBRAS NEW SKIN OML. So have double inktober~
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jacquesthepigeon · 3 years
Null is such a cool concept, that I honestly wish the show had gone with that.
We’re ready to finish with Hawky already let’s move on to a lore related villain already !!!!
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jacquesthepigeon · 3 years
(here for answer i may likely not get)- if you were handed ml at is current point to write it however you want, with the only restriction being love square endgame, how would you do it? no need to answer if u dont want to
Gonna give you a heavily summarized answer:
-Have Adrien start looking into his mother’s disappearance and family’s involvement with the miraculous
-Miraculous and guardian lore
-Conflict within the Order regarding changing their curriculum and adjusting to modern times
-Drama -> akumanette -> bye bye hawky -> mom’s back
-Whatever evil the miraculous were created to fight against in the first place makes a comeback
-Time skip + montage of what the kids have been up to and how they’re coping
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into-september · 4 years
The future Hawkmoth
The common assumption people make is that the Hawkmoth in the future will be Lila (has willingly been akumatised, struck shady deal with him as a civillian) or possibly Felix (unknown motives for jewelry theft, tried to personally make a bargain with Hawkie)
However, there’s nothing tying either them to him beyond a general amoral stance to life and a history of plotting more nefarious than those of your average fourteen year old. Their motivation to anything this far has been petty middle school spats.  
I think we need to talk about the man who going by the sheer number has done the very most to aid Hawkmoth in his destruction of the city. The man who clearly has a life-defining passion burning as strongly as Gabriel’s. The man who has been a steady presence in the story from the very beginning - impossible to forget as he lurks in the corners of episode after episode, reminding us that he exists, waiting for the day he’ll truly step forth to take his place on this stage.
"Miraculous Crush” might looke like any other tie-in game created to cash in on kids liking things with their favourite cartoons on it. I think there is more to it than that. In the middle of the current hiatus, we got an upgrade to all the playable characters. The Paris of the game is one that unlike the show changes with the seasons, subtly hinting that time, indeed, is passing. Gabriel Agreste cannot run from the future any more than any of us.
Nooroo is one of the six kwamis present in “Miraculous Crush”, yet neither Gabriel nor Hawkmoth appear as playable characters. In the game, Nooroo feeds another master, supplies the power of a different villain. And I don’t think that is just a lazy accident from programmers unfamiliar with the lore.  
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